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Data Security

Understanding Data Communications and
  Networks – William A. Shay (3E)
Data Security
‘To ensure that the data is received meaningfully
only by the intended recipient’
Approach – Alter (encrypt) the message (un-
intelligible even if intercepted)

- Algorithms
- Public key encryption
- Secure Transfer over internet
Data Security
‘Changing the encrypted data into its original form
– decryption’
Plaintext P- original form
Cipher-text C - encrypted data

Encryption algorithm and key Ek, changes P to C
C = Ek(P),
Decryption algorithm and key Dk’, changes C to P
P = Dk’(C), in many cases k = k’
Data Security
Mono-alphabetic cipher:
‘Replaces each plaintext character with another’
- Add 1 to ASCII code of each character
- A turns into B, B to C, …
- Simple but Rarely used in serious applications
- Relatively easy to decipher
- Commonly used letters: E, T, O, A, N => if
  certain letters appear frequently in cipher-
  text, probably it is one of these (than Q or Z)
Data Security
Mono-alphabetic cipher:
=>  4 times
=> S Twice
=> R Thrice
=> P Twice
They may be substitutions of common
characters, even blank spaces
Data Security
Mono-alphabetic cipher:
‘Try various combinations of common ones’
{;EADEAFF,ONEUYO…(R by E, S by A, P by O)
“Replace ‘’ by blank spaces”
Clues: ‘Two letter word ends with O, Three letter
   word begins with A followed by repeated letter’
=> With educated guesses, message can be
Data Security
Mono-alphabetic cipher:
Drawbacks: preserving particular letter
  sequences, frequency with which letters occur
Poly-alphabetic Cipher:
‘Change the frequencies and break-up common
A plaintext character is not always replaced with
  the same one cipher-text character.
Replacement = f (P, its position in the message)
Data Security
Poly-alphabetic Cipher:
For (int i = 0; i < length of P; i++)
  C[i] = P[i] + K + (i mod 3)
Assume, K =1.
1 is added for positions 0, 3, 6, …
2 is added for positions 1, 4, 7, …
3 is added for positions 2, 5, 8, …
=> Repetition has reduced, but still present
Data Security
Poly-alphabetic Cipher:
‘THE’ appears as UJH, VKF, WIG
If there were more ‘THE’, the pattern would
Also, there are other patterns:
First letters of each ‘THE’ cipher-text are
   consecutive – UVW, (also the 2nd one as JKI,
   and the 3rd one as HFG)
=> Clues for decryption
Data Security
Transposition Cipher:
‘Rearranges the P letters of a message (not
Replacing them)’
One way – store characters in a 2-dimensional
array with m-columns
=> First m-characters in 1st row, next m-
  characters in 2nd row, …..
Determine a permutation of numbers 1 to m:
p1, p2, ……, pm
Data Security
Transposition Cipher:
Transmit p1 column first, then p2, ……, then pm.
  F O      L    L     O
  W        T    H     E
      Y    E    L     L
  O W           B     R
  I C      K          R
  O A      D
Data Security
Transposition Cipher:
Transmit columns 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 (permutation)
If, receiver knows the permutation and the
   number of columns -> reconstruct the
Drawbacks: letter frequencies are preserved,
   also by grouping the characters in different
   columns for sequences like ‘THE, IS’ are
   helpful for guessed-decryption.
Data Security
Bit-Level ciphering:
‘Previous methods are applicable to character
‘Files may contain raw bits (execution files), This
   method handles them’
- Encryption key is a randomly chosen bit-string
- Message bit string is divided into substrings
- Length is the same as that of the key
Data Security
Encrypted string = message string XOR key
- Decryption: Encrypted string XOR key
- E (algorithm) is same as D (algorithm)
- pi is a plaintext bit, if encryption key contains
  ‘0’ in that position:
   pi XOR 0 XOR 0 = pi
  if encryption key contains ‘1’ in that position:
   pi XOR 1 XOR 1 = pi XOR (1 XOR 1) = pi XOR 0 =
Data Security
‘Security depends partly on the length of the
- Short key => many substrings => more chance
  of repetition of the encrypted substring,
- In extreme case, the key length = message
  length => each bit is encrypted uniquely
- If the key-bits are random => unbreakable
  code (but long key needs to be transferred)
Data Security
Data Encryption Standards (DES):
‘Approach is to keep the key short compared to the
  message and to use complex procedure to
  encrypt the message’
- Based on ‘block-cipher’
- Divides the message into 64-bit blocks, uses a key
  to employ a complex transformation.
- It uses transposition (rearrangement) and
  substitution (replacing one bit-group with
Data Security
- Transposition on the block data and the key
- 16 successive encryptions with different keys
  derived from the original, output of one fed to
  the next input
- Swap (32 bits)
- Reverse transposition (of the 1st step)
Data Security
Encryption operations:
data = C64 = L32 R32, K56 = key
(R32: transpose, duplicate bits) results in R48
(K56: shift on each half, transpose) results in K56
R48 XOR K48 (first) = X48
Divide into 8 (6-bit) groups
Substitute each by 4-bit value
Combine into a 32-bit string, transpose = X32
Data Security
L32 XOR X32 = X32
Form final 64 bits = R32 X32
‘Idea was to develop a method with many
   convoluted steps’
- If the same 64-bit block occurs more than
   once, it generates the same cipher-text.
‘Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)’ disrupts that
Data Security
Initialization vector (IV):
Block 1 XOR IV -> DES -> Block 1C
Block 1C XOR Block 2 -> DES -> Block 2C
Block 2C XOR Block 3 -> DES -> Block 3C …
Cipher-text = f (plaintext, its position)
=> Same plain text in different positions means
  different cipher text also
Data Security
• DES Effectiveness: Brute force method of
  attack – trying all possible keys -> 256 possible
  keys, it was possible to break the code in
  hours using gigahertz processors.
• Using 128-bit key => 9.5 * 1015 years to try all
  possible keys @ 1015 keys per second
Data Security
Public Key Encryption (PKE):
‘Knowing the encryption key and the algorithm
  renders decryption easy’
‘PKE makes decryption algorithm and key
  determination difficult even when encryption
  algorithm and key are known’
- Many sources can send message using same Ek.
  Only the receiver knows the Dk’.
Data Security
RSA algorithm:
- Uses modulo-arithmetic and factorization of
  very large numbers
- Cipher-text is easy to calculate but difficult to
1.Assign simple code to letters (1 to 26 for ‘a’ to
2.Choose ‘n’ (200 or more digits) as a product of
  two large prime numbers p, q.
Data Security
For simplicity, n = p * q = 11 * 7 = 77
3. Find a number K that is relatively prime (no
  common factors except 1) to (p-1) * (q-1).
  Choose k = 7 as the encryption key (there is
  always a k)
4. Divide the message into components (with
  many letters in one, avoids repetition), For
  simplicity: “hello” divided as h, e, l, l, o
Data Security
5. For each component, concatenate all the binary
   code of each letter and interpret it as an integer.
   Here, integers are: 8, 5, 12, 12, 15.
6. Encrypt the message by raising each number to
   the power of k (modulo n)
Encrypted message = 57 47 12 12 71
1. Find a value k’ such that (k * k’) – 1 is evenly
   divisible by (p-1) * (q-1). K’ is the decryption key .
Data Security
Here, (p-1) * (q-1) = 60, k’ = 43 works well.
  (there is always a k’)
2. Raise each encrypted number to the power of
  k’ (modulo n)
Results are the original numbers 8, 5, 12, 12, 15.
Potential problem: How to find 71 43 modulo 77?
Break the power in 2, 4, 8, …
Find the modulo for lowest to the highest.
Data Security
• How secure is RSA?
‘n’ and ‘k’ are needed for encryption,
If they are intercepted, K’ could be deduced.
However, it needs ‘p’ and ‘q’ – the factors of ‘n’.
• If ‘n’ is large (200 or more digits) => difficult,
Data Security
Transport layer security (TLS) and Server
‘To ensure access to the proper encryption
  methods and keys to protect privacy’
‘Also to ascertain the legitimacy of the site
  connected to’
‘Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer
  Security Protocols, X.509 certificates’
Data Security
‘TLS and SSL lies between application layer and
  transport layer’
Sender side: encrypts the message from application
  layer and passes it to the transport layer
Receiver side: receives the message from transport
  layer and passes the decrypted message to the
  application layer
‘TLS has the ability to revert to SSL 3.0, there are
  some low level differences’
Data Security
X.509 certificate:
‘Electronic ID to prove that a site is what it
  claims to be’
‘Certificate Authority (CA) issues certificates’
‘Consumer maintains a list of trustworthy CAs in
  his computer’
‘Trusted CA list is developed over the time’
‘Certificate contains a period of validity and two
Data Security
‘Authentication is the process of validating the
   identity of the message-source’
‘Fingerprints are values calculated using some
   algorithms for authentication’
   - downloads the server certificate
   - checks the period of validity
   - checks the fingerprints
   - checks the CA
‘All must be affirmative in order to proceed’
Data Security
‘An initial set of exchange takes place between
  the server and the client – handshake’
‘Handshake defines the cryptographic routines,
  key exchanges, and authentication process’
1. Client to server: highest TLS (SSL) version
  available, a list of encryption algorithms, a list
  of key exchange algorithms, and a list of
  supported compression methods.
Data Security
2. Server chooses each one of the above items from
   the suggested list of the client. It also sends its
3. Client needs to authenticate the certificate.
   Issuing CA attaches a digital signature /
   Fingerprints to it. Two methods are used to
   provide extra security. Also, it verifies the domain
   name in the certificate with that of server.
4. Client sends key to server.
5. If required, server may authenticate the client.
6. Both client and server exchanges session-keys.
Data Security
7. Both sides confirm this arrangements and
  start secure-communication.

# If user A wants to send an encrypted message
  to user B, the plaintext is encrypted with the
  public key of _.
a) User A b) User B c) The network d) (a) or
Data Security
‘Machines are at risk when they are not actively
  doing anything’
‘Risk comes from malicious attacks disrupting
  activities, causing harm’
‘Challenge is to prevent attacks from being
‘All internet traffic has to pass through special
  machine(s) – Firewall’
Data Security
‘It examines passing traffic to look for possible
‘The challenge is to identify the threats’
IP – layer 3, TCP – layer 4
IP packet contains data, source and destination
   addresses, layer 4 protocol (TCP / UDP) using
Server is identified by IP address and the specific
   service by port number
Data Security
Telnet – Port 23, FTP - Port 21, SMTP - Port 25
Some approaches:
Packet Filtering:
‘Examine the header of each packet and decide’
Decision may base on:
  - Address field
  - port number
  - transport protocol represented
Data Security
Example decisions:
- Allow any incoming packet with TCP port
  designation of 23 (allowing remote login to
  any machine)
- Allow any incoming packet with TCP port
  designation of 23 with destination address
  found in a maintained list. Implication?
- Allow any outgoing packet with destination
  address found in a maintained list.
Data Security
The above specifies criteria to allow packets.
=> Blocks unless otherwise specified (default)
Alternative: Allows unless otherwise specified
- Block any incoming packet with TCP port
  designation of 23. Implication?
- Block any incoming packet with source
  address found in a maintained list.
Data Security
- Block any incoming packet with destination
   address found in a maintained list.
- Block any outgoing packet with source and
   destination addresses found in a maintained
   list. Implication?
Better ‘default’ approach? Block packet –
   nothing will pass unless explicitly stated,
Ensures more security.
Data Security
Application Level Gateway:
Packet filtering works at layer 3, making decision on
  packet contents, inflexible on an action within an
Gateway provides that flexibility, works at a higher
‘Allow for file transfer – download files but not
‘More logic into a firewall that understands the
  applications and their abilities – called proxy
Data Security
‘Special programs for each type of application it
   needs to watch.’
‘It examines application layer requests and
   allows (denies) based on the information
   provided to the firewall’
‘A gateway program for each application’
- Main advantage: flexibility
- Significant overhead
Data Security
Stateful Inspection:
‘Works at the network layer and avoids
‘It examines the contents of a packet in the
   context of what has happened previously’
Example: a ‘ping’ command response indicates
   that a device is reachable and the time
   needed for a round-trip’
=> Command sends an echo request and site
   responds with echo response
Data Security
Stateful inspection ensures that a response
  packet is not allowed unless there was a
  previous request.
Also the source and the destination should
  reverse in these two events. (security against
  denial-of-service attack)
Data Security
‘A collection of instructions attached to an
   executable file that does something not
   intended originally’
Virus attachment to a file -> infected file
Worms usually appear as a separate program,
   intruding a system, threatening security.
‘Infected file contains a branch instruction to
   unintended tasks, and branches to some point
   of the original code’ - diagram
Data Security
‘User may not be aware of the virus unless it
  causes a major distraction’
‘Worst viruses avoid massive, immediate
  destruction, rather making small,
  unnoticeable changes over time’
‘As such, even back-ups may be infected’
‘Virus may probe file system looking for
  executable files on disk, if found, it duplicates
  itself and stores a copy in the file’
Data Security
Memory Resident viruses:
‘Resides in memory, attacks a file when it enters
   the memory’
It needs to be referenced to be executed.
It may use the interrupt mechanism to do so.
‘Modifies the Interrupt table with vectors
   pointing to the virus instead’
Data Security
Early Antivirus programs worked by looking for
  signature – a sequence of bytes contained in
  the virus- at the beginning and end of file.
Signatures were encrypted and the decryption
  algorithm was added to virus.
Antivirus programs looked for byte patterns of
  decryption algorithm, examined decrypted
  result and look for signatures – proved quite
Data Security
Virus Sources:
‘Individuals trying to invade a system’
‘It spreads by sharing resources – through
   removable disks, networks’
‘Prevention is the best approach’
Internet worm:
‘Replicates quickly throughout internet, clogging
   communications, forcing system shut down’
Data Security
One approach taken by the worm:
‘Used an utility program that allows one user to
  obtain information of other user’
‘A flaw that did not check for buffer-overflow
  was exploited’
‘The worm was able to overflow the buffer and
  overwrote part of the system stack’
‘The original return address was lost, pointing to
  some instructions in the buffer’
Data Security
‘This enabled it to copy itself and infect new
Data Security
# Mono- alphabetic cipher has no real value
  where serious security is needed. T/F
# Public key encryption allows different people
  to use the same encryption key even when
  they are not supposed to know what another
  person is sending. T/F
# Any block cipher that encrypts a block at a
  time is essentially a substitution cipher,
  replacing one block with another. T/F
Data Security
# An encryption method that uses longer key is
  more secure than one that uses a shorter key.
# The most serious viruses destroy a lot of data
  very quickly. T/F
# Firewalls are commonly used to protect a
  network against incoming viruses. T/F
Data Security
# A _ can forward or block packets based on the
   information in the network and transport layer
a) Proxy Firewall b) Packet filter firewall
c) Message Digest d) Private key

# A _ can forward or block packets based on the
   information in the message itself.
a) Proxy Firewall b) Packet filter firewall
c) Message Digest d) Private key

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Data security in data communication

  • 1. Data Security Understanding Data Communications and Networks – William A. Shay (3E)
  • 2. Data Security ‘To ensure that the data is received meaningfully only by the intended recipient’ Approach – Alter (encrypt) the message (un- intelligible even if intercepted) - Algorithms - Public key encryption - Secure Transfer over internet
  • 3. Data Security Definitions: ‘Changing the encrypted data into its original form – decryption’ Plaintext P- original form Cipher-text C - encrypted data Encryption algorithm and key Ek, changes P to C C = Ek(P), Decryption algorithm and key Dk’, changes C to P P = Dk’(C), in many cases k = k’
  • 4. Data Security Mono-alphabetic cipher: ‘Replaces each plaintext character with another’ - Add 1 to ASCII code of each character - A turns into B, B to C, … - Simple but Rarely used in serious applications - Relatively easy to decipher - Commonly used letters: E, T, O, A, N => if certain letters appear frequently in cipher- text, probably it is one of these (than Q or Z)
  • 5. Data Security Mono-alphabetic cipher: P = PLEASE ADD MONEY TO C = {;RSDRSFF,PMRUYP => 4 times => S Twice => R Thrice => P Twice They may be substitutions of common characters, even blank spaces
  • 6. Data Security Mono-alphabetic cipher: ‘Try various combinations of common ones’ {;EADEAFF,ONEUYO…(R by E, S by A, P by O) “Replace ‘’ by blank spaces” {;EADE AFF ,ONEU YO Clues: ‘Two letter word ends with O, Three letter word begins with A followed by repeated letter’ {;EADE ADD ,ONEU TO => With educated guesses, message can be decrypted
  • 7. Data Security Mono-alphabetic cipher: Drawbacks: preserving particular letter sequences, frequency with which letters occur Poly-alphabetic Cipher: ‘Change the frequencies and break-up common sequences’ A plaintext character is not always replaced with the same one cipher-text character. Replacement = f (P, its position in the message)
  • 8. Data Security Poly-alphabetic Cipher: For (int i = 0; i < length of P; i++) C[i] = P[i] + K + (i mod 3) Assume, K =1. 1 is added for positions 0, 3, 6, … 2 is added for positions 1, 4, 7, … 3 is added for positions 2, 5, 8, … THEMTHENTHEY -> UJHNVKFPWIG => Repetition has reduced, but still present
  • 9. Data Security Poly-alphabetic Cipher: ‘THE’ appears as UJH, VKF, WIG If there were more ‘THE’, the pattern would repeat. Also, there are other patterns: First letters of each ‘THE’ cipher-text are consecutive – UVW, (also the 2nd one as JKI, and the 3rd one as HFG) => Clues for decryption
  • 10. Data Security Transposition Cipher: ‘Rearranges the P letters of a message (not Replacing them)’ One way – store characters in a 2-dimensional array with m-columns => First m-characters in 1st row, next m- characters in 2nd row, ….. Determine a permutation of numbers 1 to m: p1, p2, ……, pm
  • 11. Data Security Transposition Cipher: Transmit p1 column first, then p2, ……, then pm. P = ‘FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD’ F O L L O W T H E Y E L L O W B R I C K R O A D
  • 12. Data Security Transposition Cipher: Transmit columns 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 (permutation) O YWCALHLB LTE KDFW OIOOELRR If, receiver knows the permutation and the number of columns -> reconstruct the message Drawbacks: letter frequencies are preserved, also by grouping the characters in different columns for sequences like ‘THE, IS’ are helpful for guessed-decryption.
  • 13. Data Security Bit-Level ciphering: ‘Previous methods are applicable to character sequences’ ‘Files may contain raw bits (execution files), This method handles them’ - Encryption key is a randomly chosen bit-string - Message bit string is divided into substrings - Length is the same as that of the key
  • 14. Data Security Encrypted string = message string XOR key - Decryption: Encrypted string XOR key - E (algorithm) is same as D (algorithm) - pi is a plaintext bit, if encryption key contains ‘0’ in that position: pi XOR 0 XOR 0 = pi if encryption key contains ‘1’ in that position: pi XOR 1 XOR 1 = pi XOR (1 XOR 1) = pi XOR 0 = pi
  • 15. Data Security ‘Security depends partly on the length of the key’ - Short key => many substrings => more chance of repetition of the encrypted substring, susceptible - In extreme case, the key length = message length => each bit is encrypted uniquely - If the key-bits are random => unbreakable code (but long key needs to be transferred)
  • 16. Data Security Data Encryption Standards (DES): ‘Approach is to keep the key short compared to the message and to use complex procedure to encrypt the message’ - Based on ‘block-cipher’ - Divides the message into 64-bit blocks, uses a key to employ a complex transformation. - It uses transposition (rearrangement) and substitution (replacing one bit-group with another
  • 17. Data Security Steps: - Transposition on the block data and the key - 16 successive encryptions with different keys derived from the original, output of one fed to the next input - Swap (32 bits) - Reverse transposition (of the 1st step)
  • 18. Data Security Encryption operations: data = C64 = L32 R32, K56 = key (R32: transpose, duplicate bits) results in R48 (K56: shift on each half, transpose) results in K56 R48 XOR K48 (first) = X48 Divide into 8 (6-bit) groups Substitute each by 4-bit value Combine into a 32-bit string, transpose = X32
  • 19. Data Security L32 XOR X32 = X32 Form final 64 bits = R32 X32 ‘Idea was to develop a method with many convoluted steps’ - If the same 64-bit block occurs more than once, it generates the same cipher-text. ‘Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)’ disrupts that pattern.
  • 20. Data Security CBC: Initialization vector (IV): Block 1 XOR IV -> DES -> Block 1C Block 1C XOR Block 2 -> DES -> Block 2C Block 2C XOR Block 3 -> DES -> Block 3C … Cipher-text = f (plaintext, its position) => Same plain text in different positions means different cipher text also
  • 21. Data Security • DES Effectiveness: Brute force method of attack – trying all possible keys -> 256 possible keys, it was possible to break the code in hours using gigahertz processors. • Using 128-bit key => 9.5 * 1015 years to try all possible keys @ 1015 keys per second
  • 22. Data Security Public Key Encryption (PKE): ‘Knowing the encryption key and the algorithm renders decryption easy’ ‘PKE makes decryption algorithm and key determination difficult even when encryption algorithm and key are known’ - Many sources can send message using same Ek. Only the receiver knows the Dk’.
  • 23. Data Security RSA algorithm: - Uses modulo-arithmetic and factorization of very large numbers - Cipher-text is easy to calculate but difficult to break 1.Assign simple code to letters (1 to 26 for ‘a’ to ‘z’) 2.Choose ‘n’ (200 or more digits) as a product of two large prime numbers p, q.
  • 24. Data Security For simplicity, n = p * q = 11 * 7 = 77 3. Find a number K that is relatively prime (no common factors except 1) to (p-1) * (q-1). Choose k = 7 as the encryption key (there is always a k) 4. Divide the message into components (with many letters in one, avoids repetition), For simplicity: “hello” divided as h, e, l, l, o
  • 25. Data Security 5. For each component, concatenate all the binary code of each letter and interpret it as an integer. Here, integers are: 8, 5, 12, 12, 15. 6. Encrypt the message by raising each number to the power of k (modulo n) Encrypted message = 57 47 12 12 71 Decryption: 1. Find a value k’ such that (k * k’) – 1 is evenly divisible by (p-1) * (q-1). K’ is the decryption key .
  • 26. Data Security Here, (p-1) * (q-1) = 60, k’ = 43 works well. (there is always a k’) 2. Raise each encrypted number to the power of k’ (modulo n) Results are the original numbers 8, 5, 12, 12, 15. Potential problem: How to find 71 43 modulo 77? Break the power in 2, 4, 8, … Find the modulo for lowest to the highest.
  • 27. Data Security • How secure is RSA? ‘n’ and ‘k’ are needed for encryption, If they are intercepted, K’ could be deduced. However, it needs ‘p’ and ‘q’ – the factors of ‘n’. • If ‘n’ is large (200 or more digits) => difficult, time-consuming
  • 28. Data Security Transport layer security (TLS) and Server Authentication: ‘To ensure access to the proper encryption methods and keys to protect privacy’ ‘Also to ascertain the legitimacy of the site connected to’ ‘Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security Protocols, X.509 certificates’
  • 29. Data Security ‘TLS and SSL lies between application layer and transport layer’ Sender side: encrypts the message from application layer and passes it to the transport layer Receiver side: receives the message from transport layer and passes the decrypted message to the application layer ‘TLS has the ability to revert to SSL 3.0, there are some low level differences’
  • 30. Data Security X.509 certificate: ‘Electronic ID to prove that a site is what it claims to be’ ‘Certificate Authority (CA) issues certificates’ ‘Consumer maintains a list of trustworthy CAs in his computer’ ‘Trusted CA list is developed over the time’ ‘Certificate contains a period of validity and two fingerprints’
  • 31. Data Security ‘Authentication is the process of validating the identity of the message-source’ ‘Fingerprints are values calculated using some algorithms for authentication’ Browser: - downloads the server certificate - checks the period of validity - checks the fingerprints - checks the CA ‘All must be affirmative in order to proceed’
  • 32. Data Security ‘An initial set of exchange takes place between the server and the client – handshake’ ‘Handshake defines the cryptographic routines, key exchanges, and authentication process’ 1. Client to server: highest TLS (SSL) version available, a list of encryption algorithms, a list of key exchange algorithms, and a list of supported compression methods.
  • 33. Data Security 2. Server chooses each one of the above items from the suggested list of the client. It also sends its certificate. 3. Client needs to authenticate the certificate. Issuing CA attaches a digital signature / Fingerprints to it. Two methods are used to provide extra security. Also, it verifies the domain name in the certificate with that of server. 4. Client sends key to server. 5. If required, server may authenticate the client. 6. Both client and server exchanges session-keys.
  • 34. Data Security 7. Both sides confirm this arrangements and start secure-communication. # If user A wants to send an encrypted message to user B, the plaintext is encrypted with the public key of _. a) User A b) User B c) The network d) (a) or (b)
  • 35. Data Security Firewalls ‘Machines are at risk when they are not actively doing anything’ ‘Risk comes from malicious attacks disrupting activities, causing harm’ ‘Challenge is to prevent attacks from being successful’ ‘All internet traffic has to pass through special machine(s) – Firewall’
  • 36. Data Security ‘It examines passing traffic to look for possible threats’ ‘The challenge is to identify the threats’ IP – layer 3, TCP – layer 4 IP packet contains data, source and destination addresses, layer 4 protocol (TCP / UDP) using it. Server is identified by IP address and the specific service by port number
  • 37. Data Security Telnet – Port 23, FTP - Port 21, SMTP - Port 25 Some approaches: Packet Filtering: ‘Examine the header of each packet and decide’ Decision may base on: - Address field - port number - transport protocol represented
  • 38. Data Security Example decisions: - Allow any incoming packet with TCP port designation of 23 (allowing remote login to any machine) - Allow any incoming packet with TCP port designation of 23 with destination address found in a maintained list. Implication? - Allow any outgoing packet with destination address found in a maintained list. Implication?
  • 39. Data Security The above specifies criteria to allow packets. => Blocks unless otherwise specified (default) Alternative: Allows unless otherwise specified (default) - Block any incoming packet with TCP port designation of 23. Implication? - Block any incoming packet with source address found in a maintained list. Implication?
  • 40. Data Security - Block any incoming packet with destination address found in a maintained list. Implication? - Block any outgoing packet with source and destination addresses found in a maintained list. Implication? Better ‘default’ approach? Block packet – nothing will pass unless explicitly stated, Ensures more security.
  • 41. Data Security Application Level Gateway: Packet filtering works at layer 3, making decision on packet contents, inflexible on an action within an application. Gateway provides that flexibility, works at a higher layer. ‘Allow for file transfer – download files but not upload’ ‘More logic into a firewall that understands the applications and their abilities – called proxy server’
  • 42. Data Security ‘Special programs for each type of application it needs to watch.’ ‘It examines application layer requests and allows (denies) based on the information provided to the firewall’ ‘A gateway program for each application’ - Main advantage: flexibility - Significant overhead
  • 43. Data Security Stateful Inspection: ‘Works at the network layer and avoids overhead’ ‘It examines the contents of a packet in the context of what has happened previously’ Example: a ‘ping’ command response indicates that a device is reachable and the time needed for a round-trip’ => Command sends an echo request and site responds with echo response
  • 44. Data Security Stateful inspection ensures that a response packet is not allowed unless there was a previous request. Also the source and the destination should reverse in these two events. (security against denial-of-service attack)
  • 45. Data Security Viruses ‘A collection of instructions attached to an executable file that does something not intended originally’ Virus attachment to a file -> infected file Worms usually appear as a separate program, intruding a system, threatening security. ‘Infected file contains a branch instruction to unintended tasks, and branches to some point of the original code’ - diagram
  • 46. Data Security ‘User may not be aware of the virus unless it causes a major distraction’ ‘Worst viruses avoid massive, immediate destruction, rather making small, unnoticeable changes over time’ ‘As such, even back-ups may be infected’ ‘Virus may probe file system looking for executable files on disk, if found, it duplicates itself and stores a copy in the file’
  • 47. Data Security Memory Resident viruses: ‘Resides in memory, attacks a file when it enters the memory’ It needs to be referenced to be executed. It may use the interrupt mechanism to do so. ‘Modifies the Interrupt table with vectors pointing to the virus instead’
  • 48. Data Security Early Antivirus programs worked by looking for signature – a sequence of bytes contained in the virus- at the beginning and end of file. Signatures were encrypted and the decryption algorithm was added to virus. Antivirus programs looked for byte patterns of decryption algorithm, examined decrypted result and look for signatures – proved quite successful
  • 49. Data Security Virus Sources: ‘Individuals trying to invade a system’ ‘It spreads by sharing resources – through removable disks, networks’ ‘Prevention is the best approach’ Internet worm: ‘Replicates quickly throughout internet, clogging communications, forcing system shut down’
  • 50. Data Security One approach taken by the worm: ‘Used an utility program that allows one user to obtain information of other user’ ‘A flaw that did not check for buffer-overflow was exploited’ ‘The worm was able to overflow the buffer and overwrote part of the system stack’ ‘The original return address was lost, pointing to some instructions in the buffer’
  • 51. Data Security ‘This enabled it to copy itself and infect new machines’
  • 52. Data Security # Mono- alphabetic cipher has no real value where serious security is needed. T/F # Public key encryption allows different people to use the same encryption key even when they are not supposed to know what another person is sending. T/F # Any block cipher that encrypts a block at a time is essentially a substitution cipher, replacing one block with another. T/F
  • 53. Data Security # An encryption method that uses longer key is more secure than one that uses a shorter key. T/F # The most serious viruses destroy a lot of data very quickly. T/F # Firewalls are commonly used to protect a network against incoming viruses. T/F
  • 54. Data Security # A _ can forward or block packets based on the information in the network and transport layer headers. a) Proxy Firewall b) Packet filter firewall c) Message Digest d) Private key # A _ can forward or block packets based on the information in the message itself. a) Proxy Firewall b) Packet filter firewall c) Message Digest d) Private key