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BIOL 3600 DA7 
De Santis 3046 
Fall 2014 
Lecture: M,W,F 4:15 - 5:05 pm 
Lab: Parker 219 
Monday 6-8:45 pm 
Wednesday 6-8:45 pm


Review of the syllabus 
Dr. Paula Faria Waziry 
Office: UPP North 3450 suite 103 
Phone: 2-2872 (don’t leave message!) 
Skype: paula.waziry 
Office hours: by appointment 
E-mail – waziry@nova.edu 
Lab assistant 
Nishant Talati 
Pierce, Benjamin A 2014. Genetics: A Conceptual Approach, 
5th Edition, W.H. Freeman, New York, NY (ISBN number 2013951443) 
All course materials will be posted on Blackboard prior to the class period 
- PowerPoint presentations 
- Lab information 
- http://www.slideshare.net/paulawaziry1 (when BB is down...)


Review of the syllabus 
Class assignments 
Unit exams (40% of final grade) 
- 2 will be given (20% each) 
- Each will consist of three sections – multiple choice, short answer, essay 
- Responsible for all material covered in the Powerpoint presentations. 
- ~90 minutes to complete 
- Make-ups – must have an approved excuse in writing (as per the NSU catalog) 
- Must contact me ASAP (before the exam, if possible) 
- If don’t have excuse in writing, points will be deducted for make-up 
Final exam (20% of final grade) – cumulative 
Quizzes – lab and lecture (15% of final grade) 
- Approx. 10 minutes each 
- Only covers material since the last quiz 
- You can drop 2 lowest quizzes grades. 
- No make-ups unless you have an excuse in writing.


Review of the syllabus 
Lab assignments 
Lab final (10% of final grade) 
- Cumulative – all labs and techniques 
- See lab syllabus for more information 
Lab reports, lab attendance and participation (15% of final grade) 
- You must keep a written account of all experiments during the semester 
- Include purpose, methods, results, and discussion/conclusion for 
- Unexcused absences will result in major point deductions


Review of the syllabus 
The final average will be calculated as follows: 
two unit tests @ 20% each ```40% 
Final exam 20% 
Quizzes 15% 
Lab final 10% 
Lab activities 15% 
The grading scale: 93% = A, 


Tips for success 
1. Attendance is required at all lectures, labs, and exams 
- You are responsible for getting any missed info 
2. Ask questions in class and participate in discussions 
3. Don’t just read and highlight the handouts. Understand and 
practice questions. 
4. You will be responsible for the conceptual material 
covered in class/ Powerpoints. 
5. Be considerate: no cell phones, texting, Internet surfing, facebooking, 
dozing off, sleeping, snoring…


Chapter 1 
Introduction to Genetics 
 People have understood the hereditary 
nature of traits and have practiced genetics 
for thousands of years 
 The rise in agriculture began when people 
started to apply genetic principles to the 
domestication of plants and animals


 Pharmaceutical industry: 
 Numerous drugs are synthesized by 
fungi and bacteria. 
 Ex: growth hormone, insulin 
 In medicine: 
 Many diseases and disorders 
have a hereditary component. 
 Ex: hemophilia, sickle-cell 
anemia, diabetes, 
muscular dystrophy, 
EMD1: Emerin; Xq28; 
EMD2: Lamin A/C; 1q21.2; 
EMD3: SYNE1; 6q25; 
EMD4: SYNE2; 14q23; 
Other: Sporadic & Dominant 
from A Kornberg MD


2 years-old Kristian 
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria 
12 years-old Ashley and 
2-weeks old brother Evan


Defect in Lamina A processing 
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria 
Lamin A/C (a) 
Lamin A (c) 
Control Patient


Samuel Dales 
with NES 
with NLS 


(translocated promoter 
The Nuclear Pore Complex 


Nucleoporin Translocations in 
Acute Leukemia 
Fusion Transcript 
• Nup98-HOXA9 
• Nup98-HOXD13 
• Nup98-PMX1 
• Nup98-DDX10 
• Nup98-RAP1GDS1 
• Nup98-TOP1 
• DEK-Nup214 
• SET-Nup214 
t(7; 11)(p15; p15) 
t(2; 11)(q31; p15) 
t(1; 11)(q23; p15) 
inv(11)(p15; q22) 
t(4; 11)(q21; p15) 
t(11; 20)(p15; q11) 
t(6; 9)(p23; q34) 


Genetic Diversity and evolution 
 Living organisms have an important feature in 
all use similar genetic systems 
 A complete set of genetic instructions for any 
organism is its genome 
 All genomes are encoded in nucleic acid: 
either DNA or RNA 
• Suggestive of a common ancestor


 Since all organisms have similar genetic systems, the study of 
one organism’s genes reveals principles that apply to other 
SGTAAT S1 motif 
Accessory TF 
Accessory TF 


Nucleoporins and Nuclear Traffic Proteins are involved 
with Mitotic Spindle Checkpoints and Ageing 
Baker DJ, Jeganathan KB, Malureanu L, Perez-Terzic C, Terzic A, van Deursen JM. 
J Cell Biol. 2006 Feb 13;172(4):529-40. 
 Enabling us to 
use animal 
models to 
study diseases 
or natural 


Influenza A pandemic 
- Influenza virus killed as 
many as 50 million people in 
a single year (1918-1919) 
- Extremely virulent 
- Fast, nasty, killed all ages 
- Up until 2006, had no idea why 
it was so virulent 
- Had no way to tell if a similar 
strain was forming 
- In October 2005, scientists recreated the 1918 
strain using various genetic techniques 
- Obtained samples of the virus 
from preserved wax specimen and 
from a Eskimo woman who had 
died from it 
- Able to characterize it and maybe predict / 
prevent future outbreaks


Microarray study reveals changes in regulation of genes 
Upon influenza viral infection 
Replication-dependent genes 
Geiss G, J.Virol, May 2001,p4321-4331


Cells expressing low levels of Rae1 
are susceptible to influenza infection


Influenza virus targets the mRNA export 
machinery and the nuclear pore complex. 
Satterly, Tsai, van Deursen, Nussenzveig, Wang, Faria, Levay, Levy, Fontoura. 
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Feb 6;104(6):1853-8.


What is it? 


• Genetics = Study of HEREDITY and VARIATION 
- Heredity = Passing down of traits from one generation to another 
- Variation = Differences in inherited characteristics among members of a 


What is it? 
• Genetics has many subfields 
1. Transmission genetics – Study of heredity 
- How traits are passed down between generations 
- Example: My mom has disease, spouse's uncle has 
same disease  Will our kids have it? 
- Is allele dom/rec, is it on X chr or autosome? 
2. Molecular genetics – Structure and function of individual genes 
- Includes study of cancer (cancer genetics), genetic engineering 
(manipulation of genes), study of chromosome structure (cytogenetics) 
3. Population/Evolutionary genetics – Study genetic variation in populations 
- Includes conservation genetics


Week 1  genetics-upload


History of genetics 
• Early genetics was more philosophy than science 
- No experimentation 
- Many concepts were incorrect 
- Pangenesis – traits collected from all over body and 
put into sperm/eggs 
- Pre-formationism – little person inside of gametes (homunculus) 
- Blending inheritance – actual mixing of genetic information




History of genetics 
• Technological and scientific developments changed 
genetics in 1800s 
- Microscopes invented 
– direct observation of gametes 
- Darwin and Mendel revolutionize genetics 
- Evolutionary and transmission genetics begin 
- Chromosomes observed and discovered to carry 
genetic information (early 1900s)


Chapter 2 
Chromosomes and Cellular Reproduction


1. Nucleus vs nucleoid 
- Nucleus – Membrane-enclosed organelle inside of eukaryotic cells that holds 
the chromosomes 
- Nucleoid – Region of a prokaryotic cell cytoplasm in which the chromosome 
2. Chromosome 
- Single piece of DNA + proteins 
- Can be linear (eukaryotes) or circular (prokaryotes) 
- Eukaryotes have many, prokaryotes have one 
- Divided into many genes


The Nucleus in Context 
(the central dogma)


• Origin of the Nucleus: Most likely, from invagination of cell membrane of 
an ancient bacterium. The interior of the nucleus is topologically 
equivalent of the cytoplasm. 
• The ER is continuous with the nuclear membrane. The intermembrane 
space is topologically equivalent to the extracellular space. 
Evolution of the Eukaryotic Nucleus


Week 1  genetics-upload


Week 1  genetics-upload


Chromosome Territories 
Chromosome distribution is not random


Chromosome Territories 
 Chromosomes maintain their individuality 
 they have fixed homes spatially limited volume 
 Each chromosome of a specific cell type can be assigned a 
preferential position relative to the center of the nucleus 
 territories have highly branched and interconnected 
Good Review: 
Meaburn and Misteli, Nature, Jan 25, 2007, vol445, pp379 - 381


Chromosome Structure 
• Centromere: attachment point for spindle 
• Telomeres: tips of a linear chromosome 
• Origins of replication: where the DNA synthesis 


At times a chromosome 
Consists of one single chromatid 
At other times it consists of 2 
(sister) chromatids 
The telomeres are the stable 
ends of chromosomes 
The centromere is a constricted 
region of the chromosome where 
The kinetochores form and the 
Spindle microtubules attach


Centromeres can be located at 
different sites on a chromosome


3. Gene 
- Defined segment of a chromosome that provides the instructions to make a 
single product (a protein) 
- One chromosome may be subdivided into 1,000 different genes 
1 chromosome 
insulin ATP 
actin hemoglobin 
 Chromosomes are divided into genes, which are composed of DNA 
4. Diploid vs. haploid 
- Most eukaryotic organisms have 2 copies of each chromosome in each of their 
somatic cells 
- 2 copies = 2n = DIPLOID 
- Gamete cells (e.g. sperm and eggs) contain only 1 copy 
- 1 copy = 1n = HAPLOID


• Some more genetic terms (and how they relate to one another): 
5. Alleles 
- Alternate forms of the same gene caused by minor differences in the DNA 
6. Genotype vs phenotype 
- Genotype – The genetic makeup of 
an organism (what the genes look like) 
- Phenotype – The actual observable 
characteristics that we see 
- Influenced by the genotype and the 
eye color 
blue eyes 
brown eyes


Quick review of Mitosis 


Week 1  genetics-upload


Genetic consequences of the cell cycle 
• Producing two cells that are genetically identical 
to each other and with the cell that gave rise to 
• Newly formed cells contain a full complement of 
• Each newly formed cell contains approximately 
half (but not necessarily identical) the cytoplasm 
and organelle content of the original parental 


Quick review of Meiosis 


Room for genetic variation


Week 1  genetics-upload


Room for genetic vatiation


Week 1  genetics-upload


Genetic Variation is Produced through the 
random distribution of chromosomes in meiosis 
Genetic Variation is Produced 
through crossing over 
• Try Animation 2.3 


Consequences of Meiosis and Genetic 
• Four cells are produced from each original cell. 
• Chromosome number in each new cell is 
reduced by half. The new cells are haploid. 
• Newly formed cells from meiosis are genetically 
different from one another and from the parental 


Concept Check 
Which of the following events takes place in 
meiosis II, but not in meiosis I? 
a. crossing over 
b. contraction of chromosomes 
c. separation of homologous chromosomes 
d. separation of chromatids


Transmission genetics 
Mendel and beyond


Chapter 3 
Basic Principles of Heredity


Transmission genetics 
• Transmission genetics  Study of how genes/traits are 
passed down through generations 
- Wrong hypotheses in history: 
- Pangenesis: Traits absorbed from all over body  sperm/eggs 
- Lemarckism: Kids inherit their parents acquired characteristics 
- Preformationism: Little people inside of gametes (homunculus) 
- Blending inheritance: Traits of parents blend  passed on 
• Gregor Mendel – 1850-60s 
- Experiments with peas disproved all above 
- Found discrete units of inheritance passed down 
- Provide instructions for brand new organism 
- No blending 
- Unique combination of genes provides unique 
traits in offspring


Transmission genetics 
Review of terminology 
• Genes = Short segments of chromosomes/DNA that 
provide instructions to make a polypeptide 
• Alleles – Different forms (variations) of the same gene that result from minor 
differences in the DNA sequence 
- Example: Gene controlling melanin 
• Homozygous vs. heterozygous 
Homozygous – Organism has 2 copies of the same allele for a given gene 
Heterozygous – Organism has 2 different alleles for a given gene 
• Dominant vs. recessive 
- In a heterozygous individual, both alleles are expressed 
(assuming no imprinting) 
- However, one allele often has a greater impact on the final observable trait 
- Those alleles that mask the effects of other alleles  DOMINANT 
Those alleles that get masked  RECESSIVE


Simple Mendelian inheritance 
Monohybrid cross 
• Simple Mendelian inheritance 
- Each trait is controlled by one gene, each gene controls one trait 
- Alleles have a clear dominant-recessive relationship 
- Individuals have expected phenotype 
- If examining more than 1 gene  they are on separate chromosomes 
• Monohybrid cross (1 gene) 
- Example: Human earlobe shape 
- Dominant allele  Unattached (E) 
Recessive allele  Attached (e) 
- Example mating: Two heterozygotes (Ee x Ee) 
- Need to predict offspring genotypes/phenotypes 
- Theory of segregation – Two copies of the gene 
are segregated and packaged into separate gametes 
- 1 gets the "E" and the other the "e" 
 Predict a 3:1 ratio of dom:rec phenotypes 
- Only a probability – may not see exact ratio 
E e 
EE Ee 
Ee ee 


Transmission genetics 
Review of terminology 
• Genetic shorthand 
- Dominant allele  Capital letter 
Recessive allele  Lowercase letter 
Choose letter wisely! 
A = normal melanin production AA (homozygous dominant) 
a = no melanin aa (homozygous recessive) 
Aa (heterozygous) 
• Genotype vs. phenotype 
Genotype – Genetic background of a trait (AA, aa, Aa) 
Phenotype – Actual observable trait that we see (skin color) 
- Multiple genotypes can give rise to the same phenotype (e.g. AA and Aa) 
- Not all individuals with a given genotype will have the expected phenotype 
• Generation shorthand 
- P = Parental generation 
- F1 = First filial generation (produced from mating two parents) 
- F2 = Second generation (produced from mating 2 F1 offspring)


• Why was Mendel so successful? 
1) His choice of experimental subject, the pea plant 
(Pisum sativum) is easy to cultivate and grow relatively 
( by 17th century standards); 
2) Peas produce many offspring (seeds); 
3) Large variety of traits and traits were genetically pure; 
4) He focused on characteristics that have 2 forms; 
5) He adopted an experimental approach and used math! 
6) He kept careful records of his experiments and was 
very patient…


Simple Mendelian inheritance 
Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses 
• Simple Mendelian inheritance 
- Each trait is controlled by one gene, each gene controls one trait 
- Alleles have a clear dominant-recessive relationship 
- Individuals have expected phenotype 
- If examining more than 1 gene  they are on separate chromosomes 
• Monohybrid cross (1 gene) 
- Example: Human earlobe shape 
- Dominant allele  Unattached (E) 
Recessive allele  Attached (e) 
- Example mating: Two heterozygotes (Ee x Ee) 
- Need to predict offspring genotypes/phenotypes 
- Theory of segregation – Two copies of the gene 
are segregated and packaged into separate gametes 
- 1 gets the "E" and the other the "e" 
 Predict a 3:1 ratio of dom:rec phenotypes 
- Only a probability – may not see exact ratio 
E e 
EE Ee 
Ee ee 


• Dihybrid cross (2 genes) 
- Mendel's original experiments: 
- Done to determine if inheritance of one gene 
affects inheritance of another 
- Found that when genes are on different 
(nonhomologous) chromosomes, 
they move independently during meiosis 
and don't affect one another 
 Principle of independent assortment 
- Example (assuming independent assortment): 
- Earlobe shape (gene E) and hairline shape (F – widow's peak, f – straight) 
- If mate EeFf x EeFf, what phenotypic ratios in offspring? 
E e 
EE Ee 
Ee ee 
F f 
FF Ff 
Ff ff 
Then do separate Punett squares…


E e 
EE Ee 
Ee ee 
F f 
FF Ff 
Ff ff 
E_F_ = double dom. = 3/4 x 3/4 = 9/16 
eeF_ = 1 rec, 1 dom = 1/4 x 3/4 = 3/16 
E_ff = 1 dom, 1 rec = 3/4 x 1/4 = 3/16 
eeff = double rec. = 1/4 x 1/4 = 1/16 
Remember that UPPER CASE TRAIT 


Simple Mendelian inheritance 
Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses 
• Dihybrid cross (2 genes) 
- Example problem: 
- Imagine you mate a person who has attached earlobes and a smooth hairline 
with a person who is heterozygous for both genes. What is the probability of 
them having a child with unattached earlobes and a widow's peak hairline? 
- Step 1: Convert to letters 
- Parent 1 = attached, smooth  eeff 
- Parent 2 = EeFf 
- ? offspring = E_F_ 
(2nd letter for each doesn't matter) 
e e 
Ee Ee 
ee ee 
f f 
Ff Ff 
ff ff 
- Step 2: Do two Punett squares 
- Split up the E's from the F's 
- Step 3: Do the math 
- Multiply the individual probabilities 
- E_F_ = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

More Related Content

Week 1 genetics-upload

  • 1. Genetics/lab BIOL 3600 DA7 De Santis 3046 Fall 2014 Lecture: M,W,F 4:15 - 5:05 pm Lab: Parker 219 Monday 6-8:45 pm Wednesday 6-8:45 pm
  • 2. Review of the syllabus Instructor Dr. Paula Faria Waziry Office: UPP North 3450 suite 103 Phone: 2-2872 (don’t leave message!) Skype: paula.waziry Office hours: by appointment E-mail – waziry@nova.edu Lab assistant Nishant Talati Text Pierce, Benjamin A 2014. Genetics: A Conceptual Approach, 5th Edition, W.H. Freeman, New York, NY (ISBN number 2013951443) Website All course materials will be posted on Blackboard prior to the class period - PowerPoint presentations - Lab information - http://www.slideshare.net/paulawaziry1 (when BB is down...)
  • 3. Review of the syllabus Class assignments Unit exams (40% of final grade) - 2 will be given (20% each) - Each will consist of three sections – multiple choice, short answer, essay - Responsible for all material covered in the Powerpoint presentations. - ~90 minutes to complete - Make-ups – must have an approved excuse in writing (as per the NSU catalog) - Must contact me ASAP (before the exam, if possible) - If don’t have excuse in writing, points will be deducted for make-up Final exam (20% of final grade) – cumulative Quizzes – lab and lecture (15% of final grade) - Approx. 10 minutes each - Only covers material since the last quiz - You can drop 2 lowest quizzes grades. - No make-ups unless you have an excuse in writing.
  • 4. Review of the syllabus Lab assignments Lab final (10% of final grade) - Cumulative – all labs and techniques - See lab syllabus for more information Lab reports, lab attendance and participation (15% of final grade) - You must keep a written account of all experiments during the semester - Include purpose, methods, results, and discussion/conclusion for ALL EXPERIMENTS DONE - Unexcused absences will result in major point deductions
  • 5. Review of the syllabus Grades The final average will be calculated as follows: two unit tests @ 20% each ```40% Final exam 20% Quizzes 15% Lab final 10% Lab activities 15% 100% The grading scale: 93% = A, 90-92%=A-, 87-89%=B+, 83-86%=B, 80-82%=B-, 77-79%=C+, 73-76%=C, 70-72%=C-, 60-69%=D, <60%=F
  • 6. Tips for success 1. Attendance is required at all lectures, labs, and exams - You are responsible for getting any missed info 2. Ask questions in class and participate in discussions 3. Don’t just read and highlight the handouts. Understand and practice questions. 4. You will be responsible for the conceptual material covered in class/ Powerpoints. 5. Be considerate: no cell phones, texting, Internet surfing, facebooking, dozing off, sleeping, snoring…
  • 7. Chapter 1 Introduction to Genetics  People have understood the hereditary nature of traits and have practiced genetics for thousands of years  The rise in agriculture began when people started to apply genetic principles to the domestication of plants and animals
  • 8.  Pharmaceutical industry:  Numerous drugs are synthesized by fungi and bacteria.  Ex: growth hormone, insulin  In medicine:  Many diseases and disorders have a hereditary component.  Ex: hemophilia, sickle-cell anemia, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, EMD1: Emerin; Xq28; Recessive EMD2: Lamin A/C; 1q21.2; Dominant EMD3: SYNE1; 6q25; Dominant EMD4: SYNE2; 14q23; Dominant Other: Sporadic & Dominant from A Kornberg MD
  • 9. 2 years-old Kristian Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria 12 years-old Ashley and 2-weeks old brother Evan
  • 10. Defect in Lamina A processing Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Lamin A/C (a) Lamin A (c) DAPI Control Patient
  • 11. Samuel Dales mRNA Ribosomal subunits tRNA snRNPs Proteins with NES hnRNPs Ribosomal proteins Proteins with NLS snRNPs
  • 12. TPR (translocated promoter region) The Nuclear Pore Complex Nup98 Nup98 Nup98
  • 13. Nucleoporin Translocations in Acute Leukemia Fusion Transcript • Nup98-HOXA9 • Nup98-HOXD13 • Nup98-PMX1 • Nup98-DDX10 • Nup98-RAP1GDS1 • Nup98-TOP1 • DEK-Nup214 • SET-Nup214 Translocation t(7; 11)(p15; p15) t(2; 11)(q31; p15) t(1; 11)(q23; p15) inv(11)(p15; q22) t(4; 11)(q21; p15) t(11; 20)(p15; q11) t(6; 9)(p23; q34) inv(9)
  • 14. Genetic Diversity and evolution  Living organisms have an important feature in common: all use similar genetic systems  A complete set of genetic instructions for any organism is its genome  All genomes are encoded in nucleic acid: either DNA or RNA • Suggestive of a common ancestor
  • 15.  Since all organisms have similar genetic systems, the study of one organism’s genes reveals principles that apply to other organisms STAT 1 P P SGTAAT S1 motif Accessory TF motifs TATA Accessory TF factors
  • 16. Nucleoporins and Nuclear Traffic Proteins are involved with Mitotic Spindle Checkpoints and Ageing Baker DJ, Jeganathan KB, Malureanu L, Perez-Terzic C, Terzic A, van Deursen JM. J Cell Biol. 2006 Feb 13;172(4):529-40.  Enabling us to use animal models to study diseases or natural processes
  • 17. Influenza A pandemic - Influenza virus killed as many as 50 million people in a single year (1918-1919) - Extremely virulent - Fast, nasty, killed all ages - Up until 2006, had no idea why it was so virulent - Had no way to tell if a similar strain was forming - In October 2005, scientists recreated the 1918 strain using various genetic techniques - Obtained samples of the virus from preserved wax specimen and from a Eskimo woman who had died from it - Able to characterize it and maybe predict / prevent future outbreaks
  • 18. Microarray study reveals changes in regulation of genes Upon influenza viral infection Replication-dependent genes Geiss G, J.Virol, May 2001,p4321-4331
  • 19. Cells expressing low levels of Rae1 are susceptible to influenza infection
  • 20. Influenza virus targets the mRNA export machinery and the nuclear pore complex. Satterly, Tsai, van Deursen, Nussenzveig, Wang, Faria, Levay, Levy, Fontoura. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Feb 6;104(6):1853-8.
  • 21. Genetics What is it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Onw OKiMVb8&feature=channel_video_title
  • 22. • Genetics = Study of HEREDITY and VARIATION - Heredity = Passing down of traits from one generation to another - Variation = Differences in inherited characteristics among members of a population
  • 23. Genetics What is it? • Genetics has many subfields 1. Transmission genetics – Study of heredity - How traits are passed down between generations - Example: My mom has disease, spouse's uncle has same disease  Will our kids have it? - Is allele dom/rec, is it on X chr or autosome? 2. Molecular genetics – Structure and function of individual genes - Includes study of cancer (cancer genetics), genetic engineering (manipulation of genes), study of chromosome structure (cytogenetics) 3. Population/Evolutionary genetics – Study genetic variation in populations - Includes conservation genetics
  • 25. History of genetics • Early genetics was more philosophy than science - No experimentation - Many concepts were incorrect - Pangenesis – traits collected from all over body and put into sperm/eggs - Pre-formationism – little person inside of gametes (homunculus) - Blending inheritance – actual mixing of genetic information
  • 27. History of genetics • Technological and scientific developments changed genetics in 1800s - Microscopes invented – direct observation of gametes - Darwin and Mendel revolutionize genetics - Evolutionary and transmission genetics begin - Chromosomes observed and discovered to carry genetic information (early 1900s)
  • 28. Chapter 2 Chromosomes and Cellular Reproduction
  • 29. 1. Nucleus vs nucleoid - Nucleus – Membrane-enclosed organelle inside of eukaryotic cells that holds the chromosomes - Nucleoid – Region of a prokaryotic cell cytoplasm in which the chromosome resides 2. Chromosome - Single piece of DNA + proteins - Can be linear (eukaryotes) or circular (prokaryotes) - Eukaryotes have many, prokaryotes have one - Divided into many genes
  • 30. The Nucleus in Context (the central dogma)
  • 31. • Origin of the Nucleus: Most likely, from invagination of cell membrane of an ancient bacterium. The interior of the nucleus is topologically equivalent of the cytoplasm. • The ER is continuous with the nuclear membrane. The intermembrane space is topologically equivalent to the extracellular space. Evolution of the Eukaryotic Nucleus
  • 34. Chromosome Territories Chromosome distribution is not random
  • 35. Chromosome Territories  Chromosomes maintain their individuality  they have fixed homes spatially limited volume  Each chromosome of a specific cell type can be assigned a preferential position relative to the center of the nucleus  territories have highly branched and interconnected channels Good Review: Meaburn and Misteli, Nature, Jan 25, 2007, vol445, pp379 - 381
  • 36. Chromosome Structure • Centromere: attachment point for spindle microtubules • Telomeres: tips of a linear chromosome • Origins of replication: where the DNA synthesis begins
  • 37. At times a chromosome Consists of one single chromatid At other times it consists of 2 (sister) chromatids The telomeres are the stable ends of chromosomes The centromere is a constricted region of the chromosome where The kinetochores form and the Spindle microtubules attach
  • 38. Centromeres can be located at different sites on a chromosome
  • 39. 3. Gene - Defined segment of a chromosome that provides the instructions to make a single product (a protein) - One chromosome may be subdivided into 1,000 different genes 1 chromosome insulin ATP synthase actin hemoglobin  Chromosomes are divided into genes, which are composed of DNA 4. Diploid vs. haploid - Most eukaryotic organisms have 2 copies of each chromosome in each of their somatic cells - 2 copies = 2n = DIPLOID - Gamete cells (e.g. sperm and eggs) contain only 1 copy - 1 copy = 1n = HAPLOID
  • 40. • Some more genetic terms (and how they relate to one another): 5. Alleles - Alternate forms of the same gene caused by minor differences in the DNA sequnce 6. Genotype vs phenotype - Genotype – The genetic makeup of an organism (what the genes look like) - Phenotype – The actual observable characteristics that we see - Influenced by the genotype and the environment eye color blue eyes brown eyes
  • 41. Quick review of Mitosis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhgRhXl7w_g&feature=fvst
  • 43. Genetic consequences of the cell cycle • Producing two cells that are genetically identical to each other and with the cell that gave rise to them. • Newly formed cells contain a full complement of chromosomes. • Each newly formed cell contains approximately half (but not necessarily identical) the cytoplasm and organelle content of the original parental cell.
  • 44. Quick review of Meiosis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCL6 d0OwKt8&feature=channel_video_title
  • 45. Room for genetic variation
  • 47. Room for genetic vatiation
  • 49. Genetic Variation is Produced through the random distribution of chromosomes in meiosis Genetic Variation is Produced through crossing over • Try Animation 2.3 file:///E:/media/ch02/Animations/0203_genetic_va r_meiosis.html
  • 50. Consequences of Meiosis and Genetic Variation • Four cells are produced from each original cell. • Chromosome number in each new cell is reduced by half. The new cells are haploid. • Newly formed cells from meiosis are genetically different from one another and from the parental cell.
  • 51. Concept Check Which of the following events takes place in meiosis II, but not in meiosis I? a. crossing over b. contraction of chromosomes c. separation of homologous chromosomes d. separation of chromatids
  • 53. Chapter 3 Basic Principles of Heredity
  • 54. Transmission genetics Overview • Transmission genetics  Study of how genes/traits are passed down through generations - Wrong hypotheses in history: - Pangenesis: Traits absorbed from all over body  sperm/eggs - Lemarckism: Kids inherit their parents acquired characteristics - Preformationism: Little people inside of gametes (homunculus) - Blending inheritance: Traits of parents blend  passed on • Gregor Mendel – 1850-60s - Experiments with peas disproved all above - Found discrete units of inheritance passed down - Provide instructions for brand new organism - No blending - Unique combination of genes provides unique traits in offspring
  • 55. Transmission genetics Review of terminology • Genes = Short segments of chromosomes/DNA that provide instructions to make a polypeptide • Alleles – Different forms (variations) of the same gene that result from minor differences in the DNA sequence - Example: Gene controlling melanin • Homozygous vs. heterozygous Homozygous – Organism has 2 copies of the same allele for a given gene Heterozygous – Organism has 2 different alleles for a given gene • Dominant vs. recessive - In a heterozygous individual, both alleles are expressed (assuming no imprinting) - However, one allele often has a greater impact on the final observable trait - Those alleles that mask the effects of other alleles  DOMINANT Those alleles that get masked  RECESSIVE
  • 56. Simple Mendelian inheritance Monohybrid cross • Simple Mendelian inheritance - Each trait is controlled by one gene, each gene controls one trait - Alleles have a clear dominant-recessive relationship - Individuals have expected phenotype - If examining more than 1 gene  they are on separate chromosomes • Monohybrid cross (1 gene) - Example: Human earlobe shape - Dominant allele  Unattached (E) Recessive allele  Attached (e) - Example mating: Two heterozygotes (Ee x Ee) - Need to predict offspring genotypes/phenotypes - Theory of segregation – Two copies of the gene are segregated and packaged into separate gametes - 1 gets the "E" and the other the "e"  Predict a 3:1 ratio of dom:rec phenotypes - Only a probability – may not see exact ratio E e EE Ee Ee ee E e
  • 57. Transmission genetics Review of terminology • Genetic shorthand - Dominant allele  Capital letter Recessive allele  Lowercase letter Choose letter wisely! A = normal melanin production AA (homozygous dominant) a = no melanin aa (homozygous recessive) Aa (heterozygous) • Genotype vs. phenotype Genotype – Genetic background of a trait (AA, aa, Aa) Phenotype – Actual observable trait that we see (skin color) - Multiple genotypes can give rise to the same phenotype (e.g. AA and Aa) - Not all individuals with a given genotype will have the expected phenotype • Generation shorthand - P = Parental generation - F1 = First filial generation (produced from mating two parents) - F2 = Second generation (produced from mating 2 F1 offspring)
  • 58. • Why was Mendel so successful? 1) His choice of experimental subject, the pea plant (Pisum sativum) is easy to cultivate and grow relatively rapidly ( by 17th century standards); 2) Peas produce many offspring (seeds); 3) Large variety of traits and traits were genetically pure; 4) He focused on characteristics that have 2 forms; 5) He adopted an experimental approach and used math! 6) He kept careful records of his experiments and was very patient…
  • 59. Simple Mendelian inheritance Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses • Simple Mendelian inheritance - Each trait is controlled by one gene, each gene controls one trait - Alleles have a clear dominant-recessive relationship - Individuals have expected phenotype - If examining more than 1 gene  they are on separate chromosomes • Monohybrid cross (1 gene) - Example: Human earlobe shape - Dominant allele  Unattached (E) Recessive allele  Attached (e) - Example mating: Two heterozygotes (Ee x Ee) - Need to predict offspring genotypes/phenotypes - Theory of segregation – Two copies of the gene are segregated and packaged into separate gametes - 1 gets the "E" and the other the "e"  Predict a 3:1 ratio of dom:rec phenotypes - Only a probability – may not see exact ratio E e EE Ee Ee ee E e
  • 60. • Dihybrid cross (2 genes) - Mendel's original experiments: - Done to determine if inheritance of one gene affects inheritance of another - Found that when genes are on different (nonhomologous) chromosomes, they move independently during meiosis and don't affect one another  Principle of independent assortment - Example (assuming independent assortment): - Earlobe shape (gene E) and hairline shape (F – widow's peak, f – straight) - If mate EeFf x EeFf, what phenotypic ratios in offspring? FIRST SEPARATE THE GENES… E e EE Ee Ee ee E e F f FF Ff Ff ff F f Then do separate Punett squares…
  • 61. E e EE Ee Ee ee E e F f FF Ff Ff ff F f INDEPENDENT TERMS E_F_ = double dom. = 3/4 x 3/4 = 9/16 eeF_ = 1 rec, 1 dom = 1/4 x 3/4 = 3/16 E_ff = 1 dom, 1 rec = 3/4 x 1/4 = 3/16 eeff = double rec. = 1/4 x 1/4 = 1/16 9:3:3:1 9+3+3+1=16 Remember that UPPER CASE TRAIT IS DOMINANT FOR PHENOTYPE!!! NOW COUNT THE PHENOTYPES!!!
  • 62. Simple Mendelian inheritance Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses • Dihybrid cross (2 genes) - Example problem: - Imagine you mate a person who has attached earlobes and a smooth hairline with a person who is heterozygous for both genes. What is the probability of them having a child with unattached earlobes and a widow's peak hairline? - Step 1: Convert to letters - Parent 1 = attached, smooth  eeff - Parent 2 = EeFf - ? offspring = E_F_ (2nd letter for each doesn't matter) e e Ee Ee ee ee E e f f Ff Ff ff ff F f - Step 2: Do two Punett squares - Split up the E's from the F's - Step 3: Do the math - Multiply the individual probabilities - E_F_ = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4