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SQL Server 2012 High Availability and
Disaster Recovery
Denny Cherry
About Me

Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting
Author or Coauthor of 7 books
8+ SQL Mag articles
Dozens of other articles
Microsoft MVP
Microsoft Certified Master
VMware vExpert
Microsoft Certified Trainer
I love questions
• Try and keep them on point…
• We can always chat during lunch or after the
• Remember…
– There’s no such thing as a dumb question…
– But don’t take it personally if we all laugh at with

Today’s Topics
• Database Log Shipping
• Database Mirroring
• AlwaysOn
– Windows and SQL Server Clustering
– Availability Groups

• When should I use each one?
What Is Log Shipping?

Oldest HA/DR solution available
Backup of logs from one server
Restoring of logs to multiple servers
Allows backup servers to be keep X minutes behind
Differences Between Native and Roll
Your Own
• Nice UI for setup
• Easy configuration of
restore delays
• Integrated with SSMS
• Errors can be cryptic
• UI has a couple of bugs

Roll Your Own
• Total control of the process
• Very easy to add or remove
destination servers
• All T-SQL or PoSH Based
SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld
Rolling Your Own…
• Can be done through all T-SQL or not
• Can use one file, or one file per T-Log backup
• Can be setup to keep one of more targets behind
SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld
Failing Over Log Shipping

Configure application to use a DNS alias to connect
Fail the database over (methods here vary)
Change DNS to point to the new server
Force DNS replication
Flush DNS cache on all client machines
Native Failover Process
• Just use the UI to failover
Roll Your Own Failover Process
• Backup final log on source with NORECOVERY
• Restore final log on target with RECOVERY
SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld
Automatic Failover

Why do I care about a deprecated
• Database Mirroring has been deprecated as of SQL
Server 2012
• Feature will be in the product until at least 2016
• Feature will be supported by Microsoft until at least
What Does Mirroring Do?
• Keeps a second copy of a database updated
• Runs synchronously or asynchronously
– Synchronous mirroring supported in Standard+
– Asynchronous mirroring supported in Enterprise
What Isn’t Mirrored?

SSIS Packages
Basically Anything which is outside of the database
doesn’t come across
How does Mirroring Work?
• Feeds a transaction log stream from one machine to
• Log is applied and committed as soon as it arrives
Database Mirroring Options
• Two or Three Servers
• Supports Automatic Failover
• Standard Edition Feature
• Witness Can Be Express

• Two Servers
• Enterprise Edition Feature
• Both instances must be EE
Mirroring Communication

Dedicated TCP Endpoint
Default TCP port 5022
Only Mirroring Uses Endpoint
Data Encrypted By Default
Authentication Can Be Windows Auth or Cert
Mirroring Configuration
Mirroring Dashboard
Failing Over Mirroring
• Triggered on
primary server
SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld
What Is AlwaysOn?
• Umbrella Term covering multiple features
– SQL Server Clustering
• Local Clustering
• Geographically Dispersed Clusters

– Availability Groups

SQL Server Cluster Configuration
• Built on top of Windows Failover Clustering
• Single set of database files
• Multiple instances configured to use these database
• Only a Single instance can host the databases at once
SQL Server Cluster Configuration
SQL Server Cluster Configuration
SQL Server Cluster Configuration
License Limitations
• Standard Edition – 2 nodes
• BI Edition - 2 nodes
• Enterprise Edition – OS Maximum
Instances Redefined

Instances are installed on multiple machines
Multiple instances are configured
Each single clustered instance has the same name
Separate clustered instances have different names
Instances Redefined
• Each Instance is installed and
managed separately
• Each Instance is installed on
each of the servers of the
cluster (or a subset)
• Each instance requires a
separate network name and
IP address
Resource Dependencies
New SQL 2012 Clustering Features

Multi-Subnet Failover Support
Network Storage Support
Windows Core Mode Installs
TempDB on local disk
Multi-Subnet Failover
• Two different IP Addresses configured for SQL
• Only one comes online at a time using OR statements
within SQL Server
• Uses network subnet configuration to determine IP
to bring online
Multi-Subnet Failover

Thanks to Allan Hirt for the images!
• For the cluster to start and stop services, it must
have quorum
• Quorum is the requirement to have a vote, without
being able to have a tie
• Quorum is used to decide which node of the cluster
will host the resource groups
Quorum Options
• Majority Node Set
• Network Share Quorum
• Quorum Drive
Practical Information

Steps to Clustering Windows
• Run Validation
• Run Clustering Wizard
SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld
Steps to Clustering Windows
• Launch the Clustered Instance wizard
• Select the components to install
• Configure the network name and IP address which
the clustered SQL Server instance will use
• Assign disks to the clustered SQL Instance
• Define the resource group name
Multi-Node Installation
• Each instance is installed on each node separately
• Secondary node installations are much simpler
SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld
Failover Detection
• Cluster Service Logs into SQL Server regularly
• Cluster Service runs a basic query
• Number of failed attempts acceptable can be
• Number of times instance can failover within X
number of minutes can be configured
• Failback is optional (and usually not recommended)
SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld
New Terms to Know

Availability Groups
Availability Replicas
Availability Databases
Availability Group Listener
Availability Group Topology
Are AG’s Just Mirroring?
• AGs support 4 secondary replicas
– 2 Synchronous
– 4 Asynchronous


Transaction Log Stream
Uses encrypted Mirroring endpoint
Secondary Replicas can be read only
Automatic Failover for Synchronous
What To Do About Cluster Quorum
Single Site
• Shared Quorum
• Majority Node Set
– Odd number of nodes

Multi Site
• Majority Node Set
– Nodes in DR site disabled
from voting
– Odd Number of nodes in
primary site
What To Do About Cluster Quorum
Single Site
• Shared Quorum
• Majority Node Set
– Odd number of nodes

Multi Site
• Majority Node Set
– Nodes in DR site disabled
from voting
– Odd Number of nodes in
primary site

• Asymmetric Disk Only
• Availability Groups can be built on top of FCIs
• Allows for additional redundancy at each site


Setup Process

Cluster Windows
Install SQL on needed nodes
Enable AlwaysOn Availability Groups
Create/Attach/Restore database(s)
Configure AlwaysOn Availability Group
SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld
Cross Support With Other Features

ColumnStore Indexes
Full Text Indexes
– Publication
– Subscription

• Contained Databases
• Clustering

• Policy Based
• Maintenance Plans
• Auditing
• User Defined Server
• Transparent Data
• SQL Service Broker
Business Case #1

Single Data Center
No Single Points of Failure
Least Cost
Multiple Redundant Copies
30 minute or less failover time
Business Case #2
• All Data is stored on the SAN
• Three Data Centers
– Two Copies of the data in the primary data center
– Two Copies of the data in the secondary data center
– One copy of the data in the tertiary data center

• Short Failover Time
• Automatic Failover To Secondary Data Center
• SAN Replication is available
Business Case #3

All data is stored on DAS
Six Offices, 50 miles between each
Automatic Failover Between 2 offices
No Single Points of Failure
Business Case #4
• All data is stored on the SAN
• 3 Redundant Servers
• Lowest Hardware Costs
Business Case #5
• Three Data Centers
– 20 miles between primary and secondary
– 400 miles between primary and 3rd


Automatic Failover between primary and secondary
Multiple Servers Per Data Center
All Data on SAN Storage
Lowest Storage Costs

SQL Server 2012 in a Highly Available World

Denny Cherry

More Related Content

SQLDay2013_Denny Cherry - SQLServer2012inaHighlyAvailableWorld

  • 1. SQL Server 2012 High Availability and Disaster Recovery Denny Cherry mrdenny@dcac.co twitter.com/mrdenny
  • 2. About Me • • • • • • • • Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting Author or Coauthor of 7 books 8+ SQL Mag articles Dozens of other articles Microsoft MVP Microsoft Certified Master VMware vExpert Microsoft Certified Trainer 2
  • 3. I love questions • Try and keep them on point… • We can always chat during lunch or after the session… • Remember… – There’s no such thing as a dumb question… – But don’t take it personally if we all laugh at with you. 3
  • 4. Today’s Topics • Database Log Shipping • Database Mirroring • AlwaysOn – Windows and SQL Server Clustering – Availability Groups • When should I use each one?
  • 6. What Is Log Shipping? • • • • Oldest HA/DR solution available Backup of logs from one server Restoring of logs to multiple servers Allows backup servers to be keep X minutes behind
  • 7. Differences Between Native and Roll Your Own Native • Nice UI for setup • Easy configuration of restore delays • Integrated with SSMS • Errors can be cryptic • UI has a couple of bugs Roll Your Own • Total control of the process • Very easy to add or remove destination servers • All T-SQL or PoSH Based
  • 9. Rolling Your Own… • Can be done through all T-SQL or not • Can use one file, or one file per T-Log backup • Can be setup to keep one of more targets behind production
  • 11. Failing Over Log Shipping • • • • • Configure application to use a DNS alias to connect Fail the database over (methods here vary) Change DNS to point to the new server Force DNS replication Flush DNS cache on all client machines
  • 12. Native Failover Process • Just use the UI to failover
  • 13. Roll Your Own Failover Process • Backup final log on source with NORECOVERY • Restore final log on target with RECOVERY
  • 18. Why do I care about a deprecated feature? • Database Mirroring has been deprecated as of SQL Server 2012 • Feature will be in the product until at least 2016 • Feature will be supported by Microsoft until at least 2026
  • 19. What Does Mirroring Do? • Keeps a second copy of a database updated • Runs synchronously or asynchronously – Synchronous mirroring supported in Standard+ – Asynchronous mirroring supported in Enterprise
  • 20. What Isn’t Mirrored? • • • • • • Logins Jobs SSIS Packages FILESTREAM FILETABLE Basically Anything which is outside of the database doesn’t come across
  • 21. How does Mirroring Work? • Feeds a transaction log stream from one machine to another • Log is applied and committed as soon as it arrives
  • 22. Database Mirroring Options Synchronous • Two or Three Servers • Supports Automatic Failover • Standard Edition Feature • Witness Can Be Express Asynchronous • Two Servers • Enterprise Edition Feature • Both instances must be EE
  • 23. Mirroring Communication • • • • • Dedicated TCP Endpoint Default TCP port 5022 Only Mirroring Uses Endpoint Data Encrypted By Default Authentication Can Be Windows Auth or Cert
  • 26. Failing Over Mirroring • Triggered on primary server • T/SQL or SSMS
  • 30. What Is AlwaysOn? • Umbrella Term covering multiple features – SQL Server Clustering • Local Clustering • Geographically Dispersed Clusters – Availability Groups
  • 34. SQL Server Cluster Configuration • Built on top of Windows Failover Clustering • Single set of database files • Multiple instances configured to use these database files • Only a Single instance can host the databases at once
  • 35. SQL Server Cluster Configuration
  • 36. SQL Server Cluster Configuration
  • 37. SQL Server Cluster Configuration
  • 38. License Limitations • Standard Edition – 2 nodes • BI Edition - 2 nodes • Enterprise Edition – OS Maximum
  • 39. Instances Redefined • • • • Instances are installed on multiple machines Multiple instances are configured Each single clustered instance has the same name Separate clustered instances have different names
  • 40. Instances Redefined • Each Instance is installed and managed separately • Each Instance is installed on each of the servers of the cluster (or a subset) • Each instance requires a separate network name and IP address
  • 42. New SQL 2012 Clustering Features • • • • Multi-Subnet Failover Support Network Storage Support Windows Core Mode Installs TempDB on local disk
  • 43. Multi-Subnet Failover • Two different IP Addresses configured for SQL • Only one comes online at a time using OR statements within SQL Server • Uses network subnet configuration to determine IP to bring online
  • 44. Multi-Subnet Failover Thanks to Allan Hirt for the images!
  • 45. Quorum • For the cluster to start and stop services, it must have quorum • Quorum is the requirement to have a vote, without being able to have a tie • Quorum is used to decide which node of the cluster will host the resource groups
  • 46. Quorum Options • Majority Node Set • Network Share Quorum • Quorum Drive
  • 48. Steps to Clustering Windows • Run Validation • Run Clustering Wizard
  • 50. Steps to Clustering Windows • Launch the Clustered Instance wizard • Select the components to install • Configure the network name and IP address which the clustered SQL Server instance will use • Assign disks to the clustered SQL Instance • Define the resource group name
  • 51. Multi-Node Installation • Each instance is installed on each node separately • Secondary node installations are much simpler
  • 53. Failover Detection • Cluster Service Logs into SQL Server regularly • Cluster Service runs a basic query • Number of failed attempts acceptable can be configured • Number of times instance can failover within X number of minutes can be configured • Failback is optional (and usually not recommended)
  • 57. New Terms to Know • • • • Availability Groups Availability Replicas Availability Databases Availability Group Listener
  • 59. Are AG’s Just Mirroring? • AGs support 4 secondary replicas – 2 Synchronous – 4 Asynchronous • • • • Transaction Log Stream Uses encrypted Mirroring endpoint Secondary Replicas can be read only Automatic Failover for Synchronous
  • 60. What To Do About Cluster Quorum Single Site • Shared Quorum • Majority Node Set – Odd number of nodes Multi Site • Majority Node Set – Nodes in DR site disabled from voting – Odd Number of nodes in primary site
  • 61. What To Do About Cluster Quorum Single Site • Shared Quorum • Majority Node Set – Odd number of nodes Multi Site • Majority Node Set – Nodes in DR site disabled from voting – Odd Number of nodes in primary site • Asymmetric Disk Only Quorum
  • 62. FCI + AGs • Availability Groups can be built on top of FCIs • Allows for additional redundancy at each site A A A
  • 63. Setup Process • • • • • Cluster Windows Install SQL on needed nodes Enable AlwaysOn Availability Groups Create/Attach/Restore database(s) Configure AlwaysOn Availability Group
  • 65. Cross Support With Other Features • • • • • FILESTREAM FileTable ColumnStore Indexes Full Text Indexes Replication – Publication – Subscription • Contained Databases • Clustering • Policy Based Management • Maintenance Plans • Auditing • User Defined Server Roles • Transparent Data Encryption • SQL Service Broker
  • 68. Business Case #1 • • • • • Single Data Center No Single Points of Failure Least Cost Multiple Redundant Copies 30 minute or less failover time
  • 69. Business Case #2 • All Data is stored on the SAN • Three Data Centers – Two Copies of the data in the primary data center – Two Copies of the data in the secondary data center – One copy of the data in the tertiary data center • Short Failover Time • Automatic Failover To Secondary Data Center • SAN Replication is available
  • 70. Business Case #3 • • • • All data is stored on DAS Six Offices, 50 miles between each Automatic Failover Between 2 offices No Single Points of Failure
  • 71. Business Case #4 • All data is stored on the SAN • 3 Redundant Servers • Lowest Hardware Costs
  • 72. Business Case #5 • Three Data Centers – 20 miles between primary and secondary – 400 miles between primary and 3rd • • • • Automatic Failover between primary and secondary Multiple Servers Per Data Center All Data on SAN Storage Lowest Storage Costs
  • 74. SQL Server 2012 in a Highly Available World Denny Cherry mrdenny@mrdenny.com twitter.com/mrdenny