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Maintenance management- Production Management
“ is that function of manufacturing
management that is concerned with the day
to day problem of keeping the physical plant
in good operating condition”
 Primary
• Maintenance of existing plant, equipments,
buildings and grounds.
• Equipment inspection and lubrication
• New installation of equipment and buildings
 Secondary
• Storekeeping
• Fire fighting
• Waste disposal
• Salvage
• Insurance administration
• Pollution and noise abatement
 Reliable service
 Quality assurance
 Prevention of breakdown
 Cost control
 Avoidance of equipment failure
 Minimizing the loss of productive time
 Minimizing the repair time and cost
 Minimize the loss due to production
 Maximize efficiency
 To improve quality
 Production capacity go idle
 Production costs go up
 Product and service quality will deteriorate
 Employee and customer safety might have to be
 Customer satisfaction may take a beating
 Civil
 Mechanical
 Electrical
Maintenance management- Production Management
 Corrective/Break down
 Preventive
 Predictive
 Routine
 Planned /TPM
 Also known as Breakdown maintenance, it
implies that repairs are made after the
equipment is failed and can not perform its
normal function anymore.
 Indifference towards minor faults.
 Too low or too high voltages.
 Indifference towards vibration or variant
sound in the system.
 Use of sub-standard or wrong fuel.
 Inefficient or neglected cooling system.
 No inspection cost.
 Low cost.
 Less staff.
 Production delay.
 It is an activity which prevents breakdowns,
cuts operating costs, and improve
output/quality of the product. It is a ‘Stitch
in Time’ procedure following the principle
that “Prevention is better than cure”. It
involves periodic cleaning, servicing,
inspection, and replacement of worn parts.
Maintenance management- Production Management
1. Proper design and installation of equipment.
2. Periodic inspection of plant and equipment to
prevent breakdowns before they occur.
3. Repetitive servicing, upkeep and overhaul of
4. Adequate lubrication, cleaning and painting of
buildings and equipments.
 Lesser overtime payment to normal and
repair workers.
 Fewer large scale repairs and repetitive
 Better spare part control leading to minimum
inventory level.
 Increased component life cycle.
 Energy and time saving.
 Reduced equipment or process failure.
 Cost savings and reduced capital investment.
 It involves the identification of future
problems before they occur.
 Vital Attributes inspection.
 Use of sensitive instruments.
Why Predictive?
 The cost of Preventive and Breakdown can be
reduced by using predictive maintenance.
 It includes activities such as periodic
inspection, cleaning, lubrication, and
repair of production equipments after
their service life.
1. Costs are of two types
 Direct and Indirect
1. Direct – Labour, Material, Consumables
2. Indirect – Lost sales and Cost of Rejections
Life Cycle Cost
Time and Machine span life
 What is to be done
 How to be done
 When to be done
 Maintenance Scheduling
 One week in Process industry
Steps of Job Planning
 Knowledge base: It includes knowledge about equipment, job, available
techniques, materials and facilities
 BP (Best Practices) and LL (Lessons Learnt)
 Job investigation at site: It gives a clear perception of the total jobs.
 Identify and document the work: Knowing the earlier two steps and
knowing the needs of preventive, predictive and other maintenance jobs.
 Development of repair plan: Preparation of step by step procedures which
would accomplish the work with the most economical use of time,
manpower and material.
 Preparation tools and facilities list indicating the needs of special tools,
tackles and facilities needed.
 Estimation of time required to do the job with work measurement
technique and critical path analysis
 Estimation of Financial budget
Different types of schedules are made suiting the respective job
plans and different techniques are used
1.Weekly general schedule is made to provide weeks worth of work
for each employee in an area.
2.Daily schedule is developed to provide a day’s work for each
maintenance employee of the area.
3.Gantt charts are used to represent the timings of tasks required
to complete a project.
4.Bar charts used for technical analysis which represents the
relative magnitude of the time and cost.
5.PERT/CPM are used to find the time required for completion of
the job and helps in the allocation of resources.
Total productive maintenance (TPM) originated in Japan in
1971 as a method for improved machine availability through
better utilization of maintenance and production resources
It can be considered as the medical science of machines.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a maintenance
program which involves a newly defined concept for
maintaining plants and equipment.
The goal of the TPM program is to markedly increase
production while, at the same time, increasing employee
morale and job satisfaction.
TPM was introduced to achieve the following objectives.
The important ones are listed below.
1.Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic environment.
2.Producing goods without reducing product quality.
3.Reduce cost.
4.Produce a low batch quantity at the earliest possible time.
5.Goods send to the customers must be non defective.
Maintenance management- Production Management
Mechanical Failure
Worn out bushes and bearings and other moving parts.
Fatigue of machine members
Creep of material at high temp
Excessive forced vibration, misalignments etc.
Thermal Failure
Overheating of the component
Lack of lubrication
Inadequate of cooling
Electrical insulation failure
Chemical Failure
Highly corrosive fluids containing abrasive particles
Failure of protective linings like glass , rubber etc.
Short run production problem
Maintenance problem which are carried out in a short period of time
are known as short run production system. It may be hourly, daily
,weekly and monthly.
Hourly- inspection of correct lubricant, level of coolant, sharpness
of cutting tool.
Daily- cleaning of m/c, tightening of nuts, correct cooling,
inspection of various indicators, minor adjustment of parts.
Weekly- Major adjustment, lubrication, tightening of parts.
Monthly- checking for insulation, corrosion, safety guards,
checking of worn-out and distorted parts.
 How much maintenance is needed?
 What size maintenance crews must be used?
 Can maintenance be sub-contracted?
 Should maintenance staff be covered by wage
incentive schemes?
 Can effective use be made of computers for
analyzing and scheduling activities?
 Six Sigma does not create new tools but uses existing
 The flow and sequence of these tools and statistical
techniques is important
 The methodology is flexible and will not replace or
diminish any technique or tool already used, but will
add to them.
 This fear is common and must be prevented to avoid
resistance that will destroy the program.
 The dimensions of six sigma maintenance are
 DMAIC(Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)– Existing
 DFSS(Design for Six Sigma)– New products and services
Maintenance management- Production Management
DMAIC in maintenance
Firstly, work groups that have a good
understanding of preventive maintenance
techniques in addition to a strong leadership
commitment have to be identified
 PhaseD(Define)
 Establish the objectives of the department and identify
the critical-for-quality processes.
 In this phase, leaders, planners, maintenance staff,
Black Belts, and Green Belts need to work together to
set departments goals.
 As there will be a large number of ideas, the first job of
this team is to understand the factors in the form, Y =
 Where, X represents the input of the process, Y the output
of the process, and f the function of X
 This is the most difficult stage because targets,
problems, and goals may not be clear or easy to
identify. It is a difficult job, and the team must
remember that the steps for the next phase will be
drawn from this initial work.
 PhaseM(Measure)
After teams choose the vital few of the trivial many,
the indexes, data collection plan, and analysis
method can be chosen.
Some common indexes include
 Frequency of preventive maintenance
 Frequency of predictive maintenance
 Productivity
 Number of corrective occurrences
 Maintenance costs
 Downtime
 Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), etc.
 PhaseA (Analyze)
Teams will use analysis graphs
 Pareto, scatter, run chart, box plots, etc.
to visualize trends and to search for root causes.
 PhaseI(Improve)
An action plan and failure mode and effects
analysis (FMEA) can help in the action definition to
improve the performance of the chosen indexes.
 PhaseC (Control)
Teams will outline a plan to retain the gains after
the conclusion of the project.
The finance department can assist in investment
calculations, profits, ROI, etc.
Each problem raised can be dealt with individually
as a project to be led by a Black Belt and Green
Belt, or a macro approach can be used—whichever
is the best way to get the best performance in the
maintenance department.
This work usually takes from 4-6 months.
Customer-driven design of processes with 6σ
Predicting design quality up front.
Top down requirements flow-down(CTQ) matched by
capability flow-up.
Cross-functional integrated design involvement.
Drives quality measurement and predictability
improvement in early design phases.
Utilizes process capabilities to make final design
Monitors process variances to verify 6σ customer
requirements are met.
New Product/Service Introduction to Achieve SixNew Product/Service Introduction to Achieve Six
Sigma Business PerformanceSigma Business Performance
New Product/Service Introduction to Achieve SixNew Product/Service Introduction to Achieve Six
Sigma Business PerformanceSigma Business Performance
Define Measure Analyze Design Verify
needs and
and high-
design and
design and
and plan
CTQs High-level
 Mgmt Leadership  Customer Research  FMEA/Error-
 Project  QFD  Process Simulation
Management  Benchmarking  Design Scorecards
Enterprise asset management (EAM)  involves  the 
management  of  the  maintenance  of  physical  assets 
of an organization throughout each asset's lifecycle. 
 EAM  is  used  to  plan,  optimize,  execute,  and  track  the 
needed  maintenance  activities  with  the  associated 
priorities, skills, materials, tools, and information.
 This  covers  the  design,  construction,  commissioning, 
operations,  maintenance  and  decommissioning  or 
replacement of plant, equipment and facilities.
eAM Integration Points
Product &
Maint WO
Request Linked
WO Materials,
Reqs Linked to
WO &
Project /
Task, WO
Chart of
Req & PO Changes, AP-to-PO Matching/Reconciliation
Employees &
Suppliers Customers
HR AP GL AR FA Property
Purchasing Mfgr. ProjectsInventory Service
 A systematic, logical method of identifying and
eliminating waste (non-value-added activities)
using continuous assessment and improvement to
achieve improved maintenance effectiveness in
response to customer demand
 The goal of Lean is to eliminate the Non-Value
Added parts of the process … i.e., waste
 The goal of Six Sigma is to optimize the
remaining Value Added parts by reducing
 The goal of TPM is perfection … generate 0
injuries, 0 defects, and 0 breakdowns
 Motion … loading/unloading, multiple trips
 Processing/WIP … unnecessary steps/approvals
 Waiting … for service or parts … mechanics idle
 Transportation… mechanics and
 Overproduction … overhauling vs. repairing needs
 Inventory … spares (right parts, right amount)
 Correction/Rework/defects… repair
Maintenance management- Production Management
Maintenance management- Production Management

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Maintenance management- Production Management

  • 2. “ is that function of manufacturing management that is concerned with the day to day problem of keeping the physical plant in good operating condition”
  • 3.  Primary • Maintenance of existing plant, equipments, buildings and grounds. • Equipment inspection and lubrication • New installation of equipment and buildings
  • 4.  Secondary • Storekeeping • Fire fighting • Waste disposal • Salvage • Insurance administration • Pollution and noise abatement
  • 5.  Reliable service  Quality assurance  Prevention of breakdown  Cost control  Avoidance of equipment failure
  • 6.  Minimizing the loss of productive time  Minimizing the repair time and cost  Minimize the loss due to production stoppages  Maximize efficiency  To improve quality
  • 7.  Production capacity go idle  Production costs go up  Product and service quality will deteriorate  Employee and customer safety might have to be compromised  Customer satisfaction may take a beating
  • 10.  Corrective/Break down  Preventive  Predictive  Routine  Planned /TPM
  • 11.  Also known as Breakdown maintenance, it implies that repairs are made after the equipment is failed and can not perform its normal function anymore.
  • 12.  Indifference towards minor faults.  Too low or too high voltages.  Indifference towards vibration or variant sound in the system.  Use of sub-standard or wrong fuel.  Inefficient or neglected cooling system.
  • 13.  No inspection cost.  Low cost.  Less staff.  Production delay.
  • 14.  It is an activity which prevents breakdowns, cuts operating costs, and improve output/quality of the product. It is a ‘Stitch in Time’ procedure following the principle that “Prevention is better than cure”. It involves periodic cleaning, servicing, inspection, and replacement of worn parts.
  • 16. 1. Proper design and installation of equipment. 2. Periodic inspection of plant and equipment to prevent breakdowns before they occur. 3. Repetitive servicing, upkeep and overhaul of equipment. 4. Adequate lubrication, cleaning and painting of buildings and equipments.
  • 17.  Lesser overtime payment to normal and repair workers.  Fewer large scale repairs and repetitive repairs.  Better spare part control leading to minimum inventory level.  Increased component life cycle.  Energy and time saving.  Reduced equipment or process failure.  Cost savings and reduced capital investment.
  • 18.  It involves the identification of future problems before they occur.  Vital Attributes inspection.  Use of sensitive instruments. Why Predictive?  The cost of Preventive and Breakdown can be reduced by using predictive maintenance.
  • 19.  It includes activities such as periodic inspection, cleaning, lubrication, and repair of production equipments after their service life.
  • 20. 1. Costs are of two types  Direct and Indirect 1. Direct – Labour, Material, Consumables 2. Indirect – Lost sales and Cost of Rejections Life Cycle Cost Time and Machine span life Cost
  • 21.  What is to be done  How to be done  When to be done  Maintenance Scheduling  One week in Process industry
  • 22. Steps of Job Planning  Knowledge base: It includes knowledge about equipment, job, available techniques, materials and facilities  BP (Best Practices) and LL (Lessons Learnt)  Job investigation at site: It gives a clear perception of the total jobs.  Identify and document the work: Knowing the earlier two steps and knowing the needs of preventive, predictive and other maintenance jobs.  Development of repair plan: Preparation of step by step procedures which would accomplish the work with the most economical use of time, manpower and material.  Preparation tools and facilities list indicating the needs of special tools, tackles and facilities needed.  Estimation of time required to do the job with work measurement technique and critical path analysis  Estimation of Financial budget
  • 23. Different types of schedules are made suiting the respective job plans and different techniques are used 1.Weekly general schedule is made to provide weeks worth of work for each employee in an area. 2.Daily schedule is developed to provide a day’s work for each maintenance employee of the area. 3.Gantt charts are used to represent the timings of tasks required to complete a project. 4.Bar charts used for technical analysis which represents the relative magnitude of the time and cost. 5.PERT/CPM are used to find the time required for completion of the job and helps in the allocation of resources.
  • 24. Total productive maintenance (TPM) originated in Japan in 1971 as a method for improved machine availability through better utilization of maintenance and production resources It can be considered as the medical science of machines. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a maintenance program which involves a newly defined concept for maintaining plants and equipment. The goal of the TPM program is to markedly increase production while, at the same time, increasing employee morale and job satisfaction.
  • 25. TPM was introduced to achieve the following objectives. The important ones are listed below. 1.Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic environment. 2.Producing goods without reducing product quality. 3.Reduce cost. 4.Produce a low batch quantity at the earliest possible time. 5.Goods send to the customers must be non defective.
  • 27. Mechanical Failure θ θ θ θ Worn out bushes and bearings and other moving parts. Fatigue of machine members Creep of material at high temp Excessive forced vibration, misalignments etc. Thermal Failure θ θ θ θ Overheating of the component Lack of lubrication Inadequate of cooling Electrical insulation failure Chemical Failure θ θ Highly corrosive fluids containing abrasive particles Failure of protective linings like glass , rubber etc.
  • 28. Short run production problem Maintenance problem which are carried out in a short period of time are known as short run production system. It may be hourly, daily ,weekly and monthly. Example:- Hourly- inspection of correct lubricant, level of coolant, sharpness of cutting tool. Daily- cleaning of m/c, tightening of nuts, correct cooling, inspection of various indicators, minor adjustment of parts. Weekly- Major adjustment, lubrication, tightening of parts. Monthly- checking for insulation, corrosion, safety guards, checking of worn-out and distorted parts.
  • 29. MODERN MAINTENANCE  How much maintenance is needed?  What size maintenance crews must be used?  Can maintenance be sub-contracted?  Should maintenance staff be covered by wage incentive schemes?  Can effective use be made of computers for analyzing and scheduling activities?
  • 30. SIX SIGMA MAINTENANCE  Six Sigma does not create new tools but uses existing ones  The flow and sequence of these tools and statistical techniques is important  The methodology is flexible and will not replace or diminish any technique or tool already used, but will add to them.  This fear is common and must be prevented to avoid resistance that will destroy the program.  The dimensions of six sigma maintenance are  DMAIC(Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)– Existing processes  DFSS(Design for Six Sigma)– New products and services
  • 32. SIX SIGMA MAINTENANCE DMAIC in maintenance Firstly, work groups that have a good understanding of preventive maintenance techniques in addition to a strong leadership commitment have to be identified
  • 33. SIX SIGMA MAINTENANCE  PhaseD(Define)  Establish the objectives of the department and identify the critical-for-quality processes.  In this phase, leaders, planners, maintenance staff, Black Belts, and Green Belts need to work together to set departments goals.  As there will be a large number of ideas, the first job of this team is to understand the factors in the form, Y = f(X)  Where, X represents the input of the process, Y the output of the process, and f the function of X  This is the most difficult stage because targets, problems, and goals may not be clear or easy to identify. It is a difficult job, and the team must remember that the steps for the next phase will be drawn from this initial work.
  • 34. SIX SIGMA MAINTENANCE  PhaseM(Measure) After teams choose the vital few of the trivial many, the indexes, data collection plan, and analysis method can be chosen. Some common indexes include  Frequency of preventive maintenance  Frequency of predictive maintenance  Productivity  Number of corrective occurrences  Maintenance costs  Downtime  Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), etc.
  • 35. SIX SIGMA MAINTENANCE  PhaseA (Analyze) Teams will use analysis graphs  Pareto, scatter, run chart, box plots, etc. to visualize trends and to search for root causes.  PhaseI(Improve) An action plan and failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) can help in the action definition to improve the performance of the chosen indexes.
  • 36. SIX SIGMA MAINTENANCE  PhaseC (Control) Teams will outline a plan to retain the gains after the conclusion of the project. The finance department can assist in investment calculations, profits, ROI, etc. Each problem raised can be dealt with individually as a project to be led by a Black Belt and Green Belt, or a macro approach can be used—whichever is the best way to get the best performance in the maintenance department. This work usually takes from 4-6 months.
  • 37. Customer-driven design of processes with 6σ capability. Predicting design quality up front. Top down requirements flow-down(CTQ) matched by capability flow-up. Cross-functional integrated design involvement. Drives quality measurement and predictability improvement in early design phases. Utilizes process capabilities to make final design decisions. Monitors process variances to verify 6σ customer requirements are met.
  • 38. I-DFSS:I-DFSS: New Product/Service Introduction to Achieve SixNew Product/Service Introduction to Achieve Six Sigma Business PerformanceSigma Business Performance I-DFSS:I-DFSS: New Product/Service Introduction to Achieve SixNew Product/Service Introduction to Achieve Six Sigma Business PerformanceSigma Business Performance MARKET RESEARCH MARKET RESEARCH DESIGNDESIGN PRODUCTIONPRODUCTION LOGISTICSLOGISTICS DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTION SERVICESERVICE SALESSALES DMADV CUSTOMERSCUSTOMERSCUSTOMERSCUSTOMERS
  • 39. Define Measure Analyze Design Verify Under- stand customer needs and specify CTQs Develop design concepts and high- level design Develop detailed design and control/test plan Test design and implement full-scale processes Initiate, scope, and plan the project DESIGN FOR SIX SIGMA DELIVERABLES Team Charter CTQs High-level Design Detailed Design Pilot TOOLS  Mgmt Leadership  Customer Research  FMEA/Error- proofing  Project  QFD  Process Simulation Management  Benchmarking  Design Scorecards
  • 40. Enterprise asset management (EAM)  involves  the  management  of  the  maintenance  of  physical  assets  of an organization throughout each asset's lifecycle.   EAM  is  used  to  plan,  optimize,  execute,  and  track  the  needed  maintenance  activities  with  the  associated  priorities, skills, materials, tools, and information.  This  covers  the  design,  construction,  commissioning,  operations,  maintenance  and  decommissioning  or  replacement of plant, equipment and facilities.
  • 41. eAM Integration Points Product & Maint WO Transactions Costs Updates WO Updates, Catalogs Depreciation Service Request Linked to WOR / WO WO Materials, Reqs Linked to WO & Workflow Receiving Project / Task, WO Costs Posting Integration Chart of Accounts WO Billing Depreciable Assets Req & PO Changes, AP-to-PO Matching/Reconciliation Employees & Skills Maintainable Assets Time Entry Suppliers Customers T&A HR AP GL AR FA Property Purchasing Mfgr. ProjectsInventory Service eAM
  • 42.  A systematic, logical method of identifying and eliminating waste (non-value-added activities) using continuous assessment and improvement to achieve improved maintenance effectiveness in response to customer demand
  • 43.  The goal of Lean is to eliminate the Non-Value Added parts of the process … i.e., waste  The goal of Six Sigma is to optimize the remaining Value Added parts by reducing variation  The goal of TPM is perfection … generate 0 injuries, 0 defects, and 0 breakdowns
  • 44.  Motion … loading/unloading, multiple trips  Processing/WIP … unnecessary steps/approvals  Waiting … for service or parts … mechanics idle  Transportation… mechanics and parts/Employee/customer  Overproduction … overhauling vs. repairing needs  Inventory … spares (right parts, right amount)  Correction/Rework/defects… repair quality/completeness

Editor's Notes

  1. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, or FMEA, is a methodology aimed at allowing organizations to anticipate failure during the design stage by identifying all of the possible failures in a design or manufacturing process.
  2. CTQ trees (critical-to-quality trees) are the key measurable characteristics of a product or process whose performance standards or specification limits must be met in order to satisfy the customer. They align improvement or design efforts with customer requirements.
  3. AP- Accounts payable, GL- General Ledger, AR- Ac receivables, FA- Fixed Assets, T&A- Time and attendance,