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003 Mhnxv9Nzpc Essay Example
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003 Mhnxv9Nzpc Essay Example Common App Es 003 Mhnxv9Nzpc Essay Example Common App Es


Critical Path Method ( Cpm ) Technique
Critical Path Method has been extensively used for planning and scheduling construction work for
decades. As mentioned earlier, the study conducted by Tavakoli and Riachi (1990) results from
responding industries has shown overwhelming satisfaction of using the CPM technique for planning
and scheduling projects.
The first steps in building the CPM technique is the activity list. Activity is defined as a task that
consumes time and other resources for completing a project. For example, design and construct a
podium is an activity, which may further be broken down into smaller manageable components such
as drawing, sail types, podium type and paving depending on the size of the project. Example of an ...
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A construction schedule will establish the number of days needed to complete the project including
production rates, equipment. To obtain clarity in project scheduling experienced input is required in:
interdependencies of tasks, their duration, other sensitivities (weather, location factors) logistics of
material procurement, storage, construction equipment, HR resources, sourcing and up skilling and
safety training, transport logistics, types, quantities, resource size and administrative procedures such
as approval of drawing layout. The critical path method (CPM) is a scheduling technique determined
by duration. The primary inputs are the project activities, their estimated durations, and reliance
relationships. Activity durations are functions of the resources required for implementing each
activity. The more established CPM technique is very suitable for certain type of projects for factoring
in risks associated with activities such as for example, those involving long lead time and specifically
designed and built heavy equipment and its site delivery logistics. CPM method gives an insight into
risk management and thereby enabling better planning for contingencies. As an illustration of this
class of projects from Authors experience, large design, construct and install power projects requiring
equipment such as transformers, generators, overhead cranes requires highly specialised expertise
from manufacturers, which adds to the
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The Charon, The Ferryman For The Titans
creatures that lived throughout the universe. Charon was the ferryman for the Titans, and delivered
soles to the underworld. After the Titans were imprisoned he continued to serve Pluto in the same way.
His job is to ferry the dead across the river Styx, to the entrance of the underworld. When he ferried
the dead Charon expected to be payed, therefore,people placed a coin on or in the mouth of the dead
person, and if they do not have a way to pay they are forced to wander the shores for one hundred
years. Charon is usually shown with a double headed hammer. At funerals slaves and servants dress as
the Charon, and in the Roman Colosseum they would give the death blow and carry out dead bodies.
The Muses are the daughters of Jupiter and
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Worldwide Hospitality Industry
Aleena Iqbal The Worldwide Hospitality Industry Hospitality and Travel
FdA Hospitality and Travel Management
The Worldwide Hospitality Industry
Module Code: YCUT400006 Learner Name/Number:
Aleena Iqbal/10451742 Tutor Name: Clare Dodsley Date: 9th April 2014
What is the Hospitality Industry? Hospitality in itself means kindness in welcoming guests or
strangers and Barrows and Powers (2008, p5) suggest it is an industry that is broad and varies ranging
from single person organisations such as Restaurants and Bars to worldwide corporations. The
Industry includes many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Global Guests system collects this information and has it available to hotel staff anywhere in the
world when that guest checks in. Our job is to deliver those [details] in context and automatically at
the hotel. (Mullich, 2011, p.1) Mullich, J. (2011, online) provides a more detailed definition through
Nick Price, the Group s Chief Information Officer who outlines in this quote, what the hospitality
industry is about
The hospitality industry is about people being hospitable and giving a great experience at each hotel.
If a frequent guest at one hotel was going to another hotel, someone at the first hotel would call that
hotel and let them know about the guest before he walked in the door. Doing this consistently well as a
global brand is challenging. (Mullich, 2011, online). The Bloomberg Businessweek Research Study
(2009, online) shows that only one in five C level executives reported that the use of business
analytics is integrated across their entire organisation. Also more than three quarters of the responding
executives cited variable data quality, integrity, and consistency as an obstacle to the organisation wide
which is the implementation of business
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Advantages Of Alternative Dispute Resolution
The main purpose of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is to achieve a satisfactory outcome to a
dispute without court intervention. Despite alternative dispute resolution processes occurring
externally from the court, the outcome may still result in legally binding agreements that ultimately
resolve the legal matter.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia have been increasingly
implementing and utilising ADR processes to resolve inter and intra cultural disputes, land claims,
civil disputes. Furthermore, due to the distrust that Australia s indigenous community understandably
has with the dominant legal system, alternative dispute resolutions have significantly increased in
popularity as they provide a culturally diverse alternative to the current adversarial system.
In relation to alternative dispute resolution within indigenous communities, three separate
methodologies of alternative dispute resolution has emerged. The first of which attempts to
incorporate western based principles, such as negotiation, mediation and arbitration.
The western approach to alternative dispute resolution is often inapplicable and incongruent with the
indigenous culture, and thus unable to adequately resolve indigenous disputes. Moreover, in relation to
intra cultural disputes, the application of western ADR strategies may work against Indigenous needs
and perpetuate disadvantage.
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Women During The Nineteenth Century
Women both in Europe and America during the nineteenth century were living in a society that was
characterised by gender inequality (Wwnorton.com, 2015). In the early periods of the century, women
were expected to remain passive and subservient to the male counterparts. They were denied many of
the legal, social, or even political rights, which in the modern world we consider as a right
(Wwnorton.com, 2015). Thus, generally speaking women who belonged to the middle and upper
classes remained home; they were expected to care for their children and run the household. In
contrast, lower class women worked more frequently and so had other roles to play in society, which
was outside the home. However they were likely to be poorly paid servants ... Show more content on
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The roles of women were undergoing significant change, and so therefore many of the writers reflect
this change in their writing, and so we see different explorations of the roles of women in society.
Many of the writers in the nineteenth century explored the role that women played in society. The
historical changes that occurred in this period prompted much discussion and argument about the
nature and role women played in society. The reform bills of 1932 and 1867 stimulated the discussion
of women s political rights (Wwnorton.com, p. 418). These changes inevitably were reflected in the
works of many of the nineteenth century writers, as the industrial revolution presented a challenge to
the traditional perceptions of the female stereotype. Emily Bronte s Jane Eyre being a very prominent
work of literature at the time, as she challenged stereotypes by creating a female heroine that did not
meet the social conventions of a woman living in the nineteenth century. The female protagonist Jane
articulates passionately the view that women are not different from men, but need a field of action as
much as their brothers (Wwnorton.com, p. 420). Bronte presents to her readers a character that
challenges the notion that women depend on men, and so we see Jane striving for independence.
Bronte challenges the Victorian ideals as her character Jane finds love on an equal basis, and not for
financial security, which was an important feature in Victorian society. This
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The National Defense Education Act
In America, the state of education has always been a pressing concern, perhaps now more than ever.
Improving education has been proven to strengthen the nation time and time again, specifically with
regard to science, mathematics and technology. Ten years after the start of the Cold War on October 4,
1957, the Soviet Union launched the first ever man made satellite, Sputnik 1. This action by the
Soviets caused immediate concern for the educational system in the United States because this launch
proved that the Soviet Union had superior technological capabilities (SOURCE 1). America s first
action was to improve education, and this was done through the National Defense Education Act,
which provided large amounts of funding to American schools, and supported American students who
showed particular skill in math, sciences or foreign languages (SOURCE 2). During the Cold War,
supporting education was used to support the nation as a whole. Today the United States faces a
similar problem, mainly due to the declining focus on science and math in schools. Students have been
losing interest in these subjects, and as a result, America has been falling behind in the global
education ranks. This decline has been hurting America s ability to continue to be a successful global
competitor. Now the government is working to reverse this trend by supporting STEM programs.
STEM is an acronym for the academics concentrations of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics. The purpose of
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Consumerism Bruce Dawe Essay
Consumerism Bruce Dawe Poetry || 2009
Every society has mythology. In some societies, it s religion. Our religion is consumerism. As we are
constantly exposed to mass media and popular culture in our modern society, the insidious nature of
consumerism has allowed it to penetrate into every aspect of our lives, dictating our very beliefs,
values and wants. Nearly every individual in our society subconsciously conforms to the shallow and
superficial mindset that characterises our consumerist culture. This idea is highlighted by the
following texts; the poem Enter without so much as knocking by Bruce Dawe, an extract from the
sermon The Religion of Consumerism delivered by Peter House, the poem Breakthrough by Bruce
Dawe, and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This text clearly shows that consumerism is responsible for many of the decisions we make regarding
our life.
Bruce Dawe often deals with the issue of consumerism in his poems. Another of his works that
underlines how much consumerism affects our lives is his poem Breakthrough . The italicised words
at the start of the poem A little girl is reported to have died happily...singing an advertising
commercial. show the extent to which consumerism has affected this girl. On her deathbed, instead of
turning to a traditional faith or religion, she has instead turned to commercialism and consumerism,
highlighting the fact that consumerism has become more relevant and important than traditional
religions, especially to the younger generations. In the first stanza the first three lines starting with
Full volume up on the celestial choir! serve to cheapen her death and turn it instead into some sort of a
production. Full volume up and Stand by for action are examples of advertising jargon used to further
emphasise the point that consumerism exploits and demeans even something as serious as death. The
frail heart crumples like a paper cup compares something as wonderful and life giving as a human
heart to something as cheap and disposable as a paper cup. This serves as a reminder of
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Farrelly Brothers Theme
1. Subject/Theme Undoubtedly considered one of the most popular and successful romantic comedies
of all time, There s Something about Mary by the Farrelly Brothers, was, for the most part, acclaimed
by both critics and audiences. As a romantic comedy, the deepest and most underlying subject/theme
of the film has to be love, yet there are so many layers of lesser subjects and themes that collectively
contribute to the ultimate theme of love that it s a wonder how it all comes together so effortlessly.
The statement that the film makes about the subject of love is that it is both fickle and everlasting at
the same time; fickle, because one small injury like the one Ted experienced on the day of his high
school prom where his genitals got caught ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While I do not believe there were any standout scenes, aside from the one where Mary s hair was
standing up after she applied what she thought was hair gel to it, that does not mean any of the scenes
were sub par. Quite the contrary...the scenes were perfect for what the film wanted to accomplish. At
the end, because of all these separate elements of the film which came together effortlessly, viewers
are able to relate to Ted in a way that directors and producers wanted all along, allowing for maximum
emotional effect to take place, which subsequently allows viewers to relate to the film as a whole,
guaranteeing the film s ultimate
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The P L Of The Month
Denny ,
After reviewing the P L of the month of December 2015 we had some issues in the fallowing
categories , see attached excel sheet
Bad Debit
1 During the month of December we had a charge back on a customer check for $475 , the check was
accepted after the system glitches and the authorization wasn t printed on the back of the check , a
simple fix is to always make sure to run the check through the machine and obtain a printed
authorization on the back .
2 during the year review we discovered $300 in counterfeit bills that we were charged back for , this is
an easy fix as well as Counterfeit Detector Pens should be used all the time on every single large bill
before accepting it .
3 During the first month after grand opening we lost $181 in deposit discrepancies $175 of the noted
discrepancy was due to issuing POG card without an the proper offset in the POS to offset the cost ,
this issue was addressed the fallowing month as we became aware of the issue and prepared the gift
cards at the beginning of each month and offset the cost in the POS to be coded under sales promotion
Home delivery
During the year review for our costs under this category we discoed a $2926 that were spent on home
delivery , below is our biggest misses
1 IST transfer due to customer service issues
A largo portion of the dollars spent udder this category was utilized to ship product to our store from
another location or due to an error when our store ended up paying
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A Critical Concerns Surrounding The Tallit s Male...
When we walk into the sanctuary of any synagogue, the first sights we most likely see are the aron
hakodesh, the eternal lamp, and every man in the congregation wearing a tallit, the ritual prayer shawl
worn during weekday and Shabbat morning services. Now, we might also see women wearing the
tallit, too. In more recent years, women in synagogue have begun to wear the tallit as a movement
towards egalitarianism, taking religious practice into their own hands and projecting a personal style
to boot. In this paper, we will explore the critical concerns surrounding the tallit s male dominated
origins, the move by women to wear the tallit on practical and symbolic levels, and the tallit as a
method of personal expression.
The Origins of the Tallit
Based on the sea of tallitot we observe on men and women s shoulders in synagogue, we might think
that the tallit has Biblical roots. Understanding where the tallit, and the commandment to wear it,
come from, however, requires both closer analytical and physical examination. The actual
commandment is to wear tzitzit, or fringes, on the corners of our garments:
Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them throughout their generations
fringes in the corners of their garments, and that they put with the fringe of each corner a thread of
blue. (Numbers 15:38)
This passage, which also appears in the blessings of the Shema, commands the wearing of tzitzit as a
reminder to fulfill the mitzvoth and commandments in
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Essay Before Breakfast by Eugene O Neill
Before Breakfast
Before Breakfast is a short gloomy play by Eugene O Neill. Eugene O Neill was born in 1888 in New
York City. He is the only American dramatist to ever win the Nobel Prize for literature. Before
Breakfast is set in the Greenwich Village section of New York City, in a small one room flat on
Christopher Street. The flat consists of a kitchen and dinning area. There are only two characters in
this drama. Mrs. Roland who is the only speaking character and her husband Alfred. Alfred s hand is
seen once in the play, but not much else. This is symbolic of an absentee husband or a non existent
marriage. Although, Alfred is not seen, he contributes a great deal to the conflict. With only Mrs.
Rowland on stage, O Neill ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The child, the reason the couple married, born dead. Alfred unable to sell his writings, is depressed.
His depression contributes to a self destructive lifestyle, dragging his wife along with him. It was
inevitable the marriage would fail.
Mrs. Rowland, the protagonist, is portrayed as the stereotypical nagging wife. While a flat character,
she is very realistic. Her level of diction implies her lack of education, she is also bitter towards her
husband. Her bitterness is not unfounded. Alfred is of no help, Heaven knows I do my part and more
going out sewing every day while you play the gentleman and loaf around bar rooms with that good
for nothing lot of artists from the Square (Jacobs 1211). Mrs. Rowland s husband is adulterous and can
not hold down a job. Mrs. Rowland loves her husband, although she does not like the way he treats
her. She exhibited love by continually enabling him, paying the rent, providing food, and cleaning up
after him. She regards Alfred s depression as laziness. Not that I ve got any doubts about your being
lazy enough to stay in bed forever (Jacobs 1211). After learning Alfred s lover Helen, is pregnant, her
frustration and disappointments only intensify.
Alfred the antagonist is a flat character, but also very realistic. He is the stereotypical insensitive,
substandard husband. Mrs. Rowland thought that Alfred loved her when he didn t let his father buy her
off. Alfred was suppose to be
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Wallaby Research Paper
Have you heard of a wallaby, if you did not you want to learn more you came to the right place. I will
answer some of the questions you might have such as, diet, habitat, characteristics, and adaption.
wallabies have an average life span of 9 years. They are mammals and marsupials, you may think how
does that work well they have fur so they are mammals and pouches so they are marsupials. If any
mammal has a pouch. Those are just a few things about Wallabies. The wallaby has an average weight
of 4 5lbs. wallabies are brown and sometimes white if they are albino. They have tiny tyrannosaurus
rex arms. These cute creatures have strong back legs which are used to jump greater distances than
alot of other animals. The tallest a wallaby ever got was 6 ft. tall! Alot of times people argue about
saying a Wallaby has four legs. Actually a wallaby has two feet and two hands/paws. The explanation
for this that a wallaby is not like a monkey, monkeys use their feet for everything when a wallaby is
like a human only use hands to eat and bath. These are some adaption facts and characteristics. ...
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The wallaby s natural habitat and it is a forest or shrubland. When a wallaby is looking for a
magnificent home, they need to have fruits, seeds, and a main water supply. When a dingo, fox,
crocodile, or a snake is looking for a magnificent home they need wallabies, other small rodents or
fish, and a main water supply. That what a likes to eat and to live. On the other hand what a wallaby
does not like to be eaten
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Essay about Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy Case
Table of contents
Executive Summary 3
Introduction to LVMH 4
Challenges 5
SWOT Analysis 7
Company Analysis 8
Porter 5 Forces Model 13
Industry Analysis 14
Alternatives 17
Recommendations 23
Endnotes 27
Executive Summary Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, a luxury goods provider is looking to expand their
brand dominance in Asia. In order to expand successfully LVMH must evaluate challenges that may
arise and get in the way of their successful expansion. In the Asian market, LVMH must deal with
political and cultural uncertainties, the threat of counterfeit products, and the increased cost of
products in Asia compared to France.
LVMH should use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Japan, the costs of LVMH handbags cost approximately 40% more than in France. This started a
growing market to distribute bags from France to Japan for resale at a cheaper price. Arnault believes
that the producers of LVMH s goods need to be unrestrained by financial matters in order to produce
extremely high quality products. To keep the brand management of highly priced and high quality
goods, LVMH needs to expand to the younger new money of the Asian market. The high quality is
also a result of the mentality that Made in France is perceived as high western quality. LVMH does not
want to lower the labor costs because there would be a similar direction of the quality. Finally, LVMH
must protect its brand against counterfeit and dilution. With the recent expansion of the internet and
globalization, availability of products has grown to new heights. In order to keep the brand
management that LVMH desires, it must tightly control the availability so not to dilute the market and
lower the perception of their brand. Also with the increased knowledge and resources of
counterfeiting, LVMH needs to keep a grasp on illegal goods. Not only are the goods becoming
increasingly difficult to distinguish real from fake, but the channels of distribution of counterfeit
products have increased. Europe customs believe that 75% of counterfeit luxury goods originated in
China or Hong Kong. Online stores such as EBay also have seen a large amount
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Erp System for Riordan Manufacturing
ERP System for Riordan Manufacturing Team A University of Phoenix Riordan Manufacturing is the
leading global industry manufacturing company of plastic injection molding. With over 550
employees and their overall annual projected earnings of $46 million dollars, Riordan Manufacturing
accredits their success to their focus on sales and marketing to gain additional business and maintain a
good relationship with existing clientele. Although the company has been successful thus far, it is
always important and essential to continually improve and take the business to the next level in order
to stay competitive in today s world. Who doesn t want to be the best at what they do, and especially
within the industry they represent? In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once all of the options and methods have been identified, researched and evaluated, the team will
have to collectively decide on the best solutions and vendors that will provide the best return on
investment. The Vice President of International Operations, Charles Williamson, will be in charge of
overseeing the entire project. With the support of the Vice Presidents from each department, Charles
Lacy – Sales and Marketing, Bob Havings – Product Support, Mark Neitzel – Operations, and Clyde
Cousins – Transportation, Charles and his team will have to carry and delegate responsibilities to
other team members within their departments to make this project successful. Of course extensive
input from the Chief Information Officer, Maria Trinh and her team will be extremely important, along
with the Director of Human Resources, Yvonne McMillan and Chief Legal Council, Lowell Bradford.
Once the plan is laid out, each department will be responsible for acknowledging how the changes
could cause a negative impact and what could be done to prevent an excessive amount of downtime.
Each department should elicit input from their employees to get the broadest range of opinions and
ideas. It will then be up to the department lead to collaborate those ideas into a common consensus
and present to the team for review. Each goal should be assigned to the respective department and a
time line should then
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Social Norms In Research
Social norms are people s beliefs about the attitudes and behaviors that are normal, acceptable or even
expected in a particular social context. In many situations people s perceptions of these norms will
greatly influence their behavior. When people misperceive the norms of their peer group that is, when
they inaccurately think an attitude or behavior is more (or less) common than is actually the case they
may choose to engage in behaviors that are in sync with those false norms.1 Pluralistic Ignorance is
the term that is used in academia to discuss social norms theory and refers to the incorrect belief that
one s private attitudes, judgments or behaviors are different from others. With regard to bullying,
many youth may falsely believe that
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The Qualities Of Audrey Hepburn In Funny Face
Regarding physical qualities, everybody has their own idiosyncrasies or quirks, things which make
them peculiar and yet interesting. These features make us who we are and even if we consider them as
flaws, they still make us beautiful somehow. The 1957 film, Funny Face, was actually a tribute to the
late Audrey Hepburn s rather unusual, quirky facial features her large nose, thick eyebrows, slightly
crooked teeth, being doe eyed which all summed up to her being the epitome of a truly beautiful
woman that she was (De La Hoz 6). Audrey Kathleen Ruston Hepburn embodied both essential
aspects of inner and outer beauty which does not equate to being flawless. Voted as the Most Beautiful
Woman of All Time in 2006 by New Woman magazine, it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
To accentuate the hips even more, slit side pockets were present (Payne, 256 257). Subsequently, the
1960 s brought the emergence of miniskirts, which was then a public shock for it was not considered
tamed. Minis were pioneered by Mary Quant and made trendy by Andre Courreges (Murray, 112 113).
Meanwhile, pants suits for women were popularized in the 70 s. They were first introduced as skinny
and tailored, leaving little space for legs. Then they evolved into a flared leg style, with a wide
opening at the bottom, or bell bottoms (Payne, 261). Pants appeared in every form imaginable, from
divided skirts and culottes to the classic, pleated front tailored pant and the baggy Fred Astaire
version. (Murray, 116) In the 1950s, excessively feminine silhouettes were celebrated thus
accentuating curves, full bosoms and narrow waists was a prevailing way for women to dress.
Nevertheless, with her sphere of influence on women, Audrey Hepburn introduced an alternative to
this limited standard of how women through various aspects of dressing and behaving should be
(Keogh 1). Some of the popular stars who eventually became sex symbols in the period were Marilyn
Monroe, Brigitte Bardot and Grace Kelly. Hepburn s physique however, was totally different from
these women. She did not have a big bosom or a bottom. She was not curvy. Unlike Audrey Hepburn s
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Self Detox Research Paper
Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions. Since alcohol is legal for adults, that makes
it easy to buy and abuse. When some people realize that their drinking has become a problem, they
attempt a self detox solution. Self detox from alcohol poses some serious dangers. What Is Self Detox
from Alcohol? Self detox consists of two primary approaches to quitting alcohol: tapering and cold
turkey. Tapering involves progressive decreases in your total alcohol intake over time. The idea goes
that gradual reduction will minimize withdrawal. Cold turkey involves a complete stop. You give up
alcohol completely from one minute to the next. The idea goes that full stop quitting provides a clean
psychological break that tapering doesn t. Neither approach offers good odds of success, though ...
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The long term consequences of that include: Liver disease Cardiovascular problems Kidney failure
Depression Nerve damage The Dangers of Cold Turkey The dangers of cold turkey self detox from
alcohol are much more severe. In the best case scenario, you can expect a number of nasty physical
side effects. Some of the more common ones include diarrhea, headaches, nausea, muscle cramps,
high blood pressure, and restlessness. You can also look forward to psychological symptoms. These
symptoms can range from anxiety and severe cravings to paranoia and full blown hallucinations. For a
serious drinker, things can get worse. You can face delirium tremens or the DTs. Someone in the
throes of the DTs can suffer from grand mal seizures. Symptoms of these seizures can include violent
thrashing, tongue swallowing, and passing out. You may suffer a stroke or heart attack because of
increased blood pressure and a faster heart rate. Intense hallucinations and paranoia can make you lash
out violently at other people. Just as a bad, those same hallucinations can make you harm
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Paintings of famous painters
Painting can be done in a variety of media. For example, Oils, Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache and
Paints are made from a pigment, and a binder. Binder is relatively cheap, while pigment is much more
expensive. Pigments are a colored powder, made from organic or ... Show more content on
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The history of Japanese painting is a long history of synthesis and competition between native
Japanese aesthetics and adaptation of imported ideas. Korean painting, as an independent form, began
around 108 B.C., around the fall of Gojoseon, making it one of the oldest in the world. The artwork of
that time period evolved into the various styles that characterized the Three Kingdoms of Korea
period, most notably the paintings and frescoes that adorn the tombs of Goguryeo s royalty. During the
Three Kingdoms period and through the Goryeo dynasty, Korean painting was characterized primarily
by a combination of Korean style landscapes, facial features, Buddhist centered themes,
Chinese painting:
Further information: History of Chinese art, Tang dynasty art and Ming Dynasty painting


Spring Morning in the Han Palace, by Ming era artist Qiu Ying (1494 1552 AD)
The earliest surviving examples of Chinese painted artwork date to the Warring States Period (481 221
BC), with paintings on silk or tomb murals on rock, brick, or stone. They were often in simplistic
stylized format and in more or less rudimentary geometric patterns. They often depicted mythological
creatures, domestic scenes, labor scenes, or palatial scenes filled with officials at court. Artwork
during this period and the subsequent Qin Dynasty (221 207 BC) and Han Dynasty (202 BC 220 AD)
was made not as a means in and of itself or for higher personal expression; rather artwork was
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Functions Of The Principal Multi Agent Relationship...
Even if agents mobilize around CVE, implementation still may not occur. After the mobilization stage,
agents need to determine what the actual programs will encompass and what service providers will
implement these programs. I argue that implementation may fail to occur due to coordination
problems that arise within the planning stage based on the way decisions are made. For
implementation purposes, the structure of the principal multi agent relationship matters.
The implementation of CVE involves a variety of different agents with different self interests. This is
problematic for two reasons. First, an agent s self interest may conflict with either the self interests of
other agents involved in the process or what is best for the entire community. For government
communities, conflicts of interest can create in fighting between agents (Bardach 1998). In both
possibilities, conflicts of interest can create coordination problems amongst agents.
Second, there is a general lack of knowledge in terms of what works best for CVE and how to
implement CVE programming. A lack of information concerning implementation in combination with
the number of agents involved in the process can lead to coordination problems amongst agents.
Although all agents have a common interest in either reducing the threat of violent extremism or
implementing CVE programming, these agents may have different interpretations of how to do so.
Agents may disagree not only on the types of programs to
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Analysis Of `` Maus `` By Art Spiegelman
Walter Anderson once said, Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and
the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss,
or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have life itself. (Anderson,
2015). The graphic novel, Maus, by Art Spiegelman conveys a message similar to that of Fitzgerald s
Babylon Revisited. If a man has hope and perseverance he can realize and truly appreciate a second
The protagonist in each novel is a man who has faced great diversity, Charlie in Babylon Revisited
does so by his own accord while Vladek, in Maus, hid from the Nazi s in Poland during World War II.
Charlie made a lot of money in the American Stock Market, moved to Paris, and lived a lavish
lifestyle with his wife. They spent money like it was in endless supply. By the time the Stock Market
had crashed he lost his marriage and his daughter when they went to live with his sister in law. Vladek
and his wife were in Poland when the Nazi s invaded and desperately went from place to place
looking for a safe hiding spot. They found out who their friends were and who were not which lead to
some desperate times. In both cases the environment around these men, in Babylon Revisited it was
the Stock Market Crash and in Maus it was the Nazi s, put them in desperate situations.
The protagonist in each novel is a man who has faced great diversity, Charlie in Babylon Revisited
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Retirement Plan Advisors
Stress About Retirement Readiness is Killing Employee Morale Here s How Plan Advisors Can Help
By Edward Dressel According to a recent retirement confidence study conducted by the Employee
Benefit Research Institute, American workers are stressed about their inability to retire, but few are
doing anything about it. For retirement plan advisors, this is an especially vexing problem and, most
likely, an urgent call to action. The employers and plan sponsors with whom you work should know
that their employees have one burning, yet simple question when it comes to retirement: When can I
retire and will I be alright once I do? That nagging concern can significantly impact employee moral
and productivity. With retirement planning at a critically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
4. Track the Success of the Plan Finally, employers need to know whether their retirement plan is
really serving their employees so that they, with the plan advisor s help, can identify how to improve
employee participation and retirement outcomes. Make sure to review participation and contributions
by demographic groups to determine changes over time. Gather the information employers need to
know with confidence whether the employees retirement readiness is improving. Helping people retire
with confidence is a calling for many plan advisors. Specialty software programs and proven
methodologies are available to help plan advisors be more efficient as business professionals and more
effective in their roles as professional counselors and strategic motivators. When employees see how
their actions today will positively impact their financial futures, they will worry less and be more
productive on the job and that s something that every smart employer will like.
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My Deepest Condolences
My deepest condolences, mutters a member of my congregation as she shuffles towards the doorway.
Thank you for your condolences, I detachedly respond. I attempt to push my way through a pack of
people, so that I might exit the somber stone abbey as quickly as possible. I cannot stand being the
object of people s pity for much longer. Their offered condolences just serve as a reminder of my
deepened state of sadness. Death is a daily occurrence in our society. Children, spouses, and friends
are cruelly ripped from their loved ones by sicknesses and other ailments. But indeed, one never
expects or is prepared for the time when they become the recipient of apologies. After finally
maneuvering my way outdoors, I plod down the steps of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
I remember how my husband, Charles, used to fill up the whole entire seat, and how he used to
randomly grasp my hand. A piercing scream leaves my lips; one that must have surely been heard by
the coachmen. I allow myself the moment to grieve, to remember, to mourn, and to cry about a life
lost. I continue crying until I see a large oak tree, an indicator that we are almost home. Knowing that
I need to recollect myself quickly, I wipe away the remaining tears, slap my face a few times, and fluff
up my dress. When the carriage begins to vibrate from the gravel, I know that we have entered the
long driveway leading up to my home. We reach an abrupt stop when we arrive at the large limestone
estate. After a few seconds, the coachmen walks to the door, opens it and helps me out. His eyes never
meet my face; he obviously does not want to draw attention to the scene that I just made, but I know
that the house will be alive with gossip later in the evening. When my feet reach the rocky ground, I
mutter under my breath, Thank you, and immediately march towards the door with the unlikely wish
that I might avoid contact with other people. Sure enough, I discover that my two children, both
dressed in petticoats and gowns, are patiently playing with their dolls on granite stairs. They look up
from their game when they hear the slam of the carriage door and immediately sprint over to greet me.
Attempting to guard them from my deep
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Brand Relationship Between Brands And Consumers
According to Veloutso Moutinho (2009, p.315) Brand relationship is defined as the continual
exchanges between a specified brand and an established customer, where relationship characteristics
of love, association, interdependence and loyalty are developed with the brand. However, Keller
(2014, p.365) revealed that consumer brand relationships are the quality of relationship between
brands and consumers. As a result, there are many influences that formulate consumer brand
relationship. Basically, brand loyalty , brand equity and trust Escalas and Bettman, (2005, p. 379) are
the underpinning factors that generates brand relationships. Furthermore, this developing customer
brand relationship constitutes a sum of long term experiences with the brand where the brand is the
entirety of the customers experiences with the brand. However, supplementing the long term customer
brand relationship, brand communications is the major catalyst in relation to enticing both customer
and seller in the long term relationship, hence attaining a brand emotional connection. This brand
relationship does not only lodge an essential position in the mental period of a brand connection,
rather it stimulates greater sales due to customer retention, less price Vulnerability, superior customer
loyalty and advanced profit margin.
In addition, developing brand relationship requires the company to build brand equity Keller (2014,
pp. 365), generating value to the brand name through employing perceived
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Debating Gender Inequality In The United States
Summary The article discussed the debate between governor Romney and President Obama. The
article brought out how both candidates focused on womens labor as a family issue. The sociology
aspect of gender discrimination and workplace inequality is emphasized as well. The author states at
the latter part of the article that: both candidates need to be better informed on the complex factors that
produce workplace inequality (Debating Gender Workplace Inequality).
One of the unsettled issues when it comes to gender workplace inequality has to do with education.
Women are earning slightly more degrees, yet they must accelerate their educational achievements
substantially in order to earn the same pay. Women face limits in education ... Show more content on
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This transformation has diversified careers, family life, and gender roles (Work and Family in the 21st
Century). Women find it challenging to manage arduous jobs and a busy family life. The conflict
between work and family has become a social problem. The combination of roles have created
problems as these roles are assumed to be different based on gender. Work and family conflicts has
become a social problem. Certain views treat work and family as in competition for a persons time,
energy, and attention (Work and Family in the 21st Century). The article also discussed how
employers are actively engaged in putting forth the effort to beware of employee s work and family
concerns. It also talked about how employer s are also looking into their policies to aide in addressing
these issues. These two articles relate well to the main article because it reverts back to the idea about
how when it comes to work for women the viewpoint gets shifted back to family responsibilities and
how a woman has to balance between her responsibilities to her job and her family, and this continues
to have a bearing on workplace
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The Role of the British East India Company Essay
British East India Company played a significant yet strange part in the Indian. It was, at its inception,
a commercial venture in the history of The British Empire, which was established in the year 1600 in
the subcontinent. The main reason for entering the subcontinent was trade, making money and
importing spices from South Asia. It was the Portuguese who used all their skills and their
navigational technology to enter this great area first, and start trade in the most profitable manner they
could. East India Company entered as an early and old fashioned venture, and conducted a separate
business with their private stockholders. Their approach and their trade lasted for many years until
year 1657 (Farrington 5), when they made their base ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Soon after, the British started their own voyages and the first attempt to start trade with China, under
the Captain Benjamin Wood, was undertaken in 1596. However, the ship did not reach its destination;
instead it was lost without any trace. Forty years later, in 1637, Captain Wendell reached China
successfully and tried to open trade negotiations with Chinese locals but he was resisted and sent on
his way. His ship was destroyed on his journey back home. Ten years after the Dutch East India
Company was expelled from China, English East India Company finally set up a post in Taiwan, in
1672. By the 1700 s this base was shifted to Canton and EIC granted the monopoly of trade until
1833. Despite the many restrictions on trading by the government, the Chinese trade flourished, and in
the 18th century, the East India Company traded woollens from Britain and cottons from India in
exchange for Chinese tea, silk and porcelain. Out of these, tea became the largest item to be traded by
the British (Robins 18 33). However, as the demand for tea increased, the items the British were
exchanging for it, like the Indian cottons, were not enough to meet these demands. They started
looking for other items to trade instead, to increase their profits, and found opium to be the best deal.
The EIC were already growing opium in India, mainly for medicinal purposes, and although opium
was banned in
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Moon Landing
Moon Landing Faked or Real Was July 20th, 1969 at 10:56 p.m. eastern daylight time, the biggest
hoax ever pulled? On that day the famous words one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
were uttered by the first man on the moon. Or were they? Most people believe that the United States
and no one else has ever landed on the moon. While this may seem hard to believe, a surprising
number of people believe that it was all a big hoax. The controversy over whether the United States
went to the moon is becoming popular and conspiracy theorists are convincing people not only in the
United States, but also all over the world that Americans never landed on the moon. My side of the
argument is to propose that we did indeed land on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As time goes on, many more theories will develop but none of them will prove we did not land on the
moon. Today people create fake websites dedicated solely to faking and hoaxing the moon landings.
No matter how much photo shopping and how much editing, the facts remain. Many people do not
understand the boundaries of the atmosphere and they have no clue what it is like to be up in space. In
the end, many of the claims come from people simply not understanding the principles of photography
and physics. That is fine. We must remember: There is a difference between a skeptic and a denier. A
skeptic demands evidence, and accepts it when it is given. Deniers blindly stick to their own beliefs
without any evidence and refuse to accept valid evidence when it is presented to
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Examples Of Utopia In Invisible Cities
Shejuty Guho
Eng 262
Submitted to :Sumaiya Tasneem Hauqe
Date :7/4/2016
The Aspects of Museums and Utopian Study in Calvino s Invisible Cities
In Calvino s novel Invisible Cities, the traveler Marco Polo tells Kublai Khan fiction of the various
cities of his empire, which the Khan himself will never visit. In this paper I will describe such model
from Calvino s novel to explore those aspects of museum experience that are almost invisible to
people. Sketching on critical research and state that, museum is no single but a multiplicity of deeply
personal and largely invisible utopian spaces. At the end of Invisible Cities, Polo talks of the infernal
city, the exact opposite of utopia. Escaping this city is a matter of giving space to things that are not of
the inferno to invisible utopias that they might endure. The purpose of the ... Show more content on
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What sets it aside from most literature is the element of fantasy and the use of the above
aforementioned values. Reality is understood in varying degrees as part of everyday life. The fantasy,
visionary or unexpected is utopian because there is no one to answer to the validity, or possibility of
its existence. These cities are quickly established as impossible cities in reader s minds. With
discussions and consideration of the five values readers slowly move into a place of imagination. For
some readers the cities present an unusual mirror that reflects their own society and existence. For
other readers that mirror is more of a crystal ball that helps define a possible future. We may build a
design philosophy on these literary concepts because they are couched in terms of modes of
communication and communication is usually what the graphic designer is trying to achieve (Jackob
105). These means polo s imaginary vision of museums are now taken as reality in twenty first
century and these are the main keys of this era to
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The Role Of Political Consensus In Pop Culture
Political Consensus and Pop Culture of World War II
World War II continues to be the most tremendous global war throughout history. This war effected
everyone, especially the political beliefs in each country that was involved. In America, the role of pop
culture made an impact on the political consensus of Americans in a constructional manner. During
World War II, the entertainment industry effectively helped produce a national consensus celebrating
the American way of life. Consequently, this patriotism led America s unity to defend their country
against Germany, Italy, Japan, and later the Soviet Union s communism. Pop culture provided many
opportunities of amusement and influenced Americans viewpoint of themselves and their country. But
during 1941, many entertainment industries still had major downfalls due to the war, which puts the
role and destiny of pop culture into question. The resources that entertainment ... Show more content
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Ultimately, the trend of music made a tremendous impact on political consensus. For instance, the role
of music made a psychological fighting force, while the government s propaganda office urged the
music industry to produce freedom songs with lots of flags waving. Right after Pearl Harbor
happened, many writers hurried publishers to publish songs encouraged by the event. But the citizens
didn t want war songs; they wanted songs they can relate to, such as songs about home, relationships,
family, and fun. Many war songs expressed loneliness, which was a since of annoyance with wartime
sacrifice and departure. However, the song White Christmas that was not about the war became a hit
in the United States and sort of the anthem for World War II, selling over thirty two million copies.
Basically, pop culture did less to evoke martial spirit among citizens than it did to provide a much
needed diversion from wartime suffering and
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Abraham Lincoln vs the Radical Republicans Essay
How did Lincoln s successful attempts to merge clashing personalities within his political cabinet lead
to both the abolition of slavery and victory of the Civil War and how did it contrast with the principles
of Radical Republicans?
Table of Contents:
HISTORICAL CONTEXT................................................................3
LINCOLN: GRADUAL EMANCIPATOR..............................................6
WORKS CITED..........................................................................
Introduction Abraham Lincoln is known as the President who helped to free the slaves, lead the Union
to victory over the confederates in the American Civil War, preserve the ... Show more content on
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Before the Declaration of Independence that we know today was enforced, several revisions to the
document were made. One of the causes of these revisions that eventually was absent from the
Declaration of Independence was the mention of the abolition of slavery. Politicians of the time period
debated this key issue, as politicians differed between whether slavery should continue to exist in the
nation. The Declaration promised life, liberty and property to all those who lived in the United States,
however politicians knew that plantations and the agriculture business would not thrive without a
source of cheap labor.
During the late part of the eighteenth century as well as early part of the nineteenth century, the United
States drastically grew geographically. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio were all admitted into the
union between 1791 1803. However, the rapid geographical growth was largely in part to the
Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The Louisiana Purchase was a land deal between the United States and
France, a deal in which the U.S. acquired 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi. In
1787 slavery was barred in the Northwest Territory however, whether slavery would exist in the states
acquired through the Louisiana Purchase had not yet been decided. When Missouri,
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Sacrifice In Bruce Springsteen s Song, Nebraska
Music is something that is needed in everyday life. It fuels creativity, brings people together, and it
even helps people learn. In Bruce Springsteen s song, Nebraska , it tells the story of Charles
Starkweather, the most notorious killer in Nebraska. Charles Starkweather symbolizes fear for many
people, and will forever haunt not only Nebraska, but the whole world. Lincoln Nebraska seemed like
the perfect place to live. It was a quiet town where everybody seemed to know each other, and nobody
needed to lock their doors at night. It wasn t until December 1, under the cover of darkness, that
everything seemed to change. On that night Charles Starkweather returned to a Lincoln gas station,
robbed the attendant for $100.00, and then led him out a few miles where he proceeded to shoot him
dead. (Spencer). This robbery and murder was just the start of the gruesome spree that had yet to
occur. Almost two months after the killing, with no lead for the case, Starkweather struck again. Caril
Ann Fugate was Starkweather s 14 year old girlfriend, and her parent s didn t like that fact, so they
often got into fights with the 19 year old man. This time, however, Starkweather ended the fight
quickly, killing both Fugate s parents and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was there that they shot and killed industrialist C. Lauer Ward, and stabbed his wife, Clara Ward,
and their maid, Lillian Fencl. (Spencer). They then stole the family s Packard and left town. When
Starkweather and Fugate realized the police and National Guard were on their trail, they decided they
needed a new car for their escape. They reached Douglas, Wyoming and met Merle Collison, an older
shoe salesman sleeping in his car along the highway. Starkweather began to shoot him, stopping after
another car and police officer pulled up. Starkweather then jumped in the Packard and sped off,
pulling over and surrendering after he got shot in the ear.
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Theme Of Deception In Othello
In the play written by William Shakespeare Iago s attitude toward all the characters of the play is very
deceptive and manipulative using them for his own profit. He has the talents to deceive others
destroying their lives to better his own. His abilities to twist the truth is a highly useful tool to him.
Instead of using these abilities for the greater good, Iago falls down an evil path to become a villain
that hurts people and ruins lives. He uses strategies such as deception and manipulation to distract all
the people around him from his true motive. Persuasiveness and excellent word choice are his
weapons to get the position of lieutenant.
Unfortunately for everyone else Iago go exactly what he wants as you can see in Act 3 when Othello
says to Iago Now art thou my lieutenant. (3.3.545) This only happened because Iago had set up Cassio
to fail by getting him drunk and luring him into fight Montano which ended with Cassio stabbing but
not killing him in front of Othello.
One of the events after this was when Othello found out that his mother s handkerchief in Cassio s
house. This is significant Desdemona tells Othello She says, It is not lost; but what an if it were?
(3.4.83) thinking she has left it in the house somewhere as she had it earlier in the day, but Othello
knowing this is a lie is finally convinced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To make this conversation even more convincing to Othello Bianca (unplanned) shows up with
Desdemona s handkerchief giving it back to Cassio telling him she won t make a copy of it and he
needs to give it back to the whore he got it from as seen in the lines There; give it your hobby horse:
wheresoever you had it, I ll take out no work on t (4.1.154 155). This really set Othello over the bar.
After Cassio and Bianca leave Othello emerges from the bushes he was hiding in saying How shall I
murder him, Iago?
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Leadership At Toyota And Starbucks
Good to Great Companies: Level 5 Leadership at Toyota and Starbucks Part a In his analysis of
companies that are able to achieve greatness, James Collins identifies the role of a Level 5 leader as
instrumental in the transformation. Collins identifies this type of leader as an individual who blends
extreme personal humility with intense professional will (21). While they are willful and fearless,
these leaders are also modest and humble. The leader is less interested in personal glorification and is
more interested in the performance of the company. They are intensely driven towards building a
successful company that is capable of continuing its success in their absence. In his analysis of
companies, he identified that all good companies that became great had Level 5 leaders at the help
when they transformed. The leaders are interested in building up their successors such that the
company continues on a successful path. This is in contrast with leaders who are interested in the short
term success of a company during their tenure. Level 5 leaders are not concerned with their own
reputation for personal greatness (Collins 26). Rather, they are willing to share credit for their success
with colleagues and successors. Under egocentric leaders, Collins noted that companies would achieve
particularly strong growth but they would fall apart immediately after the leader s exit. However,
Level 5 leaders seek to obtain consistent results by finding the best people and creating a
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Biological Compounds Of Marine Organisms Essay
Biologically active compounds found in marine organisms have been extremely useful when
combating again human immunodeficiency virus. One compound in particular which is found in
sponges, Papuamide A, has been reported to have cytoprotective activity against HIV 1 in vitro. There
are many other representatives that can be found in the same class as Papuamide A; however, due to
the slight change in their structure, the way they effect HIV is different. Papuamide A exhibits a potent
inhibitory effect on the infection of T Lymphoblastoid cells by HIV and has been able to combat
against drug resistant HIV strains.
Introduction. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV 1) has infected over 33.2 million people
world wide to date [9]. There is a plethora of new and upcoming drugs that are being used to combat
against human immunodeficiency virus. Although effective, the drugs that are being used to combat
against HIV 1 have also been known to cause resistance, adverse effects and toxicity to the
mitochondria [3]. HIV 1 is a retrovirus that belongs to a subfamily of retroviruses called lentiviruses
[8]. HIV 1 causes a slow depletion of the immune system and is considered a slow degenerative
disease. New drugs that combat against HIV 1 entering into different cells has raised interest due to
the fact that these new drugs are able to work against drug resistant viruses that can infect the cell.
Glycoprotein 120 (gp 120) is necessary for virus entry into human cells. Gp 120 has a
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Life In Dickens Great Expectations, By Charles Dickens
Sezin Erciyas
SOC 101 6
Özlem Sefer
Great Expectations is a novel written by Charles Dickens. This novel is about a boy named Pip and his
life. He lives with his abusive sister and kind brother in law. The novel is happening in Kent and
London in the early to mid 1800s, and contains some of Dickens most memorable scenes, including
the opening. Great Expectations includes extreme imagery, poverty such as prison chains, and fights to
the death, and has a different ranged characters who have been in popular culture. All of the characters
have different social status either and it can be interpret with some social theories. The main character
Pip been through lots of things and they affected him, his chacater, his life and his ... Show more
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When he spend more time with Mrs Hamington and learned his life style, he was more clear about
how to act and how to be a gentilmen. Eventhough in his home, his sister and Joe was rude and
uneducated, Pip was not like that when he was socializing through his life. It can be argued that this
situation can be explained by secondary socialization. Secondary socialization refers to the process of
learning what is the appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society.
Basically, it is the behaviors intensified by society. Secondary socialization occurs outside the home. It
is where children and adults learn how to act in a way that is appropriate for the situations they are in
as Pip learned in Mrs. Hamington s house. After he got out of the home, he stil was thinging that it is a
must for a man to be a educated and gentle. His primary socialization which refers to learning acting
appropriate from parents does not affect him that much. Also in this novel we can see that all the
events happen at the Victorian England times. Thats why the relationships between people in the
village is according to classes. The classes are ranging from criminals, Magwitch, to the poor peasants
of the country, Joe and Biddy, to the middle class, Pumblechook, to the very rich, Miss Havisham.
They treat each other according to their income level. It is not an regular thing to talk with an wealthy
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A P Case Study on Addisons Disease Essay
Unit 1 Case Study
Addison s disease is from a result from damage to the adrenal cortex. These two
adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys, where they are enclosed in a
fibrous capsule and a cushion of fat. . The have an outer portion, called the
cortex, which is a glandular tissue derived from embryonic mesoderm. The inner
portion called the medulla, which is more like a knot of nervous tissue than a gland
and it is part of the sympathetic nervous system. The adrenal cortex synthesizes
over two dozen steroid hormones called corticosteroids. The Adrenal medulla is part
of the autonomic nervous system. They are often referred to as the suprarenal
glands. That damage causes the cortex to produce ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Treatment with
replacement corticosteroids will control the symptoms of this disease, and this
usually will require the patient to take these drugs for life. It is receive a
combination of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. The provider may increase
the dose in times of infection, injury and stress. With adrenal crisis patients will
need an immediate injection of hydrocortisone, either IM, or IV. If the blood
pressure is extreme low IV fluids will be helpful. Complications can occur if you
take too much or not enough of the adrenal hormone supplement. This
complications can arise due to related illnesses such as diabetes, chronic thyroiditis,
hypoparathyroidsim, ovarian hypofunction or testicular failure, thyrotoxicosis and


pernicious anemia. Low sodium with Addison s should be carefully corrected, if
done to quickly it can lead to brain damage, this is noted in a 2004 article in
American family Physician they require immediate but slow administration of
saline, which is basically salt water, composed of sodium chloride in water. They list
a second step which then be finding the underlying cause. Primary adrenocortical
insufficiency is not a common disorder. It s incidence in western populations are
near 50 cases per 1,000, 000. However with the widespread corticosteroid use
secondary adrenocortical insufficiency due to steroid withdrawal
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How Expropriation of Farmland Happened in Tibet s Amdo...
In 12th July, 2013, there are appeared expropriations of farmland in Tibet s Amdo Province.
According to Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), China appropriates Tibetan
farmlands in the name of hydropower projects. What is expropriation? The process of expropriation
occurs when a public agency (for example, the provincial government and its agencies, regional
districts, municipalities, school boards and utilities) takes private property for a purpose deemed to be
in the public interest . In this case, the farmland in Tibetan province of Amdo be chosen for a purpose
deemed to be in the public interest.
According to the Land Administration Law, the village collective owns the land which has the right to
use it. But the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the other hand, Plateau continued intense seismic activity, if the earthquake caused the collapse of
the dam, it could have disastrous to the downstream neighbors.
When the government wanted to expropriate the farmland for hydropower project, the local people do
not believe it. They thought that the government tried to expropriate the land and then sell it to
commercial users for a fee. Also, they thought the local government wanted to lower the compensation
to farmers so as to gain greater profits when selling the land to the commercial users. In fact, local
accounts reported that local Tibetans are facing enormous challenges in freely expressing their
grievances. They truly believe that if they told their opinion to the public, the government will
Farmlands are the way for people to earn money by selling different kinds of crops. When people loss
their farmlands, it means they cannot earn money from farming. Their education level is not high and
some of them without any education, they feel hard to find another job. In case, loss of farmland
which means loss of employment of farmers. Other than farming, they can only find alternative
employment in the low skilled sector. If the Chinese government did not lower the compensation, they
may have enough money to find a place to live. But the calculation of the amount of compensation is
based on
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Trail Of Tears And Indian Removal Act
Melina West
4th Period Arkansas History
November 6, 2017
Trail of Tears and Indian Removal Act The Trail of Tears was the name that the Native Americans
gave the journey where they were forced out of their homes. During the early 19th century, the United
States expanded territory southward. The southern states were home to many Native Americans. This
started controversy with the white settlers. From this controversy sprouted the Indian Removal Act,
which forced the Native Americans leave their homes and go on a long journey. The Cherokee people
called this journey the Trail of Tears, because of its devastating effects , (PBS).
The Trail of Tears was a significant removal of native Americans, however it was not the only one. As
early as 1492 Indians were being forced out of their homes. When European settlers arrived they often
forced Indian village away, seeking treasure. This started with Christopher Columbus. The Trail of
Tears was a very suggestive event because of the amount of indians that were forced out of the
southern states. Due to the Indian Removal Act, 70,000 Native Americans were forced into Oklahoma.
According to PBS, The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced ... Show more
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The president that was in office during the Indian Removal Act was President Andrew Jackson. Before
serving in the White House, Jackson was an army general. After demanding both political and military
action on removing Native American Indians from the southern states of America in 1829, President
Andrew Jackson signed this into law on May 28, 1830 , (HistoryNet). Americans thought that the
Native Americans were uncivilized. The United States began expanding their land into further into the
south. The land was expanded into Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, and
North Carolina. The problem was that the land was home to five different Native American
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Lateral Epicondylitis Research Paper
Epicondylitis is one of the most common pathology of both athletes and non athletes.(4) The
prevalence of this condition varies from 1% 3% in the general population and peaks at 23% among
workers. The lateral epicondyle , a pyramidal bony prominence where the anconeus , extensor carpi
radialis brevis (ECRB) ,extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) and extensor digitorum communis
(EDC) meets.(5) There is evidence that epicondylitis and forceful work tasks of the upper extremity , a
combination of either forceful or repetitive activities with an extreme nonneutral posture of hand and
arm can be associated with lateral epicondylitis. (3)
Lateral epicondylitis (LE) , also commonly referred to as tennis elbow , occurs most frequently ...
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There has been a growing number of positive feedback following ART intervention being reported.
However , most include a multi modal treatment approach.
Lateral epicondylitis is a primary ailment , occurring more frequently amongst active athletes and
adults of the working class. Patients afflicted with lateral epicondylitis will typically experience pain
at the origin of extensor muscle , pain when resistance is applied against wrist extension and
tenderness upon palpation at the lateral humeral epicondyle.(5) Therefore , diagnosis is usually fairly
straightforward and classified as a stress overload response.(4)
Successful treatment is defined as measures to alleviate pain and stress surrounding the targeted area.
Active release technique has shown great promise in treating lateral epicondylitis. The approach to the
condition has been lauded by several cases where the patient experienced the most improvement in the
condition. The application of ART in treating this condition definitely warrants further research to
investigate its potential
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Purgatory Beliefs
Purgatory is defined as a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are
correcting their sins before going to heaven . When we die, we go through a judgement for our actions
we made when we were on Earth. What many people don t know is that everyone goes to purgatory is
doesn t really matter who you were on Earth as a person. Purgatory is meant to purify the soul before
the soul makes its way into heaven.
Catholics are taught to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Penance and believe that God will
forgive them, but they have to be truly sorrowful for their sins and actions for the sacrament to really
affect you. Catholics aren t taught that purgatory as a place of torment and pain. Catholicism also
teaches that the souls that end up in purgatory want to actually be there in the first place. It s a place to
achieve heaven for the one s that were too late to confess their sins during the time on Earth. ... Show
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God will forgive anyone if you re one of the worst offenders, law breakers, or sinners in general. Since
we are his children in the sense of religion, God truly knows our guilt when we do commit these sins.
Even a verse in scripture from Romans 3: 23 24 tells us about how the sinners are even brought to
justice by God himself. It states for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified
freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (The Bible). The idea of Mercy
helps give us the opportunity to achieve Heaven is giving the idea that once we die, our souls won t go
to hell immediately. Depending on the sin that was committed if there was sorrow after the action,
then it will be taken into consideration by God and he ll hopefully allow the soul to pass through
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Public Policy Paper Healthcare Vs Medical Tourism Essay
Public Policy Paper Healthcare VS Medical Tourism Melodie Dominique Palm Beach Atlantic
University GBUS 2813 01 American Free Enterprise Professor Tom Miller October 16, 2016 PUBLIC
POLICY PAPER 2 America is portrayed throughout the globe as the land of opportunity and the home
of the free. With all that the U.S. has to offer, it is unethical to see how the health care system has
failed and is continuing to fail countless Americans. We constantly hear the stories of citizens who
have benefited from their insurance, gone through challenges with insurers, or can not be insured
based on their pre existing medical history. With companies such as Microsoft, employees do not pay
a dime out of pocket for any of their medical needs and their families needs regardless of the cost.
Also under these broad organization insurances, employees with pre existing health conditions can not
be turned away. As for all other American citizens who work in small businesses, the insurance offered
to them comes at a high coverage cost with an even higher deductible or co pays and coverage limits. I
ve been working for a local government agency going on ten years now; one may assume that, holding
a local government position would be a job with generous insurance benefits. In a Sun Sentinel News
article titled Mandatory Healthcare: What the Supreme Court ruling means for Floridians, Journalist
William E. Gibson states, You can remain on your current policy and cannot be dropped
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Iot Essay
Everyday people expect new device and technology to simplify their day to day life. Lighting devices
are operated by the mechanical switches. In this system necessary operator is physically present to
operator the switches and operate cannot control the switches from any other places.  So to
overcome this type of problem we can design IoT technology based system for lighting appliances
which can be control from any remote places though web based graphical user interface.  This
system is a means that allow users to control electric appliances of varying kind. The goal of this
project is to operate home appliances smartly through a web server using IoT. IoT is the network of
things or physical objects which includes electronics, software, sensors, actuators and network
connectivity. All these things collect and transfer data between themselves. People have more
knowledge about these technologies and are more comfortable with its use.  We have two blocks in
our system. Transmitter block client and Receiver block user respectively.  In the transmitter block,
the client is check and control appliances like bulb. Microcontroller is control the appliances with
Feedback unit. Client is operating different lights a different mode like morning, evening and night. 
In the receiver block, server is connected to Wi Fi and receives the signal. As well as perform to the
received signal with return feedback.
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Cannabinoids Advantages And Disadvantages
nausea, limb pain and hair loss. Flushing and gastrointestinal problems are the most common side
effects of dimethyl fumarate.
Alternative treatments
Many patients with MS may seek help and relief of their symptoms in the so called alternative
medicine. Over 50% of people with MS may use complementary and alternative medicine, since there
is not yet found a proved treatment for this chronic disease. There are multiple trials which examine
the effectiveness of these treatments and deserve our attention. Examining the characteristics of users,
these are more frequently women, tend to be more disabled, have had MS for a longer time, presenting
lower levels of satisfaction with conventional healthcare. Some of these alternative therapies include:
dietary supplementation, vitamin D, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, relaxation techniques (yoga), herbal
medicine (including medical cannabis), and self infection with hookworms, acupuncture and
Cannabis and Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The endocanabinoids which are produced naturally in the body, the phytocannabinoids which are
found in cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids which are manufactured artificially, are the ligands for
these receptor proteins. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a phytocannabinoid, is the primary psychoactive
compound of cannabis, and cannabidiol (CBD) is another major constituent of the plant. Concerning
the phytocannabinoids, there are more than 80 different cannabinoids isolated from cannabis that have
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Grimm Brothers Literary Analysis
From 1812 to 1857, the Grimm Brothers collected and shared stories that continue to be told to this
day. Middle class women that were recognized for their storytelling abilities would visit the Grimm
brothers, who would then transcribe the women s stories (Thury, Eva M., and Margaret Klopfle
Devinney 578) that were then edited and published. The different stories the brothers collected ranged
from fairy tales, horror stories, tall tales and comical accounts (578). Foreign rule created a strong
desire within the countrymen to recall their Germanic roots to figure their cultural worth (578). This
enhanced the Grimm brother s purpose of sharing these stories to preserve living artifacts from ancient
times. It was believed that preserving native ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When his father, Mufasa, is killed in a wildebeest stampede, he is faced with the guilt he feels for
causing the stampede and goaded by his uncle Scar to run away. Scar then sends his hyenas to hunt
down and kill Simba. This begins one of the many trials Simba must face throughout his hero s
journey. These hyenas are the same hyenas that Mufasa saved Simba from; so now Simba is alone,
afraid, and unwilling to fight. Finally Simba escapes into the heat and despair of the desert. When
Simba gives up, he is saved by the comedic duo Timon and Pumba. Timon and Pumba take in Simba,
teaching him their way of life. This way of life revolves mainly around the phrase Hakuna Matata ,
which means to forget the troubled past and live in the present. Simba grows up with Timon and
Pumba, hiding his past and pulling himself away from Pride Rock completely. This seems to work in
our hero s favor until a blast from his past side swipes the rug right out from under Simba. Nala, who
was desperately scavenging for food, runs into Simba and almost immediately brings every memory
back that Simba worked so hard to forget. Nala tells Simba that Scar and his hyenas have taken over
Pride Rock, that all the animals have left, and all
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Inca Narrative
Our next step was to walk half a mile up a set of worn out and weathered stairs, this was very tiring
and I almost tripped a couple of times. Looking to my right and I saw large number of large mountains
that were densely covered with jungle vegetation. I looked down and noticed the clouds below me.
Our altitude was very high because I noticed the air getting colder. We finally reached the top of the
mountain. Our guide showed us around the ruins. Walking around, I saw the unique arch architecture
of the doorways. There was a carving of an eagle on a circular stone on the ground. I wondered how
the Incas could have carved the stones perfectly to sit on top of each other without cement. Some were
stacked up to 10 feet high. There were some Incan ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our guide pointed to an ancient rock that was said to clear the mind of whoever touched it.
Immediately I went to it and set both hands on the rock. My nausea went away and I felt well again.
All the tired feeling I had also gone from me. I could feel energy spring in my body. I felt like I
wanted to run a mile! Our tour continued as our guide showed us to a large, flat field where the Incas
did their celebrations and rituals. There were llamas grazing on the field. One llama walked up to me
and sniffed me. The llama was brown with black legs. I looked into the llama s face and it looked like
it was smiling! From there, I walked to the edge of the mountain and looked down. There was a steep
cliff with only jungle vegetation at the bottom. At the bottom there was a little river with a rope bridge
to cross it. The rope bridge was 100 feet from the ground and didn t look very sturdy. I wouldn t cross
that, I mumbled. I walked down the Inca Temple and out the Incan houses glancing up one last time at
the remains of the mighty city. I thought of what used to be up there and how glorious it was. Turning
I saw a native Incan ancestor herding a llama herding a down a path. As I walked into the bus, I
imagined how great this race of people was. There skills and talents made them the richest people in
that continent. I hoped that my country would use their talents to help innovate the future and make
this world a better
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Personal Narrative-Destructiveness In An Athletic Team
Before the run, we walked. We gathered in our teams, lined up in neat columns on the one hundred
meter start, and stared down the distance between ourselves and the starting line. Every runner was
shaking out his limbs, getting the blood flowing, the already tense muscles ready to explode at the
crack of the starting gun or the passing of the baton. The sun s cruel glare beat down on my team s
black jerseys; the sweat wicking material wasn t helping much today. Everyone tried to amplify that
nervous energy that runs through every bulging artery, every electrified synapse, and transform it into
unbridled power. The intensity in the air was palpable. This was the four by eight hundred meter relay:
in teams of four, we would run two lightning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Come on OP!! He screamed at me, pinwheeling his arm in a circle in the corner of my eye. The
Rockford Runner was still there, but pain was piling on by the second. Agony found its way into my
legs, bursting through, climbing up the pulsing muscles and tendons like ivy. Ragged breaths forced
themselves from my slack jawed mouth. The hot sun still beat down overhead, indifferent to my
suffering. I could still hear Coach as we blasted down the straightaway. He yelled at me not to give up,
to resist the breakdown of my stride, not to let go.
200 meters. At this point the crowd was screaming at us, the first two runners. Spittle was flying
unabated from my mouth with each new gasping breath. My face had gone slack there was no energy
left to make facial expressions. The pain was almost too much to bear.
I began to lose him he transferred into his final kick (an all out sprint for the finish) and so did I, but I
feared I was too spent from the first lap. Rockford is just too good ricocheted through my mind,
emerging from the clouds of pain. The crowd in the stadium stood up and cheered as we rounded the
bend, seemingly on another planet. There is a point in every race where one hits a wall and I had
slammed into mine. It now felt as if I was figuratively, along with literally, dying. I kept up the
pressure but my legs began to
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Vladek Maus Changes
The character Vladek in Art Spiegelman s Maus greatly changed throughout the book. Events due to
the Holocaust shaped Vladek into the person he is at the end of the book. The Holocaust caused
Vladek to become extremely frugal, to have an obsession with tidiness, and to not be able to trust
Vladek became extremely frugal from living through the Holocaust. In the beginning he was poor and
couldn t buy extravagant things. The event that led him to become so frugal was when Art s store was
robbed. All of Vladek s possessions were taken from him. He was scarred from that situation because
his family had to starve between meals. They had to live off of rations and food coupons and Vladek
could not help his family. His family suffering like that had a serious effect on Vladek. It shows how
frugal Vladek is when Mala makes a lot of comments about how Vladek has a lot of money saved up
but never spends any of it, like not buying her a comb. The author also shows how frugal Vladek is
when he refuses to spend money on necessary items. When he is an older man he becomes pretty
wealthy but due to the Holocaust his mind is greatly impacted by it leaving him in the mindset of
being frugal. Another example of Vladek s frugality is when Vladek tries to return half eaten boxes of
cereal. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Gestapo were very hateful towards the Jews event to the point where they would kill the Jews if
they made the tiniest mess. Vladek s obsession with tidiness came from the fear of making the
Gestapo angry and possibly losing his life from it. His obsession with tidiness was instilled in his
mind and stuck with him even after the Holocaust was over. Vladek shows his obsession when Art
would mess up a book or when he spilled ashes, Vladek would order Art to clean up his mess
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What Is The Comparison Of Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies
Fear and religion motivate human behavior in extreme situations. When confronted with catastrophic
situations, we often wonder if bravery is dissimilar to cowardice. In Lord of the Flies a group of boys
are marooned on an island during a war. The book portrays the struggle of Ralph, Jack, and the other
boys to survive alone when law, order, and civilization are removed. The Mist tells of a group of locals
stranded in a supermarket while deadly otherworldly creature roam the world. David Drayton initially
leads the civilians, but Mrs. Carmody, a mentally unstable religious woman, soon attracts a following,
acting contrary to the rules of civilization Mr. Drayton tries to maintain. [Although William Golding s
Lord of the Flies and the film adaptation of Stephen King s The Mist both portray human nature as
fundamentally evil, fear and religion in each story affect and motivate the characters differently and
combine to result in strikingly different resolutions.]
Both Lord of the Flies and The Mist define human nature in similar fashions. Golding explains the
darkness of man s heart through his characters descent into savagery (184). As the rules Ralph and
Piggy try to maintain are disregarded, an increasing number of boys soon turn to Jack, and therefore
anarchy, for leadership. In doing so, the boys progressively become more barbaric. Jack s tribe kill
Simon and Piggy and attempt to do so with Ralph. Thus, as the boys attempt to destroy what remains
of civility, their inner
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Summary Of Prokofiev s Harmonic And Key Relations
Prokofiev s Harmonic Idiosyncrasies and Key Relations in the Classical Symphony Prokofiev s
Classical Symphony is, oddly enough, one of his few pieces to garner much theoretical and
musicological interest. However, much of it seems to be misguided at best and more likely missing the
point altogether. This is not to say that everyone is wrong, to the contrary, most folks are not, the
problem is that the theorist and musicologist cannot seem to get on the same page. The enduring
question is not, as most would see it, whether or not the Classical Symphony is in fact classical (or for
that matter, if it is a symphony at all some have stated that it is more of a divertimento) but rather why
it is so infectiously hip and so absolutely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Richard Bass, however, does seem to understand Prokofiev s language, even though he does not write
about the first movement of the Classical Symphony. He describes Prokofiev s language as chromatic
displacement. I describe it the way a jazz musician might, which is sidestepping, but it is really the
same thing. Malcom Brown rails against Prokofiev for his shoe horned return to the tonic in the
second half of the primary theme, yet that is what makes the whole phrase work. That is what made it
Prokofiev s and no one elses. This detour, by half step or whole step is the underlying modus operandi
for much of Prokofiev s melodic ideas. We hear it in Peter and the Wolf, in the 5th symphony Scherzo,
in Mercutio, from Romeo and Juliet, and we hear it in the first twenty seconds of the Classical
Symphony. So with that in mind, I will be analysing Prokofiev s Classical Symphony through the
lense of harmonic variance, and occasionally rhythmic variance, since harmonic weight and
hypermeter are so often entwined. I will discuss, along with the basic formal structure of each
movement, Prokofiev s unique harmonic language as sussed out in the classical style. The opening
bars of the first movement is a Mannheim Rocket, straight out of the classical world of Haydn. This
leads immediately into the first theme, in the key of D major. All is well and good until the first theme
repeats, but this time down a whole step to C major. I bVII is
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  • 8. Consumerism Bruce Dawe Essay Consumerism Bruce Dawe Poetry || 2009 Every society has mythology. In some societies, it s religion. Our religion is consumerism. As we are constantly exposed to mass media and popular culture in our modern society, the insidious nature of consumerism has allowed it to penetrate into every aspect of our lives, dictating our very beliefs, values and wants. Nearly every individual in our society subconsciously conforms to the shallow and superficial mindset that characterises our consumerist culture. This idea is highlighted by the following texts; the poem Enter without so much as knocking by Bruce Dawe, an extract from the sermon The Religion of Consumerism delivered by Peter House, the poem Breakthrough by Bruce Dawe, and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This text clearly shows that consumerism is responsible for many of the decisions we make regarding our life. Bruce Dawe often deals with the issue of consumerism in his poems. Another of his works that underlines how much consumerism affects our lives is his poem Breakthrough . The italicised words at the start of the poem A little girl is reported to have died happily...singing an advertising commercial. show the extent to which consumerism has affected this girl. On her deathbed, instead of turning to a traditional faith or religion, she has instead turned to commercialism and consumerism, highlighting the fact that consumerism has become more relevant and important than traditional religions, especially to the younger generations. In the first stanza the first three lines starting with Full volume up on the celestial choir! serve to cheapen her death and turn it instead into some sort of a production. Full volume up and Stand by for action are examples of advertising jargon used to further emphasise the point that consumerism exploits and demeans even something as serious as death. The frail heart crumples like a paper cup compares something as wonderful and life giving as a human heart to something as cheap and disposable as a paper cup. This serves as a reminder of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Farrelly Brothers Theme 1. Subject/Theme Undoubtedly considered one of the most popular and successful romantic comedies of all time, There s Something about Mary by the Farrelly Brothers, was, for the most part, acclaimed by both critics and audiences. As a romantic comedy, the deepest and most underlying subject/theme of the film has to be love, yet there are so many layers of lesser subjects and themes that collectively contribute to the ultimate theme of love that it s a wonder how it all comes together so effortlessly. The statement that the film makes about the subject of love is that it is both fickle and everlasting at the same time; fickle, because one small injury like the one Ted experienced on the day of his high school prom where his genitals got caught ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While I do not believe there were any standout scenes, aside from the one where Mary s hair was standing up after she applied what she thought was hair gel to it, that does not mean any of the scenes were sub par. Quite the contrary...the scenes were perfect for what the film wanted to accomplish. At the end, because of all these separate elements of the film which came together effortlessly, viewers are able to relate to Ted in a way that directors and producers wanted all along, allowing for maximum emotional effect to take place, which subsequently allows viewers to relate to the film as a whole, guaranteeing the film s ultimate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The P L Of The Month Denny , After reviewing the P L of the month of December 2015 we had some issues in the fallowing categories , see attached excel sheet Bad Debit 1 During the month of December we had a charge back on a customer check for $475 , the check was accepted after the system glitches and the authorization wasn t printed on the back of the check , a simple fix is to always make sure to run the check through the machine and obtain a printed authorization on the back . 2 during the year review we discovered $300 in counterfeit bills that we were charged back for , this is an easy fix as well as Counterfeit Detector Pens should be used all the time on every single large bill before accepting it . 3 During the first month after grand opening we lost $181 in deposit discrepancies $175 of the noted discrepancy was due to issuing POG card without an the proper offset in the POS to offset the cost , this issue was addressed the fallowing month as we became aware of the issue and prepared the gift cards at the beginning of each month and offset the cost in the POS to be coded under sales promotion . Home delivery During the year review for our costs under this category we discoed a $2926 that were spent on home delivery , below is our biggest misses 1 IST transfer due to customer service issues A largo portion of the dollars spent udder this category was utilized to ship product to our store from another location or due to an error when our store ended up paying ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. A Critical Concerns Surrounding The Tallit s Male... When we walk into the sanctuary of any synagogue, the first sights we most likely see are the aron hakodesh, the eternal lamp, and every man in the congregation wearing a tallit, the ritual prayer shawl worn during weekday and Shabbat morning services. Now, we might also see women wearing the tallit, too. In more recent years, women in synagogue have begun to wear the tallit as a movement towards egalitarianism, taking religious practice into their own hands and projecting a personal style to boot. In this paper, we will explore the critical concerns surrounding the tallit s male dominated origins, the move by women to wear the tallit on practical and symbolic levels, and the tallit as a method of personal expression. The Origins of the Tallit Based on the sea of tallitot we observe on men and women s shoulders in synagogue, we might think that the tallit has Biblical roots. Understanding where the tallit, and the commandment to wear it, come from, however, requires both closer analytical and physical examination. The actual commandment is to wear tzitzit, or fringes, on the corners of our garments: Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them throughout their generations fringes in the corners of their garments, and that they put with the fringe of each corner a thread of blue. (Numbers 15:38) This passage, which also appears in the blessings of the Shema, commands the wearing of tzitzit as a reminder to fulfill the mitzvoth and commandments in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Essay Before Breakfast by Eugene O Neill Before Breakfast Before Breakfast is a short gloomy play by Eugene O Neill. Eugene O Neill was born in 1888 in New York City. He is the only American dramatist to ever win the Nobel Prize for literature. Before Breakfast is set in the Greenwich Village section of New York City, in a small one room flat on Christopher Street. The flat consists of a kitchen and dinning area. There are only two characters in this drama. Mrs. Roland who is the only speaking character and her husband Alfred. Alfred s hand is seen once in the play, but not much else. This is symbolic of an absentee husband or a non existent marriage. Although, Alfred is not seen, he contributes a great deal to the conflict. With only Mrs. Rowland on stage, O Neill ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The child, the reason the couple married, born dead. Alfred unable to sell his writings, is depressed. His depression contributes to a self destructive lifestyle, dragging his wife along with him. It was inevitable the marriage would fail. Mrs. Rowland, the protagonist, is portrayed as the stereotypical nagging wife. While a flat character, she is very realistic. Her level of diction implies her lack of education, she is also bitter towards her husband. Her bitterness is not unfounded. Alfred is of no help, Heaven knows I do my part and more going out sewing every day while you play the gentleman and loaf around bar rooms with that good for nothing lot of artists from the Square (Jacobs 1211). Mrs. Rowland s husband is adulterous and can not hold down a job. Mrs. Rowland loves her husband, although she does not like the way he treats her. She exhibited love by continually enabling him, paying the rent, providing food, and cleaning up after him. She regards Alfred s depression as laziness. Not that I ve got any doubts about your being lazy enough to stay in bed forever (Jacobs 1211). After learning Alfred s lover Helen, is pregnant, her frustration and disappointments only intensify. Alfred the antagonist is a flat character, but also very realistic. He is the stereotypical insensitive, substandard husband. Mrs. Rowland thought that Alfred loved her when he didn t let his father buy her off. Alfred was suppose to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Wallaby Research Paper Have you heard of a wallaby, if you did not you want to learn more you came to the right place. I will answer some of the questions you might have such as, diet, habitat, characteristics, and adaption. wallabies have an average life span of 9 years. They are mammals and marsupials, you may think how does that work well they have fur so they are mammals and pouches so they are marsupials. If any mammal has a pouch. Those are just a few things about Wallabies. The wallaby has an average weight of 4 5lbs. wallabies are brown and sometimes white if they are albino. They have tiny tyrannosaurus rex arms. These cute creatures have strong back legs which are used to jump greater distances than alot of other animals. The tallest a wallaby ever got was 6 ft. tall! Alot of times people argue about saying a Wallaby has four legs. Actually a wallaby has two feet and two hands/paws. The explanation for this that a wallaby is not like a monkey, monkeys use their feet for everything when a wallaby is like a human only use hands to eat and bath. These are some adaption facts and characteristics. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The wallaby s natural habitat and it is a forest or shrubland. When a wallaby is looking for a magnificent home, they need to have fruits, seeds, and a main water supply. When a dingo, fox, crocodile, or a snake is looking for a magnificent home they need wallabies, other small rodents or fish, and a main water supply. That what a likes to eat and to live. On the other hand what a wallaby does not like to be eaten ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay about Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy Case Table of contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction to LVMH 4 Challenges 5 SWOT Analysis 7 Company Analysis 8 Porter 5 Forces Model 13 Industry Analysis 14 Alternatives 17 Recommendations 23 Endnotes 27 Executive Summary Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, a luxury goods provider is looking to expand their brand dominance in Asia. In order to expand successfully LVMH must evaluate challenges that may arise and get in the way of their successful expansion. In the Asian market, LVMH must deal with political and cultural uncertainties, the threat of counterfeit products, and the increased cost of products in Asia compared to France. LVMH should use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Japan, the costs of LVMH handbags cost approximately 40% more than in France. This started a growing market to distribute bags from France to Japan for resale at a cheaper price. Arnault believes that the producers of LVMH s goods need to be unrestrained by financial matters in order to produce extremely high quality products. To keep the brand management of highly priced and high quality goods, LVMH needs to expand to the younger new money of the Asian market. The high quality is also a result of the mentality that Made in France is perceived as high western quality. LVMH does not want to lower the labor costs because there would be a similar direction of the quality. Finally, LVMH must protect its brand against counterfeit and dilution. With the recent expansion of the internet and globalization, availability of products has grown to new heights. In order to keep the brand management that LVMH desires, it must tightly control the availability so not to dilute the market and lower the perception of their brand. Also with the increased knowledge and resources of counterfeiting, LVMH needs to keep a grasp on illegal goods. Not only are the goods becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish real from fake, but the channels of distribution of counterfeit products have increased. Europe customs believe that 75% of counterfeit luxury goods originated in China or Hong Kong. Online stores such as EBay also have seen a large amount ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Erp System for Riordan Manufacturing ERP System for Riordan Manufacturing Team A University of Phoenix Riordan Manufacturing is the leading global industry manufacturing company of plastic injection molding. With over 550 employees and their overall annual projected earnings of $46 million dollars, Riordan Manufacturing accredits their success to their focus on sales and marketing to gain additional business and maintain a good relationship with existing clientele. Although the company has been successful thus far, it is always important and essential to continually improve and take the business to the next level in order to stay competitive in today s world. Who doesn t want to be the best at what they do, and especially within the industry they represent? In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once all of the options and methods have been identified, researched and evaluated, the team will have to collectively decide on the best solutions and vendors that will provide the best return on investment. The Vice President of International Operations, Charles Williamson, will be in charge of overseeing the entire project. With the support of the Vice Presidents from each department, Charles Lacy – Sales and Marketing, Bob Havings – Product Support, Mark Neitzel – Operations, and Clyde Cousins – Transportation, Charles and his team will have to carry and delegate responsibilities to other team members within their departments to make this project successful. Of course extensive input from the Chief Information Officer, Maria Trinh and her team will be extremely important, along with the Director of Human Resources, Yvonne McMillan and Chief Legal Council, Lowell Bradford. Once the plan is laid out, each department will be responsible for acknowledging how the changes could cause a negative impact and what could be done to prevent an excessive amount of downtime. Each department should elicit input from their employees to get the broadest range of opinions and ideas. It will then be up to the department lead to collaborate those ideas into a common consensus and present to the team for review. Each goal should be assigned to the respective department and a time line should then ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Social Norms In Research Social norms are people s beliefs about the attitudes and behaviors that are normal, acceptable or even expected in a particular social context. In many situations people s perceptions of these norms will greatly influence their behavior. When people misperceive the norms of their peer group that is, when they inaccurately think an attitude or behavior is more (or less) common than is actually the case they may choose to engage in behaviors that are in sync with those false norms.1 Pluralistic Ignorance is the term that is used in academia to discuss social norms theory and refers to the incorrect belief that one s private attitudes, judgments or behaviors are different from others. With regard to bullying, many youth may falsely believe that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Qualities Of Audrey Hepburn In Funny Face Regarding physical qualities, everybody has their own idiosyncrasies or quirks, things which make them peculiar and yet interesting. These features make us who we are and even if we consider them as flaws, they still make us beautiful somehow. The 1957 film, Funny Face, was actually a tribute to the late Audrey Hepburn s rather unusual, quirky facial features her large nose, thick eyebrows, slightly crooked teeth, being doe eyed which all summed up to her being the epitome of a truly beautiful woman that she was (De La Hoz 6). Audrey Kathleen Ruston Hepburn embodied both essential aspects of inner and outer beauty which does not equate to being flawless. Voted as the Most Beautiful Woman of All Time in 2006 by New Woman magazine, it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To accentuate the hips even more, slit side pockets were present (Payne, 256 257). Subsequently, the 1960 s brought the emergence of miniskirts, which was then a public shock for it was not considered tamed. Minis were pioneered by Mary Quant and made trendy by Andre Courreges (Murray, 112 113). Meanwhile, pants suits for women were popularized in the 70 s. They were first introduced as skinny and tailored, leaving little space for legs. Then they evolved into a flared leg style, with a wide opening at the bottom, or bell bottoms (Payne, 261). Pants appeared in every form imaginable, from divided skirts and culottes to the classic, pleated front tailored pant and the baggy Fred Astaire version. (Murray, 116) In the 1950s, excessively feminine silhouettes were celebrated thus accentuating curves, full bosoms and narrow waists was a prevailing way for women to dress. Nevertheless, with her sphere of influence on women, Audrey Hepburn introduced an alternative to this limited standard of how women through various aspects of dressing and behaving should be (Keogh 1). Some of the popular stars who eventually became sex symbols in the period were Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot and Grace Kelly. Hepburn s physique however, was totally different from these women. She did not have a big bosom or a bottom. She was not curvy. Unlike Audrey Hepburn s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Self Detox Research Paper Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions. Since alcohol is legal for adults, that makes it easy to buy and abuse. When some people realize that their drinking has become a problem, they attempt a self detox solution. Self detox from alcohol poses some serious dangers. What Is Self Detox from Alcohol? Self detox consists of two primary approaches to quitting alcohol: tapering and cold turkey. Tapering involves progressive decreases in your total alcohol intake over time. The idea goes that gradual reduction will minimize withdrawal. Cold turkey involves a complete stop. You give up alcohol completely from one minute to the next. The idea goes that full stop quitting provides a clean psychological break that tapering doesn t. Neither approach offers good odds of success, though ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The long term consequences of that include: Liver disease Cardiovascular problems Kidney failure Depression Nerve damage The Dangers of Cold Turkey The dangers of cold turkey self detox from alcohol are much more severe. In the best case scenario, you can expect a number of nasty physical side effects. Some of the more common ones include diarrhea, headaches, nausea, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, and restlessness. You can also look forward to psychological symptoms. These symptoms can range from anxiety and severe cravings to paranoia and full blown hallucinations. For a serious drinker, things can get worse. You can face delirium tremens or the DTs. Someone in the throes of the DTs can suffer from grand mal seizures. Symptoms of these seizures can include violent thrashing, tongue swallowing, and passing out. You may suffer a stroke or heart attack because of increased blood pressure and a faster heart rate. Intense hallucinations and paranoia can make you lash out violently at other people. Just as a bad, those same hallucinations can make you harm ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Intramuros HUMANITIES 1 (RESEARCH PAPER) HISTORY OF PAINTINGS AND ARTISTS IN THE WORLD ADRIAN M SITCHON PROF. PEREZ 4TH YEAR/BS.HRM/NS (SUBMITTED BY) TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION HISTORY BODY * EASTERN PAINTING * WESTERN PAINTING * 20th CENTURY MODERN * AND CONTEMPORARY DEFINITION OF TERMS * FAMOUS PAINTERS * AND BIOGRAPHY * Paintings of famous painters CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION: Painting can be done in a variety of media. For example, Oils, Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache and Tempera. Paints are made from a pigment, and a binder. Binder is relatively cheap, while pigment is much more expensive. Pigments are a colored powder, made from organic or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The history of Japanese painting is a long history of synthesis and competition between native Japanese aesthetics and adaptation of imported ideas. Korean painting, as an independent form, began around 108 B.C., around the fall of Gojoseon, making it one of the oldest in the world. The artwork of that time period evolved into the various styles that characterized the Three Kingdoms of Korea period, most notably the paintings and frescoes that adorn the tombs of Goguryeo s royalty. During the Three Kingdoms period and through the Goryeo dynasty, Korean painting was characterized primarily by a combination of Korean style landscapes, facial features, Buddhist centered themes, 3 Chinese painting: Further information: History of Chinese art, Tang dynasty art and Ming Dynasty painting
  • 20. Spring Morning in the Han Palace, by Ming era artist Qiu Ying (1494 1552 AD) The earliest surviving examples of Chinese painted artwork date to the Warring States Period (481 221 BC), with paintings on silk or tomb murals on rock, brick, or stone. They were often in simplistic stylized format and in more or less rudimentary geometric patterns. They often depicted mythological creatures, domestic scenes, labor scenes, or palatial scenes filled with officials at court. Artwork during this period and the subsequent Qin Dynasty (221 207 BC) and Han Dynasty (202 BC 220 AD) was made not as a means in and of itself or for higher personal expression; rather artwork was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Functions Of The Principal Multi Agent Relationship... Even if agents mobilize around CVE, implementation still may not occur. After the mobilization stage, agents need to determine what the actual programs will encompass and what service providers will implement these programs. I argue that implementation may fail to occur due to coordination problems that arise within the planning stage based on the way decisions are made. For implementation purposes, the structure of the principal multi agent relationship matters. The implementation of CVE involves a variety of different agents with different self interests. This is problematic for two reasons. First, an agent s self interest may conflict with either the self interests of other agents involved in the process or what is best for the entire community. For government communities, conflicts of interest can create in fighting between agents (Bardach 1998). In both possibilities, conflicts of interest can create coordination problems amongst agents. Second, there is a general lack of knowledge in terms of what works best for CVE and how to implement CVE programming. A lack of information concerning implementation in combination with the number of agents involved in the process can lead to coordination problems amongst agents. Although all agents have a common interest in either reducing the threat of violent extremism or implementing CVE programming, these agents may have different interpretations of how to do so. Agents may disagree not only on the types of programs to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Analysis Of `` Maus `` By Art Spiegelman Walter Anderson once said, Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have life itself. (Anderson, 2015). The graphic novel, Maus, by Art Spiegelman conveys a message similar to that of Fitzgerald s Babylon Revisited. If a man has hope and perseverance he can realize and truly appreciate a second chance. The protagonist in each novel is a man who has faced great diversity, Charlie in Babylon Revisited does so by his own accord while Vladek, in Maus, hid from the Nazi s in Poland during World War II. Charlie made a lot of money in the American Stock Market, moved to Paris, and lived a lavish lifestyle with his wife. They spent money like it was in endless supply. By the time the Stock Market had crashed he lost his marriage and his daughter when they went to live with his sister in law. Vladek and his wife were in Poland when the Nazi s invaded and desperately went from place to place looking for a safe hiding spot. They found out who their friends were and who were not which lead to some desperate times. In both cases the environment around these men, in Babylon Revisited it was the Stock Market Crash and in Maus it was the Nazi s, put them in desperate situations. The protagonist in each novel is a man who has faced great diversity, Charlie in Babylon Revisited does ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Retirement Plan Advisors Stress About Retirement Readiness is Killing Employee Morale Here s How Plan Advisors Can Help By Edward Dressel According to a recent retirement confidence study conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, American workers are stressed about their inability to retire, but few are doing anything about it. For retirement plan advisors, this is an especially vexing problem and, most likely, an urgent call to action. The employers and plan sponsors with whom you work should know that their employees have one burning, yet simple question when it comes to retirement: When can I retire and will I be alright once I do? That nagging concern can significantly impact employee moral and productivity. With retirement planning at a critically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4. Track the Success of the Plan Finally, employers need to know whether their retirement plan is really serving their employees so that they, with the plan advisor s help, can identify how to improve employee participation and retirement outcomes. Make sure to review participation and contributions by demographic groups to determine changes over time. Gather the information employers need to know with confidence whether the employees retirement readiness is improving. Helping people retire with confidence is a calling for many plan advisors. Specialty software programs and proven methodologies are available to help plan advisors be more efficient as business professionals and more effective in their roles as professional counselors and strategic motivators. When employees see how their actions today will positively impact their financial futures, they will worry less and be more productive on the job and that s something that every smart employer will like. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. My Deepest Condolences My deepest condolences, mutters a member of my congregation as she shuffles towards the doorway. Thank you for your condolences, I detachedly respond. I attempt to push my way through a pack of people, so that I might exit the somber stone abbey as quickly as possible. I cannot stand being the object of people s pity for much longer. Their offered condolences just serve as a reminder of my deepened state of sadness. Death is a daily occurrence in our society. Children, spouses, and friends are cruelly ripped from their loved ones by sicknesses and other ailments. But indeed, one never expects or is prepared for the time when they become the recipient of apologies. After finally maneuvering my way outdoors, I plod down the steps of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I remember how my husband, Charles, used to fill up the whole entire seat, and how he used to randomly grasp my hand. A piercing scream leaves my lips; one that must have surely been heard by the coachmen. I allow myself the moment to grieve, to remember, to mourn, and to cry about a life lost. I continue crying until I see a large oak tree, an indicator that we are almost home. Knowing that I need to recollect myself quickly, I wipe away the remaining tears, slap my face a few times, and fluff up my dress. When the carriage begins to vibrate from the gravel, I know that we have entered the long driveway leading up to my home. We reach an abrupt stop when we arrive at the large limestone estate. After a few seconds, the coachmen walks to the door, opens it and helps me out. His eyes never meet my face; he obviously does not want to draw attention to the scene that I just made, but I know that the house will be alive with gossip later in the evening. When my feet reach the rocky ground, I mutter under my breath, Thank you, and immediately march towards the door with the unlikely wish that I might avoid contact with other people. Sure enough, I discover that my two children, both dressed in petticoats and gowns, are patiently playing with their dolls on granite stairs. They look up from their game when they hear the slam of the carriage door and immediately sprint over to greet me. Attempting to guard them from my deep ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Brand Relationship Between Brands And Consumers According to Veloutso Moutinho (2009, p.315) Brand relationship is defined as the continual exchanges between a specified brand and an established customer, where relationship characteristics of love, association, interdependence and loyalty are developed with the brand. However, Keller (2014, p.365) revealed that consumer brand relationships are the quality of relationship between brands and consumers. As a result, there are many influences that formulate consumer brand relationship. Basically, brand loyalty , brand equity and trust Escalas and Bettman, (2005, p. 379) are the underpinning factors that generates brand relationships. Furthermore, this developing customer brand relationship constitutes a sum of long term experiences with the brand where the brand is the entirety of the customers experiences with the brand. However, supplementing the long term customer brand relationship, brand communications is the major catalyst in relation to enticing both customer and seller in the long term relationship, hence attaining a brand emotional connection. This brand relationship does not only lodge an essential position in the mental period of a brand connection, rather it stimulates greater sales due to customer retention, less price Vulnerability, superior customer loyalty and advanced profit margin. In addition, developing brand relationship requires the company to build brand equity Keller (2014, pp. 365), generating value to the brand name through employing perceived ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Debating Gender Inequality In The United States Summary The article discussed the debate between governor Romney and President Obama. The article brought out how both candidates focused on womens labor as a family issue. The sociology aspect of gender discrimination and workplace inequality is emphasized as well. The author states at the latter part of the article that: both candidates need to be better informed on the complex factors that produce workplace inequality (Debating Gender Workplace Inequality). Overview One of the unsettled issues when it comes to gender workplace inequality has to do with education. Women are earning slightly more degrees, yet they must accelerate their educational achievements substantially in order to earn the same pay. Women face limits in education ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This transformation has diversified careers, family life, and gender roles (Work and Family in the 21st Century). Women find it challenging to manage arduous jobs and a busy family life. The conflict between work and family has become a social problem. The combination of roles have created problems as these roles are assumed to be different based on gender. Work and family conflicts has become a social problem. Certain views treat work and family as in competition for a persons time, energy, and attention (Work and Family in the 21st Century). The article also discussed how employers are actively engaged in putting forth the effort to beware of employee s work and family concerns. It also talked about how employer s are also looking into their policies to aide in addressing these issues. These two articles relate well to the main article because it reverts back to the idea about how when it comes to work for women the viewpoint gets shifted back to family responsibilities and how a woman has to balance between her responsibilities to her job and her family, and this continues to have a bearing on workplace ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Role of the British East India Company Essay British East India Company played a significant yet strange part in the Indian. It was, at its inception, a commercial venture in the history of The British Empire, which was established in the year 1600 in the subcontinent. The main reason for entering the subcontinent was trade, making money and importing spices from South Asia. It was the Portuguese who used all their skills and their navigational technology to enter this great area first, and start trade in the most profitable manner they could. East India Company entered as an early and old fashioned venture, and conducted a separate business with their private stockholders. Their approach and their trade lasted for many years until year 1657 (Farrington 5), when they made their base ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Soon after, the British started their own voyages and the first attempt to start trade with China, under the Captain Benjamin Wood, was undertaken in 1596. However, the ship did not reach its destination; instead it was lost without any trace. Forty years later, in 1637, Captain Wendell reached China successfully and tried to open trade negotiations with Chinese locals but he was resisted and sent on his way. His ship was destroyed on his journey back home. Ten years after the Dutch East India Company was expelled from China, English East India Company finally set up a post in Taiwan, in 1672. By the 1700 s this base was shifted to Canton and EIC granted the monopoly of trade until 1833. Despite the many restrictions on trading by the government, the Chinese trade flourished, and in the 18th century, the East India Company traded woollens from Britain and cottons from India in exchange for Chinese tea, silk and porcelain. Out of these, tea became the largest item to be traded by the British (Robins 18 33). However, as the demand for tea increased, the items the British were exchanging for it, like the Indian cottons, were not enough to meet these demands. They started looking for other items to trade instead, to increase their profits, and found opium to be the best deal. The EIC were already growing opium in India, mainly for medicinal purposes, and although opium was banned in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Moon Landing Moon Landing Faked or Real Was July 20th, 1969 at 10:56 p.m. eastern daylight time, the biggest hoax ever pulled? On that day the famous words one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind were uttered by the first man on the moon. Or were they? Most people believe that the United States and no one else has ever landed on the moon. While this may seem hard to believe, a surprising number of people believe that it was all a big hoax. The controversy over whether the United States went to the moon is becoming popular and conspiracy theorists are convincing people not only in the United States, but also all over the world that Americans never landed on the moon. My side of the argument is to propose that we did indeed land on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As time goes on, many more theories will develop but none of them will prove we did not land on the moon. Today people create fake websites dedicated solely to faking and hoaxing the moon landings. No matter how much photo shopping and how much editing, the facts remain. Many people do not understand the boundaries of the atmosphere and they have no clue what it is like to be up in space. In the end, many of the claims come from people simply not understanding the principles of photography and physics. That is fine. We must remember: There is a difference between a skeptic and a denier. A skeptic demands evidence, and accepts it when it is given. Deniers blindly stick to their own beliefs without any evidence and refuse to accept valid evidence when it is presented to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Examples Of Utopia In Invisible Cities Shejuty Guho 13203002 Eng 262 Submitted to :Sumaiya Tasneem Hauqe Date :7/4/2016 The Aspects of Museums and Utopian Study in Calvino s Invisible Cities In Calvino s novel Invisible Cities, the traveler Marco Polo tells Kublai Khan fiction of the various cities of his empire, which the Khan himself will never visit. In this paper I will describe such model from Calvino s novel to explore those aspects of museum experience that are almost invisible to people. Sketching on critical research and state that, museum is no single but a multiplicity of deeply personal and largely invisible utopian spaces. At the end of Invisible Cities, Polo talks of the infernal city, the exact opposite of utopia. Escaping this city is a matter of giving space to things that are not of the inferno to invisible utopias that they might endure. The purpose of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What sets it aside from most literature is the element of fantasy and the use of the above aforementioned values. Reality is understood in varying degrees as part of everyday life. The fantasy, visionary or unexpected is utopian because there is no one to answer to the validity, or possibility of its existence. These cities are quickly established as impossible cities in reader s minds. With discussions and consideration of the five values readers slowly move into a place of imagination. For some readers the cities present an unusual mirror that reflects their own society and existence. For other readers that mirror is more of a crystal ball that helps define a possible future. We may build a design philosophy on these literary concepts because they are couched in terms of modes of communication and communication is usually what the graphic designer is trying to achieve (Jackob 105). These means polo s imaginary vision of museums are now taken as reality in twenty first century and these are the main keys of this era to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Role Of Political Consensus In Pop Culture Political Consensus and Pop Culture of World War II World War II continues to be the most tremendous global war throughout history. This war effected everyone, especially the political beliefs in each country that was involved. In America, the role of pop culture made an impact on the political consensus of Americans in a constructional manner. During World War II, the entertainment industry effectively helped produce a national consensus celebrating the American way of life. Consequently, this patriotism led America s unity to defend their country against Germany, Italy, Japan, and later the Soviet Union s communism. Pop culture provided many opportunities of amusement and influenced Americans viewpoint of themselves and their country. But during 1941, many entertainment industries still had major downfalls due to the war, which puts the role and destiny of pop culture into question. The resources that entertainment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ultimately, the trend of music made a tremendous impact on political consensus. For instance, the role of music made a psychological fighting force, while the government s propaganda office urged the music industry to produce freedom songs with lots of flags waving. Right after Pearl Harbor happened, many writers hurried publishers to publish songs encouraged by the event. But the citizens didn t want war songs; they wanted songs they can relate to, such as songs about home, relationships, family, and fun. Many war songs expressed loneliness, which was a since of annoyance with wartime sacrifice and departure. However, the song White Christmas that was not about the war became a hit in the United States and sort of the anthem for World War II, selling over thirty two million copies. Basically, pop culture did less to evoke martial spirit among citizens than it did to provide a much needed diversion from wartime suffering and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Abraham Lincoln vs the Radical Republicans Essay How did Lincoln s successful attempts to merge clashing personalities within his political cabinet lead to both the abolition of slavery and victory of the Civil War and how did it contrast with the principles of Radical Republicans? Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................3 HISTORICAL CONTEXT................................................................3 LINCOLN: GRADUAL EMANCIPATOR..............................................6 RADICAL REPUBLICANS: SWIFT EMANCIPATORS...........................9 CONCLUSION............................................................................. WORKS CITED.......................................................................... Introduction Abraham Lincoln is known as the President who helped to free the slaves, lead the Union to victory over the confederates in the American Civil War, preserve the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before the Declaration of Independence that we know today was enforced, several revisions to the document were made. One of the causes of these revisions that eventually was absent from the Declaration of Independence was the mention of the abolition of slavery. Politicians of the time period debated this key issue, as politicians differed between whether slavery should continue to exist in the nation. The Declaration promised life, liberty and property to all those who lived in the United States, however politicians knew that plantations and the agriculture business would not thrive without a source of cheap labor. During the late part of the eighteenth century as well as early part of the nineteenth century, the United States drastically grew geographically. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio were all admitted into the union between 1791 1803. However, the rapid geographical growth was largely in part to the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The Louisiana Purchase was a land deal between the United States and France, a deal in which the U.S. acquired 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi. In 1787 slavery was barred in the Northwest Territory however, whether slavery would exist in the states acquired through the Louisiana Purchase had not yet been decided. When Missouri, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Sacrifice In Bruce Springsteen s Song, Nebraska Music is something that is needed in everyday life. It fuels creativity, brings people together, and it even helps people learn. In Bruce Springsteen s song, Nebraska , it tells the story of Charles Starkweather, the most notorious killer in Nebraska. Charles Starkweather symbolizes fear for many people, and will forever haunt not only Nebraska, but the whole world. Lincoln Nebraska seemed like the perfect place to live. It was a quiet town where everybody seemed to know each other, and nobody needed to lock their doors at night. It wasn t until December 1, under the cover of darkness, that everything seemed to change. On that night Charles Starkweather returned to a Lincoln gas station, robbed the attendant for $100.00, and then led him out a few miles where he proceeded to shoot him dead. (Spencer). This robbery and murder was just the start of the gruesome spree that had yet to occur. Almost two months after the killing, with no lead for the case, Starkweather struck again. Caril Ann Fugate was Starkweather s 14 year old girlfriend, and her parent s didn t like that fact, so they often got into fights with the 19 year old man. This time, however, Starkweather ended the fight quickly, killing both Fugate s parents and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was there that they shot and killed industrialist C. Lauer Ward, and stabbed his wife, Clara Ward, and their maid, Lillian Fencl. (Spencer). They then stole the family s Packard and left town. When Starkweather and Fugate realized the police and National Guard were on their trail, they decided they needed a new car for their escape. They reached Douglas, Wyoming and met Merle Collison, an older shoe salesman sleeping in his car along the highway. Starkweather began to shoot him, stopping after another car and police officer pulled up. Starkweather then jumped in the Packard and sped off, pulling over and surrendering after he got shot in the ear. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Theme Of Deception In Othello In the play written by William Shakespeare Iago s attitude toward all the characters of the play is very deceptive and manipulative using them for his own profit. He has the talents to deceive others destroying their lives to better his own. His abilities to twist the truth is a highly useful tool to him. Instead of using these abilities for the greater good, Iago falls down an evil path to become a villain that hurts people and ruins lives. He uses strategies such as deception and manipulation to distract all the people around him from his true motive. Persuasiveness and excellent word choice are his weapons to get the position of lieutenant. Unfortunately for everyone else Iago go exactly what he wants as you can see in Act 3 when Othello says to Iago Now art thou my lieutenant. (3.3.545) This only happened because Iago had set up Cassio to fail by getting him drunk and luring him into fight Montano which ended with Cassio stabbing but not killing him in front of Othello. One of the events after this was when Othello found out that his mother s handkerchief in Cassio s house. This is significant Desdemona tells Othello She says, It is not lost; but what an if it were? (3.4.83) thinking she has left it in the house somewhere as she had it earlier in the day, but Othello knowing this is a lie is finally convinced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To make this conversation even more convincing to Othello Bianca (unplanned) shows up with Desdemona s handkerchief giving it back to Cassio telling him she won t make a copy of it and he needs to give it back to the whore he got it from as seen in the lines There; give it your hobby horse: wheresoever you had it, I ll take out no work on t (4.1.154 155). This really set Othello over the bar. After Cassio and Bianca leave Othello emerges from the bushes he was hiding in saying How shall I murder him, Iago? ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Leadership At Toyota And Starbucks Good to Great Companies: Level 5 Leadership at Toyota and Starbucks Part a In his analysis of companies that are able to achieve greatness, James Collins identifies the role of a Level 5 leader as instrumental in the transformation. Collins identifies this type of leader as an individual who blends extreme personal humility with intense professional will (21). While they are willful and fearless, these leaders are also modest and humble. The leader is less interested in personal glorification and is more interested in the performance of the company. They are intensely driven towards building a successful company that is capable of continuing its success in their absence. In his analysis of companies, he identified that all good companies that became great had Level 5 leaders at the help when they transformed. The leaders are interested in building up their successors such that the company continues on a successful path. This is in contrast with leaders who are interested in the short term success of a company during their tenure. Level 5 leaders are not concerned with their own reputation for personal greatness (Collins 26). Rather, they are willing to share credit for their success with colleagues and successors. Under egocentric leaders, Collins noted that companies would achieve particularly strong growth but they would fall apart immediately after the leader s exit. However, Level 5 leaders seek to obtain consistent results by finding the best people and creating a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Biological Compounds Of Marine Organisms Essay Biologically active compounds found in marine organisms have been extremely useful when combating again human immunodeficiency virus. One compound in particular which is found in sponges, Papuamide A, has been reported to have cytoprotective activity against HIV 1 in vitro. There are many other representatives that can be found in the same class as Papuamide A; however, due to the slight change in their structure, the way they effect HIV is different. Papuamide A exhibits a potent inhibitory effect on the infection of T Lymphoblastoid cells by HIV and has been able to combat against drug resistant HIV strains. Introduction. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV 1) has infected over 33.2 million people world wide to date [9]. There is a plethora of new and upcoming drugs that are being used to combat against human immunodeficiency virus. Although effective, the drugs that are being used to combat against HIV 1 have also been known to cause resistance, adverse effects and toxicity to the mitochondria [3]. HIV 1 is a retrovirus that belongs to a subfamily of retroviruses called lentiviruses [8]. HIV 1 causes a slow depletion of the immune system and is considered a slow degenerative disease. New drugs that combat against HIV 1 entering into different cells has raised interest due to the fact that these new drugs are able to work against drug resistant viruses that can infect the cell. Glycoprotein 120 (gp 120) is necessary for virus entry into human cells. Gp 120 has a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Life In Dickens Great Expectations, By Charles Dickens Sezin Erciyas 21502064 SOC 101 6 Özlem Sefer Great Expectations is a novel written by Charles Dickens. This novel is about a boy named Pip and his life. He lives with his abusive sister and kind brother in law. The novel is happening in Kent and London in the early to mid 1800s, and contains some of Dickens most memorable scenes, including the opening. Great Expectations includes extreme imagery, poverty such as prison chains, and fights to the death, and has a different ranged characters who have been in popular culture. All of the characters have different social status either and it can be interpret with some social theories. The main character Pip been through lots of things and they affected him, his chacater, his life and his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When he spend more time with Mrs Hamington and learned his life style, he was more clear about how to act and how to be a gentilmen. Eventhough in his home, his sister and Joe was rude and uneducated, Pip was not like that when he was socializing through his life. It can be argued that this situation can be explained by secondary socialization. Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is the appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society. Basically, it is the behaviors intensified by society. Secondary socialization occurs outside the home. It is where children and adults learn how to act in a way that is appropriate for the situations they are in as Pip learned in Mrs. Hamington s house. After he got out of the home, he stil was thinging that it is a must for a man to be a educated and gentle. His primary socialization which refers to learning acting appropriate from parents does not affect him that much. Also in this novel we can see that all the events happen at the Victorian England times. Thats why the relationships between people in the village is according to classes. The classes are ranging from criminals, Magwitch, to the poor peasants of the country, Joe and Biddy, to the middle class, Pumblechook, to the very rich, Miss Havisham. They treat each other according to their income level. It is not an regular thing to talk with an wealthy upper ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. A P Case Study on Addisons Disease Essay Unit 1 Case Study Addison s disease is from a result from damage to the adrenal cortex. These two adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys, where they are enclosed in a fibrous capsule and a cushion of fat. . The have an outer portion, called the cortex, which is a glandular tissue derived from embryonic mesoderm. The inner portion called the medulla, which is more like a knot of nervous tissue than a gland and it is part of the sympathetic nervous system. The adrenal cortex synthesizes over two dozen steroid hormones called corticosteroids. The Adrenal medulla is part of the autonomic nervous system. They are often referred to as the suprarenal glands. That damage causes the cortex to produce ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Treatment with replacement corticosteroids will control the symptoms of this disease, and this usually will require the patient to take these drugs for life. It is receive a combination of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. The provider may increase the dose in times of infection, injury and stress. With adrenal crisis patients will need an immediate injection of hydrocortisone, either IM, or IV. If the blood pressure is extreme low IV fluids will be helpful. Complications can occur if you take too much or not enough of the adrenal hormone supplement. This complications can arise due to related illnesses such as diabetes, chronic thyroiditis, hypoparathyroidsim, ovarian hypofunction or testicular failure, thyrotoxicosis and
  • 38. pernicious anemia. Low sodium with Addison s should be carefully corrected, if done to quickly it can lead to brain damage, this is noted in a 2004 article in American family Physician they require immediate but slow administration of saline, which is basically salt water, composed of sodium chloride in water. They list a second step which then be finding the underlying cause. Primary adrenocortical insufficiency is not a common disorder. It s incidence in western populations are near 50 cases per 1,000, 000. However with the widespread corticosteroid use secondary adrenocortical insufficiency due to steroid withdrawal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. How Expropriation of Farmland Happened in Tibet s Amdo... In 12th July, 2013, there are appeared expropriations of farmland in Tibet s Amdo Province. According to Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), China appropriates Tibetan farmlands in the name of hydropower projects. What is expropriation? The process of expropriation occurs when a public agency (for example, the provincial government and its agencies, regional districts, municipalities, school boards and utilities) takes private property for a purpose deemed to be in the public interest . In this case, the farmland in Tibetan province of Amdo be chosen for a purpose deemed to be in the public interest. According to the Land Administration Law, the village collective owns the land which has the right to use it. But the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand, Plateau continued intense seismic activity, if the earthquake caused the collapse of the dam, it could have disastrous to the downstream neighbors. When the government wanted to expropriate the farmland for hydropower project, the local people do not believe it. They thought that the government tried to expropriate the land and then sell it to commercial users for a fee. Also, they thought the local government wanted to lower the compensation to farmers so as to gain greater profits when selling the land to the commercial users. In fact, local accounts reported that local Tibetans are facing enormous challenges in freely expressing their grievances. They truly believe that if they told their opinion to the public, the government will revenge. Farmlands are the way for people to earn money by selling different kinds of crops. When people loss their farmlands, it means they cannot earn money from farming. Their education level is not high and some of them without any education, they feel hard to find another job. In case, loss of farmland which means loss of employment of farmers. Other than farming, they can only find alternative employment in the low skilled sector. If the Chinese government did not lower the compensation, they may have enough money to find a place to live. But the calculation of the amount of compensation is based on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Trail Of Tears And Indian Removal Act Melina West Fishburn 4th Period Arkansas History November 6, 2017 Trail of Tears and Indian Removal Act The Trail of Tears was the name that the Native Americans gave the journey where they were forced out of their homes. During the early 19th century, the United States expanded territory southward. The southern states were home to many Native Americans. This started controversy with the white settlers. From this controversy sprouted the Indian Removal Act, which forced the Native Americans leave their homes and go on a long journey. The Cherokee people called this journey the Trail of Tears, because of its devastating effects , (PBS). The Trail of Tears was a significant removal of native Americans, however it was not the only one. As early as 1492 Indians were being forced out of their homes. When European settlers arrived they often forced Indian village away, seeking treasure. This started with Christopher Columbus. The Trail of Tears was a very suggestive event because of the amount of indians that were forced out of the southern states. Due to the Indian Removal Act, 70,000 Native Americans were forced into Oklahoma. According to PBS, The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The president that was in office during the Indian Removal Act was President Andrew Jackson. Before serving in the White House, Jackson was an army general. After demanding both political and military action on removing Native American Indians from the southern states of America in 1829, President Andrew Jackson signed this into law on May 28, 1830 , (HistoryNet). Americans thought that the Native Americans were uncivilized. The United States began expanding their land into further into the south. The land was expanded into Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, and North Carolina. The problem was that the land was home to five different Native American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Lateral Epicondylitis Research Paper Introduction Epicondylitis is one of the most common pathology of both athletes and non athletes.(4) The prevalence of this condition varies from 1% 3% in the general population and peaks at 23% among workers. The lateral epicondyle , a pyramidal bony prominence where the anconeus , extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) ,extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) and extensor digitorum communis (EDC) meets.(5) There is evidence that epicondylitis and forceful work tasks of the upper extremity , a combination of either forceful or repetitive activities with an extreme nonneutral posture of hand and arm can be associated with lateral epicondylitis. (3) Lateral epicondylitis (LE) , also commonly referred to as tennis elbow , occurs most frequently ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There has been a growing number of positive feedback following ART intervention being reported. However , most include a multi modal treatment approach. Conclusion Lateral epicondylitis is a primary ailment , occurring more frequently amongst active athletes and adults of the working class. Patients afflicted with lateral epicondylitis will typically experience pain at the origin of extensor muscle , pain when resistance is applied against wrist extension and tenderness upon palpation at the lateral humeral epicondyle.(5) Therefore , diagnosis is usually fairly straightforward and classified as a stress overload response.(4) Successful treatment is defined as measures to alleviate pain and stress surrounding the targeted area. Active release technique has shown great promise in treating lateral epicondylitis. The approach to the condition has been lauded by several cases where the patient experienced the most improvement in the condition. The application of ART in treating this condition definitely warrants further research to investigate its potential ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Purgatory Beliefs Purgatory is defined as a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are correcting their sins before going to heaven . When we die, we go through a judgement for our actions we made when we were on Earth. What many people don t know is that everyone goes to purgatory is doesn t really matter who you were on Earth as a person. Purgatory is meant to purify the soul before the soul makes its way into heaven. Catholics are taught to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Penance and believe that God will forgive them, but they have to be truly sorrowful for their sins and actions for the sacrament to really affect you. Catholics aren t taught that purgatory as a place of torment and pain. Catholicism also teaches that the souls that end up in purgatory want to actually be there in the first place. It s a place to achieve heaven for the one s that were too late to confess their sins during the time on Earth. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... God will forgive anyone if you re one of the worst offenders, law breakers, or sinners in general. Since we are his children in the sense of religion, God truly knows our guilt when we do commit these sins. Even a verse in scripture from Romans 3: 23 24 tells us about how the sinners are even brought to justice by God himself. It states for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (The Bible). The idea of Mercy helps give us the opportunity to achieve Heaven is giving the idea that once we die, our souls won t go to hell immediately. Depending on the sin that was committed if there was sorrow after the action, then it will be taken into consideration by God and he ll hopefully allow the soul to pass through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Public Policy Paper Healthcare Vs Medical Tourism Essay Public Policy Paper Healthcare VS Medical Tourism Melodie Dominique Palm Beach Atlantic University GBUS 2813 01 American Free Enterprise Professor Tom Miller October 16, 2016 PUBLIC POLICY PAPER 2 America is portrayed throughout the globe as the land of opportunity and the home of the free. With all that the U.S. has to offer, it is unethical to see how the health care system has failed and is continuing to fail countless Americans. We constantly hear the stories of citizens who have benefited from their insurance, gone through challenges with insurers, or can not be insured based on their pre existing medical history. With companies such as Microsoft, employees do not pay a dime out of pocket for any of their medical needs and their families needs regardless of the cost. Also under these broad organization insurances, employees with pre existing health conditions can not be turned away. As for all other American citizens who work in small businesses, the insurance offered to them comes at a high coverage cost with an even higher deductible or co pays and coverage limits. I ve been working for a local government agency going on ten years now; one may assume that, holding a local government position would be a job with generous insurance benefits. In a Sun Sentinel News article titled Mandatory Healthcare: What the Supreme Court ruling means for Floridians, Journalist William E. Gibson states, You can remain on your current policy and cannot be dropped ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Iot Essay CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. INTRODUCTION TO SMART LIGHTING INNOVATION  Everyday people expect new device and technology to simplify their day to day life. Lighting devices are operated by the mechanical switches. In this system necessary operator is physically present to operator the switches and operate cannot control the switches from any other places.  So to overcome this type of problem we can design IoT technology based system for lighting appliances which can be control from any remote places though web based graphical user interface.  This system is a means that allow users to control electric appliances of varying kind. The goal of this project is to operate home appliances smartly through a web server using IoT. IoT is the network of things or physical objects which includes electronics, software, sensors, actuators and network connectivity. All these things collect and transfer data between themselves. People have more knowledge about these technologies and are more comfortable with its use.  We have two blocks in our system. Transmitter block client and Receiver block user respectively.  In the transmitter block, the client is check and control appliances like bulb. Microcontroller is control the appliances with Feedback unit. Client is operating different lights a different mode like morning, evening and night.  In the receiver block, server is connected to Wi Fi and receives the signal. As well as perform to the received signal with return feedback. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Cannabinoids Advantages And Disadvantages nausea, limb pain and hair loss. Flushing and gastrointestinal problems are the most common side effects of dimethyl fumarate. Alternative treatments Many patients with MS may seek help and relief of their symptoms in the so called alternative medicine. Over 50% of people with MS may use complementary and alternative medicine, since there is not yet found a proved treatment for this chronic disease. There are multiple trials which examine the effectiveness of these treatments and deserve our attention. Examining the characteristics of users, these are more frequently women, tend to be more disabled, have had MS for a longer time, presenting lower levels of satisfaction with conventional healthcare. Some of these alternative therapies include: dietary supplementation, vitamin D, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, relaxation techniques (yoga), herbal medicine (including medical cannabis), and self infection with hookworms, acupuncture and reflexology. Cannabis and Cannabinoids Cannabinoids ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The endocanabinoids which are produced naturally in the body, the phytocannabinoids which are found in cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids which are manufactured artificially, are the ligands for these receptor proteins. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a phytocannabinoid, is the primary psychoactive compound of cannabis, and cannabidiol (CBD) is another major constituent of the plant. Concerning the phytocannabinoids, there are more than 80 different cannabinoids isolated from cannabis that have different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Grimm Brothers Literary Analysis From 1812 to 1857, the Grimm Brothers collected and shared stories that continue to be told to this day. Middle class women that were recognized for their storytelling abilities would visit the Grimm brothers, who would then transcribe the women s stories (Thury, Eva M., and Margaret Klopfle Devinney 578) that were then edited and published. The different stories the brothers collected ranged from fairy tales, horror stories, tall tales and comical accounts (578). Foreign rule created a strong desire within the countrymen to recall their Germanic roots to figure their cultural worth (578). This enhanced the Grimm brother s purpose of sharing these stories to preserve living artifacts from ancient times. It was believed that preserving native ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When his father, Mufasa, is killed in a wildebeest stampede, he is faced with the guilt he feels for causing the stampede and goaded by his uncle Scar to run away. Scar then sends his hyenas to hunt down and kill Simba. This begins one of the many trials Simba must face throughout his hero s journey. These hyenas are the same hyenas that Mufasa saved Simba from; so now Simba is alone, afraid, and unwilling to fight. Finally Simba escapes into the heat and despair of the desert. When Simba gives up, he is saved by the comedic duo Timon and Pumba. Timon and Pumba take in Simba, teaching him their way of life. This way of life revolves mainly around the phrase Hakuna Matata , which means to forget the troubled past and live in the present. Simba grows up with Timon and Pumba, hiding his past and pulling himself away from Pride Rock completely. This seems to work in our hero s favor until a blast from his past side swipes the rug right out from under Simba. Nala, who was desperately scavenging for food, runs into Simba and almost immediately brings every memory back that Simba worked so hard to forget. Nala tells Simba that Scar and his hyenas have taken over Pride Rock, that all the animals have left, and all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Inca Narrative Our next step was to walk half a mile up a set of worn out and weathered stairs, this was very tiring and I almost tripped a couple of times. Looking to my right and I saw large number of large mountains that were densely covered with jungle vegetation. I looked down and noticed the clouds below me. Our altitude was very high because I noticed the air getting colder. We finally reached the top of the mountain. Our guide showed us around the ruins. Walking around, I saw the unique arch architecture of the doorways. There was a carving of an eagle on a circular stone on the ground. I wondered how the Incas could have carved the stones perfectly to sit on top of each other without cement. Some were stacked up to 10 feet high. There were some Incan ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our guide pointed to an ancient rock that was said to clear the mind of whoever touched it. Immediately I went to it and set both hands on the rock. My nausea went away and I felt well again. All the tired feeling I had also gone from me. I could feel energy spring in my body. I felt like I wanted to run a mile! Our tour continued as our guide showed us to a large, flat field where the Incas did their celebrations and rituals. There were llamas grazing on the field. One llama walked up to me and sniffed me. The llama was brown with black legs. I looked into the llama s face and it looked like it was smiling! From there, I walked to the edge of the mountain and looked down. There was a steep cliff with only jungle vegetation at the bottom. At the bottom there was a little river with a rope bridge to cross it. The rope bridge was 100 feet from the ground and didn t look very sturdy. I wouldn t cross that, I mumbled. I walked down the Inca Temple and out the Incan houses glancing up one last time at the remains of the mighty city. I thought of what used to be up there and how glorious it was. Turning I saw a native Incan ancestor herding a llama herding a down a path. As I walked into the bus, I imagined how great this race of people was. There skills and talents made them the richest people in that continent. I hoped that my country would use their talents to help innovate the future and make this world a better ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Personal Narrative-Destructiveness In An Athletic Team Before the run, we walked. We gathered in our teams, lined up in neat columns on the one hundred meter start, and stared down the distance between ourselves and the starting line. Every runner was shaking out his limbs, getting the blood flowing, the already tense muscles ready to explode at the crack of the starting gun or the passing of the baton. The sun s cruel glare beat down on my team s black jerseys; the sweat wicking material wasn t helping much today. Everyone tried to amplify that nervous energy that runs through every bulging artery, every electrified synapse, and transform it into unbridled power. The intensity in the air was palpable. This was the four by eight hundred meter relay: in teams of four, we would run two lightning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Come on OP!! He screamed at me, pinwheeling his arm in a circle in the corner of my eye. The Rockford Runner was still there, but pain was piling on by the second. Agony found its way into my legs, bursting through, climbing up the pulsing muscles and tendons like ivy. Ragged breaths forced themselves from my slack jawed mouth. The hot sun still beat down overhead, indifferent to my suffering. I could still hear Coach as we blasted down the straightaway. He yelled at me not to give up, to resist the breakdown of my stride, not to let go. 200 meters. At this point the crowd was screaming at us, the first two runners. Spittle was flying unabated from my mouth with each new gasping breath. My face had gone slack there was no energy left to make facial expressions. The pain was almost too much to bear. I began to lose him he transferred into his final kick (an all out sprint for the finish) and so did I, but I feared I was too spent from the first lap. Rockford is just too good ricocheted through my mind, emerging from the clouds of pain. The crowd in the stadium stood up and cheered as we rounded the bend, seemingly on another planet. There is a point in every race where one hits a wall and I had slammed into mine. It now felt as if I was figuratively, along with literally, dying. I kept up the pressure but my legs began to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Vladek Maus Changes The character Vladek in Art Spiegelman s Maus greatly changed throughout the book. Events due to the Holocaust shaped Vladek into the person he is at the end of the book. The Holocaust caused Vladek to become extremely frugal, to have an obsession with tidiness, and to not be able to trust anyone. Vladek became extremely frugal from living through the Holocaust. In the beginning he was poor and couldn t buy extravagant things. The event that led him to become so frugal was when Art s store was robbed. All of Vladek s possessions were taken from him. He was scarred from that situation because his family had to starve between meals. They had to live off of rations and food coupons and Vladek could not help his family. His family suffering like that had a serious effect on Vladek. It shows how frugal Vladek is when Mala makes a lot of comments about how Vladek has a lot of money saved up but never spends any of it, like not buying her a comb. The author also shows how frugal Vladek is when he refuses to spend money on necessary items. When he is an older man he becomes pretty wealthy but due to the Holocaust his mind is greatly impacted by it leaving him in the mindset of being frugal. Another example of Vladek s frugality is when Vladek tries to return half eaten boxes of cereal. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Gestapo were very hateful towards the Jews event to the point where they would kill the Jews if they made the tiniest mess. Vladek s obsession with tidiness came from the fear of making the Gestapo angry and possibly losing his life from it. His obsession with tidiness was instilled in his mind and stuck with him even after the Holocaust was over. Vladek shows his obsession when Art would mess up a book or when he spilled ashes, Vladek would order Art to clean up his mess ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. What Is The Comparison Of Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies Fear and religion motivate human behavior in extreme situations. When confronted with catastrophic situations, we often wonder if bravery is dissimilar to cowardice. In Lord of the Flies a group of boys are marooned on an island during a war. The book portrays the struggle of Ralph, Jack, and the other boys to survive alone when law, order, and civilization are removed. The Mist tells of a group of locals stranded in a supermarket while deadly otherworldly creature roam the world. David Drayton initially leads the civilians, but Mrs. Carmody, a mentally unstable religious woman, soon attracts a following, acting contrary to the rules of civilization Mr. Drayton tries to maintain. [Although William Golding s Lord of the Flies and the film adaptation of Stephen King s The Mist both portray human nature as fundamentally evil, fear and religion in each story affect and motivate the characters differently and combine to result in strikingly different resolutions.] Both Lord of the Flies and The Mist define human nature in similar fashions. Golding explains the darkness of man s heart through his characters descent into savagery (184). As the rules Ralph and Piggy try to maintain are disregarded, an increasing number of boys soon turn to Jack, and therefore anarchy, for leadership. In doing so, the boys progressively become more barbaric. Jack s tribe kill Simon and Piggy and attempt to do so with Ralph. Thus, as the boys attempt to destroy what remains of civility, their inner ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Summary Of Prokofiev s Harmonic And Key Relations Prokofiev s Harmonic Idiosyncrasies and Key Relations in the Classical Symphony Prokofiev s Classical Symphony is, oddly enough, one of his few pieces to garner much theoretical and musicological interest. However, much of it seems to be misguided at best and more likely missing the point altogether. This is not to say that everyone is wrong, to the contrary, most folks are not, the problem is that the theorist and musicologist cannot seem to get on the same page. The enduring question is not, as most would see it, whether or not the Classical Symphony is in fact classical (or for that matter, if it is a symphony at all some have stated that it is more of a divertimento) but rather why it is so infectiously hip and so absolutely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Richard Bass, however, does seem to understand Prokofiev s language, even though he does not write about the first movement of the Classical Symphony. He describes Prokofiev s language as chromatic displacement. I describe it the way a jazz musician might, which is sidestepping, but it is really the same thing. Malcom Brown rails against Prokofiev for his shoe horned return to the tonic in the second half of the primary theme, yet that is what makes the whole phrase work. That is what made it Prokofiev s and no one elses. This detour, by half step or whole step is the underlying modus operandi for much of Prokofiev s melodic ideas. We hear it in Peter and the Wolf, in the 5th symphony Scherzo, in Mercutio, from Romeo and Juliet, and we hear it in the first twenty seconds of the Classical Symphony. So with that in mind, I will be analysing Prokofiev s Classical Symphony through the lense of harmonic variance, and occasionally rhythmic variance, since harmonic weight and hypermeter are so often entwined. I will discuss, along with the basic formal structure of each movement, Prokofiev s unique harmonic language as sussed out in the classical style. The opening bars of the first movement is a Mannheim Rocket, straight out of the classical world of Haydn. This leads immediately into the first theme, in the key of D major. All is well and good until the first theme repeats, but this time down a whole step to C major. I bVII is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...