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Introductory Seminar

Universal Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Ever dream of a better place to live?
                                        The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Beautiful   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Are our places like that?
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                             No! Definitely
                                                             not just yet…

Everyone wants our communities
                                                    to be peaceful places. But we first
                                                   have to deal with the many and real
                                                     conflicts at hand. What are some
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                             these conflicts?
                                                       What are its consequences?

Remember the 2nd World War
                                                       37.6 Million Military Deaths
                                                      (Source: Atlas of Modern World History 1989)
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

In addition, Millions of civilians…   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
                                                                           Man’s Inhumanity to Man
6 Million Jews killed
                        The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Mass grave at Auschwitz
                          The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
9/11 ( 2001 ), International Terrorism
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Clash of Civilizations ???
War in Afghanistan   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
War in Iraq
              The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
… in the Philippines
                       The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
… in Nepal
             The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
…in Thailand   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
    Insufficient Resources
     Population Explosion
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
China: 1.4 B People   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
India: 1.2 B People   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Hunger and Poverty
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Unequal Distribution of Resources
                                                              Causing …

                                                   Infant Deaths
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Malnutrition   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Starvation   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Lost of Hope   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
               Who do we turn to for help ?
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
                                                                  Widespread Bad Governance
Government …   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace   Our Families …

Increasing Numbers of Broken and Dysfunctional Families
                                                   Divorce and Separation
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
“The youth is the fair
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                    hope of our

                                                   Dr. Jose P. Rizal
                                     Alcohol Abuse…
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
                                                                      In conflict with ourselves!
Substance abuse…
                   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
                 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Free Sex
                                                 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Teenage and
                                                   Unwanted Pregnancy

                                                              Major cause of one’s
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                              unfulfilled ambitions
                                                              and the lowering of
                                                              career goals especially
                                                              among students.

                                                              Main cause for the
                                                              increases in the cases
                                                              of abortions
                                                              And contraceptives use.
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                      We are also in
                                                     conflict with our
                                                   because of Pollution.
Chemical Waste   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Industrial Waste   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Solid Waste   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
is showing signs of
    Mother Earth

    The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Ozone Layer Depletion   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Global Warming   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
And if that is not bad enough…
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                     We live in a time where
                                                    conflicts have been
                                                    dangerously raised to a
                                                    sophisticated and terrifying
                                                    new level. Through Nuclear
                                                    Weapons of mass destruction!
Mad Nuclear Arms Race …
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Initially only US, then USSR, China, France…   43
                                                              Now India, Pakistan, et al.
The Race continues … in Iran, in North
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Which country will join next?       44
Fact: The next Nuclear War will be our planet Earth’s
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                       Now much more powerful than ever.

                                                            Leadership Crisis
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                            Indifference and
                                                             Lack of concern
                                                            Social Injustice
There have been many attempts
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   to address these conflicts but to our
                                                       disappointment most of it are
                                                          unsuccessful until now!

                                                     Thus, we need a new approach…

The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   The Universal Peace Federation
                                                        ( UPF ) has a new and
                                                    comprehensive approach to
                                                       meet these challenges.

The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
UPF was founded by Dr. and Mrs. Sun
                                                   Myung Moon on the 12th of September
                                                   2005 in New York, USA.
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                         Its vision is to realize a unified
                                                   world of peace, and prosperity shared by
                                                   all people living and loving together in
                                                   harmony as “one family under God”. The
                                                   Holy Bible calls this as the “Kingdom of
                                                   Heaven on Earth.”
                                                       It is currently present and active in
                                                   194 countries worldwide.                    50
Affiliates of UPF

                                                   FFWPU                 WFWP
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   AMMS / SFP            P-TARP
                                                   IIFWP-UPF             WCARP
                                                   YFWP                  IRFWP
                                                   RYS                   BFWP…etc.

                                                   These are also collectively known as the
                                                         World Peace Movement.
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Unity & Peace of:
                                                   1. All peoples
                                                   2. All religions
                                                   3. Science and
UPF Main Programs

                                                   • 1. Education on Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                       • ( Local and International )
                                                   •   2. Family Rededication Blessing
                                                   •   3. Renewal of the United Nations
                                                   •   4. Interfaith activities
                                                   •   5. World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel
                                                   •   6. Ambassadors for Peace movement
                                                   •   7. Global Peace Festivals          53
UPF Major Activities

                                                   • 1. Medical and Dental Service ( AMMS )
                                                   • 2. Youth Development ( SFP / YFWP )
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   • 3. Martial Arts Training ( TIMD / MAFWP )
                                                   • 4. Family Counseling ( FFWPU )
                                                   • 5. Seminars on anti- HIV / AIDS and
                                                         Dangerous Drugs ( UPF )
                                                   • 6. Women Empowerment ( WFWP )
                                                   • 7. Global Peace Festivals ( UPF / BFWP )
                                                        (Character Education, Interfaith…etc.)
We Long for the End of Conflict
                                  The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
How to Realize our Dreams of Peace?   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
Five Requirements for World Peace:
                                                      Based on Universal Principles
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Rev. Sun Myung Moon & Dr. Hak Ja Han 57
                                                     Co-Founders: Universal Peace Federation
1.                                                  God is the True Parent of Humankind
2.                                                  Humans are essentially Spiritual in
 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

3.                                                  Marriage is a Sacred Institution; Family
                                                    is a School of Love
4.                                                  God’s Ideal  Live for the Sake of
5.                                                  Interreligious and international
                                                    cooperation are essential to world     58
Universal Principle 1:
                                                     God is the True Parent of Humankind
                                                             God         Allah             Jehovah
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                           Tao           Parent of

                                                   Ultimate Reality                        El Shaddai

                                                             We are brothers and sisters
                                                              Under one parent - God                    59
God is the True Parent of Humankind
                                                   You are the children of the Lord your God.
                                                   Judaism and Christianity. Bible, Deuteronomy 14.1
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be
                                                   thy name.         Christianity. Bible, Matthew 6.9

                                                   Oh my people! Worship Allah. ye have no other
                                                   God but Him. Islam. Quran 7:59, 85; 11:50,61,84; 23:23

                                                   All [human] creatures are God's children, and
                                                   those dearest to God are those who treat His
                                                   children kindly.           Islam. Hadith of Baihaqi
God is the Parent of Humankind

 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace



                                                                                 True Love   61
Universal Principle 2:
Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature
    The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                                              S   O                  Equivalent to
                                                                                                     instinct of animals
                                                       Truth                                     Eat
                                                       Beauty                True                Drink
                                                       Goodness    Mind      Love       Body     Sleep
                                                       Love                                      Sex

                                                        Priority             Person           Secondary
                                                             Our ability to create a personality of true love
Universal Principle 2:
                                                    Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature
                                                           Truth
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                           Beauty
                                                           Goodness   Satisfaction
                                                           Love
                                                                            True   True & Lasting
                                                           Food
                                                   Body    Shelter     Physical
                                                           Wealth       Well-
                                                           Comfort      being
Universal Principle 2:
                                                    Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature
                                                           Truth
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                           Beauty
                                                           Goodness   Satisfaction
                                                           Love


                                                           Food
                                                   Body    Shelter     Physical
                                                           Wealth       Well-
                                                           Comfort      being
Conscience “God Within”
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                          • Innate sensitivity to truth Points
                                                            toward higher good

                                                          • Actions governed by the
                                                            conscience lead to peace

Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature
                                                                    Growth of Human
                                                               Character — Responsibility
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace


                                                     Potenti                                potentia
                                                        al                                      l
                                                       for                                  for love
                                                      love                                             66
Universal Principle 3:
                                                   Marriage is a Sacred Institution
                                                   The Family is a School of Love
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

Our Positions in the Family

                                                              s & Parents
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                                True      Sibling
                                                   Husband        e


                                                              Children &                68
The Four Great Realms of Love
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                                     • Child’s Love
                                                                     • Sibling’s Love
                                                                     • Spouse’s Love
                                                                     • Parent’s Love

Marriage is a Sacred Institution
                                                   The Family is a School of Love

                                                                          Primary Virtues of
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                                             Child’s Love

Marriage is a Sacred Institution
The Family is a School of Love
                                                   Virtues of
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace


                                                   and Purity
Marriage is a Sacred Institution
The Family is a School of Love
                                                     Primary Virtues of
  The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                       Spouse’s Love

Marriage is a Sacred Institution
The Family is a School of Love                         Primary
                                                      Virtues of
 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                    Parent’s Love

Marriage is a Sacred Institution
                                                     The Family is a School of Love
                                                   Strong Families Have Focus Higher than Self
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                             Service to Community                74
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
                                                   Cornerstone of World Peace

                                                                 •   Families bridge
                                                                 •   Peaceful families
                                                                     support peaceful
                                                                 •   Basis for empathy
                                                                     with all people

Universal Principle 4:
                                                   God’s Ideal          Live for the Sake of Others

                                                              S O
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                    Ideal        True    Ideal
                                                   Husband       Love    Wife

                                                                              Love and Happiness in families
                                                             Family          are projected and extended to the
                                                             Society            society, nation and the world
                                                         One World Family                                        76
Universal Principle 4:
                                                   God’s Ideal          Live for the Sake of Others

                                                              S O
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                    Ideal        True     Ideal
                                                   Husband       Love     Wife

                                                                                World of Lasting Peace from
                                                              Child            generation to generation

                                                             Family             Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
                                                             Nation             “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
                                                         One World Family      done on earth as it is in Heaven” 77
Universal Principle 4:
                                                   God’s Ideal: Live for the Sake of Others

                                                   All men are responsible for one another.
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                                                   Talmud, Sanhedrin 27b

                                                   Give, and it will be given to you... for the
                                                   measure you give will be the measure you
                                                   receive.                                    Luke 6.38

                                                   Give not with the thought to gain, and be
                                                   patient unto thy Lord.                Qur'an 74.6-7

Universal Principle 4:
                                                   God’s Ideal: Live for the Sake of Others
                                                   He who prays for his fellowman, while he
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   himself has the same need, will be answered
                                                   first.                   Talmud, Baba Kamma 92a

                                                   By this shall all [men] know that ye are my
                                                   disciples, if ye have love one to another.
                                                                           John 13:35

                                                   Those who act kindly in this world will have
                                                   kindness .               Qur'an 39.10
God’s Ideal: Live for the sake of others
                                           The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
God’s Ideal: Live for the Sake of Others
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                               Individual      Whole

God’s Ideal : Live for the Sake of Others
                                                       The Principle of Give and Receive
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                        Subject                         Object
                                                   Internal Character               External Form
                                                         Mind                           Body
                                                      Husband                            Wife
                                                      Parents                          Children
                                                     Government                         People
                                                        Nation     Harmonized Being Nation
                                                    Spiritual World               Physical World
God’s Ideal: Live for the sake of others
                                                            The Path of Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                       Giving and receiving have no limits

                                                   Individual Family Community Nation   World

                                                   1.   God is the True Parent of
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   2.   Humans are Essentially Spiritual
                                                        in Nature
                                                   3.   Marriage is a Sacred Institution;
                                                        The Family is a School of Love
                                                   4.   God’s Ideal  Live for the Sake
                                                        of Others
Universal Principle 5:
                                                   Interreligious and International Cooperation
                                                   are Essential to World Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                     Religions of the World:

                                                     The source of humanity’s deepest values,
                                                      highest ideals
                                                     Powerful Instrument for Personal
                                                     Spiritual and Moral Framework for Society
                                                     If misused, can have devastating effect
                                                     Religious disunity shapes individuals and
                                                      society negatively, blocks the way to peace   85
Interreligious and International
                                                   Cooperation are Essential to World Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                    “If religions do not give high priority to
                                                   interreligious dialogue and harmony and
                                                     practice these, dialogue and harmony
                                                     among civilizations will be impossible”

                                                                           Sun Myung Moon
                                                                               January, 2001

Interreligious and International
                                                   Cooperation are Essential to World Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

Interreligious and International Cooperation
                                                   are Essential to World Peace
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

Interreligious and International
                                                   Cooperation are Essential to World Peace
                                                   What is the Cause of Conflict?
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   • Rooted in the Spiritual Dimension
                                                   What is the Way to Peace?
                                                   • Must address the root, spiritual reality


                                                              (Human Spirit)

Interreligious and International
                                                     Cooperation are Essential to World Peace
                                                     Root of Conflict: The Human Fall
                                                   • World’s Faiths Agree: “Fallen”
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                     world- deviated from original
                                                     purpose & ideal of creation
                                                   • Departure from God’s Will-
                                                     separation from
                                                   • Established family traditions of
                                                     selfish, or “false” love, life and
Interreligious and International Cooperation
                                                    are Essential to World Peace

                                                   Origin of Conflict:
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                    •   Violate Basic Principle of Creation
                                                    •   Others exist for my benefit
                                                    •   “Self”-centered, not God or other-centered
                                                    •   Diminish the value of the Whole

                                                   Individual                        Whole

Interreligious and International Cooperation
                                                   are Essential to World Peace
                                                     Basic Principle of the Created World:
                                                    • Living for the sake of others
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                    • I exist to benefit the whole
                                                    • Peace is sustained and developed through
                                                      living for the sake of others

                                                                Individual         Whole

Roots of Conflict & Violence

The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                     Fallen        False   Fallen
                                                     Adam          Love     Eve
                                                                                     Children did not grow up in the
                                                   Children with
                                                                                       atmosphere of true love
                                                    Original Sin
                                                                                     The society, nation and the world
                                                           Problematic Family          does not support absolute sexual
                                                           Dangerous Society           morality

                                                              Chaotic Nation         Multiplication of problematic families
                                                             Troubled World
                                                                                    Evil History of War and Conflict
                                                               Hell on Earth                                              93
Roots of Conflict & Violence

The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Selfish patterns expanded from family to world
                                                     Lack of self-control, dishonesty, sexual promiscuity

                                                     Domestic violence & disrespect of other sex

                                                     Infidelity and divorce

                                                     Stealing, murder, gang strife, war
The Historical Role of Religion


                                                   The God-            Man          Woman       The Ideal Family
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   centered family
                                                   was to be the             Family             destroyed, religio
                                                   foundation for                               ns took
                                                   ethics, values,                              the role of
                                                   and tradition.     Religion                  teaching about

                                                        Families inherit their values and traditions from
                                                         religious culture, passing these on to their children.
Religion: Restorative Vehicle

                                                   Religious activity seeks to restore the
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   original ideal of peace
                                                   Religion traditionally promotes:
                                                   • Personal discipline, sacrifice and denial of the
                                                     desires of the body
                                                   • Restraint, patience and forgiveness in
                                                   • Love of neighbors and even enemies
                                                   • Love others as self
Rev. Moon

    The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                        Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon              97
                                                       Founder: Universal Peace Federation
Solution to Misery and Misfortune:
                                                                    Restoration or Re-Creation

                                                          Satan                                        God
                                                                        False             True
                                                                       Parents           Parents
    The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

Fallen                                                    False     Fallen                  Ideal      True        Ideal
 Man                                                      Love      Woman                   Man        Love       Woman

                                                          Child                                       Child

                                                          Family                                      Family
                                                         Society                                     Society

                                                          Nation                                      Nation

                                                       Fallen World                                 Ideal World
                                                       Hell on Earth                            Heaven on Earth
Solution: Restoration of Families, Society, etc.

                                                         Satan                                                 God
                                                                       False                     True
                                                                      Parents                   Parents
   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

Fallen                                                   False    Fallen                           Ideal       True        Ideal
 Man                                                     Love     Woman         UPF’s mission      Man         Love       Woman

                                                         Child                                                Child

                                                         Family                                               Family
                                                        Society                                               Society

                                                         Nation                                               Nation

                                                      Fallen World                                          Ideal World
                                                      Hell on Earth                                       Heaven on Earth
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                   Father and Mother Moon’s Model Family   100
                                                               ( 4 generations )
Father and Mother Moon
                                                   with one of their more than 50 grandchildren
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                             36-couple Blessing
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
124-couple Blessing   The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
430-couple Blessing

                      The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
777-couple Blessing
       1969           The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
1,800-couple Blessing
        1972            The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
6,000-couple Blessing
                        The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
1,275 Couple Blessing
                        The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
30,000-Couple Blessing ( 1992 )
                                                   Main Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

360,000-Couple Blessing ( 1995 )
                                                     360,000-Couple Blessing, 1995
                                                      Main Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea
                                                    Main Olympic Stadium, Seoul, S. Korea
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

40 million-Couple Blessing ( 1997 )
                                                     Main Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

Family Re-Dedication Blessing
     The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

Sen. And Mrs. Francisco Tatad                                             Cong. And Mrs. Dominguez

The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace   Family Rededication Blessing

                                                        Toast for World Peace &
                                                        Family Holy Wine Ceremony
Father and Mother Moon warmly welcomed by
                                                           Philippine President H.E. G.M.A.
                                                           Malacanang Palace , December 1, 2005
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

The International Holy Blessing:
                                                    Unites Religions and different faiths.
                                                    Harmonizes diverse cultures and traditions.
                                                    Reconciles different races and nationalities.
The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

                                                    Equalizes peoples of all levels.
                                                    Establishes high Moral and Ethical standards.
                                                    Builds a global family under one God.
                                                    Plants the seed of lasting world Peace.

                                                       Let us all build ideal families and contribute
                                                    to the building of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth
                                                      which is the long time dream of God and man!
Thank You Very Much!

                                                                          Peace be with you!
                       The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace

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  • 35. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace We are also in conflict with our environment, because of Pollution. 35
  • 36. 36 Chemical Waste The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 37. 37 Industrial Waste The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 38. 38 Solid Waste The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 39. 39 is showing signs of Mother Earth distress! The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 40. 40 Ozone Layer Depletion The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 41. 41 Global Warming The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 42. And if that is not bad enough… The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace We live in a time where conflicts have been dangerously raised to a sophisticated and terrifying new level. Through Nuclear Weapons of mass destruction! 42
  • 43. Mad Nuclear Arms Race … The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Initially only US, then USSR, China, France… 43 Now India, Pakistan, et al.
  • 44. The Race continues … in Iran, in North Korea, The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Which country will join next? 44
  • 45. Fact: The next Nuclear War will be our planet Earth’s last. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Now much more powerful than ever. 45
  • 46. Other CHALLENGES Leadership Crisis The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Ignorance Indifference and Lack of concern Social Injustice 46
  • 47. There have been many attempts The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace to address these conflicts but to our disappointment most of it are unsuccessful until now! Thus, we need a new approach… 47
  • 48. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace The Universal Peace Federation ( UPF ) has a new and comprehensive approach to meet these challenges. 48
  • 49. 49 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 50. UPF was founded by Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon on the 12th of September 2005 in New York, USA. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Its vision is to realize a unified world of peace, and prosperity shared by all people living and loving together in harmony as “one family under God”. The Holy Bible calls this as the “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.” It is currently present and active in 194 countries worldwide. 50
  • 51. Affiliates of UPF FFWPU WFWP The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace AMMS / SFP P-TARP IIFWP-UPF WCARP YFWP IRFWP RYS BFWP…etc. These are also collectively known as the World Peace Movement. 51
  • 52. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Unity & Peace of: 1. All peoples 2. All religions 3. Science and Religion 52
  • 53. UPF Main Programs • 1. Education on Peace The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace • ( Local and International ) • 2. Family Rededication Blessing • 3. Renewal of the United Nations • 4. Interfaith activities • 5. World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel • 6. Ambassadors for Peace movement • 7. Global Peace Festivals 53
  • 54. UPF Major Activities • 1. Medical and Dental Service ( AMMS ) • 2. Youth Development ( SFP / YFWP ) The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace • 3. Martial Arts Training ( TIMD / MAFWP ) • 4. Family Counseling ( FFWPU ) • 5. Seminars on anti- HIV / AIDS and Dangerous Drugs ( UPF ) • 6. Women Empowerment ( WFWP ) • 7. Global Peace Festivals ( UPF / BFWP ) (Character Education, Interfaith…etc.) 54
  • 55. 55 We Long for the End of Conflict The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 56. 56 How to Realize our Dreams of Peace? The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 57. Five Requirements for World Peace: Based on Universal Principles The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Rev. Sun Myung Moon & Dr. Hak Ja Han 57 Co-Founders: Universal Peace Federation
  • 58. UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES OF PEACE 1. God is the True Parent of Humankind 2. Humans are essentially Spiritual in The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace nature. 3. Marriage is a Sacred Institution; Family is a School of Love 4. God’s Ideal  Live for the Sake of Others 5. Interreligious and international cooperation are essential to world 58 peace
  • 59. Universal Principle 1: God is the True Parent of Humankind God Allah Jehovah The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Tao Parent of Yahweh Humankind Ultimate Reality El Shaddai We are brothers and sisters Under one parent - God 59
  • 60. God is the True Parent of Humankind You are the children of the Lord your God. Judaism and Christianity. Bible, Deuteronomy 14.1 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Christianity. Bible, Matthew 6.9 Oh my people! Worship Allah. ye have no other God but Him. Islam. Quran 7:59, 85; 11:50,61,84; 23:23 All [human] creatures are God's children, and those dearest to God are those who treat His children kindly. Islam. Hadith of Baihaqi 60
  • 61. God is the Parent of Humankind Justice The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Compassion Truth True Love 61 Righteousness
  • 62. Universal Principle 2: Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace God S O Equivalent to instinct of animals Truth Eat Beauty True Drink Goodness Mind Love Body Sleep Love Sex Comfort Ideal Priority Person Secondary Our ability to create a personality of true love 62
  • 63. Universal Principle 2: Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature  Truth Inner The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace  Beauty Mind  Goodness Satisfaction  Love True True & Lasting Love Happiness  Food Body  Shelter Physical  Wealth Well-  Comfort being 63
  • 64. Universal Principle 2: Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature  Truth Inner The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace  Beauty Mind  Goodness Satisfaction  Love Happiness  Food Body  Shelter Physical  Wealth Well-  Comfort being 64
  • 65. Conscience “God Within” The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace • Innate sensitivity to truth Points toward higher good • Actions governed by the conscience lead to peace 65
  • 66. Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature Growth of Human Character — Responsibility The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Mature characte r Realizes Potenti potentia al l for for love love 66
  • 67. Universal Principle 3: Marriage is a Sacred Institution The Family is a School of Love The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace 67
  • 68. Our Positions in the Family Grandparent s & Parents The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Younger True Sibling Lov Husband e Wife Elder Sibling Children & 68 Grandchildre
  • 69. The Four Great Realms of Love The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace • Child’s Love • Sibling’s Love • Spouse’s Love • Parent’s Love 69
  • 70. Marriage is a Sacred Institution The Family is a School of Love Primary Virtues of The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Child’s Love Respect and Gratitude 70
  • 71. Marriage is a Sacred Institution The Family is a School of Love Primary Virtues of The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Sibling’s Love Harmony and Purity 71
  • 72. Marriage is a Sacred Institution The Family is a School of Love Primary Virtues of The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Spouse’s Love Fidelity and Commitment 72
  • 73. Marriage is a Sacred Institution The Family is a School of Love Primary Virtues of The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Parent’s Love Investment and Compassion 73
  • 74. Marriage is a Sacred Institution The Family is a School of Love Strong Families Have Focus Higher than Self The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Service to Community 74
  • 75. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Cornerstone of World Peace • Families bridge cultures • Peaceful families support peaceful nations • Basis for empathy with all people 75
  • 76. Universal Principle 4: God’s Ideal Live for the Sake of Others God S O The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Ideal True Ideal Husband Love Wife Child Love and Happiness in families Family are projected and extended to the Society society, nation and the world Nation One World Family 76
  • 77. Universal Principle 4: God’s Ideal Live for the Sake of Others God S O The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Ideal True Ideal Husband Love Wife  World of Lasting Peace from Child generation to generation Family  Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Society Nation  “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be One World Family done on earth as it is in Heaven” 77
  • 78. Universal Principle 4: God’s Ideal: Live for the Sake of Others All men are responsible for one another. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Talmud, Sanhedrin 27b Give, and it will be given to you... for the measure you give will be the measure you receive. Luke 6.38 Give not with the thought to gain, and be patient unto thy Lord. Qur'an 74.6-7 78
  • 79. Universal Principle 4: God’s Ideal: Live for the Sake of Others He who prays for his fellowman, while he The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace himself has the same need, will be answered first. Talmud, Baba Kamma 92a By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:35 Those who act kindly in this world will have kindness . Qur'an 39.10 79
  • 80. 80 God’s Ideal: Live for the sake of others The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 81. God’s Ideal: Live for the Sake of Others The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Individual Whole 81
  • 82. God’s Ideal : Live for the Sake of Others The Principle of Give and Receive Action The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace GOD Subject Object Internal Character External Form Mind Body Husband Wife Parents Children Government People Nation Harmonized Being Nation Spiritual World Physical World 82
  • 83. God’s Ideal: Live for the sake of others The Path of Peace The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Giving and receiving have no limits Individual Family Community Nation World 83
  • 84. UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES OF PEACE 1. God is the True Parent of The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Humankind 2. Humans are Essentially Spiritual in Nature 3. Marriage is a Sacred Institution; The Family is a School of Love 4. God’s Ideal  Live for the Sake of Others 84
  • 85. Universal Principle 5: Interreligious and International Cooperation are Essential to World Peace The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Religions of the World:  The source of humanity’s deepest values, highest ideals  Powerful Instrument for Personal Transformation  Spiritual and Moral Framework for Society  If misused, can have devastating effect  Religious disunity shapes individuals and society negatively, blocks the way to peace 85
  • 86. Interreligious and International Cooperation are Essential to World Peace The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace “If religions do not give high priority to interreligious dialogue and harmony and practice these, dialogue and harmony among civilizations will be impossible” Sun Myung Moon January, 2001 86
  • 87. Interreligious and International Cooperation are Essential to World Peace The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace 87
  • 88. Interreligious and International Cooperation are Essential to World Peace The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace 88
  • 89. Interreligious and International Cooperation are Essential to World Peace What is the Cause of Conflict? The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace • Rooted in the Spiritual Dimension What is the Way to Peace? • Must address the root, spiritual reality Politics (Body) Religion (Human Spirit) 89
  • 90. Interreligious and International Cooperation are Essential to World Peace Root of Conflict: The Human Fall • World’s Faiths Agree: “Fallen” The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace world- deviated from original purpose & ideal of creation • Departure from God’s Will- separation from Jehovah/God/Allah • Established family traditions of selfish, or “false” love, life and lineage 90
  • 91. Interreligious and International Cooperation are Essential to World Peace Origin of Conflict: The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace • Violate Basic Principle of Creation • Others exist for my benefit • “Self”-centered, not God or other-centered • Diminish the value of the Whole Individual Whole 91
  • 92. Interreligious and International Cooperation are Essential to World Peace Basic Principle of the Created World: • Living for the sake of others The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace • I exist to benefit the whole • Peace is sustained and developed through living for the sake of others Individual Whole 92
  • 93. Roots of Conflict & Violence Satan False Parents The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Fallen False Fallen Adam Love Eve Children did not grow up in the Children with atmosphere of true love Original Sin Child The society, nation and the world Problematic Family does not support absolute sexual Dangerous Society morality Chaotic Nation Multiplication of problematic families Troubled World Evil History of War and Conflict Hell on Earth 93
  • 94. Roots of Conflict & Violence Individual The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Family Tribe Nation World Selfish patterns expanded from family to world  Lack of self-control, dishonesty, sexual promiscuity  Domestic violence & disrespect of other sex  Infidelity and divorce  Stealing, murder, gang strife, war 94
  • 95. The Historical Role of Religion God The God- Man Woman The Ideal Family was The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace centered family was to be the Family destroyed, religio foundation for ns took ethics, values, the role of and tradition. Religion teaching about God.  Families inherit their values and traditions from religious culture, passing these on to their children. 95
  • 96. Religion: Restorative Vehicle Religious activity seeks to restore the The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace original ideal of peace Religion traditionally promotes: • Personal discipline, sacrifice and denial of the desires of the body • Restraint, patience and forgiveness in relationships • Love of neighbors and even enemies • Love others as self 96
  • 97. Rev. Moon The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon 97 Founder: Universal Peace Federation
  • 98. Solution to Misery and Misfortune: Restoration or Re-Creation Satan God False True Parents Parents The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Fallen False Fallen Ideal True Ideal Man Love Woman Man Love Woman Child Child Family Family Society Society Nation Nation Fallen World Ideal World 98 Hell on Earth Heaven on Earth
  • 99. Solution: Restoration of Families, Society, etc. Restoration Satan God False True Parents Parents The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Fallen False Fallen Ideal True Ideal Man Love Woman UPF’s mission Man Love Woman Child Child Family Family Society Society Nation Nation Fallen World Ideal World 99 Hell on Earth Heaven on Earth
  • 100. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Father and Mother Moon’s Model Family 100 ( 4 generations )
  • 101. Father and Mother Moon with one of their more than 50 grandchildren The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace 101
  • 102. 102 36-couple Blessing 1960 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 103. 103 124-couple Blessing The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 104. 430-couple Blessing 104 1968 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 105. 105 777-couple Blessing 1969 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 106. 106 1,800-couple Blessing 1972 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 107. 107 6,000-couple Blessing 1982 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 108. 108 1,275 Couple Blessing 1989 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace
  • 109. 30,000-Couple Blessing ( 1992 ) Main Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace 109
  • 110. 360,000-Couple Blessing ( 1995 ) 360,000-Couple Blessing, 1995 Main Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea Main Olympic Stadium, Seoul, S. Korea The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace 110
  • 111. 40 million-Couple Blessing ( 1997 ) Main Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace 111
  • 112. Family Re-Dedication Blessing The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Sen. And Mrs. Francisco Tatad Cong. And Mrs. Dominguez 112
  • 113. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace Family Rededication Blessing Toast for World Peace & Family Holy Wine Ceremony 113
  • 114. Father and Mother Moon warmly welcomed by Philippine President H.E. G.M.A. Malacanang Palace , December 1, 2005 The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace 114
  • 115. The International Holy Blessing:  Unites Religions and different faiths.  Harmonizes diverse cultures and traditions.  Reconciles different races and nationalities. The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace  Equalizes peoples of all levels.  Establishes high Moral and Ethical standards.  Builds a global family under one God.  Plants the seed of lasting world Peace. Let us all build ideal families and contribute to the building of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth which is the long time dream of God and man! 115
  • 116. 116 Thank You Very Much! Peace be with you! The Hope of All Ages is a Unified World of Peace