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BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic
What is CULTURE?
A set of shared beliefs, values and practices.
A great culture helps
attract great people.
Culture is to recruiting as
product is to marketing.
Customers are more easily attracted
with a great product.
Talent is more easily attracted
with a great culture.
A great culture helps
people deliver
their best work.
You’re standing in it.
Whether we plan it or not,
culture will happen.
Reed Hastings and Patty McCord
BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic
People have
changed how they work.
FOCUS Pension Purpose
NEED Good Boss Great
HOURS 9-5 Whenever
WORKPLACE Office Wherever
TENURE Whole Career Whatever
And although
people have
operate as if
they’re frozen
in time.
They operate as if money
matters most…
…and as if amazing
people are just happy
to just have a job.
We like to see ourselves as
different from the rest...
BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic
Well, to start with…
banking with heart is not just a
bunch of words on the wall.
It’s core to our philosophy of putting
our members first and
how we differentiate ourselves.
It’s also a very BIG promise!
One not to be taken lightly.
We have vision,
They drive our culture by describing our
who we are and who we aspire to be.
purpose and
Our culture is so important to us that we
drew it on a huge culture roadmap…
Our shared vision gives us focus on
what we do for our members...
…with very specific targets.
Our shared purpose gives us focus on
why we do it...
Our five shared values were
developed by our team members.
They describe who we are
and how we operate.
That sounds like banking with to us.
BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic
To achieve we need our own culture
and unique values
We measure ourselves
against our own greatest work.
We strive for the next stage of our
development and own it.
We never compromise
on quality.
And we take the time to recognise
and celebrate each other’s
Great work deserves
great reward.
We regularly recognise people
who go above and beyond in
as well as those ‘unsung heroes’
representing our values.
To achieve we need our own culture
and unique values
We constantly question the
status quo.
We’d rather be failing frequently
than never trying new things.
Innovation is not run by a committee at BankVic.
It’s a philosophy.
We are all innovators.
We direct our experience and passion into designing
new banking with heart experiences.
We make innovation happen by collaborating in cross
functional teams to see our ideas through to fruition.
To achieve we need our own culture
and unique values
We are committed to open and transparent,
two-way communication.
…and we communicate often.
We share (almost) everything
We make uncommon amounts of
information available to
everyone in the company.
We have open access to
anyone in the company.
No permission needed.
All doors are open.
The intent behind all of this
transparency is to support
smarter and better decisions.
Just because someone made a mistake
years ago doesn’t mean we need a policy.
We don’t penalise the many
for the mistakes of the few.
We only protect against big stuff.
We don’t
have pages of
policies and
Instead, we have a 3-word policy on
just about everything.
Results matter more
than the hours
we work.
Results matter more
than how much
vacation we take.
To achieve we need our own culture
and unique values
When someone needs help,
we put our hands up.
Because of our connection to our members,
we see ourselves as
part of our member
We regularly offer our money, time, energy
and support them
wherever we can.
Being instinctively generous also applies to
how we work together.
We make ourselves available to help each
other get things done.
To achieve we need our own culture
and unique values
We create the right environment
where people can thrive.
And we bring in more of the
right people.
Why is this important?
Remember what we said
about great culture as a
recruiting tool…?
Compromising on culture is
mortgaging our future.
It’s reasonable to want to hire just for skills when
the need for help is painfully acute.
It’s reasonable. But it’s also wrong.
The interest rate on culture debt is crushingly high.
So, we are unreasonably
picky about our peers…
We don’t just believe in
banking with heart,
we bet on it.
There are 5 attributes
that we value in people…
Transparent and open with others and
with themselves
Has the Ex-factor
Excels in their efforts to
get sh*t done
Measurably impacts results
Immeasurably adds value
Stands by their work
Champions the team
Hero’s the business
Embraces change with
a Teflon attitude
Collaborates by default and
nurtures the success of others
We want people
with heart.
We try hard
not to hire
these people.
(but never hard enough)
Does this mean we only accept
those that match our
5 attributes perfectly?
No. Confucious has good advice here…
“Better a diamond with a flaw
than a pebble without.”
BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic
Our culture is not perfect
for everyone.
We are not a utopian
We have issues...
We are growing…
And because things are moving fast
and changing constantly, it feels
It feels chaotic often
it is chaotic.
And because ‘banking with
heart’ is such a big promise,
we still need to examine what that
means to us and how we make it true.
We need to be prepared to address
where we fall down.
BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic
Overall, we love it here.
Better imperfect than perfectly average.
AND…the more care and energy we put into
building and maintaining a great working
experience for our people, the better it gets.
By creating a culture that our people
can be proud of,
where work is engaging
and fun…
…word gets around about us
and our great culture.
Too many applicants.
Banging down our door.
They want to work here.
More experience.
More diversity.
The best of the best!
At BankVic we bring more of our
authentic selves to work.
and operate with others like us.
Where we can communicate
Where we work as one fiercely united
team to provide what we call…
…a banking with heart experience
for our members.
BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic
BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic

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BankVic Culture - The Beat of BankVic