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004 Essay Example Write An
Academic ~ Thatsnotus
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004 Essay Example Write An Academic ~ Thatsnotus 004 Essay Example Write An Academic ~ Thatsnotus
The Cause And Effects Of Domestic Terrorism In The United...
Second, in the last year, many attacks have happened at public venues in America. Many public places
like arenas and stadiums make security sometimes the least priority. The United States is a highly
populated country may contribute to the high amount of attacks that have and could happen. A more
populous nation will have more domestic assaults because they are inhabited by more heterogeneous
groups than smaller countries. The vast amount of the population of these groups in countries leads to
discrimination which causes a higher amount of domestic terrorism than less populated countries
(Ghatak, pg. 71). This quote explains that with a higher population of different race groups experience
more racism towards them, and these racist things have a cause and effect in which it causes the
groups to go against the country and act out with hate and violence towards the country they inhabit.
The security guards checking do not work their hardest to monitor people. Plus, the ways of checking
civilians are flawed as well, and many do not check enough. For example, whenever people go to a
concert and go through the scanners, have people ever experienced someone putting a pocket knife in
a shoe and it does not beep? Do public places like hotels and restaurants need to start searching
costumers? For example, the Las Vegas shooting at the Country Music Festival. A man checked into a
nice hotel and casino in Vegas and had a bag filled with many deadly machine guns and loaded ammo.
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Trader Joe s Essay examples
The Organizational Behavior that makes Trader Joe s Unique
August 29, 2013
BEHAVIOR OF ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Interaction with customers about products are also of high value. As one employee stated, Our
customers don t just come here to buy a loaf of bread. They can do that anywhere. They come to try
new things. They come to see a friendly face. They come because they know our names and we know
theirs. But most of all, they come because we can tell them why not all Alaskan salmon has to come
from Alaska or the difference between a Shiraz and a Syrah. The flow of ideas and information at the
store level is always invigorating . (p. W 100) When you create a culture of enthusiasm along with
social interaction and higher pay, almost always the result is an increase job performance and higher
satisfaction amongst employees. In what ways does Trader Joe s demonstrate the importance of each
responsibility in the management process planning, organizing, leading and controlling? They have
created their own University for future leaders. By controlling who they promote, only within the
company, and planning room for advancement from the day you become an employee shows the value
they take in their staff. For example, imagine you start as a cashier and it s your first day on the job. It
can bring great comfort knowing that your manager started in exactly the same role. Not only provides
management with the ability to relate to their employees but also the employees to look to the
manager s leadership and mentoring for success. Trader Joe s shows the
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Air Disaster- Creative Writing Essay
Air Disaster Creative Writing
The sight that greeted my eyes was haunting. There were dead bodies as far as the eye could see, but
somehow nobody had a scratch on them. The plane was in pieces, scattered all around. As the waves
rolled up the beach, more and more bodies were revealed. The sun was burning high in the sky and
everyone was beginning to tire out. The cliffs towered down on us; the sand burnt our feet as we trod
carefully between the corpses. It was a shock; we hadn t expected to find anything there, but it
appeared that almost everyone who had been on the plane was lying here, on the beach, with us. It was
a very strange sight, seeing all these people dead, but somehow not hurt, at ... Show more content on
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You have to get help! I yelled into the phone.
Rob, what s wrong? he replied.
You ve heard about the plane crash?
Of course. Who hasn t?
Well, I came down here to get a story, but everyone else left ages ago. I found a girl, she s getting
crushed beneath a bit of the plane. I don t know what to do; I can t get her out by myself. Can you get
help, please?
Okay, first of all Rob, you need to calm down. You panicking is not going to speed things up at all. I
will try and get help as soon as possible. How on earth did you get down there? The cliff is much to
steep to drive down.
Um, I walked, along with everyone else. Is that a problem?
Yes. We need to get help down there, and fast. I will call an air ambulance and get them to fly in. Is
there any space for a helicopter to land?
Not really. The beach is scattered with bodies, there s not really any space. Can t we lift her body out?
We might be able to. I will get help as soon as possible. Wait there, keep talking to her and make sure
she s not unconscious.
Okay, but be quick!
I will. Goodbye. I hung up. I really didn t want to have this girl s death on my hands, so I did what
Tom had said. I kept talking to her. I asked her what her name was, where she lived, how old she was,
what she was doing on the plane. She was called Anna, 14, and she was visiting her grandparents for
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Similarities Between The Truman Show And Animal Farm
The Truman Show and Animal Farm Essay
What makes a good life for individuals and what constitutes the perfect utopian society? These are
important questions for all humans living in the modern world and the answers to these questions
radically affect the way that we view how power should be used. In George Orwell s novel Animal
Farm, we see that once the animals gain power over the farm they have the good life and live in a
perfect society. In the Truman Show, directed by Peter Weir, we see that Truman doesn t know that
Christof is controlling his life and he is always working towards living what he thinks is the good life.
The good life is determined by having everything perfect. This then affects what the perfect society
would look like because if everyone didn t have very much and wasn t treated equally the world
would be a horrible place. People in power try to create perfect societies so people can live the good
Power and control is the ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events.
In The Truman Show, Peter Weir demonstrates that power is corrupt and is a recipe for disaster. For
example Christof stages a storm that supposedly kills Truman s father, making Truman afraid of water
to stop him from leaving Seahaven Island. Mostly brilliant! Truman s been terrified of the water ever
since. Likewise, in Animal Farm, George Orwell exemplifies that anyone can have power and when
they have power they will use it to hurt others. For instance when Snowball suggests the windmill,
Napoleon gets the dogs to chase Snowball away. In Snowball s absence, Napoleon declares himself
the leader. Napoleon is always right. (Page 48) From then on the Pigs would run the farm. They took
the ability to eat whatever and not have any rules away from the other animals. Both Weir and Orwell
suggest that with power and control someone can overpower everyone else.
The ability for an individual to live a good life is dependent upon the degree of freedom that they have
to choose their own future. In The Truman Show, Peter Weir suggests that without freedom one cannot
be truly happy. Despite having everything, Truman s life in Seahaven is never truly complete. When
Truman sits on the beach in
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Copyright Infringement Is The Unmistakable Reproduction Of...
Copyright infringement is the unmistakable reproduction of someone else s intellectual property. To
combat this issue, governments have passed many laws pertaining to the issue of online copyright and
piracy, though, these laws have not stopped people from committing online internet crimes. However,
those who commit copyright infringement online rarely know that they are committing a computer
crime because of how easy technology has made it to reproduce someone else s content. The
consequence of committing copyright infringement can vary from minuscule to drastic, typically
depending on how the two parties react. Regarding consequences, the ramifications that copyright, the
creator of the content to lose revenue and reputation; but they can gain popularity. Organizations
establish copyright rights over their intellectual property because companies are trying to protect and
prevent the reproduction of their creation or content. On the other hand, there are many creators that
do not know how to protect their property properly using copyright. This leads to the exploitation of
their content because they are unprotected by copyright laws. In order to protect a creator s content,
the creator must apply for copyright protection, which lasts for a limited period of time. Dan Burk, in
Copyright , explains a basic definition of copyright: a legal framework that protects some forms of
intellectual property. (Burk) Without copyright policies, a creator s property would not be
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The Evolution Of The NET Framework
Digital technology is constantly evolving and the craving by consumers and developers alike for
modernity in this realm is skyrocketing. In this regard, the rapid growth and evolution of modern
technologies for web development has permitted the creators of content to achieve a level
unimaginable. An example of this is the evolution of the .NET framework, which is the environment
utilized by ASP.NET for the development process. The rapid evolution of the .NET framework is a
principal cause in the achievement of contemporary native and web applications. Now, the inquisition
of what s next for the .NET environment brings us back to the craving consumers and developers
possess. How have these recent updates increased productivity and how can ... Show more content on
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The main thesis of the article is the attempt to entice the community of native and web development in
a form of increasing the attention or alter the unfavorable views associated to the use of .NET. A sense
of excitement and optimism due to the innovations of .NET and the potential these recent innovations
offer the technologies attached to the framework are perpetuated throughout the entirety of the article.
An example of this is stated by Richard Lander, he tries to show how Microsoft is trying to be
inclusive by introducing Visual Studio to Mac computers in 2016. However as previously mentioned,
the article does not necessarily focus on the opinion of a single author but rather acts as a public forum
for professionals. Although the evolution of .NET is highly acclaimed in the article, the high praise of
Microsoft s developmental framework may be accompanied with biased attached to it. Amongst the
panel are two program managers for Microsoft s .NET team and a Microsoft engineer. However, the
panel also includes a GitHub engineer thus bringing some neutrality to the panel. The form the
information was presented to the reader was structured in manner that will likely benefit the .NET
framework, commencing with the changes, benefits, and solutions to convert to this technology.
Multiple inquisitions were made to the panel of experts, ranging from their views on the evolution of
.NET to the obstacles ahead for the .NET framework. The first
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A Hart And Ronald Dworkin s Theory Of Law
This paper will examine both H.L.A Hart and Ronald Dworkin s position in the theories of law and
will try to determine who has won the famous debate between the two. Having considered both sides
of the argument, I would have to say that Ronald Dworkin s argument was better than H.L.A Hart s
argument. In applying both Dworkin and Hart s theories of law, they come to very different
conclusions in regards to the case of Riggs v. Palmer. According to Dworkin s theory of law, judges do
not solely focus only on the rules, instead, they focus on seeking right answers. Dworkin has many
problems and disagreements with Hart s theory, one in particular is relating to what Dworkin labels
principles and policies . Dworkin defines a principle as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Primary rules have an internal aspect to them, in which individuals have a relationship to the rules and
regard them as grounds to criticize those who violate them, making primary rules duty imposing
(MacAlister, 2017). Secondary rules on the other hand, are seen as supplementary to the primary rules,
which, instead of imposing duty upon individuals, they confer powers to them (MacAlister, 2017).
Secondary rules are split into three different types: Rules of change (allow public/private powers to fix
old rules), adjudication (remedy for inefficiency, introduces courts and law enforcement), and
recognition (confers powers on people to identify law, and unification of rules) (MacAlister, 2017).
Another important concept within Hart s theory of law is that he thinks judges have to their discretion.
Hart proposes the idea of open texture in law, which states that at times, the law does not cover every
situation that arises and that law may run out (MacAlister, 2017). Within this open texture, the is a
clear core of certainty, where application of the law is apparent, and beyond the core, is the penumbra,
the uncertainty and indeterminacy in law in which hard cases are based upon. As law branches out of
this core of rules, it becomes more and more indeterminate. Due to this indeterminacy, Hart believes
that since there is no clear answer written in the law, judges should have the discretion in dealing with
hard cases. In the case of Riggs, since the relevant rules of
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The Book Magnolia
The book Magnolia is about a girl named Jemma and a boy named Ryder and they always have been
next door neighbours. They used to be friends until grade 8 were an event happens that broke their
friendship forever. And now in grade 12, they can t stand each other. Their parents have always
wanted them to be a bit more than friends, but Ryder and Jemma hated the thought of being together.
And a storm rages through town while the parents of Ryder and Jemma are gone, during the storm
their feelings for each other shift and they learn about if they love or hate. They face a lot of
adventures, horror and disaster but at the end, all works out and leads to a cliffhanger. This story is
like Romeo and Juliet backwards and no one dies at the end. The
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Siege Of Leningrad
In World War II, the crimes which stood out against humanity shook the foundations of the world.
From the rise of Hitler to the genocidal Holocaust, the war took the lives of more than 80 million
people over the course of 6 years. Today, North American education continues to pass down the
horrors of the war as a grim reminder of the past. However, what our history textbooks cover tend to
focus on the American side of things. Instead of learning important events which were going on in
other parts of the world, we recognize our triumphs and efforts in the war. The Siege of Leningrad, for
example, is not talked about frequently, although it was a catastrophic time for the Russians. The
Siege of Leningrad was a military blockade by Hitler in an attempt to take the city by letting
Leningrad (St. Petersburg today) starve to death. By surrounding ... Show more content on
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Due to lack of food supplies, ration cards were handed out by officers very sparingly to the citizens of
the city. These cards were viewed as the key to survival during the siege; one use cards for providing
small amounts of food for the user. As cards were sought out by starving citizens, some turned to
crime and even cannibalism in an attempt to satiate their hunger. For example, there was a report of an
18 year old who murdered his two younger brothers for their ration cards or an instance where a man
used an axe to kill his grandma, then proceeded to boil her liver (dailymail.co.uk). The novel is similar
in regards to acts of immorality, an example being when Lev and Kolya encounter cannibals who tries
to lure them into their deaths, We need a dozen eggs (Kolya)... You re in luck. That s all I have... Into
our apartment first . Of course, it was a ruse and the pair were led into a trap which they get away
from. As evident, people took advantage of people without care, proving that the blockade brought the
worst out of
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The Success Of A Business Owner
Being an entrepreneur is about believing in something and standing for what you believe in. The
reasons entrepreneurs start businesses is to be successful as well as to make money. No one ever starts
a business with the intent to fail, however if a business does fail most entrepreneurs learn from their
mistakes and try again. The mentality of successful business owner is an I will not lose attitude that
motivates that person to not accept failure as an option.
Having what it takes to survive and succeed is a core value of entrepreneurs, making it your civil duty
to find solutions to problems people face on a daily basis. In my research I think the main objective of
an entrepreneur, is to change the world in a way that will benefit everyone in one way or another. This
is the entrepreneurs right and clear intention to make sure they are operating from a good intent and
integrity. Entrepreneurs that have achieved a pinnacle of success often ask themselves, How can I
help? or better yet you ask yourself, How can I serve? . These are the the main motivating factors an
entrepreneur needs to create a plan of action.
Any entrepreneur that is successful in business has an instinctive ability to see problems and needs
that people have as an opportunity to apply their entrepreneurial capabilities to come up with solutions
and satisfy a person s problems or needs.
Another great example are social media entrepreneurs who
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Dogs Are Great Pet Companions Research
Thesis/Central Idea: I believe that dogs are great pet companions I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention
Getter: What is one companion that will love you unconditionally? B. Thesis: I believe that dogs are
great pet companions C. Overview: Dogs are very intelligent, always loyal, and give constant love II.
BODY A. Intelligence 1. Dogs can be trained to do a number of things if given the proper training. A
few common commands are sit, shake, lie down, and roll over. 2. For more intelligent dogs, they can
be trained to become police dogs that play an active role in police investigations or become therapy
dogs that comfort and help the people who need it most. TRANSITION: Along with dogs high level
of intellegince, they can be very protective over
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The Case Of The American Legal System
The question what is law?, is important to understand law and to the extent to which particular
institutions have been accorded power to make or pronounce law. It is important for lawyers,
policymakers, politicians and those working in the field of social science academia to understand that
the meaning and the scope of law exceeds the basic premises of assumption that law is what the
legislature passes as a statute, or law is what a court applies, etc. because that is the way our political
order is constructed, etc. Since laws takes various forms, a legal system is needed to interpret and
enforce the law in the society through the procedures or process from the systematic nature of law and
the examination of the presuppositions and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Madison exemplifies that understanding . Since the US legal system is based on federalism. The Tenth
Amendment of the U.S constitution shift the power and legal authority away from the states and
towards the federal government. The federal government gains more power over the state but there is
a certain jurisdiction of boundaries that the federal can exercise their power over the state. The law
deals with the fundamental principles by which the federal government exercises its authority. In the
American constitutional system, the authority of government is defined, limited, and distributed by the
fundamental law of the United States Constitution. The U.S constitution is a body of written basic law
and is superior to and takes precedence over all ordinary acts of Congress and state legislatures and
over all decision and actions of the executive branches of the national and state government. That s
why it divides the national government into three branches legislative, executive and judicial. This
will separate the power of the branches of the government and at the same time check and balances
the actions of other branches. Constitution law is most often associated with fundamental rights like
equal protection, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion
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Analysis Of To Live By Zhang Yimou
Zhang Yimou presents a breathtaking snapshot of life in China from the 1940s to the 70s through the
lens of a single family in To Live . China faced many tumultuous twists and turns during this time
period as the country transitioned out of the bygone feudal society. Each decade brought in a new era:
the civil war of the 40s, the communist regime and the Great Leap forward in the 50s, and the cultural
revolution of the 60s. Zhang captures the essence of these distinct periods within the progression of
Fugui s family, a bittersweet story of perseverance against all odds. The plot of the story is rather
simple, following a linear structure. The graceful juxtaposition of various historical elements
alongside the underlying primary plot makes this a true masterpiece that manages to condense the
lives of individuals into a short chunk of time.
One of central themes that ties the entire story together is the role of luck and chance in determining
our fates. Zhang explicitly acknowledges elements of luck several times throughout the film. When
Fugui gambles away his family s estate to Long er, the instrument of his demise is a bunch of dice,
which are symbols for luck. Little does Fugui realize at the time, the rolls of the dice dictate not only
his wealth, but they also dictate whether he lives or not. In the scene where Long er gets shot to death,
Fugui runs off and wets his pants at the realization that he would have been the one getting shot if he
had been wealthy. Luck
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Iphone X Thesis
Iphone X
Imagine everyone having the iPhone X and you could not afford it. The iPhone X is the latest apple
product. The iPhone X, in my opinion, has way too many new confusing new features. The new
iphones gradually become more complicated. People have very different opinions. I do not find the
iPhone X very reliable. One of the new features is the Face ID. You can use to unlock your phone and
to make iphone app store purchases. The second new feature Animoji also uses your face ID. Animoji
includes emojis animated based on your facial expressions. The third new feature is wireless charging
is a pad that is has a nonslip surface that ensures your device won t get knocked off easily, and has
thermal protection for your safety.
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Why Atrial Fibrillation Occur
There no direct cause as why to atrial fibrillation occur but, there is many other disease and disorders
that Atrial Fibrillation is associated with. For example Atrial Fibrillation is closely associated with
heart attack due to the fact that a during a heart attack the coronary artery is unable to supply oxygen
to the heart which then causes the muscles in the heart to starve for oxygen. This can then lead to the
death of some muscle tissue in the heart which then can lead to AFib. Hypertension also play a role in
AFib, Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a constant high pressure of blood against the walls of the
artery (arteries are the blood vessel that carry blood from the heart to our body parts) (A blood vessel
is a tube which carries
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The Dilemma Of Batman
There is a video game called Injustice Gods Among Us where the main plot of the game is based
around the dilemma of is it morally right killing criminals. In the game, the character Joker
manipulates Superman s mind into killing his wife and unborn son by thinking they are one of
Superman s enemies. The Joker also set a nuclear bomb to detonate in Superman s town of Metropolis
when his wife and child die. After the bomb explodes, the Joker is placed into police custody and is
being interrogated by Batman. While being interrogated, Superman comes busting into the jail
wanting to kill the Joker. He and Batman got into an argument based around the fact that they both
had a moral rule that no criminal deserves to die at their hands, including the Joker. Superman states
that the Joker and other likeminded individuals are irredeemable and that their victims deserve justice.
While Batman argues that Superman and other superheroes are not above the law, and that Superman
cannot act as judge, jury, and executioner. The dilemma of the story is based around the question, is it
right to take another s life, no matter how many people an individual has killed? Batman believes that
killing anyone is morally wrong, when Superman believes that killing criminals is morally correct.
Both Consequentialist and Deontologist would view this predicament differently. After the death of his
wife and son, Superman understands why there are people in the world that want to see criminals die.
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Criticism Of Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 19 October 1745) was an Anglo Irish satirist, poet and cleric. His
work includes such literatures greats as Gulliver s Travels add more. His published poetry, pamphlets
and books allow the reader an insight into 18th century Ireland. This assignment will answer the
following question The writings of Jonathan Swift contain criticisms of certain aspects of British
management of Irish affairs. Discuss with reference to at least ONE of Swift s published works. It will
do so by briefly looking at the life of Jonathan Swift. It will give a brief summary on A Modest
Proposal (1729) ,before exploring the manner in which Swift criticises the British management of
Irish affairs. Finally, the assignment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The era itself saw great change occur within Ireland, as well as seeing the rise of the Protestant
ascendancy within the country. One must also remember that during this time, the country was under
British rule and tensions between Catholics and Protestants were at a high. Jonathan Swift draws from
this in his work, as it acted as a source of inspiration for his satirical writing. Swift known for his
criticisms, can be deemed as criticising certain aspects of British management of Irish affairs
throughout A Modest
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Psychology Experiment Essay examples
Title: An investigation into the impact of group pressure on an individual s estimate of the amount of
beads in a pot (ginger granules in a jar). IV = Group/Individual DV = Individual beads estimate
Abstract This experiment investigated the impact of group pressure on the individual. The hypothesis
is that group pressure does indeed impact on the individual and in this case the individual s estimate of
the number of ginger granules in a jar. Participants were asked to make a judgement of the number of
ginger granules in a jar, first individually and then as a group. The individual participants were then
interviewed again to see if their estimates had changed. The results proved the hypothesis that group
pressure does make an impact ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It will be performed using a method similar to the one used by Jenness in his experiment. This will in
effect test the reproducibility and validity of the Jenness experiment. There are no contentious or
controversial issues surrounding this experiment and its method, and it is certainly within the law i.e.
there are no deceptions or misleading intentions toward the participant; it is fair. Hypothesis The
influence of group pressure will affect individuals estimates of the number of ginger granules in a
glass jar. The estimate of the individual will change after a group decision to lie closer to the figure of
the group. Method The IV was the group or individual, and the DV was the number of ginger granules
in the glass jar. Two separate rooms were used; one for interview of the individual one at a time. When
not being interviewed the individual was instructed to go the second room where the rest of the group
resided for the period of the experiment. Both rooms contained only the subjects of the experiment,
and of course the experimenter, and no one else was permitted into the aforementioned areas.
Television, radio and other forms of communicative devices were forbidden from these areas. The
participants were three members of a family. The first was male and 67 years of age. The second was
female and 52 years old. The third member of the family was male, and 25 years old. Materials: * Jar
of ginger granules * Watch * Sheets of paper
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Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Report
An addiction is a harmful relationship with drugs, alcohol, things or activities that brings about
negative consequences by over use. People over use this relationship as a form of relaxation, reward
or escape and overtime become dependent on these harmful relationships. Extensive research has gone
into developing a program to help individuals overcome these harmful relationships. Alcoholics
Anonymous has developed a 12 Step Program, which is a model that has been proven to benefit the
community in helping to resolve addictions. The 12 step program helps to combat different type of
addictions, although minor changes are made to deal with specific additions it is a very successful
program. In Saint Petersburg Florida and program called ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Recovery is the process of participating in a group or program providing treatment and support for a
longstanding psychological or behavioral problem, such as abuse, addiction, grief, or trauma
(Melemis, Steven, 2015). As a non addict it seems easy enough to make a decision to stop drinking
and follow through with that decision when temptation presents itself, but for an alcoholic it is not the
simple. However, an alcoholic struggles with the temptation on a daily bases. Relapse prevention
begins with addressing social interactions, emotional triggers, and developing positive coping
mechanisms. Recovery and relapse requires is a process that should be done with others around to
support each step and each phase of the
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##ethical Analysis Of God Is Dead By Friedrich Nietzsche
I was really confused when I first stumbled across reading this quote. I didn t really understand what
Nietzsche was saying from the phrase God is dead . After talking with my classmates and doing some
research I got a better understanding about the quote. Most people didn t understand it like me at first
and they thought Nietzsche interpreted in a literal death or end of God. I think Nietzsche says this
quote because he was an atheist and he had a different perspective about God which he never even
believed in. Most people believe that God is all knowing and powerful so he or she can t die. The
understanding I got from this quote is that I think Nietzsche is trying to say that is not relevant to
people anymore meaning that people don t care. Friedrich Nietzsche is a well known philosopher who
influenced many topics in the world and was not really a fan of religion.
This quote is widely known by everyone and it is first shown in his 1882 collection The Gay Science .
The phrase God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him can have many meanings to
different people. I interpreted this phrase by thinking that people don t care about and no more have a
use for God. In a sense Nietzsche is saying that large and consistent moral theories could exist without
reference to God. For example, Europe no longer needed God as the source for all morality, value, or
order in the universe. By that I mean philosophy and science was capable of doing that for us. As the
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Sacroiliac Joint Essay
Balance is the ability to move or remain in a position without losing control or falling. Balance is an
action done without active consideration, but it is vital for locomotion and maintenance of an upright
posture. When balance is impaired it may have detrimental effects. The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is a key
element in an upright posture and locomotion. Subluxations in the SIJ are common in a large percent
of the population, and may be symptomatic or asymptomatic in nature. These subluxations can cause a
number of symptoms including lower back pain, leg length inequality and dysfunction in standing,
walking, lifting objects and changing positions. Chiropractic treatment of the SIJ has been found to
relieve lower back ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most patient s demonstrated improved balance, and some showed reduced dizziness and neck pain
after 8 weeks of chiropractic therapies. (Strunk and Hawk, 2009)
Study 2 was conducted to determine if proprioception would be improved by manual manipulation of
the SIJ or through full body vibration, via the use of a power plate. The results concluded that there
was an improvement in balance in the group, who received the vibration power plate, as well as the
combination group and the group that received only the chiropractic adjustment therapy. (Landman,
Study 3 was conducted in order to determine the immediate effect of a unilateral sacroiliac adjustment
on gait. This study found that in asymptomatic patients, the sacroiliac adjustment improved gait, and it
was concluded that this treatment should become a treatment regime for patients with gait
abnormalities. (Schooling, 2012)
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John s Journey In Search For Truth By C. S. Lewis
Throughout history, many people have dedicated their lives to search for the truth. Consequently, this
has resulted in many different philosophies and religions. Likewise, C.S Lewis writes a book dealing
with his conversation and spiritual journey in search for the truth. He uses a character named John and
this boy s journey to represent his own journey through life. The first way John searches for the truth
is in his search for happiness. He searches for happiness in many forms, but eventually finds the true
source. Another way that John searches for the truth is through the different philosophies that various
people present to him along his journey. Though at the time the different philosophies may have
seemed correct, after closer examination ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mr. Enlightenment is the first person that John meets on his travels. Accordingly, he introduces John
to the philosophy of modern science and rationalism. According to Mr. Enlightenment, modern
science and rational thinking can explain anything. Moreover, he tells John that, the Landlord is an
invention of those Stewards (Lewis 1 2), and many people believe them because they lack scientific
training. This leaves John with the notion that the landlord is a fake. Soon after, the Spirit of the Age
captures John and holds him prisoner in a cell for many days. While he is imprisoned the Spirit of the
Agee attempts to convince John and the rest of the prisoners, that they are nothing more than their
internals. Nevertheless, a woman named Reason comes and rescues John. She tries to reach John that
to find the truth, reason must be used. Reason explains to John that he is more knowledgeable than he
perceives. It is just a matter of bringing, dark part of your mind into the light part of it (Lewis 2 4).
Likewise, she talks about the importance of not making a decision without proof and how it is not bad
to stay in wonderment. John meets History sometime after his encounters with Reason. He explains to
John the nature of man in a relationship with the Landlord and the Island. He proposes that the Island
is a means to attract us to the true source of happiness which is the landlord. Additionally, he proposes
that the only way to truly reach the Landlord is through mother Kirk. This helps John come to realize
the truth about what he was searching for and how to attain it through the
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A Man For All Seasons Corruption Essay
Corruption in the play A Man For All Seasons The main plot in the play A Man For All Seasons by
Robert Bolt is corruption, more specifically political corruption. While the play focuses heavily on the
social demise, and moral strength of the character Thomas More. It also covers the inverse process
with other characters, such as; Richard Rich, Thomas Cromwell, and the king of England Henry VIII.
In the play Thomas More stands as a beacon of selfhood and virtue, while the other three men used
manipulation and disloyalty, to gain wealth and power, no matter what the consequences may be. The
character Richard Rich did not start out corrupt in the beginning of the play, but became corrupt with
prospect of becoming wealthy and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While he ponders what Cromwell will do to More, he really do not care what happened to him, he
thought More would eventually do as Cromwell say, but he is proving wrong, and soon realizes that
More is not as weak as he is, and is not easily sway by power and money as he is. In the play Rich s
slow rise to power is shown in his attire, in the beginning he was wearing old, shabby clothes, that he
complained about, but as he rises in the ranks, his attire became more fancy, which is what he as
always wanted, and got it a the price of selling his soul. In the play we watched More s fortunes
dwindled, while Rich s flourished, an indication that Rich is reaping the benefits of evil and corrupted
ways. At the end of the play Rich lied under oath about More s real thoughts on the King s divorce,
which ultimately led to More s beheading, that scene signifies Rich s complete transformation as
corrupt and amoral character. Rich sacrificed his moral conscience in exchange for success, and a high
ranking office, something that More, a more moral character would never do. Thomas Cromwell is
another character in the play that displayed corrupted ways. He was the primary person responsible for
the downfall of More. While Rich s immoral acts were reluctant at times, Cromwell s was steadfast,
he was really dedicated and motivated in taken down More, and did it with practically no guilt
whatsoever. Cromwell s sole purpose in the play
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Elaine Riots Essay
The Elaine Riots The Elaine Massacre was one of the most destructive racial dispute that had taken
place in Arkansas history and perhaps, the bloodiest racial rivalry in the history of the United States.
While its inmost origin lies in the United States dedication to white superiority, the events in Elaine
were emanated from strained race affiliates and expanding sympathy regarding the labor unions. A
firing incident that took place at a meeting of the Progressive Farmers and the Household Union
inflated into throng brutality on the part of the white people in Elaine and the nearby areas. Despite,
the perfect number is unidentified, a huge number of African Americans were killed by the white s
territory that was around hundreds; and five white people lost their lives. The strife had taken place on
the night of September 30, 1919, when nearly hundreds of African Americans, essentially peasants on
the plantations of white landlords, organized a meeting for the Progressive Farmers and the Household
Union of America at Hoop Spur, that was three miles north of Elaine. The motive of the meeting was
that the black peasants in the Elaine area for the past few months were attaining better refund for their
cotton crops from the white ranch owners who managed the area during the Jim Crow era. Black
peasants were often abused, ill treated in their attempts to collect a pension for their cotton crops.
During the past few months, a racial dispute had taken place in
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International Strategy of the Vodafone Group Plc Essay
Contents page
1. Introduction
2.Company Background
3.Evaluation of the internal and external environment of the company
4.Analyse the motivation of the company for international expansion
5.Analyze the reasons for operating in a particular region or country
6.Evaluate its market entry strategy in a particularly region or a country
1. Introduction
The aim of this report is to research into the Vodafone group and their entry into the Indian Market.
The research was carried out of Vodafone s history, their existing market strategy, the internal
environment of the company and external ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In order to focus on how to analyse and evaluate the Internal and external environment of Vodafone,
the following analytical tools will be used:
Internal Environment of Vodafone:
Core competencies
SWOT analysis
External Environment of Vodafone:
Pestle analysis
Porters five forces
Core competencies
Core competencies are the capabilities that are critical to a business achieving competitive advantage.
The starting point for analysing core competencies is recognising that competition between businesses
is as much a race for competence mastery as it is for market position and market power. (Prahalad and
There are three analysis, which should be applied when identifying and developing core competence
of Vodafone:
The core competence should:
Provides potential access to a wide variety of markets
Mark a significant contribution to the perceived customer benefits of the end product
Make it difficult for competitors to imitate
In order to provide potential access to a wide variety of markets, a company should attract customer
using a number of different services for example multimedia so they are not just focused on the
mobile telecommunications, they are broadening their product line. Vodafone customer base ranges
from the young to the corporate user to the more mature market.
To mark a significant contribution to the perceived customer benefits of the end product, Vodafone
marketing strategy aim is to grow its
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Examples Of Foolishness In Othello
Othello s Foolishness
The tragedy Othello by William Shakespeare is a story based on the revenge of the main two
characters, Iago from Othello. Othello also known as the Moor is a man of discipline, honor and a
leader of men. He is a warrior who has served the army for many years. He is a well respected officer
in the Venetian State army. This is apparent as the Duke of Venice greets Othello by saying, Valiant
Othello, we must straight employ you against the general enemy Ottoman. (1.3.48 9). He is not a
native Italian which makes him to be an outsider. Not being a native may make others jealous of his
rank and the respect he receives from others.
Iago, Othello s ancient (a position below lieutenant), is tired of not getting the position ... Show more
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She, dying, gave it me
And bid me, when my fate would have me wived,
To give it her. I did so, and take heed on t,
Make it a darling like your precious eye.
To lose t or give t away were such perdition
As nothing else could match. (3.4.50 63)
When her mother was dying, she passed on the handkerchief to Othello and told him to give it to his
loved one. Othello is a fool to believe that the handkerchief has magic in its webs and that if
Desdemona loses the handkerchief or gives it to someone, they would lose their love as well. He even
warns Desdemona about this and how it would be a great loss for them.
After killing Desdemona, Othello knows that he has done a thing which has left no space for
forgiveness for him. He is mostly blaming Iago for this action of his and we can see it where he says:
O ill starred wench,
Pale as thy smock! When we shall meet at compt
This look of thine will hurl my soul from heaven
And fiends will snatch at it. Cold, cold, my girl,
Even like thy chastity. O cursed, cursed slave!
Whip me, ye devils,
From the possession of this heavenly sight!
Blow me about in winds, roast me in
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Persuasive Essay On Open School Letter
All the measures that are mentioned in the textbook are important. However, there a few of these
measures that are not as important compared to the others listed. One of these measures involve the
school mail.
According to the textbook, students should not be opening the mail and that letter opening should be
limited to a staff individual. The reasoning behind the measure is understandable; 2001 terrorists sent
powdered anthrax through the mail. Nevertheless, why would students have access to school mail?
School mail is usually delivered to the front desk, bypassing student s hands. There is no reason why a
student should be opening school mail.
Additionally, Trumps states that schools should ...review procedures for handling suspicious items
such as envelopes with power substances that may be found in hallways, stairwell, restroom and other
areas of the school... (Trump, 2011, p. 135). Instead of focusing on envelopes, why not focus on
suspicious packages. Students are more likely to pick up a package off the ground than an envelope.
Reviewing things that are more credible and likely would be better than having everyone become
paranoid of a letter on the ground. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How do continuing field trips fit into the school security and preparedness? Logically speaking, if a
tornado was happening outside (for example), field trips would be cancelled. If there was a possible
threat of future terrorist attacks, why not cancel to be precautionary of the situation? After the
November 2015 attacks in Paris, schools in Connecticut, South Carolina, and rural Maryland avoided
field trips ...out of an abundance of caution...after hearing from parents who are worried about the
possibility of an attack... (Balingt, Hermann, Davis, 2015). Sometimes it is better to be precautious,
especially if things are going a little haywire at the
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Essay On Pairing Veterans With Service Animals
Pairing Veterans with Service Animals
It is estimated that over half a million American veterans were suffering from PTSD in 2004. (Stern)
[One of these veterans named Harvill,] says the only thing that helped him get through the years of
persistent pain was an exuberant, golden Labrador and mastiff mix named Sierra. (Bowen) This
trained Service dog knows how to comfort him during times of anxiety and always makes sure he is
not alone. (Bowen)Millions of veterans come home from war facing a number of health care needs,
and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) cannot keep up. Over 10 years of war has
produced a huge number of veterans with multiple health problems, and the government and the
military have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Several different factors can affect who develops Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and it can happen to
anyone. Having a lot of exposure to a traumatic event, like a war makes it more likely that a person
will develop PTSD. Certain types of trauma can increase the chances of someone getting PTSD such
as combat, and sexual assault (PTSD what is). Although medication and psychotherapy help PTSD
patients reduce their symptoms, it remains a difficult disorder to treat. Many veterans suffering from
PTSD see the disorder as a weakness and either fail to report their symptoms, go undiagnosed, or they
drop out of their therapy (Glintborg). So, it remains necessary to find alternative therapies, and
integrating support animals remains a viable option.
Current Treatment Limitations Many different treatments available for PTSD that have minimized
PTSD symptoms. The most common form of treatment being trauma focused psychotherapies, which
has many different forms, to which the most effective seems to be exposure therapy. Its success works
by having patients face their fears, and talking about the traumatic event. Frequently these therapies
are paired with another form of treatment such as medication. Depression and anxiety medication
work best for most PTSD cases. Nevertheless, limitations to the successes of these treatments do exist.
Some studies have estimated that of the general population with PTSD diagnoses, only 49.9%
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A Comparison Of Disney World And Adventureland
Compare Contrast Paper Mateah Reisdorf As everyone always says, Disney World is the happiest
place on earth, but for Iowans we have Adventureland, where we are sure to have a fun filled day. To
us Iowans , Disney World and Adventure are the two best theme parks we ve ever known of! Both
theme parks are full of happiness, good food and exciting rides, although Disney World and
Adventureland have lots of differences and yet some similarities in hand. In this paper I am going to
explain and list off the vast similarities and differences of Disney World and Adventureland! To start
off, one major similarity is both Disney World and Adventureland have specific characters that build
the atmosphere of their theme parks. For example, Disney World has; Mickey and Minnie Mouse,
Goofy, Donald and Daisy Duck, Cinderella, Snow White, Belle and many more beloved Disney
characters! As for Adventureland has a well known character, the Saint Bernard dog. All the characters
that live in their theme park attract children s attention very easily. Children are quick to recognize
Disney Worlds characters from TV shows they have watched on Disney Channel. The Saint Bernard at
Adventureland is a welcoming, fun character to Adventureland, which attracts thousands of tourists.
Both theme park s characters endow the same qualities and draw vast amounts of tourist to both of
their theme parks! Also, having enough money to visit Disney World or Adventureland is a major
necessity in order to
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How Did Galileo Galilei Impact The Development Of The...
Throughout the past years, astronomers have found out many different things about what s outside
Earth. Few did it with just their bare eyes but most astronomers found out many information by the
telescope. The telescope itself has such a huge history as it evolved throughout the years and without
this piece, we wouldn t know many things. Born in Italy, on February 15, 1564, a man has impacted
the world in such a huge way by creating and using an advanced telescope; Galileo Galilei.
Galileo was the first of six children and he was born to a well known musician, Vincenzo Galilei.
Around the early 1570 s Galileo and his family moved to Florence and around his middle teens, he
attended the monastery school at Vallombrosa. In 1583, Galileo went ... Show more content on
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This allowed him to receive more income and more people started to recognize him. Galileo
developed the universal law of acceleration, which all objects in the universe followed. In 1609,
Galileo learned about the simple telescope that was already invented and so he created one of his own.
He presented his work to some Venetian merchants, and they realized that the telescope could be used
to spot ships and so they gave Galileo salary to make several of them. However, Galileo s ambition
pushed him to go further, and in the fall of 1609 he made the decision to turn his telescope toward the
sky instead of looking at land. He became so interested in astronomy by looking through the telescope
and found many discoveries. He wrote a book about all the things he learned like how the moon was
not flat and smooth, but a sphere with mountains and how Jupiter had revolving moons, which didn t
revolve around the earth. His discoveries helped many people find out new things and make new
discoveries of their own.
After that many things happened in his life like how he got sent to Rome and was in house house
arrest because of problems with the Roman Catholic Church and how he didn t obey their rules. When
Galileo was in Rome he wrote Two New Sciences , a summary of his life s work on the science of
motion and strength of materials. On July 8th, 1642, in Arcetri, near Florence, Galileo
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Iago controls and manipulates many characters in Othello including Roderigo, Brabantio, Cassio,
Emilia, Desdemona, and even Othello himself. I will only be looking at Cassio and Othello because
the fate of Iago s plans rest in their actions, therefore he controls and manipulates them more than any
of the other characters like Roderigo who is also manipulated by Iago for a lot of the play but I found
the relationship between Othello, Cassio, and Iago more interesting because they are both his
superiors so Iago has to be more careful with how he manipulates them. When Iago speaks to
Roderigo he can tell him a lot that may or may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Othello s lieutenant, Cassio is a young and inexperienced soldier (we are told this in the beginning of
the play when Cassio is first spoken of), whose high position is much resented by Iago. Truly devoted
to Othello, Cassio is extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl on Cyprus and
losing his place as lieutenant. Iago uses Cassio s youth, good looks, and friendship with Desdemona to
play on Othello s insecurities about Desdemona s fidelity.
Iago controls Cassio for most of the play. It is important for Iago to control Cassio in the way that he
does because it allows Iago to get exactly what he wants. Iago uses Cassio s faults to manipulate him,
like Cassio s looks and his flirtatious personality to Cassio s own disadvantage because Iago gets
Othello to think that Desdemona is having an affair with him. It all starts when he persuades Cassio to
join in with the festive drinking even though Cassio has a weak alcohol tolerance level I have very
poor and unhappy brains for drinking this shows that Iago can still persuade Cassio to drink a lot of
alcohol even though he knows that he cannot take it. Iago implies that he and Cassio have the same
friends which makes Cassio think that they are best friends; he does this by calling the other men our
friends which implies that they too would be friends. Iago also tells Cassio that he will drink for
Cassio which makes Cassio think
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Ib Bio Hl Chap 1 Cell
1. Which of the following will contribute to the cell theory? I. II. III. A. B. C. D. I only II only I and
III only I, II and III [1] Living organisms are composed of cells. All cells come from pre existing cells
by mitosis. Cells are the smallest units of life. 1. C 2. A red blood cell is 8 μm in diameter. If drawn
100 times larger than its actual size, what diameter will the drawing be in mm? A. B. C. D. 0.08 mm
0.8 mm 8 mm 80 mm [1] 2. B 3. A cell has cytoplasm, a cell wall, naked DNA and ribosomes. Based
on this information, what type of cell could this be? A. B. C. D. A cell from a pine tree A grasshopper
cell A human red blood cell A bacterium [1] 3. D 4. What do diffusion and osmosis have ... Show
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(e) 2 max The sites close to Iceland, at a latitude of 60 65°, had very varied allele frequencies, with
both PanIA and PanIB occurring. The water at these sample sites was highly stratified, with much
warmer water at the surface and much colder water below. Suggest reasons for both PanIA and PanIB
alleles occurring at these sites. higher frequency of PanIA/PanIA PanIA (cod) in warm (surface) water;
higher frequency of PanIB/PanIB PanIB (cod) in colder (deeper) water; interbreeding results in PanIA
PanIB cod/heterozygous cod; (e) 2 max (f) (f) Using the data in this question, predict the effects of
global warming on cod fish populations. PanIA PanIA (cod) may spread further north / PanIB PanIB
(cod) may move/retreat further north; numbers of PanIA PanIA (cod) may increase / frequency of
PanIA allele may increase; PanIB PanIB (cod) may become extinct / frequency of PanIB allele may
2012 2014 11. (a) Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.
Escherichia coli is a unicellular organism, so each cell must carry out all of the processes required for
life. Outline the functions of each of the structures in the cells of Escherichia coli. (a) cell wall
protects the cell from damage; cell wall prevents the cell from bursting; plasma membrane pumps
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George Bush Influence
Lieutenant Paz and detain and beat Lieutenant Curtis and his wife. Noriega s actions convinced Bush
to authorize Just Cause (p. 105). In Eastern Europe, Bush wins a victory over Gorbachev by agreeing
to a trade bill securing a promise from Soviet leader Gorbachev to lift a Lithuanian embargo and
pledge not to oppose German reunification (p. 108). Greene cites Bush s major foreign policy success
as his international leadership for the expulsion of Iraq from Kuwait. He engineers a near unanimous
vote, including the Soviets, of support in the United Nations. Bush also clearly articulates America s
purpose for the first Gulf War in his National Security Directive 54 (p. 127). His concise directive
provided military commanders with finite, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bush had an infamous public relations disaster when he displayed his ignorance over the existence of
price scanners, something that the average American was well acquainted with (p. 143). Bush was
simply not good at connecting with the average American. He was better at crisis management than
speaking to the general public. Although he enjoyed initial success with the media, Bush ended with
poor working relations with the press. These relations did not recover when Bush scolded the press
corps about writing stories of him having a tendency for secrecy (p. 147). The one bright spot in
public relations that lasted his entire presidency was the First Lady. His wife Barbara maintained an
excellent public relations image and enjoyed favorable press coverage. Greene s final chapters discuss
the lead up to, and the conduct of Bush s re election campaign. The Budget crisis doomed Bush s run
for another term as president. Loss of the chairman of the Republican National Committee hurt
reelection campaign too. Atwater, who engineered Bush s first campaign success, succumbed to a
sudden illness. Bush had a new campaign manager that was not an adequate replacement for
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The Way We Never Were Summary
Stephanie Coontz is a social analyst, family historian, writer and professor. She is a professor at The
Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington and teaches history and studies of families. She is
also Co Chair and Director of Public Education at the Council on Contemporary Families, which is a
non profit non partisan association of family researchers and practitioners. Her research interests
include the historical accuracy, myths and facts that surround our present concept of traditional family
values. In 1992, Stephanie published The Way We Never Were: American Families and The Nostalgia
Trap and it tells the story of how family is perceived in society versus how it is.
The Way We Never Were shows that people have not suddenly and ... Show more content on
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Duke Professor of Sociology, Duke University believe that there is no better commentary on the status
and processes of American Families than The Way We Never Were. They mentioned that Stephanie
Coontz writes about the realities of family lives in an uncompromising way that integrates evidence
based research. And, that for their own family sociology courses this is great book and students never
look at the families the same way, and change the way they consider family life in their future and go
as far as to questioning the meaning of families in their present lives. This shows how great of a book
this is and how it impacts a lot of people.
Another review I read was of Casey Constance, she praises Coontz s capability to write such a put
together book and the ample evidence she uses to expose the falseness, sentimentality and self
righteousness of most public statements about the family. She also mentions how the book comes
from a real passion to set the public straight and to relieve people of the fear, or the excuse, that every
social ill comes from bad
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Examples Of Money In The Great Gatsby
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, money often costs too much (Berger). The world seems to revolve
around money, and it often distracts people from the joys of life that bring them fulfillment. This is
shown in almost every main character of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Although on the
surface the characters of The Great Gatsby seem to live glamourous and joyous lives due to the riches
they have, when they are examined more closely, it is evident that their money actually does not
provide them prosperity and contentment; therefore, the theme of The Great Gatsby is that money
cannot buy happiness. Multiple examples prove that the theme of The Great Gatsby is that money
cannot buy happiness and these examples are displayed throughout the entire novel. This theme is
shown in Gatsby s chase after Daisy, Daisy and Tom s failure of a marriage, and it is shown when
Nick is attempting to get Gatsby s friends to attend his funeral.
Jay Gatsby seems to have anything and everything he could ever want; money, a beautiful house, and
a good friend, Nick. All of the random people that go to Gatsby s parties, although they do not know
exactly who he is, envy the so called glamorous life that he lives. But, F. Scott ... Show more content
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Every person that Nick attempted to get to come to Gatsby s funeral declined; therefore, it is evident
that Gatsby s fortune bought him nothing other than the materialistic items that he did not seem to
really value. Gatsby not only failed to win Daisy over with his fortune, but he also failed to make any
more than one good friend who was willing to attend his funeral, which is depressing and it is quite
unusual for most people to have a funeral like Gatsby s. Unfortunately, even though Gatsby threw
elaborate parties constantly, he was seemingly forgotten by everyone as soon as he passed
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Probation Parole And Parole Case
Approximately 1 in 51 adults in the United States was under community supervision at yearend 2013,
the lowest rate observed since 1996 (Herberman Bonczar, 2014, p.1). Probation/parole supervision
also known as community supervision, helps individuals (ex criminals) acclimate back in their
community. Probation is used when a judge chooses to let the offender serve his sentence under
officer supervision in the community, rather than in prison. It is usually given to individuals that have
committed a non violent/ minor infraction or that have a really good defense attorney. However, when
someone has been sent to prison for an extended period of time but have served a certain amount of
their time or has proven to the Parole Board that they have improved their behavior, will be released to
a Parole officer. The probation and parole program is comprised of two approaches casework and
brokerage. Casework approach deals with the offender as a flawed person that needs help; brokerage
approach is when the probation/parole officer uses his influence in the community to assist the
criminal in finding employment or programs. Knowing how to use these approaches along with
monitoring techniques will assist in the officer and offender being successful. This paper will examine
the approaches to PO work along with the types of monitoring used to keep track of offenders. The
purpose of this paper is to examine the elements of community supervision (probation/parole) that will
make the
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On Becoming A Leader, The Most Obstacle With Standard...
It is a fact that focusing only on skills and produce managers instead of leaders is a major obstacle
with standard leadership courses. Indeed, the leadership characters and criteria cannot be taught or
given in a regular way. But, they must be learned.
Since leaders are unique characters, what they ve acquired and how they implement it to define the
future is unique as well. In fact, leaders are made at least by their experience, their understanding as
well as application of their experiences as by any skills.
Obviously, in order to be a good leader, the leader must master the world as the person knows
himself/herself very well. A wide range of studies indicates that some types of experiences are
especially important to learning. These experiments should consist of broad and continuing education,
families, extensive travel, a rich private life, and key associations with mentor and friends.
In the book On becoming a Leader , the author mentioned that some authors believe there are two
principal methods of conventional learning. The first principal is maintenance learning while the
second approach is shock learning.
On the one hand, maintenance learning is the gaining of fixed appearance, methods and laws for
dealing with known and recurring cases. In addition, it the form of learning that is made to hold an
existing system or established way of life.
On the other hand, shock learning is the case when events overwhelming and destroy people. Learning
by shock always
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Puritan Oppression In The Conformist Society, By Nathaniel...
In order to castigate the overwhelming and unfair standards of Puritan beliefs that strip
nonconformists of dignity, self identity, and acceptance in society, Nathaniel Hawthorne illuminates
the demoralizing, prejudiced, and unforgiving views and punishments of religious Massachusetts
Because Hawthorne intends to criticize the hypocrisy and oppression within the conformist
community, his downcast and disconsolate illustrations expose the strict and relentless mandates of
Puritan ideology. But, in that early severity of the Puritan character, [...] it might be that a sluggish
bond servant, or an undutiful child, whom his parents had given over to the civil authority, was to be
corrected at the whipping post [...] or an idle and vagrant Indian, whom the white man s fire water had
made riotous about the streets, was to be driven with stripes into the shadow of the forest. (Hawthorne
47). By portraying an array of very different types of people such as the servant, child, and Indian, all
of whom are subjected to Puritan law, Hawthorne laments the fact that anyone if convicted by the
orthodox Puritans can be punished. The illustration of a child being whipped in public because his
own parents turned him in is sickening; it fully envelopes Hawthorne s view of unfair and repulsive
treatment of nonconformists and sinners. Similarly, the visual description of an Indian being driven
with stripes , or in other words, being chased with a whip, once again accentuates the
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Quilt Definition
An object that represents home to me is a quilt hand sewn by my grandmother as it is an objectified
collective memory of home. This quilt may be a common domestic object that is seen in every
household, but to me, it is a powerful connection of the home, which reminds me of my family s
comfort, care and affection. Henceforth, Home is an objectified as a metaphorical embodiment of
memory and relationships with my family (Morley, 2000)
Home as a place of feminine of comfort and care
Quilting has been a kind of litmus test of traditional femininity that has been practiced by generations
of Chinese women to gift quilt to their daughters or granddaughters as an object that signifies home,
so my grandmother sewn a personalised quilt for me as a memorabilia.
In this feministic tradition, the fabric was carefully hand picked, arranged and stitched deliberately by
my grandmother who is a figure of ghostly feminine of comfort, nourishes and cares (Morley 2000,
37) , who was always there giving me all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This quilt is made along with the diversity of the clothes is used to represents the unity of family
members coming together, and ultimately forming a family hood so that whenever she uses this quilt,
she will be reminded of home where the family will always be there for her.
Interview with mother
Through the interview with my mother, it shows that family coming together contributing pieces of
memories to the quilt forms unity and bond in the family relationship. Therefore, whenever I used this
quilt, I will be reminded of home where this family hood exists.
In conclusion, this particular quilt is an objectified collective memory of home that give srise a sense
of warmth, comfort, homely feeling of home and also reminds me of my family that gave me plenty of
the affection and love given to
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Desmond Doss As A Hero Essay
A man named Patrick Stewart once said: There are times, sir, when men of good conscience cannot
blindly follow orders. And Desmond Doss as a Conscientious Objector did not follow orders to pick
up his rifle and kill to serve his country during WWII. He decided to serve his country in a different
way, to serve as a medic and to save lives instead of taking them and never to pick up a weapon to
violate God s commandment that thou shalt not kill. And even without a weapon Desmond was able to
save 75 men, and I admire Desmond for holding to his beliefs and being a true hero. Desmond could
have easily retreated down the face of Hacksaw Ridge with the rest of his squadron and left those men
up there, but he didn t. Every single time he went to rescue another person he was putting his own life
on the line. Desmond Doss was a true hero who saved so many lives during ... Show more content on
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I expected them to be more tolerant of his beliefs and understand that he could not allow himself to
take the life of another human being because God s commandment says not to. But if I have learned
anything from this class is that war and hard times influences human behavior and decision making
for the worst. Where things would normally be tolerated, they are not tolerated during a war, and
sometimes peoples rights can be discarded such as with the Japanese Internment Camps, and Sacco
and Vanzetti. I was very satisfied with the movie when Desmond s right to abide his beliefs was
granted during his court martial, and they dropped the charges of insubordination. I also loved how
Desmond pleaded not guilty during his court martial, he never used his beliefs as an excuse or
compromised by using a gun. And when they tried to Section 8 him as being mentally ill, he continued
to stand by his beliefs saying that there is nothing crazy about believing in God and abiding by his
commandment not to
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The Right to Die Essay
Euthanasia is the act or practice of taking someone s life that has an incurable illness or injury or
assisted suicide. Benefits with assisted suicide are helping the terminally ill person to avoid
excruciating pain, it also help their loved ones who are dependent on to avoid extreme health care
cost, and health care cost can be spend on caring for and research for the future. If there are the pros
for euthanasia, there are also cons against euthanasia. Those who are against euthanasia are mostly
due to their religious beliefs or the fact that doctors will have the advantage to take someone s life
without giving the patient a chance to be cured from their illness. These pros and cons are main
reasons why assisted suicide is such a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1994, she ended her own life with a help of an anonymous physician anyway. Many people looked
up to her because they too have loved ones who are terminally ill or have painful illnesses themselves.
As one commenter wrote in response to the CBC News article about Sue Rodriquez argues, To force
the unspeakable, grueling and totally unnecessary suffering to continue has no defense. So far, we
really are barbarians not to be doing this already. Those who oppose this should be forced to a bedside
to bear witness to these poor patients. Then we ll see if they have really thought this through properly.
(http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/02/09/f assisted
suicide.html#socialcomments#ixzz0nTjXzVYk) Based on 5 4 from SCC, society cannot preserve life
forever; there is no life that has no death.
Dying is not a crime (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kevorkian#cite_note 5) said Jack Kevorkian
who s a right to die activist. He claimed to have helped at least 130 patients to end their life after
having his medical license taken away because he advertised himself as physician consultant for death
counseling . He did so by letting the individuals take the final action using his death machine by
pressing a button that would release toxins into their body. This is done so after Kevorkian helped
attach the euthanasia device into his patients. After 8 years in prison he left on parole, and served
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Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention Among Public...
influencing factors of entrepreneurial intention among public and private universities in Malaysia.
Research questions hoped to be answered by this study is framed from the background, problem
statements and literatures reviewed. These questions are stated below:
Q1: Does entrepreneurial education influence entrepreneurial intention among public and private
Q2: Does students at private and public universities perceive government support effective factors to
become an entrepreneur?
With these two questions the objectives are stated as follows
i. To investigate and compare the role of entrepreneurial education between public and private
universities students ii. To examine the perception of students towards social support for
entrepreneurial activities in Malaysia.
2.1 Entrepreneurial Intention
Investigating factors that influence entrepreneurial intention, several theories had being applied by
different scholars for example, studying role or influence of education on intention of entrepreneurs,
the two most prominent theories are Ajzen s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Sahpero and
Sokol s theory of entrepreneurial model. Intention as described by Davison (1995) is the urge to do or
to act in response to something. While Krueger, Reilly, and Carsrud (2000) said an entrepreneurial
intention is a way of thinking emphasizing opportunities over threats stating that businesses are not
started by reflex but by analyzing and responding to
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In considering the process of change in the relationship...
In considering the process of change in the relationship between Ireland and Great Britain between
1801 and 1921, how far can the 1886 Home Rule Bill be seen as a key turning point?
In 1815 Ireland was part of the union though by 1921 it was partitioned. The years in between saw
group and individual efforts in trying to change the relationship between Ireland and Great Britain.
Parnell s campaign for Home Rule is seen as a key turning point that potentially was the most
important kick starting change within the union.
1886 was undoubtedly a turning point as it gave hope for both a just and feasible solution to the
problem of the Irish government . In 1886 the Liberal Party Prime Minister of the UK, William
Gladstone, decided that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When O Connell won the Country Clare election in 1828 it seemed impossible for there to be no
change of the rules within parliament. The Roman Catholic Emancipation Act was passed in 1829 due
overall support in the House of Commons and it could be said that this led to positive change for Irish
Nationalism. Many opportunities were sprung open by this act, especially for the middle class, in
political and professional jobs in particular. Also, O Connell teamed up with the Whigs and managed
to pass a number of acts such as the Irish Church Act, which could also have been seen to help. O
Connell s success also seemed to forge a link between Irish nationalism and Catholicism. All of these
things seem to suggest that 1829 was a turning point for Irish nationalism.
However O Connell s hopes that emancipation would lead to repeal did not materialise. The Act has
succeeded in its intention to keep the union intact. The middle class gained most from it and became
content. They did not support the repeal campaign, and was a reason for its failure and furthermore,
there was no support in parliament for repeal of the union. There has at least been serious
consideration of change in the union in 1886.
By the end of the repeal campaign O Connell was receiving criticism from more extreme groups such
as Young Ireland. The Great Famine was a key event in changing the relationship between Great
Britain and
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How Is Richard Parker Similar In Life Of Pi
Life of Pi Essay Piscine and Richard Parker are two different species; Pi is a human and Richard
Parker a bengal tiger. Stuck in a lifeboat with a limited amount of food and water, a tiger and a human
are not going to be good companions. Eventually, one or the other is going to survive, and the other
will not. Yann Martel creates an alternate idea. Throughout the book, Yann Martel shows the
importance of using your enemies to help get through situations. Richard Parker also helps by
catching flying fish, which is a good source of food. Soon, they start Yann Martel places a human and
a tiger in a lifeboat, where they have to overcome any challenges that arise. Pi first was alone and didn
t want to be in the situation by himself. Once, he saw Richard Parker, he said, Don t give up, please.
Come to the lifeboat. (Martel 121). After thinking over the situation, he realized, a bengal tiger was
not the kind of company he wanted. Pi said to himself, In a few seconds you ll be aboard and we ll be
together. Wait a second. Together? We ll be together? Have I gone mad? (Martel 123). By including
this in the context, Yann Martel shows that if the two are together, it is not going to be good.
Eventually, Richard Parker and Pi are together, in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You may act like you don t approve of the person, but that doesn t mean you actually do. Yann Martel
gives the reader many examples of this. Pi used Richard Parker as a calmer, It was Richard Parker
who calmed me. . Towards the end of the journey on the lifeboat, Pi feels as if being parted from
Richard Parker will not be easy. He says, I was weeping because Richard Parker had left me so
unceremoniously. (Martel 360). During their time together, Yann Martel proves that Richard Parker
and Pi have developed a relationship, not as enemies. Being in a tough position can change enemies
into great
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Murray Bowen s Family Systems Theory Of Family
Murray Bowen developed a new theory that focuses on how the family s emotions and interactions as
a unit can affect the individual and vice versa. (Marianne Schneider 2015) In this theory patterns are
constructed in the family to ease the stress created in families. (Baege. M. 2005) The Family Systems
theory proposes that to get a better look inside what s going on with the individual you must look at
the family. (Marianne Schneider 2015) Outside influences and certain issues that have been passed
down from multiple generations determine their levels of stress and anxiety. (Marianne Schneider
In Bowen s theory there are 8 intertwining concepts. (Baege. M.2005) The first concept is Triangles
which are a 3 person relationship system that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
( Baege, M. 2005) Lastly, according to Vermont Center of Family, Societal Emotional Process is
where society is a factor in the emotional systems behavior of a family member such as work and
social organizations. (Baege, M. 2005)
Family Systems Theory appeals to me because I have a large stepfamily and I feel this perspective
does help to figure out how to deal with problems that come up with individuals while considering the
whole family unit. I feel very strongly that family is important in developing a person s strengths and
self worth. There are lots of issues that can come up in a stepfamily. Relationship triangles that the
family systems theory talks about happened in a dysfunctional way in my family. I believe the only
way to get a better insight into one s problems is to look at the family of origin and see the patterns
and how everyone interacts and affects everyone. It is also important to know the level of
differentiation that family members are at to help them have a sense of self outside of the family unit.
In our family there has been a lot of tension because of family members not knowing what their role
was in the new family unit. In my family it was very difficult to establish a parent role with a child
that doesn t consider you as a parent. I have seen certain children act out when they feel that they are
not receiving enough attention from the biological parent and then triangles result. In my experiences
with my stepfamily I feel family systems theory is a very good way for me to use my personal
strengths and experiences to help my clients to be self sufficient in dealing with their
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The Clinical Plan For Post Knee Arthroplasty Rehabilitation
The clinical scenario presented by Sarah is very interesting and has got every chance a physical
therapist might face such similar situation in outpatient clinical practice. When a patient comes for
post knee arthroplasty rehabilitation, the physical therapist can often get too much focused on therapy
goals and overlook important clinical signs and symptoms that must be addressed and referred in a
timely manner. A weight gain of 20 pounds in 18 days was not a good indication of Mr. Knee s general
health status. Presence of localized edema is common to see in knee arthroplasty patients. However,
this patient has 2+ pitting edema even after taking Lasix 40 mg twice a day. The evaluation did not
specify more about of swelling, whether it has any increased or decreased depends upon the time of
the day. A weight gain of 2 pounds or more in 48 hours must be considered as a red flag, which may
be an indication of heart failure. Vital signs assessment consistently demonstrated higher blood
pressure and heart rate. The evaluation is not clearly indicative of exercise induced asthma for patient.
Weight gain, consistent higher levels of blood pressure and heart rate along with exercise induced
exertion can be signs of acute cardiac failure. According to King, Kingery Casey, 2012, heart failure is
a common clinical syndrome characterized by dyspnea, fatigue, and signs of volume overload, which
may include peripheral edema and pulmonary rales. In this case, the
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Bhaskar Bharti Directed By Pavan Kaul And Manoj Kotian
Behind every working woman, there is a large pile of unwashed laundry. This is a famous quote by
Barbara Dale . What we can be understand from this quote is that, women face a lot of problems each
and every day both in the society as well as in the working place. They are always shown with a
transparent lens criticizing each and every act of their s negatively. All this is explained and illustrated
through an Indian romantic comedy and feminist show titled Bhaskar Bharti directed by Pavan Kaul
and Manoj Kotian. This show explores how women are forced to face with enormous variety of
problems in the workplace by portraying the leading man named Bhaskar as a playboy who cheats all
women. Eventually, one of his girlfriends (whom he promised to marry) curses him to turn into a
woman, so that he may understand the pain and anguish that he has caused her and other women. The
curse comes true, and Bhaskar transforms into a woman that night; it is, in fact, a punishment by the
god to be transformed into a beautiful woman named Bharti . The remaining story centers on how a
man in the feet of woman undergoes the problems in the life of woman at the workplace, society and
henceforth, understands and changes drastically later during the course of time. Bhaskar Bharti
represents women s struggles with gender dominance and pressures in working place and society by
proving that the power should not be used to degrade women, and that sisterhood is the ultimate
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The Mathematical Theory Of Communication In Thomas...
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, entropy can be defined as the degree of disorder or
uncertainty in a system. In his novel, The Crying of Lot 49, Thomas Pynchon manipulates the
definition of the scientific term entropy to manifest the innate chaos and disorder in both a closed
thermodynamic system and in the life of the protagonist: Oedipa Maas. In the novel, Oedipa Maas
explores entropy with respect to the thermodynamic sorting of molecules in Maxwell s Demon, and
the communication information regarding the Tristero . According to Warren Weaver s, Recent
Contributions to The Mathematical Theory of Communication, there are technical, semantic, and
effectiveness problems that may distort the accuracy of communication, ... Show more content on
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Since entropy prospers in closed environments much like Oedipa s life at the beginning of the novel,
Pynchon develops the idea that the chaos in Oedipa s life is subject to increase with the discovery of
more information pointing to the existence of Tristero. This overload of information Oedipa
experiences serves as a roadblock to her understanding of the true meaning behind the Tristero.
According to Warren Weaver, the entropy in the channel is determined both by what one attempts to
feed into the channel and by the capabilities of the channel to handle different signal situations
(Weaver, 10). Thus, when Oedipa is fed copious amounts of symbols, words, and theories, she finds it
hard to handle sorting what is real and unreal. This confusion that Oedipa endures is a direct
consequence of the noise created by different people, symbols, and word that disrupt Oedipa s
deciphering of the Tristero. Warren Weaver comments on this noise seen in Claude Shannon s
communication transmission model, stating that, If noise is introduced, then the received message
contains certain distortions...that would certainly lead one to say that the received message exhibits,
because of the effects of the noise, an increased uncertainty... If the information source has any
residual uncertainty...then this must be undesirable uncertainty due to noise (Weaver, 11). This
undesirable uncertainty due to noise leads
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  • 9. A Hart And Ronald Dworkin s Theory Of Law This paper will examine both H.L.A Hart and Ronald Dworkin s position in the theories of law and will try to determine who has won the famous debate between the two. Having considered both sides of the argument, I would have to say that Ronald Dworkin s argument was better than H.L.A Hart s argument. In applying both Dworkin and Hart s theories of law, they come to very different conclusions in regards to the case of Riggs v. Palmer. According to Dworkin s theory of law, judges do not solely focus only on the rules, instead, they focus on seeking right answers. Dworkin has many problems and disagreements with Hart s theory, one in particular is relating to what Dworkin labels principles and policies . Dworkin defines a principle as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Primary rules have an internal aspect to them, in which individuals have a relationship to the rules and regard them as grounds to criticize those who violate them, making primary rules duty imposing (MacAlister, 2017). Secondary rules on the other hand, are seen as supplementary to the primary rules, which, instead of imposing duty upon individuals, they confer powers to them (MacAlister, 2017). Secondary rules are split into three different types: Rules of change (allow public/private powers to fix old rules), adjudication (remedy for inefficiency, introduces courts and law enforcement), and recognition (confers powers on people to identify law, and unification of rules) (MacAlister, 2017). Another important concept within Hart s theory of law is that he thinks judges have to their discretion. Hart proposes the idea of open texture in law, which states that at times, the law does not cover every situation that arises and that law may run out (MacAlister, 2017). Within this open texture, the is a clear core of certainty, where application of the law is apparent, and beyond the core, is the penumbra, the uncertainty and indeterminacy in law in which hard cases are based upon. As law branches out of this core of rules, it becomes more and more indeterminate. Due to this indeterminacy, Hart believes that since there is no clear answer written in the law, judges should have the discretion in dealing with hard cases. In the case of Riggs, since the relevant rules of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Book Magnolia The book Magnolia is about a girl named Jemma and a boy named Ryder and they always have been next door neighbours. They used to be friends until grade 8 were an event happens that broke their friendship forever. And now in grade 12, they can t stand each other. Their parents have always wanted them to be a bit more than friends, but Ryder and Jemma hated the thought of being together. And a storm rages through town while the parents of Ryder and Jemma are gone, during the storm their feelings for each other shift and they learn about if they love or hate. They face a lot of adventures, horror and disaster but at the end, all works out and leads to a cliffhanger. This story is like Romeo and Juliet backwards and no one dies at the end. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Siege Of Leningrad In World War II, the crimes which stood out against humanity shook the foundations of the world. From the rise of Hitler to the genocidal Holocaust, the war took the lives of more than 80 million people over the course of 6 years. Today, North American education continues to pass down the horrors of the war as a grim reminder of the past. However, what our history textbooks cover tend to focus on the American side of things. Instead of learning important events which were going on in other parts of the world, we recognize our triumphs and efforts in the war. The Siege of Leningrad, for example, is not talked about frequently, although it was a catastrophic time for the Russians. The Siege of Leningrad was a military blockade by Hitler in an attempt to take the city by letting Leningrad (St. Petersburg today) starve to death. By surrounding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Due to lack of food supplies, ration cards were handed out by officers very sparingly to the citizens of the city. These cards were viewed as the key to survival during the siege; one use cards for providing small amounts of food for the user. As cards were sought out by starving citizens, some turned to crime and even cannibalism in an attempt to satiate their hunger. For example, there was a report of an 18 year old who murdered his two younger brothers for their ration cards or an instance where a man used an axe to kill his grandma, then proceeded to boil her liver (dailymail.co.uk). The novel is similar in regards to acts of immorality, an example being when Lev and Kolya encounter cannibals who tries to lure them into their deaths, We need a dozen eggs (Kolya)... You re in luck. That s all I have... Into our apartment first . Of course, it was a ruse and the pair were led into a trap which they get away from. As evident, people took advantage of people without care, proving that the blockade brought the worst out of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Success Of A Business Owner Being an entrepreneur is about believing in something and standing for what you believe in. The reasons entrepreneurs start businesses is to be successful as well as to make money. No one ever starts a business with the intent to fail, however if a business does fail most entrepreneurs learn from their mistakes and try again. The mentality of successful business owner is an I will not lose attitude that motivates that person to not accept failure as an option. Having what it takes to survive and succeed is a core value of entrepreneurs, making it your civil duty to find solutions to problems people face on a daily basis. In my research I think the main objective of an entrepreneur, is to change the world in a way that will benefit everyone in one way or another. This is the entrepreneurs right and clear intention to make sure they are operating from a good intent and integrity. Entrepreneurs that have achieved a pinnacle of success often ask themselves, How can I help? or better yet you ask yourself, How can I serve? . These are the the main motivating factors an entrepreneur needs to create a plan of action. Any entrepreneur that is successful in business has an instinctive ability to see problems and needs that people have as an opportunity to apply their entrepreneurial capabilities to come up with solutions and satisfy a person s problems or needs. Another great example are social media entrepreneurs who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Dogs Are Great Pet Companions Research Thesis/Central Idea: I believe that dogs are great pet companions I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention Getter: What is one companion that will love you unconditionally? B. Thesis: I believe that dogs are great pet companions C. Overview: Dogs are very intelligent, always loyal, and give constant love II. BODY A. Intelligence 1. Dogs can be trained to do a number of things if given the proper training. A few common commands are sit, shake, lie down, and roll over. 2. For more intelligent dogs, they can be trained to become police dogs that play an active role in police investigations or become therapy dogs that comfort and help the people who need it most. TRANSITION: Along with dogs high level of intellegince, they can be very protective over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Case Of The American Legal System The question what is law?, is important to understand law and to the extent to which particular institutions have been accorded power to make or pronounce law. It is important for lawyers, policymakers, politicians and those working in the field of social science academia to understand that the meaning and the scope of law exceeds the basic premises of assumption that law is what the legislature passes as a statute, or law is what a court applies, etc. because that is the way our political order is constructed, etc. Since laws takes various forms, a legal system is needed to interpret and enforce the law in the society through the procedures or process from the systematic nature of law and the examination of the presuppositions and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Madison exemplifies that understanding . Since the US legal system is based on federalism. The Tenth Amendment of the U.S constitution shift the power and legal authority away from the states and towards the federal government. The federal government gains more power over the state but there is a certain jurisdiction of boundaries that the federal can exercise their power over the state. The law deals with the fundamental principles by which the federal government exercises its authority. In the American constitutional system, the authority of government is defined, limited, and distributed by the fundamental law of the United States Constitution. The U.S constitution is a body of written basic law and is superior to and takes precedence over all ordinary acts of Congress and state legislatures and over all decision and actions of the executive branches of the national and state government. That s why it divides the national government into three branches legislative, executive and judicial. This will separate the power of the branches of the government and at the same time check and balances the actions of other branches. Constitution law is most often associated with fundamental rights like equal protection, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Analysis Of To Live By Zhang Yimou Zhang Yimou presents a breathtaking snapshot of life in China from the 1940s to the 70s through the lens of a single family in To Live . China faced many tumultuous twists and turns during this time period as the country transitioned out of the bygone feudal society. Each decade brought in a new era: the civil war of the 40s, the communist regime and the Great Leap forward in the 50s, and the cultural revolution of the 60s. Zhang captures the essence of these distinct periods within the progression of Fugui s family, a bittersweet story of perseverance against all odds. The plot of the story is rather simple, following a linear structure. The graceful juxtaposition of various historical elements alongside the underlying primary plot makes this a true masterpiece that manages to condense the lives of individuals into a short chunk of time. One of central themes that ties the entire story together is the role of luck and chance in determining our fates. Zhang explicitly acknowledges elements of luck several times throughout the film. When Fugui gambles away his family s estate to Long er, the instrument of his demise is a bunch of dice, which are symbols for luck. Little does Fugui realize at the time, the rolls of the dice dictate not only his wealth, but they also dictate whether he lives or not. In the scene where Long er gets shot to death, Fugui runs off and wets his pants at the realization that he would have been the one getting shot if he had been wealthy. Luck ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Iphone X Thesis Iphone X Imagine everyone having the iPhone X and you could not afford it. The iPhone X is the latest apple product. The iPhone X, in my opinion, has way too many new confusing new features. The new iphones gradually become more complicated. People have very different opinions. I do not find the iPhone X very reliable. One of the new features is the Face ID. You can use to unlock your phone and to make iphone app store purchases. The second new feature Animoji also uses your face ID. Animoji includes emojis animated based on your facial expressions. The third new feature is wireless charging is a pad that is has a nonslip surface that ensures your device won t get knocked off easily, and has thermal protection for your safety. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Why Atrial Fibrillation Occur There no direct cause as why to atrial fibrillation occur but, there is many other disease and disorders that Atrial Fibrillation is associated with. For example Atrial Fibrillation is closely associated with heart attack due to the fact that a during a heart attack the coronary artery is unable to supply oxygen to the heart which then causes the muscles in the heart to starve for oxygen. This can then lead to the death of some muscle tissue in the heart which then can lead to AFib. Hypertension also play a role in AFib, Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a constant high pressure of blood against the walls of the artery (arteries are the blood vessel that carry blood from the heart to our body parts) (A blood vessel is a tube which carries ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Dilemma Of Batman There is a video game called Injustice Gods Among Us where the main plot of the game is based around the dilemma of is it morally right killing criminals. In the game, the character Joker manipulates Superman s mind into killing his wife and unborn son by thinking they are one of Superman s enemies. The Joker also set a nuclear bomb to detonate in Superman s town of Metropolis when his wife and child die. After the bomb explodes, the Joker is placed into police custody and is being interrogated by Batman. While being interrogated, Superman comes busting into the jail wanting to kill the Joker. He and Batman got into an argument based around the fact that they both had a moral rule that no criminal deserves to die at their hands, including the Joker. Superman states that the Joker and other likeminded individuals are irredeemable and that their victims deserve justice. While Batman argues that Superman and other superheroes are not above the law, and that Superman cannot act as judge, jury, and executioner. The dilemma of the story is based around the question, is it right to take another s life, no matter how many people an individual has killed? Batman believes that killing anyone is morally wrong, when Superman believes that killing criminals is morally correct. Both Consequentialist and Deontologist would view this predicament differently. After the death of his wife and son, Superman understands why there are people in the world that want to see criminals die. For ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Criticism Of Jonathan Swift Introduction: Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 19 October 1745) was an Anglo Irish satirist, poet and cleric. His work includes such literatures greats as Gulliver s Travels add more. His published poetry, pamphlets and books allow the reader an insight into 18th century Ireland. This assignment will answer the following question The writings of Jonathan Swift contain criticisms of certain aspects of British management of Irish affairs. Discuss with reference to at least ONE of Swift s published works. It will do so by briefly looking at the life of Jonathan Swift. It will give a brief summary on A Modest Proposal (1729) ,before exploring the manner in which Swift criticises the British management of Irish affairs. Finally, the assignment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The era itself saw great change occur within Ireland, as well as seeing the rise of the Protestant ascendancy within the country. One must also remember that during this time, the country was under British rule and tensions between Catholics and Protestants were at a high. Jonathan Swift draws from this in his work, as it acted as a source of inspiration for his satirical writing. Swift known for his criticisms, can be deemed as criticising certain aspects of British management of Irish affairs throughout A Modest ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Psychology Experiment Essay examples Title: An investigation into the impact of group pressure on an individual s estimate of the amount of beads in a pot (ginger granules in a jar). IV = Group/Individual DV = Individual beads estimate Abstract This experiment investigated the impact of group pressure on the individual. The hypothesis is that group pressure does indeed impact on the individual and in this case the individual s estimate of the number of ginger granules in a jar. Participants were asked to make a judgement of the number of ginger granules in a jar, first individually and then as a group. The individual participants were then interviewed again to see if their estimates had changed. The results proved the hypothesis that group pressure does make an impact ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It will be performed using a method similar to the one used by Jenness in his experiment. This will in effect test the reproducibility and validity of the Jenness experiment. There are no contentious or controversial issues surrounding this experiment and its method, and it is certainly within the law i.e. there are no deceptions or misleading intentions toward the participant; it is fair. Hypothesis The influence of group pressure will affect individuals estimates of the number of ginger granules in a glass jar. The estimate of the individual will change after a group decision to lie closer to the figure of the group. Method The IV was the group or individual, and the DV was the number of ginger granules in the glass jar. Two separate rooms were used; one for interview of the individual one at a time. When not being interviewed the individual was instructed to go the second room where the rest of the group resided for the period of the experiment. Both rooms contained only the subjects of the experiment, and of course the experimenter, and no one else was permitted into the aforementioned areas. Television, radio and other forms of communicative devices were forbidden from these areas. The participants were three members of a family. The first was male and 67 years of age. The second was female and 52 years old. The third member of the family was male, and 25 years old. Materials: * Jar of ginger granules * Watch * Sheets of paper ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Report An addiction is a harmful relationship with drugs, alcohol, things or activities that brings about negative consequences by over use. People over use this relationship as a form of relaxation, reward or escape and overtime become dependent on these harmful relationships. Extensive research has gone into developing a program to help individuals overcome these harmful relationships. Alcoholics Anonymous has developed a 12 Step Program, which is a model that has been proven to benefit the community in helping to resolve addictions. The 12 step program helps to combat different type of addictions, although minor changes are made to deal with specific additions it is a very successful program. In Saint Petersburg Florida and program called ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Recovery is the process of participating in a group or program providing treatment and support for a longstanding psychological or behavioral problem, such as abuse, addiction, grief, or trauma (Melemis, Steven, 2015). As a non addict it seems easy enough to make a decision to stop drinking and follow through with that decision when temptation presents itself, but for an alcoholic it is not the simple. However, an alcoholic struggles with the temptation on a daily bases. Relapse prevention begins with addressing social interactions, emotional triggers, and developing positive coping mechanisms. Recovery and relapse requires is a process that should be done with others around to support each step and each phase of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. ##ethical Analysis Of God Is Dead By Friedrich Nietzsche I was really confused when I first stumbled across reading this quote. I didn t really understand what Nietzsche was saying from the phrase God is dead . After talking with my classmates and doing some research I got a better understanding about the quote. Most people didn t understand it like me at first and they thought Nietzsche interpreted in a literal death or end of God. I think Nietzsche says this quote because he was an atheist and he had a different perspective about God which he never even believed in. Most people believe that God is all knowing and powerful so he or she can t die. The understanding I got from this quote is that I think Nietzsche is trying to say that is not relevant to people anymore meaning that people don t care. Friedrich Nietzsche is a well known philosopher who influenced many topics in the world and was not really a fan of religion. This quote is widely known by everyone and it is first shown in his 1882 collection The Gay Science . The phrase God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him can have many meanings to different people. I interpreted this phrase by thinking that people don t care about and no more have a use for God. In a sense Nietzsche is saying that large and consistent moral theories could exist without reference to God. For example, Europe no longer needed God as the source for all morality, value, or order in the universe. By that I mean philosophy and science was capable of doing that for us. As the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Sacroiliac Joint Essay 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Balance is the ability to move or remain in a position without losing control or falling. Balance is an action done without active consideration, but it is vital for locomotion and maintenance of an upright posture. When balance is impaired it may have detrimental effects. The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is a key element in an upright posture and locomotion. Subluxations in the SIJ are common in a large percent of the population, and may be symptomatic or asymptomatic in nature. These subluxations can cause a number of symptoms including lower back pain, leg length inequality and dysfunction in standing, walking, lifting objects and changing positions. Chiropractic treatment of the SIJ has been found to relieve lower back ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most patient s demonstrated improved balance, and some showed reduced dizziness and neck pain after 8 weeks of chiropractic therapies. (Strunk and Hawk, 2009) Study 2 was conducted to determine if proprioception would be improved by manual manipulation of the SIJ or through full body vibration, via the use of a power plate. The results concluded that there was an improvement in balance in the group, who received the vibration power plate, as well as the combination group and the group that received only the chiropractic adjustment therapy. (Landman, 2010) Study 3 was conducted in order to determine the immediate effect of a unilateral sacroiliac adjustment on gait. This study found that in asymptomatic patients, the sacroiliac adjustment improved gait, and it was concluded that this treatment should become a treatment regime for patients with gait abnormalities. (Schooling, 2012) 3. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. John s Journey In Search For Truth By C. S. Lewis Throughout history, many people have dedicated their lives to search for the truth. Consequently, this has resulted in many different philosophies and religions. Likewise, C.S Lewis writes a book dealing with his conversation and spiritual journey in search for the truth. He uses a character named John and this boy s journey to represent his own journey through life. The first way John searches for the truth is in his search for happiness. He searches for happiness in many forms, but eventually finds the true source. Another way that John searches for the truth is through the different philosophies that various people present to him along his journey. Though at the time the different philosophies may have seemed correct, after closer examination ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mr. Enlightenment is the first person that John meets on his travels. Accordingly, he introduces John to the philosophy of modern science and rationalism. According to Mr. Enlightenment, modern science and rational thinking can explain anything. Moreover, he tells John that, the Landlord is an invention of those Stewards (Lewis 1 2), and many people believe them because they lack scientific training. This leaves John with the notion that the landlord is a fake. Soon after, the Spirit of the Age captures John and holds him prisoner in a cell for many days. While he is imprisoned the Spirit of the Agee attempts to convince John and the rest of the prisoners, that they are nothing more than their internals. Nevertheless, a woman named Reason comes and rescues John. She tries to reach John that to find the truth, reason must be used. Reason explains to John that he is more knowledgeable than he perceives. It is just a matter of bringing, dark part of your mind into the light part of it (Lewis 2 4). Likewise, she talks about the importance of not making a decision without proof and how it is not bad to stay in wonderment. John meets History sometime after his encounters with Reason. He explains to John the nature of man in a relationship with the Landlord and the Island. He proposes that the Island is a means to attract us to the true source of happiness which is the landlord. Additionally, he proposes that the only way to truly reach the Landlord is through mother Kirk. This helps John come to realize the truth about what he was searching for and how to attain it through the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. A Man For All Seasons Corruption Essay Corruption in the play A Man For All Seasons The main plot in the play A Man For All Seasons by Robert Bolt is corruption, more specifically political corruption. While the play focuses heavily on the social demise, and moral strength of the character Thomas More. It also covers the inverse process with other characters, such as; Richard Rich, Thomas Cromwell, and the king of England Henry VIII. In the play Thomas More stands as a beacon of selfhood and virtue, while the other three men used manipulation and disloyalty, to gain wealth and power, no matter what the consequences may be. The character Richard Rich did not start out corrupt in the beginning of the play, but became corrupt with prospect of becoming wealthy and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While he ponders what Cromwell will do to More, he really do not care what happened to him, he thought More would eventually do as Cromwell say, but he is proving wrong, and soon realizes that More is not as weak as he is, and is not easily sway by power and money as he is. In the play Rich s slow rise to power is shown in his attire, in the beginning he was wearing old, shabby clothes, that he complained about, but as he rises in the ranks, his attire became more fancy, which is what he as always wanted, and got it a the price of selling his soul. In the play we watched More s fortunes dwindled, while Rich s flourished, an indication that Rich is reaping the benefits of evil and corrupted ways. At the end of the play Rich lied under oath about More s real thoughts on the King s divorce, which ultimately led to More s beheading, that scene signifies Rich s complete transformation as corrupt and amoral character. Rich sacrificed his moral conscience in exchange for success, and a high ranking office, something that More, a more moral character would never do. Thomas Cromwell is another character in the play that displayed corrupted ways. He was the primary person responsible for the downfall of More. While Rich s immoral acts were reluctant at times, Cromwell s was steadfast, he was really dedicated and motivated in taken down More, and did it with practically no guilt whatsoever. Cromwell s sole purpose in the play ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Elaine Riots Essay The Elaine Riots The Elaine Massacre was one of the most destructive racial dispute that had taken place in Arkansas history and perhaps, the bloodiest racial rivalry in the history of the United States. While its inmost origin lies in the United States dedication to white superiority, the events in Elaine were emanated from strained race affiliates and expanding sympathy regarding the labor unions. A firing incident that took place at a meeting of the Progressive Farmers and the Household Union inflated into throng brutality on the part of the white people in Elaine and the nearby areas. Despite, the perfect number is unidentified, a huge number of African Americans were killed by the white s territory that was around hundreds; and five white people lost their lives. The strife had taken place on the night of September 30, 1919, when nearly hundreds of African Americans, essentially peasants on the plantations of white landlords, organized a meeting for the Progressive Farmers and the Household Union of America at Hoop Spur, that was three miles north of Elaine. The motive of the meeting was that the black peasants in the Elaine area for the past few months were attaining better refund for their cotton crops from the white ranch owners who managed the area during the Jim Crow era. Black peasants were often abused, ill treated in their attempts to collect a pension for their cotton crops. During the past few months, a racial dispute had taken place in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. International Strategy of the Vodafone Group Plc Essay COURSEWORK TITLE: INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY OF THE VODAFONE GROUP PLC Contents page 1. Introduction 2.Company Background 3.Evaluation of the internal and external environment of the company 4.Analyse the motivation of the company for international expansion 5.Analyze the reasons for operating in a particular region or country 6.Evaluate its market entry strategy in a particularly region or a country 7.Conclusion/recommendation 8.Bibliography 9.Appendix 1. Introduction The aim of this report is to research into the Vodafone group and their entry into the Indian Market. The research was carried out of Vodafone s history, their existing market strategy, the internal environment of the company and external ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to focus on how to analyse and evaluate the Internal and external environment of Vodafone, the following analytical tools will be used: Internal Environment of Vodafone: Core competencies SWOT analysis External Environment of Vodafone: Pestle analysis Porters five forces Core competencies Core competencies are the capabilities that are critical to a business achieving competitive advantage. The starting point for analysing core competencies is recognising that competition between businesses is as much a race for competence mastery as it is for market position and market power. (Prahalad and Hamel) There are three analysis, which should be applied when identifying and developing core competence of Vodafone: The core competence should: Provides potential access to a wide variety of markets
  • 28. Mark a significant contribution to the perceived customer benefits of the end product Make it difficult for competitors to imitate In order to provide potential access to a wide variety of markets, a company should attract customer using a number of different services for example multimedia so they are not just focused on the mobile telecommunications, they are broadening their product line. Vodafone customer base ranges from the young to the corporate user to the more mature market. To mark a significant contribution to the perceived customer benefits of the end product, Vodafone marketing strategy aim is to grow its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Examples Of Foolishness In Othello Othello s Foolishness The tragedy Othello by William Shakespeare is a story based on the revenge of the main two characters, Iago from Othello. Othello also known as the Moor is a man of discipline, honor and a leader of men. He is a warrior who has served the army for many years. He is a well respected officer in the Venetian State army. This is apparent as the Duke of Venice greets Othello by saying, Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you against the general enemy Ottoman. (1.3.48 9). He is not a native Italian which makes him to be an outsider. Not being a native may make others jealous of his rank and the respect he receives from others. Iago, Othello s ancient (a position below lieutenant), is tired of not getting the position ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She, dying, gave it me And bid me, when my fate would have me wived, To give it her. I did so, and take heed on t, Make it a darling like your precious eye. To lose t or give t away were such perdition As nothing else could match. (3.4.50 63) When her mother was dying, she passed on the handkerchief to Othello and told him to give it to his loved one. Othello is a fool to believe that the handkerchief has magic in its webs and that if Desdemona loses the handkerchief or gives it to someone, they would lose their love as well. He even warns Desdemona about this and how it would be a great loss for them. After killing Desdemona, Othello knows that he has done a thing which has left no space for forgiveness for him. He is mostly blaming Iago for this action of his and we can see it where he says: O ill starred wench, Pale as thy smock! When we shall meet at compt This look of thine will hurl my soul from heaven And fiends will snatch at it. Cold, cold, my girl, Even like thy chastity. O cursed, cursed slave! Whip me, ye devils, From the possession of this heavenly sight! Blow me about in winds, roast me in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Persuasive Essay On Open School Letter All the measures that are mentioned in the textbook are important. However, there a few of these measures that are not as important compared to the others listed. One of these measures involve the school mail. According to the textbook, students should not be opening the mail and that letter opening should be limited to a staff individual. The reasoning behind the measure is understandable; 2001 terrorists sent powdered anthrax through the mail. Nevertheless, why would students have access to school mail? School mail is usually delivered to the front desk, bypassing student s hands. There is no reason why a student should be opening school mail. Additionally, Trumps states that schools should ...review procedures for handling suspicious items such as envelopes with power substances that may be found in hallways, stairwell, restroom and other areas of the school... (Trump, 2011, p. 135). Instead of focusing on envelopes, why not focus on suspicious packages. Students are more likely to pick up a package off the ground than an envelope. Reviewing things that are more credible and likely would be better than having everyone become paranoid of a letter on the ground. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How do continuing field trips fit into the school security and preparedness? Logically speaking, if a tornado was happening outside (for example), field trips would be cancelled. If there was a possible threat of future terrorist attacks, why not cancel to be precautionary of the situation? After the November 2015 attacks in Paris, schools in Connecticut, South Carolina, and rural Maryland avoided field trips ...out of an abundance of caution...after hearing from parents who are worried about the possibility of an attack... (Balingt, Hermann, Davis, 2015). Sometimes it is better to be precautious, especially if things are going a little haywire at the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay On Pairing Veterans With Service Animals Pairing Veterans with Service Animals Introduction It is estimated that over half a million American veterans were suffering from PTSD in 2004. (Stern) [One of these veterans named Harvill,] says the only thing that helped him get through the years of persistent pain was an exuberant, golden Labrador and mastiff mix named Sierra. (Bowen) This trained Service dog knows how to comfort him during times of anxiety and always makes sure he is not alone. (Bowen)Millions of veterans come home from war facing a number of health care needs, and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) cannot keep up. Over 10 years of war has produced a huge number of veterans with multiple health problems, and the government and the military have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Several different factors can affect who develops Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and it can happen to anyone. Having a lot of exposure to a traumatic event, like a war makes it more likely that a person will develop PTSD. Certain types of trauma can increase the chances of someone getting PTSD such as combat, and sexual assault (PTSD what is). Although medication and psychotherapy help PTSD patients reduce their symptoms, it remains a difficult disorder to treat. Many veterans suffering from PTSD see the disorder as a weakness and either fail to report their symptoms, go undiagnosed, or they drop out of their therapy (Glintborg). So, it remains necessary to find alternative therapies, and integrating support animals remains a viable option. Current Treatment Limitations Many different treatments available for PTSD that have minimized PTSD symptoms. The most common form of treatment being trauma focused psychotherapies, which has many different forms, to which the most effective seems to be exposure therapy. Its success works by having patients face their fears, and talking about the traumatic event. Frequently these therapies are paired with another form of treatment such as medication. Depression and anxiety medication work best for most PTSD cases. Nevertheless, limitations to the successes of these treatments do exist. Some studies have estimated that of the general population with PTSD diagnoses, only 49.9% ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. A Comparison Of Disney World And Adventureland Compare Contrast Paper Mateah Reisdorf As everyone always says, Disney World is the happiest place on earth, but for Iowans we have Adventureland, where we are sure to have a fun filled day. To us Iowans , Disney World and Adventure are the two best theme parks we ve ever known of! Both theme parks are full of happiness, good food and exciting rides, although Disney World and Adventureland have lots of differences and yet some similarities in hand. In this paper I am going to explain and list off the vast similarities and differences of Disney World and Adventureland! To start off, one major similarity is both Disney World and Adventureland have specific characters that build the atmosphere of their theme parks. For example, Disney World has; Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Donald and Daisy Duck, Cinderella, Snow White, Belle and many more beloved Disney characters! As for Adventureland has a well known character, the Saint Bernard dog. All the characters that live in their theme park attract children s attention very easily. Children are quick to recognize Disney Worlds characters from TV shows they have watched on Disney Channel. The Saint Bernard at Adventureland is a welcoming, fun character to Adventureland, which attracts thousands of tourists. Both theme park s characters endow the same qualities and draw vast amounts of tourist to both of their theme parks! Also, having enough money to visit Disney World or Adventureland is a major necessity in order to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. How Did Galileo Galilei Impact The Development Of The... Throughout the past years, astronomers have found out many different things about what s outside Earth. Few did it with just their bare eyes but most astronomers found out many information by the telescope. The telescope itself has such a huge history as it evolved throughout the years and without this piece, we wouldn t know many things. Born in Italy, on February 15, 1564, a man has impacted the world in such a huge way by creating and using an advanced telescope; Galileo Galilei. Galileo was the first of six children and he was born to a well known musician, Vincenzo Galilei. Around the early 1570 s Galileo and his family moved to Florence and around his middle teens, he attended the monastery school at Vallombrosa. In 1583, Galileo went ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This allowed him to receive more income and more people started to recognize him. Galileo developed the universal law of acceleration, which all objects in the universe followed. In 1609, Galileo learned about the simple telescope that was already invented and so he created one of his own. He presented his work to some Venetian merchants, and they realized that the telescope could be used to spot ships and so they gave Galileo salary to make several of them. However, Galileo s ambition pushed him to go further, and in the fall of 1609 he made the decision to turn his telescope toward the sky instead of looking at land. He became so interested in astronomy by looking through the telescope and found many discoveries. He wrote a book about all the things he learned like how the moon was not flat and smooth, but a sphere with mountains and how Jupiter had revolving moons, which didn t revolve around the earth. His discoveries helped many people find out new things and make new discoveries of their own. After that many things happened in his life like how he got sent to Rome and was in house house arrest because of problems with the Roman Catholic Church and how he didn t obey their rules. When Galileo was in Rome he wrote Two New Sciences , a summary of his life s work on the science of motion and strength of materials. On July 8th, 1642, in Arcetri, near Florence, Galileo ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. DISCUSS THE WAYS IN WHICH IAGO CONTROLS AND MANIPULATES... DISCUSS THE WAYS IN WHICH IAGO CONTROLS AND MANIPULATES TWO OTHER CHARACTERS IN OTHELLO Iago controls and manipulates many characters in Othello including Roderigo, Brabantio, Cassio, Emilia, Desdemona, and even Othello himself. I will only be looking at Cassio and Othello because the fate of Iago s plans rest in their actions, therefore he controls and manipulates them more than any of the other characters like Roderigo who is also manipulated by Iago for a lot of the play but I found the relationship between Othello, Cassio, and Iago more interesting because they are both his superiors so Iago has to be more careful with how he manipulates them. When Iago speaks to Roderigo he can tell him a lot that may or may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Othello s lieutenant, Cassio is a young and inexperienced soldier (we are told this in the beginning of the play when Cassio is first spoken of), whose high position is much resented by Iago. Truly devoted to Othello, Cassio is extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl on Cyprus and losing his place as lieutenant. Iago uses Cassio s youth, good looks, and friendship with Desdemona to play on Othello s insecurities about Desdemona s fidelity. Iago controls Cassio for most of the play. It is important for Iago to control Cassio in the way that he does because it allows Iago to get exactly what he wants. Iago uses Cassio s faults to manipulate him, like Cassio s looks and his flirtatious personality to Cassio s own disadvantage because Iago gets Othello to think that Desdemona is having an affair with him. It all starts when he persuades Cassio to join in with the festive drinking even though Cassio has a weak alcohol tolerance level I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking this shows that Iago can still persuade Cassio to drink a lot of alcohol even though he knows that he cannot take it. Iago implies that he and Cassio have the same friends which makes Cassio think that they are best friends; he does this by calling the other men our friends which implies that they too would be friends. Iago also tells Cassio that he will drink for Cassio which makes Cassio think ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Ib Bio Hl Chap 1 Cell 1. Which of the following will contribute to the cell theory? I. II. III. A. B. C. D. I only II only I and III only I, II and III [1] Living organisms are composed of cells. All cells come from pre existing cells by mitosis. Cells are the smallest units of life. 1. C 2. A red blood cell is 8 μm in diameter. If drawn 100 times larger than its actual size, what diameter will the drawing be in mm? A. B. C. D. 0.08 mm 0.8 mm 8 mm 80 mm [1] 2. B 3. A cell has cytoplasm, a cell wall, naked DNA and ribosomes. Based on this information, what type of cell could this be? A. B. C. D. A cell from a pine tree A grasshopper cell A human red blood cell A bacterium [1] 3. D 4. What do diffusion and osmosis have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (e) 2 max The sites close to Iceland, at a latitude of 60 65°, had very varied allele frequencies, with both PanIA and PanIB occurring. The water at these sample sites was highly stratified, with much warmer water at the surface and much colder water below. Suggest reasons for both PanIA and PanIB alleles occurring at these sites. higher frequency of PanIA/PanIA PanIA (cod) in warm (surface) water; higher frequency of PanIB/PanIB PanIB (cod) in colder (deeper) water; interbreeding results in PanIA PanIB cod/heterozygous cod; (e) 2 max (f) (f) Using the data in this question, predict the effects of global warming on cod fish populations. PanIA PanIA (cod) may spread further north / PanIB PanIB (cod) may move/retreat further north; numbers of PanIA PanIA (cod) may increase / frequency of PanIA allele may increase; PanIB PanIB (cod) may become extinct / frequency of PanIB allele may decrease; 2 max [11] IB BANK BIO VERSION 3 MUHD INAAMULHASAN BIN SATHAR MOHD 2012 2014 11. (a) Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers. Escherichia coli is a unicellular organism, so each cell must carry out all of the processes required for life. Outline the functions of each of the structures in the cells of Escherichia coli. (a) cell wall protects the cell from damage; cell wall prevents the cell from bursting; plasma membrane pumps substances/carries ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. George Bush Influence Lieutenant Paz and detain and beat Lieutenant Curtis and his wife. Noriega s actions convinced Bush to authorize Just Cause (p. 105). In Eastern Europe, Bush wins a victory over Gorbachev by agreeing to a trade bill securing a promise from Soviet leader Gorbachev to lift a Lithuanian embargo and pledge not to oppose German reunification (p. 108). Greene cites Bush s major foreign policy success as his international leadership for the expulsion of Iraq from Kuwait. He engineers a near unanimous vote, including the Soviets, of support in the United Nations. Bush also clearly articulates America s purpose for the first Gulf War in his National Security Directive 54 (p. 127). His concise directive provided military commanders with finite, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bush had an infamous public relations disaster when he displayed his ignorance over the existence of price scanners, something that the average American was well acquainted with (p. 143). Bush was simply not good at connecting with the average American. He was better at crisis management than speaking to the general public. Although he enjoyed initial success with the media, Bush ended with poor working relations with the press. These relations did not recover when Bush scolded the press corps about writing stories of him having a tendency for secrecy (p. 147). The one bright spot in public relations that lasted his entire presidency was the First Lady. His wife Barbara maintained an excellent public relations image and enjoyed favorable press coverage. Greene s final chapters discuss the lead up to, and the conduct of Bush s re election campaign. The Budget crisis doomed Bush s run for another term as president. Loss of the chairman of the Republican National Committee hurt reelection campaign too. Atwater, who engineered Bush s first campaign success, succumbed to a sudden illness. Bush had a new campaign manager that was not an adequate replacement for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Way We Never Were Summary Stephanie Coontz is a social analyst, family historian, writer and professor. She is a professor at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington and teaches history and studies of families. She is also Co Chair and Director of Public Education at the Council on Contemporary Families, which is a non profit non partisan association of family researchers and practitioners. Her research interests include the historical accuracy, myths and facts that surround our present concept of traditional family values. In 1992, Stephanie published The Way We Never Were: American Families and The Nostalgia Trap and it tells the story of how family is perceived in society versus how it is. The Way We Never Were shows that people have not suddenly and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Duke Professor of Sociology, Duke University believe that there is no better commentary on the status and processes of American Families than The Way We Never Were. They mentioned that Stephanie Coontz writes about the realities of family lives in an uncompromising way that integrates evidence based research. And, that for their own family sociology courses this is great book and students never look at the families the same way, and change the way they consider family life in their future and go as far as to questioning the meaning of families in their present lives. This shows how great of a book this is and how it impacts a lot of people. Another review I read was of Casey Constance, she praises Coontz s capability to write such a put together book and the ample evidence she uses to expose the falseness, sentimentality and self righteousness of most public statements about the family. She also mentions how the book comes from a real passion to set the public straight and to relieve people of the fear, or the excuse, that every social ill comes from bad ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Examples Of Money In The Great Gatsby Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, money often costs too much (Berger). The world seems to revolve around money, and it often distracts people from the joys of life that bring them fulfillment. This is shown in almost every main character of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Although on the surface the characters of The Great Gatsby seem to live glamourous and joyous lives due to the riches they have, when they are examined more closely, it is evident that their money actually does not provide them prosperity and contentment; therefore, the theme of The Great Gatsby is that money cannot buy happiness. Multiple examples prove that the theme of The Great Gatsby is that money cannot buy happiness and these examples are displayed throughout the entire novel. This theme is shown in Gatsby s chase after Daisy, Daisy and Tom s failure of a marriage, and it is shown when Nick is attempting to get Gatsby s friends to attend his funeral. Jay Gatsby seems to have anything and everything he could ever want; money, a beautiful house, and a good friend, Nick. All of the random people that go to Gatsby s parties, although they do not know exactly who he is, envy the so called glamorous life that he lives. But, F. Scott ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Every person that Nick attempted to get to come to Gatsby s funeral declined; therefore, it is evident that Gatsby s fortune bought him nothing other than the materialistic items that he did not seem to really value. Gatsby not only failed to win Daisy over with his fortune, but he also failed to make any more than one good friend who was willing to attend his funeral, which is depressing and it is quite unusual for most people to have a funeral like Gatsby s. Unfortunately, even though Gatsby threw elaborate parties constantly, he was seemingly forgotten by everyone as soon as he passed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Probation Parole And Parole Case Approximately 1 in 51 adults in the United States was under community supervision at yearend 2013, the lowest rate observed since 1996 (Herberman Bonczar, 2014, p.1). Probation/parole supervision also known as community supervision, helps individuals (ex criminals) acclimate back in their community. Probation is used when a judge chooses to let the offender serve his sentence under officer supervision in the community, rather than in prison. It is usually given to individuals that have committed a non violent/ minor infraction or that have a really good defense attorney. However, when someone has been sent to prison for an extended period of time but have served a certain amount of their time or has proven to the Parole Board that they have improved their behavior, will be released to a Parole officer. The probation and parole program is comprised of two approaches casework and brokerage. Casework approach deals with the offender as a flawed person that needs help; brokerage approach is when the probation/parole officer uses his influence in the community to assist the criminal in finding employment or programs. Knowing how to use these approaches along with monitoring techniques will assist in the officer and offender being successful. This paper will examine the approaches to PO work along with the types of monitoring used to keep track of offenders. The purpose of this paper is to examine the elements of community supervision (probation/parole) that will make the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. On Becoming A Leader, The Most Obstacle With Standard... It is a fact that focusing only on skills and produce managers instead of leaders is a major obstacle with standard leadership courses. Indeed, the leadership characters and criteria cannot be taught or given in a regular way. But, they must be learned. Since leaders are unique characters, what they ve acquired and how they implement it to define the future is unique as well. In fact, leaders are made at least by their experience, their understanding as well as application of their experiences as by any skills. Obviously, in order to be a good leader, the leader must master the world as the person knows himself/herself very well. A wide range of studies indicates that some types of experiences are especially important to learning. These experiments should consist of broad and continuing education, families, extensive travel, a rich private life, and key associations with mentor and friends. In the book On becoming a Leader , the author mentioned that some authors believe there are two principal methods of conventional learning. The first principal is maintenance learning while the second approach is shock learning. On the one hand, maintenance learning is the gaining of fixed appearance, methods and laws for dealing with known and recurring cases. In addition, it the form of learning that is made to hold an existing system or established way of life. On the other hand, shock learning is the case when events overwhelming and destroy people. Learning by shock always ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Puritan Oppression In The Conformist Society, By Nathaniel... In order to castigate the overwhelming and unfair standards of Puritan beliefs that strip nonconformists of dignity, self identity, and acceptance in society, Nathaniel Hawthorne illuminates the demoralizing, prejudiced, and unforgiving views and punishments of religious Massachusetts colonists. Because Hawthorne intends to criticize the hypocrisy and oppression within the conformist community, his downcast and disconsolate illustrations expose the strict and relentless mandates of Puritan ideology. But, in that early severity of the Puritan character, [...] it might be that a sluggish bond servant, or an undutiful child, whom his parents had given over to the civil authority, was to be corrected at the whipping post [...] or an idle and vagrant Indian, whom the white man s fire water had made riotous about the streets, was to be driven with stripes into the shadow of the forest. (Hawthorne 47). By portraying an array of very different types of people such as the servant, child, and Indian, all of whom are subjected to Puritan law, Hawthorne laments the fact that anyone if convicted by the orthodox Puritans can be punished. The illustration of a child being whipped in public because his own parents turned him in is sickening; it fully envelopes Hawthorne s view of unfair and repulsive treatment of nonconformists and sinners. Similarly, the visual description of an Indian being driven with stripes , or in other words, being chased with a whip, once again accentuates the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Quilt Definition An object that represents home to me is a quilt hand sewn by my grandmother as it is an objectified collective memory of home. This quilt may be a common domestic object that is seen in every household, but to me, it is a powerful connection of the home, which reminds me of my family s comfort, care and affection. Henceforth, Home is an objectified as a metaphorical embodiment of memory and relationships with my family (Morley, 2000) Home as a place of feminine of comfort and care Quilting has been a kind of litmus test of traditional femininity that has been practiced by generations of Chinese women to gift quilt to their daughters or granddaughters as an object that signifies home, so my grandmother sewn a personalised quilt for me as a memorabilia. In this feministic tradition, the fabric was carefully hand picked, arranged and stitched deliberately by my grandmother who is a figure of ghostly feminine of comfort, nourishes and cares (Morley 2000, 37) , who was always there giving me all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This quilt is made along with the diversity of the clothes is used to represents the unity of family members coming together, and ultimately forming a family hood so that whenever she uses this quilt, she will be reminded of home where the family will always be there for her. Interview with mother Through the interview with my mother, it shows that family coming together contributing pieces of memories to the quilt forms unity and bond in the family relationship. Therefore, whenever I used this quilt, I will be reminded of home where this family hood exists. In conclusion, this particular quilt is an objectified collective memory of home that give srise a sense of warmth, comfort, homely feeling of home and also reminds me of my family that gave me plenty of the affection and love given to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Desmond Doss As A Hero Essay A man named Patrick Stewart once said: There are times, sir, when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders. And Desmond Doss as a Conscientious Objector did not follow orders to pick up his rifle and kill to serve his country during WWII. He decided to serve his country in a different way, to serve as a medic and to save lives instead of taking them and never to pick up a weapon to violate God s commandment that thou shalt not kill. And even without a weapon Desmond was able to save 75 men, and I admire Desmond for holding to his beliefs and being a true hero. Desmond could have easily retreated down the face of Hacksaw Ridge with the rest of his squadron and left those men up there, but he didn t. Every single time he went to rescue another person he was putting his own life on the line. Desmond Doss was a true hero who saved so many lives during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I expected them to be more tolerant of his beliefs and understand that he could not allow himself to take the life of another human being because God s commandment says not to. But if I have learned anything from this class is that war and hard times influences human behavior and decision making for the worst. Where things would normally be tolerated, they are not tolerated during a war, and sometimes peoples rights can be discarded such as with the Japanese Internment Camps, and Sacco and Vanzetti. I was very satisfied with the movie when Desmond s right to abide his beliefs was granted during his court martial, and they dropped the charges of insubordination. I also loved how Desmond pleaded not guilty during his court martial, he never used his beliefs as an excuse or compromised by using a gun. And when they tried to Section 8 him as being mentally ill, he continued to stand by his beliefs saying that there is nothing crazy about believing in God and abiding by his commandment not to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Right to Die Essay Euthanasia is the act or practice of taking someone s life that has an incurable illness or injury or assisted suicide. Benefits with assisted suicide are helping the terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain, it also help their loved ones who are dependent on to avoid extreme health care cost, and health care cost can be spend on caring for and research for the future. If there are the pros for euthanasia, there are also cons against euthanasia. Those who are against euthanasia are mostly due to their religious beliefs or the fact that doctors will have the advantage to take someone s life without giving the patient a chance to be cured from their illness. These pros and cons are main reasons why assisted suicide is such a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1994, she ended her own life with a help of an anonymous physician anyway. Many people looked up to her because they too have loved ones who are terminally ill or have painful illnesses themselves. As one commenter wrote in response to the CBC News article about Sue Rodriquez argues, To force the unspeakable, grueling and totally unnecessary suffering to continue has no defense. So far, we really are barbarians not to be doing this already. Those who oppose this should be forced to a bedside to bear witness to these poor patients. Then we ll see if they have really thought this through properly. (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/02/09/f assisted suicide.html#socialcomments#ixzz0nTjXzVYk) Based on 5 4 from SCC, society cannot preserve life forever; there is no life that has no death. Dying is not a crime (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kevorkian#cite_note 5) said Jack Kevorkian who s a right to die activist. He claimed to have helped at least 130 patients to end their life after having his medical license taken away because he advertised himself as physician consultant for death counseling . He did so by letting the individuals take the final action using his death machine by pressing a button that would release toxins into their body. This is done so after Kevorkian helped attach the euthanasia device into his patients. After 8 years in prison he left on parole, and served ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention Among Public... influencing factors of entrepreneurial intention among public and private universities in Malaysia. Research questions hoped to be answered by this study is framed from the background, problem statements and literatures reviewed. These questions are stated below: Q1: Does entrepreneurial education influence entrepreneurial intention among public and private universities? Q2: Does students at private and public universities perceive government support effective factors to become an entrepreneur? With these two questions the objectives are stated as follows i. To investigate and compare the role of entrepreneurial education between public and private universities students ii. To examine the perception of students towards social support for entrepreneurial activities in Malaysia. 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Entrepreneurial Intention Investigating factors that influence entrepreneurial intention, several theories had being applied by different scholars for example, studying role or influence of education on intention of entrepreneurs, the two most prominent theories are Ajzen s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Sahpero and Sokol s theory of entrepreneurial model. Intention as described by Davison (1995) is the urge to do or to act in response to something. While Krueger, Reilly, and Carsrud (2000) said an entrepreneurial intention is a way of thinking emphasizing opportunities over threats stating that businesses are not started by reflex but by analyzing and responding to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. In considering the process of change in the relationship... In considering the process of change in the relationship between Ireland and Great Britain between 1801 and 1921, how far can the 1886 Home Rule Bill be seen as a key turning point? In 1815 Ireland was part of the union though by 1921 it was partitioned. The years in between saw group and individual efforts in trying to change the relationship between Ireland and Great Britain. Parnell s campaign for Home Rule is seen as a key turning point that potentially was the most important kick starting change within the union. 1886 was undoubtedly a turning point as it gave hope for both a just and feasible solution to the problem of the Irish government . In 1886 the Liberal Party Prime Minister of the UK, William Gladstone, decided that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When O Connell won the Country Clare election in 1828 it seemed impossible for there to be no change of the rules within parliament. The Roman Catholic Emancipation Act was passed in 1829 due overall support in the House of Commons and it could be said that this led to positive change for Irish Nationalism. Many opportunities were sprung open by this act, especially for the middle class, in political and professional jobs in particular. Also, O Connell teamed up with the Whigs and managed to pass a number of acts such as the Irish Church Act, which could also have been seen to help. O Connell s success also seemed to forge a link between Irish nationalism and Catholicism. All of these things seem to suggest that 1829 was a turning point for Irish nationalism. However O Connell s hopes that emancipation would lead to repeal did not materialise. The Act has succeeded in its intention to keep the union intact. The middle class gained most from it and became content. They did not support the repeal campaign, and was a reason for its failure and furthermore, there was no support in parliament for repeal of the union. There has at least been serious consideration of change in the union in 1886. By the end of the repeal campaign O Connell was receiving criticism from more extreme groups such as Young Ireland. The Great Famine was a key event in changing the relationship between Great Britain and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. How Is Richard Parker Similar In Life Of Pi Life of Pi Essay Piscine and Richard Parker are two different species; Pi is a human and Richard Parker a bengal tiger. Stuck in a lifeboat with a limited amount of food and water, a tiger and a human are not going to be good companions. Eventually, one or the other is going to survive, and the other will not. Yann Martel creates an alternate idea. Throughout the book, Yann Martel shows the importance of using your enemies to help get through situations. Richard Parker also helps by catching flying fish, which is a good source of food. Soon, they start Yann Martel places a human and a tiger in a lifeboat, where they have to overcome any challenges that arise. Pi first was alone and didn t want to be in the situation by himself. Once, he saw Richard Parker, he said, Don t give up, please. Come to the lifeboat. (Martel 121). After thinking over the situation, he realized, a bengal tiger was not the kind of company he wanted. Pi said to himself, In a few seconds you ll be aboard and we ll be together. Wait a second. Together? We ll be together? Have I gone mad? (Martel 123). By including this in the context, Yann Martel shows that if the two are together, it is not going to be good. Eventually, Richard Parker and Pi are together, in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You may act like you don t approve of the person, but that doesn t mean you actually do. Yann Martel gives the reader many examples of this. Pi used Richard Parker as a calmer, It was Richard Parker who calmed me. . Towards the end of the journey on the lifeboat, Pi feels as if being parted from Richard Parker will not be easy. He says, I was weeping because Richard Parker had left me so unceremoniously. (Martel 360). During their time together, Yann Martel proves that Richard Parker and Pi have developed a relationship, not as enemies. Being in a tough position can change enemies into great ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Murray Bowen s Family Systems Theory Of Family Murray Bowen developed a new theory that focuses on how the family s emotions and interactions as a unit can affect the individual and vice versa. (Marianne Schneider 2015) In this theory patterns are constructed in the family to ease the stress created in families. (Baege. M. 2005) The Family Systems theory proposes that to get a better look inside what s going on with the individual you must look at the family. (Marianne Schneider 2015) Outside influences and certain issues that have been passed down from multiple generations determine their levels of stress and anxiety. (Marianne Schneider 2015) In Bowen s theory there are 8 intertwining concepts. (Baege. M.2005) The first concept is Triangles which are a 3 person relationship system that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ( Baege, M. 2005) Lastly, according to Vermont Center of Family, Societal Emotional Process is where society is a factor in the emotional systems behavior of a family member such as work and social organizations. (Baege, M. 2005) Family Systems Theory appeals to me because I have a large stepfamily and I feel this perspective does help to figure out how to deal with problems that come up with individuals while considering the whole family unit. I feel very strongly that family is important in developing a person s strengths and self worth. There are lots of issues that can come up in a stepfamily. Relationship triangles that the family systems theory talks about happened in a dysfunctional way in my family. I believe the only way to get a better insight into one s problems is to look at the family of origin and see the patterns and how everyone interacts and affects everyone. It is also important to know the level of differentiation that family members are at to help them have a sense of self outside of the family unit. In our family there has been a lot of tension because of family members not knowing what their role was in the new family unit. In my family it was very difficult to establish a parent role with a child that doesn t consider you as a parent. I have seen certain children act out when they feel that they are not receiving enough attention from the biological parent and then triangles result. In my experiences with my stepfamily I feel family systems theory is a very good way for me to use my personal strengths and experiences to help my clients to be self sufficient in dealing with their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Clinical Plan For Post Knee Arthroplasty Rehabilitation The clinical scenario presented by Sarah is very interesting and has got every chance a physical therapist might face such similar situation in outpatient clinical practice. When a patient comes for post knee arthroplasty rehabilitation, the physical therapist can often get too much focused on therapy goals and overlook important clinical signs and symptoms that must be addressed and referred in a timely manner. A weight gain of 20 pounds in 18 days was not a good indication of Mr. Knee s general health status. Presence of localized edema is common to see in knee arthroplasty patients. However, this patient has 2+ pitting edema even after taking Lasix 40 mg twice a day. The evaluation did not specify more about of swelling, whether it has any increased or decreased depends upon the time of the day. A weight gain of 2 pounds or more in 48 hours must be considered as a red flag, which may be an indication of heart failure. Vital signs assessment consistently demonstrated higher blood pressure and heart rate. The evaluation is not clearly indicative of exercise induced asthma for patient. Weight gain, consistent higher levels of blood pressure and heart rate along with exercise induced exertion can be signs of acute cardiac failure. According to King, Kingery Casey, 2012, heart failure is a common clinical syndrome characterized by dyspnea, fatigue, and signs of volume overload, which may include peripheral edema and pulmonary rales. In this case, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Bhaskar Bharti Directed By Pavan Kaul And Manoj Kotian Behind every working woman, there is a large pile of unwashed laundry. This is a famous quote by Barbara Dale . What we can be understand from this quote is that, women face a lot of problems each and every day both in the society as well as in the working place. They are always shown with a transparent lens criticizing each and every act of their s negatively. All this is explained and illustrated through an Indian romantic comedy and feminist show titled Bhaskar Bharti directed by Pavan Kaul and Manoj Kotian. This show explores how women are forced to face with enormous variety of problems in the workplace by portraying the leading man named Bhaskar as a playboy who cheats all women. Eventually, one of his girlfriends (whom he promised to marry) curses him to turn into a woman, so that he may understand the pain and anguish that he has caused her and other women. The curse comes true, and Bhaskar transforms into a woman that night; it is, in fact, a punishment by the god to be transformed into a beautiful woman named Bharti . The remaining story centers on how a man in the feet of woman undergoes the problems in the life of woman at the workplace, society and henceforth, understands and changes drastically later during the course of time. Bhaskar Bharti represents women s struggles with gender dominance and pressures in working place and society by proving that the power should not be used to degrade women, and that sisterhood is the ultimate power. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Mathematical Theory Of Communication In Thomas... According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, entropy can be defined as the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system. In his novel, The Crying of Lot 49, Thomas Pynchon manipulates the definition of the scientific term entropy to manifest the innate chaos and disorder in both a closed thermodynamic system and in the life of the protagonist: Oedipa Maas. In the novel, Oedipa Maas explores entropy with respect to the thermodynamic sorting of molecules in Maxwell s Demon, and the communication information regarding the Tristero . According to Warren Weaver s, Recent Contributions to The Mathematical Theory of Communication, there are technical, semantic, and effectiveness problems that may distort the accuracy of communication, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since entropy prospers in closed environments much like Oedipa s life at the beginning of the novel, Pynchon develops the idea that the chaos in Oedipa s life is subject to increase with the discovery of more information pointing to the existence of Tristero. This overload of information Oedipa experiences serves as a roadblock to her understanding of the true meaning behind the Tristero. According to Warren Weaver, the entropy in the channel is determined both by what one attempts to feed into the channel and by the capabilities of the channel to handle different signal situations (Weaver, 10). Thus, when Oedipa is fed copious amounts of symbols, words, and theories, she finds it hard to handle sorting what is real and unreal. This confusion that Oedipa endures is a direct consequence of the noise created by different people, symbols, and word that disrupt Oedipa s deciphering of the Tristero. Warren Weaver comments on this noise seen in Claude Shannon s communication transmission model, stating that, If noise is introduced, then the received message contains certain distortions...that would certainly lead one to say that the received message exhibits, because of the effects of the noise, an increased uncertainty... If the information source has any residual uncertainty...then this must be undesirable uncertainty due to noise (Weaver, 11). This undesirable uncertainty due to noise leads ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...