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Customer Communication Management
Organization Customer Communication Management Solution HR Finance Marketing CRM Core Banking ERP Legacy System Structured Interactive On-Demand Operations Designer Design templates Regulatory  Bodies Customers Partner
Source: "Customer Experience Correlates to Loyalty," Forrester Research, February 2009 Why customer experience is important ?
Study  Customer Retention  Revenue Customer Retention  New  CUSTOMER CREATION Source : Prentice Hall, Leading on the Edge of Chaos, by Emmett C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy.
Objective is to move customers from satisfied to loyal and then from loyal to advocate
Business Challenges
CONSOLIDATION Consolidation of multiple systems Core Banking Loan Management System Wealth Management System CRM Consolidation of multiple Products Account Statement Credit Card Statement Investments and Loan Compliance with Industry Regulations  Control over customer communication to meet regulatory requirement  Ability to quickly respond to regulatory changes
MANAGING PROMOTIONS Capture Customer Interest Capture customer interest on promotion for LEAD GENERATION Up-Selling Cross Selling Targeting right offer to right customer on the basis of analysis of transaction
CHANGE MANAGEMENT Multiple Output Channels Different Systems for Printing, Email and Web Presentment Changes to be Replicated Across Multiple Channels Longer Approval cycle  High TAT(Turn Around Time) for roll out of Changes / New Products No Version Control Mechanism Multiple Templates for Multiple Cycle “ System Expert” Required Experts for different systems required to perform Minor Changes Dependency on Vendors / expert IT resource Cost – Vendors charge for incorporate changes
BRAND CREATION ENFORCE BRANDING GUIDELINES Branding guidelines must be followed to ensure consistency in all customer communication for brand creation LOGO Font Style and Background Page Dimension Header and Body Style  Analysis Graphical and Textual Analysis on Information present in Statement.
Current Scenario Is this ordinary Customer Communication sufficient  ? RAW DATA
What is Required?
Data from disparate sources Targeted Promotions Graphs Personalization
CCM Solution
Key Features
TARGETED PROMOTION Business Rule determined Promotional Message  Conditional Annexure for Cross Selling Capture Customer Interest through Dynamic  Hyperlink Hyperlink on Image Business Rule –  If ( CustomerType = ‘Gold’)
SECURITY TARGETED PROMOTION Password Protected PDF Digital Signature in PDF Statements https://  enabled portal SSO and LDAP Authentication Support XYZ Bank
MAKER - CHECKER SECURITY TARGATED PROMOTION INTEGRATION Sampling and Auditing Sequential Sampling Random Sampling Searching Approval Stages Design Approval Generation Approval Distribution Approval XYZ Bank
MAKER - CHECKER SECURITY TARGATED PROMOTION INTEGRATION EASE of DESIGN Drag and Drop Multiple Layer Support Style Gallery Template Gallery Graph Barcode Dynamic Image URL  Placeholders for Database Field. System Fields
Solution Highlights
WASTEAGE CONTROL Track Undelivered statements Track Undelivered Statements Integration with barcode reader.  Monitor Savings ROI chart shows your Savings Fine-tune Policy for better result Define Exception Handling Policy Send SMS Notification to update Address Stop Sending Hard Copy of Statement Send Only Email Statement
Archival  and  Retrieval  Fast Search Index based Search Search on Content/field Volume Independent Search  Archival In Built Secured Content Repository  Adapter for DMS
Business Activity Monitor Customized Reports Design Your Reports as per your needs Reconciliation Operation Report Minimum IT Intervention Drill down Reports Real-time Monitoring Process Completion Status Resource Utilization Map User Specific Customized Dashboard
CCM Benefits
Single Statement Template For Multiple Distribution Channel Loyalty Generation and  Brand Building Consolidate overlapping Technologies Easy Change Management Regulatory Compliance Reducing IT Support Cost Optimization and better control on wastages Go Green Better Up-selling and  Cross Selling
Case Study
Case Study Business Challenge Consolidation of Information from Multiple Source into Single Customer Statements  Enforcing Branding Guidelines Multiple Cycle of Customer Statements Archival of historical Customer Statement Tracking of Returned Mail Enhancing Customer Experience Leading Bank in Dubai
Case Study Solution Provided Deployment of CCM solution to send statement through Email Single statement for multiple products (Consolidation) Enforcing Branding guidelines by using base lined Template and Style Gallery  Statement archival in O2MS Repository. Integration with Internet Banking and CRM Bounced mail tracking  E-Statement Subscription notification Leading Bank in Dubai
Case Study Case Study- CCM for a leading bank in India About The Client The client- is among the first of the new-generation private sector banks granted licenses in the mid-nineties to drive the process of reform in the banking sector. During this tenure, the bank has progressed in the areas of technology-supported processes, cost-efficient, and customer friendly banking systems. The success path has not only been in the Corporate and Wholesale Banking but also in the Retail Banking.  Business Requirements Streamlining the letter designing and generation process  Multi-channel distribution of letters as per customer preference Higher TAT for roll out of changes  in templates Faster template creation with expansion of business Maintenance of  all the design templates for future reference Efficient version control of templates Completely rule based creation and distribution of letter templates Security on template access Audit Trail facility Report generation with Graphical and Textual analysis for informed decision making Enforcing Branding Guidelines Enhancing Customer Experience
Case Study Case Study- Continues Key Benefits  Empowers business users to produce customized communication Personalized messages to customers for up-selling and cross-selling Reduced letter distribution cost Adherence to regulatory compliance Newgen’s  CCM works as a data consolidator from various applications Enhanced customer experience Availability of on line data anytime anywhere Ensures on-time retrieval even with increased database sizes Enforcing branding guidelines Timely availability of MIS reports Automatic scheduled purging of  historic data for smooth processing  Newgen solution Deployment of CCM solution to send letter through email GUI and ability to import existing letter templates  WYSIWYG tool to design and review letters prior to generate Right based user management to access templates Efficient version control and  maker/checker facility  for template approval Seamless integration with existing applications Rule based  routing of letter templates for quality check Maintain audit trails of all transactions
Thank You

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Customer communication management

  • 2. Organization Customer Communication Management Solution HR Finance Marketing CRM Core Banking ERP Legacy System Structured Interactive On-Demand Operations Designer Design templates Regulatory Bodies Customers Partner
  • 3. Source: "Customer Experience Correlates to Loyalty," Forrester Research, February 2009 Why customer experience is important ?
  • 4. Study Customer Retention Revenue Customer Retention New CUSTOMER CREATION Source : Prentice Hall, Leading on the Edge of Chaos, by Emmett C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy.
  • 5. Objective is to move customers from satisfied to loyal and then from loyal to advocate
  • 7. CONSOLIDATION Consolidation of multiple systems Core Banking Loan Management System Wealth Management System CRM Consolidation of multiple Products Account Statement Credit Card Statement Investments and Loan Compliance with Industry Regulations Control over customer communication to meet regulatory requirement Ability to quickly respond to regulatory changes
  • 8. MANAGING PROMOTIONS Capture Customer Interest Capture customer interest on promotion for LEAD GENERATION Up-Selling Cross Selling Targeting right offer to right customer on the basis of analysis of transaction
  • 9. CHANGE MANAGEMENT Multiple Output Channels Different Systems for Printing, Email and Web Presentment Changes to be Replicated Across Multiple Channels Longer Approval cycle High TAT(Turn Around Time) for roll out of Changes / New Products No Version Control Mechanism Multiple Templates for Multiple Cycle “ System Expert” Required Experts for different systems required to perform Minor Changes Dependency on Vendors / expert IT resource Cost – Vendors charge for incorporate changes
  • 10. BRAND CREATION ENFORCE BRANDING GUIDELINES Branding guidelines must be followed to ensure consistency in all customer communication for brand creation LOGO Font Style and Background Page Dimension Header and Body Style Analysis Graphical and Textual Analysis on Information present in Statement.
  • 11. Current Scenario Is this ordinary Customer Communication sufficient ? RAW DATA
  • 13. Data from disparate sources Targeted Promotions Graphs Personalization
  • 16. TARGETED PROMOTION Business Rule determined Promotional Message Conditional Annexure for Cross Selling Capture Customer Interest through Dynamic Hyperlink Hyperlink on Image Business Rule – If ( CustomerType = ‘Gold’)
  • 17. SECURITY TARGETED PROMOTION Password Protected PDF Digital Signature in PDF Statements https:// enabled portal SSO and LDAP Authentication Support XYZ Bank
  • 19. MAKER - CHECKER SECURITY TARGATED PROMOTION INTEGRATION Sampling and Auditing Sequential Sampling Random Sampling Searching Approval Stages Design Approval Generation Approval Distribution Approval XYZ Bank
  • 20. MAKER - CHECKER SECURITY TARGATED PROMOTION INTEGRATION EASE of DESIGN Drag and Drop Multiple Layer Support Style Gallery Template Gallery Graph Barcode Dynamic Image URL Placeholders for Database Field. System Fields
  • 22. WASTEAGE CONTROL Track Undelivered statements Track Undelivered Statements Integration with barcode reader. Monitor Savings ROI chart shows your Savings Fine-tune Policy for better result Define Exception Handling Policy Send SMS Notification to update Address Stop Sending Hard Copy of Statement Send Only Email Statement
  • 23. Archival and Retrieval Fast Search Index based Search Search on Content/field Volume Independent Search Archival In Built Secured Content Repository Adapter for DMS
  • 24. Business Activity Monitor Customized Reports Design Your Reports as per your needs Reconciliation Operation Report Minimum IT Intervention Drill down Reports Real-time Monitoring Process Completion Status Resource Utilization Map User Specific Customized Dashboard
  • 26. Single Statement Template For Multiple Distribution Channel Loyalty Generation and Brand Building Consolidate overlapping Technologies Easy Change Management Regulatory Compliance Reducing IT Support Cost Optimization and better control on wastages Go Green Better Up-selling and Cross Selling
  • 28. Case Study Business Challenge Consolidation of Information from Multiple Source into Single Customer Statements Enforcing Branding Guidelines Multiple Cycle of Customer Statements Archival of historical Customer Statement Tracking of Returned Mail Enhancing Customer Experience Leading Bank in Dubai
  • 29. Case Study Solution Provided Deployment of CCM solution to send statement through Email Single statement for multiple products (Consolidation) Enforcing Branding guidelines by using base lined Template and Style Gallery Statement archival in O2MS Repository. Integration with Internet Banking and CRM Bounced mail tracking E-Statement Subscription notification Leading Bank in Dubai
  • 30. Case Study Case Study- CCM for a leading bank in India About The Client The client- is among the first of the new-generation private sector banks granted licenses in the mid-nineties to drive the process of reform in the banking sector. During this tenure, the bank has progressed in the areas of technology-supported processes, cost-efficient, and customer friendly banking systems. The success path has not only been in the Corporate and Wholesale Banking but also in the Retail Banking. Business Requirements Streamlining the letter designing and generation process Multi-channel distribution of letters as per customer preference Higher TAT for roll out of changes in templates Faster template creation with expansion of business Maintenance of all the design templates for future reference Efficient version control of templates Completely rule based creation and distribution of letter templates Security on template access Audit Trail facility Report generation with Graphical and Textual analysis for informed decision making Enforcing Branding Guidelines Enhancing Customer Experience
  • 31. Case Study Case Study- Continues Key Benefits Empowers business users to produce customized communication Personalized messages to customers for up-selling and cross-selling Reduced letter distribution cost Adherence to regulatory compliance Newgen’s CCM works as a data consolidator from various applications Enhanced customer experience Availability of on line data anytime anywhere Ensures on-time retrieval even with increased database sizes Enforcing branding guidelines Timely availability of MIS reports Automatic scheduled purging of historic data for smooth processing Newgen solution Deployment of CCM solution to send letter through email GUI and ability to import existing letter templates WYSIWYG tool to design and review letters prior to generate Right based user management to access templates Efficient version control and maker/checker facility for template approval Seamless integration with existing applications Rule based routing of letter templates for quality check Maintain audit trails of all transactions

Editor's Notes

  1. OmniOMS 3.1 – Solution for effective customer communication
  2. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  3. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  4. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  5. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  6. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  7. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  8. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  9. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  10. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  11. Organization can have uniform statement design regardless of Communication channels Enable you to Reuse Designed Components using template Gallery and Font Gallery Optimize spending by intelligently selecting “Lowest Delivery Cost” and “Highest Values” for different audience. Content Personalization and supporting Customer Preference in Delivery modes will help you gain customers loyalty. Consolidate overlapping technologies from providers of letter generation, statement processing, e-forms, policy support and retiring legacy applications and generate single statement out of it. As a result save on distribution cost like courier charges along with better customer experience. Reduce your cost and effort in IT Support due to reduction in Complexity and ease of Administration Avoiding the risk of fines in highly regulated industries by using required formats and terminology. Opportunities for Up-selling and cross-selling through targeted customer communication. "Green" benefits of reducing or eliminating paper production.
  12. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  13. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  14. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  15. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  16. Lets have a Quick overview of the process of
  17. Going on to the possible applicability areas of the solution: