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The Fickle and Fad of eLearning: Going Beyond the Technology Bungy Mark Brown Director, Teaching, Learning and Distance Education WITT July 21 st , 2011


•  Director, Teaching, Learning & Distance Education •  Previous Coordinator of the Doctor of Education (EdD) •  Current Horizon Report Board Member •  On several executive committees (ACiLiTE, DEANZ, DEHub,) •  On several journal editorial boards ( Research in Learning Technology, Journal of Further and Higher Education,  etc) •  First New Zealand Apple Distinguished Educator •  Recipient of National Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching •  Try to share some of my musings in “Pass the SoLT” [email_address] About Mark


http://tinyurl.com/solt-mbrown About Mark


The light comes through the  cracks … “ The unexamined life is not worth living” (Socrates) About Mark


LMS VLE Moodle at Massey “ To provide an  exceptional  and  distinctive  experience for all students through a rich digital learning culture.”


Moodle Adobe Presenter Adobe Connect Turnitin Lightwork Wimba Voice Adobe Acrobat Pro Mediasite Mahara Stream at Massey


http://www.lightworkmarking.org Moodle at Massey University


The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


Most elearning initiatives are based on great leaps of faith!  They offer nothing more than a  (dangerous)  quick thrill  The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


Technology Expectation Cycle (Cuban, 1986) Cuban, L. (1986).  Teachers and machines: The classroom use of technology since 1920.  New York: Teachers’ College Press. The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


High expectations Growing support Subsided enthusiasm  Rebukes and blame  Technology Expectation Cycle (Cuban, 1986) Cuban, L. (1986).  Teachers and machines: The classroom use of technology since 1920.  New York: Teachers’ College Press. The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


A perennial cycle of the initial ‘talking-up’ and later ‘letting-down’ of educational technologies (Terry Mayes, 1995).  The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


A perennial cycle of the initial ‘talking-up’ and later ‘letting-down’ of educational technologies (Terry Mayes, 1995).  Educational technology – an ongoing cycle of hype, hope and disappointment (Anastasia Gouseti, 2010). The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


A perennial cycle of the initial ‘talking-up’ and later ‘letting-down’ of educational technologies (Terry Mayes, 1995).  Educational technology – an ongoing cycle of hype, hope and disappointment (Anastasia Gouseti, 2010). Gartner Hype Cycle The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


How do we design untethered learning… …  that truly  disrupts  the ‘old’ normal? The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


Old NZ Television Commercial The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


1.  Gap between formal and informal learning 2. Abundance of digital content for learning 3. Developing the skill and the will 4.  What to do about quality 5.  Lack of evidence  The great challenges… The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn,  good  and  ill  together...”   William Shakespeare. Central thesis… The Fickle and Fad of eLearning


1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


When was the first  Kindle  released? 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


There are over  2.9 billion  searches performed on Google each month.  1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


To whom were these questions addressed B.G.?  …  before  Google 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SuNx0UrnEo&feature=youtu.be 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


A completely new type of  globally connected learner   is expecting a new type of Education for new times.  What does all this mean? 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


Not all digital natives… “ The digital native and digital immigrant may be useful  slogans  for provoking debate but the distinction does not stand up to inspection… the profound changes taking place need to be situated in  diversity  rather than dichotomy”  (Brown, 2005, p.3). Brown, M. E. (2005). The next generation: Looking to the future.  Computers in New Zealand Schools, 17 (2), 3-7. July Editorial.  1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning


2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


The economics of  abundance New Models of Production New Models of Distribution New Models of  Delivery 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


Places Tools Learner-Content Interaction Learner-learner Interaction Spaces Teacher-Learner Interaction eLearning Interactions 1. What is eLearning? What we do… 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


Learning by sharing (Connectivist) Learning by listening (Instructionist) Learning by doing (Constructivist) Learning by making (Constructionist) Still has a role but… 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning How we do it…


Acquisition Participation Roots metaphors… (Brown, 2011) (Sfard, 1998) 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


Physical Virtual Acquisition Participation (Brown, 2011) (Sfard, 1998) 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning Roots metaphors…


Synchronous Asynchronous Acquisition Participation (Brown, 2011) (Sfard, 1998) 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning Roots metaphors…


Synchronous Asynchronous Acquisition Participation Discussion Fora Lecture Capture Connect Clinic Connect Webinar Adobe Presenter Wikis ePortfolio Online Readings Video Streaming Online Chat Video Conferencing (Brown, 2011) Real-time Test (Sfard, 1998) Stream ecology… 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


Strong Teacher Presence 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


Principle of substitution 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


Renewed focus on learning design 2. Where is eLearning heading? 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


Avoiding the dominant  ‘pump, pump,   dump   model’  of online learning…  http://www.flickr.com/photos/thebestfriend/4534455439/sizes/z/in/photostream/ 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning


3. Developing the Skill and the Will


•  New demands on staff •  Growing range of electronic tools •  Lack of  time  to devote to pedagogy and professional development 2. Where is eLearning heading? 3. Developing the Skill and the Will


Potential increases in academic workload… More  with less! 2. Where is eLearning heading? 3. Developing the Skill and the Will


1 st  Layer Core Tools (Moodle, Adobe Connect, Turnitin, etc)  2 nd  Layer Custom Tools (SBL-I, Wimba Voice,  Lightwork, etc)  3 rd  Layer Edge Tools (Facebook, Delicious, Skype, YouTube, Twitter, etc) Full Support Limited Support No Support Integrated eLearning Framework Personal Learning Environment KISS Principle… 3. Developing the Skill and the Will


http://stream 4staff.massey.ac.nz 3. Developing the Skill and the Will


New ways of supporting staff  2. Where is eLearning heading? 3. Developing the Skill and the Will


3. Developing the Skill and the Will


But  deep  pedagogical change is hard… Stream = VLE 2. Where is eLearning heading? Brown, M., Walker, R., & Hughes, H (2011).  A story of two tales: What do College of Business staff say about the Stream experience?  Research report, Massey University.  3. Developing the Skill and the Will


(Brown, 2006)  and remains a site of  struggle … 3. Developing the Skill and the Will


4. What to do about Quality


Quality Assurance or  Quality Enhancement? 4. What to do about Quality


Scholarly Peer Review Teaching Evaluation Data Course Planning  & Development Tool Guidelines for  Effective Practice Accessibility Guidelines Course Self-review Checklist Student Workload Calculator Design for Learning Resources for Learning Facilitating Learning Assessment for Learning Evaluating Teaching Professional Learning Quality Enhancement Framework… 4. What to do about Quality


http://peerreview.massey.ac.nz 4. What to do about Quality


Peer Review Framework 4. What to do about Quality


“ Not everything that can be counted counts, not everything that counts can be counted”     Albert Einstein 4. What to do about Quality


5. Lack of Evidence


5. Lack of Evidence •  Is elearning  better  than traditional teaching?


5. Lack of Evidence •  Is elearning  better  than traditional teaching? - wrong question - not a single entity - holds to a different standard - need to understand the conditions - problematic to measure empirically


Allen, K., Galvis, D., Katz R. (2004). Evaluation of CDs and chewing gum in teaching dental anatomy.  Journal of Dental Research , 83. VS. 5. Lack of Evidence Example from Professor Tom Reeves…


5. Lack of Evidence http://www.flickr.com/photos/linnybinnypix/430967476/ Learning is like chewing gum (messy)


No one should doubt that online learning works as well as face-to-face teaching. 5. Lack of Evidence


No one should doubt that online learning works as well as face-to-face teaching. 5. Lack of Evidence But the challenge is finding the  right mix ?


"Using technology to improve education is not  rocket science ...it is much, much harder than that"   (Diana Laurillard, Opening Up Education, 2009).   5. Lack of Evidence




Before we  leap  into the unknown we need…  Conclusion


…  the  courage  to confront some of the great challenges facing tertiary education in uncertain times.  Before we  leap  into the unknown we need…  Conclusion


“ All education springs from images of the future and all education creates images of the future. Thus all education, whether so intended or not, is a preparation for the future. Unless we understand the future for which we are preparing we may do tragic  damage  to those we teach” (Toffler, 1974).  Conclusion


“ A prudent question is one-half of wisdom. ” Francis Bacon Questions [email_address] http://www.slideshare.net/mbrownz/

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The Fickle and Fad of eLearning

  • 1. The Fickle and Fad of eLearning: Going Beyond the Technology Bungy Mark Brown Director, Teaching, Learning and Distance Education WITT July 21 st , 2011
  • 2. • Director, Teaching, Learning & Distance Education • Previous Coordinator of the Doctor of Education (EdD) • Current Horizon Report Board Member • On several executive committees (ACiLiTE, DEANZ, DEHub,) • On several journal editorial boards ( Research in Learning Technology, Journal of Further and Higher Education, etc) • First New Zealand Apple Distinguished Educator • Recipient of National Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching • Try to share some of my musings in “Pass the SoLT” [email_address] About Mark
  • 4. The light comes through the cracks … “ The unexamined life is not worth living” (Socrates) About Mark
  • 5. LMS VLE Moodle at Massey “ To provide an exceptional and distinctive experience for all students through a rich digital learning culture.”
  • 6. Moodle Adobe Presenter Adobe Connect Turnitin Lightwork Wimba Voice Adobe Acrobat Pro Mediasite Mahara Stream at Massey
  • 8. The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 9. Most elearning initiatives are based on great leaps of faith! They offer nothing more than a (dangerous) quick thrill The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 10. Technology Expectation Cycle (Cuban, 1986) Cuban, L. (1986). Teachers and machines: The classroom use of technology since 1920. New York: Teachers’ College Press. The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 11. High expectations Growing support Subsided enthusiasm Rebukes and blame Technology Expectation Cycle (Cuban, 1986) Cuban, L. (1986). Teachers and machines: The classroom use of technology since 1920. New York: Teachers’ College Press. The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 12. A perennial cycle of the initial ‘talking-up’ and later ‘letting-down’ of educational technologies (Terry Mayes, 1995). The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 13. A perennial cycle of the initial ‘talking-up’ and later ‘letting-down’ of educational technologies (Terry Mayes, 1995). Educational technology – an ongoing cycle of hype, hope and disappointment (Anastasia Gouseti, 2010). The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 14. A perennial cycle of the initial ‘talking-up’ and later ‘letting-down’ of educational technologies (Terry Mayes, 1995). Educational technology – an ongoing cycle of hype, hope and disappointment (Anastasia Gouseti, 2010). Gartner Hype Cycle The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 15. How do we design untethered learning… … that truly disrupts the ‘old’ normal? The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 16. Old NZ Television Commercial The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 17. The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 18. 1. Gap between formal and informal learning 2. Abundance of digital content for learning 3. Developing the skill and the will 4. What to do about quality 5. Lack of evidence The great challenges… The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 19. "The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together...” William Shakespeare. Central thesis… The Fickle and Fad of eLearning
  • 20. 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 21. When was the first Kindle released? 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 22. 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 23. There are over 2.9 billion searches performed on Google each month. 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 24. To whom were these questions addressed B.G.? … before Google 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 25. 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 26. 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 28. A completely new type of globally connected learner is expecting a new type of Education for new times. What does all this mean? 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 29. Not all digital natives… “ The digital native and digital immigrant may be useful slogans for provoking debate but the distinction does not stand up to inspection… the profound changes taking place need to be situated in diversity rather than dichotomy” (Brown, 2005, p.3). Brown, M. E. (2005). The next generation: Looking to the future. Computers in New Zealand Schools, 17 (2), 3-7. July Editorial. 1. Gap between Formal and Informal Learning
  • 30. 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 31. The economics of abundance New Models of Production New Models of Distribution New Models of Delivery 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 32. 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 33. 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 34. Places Tools Learner-Content Interaction Learner-learner Interaction Spaces Teacher-Learner Interaction eLearning Interactions 1. What is eLearning? What we do… 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 35. Learning by sharing (Connectivist) Learning by listening (Instructionist) Learning by doing (Constructivist) Learning by making (Constructionist) Still has a role but… 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning How we do it…
  • 36. Acquisition Participation Roots metaphors… (Brown, 2011) (Sfard, 1998) 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 37. Physical Virtual Acquisition Participation (Brown, 2011) (Sfard, 1998) 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning Roots metaphors…
  • 38. Synchronous Asynchronous Acquisition Participation (Brown, 2011) (Sfard, 1998) 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning Roots metaphors…
  • 39. Synchronous Asynchronous Acquisition Participation Discussion Fora Lecture Capture Connect Clinic Connect Webinar Adobe Presenter Wikis ePortfolio Online Readings Video Streaming Online Chat Video Conferencing (Brown, 2011) Real-time Test (Sfard, 1998) Stream ecology… 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 40. 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 41. Strong Teacher Presence 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 42. Principle of substitution 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 43. Renewed focus on learning design 2. Where is eLearning heading? 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 44. Avoiding the dominant ‘pump, pump, dump model’ of online learning… http://www.flickr.com/photos/thebestfriend/4534455439/sizes/z/in/photostream/ 2. Abundance of Digital Content for Learning
  • 45. 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 46. • New demands on staff • Growing range of electronic tools • Lack of time to devote to pedagogy and professional development 2. Where is eLearning heading? 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 47. Potential increases in academic workload… More with less! 2. Where is eLearning heading? 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 48. 1 st Layer Core Tools (Moodle, Adobe Connect, Turnitin, etc) 2 nd Layer Custom Tools (SBL-I, Wimba Voice, Lightwork, etc) 3 rd Layer Edge Tools (Facebook, Delicious, Skype, YouTube, Twitter, etc) Full Support Limited Support No Support Integrated eLearning Framework Personal Learning Environment KISS Principle… 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 49. http://stream 4staff.massey.ac.nz 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 50. New ways of supporting staff 2. Where is eLearning heading? 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 51. 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 52. But deep pedagogical change is hard… Stream = VLE 2. Where is eLearning heading? Brown, M., Walker, R., & Hughes, H (2011). A story of two tales: What do College of Business staff say about the Stream experience? Research report, Massey University. 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 53. (Brown, 2006) and remains a site of struggle … 3. Developing the Skill and the Will
  • 54. 4. What to do about Quality
  • 55. Quality Assurance or Quality Enhancement? 4. What to do about Quality
  • 56. Scholarly Peer Review Teaching Evaluation Data Course Planning & Development Tool Guidelines for Effective Practice Accessibility Guidelines Course Self-review Checklist Student Workload Calculator Design for Learning Resources for Learning Facilitating Learning Assessment for Learning Evaluating Teaching Professional Learning Quality Enhancement Framework… 4. What to do about Quality
  • 58. Peer Review Framework 4. What to do about Quality
  • 59. “ Not everything that can be counted counts, not everything that counts can be counted” Albert Einstein 4. What to do about Quality
  • 60. 5. Lack of Evidence
  • 61. 5. Lack of Evidence • Is elearning better than traditional teaching?
  • 62. 5. Lack of Evidence • Is elearning better than traditional teaching? - wrong question - not a single entity - holds to a different standard - need to understand the conditions - problematic to measure empirically
  • 63. Allen, K., Galvis, D., Katz R. (2004). Evaluation of CDs and chewing gum in teaching dental anatomy. Journal of Dental Research , 83. VS. 5. Lack of Evidence Example from Professor Tom Reeves…
  • 64. 5. Lack of Evidence http://www.flickr.com/photos/linnybinnypix/430967476/ Learning is like chewing gum (messy)
  • 65. No one should doubt that online learning works as well as face-to-face teaching. 5. Lack of Evidence
  • 66. No one should doubt that online learning works as well as face-to-face teaching. 5. Lack of Evidence But the challenge is finding the right mix ?
  • 67. "Using technology to improve education is not rocket science ...it is much, much harder than that" (Diana Laurillard, Opening Up Education, 2009). 5. Lack of Evidence
  • 69. Before we leap into the unknown we need… Conclusion
  • 70. … the courage to confront some of the great challenges facing tertiary education in uncertain times. Before we leap into the unknown we need… Conclusion
  • 71. “ All education springs from images of the future and all education creates images of the future. Thus all education, whether so intended or not, is a preparation for the future. Unless we understand the future for which we are preparing we may do tragic damage to those we teach” (Toffler, 1974). Conclusion
  • 72. “ A prudent question is one-half of wisdom. ” Francis Bacon Questions [email_address] http://www.slideshare.net/mbrownz/

Editor's Notes

  1. A real hallmark of my research is the critical lens I bring to elearning from a broad perspective. Although it’s slogan, ‘the light comes through the cracks’. This saying defines my academic work as in the words of Socrates, the unexamined life is not worth living.