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Joanne Kathleen Rowling
                 By Natalia Mironova, Moscow
Who is she?

                 It is difficult to find a teenager who
                  hasn‟t heard about Harry Potter. But
                  not everyone remembers the
                  author‟s name.

                 Less people know her life story.

                 The least people know some facts of
                  her life connecting with Scotland.
 J.K. Rowling is the author of Harry Potter books. Her
   real name is Joanne Kethleen. She was born in 1965
   in a small town near Bristol, England.
 J.K. Rowling‟s parents, Peter James Rowling and Anne
   Volant, met on a train that was travelling from
   King's Cross, from London to Scotland. They were
   just 18.
Joanne lived with her parents and her sister. The
   Rowling family was not rich. Joanne did not go to
   special schools. She was a quit child. She loved to
   read and write stories. The girl knew that she
   wanted to be a writer from an early age.
As a child, Rowling often wrote fantasy stories, which
   she would usually then read to her sister. She
   wrote her first book at just six years old, which
   she describes as being.

                                                         “…a work of towering genius about a rabbit, called
                                                           Rabbit. I gave it to my mother who said, „That‟s
                                                           lovely,‟ as a mother would. „That‟s very, very good.‟
                                                           I stood there, thinking, „Well, get it published
                                                           then.‟ Bit of an odd thing for a child of six to think.
                                                           I don‟t know where it came from…”
When J.K. Rowling was nine years old, the family
  moved to Tutshill, near Chepstow on the Welsh
  border. The girls went to Wyedean
  Comprehensive School and College where they
  both loved their schooldays.
Much like Hermione Granger, J.K. Rowling had a
 thirst for knowledge. She says, "I hope I was
 neither as clever or as annoying as Hermione!", but
 it‟s clear she applied herself to studies, leaving          Wyedean Comprehensive School and College
 school with A levels in English, French and German.
After that Joanne went to Exeter University, and she
 finished in 1987. She worked in different offices. In
 her free time, she wrote more stories.

                  “It was in the Upper Sixth at Wyedean that I met
                  Séan Harris, to whom Chamber of Secrets is
                  dedicated. He was the first person with whom I
                  really discussed my serious ambition to be a writer.
                  He was also the only person who thought I was
                  bound to be a success, which meant much more to
                  me than I ever told him at the time.”
First job & marriage
 In 1990, Joanne‟s mother died. Joanne was sad, and she wanted to
  leave England. She saw the work in the newspaper for an English
  teacher. The job was in Portugal. She had an interview, and she
  got the job. In Portugal, Joanne married a Portuguese man. The
  next year, Joanne had a daughter, but she was not happy in her
  marriage. She left Portugal with her daughter and went to live in
  Edinburgh, Scotland, near her sister.

                                                         “I had married a Portuguese man and,
                                                            although the marriage did not
                                                            work, it had given me one of the
                                                            best things in my life. Jessica and
                                                            I arrived in Edinburgh, where Di
                                                            (Joanne‟s sister) was living, just in
                                                            time for Christmas 1993.”
First experience
     Life was very difficult for Joanne.
       She took care of her daughter.
       She was alone, and nobody helped
       her. She had no money and no job.
       She lived in a small apartment and
       began to write stories again.
     Joanne first thought about the
       Harry Potter story many years ago
       on a train. She said to The Boston
       Globe, “I really don't know where
       the idea came from. It started
       with Harry, then all these
       characters and situations came
       flooding into my head.”
     Joanne liked to go to coffee shop to           "The Elephant House" – one of the cafés in Edinburgh
       write. She sat there for many                 in which Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter novel.
       hours. She drank coffee and
       wrote. Her daughter slept beside     “I wrote nearly every evening, then typed the whole thing
       her.                                    out myself on an old manual typewriter, covered the
                                               first three chapters in a nice plastic folder and sent
                                               them off to an agent. They were returned so fast, they
                                               must have been sent back the same day they arrived.
                                               But at the second attempt, Christopher Little wrote
                                               back asking to see the rest of the manuscript. It was
                                               far and away the best letter I had ever received in my
                                               life – and it was only two sentences long.”
Hope & belief

“Finally, in August 1996, Christopher phoned
   to tell me that Bloomsbury had made an
    offer. I could not quite believe my ears.
   'You mean it's going to be published?' I
    asked, rather stupidly. 'It's definitely
    going to be published?!'
It was Barry Cunningham, an editor at
    Bloomsbury Publishing, who gave the first
    chapter of the manuscript to his eight
    year old daughter. They had both loved
    the tales of friendship; support; and the
    fact that children, working together,       “After Christopher had explained Barry‟s proposal and I had
    were able to overcome so many                 hung up the phone, I screamed and jumped into the air.
    challenges – the adult world may have         Jessica, who was sitting in her high-chair enjoying tea,
    been against them, but that didn‟t hold       looked thoroughly scared – but that was all right. You know
    them back.                                    what happened next…”
Published ‘Harry Potter’
After five years, Joanne finished writing the first
  Harry Potter book. She sent it to many book
  publishers. They all said that they did not like it.
  Finally, a publisher liked it, but the publisher said,
  “This is a children‟s book. Adults won‟t read it. You
  won‟t make a lot of money.”
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was
  published by Bloomsbury Children's Books in June
  1997 and as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‟s Stone
  in the US by Arthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic in
  September 1998. J.K. Rowling was very happy. Her
  dream to publish her book came true. The book was
  famous all over the world.

After accepting J.K. Rowling‟s Harry Potter and the
   Philosopher‟s Stone manuscript, Barry Cunningham
   advised her to „get a day job, because there‟s very
   little chance of making money in children‟s books‟.
She made an application to the Scottish Arts Council.
  With a generous grant of £8,000, she was able to not
  only look after Jessica, but also focus on the next
  book in the series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of
J.K.Rowling’s books

   Now Harry Potter is in forty-two languages. The publisher was wrong about one
    thing: Everyone love Harry Potter – children and adults. Over 100 million books
    were sold in 1999. Then two Harry Potter books became movies. J.K. Rowling
    wrote more Harry Potter books after that. People all over the world want more
    Harry Potter.
Filmed ‘Harry Potter’
              At the premiere of
               Harry Potter and
               the Deathly
               Hallows Part 2, in
               London, J.K.
               Rowling gives a
               very emotional
               speech; thanking
               not only the
               cast, the
               directing team
               and people who
               made the films
               possible – but
               also, most
               importantly, her
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - World Film Premiere Arrivals
In Trafalgar Square
Second marriage

J.K. Rowling married Dr. Neil Murray on 26th
  December 2001, in a private ceremony at their
  country home in Scotland.
When they met, Dr. Murray was working as a senior
  house officer at an Edinburgh hospital, but now
  works as a GP (General Practitioner is a medical
  practitioner who treats acute and chronic
  illnesses and provides preventive care and health
  education for all ages).

J.K. Rowling was awarded the O.B.E. (Officer of the
  Order of the British Empire) in the 2000 Queen
  Elizabeth II's Birthday Honors List for her
  services to literature and received it from one of
  her fans, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales.
J.K .Rowling has won 26 awards in different
     countries, including Britain, France and Italy.
     Some awards were given to her twice for her
     other books.
•    British Book Awards Children‟s Book of the Year
•    Carnegie Medal
•    Nestle Smarties Book Prize
•    Children‟s Book Award
•    Guardian Children‟s Fiction Prize

     President Nicolas Sarkozy hands over the           J.K. Rowling Address Headlines
      highest award of France - the Award of           Harvard University Commencement
      the Honourable Legion! 03.02.2009

               The first recipient of
      the Hans Christian Andersen Award, 2010
In the Net

She has also released her website pottermore.com in cooperation with Sony to serve the
   fans all over the world that are hungry for more Harry Potter in their lives. The site
   aims for a unique reading experience for the users with additional features such as
   games and shops where anyone can buy the e-book and audiobook versions of the
               J.K. Rowling has become a notable
                 philanthropist, supporting such
                 charities as Comic Relief, One Parent
                 Families, Multiple Sclerosis Society of
                 Great Britain, and Lumos (formerly the
                 Children's High Level Group).

               J.K. Rowling became patron of the MS
                 Society, Scotland, in 2003. Her support
                 for the charity included planning and
                 hosting fundraising events, lobbying, and
                 raising awareness of the disease, as well
                 as contributing significant funds for
                 research in Scotland. She stepped down
                 as Patron of the charity in 2009 but
                 continues to fund MS research directly
                 through the Anne Rowling Regenerative
                 Neurology Clinic.
                                                        In 2010, J.K. Rowling donated £10
                                                          million towards the foundation of a
                                                          new clinic at the University of

                                                        The Anne Rowling Regenerative
                                                          Neurology Clinic will support patients
                                                          with multiple sclerosis and other
                                                          neurodegenerative diseases, as well as
                                                          conducting major research into
                                                          neuroregeneration. The facility is
                                                          named after Jo's mother, who died
                                                          of multiple sclerosis aged 45, and will
                                                          open officially in 2013.
 J.K.Rowling is awarded by the Princess Royal for her
donations to Edinburgh University.
At the top
             The Potter books have gained worldwide
                attention, won multiple awards, sold more
                than 400 million copies to become the
                best-selling book series in history and
                been the basis for a popular series of

              Rowling has led a "rags to riches" life
                story, in which she progressed from
                living on social security to multi-
                millionaire status within five years. As
                of March 2011, when its latest world
                billionaires list was published, Forbes
                estimated Rowling's net worth to be
                US$1 billion.
Freedom of the City of London
                 On 8 May 2012, J.K. Rowling was granted
                   the Freedom of the City of London.
                   The Freedom of the City of London is
                   one of the oldest surviving traditional
                   ceremonies still in existence today.
                   It‟s believed that the first Freedom
                   was presented in 1237.

                 The medieval term 'freeman' referred
                   to someone who was not beholden to a
                   feudal lord, but enjoyed privileges
                   such as the right to earn money and
                   own land. Town dwellers who were
                   protected by the charter of their
                   town or city were often free – hence
                   the term 'Freedom of the City'.
Next step
            J. K. Rowling is also writing a novel
                entitled “The Casual Vacancy”
                which was revealed to be 512
                pages long and has a release date
                of September 27, 2012. Rowling
                announced that she would be
                writing a novel catering adult
                readers and is very different
                from her Harry Potter series.
To be continued…

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Joanne K. Rowling

  • 1. Joanne Kathleen Rowling By Natalia Mironova, Moscow
  • 2. Who is she?  It is difficult to find a teenager who hasn‟t heard about Harry Potter. But not everyone remembers the author‟s name.  Less people know her life story.  The least people know some facts of her life connecting with Scotland.
  • 3. Childhood J.K. Rowling is the author of Harry Potter books. Her real name is Joanne Kethleen. She was born in 1965 in a small town near Bristol, England. J.K. Rowling‟s parents, Peter James Rowling and Anne Volant, met on a train that was travelling from King's Cross, from London to Scotland. They were just 18. Joanne lived with her parents and her sister. The Rowling family was not rich. Joanne did not go to special schools. She was a quit child. She loved to read and write stories. The girl knew that she wanted to be a writer from an early age. As a child, Rowling often wrote fantasy stories, which she would usually then read to her sister. She wrote her first book at just six years old, which she describes as being. “…a work of towering genius about a rabbit, called Rabbit. I gave it to my mother who said, „That‟s lovely,‟ as a mother would. „That‟s very, very good.‟ I stood there, thinking, „Well, get it published then.‟ Bit of an odd thing for a child of six to think. I don‟t know where it came from…”
  • 4. Studying When J.K. Rowling was nine years old, the family moved to Tutshill, near Chepstow on the Welsh border. The girls went to Wyedean Comprehensive School and College where they both loved their schooldays. Much like Hermione Granger, J.K. Rowling had a thirst for knowledge. She says, "I hope I was neither as clever or as annoying as Hermione!", but it‟s clear she applied herself to studies, leaving Wyedean Comprehensive School and College school with A levels in English, French and German. After that Joanne went to Exeter University, and she finished in 1987. She worked in different offices. In her free time, she wrote more stories. “It was in the Upper Sixth at Wyedean that I met Séan Harris, to whom Chamber of Secrets is dedicated. He was the first person with whom I really discussed my serious ambition to be a writer. He was also the only person who thought I was bound to be a success, which meant much more to me than I ever told him at the time.”
  • 5. First job & marriage In 1990, Joanne‟s mother died. Joanne was sad, and she wanted to leave England. She saw the work in the newspaper for an English teacher. The job was in Portugal. She had an interview, and she got the job. In Portugal, Joanne married a Portuguese man. The next year, Joanne had a daughter, but she was not happy in her marriage. She left Portugal with her daughter and went to live in Edinburgh, Scotland, near her sister. “I had married a Portuguese man and, although the marriage did not work, it had given me one of the best things in my life. Jessica and I arrived in Edinburgh, where Di (Joanne‟s sister) was living, just in time for Christmas 1993.”
  • 6. First experience Life was very difficult for Joanne. She took care of her daughter. She was alone, and nobody helped her. She had no money and no job. She lived in a small apartment and began to write stories again. Joanne first thought about the Harry Potter story many years ago on a train. She said to The Boston Globe, “I really don't know where the idea came from. It started with Harry, then all these characters and situations came flooding into my head.” Joanne liked to go to coffee shop to "The Elephant House" – one of the cafés in Edinburgh write. She sat there for many in which Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter novel. hours. She drank coffee and wrote. Her daughter slept beside “I wrote nearly every evening, then typed the whole thing her. out myself on an old manual typewriter, covered the first three chapters in a nice plastic folder and sent them off to an agent. They were returned so fast, they must have been sent back the same day they arrived. But at the second attempt, Christopher Little wrote back asking to see the rest of the manuscript. It was far and away the best letter I had ever received in my life – and it was only two sentences long.”
  • 7. Hope & belief “Finally, in August 1996, Christopher phoned to tell me that Bloomsbury had made an offer. I could not quite believe my ears. 'You mean it's going to be published?' I asked, rather stupidly. 'It's definitely going to be published?!' It was Barry Cunningham, an editor at Bloomsbury Publishing, who gave the first chapter of the manuscript to his eight year old daughter. They had both loved the tales of friendship; support; and the fact that children, working together, “After Christopher had explained Barry‟s proposal and I had were able to overcome so many hung up the phone, I screamed and jumped into the air. challenges – the adult world may have Jessica, who was sitting in her high-chair enjoying tea, been against them, but that didn‟t hold looked thoroughly scared – but that was all right. You know them back. what happened next…”
  • 8. Published ‘Harry Potter’ After five years, Joanne finished writing the first Harry Potter book. She sent it to many book publishers. They all said that they did not like it. Finally, a publisher liked it, but the publisher said, “This is a children‟s book. Adults won‟t read it. You won‟t make a lot of money.” Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published by Bloomsbury Children's Books in June 1997 and as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‟s Stone in the US by Arthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic in September 1998. J.K. Rowling was very happy. Her dream to publish her book came true. The book was famous all over the world. After accepting J.K. Rowling‟s Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s Stone manuscript, Barry Cunningham advised her to „get a day job, because there‟s very little chance of making money in children‟s books‟. She made an application to the Scottish Arts Council. With a generous grant of £8,000, she was able to not only look after Jessica, but also focus on the next book in the series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
  • 9. J.K.Rowling’s books Now Harry Potter is in forty-two languages. The publisher was wrong about one thing: Everyone love Harry Potter – children and adults. Over 100 million books were sold in 1999. Then two Harry Potter books became movies. J.K. Rowling wrote more Harry Potter books after that. People all over the world want more Harry Potter.
  • 10. Filmed ‘Harry Potter’ At the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, in London, J.K. Rowling gives a very emotional speech; thanking not only the cast, the directing team and people who made the films possible – but also, most importantly, her readers.
  • 11. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - World Film Premiere Arrivals
  • 13. Second marriage J.K. Rowling married Dr. Neil Murray on 26th December 2001, in a private ceremony at their country home in Scotland. When they met, Dr. Murray was working as a senior house officer at an Edinburgh hospital, but now works as a GP (General Practitioner is a medical practitioner who treats acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and health education for all ages).
  • 14. Recognition J.K. Rowling was awarded the O.B.E. (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in the 2000 Queen Elizabeth II's Birthday Honors List for her services to literature and received it from one of her fans, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales.
  • 15. Recognition J.K .Rowling has won 26 awards in different countries, including Britain, France and Italy. Some awards were given to her twice for her other books. • British Book Awards Children‟s Book of the Year • Carnegie Medal • Nestle Smarties Book Prize • Children‟s Book Award • Guardian Children‟s Fiction Prize President Nicolas Sarkozy hands over the J.K. Rowling Address Headlines highest award of France - the Award of Harvard University Commencement the Honourable Legion! 03.02.2009
  • 16. Recognition The first recipient of the Hans Christian Andersen Award, 2010
  • 17. In the Net She has also released her website pottermore.com in cooperation with Sony to serve the fans all over the world that are hungry for more Harry Potter in their lives. The site aims for a unique reading experience for the users with additional features such as games and shops where anyone can buy the e-book and audiobook versions of the book.
  • 18. Philanthropy J.K. Rowling has become a notable philanthropist, supporting such charities as Comic Relief, One Parent Families, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain, and Lumos (formerly the Children's High Level Group). J.K. Rowling became patron of the MS Society, Scotland, in 2003. Her support for the charity included planning and hosting fundraising events, lobbying, and raising awareness of the disease, as well as contributing significant funds for research in Scotland. She stepped down as Patron of the charity in 2009 but continues to fund MS research directly through the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic.
  • 19. Philanthropy In 2010, J.K. Rowling donated £10 million towards the foundation of a new clinic at the University of Edinburgh. The Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic will support patients with multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases, as well as conducting major research into neuroregeneration. The facility is named after Jo's mother, who died of multiple sclerosis aged 45, and will open officially in 2013. J.K.Rowling is awarded by the Princess Royal for her donations to Edinburgh University.
  • 20. At the top The Potter books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, sold more than 400 million copies to become the best-selling book series in history and been the basis for a popular series of films. Rowling has led a "rags to riches" life story, in which she progressed from living on social security to multi- millionaire status within five years. As of March 2011, when its latest world billionaires list was published, Forbes estimated Rowling's net worth to be US$1 billion.
  • 21. Freedom of the City of London On 8 May 2012, J.K. Rowling was granted the Freedom of the City of London. The Freedom of the City of London is one of the oldest surviving traditional ceremonies still in existence today. It‟s believed that the first Freedom was presented in 1237. The medieval term 'freeman' referred to someone who was not beholden to a feudal lord, but enjoyed privileges such as the right to earn money and own land. Town dwellers who were protected by the charter of their town or city were often free – hence the term 'Freedom of the City'.
  • 22. Next step J. K. Rowling is also writing a novel entitled “The Casual Vacancy” which was revealed to be 512 pages long and has a release date of September 27, 2012. Rowling announced that she would be writing a novel catering adult readers and is very different from her Harry Potter series.