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Social Media Strategy by Lissa Aderholdt
February 21, 2016
Table of Contents
1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Social Media Audit
• Website Traffic
• Audience Demographics
• Competitors
5. Social Media Objectives
6. Online Brand Persona and Voice
7. Strategies and Tools
8. Timing and Key Dates
9. Social Media Roles and Responsibilities
10. Social Media Policy
11. Critical Response Plan
12. Measurement and Reporting Results
Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Average Engagement Rate
Twitter twitter.com/starbucks 11.6 M 100+ tweets a week 58%
Facebook facebook.com/Starbucks/ 36,125,212 likes 3 - 5 posts a week 73%
Instagram instagram.com/starbucks/ 7.7m followers 7 posts a week 45%
LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/
659,478 followers 1 post a week 27%
Executive Summary
• Our major social media priorities for 2016 will be growing our online
following and community.
• The primary focus will be to support revenue goals through driving more
traffic to our website by sharing more engaging, relevant content and
building deeper relationships with our customers.
Two major social strategies will support this objective:
• A plan to continue the volume of content we are currently posting on our
social profiles.
• Encourage conversations and discoverability via our content.
Social Media AuditThe following is an audit of Starbucks’ social media presence to
date. It includes an assessment of all social networks, web traffic,
audience demographics, and a competitor analysis.
Social Media Assessment
Data as of February 14, 2016
Social Media Assessment:
At present time, the highest number of interactions per post occurs
on Facebook (engagement rate cannot be calculated at present
time.) A smaller amount of interactions occur on LinkedIn, however
closing of that channel should not be considered moving forward.
Source Volume
Percentage of Overall
Conversion Rate
Twitter 10,000 unique visits 40% 25.1%
Facebook 25,000 unique visits 60% 48.3%
Instagram 8,000 unique visits 30% 32.4%
LinkedIn 1,000 unique visits 15% 14.6%
Website Traffic Sources Assessment:
Timeframe: Monthly average, October 2016 to January 2016
Traffic Summary:
At present time, Facebook is by far the biggest driver of traffic to
our website. The conversion rate (conversion goal = ticket
purchase) lags slightly behind Twitter at 25.1% and 48.3%
respectively. A lot of social interactions occur on Instagram as
y Social
y Need
To have a full and
Commitment to
the highest
quality of coffee
in the world.
An overwhelming majority of survey respondents are
in the 18 - 30 age group. Facebook and Twitter are
their core social networks.
Good drinks, comfort, and a cozy environment are
primary motivators for visiting a Starbucks. Energies
should be dedicated to further developing better
content for Instagram and LinkedIn.
Audience Demographics Summary:
Audience Demographics Assessment
Survey distributed in June/July via email and upon visitor registration.
Total applicant responses: 1500
Competitor Name
Social Media
Strengths Weaknesses
Dunkin Donuts
Frequent visually distinct,
branded posts with a lot of
audience interaction. Each
photo is done in relation to a current event,
style frame, and it’s easily recognizable
as “DD”.
Dunkin has a significant history of lawsuits
with its franchiseses. The history of bad
relationships could be enough to deter
potential investors from entering the Dunkin
family. Also, the current layout of restaurants
suggests there is little room for the company
to grow in the Northeast, where the majority
of its sales come from.
mcdonalds or
Branded hashtag
#McCafe is used a lot by
visitors - good source of user
generated content.
Lots of scandals and customer reviews
saying how “McCafe”machines are routinely
neglected, in almost all McDonalds. All
“McCafe” beverages run through a dirty
machine. Many testimonials have come out
like this since McCafe has picked up in
Convenient machine to use at
home, various flavors, styles, and
drink choices. Little clean up,
innovative brewing technology from
the comfort of home.
Weak customer services, not able to give
a proper response to customer issues. K-
Cups can change in taste, taste different
than a freshly brewed cup of coffee and
tea. Recently, many scientists have come
forward to say how terrible K-Cups are for
the environment.
Competitor Assessment Summary:
The above analysis focused on three major competitors and a small local business with a strong social presence on Facebook, Instagram and
Twitter, respectively. High quality visual content is a major driver of engagement with their audiences, and the use
of a unique brand hashtag generates many brand mentions on Twitter. Areas where the competition has room for
improvement is centered around 2 way communication and listening to audience feedback.
1. Number of unique visitors from Facebook, Twitter and

2. Number of Instagram followers 

3. Number of weekly photo and video posts to 

Facebook and Instagram 

4. Sentiment analysis
Social Media Objectives
In 2016, the primary focus of our social media strategy will be to support revenue goals
by driving more traffic to our website from our social channels via new drinks, foods,
and new locations. In order to do so, our social media priorities will be growing our
online community by sharing more engaging, relevant content and building deeper
relationships with our customers.
Some specific objectives include:
1. Increase unique visitors from social properties to
website by 30% in 6 months via:
• Increased brand awareness through
increased mentions on Twitter
• Increased use of brand hashtags across all
social platforms
2. Increase Instagram followers by 5,000 in 6
3. Increase volume of visual content published on
Facebook and Instagram channels by 50% in 6

Key Messages
To inspire and nurture the human spirit –
one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.
Adjectives that describe our brand:
• Inspiring
• Nurturing
• Fun
• Bold
When interacting with customers we are:
• Encouraging
• Solution-oriented
• Kind
Online Brand Persona and Voice:
Strategies and ToolsPaid:
When interacting with customers we are:
• Encouraging, Solution-oriented, Friendly
• Every Friday boost most popular organic Facebook posts for the weekend. The post must have a minimum
organic reach of 75, as well as a minimum of 5,000 likes or 2,000 comments.
Keep using #Starbucks for company Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter posts. Encourage conversation,
promote idea-thinking, and work with more regram/shout-outs per week. Promote hashtag across all
social properties, as well as in email newsletters, but not printed promotional material.
When customers arrive to purchase items, mention the hashtag and encourage them to use it if they plan on
taking photos of their visit.
Monitor Twitter for keywords and terms: coffee, starbucks, starbuckscoffee, redcup, food, cometogether.
Partner with two celebrities and develop a promotional relationship. Co-develop a 2 part video series “Starbucks
Coffee = Bold” to be shared on partner site and social channels. Content to be re-posted to our social channels.
Approved Tools Rejected Tools Existing Subscriptions/Licenses
Hootsuite N/A Youtube Vimeo Photoshop
Holiday Dates
Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Summer, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Internal Events
September 25th - Pumpkin Spice Announcement
November 1st - Peppermint Mocha Announcement
Reporting Dates
Reporting will occur once a quarter in February, May, August and November. Precise dates TBA.
Timing and Key Dates
Social Media Roles and Responsibility
Social Media Manager - Lissa Aderholdt Social Media Coordinator - Sean Doolan
Mikaela Balzer (social ads support) Shannon Levy (customer support - social media)
Marketing Director - Layla Wright
Supporting Social Media Team Members
Social Media Policy
Social media is a deeply ingrained in our day to day lives. We use it
to spread company messages, interact with customers and partners,
and to share our personal activities, thoughts, ideas, plans and more.
As an employee and representative of Starbucks you are expected to
demonstrate best practices and a sense of etiquette in your use of
social by following some simple guidelines:
• Be respectful to all
• Use common sense
• Make customers happy
• Satisfy needs
• Don’t slag the competition
• Be excited about all company events or campaigns
• Spread word on personal networks
Starbucks is serious about the appropriate use of social media by our
Violation of the Starbucks social policy may result in corrective action, up
to, and including, termination. You may also be subject to legal action,
including criminal prosecution. The company also reserves the right to take
any further action it believes is appropriate.
Scenario 2 - Tweet/Hashtag Backfire
e.g. social media post did not go well with followers
Action Plan
1. Lindsay (owner) to alert Layla Wright (Marketing Director). 

2. Layla to sync with Lindsay and Lissa (Social Media Manager) and
evaluate the number of social media mentions of the situation. 

3. If media has picked up the incident, Layla to manage all direct
contact. If Layla is unavailable, Lindsay will manage all contact. 

4. Lissa to push messaging to social channel where the news broke
first. Continue to monitor the spread of the news to other social
channels and push messaging there as necessary. 

5. Layla and Lindsay to evaluate the need for a longer statement and
write one, if necessary. 

6. Layla, Lissa and Sean (Social Media Coordinator) to continue
monitoring the situation and bring others in as needed.
Pre-approved messaging:

Twitter: “We are deeply sorry if our tweet offended anyone, we are
evaluating the situation.”
Facebook: “We are deeply apologetic if our post offended anyone
today, we are looking more into the post and are evaluating the situation.
Thank you so much for your continued support.”
Critical Response PlanScenario 1 - Inappropriate Tweet Sent from
@Starbucks Action Plan
1. When Tweet is detected:

- Take screenshot (on Mac press: Command+Shift+ 3)

- Delete Tweet

- Alert Lissa Aderholdt (Social Media Manager). If Lissa
unavailable, alert Layla Wright (Marketing Director.) 

2. Lissa to sync with Layla to discuss impact and reach, and
evaluate further action. 

3. Lissa to develop appropriate follow up Tweet, Layla to

4. If media has picked up the Tweet, Layla to manage all direct
contact. If Layla is unavailable, Lindsay (Owner) will
manage all contact. 

5. Layla and Lissa to sync with employee responsible for
publishing the Tweet to see if disciplinary action is required. 

Pre-approved messaging:
Messaging will be dependant on the nature of the tweet -
to be developed by Lissa and Layla.
Source Volume
Percentage of
Overall Trace
Conversion Rate
20,000 unique visits
+ 30% growth 37% 15.3%
30,000 unique visits
+ 38% growths
63% 28.9%
15,000 unique visits
+26% growth
24% 6.7%
Quantitative KPIs
Reporting Period: 3 months Data as of March 1, 2015
Website Trace Sources Assessment
Timeframe: Monthly average, January 2015 to May 2015
Measurement and Reporting
Social Network URL Follower Count
Average Weekly
Engagement Rate
Twitter twitter.com/starbucks

+20% growth
25 posts per week +40%
Facebook facebook.com/starbucks

+35% growth
15 posts per week +60%
Instagram instagram.com/starbucks

+30% growth
15 posts per week +25%
average interactions per post =

+20% growth
2 post a day, no real change 15.6%
Qualitative KPIs
Sentiment Analysis
An analysis of the interactions on 100
Facebook posts, 100 Instagram posts and 100
Tweets revealed the following:
an abundance of positive sentiment from
customers following their visit. This includes
shout outs, sharing photos and stories of their
experience and recommendation of the park to
their friends/followers.
the biggest driver of negative sentiment is
related to pricing. Customers express
frustration about the price point of drinks/foods.
Proposed Action Items
Continue #Starbucks Campaign

Consider #StarbucksTogether
campaign to gift 50 gift cards to
social followers/community members
in the run up till summer.

Prepare a mission statement and
content strategy for LinkedIn for the
upcoming hiring season.
Social Network Data
Timeframe: as of February 1, 2015
Our Instagram following has grown by 15,000 in 3 months, on track to hit the target of 40,000 followers in a 6 month
timeframe. It’s important to note that the average interactions per post have increased by 55% from 325 to 550.
The social content team has done a remarkable job of curating and creating great visual content. We have far surpassed
our goal of increasing visual content by 40% in 6 months on Facebook and Instagram and achieved a 300% increase on
both channels. A key tactic to this growth has been our ability to track user generated content with the #Starbucks
hashtag and share it on our networks. This content is received very well within our community.
We elected to keep LinkedIn open to serve the upcoming Spring/Summer hiring season. A greater focus on developing
company culture-centered content for this channel should be considered. Some assets created for our Facebook and
Instagram channels may be repurposed here.
Between November 1, 2014
and November 1, 2015 the
hashtag was mentioned over
31.5 million times on Twitter
and 25.6 million times on
Thank you for watching!

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Starbucks: Project 1: Social Media Stratgey

  • 1. Social Media Strategy by Lissa Aderholdt February 21, 2016
  • 2. Table of Contents 1. Cover Page 2. Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary 4. Social Media Audit • Website Traffic • Audience Demographics • Competitors 5. Social Media Objectives 6. Online Brand Persona and Voice 7. Strategies and Tools 8. Timing and Key Dates 9. Social Media Roles and Responsibilities 10. Social Media Policy 11. Critical Response Plan 12. Measurement and Reporting Results
  • 3. Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Average Engagement Rate (interactions/reach) Twitter twitter.com/starbucks 11.6 M 100+ tweets a week 58% Facebook facebook.com/Starbucks/ 36,125,212 likes 3 - 5 posts a week 73% Instagram instagram.com/starbucks/ 7.7m followers 7 posts a week 45% LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/ starbucks 659,478 followers 1 post a week 27% Executive Summary • Our major social media priorities for 2016 will be growing our online following and community. • The primary focus will be to support revenue goals through driving more traffic to our website by sharing more engaging, relevant content and building deeper relationships with our customers. Two major social strategies will support this objective: • A plan to continue the volume of content we are currently posting on our social profiles. • Encourage conversations and discoverability via our content.
  • 4. Social Media AuditThe following is an audit of Starbucks’ social media presence to date. It includes an assessment of all social networks, web traffic, audience demographics, and a competitor analysis. Social Media Assessment Data as of February 14, 2016 Social Media Assessment: At present time, the highest number of interactions per post occurs on Facebook (engagement rate cannot be calculated at present time.) A smaller amount of interactions occur on LinkedIn, however closing of that channel should not be considered moving forward.
  • 5. Source Volume Percentage of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate Twitter 10,000 unique visits 40% 25.1% Facebook 25,000 unique visits 60% 48.3% Instagram 8,000 unique visits 30% 32.4% LinkedIn 1,000 unique visits 15% 14.6% Website Traffic Sources Assessment: Timeframe: Monthly average, October 2016 to January 2016 Traffic Summary: At present time, Facebook is by far the biggest driver of traffic to our website. The conversion rate (conversion goal = ticket purchase) lags slightly behind Twitter at 25.1% and 48.3% respectively. A lot of social interactions occur on Instagram as well.
  • 6. Age Distributi on Gender Distributi on Primary Social Network Secondar y Social Network Primary Need Secondar y Need 50% (18-30) 55% Female 40% Instagram To have a full and rewarding coffeehouse experience. Commitment to the highest quality of coffee in the world. 20% (31-40) 58% Female 45% Male 20% Facebook 20% (41-55) 43% Male 50% Faceboo k 20% Twitter 10% (56-80) 30% Instagram 15% Twitter An overwhelming majority of survey respondents are in the 18 - 30 age group. Facebook and Twitter are their core social networks. Good drinks, comfort, and a cozy environment are primary motivators for visiting a Starbucks. Energies should be dedicated to further developing better content for Instagram and LinkedIn. Audience Demographics Summary: Audience Demographics Assessment Survey distributed in June/July via email and upon visitor registration. Total applicant responses: 1500
  • 7. Competitor Name Social Media Profile Strengths Weaknesses Dunkin Donuts facebook.com/ DunkinDonuts Frequent visually distinct, branded posts with a lot of audience interaction. Each photo is done in relation to a current event, style frame, and it’s easily recognizable as “DD”. Dunkin has a significant history of lawsuits with its franchiseses. The history of bad relationships could be enough to deter potential investors from entering the Dunkin family. Also, the current layout of restaurants suggests there is little room for the company to grow in the Northeast, where the majority of its sales come from. McDonald’s/McCafe twitter.com/ mcdonalds or twitter.com/mccafe Branded hashtag #McCafe is used a lot by visitors - good source of user generated content. Lots of scandals and customer reviews saying how “McCafe”machines are routinely neglected, in almost all McDonalds. All “McCafe” beverages run through a dirty machine. Many testimonials have come out like this since McCafe has picked up in popularity. Keurig instagram.com/ keurig Convenient machine to use at home, various flavors, styles, and drink choices. Little clean up, innovative brewing technology from the comfort of home. Weak customer services, not able to give a proper response to customer issues. K- Cups can change in taste, taste different than a freshly brewed cup of coffee and tea. Recently, many scientists have come forward to say how terrible K-Cups are for the environment. Competitor Assessment Summary: The above analysis focused on three major competitors and a small local business with a strong social presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, respectively. High quality visual content is a major driver of engagement with their audiences, and the use of a unique brand hashtag generates many brand mentions on Twitter. Areas where the competition has room for improvement is centered around 2 way communication and listening to audience feedback.
  • 8. KPIs 1. Number of unique visitors from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 
 2. Number of Instagram followers 
 3. Number of weekly photo and video posts to 
 Facebook and Instagram 
 4. Sentiment analysis Social Media Objectives In 2016, the primary focus of our social media strategy will be to support revenue goals by driving more traffic to our website from our social channels via new drinks, foods, and new locations. In order to do so, our social media priorities will be growing our online community by sharing more engaging, relevant content and building deeper relationships with our customers. Some specific objectives include: 1. Increase unique visitors from social properties to website by 30% in 6 months via: • Increased brand awareness through increased mentions on Twitter • Increased use of brand hashtags across all social platforms 2. Increase Instagram followers by 5,000 in 6 months. 3. Increase volume of visual content published on Facebook and Instagram channels by 50% in 6 months. 
 Key Messages To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.
  • 9. Adjectives that describe our brand: • Inspiring • Nurturing • Fun • Bold When interacting with customers we are: • Encouraging • Solution-oriented • Kind Online Brand Persona and Voice:
  • 10. Strategies and ToolsPaid: When interacting with customers we are: • Encouraging, Solution-oriented, Friendly • Every Friday boost most popular organic Facebook posts for the weekend. The post must have a minimum organic reach of 75, as well as a minimum of 5,000 likes or 2,000 comments. Owned: Keep using #Starbucks for company Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter posts. Encourage conversation, promote idea-thinking, and work with more regram/shout-outs per week. Promote hashtag across all social properties, as well as in email newsletters, but not printed promotional material. When customers arrive to purchase items, mention the hashtag and encourage them to use it if they plan on taking photos of their visit. Earned: Monitor Twitter for keywords and terms: coffee, starbucks, starbuckscoffee, redcup, food, cometogether. Partner with two celebrities and develop a promotional relationship. Co-develop a 2 part video series “Starbucks Coffee = Bold” to be shared on partner site and social channels. Content to be re-posted to our social channels. Tools Approved Tools Rejected Tools Existing Subscriptions/Licenses Hootsuite N/A Youtube Vimeo Photoshop
  • 11. Holiday Dates Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Summer, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Internal Events September 25th - Pumpkin Spice Announcement November 1st - Peppermint Mocha Announcement Reporting Dates Reporting will occur once a quarter in February, May, August and November. Precise dates TBA. Timing and Key Dates
  • 12. Social Media Roles and Responsibility Social Media Manager - Lissa Aderholdt Social Media Coordinator - Sean Doolan Mikaela Balzer (social ads support) Shannon Levy (customer support - social media) Marketing Director - Layla Wright Supporting Social Media Team Members
  • 13. Social Media Policy Social media is a deeply ingrained in our day to day lives. We use it to spread company messages, interact with customers and partners, and to share our personal activities, thoughts, ideas, plans and more. As an employee and representative of Starbucks you are expected to demonstrate best practices and a sense of etiquette in your use of social by following some simple guidelines: • Be respectful to all • Use common sense • Make customers happy • Satisfy needs • Don’t slag the competition • Be excited about all company events or campaigns • Spread word on personal networks Starbucks is serious about the appropriate use of social media by our employees. Violation of the Starbucks social policy may result in corrective action, up to, and including, termination. You may also be subject to legal action, including criminal prosecution. The company also reserves the right to take any further action it believes is appropriate.
  • 14. Scenario 2 - Tweet/Hashtag Backfire e.g. social media post did not go well with followers Action Plan 1. Lindsay (owner) to alert Layla Wright (Marketing Director). 
 2. Layla to sync with Lindsay and Lissa (Social Media Manager) and evaluate the number of social media mentions of the situation. 
 3. If media has picked up the incident, Layla to manage all direct contact. If Layla is unavailable, Lindsay will manage all contact. 
 4. Lissa to push messaging to social channel where the news broke first. Continue to monitor the spread of the news to other social channels and push messaging there as necessary. 
 5. Layla and Lindsay to evaluate the need for a longer statement and write one, if necessary. 
 6. Layla, Lissa and Sean (Social Media Coordinator) to continue monitoring the situation and bring others in as needed. Pre-approved messaging:
 Twitter: “We are deeply sorry if our tweet offended anyone, we are evaluating the situation.” Facebook: “We are deeply apologetic if our post offended anyone today, we are looking more into the post and are evaluating the situation. Thank you so much for your continued support.” Critical Response PlanScenario 1 - Inappropriate Tweet Sent from @Starbucks Action Plan 1. When Tweet is detected:
 - Take screenshot (on Mac press: Command+Shift+ 3)
 - Delete Tweet
 - Alert Lissa Aderholdt (Social Media Manager). If Lissa unavailable, alert Layla Wright (Marketing Director.) 
 2. Lissa to sync with Layla to discuss impact and reach, and evaluate further action. 
 3. Lissa to develop appropriate follow up Tweet, Layla to approve. 
 4. If media has picked up the Tweet, Layla to manage all direct contact. If Layla is unavailable, Lindsay (Owner) will manage all contact. 
 5. Layla and Lissa to sync with employee responsible for publishing the Tweet to see if disciplinary action is required. 
 Pre-approved messaging: NO PRE-APPROVED MESSAGING IN THIS SCENARIO Messaging will be dependant on the nature of the tweet - to be developed by Lissa and Layla.
  • 15. Source Volume Percentage of Overall Trace Conversion Rate Twitter 20,000 unique visits + 30% growth 37% 15.3% Facebook 30,000 unique visits + 38% growths 63% 28.9% Instagram 15,000 unique visits +26% growth 24% 6.7% Quantitative KPIs Reporting Period: 3 months Data as of March 1, 2015 Website Trace Sources Assessment Timeframe: Monthly average, January 2015 to May 2015 Measurement and Reporting
  • 16. Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Engagement Rate Twitter twitter.com/starbucks 11.6M
 +20% growth 25 posts per week +40% increase 86% Facebook facebook.com/starbucks 36.1M
 +35% growth 15 posts per week +60% increase 94% Instagram instagram.com/starbucks 7.7M
 +30% growth 15 posts per week +25% increase average interactions per post = 500 LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/ starbucks 661,348 followers
 +20% growth 2 post a day, no real change 15.6% Qualitative KPIs Sentiment Analysis An analysis of the interactions on 100 Facebook posts, 100 Instagram posts and 100 Tweets revealed the following: an abundance of positive sentiment from customers following their visit. This includes shout outs, sharing photos and stories of their experience and recommendation of the park to their friends/followers. the biggest driver of negative sentiment is related to pricing. Customers express frustration about the price point of drinks/foods. Proposed Action Items Continue #Starbucks Campaign
 Consider #StarbucksTogether campaign to gift 50 gift cards to social followers/community members in the run up till summer.
 Prepare a mission statement and content strategy for LinkedIn for the upcoming hiring season. Social Network Data Timeframe: as of February 1, 2015 Our Instagram following has grown by 15,000 in 3 months, on track to hit the target of 40,000 followers in a 6 month timeframe. It’s important to note that the average interactions per post have increased by 55% from 325 to 550. The social content team has done a remarkable job of curating and creating great visual content. We have far surpassed our goal of increasing visual content by 40% in 6 months on Facebook and Instagram and achieved a 300% increase on both channels. A key tactic to this growth has been our ability to track user generated content with the #Starbucks hashtag and share it on our networks. This content is received very well within our community. We elected to keep LinkedIn open to serve the upcoming Spring/Summer hiring season. A greater focus on developing company culture-centered content for this channel should be considered. Some assets created for our Facebook and Instagram channels may be repurposed here. #Starbucks Hashtag Performance Between November 1, 2014 and November 1, 2015 the hashtag was mentioned over 31.5 million times on Twitter and 25.6 million times on Instagram.
  • 17. Thank you for watching!