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High Mass and Binary System
                Stellar Evolution
             LACC §: 22.1, 22.2, 23.5

              •       High Mass (>~10 Msolar) Stars
              •       Binary Systems
              •       Enrichment of the ISM

              An attempt to answer the “big questions”: What is
                     out there? Where did I come from?

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                          1
HR Diagram

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                           2
Low and High Mass Evolution

                                                                    The stellar wind
                                                                    causes mass loss
                                                                    for AGB stars. This
                                                                    loss is around 10-4
                                                                    solar masses per
                                                                    year, which means
                                                                    that in 10,000 years
                                                                    the typical star will
                                                                    dissolve, leaving
                                                                    the central, hot core
                                                                    (the central star in a
                                                                    planetary nebula).


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                     3
High Mass Evolution

                                                                         If the star is larger
                                                                         than 8 solar
                                                                         masses, then the
                                                                         core continues to
                                                                         heat. Carbon and
                                                   Text                  oxygen fuse to
                                                                         form neon, then
                                                                         magnesium, then
                                                                         silicon. All forming
                                                                         into burning shells
                                                                         surrounding an
                                                                         iron ash core.


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                         4


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                  5
Supernova 1987a

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                   6
Type-II Supernova


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                 7
Supernova Light Curves


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                   8
Supernova 1987a

           http://www.stsci.edu/~mutchler/   http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/
                images/clouds_ctio.jpg              ap020331.html

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                  9
Supernova 1987a

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                     10
Novae and Type-Ia Supernovae


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                    11
Novae and Type-Ia Supernovae
      Spectacular explosions keep occurring in the binary star
      system named RS Ophiuchi. Every 20 years or so, the red giant star
      dumps enough hydrogen gas onto its companion white dwarf star to set
      off a brilliant thermonuclear explosion on the white dwarf's
      surface. At about 2,000 light years distant, the resulting nova
      explosions cause the RS Oph system to brighten up by a huge factor and
      become visible to the unaided eye. The red giant star is depicted on the
      right...while the white dwarf is at the center of the bright
      accretion disk on the left. As the stars orbit each other, a stream
      of gas moves from the giant star to the white dwarf.
      Astronomers speculate that at some time in the next 100,000 years,
      enough matter will have accumulated on the white dwarf to push it over
      the Chandrasekhar Limit, causing a much more powerful and final
      explosion known as a supernova.


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                         12
Type Ia and Type II Supernovae

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                13
Type-I vs. Type-II Supernovae

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                              14
Stellar Evolution:    [Nova]

    Low vs. High Mass


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                     15
Enrichment of the ISM
                                                                         when the stellar core
                                                                         becomes solid iron, there is
                                                                         no fusion reaction available to
                                                                         produce energy to keep the
                                                                         core hot and maintain the
                                                                         pressure that resists gravity

                            the iron core collapses in just a few seconds to a
                            neutron star (or black hole).


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                                   16
Enrichment of the
                            Interstellar Medium

                                                              Gas is recycled in the Galaxy.
                                                              It goes into forming stars and
                                                              is returned during the death
                                                              throws of stars enriched with
                                                              heavy elements for the next
                                                              generation of stars. It is a
                                                              giant cycle of life.

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                       17
High Mass and Binary System
                Stellar Evolution
             LACC §: 22.1, 22.2, 23.5
              •       High Mass (>~10 Msolar) Stars: fuse all the way
                      up to Fe, iron; Type-II Supernovae (sometimes
                      Gamma-Ray Bursters) fuse past Fe, iron
              •       Binary Systems: Novae, Type-Ia Supernovae,
                      X-ray Binaries, X-ray Bursters)
              •       Enrichment of the ISM: Stars convert H into
                      elements up to Fe: He, C, O, Ne, Mg, Si, Fe;
                      Supernovae create elements heavier than Fe
              An attempt to answer the “big questions”: What is
                     out there? Where did I come from?
Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                18
LACC HW: Franknoi, Morrison, and
                Wolff, Voyages Through the Universe,
                               3rd ed.

             •       Ch. 22, pp. 509-511: 8 (Specifically, what is the cause of
                     each: Nova, Type Ia Supernova, Type II Supernova)

                   Due first class period of the next week (unless
                   there is a test this week, in which case it’s due
                                    before the test).
              AstroTeams, be working on your Distance Ladders

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                         19
Stellar Remnants
                     LACC §: 22.1, 22.2, 23.5

                   •       White Dwarfs
                   •       Neutron
                   •       Black Holes

                     An attempt to answer the “big questions”:
                     What is out there? Where did I come from?

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                         20
Stellar Remnants

                                                   neutron degeneracy
                  electron degeneracy pressure          pressure

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                          21
White Dwarf:
                  Mass-Radius Relationship

                                               About 15 km

                                                                            About 10,000 km

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                      22
Stellar Remnants
                                                            Density: ~0.5 tons/cc

                                      About 15 km

                                                                       About 10,000 km
                            Density: ~100,000,000 tons/cc

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                 23
Stellar Remnants: Black Hole

             Note that the Schwarzschild radius scales with the mass of
             the black hole. The Schwarzschild radius of a 1 solar mass
                  black hole is 3 x 105 cm [3 km, less than 2 miles].

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                  24
Neutron Stars / Pulsars
                                                                       What a star becomes
                                                                       when it dies depends on
                                                                       the mass left when all
                                                                       possible nuclear fuels are
                                                                       exhausted and the star
                                                                       has lost some of its
                                                                       original mass by ejecting

                                                                       M <= 1.4 M -----> white
                                                                       dwarf (planetary nebulae)

                                                                       1.4 M <M < ~3 M -->
                                                                       neutron stars/pulsars
                                                                       (type II supernova)

                                                                       M > ~ 3 M ---->
                                                                       supernovae/black holes
                                                                       (type II supernova)
                                                                            Pulsar Animation


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                            25
The Crab Nebula/

      This picture shows a time sequence for the pulsar in the Crab nebula, shown in context
      against an image.... Both the nebula and its central pulsar were created by a supernova
      explosion in the year 1054 A.D. The enlarged region is a mosaic of 33 time slices,
      ordered from top to bottom and from left to right. Each slice represents approximately
      one millisecond in the period of the pulsar.
Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                        26
What would a naked black hole
            look like? Maybe...
                                                                   “A (simulated)
                                                                   Black Hole of
                                                                   ten solar
                                                                   masses as
                                                                   seen from a
                                                                   distance of
                                                                   600 km with
                                                                   the Milky Way
                                                                   in the
                                                                   opening angle:

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                            27
Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                               28
Gamma-Ray Bursts
                                                             James Annis, an astrophysicist at
                                                             Fermilab, near Chicago, has speculated
                                                             that such events could sterilize
                                                             entire galaxies, wiping out life-forms
                                                             before they had the chance to evolve to
                                                             the stage of interstellar travel. 1 "If one
                                                             went off in the Galactic center," he
                                                             wrote, "we here two-thirds of the way
                                                             out of the Galactic disk would be
                                                             exposed over a few seconds to a wave
                                                             of powerful gamma rays." It would be
                                                             enough, according to Annis, to
                                                             exterminate every species on Earth.
                                                             Even the hemisphere shielded by the
                                                             planet's mass from immediate exposure
                                                             would not escape, he claimed, since
                                                             there would be lethal indirect effects
                                                             such as the demolition of the entire
                                                             protective ozone layer. The rate of
                                                             GRBs in the universe today
                                                             appears to be about one burst
                                                             per galaxy per several hundred
                                                             million years.
Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                                   29
X-ray binaries & X-ray bursters


Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                    30
Millisecond Pulsars
                                       This animation attempts to condense the
                                       billion year evolutionary history of such a
                                       binary system into a few tens of seconds.
                                       It begins with two stars, one more
                                       massive than the other, in a tight orbit.
                                       The massive star evolves first and
                                       swallows up its companion, which spirals
      into it forming an even tighter binary system. The core of the massive
      star produces a supernova and leaves behind a neutron star. The
      neutron star's companion eventually begins to lose mass and forms an
      accretion disk around the neutron star. The accretion of material
      onto the neutron star causes it to spin faster and faster,
      eventually reaching a spin period of a few milliseconds. The accreted
      material produces X-rays which in turn can begin vaporizing the
      companion. All that remains at the end is a highly compact, rapidly
      rotating neutron star which produces a pair of radio beams and may be
      observable as a millisecond radio pulsar. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                               31
Stellar Remnants
                     LACC §: 22.1, 22.2, 23.5
      •       White Dwarfs (Chandrasekhar mass limit = 1.4 M ):
              the dead carbon cores (<~1.4 M ) of low mass stars
              (<~10 M ) left behind after a Planetary Nebulae

      •       Neutron Stars and Pulsars: neutron degenerate
              remnants (1.4 < 3 M ) of high mass stars (>~10 M )
              left behind after a Type-II Supernovae

      •       Black Holes (>3 M ): ∞ dense remnants of high
              mass stars (>~10 M ) after a Type-II Supernovae
          An attempt to answer the “big questions”: What is out
                    there? Where did I come from?

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                           32
LACC HW: Franknoi, Morrison, and
                Wolff, Voyages Through the Universe,
                               3rd ed.

             •       Ch. 23, p. 532: 4.

                           Due at the beginning of next class period.
                 Test covering chapters 14-23 next class period.

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                33
Review for Test (4 of 5): Stars
       [10 pts] The Sun                                                          [10 pts] Nebulae, Binary Systems & Stellar Remnants
              • proton-proton chain (hydrogen nucleus, proton, positron,                • nebulae: molecular clouds, HII regions (star forming
                  gamma rays, helium nucleus), the neutrino problem                        regions, planetary nebulae, supernova remnants),
              • interior → atmosphere: core, radiation zone, convection                    reflection nebulae, supernova remnants
                  zone, photosphere, chromosphere, corona, solar wind                   • nova and type-I supernova: binary system with a white
              • solar phenomena (solar magnetic field): granules                           dwarf, light curves; X-ray binaries and X-ray bursters:
                  sunspots, flares, prominence/filaments, coronal mass                     binary system with a neutron star or black hole; accretion
                  ejection, aurora and geomagnetic storms (on Earth)                       disks
                                                                                        • stellar remnants: masses, sizes, densities of white dwarfs
       [10 pts] Stars                                                                      vs. neutron star vs. black holes; pulsars; black holes
               • stellar spectra: temperature, spectral class, radial velocity             (singularity, Schwarzschild radius, event horizon)
                  (red-shift vs. blue shift), composition, cluster age (main
                  sequence turn-off)                                             [10 pts] Identify from an Image or Chart
               • determining distances: (radar (closest planets/asteroids                • solar surface features: sun spots (umbra, penumbra),
                  only)), stellar parallax, standard candles--e.g. main                     granules, prominence, flare, coronal mass ejection;
                  sequence fitting, RR Lyrae and Cepheid variables                          nebulae: molecular clouds, star forming HII region,
               • other properties: proper motion, luminosity, apparent                      planetary nebulae, reflection nebulae
                  brightness/magnitude vs. absolute brightness/magnitude,                • HR Diagram: regions--main sequence, white dwarfs,
                  spectroscopic or eclipsing binaries to determine mass                     giants, supergiants, spectral class, luminosity class; axes--
                                                                                            x-axis = temperature, spectral class; y-axis = luminosity,
       [10 pts] Stellar Evolution                                                           absolute magnitude; mass & age & main sequence--high
              • HR Diagram: x-,y-axes, evolutionary tracks                                  mass at top left, short lifetimes; low mass at lower right,
              • low mass evolution: Hayashi track, main sequence (H                         long lifetimes; main sequence turn-off point gives a star
                  core burning), red giant branch (H shell burning), helium                 cluster’s age
                  flash (He core ignition), horizontal giant branch (He core             • Make use of a chart containing the following stellar data:
                  burning), asymptotic giant branch (He shell burning),                     apparent magnitude (mv), absolute magnitude (Mv),
                  planetary nebulae (envelope ejection), white dwarf                        spectral class, luminosity class
              • high mass evolution: similar to low mass stars, but keep
                  fusing elements up to iron, type-II supernova (gamma ray
                  burst), neutron star (pulsar) or black hole

Thursday, April 29, 2010                                                                                                                                    34

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  • 2. HR Diagram http://outreach.atnf.csiro.au/education/senior/astrophysics/stellarevolution_hrintro.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 2
  • 3. Low and High Mass Evolution The stellar wind causes mass loss for AGB stars. This loss is around 10-4 solar masses per year, which means that in 10,000 years the typical star will dissolve, leaving the central, hot core (the central star in a planetary nebula). http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/ast122/lectures/lec16.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 3
  • 4. High Mass Evolution If the star is larger than 8 solar masses, then the core continues to heat. Carbon and Text oxygen fuse to form neon, then magnesium, then silicon. All forming into burning shells surrounding an iron ash core. http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/ast122/lectures/lec16.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 4
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  • 12. Novae and Type-Ia Supernovae Spectacular explosions keep occurring in the binary star system named RS Ophiuchi. Every 20 years or so, the red giant star dumps enough hydrogen gas onto its companion white dwarf star to set off a brilliant thermonuclear explosion on the white dwarf's surface. At about 2,000 light years distant, the resulting nova explosions cause the RS Oph system to brighten up by a huge factor and become visible to the unaided eye. The red giant star is depicted on the right...while the white dwarf is at the center of the bright accretion disk on the left. As the stars orbit each other, a stream of gas moves from the giant star to the white dwarf. Astronomers speculate that at some time in the next 100,000 years, enough matter will have accumulated on the white dwarf to push it over the Chandrasekhar Limit, causing a much more powerful and final explosion known as a supernova. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap060726.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 12
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  • 17. Enrichment of the Interstellar Medium Gas is recycled in the Galaxy. It goes into forming stars and is returned during the death throws of stars enriched with heavy elements for the next generation of stars. It is a giant cycle of life. http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/bmendez/ay10/2002/notes/lec16.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 17
  • 18. High Mass and Binary System Stellar Evolution LACC §: 22.1, 22.2, 23.5 • High Mass (>~10 Msolar) Stars: fuse all the way up to Fe, iron; Type-II Supernovae (sometimes Gamma-Ray Bursters) fuse past Fe, iron • Binary Systems: Novae, Type-Ia Supernovae, X-ray Binaries, X-ray Bursters) • Enrichment of the ISM: Stars convert H into elements up to Fe: He, C, O, Ne, Mg, Si, Fe; Supernovae create elements heavier than Fe An attempt to answer the “big questions”: What is out there? Where did I come from? Thursday, April 29, 2010 18
  • 19. LACC HW: Franknoi, Morrison, and Wolff, Voyages Through the Universe, 3rd ed. • Ch. 22, pp. 509-511: 8 (Specifically, what is the cause of each: Nova, Type Ia Supernova, Type II Supernova) Due first class period of the next week (unless there is a test this week, in which case it’s due before the test). AstroTeams, be working on your Distance Ladders Thursday, April 29, 2010 19
  • 20. Stellar Remnants LACC §: 22.1, 22.2, 23.5 • White Dwarfs • Neutron • Black Holes An attempt to answer the “big questions”: What is out there? Where did I come from? Thursday, April 29, 2010 20
  • 21. Stellar Remnants neutron degeneracy electron degeneracy pressure pressure http://www.maa.mhn.de/Scholar/Starlife/evolutnc.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 21
  • 22. White Dwarf: Mass-Radius Relationship About 15 km About 10,000 km http://ircamera.as.arizona.edu/NatSci102/lectures/whitedwrf.htm Thursday, April 29, 2010 22
  • 23. Stellar Remnants Density: ~0.5 tons/cc About 15 km About 10,000 km Density: ~100,000,000 tons/cc http://astro.ucc.ie/research/intro/index.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 23
  • 24. Stellar Remnants: Black Hole Note that the Schwarzschild radius scales with the mass of the black hole. The Schwarzschild radius of a 1 solar mass black hole is 3 x 105 cm [3 km, less than 2 miles]. http://www.astro.cornell.edu/academics/courses/astro201/bh_structure.htm Thursday, April 29, 2010 24
  • 25. Neutron Stars / Pulsars What a star becomes when it dies depends on the mass left when all possible nuclear fuels are exhausted and the star has lost some of its original mass by ejecting it: M <= 1.4 M -----> white dwarf (planetary nebulae) 1.4 M <M < ~3 M --> neutron stars/pulsars (type II supernova) M > ~ 3 M ----> supernovae/black holes (type II supernova) Pulsar Animation http://ircamera.as.arizona.edu/NatSci102/lectures/whitedwrf.htm Thursday, April 29, 2010 25
  • 26. The Crab Nebula/ Pulsars http://hera.ph1.uni-koeln.de/ %7Eheintzma/NS1/SN1054.htm This picture shows a time sequence for the pulsar in the Crab nebula, shown in context against an image.... Both the nebula and its central pulsar were created by a supernova explosion in the year 1054 A.D. The enlarged region is a mosaic of 33 time slices, ordered from top to bottom and from left to right. Each slice represents approximately one millisecond in the period of the pulsar. Thursday, April 29, 2010 26
  • 27. What would a naked black hole look like? Maybe... “A (simulated) Black Hole of ten solar masses as seen from a distance of 600 km with the Milky Way in the background (horizontal camera opening angle: 90°).” http://www.tutorgig.com/ed/black_hole Thursday, April 29, 2010 27
  • 29. Gamma-Ray Bursts James Annis, an astrophysicist at Fermilab, near Chicago, has speculated that such events could sterilize entire galaxies, wiping out life-forms before they had the chance to evolve to the stage of interstellar travel. 1 "If one went off in the Galactic center," he wrote, "we here two-thirds of the way out of the Galactic disk would be exposed over a few seconds to a wave of powerful gamma rays." It would be enough, according to Annis, to exterminate every species on Earth. Even the hemisphere shielded by the planet's mass from immediate exposure would not escape, he claimed, since there would be lethal indirect effects such as the demolition of the entire protective ozone layer. The rate of GRBs in the universe today appears to be about one burst per galaxy per several hundred million years. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/G/gamma-ray_burst.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 29
  • 30. X-ray binaries & X-ray bursters http://www.roe.ac.uk/roe/support/pr/pressreleases/050608-ultracam/index.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 30
  • 31. Millisecond Pulsars This animation attempts to condense the billion year evolutionary history of such a binary system into a few tens of seconds. It begins with two stars, one more massive than the other, in a tight orbit. The massive star evolves first and swallows up its companion, which spirals into it forming an even tighter binary system. The core of the massive star produces a supernova and leaves behind a neutron star. The neutron star's companion eventually begins to lose mass and forms an accretion disk around the neutron star. The accretion of material onto the neutron star causes it to spin faster and faster, eventually reaching a spin period of a few milliseconds. The accreted material produces X-rays which in turn can begin vaporizing the companion. All that remains at the end is a highly compact, rapidly rotating neutron star which produces a pair of radio beams and may be observable as a millisecond radio pulsar. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ xte/Snazzy/Movies/millisecond.html Thursday, April 29, 2010 31
  • 32. Stellar Remnants LACC §: 22.1, 22.2, 23.5 • White Dwarfs (Chandrasekhar mass limit = 1.4 M ): the dead carbon cores (<~1.4 M ) of low mass stars (<~10 M ) left behind after a Planetary Nebulae • Neutron Stars and Pulsars: neutron degenerate remnants (1.4 < 3 M ) of high mass stars (>~10 M ) left behind after a Type-II Supernovae • Black Holes (>3 M ): ∞ dense remnants of high mass stars (>~10 M ) after a Type-II Supernovae An attempt to answer the “big questions”: What is out there? Where did I come from? Thursday, April 29, 2010 32
  • 33. LACC HW: Franknoi, Morrison, and Wolff, Voyages Through the Universe, 3rd ed. • Ch. 23, p. 532: 4. Due at the beginning of next class period. Test covering chapters 14-23 next class period. Thursday, April 29, 2010 33
  • 34. Review for Test (4 of 5): Stars [10 pts] The Sun [10 pts] Nebulae, Binary Systems & Stellar Remnants • proton-proton chain (hydrogen nucleus, proton, positron, • nebulae: molecular clouds, HII regions (star forming gamma rays, helium nucleus), the neutrino problem regions, planetary nebulae, supernova remnants), • interior → atmosphere: core, radiation zone, convection reflection nebulae, supernova remnants zone, photosphere, chromosphere, corona, solar wind • nova and type-I supernova: binary system with a white • solar phenomena (solar magnetic field): granules dwarf, light curves; X-ray binaries and X-ray bursters: sunspots, flares, prominence/filaments, coronal mass binary system with a neutron star or black hole; accretion ejection, aurora and geomagnetic storms (on Earth) disks • stellar remnants: masses, sizes, densities of white dwarfs [10 pts] Stars vs. neutron star vs. black holes; pulsars; black holes • stellar spectra: temperature, spectral class, radial velocity (singularity, Schwarzschild radius, event horizon) (red-shift vs. blue shift), composition, cluster age (main sequence turn-off) [10 pts] Identify from an Image or Chart • determining distances: (radar (closest planets/asteroids • solar surface features: sun spots (umbra, penumbra), only)), stellar parallax, standard candles--e.g. main granules, prominence, flare, coronal mass ejection; sequence fitting, RR Lyrae and Cepheid variables nebulae: molecular clouds, star forming HII region, • other properties: proper motion, luminosity, apparent planetary nebulae, reflection nebulae brightness/magnitude vs. absolute brightness/magnitude, • HR Diagram: regions--main sequence, white dwarfs, spectroscopic or eclipsing binaries to determine mass giants, supergiants, spectral class, luminosity class; axes-- x-axis = temperature, spectral class; y-axis = luminosity, [10 pts] Stellar Evolution absolute magnitude; mass & age & main sequence--high • HR Diagram: x-,y-axes, evolutionary tracks mass at top left, short lifetimes; low mass at lower right, • low mass evolution: Hayashi track, main sequence (H long lifetimes; main sequence turn-off point gives a star core burning), red giant branch (H shell burning), helium cluster’s age flash (He core ignition), horizontal giant branch (He core • Make use of a chart containing the following stellar data: burning), asymptotic giant branch (He shell burning), apparent magnitude (mv), absolute magnitude (Mv), planetary nebulae (envelope ejection), white dwarf spectral class, luminosity class • high mass evolution: similar to low mass stars, but keep fusing elements up to iron, type-II supernova (gamma ray burst), neutron star (pulsar) or black hole Thursday, April 29, 2010 34