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IoT and the Industrial
Internet of Things
Security, Privacy & Safety
in a World of Connected Devices
June 20, 2019 • Chicago, IL
Source: shutterstock.com
• This presentation represents my own views
and not that of past, present or future
• Thank you for getting up early!
• I hope to be more interactive with the
audience, because I don’t want you bored
• Sometimes I am the only one in the room
who thinks my jokes are funny
• Please feel free to ask questions anytime
Introduction to the
Internet of Things (IoT)
The first “selfie” taken in 1920
Pre-Internet Things
What we think of when we hear IoT
“This past summer my wife and I…decided it was time to update
our kitchen…and laundry appliances.…A quick online search
showed us internet-connected…smart models were
available.…Now our refrigerator shows us our family calendar…and
sends us our grocery list.…Our dryer begins its work and tells us
when it's done…and how much energy it's used on the load.…All
of these appliances, including our thermostat,…garage doors,
home lighting, television,…and door locks send information about
our home to us…no matter where we are.…”
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
History of IoT
• The Internet of Things definition: “Sensors
and actuators embedded in physical
objects are linked through wired and
wireless networks”
• There are a number of similar concepts
but Internet of Things is by far the most
popular term to describe this
• M2M or the Industrial Internet are not
opposing concepts to the Internet of
Things. Rather, they are sub-segments.
Let’s Define “IoT”
• Internet of Things
• Consumer IoT (IoT)
• All of our consumer “things” – smart devices and sensors connected and communicating over
the Internet.
• Industrial IoT (IIoT)
• The Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT, connects machines and devices in industries such as
transportation, power generation, and healthcare.
• Embedded Systems
• An embedded system is a programmed controlling and operating system with a dedicated
function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing
constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and
mechanical parts.
• Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
• Industrial Control System. Industrial control system (ICS) is a collective term used to describe
different types of control systems and associated instrumentation, which include the devices,
systems, networks, and controls used to operate and/or automate industrial processes.
• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
• Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware
elements that allows industrial organizations to: Control industrial processes locally or at
remote locations. Monitor, gather, and process real-time data.
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
80 Billion
IoT Architecture
Fog Computing Cloud Computing
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT Applications
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Smart & Autonomous Vehicles
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Military Applications
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Industrial IoT
Industrial IoT (IIoT)
The Industrial IoT Consortium lists these 15 possible uses of IIoT:
1. Smart factory warehousing applications
2. Predictive and remote maintenance.
3. Freight, goods and transportation monitoring.
4. Connected logistics.
5. Smart metering and smart grid.
6. Smart city applications.
7. Smart farming and livestock monitoring.
8. Industrial security systems
9. Energy consumption optimization
10.Industrial heating, ventilation and air conditioning
11.Manufacturing equipment monitoring.
12.Asset tracking and smart logistics.
13.Ozone, gas and temperature monitoring in industrial environments.
14.Safety and health (conditions) monitoring of workers.
15.Asset performance management
It is about adding value:
Harley Davidson reduced
its built-to-order cycle
by a factor of 36 and
grew overall profitability
by 3-4% by shifting to
full IoT enabled plant
Internet of Things vs. Industrial IoT
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Size and market impact of the Industrial Internet of Things – source: Morgan Stanley, IndustryARC, Accenture and Research and Markets.
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Emerging Technologies Converge
and Enable IoT
5G Enables IoT
• 100x faster than 4G
• 1/50 the latency of 4G
• Much more scalable: 100x more devices than there are people
• Good for time sensitive applications (e.g. factory robotics, robotic
• How do you get billions of devices to talk to each other?
• Security & Privacy are key
• Connected assets can be used to extract productivity
Big Data and IoT
Sensors on GE jet engines can produce 10 terabytes
of operational information for every 30 minutes they turn.
A four engine jumbo jet can create 640 terabytes of data
on just one Atlantic crossing. Now multiply that by the
many flights flown each day…
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Fog (Edge) Computing Enables IoT
AI and Machine Learning Enable IoT
‘A Cambrian Explosion
that will disrupt
virtually all sectors.’
Speech to text
translation rates
are now > 95%
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Blockchain (Distributed Ledger) Adds Integrity to IoT
and Security to M2M Communications
• Amazon, Google, Microsoft and other industry leaders will enable standardized platforms that allow
EVERYTHING to be connected to the Internet
• The Alexa Connection Kit will allow many devices to be connected to the Internet by writing a few lines of
• The future IoT will be ubiquitous and pervasive, low-power and small as a grain of sand
iPhone Sensors
• Proximity Sensor
• Light Sensor
• Camera
• Gyroscope
• Accelerometer
• Moisture Sensor
• Compass
• Barometer
• Touch ID
• Face ID
Source: Apple
The Increasing Attack Surface
“The difference between a good and bad
Internet of Things depends on society’s ability to
construct effective IoT governance models… the
formation of principles as a means to unify the
multiple bodies and organizations involved in
the IoT governance ecosystem.”
- Vint Cerf
F. Berman and V.G. Cerf, “Social and Ethical Behavior in the Internet of Things,” Comm. ACM, vol. 60 no. 2, 2017, pp. 6-7
The first “selfie” taken in 1920 Source: joyoftech.com
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
The Future Human Impact
of Smart &
Autonomous Vehicles
The Rodney Brooks Rules for Predicting a Technology’s Commercial Success. (2018, October 25). Retrieved from https://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/innovation/the-rodney-brooks-rules-
All Illustrations by Chris Philpot
Framing risk & challenges for consumers
• Security, privacy & safety are top concerns
• Poor or non-existent security built into devices
• Consumers don’t segment or create hardened home network
• Devices travel with family and connect to insecure access points
• Devices are not often updated – too complex if at all
• Default credentials are often hard coded
• Monitoring your children sounds like a great use case, until you realize that
data is out there and being collected and vulnerable to attack
• When we monitor and manage everything around us, we are set up for
failure when our critical infrastructure is attacked or made unavailable
Click Here to Kill Everybody
The bottom line is the
more that all of our things
are connected together,
and the more we rely on
them, the more vulnerable
we are to having
disastrous disruptions to
our business processes,
personal lives, and to
society as a whole.
Securing Industrial IoT
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Global ICS Risks
• At least 84% of sites have at least one remotely accessible device
• 40% of industrial sites have at least one direct connection to the Internet
• 53% of industrial sites have outdated Windows like systems like XP
• 69% have plain text passwords traversing the network (FTP, SNMP…)
• 57% of sites are still not running anti-virus protection with automatic updates
Source: www.cyberx-labs.com
Many OT Protocols
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
A bad day at an Iranian power plant.
Adversaries & Attacks
• The ability for criminals to weaponize IoT was highlighted in 2016 when
Mirai botnet used hundreds of thousands of cameras, routers and digital
video recorders to overwhelm a key Internet server
• This DDoS attack shut down websites of large companies for several hours
• Today 40% of home appliances globally are being used for botnet attacks
• Engineers often think about functionality and not how to use technology
for unintended purposes (what would the bad guys do?)
• A home thermostat may help you conserve energy
• A home thermostat may tell criminals when you are home and when you are away
Threat Modeling
•Data (DAR, DIM, DIU)
•Operating Systems
•Copy, Exfiltrate
•Modify, Corrupt
•Destroy, Denial of Service
•Motivated Hobbyist
•Corporate Espionage
•Nation State
• Level of knowledge
• Ability, Expertise
• Proximity required
• Access required
• Resources required
• Time required
• Money
• Ideology
• Coercion
• Ego
Risk can be mitigated; the threat landscape remains unchanged.
Threat Intel
• Industry Peer
Groups; ISACs
• Threat Intel
• Private/Public
Source: SANS ICS Program
Source: SANS ICS Program
Source: SANS ICS Program
IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019
Latest CIS Implementation Guide for ICS: http://bit.ly/2IrJd6t
Latest CIS Implementation Guide for ICS: http://bit.ly/2IrJd6t
Mapping ICS Cyber Coverage to Standards
NIST CSF Categories
Industrial IoT Cybersecurity Program
Threat Detection/Intelligence
• Threat intelligence
• Detect known threats
• Anomaly detection
Endpoint and Vulnerability Management
• Endpoint secure baseline configuration
• Anti-virus
• Security management
• Vulnerability and Patch Management
• Secure remote access
• Password management
• Secure policies and procedures
• Secure removable media
Network Segmentation
• Network policies and VPN
• IP segmentation
• Microsegmentation/SDA
• Firewall / OT gateway
Incident Management
• SIEM / Incident Response / Orchestration
• Forensics
• Security Operations Center
• Analytics & reporting
• Playbooks
• Discover assets
• Inventory assets
• Inventory software
• Profile assets
• Passive network monitoring
• Active network monitoring
Business, IT, OT Governance
• Executive buy-In & Business/Stakeholder alignment
• Prioritized strategy tied to standards
• Program management
• Governance / metrics
• Training
• Risk assessment
• Threat modeling
Data Integrity
• Ensure secure communications
• Access point discovery
• Certificate management
• Validate transport paths
• Logging
Identity Management
• Identity Access Management (IAM)
• Privileged Access Management (PAM)
• Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
IT / OT Convergence
Detect Faster
Respond Better
Get Started in Parallel
• Integration
• Scaling
• Single pane of glass
OT Security Vendors Consider finding a partner on your journey!
1. Future Son | Progressive Insurance –
2. “The Smart Cities Of Tomorrow Are Already Here | Mach | NBC News”,
3. “Agriculture: How Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the game”,
4. “The Vision of IoT – Intel”, 2016,
5. “The Future of Industrial IoT”, 2018,
6. “Private LTE Networks for the Industrial IoT — Use Cases“,
7. (extra) “How It Works: Internet of Things”,
Regulations: Good, Bad & Ugly
• California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a cybersecurity law covering “smart” devices, making
California the first state with such a law. The bill, SB-327, was introduced last year and passed the
state senate in late August.
• Starting on January 1st, 2020, any manufacturer of a device that connects “directly or indirectly”
to the internet must equip it with “reasonable” security features, designed to prevent
unauthorized access, modification, or information disclosure. If it can be accessed outside a local
area network with a password, it needs to either come with a unique password for each device,
or force users to set their own password the first time they connect. That means no more generic
default credentials for a hacker to guess.
• The bill has been praised as a good first step by some and criticized by others for its
vagueness. Cybersecurity expert Robert Graham has been one of its harshest critics. He’s argued
that it gets security issues backwards by focusing on adding “good” features instead of removing
bad ones that open devices up to attacks. He praised the password requirement, but said it
doesn’t cover the whole range of authentication systems that “may or may not be called
passwords,” which could still let manufacturers leave the kind of security holes that allowed the
devastating Mirai botnet to spread in 2016.
• But others, including Harvard University fellow Bruce Schneier, have said that it’s a good start. “It
probably doesn’t go far enough — but that’s no reason not to pass it,” he told The Washington
Post. While the rule is only state-wide, any device-makers who sell products in California would
pass the benefits on to customers elsewhere.

More Related Content

IoT and the industrial Internet of Things - june 20 2019

  • 1. IoT and the Industrial Internet of Things Security, Privacy & Safety in a World of Connected Devices John D. Johnson, CISSP, CRISC, SMIEEE June 20, 2019 • Chicago, IL Source: shutterstock.com
  • 2. Disclaimer: • This presentation represents my own views and not that of past, present or future employers • Thank you for getting up early! • I hope to be more interactive with the audience, because I don’t want you bored • Sometimes I am the only one in the room who thinks my jokes are funny • Please feel free to ask questions anytime
  • 4. The first “selfie” taken in 1920 Pre-Internet Things
  • 5. What we think of when we hear IoT “This past summer my wife and I…decided it was time to update our kitchen…and laundry appliances.…A quick online search showed us internet-connected…smart models were available.…Now our refrigerator shows us our family calendar…and sends us our grocery list.…Our dryer begins its work and tells us when it's done…and how much energy it's used on the load.…All of these appliances, including our thermostat,…garage doors, home lighting, television,…and door locks send information about our home to us…no matter where we are.…”
  • 8. History of IoT Summary • The Internet of Things definition: “Sensors and actuators embedded in physical objects are linked through wired and wireless networks” • There are a number of similar concepts but Internet of Things is by far the most popular term to describe this phenomenon • M2M or the Industrial Internet are not opposing concepts to the Internet of Things. Rather, they are sub-segments.
  • 9. Let’s Define “IoT” • Internet of Things • Consumer IoT (IoT) • All of our consumer “things” – smart devices and sensors connected and communicating over the Internet. • Industrial IoT (IIoT) • The Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT, connects machines and devices in industries such as transportation, power generation, and healthcare. • Embedded Systems • An embedded system is a programmed controlling and operating system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. • Industrial Control Systems (ICS) • Industrial Control System. Industrial control system (ICS) is a collective term used to describe different types of control systems and associated instrumentation, which include the devices, systems, networks, and controls used to operate and/or automate industrial processes. • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware elements that allows industrial organizations to: Control industrial processes locally or at remote locations. Monitor, gather, and process real-time data.
  • 13. THE EDGE THE CONNECTION THE ANALYTICS Fog Computing Cloud Computing
  • 19. Smart & Autonomous Vehicles
  • 29. Industrial IoT (IIoT) The Industrial IoT Consortium lists these 15 possible uses of IIoT: 1. Smart factory warehousing applications 2. Predictive and remote maintenance. 3. Freight, goods and transportation monitoring. 4. Connected logistics. 5. Smart metering and smart grid. 6. Smart city applications. 7. Smart farming and livestock monitoring. 8. Industrial security systems 9. Energy consumption optimization 10.Industrial heating, ventilation and air conditioning 11.Manufacturing equipment monitoring. 12.Asset tracking and smart logistics. 13.Ozone, gas and temperature monitoring in industrial environments. 14.Safety and health (conditions) monitoring of workers. 15.Asset performance management It is about adding value: Harley Davidson reduced its built-to-order cycle by a factor of 36 and grew overall profitability by 3-4% by shifting to full IoT enabled plant
  • 30. Internet of Things vs. Industrial IoT
  • 33. Size and market impact of the Industrial Internet of Things – source: Morgan Stanley, IndustryARC, Accenture and Research and Markets.
  • 36. 5G Enables IoT • 100x faster than 4G • 1/50 the latency of 4G • Much more scalable: 100x more devices than there are people • Good for time sensitive applications (e.g. factory robotics, robotic surgery) • How do you get billions of devices to talk to each other? • Security & Privacy are key • Connected assets can be used to extract productivity
  • 37. Big Data and IoT Sensors on GE jet engines can produce 10 terabytes of operational information for every 30 minutes they turn. A four engine jumbo jet can create 640 terabytes of data on just one Atlantic crossing. Now multiply that by the many flights flown each day…
  • 39. Fog (Edge) Computing Enables IoT
  • 40. AI and Machine Learning Enable IoT
  • 41. ‘A Cambrian Explosion that will disrupt virtually all sectors.’ Speech to text translation rates are now > 95% accurate.
  • 46. Blockchain (Distributed Ledger) Adds Integrity to IoT and Security to M2M Communications
  • 47. • Amazon, Google, Microsoft and other industry leaders will enable standardized platforms that allow EVERYTHING to be connected to the Internet • The Alexa Connection Kit will allow many devices to be connected to the Internet by writing a few lines of code • The future IoT will be ubiquitous and pervasive, low-power and small as a grain of sand
  • 48. iPhone Sensors • Proximity Sensor • Light Sensor • Camera • Gyroscope • Accelerometer • Moisture Sensor • GPS • Compass • Barometer • Touch ID • Face ID Source: Apple
  • 50. “The difference between a good and bad Internet of Things depends on society’s ability to construct effective IoT governance models… the formation of principles as a means to unify the multiple bodies and organizations involved in the IoT governance ecosystem.” - Vint Cerf F. Berman and V.G. Cerf, “Social and Ethical Behavior in the Internet of Things,” Comm. ACM, vol. 60 no. 2, 2017, pp. 6-7
  • 51. The first “selfie” taken in 1920 Source: joyoftech.com
  • 54. The Future Human Impact of Smart & Autonomous Vehicles The Rodney Brooks Rules for Predicting a Technology’s Commercial Success. (2018, October 25). Retrieved from https://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/innovation/the-rodney-brooks-rules- for-predicting-a-technologys-commercial-success All Illustrations by Chris Philpot
  • 55. Framing risk & challenges for consumers • Security, privacy & safety are top concerns • Poor or non-existent security built into devices • Consumers don’t segment or create hardened home network • Devices travel with family and connect to insecure access points • Devices are not often updated – too complex if at all • Default credentials are often hard coded • Monitoring your children sounds like a great use case, until you realize that data is out there and being collected and vulnerable to attack • When we monitor and manage everything around us, we are set up for failure when our critical infrastructure is attacked or made unavailable
  • 56. Click Here to Kill Everybody The bottom line is the more that all of our things are connected together, and the more we rely on them, the more vulnerable we are to having disastrous disruptions to our business processes, personal lives, and to society as a whole.
  • 59. Global ICS Risks • At least 84% of sites have at least one remotely accessible device • 40% of industrial sites have at least one direct connection to the Internet • 53% of industrial sites have outdated Windows like systems like XP • 69% have plain text passwords traversing the network (FTP, SNMP…) • 57% of sites are still not running anti-virus protection with automatic updates Source: www.cyberx-labs.com
  • 62. A bad day at an Iranian power plant.
  • 63. Adversaries & Attacks • The ability for criminals to weaponize IoT was highlighted in 2016 when Mirai botnet used hundreds of thousands of cameras, routers and digital video recorders to overwhelm a key Internet server • This DDoS attack shut down websites of large companies for several hours • Today 40% of home appliances globally are being used for botnet attacks (Gartner) • Engineers often think about functionality and not how to use technology for unintended purposes (what would the bad guys do?) • A home thermostat may help you conserve energy • A home thermostat may tell criminals when you are home and when you are away
  • 64. Threat Modeling Target •Data (DAR, DIM, DIU) •Code/Software •Services •Databases •Operating Systems •Networks/Infrastructure •Platforms/Hardware/Firmware Threat Vector •Copy, Exfiltrate •Modify, Corrupt •Destroy, Denial of Service Threat Source •Insider •Hacktivists •Motivated Hobbyist •Corporate Espionage •Cybercriminals •Nation State Requirements • Level of knowledge required • Ability, Expertise • Proximity required • Access required • Resources required • Time required Motivations • Money • Ideology • Coercion • Ego Risk can be mitigated; the threat landscape remains unchanged. Threat Intel • Industry Peer Groups; ISACs • Threat Intel Feeds • Private/Public Partnerships
  • 65. Source: SANS ICS Program
  • 66. Source: SANS ICS Program
  • 67. Source: SANS ICS Program
  • 69. Latest CIS Implementation Guide for ICS: http://bit.ly/2IrJd6t
  • 70. Latest CIS Implementation Guide for ICS: http://bit.ly/2IrJd6t
  • 71. Mapping ICS Cyber Coverage to Standards NIST CSF Categories
  • 72. Industrial IoT Cybersecurity Program Threat Detection/Intelligence • Threat intelligence • Detect known threats • Anomaly detection • IDS/IPS Endpoint and Vulnerability Management • Endpoint secure baseline configuration • Anti-virus • Security management • Vulnerability and Patch Management • Secure remote access • Password management • Secure policies and procedures • Secure removable media • NAC Network Segmentation • Network policies and VPN • IP segmentation • Microsegmentation/SDA • Firewall / OT gateway Incident Management • SIEM / Incident Response / Orchestration • Forensics • Security Operations Center • Analytics & reporting • Playbooks Visibility • Discover assets • Inventory assets • Inventory software • Profile assets • Passive network monitoring • Active network monitoring Business, IT, OT Governance • Executive buy-In & Business/Stakeholder alignment • Prioritized strategy tied to standards • Program management • Governance / metrics • Training • Risk assessment • Threat modeling Data Integrity • Ensure secure communications • Access point discovery • Certificate management • Validate transport paths • Logging Identity Management • Identity Access Management (IAM) • Privileged Access Management (PAM) • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) MSSP? Continuous Improvement IT / OT Convergence Architecture Detect Faster Respond Better Get Started in Parallel • Integration • Scaling • Single pane of glass
  • 73. OT Security Vendors Consider finding a partner on your journey!
  • 75. Videos 1. Future Son | Progressive Insurance – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLTKvGgTb10 2. “The Smart Cities Of Tomorrow Are Already Here | Mach | NBC News”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THiQtn9hVB8 3. “Agriculture: How Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the game”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxulo78gyGc 4. “The Vision of IoT – Intel”, 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnDey89wp_M 5. “The Future of Industrial IoT”, 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYRSw0UeqHY 6. “Private LTE Networks for the Industrial IoT — Use Cases“, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U82tIdvrlEA 7. (extra) “How It Works: Internet of Things”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSIPNhOiMoE
  • 76. Regulations: Good, Bad & Ugly • California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a cybersecurity law covering “smart” devices, making California the first state with such a law. The bill, SB-327, was introduced last year and passed the state senate in late August. • Starting on January 1st, 2020, any manufacturer of a device that connects “directly or indirectly” to the internet must equip it with “reasonable” security features, designed to prevent unauthorized access, modification, or information disclosure. If it can be accessed outside a local area network with a password, it needs to either come with a unique password for each device, or force users to set their own password the first time they connect. That means no more generic default credentials for a hacker to guess. • The bill has been praised as a good first step by some and criticized by others for its vagueness. Cybersecurity expert Robert Graham has been one of its harshest critics. He’s argued that it gets security issues backwards by focusing on adding “good” features instead of removing bad ones that open devices up to attacks. He praised the password requirement, but said it doesn’t cover the whole range of authentication systems that “may or may not be called passwords,” which could still let manufacturers leave the kind of security holes that allowed the devastating Mirai botnet to spread in 2016. • But others, including Harvard University fellow Bruce Schneier, have said that it’s a good start. “It probably doesn’t go far enough — but that’s no reason not to pass it,” he told The Washington Post. While the rule is only state-wide, any device-makers who sell products in California would pass the benefits on to customers elsewhere.

Editor's Notes

  1. The Internet of things is amongst us Billions of devices connected and seamlessly communicating all around us to produce a smarter, more efficient society Sensors, controllers and smart devices permeate the world around us, and as technology advances As computing power, speed and communications enable devices to become smaller and smarter and communicate faster Everything will be connected to the Internet Image Source: Multiple Online Sources
  2. 30 seconds – Future Son | Progressive Insurance – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLTKvGgTb10
  3. Image Source: A Brief History of the Internet of Things. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.baselinemag.com/networking/slideshows/a-brief-history-of-the-internet-of-things.html
  4. It is predicted that in the next 5 years there could be 80 B devices connected to the Internet. Image Source: IoT and Its’ Impact on Testing | Zephyr. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.getzephyr.com/resources/whitepapers/iot-and-its-impact-testing
  5. Three major parts make up the Internet of Things: The Edge, The Connection & The Analytics The Edge is the interface to the physical world. Think of this as the sensors that collect the data. The Connection is the wireless communication methods used to transmit this data. For applications like self-driving cars, manufacturing and robotic surgery,  real-time analytics require extremely high data transmission rates and low latency. 5G looks to accommodate this by providing gigabit data transmission rates at very high frequencies, such as 2800 GHz. This will allow millions of low-power, low data rate devices to be connected, while also being able to handle occasional spikes for high bandwidth pulses of data. This will allow IoT to have a virtually unlimited number of things with embedded connectivity. Big Data Analytics takes the data and turns it into something useful, valuable and actionable. As the number of devices and the amount of data being processed grows exponentially, cloud computing platforms will give way to Fog Computing, which is sometimes called Edge Computing. Image Source: Fuller, J. (2016, May 26). How to design an IoT-ready infrastructure: The 4-stage architecture. Retrieved from https://techbeacon.com/4-stages-iot-architecture
  6. Smart phones have commoditized the mobile device computing stack and made it faster and cheaper, so we can now take that computing stack and apply it to even smaller sensors and devices. New technology, new manufacturing techniques and a paradigm shift in how we think about using sensors for consumers, cities, the power grid, vehicles, manufacturing and other uses, is required. The demand for IoT will rapidly grow as our society finds new and beneficial uses for this revolutionary advance in technology. IoT is the next frontier of innovation. Image Source: IoT Analytics platform for Real-Time and Streaming Analytics - XenonStack Blog. (2018, May 30). Retrieved from https://www.xenonstack.com/blog/big-data-engineering/iot-analytics-platform-solutions/
  7. This architecture goes way beyond what we may think of for the consumer IoT we are familiar with It gives us a SMART GRID and enables us to deliver the right amount of energy in the right form to various energy consumers. It can allow consumers to sell back their energy surplus and make power distribution more efficient. Image source: AM57x processors for smart grid applications - The Process - Blogs - TI E2E Community. (2015, October 21). Retrieved from https://e2e.ti.com/blogs_/b/process/archive/2015/10/21/am57x-processors-for-smart-grid-applications
  8. In the healthcare sector, IoT offers many benefits ranging from patient monitoring to providing better insights and patient care, and even remote medicine and surgery. The global medical device market is expected to reach an estimated $409.5 billion by 2023, growing at 4.5% per year between 2018 and 2023. Image Source: The Change of Healthcare Industry and Modern IT Trends: Where Do We Stand Now? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://dashbouquet.com/blog/artificial-intelligence/the-change-of-healthcare-industry-and-modern-it-trends-where-do-we-stand-now
  9. Image Sources: The Connected Haven. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://visions.newmobility.global/0817/faye-francy-auto-isac
  10. IoT leads to… SMART HOMES SMART CARS SMART CITIES Image Source: Shutterstock.com & “US mayors aim to advance smart cities. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.smartcitiesworld.net/governance/governance/us-mayors-aim-to-advance-smart-cities”
  11. ALL OF THIS LEADS TO A SMART DIGITAL LIFE FOR CONSUMERS Image Source: Cubeacon Mesosfer Smart Digital Life Architecture. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://blog.cubeacon.com/cubeacon-mesosfer-smart-digital-life-architecture.html
  12. SMART FARMING Precision farming, agronomics, and higher yields to more effectively feed a larger future population that is expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050 without having more land for farming. Sensors will provide data on soil conditions, insects, disease, weather and more. GPS will precisely guide tractors and field equipment. All of this data helps to improve yields and make farms more competitive to feed the planet. Image Source: Precision Agriculture: Almost 20% increase in income possible from smart farming. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.nesta.org.uk/blog/precision-agriculture-almost-20-increase-in-income-possible-from-smart-farming/
  13. Source: “Internet-of-Things-Innovation-Report-2018-Deloitte”, https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/de/Documents/Innovation/Internet-of-Things-Innovation-Report-2018-Deloitte.pdf
  14. Source: “Internet-of-Things-Innovation-Report-2018-Deloitte”, https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/de/Documents/Innovation/Internet-of-Things-Innovation-Report-2018-Deloitte.pdf
  15. Source: [1] Toesland, F. (2017, March 9) Top 5 applications for the industrial internet of things - Raconteur. Retrieved from https://www.raconteur.net/technology/top-5-applications-for-the-industrial-internet-of-things [2] Hoffman, T. (2003, March 24). Smart Dust. Retrieved from https://www.computerworld.com/article/2581821/mobile-wireless/smart-dust.html
  16. Source: WEF Source: Powerpoint; “The Convergence of 5G, AI and IoT “, Ericsson (2018)
  17. AND SMART INDUSTRY WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE HEARD CALLED INDUSTRY 4.0 ADDING $15T IN VALUE TO GLOBAL GDP BY 2035 Image Source: Internet of Things in manufacturing – the Microsoft view – source SlideShare presentation – License: CC Attribution-ShareAlike License
  18. Source: Morgan Stanley, IndustryARC, Accenture and Research and Markets.
  19. Let’s take a look at some enablers of this IoT explosion we are experiencing. Starting with 5G as we mentioned before. It will take time to fully deploy 5G, but along with other communications protocols for specialized purposes, we will ramp up to something 100 times faster than 4G today.
  20. Source: General Electric
  21. Source: Powerpoint; “The Convergence of 5G, AI and IoT “, Ericsson (2018)
  22. IoT can generate an unfathomable amount of data, as we have seenk and uploading all of this data to the cloud is time consuming. Along with 5g speeds, Fog Computing steps in to push the border of the cloud closer to the edge devices. Often, computing will take place in a hybrid cloud computing environment with a mix of public cloud and private fog networks. Self-driving vehicles and healthcare are two examples of applications that will benefit from more real-time fog computing. Fog computing can also be more secure by design, than traditional cloud solutions. Image Source: Fog Computing and the Internet of Things: A Review. (2018, April 8). Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/2504-2289/2/2/10/htm
  23. Image Source: Recent Machine Learning Applications to Internet of Things (IoT). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/cse570-15/ftp/iot_ml/index.html
  24. ALSO: Speech to text translation rates are < 5%. The combination of IoT, 5G and AI has been called a ‘Cambrian Explosion’ that will disrupt virtually all sectors. Source: Powerpoint; “The Convergence of 5G, AI and IoT “, Ericsson (2018)
  25. Image Source: IBM
  26. In the future, we won’t just have Google Home and iPhones connected to the Internet… Every type of device can be connected to the Internet. Like we saw in the opening video, your son may ask the trash can to turn on the TV. As opposed to traditional computers with a security model, we are opening the door for a fabric of IoT to cover our lives, and most of these devices will be connected without fully thinking of how to secure them and maintain privacy. Image Source: [1] https://developer.amazon.com/alexa/connected-devices [2] https://www.inverse.com/article/14356-how-to-make-amazon-s-alexa-open-and-close-your-blinds
  27. Source: joyoftech.com
  28. Various Google Sources
  29. The bottom line is the more we are and all of our things are connected together, the more vulnerable we are to having disastrous disruptions to our business processes, personal lives, and to society as a whole. Source: Amazon
  30. As we start to connect automobiles and toasters and power grids and factory systems, we cross the physical world boundary and create what we refer to as CYBER PHYSICAL SYSTEMS. These systems can have real safety concerns. Source: getcybersafe.ca
  31. A bad day at an Iranian power plant. Source: Undisclosed
  32. We want to identify the risk, and one way to do that is with threat modeling. When you are modeling threat, you want to determine who wants what and how they are likely to go about getting it. I think there are some really smart people and service providers in this space, who can help you understand the risk your industry and your company in specific may be facing.
  33. Regulations may be necessary because this industry is evolving and growing so rapidly – if we don’t take the time to consider security and privacy, we may deploy millions of devices that are later shown to be insecure and take decades to replace (think of old ICS)
  34. Recently a bill was drafted for the Senate of the State of Michigan which would punish automobile hacking with a sentence of life in prison. One of the authors contacted one of the senators proposing the legislation and that senator agreed to modify the bill to allow hacking for beneficial research purposes. Researchers who discover serious vulnerabilities and report them responsibly provide a service to the industry similar to people who discover safety flaws in automobiles and other safety-critical machinery. Legitimate security research may be hindered by excessive legislation. One way to differentiate between research and unethical hacking is to mandate responsible disclosure of discovered vulnerabilities. Responsible disclosure requires the researcher to first notify the manufacturer or governing authorities and allow reasonable time for the vulnerability to be independently verified and fixed before going public with a system hack. Another, less desirable, approach might be to require researchers to first register with a government office or the manufacturer before attempting to break into a device.