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The Upbringing of Children in Islam
English translation of the Arabic Book, Tarbiyat al-aw’lad fi al-Islam
The original book is in Arabic by Sheikh Abd 'Allªah Nªaseh Alwªan
                         May Allah be merciful to him.


                                         (To the Urdu edition)
 Praise is for Allah, the Exalted, the Great. May blessings and peace be on His Messenger, Muhammad, the noble
          chosen one, on his family, his companions and those who follow his guidance — on all of them.

The idea of an abridged form of the Urdu translation of Tarbiyat-e-Aulªad aur Islam
obsessed my mind for long. The original book is in Arabic by Sheikh Abd 'Allªah Nªaseh
Alwªan May Allah be merciful to him. My aim is that this invaluable gem may find a place in
every home. Further, its brevity may prompt those who have little time to read and
understand it. Sometimes, the bulk of a book is in itself a deterrent to its merit. Today,
everyone is already busy and time is not easily at hand to devote oneself to religious
effort. Some friends and elders advocated the cause of this book so forcefully that I
committed myself to this task placing reliance in Allah. I pray to Allah, Full of Grace,
that He may make my work easy and may grace my time. May He guide me to such
brevity that while the object is fulfilled, the advantage is universal.

My dear Brother Maulªanªa Muhammad Umair exerted himself in smoothing out the
manuscript and Brother Maulªanªa Fahªimuddªin corrected it. May Allah grant a good
reward to them and to respected Shªahid Husain who managed the printing of the
book diligently! May He also reward all those who have co-operated with us in
achieving this task in any manner! May He make this work an asset for me in the
Hereafter and a cause for gaining His forgiveness! May He guide the Muslims to read
it, to act upon it, and to conduct their lives according to its directions. The blessings of
Allah be on the best of His creation, Muhammad, his family and his companions—all
of them.

This Book is divided into three parts

There are four Chapters in Part One, seven in Part Two (which deals with the
responsibilities of the guardians), and three Chapters and a Conclusion in Part Three.

This book pursues an easy approach to explain the fundamental principles of
upbringing and the manner and rules of training. It discusses the subject of upbringing
and training from every angle. The book contains guidelines to impart religious
discipline, character building, spiritual education, intellectual growth and physical
drill. It suggests ways to model the child’s personality in the right direction morally,
psychologically and socially.


This book will serve as a guideline to every guardian and head of family to raise his
children in a correct Islamic way. In it one can find excellent suggestions for building
strong foundations of the nation and valuable principles for preparing the individual.
There is no alternative but to adopt the complete and exhaustive Islamic system of
rearing and reforming. May Allah inspire the Muslims that in their thinking and creed
they make Islam their guideline, in the field of education and deeds they appoint it
their true goal and asylum, in gaining honour and glory, nobility and eminence, and
Islamic unity, they choose it as their ideal. And Allah is The Reconciler and The Helper.
Our final call is that all praise is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

                                 Muhammad Habibuªah Mukhtªar

                  Bin Hakim Muhammad Mukhtªar Hasan, May Allah be merciful to him.

                                    14-8-1411 Hijri. 2-3-1991 AC


A Word About The English Translation
It was on the suggestion of Maulªanªa Doctor Habib Allah Muktªar that I took up translation of his book the
Mukhtasar Tarbiyat-e-Aulªad aur Islam. The Urdu book is a wealth of information on the subject and is very
exhaustive. I have gained invaluable knowledge through it. I hope that I have done justice to the translation and
my readers too will find it informative and interesting.

I found difficulty in transliteration of some names particularly those that were rendered Arabic in the Tarbiyat ul
Awlªad fil Islam and then into Urdu for the Tarbiyat e Aulªad aur Islam. If my readers will guide me in this respect,
and point out any other lapses, I will be obliged to them.

The scholars of the Jªami‘at ul Uloom il Islamiyah offered very valuable assistance and suggestions. I am grateful to
them and many others who guided me. To Maulªanªa Dr Habib Allah Mukhtªar, the honourable Chancellor of the
Jªami‘at ul Uloom il Islamiyah, I owe a heavy debt of gratitude for reposing full confidence in me and entrusting to
me the very high responsibility of translation of their books.

I pray to Allah to reward them all and to   cause this book useful in the propagation of Islam.

Rafiq bin 'Abd Al-Rahmªan.   26th. December 1996.

Al-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam

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The Upbringing of Children in Islam


This Book is divided into three parts



Chapter 1

The Exemplary Marriage: Its link and relationship with upbringing.

Marriage is innate to human propensity.

Marriage is a social necessity.

1. Continuance of human species.

2. Protection of lineage.

3. Society is guarded against moral degradation.

4. Society is protected from illnesses.

5. Spiritual and moral peace.

6. Co-operation between husband and wife.

7. Arousal of parental sentiments.

Marriage is the selection of the best (partner)

1. Criterion of selection should be religion.

2. The choice be based on nobility and pedigree.

3. Selection of the spouse outside one’s own family.

4. Previously unmarried women be preferred.


5. To opt for the most fertile woman.

Chapter 2

Psychological awareness & feelings for the children

Love of children is natural to parents.

Love of children and being affectionate to them is a divine gift.

To dislike daughters is the repulsive custom of the Days of Ignorance.

Reward on being patient on the death of a child.

The benefits of patience:

Interests of Islam deserve priority over love of the child.

Punishing a child and severing ties with him.

Chapter 3

General Instructions Concerning Children

What must a guardian do on the birth of the child?

Congratulations may be conveyed on the birth.

Azªan and iqªamah may be said in the child’s ears.



Instructions on naming the child.

When must a child be named?

Names that are preferred, and that are undesirable.

It is sunnah to use kuniyah for the child.

Some considerations upon naming the child.

‘Aqeeqah and its instructions.

What is 'Aqeeqah.

‘Aqeeqah is permissible.


The opinion of the jurists regarding the legality of ‘Aqeeqah.

The approved time of ‘Aqeeqah.

How is the ‘Aqeeqah of a girl performed?

The bones of the animal must not be broken.

Other general instructions regarding ‘Aqeeqah.

The wisdom behind the legitimacy of ‘Aqeeqah.

Circumcision and its injunctions.

The meaning of circumcision.

The lawfulness of circumcision.

Is circumcision obligatory or sunnah?

Is it necessary for women to be circumcised?

When is circumcision obligatory?

The wisdom behind circumcision.

Chapter 4

Disobedient behaviour in the child—its causes and remedy.

Poverty, need and hunger.

The quarrelsome parents.

Divorce and the resultant poverty and hunger.

The idle time of children and adolescents.

Evil society and vulgar companions.

Ill-treatment of children by the parents.

When children view sexual and criminal films.

Unemployment in the society.

When parents ignore the training of their children.

The child becomes an orphan.



Chapter 5

Responsibility for religious teaching.

? First of all, the child must be taught the kalimah LA ILªAHA ILL ALLAH.

? When it grows up, before anything else we must tell the child what is lawful and unlawful.

? Command him to observe the norms of worship when he is seven years old.

? Love for the Messenger and his family, and the recital of the Qur`ªan.

Chapter 6

The Responsibility for moral training.

Important advice and opinion on the moral and character building of the child:

Four bad habits normally found in children

1. Falsifying or telling lies.

2. Theft.

3. Abusive language.

4. Veering off the right path

Some of the reasons for debauchery in children

Chapter 7

Responsibility relating to physical education

Responsibility towards the expenses of wife and children

Hygiene in eating and drinking.

Keep away from infectious diseases.

Treatment and medication of the sick.

Do not be harmed and do not harm (others).

Sports, physical exercises, horse riding.

Let children lead a simple life and shun leisure.


A male child should be realistic.

Some dangerous habits

? Smoking

? The curse of masturbation.

? Use of Intoxicants and Drugs.

? Illicit sex and homosexuality.

Precautions to prevent accidents.

Chapter 8

Responsibility for religious and intellectual elevation

(1) Educational responsibility.

The secret behind the cultural progress.

(2) Development of contemplative powers.

How may parents promote religious perception in their wards?

(3) Mental Health

Chapter 9

Responsibility for psychological training

Shyness and keeping away from others.

The difference between shyness and modesty.

Being easily scared and terrorised.


Inferiority complex.

1. Degrading treatment or humiliation.

The Prophet’s method of punishment.

2. Pampering children excessively.

3. To be unequal in the treatment of children.


4. When a limb is missing or is defective.

5. When a child is an orphan.

6. Straitened circumstances.

Jealousy and malice towards others.

The curse of anger.

Chapter 10

Responsibility for Community Training

1. Psychological principles.

? Taqwªa (abstinence, devotion to Allah).

? Fraternity.

? Mercy.

? Selflessness.

? Forgiving and overlooking.

? Courage and bravery.

2, Care for the right of others.

? The rights of parents.

? Rights of Relatives.

? Rights of neighbours.

? Rights of teachers.

? Rights of companions.

? Rights of our seniors.

3. To observe the general social manners.

? Manners of eating and drinking.

? Greetings.


? Manners of seeking permission.

? Etiquette of Assembly.

? Etiquette of Conversation.

? Etiquette of humour.

? Manners of congratulations.

? Etiquette on visiting the sick:

? Etiquette of condolence.

? Sneezing and yawning.

4. Critically examine the society.

? Moulding public opinion.

? Some necessary principles.

? Let our guidelines be the achievements of our upright ancestors and their standpoint.

Chapter 11

Responsibility for sexual education

1. Manners of seeking permission.

2. The manners of looking.

3. Children must be kept away from all that incites sexual sentiments.

? To keep his ward away from sexually inciting things.

? External supervision.

Measures to rectify a child’s manner.

Mental grounding or preparation.

Warning the children.

Coherence and harmony.

4. A child must know the injunctions applicable before and after maturity.


5. Marriage and sexual relations.

» Islam’s views on sex.

» The wisdom behind the system of marriage.

The behaviour of the bride and groom.

The things a husband and wife may not do.

Advice of doctors and experts in this field.

6. Those who cannot marry must keep themselves undefiled and virtuous.

7. Need we impart sexual training to the child?


Chapter 12

The effective means in raising children

1. Example

The Holy Prophet alone is the leader.

2. Teach him through good habits.

3. Lecturing and counselling.

4. Supervision. Supervision over

creed Supervision over manners

Supervision over mental growth

Supervision over physical growth

Supervision of psychological behaviour

5. Punishment.

Chapter 13

The basic principles for upbringing children

The Qualities A Guardian Must Possess


1. The Communist Scheme.

2. Christian schemes.

3. Jewish and Masonic conspiracies.

4. The colonial confederacy.

Two basic rules of upbringing: First, Link

(I) Place the child under a spiritual mentor or saint.

(ii) Provide him good company.

(iii) Busy him in missionary work and admit him with those whose task is the propagation of Islam

Physical exercise

Second basic rule: How to warn and alert?

Warn against apostasy.

Then, warn against atheism.

The edict on frequenting cinema, night clubs, etc.

How is wrong to watch religious and corrective programmes on the television?


Sports that are Permitted.

Desist from blind imitation.

Behaviour that women take after insensibly.

Warn against wicked companions.

Warn against immodesty and bad manners.

Warn against unlawful acts.

The unlawful in dress and get-up.

The unlawful beliefs of the Days of Ignorance.

The unlawful ways in the means of livelihood.

The unlawful habits of the Age of Ignorance.


Chapter 14

Some Important Proposals

Interest the child to seek a suitable mode of living.

Keep in mind the natural aptitude of the child.

Provide him with an opportunity to play.

Co-ordinate the child’s activities at home and mosque and Madrasah.

Some facts the guardians must know

Strengthen the child’s link with his guardian.

Regulate his life at every step.

Let the child have cultural opportunities

Inculcate in children the habit of reading

Make the child realise his duties under Islam.

Inspire in the child a desire for jihªad.



extracted from book

The upbringing of Children in Islam
Tarbiyat-e-Aulad aur Islam
Author: Late Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar
Original book in Arabic by Sheikh Abdullah Naseh Alwan
Publish by dar-ut-Tasneef
Jamiat ul-Uloom Il-Islamiyyah allama Banuri Town Karachi
English translation by Rafiq Abdur Rahman

As-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam
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The Exemplary Marriage: Its link and relationship with upbringing.

Psychological awareness and feelings for the children.

General Instructions Concerning Children.

The disobedient behaviour in the child—its causes and remedy.


Chapter 1
The Exemplary Marriage: Its link and relationship with
Marriage is innate to human propensity.

The    religion of Islam rejects celibacy. Monastic life is against human nature and runs
counter to his desires and sentiments. The Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him has
said: Allah, The Exalted, has granted us an easy, straight religion in place of monasticism.1[1]
Also, he, May blessings of Allah and peace be on him has said: One who can marry and does not marry is not
of my people.2[2]

Islam forbids leading an unmarried life and the adoption of celibacy as a form of worship. The
Messenger of Allah May blessings of Allah and peace be on him recognised the limitations of human beings
in the administration and supervision of society and the treatment of human soul. He has
directed us not to be overzealous or do something that is not within our powers. Three of his
companions may Allah be pleased with them visited the house of the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and
peace be on him. They asked his noble wives may Allah be pleased with them about the nature of his worship
of Allah and his endeavours for Islam. When they got their reply, the companions did not
consider these efforts ample for themselves. They lamented that they could not attain the
status of the Messenger of Allah May blessings of Allah and peace be on him who was assured a place in
Paradise. One of them said, “I will keep awake the whole night and offer optional prayers”.
The second asserted that he would fast his entire life and never break the fast. The third
vowed that he would abstain from women and not marry ever. Our beloved Prophet May
blessings of Allah and peace be on him said to them: By Allah, I fear Allah more than you do, worship Him
more than you do and am more devout than you are. In spite of this, I fast at times and do not
fast at other times. I offer prayers but I sleep too and also marry women. Remember,
whoever ignores my way of life (Sunnah) has no relationship with me.3[3]

1      Bayhaqªi

2      ¶Tabarªanªi and Bayhaqªi

3      Bukhªarªi and Muslim.


Marriage is a social necessity.

The institution of marriage advocated by Islam is a combination of numerous advantages and
national and social gains. Some of these are given below.

1. Continuance of human species.

It is obvious that marriage assures the continuation of the human species. Also, the reformers
in this field have framed rules for the upbringing of children so that the human race survives
morally and physically. The Noble Qur`ªan has also referred to this aspect.4[4]

2. Protection of lineage.

Were it not for the institution of marriage as enunciated by Islam, there would have been a
plethora of children of unknown descent. This would have resulted in moral degeneration
and corruption. In contrast to this, children born out of natural wedlock are a source of solace
to their parents and they are themselves self-reliant, honourable and noble.

3. Society is guarded against moral degradation.

It is an exemplary and a successful society (considered as a nation or on an individual basis)
where an individual achieves his natural urges through lawful means of marriage. This society
fulfils its responsibilities and is an active ingredient of the country and the nation. Keeping in
view the moral wisdom and social advantage of marriage, those who can afford to do so must
marry. Married persons may easily lower their gaze and prevent themselves from doing evil.
One who cannot afford to marry, should fast often so that he may repress his sensuous

4. Society is protected from illnesses.

Illicit sexual intercourse may cause many fatal diseases and promotes obscenity and unlawful
acts. Marriage is an antidote to these ailments. It secures society from those maladies, which
would otherwise destroy the human race.

5. Spiritual and moral peace.

Marriage arouses love and affection between the spouses. The husband, weary from his day’s
toil, forgets his worries on meeting his wife and children.

4      an-Na¶hl 16:72; a similar topic is discussed in an-Nisªa` 4:1.

5      Bukhªarªi and Muslim.


Similarly, the wife, tired and worn out from her day’s work, is refreshed on welcoming home
her husband. They obtain, one from the other, mental solace and love and passion6[6]—and
this spiritual and mental tranquillity serves as an impetus to educate and see over their

6. Co-operation between husband and wife.

The husband and wife co-operate with each other in building up their family and realising
their responsibilities. The wife goes around the household chores and instructs her children;
the husband fulfils his obligations outside the house and earns his livelihood. This way the
spirit of co-operation is stimulated in them and the children born to them are noble and

7. Arousal of parental sentiments.

Pious sentiments are stirred up in the father and the mother. These prompt them to look
after their children, to provide for their needs, seek a peaceful life, and strive for a bright

These are the important social benefits derived out of marriage and they are very effective in
moulding the children, reforming the family and fostering the growth of society. These are
the reasons why Shari‘ah commands us to marry7[7]; and it has described a pious woman the
best of the worldly luxuries one may get.8[8]

Marriage is the selection of the best (partner)

A marriage is most successful if the rules and regulations laid down in the religion of Islam are
obeyed faithfully. It is then an excellent generator of love and devotion, and harmony and
unity. Children born out of such a marriage may turn out to be true believers, sound in
health, possessing a good disposition and a high level of intelligence. We reproduce below
relevant edicts.

1. Criterion of selection should be religion.

A correct and true understanding of Islam is to mould one’s actions and conduct to the
prototype shown by it and set an example of high morals, superior etiquette and virtue. It is
also to embrace the Shari‘ah as a whole.

6      ar-Rªum, 30:21.

7[7] ibn Mªajah.

8[8] Muslim.


When the bride and the bridegroom match this standard and live their lives in conformity
with this gauge, they will be designated religious. If not, they will be termed wayward and far
removed from Islam howsoever-high claims they may lay to piety and righteousness.

A person came to Hazrat 'Umar May Allah be pleased with him to testify to the credentials of another.
On this occasion Hazrat ‘Umar presented an excellent guideline to verify the standing of a
person and to confirm his authenticity. Thus, he asked the man, “Do you know him?” On
receiving an affirmative answer, he queried, “Are you his neighbour? Do you always see him
coming and going?” “No” was the reply. “Have you ever travelled with him?” “No.” “Have
you ever had a monetary dealing with him?” The reply was, “No.” “Then it appears you might
have seen him offer prayers in the mosque?” “Yes, indeed.” “You may go. You do not know
him!” Then to the other he turned, “Bring me a person who knows you.”

Heed this! Hazrat ‘Umar was not carried away by the man’s appearance and attire. The Holy
Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him has said:

Allah does not look at your countenance or your built but he looks at your hearts and your

This is why the Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him has commanded those who intend
to marry to select a partner who is religious. Then they may grant the rights each of the
other, impart Islamic education to their children, and manage the home properly. Instead of
setting a yardstick of beauty and glamour or wealth and assets, piety must be the
criterion.10[10] Allah lowers the worth of the person who marries to raise his prestige. He
inflicts poverty on one who intends to amass wealth by marrying a rich spouse. He
dishonours and disgraces him who sets his eyes on a life partner of high ancestry. He who
marries aiming to preserve his gaze from the unlawful, or to guard his private organs, or to
reconcile the separated, earns the pleasure of Allah Who blesses the woman for the man and
the man for the woman.11[11] The parents and guardians of the girl must also seek a pious,
well-mannered boy for the girl who may concede his wife her rights as ordained by Islam. He
may look after the family, impart knowledge of Islam to the children and guard honour and
reputation, and see that mischief and corruption is checked.12[12]

No mischief is more sinister than to ensnare a pious girl in the web of a freethinking,
irreligious husband who does not bother about relations, modesty or honour. He compels her
to cast off the veil, to mix freely with men, to sing and dance, and to banish religion and

9      Muslim.

10         Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

11         ¶Tabarªanªi.

12         Tirmizªi.


nobility. How many bashful, noble girls who were examples of modesty, chastity and shyness
became shameless and immoral after their marriage into freethinking families. Children of
such parents revolt against religion and are shameless and evil because they are raised in
indecent surroundings. Therefore, let religion and ethics form the basis of selection of a

2. The choice be based on nobility and pedigree.

The life partner must be chosen from a devout, pious family of good ancestral background
because this too influences progeny. Intrinsically people are either good or bad; they may be
compared to a mine or a quarry, which remain unchanged. Those who were good in the Age
of Ignorance are good in the time of Islam too provided they develop an understanding of
religion.13[13] A beautiful and glamorous woman who is born in an indecent and corrupt
family is like green herbage of filth, which must be avoided.14[14] We are commanded to seek
good women for our sons and to marry them in families of comparable status15[15] because
the stamp of the family passes down the progeny.16[16] Therefore, we must select wives who
have been brought up in pious and righteous surroundings, are from noble and religious
families, well mannered, virtuous and graceful. Nobility and excellent traits are inherited by
their offspring. Hazrat Usmªan bin abªu al-Aas may Allah be pleased with him compared one who
marries with the one who sows a seed. Therefore, a person must see where one sows the
seed. The woman of a lowly bearing and a mean family background seldom bears a noble
child. Hence, choose a woman of noble parentage though it may take some time to find her.
It is necessary to be vigilant and select a well-mannered wife. A boy asked Hazrat ‘Umar
“What is the right of a child over his father?” He replied, “Must choose his mother after due
deliberation, give the child a good name and teach him the Holy Qur`ªan.”

The study of the science of heredity affirms that the child is the prototype of both of its
parents — in disposition, in physical built, and in intellect. Thus, keep in mind these priorities
and pick up an ideal life partner if you wish your children to be pious, righteous, self-
controlled, fearful of Allah and obedient.

3. Selection of the spouse outside one’s own family.

Among the principles advocated by Islam is the preference for an unrelated girl of good
ancestry so that the children born in wedlock may be excellent and free from various diseases
and hereditary illnesses.

13       ¶Tayªalisªi, ibn Mªani‘ and Askarªi.

14       Dªar Qu¶tnªi, Askarªi and ibn Adªi.

15       ibn Mªajah, Dªar Qu¶tnªi and al ¶Hªakim.

16       ibn Mªajah, Daylamªi and ibn Adªi.


Further, the circle of society is widened. By marrying within the family, the offspring tend to
be lean and weak.17[17] The study of heredity confirms today what the Holy Prophet may blessings
of Allah and peace be on him had said fourteen hundred years ago in very clear and explicit words.
Children born from marriage within the family are feeble and witless.

4. Previously unmarried women be preferred.

There is much wisdom in selecting an unmarried girl. The family is safe from bickering and
quarrelling, hatred and enmity and an unhappy life. Often, love between the two strengthens
and, mostly, the unmarried girl is attached to the husband and loves him because he is the
first man to enter her life. Against this, when a man marries a once-married woman, it often
happens that the woman does not find in her second husband the love and affection she had
for her first husband. This arouses hatred. Hazrat 'Aishah may Allah be pleased with her spoke to the
Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him. She said, tell me, if you camp in a valley where
there is a tree that has been grazed upon and another that none has touched yet, then where
will you feed your camel? May blessings of Allah and peace be on him he said: The one that is untouched yet.
Hazrat ‘Aishah said, I am that very tree.

The wisdom in wedding a spinster is discussed in a saying of the Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah
and peace be on him. He said: Marry women who are not divorced or widowed because they are of
sweet disposition, pure and clean, full of mercy, undeceiving, content on receiving a little.18[18]
On his return from the Ghazwah, Zªat Al-Raqa', the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on
him asked Hazrat Jªabir may Allah be pleased with him, “Have you married?” “Yes, I have.” “A virgin or a
previously married woman?” He replied, “An already married woman.” “Why not a girl, she
would have played with you and you with her?” He replied, “My father was martyred in the
Battle of Uhud and left me seven sisters to care for so I married an elderly woman who would
keep them together and look after them.” He said, “You did a wise thing.”19[19] Thus, under
certain circumstances it is better to marry a divorced woman or a widow.

5. To opt for the most fertile woman.

The purpose of marriage is not to satisfy sensual desires but the aim is to propagate the
Ummah of Prophet Muhammad may blessings of Allah and peace be on him. So, at the time of choosing a
woman for marriage a generative woman should be selected. This may be surmised in two

      The woman is free from ailments that hinder pregnancy. The views of doctors may be
     sought in this regard.

17       I could not trace this ¶hadªith. If any one finds it, please let me know.

18       ibn Mªajah and Bayhaqªi .

19       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.


 The physical state of the woman’s mother and married sisters may be verified. Fertile
     women are normally healthy and sound and are active in household chores and bringing
     up children and are quick in serving the rights of the husband.

However, the husband must not overlook the education and feeding of his children or he will
be sinning.20[20]

A man was in love with an affluent but barren woman of high genealogy, of honour and rank.
He wished to marry her. The Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him did not permit him to
marry her. When he sought permission the third time, he replied: Marry a woman who may
give birth to many children and may love much so that I will be proud of your higher numbers
over other Ummah.21[21]

These are fundamental and important views on marriage. They have a deep bearing on the
question of education. Therefore, on the subject of training individuals, Islam took up the first
link in the family; it begins with marriage because this is a desire and necessity of the human
beings. It links the offspring to their ancestry. Because of it society is secure from many
contagious diseases and licentious behaviour. Husband and wife combine to train their
children. The beginning of the Islamic education of children must be an exemplary marriage
that considers the important points that are effective in training, and that play a pivotal role
in preparing and correcting the society.

20       ibn ¶Hibbªan.

21       abªu Dªawood. Nasªaªi and ¶Hªakim.


extracted from book

The upbringing of Children in Islam
Tarbiyat-e-Aulad aur Islam
Author: Late Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar
Original book in Arabic by Sahikh Abdullah Naseh Alwan
Publish by dar-ut-Tasneef
Jamiat ul-Uloom Il-Islamiyyah allama Banuri Town Karachi
English translation by Rafiq Abdur Rahman

As-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam
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Chapter 2
Psychological awareness & feelings for the children

By psychological awareness we refer to the love and compassion and tenderness which
Allah, the Exalted, has aroused in parents for their children. Thereby, a feeling of abhorrence
emerges for the customs and habits of the Days of Ignorance concerning daughters. One may
also know what the parents must do when a conflict arises between the interests of the child
and the considerations of Islam.

Love of children is natural to parents.

It is natural for parents to love their children, to look after them and to be kind and
compassionate to them. Without this motivation human beings could have been wiped out
off the face of the earth. The Noble Qur`ªan has categorised children as the adornment of the
world.22[1] Children are a great blessing of Allah for which we must thank Him.23[2] Further, if
the children are pious and God-fearing then they are the delight of the eyes.24[3] Poets have
composed very high calibre poetry on the subject of love for children; these are very moving
and heart-warming and brimming with sentiment and feeling. The poetry of Umayya bin abªu
as-Sult, Abu Bakr Tarsoosee, and Ustad Umar Bahªa-ul-Amªiree are very touching and
highlight the love and compassion innate in the parents.25[4] The result of the love and
compassion that Allah, the Exalted, has put into the hearts of parents ensures that children
are properly trained and that their needs are met.

22      al-Kahf, 18:46.

23      al-Isrªa`, 17:6.

24      al-Furqªan, 25:76.

25      see Islam aur Tarbiyat-e-Aulºad vol. 1 pp. 60-65.


Love of children and being affectionate to them is a divine gift.

Love of children, affection and tender and kind feelings for them are unique sentiments. They
have a great say in their guidance and training, care and nourishment. One who is bereft of
mercy has the characteristics of a surly, stonehearted, cruel person.

These attributes have an adverse effect on children; they tend to be rebellious and aberrant
and are lost in the deep maze of ignorance, villainy and wretchedness. Therefore, Islam urges
us to develop the sentiments of love and mercy. It has warned us against being devoid of
these qualities.26[5]

A person was embracing his child. The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him asked him,
“Do you feel compassion for the child?” “Yes, I do”, was the polite reply. He said, “Allah is
Merciful to you more than you are to the child, He is the most Merciful (of those who show
mercy)”.27[6] Our beloved Prophet severely admonished those who were not merciful to their
children.28[7] Once, when he kissed Hasan bin Alªi may Allah be pleased with them a person said, “I have
ten children and I have never shown love to any of them”. He looked towards the person in
astonishment and said, “He who is not merciful will not be shown any mercy.”29[8]

When a woman visited her, Hazrat ‘Aishah may Allah be pleased with her gave her three dates. She
gave to her two sons one each and kept one with herself. Both the boys ate their share and
then looked towards their mother with expectant eyes for more. She halved the date that she
had kept with herself and gave them a piece each. When Hazrat ‘Aishah related this to the
Holy Prophet, he said, “How does this amaze you? Her tenderness to her children has earned
her the mercy of Allah.”30[9]

The Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him was very softhearted. His grandson was in a
moribund state; he took him in his laps and tears rolled down his eyes. Hazrat Sa‘d May Allah be
pleased with him asked, “O Messenger of Allah! What’s the matter?” He said, “This is the mercy of
Allah that he has put into the hearts of men”. In another version it is put thus, “Of His
bondsmen, Allah, the Exalted, puts mercy into the heart of whom He wills. Allah, the Exalted,
is merciful to those of His slaves who are merciful to others”.31[10]

26      abªu Dªawood and Tirmizªi.

27      Bukhªarªi.

28      Bukhªarªi.

29      Bukhªarªi.

30      Bukhªarªi.

31       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.


To dislike daughters is the repulsive custom of the Days of Ignorance.

Islam upholds equality and fair play. In showing kindness and compassion to children, it does
not discriminate male and female.32[11] Even in this age, as they did before, some people
dislike daughters. To discriminate against them is a sign of being ignorant of religion and
weak in faith.33[12] A Muslim must submit himself happily to the will of Allah, whether the
new-born is a boy or a girl is determined by Allah alone.34[13]

The Holy Prophet has stressed upon the care of daughters. This, so that the habits of the Days
of Ignorance may be obliterated from the minds of those inconsistent in belief. He has
instructed us to pay proper attention to the care and training of daughters. He has assured us
that whoever looks after two daughters (in another version, three daughters)35[14], till they
have matured, will be together with him on the Day of Resurrection.36[15] It is reported in a
Tradition that a father who brings up three daughters, nourishes and clothes them will find
that they will protect him from Hell.37[16] Therefore, we must seek guidance from these
Ahªadªith and practice impartiality and parity in dealing with our sons and daughters so that
we are worthy of Paradise.

Reward on being patient on the death of a child.

The complete faith of a believer that Allah ordains everything encourages him to be patient
so that he is steadfast in facing accidents, and trials. When one is patient in enduring a crisis
one feels relaxed. He, who is patient on the death of his child and praises Allah, has a house
prepared for him in Heaven by the name of Bait-ul-Hamd.38[17]

32       al-Mªa`idah, 5:8, A¶s¶hªab-us-Sunan, A¶hmad, ibn ¶Hibbªan.

33       an-Na¶hl, 16:58-59.

34       ash-Shªurªa, 42:49-50.

35       ¶Humaidªi.

36       Muslim.

37       A¶hmad and ¶Humaidªi.

38       Tirmizªi and ibn ¶Hibbªan.


The benefits of patience:

1. A person who is patient in facing adversity is entitled to entry into Paradise and gains
immunity from Hell.39[18] He whose two or three children die and he bears the loss patiently is
protected from Hell.40[19]

2. The child, whose parents bear his death with patience, will intercede for them. He will not
enter Paradise until his parents are admitted too.41[20] Young children are abiders of Heaven
and they will not let go the garment or hand of their father or parents until Allah allows them
to go into Paradise.42[21]

Observe the strong faith and conviction of the female Companions may Allah be pleased with them how
they were steadfast on the death of their children. Although his son was ill, Hazrat Abu
Talhah may Allah be pleased with him went on a journey; the son died. When he returned from the
journey, he asked his wife, umme Salªim may Allah be pleased with her, “How is the child?” She replied,
“More comfortable than before.” (She meant to say that the child was relieved of the pangs
of this life and was gone to the next world.) Then she gave him to eat. The husband slept with
her at night. Then she said, “Tell me, if one who has kept a trust with another demands it
back, has he the right to refuse to return it?” He said, “No!” She said, “Be patient on the
death of your son. He has died. Hope for reward from Allah, the Exalted.” Abu Talhah was
dejected and protested, “You astonish me. Why did you not tell me before?” He presented
himself before the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him and narrated all that had
transpired. He said, “May Allah bless you, your last night”.43[22] Thus, they had a child. The
Prophet named him Abdullªah. One Ansªari has said, “I have seen the nine sons of this
Abdullªah may Allah be pleased with him; all of them were religious scholars and Qurrªa”.

Hence, parents must strengthen their faith and be steadfast. All are His trust and will return
to Him. Everyone has an appointed time.

Interests of Islam deserve priority over love of the child.

The love of children must have second place to the concerns of Islam. The aim and objective
of every Believer is to establish an Islamic society.

39       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

40       A¶hmad and ibn ¶Hibbªan.

41       ¶Tabarªanªi.

42       Muslim.

43       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.


The noble Companions may Allah be pleased with them and those who followed them clearly
understood this. They had no other goal before them but jihªad, the preaching of Islam and
spreading it. It is for this reason that their household, their wives and children, and even their
lives, meant nothing to them when the interests of Islam were before them. They were ever
eager to attain martyrdom and prayed to Allah to bestow on them martyrdom. When the
welfare of religion demanded of them, they did not care for wealth or life, household or
family. The strong belief which Hazrat Ibªadah may Allah be pleased with him exhibited before the king
of Egypt, Maquoqus, reflects the firm faith of the Companions. It shows also the inferiority in
their eyes of the majesty and splendour of this life. He highlighted the inadequacy of armour
and forces against the help of Allah and emphasised his earnest desire to attain martyrdom.
Indeed, these honourable people had understood the Qur`ªan.44[23]

The mind of a Muslim and his heart and limbs must be occupied in the love of Islam, its
doctrines and jihªad and love for fellow Muslims and invitation to (the religion of) Allah. The
love of the family, wives and children and lineage must be subordinated to the love of

¶Hazrat Umar bin al-Kha¶t¶tªab may Allah be pleased with him said to the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah
and peace be on him “O Messenger of Allah! You are dearer to me than all else except myself”. He
said: None of you can become a full Believer unless I am dearer to him than his life. ¶Hazrat
Umar said, “By Him Who has revealed to you the Book, you are dearer to me than my life
too!” He said, “It’s correct now!”46[25] Unless one’s desires are not made subservient to
religious exigencies, one cannot be a firm Believer.47[26]

Punishing a child and severing ties with him.

When the child attains the proper age, his parents or guardians must adopt all tactics to train
and educate him. This, so that he is equipped with the habits and manners prescribed by
Islam and the dignified social civilities. Initially, the guardian must discipline the child with
compassion and love. If this is ineffective, he may suspend the bond with the child. If this,
too, is unproductive, then, keeping oneself within limits, one may use the cane to the
necessary extent. Attention may be paid to the upbringing method of the Holy Prophet may
blessings of Allah and peace be on him. While eating, a young boy moved his hand all around the dish
before him.

44       at-Tawbah, 9:24

45       Bukhªarªi.

46       Bukhªarªi.

47       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.


The Holy Prophet said, “Son, call the name of Allah and with your right hand eat from the
portion before you.”48[27]

Once, the Holy Prophet was offered a drink. After he drank of it, he asked a young boy seated
to his right, “Do you permit me to offer this drink to the aged people to my left?” This was a
very polite style of teaching. The youngster said, “By Allah, I cannot prefer anything at all to
the blessed portion offered by you.” The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him gave him
the drinking bowl. This young companion was ¶Hazrat Abdullªah bin Abbªas may Allah be pleased
with them.49[28]

A young relative of ¶Hazrat Abdullªah bin Mughaffal may Allah be pleased with him cast some pebbles.
He forbade him from doing so and cited the Prophet’s ban in this regard. One cannot hope to
hunt an animal by it nor cause injury to an enemy; rather, one may hurt an innocent eye or
dislodge someone’s tooth. However, the youngster persisted and again threw the pebbles.
¶Hazrat Abdullªah said “The Holy Prophet has forbidden us to throw pebbles and you persist
in your defiance. I will not speak to you”.50[29] This shows that one may suspend relations as
part of training.

If necessary, parents may beat the child too. When they are seven years old, parents must
command them to offer the obligatory prayers. At the age of ten, if they do not offer the
prayers they may be beaten, and at this age, their beds may be separated.51[30] These
methods are for those nearing maturity. When he is mature, a somewhat different approach
is taken. If he does not respond to advice, then the guardian or teacher must snap ties with
him until he abstains from defiance and disobedience. A ¶hadªith says the strongest of the
links of faith is to sustain friendship for the sake of Allah and to brook enmity for His sake.
Show love for Him alone and bear hatred for Him alone.52[31]

When ¶Hazrat Ka‘b may Allah be pleased with him delayed himself in the Ghazwah Tabook, the Holy
Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him forbade people to speak to him. He endured this for
fifty days. He felt the world close in on him. No one would talk him. Nobody visited him.
However, when the Qur`ªan disclosed Allah’s forgiveness, the Holy Prophet lifted the boycott
over him.53[32]

48       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

49       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

50       Bukhªarªi.

51       abªu Dªawood and ¶Hªakim.

52       ¶Tabarªanªi.

53       Bukhªarªi.


As a piece of warning, the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him shunned contact with
his pure wives for a month.

¶Hazrat Abdullªah bin Umar may Allah be pleased with him severed relations with his son on a religious
point and when he died the boycott was yet effective. He had narrated a ¶hadªith according
to which women should not be barred from mosques; the son said, “We will stop the
women”. This displeased ¶Hazrat Abdullªah and he stopped speaking to his son.54[33]

This may be our attitude and we may snap ties with disobedient children who are Believers.
If, God forbid, anyone is an atheist or an unbeliever, then it is the right of Islam that we reject
him completely. We must stop all manner of dealing with him and severe relations with him.
This boycott should be made public, too. Muslims never befriend those people who are
antagonists of Allah and His Messenger may blessings of Allah and peace be on him be they their fathers,
sons, brothers or relatives.55[34]

¶Hazrat Nªu¶h may peace be on him had said to his Lord, “My son is of my family”, Allah said, “O
Nªu¶h, he is not of your folk; his actions are evil”.56[35] ¶Hazrat Ibrªahªim may peace be on him
interceded for his father, because he had promised him that he would do so, but when it
became clear that he was an enemy of Allah, he disowned him.57[36] Therefore, if a child (or
any relative) is adamant on disbelief, faith stipulates that all relations with him be snapped.
This, because in the eyes of Islam the religious link is stronger and more preferable than a link
based on blood, territory, country, language, brotherhood or economy. Islam has taught us
that religion has preference over all else, a father or a son, a wife or a tribe, wealth or

Muslims are brothers, one to another.59[38] He who is the most righteous is the most
honourable with Allah.60[39] The guardians must pursue a correct course of instruction so that
people will be well trained. Also, the society will not be corrupt any more; and people will not
wander. The environment will not be ugly or poisonous. It will be an honourable and well-
mannered system.

54       A¶s¶hªab-us-Sunan.

55       al-Mujªadilah, 58:22.

56       Hªud, 11:45-46.

57       at-Tawbah, 9:114.

58       at-Tawbah, 9:24.

59       al-¶Hujurªat, 49:10.

60       al-¶Hujurªat, 49:13.


extracted from book

The upbringing of Children in Islam
Tarbiyat-e-Aulad aur Islam
Author: Late Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar
Original book in Arabic by Sahikh Abdullah Naseh Alwan
Publish by dar-ut-Tasneef
Jamiat ul-Uloom Il-Islamiyyah allama Banuri Town Karachi
English translation by Rafiq Abdur Rahman

As-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam
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Chapter 3
General Instructions Concerning Children

In this chapter, we will discuss four subjects:
      The guardian’s duty on a child’s birth?

      Instructions on naming the child.

      Rules of aqeeqah.

      Rules of circumcision.
What must a guardian do on the birth of the child?

Islam has laid down the fundamental principles in unambiguous terms for rearing the child.

Congratulations may be conveyed on the birth.

It is commendable that we congratulate our Muslim brother on the birth of his child and thus
add to his happiness. This creates an atmosphere of love and compassion among Muslim
families. If congratulations cannot be conveyed, prayers for the well being of his child must
be offered. The Noble Qur`ªan refers to the glad tidings to ¶Hazrat Ibrªahªim may peace be on him
and his wife.61[1] Similarly, ¶Hazrat Zakariyyªa may peace be on him too was given the glad tidings of
the birth of ¶Hazrat Ya¶hyªa may peace be on him62[2]. On the birth of the Holy Prophet the slave-
girl of Abu Lahb, ¶Hazrat Thuwaibah, congratulated the uncle, Abu Lahb, who freed her on
the occasion.

61      Hªud, 11:69-71.

62      ªAl Imrªan, 3:39, Maryam, 19:7.


In our congratulatory message to the parent, we may add a prayer to Allah: That He bless the
child, That He guide the parents to be thankful, That the child turn out to be righteous, That
he have a long life.63[3]

Irrespective of whether the new born is a boy or a girl, we must offer congratulations. Some
people offer gifts, sweetmeat or cash. This practice is within the ambit of the Sayings of the
Holy Prophet that Muslims must present gifts to one another to foster friendship and love.
However, we must neither turn it into a mere custom nor consider it obligatory. We must
avoid the ways of non-Muslims and must not indulge in wasteful expenditure.

Azªan and iqªamah may be said in the child’s ears.

In the right ear of the new-born baby, the azªan may be recited, and in the left ear, the
iqªamah. This is done immediately after the baby is bathed. On the birth of ¶Hazrat ¶Hasan
to ¶Hazrat Fªatimah may Allah be pleased with them the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him had
said the azªan in his ear.64[4] This practice ensures safety to the child from epilepsy.

¶Hªafiz ibn Qiyyim may Allah be pleased with him says the significance of saying the azªan and the
iqªamah in the ears of the child is that the first words he hears declare the greatness and
majesty of Allah. The words of testimony are those which a man recites on embracing Islam.
In other words, this is a pronouncement of the creed of Islam. Besides, at the sound of azªan
and iqªamah, Satan distances himself. At this early age, the child is thus invited to Allah the
Majestic, to Islam and to the worship of Allah. This call forestalls temptation by Satan and
ensures an unblemished faith. Moreover, it is a forearming against Satan and temptation.


Ta¶hneek is the practice of chewing date and applying a part of the chewed portion to the
palate of the child so that it goes down the child’s mouth easily. If date is unavailable, one
may apply any thing sweet, like sugar-candy, honey or juice, to the child’s palate. Thereby,
the sunnah is fulfilled. The veins and the muscles are strengthened. The dental palate, the
jaws and the mouth are made active. As a result, it is easy for the child to suck milk from the
breast of its mother. A pious and God-fearing scholar or a venerable saint may be invited to
do Ta¶hneek. Ta¶hneek is musta¶hib.

¶Hazrat Abu Mªusªa said, “When my son was born, I brought him to the Holy Prophet may
blessings of Allah and peace be on him who named him Ibrªahªim, performed his Ta¶hneek with date,
blessed him and returned him to me”.65[5] ¶Hazrat Anas carried the new born son of ¶Hazrat

63      abªu Bakr bin al Munzir.

64      abªu Dªawood and Tirmizªi.

65      Bukhªarªi and Muslim.


Abu ¶Tal¶hah to the Holy Prophet. He chewed a date and gave some of it in the mouth of the
child, carried out Ta¶hneek and named the child Abdullªah.66[6]


The hair on the head of the new-born must be shaved on the seventh day. It is musta¶hib
(commendable) to give silver in sadaqah to the poor and needy equal to the weight of his
hair. Shaving the hair of the head provides the child with strength and opens up the pores of
the skin. It is also beneficial to the eye-sight, the hearing and the sense of smell. Thereby the
poor is helped, too. ¶Hazrat Fªatimah may Allah be pleased with her distributed silver as sadaqah equal
in weight to the hair on the heads of ¶Hazrat ¶Hasan, ¶Husain, Zainab and umme
Kulthªum.67[7] On the birth of ¶Hazrat ¶Hasan, the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him
asked ¶Hazrat Fªatimah to have his head shaved off and offer silver equal in weight to the
hair as sadaqah. The hair weighed a dirham or a little lesser than a dirham.68[8]

The entire head must be shaved. To shave some hair and to leave some on the head is called
qaz‘ and is disallowed.69[9] This is not fair with the head because some of it is bared and the
rest hidden. It is exactly as though a part of the body receives sunlight and rest of it is in
shade. Also, it may be compared with a shoe on one foot and none on the other. Both these
things are forbidden. The intention is to prevent the defacing of one’s appearance. It also
aims at discouraging the adoption of unreasonable airs or resemblance to non-Muslims. You
must act on these musta¶hib deeds so that it is then easy to act on the far¶d (compulsory

Instructions on naming the child

People name their children to distinguish them from others and to call them by their names.
Islam is a complete faith. It recognises this habit and its importance. Therefore, it gave a set
of instructions on naming the child.

When must a child be named?

According to a ¶hadªith, a child is pledged with its aqeeqah; it is sacrificed on behalf of the
child on the seventh day when it is given a name and the hair is shaved off its head.70[10] Thus,

66      Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

67      Mªalik in Muwa¶t¶ta and Ya¶hyªa bin Bukair.

68      ibn Ishªaq.

69      Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

70       A¶s¶hªab-us-Sunan.


the child must be named on the seventh day. According to some A¶hªadªith, the child must
be named promptly on birth. When Munzir bin abªu Usaid was born his father took him to
the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him who took the child in his laps and asked the
father its name. On being told his name, he said, “No, call him Munzir”.71[11] It is reported in a
tradition that the Holy Prophet said, “Last night a son was born to me, and I have named him
Ibrªahªim after my grandfather, Ibrªahªim may peace be on him.”72[12]

Names that are preferred, and that are undesirable.

The name given to the child must be meaningful, lovely and good. On the Day of
Resurrection, a person will be called by his name and the names of his parents. Therefore, a
good name must be selected.73[13] Allah, the Exalted, likes best the names Abdullªah and
Abdur Ra¶hmªan.74[14]

Those names must not be given to the child, that affect his personality or become a cause of
ridicule. The Messenger of Allah may blessings of Allah and peace be on him always changed names that
were derogatory.75[15] The name of one of the daughters of ¶Hazrat Umar was ªAsiyah
(meaning, disobedient), the Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him changed it to Jamilah.76[16]
Besides, the Holy Prophet changed such names as Azªiz, Utlah (hardness, thickness), Satan,
¶Hukm, Ghurab (crow), Habªab (snake, Satan).77[17] He also changed the names, ¶Harb (war)
into Silm (peace), Muztaja’ (one who lies down) into Mumbais (one who is prepared, ready),
Banu az-Zªania (the product of adultery) into Banu ar-Rushdah (good people), Banu al-
Maghwiyah (one who misleads) into Banu ar-Rushdah.

We must not give names that allude to ill omen or bad character. The grandfather of ¶Hazrat
SaԻid bin al Musayyab presented himself before the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on
him. He asked him his name. “Hizn” was the reply (meaning, hard ground, surliness). He said,
“Your name is Sahl (easy)”. He replied, “How can I change the name given to me by my
father?” ¶Hazrat Sa‘ªid says that from then on hardness of character is found among us.78[18]

71       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

72       Muslim.

73       abªu Dªawood.

74       Muslim.

75       Tirmizªi.

76       Tirmizªi and ibn Mªajah.

77       abªu Dªawood.

78       Bukhªarªi.


¶Hazrat Ya¶hyªa bin Sa‘ªid says that ¶Hazrat Umar asked a person his name. He replied,
“Jamrah” (live coal). “And the name of your father?” “Shihªab” (meteor). “With whom are
you connected?” He replied, “Harqah” (burning). ¶Hazrat Umar asked him, “Where do you
live?” “Harrat un-Nªar” (heat of fire). “Where is it?” “Zat Lazza” (flames of fire). ¶Hazrat
Umar may Allah be pleased with him said to him, “Go home, quickly! The people of your house have
perished from burning”. It turned out so truly!79[19]

The name selected for the child must be other than a name of Allah; thus, it should not be
A¶had, Khªaliq or Razzªaq. It is permissible, however, to name the child Abdul A¶had, Abdus
¶Samad or any other name of Allah compounded with Abdul.

When ¶Hazrat Hªani came to Madinah with his people, they called him Abu ¶Hakm. The
Messenger of Allah may blessings of Allah and peace be on him said, “Only Allah, the Exalted, is ¶Hakm. He
alone is the One Who decides. Why do they call you Abu ¶Hakm?” He replied, “If a dispute
arises among my community, they ask me to decide between them. Both the parties are
happy with my decision”. He said, “This is commendable. We must settle the disputes of our
folk. Say, do you have a son?” “I have three sons, Sharih, Muslim and Abdullªah.” “Who is the
eldest?” “Sharih is the eldest.” The Prophet said, “Your kuniyah80[20] is Abu Sharih”.81[21]

According to a ¶hadªith, on the Day of Resurrection, the worst of all persons in the eyes of
Allah — and liable to punishment — will be he whom people will call Shahinshah. Only Allah,
the Exalted, is Shahinshah (meaning, King of the monarchs) and kingdom belongs to Him

We must not give names to our children that indicate good fortune. Suppose the names to be
Aflah (successful), Nafe‘ (profitable), Ribªah (beneficial), Yasr (easy).

If in a gathering, someone calls out a person by such a name and he is not there, the answer
“not here” might imply that this characteristic is lacking in that assembly. A ¶hadªith says:

Allah, the Exalted, likes most four phrases sub¶hªan Allah, wal ¶hamd u lillªah, wa la ilªaha
ill Allah and Allah u akbar. Do not give your sons the names of Yasªar, Najeeh or Aflah. You
will ask for them. If they are not there, the person replying would say ‘not here’. These are
four names; do not refer to me after adding to these names.83[23]

79       Mªalik in Muwa¶t¶ta.

80   kuniyah is an honorific name. It is used with abªu or umm.

81       abªu Dªawood.

82       Muslim.

83       abªu Dªawood, Tirmizªi.


While naming their children, parents must ensure that the names they select signify servitude
to Allah alone and to no false deity. They may not append bondage even to the name Nabi.
Certain forbidden names include Abdul Uzza, Abdul Ka‘bah, and Abdun Nabi. Similarly,
parents must not give names to their children that emphasise love and romance. Some of
these names are: Hiyªam, Beef‘a, Nihau, Sosan, Miyadah, Gadah, Ahlam. These mean 'violent
love', 'slim waist', 'large bosomed', 'fragrant flower', 'walks swinging to and fro', 'soft and
delicate woman', 'dream'. Islam envisages Muslims as a people of remarkable attributes.
When parents select vulgar and romantic names, they risk tainting the character of the child.

The Messenger of Allah may blessings of Allah and peace be on him has encouraged his Ummah to call their
children with meaningful names. He has suggested names of the Holy Prophets may peace be on
them or Abdullªah or Abdur Ra¶hmªan. This, because they may stay the best of Ummah and
fulfil their duty diligently in guiding humanity to Islam and truth. The words of a ¶hadªith are:
Keep the names of the Holy Prophets may peace be on them. Allah, the Exalted, loves most the names
Abdullªah and Abdur Ra¶hmªan. The most truthful names are ¶Hªarith and Humªam. The
most disliked names, and vulgar too, are ¶Harb and Murrah (respectively, war and bitter).

It is sunnah to use kuniyah for the child.

The use of a kuniyah for the child creates in him a feeling of self-reliance and nobility. Call
him Abu so and so. He cultivates a sense of confidence in the society. When the epithet is
lovely and fitting and used in a light-hearted vein, he feels happy about it. This also teaches
him how he may address his elders and those younger than him. It was the habit of the Holy
Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him to give kuniyah to children. He called the brother of
¶Hazrat Anas may Allah be pleased with him Abu Umair. When he lost his bird, the Holy Prophet asked
him, “What happened to Abu Umair Nugair?”84[24] The kuniyah may not necessarily refer to
one’s own children; it may refer to anyone. For instance, ¶Hazrat Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with
him had no son by the name Bakr but his epithet was Abu Bakr.

The kuniyah of ¶Hazrat Umar may Allah be pleased with him was Abu ¶Haf¶s. The kuniyah given to
¶Hazrat Aishah may Allah be pleased with her was umme Abdullªah. ¶Hazrat Anas may Allah be pleased with him
had as kuniyah Abu ¶Hamzah and ¶Hazrat Khªalid bin Waleed had Abu Sulaimªan. Kuniyah
may be given to all, young or old.

Some considerations upon naming the child.

If father and mother do not agree on a name, then it is the prerogative of the father to name
the child. The child is known by his father.

84       Bukhªarªi and Muslim .


This is the command given in the Noble Qur`ªan.85[25] The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace
be on him had named his son, Ibrªahªim.86[26]

It is not permitted to give the child a contemptuous or a disliked name. It is not proper to
select such names as Thagnay, Bhingay, Gungay, Kabray,. Kuloo, and the like. The Noble
Qur`ªan has disallowed the use of names with the intention to tease87[27] lest children develop
bad habits.

What about the epithet Abul Qªasim? The Ulamªa are agreed that the name of the Holy
Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him may be chosen for the child. An individual named his
son Mu¶hammad. People objected to it. He went to the Prophet and narrated his
predicament. The Holy Prophet asserted, “Give your children my name. However, do not use
my kuniyah because I am the one to divide. I divide among you”.88[28]

How is it to use the kuniyah of the Holy Prophet Abul-Qªasim? There are different opinions
on this. Some Ulamªa have disallowed its use altogether.89[29] Others have concluded that it is
correct to use it as reflected in some Traditions. Yet others have opined that it is inadmissible
to use both the name and the epithet for the same child.90[30] Some others have contended
that the inadmissibility was during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet but now that he is dead it
is permissible to use both the name and the kuniyah.91[31] This last conclusion is superior.

Aqeeqah and its instructions.

What is aqeeqah.

The Arabic word ªaq means ‘to cut’. Thus uqooq wªaldain is ‘disobedience to parents and
suspension of relations’. In the terminology of Shari‘ah it is the sacrifice of a goat for the child
on the seventh day after he is born.

85       al-A¶hzªab, 33:5.

86       Muslim .

87       al-¶Hujurªat, 49:11

88       Muslim.

89       Bukhªarªi and Muslim .

90       abªu Dªawood .

91       abªu Dªawood.


Aqeeqah is permissible.

According to a ¶hadªith, we must perform aqeeqah on the birth of a child. Pay a ransom on
his behalf and remove filth from him.92[32] According to a ¶hadªith, every child is pledged to
his aqeeqah that may be sacrificed for him on the seventh day; the same day he must be
named and his head shaved.93[33] The sacrifice on behalf of a boy is two equal goats and for
the girl one goat.94[34]

The opinion of the jurists regarding the legality of aqeeqah.

Aqeeqah is sunnah or musta¶hib in the view of Imªam Mªalik, Imªam Shªafa‘ªi, Imªam
A¶hmad, Ishªaq, Abu Thaur and others. They base their opinion on the A¶hªadªith
mentioned earlier. They do not consider it obligatory as they find no evidence in the
A¶hªadªith. Also, it is left to intention.

¶Hanafªi think this is istehbªab (praiseworthy). ¶Hasan Ba¶srªi and Lais bin Sa‘d and others
think it is obligatory. They base their opinion on the ¶hadªith that says that every child is
pledged to its aqeeqah.95[35]

They also rely on the Tradition that, on the Day of Resurrection, people will be questioned
about aqeeqah just as they will be asked about obligatory prayers.96[36]

The approved time of aqeeqah.

According to A¶hªadªith, it is commendable to perform aqeeqah on the seventh day.

The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him did the aqeeqah of ¶Hasan and ¶Husain on
the seventh day after their birth. It may be done on the fourteenth or twenty-first day;97[37] it
is valid, too, on the fourth, eighth or tenth day or later.

How is the aqeeqah of a girl performed?

92       Bukhªarªi.

93       A¶s¶hªab-us-Sunan.

94       A¶hmad and Tirmizªi.

95       Tirmizªi and Nasªaªi.

96       Ishªaq from Bardah.

97       Maimooni.


Aqeeqah is sunnah mustahibah for both, boy and girl. Two goats are sacrificed on the birth of
a son and one on the birth of a daughter.98[38] However, if anybody sacrifices one goat on the
birth of a boy, he has performed a valid aqeeqah.99[39] This does not imply preference of a boy
over a girl but this is because the Holy Prophet had done it. It may be, too, because man is
given excellence over woman by reason of his superior physical power, heavier burden of
responsibilities and supervision.

The bones of the animal must not be broken.

We must not break the bones of the sacrificial animal.100[40] This is a sign of good omen of
health and strength of the child. The poor and the neighbours get large pieces, too. However,
there is no harm if someone does break the bones of the animal.

Other general instructions regarding aqeeqah.

The animal that is valid for sacrifice is valid too in the offering of aqeeqah. These include
goat, sheep and ram. The animal must be one year old, fully. However, a six-month old ram
may be offered in sacrifice and aqeeqah if it is sufficiently fat and healthy and looks like a
year old. The goat must be a year old. The animal must be free from defect. It must not be
blind, squint eyed or so much thin that there is no marrow in its bones. It must not be so
lame that it cannot walk by itself to the place of sacrifice. That animal, also, is invalid for
sacrifice whose tail or ear is cut off more than two-thirds, or most of its teeth have fallen off,
or it has no ears since birth or is so much mad that it does not eat or drink.

The sacrifice of an animal is valid if its ear is torn or a horn is split. Also, if an animal is lame
but it can walk on its three legs its sacrifice is allowed. If some of its teeth are broken but
most are intact, the animal is not very mad or the ear, tail or hip is only one-thirds cut off,
then, in all such cases, the sacrifice of this animal is valid.

The sacrifice of a cow or a buffalo is not valid before it is two years old. The camel must have
completed five years of age.

It is legitimate to share in aqeeqah and sacrifice.

We may offer a cow or a camel instead of a goat in aqeeqah.

The division of meat during aqeeqah is subject to the same injunctions as apply to division of
meat of a sacrificial animal. We may eat the meat ourselves, distribute as sadaqah, or gift it.

98       A¶hmad and Tirmizªi and ibn Shaibah.

99       abªu Dªawood

100         abªu Dªawood .


However, in the case of aqeeqah, it is legitimate to give some to the nurse also.101[41] In
celebration of aqeeqah, we may invite others and cook the meat for the feast.

It is commendable to perform aqeeqah on behalf of the child. According to a ¶hadªith, while
offering the animal of aqeeqah, one may say: I sacrifice in the name of Allah. O Allah, it is for
You alone and it will return to You. O Allah, this aqeeqah is on behalf of so-and-so.102[42]
However, if at the time of sacrifice, the parent does not take the name of the child, even then
aqeeqah is valid because of the intention behind it.

The wisdom behind the legitimacy of aqeeqah.

On the birth of the child, the animal is offered in aqeeqah to obtain nearness to Allah and to
offer ransom for the child. The child intercedes for its parents. Parents find in the fulfilment
of the obligation under Shari‘ah a source of happiness. Also, it promotes love and compassion
among the individuals of society and all participate in the happiness. It opens a new fount of

It diminishes poverty and need. In Islam, there are different occasions of feast. These may be
when guests or visitors arrive, on the birth of a child, on the marriage of a son, on
circumcision of a new-born boy, when the traveller returns home, when aqeeqah is
performed and when a house is built.

Circumcision and its injunctions.

The meaning of circumcision.

The literal meaning of circumcision is ‘to cut the skin that is at the tip of the reproductive
organ’. In Shari‘ah it is ‘the round part on the edge above the conical vascular body of the

The lawfulness of circumcision.

To rinse the mouth, to take in water in the nose, to bare the moustaches, to brush the teeth,
to cut the nails, to remove the hair in the armpits, to strip the hair below the navel, and to
circumcise103[43] — these are innate to human nature.104[44]

101       Bayhaqªi.

102       ibn Munzir.

103       A¶hmad and abªu Dªawood.

104       A¶hmad, Bukhªarªi and Muslim .


Is circumcision obligatory or sunnah?

Imªam Abu ¶Hanªifah, ¶Hasan Ba¶srªi and some followers of Imªam ¶Hanbal, consider
circumcision a sunnah. According to a ¶hadªith, circumcision is sunnah for men and virtue for
women.105[45] In the ¶hadªith quoted earlier, it is one of the sunnah. Thus, this supports their
view that circumcision is sunnah. Besides, the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him did
not enquire of those who turned Muslim if they were circumcised. If it was obligatory, he
would not have omitted to ask.

Imªam Mªalik, Imªam Shªafa‘ªi, Imªam A¶hmad, Sha‘bi, and others hold that circumcision is
obligatory. They did not allow an uncircumcised man to lead the prayers or to give evidence.
Once, the Holy Prophet ordered a person who had embraced Islam, to shave off the hair
grown during unbelief and to circumcise. He said: Whoever joins Islam must circumcise
howsoever old he is.106[46] Ibn Abbªas and ¶Hazrat Alªi may Allah be pleased with them ruled in the light
of this ¶hadªith.107[47] Circumcision is a sign of religion. It distinguishes a Muslim from an
unbeliever. Then, cleanliness—and, therefore, ritual prayers— of the uncircumcised person
are questionable. The skin may retain drops of urine. If left unwashed, ablution and prayer
are incomplete. An uncircumcised man is not permitted to lead the prayers. Circumcision is
the sunnah of ¶Hazrat Ibrªahªim and the Prophet was asked to adhere to the practice.108[48]
¶Hazrat Ibrªahªim was circumcised at the age of eighty years.109[49]

He was the first person to perform circumcision. Circumcision is the sunnah of the
Messengers;110[50] it is a sound natural disposition and a sign of Islam and obligatory on men.
He who does not circumcise commits a sin.

Is it necessary for women to be circumcised?

According to the leading qualified jurists, circumcision is not obligatory on women; it is
musta¶hib. According to one ruling of Imªam A¶hmad may Allah have mercy on him it is obligatory.
However, according to the traditions, it is merely praiseworthy (istehbªab).

105       A¶hmad

106       ¶Harb.

107       Bayhaqªi

108       an-Na¶hl, 16: 123.

109       Bukhªarªi and Muslim .

110       Tirmizªi and A¶hmad.


When is circumcision obligatory?

Circumcision of the boy is recommended before he attains maturity. It is advisable to do it
with aqeeqah. At this age he does not suffer much pain. The question of his being shy does
not arise, too. The Noble Messenger had the aqeeqah and circumcision of ¶Hasan and
¶Husain performed on the seventh day after their birth.111[51]

The wisdom behind circumcision.

It is the basis of inbred nature, a symbol of Islam, an indication of the law of the Lord, and the
attainment of the true society.112[52]

It distinguishes Muslims from the followers of other religions. It also indicates the submission
to the injunctions of Allah and discharge of his commands.

It ensures perfect cleanliness and tones down sensual desires.

It prevents many illnesses. Dr ¶Sabri al Qabªanªi in his book, ‘Our Sexual Life’, lists the
advantages of circumcision:

   · Man is relieved of the collection of harmful greasy matter and unpleasant dampness.
   · The tip of penis is not imprisoned.
   · He is immune from cancer of the penis.
   · If performed at an early age, the tendency to urinate in bed is checked.
   · The habit of masturbation is curbed.

The foregoing instructions emphasise upon the guardians that attention must be paid to
rearing the child right from its birth. They must go over every matter concerning the child.
Observance of these injunctions guarantees the health of the child. When it opens its eyes,
the child may find itself in a practising Muslim family, whose guideline is Islam and who
comply with the rules of Shari‘ah. Thus, Islam establishes itself in the heart of the child. It
strengthens the faith of the child. It encourages the child to be gentle, well mannered and

111       Bayhaqªi

112       an-Na¶hl, 16:123.


extracted from book

The upbringing of Children in Islam
Tarbiyat-e-Aulad aur Islam
Author: Late Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar
Original book in Arabic by Sahikh Abdullah Naseh Alwan
Publish by dar-ut-Tasneef
Jamiat ul-Uloom Il-Islamiyyah allama Banuri Town Karachi
English translation by Rafiq Abdur Rahman

As-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam
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Chapter 4
Disobedient behaviour in the child—its causes and remedy.
Poverty, need and hunger.

When       a child finds around him poverty and hunger, want and despair, and he feels
frustrated on not getting the necessities of life including his share of food and clothing, then
he will go out to earn a livelihood. This is the time when he comes under the influence of
criminals and immoral people. The equitable Shari‘ah of Islam ensures that all people receive
food, clothing and housing, and that poverty and hunger are eradicated. It sees to it that
people get opportunity to work and earn a livelihood. The handicapped obtain stipends from
the Treasury. It aids the bread-earner. It looks after the orphans, the widows and the old
people in such a way that they live honourably. The observance of its injunctions will free the
society from recanting and criminal behaviour.

The quarrelsome parents.

When his parents are at loggerheads with each other, the child seeks to escape from this
offensive surrounding. He then spends his time with his favourite friends. If these friends are
evil, he too turns into a menace for the society. Islam has set guidelines for the selection of
marriage partners. The pair may live in love and harmony. They may co-operate with each
other and be safe from bickering.

Divorce and the resultant poverty and hunger.

Those children also deviate whose parents are divorced. When they do not find a loving
mother and a caring father, the children tend to develop bad habits. When the divorced
woman remarries, the children turn to misconduct. Generally, if she is poor, a divorced
woman seeks employment leaving the young children unattended and free to roam about.
The obnoxious atmosphere has a disagreeable effect on them turning them into delinquents.
Islam enjoins upon both the spouses to give each other their rights and fulfil their obligations
so that a detestable and blameworthy situation does not arise. These rights are:

1. A woman must obey her husband. Once, women sent a message to the Holy Prophet may
blessings of Allah and peace be on him “Men participate in jihªad, If they die, they gain the status of a
shaheed, otherwise that of a ghªazi. They earn reward and virtue and collect the booty too.
We serve them; but, what do we attain?” He said, “Submission to the husband and fulfilment


of his rights are equal in reward and virtue to jihªad in the way of Allah. But very few women
do it.”113[1]

2. She must look after the property of her husband and guard her chastity. There is a
¶hadªith to the effect: Shall I not reveal to you the best of the things a person can collect? It is
a pious and righteous woman. When the husband looks towards her, she pleases him. When
he asks her to do something, she obeys him. When he is not there, she protects his property
and her own honour.114[2]

3. She should not refuse to comply when her husband calls her to his bed. According to a
¶hadªith: when a wife denies her husband this right and he passes the night displeased with
her, the angels curse the woman until dawn.115[3]

4. A husband is responsible for the maintenance of his wife and children. Exactly this is the
command of the Lord.116[4] Fear Allah concerning your wives because you have obtained
them through the guarantee of Allah and it is through His words that they are lawful to you.
It is your obligation to feed and clothe them according to custom.117[5]

5. A husband must consult his wife in matters relating to the home. The Holy Prophet may
blessings of Allah and peace be on him has said, Consult them about (the marriage of) your children.118[6]

6. They must overlook each other’s weaknesses and defects. The Holy Prophet has said: No
believer must bear malice toward a believing woman. If she has a trait that he dislikes, she
may have some other quality that appeals to him.119[7]

7. A husband must treat his wife with kindness, humour her and live happily with her. Allah,
the Exalted, has said: And live with them honourably; if you dislike them, perhaps you detest
a thing and yet Allah has placed abundant good therein.120[8] The Holy Prophet has said: The
best among you is he who treats his family kindly. I am better with my family than you

113      Bazzªar and ¶Tabarªanªi.

114      ibn Mªajah.

115      Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

116      al-Baqarah, 2:233.

117      Muslim.

118      A¶hmad and abªu Dªawood.

119      Muslim.

120      an-Nisªa`, 4:19.


are.121[9] Once the Holy Prophet took ¶Hazrat Aishah to see the play of the Africans. He
waited there with her for a long time.122[10] He would run with her, too. ¶Hazrat Umar often
said, “In being kind and soft to his wife, a husband must be like a child; however, with others
he must behave like a bold man.”

8. The husband must lend a hand in the household tasks. The Holy Prophet would engage
himself in household chores. At times, he would cook the meat. Sometimes, he would sweep
or clean the house.123[11]

If the spouses guarantee these rights, they will never face disagreement and they will never
quarrel. On the contrary, the entire family will be cited as an example of a group of a happy,
loving people. However, if, because one of them is short-tempered and ill-mannered, they
lack harmony and unity and it is difficult to live together, then the husband must not divorce
his wife before he endeavours to reconcile and adopt the policies discussed in the next few

? To give advice and counsel.

? To sleep on separate beds; this is an impulsive remedy that may soften his wife towards

? To give a simple beating provided it is beneficial to do so. The husband must see to it that
the beating is so innocent that it is superficial only, leaving no marks on the body. He must
not hit on areas where damage is possible. The face, the chest, the stomach and such parts
must be avoided. However, do remember that the Holy Prophet never beat a woman.124[12]

Once, a woman complained to him that her husband beat her. He said: A man among you
beats his wife as though she were a slave-girl and then embraces her; he is not ashamed of

? To appoint someone who may arbitrate between the two after listening to each of them. If
they reconcile and unite, then it is commendable. The Noble Qur`ªan has ordered us
accordingly.126[14] However, if the dispute persists, then he may give the woman the first
121      ibn Mªajah and ¶Hªakim.

122       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

123       ¶Tabarªanªi.

124       ibn Sa‘d.

125       ibn Sa‘d.

126       an-Nisªa`, 4:34-35.


divorce during the time she is free from menstruation and he has not had sexual intercourse
with her. This will allow them to rejoin if they have second thoughts about separation.127[15]
Islam expects us to adopt a sound approach to avert divorce whose consequences are very
alarming. Divorce is in the one lawful act that invites the displeasure of Allah.128[16] A husband
is under obligation to provide for his wife and children during her period of waiting after
divorce so that she is not compelled to run from pillar to post for help.129[17] If he is poor, the
government must bear their expenses and the rich must look after them and be kind to
them.130[18] The affluent face a stern punishment and a strict accounting if they do not spend
on the poor.131[19]

The idle time of children and adolescents.

Deviation and libertine behaviour may follow if ample idle time is available to the child and
he has nothing to do. Guardians must be very careful about this. They must engage their
wards in beneficial and gainful activities and urge them to offer ritual prayers. Apart from
being an important form of worship, it is a physical exercise and a means to obtaining
cleanliness and purity. Hence, when a child is seven years old, order him to offer his prayers
and, when he is ten, punish him if he does not offer the prayers.132[20] Children may take part
in exercises for jihªad and learn horse-riding, archery, swimming, jumping, boating, and
similar sports. Encourage them to read useful books, write and deliver speeches, and keep
physically fit.

We are directed in the Qur`ªan to collect trained horses and ammunition to fight our
foe.133[21] We find in a ¶hadªith: Consider health before ailment a boon.134[22] Our beloved
Prophet has said: Learn archery and horsemanship. That you master archery is more dear to
me than you learn horse-riding.135[23] Play is absurd but not marksmanship, taming horses,

127       al-Baqarah, 2:230.

128       abªu Dªawood and ibn Mªajah.

129       al-Baqarah, 2:236.

130       Muslim.

131       ¶Tabarªanªi and Bazzªar.

132       ¶Hªakim and abªu Dªawood.

133       al-Anfªal, 8:60.

134       ¶Hªakim and Bayhaqªi

135       Nasªaªi and Tirmizªi.


amusing one’s wife, and to learn swimming.136[24] The display of one’s courage before the
enemy invites the mercy of Allah.137[25] A strong believer is better than a feeble one and is
dearer to Allah.138[26] Keep these Islamic rules in mind and train your children to be healthy
and strong scholars of religion. Let them not be divergent, ill-mannered or defiant.

Evil society and vulgar companions.

The main cause of straying and defiance among children is evil and indecent companions. The
influence of evil companions sets in faster and if the child is stupid, careless and unprincipled
this is more marked because he idealises them in his actions. It becomes difficult to bring him
back to senses. This is why we are directed to supervise the children. Particularly, we must
keep an eye on adolescents— their manners, their company and their friends. We must find
for them noble friends from whom they may learn good manners and may imitate them. The
Noble Qur`ªan has directed us to keep away from evil company.139[27]

We learn from a ¶hadªith that a person is on the religion of his friends. Therefore, we must
observe him with whom we build a friendship.140[28] A good friend is like the owner of musk
and a bad companion is as a blower of a kiln. The possessor of musk will gift you the musk or
you will buy it from him, or you will benefit from its fragrant smell anyway. On the other
hand, a kiln operator may burn your clothes; even if he does not, the unpleasant odour is
your lot anyway.141[29]

A person will be with him whom he has befriended and he will receive whatever he has
earned.142[30] We are ordered to keep away from vile companions because they will get us
into disrepute.143[31] Guardians must observe these principles so that their children turn out
to be respectable members of the society and valuable assets for the Ummah, giving it proper

136       ¶Tabarªanªi and ¶Hªakim.

137       ibn Ishªaq and ibn Hishªam.

138       Muslim.

139       al-Furqªan, 25:27-29, Qªaf, 50:27, az-Zukhruf, 43:17.

140       Tirmizªi.

141       Bukhªarªi and Muslim.

142       Tirmizªi.

143       ibn Asªakir.


Ill-treatment of children by the parents.

Experts in child training are unanimous that ill-treatment has an adverse influence on
children. Parents must not be too strict and harsh with them. They must not beat and scold
them or belittle them time and again. If a child is humiliated and teased habitually, then this
will reflect in his habits and manners. His activities will be clouded with awe and fear.
Sometimes, it may result in suicide, quarrelling with parents and murderous tendencies. To
escape cruel treatment and beating, he may even run away from home. Such a child may turn
out to be a criminal. Rebellion and immorality are prominent in such children. Islam advises
parents and guardians that if they are civilised, tender and sympathetic to children, they will
grow up as ideal youths. When children are given proper treatment, they grow up brave and
confident and sense the respect and esteem given to them.

Allah, the Exalted, has commanded that we be fair to relatives and be prepared to help
them.144[32] He prefers that we control our temper, pardon others and condone their
failures.145[33] Allah, the Exalted, likes that we be tender-hearted146[34] and declares hardness
as a detestable characteristic.147[35] If kindness were personified, nothing would have been
more beautiful than it. Conversely, if hardness and rigidity were in human form nothing could
have been uglier.148[36] When you are compassionate to the children, they are obedient to
you and you earn the mercy of Allah.149[37] If you are benevolent, you will be shown

Therefore, be humane to them so that your children tread the right path. If you take up a
wrong attitude with your children and are very strict and tyrannical with them and punish
them severely, they will be disobedient and rebellious. You will have sown the seed of
obstinacy in them.

A man complained to ¶Hazrat Umar about his son’s disobedience. ¶Hazrat Umar summoned
the boy and reprimanded him. “O Leader of the Faithful”, the boy said, “has the son no right
over his father?” “Why not," was the reply. The boy asked, “What are those?” The Leader of
the Faithful replied, “Select for him a good mother, give him a good name, teach him the
144       an-Na¶hl, 16:90.

145       ªAl Imrªan, 3:134.

146       al-Baqarah, 2:83 and Bukhªarªi.

147       ªAl Imrªan, 3:159.

148       A¶hmad and Bayhaqªi.

149       abªu Shaikh.

150       abªu Dªawood and Tirmizªi.


Noble Qur`ªan...”. The boy interrupted, “My father has not given me any of these things. My
mother is a Negro bond woman of a fire-worshipper. My name is Ja’l and it means ugly black.
He has not taught me the Qur`ªan”. ¶Hazrat Umar turned towards the father and said, “You
complained to me that your son was disobedient. Before he could be realise it, you pushed
him to rebellion yourself. You were the first to treat him negligently”.

Children are highly valued, loved ones and supporters of the parents. Parents are their
sustainers and protectors — a comparison is drawn to the soft earth and the shade providing
sky. If they request you for something, give it to them. If they are displeased, delight them.
They will love you. Do not be very strict to them or they will be tired of you and may pray for
deliverance from you.151[39]

When children view sexual and criminal films.

Criminal and vulgar films have inflamed moral bankruptcy and lewdness in the society. Men
and women mix together carelessly. Boys and girls have deflected off course. The same evil
influence is cast by trash magazines that amplify sensual narration. Both young and old are
swayed by these periodicals. These thoughts are implanted in raw, young minds and they
unwittingly act on them. The result is that neither can the admonition of parents rectify them
nor can the education of teachers obliterate the evil from their minds.

Islam has prescribed an excellent system and method for the training and correction of the
children. These are:

1. Parents must keep children away from all that draws the anger of Allah against them. This
is in conformity with the commands of Allah.152[40]

2. Parents and guardians must realise their duties and obligations in this respect. They will be
questioned about it.

3. They must shelter the children from everything that is damaging to them and weakens
their faith. Where Islam teaches us to protect ourselves from loss, it also instructs us not to
cause damage to others.153[41]

4. They must screen the children from films and plays particularly those that lay emphasis on
sex, violence and intrigue. They must protect them from trash reading material that ruins
their character.

151 al-A¶hnªaf advised Mu’ªawiyah in similar words when the latter sought his advice after
being displeased with his son Yazªid.

152       at-Ta¶hrªim, 64:6.

153       Mªalik and ibn Mªajah.


Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
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Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan
Bringing Up Children In Islam by Shaykh Abdullaah Naasih Ulwaan

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  • 1. IL MI B O SH B(s mi okh bw rpes o ) S A C O K U ia c o su .od rscm l b . http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 9. The Upbringing of Children in Islam English translation of the Arabic Book, Tarbiyat al-aw’lad fi al-Islam The original book is in Arabic by Sheikh Abd 'Allªah Nªaseh Alwªan May Allah be merciful to him. 1 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 10. Preface (To the Urdu edition) Praise is for Allah, the Exalted, the Great. May blessings and peace be on His Messenger, Muhammad, the noble chosen one, on his family, his companions and those who follow his guidance — on all of them. The idea of an abridged form of the Urdu translation of Tarbiyat-e-Aulªad aur Islam obsessed my mind for long. The original book is in Arabic by Sheikh Abd 'Allªah Nªaseh Alwªan May Allah be merciful to him. My aim is that this invaluable gem may find a place in every home. Further, its brevity may prompt those who have little time to read and understand it. Sometimes, the bulk of a book is in itself a deterrent to its merit. Today, everyone is already busy and time is not easily at hand to devote oneself to religious effort. Some friends and elders advocated the cause of this book so forcefully that I committed myself to this task placing reliance in Allah. I pray to Allah, Full of Grace, that He may make my work easy and may grace my time. May He guide me to such brevity that while the object is fulfilled, the advantage is universal. My dear Brother Maulªanªa Muhammad Umair exerted himself in smoothing out the manuscript and Brother Maulªanªa Fahªimuddªin corrected it. May Allah grant a good reward to them and to respected Shªahid Husain who managed the printing of the book diligently! May He also reward all those who have co-operated with us in achieving this task in any manner! May He make this work an asset for me in the Hereafter and a cause for gaining His forgiveness! May He guide the Muslims to read it, to act upon it, and to conduct their lives according to its directions. The blessings of Allah be on the best of His creation, Muhammad, his family and his companions—all of them. This Book is divided into three parts There are four Chapters in Part One, seven in Part Two (which deals with the responsibilities of the guardians), and three Chapters and a Conclusion in Part Three. This book pursues an easy approach to explain the fundamental principles of upbringing and the manner and rules of training. It discusses the subject of upbringing and training from every angle. The book contains guidelines to impart religious discipline, character building, spiritual education, intellectual growth and physical drill. It suggests ways to model the child’s personality in the right direction morally, psychologically and socially. 2 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 11. This book will serve as a guideline to every guardian and head of family to raise his children in a correct Islamic way. In it one can find excellent suggestions for building strong foundations of the nation and valuable principles for preparing the individual. There is no alternative but to adopt the complete and exhaustive Islamic system of rearing and reforming. May Allah inspire the Muslims that in their thinking and creed they make Islam their guideline, in the field of education and deeds they appoint it their true goal and asylum, in gaining honour and glory, nobility and eminence, and Islamic unity, they choose it as their ideal. And Allah is The Reconciler and The Helper. Our final call is that all praise is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Muhammad Habibuªah Mukhtªar Bin Hakim Muhammad Mukhtªar Hasan, May Allah be merciful to him. 14-8-1411 Hijri. 2-3-1991 AC 3 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 12. A Word About The English Translation It was on the suggestion of Maulªanªa Doctor Habib Allah Muktªar that I took up translation of his book the Mukhtasar Tarbiyat-e-Aulªad aur Islam. The Urdu book is a wealth of information on the subject and is very exhaustive. I have gained invaluable knowledge through it. I hope that I have done justice to the translation and my readers too will find it informative and interesting. I found difficulty in transliteration of some names particularly those that were rendered Arabic in the Tarbiyat ul Awlªad fil Islam and then into Urdu for the Tarbiyat e Aulªad aur Islam. If my readers will guide me in this respect, and point out any other lapses, I will be obliged to them. The scholars of the Jªami‘at ul Uloom il Islamiyah offered very valuable assistance and suggestions. I am grateful to them and many others who guided me. To Maulªanªa Dr Habib Allah Mukhtªar, the honourable Chancellor of the Jªami‘at ul Uloom il Islamiyah, I owe a heavy debt of gratitude for reposing full confidence in me and entrusting to me the very high responsibility of translation of their books. I pray to Allah to reward them all and to cause this book useful in the propagation of Islam. Rafiq bin 'Abd Al-Rahmªan. 26th. December 1996. Al-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam http://www.as-sidq.org info@as-sidq.org Return to main page 4 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 13. Index CONTENTS The Upbringing of Children in Islam Preface This Book is divided into three parts A WORD ABOUT THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION PART ONE Chapter 1 The Exemplary Marriage: Its link and relationship with upbringing. Marriage is innate to human propensity. Marriage is a social necessity. 1. Continuance of human species. 2. Protection of lineage. 3. Society is guarded against moral degradation. 4. Society is protected from illnesses. 5. Spiritual and moral peace. 6. Co-operation between husband and wife. 7. Arousal of parental sentiments. Marriage is the selection of the best (partner) 1. Criterion of selection should be religion. 2. The choice be based on nobility and pedigree. 3. Selection of the spouse outside one’s own family. 4. Previously unmarried women be preferred. 5 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 14. 5. To opt for the most fertile woman. Chapter 2 Psychological awareness & feelings for the children Love of children is natural to parents. Love of children and being affectionate to them is a divine gift. To dislike daughters is the repulsive custom of the Days of Ignorance. Reward on being patient on the death of a child. The benefits of patience: Interests of Islam deserve priority over love of the child. Punishing a child and severing ties with him. Chapter 3 General Instructions Concerning Children What must a guardian do on the birth of the child? Congratulations may be conveyed on the birth. Azªan and iqªamah may be said in the child’s ears. Tahneek. 'Aqeeqah. Instructions on naming the child. When must a child be named? Names that are preferred, and that are undesirable. It is sunnah to use kuniyah for the child. Some considerations upon naming the child. ‘Aqeeqah and its instructions. What is 'Aqeeqah. ‘Aqeeqah is permissible. 6 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 15. The opinion of the jurists regarding the legality of ‘Aqeeqah. The approved time of ‘Aqeeqah. How is the ‘Aqeeqah of a girl performed? The bones of the animal must not be broken. Other general instructions regarding ‘Aqeeqah. The wisdom behind the legitimacy of ‘Aqeeqah. Circumcision and its injunctions. The meaning of circumcision. The lawfulness of circumcision. Is circumcision obligatory or sunnah? Is it necessary for women to be circumcised? When is circumcision obligatory? The wisdom behind circumcision. Chapter 4 Disobedient behaviour in the child—its causes and remedy. Poverty, need and hunger. The quarrelsome parents. Divorce and the resultant poverty and hunger. The idle time of children and adolescents. Evil society and vulgar companions. Ill-treatment of children by the parents. When children view sexual and criminal films. Unemployment in the society. When parents ignore the training of their children. The child becomes an orphan. 7 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 16. PART TWO Chapter 5 Responsibility for religious teaching. ? First of all, the child must be taught the kalimah LA ILªAHA ILL ALLAH. ? When it grows up, before anything else we must tell the child what is lawful and unlawful. ? Command him to observe the norms of worship when he is seven years old. ? Love for the Messenger and his family, and the recital of the Qur`ªan. Chapter 6 The Responsibility for moral training. Important advice and opinion on the moral and character building of the child: Four bad habits normally found in children 1. Falsifying or telling lies. 2. Theft. 3. Abusive language. 4. Veering off the right path Some of the reasons for debauchery in children Chapter 7 Responsibility relating to physical education Responsibility towards the expenses of wife and children Hygiene in eating and drinking. Keep away from infectious diseases. Treatment and medication of the sick. Do not be harmed and do not harm (others). Sports, physical exercises, horse riding. Let children lead a simple life and shun leisure. 8 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 17. A male child should be realistic. Some dangerous habits ? Smoking ? The curse of masturbation. ? Use of Intoxicants and Drugs. ? Illicit sex and homosexuality. Precautions to prevent accidents. Chapter 8 Responsibility for religious and intellectual elevation (1) Educational responsibility. The secret behind the cultural progress. (2) Development of contemplative powers. How may parents promote religious perception in their wards? (3) Mental Health Chapter 9 Responsibility for psychological training Shyness and keeping away from others. The difference between shyness and modesty. Being easily scared and terrorised. Remedy. Inferiority complex. 1. Degrading treatment or humiliation. The Prophet’s method of punishment. 2. Pampering children excessively. 3. To be unequal in the treatment of children. 9 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 18. 4. When a limb is missing or is defective. 5. When a child is an orphan. 6. Straitened circumstances. Jealousy and malice towards others. The curse of anger. Chapter 10 Responsibility for Community Training 1. Psychological principles. ? Taqwªa (abstinence, devotion to Allah). ? Fraternity. ? Mercy. ? Selflessness. ? Forgiving and overlooking. ? Courage and bravery. 2, Care for the right of others. ? The rights of parents. ? Rights of Relatives. ? Rights of neighbours. ? Rights of teachers. ? Rights of companions. ? Rights of our seniors. 3. To observe the general social manners. ? Manners of eating and drinking. ? Greetings. 10 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 19. ? Manners of seeking permission. ? Etiquette of Assembly. ? Etiquette of Conversation. ? Etiquette of humour. ? Manners of congratulations. ? Etiquette on visiting the sick: ? Etiquette of condolence. ? Sneezing and yawning. 4. Critically examine the society. ? Moulding public opinion. ? Some necessary principles. ? Let our guidelines be the achievements of our upright ancestors and their standpoint. Chapter 11 Responsibility for sexual education 1. Manners of seeking permission. 2. The manners of looking. 3. Children must be kept away from all that incites sexual sentiments. ? To keep his ward away from sexually inciting things. ? External supervision. Measures to rectify a child’s manner. Mental grounding or preparation. Warning the children. Coherence and harmony. 4. A child must know the injunctions applicable before and after maturity. 11 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 20. 5. Marriage and sexual relations. » Islam’s views on sex. » The wisdom behind the system of marriage. The behaviour of the bride and groom. The things a husband and wife may not do. Advice of doctors and experts in this field. 6. Those who cannot marry must keep themselves undefiled and virtuous. 7. Need we impart sexual training to the child? PART THREE Chapter 12 The effective means in raising children 1. Example The Holy Prophet alone is the leader. 2. Teach him through good habits. 3. Lecturing and counselling. 4. Supervision. Supervision over creed Supervision over manners Supervision over mental growth Supervision over physical growth Supervision of psychological behaviour 5. Punishment. Chapter 13 The basic principles for upbringing children The Qualities A Guardian Must Possess 12 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 21. 1. The Communist Scheme. 2. Christian schemes. 3. Jewish and Masonic conspiracies. 4. The colonial confederacy. Two basic rules of upbringing: First, Link (I) Place the child under a spiritual mentor or saint. (ii) Provide him good company. (iii) Busy him in missionary work and admit him with those whose task is the propagation of Islam Physical exercise Second basic rule: How to warn and alert? Warn against apostasy. Then, warn against atheism. The edict on frequenting cinema, night clubs, etc. How is wrong to watch religious and corrective programmes on the television? Gambling. Sports that are Permitted. Desist from blind imitation. Behaviour that women take after insensibly. Warn against wicked companions. Warn against immodesty and bad manners. Warn against unlawful acts. The unlawful in dress and get-up. The unlawful beliefs of the Days of Ignorance. The unlawful ways in the means of livelihood. The unlawful habits of the Age of Ignorance. 13 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 22. Chapter 14 Some Important Proposals Interest the child to seek a suitable mode of living. Keep in mind the natural aptitude of the child. Provide him with an opportunity to play. Co-ordinate the child’s activities at home and mosque and Madrasah. Some facts the guardians must know Strengthen the child’s link with his guardian. Regulate his life at every step. Let the child have cultural opportunities Inculcate in children the habit of reading Make the child realise his duties under Islam. Inspire in the child a desire for jihªad. CONCLUSION GLOSSARY Reference: extracted from book The upbringing of Children in Islam Tarbiyat-e-Aulad aur Islam Author: Late Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar Original book in Arabic by Sheikh Abdullah Naseh Alwan Publish by dar-ut-Tasneef Jamiat ul-Uloom Il-Islamiyyah allama Banuri Town Karachi English translation by Rafiq Abdur Rahman As-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam http://www.as-sidq.org info@as-sidq.org Return to main page 14 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 23. PART ONE Chapter1 The Exemplary Marriage: Its link and relationship with upbringing. Psychological awareness and feelings for the children. General Instructions Concerning Children. The disobedient behaviour in the child—its causes and remedy. 15 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 24. Chapter 1 The Exemplary Marriage: Its link and relationship with upbringing. Marriage is innate to human propensity. The religion of Islam rejects celibacy. Monastic life is against human nature and runs counter to his desires and sentiments. The Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him has said: Allah, The Exalted, has granted us an easy, straight religion in place of monasticism.1[1] Also, he, May blessings of Allah and peace be on him has said: One who can marry and does not marry is not of my people.2[2] Islam forbids leading an unmarried life and the adoption of celibacy as a form of worship. The Messenger of Allah May blessings of Allah and peace be on him recognised the limitations of human beings in the administration and supervision of society and the treatment of human soul. He has directed us not to be overzealous or do something that is not within our powers. Three of his companions may Allah be pleased with them visited the house of the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him. They asked his noble wives may Allah be pleased with them about the nature of his worship of Allah and his endeavours for Islam. When they got their reply, the companions did not consider these efforts ample for themselves. They lamented that they could not attain the status of the Messenger of Allah May blessings of Allah and peace be on him who was assured a place in Paradise. One of them said, “I will keep awake the whole night and offer optional prayers”. The second asserted that he would fast his entire life and never break the fast. The third vowed that he would abstain from women and not marry ever. Our beloved Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him said to them: By Allah, I fear Allah more than you do, worship Him more than you do and am more devout than you are. In spite of this, I fast at times and do not fast at other times. I offer prayers but I sleep too and also marry women. Remember, whoever ignores my way of life (Sunnah) has no relationship with me.3[3] [1] 1 Bayhaqªi [2] 2 ¶Tabarªanªi and Bayhaqªi [3] 3 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. 16 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 25. Marriage is a social necessity. The institution of marriage advocated by Islam is a combination of numerous advantages and national and social gains. Some of these are given below. 1. Continuance of human species. It is obvious that marriage assures the continuation of the human species. Also, the reformers in this field have framed rules for the upbringing of children so that the human race survives morally and physically. The Noble Qur`ªan has also referred to this aspect.4[4] 2. Protection of lineage. Were it not for the institution of marriage as enunciated by Islam, there would have been a plethora of children of unknown descent. This would have resulted in moral degeneration and corruption. In contrast to this, children born out of natural wedlock are a source of solace to their parents and they are themselves self-reliant, honourable and noble. 3. Society is guarded against moral degradation. It is an exemplary and a successful society (considered as a nation or on an individual basis) where an individual achieves his natural urges through lawful means of marriage. This society fulfils its responsibilities and is an active ingredient of the country and the nation. Keeping in view the moral wisdom and social advantage of marriage, those who can afford to do so must marry. Married persons may easily lower their gaze and prevent themselves from doing evil. One who cannot afford to marry, should fast often so that he may repress his sensuous desires.5[5] 4. Society is protected from illnesses. Illicit sexual intercourse may cause many fatal diseases and promotes obscenity and unlawful acts. Marriage is an antidote to these ailments. It secures society from those maladies, which would otherwise destroy the human race. 5. Spiritual and moral peace. Marriage arouses love and affection between the spouses. The husband, weary from his day’s toil, forgets his worries on meeting his wife and children. [4] 4 an-Na¶hl 16:72; a similar topic is discussed in an-Nisªa` 4:1. [5] 5 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. 17 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 26. Similarly, the wife, tired and worn out from her day’s work, is refreshed on welcoming home her husband. They obtain, one from the other, mental solace and love and passion6[6]—and this spiritual and mental tranquillity serves as an impetus to educate and see over their children. 6. Co-operation between husband and wife. The husband and wife co-operate with each other in building up their family and realising their responsibilities. The wife goes around the household chores and instructs her children; the husband fulfils his obligations outside the house and earns his livelihood. This way the spirit of co-operation is stimulated in them and the children born to them are noble and pious. 7. Arousal of parental sentiments. Pious sentiments are stirred up in the father and the mother. These prompt them to look after their children, to provide for their needs, seek a peaceful life, and strive for a bright future. These are the important social benefits derived out of marriage and they are very effective in moulding the children, reforming the family and fostering the growth of society. These are the reasons why Shari‘ah commands us to marry7[7]; and it has described a pious woman the best of the worldly luxuries one may get.8[8] Marriage is the selection of the best (partner) A marriage is most successful if the rules and regulations laid down in the religion of Islam are obeyed faithfully. It is then an excellent generator of love and devotion, and harmony and unity. Children born out of such a marriage may turn out to be true believers, sound in health, possessing a good disposition and a high level of intelligence. We reproduce below relevant edicts. 1. Criterion of selection should be religion. A correct and true understanding of Islam is to mould one’s actions and conduct to the prototype shown by it and set an example of high morals, superior etiquette and virtue. It is also to embrace the Shari‘ah as a whole. [6] 6 ar-Rªum, 30:21. 7[7] ibn Mªajah. 8[8] Muslim. 18 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 27. When the bride and the bridegroom match this standard and live their lives in conformity with this gauge, they will be designated religious. If not, they will be termed wayward and far removed from Islam howsoever-high claims they may lay to piety and righteousness. A person came to Hazrat 'Umar May Allah be pleased with him to testify to the credentials of another. On this occasion Hazrat ‘Umar presented an excellent guideline to verify the standing of a person and to confirm his authenticity. Thus, he asked the man, “Do you know him?” On receiving an affirmative answer, he queried, “Are you his neighbour? Do you always see him coming and going?” “No” was the reply. “Have you ever travelled with him?” “No.” “Have you ever had a monetary dealing with him?” The reply was, “No.” “Then it appears you might have seen him offer prayers in the mosque?” “Yes, indeed.” “You may go. You do not know him!” Then to the other he turned, “Bring me a person who knows you.” Heed this! Hazrat ‘Umar was not carried away by the man’s appearance and attire. The Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him has said: Allah does not look at your countenance or your built but he looks at your hearts and your deeds.9[9] This is why the Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him has commanded those who intend to marry to select a partner who is religious. Then they may grant the rights each of the other, impart Islamic education to their children, and manage the home properly. Instead of setting a yardstick of beauty and glamour or wealth and assets, piety must be the criterion.10[10] Allah lowers the worth of the person who marries to raise his prestige. He inflicts poverty on one who intends to amass wealth by marrying a rich spouse. He dishonours and disgraces him who sets his eyes on a life partner of high ancestry. He who marries aiming to preserve his gaze from the unlawful, or to guard his private organs, or to reconcile the separated, earns the pleasure of Allah Who blesses the woman for the man and the man for the woman.11[11] The parents and guardians of the girl must also seek a pious, well-mannered boy for the girl who may concede his wife her rights as ordained by Islam. He may look after the family, impart knowledge of Islam to the children and guard honour and reputation, and see that mischief and corruption is checked.12[12] No mischief is more sinister than to ensnare a pious girl in the web of a freethinking, irreligious husband who does not bother about relations, modesty or honour. He compels her to cast off the veil, to mix freely with men, to sing and dance, and to banish religion and [9] 9 Muslim. [10] 10 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [11] 11 ¶Tabarªanªi. [12] 12 Tirmizªi. 19 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 28. nobility. How many bashful, noble girls who were examples of modesty, chastity and shyness became shameless and immoral after their marriage into freethinking families. Children of such parents revolt against religion and are shameless and evil because they are raised in indecent surroundings. Therefore, let religion and ethics form the basis of selection of a match. 2. The choice be based on nobility and pedigree. The life partner must be chosen from a devout, pious family of good ancestral background because this too influences progeny. Intrinsically people are either good or bad; they may be compared to a mine or a quarry, which remain unchanged. Those who were good in the Age of Ignorance are good in the time of Islam too provided they develop an understanding of religion.13[13] A beautiful and glamorous woman who is born in an indecent and corrupt family is like green herbage of filth, which must be avoided.14[14] We are commanded to seek good women for our sons and to marry them in families of comparable status15[15] because the stamp of the family passes down the progeny.16[16] Therefore, we must select wives who have been brought up in pious and righteous surroundings, are from noble and religious families, well mannered, virtuous and graceful. Nobility and excellent traits are inherited by their offspring. Hazrat Usmªan bin abªu al-Aas may Allah be pleased with him compared one who marries with the one who sows a seed. Therefore, a person must see where one sows the seed. The woman of a lowly bearing and a mean family background seldom bears a noble child. Hence, choose a woman of noble parentage though it may take some time to find her. It is necessary to be vigilant and select a well-mannered wife. A boy asked Hazrat ‘Umar “What is the right of a child over his father?” He replied, “Must choose his mother after due deliberation, give the child a good name and teach him the Holy Qur`ªan.” The study of the science of heredity affirms that the child is the prototype of both of its parents — in disposition, in physical built, and in intellect. Thus, keep in mind these priorities and pick up an ideal life partner if you wish your children to be pious, righteous, self- controlled, fearful of Allah and obedient. 3. Selection of the spouse outside one’s own family. Among the principles advocated by Islam is the preference for an unrelated girl of good ancestry so that the children born in wedlock may be excellent and free from various diseases and hereditary illnesses. [13] 13 ¶Tayªalisªi, ibn Mªani‘ and Askarªi. [14] 14 Dªar Qu¶tnªi, Askarªi and ibn Adªi. [15] 15 ibn Mªajah, Dªar Qu¶tnªi and al ¶Hªakim. [16] 16 ibn Mªajah, Daylamªi and ibn Adªi. 20 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 29. Further, the circle of society is widened. By marrying within the family, the offspring tend to be lean and weak.17[17] The study of heredity confirms today what the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him had said fourteen hundred years ago in very clear and explicit words. Children born from marriage within the family are feeble and witless. 4. Previously unmarried women be preferred. There is much wisdom in selecting an unmarried girl. The family is safe from bickering and quarrelling, hatred and enmity and an unhappy life. Often, love between the two strengthens and, mostly, the unmarried girl is attached to the husband and loves him because he is the first man to enter her life. Against this, when a man marries a once-married woman, it often happens that the woman does not find in her second husband the love and affection she had for her first husband. This arouses hatred. Hazrat 'Aishah may Allah be pleased with her spoke to the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him. She said, tell me, if you camp in a valley where there is a tree that has been grazed upon and another that none has touched yet, then where will you feed your camel? May blessings of Allah and peace be on him he said: The one that is untouched yet. Hazrat ‘Aishah said, I am that very tree. The wisdom in wedding a spinster is discussed in a saying of the Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him. He said: Marry women who are not divorced or widowed because they are of sweet disposition, pure and clean, full of mercy, undeceiving, content on receiving a little.18[18] On his return from the Ghazwah, Zªat Al-Raqa', the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him asked Hazrat Jªabir may Allah be pleased with him, “Have you married?” “Yes, I have.” “A virgin or a previously married woman?” He replied, “An already married woman.” “Why not a girl, she would have played with you and you with her?” He replied, “My father was martyred in the Battle of Uhud and left me seven sisters to care for so I married an elderly woman who would keep them together and look after them.” He said, “You did a wise thing.”19[19] Thus, under certain circumstances it is better to marry a divorced woman or a widow. 5. To opt for the most fertile woman. The purpose of marriage is not to satisfy sensual desires but the aim is to propagate the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad may blessings of Allah and peace be on him. So, at the time of choosing a woman for marriage a generative woman should be selected. This may be surmised in two ways:  The woman is free from ailments that hinder pregnancy. The views of doctors may be sought in this regard. [17] 17 I could not trace this ¶hadªith. If any one finds it, please let me know. [18] 18 ibn Mªajah and Bayhaqªi . [19] 19 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. 21 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 30.  The physical state of the woman’s mother and married sisters may be verified. Fertile women are normally healthy and sound and are active in household chores and bringing up children and are quick in serving the rights of the husband. However, the husband must not overlook the education and feeding of his children or he will be sinning.20[20] A man was in love with an affluent but barren woman of high genealogy, of honour and rank. He wished to marry her. The Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him did not permit him to marry her. When he sought permission the third time, he replied: Marry a woman who may give birth to many children and may love much so that I will be proud of your higher numbers over other Ummah.21[21] These are fundamental and important views on marriage. They have a deep bearing on the question of education. Therefore, on the subject of training individuals, Islam took up the first link in the family; it begins with marriage because this is a desire and necessity of the human beings. It links the offspring to their ancestry. Because of it society is secure from many contagious diseases and licentious behaviour. Husband and wife combine to train their children. The beginning of the Islamic education of children must be an exemplary marriage that considers the important points that are effective in training, and that play a pivotal role in preparing and correcting the society. [20] 20 ibn ¶Hibbªan. [21] 21 abªu Dªawood. Nasªaªi and ¶Hªakim. 22 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 31. Reference: extracted from book The upbringing of Children in Islam Tarbiyat-e-Aulad aur Islam Author: Late Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar Original book in Arabic by Sahikh Abdullah Naseh Alwan Publish by dar-ut-Tasneef Jamiat ul-Uloom Il-Islamiyyah allama Banuri Town Karachi English translation by Rafiq Abdur Rahman As-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam http://www.as-sidq.org info@as-sidq.org Return to main page 23 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 32. Chapter 2 Psychological awareness & feelings for the children By psychological awareness we refer to the love and compassion and tenderness which Allah, the Exalted, has aroused in parents for their children. Thereby, a feeling of abhorrence emerges for the customs and habits of the Days of Ignorance concerning daughters. One may also know what the parents must do when a conflict arises between the interests of the child and the considerations of Islam. Love of children is natural to parents. It is natural for parents to love their children, to look after them and to be kind and compassionate to them. Without this motivation human beings could have been wiped out off the face of the earth. The Noble Qur`ªan has categorised children as the adornment of the world.22[1] Children are a great blessing of Allah for which we must thank Him.23[2] Further, if the children are pious and God-fearing then they are the delight of the eyes.24[3] Poets have composed very high calibre poetry on the subject of love for children; these are very moving and heart-warming and brimming with sentiment and feeling. The poetry of Umayya bin abªu as-Sult, Abu Bakr Tarsoosee, and Ustad Umar Bahªa-ul-Amªiree are very touching and highlight the love and compassion innate in the parents.25[4] The result of the love and compassion that Allah, the Exalted, has put into the hearts of parents ensures that children are properly trained and that their needs are met. [1] 22 al-Kahf, 18:46. [2] 23 al-Isrªa`, 17:6. [3] 24 al-Furqªan, 25:76. [4] 25 see Islam aur Tarbiyat-e-Aulºad vol. 1 pp. 60-65. 24 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 33. Love of children and being affectionate to them is a divine gift. Love of children, affection and tender and kind feelings for them are unique sentiments. They have a great say in their guidance and training, care and nourishment. One who is bereft of mercy has the characteristics of a surly, stonehearted, cruel person. These attributes have an adverse effect on children; they tend to be rebellious and aberrant and are lost in the deep maze of ignorance, villainy and wretchedness. Therefore, Islam urges us to develop the sentiments of love and mercy. It has warned us against being devoid of these qualities.26[5] A person was embracing his child. The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him asked him, “Do you feel compassion for the child?” “Yes, I do”, was the polite reply. He said, “Allah is Merciful to you more than you are to the child, He is the most Merciful (of those who show mercy)”.27[6] Our beloved Prophet severely admonished those who were not merciful to their children.28[7] Once, when he kissed Hasan bin Alªi may Allah be pleased with them a person said, “I have ten children and I have never shown love to any of them”. He looked towards the person in astonishment and said, “He who is not merciful will not be shown any mercy.”29[8] When a woman visited her, Hazrat ‘Aishah may Allah be pleased with her gave her three dates. She gave to her two sons one each and kept one with herself. Both the boys ate their share and then looked towards their mother with expectant eyes for more. She halved the date that she had kept with herself and gave them a piece each. When Hazrat ‘Aishah related this to the Holy Prophet, he said, “How does this amaze you? Her tenderness to her children has earned her the mercy of Allah.”30[9] The Holy Prophet May blessings of Allah and peace be on him was very softhearted. His grandson was in a moribund state; he took him in his laps and tears rolled down his eyes. Hazrat Sa‘d May Allah be pleased with him asked, “O Messenger of Allah! What’s the matter?” He said, “This is the mercy of Allah that he has put into the hearts of men”. In another version it is put thus, “Of His bondsmen, Allah, the Exalted, puts mercy into the heart of whom He wills. Allah, the Exalted, is merciful to those of His slaves who are merciful to others”.31[10] [5] 26 abªu Dªawood and Tirmizªi. [6] 27 Bukhªarªi. [7] 28 Bukhªarªi. [8] 29 Bukhªarªi. [9] 30 Bukhªarªi. [10] 31 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. 25 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 34. To dislike daughters is the repulsive custom of the Days of Ignorance. Islam upholds equality and fair play. In showing kindness and compassion to children, it does not discriminate male and female.32[11] Even in this age, as they did before, some people dislike daughters. To discriminate against them is a sign of being ignorant of religion and weak in faith.33[12] A Muslim must submit himself happily to the will of Allah, whether the new-born is a boy or a girl is determined by Allah alone.34[13] The Holy Prophet has stressed upon the care of daughters. This, so that the habits of the Days of Ignorance may be obliterated from the minds of those inconsistent in belief. He has instructed us to pay proper attention to the care and training of daughters. He has assured us that whoever looks after two daughters (in another version, three daughters)35[14], till they have matured, will be together with him on the Day of Resurrection.36[15] It is reported in a Tradition that a father who brings up three daughters, nourishes and clothes them will find that they will protect him from Hell.37[16] Therefore, we must seek guidance from these Ahªadªith and practice impartiality and parity in dealing with our sons and daughters so that we are worthy of Paradise. Reward on being patient on the death of a child. The complete faith of a believer that Allah ordains everything encourages him to be patient so that he is steadfast in facing accidents, and trials. When one is patient in enduring a crisis one feels relaxed. He, who is patient on the death of his child and praises Allah, has a house prepared for him in Heaven by the name of Bait-ul-Hamd.38[17] [11] 32 al-Mªa`idah, 5:8, A¶s¶hªab-us-Sunan, A¶hmad, ibn ¶Hibbªan. [12] 33 an-Na¶hl, 16:58-59. [13] 34 ash-Shªurªa, 42:49-50. [14] 35 ¶Humaidªi. [15] 36 Muslim. [16] 37 A¶hmad and ¶Humaidªi. [17] 38 Tirmizªi and ibn ¶Hibbªan. 26 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 35. The benefits of patience: 1. A person who is patient in facing adversity is entitled to entry into Paradise and gains immunity from Hell.39[18] He whose two or three children die and he bears the loss patiently is protected from Hell.40[19] 2. The child, whose parents bear his death with patience, will intercede for them. He will not enter Paradise until his parents are admitted too.41[20] Young children are abiders of Heaven and they will not let go the garment or hand of their father or parents until Allah allows them to go into Paradise.42[21] Observe the strong faith and conviction of the female Companions may Allah be pleased with them how they were steadfast on the death of their children. Although his son was ill, Hazrat Abu Talhah may Allah be pleased with him went on a journey; the son died. When he returned from the journey, he asked his wife, umme Salªim may Allah be pleased with her, “How is the child?” She replied, “More comfortable than before.” (She meant to say that the child was relieved of the pangs of this life and was gone to the next world.) Then she gave him to eat. The husband slept with her at night. Then she said, “Tell me, if one who has kept a trust with another demands it back, has he the right to refuse to return it?” He said, “No!” She said, “Be patient on the death of your son. He has died. Hope for reward from Allah, the Exalted.” Abu Talhah was dejected and protested, “You astonish me. Why did you not tell me before?” He presented himself before the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him and narrated all that had transpired. He said, “May Allah bless you, your last night”.43[22] Thus, they had a child. The Prophet named him Abdullªah. One Ansªari has said, “I have seen the nine sons of this Abdullªah may Allah be pleased with him; all of them were religious scholars and Qurrªa”. Hence, parents must strengthen their faith and be steadfast. All are His trust and will return to Him. Everyone has an appointed time. Interests of Islam deserve priority over love of the child. The love of children must have second place to the concerns of Islam. The aim and objective of every Believer is to establish an Islamic society. [18] 39 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [19] 40 A¶hmad and ibn ¶Hibbªan. [20] 41 ¶Tabarªanªi. [21] 42 Muslim. [22] 43 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. 27 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 36. The noble Companions may Allah be pleased with them and those who followed them clearly understood this. They had no other goal before them but jihªad, the preaching of Islam and spreading it. It is for this reason that their household, their wives and children, and even their lives, meant nothing to them when the interests of Islam were before them. They were ever eager to attain martyrdom and prayed to Allah to bestow on them martyrdom. When the welfare of religion demanded of them, they did not care for wealth or life, household or family. The strong belief which Hazrat Ibªadah may Allah be pleased with him exhibited before the king of Egypt, Maquoqus, reflects the firm faith of the Companions. It shows also the inferiority in their eyes of the majesty and splendour of this life. He highlighted the inadequacy of armour and forces against the help of Allah and emphasised his earnest desire to attain martyrdom. Indeed, these honourable people had understood the Qur`ªan.44[23] The mind of a Muslim and his heart and limbs must be occupied in the love of Islam, its doctrines and jihªad and love for fellow Muslims and invitation to (the religion of) Allah. The love of the family, wives and children and lineage must be subordinated to the love of Islam.45[24] ¶Hazrat Umar bin al-Kha¶t¶tªab may Allah be pleased with him said to the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him “O Messenger of Allah! You are dearer to me than all else except myself”. He said: None of you can become a full Believer unless I am dearer to him than his life. ¶Hazrat Umar said, “By Him Who has revealed to you the Book, you are dearer to me than my life too!” He said, “It’s correct now!”46[25] Unless one’s desires are not made subservient to religious exigencies, one cannot be a firm Believer.47[26] Punishing a child and severing ties with him. When the child attains the proper age, his parents or guardians must adopt all tactics to train and educate him. This, so that he is equipped with the habits and manners prescribed by Islam and the dignified social civilities. Initially, the guardian must discipline the child with compassion and love. If this is ineffective, he may suspend the bond with the child. If this, too, is unproductive, then, keeping oneself within limits, one may use the cane to the necessary extent. Attention may be paid to the upbringing method of the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him. While eating, a young boy moved his hand all around the dish before him. [23] 44 at-Tawbah, 9:24 [24] 45 Bukhªarªi. [25] 46 Bukhªarªi. [26] 47 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. 28 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 37. The Holy Prophet said, “Son, call the name of Allah and with your right hand eat from the portion before you.”48[27] Once, the Holy Prophet was offered a drink. After he drank of it, he asked a young boy seated to his right, “Do you permit me to offer this drink to the aged people to my left?” This was a very polite style of teaching. The youngster said, “By Allah, I cannot prefer anything at all to the blessed portion offered by you.” The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him gave him the drinking bowl. This young companion was ¶Hazrat Abdullªah bin Abbªas may Allah be pleased with them.49[28] A young relative of ¶Hazrat Abdullªah bin Mughaffal may Allah be pleased with him cast some pebbles. He forbade him from doing so and cited the Prophet’s ban in this regard. One cannot hope to hunt an animal by it nor cause injury to an enemy; rather, one may hurt an innocent eye or dislodge someone’s tooth. However, the youngster persisted and again threw the pebbles. ¶Hazrat Abdullªah said “The Holy Prophet has forbidden us to throw pebbles and you persist in your defiance. I will not speak to you”.50[29] This shows that one may suspend relations as part of training. If necessary, parents may beat the child too. When they are seven years old, parents must command them to offer the obligatory prayers. At the age of ten, if they do not offer the prayers they may be beaten, and at this age, their beds may be separated.51[30] These methods are for those nearing maturity. When he is mature, a somewhat different approach is taken. If he does not respond to advice, then the guardian or teacher must snap ties with him until he abstains from defiance and disobedience. A ¶hadªith says the strongest of the links of faith is to sustain friendship for the sake of Allah and to brook enmity for His sake. Show love for Him alone and bear hatred for Him alone.52[31] When ¶Hazrat Ka‘b may Allah be pleased with him delayed himself in the Ghazwah Tabook, the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him forbade people to speak to him. He endured this for fifty days. He felt the world close in on him. No one would talk him. Nobody visited him. However, when the Qur`ªan disclosed Allah’s forgiveness, the Holy Prophet lifted the boycott over him.53[32] [27] 48 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [28] 49 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [29] 50 Bukhªarªi. [30] 51 abªu Dªawood and ¶Hªakim. [31] 52 ¶Tabarªanªi. [32] 53 Bukhªarªi. 29 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 38. As a piece of warning, the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him shunned contact with his pure wives for a month. ¶Hazrat Abdullªah bin Umar may Allah be pleased with him severed relations with his son on a religious point and when he died the boycott was yet effective. He had narrated a ¶hadªith according to which women should not be barred from mosques; the son said, “We will stop the women”. This displeased ¶Hazrat Abdullªah and he stopped speaking to his son.54[33] This may be our attitude and we may snap ties with disobedient children who are Believers. If, God forbid, anyone is an atheist or an unbeliever, then it is the right of Islam that we reject him completely. We must stop all manner of dealing with him and severe relations with him. This boycott should be made public, too. Muslims never befriend those people who are antagonists of Allah and His Messenger may blessings of Allah and peace be on him be they their fathers, sons, brothers or relatives.55[34] ¶Hazrat Nªu¶h may peace be on him had said to his Lord, “My son is of my family”, Allah said, “O Nªu¶h, he is not of your folk; his actions are evil”.56[35] ¶Hazrat Ibrªahªim may peace be on him interceded for his father, because he had promised him that he would do so, but when it became clear that he was an enemy of Allah, he disowned him.57[36] Therefore, if a child (or any relative) is adamant on disbelief, faith stipulates that all relations with him be snapped. This, because in the eyes of Islam the religious link is stronger and more preferable than a link based on blood, territory, country, language, brotherhood or economy. Islam has taught us that religion has preference over all else, a father or a son, a wife or a tribe, wealth or property.58[37] Muslims are brothers, one to another.59[38] He who is the most righteous is the most honourable with Allah.60[39] The guardians must pursue a correct course of instruction so that people will be well trained. Also, the society will not be corrupt any more; and people will not wander. The environment will not be ugly or poisonous. It will be an honourable and well- mannered system. [33] 54 A¶s¶hªab-us-Sunan. [34] 55 al-Mujªadilah, 58:22. [35] 56 Hªud, 11:45-46. [36] 57 at-Tawbah, 9:114. [37] 58 at-Tawbah, 9:24. [38] 59 al-¶Hujurªat, 49:10. [39] 60 al-¶Hujurªat, 49:13. 30 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 39. Reference: extracted from book The upbringing of Children in Islam Tarbiyat-e-Aulad aur Islam Author: Late Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar Original book in Arabic by Sahikh Abdullah Naseh Alwan Publish by dar-ut-Tasneef Jamiat ul-Uloom Il-Islamiyyah allama Banuri Town Karachi English translation by Rafiq Abdur Rahman As-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam http://www.as-sidq.org info@as-sidq.org Return to main page 31 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 40. Chapter 3 General Instructions Concerning Children In this chapter, we will discuss four subjects:  The guardian’s duty on a child’s birth?  Instructions on naming the child.  Rules of aqeeqah.  Rules of circumcision. What must a guardian do on the birth of the child? Islam has laid down the fundamental principles in unambiguous terms for rearing the child. Congratulations may be conveyed on the birth. It is commendable that we congratulate our Muslim brother on the birth of his child and thus add to his happiness. This creates an atmosphere of love and compassion among Muslim families. If congratulations cannot be conveyed, prayers for the well being of his child must be offered. The Noble Qur`ªan refers to the glad tidings to ¶Hazrat Ibrªahªim may peace be on him and his wife.61[1] Similarly, ¶Hazrat Zakariyyªa may peace be on him too was given the glad tidings of the birth of ¶Hazrat Ya¶hyªa may peace be on him62[2]. On the birth of the Holy Prophet the slave- girl of Abu Lahb, ¶Hazrat Thuwaibah, congratulated the uncle, Abu Lahb, who freed her on the occasion. [1] 61 Hªud, 11:69-71. [2] 62 ªAl Imrªan, 3:39, Maryam, 19:7. 32 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 41. In our congratulatory message to the parent, we may add a prayer to Allah: That He bless the child, That He guide the parents to be thankful, That the child turn out to be righteous, That he have a long life.63[3] Irrespective of whether the new born is a boy or a girl, we must offer congratulations. Some people offer gifts, sweetmeat or cash. This practice is within the ambit of the Sayings of the Holy Prophet that Muslims must present gifts to one another to foster friendship and love. However, we must neither turn it into a mere custom nor consider it obligatory. We must avoid the ways of non-Muslims and must not indulge in wasteful expenditure. Azªan and iqªamah may be said in the child’s ears. In the right ear of the new-born baby, the azªan may be recited, and in the left ear, the iqªamah. This is done immediately after the baby is bathed. On the birth of ¶Hazrat ¶Hasan to ¶Hazrat Fªatimah may Allah be pleased with them the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him had said the azªan in his ear.64[4] This practice ensures safety to the child from epilepsy. ¶Hªafiz ibn Qiyyim may Allah be pleased with him says the significance of saying the azªan and the iqªamah in the ears of the child is that the first words he hears declare the greatness and majesty of Allah. The words of testimony are those which a man recites on embracing Islam. In other words, this is a pronouncement of the creed of Islam. Besides, at the sound of azªan and iqªamah, Satan distances himself. At this early age, the child is thus invited to Allah the Majestic, to Islam and to the worship of Allah. This call forestalls temptation by Satan and ensures an unblemished faith. Moreover, it is a forearming against Satan and temptation. Ta¶hneek. Ta¶hneek is the practice of chewing date and applying a part of the chewed portion to the palate of the child so that it goes down the child’s mouth easily. If date is unavailable, one may apply any thing sweet, like sugar-candy, honey or juice, to the child’s palate. Thereby, the sunnah is fulfilled. The veins and the muscles are strengthened. The dental palate, the jaws and the mouth are made active. As a result, it is easy for the child to suck milk from the breast of its mother. A pious and God-fearing scholar or a venerable saint may be invited to do Ta¶hneek. Ta¶hneek is musta¶hib. ¶Hazrat Abu Mªusªa said, “When my son was born, I brought him to the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him who named him Ibrªahªim, performed his Ta¶hneek with date, blessed him and returned him to me”.65[5] ¶Hazrat Anas carried the new born son of ¶Hazrat [3] 63 abªu Bakr bin al Munzir. [4] 64 abªu Dªawood and Tirmizªi. [5] 65 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. 33 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 42. Abu ¶Tal¶hah to the Holy Prophet. He chewed a date and gave some of it in the mouth of the child, carried out Ta¶hneek and named the child Abdullªah.66[6] Aqeeqah. The hair on the head of the new-born must be shaved on the seventh day. It is musta¶hib (commendable) to give silver in sadaqah to the poor and needy equal to the weight of his hair. Shaving the hair of the head provides the child with strength and opens up the pores of the skin. It is also beneficial to the eye-sight, the hearing and the sense of smell. Thereby the poor is helped, too. ¶Hazrat Fªatimah may Allah be pleased with her distributed silver as sadaqah equal in weight to the hair on the heads of ¶Hazrat ¶Hasan, ¶Husain, Zainab and umme Kulthªum.67[7] On the birth of ¶Hazrat ¶Hasan, the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him asked ¶Hazrat Fªatimah to have his head shaved off and offer silver equal in weight to the hair as sadaqah. The hair weighed a dirham or a little lesser than a dirham.68[8] The entire head must be shaved. To shave some hair and to leave some on the head is called qaz‘ and is disallowed.69[9] This is not fair with the head because some of it is bared and the rest hidden. It is exactly as though a part of the body receives sunlight and rest of it is in shade. Also, it may be compared with a shoe on one foot and none on the other. Both these things are forbidden. The intention is to prevent the defacing of one’s appearance. It also aims at discouraging the adoption of unreasonable airs or resemblance to non-Muslims. You must act on these musta¶hib deeds so that it is then easy to act on the far¶d (compulsory deeds). Instructions on naming the child People name their children to distinguish them from others and to call them by their names. Islam is a complete faith. It recognises this habit and its importance. Therefore, it gave a set of instructions on naming the child. When must a child be named? According to a ¶hadªith, a child is pledged with its aqeeqah; it is sacrificed on behalf of the child on the seventh day when it is given a name and the hair is shaved off its head.70[10] Thus, [6] 66 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [7] 67 Mªalik in Muwa¶t¶ta and Ya¶hyªa bin Bukair. [8] 68 ibn Ishªaq. [9] 69 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [10] 70 A¶s¶hªab-us-Sunan. 34 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 43. the child must be named on the seventh day. According to some A¶hªadªith, the child must be named promptly on birth. When Munzir bin abªu Usaid was born his father took him to the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him who took the child in his laps and asked the father its name. On being told his name, he said, “No, call him Munzir”.71[11] It is reported in a tradition that the Holy Prophet said, “Last night a son was born to me, and I have named him Ibrªahªim after my grandfather, Ibrªahªim may peace be on him.”72[12] Names that are preferred, and that are undesirable. The name given to the child must be meaningful, lovely and good. On the Day of Resurrection, a person will be called by his name and the names of his parents. Therefore, a good name must be selected.73[13] Allah, the Exalted, likes best the names Abdullªah and Abdur Ra¶hmªan.74[14] Those names must not be given to the child, that affect his personality or become a cause of ridicule. The Messenger of Allah may blessings of Allah and peace be on him always changed names that were derogatory.75[15] The name of one of the daughters of ¶Hazrat Umar was ªAsiyah (meaning, disobedient), the Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him changed it to Jamilah.76[16] Besides, the Holy Prophet changed such names as Azªiz, Utlah (hardness, thickness), Satan, ¶Hukm, Ghurab (crow), Habªab (snake, Satan).77[17] He also changed the names, ¶Harb (war) into Silm (peace), Muztaja’ (one who lies down) into Mumbais (one who is prepared, ready), Banu az-Zªania (the product of adultery) into Banu ar-Rushdah (good people), Banu al- Maghwiyah (one who misleads) into Banu ar-Rushdah. We must not give names that allude to ill omen or bad character. The grandfather of ¶Hazrat Sa‘ªid bin al Musayyab presented himself before the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him. He asked him his name. “Hizn” was the reply (meaning, hard ground, surliness). He said, “Your name is Sahl (easy)”. He replied, “How can I change the name given to me by my father?” ¶Hazrat Sa‘ªid says that from then on hardness of character is found among us.78[18] [11] 71 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [12] 72 Muslim. [13] 73 abªu Dªawood. [14] 74 Muslim. [15] 75 Tirmizªi. [16] 76 Tirmizªi and ibn Mªajah. [17] 77 abªu Dªawood. [18] 78 Bukhªarªi. 35 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 44. ¶Hazrat Ya¶hyªa bin Sa‘ªid says that ¶Hazrat Umar asked a person his name. He replied, “Jamrah” (live coal). “And the name of your father?” “Shihªab” (meteor). “With whom are you connected?” He replied, “Harqah” (burning). ¶Hazrat Umar asked him, “Where do you live?” “Harrat un-Nªar” (heat of fire). “Where is it?” “Zat Lazza” (flames of fire). ¶Hazrat Umar may Allah be pleased with him said to him, “Go home, quickly! The people of your house have perished from burning”. It turned out so truly!79[19] The name selected for the child must be other than a name of Allah; thus, it should not be A¶had, Khªaliq or Razzªaq. It is permissible, however, to name the child Abdul A¶had, Abdus ¶Samad or any other name of Allah compounded with Abdul. When ¶Hazrat Hªani came to Madinah with his people, they called him Abu ¶Hakm. The Messenger of Allah may blessings of Allah and peace be on him said, “Only Allah, the Exalted, is ¶Hakm. He alone is the One Who decides. Why do they call you Abu ¶Hakm?” He replied, “If a dispute arises among my community, they ask me to decide between them. Both the parties are happy with my decision”. He said, “This is commendable. We must settle the disputes of our folk. Say, do you have a son?” “I have three sons, Sharih, Muslim and Abdullªah.” “Who is the eldest?” “Sharih is the eldest.” The Prophet said, “Your kuniyah80[20] is Abu Sharih”.81[21] According to a ¶hadªith, on the Day of Resurrection, the worst of all persons in the eyes of Allah — and liable to punishment — will be he whom people will call Shahinshah. Only Allah, the Exalted, is Shahinshah (meaning, King of the monarchs) and kingdom belongs to Him alone.82[22] We must not give names to our children that indicate good fortune. Suppose the names to be Aflah (successful), Nafe‘ (profitable), Ribªah (beneficial), Yasr (easy). If in a gathering, someone calls out a person by such a name and he is not there, the answer “not here” might imply that this characteristic is lacking in that assembly. A ¶hadªith says: Allah, the Exalted, likes most four phrases sub¶hªan Allah, wal ¶hamd u lillªah, wa la ilªaha ill Allah and Allah u akbar. Do not give your sons the names of Yasªar, Najeeh or Aflah. You will ask for them. If they are not there, the person replying would say ‘not here’. These are four names; do not refer to me after adding to these names.83[23] [19] 79 Mªalik in Muwa¶t¶ta. [20] 80 kuniyah is an honorific name. It is used with abªu or umm. [21] 81 abªu Dªawood. [22] 82 Muslim. [23] 83 abªu Dªawood, Tirmizªi. 36 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 45. While naming their children, parents must ensure that the names they select signify servitude to Allah alone and to no false deity. They may not append bondage even to the name Nabi. Certain forbidden names include Abdul Uzza, Abdul Ka‘bah, and Abdun Nabi. Similarly, parents must not give names to their children that emphasise love and romance. Some of these names are: Hiyªam, Beef‘a, Nihau, Sosan, Miyadah, Gadah, Ahlam. These mean 'violent love', 'slim waist', 'large bosomed', 'fragrant flower', 'walks swinging to and fro', 'soft and delicate woman', 'dream'. Islam envisages Muslims as a people of remarkable attributes. When parents select vulgar and romantic names, they risk tainting the character of the child. The Messenger of Allah may blessings of Allah and peace be on him has encouraged his Ummah to call their children with meaningful names. He has suggested names of the Holy Prophets may peace be on them or Abdullªah or Abdur Ra¶hmªan. This, because they may stay the best of Ummah and fulfil their duty diligently in guiding humanity to Islam and truth. The words of a ¶hadªith are: Keep the names of the Holy Prophets may peace be on them. Allah, the Exalted, loves most the names Abdullªah and Abdur Ra¶hmªan. The most truthful names are ¶Hªarith and Humªam. The most disliked names, and vulgar too, are ¶Harb and Murrah (respectively, war and bitter). It is sunnah to use kuniyah for the child. The use of a kuniyah for the child creates in him a feeling of self-reliance and nobility. Call him Abu so and so. He cultivates a sense of confidence in the society. When the epithet is lovely and fitting and used in a light-hearted vein, he feels happy about it. This also teaches him how he may address his elders and those younger than him. It was the habit of the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him to give kuniyah to children. He called the brother of ¶Hazrat Anas may Allah be pleased with him Abu Umair. When he lost his bird, the Holy Prophet asked him, “What happened to Abu Umair Nugair?”84[24] The kuniyah may not necessarily refer to one’s own children; it may refer to anyone. For instance, ¶Hazrat Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him had no son by the name Bakr but his epithet was Abu Bakr. The kuniyah of ¶Hazrat Umar may Allah be pleased with him was Abu ¶Haf¶s. The kuniyah given to ¶Hazrat Aishah may Allah be pleased with her was umme Abdullªah. ¶Hazrat Anas may Allah be pleased with him had as kuniyah Abu ¶Hamzah and ¶Hazrat Khªalid bin Waleed had Abu Sulaimªan. Kuniyah may be given to all, young or old. Some considerations upon naming the child. If father and mother do not agree on a name, then it is the prerogative of the father to name the child. The child is known by his father. [24] 84 Bukhªarªi and Muslim . 37 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 46. This is the command given in the Noble Qur`ªan.85[25] The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him had named his son, Ibrªahªim.86[26] It is not permitted to give the child a contemptuous or a disliked name. It is not proper to select such names as Thagnay, Bhingay, Gungay, Kabray,. Kuloo, and the like. The Noble Qur`ªan has disallowed the use of names with the intention to tease87[27] lest children develop bad habits. What about the epithet Abul Qªasim? The Ulamªa are agreed that the name of the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him may be chosen for the child. An individual named his son Mu¶hammad. People objected to it. He went to the Prophet and narrated his predicament. The Holy Prophet asserted, “Give your children my name. However, do not use my kuniyah because I am the one to divide. I divide among you”.88[28] How is it to use the kuniyah of the Holy Prophet Abul-Qªasim? There are different opinions on this. Some Ulamªa have disallowed its use altogether.89[29] Others have concluded that it is correct to use it as reflected in some Traditions. Yet others have opined that it is inadmissible to use both the name and the epithet for the same child.90[30] Some others have contended that the inadmissibility was during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet but now that he is dead it is permissible to use both the name and the kuniyah.91[31] This last conclusion is superior. Aqeeqah and its instructions. What is aqeeqah. The Arabic word ªaq means ‘to cut’. Thus uqooq wªaldain is ‘disobedience to parents and suspension of relations’. In the terminology of Shari‘ah it is the sacrifice of a goat for the child on the seventh day after he is born. [25] 85 al-A¶hzªab, 33:5. [26] 86 Muslim . [27] 87 al-¶Hujurªat, 49:11 [28] 88 Muslim. [29] 89 Bukhªarªi and Muslim . [30] 90 abªu Dªawood . [31] 91 abªu Dªawood. 38 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 47. Aqeeqah is permissible. According to a ¶hadªith, we must perform aqeeqah on the birth of a child. Pay a ransom on his behalf and remove filth from him.92[32] According to a ¶hadªith, every child is pledged to his aqeeqah that may be sacrificed for him on the seventh day; the same day he must be named and his head shaved.93[33] The sacrifice on behalf of a boy is two equal goats and for the girl one goat.94[34] The opinion of the jurists regarding the legality of aqeeqah. Aqeeqah is sunnah or musta¶hib in the view of Imªam Mªalik, Imªam Shªafa‘ªi, Imªam A¶hmad, Ishªaq, Abu Thaur and others. They base their opinion on the A¶hªadªith mentioned earlier. They do not consider it obligatory as they find no evidence in the A¶hªadªith. Also, it is left to intention. ¶Hanafªi think this is istehbªab (praiseworthy). ¶Hasan Ba¶srªi and Lais bin Sa‘d and others think it is obligatory. They base their opinion on the ¶hadªith that says that every child is pledged to its aqeeqah.95[35] They also rely on the Tradition that, on the Day of Resurrection, people will be questioned about aqeeqah just as they will be asked about obligatory prayers.96[36] The approved time of aqeeqah. According to A¶hªadªith, it is commendable to perform aqeeqah on the seventh day. The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him did the aqeeqah of ¶Hasan and ¶Husain on the seventh day after their birth. It may be done on the fourteenth or twenty-first day;97[37] it is valid, too, on the fourth, eighth or tenth day or later. How is the aqeeqah of a girl performed? [32] 92 Bukhªarªi. [33] 93 A¶s¶hªab-us-Sunan. [34] 94 A¶hmad and Tirmizªi. [35] 95 Tirmizªi and Nasªaªi. [36] 96 Ishªaq from Bardah. [37] 97 Maimooni. 39 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 48. Aqeeqah is sunnah mustahibah for both, boy and girl. Two goats are sacrificed on the birth of a son and one on the birth of a daughter.98[38] However, if anybody sacrifices one goat on the birth of a boy, he has performed a valid aqeeqah.99[39] This does not imply preference of a boy over a girl but this is because the Holy Prophet had done it. It may be, too, because man is given excellence over woman by reason of his superior physical power, heavier burden of responsibilities and supervision. The bones of the animal must not be broken. We must not break the bones of the sacrificial animal.100[40] This is a sign of good omen of health and strength of the child. The poor and the neighbours get large pieces, too. However, there is no harm if someone does break the bones of the animal. Other general instructions regarding aqeeqah. The animal that is valid for sacrifice is valid too in the offering of aqeeqah. These include goat, sheep and ram. The animal must be one year old, fully. However, a six-month old ram may be offered in sacrifice and aqeeqah if it is sufficiently fat and healthy and looks like a year old. The goat must be a year old. The animal must be free from defect. It must not be blind, squint eyed or so much thin that there is no marrow in its bones. It must not be so lame that it cannot walk by itself to the place of sacrifice. That animal, also, is invalid for sacrifice whose tail or ear is cut off more than two-thirds, or most of its teeth have fallen off, or it has no ears since birth or is so much mad that it does not eat or drink. The sacrifice of an animal is valid if its ear is torn or a horn is split. Also, if an animal is lame but it can walk on its three legs its sacrifice is allowed. If some of its teeth are broken but most are intact, the animal is not very mad or the ear, tail or hip is only one-thirds cut off, then, in all such cases, the sacrifice of this animal is valid. The sacrifice of a cow or a buffalo is not valid before it is two years old. The camel must have completed five years of age. It is legitimate to share in aqeeqah and sacrifice. We may offer a cow or a camel instead of a goat in aqeeqah. The division of meat during aqeeqah is subject to the same injunctions as apply to division of meat of a sacrificial animal. We may eat the meat ourselves, distribute as sadaqah, or gift it. [38] 98 A¶hmad and Tirmizªi and ibn Shaibah. [39] 99 abªu Dªawood [40] 100 abªu Dªawood . 40 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 49. However, in the case of aqeeqah, it is legitimate to give some to the nurse also.101[41] In celebration of aqeeqah, we may invite others and cook the meat for the feast. It is commendable to perform aqeeqah on behalf of the child. According to a ¶hadªith, while offering the animal of aqeeqah, one may say: I sacrifice in the name of Allah. O Allah, it is for You alone and it will return to You. O Allah, this aqeeqah is on behalf of so-and-so.102[42] However, if at the time of sacrifice, the parent does not take the name of the child, even then aqeeqah is valid because of the intention behind it. The wisdom behind the legitimacy of aqeeqah. On the birth of the child, the animal is offered in aqeeqah to obtain nearness to Allah and to offer ransom for the child. The child intercedes for its parents. Parents find in the fulfilment of the obligation under Shari‘ah a source of happiness. Also, it promotes love and compassion among the individuals of society and all participate in the happiness. It opens a new fount of income. It diminishes poverty and need. In Islam, there are different occasions of feast. These may be when guests or visitors arrive, on the birth of a child, on the marriage of a son, on circumcision of a new-born boy, when the traveller returns home, when aqeeqah is performed and when a house is built. Circumcision and its injunctions. The meaning of circumcision. The literal meaning of circumcision is ‘to cut the skin that is at the tip of the reproductive organ’. In Shari‘ah it is ‘the round part on the edge above the conical vascular body of the penis’. The lawfulness of circumcision. To rinse the mouth, to take in water in the nose, to bare the moustaches, to brush the teeth, to cut the nails, to remove the hair in the armpits, to strip the hair below the navel, and to circumcise103[43] — these are innate to human nature.104[44] [41] 101 Bayhaqªi. [42] 102 ibn Munzir. [43] 103 A¶hmad and abªu Dªawood. [44] 104 A¶hmad, Bukhªarªi and Muslim . 41 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 50. Is circumcision obligatory or sunnah? Imªam Abu ¶Hanªifah, ¶Hasan Ba¶srªi and some followers of Imªam ¶Hanbal, consider circumcision a sunnah. According to a ¶hadªith, circumcision is sunnah for men and virtue for women.105[45] In the ¶hadªith quoted earlier, it is one of the sunnah. Thus, this supports their view that circumcision is sunnah. Besides, the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him did not enquire of those who turned Muslim if they were circumcised. If it was obligatory, he would not have omitted to ask. Imªam Mªalik, Imªam Shªafa‘ªi, Imªam A¶hmad, Sha‘bi, and others hold that circumcision is obligatory. They did not allow an uncircumcised man to lead the prayers or to give evidence. Once, the Holy Prophet ordered a person who had embraced Islam, to shave off the hair grown during unbelief and to circumcise. He said: Whoever joins Islam must circumcise howsoever old he is.106[46] Ibn Abbªas and ¶Hazrat Alªi may Allah be pleased with them ruled in the light of this ¶hadªith.107[47] Circumcision is a sign of religion. It distinguishes a Muslim from an unbeliever. Then, cleanliness—and, therefore, ritual prayers— of the uncircumcised person are questionable. The skin may retain drops of urine. If left unwashed, ablution and prayer are incomplete. An uncircumcised man is not permitted to lead the prayers. Circumcision is the sunnah of ¶Hazrat Ibrªahªim and the Prophet was asked to adhere to the practice.108[48] ¶Hazrat Ibrªahªim was circumcised at the age of eighty years.109[49] He was the first person to perform circumcision. Circumcision is the sunnah of the Messengers;110[50] it is a sound natural disposition and a sign of Islam and obligatory on men. He who does not circumcise commits a sin. Is it necessary for women to be circumcised? According to the leading qualified jurists, circumcision is not obligatory on women; it is musta¶hib. According to one ruling of Imªam A¶hmad may Allah have mercy on him it is obligatory. However, according to the traditions, it is merely praiseworthy (istehbªab). [45] 105 A¶hmad [46] 106 ¶Harb. [47] 107 Bayhaqªi [48] 108 an-Na¶hl, 16: 123. [49] 109 Bukhªarªi and Muslim . [50] 110 Tirmizªi and A¶hmad. 42 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 51. When is circumcision obligatory? Circumcision of the boy is recommended before he attains maturity. It is advisable to do it with aqeeqah. At this age he does not suffer much pain. The question of his being shy does not arise, too. The Noble Messenger had the aqeeqah and circumcision of ¶Hasan and ¶Husain performed on the seventh day after their birth.111[51] The wisdom behind circumcision. It is the basis of inbred nature, a symbol of Islam, an indication of the law of the Lord, and the attainment of the true society.112[52] It distinguishes Muslims from the followers of other religions. It also indicates the submission to the injunctions of Allah and discharge of his commands. It ensures perfect cleanliness and tones down sensual desires. It prevents many illnesses. Dr ¶Sabri al Qabªanªi in his book, ‘Our Sexual Life’, lists the advantages of circumcision: · Man is relieved of the collection of harmful greasy matter and unpleasant dampness. · The tip of penis is not imprisoned. · He is immune from cancer of the penis. · If performed at an early age, the tendency to urinate in bed is checked. · The habit of masturbation is curbed. The foregoing instructions emphasise upon the guardians that attention must be paid to rearing the child right from its birth. They must go over every matter concerning the child. Observance of these injunctions guarantees the health of the child. When it opens its eyes, the child may find itself in a practising Muslim family, whose guideline is Islam and who comply with the rules of Shari‘ah. Thus, Islam establishes itself in the heart of the child. It strengthens the faith of the child. It encourages the child to be gentle, well mannered and pious. [51] 111 Bayhaqªi [52] 112 an-Na¶hl, 16:123. 43 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 52. Reference: extracted from book The upbringing of Children in Islam Tarbiyat-e-Aulad aur Islam Author: Late Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar Original book in Arabic by Sahikh Abdullah Naseh Alwan Publish by dar-ut-Tasneef Jamiat ul-Uloom Il-Islamiyyah allama Banuri Town Karachi English translation by Rafiq Abdur Rahman As-Sidq (The Truth) Montreal Canada, a Non-Profit Organization, Serving Islam http://www.as-sidq.org info@as-sidq.org Return to main page 44 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 53. Chapter 4 Disobedient behaviour in the child—its causes and remedy. Poverty, need and hunger. When a child finds around him poverty and hunger, want and despair, and he feels frustrated on not getting the necessities of life including his share of food and clothing, then he will go out to earn a livelihood. This is the time when he comes under the influence of criminals and immoral people. The equitable Shari‘ah of Islam ensures that all people receive food, clothing and housing, and that poverty and hunger are eradicated. It sees to it that people get opportunity to work and earn a livelihood. The handicapped obtain stipends from the Treasury. It aids the bread-earner. It looks after the orphans, the widows and the old people in such a way that they live honourably. The observance of its injunctions will free the society from recanting and criminal behaviour. The quarrelsome parents. When his parents are at loggerheads with each other, the child seeks to escape from this offensive surrounding. He then spends his time with his favourite friends. If these friends are evil, he too turns into a menace for the society. Islam has set guidelines for the selection of marriage partners. The pair may live in love and harmony. They may co-operate with each other and be safe from bickering. Divorce and the resultant poverty and hunger. Those children also deviate whose parents are divorced. When they do not find a loving mother and a caring father, the children tend to develop bad habits. When the divorced woman remarries, the children turn to misconduct. Generally, if she is poor, a divorced woman seeks employment leaving the young children unattended and free to roam about. The obnoxious atmosphere has a disagreeable effect on them turning them into delinquents. Islam enjoins upon both the spouses to give each other their rights and fulfil their obligations so that a detestable and blameworthy situation does not arise. These rights are: 1. A woman must obey her husband. Once, women sent a message to the Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him “Men participate in jihªad, If they die, they gain the status of a shaheed, otherwise that of a ghªazi. They earn reward and virtue and collect the booty too. We serve them; but, what do we attain?” He said, “Submission to the husband and fulfilment 45 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 54. of his rights are equal in reward and virtue to jihªad in the way of Allah. But very few women do it.”113[1] 2. She must look after the property of her husband and guard her chastity. There is a ¶hadªith to the effect: Shall I not reveal to you the best of the things a person can collect? It is a pious and righteous woman. When the husband looks towards her, she pleases him. When he asks her to do something, she obeys him. When he is not there, she protects his property and her own honour.114[2] 3. She should not refuse to comply when her husband calls her to his bed. According to a ¶hadªith: when a wife denies her husband this right and he passes the night displeased with her, the angels curse the woman until dawn.115[3] 4. A husband is responsible for the maintenance of his wife and children. Exactly this is the command of the Lord.116[4] Fear Allah concerning your wives because you have obtained them through the guarantee of Allah and it is through His words that they are lawful to you. It is your obligation to feed and clothe them according to custom.117[5] 5. A husband must consult his wife in matters relating to the home. The Holy Prophet may blessings of Allah and peace be on him has said, Consult them about (the marriage of) your children.118[6] 6. They must overlook each other’s weaknesses and defects. The Holy Prophet has said: No believer must bear malice toward a believing woman. If she has a trait that he dislikes, she may have some other quality that appeals to him.119[7] 7. A husband must treat his wife with kindness, humour her and live happily with her. Allah, the Exalted, has said: And live with them honourably; if you dislike them, perhaps you detest a thing and yet Allah has placed abundant good therein.120[8] The Holy Prophet has said: The best among you is he who treats his family kindly. I am better with my family than you [1] 113 Bazzªar and ¶Tabarªanªi. [2] 114 ibn Mªajah. [3] 115 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [4] 116 al-Baqarah, 2:233. [5] 117 Muslim. [6] 118 A¶hmad and abªu Dªawood. [7] 119 Muslim. [8] 120 an-Nisªa`, 4:19. 46 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 55. are.121[9] Once the Holy Prophet took ¶Hazrat Aishah to see the play of the Africans. He waited there with her for a long time.122[10] He would run with her, too. ¶Hazrat Umar often said, “In being kind and soft to his wife, a husband must be like a child; however, with others he must behave like a bold man.” 8. The husband must lend a hand in the household tasks. The Holy Prophet would engage himself in household chores. At times, he would cook the meat. Sometimes, he would sweep or clean the house.123[11] If the spouses guarantee these rights, they will never face disagreement and they will never quarrel. On the contrary, the entire family will be cited as an example of a group of a happy, loving people. However, if, because one of them is short-tempered and ill-mannered, they lack harmony and unity and it is difficult to live together, then the husband must not divorce his wife before he endeavours to reconcile and adopt the policies discussed in the next few lines. ? To give advice and counsel. ? To sleep on separate beds; this is an impulsive remedy that may soften his wife towards him. ? To give a simple beating provided it is beneficial to do so. The husband must see to it that the beating is so innocent that it is superficial only, leaving no marks on the body. He must not hit on areas where damage is possible. The face, the chest, the stomach and such parts must be avoided. However, do remember that the Holy Prophet never beat a woman.124[12] Once, a woman complained to him that her husband beat her. He said: A man among you beats his wife as though she were a slave-girl and then embraces her; he is not ashamed of himself.125[13] ? To appoint someone who may arbitrate between the two after listening to each of them. If they reconcile and unite, then it is commendable. The Noble Qur`ªan has ordered us accordingly.126[14] However, if the dispute persists, then he may give the woman the first [9] 121 ibn Mªajah and ¶Hªakim. [10] 122 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [11] 123 ¶Tabarªanªi. [12] 124 ibn Sa‘d. [13] 125 ibn Sa‘d. [14] 126 an-Nisªa`, 4:34-35. 47 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 56. divorce during the time she is free from menstruation and he has not had sexual intercourse with her. This will allow them to rejoin if they have second thoughts about separation.127[15] Islam expects us to adopt a sound approach to avert divorce whose consequences are very alarming. Divorce is in the one lawful act that invites the displeasure of Allah.128[16] A husband is under obligation to provide for his wife and children during her period of waiting after divorce so that she is not compelled to run from pillar to post for help.129[17] If he is poor, the government must bear their expenses and the rich must look after them and be kind to them.130[18] The affluent face a stern punishment and a strict accounting if they do not spend on the poor.131[19] The idle time of children and adolescents. Deviation and libertine behaviour may follow if ample idle time is available to the child and he has nothing to do. Guardians must be very careful about this. They must engage their wards in beneficial and gainful activities and urge them to offer ritual prayers. Apart from being an important form of worship, it is a physical exercise and a means to obtaining cleanliness and purity. Hence, when a child is seven years old, order him to offer his prayers and, when he is ten, punish him if he does not offer the prayers.132[20] Children may take part in exercises for jihªad and learn horse-riding, archery, swimming, jumping, boating, and similar sports. Encourage them to read useful books, write and deliver speeches, and keep physically fit. We are directed in the Qur`ªan to collect trained horses and ammunition to fight our foe.133[21] We find in a ¶hadªith: Consider health before ailment a boon.134[22] Our beloved Prophet has said: Learn archery and horsemanship. That you master archery is more dear to me than you learn horse-riding.135[23] Play is absurd but not marksmanship, taming horses, [15] 127 al-Baqarah, 2:230. [16] 128 abªu Dªawood and ibn Mªajah. [17] 129 al-Baqarah, 2:236. [18] 130 Muslim. [19] 131 ¶Tabarªanªi and Bazzªar. [20] 132 ¶Hªakim and abªu Dªawood. [21] 133 al-Anfªal, 8:60. [22] 134 ¶Hªakim and Bayhaqªi [23] 135 Nasªaªi and Tirmizªi. 48 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 57. amusing one’s wife, and to learn swimming.136[24] The display of one’s courage before the enemy invites the mercy of Allah.137[25] A strong believer is better than a feeble one and is dearer to Allah.138[26] Keep these Islamic rules in mind and train your children to be healthy and strong scholars of religion. Let them not be divergent, ill-mannered or defiant. Evil society and vulgar companions. The main cause of straying and defiance among children is evil and indecent companions. The influence of evil companions sets in faster and if the child is stupid, careless and unprincipled this is more marked because he idealises them in his actions. It becomes difficult to bring him back to senses. This is why we are directed to supervise the children. Particularly, we must keep an eye on adolescents— their manners, their company and their friends. We must find for them noble friends from whom they may learn good manners and may imitate them. The Noble Qur`ªan has directed us to keep away from evil company.139[27] We learn from a ¶hadªith that a person is on the religion of his friends. Therefore, we must observe him with whom we build a friendship.140[28] A good friend is like the owner of musk and a bad companion is as a blower of a kiln. The possessor of musk will gift you the musk or you will buy it from him, or you will benefit from its fragrant smell anyway. On the other hand, a kiln operator may burn your clothes; even if he does not, the unpleasant odour is your lot anyway.141[29] A person will be with him whom he has befriended and he will receive whatever he has earned.142[30] We are ordered to keep away from vile companions because they will get us into disrepute.143[31] Guardians must observe these principles so that their children turn out to be respectable members of the society and valuable assets for the Ummah, giving it proper guidance. [24] 136 ¶Tabarªanªi and ¶Hªakim. [25] 137 ibn Ishªaq and ibn Hishªam. [26] 138 Muslim. [27] 139 al-Furqªan, 25:27-29, Qªaf, 50:27, az-Zukhruf, 43:17. [28] 140 Tirmizªi. [29] 141 Bukhªarªi and Muslim. [30] 142 Tirmizªi. [31] 143 ibn Asªakir. 49 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 58. Ill-treatment of children by the parents. Experts in child training are unanimous that ill-treatment has an adverse influence on children. Parents must not be too strict and harsh with them. They must not beat and scold them or belittle them time and again. If a child is humiliated and teased habitually, then this will reflect in his habits and manners. His activities will be clouded with awe and fear. Sometimes, it may result in suicide, quarrelling with parents and murderous tendencies. To escape cruel treatment and beating, he may even run away from home. Such a child may turn out to be a criminal. Rebellion and immorality are prominent in such children. Islam advises parents and guardians that if they are civilised, tender and sympathetic to children, they will grow up as ideal youths. When children are given proper treatment, they grow up brave and confident and sense the respect and esteem given to them. Allah, the Exalted, has commanded that we be fair to relatives and be prepared to help them.144[32] He prefers that we control our temper, pardon others and condone their failures.145[33] Allah, the Exalted, likes that we be tender-hearted146[34] and declares hardness as a detestable characteristic.147[35] If kindness were personified, nothing would have been more beautiful than it. Conversely, if hardness and rigidity were in human form nothing could have been uglier.148[36] When you are compassionate to the children, they are obedient to you and you earn the mercy of Allah.149[37] If you are benevolent, you will be shown mercy.150[38] Therefore, be humane to them so that your children tread the right path. If you take up a wrong attitude with your children and are very strict and tyrannical with them and punish them severely, they will be disobedient and rebellious. You will have sown the seed of obstinacy in them. A man complained to ¶Hazrat Umar about his son’s disobedience. ¶Hazrat Umar summoned the boy and reprimanded him. “O Leader of the Faithful”, the boy said, “has the son no right over his father?” “Why not," was the reply. The boy asked, “What are those?” The Leader of the Faithful replied, “Select for him a good mother, give him a good name, teach him the [32] 144 an-Na¶hl, 16:90. [33] 145 ªAl Imrªan, 3:134. [34] 146 al-Baqarah, 2:83 and Bukhªarªi. [35] 147 ªAl Imrªan, 3:159. [36] 148 A¶hmad and Bayhaqªi. [37] 149 abªu Shaikh. [38] 150 abªu Dªawood and Tirmizªi. 50 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/
  • 59. Noble Qur`ªan...”. The boy interrupted, “My father has not given me any of these things. My mother is a Negro bond woman of a fire-worshipper. My name is Ja’l and it means ugly black. He has not taught me the Qur`ªan”. ¶Hazrat Umar turned towards the father and said, “You complained to me that your son was disobedient. Before he could be realise it, you pushed him to rebellion yourself. You were the first to treat him negligently”. Children are highly valued, loved ones and supporters of the parents. Parents are their sustainers and protectors — a comparison is drawn to the soft earth and the shade providing sky. If they request you for something, give it to them. If they are displeased, delight them. They will love you. Do not be very strict to them or they will be tired of you and may pray for deliverance from you.151[39] When children view sexual and criminal films. Criminal and vulgar films have inflamed moral bankruptcy and lewdness in the society. Men and women mix together carelessly. Boys and girls have deflected off course. The same evil influence is cast by trash magazines that amplify sensual narration. Both young and old are swayed by these periodicals. These thoughts are implanted in raw, young minds and they unwittingly act on them. The result is that neither can the admonition of parents rectify them nor can the education of teachers obliterate the evil from their minds. Islam has prescribed an excellent system and method for the training and correction of the children. These are: 1. Parents must keep children away from all that draws the anger of Allah against them. This is in conformity with the commands of Allah.152[40] 2. Parents and guardians must realise their duties and obligations in this respect. They will be questioned about it. 3. They must shelter the children from everything that is damaging to them and weakens their faith. Where Islam teaches us to protect ourselves from loss, it also instructs us not to cause damage to others.153[41] 4. They must screen the children from films and plays particularly those that lay emphasis on sex, violence and intrigue. They must protect them from trash reading material that ruins their character. [39] 151 al-A¶hnªaf advised Mu’ªawiyah in similar words when the latter sought his advice after being displeased with his son Yazªid. [40] 152 at-Ta¶hrªim, 64:6. [41] 153 Mªalik and ibn Mªajah. 51 http://islamicbookshub.wordpress.com/