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Watch the live recording of this
webinar to see Daniel Burstein,
Director of Editorial Content,
interview Todd Wilms, Head of Social
Business Strategy, SAP and answer
questions from the audience!
Watch the live recording!
Access our other webinars
How SAP replicated its successful social media
processes across the globe
Operationalizing Social Media:
Join the conversation
Daniel Burstein
Director of Editorial Content
Todd Wilms
Head of Social Business Strategy
Todd Wilms, Head of Business Strategy, SAP
Todd Wilms is currently the Head of Social Business
Strategy for SAP.
He is responsible for helping SAP and their 65,000
employees world-wide utilize social and digital tools and
technologies to better meet the needs of their customers
and the marketplace.
A 20 year marketer, Wilms has held executive product and
marketing leadership roles with some of the world’s best
known brands like eBay, PayPal, Citrix, PeopleSoft, and
agency George P. Johnson.
He is an avid writer, and is currently writing on Forbes and
other major media publication. He lives in the bay area
with a wife, two small boys and is currently seriously
considering getting a dog.
• Video of Todd Wilms' B2B Summit 2011 Session - How SAP replicated its successful
social media practices across the globe –
• Operationalizing Social Media: How SAP replicated its successful social media
practices across the globe – http://www.marketingsherpa.com/video/social-
• B2B Summit 2011: 5 takeaways on social media, lead generation, building a
customer-centric approach, and more –
• Social Media Marketing: How SAP identifies and replicates successful tactics across
a global company– http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/how-to/how-sap-
• Think Social, Act Personal – http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2013/01/21/think-
• Who are the Best Marketers? –
Further Resources
• 716,000 fans
The social DNA of SAP
• 270,000 followers • 553,000 followers
• 1.46 million video
SAP Community Network:
•2,500,000 members
•20,000 new posts per month
•4,000 new blog posts per day
SAP Social Engagement in 2012:
•140,000 likes, comments, retweets, etc.
•1,400,000 clicks
• 716,000 fans
The social DNA of SAP
• 270,000 followers • 553,000 followers
• 1.46 million video
SAP Community Network:
•2,500,000 members
•20,000 new posts per month
•4,000 new blog posts per day
SAP Social Engagement in 2012:
•140,000 likes, comments, retweets, etc.
•1,400,000 clicks
Facebook has 716,000
fans combined
• 716,000 fans
The social DNA of SAP
• 270,000 followers • 553,000 followers
• 1.46 million video
SAP Community Network:
•2,500,000 members
•20,000 new posts per month
•4,000 new blog posts per day
SAP Social Engagement in 2012:
140,000 likes, comments, retweets, etc.
1,400,000 clicks
SAP’s challenge
Understanding how social media works around
the world
Can’t be viewed in many areas
of the world
There is a difference in
What it is you want to
It comes down to empathy…
Where is your
How do I engage with
SAP’s challenge
Understanding how social media works around
the world
SAP’s challengeQuestion from #SherpaWebinar
Any thoughts on
how to drive email
newsletter sign-
ups through social
Activities that use social media, social software
and social networks to enable the more
efficient, effective and mutually useful
connection between people, information and
assets. These connections can drive business
decisions, actions and outcomes across the
What is social business?
– MIT Sloan School of Management
SAP in Social Business
Sales team
“If you’re not there,
someone else is taking your
customers from you.”
– Todd Wilms
This allows teams to have impactful,
late-stage conversation, enabling them
to achieve greater results and engage
with more customers.
B2B Social Media: SAP Latin America boosts
followers 900% [Part I]: http://bit.ly/164Qm2y
B2B Social Media: SAP Latin America boosts
followers 900% [Part II]: http://bit.ly/13gyo8U
Case Study
SAP in Social Business
Sales team
SAP found by utilizing social business
techniques, customers are now
more informed when they engage
with a sales person.
• SAP team focused on Slovakia Banking, which had its own social media
presence with a small following
• Consolidated into a SAP Finance Channel to promote many conversations
and cross-educate on topics
• Steering people away from “small microcosms” and toward broader
Example: SAP Slovakia Banking
Overly specific, alienating
and dividing audiences
Unifying, bringing in people
of diverse interests
Example: Latin America
SAP’s challengeEmpathy and Research
What is our goal?
What are we trying to do?
Where are we trying to grow?
Where are the people?
Example: Latin America
34 different social
media accounts
with no real
Language is important, not country
20% Promotional material vis-à-vis
80% value added info
4 Facebook accounts
4 Twitter accounts
2 LinkedIn accounts
Consolidate to engage with a wider
audience, create good content,
24 accounts shut down over 6
No real strategy
Visit MECLABS.com/LG
Todd Wilms
Head of Social Strategy
Adriel Sanchez
VP, Demand Generation
Save $300
Before July 31
www.act-on.com | @ActOnSoftware | #ActOnSW
Next Steps
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Call: 1 (877) 530-1555
Email: sales@act-on.com
Sign up for a demo
Across SAP’s 233 global Twitter
accounts, @SAPBrasil is ranked
number 10 in followers and
engagement. @SAPLatinAmerica
is number 19.
Example: Latin America
Latin American subscribers to
SAP’s internal social media
community has increased 25%.
A campaign featuring a social app
targeting specific buying centers
drove over 12,000 visitors and a
15% engagement rate.
Across SAP’s 112 global Facebook
accounts, SAP Latinoamerica
ranks number four, and SAP Brasil
ranks number five.
For SAP Latin America, one year after implementing a formal social media strategy, the
metrics show the value in an organized social effort:
From February to December
2012, followers on external
social media sites grew from
just over 10,000 to close to
95,000. That number is now
over 100,000, an overall lift of
Across the region, there is a
17% interaction rate.
Creative Sample: Pinterest
Know yourself
Develop replicable best practices
Develop the framework for your programs
Develop the right goals
and objectives
Sell up and down into
the organization
Find your audience
(social listening)
Set the right goals
and set them early
Think “long-term”
for social
Know that “social” is
not the answer to
every question
Review your social history
The Lesson: Realistically gauge the resources you have and the resources
you need before launching.
Review your history
Identify the right mix of
strategy, tactics and channels Learn from mistakes
Replicate process everywhere
Recruit Help
Adjust and focus
programs that
have already been
Produce a
content strategy
and editorial
Distribute legal
and branding
Devise a cohesive
Identify the
talents on your
Save your
Tweak/launch pilots
Social media is part of the self-educated customer
Shopping cart?
How do customers get to
the shopping cart?
of the world’s athletic
>86% >79%
of the world’s
chocolate production
of the world’s
households use energy
more responsibly with
Smart Grid solutions
people work more
safely using People
Safety solutions
of the world’s
beer production
of the world’s
packages couriered
Over 65,000 employees in 128 countries provide . . .
SAP customer facts…
55%of marketers said “Developing a methodical social
marketing strategy.”
Only 19%of organizations
have a formal process for
developing a social strategy.
What are the most frustrating challenges to social
media marketing effectiveness?
• 73% of sales reps who use social selling techniques met their quota in 2012,
whereas “non-social” reps meeting quota ranged from 43% down to 15%
• Revenues from customers engaged in social communities are 19% higher
than non-social customers (IDC)
Why is social media important?
Reach customers primarily
through social means
Social selling attributed to …
McKinsey 2013 McKinsey 2013
To make:
•47 products
•28 industries
•128 countries
successful in the social media world.
SAP’s challenge
Benefits of a Social Business Strategy
Effectively engage customers
Establish an efficient model
when, where and how they want
for engaging customers
Improve insight
into audience needs
Create mutually beneficial
long-lasting relationships
Time Warner drove
a 605% increase in
job seekers in just
two months using
social recruiting
(with Success
Starbucks drove
157,000 new
product ideas from
its social
Results of Social Business
Dell’s social-selling
initiative drove
$200 million in new
revenue in 18
Capital One drove
time-to-service of its
supplier network
from days to minutes
using collaborative
Company Outcomes
Digital culture
across the
governance and
training for
Identify “high-
impact” areas of
the business to
focus for “quick
Define tools and
technology to enable
More nimble,
Relevant content
creation and

More Related Content

Social Media: How one company operationalized social for replicated worldwide success

  • 1. Watch the live recording of this webinar to see Daniel Burstein, Director of Editorial Content, interview Todd Wilms, Head of Social Business Strategy, SAP and answer questions from the audience! Watch the live recording! Access our other webinars
  • 2. How SAP replicated its successful social media processes across the globe Operationalizing Social Media:
  • 4. Daniel Burstein Director of Editorial Content MECLABS @DanielBurstein Todd Wilms Head of Social Business Strategy SAP @ToddMWilms Presenters
  • 5. @ToddMWilms Todd Wilms, Head of Business Strategy, SAP Todd Wilms is currently the Head of Social Business Strategy for SAP. He is responsible for helping SAP and their 65,000 employees world-wide utilize social and digital tools and technologies to better meet the needs of their customers and the marketplace. A 20 year marketer, Wilms has held executive product and marketing leadership roles with some of the world’s best known brands like eBay, PayPal, Citrix, PeopleSoft, and agency George P. Johnson. He is an avid writer, and is currently writing on Forbes and other major media publication. He lives in the bay area with a wife, two small boys and is currently seriously considering getting a dog.
  • 6. • Video of Todd Wilms' B2B Summit 2011 Session - How SAP replicated its successful social media practices across the globe – http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/presentation/video-todd-wilms-b2b- summit • Operationalizing Social Media: How SAP replicated its successful social media practices across the globe – http://www.marketingsherpa.com/video/social- media-todd-wilms • B2B Summit 2011: 5 takeaways on social media, lead generation, building a customer-centric approach, and more – http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/wrap-up/5-takeaways-on-social-media • Social Media Marketing: How SAP identifies and replicates successful tactics across a global company– http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/how-to/how-sap- identifies-replicates-successful • Think Social, Act Personal – http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2013/01/21/think- social-act-personal/ • Who are the Best Marketers? – http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2013/04/22/who-are-the-best-marketers/ Further Resources
  • 7. • 716,000 fans (combined) The social DNA of SAP • 270,000 followers • 553,000 followers (combined) • 1.46 million video views SAP Community Network: •2,500,000 members •20,000 new posts per month •4,000 new blog posts per day • 77,000 views SAP Social Engagement in 2012: •140,000 likes, comments, retweets, etc. •1,400,000 clicks
  • 8. • 716,000 fans (combined) The social DNA of SAP • 270,000 followers • 553,000 followers (combined) • 1.46 million video views SAP Community Network: •2,500,000 members •20,000 new posts per month •4,000 new blog posts per day • 77,000 views SAP Social Engagement in 2012: •140,000 likes, comments, retweets, etc. •1,400,000 clicks Facebook has 716,000 fans combined
  • 9. • 716,000 fans (combined) The social DNA of SAP • 270,000 followers • 553,000 followers (combined) • 1.46 million video views SAP Community Network: •2,500,000 members •20,000 new posts per month •4,000 new blog posts per day • 77,000 views SAP Social Engagement in 2012: 140,000 likes, comments, retweets, etc. 1,400,000 clicks
  • 10. SAP’s challenge Understanding how social media works around the world Can’t be viewed in many areas of the world There is a difference in promotions…
  • 11. What it is you want to accomplish? It comes down to empathy… Where is your audience? How do I engage with them?
  • 12. SAP’s challenge Understanding how social media works around the world ACT LOCALLY
  • 13. SAP’s challengeQuestion from #SherpaWebinar Jeff Any thoughts on how to drive email newsletter sign- ups through social media?
  • 14. Activities that use social media, social software and social networks to enable the more efficient, effective and mutually useful connection between people, information and assets. These connections can drive business decisions, actions and outcomes across the enterprise. What is social business? – MIT Sloan School of Management “ ”
  • 15. SAP in Social Business Sales team “If you’re not there, someone else is taking your customers from you.” – Todd Wilms This allows teams to have impactful, late-stage conversation, enabling them to achieve greater results and engage with more customers.
  • 16. B2B Social Media: SAP Latin America boosts followers 900% [Part I]: http://bit.ly/164Qm2y B2B Social Media: SAP Latin America boosts followers 900% [Part II]: http://bit.ly/13gyo8U Case Study
  • 17. SAP in Social Business Sales team SAP found by utilizing social business techniques, customers are now more informed when they engage with a sales person.
  • 18. • SAP team focused on Slovakia Banking, which had its own social media presence with a small following • Consolidated into a SAP Finance Channel to promote many conversations and cross-educate on topics • Steering people away from “small microcosms” and toward broader communities Example: SAP Slovakia Banking Before: Overly specific, alienating and dividing audiences After: Unifying, bringing in people of diverse interests
  • 20. SAP’s challengeEmpathy and Research What is our goal? What are we trying to do? Where are we trying to grow? Where are the people?
  • 21. Example: Latin America 34 different social media accounts with no real strategy Language is important, not country 20% Promotional material vis-à-vis 80% value added info 4 Facebook accounts 4 Twitter accounts 2 LinkedIn accounts Consolidate to engage with a wider audience, create good content, educate 24 accounts shut down over 6 months No real strategy
  • 22. Visit MECLABS.com/LG Agenda Announcement Todd Wilms Head of Social Strategy SAP Adriel Sanchez VP, Demand Generation SAP Save $300 Before July 31
  • 23. www.act-on.com | @ActOnSoftware | #ActOnSW Next Steps Need it today Call: 1 (877) 530-1555 Email: sales@act-on.com Sign up for a demo www.act-on.com
  • 24. Across SAP’s 233 global Twitter accounts, @SAPBrasil is ranked number 10 in followers and engagement. @SAPLatinAmerica is number 19. Example: Latin America Latin American subscribers to SAP’s internal social media community has increased 25%. A campaign featuring a social app targeting specific buying centers drove over 12,000 visitors and a 15% engagement rate. Across SAP’s 112 global Facebook accounts, SAP Latinoamerica ranks number four, and SAP Brasil ranks number five. RESULTS For SAP Latin America, one year after implementing a formal social media strategy, the metrics show the value in an organized social effort: From February to December 2012, followers on external social media sites grew from just over 10,000 to close to 95,000. That number is now over 100,000, an overall lift of 900%. Across the region, there is a 17% interaction rate.
  • 26. Know yourself Sellupanddowninto theorganization Knowthat“socialisnot theanswertoevery question” Develop replicable best practices Develop the framework for your programs Develop the right goals and objectives Sell up and down into the organization Find your audience (social listening) Set the right goals and set them early Think “long-term” for social Know that “social” is not the answer to every question
  • 27. Review your social history The Lesson: Realistically gauge the resources you have and the resources you need before launching. Review your history Identify the right mix of strategy, tactics and channels Learn from mistakes Strategy
  • 29. Adjust and focus programs that have already been established Produce a content strategy and editorial calendar Distribute legal and branding guidelines Devise a cohesive strategy Identify the talents on your team Save your blueprint Tweak/launch pilots
  • 30. Social media is part of the self-educated customer Shopping cart? How do customers get to the shopping cart? Offline ?
  • 31. of the world’s athletic footwear >86% >79% of the world’s chocolate production of the world’s motorcycle production >82% households use energy more responsibly with Smart Grid solutions >30,000,000 people work more safely using People Safety solutions >2,000,000 >77% of the world’s beer production >50% of the world’s packages couriered Over 65,000 employees in 128 countries provide . . . SAP customer facts…
  • 32. 55%of marketers said “Developing a methodical social marketing strategy.” Only 19%of organizations have a formal process for developing a social strategy. What are the most frustrating challenges to social media marketing effectiveness?
  • 33. • 73% of sales reps who use social selling techniques met their quota in 2012, whereas “non-social” reps meeting quota ranged from 43% down to 15% (Aberdeen) • Revenues from customers engaged in social communities are 19% higher than non-social customers (IDC) Why is social media important? Reach customers primarily through social means No Yes Newly Yes 20% 18% Revenues Spending Social selling attributed to … McKinsey 2013 McKinsey 2013 38%
  • 34. To make: •47 products •28 industries •128 countries successful in the social media world. SAP’s challenge
  • 35. Benefits of a Social Business Strategy Effectively engage customers Establish an efficient model when, where and how they want for engaging customers Improve insight into audience needs Create mutually beneficial long-lasting relationships
  • 36. Time Warner drove a 605% increase in job seekers in just two months using social recruiting (with Success Factors) Starbucks drove 157,000 new product ideas from its social collaboration Results of Social Business Dell’s social-selling initiative drove $200 million in new revenue in 18 months Capital One drove time-to-service of its supplier network from days to minutes using collaborative networks
  • 37. Company Outcomes Digital culture across the organization Establish governance and training for success Identify “high- impact” areas of the business to focus for “quick wins” Define tools and technology to enable transformation More nimble, reactive marketing organization Relevant content creation and dissemination