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a practical approach to
assessment of the dizzy
practical assessment

• easy – mainly based on the
• effective – diagnostic groups for
  investigation & treatment
‘flavours’ of dizziness

•   near syncope
•   disequilibrium – ‘gait only’ or ‘global’
•   true vertigo
•   psychogenic
trajectory of dizziness over time

dizziness associated with commonly used
     Drug           Type of dizziness          Mechanism
Aminoglycosides     Vertigo & dyseqm.         VHC damage
 Antiepileptics       Dysequilibrium       Cerebellar toxicity
  Tranquilizers        Intoxication         CNS depression
Antihypertensives     Near-syncope           CBF, Postural
   & diuretics                                hypotension
  Amiodarone          Dysequilibrium                 ?
    Alcohol         Intoxic. & Position.     CNS depression &
                                           cupula specific gravity
  Methotrexate        Dysequilibrium       Cerebellar toxicity
 Anticoagulants           Vertigo            Inner ear bleed
diagnostic matrix for acute vertigo
                     EPISODIC       PERSISTENT


                                Kentala & Rauch, 2003
diagnostic matrix for acute vertigo
                     EPISODIC   PERSISTENT


benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

• most common type of vertigo seen
• causes:
  •   closed head injury
  •   vestibular neuritis – 20% will develop BPPV
  •   ear surgery
  •   prolonged bed rest
history : key features
• vertigo
  •   sudden attacks triggered by movement
  •   last less than 30 seconds
  •   occur in spells
  •   time of day, sleeping habits
  •   avoidance behaviour
• disequilibrium
  • poor balance, light-headedness, nausea
  • abnormal postural stability (Herdman, 1995)
A Practical Approach to Assesment of Dizzy Patient
A Practical Approach to Assesment of Dizzy Patient
how do otoconia get into posterior SCC?

             • ‘heavy cupula’ theory
             • basophilic particles
               adherent to cupula

             • free floating particles in
Dix-Hallpike test
Epley canalith repositioning procedure

                     • first patient 1978
                     • presented 1980
                     • published 1992
                     • induced migration of
                       canaliths by gravitation
                     • otoconia dissolve in
                       endolymph (Zucca, 1978)
CRP for left PSCC BPPV
A Practical Approach to Assesment of Dizzy Patient
A Practical Approach to Assesment of Dizzy Patient
Brandt-Daroff exercises (1980)
diagnostic matrix for acute vertigo
                     EPISODIC    PERSISTENT

                 +    disease

Meniere’s disease

• repeated attacks of spontaneous vertigo
  (hours) with nausea & vomiting
• unilateral hearing loss, tinnitus & aural
• occurs in clusters
• otolithic crises of Tumarkin
Meniere’s disease : natural history

• variable
  • single bout for a few months
  • relentless course
• permanent loss of auditory & vestibular
  function as disease progresses
• burnt-out Meniere’s disease
• becomes bilateral in about 40-50%
Meniere’s disease : medical treatment

• buccastem         • salt restriction
• stemetil              <2000mg/day
 suppositories      •   life style changes
                    •   diuretics
                    •   betahistine
                    •   urea
Meniere’s disease : surgical treatment

• aimed at destroying inner ear balance
  • intra-tympanic gentamicin injections
  • labyrinthectomy
  • vestibular nerve section

• ‘conservative’ surgery
  • endolymphatic sac surgery
diagnostic matrix for acute vertigo
                     EPISODIC    PERSISTENT

                 +    disease

                       BPPV      vestibular
vestibular neuritis

• sudden onset of intense vertigo, lasting
    several days with vomiting
•   spontaneous nystagmus away from affected
•   usually able to stand without support
•   disequilibrium may last for months
•   “labyrinthitis” – labyrinthine infarction with
    severe or total acute unilateral hearing loss
vestibular neuritis : natural history

• only 50% recover peripheral vestibular
•   20% experience persistent subjective
•   20% develop BPPV
•   bilateral sequential vestibular neuritis
•   Meniere’s disease
vestibular neuritis : treatment

•   no effective treatment
•   stop vestibular suppressants early
•   early mobilization
•   vestibular rehabilitation : Cawthorne-Cooksey
conditions that do not fit ‘the matrix’

• migraine-associated dizziness
• progressive disequilibrium of
• cervical vertigo
migraine-associated dizziness
patterns of vestibular dysfunction

•   vertigo aura with hemi-cranial headache
•   migraine equivalent vertigo
•   basilar artery migraine
•   disturbed baseline vestibular function
•   more likely to develop BPPV
progressive disequilibrium of ageing

• aged patient brought in by adult children
• multi-system decline:
   •   ear – vestibular presbyastasis
   •   proprioception – arthritis in major joints
   •   eyes – poor vision & cataracts
   •   CNS – loss of Purkinje’s cells in cerebellum
• gradual downward trajectory: gait instability
  & falls
progressive disequilibrium of ageing

• stop vestibular suppressants & sedatives
• correct vision & hearing
• occupational therapist
     • hard sole-high top shoe
     • hand rails, lighting, loose carpets
• physiotherapist
     • exercise gait training
     • stick or frame
cervical vertigo : risk factors

•   whiplash injury
•   cervical disc disease
•   degenerative arthritis
•   ergonomic/repetitive stress
cervical vertigo : clinical features

• provoked by head-on-body movement
• combination of floating dysequilibrium &
  brief episodes of vertigo
• cervical trigger points may produce vertigo
  and/or nystagmus: fibromyalgia
•   what is the ‘flavour’ of dizziness?
•   what is the ‘trajectory’?
•   exclude patient’s medication as a factor
•   if acute vertigo, does it fit ‘the matrix’?
•   if not, is it PDA, MAD or CV
•   if none of the above, consider
    neurological referral

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A Practical Approach to Assesment of Dizzy Patient

  • 1. a practical approach to assessment of the dizzy patient
  • 2. practical assessment • easy – mainly based on the history • effective – diagnostic groups for investigation & treatment
  • 3. ‘flavours’ of dizziness • near syncope • disequilibrium – ‘gait only’ or ‘global’ • true vertigo • psychogenic
  • 4. trajectory of dizziness over time SYMPTOM SEVERITY TIME
  • 5. dizziness associated with commonly used drugs Drug Type of dizziness Mechanism Aminoglycosides Vertigo & dyseqm. VHC damage Antiepileptics Dysequilibrium Cerebellar toxicity Tranquilizers Intoxication CNS depression Antihypertensives Near-syncope CBF, Postural & diuretics hypotension Amiodarone Dysequilibrium ? Alcohol Intoxic. & Position. CNS depression & cupula specific gravity Methotrexate Dysequilibrium Cerebellar toxicity Anticoagulants Vertigo Inner ear bleed
  • 6. diagnostic matrix for acute vertigo VERTIGO EPISODIC PERSISTENT HEARING LOSS + Kentala & Rauch, 2003
  • 7. diagnostic matrix for acute vertigo VERTIGO EPISODIC PERSISTENT HEARING LOSS + BPPV
  • 8. benign paroxysmal positional vertigo • most common type of vertigo seen • causes: • closed head injury • vestibular neuritis – 20% will develop BPPV • ear surgery • prolonged bed rest
  • 9. history : key features • vertigo • sudden attacks triggered by movement • last less than 30 seconds • occur in spells • time of day, sleeping habits • avoidance behaviour • disequilibrium • poor balance, light-headedness, nausea • abnormal postural stability (Herdman, 1995)
  • 12. how do otoconia get into posterior SCC?
  • 13. mechanisms cupulolithiasis • ‘heavy cupula’ theory • basophilic particles adherent to cupula canalithiasis • free floating particles in SCC
  • 15. Epley canalith repositioning procedure • first patient 1978 • presented 1980 • published 1992 • induced migration of canaliths by gravitation • otoconia dissolve in endolymph (Zucca, 1978)
  • 16. CRP for left PSCC BPPV
  • 20. diagnostic matrix for acute vertigo VERTIGO EPISODIC PERSISTENT HEARING LOSS Meniere’s + disease BPPV
  • 21. Meniere’s disease • repeated attacks of spontaneous vertigo (hours) with nausea & vomiting • unilateral hearing loss, tinnitus & aural fullness • occurs in clusters • otolithic crises of Tumarkin
  • 22. Meniere’s disease : natural history • variable • single bout for a few months • relentless course • permanent loss of auditory & vestibular function as disease progresses • burnt-out Meniere’s disease • becomes bilateral in about 40-50%
  • 23. Meniere’s disease : medical treatment • buccastem • salt restriction • stemetil <2000mg/day suppositories • life style changes • diuretics • betahistine • urea
  • 24. Meniere’s disease : surgical treatment • aimed at destroying inner ear balance function • intra-tympanic gentamicin injections • labyrinthectomy • vestibular nerve section • ‘conservative’ surgery • endolymphatic sac surgery
  • 25. diagnostic matrix for acute vertigo VERTIGO EPISODIC PERSISTENT HEARING LOSS Meniere’s + disease labyrinthitis BPPV vestibular neuritis
  • 26. vestibular neuritis • sudden onset of intense vertigo, lasting several days with vomiting • spontaneous nystagmus away from affected ear • usually able to stand without support • disequilibrium may last for months • “labyrinthitis” – labyrinthine infarction with severe or total acute unilateral hearing loss
  • 27. vestibular neuritis : natural history • only 50% recover peripheral vestibular function • 20% experience persistent subjective imbalance • 20% develop BPPV • bilateral sequential vestibular neuritis • Meniere’s disease
  • 28. vestibular neuritis : treatment • no effective treatment • stop vestibular suppressants early • early mobilization • vestibular rehabilitation : Cawthorne-Cooksey exercises
  • 29. conditions that do not fit ‘the matrix’ • migraine-associated dizziness • progressive disequilibrium of aging • cervical vertigo
  • 30. migraine-associated dizziness patterns of vestibular dysfunction • vertigo aura with hemi-cranial headache • migraine equivalent vertigo • basilar artery migraine • disturbed baseline vestibular function • more likely to develop BPPV
  • 31. progressive disequilibrium of ageing • aged patient brought in by adult children • multi-system decline: • ear – vestibular presbyastasis • proprioception – arthritis in major joints • eyes – poor vision & cataracts • CNS – loss of Purkinje’s cells in cerebellum • gradual downward trajectory: gait instability & falls
  • 32. progressive disequilibrium of ageing treatment • stop vestibular suppressants & sedatives • correct vision & hearing • occupational therapist • hard sole-high top shoe • hand rails, lighting, loose carpets • physiotherapist • exercise gait training • stick or frame
  • 33. cervical vertigo : risk factors • whiplash injury • cervical disc disease • degenerative arthritis • ergonomic/repetitive stress injury
  • 34. cervical vertigo : clinical features • provoked by head-on-body movement • combination of floating dysequilibrium & brief episodes of vertigo • cervical trigger points may produce vertigo and/or nystagmus: fibromyalgia
  • 35. summary • what is the ‘flavour’ of dizziness? • what is the ‘trajectory’? • exclude patient’s medication as a factor • if acute vertigo, does it fit ‘the matrix’? • if not, is it PDA, MAD or CV • if none of the above, consider neurological referral