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Privacy By Design as a System Design
Sagara Gunathunga
Director, WSO2
About Me
● Director of Identity & Access Management at WSO2
● Mainly focuses on WSO2 Identity and Access Management (IAM)
● Core member of WSO2's effort in making its products and business
processes GDPR compliant
● PMC member and committer for a number of Apache projects including
Apache Axis2 and Apache Web Services
One Global Market
Global Privacy Outlook
Protection Act
Privacy Act of
CCPA, etc..
Technology Act
Protection Act
Personal Data
Protection Bill
Privacy is a Fundamental
Human Right: GDPR
Take Back Control
Of Your Personal
Information: Ccpa
One Way To Look At
This Challenge
An Alternative Way to Look at the Problem
Privacy by Design (PbD) Principles
Proactive not reactive - preventative not remedical
Lead with privacy as the default setting
Embed privacy into design
Retain full functionality(positive-sum, not zero-sum)
Ensure end-to-end security
Maintain visibility and transparency-keep it open
Respect user privacy-keep it user-centric
How can we Put
These Principles into
Separate Personal Data (PII) from
Other Business Data
Personal Data (PII)
A Typical System of a Business Organization
Personal information is scattered all
over the system
A Typical System of a Business Organization
Personal information (user data) is
scattered all over the system
● Number of systems to protect
● Number of systems to modify and replace to support privacy
● Personal data removal needs changes in multiple places
● Increased chance of personal data breaches
A Typical System Of A Business Organization
Move all the personal information (user data) into a separate system
so that other applications can look-up user data on demand
● Reduce development and maintenance cost
● Reduce development and maintenance time
● Reduce system complexity
● Reduce the chance of personal data breaches
● Can adopt to future expansions easily
My Organization Uses
A Number Of Cloud
Applications ?
Most cloud applications today facilitate connecting to your corporate user
management system as a trusted identity provider (trusted IdP)
Apply Anonymization and
Pseudonymization into your
Anonymization Vs Pseudonymization
Medical Report Medical Report
John Doe SID536262
Medical Report Medical Report
John Doe SID536262
Name SID
John Doe SID536262
Apply Anonymization and Pseudonymization
into your Design
Identity and Access Management System
Use Standard Protocols and
Security Tokens for PII Sharing
Standard Protocols and Security Tokens
● Use standard transport security protocols and latested tools
○ Strong algorithm and key for hashing/encryption
● Use standard protocols
○ OAuth2/OIDC
○ WS-Federation
● Use standard security tokens over custom tokens
○ SAML tokens
Standard Protocols and Security Tokens
Pick the Correct Token Type
● OAuth2 Bearer
By Reference
● SAML 2.0
● OIDC IDToken
By Value
Consideration for
PII Repository Design
Provide Transparency
Be transparent on ‘why’ you need
specific PII data, how do you
going to store and process, how
long you retain those data.
Source : https://startwithwhy.com/
Provide Transparency
Source : https://startwithwhy.com/
Example, in a mobile application,
● Clearly show ‘location service’ icon when
the app utilize customer location.
● Clearly show ‘bluetooth’ icon when the
app communicate with another device
via bluetooth.
Minimize PII data collection and storing
● Make sure to capture absolutely necessary set of PII only for current
● Consider data retention policy and implement data removal logic as a
core requirement.
● Preference on storing results instead of raw PII data.
● Try to depend on system generated ids for identification.
● Use hashing and encryption whenever possible on PII data.
Minimize PII Data Collection and Storing
Example :
In a restaurant recommendation
application, capture nearest city for
processing instead of exact
coordination of the user.
Example :
In a mobile application, use system
generated id to track usages data of
the application instead of mobile
number or IMEI id.
Focus on Consent Management
Focus on Consent Management
Make Customer in Control on
Own Data
Make Customer in Control on Their Data
Provide a self-care user portal for users so that they can
exercise their individual rights
● Individuals can access, modify, and remove their personal
● Data processing activities can be informed and made
● Individuals can download a copy of their personal data
● Can have a medium to submit ‘forget-me’ requests
● https://wso2.com/solutions/regulatory-compliance/gdpr/
● https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS550/General+Data+Protection+Regulation
● https://ec.europa.eu/justice/smedataprotect/index_en.htm
● https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/07/privacy-by-design-framework/

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Privacy by Design as a system design strategy - EIC 2019

  • 1. Privacy By Design as a System Design Strategy Sagara Gunathunga Director, WSO2 sagara@wso2.com
  • 2. About Me ● Director of Identity & Access Management at WSO2 ● Mainly focuses on WSO2 Identity and Access Management (IAM) offerings ● Core member of WSO2's effort in making its products and business processes GDPR compliant ● PMC member and committer for a number of Apache projects including Apache Axis2 and Apache Web Services
  • 4. Global Privacy Outlook D Data Protection Act PIPEDA Privacy Act of 1988 HIPAA, COPPA, CCPA, etc.. Information Technology Act Personal Information Protection Act Personal Data Protection Bill POPI
  • 5. Privacy is a Fundamental Human Right: GDPR
  • 6. Take Back Control Of Your Personal Information: Ccpa
  • 7. 7 GDPR CCPA DPA One Way To Look At This Challenge
  • 8. An Alternative Way to Look at the Problem
  • 9. Privacy by Design (PbD) Principles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Proactive not reactive - preventative not remedical Lead with privacy as the default setting Embed privacy into design Retain full functionality(positive-sum, not zero-sum) Ensure end-to-end security Maintain visibility and transparency-keep it open Respect user privacy-keep it user-centric
  • 10. Well… How can we Put These Principles into ACTION
  • 11. Separate Personal Data (PII) from Other Business Data
  • 13. A Typical System of a Business Organization Personal information is scattered all over the system
  • 14. A Typical System of a Business Organization Personal information (user data) is scattered all over the system
  • 15. ● Number of systems to protect ● Number of systems to modify and replace to support privacy standards ● Personal data removal needs changes in multiple places ● Increased chance of personal data breaches A Typical System Of A Business Organization
  • 16. Solution Move all the personal information (user data) into a separate system so that other applications can look-up user data on demand
  • 17. ● Reduce development and maintenance cost ● Reduce development and maintenance time ● Reduce system complexity ● Reduce the chance of personal data breaches ● Can adopt to future expansions easily Solution
  • 18. Wait... My Organization Uses A Number Of Cloud Applications ?
  • 19. Solution Most cloud applications today facilitate connecting to your corporate user management system as a trusted identity provider (trusted IdP)
  • 21. Anonymization Vs Pseudonymization Anonymization X Medical Report Medical Report John Doe SID536262 Pseudonymization Medical Report Medical Report John Doe SID536262 Name SID John Doe SID536262
  • 22. Apply Anonymization and Pseudonymization into your Design System-Id Identity and Access Management System
  • 23. Use Standard Protocols and Security Tokens for PII Sharing
  • 24. Standard Protocols and Security Tokens ● Use standard transport security protocols and latested tools ○ TLS/SSL ○ Strong algorithm and key for hashing/encryption ● Use standard protocols ○ SAML ○ OAuth2/OIDC ○ WS-Federation ● Use standard security tokens over custom tokens ○ SAML tokens ○ JWT, OIDC IDToken
  • 25. Standard Protocols and Security Tokens
  • 26. Pick the Correct Token Type ● OAuth2 Bearer By Reference ● SAML 2.0 ● JWT ● OIDC IDToken By Value
  • 28. Provide Transparency Be transparent on ‘why’ you need specific PII data, how do you going to store and process, how long you retain those data. Source : https://startwithwhy.com/
  • 29. Provide Transparency Source : https://startwithwhy.com/ Example, in a mobile application, ● Clearly show ‘location service’ icon when the app utilize customer location. ● Clearly show ‘bluetooth’ icon when the app communicate with another device via bluetooth.
  • 30. Minimize PII data collection and storing ● Make sure to capture absolutely necessary set of PII only for current purposes. ● Consider data retention policy and implement data removal logic as a core requirement. ● Preference on storing results instead of raw PII data. ● Try to depend on system generated ids for identification. ● Use hashing and encryption whenever possible on PII data.
  • 31. Minimize PII Data Collection and Storing Example : In a restaurant recommendation application, capture nearest city for processing instead of exact coordination of the user. Example : In a mobile application, use system generated id to track usages data of the application instead of mobile number or IMEI id.
  • 32. Focus on Consent Management
  • 33. Focus on Consent Management
  • 34. Make Customer in Control on Own Data
  • 35. Make Customer in Control on Their Data
  • 36. Solution Provide a self-care user portal for users so that they can exercise their individual rights
  • 37. Solution ● Individuals can access, modify, and remove their personal information ● Data processing activities can be informed and made transparent ● Individuals can download a copy of their personal data ● Can have a medium to submit ‘forget-me’ requests
  • 38. References ● https://wso2.com/solutions/regulatory-compliance/gdpr/ ● https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS550/General+Data+Protection+Regulation ● https://ec.europa.eu/justice/smedataprotect/index_en.htm ● https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/07/privacy-by-design-framework/