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005 Common App Essay Tips
Brainstormprompt ~ T
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005 Common App Essay Tips Brainstormprompt ~ T 005 Common App Essay Tips Brainstormprompt ~ T
Tobacco Liability in Illnesses and Deaths
Smoking has been around for quite some time now, dating back farther than 1492. On October 29,
1492, two of Christopher Columbus s crew members, Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres, were the
first two Europeans to try smoking tobacco offered to them by the Native Indians (Marcovitz 14).
Tobacco companies will lose revenue and may vanish as one of the oldest and wealthiest industries in
America because of frivolous liability lawsuits and competition from companies producing other
tobacco related products.
In the future, tobacco products are more likely to vanish in time because of the addiction and diseases
that smoking can cause. Many smokeless tobacco users have said that it is harder to quit snuff and
chewing tobacco, and that it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Seventeen days later, he arrived in Cuba and met more Native Indians, this time they were smoking
the tobacco and when two of Columbus s crew members, Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres, were
the first Europeans to try smoking tobacco (Marcovitz 14). Not only was Rodrigo and Luis the first
Europeans to try smoking, they were also the first European chain smokers, people who smoke
cigarettes daily (Marcovitz 14 15). Columbus was not the only explorer to have been around the
Native Indians while they were smoking tobacco. Other explorers witnessed the Native Indians rolling
the tobacco into tight cylinders and then catching the tobacco on fire and inhaling the smoke fumes
produced from it (Marcovitz 15). Those explorers were eager to show the new habit they learned to
their home countries and in 1518, Hernan Cortes had returned to Spain, introducing them to the habit
with a cargo of tobacco (Marcovitz 15). In 1556, smoking was introduced to the French by Andre
Thevet, a monk who had picked up the habit in Brazil while on an expedition (Marcovitz 15). From
the 1560 s to the 1580s, several English explorers such as Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh
had brought tobacco to England, since most Americans brought tobacco to Europeans, Europeans
looked to America to help feed their bad habits (Marcovitz 15). Now, America is not the only place
growing tobacco, many more places are
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Summary And Interaction Of Celebration Of Discipline By...
Daniel Farias
Professor Wilson, Joy Thompson
Spirit Empowered Living
9 September 16, 2015 Summary and Interaction of Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster
In the beginning of Celebration of Discipline, Richard J. Foster undergoes a thorough explanation of
our ages most desperate need; deep people. He proclaims how our superficiality and lack of common
sense regarding spiritual life has crippled us and left us living in the surface rather than depts. He
mentions how we have gotten accustomed to relying on our own willpower ultimately not containing
the correct attitude or reasons for practicing the classical disciplines. Therefore, we lack the pieces of
our inward and outward life as believers of Christ. Foster ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This brings the second inward discipline, prayer. Prayer is mentioned as one of the most central
disciples due to its intimacy of conversation between us and god himself. Foster describes prayer as
our ability to ask for change in circumstances, to pray is to change (P.33). He explains how Jesus often
withdrew from the crowds to pray to his father. like so, we should withdraw from time to time. Our
disciplines can coincide just as fasting does with prayer; thus being the third discipline prescribed.
Fasting is the abstaining from food for scriptural purpose. (p.48) and is said to be seen as a desperate
measure for emergency. Foster goes deeper into how and why a Christian should fast, but mostly
focuses on its meaning of self control and its centrality being god. Foster s final inward discipline is
the practice of study. Study is the focus to our total transformation from our old selves. It is a specific
experience aimed to form Christian habits. With that, Foster breaks down study into four steps;
repetition, reflection, understanding, and experience which ingrain those habits. In the second part of
the book, Celebration of Discipline, Foster outlines the four outward disciplines. These being;
simplicity, solitude, submission, and service. Simplicity as foster states is an inward reality that results
in an outward life style. (p. 80) which is meant to live out. He says we should be
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Analyse Character Traits
There are a few traits listed that I admire greatly among others, and would like to think that I hold
myself or am working on perfecting those traits within my being. Three main ones would be
Openness, Responsibility, and Empathy. People who are open minded tend to be the ones that are
responsible for our ever so evolving world, standards, morals, ethics, society, and way of life as it is.
This to me automatically makes them important and special, as the world and society would not be so
advanced as we are today without these type of people. I feel these individuals are not so quick to
speak, judge, and hold down others. If Christopher Columbus was not so exploratory due to his open
minded thinking, then perhaps we would live in a world that continued to think the earth was simply
flat. I personally feel that nothing is really so simple in this life, therefore, the same way of thinking,
acting, reacting, fitting, living, preserving, remedying and so forth....all of this could not ... Show more
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The world could not improve if there were no people in it to see that improvements need to be made. I
think the world would be a more cruel and dark place without these individuals. It is my belief that
these types of people have a lot to offer and much to teach others. When I come across people such as
this, it is like taking a breath of fresh air after being under water for so long; it is not so common to
meet someone like this...because they preserve honesty, not just towards others, but within themselves.
Many changes I have made in my life have stemmed from me taking responsibility for my actions and
then making a plan to do better or something different that can provide better outcomes in the
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The Importance Of A Regional Bank May Experience While...
Switzerland is considered as among the best expat nations in the world due to its very high standards
of living and the fact that it has a multilingual and sophisticated population. This has seen many large
multinational organizations and companies set up base in Switzerland in cities like Zurich. Due to this
expansion strategies by large organizations willingly to expand all over the world, many regional
banks find it necessary to open up offices in various countries such as Switzerland in order to offer
financial services for such companies and businesses that have expanded globally. However, moving
and setting up shop in Switzerland is not as easy as one may think as it can be quite difficult and
stressful if the right procedure is not followed depending on various factors. According to Jordan
(2012), recently, the earlier trend where banks would turn a profit despite the financial situation in
Switzerland has disappeared. This assignment looks at issues that a regional bank may experience
while moving and setting an office in Switzerland.
Challenges faced in Switzerland by financial institutions
Cultural and Ethnic Characteristics
For regional banks moving from North America and Europe may not be particularly very
disadvantaged by the Swedish culture. Despite this, they may still find it challenging when they set up
an office in Zurich Switzerland together with other regional banks from other parts of the world.
Switzerland is a country with states referred
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Holistic Health Care For Traditional Chinese Medicine
Holistic Health Care From curing Malaria to relieving migraines, and lowing blood pressure
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been widely used around the world for all sorts of ailments. Their
unique and natural treatments are appealing to many but the lack of evidence and horror stories seem
to cast a dark shadow over TMC, making it not nearly as popular in the Western world as it is in China
and the rest of Asia. Although Traditional Chinese Medicine has been ridiculed for years for their
unconventional ways of healing, scientific studies and personal accounts demonstrate the minds deep
connection to the body opening up an alternative yet valid form of medicine. Traditional Chinese
Medicine dates back to nearly two thousand five ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The whole is always present; the yin and yang can only be refined, never abandoned. ( The Web That
Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk pg. 43). Chinese medicine is something Various elements also help
make up the basic beliefs of Chinese medicine. The five elements are wood, water, fire, metal, and
earth. These help healers diagnose, treat, and predict disease and ailments. Qi is another interesting
aspect of Chinese medicine. Qi is a circulating life force that flows through the body to help maintain
health. It is believed that the human is constantly flowing and filled with the energy of moving
particles with bind together to form organs and heal. They use three main diagnostic techniques which
include observation, auscultation, and observation. Western medicine was introduced into china during
the 1800s during the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Chinese practices became less and less common.
Finally during the Communist Era traditional Chinese medicinal methods became banned and those
who practices it would be thrown in jail or killed. Nowadays Chinese medicine can is still widely
practiced but western medicine is preferred by many, simply due to the lack of proof. Chinese
Medicine comes in many different forms including acupuncture, Tui Na (therapeutic massage),
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People Express
Harvard Business School
9 490 012
Rev. September 14, 1993
People Express Airlines: Rise and Decline
I guess the single predominant reason that I cared about starting a new company was to try and
develop a better way for people to work together . . . that s where the name People Express came
from. Most organizations believe that humans are generally bad and you have to control them and
watch them and make sure they work. At People Express, people will be trusted to do a job until they
prove they definitely won t. Donald C. Burr Founder, CEO People Express Airlines Under mounting
pressure to permit more competition, Congress deregulated the airline industry in 1978. By December
31, 1981, restrictions on new entrants, new routes, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The airline industry was viewed as a commodity business, but Burr saw a chance to offer a better
product to customers. (PE believed that customers, rather than passengers, created a more appropriate
mindset.) But taking advantage of deregulation was not the only reason Burr wanted to start the
company: greater, perhaps, was his desire to build a better organization one that was both more
productive and more fun than what he considered to be typical in American business. He was tired of
the politics and the beat them and they ll do more management styles he had seen all his professional
life. He was tired of what he called the deadening grind and lack of vision of T.I. s business style. He
wanted to design a new kind of airline, one that would provide both better and cheaper service, and be
an exciting and rewarding place to work. The focus of the company would be on people: hence its
name, People Express. From its inception, therefore, PE was seen as a chance by Burr and his
management team to experiment with and demonstrate a better way of managing not just an airline,
but any business. While Burr recognized his stance was contrary to the majority of organizations in
the United States, he rejected any insinuation that he was optimistic or soft. I m not a goody two shoes
person, I don t view myself as a social scientist, as a minister, as a do gooder. I perceive myself as a
hard nosed businessman, whose
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Pros And Cons Of Zoning Laws And Laws
Zoning ordinances and laws within a municipality are a necessity to keep order and the protection of
the neighborhoods. More importantly, the objective of zoning laws is to restrict individuals from
utilizing their property in a manner that could make the community less pleasing or a possible buyer
less likely to purchase a house in the neighborhood (Forman, 2000). Civil and criminal penalties are
levied for not complying with the zoning laws and ordinances. Municipalities are permitted to have
their zoning laws enforced, to obtain injunctions, and to request the courts to address criminal
endorsement against any violations (Forman, 2000). Statutory law is associated with zoning laws and
ordinances within a municipality.
The majority of the
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Failures Of The Populist Party
At the end of the 19th century the United States were in a time called The Gilded Age , coined by
Mark Twain; a time of mass immigration, Western settlement, and industrialization. Out of these times
emerged a political party named the Populist party, later changed to the People s party. This party
stood for the working man, like farmers and factory laborers. Though this party meant well, it did not
last long. Surviving until 1896, the Populist party eventually merged with the Democratic party. With
this being said, the Populist party was a short lived dream and failure. The Populist party, as
previously stated, stood for and supported the working class. From farmers in the west to industrial
workers in the east, the Populist party wanted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This popularity was lost due to the fact that the Populist party s previously mentioned progressive
ideas, like 8 hour work days, senators elected by the people, graduated income tax, etc., were not
popular beliefs and wants in the late 19th century. Though mostly aligned left like the Democratic
party, these ideas held the party back and led to most either choosing the Republicans or the
Democrats. Eventually in 1896 part of the Populist party dissolved and fused with the Democratic
party. The other Populists decided to continue on as their own thing and not join the Democrats; they
lasted until 1908. After the fusion with the democrats, the Populists original presidential nominee,
William Jennings Bryan, flew a new flag; that of the democrats. Unfortunately for the democrats and
the Populists that joined them, Bryan lost the election. Concerning the topic of the Populists failure,
these events played a major role in it because they weren t even the Populists anymore, they were
democrats, and those that chose to continue on under the title of the People s party didn t last much
longer after the
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The Validity Of Animal Experimentation
Although some people argue that animal testing has played a vital role in medical industries however,
it has been proven that the majority of animal experimentation has no significant impact or
breakthrough that could be beneficial to humans. This makes us question the validity of these
experiments, and if they truly have any benefits. This idea is supported by Dr. Bross , the director of
biostatistics at the Roswell Institute for Cancer Research who states that the conflicting animal results
that have been found have never produced a single advance either in preventing or in curing cancer (as
cited in Carlson, 2012, p. 398). The effort done by the scientists and doctors who care about people s
health and work hard to provide safety for them
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Diversity In Media Essay
Concentration of Ownership and Decreasing Diversity in Print Media
For all who love to read books, imagine walking into bookstore after bookstore seeing the same type
of books over and over. No variety, no choice, only repetition. Although America prides itself on
freedom and democracy more than any nation in the world, this hypothetical situation is becoming
increasingly closer to becoming a reality than some may think. Consolidation and concentration of
ownership in print media companies may cause for the inability of some people to voice their
opinions. What does this mean? This means that the basis of our country, including freedom from the
first amendment, maybe be pulled out from under our feet. Causes of this ... Show more content on
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It has become increasingly difficult for new ideas to come out in print for this reason. Rifka
Rosenwein reinforces these ideas by stating, Having a few huge corporations control our outlets of
expressions could lead to less aggressive news coverage and a more muted marketplaces of ideas. 2[2]
And that is exactly what is happening, not only in news coverage and the marketplace, but in print
media as well. When large companies dominate the print media of the United States, we are allowing
information to be screened, weeded out, and chosen by these companies, and these companies alone.
In order to further emphasize the amount of power that truly lies within these nine dominating
companies I would like to bring into light the most profitable, AOL Time Warner. Time Warner makes
20 percent of its money from the music business, another 20 percent from the news division
(magazine and book publishing and cable television news), 10 percent from its US cable systems and
the rest from its film, video and television holdings. 3[3] This is an incredible amount. Not only does
AOL Time Warner make twenty percent profit from the news division of media, but they also have a
vertical integration throughout our nation. There should be warning lights going off in every
American. If one single company can have this much control over so many aspects of our life, there
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Strict Dress Codes
Schools Should Not Have Dress codes
Between 2009 and 2010 19% of schools required uniforms and 57% of schools enforce a strict dress
code. Kids who follow a strict dress code policy at school are limited in expression. Many schools
think by having strict dress codes are safer and keep the focus on education, but enforcing a strict
dress code many times place the focus of school on clothing and rules, rather than education. Schools
should not have dress codes because they become gender bias, they stunt the growth of individuality,
and generally cost more.
When a girl is taken out of class on a hot day, for wearing a strappy top, because she is distracting her
male classmates, his education is prioritized over hers. When a school takes ... Show more content on
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There shouldn t be school dress codes, it would just make the school better. The creativity from
students would increase greatly because they would feel free to put their opinion and original ideas out
there for people to see or hear. Being a teen myself I know what it s like to feel like you cant put your
original ideas out there because they will be harshly judges. When schools have strict dress codes
teens feel like they can t be themselves in
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Financial Statements
After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
Explain the meaning of financial statements of a company;
Describe the form and content of balance sheet of a company;
Prepare the Balance Sheet of a company as per Schedule VI Part I of the Companies Act 1956.
Know the major headings under which the various assets and liabilities can be shown.
Explain the meaning, objectives and limitations of analysis using accounting ratios
Calculate various ratios to assess the solvency, liquidity, efficiency and profitability of the firm.
Interpret the various ratios for inter and intra firm comparison. define Cash Flow Statement
know its objectives
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Employees and Trade Unions
Employees are interested in better emoluments, bonus and continuance of business and whether the
dues like provident fund, ESI et., have been deposited with the authorities.
They would therefore, like to know its financial performance and profitability and operating
Government and its agencies
Financial statements are used by government and its agencies to formulate policies to regulate the
activities of business, to formulate taxation policies, to compile national income accounts.
Taxation authorities such as income tax department use the financial statements for determination of
income tax; sales tax department is interested in sales while the excise department is interested in
Stock exchange
Stock exchange uses the financial statements to analyze and thereafter, inform its members about the
performance, financial health, etc. of the company, to see whether financial statements prepared are in
conformity with the specified laws and rules and to see whether they safeguard the interest of various
concerned agencies.
Other Regulatory authorities (such as, Company Law Board, SEBI, Stock Exchanges, Tax Authorities
etc.) would like that the financial statements prepared are in conformity with the specified laws and
rules, and are to safeguard the interest of various concerned
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Analyzing The Bandwagon Effect In Ayn Rand s Anthem
Have you ever felt the need to complete a task because the people around you already completed that
task? That feeling is caused by a phenomenon known as the bandwagon effect. Concepts such as the
bandwagon effect are explored in Ayn Rand s Anthem. In the novella, there is a collectivist society
that believes more in the importance of the group instead of the individual. Personal preferences are
suppressed, and people who question the collectivist ideals are persecuted by society. The people
cannot decide what they want to become because the Council picks what occupation they receive
based on the needs of the State as a whole. This also affects individual people such as Equality 7 2521.
The collectivist ideals that are displayed in Ayn Rand s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The people in the general public in Anthem have a similar mentality and tend to do similar actions.
This is likely caused by the bandwagon effect which is when people start to do what other people are
doing without considering why they do it. The bandwagon effect can be bad as it is harmful when it
comes to ideals and ethics (McMahon). It has caused many adverse effects on the public. For example,
there is very little rebellion against the collectivist society besides a few individuals. This happens as a
result of the bandwagon effect. Most people decide to agree with the collectivist ideals because the
other people around them agree with them. As more people decide to accept the ideals, there will be
fewer people who will decide to stand up for their rights. The collectivist ideals makes the people in
the general public give up their rights due to the bandwagon
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Characteristics Of Malvolio In Twelfth Night
In Twelfth Night there are many characters that are greatly disliked by others, many would say
Malvolio is the most disliked due to his profound attributes. Twelfth Night is a well known romantic
comedy written by William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night is also an admirably well written romantic
comedy. Malvolio, Lady Olivia s steward, is not a character many would like to be compared to as his
ego, gullibility and sternness cause him to be mistreated and greatly disliked. Malvolio s egotism is
portrayed throughout the play because it is a trait that affects him constantly. His gullibility is mostly
seen during the major prank that is played on him in scene two act five. We see Malvolio s sternness
throughout the whole entire play as well, because it is another trait that is always with him. Malvolio s
egotistical, gullible and stern personality cause him to be justly abused and easily disliked by others.
An egotistical individual is one who believes he/she are more important than others, has no sympathy
for anyone or thinks they are superior to others. Malvolio portrays most traits of a person who would
be egotistical; Malvolio is an egomaniac. Due to Malvolio s egotistical personality many characters
dislike him, including Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew and Maria. The three greatly despise of him due to
him thinking he is superior to everyone, also known as his arrogance. Maria says, ...that it is his
grounds of faith that all look on him love him. (2.3.133). Maria was impelled to say such because Sir
Toby Belch and Sir Andrew were asking her about little foolish things Malvolio does and thinks about
that they could make a fool of him for. The three came up with a scheme to play on Malvolio, Maria
writes a love letter that looks like Lady Olivia wrote, she drops it on the floor and makes Malvolio
think the letter is addressed to him. Later on, the plan works and Malvolio begins to read the letter and
think it is about him. While Malvolio reads the letter, he makes comments about how his superiority
will allow him to overrule others in the castle once him and Lady Olivia get married . Toby
approaches, curtsies there to me (2.5.54), Malvolio also makes a great deal of remarks on how he will
treat Sir Toby
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The Paperhanger
deserted their mansion. One night, the girl s mother decided to return to the mansion and look for her
daughter. It is here where she encounters the paperhanger once more. During this scene, the mother
offers to pay him to drive her into the woods and look for her daughter. He replied, I wouldn t charge
anybody anything to search for a child s body. But she s not in the woods. Nothing could have stayed
hidden, the way these woods were searched (165). By offering to help the child s mother the
paperhanger gains the mother s trust. To the reader, he appears to be helping the mother during a time
of need, making him a decent friend. The paperhanger manipulated the situation, to get the girl s
mother to trust him and consequently leave with him. He knew the child would not be found, not
because the woods were extensively searched, but because he remains. The paperhanger was supposed
to drive the child s mother to the woods, but instead drives her to a cemetery. After noticing that some
of the graves had been dismantled and robbed, she tells the paperhanger. He responded by saying, You
can t rob the dead. They have nothing left to steal (167). The woman was shocked by his response and
then asked him if he had robbed the graves. He responded by saying, The line between grave robbing
and archeology has always looked a little blurry to me. I was studying their culture trying to get a fix
on what their lives were like (168). This is the turning place in the story, where the
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Interpersonal Communication Skills
1.1 Introduction or background of the study
Universities are being challenged to provide high quality and productive human resources. Such
challenges must be an impact of increased global competition and the pressure of diminishing
resource. The participation of students in group discussion has been accepted as an effective strategy
because it is the place for the students to implement their interpersonal communication skill in order to
improve their leadership skills.
Group discussion is the place which provides the opportunities for the students to negotiate meaning
and manipulate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main purpose of this research is to analyze the usage of interpersonal communication skills
among students. There have been many studies conducted to prove the importance of interpersonal
communication in group discussion. Interpersonal communication skills that students use during their
group discussion is the key element in the development of students leadership skills as it will be
beneficial for them in future. Besides, there are limited studies regarding skills that are most effective
and most essential in improving student s both verbal and nonverbal communication
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Francisco Pizarro Essay
Who is Francisco Pizarro
Conquistador is a term that defines the soldiers and explorers of the New World. There were many
conquistadors before the discovery of the New World. However, the most important and unforgettable
conquistador was born sometime in the 1470s. Francisco Pizarro Gonzalez, was the Spanish
conquistador who was the leader of the expedition of the Inca Empire. And behind this expedition,
there is a long story that defines a man and events that prove facts. So, who is Francisco Pizarro?
According to the facts, Francisco Pizarro was born in Trujillo, Spain. His date of birth is unknown, but
some say that it is some time in the 1470s, perhaps 1474. He was the illegitimate son of infantry
Colonel Gonzalo Pizarro, who was serving in Navarre and the Italian campaigns and his mother was
Francisca Gonzalez, who was a poor woman and she married late and had a son who is Francisco
Martin de Alcantara (The Most Evil Men In History Francisco Pizarro,2012).
How his childhood plays a role in his achievement
Francisco Pizarro was uneducated and grew up illiterate. The reason behind that is maybe that he did
not grow ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though the Inca people trusted Pizarro and gave him all their money, gold and silver pieces were
they considered them as a part of their religion. The gold referred to the sun god, and the silver
referred to the moon god. As it was mentioned in Francisco Pizarro Duckstersm, The Inca delivered
the gold and silver, but Pizarro executed Atahualpa anyway (Francisco Pizarro Duckstersm,n.d). He
did what was in his mind. He killed more than 2000 men and captured more than 5000 as well as
Atahualpa who was a hostage. After taking what he wanted, he gave his men what they deserve from
the gold and then order to execute Atahualpa by garrote in such an evil way in front of his people, and
that proves how violent he was. (The Most Evil Men In History Francisco
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Theme Of Isolation In Cathedral By Edmond Carver
Raymond Carver s short story Cathedral and Edward Hopper s painting Sunday depict depression and
isolation by showing in the painting a man sitting by himself creating a feeling of him being alone,
and in Cathedral in an internal way of the narrator not really seeing the beauty in the world. Raymond
Carver is a previous alcoholic who adds in alcohol in his short stories such as Cathedral . Carver has
the narrator always drinking, he mentions that in the house they have a bit of every kind of alcohol.
Representing his feeling of being alone just like the man in Edward Hopper s painting, Sunday. In the
painting there is a man sitting on the curb smoking, he looks very depressed just like the narrator in
the short story, although he shows depression in numerous different ways. Raymond Carver and
Edward Hopper together create a very mellow and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then we made ourselves comfortable and talked about Robert s travels, (Carver 217). In the painting
by Hopper, there is no alcohol, but there is isolation, sorrow, and a cigar. The cigar shows loneliness,
maybe weakness. The narrator and his wife in Cathedral have a nightly habit of smoking, He inhaled,
held the smoke, and then let it go. It was like he d been doing it since he was nine years old. Thanks,
bub, he said. But I think this is all for me. I think i m beginning to feel it, he said. He held the burning
roach out for my wife, (Carver 221). Smoking is the narrator s way of feeling happier, he does not feel
so sorrow and alone, Every night I smoked dope and stayed up as long as I could before I fell asleep.
My wife and I had hardly went to bed at the same time, (Carver 222). Although the husband and wife
do not sleep in the same room, smoking is something they always do
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Research Paper On Shahzia Sikander
Shahzia Sikander As we all knew Indo Persian Miniature paintings are very famous around our nation
because of their small size, having a theme and better illustrations. There are many artists who made
the Indo Persian Miniature paintings to show their talent to people; Shahiza Sikander is one of the
Pakistani artists who is an expert in the Indo Persian painting. Sikander was born in 1969 in Lahore,
Pakistan. The reason Sikander was so good at it because she revised her Bachelors of Fine Art degree
in Indo Persian style of miniature paintings at The National College of Art in Lahore, Pakistan. She
also earned her a Maters of Fine Art degree in 1995 from the Rhode Island school of design of united
state. Sikander is an amazing artist who works in drawing, painting, animation, large scale installation,
performance and video, on an international stage. Sikander s is a champion art because of her
experience. So her Indo Persian paintings were extremely inspiring to others because it is very well
done and carries many thoughts, which shows cultures, traditions and beliefs. Sikander s most of the
Indo Persian Miniature painting was related to historical issue s, peoples, animals, and tradition s. For
example, in Sikander art is she mainly explore about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sikander had done her work very clearly and casually. Her Miniature paintings were very attracting
due to her deep thinking and experience. The reason I like her artwork most because it is relate to the
history of Hindu and Muslim culture. As I m a Asian Indian, I think I know some of the Indian history,
which Sikander mention in her art like the god (Krishna) and (women fan) Gopi s stories. Although I
know what is Indian classical dance, Mughal durbar and what did and why people get together there
because I study this in my history books. I think that could be the reason, I choose Shahzia Sikander
for the
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Total Quality Management Literature Review
Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Aerospace and Defence industry to enhance
Implementation of Total Quality Management in an organisation to Gain Competitive Advantage/
Literature review
Total Quality Management (TQM) definitions
The TQM theory was elaborated by W. Edwards Deming to better the management of industrial units
(Militaru et al, 2013). Contributors to the concept of TQM are people such as Deming (Anvari et al,
2011). Dr Deming considered quality and process improvement activities as the catalyst necessary to
start an economic chain reaction. Improving quality leads to decreased costs, fewer mistakes, fewer
delays, and better use of resources, which in turn leads to improved productivity, which enables a
company to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He felt that without quality improvement efforts to light the fuse, this process would not begin
(Summers, 2014).
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach to optimization (Anvari, Ismail Hojjati,
2011). TQM is defined as an approach to management characterized by some guiding principles or
core concepts that embody the way the organisation is expected to operate, which, when effectively
linked together, will lead to high performance (Eriksson Garvare, 2005). According to Radnor (2000)
TQM is the management of quality at every stage of operations, from planning and design through self
inspection to continual process monitoring for improvement opportunities . Some argue that TQM is
corporate culture characterized by increased customer satisfaction through
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Elderly Care Ministry Proposal
We are grateful to our church elders for recognizing the need to minister to the elderly people who
reside in our community s assisted living facility, and for their desire to impact the residents, their
families and over time the community at large with the love of Jesus Christ. We appreciate the
confidence and support bestowed upon us in designing a ministry plan to care for both member and
non member elderly residents. It is our goal to establish a ministry that will be the hands and feet of
Christ, exemplifying His love and care for the aging in an encouraging positive manner through
ministry programs that are relevant and meaningful.
Working in conjunction with our local assisted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2. Many of the residents are unable to go outside for walks unassisted. A team of people have
volunteered to visit on a regular basis to walk outside with residents, and continue their walks and
friendships inside in inclement weather.
3. The strength trainer at our church has volunteered to teach and assist residents in their use of
weights and then lead a time of weight training on an ongoing basis as a part of this ministry. He will
also train other members to assist and lead in this area of ministry. Included with his strength training
he plans to talk about the strength found in Jesus Christ.
4. A dance instructor at our church has volunteered to do flexibility training along with teaching line
dancing, even with a wheel chair section, and then hold dances every other month.
The improvements in offerings related to the area of exercise fulfill the ministry purpose of helping
residents have a better quality of life, and the overall purpose of encouraging them through an
expression of God s love while pointing people to the hope found in Jesus Christ.
Asha, D. S. (2009). Aging brain: Prevention of oxidative stress by vitamin E and exercise. Scientific
World Journal, 9, 366 372.
Chodzko Zaiko, W. J., Proctor, D. N., Fiatarone Singh, M. A., Minson, C. T., Nigg, C. R., Salem, G. J.
et al. (2009). American College of Sports Medicine
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Federal Bureau Investigation
Have you ever wondered who helped keep our country safe? It is the Federal Bureau Investigation.
Federal Bureau Investigation, is also known as the FBI. The FBI is an investigating team. The FBI has
history, investigating, and has numerous facts.
To begin, the FBI has rich history and background. The FBI was created by Attorney General Charles
Bonaparte. It was created in the year of 1908. The FBI has been up and running for about 107 years.
By 1907 the Department of Justice most frequently called upon Secret Services to conduct
investigations. It was 1892 when law enforcement was often political rather than professional. The
FBI states, The FBI originated from a force of special agents created in 1908 by Attorney General
Charles Bonaparte during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt . There is much more I could talk
about. The FBI has been running for about 107 years which means they have a lot of papers.
In addition , they also have to investigate. When the FBI arrive to a crime scene, they first look to see
if they can see the weapons. Finding the weapon is a crucial step to finding the killer. A gun leaves the
same unique patterns of marks on every bullet it fires. If the crime scene is by a river then police
divers search for missing weapons at the bottom of river, lakes, and ponds. There may, however, be
more than one crime scene. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the nineteenth century, municipal and state governments shouldered the responsibility of law
enforcement. Another facts is that the Special Agents force also aided border guards, investigating
smuggling cases and immigration violations. Encyclopedia says Despite the changing future of the
structure of the United States intelligence community, the FBI will undoubtedly play a central role .
The FBI s focus on the prevention of terrorism failed to thwart the September 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The FBI has many things that people do not
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Resilience In Life Of Pi
Humanity tends to praise an individual for their exceptional perseverance, but instead, society should
begin acknowledging the real culprits: the mind and resilience of those who survive the extraordinary.
Hidden within the allegory, Life of Pi, is an ode to the mind and human resilience, and in order for one
to unearth this buried treasure, they must dig a little deeper. Yann Martel s, the author, protagonist
holds onto life with the support of his mind and body. Life of Pi is an ode to the human mind and
resilience by depicting Pi s manipulation of Richard Parker, Pi s ability to use his mind to stay sane
within the harsh conditions accompanying life at sea, and portraying the human body s ability to
bounce back from the point of death. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Pi Patel s heroic journey of staying sane, keeping focus, and living on. Yann Martel incorporated the
concepts he admires into his novel. In all these times of Pi s desperation his intellect provides some
form of hope. Pi Patel would not have survived the treacherous waters if he had not had his instincts to
aid him along. The author understood the mind and body s importance in life and felt the need to
express their wonders within his works. The human mind and resilience is vital to the continuance of
man s existence. Without the will to continue and the reason to do so mass extinction would be
inevitable. Our society shouldn t take for granted the tools for life we ve been supplied with.
Acknowledgement is a step closer to
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Similarities Between Slang And Sling
Slang is language which takes off its coat, spits on its hand, and goes to work.
1. EtyDefiniSlangmology
Throughout this sub chapter the Os and Ds shall be analyzed, which implies slang s birthplace and
meaning .The Os, known henceforward as origins of the word slang are like the Scooby Doo cartoons
i.e. a mystery, an enigma. The 18th and 19th philologists Henry Kennedy Wyld and Ernest Weekly
strongly believed that slang was cognate with slengjeord, a new word , slengjenamn, a nickname , and
slengja kjeften, literally to sling the jaw, hence to abuse . Some make a connection between slang and
sling, the idea being that people sling words at one another in a devil manner. Unconventional English
affords several parallels such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By all means the last definition is adjacent to presently slang, but still not close enough. In order to
move forward, it is highly needed to underline the distinctiveness between informal (non standard)
and formal (standard) style as slang s various definitions were related to these notions. First of all,
standard language can be seen as the official and the most prestigious style because of its elitist and
literate vocabulary, grammatical and full sentences based on recognized rules, and clean orthography.
Standard English is suitable for use in every type of written or spoken situation because it addresses a
hypothetical general audience. Secondly, on the opposite line abides the informal style which includes
a familiar vocabulary that is not always understood by outsiders, used in unofficial and relaxed
contexts. Formal language can be more common when writing, while informal language is more
common when speaking. The later is also called colloquial style that derives from Latin col together
and loqui to speak . This type of parlance gives the impression of friendliness, warmth, endearment
and mildness. During its life, slang was related to colloquial language, which means that it may not be
as rigid
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Crinone 8 Ge Analysis
physician instructions on how to use Crinone 8 gel. Normally, one applicator is inserted into the
vagina daily or as directed by the doctor, starting a day after ovulation or between the 18th day to 20th
day of menstrual cycle. If pregnancy occurs, continue using the gel until the placenta is producing
adequate progesterone to maintain the pregnancy; Crinone 8 gel is used for at least the first 12 weeks
after conception.
Some women find it uncomfortable inserting the medication in the vagina, however, if the doctor has
prescribed the drug it is important to use it and help in conception and maintaining a healthy
pregnancy. The procedure on how to insert Crinone 8 gel is easy. The pre filled applicator has a thick
and a thin end, so, hold it on the thick end and shake down for the content to be on the thin end. Twist
off the tab and insert the thin end gently inside the vagina while in a sitting ... Show more content on
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Eggs are removed from a female s ovary and fertilized in a laboratory. The embryo which is the
fertilized egg is transferred into a woman uterus to grow and develop. Progesterone supplementation is
important for conception and staying pregnant after IVF, so, Crinone 8 gel may be used. A woman
going through IVF requires more progesterone since in vitro process isn t natural; you take medicines
to produce multiple follicles and to prevent premature ovulation. Once the follicles have matured,
human chorionic gonadotropin is administered to trigger ovulation, the eggs are harvested when the
body least expects it; the whole process disrupts the natural function of progesterone hormone, this in
an explanation of the need for the Crinone to support implantation and avoid a miscarriage. The gel is
considered very effective since it s readily absorbed into the bloodstream. Ensure you follow the
prescribed dose, Crinone 8 gel instructions and discard the applicator after
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Severe Left Hemiplegia
Phillip C. is 5 months post and presents with severe left hemiplegia of the arm along with left leg
paresis. The most recent neuropsychology assessment revealed deficits including: impaired hemi
spatial neglect, impaired selective attention, flat affect, impaired affective auditory comprehension,
disturbance of emotional facial recognition, problems with working memory, and problems with
reduplicative paramnesia.
Hemi spatial neglect is a condition in which patients fail to respond to stimuli on the side of the body
opposite the brain injury (Myers Blake, 2008) Neglect may be caused by injury in either brain
hemisphere, however, it is more sever and persistent after a right hemisphere brain injury (Brookshire,
2015). Many deficits exist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first test I would give is the Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Right Hemisphere Screen (ENH
RHS). The ENH RHS is a non standardized assessment used to determine if the patient requires
additional assessment. Eight domains of cognitive communicative abilities are assessed, however,
clinicians can shorten the assessment by administering selected items to identify which area the
patient is having difficulty with. When assessing Phillip, I would assess the following domains:
orientation to person, place, and time (e.g. name, location, day of week), selective attention (e.g.
counting backward from 30 by 3 s), memory (e.g. delayed recall of a word list), abstract verbal
reasoning and problem solving (auditory comprehension of complex sentences e.g. Is your father s
mother your aunt? ), and visuospatial skills (clock drawing). After administering the ENH RHS, I
should have a better understanding of the cognitive communicative impairments likely to be
experienced by Phillip (Brookshire,
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1 9 ‘To what extent can preparedness and planning mitigate...
A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or environment. There is a
very big difference that helps prepare for a volcanic hazard and that is whether you are in a MEDC or
a LEDC. In a MEDC monitoring volcanic zones and potential hazards is an option many LEDC s don
t have. In Italy at Mt Etna they have Geochemical monitoring programs currently run by INGV which
focus on the analysis of temporal changes, chemical changes and seismic activity.
This option open to the Italians is not an option for LEDC who don t have the wealth or public
education to set up these stations. In Montserrat their where no levels of monitoring at all due to
Before 1995 there was no record of the volcano on Montserrat ... Show more content on
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There are other factors predicting and preparing wont help for. One is the type of volcanic hazard such
as a sudden pyroclastic flow is much more violent then a slow lava flow. With pyroclastics you can
only reduce the hazard by vacation but lava flows can be diverted and slowed down with dam wall
trenches and spraying water As they did in ice land on the 1973 Heimaey eruption which started on 23
Some times warning isn t enough because of peoples different circumstances and beliefs they might
not leave. One example is in Columbia in 1985 where they where warned but didn t listen as they didn
t think they would be affected and didn t trust the people telling them. About 20,000 people are feared
dead after a volcanic eruption in northern Colombia. Four towns in the Andes region are reported to
have been buried when ash spewed out of the volcano, Nevado del Ruiz, causing a mudslide. These
people weren t told to evacuate until 2 hours before the major eruption casing massive loss of life. The
reason for this late call was because the country didn t trust the people observing the volcano this
meant the potential hazard was far greater then it should have been ad the results where horrific. This
is one example of how poor education and different situation can greatly increase the hazard.
The Nevado del Ruiz Volcano eruption is also a great example of how the physical environment
affects the hazard. In Armero two
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How Scientists Can Most Efficiently Complete Organ...
Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to test how scientists can most efficiently complete organ
printing. In this lab, the cells will be suspended in a substrate called sodium alginate collagen,
hydrogel, and other reactants. These materials will react to then embed the cells to their goal location.
Then, the cells will be able to be fixated into layers. These layers will then come together and form
tissues, which according to biological organization will form organs. The inkjet bioprinter allows for
this to occur. Tiny ink droplets form a digital design for the organ printing, and in horizontal sheets,
the organ is created tissue by tissue. This lab will test to see which percent concentration of the
sodium alginate collagen composite will prove to be most effective when organ printing. The
dependent factor that will determine the conclusion will be the percent of efficiency of cell survival
rate. Four trials will be completed in which the same organ is printed and all factors are kept constant,
except for the percent concentration of the substrate.
In the past, the only way to replace diminished cells, tissues, and organs was from organ
transplantation. An organ donor was needed, and the tissues would be surgically removed from the
donated body and placed into the recipient. Due to the current research being conducted, it is believed
that tissue engineering and organ printing can contribute to the process of improving and saving lives.
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Anti Opium Movement, Opium War And Their Causes
Haoyang Fan
MMW 14 Summer 2015
July 23, 2015
TA: Joel Palhegyi
Final Paper
Anti Opium Movement, Opium War and Their Causes The main theme of 19th century was the
imperialism expansion of western capitalistic industrial nations throughout the whole world. During
this process, the conflicts between occidental imperialism powers and oriental countries never
stopped. The First Opium War, well known as the Opium War, was the war that happened during
September, 1839 to Autumn, 1842, between China and Britain. The war was initiated by the conflicts
between China and Britain on the fact that some British merchants, who worked for the East India
Company, smuggled opium to China and ignored Chinese laws. The mania of opium smoking shocked
the Chinese government and triggered the anti opium movement. Lin Zexu, a Chinese official known
as Commissioner Lin, burned out the confiscated opium at Humen. During the war, China suffered
great loss and ended up with a disastrous fiasco. The result was extremely humiliating to China and
profoundly changed the fate of China: China was compelled to sign a series of unequal treaties, cede
Hong Kong and compensate huge war indemnity. When I viewed this miserable history of China, a
question was created in my mind. Considering the great power gap between the declining China and
the rising Britain, what factors led the Chinese government to launch the anti opium movement at the
expense of triggering the Opium War? My answer is quite explicit: the
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The Rule Of Antoninus Plus ( C. Ce )
During the rule of Antoninus Plus (c. 138 161 CE), Romans began to favor burials over cremations
and the demand for sarcophagi grew rapidly (Kleiner 215). Greek mythology was heavily borrowed
upon by the Roman and prominent members of the Roman society wanted to be commemorated in the
fashion of Greek heroes. The Romans took the general principles of an Egyptian sarcophagus and
added Greek mythology to create a unique piece of Roman art and The Sarcophagus Depicting a
Battle between Soldiers and Amazons (Warrior Women) is one such example. The Egyptians were the
first to use a sarcophagus to bury and commemorate their dead, and judging from the war themed
artwork on this Roman sarcophagus, it was most likely built to commemorate the death of a great
warrior. The Sarcophagus Depicting a Battle between Soldiers and Amazons (Warrior Women) is a
massive piece of Roman funerary art made of a hollowed out block of white marble around 140 170
CE. Weighing an impressive 5511.5 pounds, the sarcophagus is 40 ½ x 91 ½ x 50 ½ inches in
dimension and is comprised of a lid and casket (The Museum of Fine Arts). The identity of the
sculptor is unknown, and considering the careful attention detail on this impressive work of art, it is
possible that crafting the sarcophagus was the work of multiple sculptors. Unlike the Egyptians, who
preferred gold, the mineral of choice for the Romans was marble. Unlike most Egyptian sarcophagi,
which had a portrait of the dead on the lid, the lid of the
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Liberal Education Course Analysis
When someone thinks of liberal education most of the time they think of someone who is interested in
art or music but the more that I learn about liberal education the more I realize there is a lot more
involved in that kind of education. By reading these articles, liberal education is making someone
more knowledgeable in a subject or area that person would of never thought about learning on their
own. The University of Wisconsin in Oshkosh is trying to promote liberal education by doing the
University Studies Program (USP) set in place. Some of the course I have taken through USP are
Political Science, Ethics, and Theatre. By taking these courses, I have had some different opportunities
on campus. For insteads if I never took Theatre, I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I believe that what makes a person who they are is based off the way that person was raised and how
they want to acted. I think school can help in some matters when they are younger but once they turn a
certain age that person need to decide for themselves what they would like to learn and do. There is a
statement that William Cronon makes that people with liberal arts can talk with anyone which I do not
believe. I think that a liberal arts student could use more challenging words but anyone can talk to
whoever they want no matter what education they may have received. The other remark that William
Cronon made was about how liberal art people know how to listen and hear better which I disagree
with because I feel like people are going to listen to the things they want to listen too. I think liberal
arts education can open you to new ideas but I do not think that liberal arts will change a person s way
of thinking. In Sustainability: the Ultimate Liberal Art by Frank H.T. Rhodes, mentions that if schools
want liberal arts to be enforced than the professors need to get together and discuss how they want to
teach the students. I would say the USP courses could be better if the teachers got together and talked
about how they plan on using the significant question and what they are going to
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Teiresias, The Blind Seer In The Play Oedipus Rex
Teiresias, the blind seer, plays an important role in the play Oedipus Rex . He is kind, wise, a man of
truth, and easily angered. He reveals the major conflict in the play, and important aspects about
Oedipus s personality. In the play, the new king Oedipus attempts to find the murderer of the previous
king, Laius to rid his kingdom of a curse and help his people. He consults, Teiresias, the blind prophet,
who hesitantly tries to avoid giving Oedipus an answer. After Oedipus accuses the old man of being
the murderer, Teiresias angrily informs him that Oedipus himself murdered Laius. In disbelief,
Oedipus asks Teiresias to repeat himself. When Teiresias does, Oedipus threatens to punish him. The
enraged seer then adds that Oedipus commited vile acts with the people close to him, referring to how
Oedipus unknowingly married and had children with his biological mother. Oedipus, still doubting
Teiresias s words, blames his brother in law and uncle, Creon for plotting against him. Teiresias tells
Oedipus that Oedipus is blind to the situation and Creon didn t plot against him. Oedipus angrily tells
Teiresias to leave. As Teiresias turns away he tells him that he will soon realize what has happened,
insults Oedipus by questioning his ability to solve puzzles, and tells him that he does not fear Oedipus
punishing him for the things that he told him. Everything the blind prophet told the king turns out to
be true in the later scenes of the play. (Sophocles, 1.2) The text describes
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Canada Welcomes An Ethno Cultural Diversity And Follows...
In 2012, Canada received approximately 23,000 refugees and their families (Statistics Canada, 2012).
Canada welcomes an ethno cultural diversity and follows the international mandate to ensure safety,
stability and accessibility to health services for refugees. The refugees come from different countries,
which are socioeconomically unstable, and they are in search of stability and a better destiny. Canada
is recognized as one of the most developed countries in the world, it is undeniable that the protection
of refugees will be provided. The Ottawa Newcomer Clinic, located in Ottawa, is one of the agencies
that welcomes newcomer refugees. This clinic plays an essential role in the reintegration of refugees
in their new environment and provides preventive healthcare services. To improve its services, the
team members of the clinic are committed to promoting mental health in order to undertake a holistic
approach in the care of refugee youths. Consequently, it is important to explore the obstacles facing
this particular population using the Population Health model in order to identify startegies for mental
health promotion programs that aims to optimize the health status of refugee youths. This brings us to
review the importance of mental health among refugees and concepts involved, such as importance of
the role of health care providers who have direct contact with the target population as well as mental
health promotion. As indicated by Lucia (2012) populace Health Promotion
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Difference in Reactions of Sheila Birling and Her Father...
Difference in Reactions of Sheila Birling and Her Father in J.B. Priestley s An Inspector Calls
Coursework. Sheila Birling and her father react totally differently to the inspector. How far would the
audience agree? Author Birling I do agree that Sheila Birling and her father Author Birling react
differently to the inspector. This shows because when the inspector was talking to Author Birling, he
was very annoyed at the inspector and didn t want to listen to what he had to say, this shows when
Author says to the inspector Look here inspector, im half a mind to report you. I ve told you all I know
and it doesn t seem very important. When Author had said it doesn t seem very important ... Show
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Birling doesn t feel guilty at all about this case, because he doesn t care. This shows when he says
There s nothing mysterious scandalous about this business, at least im concerned it s happened more
then eighteen months ago nearly two years now, obviously it has nothing to do with the wretched girl
suicide. When he says wretched girl suicide this shows that he never really liked her at all and doesn t
wish to remember her. Birling doesn t think about the links she could have suffered before he had
sacked her. Even when Eric said He could of kept her instead of throwing her out, I call it tough luck.
Mr Birling didn t want to listen to what Eric as saying because Birling didn t want the blame for this at
all and also he didn t like complaints that other people had against him. When the inspector wants to
talk to Sheila, Mr Birling says Nothing to do with you Sheila, run along now! This shows that Birling
didn t want anyone else involved into this case and he didn t want to spoil the evening and wanted the
inspector to leave. Birling is different to Sheila because as Sheila finds out about Eva Smith she is
very upset and didn t know that a horrible thing could happen to a young girl. Sheila accepts what has
happened to Eva Smith and wants to find out more about her rather than Birling just wanting to give
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Command And Control Research Paper
Ezeugo Okechukwu David
Command and Control Policy
Brian Hunt
American Intercontinental University
Microeconomics (ECON220 1703 AGPRNA)
Command and Control Policy Introduction Climate change poses a huge risk to human beings and
natural system hence the need for policies to reduce carbon dioxide gas emissions to the environment
and the damages caused by the rapidly changing climate. This is the reason countries like the United
States of America enacted command and control policies to try and curb the rate of pollution of the
environment (Davies Mazurek, 2014 ). This paper will explain the command and control policy, give
an example where the policy has been used, outline how it has fared since its enactment and ... Show
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When the quantities of environmental protection are low for an extensive for an extensive pollution,
then there exists a variety of cheap and easy ways to reduce pollution hence an increase in marginal
benefits. However, if the event that an environmental protection rises, then cheap and readily available
ways of reducing pollution start to decrease hence requiring more costly methods to be employed. As
the extent of environmental regulation rises, additional expenditures related to environmental
protection will most likely lead to increased marginal costs and decreased marginal benefits. This
pattern would suggest that the cost savings and flexibility nature of market oriented environmental
policies would be very important (Harrington Morgenstern, 2013).
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The Obamacare Debate
Ever since announcing his candidacy for the presidency, the now President of the United States of
America, Donald Trump, emerged as an anti Obama regime leader. He vowed that he would scrap off
most of the changes that Obama had made when in the presidency (Rovner Terhune). Some of this
included the same sex marriage legislation and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which is popularly
known as Obamacare. The Obamacare is a policy that had benefited a lot of people in the United
States, especially those in the middle and lower class factions of the society. They managed to obtain
insurance and were able to access medical care despite the increased costs in service provision.
However, President Trump did not completely do away with the ACA but
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  • 1. 005 Common App Essay Tips Brainstormprompt ~ T 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 005 Common App Essay Tips Brainstormprompt ~ T 005 Common App Essay Tips Brainstormprompt ~ T
  • 2. Tobacco Liability in Illnesses and Deaths Smoking has been around for quite some time now, dating back farther than 1492. On October 29, 1492, two of Christopher Columbus s crew members, Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres, were the first two Europeans to try smoking tobacco offered to them by the Native Indians (Marcovitz 14). Tobacco companies will lose revenue and may vanish as one of the oldest and wealthiest industries in America because of frivolous liability lawsuits and competition from companies producing other tobacco related products. In the future, tobacco products are more likely to vanish in time because of the addiction and diseases that smoking can cause. Many smokeless tobacco users have said that it is harder to quit snuff and chewing tobacco, and that it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Seventeen days later, he arrived in Cuba and met more Native Indians, this time they were smoking the tobacco and when two of Columbus s crew members, Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres, were the first Europeans to try smoking tobacco (Marcovitz 14). Not only was Rodrigo and Luis the first Europeans to try smoking, they were also the first European chain smokers, people who smoke cigarettes daily (Marcovitz 14 15). Columbus was not the only explorer to have been around the Native Indians while they were smoking tobacco. Other explorers witnessed the Native Indians rolling the tobacco into tight cylinders and then catching the tobacco on fire and inhaling the smoke fumes produced from it (Marcovitz 15). Those explorers were eager to show the new habit they learned to their home countries and in 1518, Hernan Cortes had returned to Spain, introducing them to the habit with a cargo of tobacco (Marcovitz 15). In 1556, smoking was introduced to the French by Andre Thevet, a monk who had picked up the habit in Brazil while on an expedition (Marcovitz 15). From the 1560 s to the 1580s, several English explorers such as Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh had brought tobacco to England, since most Americans brought tobacco to Europeans, Europeans looked to America to help feed their bad habits (Marcovitz 15). Now, America is not the only place growing tobacco, many more places are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Summary And Interaction Of Celebration Of Discipline By... Daniel Farias Professor Wilson, Joy Thompson Spirit Empowered Living 9 September 16, 2015 Summary and Interaction of Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster In the beginning of Celebration of Discipline, Richard J. Foster undergoes a thorough explanation of our ages most desperate need; deep people. He proclaims how our superficiality and lack of common sense regarding spiritual life has crippled us and left us living in the surface rather than depts. He mentions how we have gotten accustomed to relying on our own willpower ultimately not containing the correct attitude or reasons for practicing the classical disciplines. Therefore, we lack the pieces of our inward and outward life as believers of Christ. Foster ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This brings the second inward discipline, prayer. Prayer is mentioned as one of the most central disciples due to its intimacy of conversation between us and god himself. Foster describes prayer as our ability to ask for change in circumstances, to pray is to change (P.33). He explains how Jesus often withdrew from the crowds to pray to his father. like so, we should withdraw from time to time. Our disciplines can coincide just as fasting does with prayer; thus being the third discipline prescribed. Fasting is the abstaining from food for scriptural purpose. (p.48) and is said to be seen as a desperate measure for emergency. Foster goes deeper into how and why a Christian should fast, but mostly focuses on its meaning of self control and its centrality being god. Foster s final inward discipline is the practice of study. Study is the focus to our total transformation from our old selves. It is a specific experience aimed to form Christian habits. With that, Foster breaks down study into four steps; repetition, reflection, understanding, and experience which ingrain those habits. In the second part of the book, Celebration of Discipline, Foster outlines the four outward disciplines. These being; simplicity, solitude, submission, and service. Simplicity as foster states is an inward reality that results in an outward life style. (p. 80) which is meant to live out. He says we should be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Analyse Character Traits There are a few traits listed that I admire greatly among others, and would like to think that I hold myself or am working on perfecting those traits within my being. Three main ones would be Openness, Responsibility, and Empathy. People who are open minded tend to be the ones that are responsible for our ever so evolving world, standards, morals, ethics, society, and way of life as it is. This to me automatically makes them important and special, as the world and society would not be so advanced as we are today without these type of people. I feel these individuals are not so quick to speak, judge, and hold down others. If Christopher Columbus was not so exploratory due to his open minded thinking, then perhaps we would live in a world that continued to think the earth was simply flat. I personally feel that nothing is really so simple in this life, therefore, the same way of thinking, acting, reacting, fitting, living, preserving, remedying and so forth....all of this could not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The world could not improve if there were no people in it to see that improvements need to be made. I think the world would be a more cruel and dark place without these individuals. It is my belief that these types of people have a lot to offer and much to teach others. When I come across people such as this, it is like taking a breath of fresh air after being under water for so long; it is not so common to meet someone like this...because they preserve honesty, not just towards others, but within themselves. Many changes I have made in my life have stemmed from me taking responsibility for my actions and then making a plan to do better or something different that can provide better outcomes in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Importance Of A Regional Bank May Experience While... Introduction Switzerland is considered as among the best expat nations in the world due to its very high standards of living and the fact that it has a multilingual and sophisticated population. This has seen many large multinational organizations and companies set up base in Switzerland in cities like Zurich. Due to this expansion strategies by large organizations willingly to expand all over the world, many regional banks find it necessary to open up offices in various countries such as Switzerland in order to offer financial services for such companies and businesses that have expanded globally. However, moving and setting up shop in Switzerland is not as easy as one may think as it can be quite difficult and stressful if the right procedure is not followed depending on various factors. According to Jordan (2012), recently, the earlier trend where banks would turn a profit despite the financial situation in Switzerland has disappeared. This assignment looks at issues that a regional bank may experience while moving and setting an office in Switzerland. Challenges faced in Switzerland by financial institutions Cultural and Ethnic Characteristics For regional banks moving from North America and Europe may not be particularly very disadvantaged by the Swedish culture. Despite this, they may still find it challenging when they set up an office in Zurich Switzerland together with other regional banks from other parts of the world. Switzerland is a country with states referred ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Holistic Health Care For Traditional Chinese Medicine Holistic Health Care From curing Malaria to relieving migraines, and lowing blood pressure Traditional Chinese Medicine has been widely used around the world for all sorts of ailments. Their unique and natural treatments are appealing to many but the lack of evidence and horror stories seem to cast a dark shadow over TMC, making it not nearly as popular in the Western world as it is in China and the rest of Asia. Although Traditional Chinese Medicine has been ridiculed for years for their unconventional ways of healing, scientific studies and personal accounts demonstrate the minds deep connection to the body opening up an alternative yet valid form of medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back to nearly two thousand five ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The whole is always present; the yin and yang can only be refined, never abandoned. ( The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk pg. 43). Chinese medicine is something Various elements also help make up the basic beliefs of Chinese medicine. The five elements are wood, water, fire, metal, and earth. These help healers diagnose, treat, and predict disease and ailments. Qi is another interesting aspect of Chinese medicine. Qi is a circulating life force that flows through the body to help maintain health. It is believed that the human is constantly flowing and filled with the energy of moving particles with bind together to form organs and heal. They use three main diagnostic techniques which include observation, auscultation, and observation. Western medicine was introduced into china during the 1800s during the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Chinese practices became less and less common. Finally during the Communist Era traditional Chinese medicinal methods became banned and those who practices it would be thrown in jail or killed. Nowadays Chinese medicine can is still widely practiced but western medicine is preferred by many, simply due to the lack of proof. Chinese Medicine comes in many different forms including acupuncture, Tui Na (therapeutic massage), Chinese ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. People Express Harvard Business School 9 490 012 Rev. September 14, 1993 People Express Airlines: Rise and Decline I guess the single predominant reason that I cared about starting a new company was to try and develop a better way for people to work together . . . that s where the name People Express came from. Most organizations believe that humans are generally bad and you have to control them and watch them and make sure they work. At People Express, people will be trusted to do a job until they prove they definitely won t. Donald C. Burr Founder, CEO People Express Airlines Under mounting pressure to permit more competition, Congress deregulated the airline industry in 1978. By December 31, 1981, restrictions on new entrants, new routes, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The airline industry was viewed as a commodity business, but Burr saw a chance to offer a better product to customers. (PE believed that customers, rather than passengers, created a more appropriate mindset.) But taking advantage of deregulation was not the only reason Burr wanted to start the company: greater, perhaps, was his desire to build a better organization one that was both more productive and more fun than what he considered to be typical in American business. He was tired of the politics and the beat them and they ll do more management styles he had seen all his professional life. He was tired of what he called the deadening grind and lack of vision of T.I. s business style. He wanted to design a new kind of airline, one that would provide both better and cheaper service, and be an exciting and rewarding place to work. The focus of the company would be on people: hence its name, People Express. From its inception, therefore, PE was seen as a chance by Burr and his management team to experiment with and demonstrate a better way of managing not just an airline, but any business. While Burr recognized his stance was contrary to the majority of organizations in the United States, he rejected any insinuation that he was optimistic or soft. I m not a goody two shoes person, I don t view myself as a social scientist, as a minister, as a do gooder. I perceive myself as a hard nosed businessman, whose ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Pros And Cons Of Zoning Laws And Laws Zoning ordinances and laws within a municipality are a necessity to keep order and the protection of the neighborhoods. More importantly, the objective of zoning laws is to restrict individuals from utilizing their property in a manner that could make the community less pleasing or a possible buyer less likely to purchase a house in the neighborhood (Forman, 2000). Civil and criminal penalties are levied for not complying with the zoning laws and ordinances. Municipalities are permitted to have their zoning laws enforced, to obtain injunctions, and to request the courts to address criminal endorsement against any violations (Forman, 2000). Statutory law is associated with zoning laws and ordinances within a municipality. The majority of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Failures Of The Populist Party At the end of the 19th century the United States were in a time called The Gilded Age , coined by Mark Twain; a time of mass immigration, Western settlement, and industrialization. Out of these times emerged a political party named the Populist party, later changed to the People s party. This party stood for the working man, like farmers and factory laborers. Though this party meant well, it did not last long. Surviving until 1896, the Populist party eventually merged with the Democratic party. With this being said, the Populist party was a short lived dream and failure. The Populist party, as previously stated, stood for and supported the working class. From farmers in the west to industrial workers in the east, the Populist party wanted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This popularity was lost due to the fact that the Populist party s previously mentioned progressive ideas, like 8 hour work days, senators elected by the people, graduated income tax, etc., were not popular beliefs and wants in the late 19th century. Though mostly aligned left like the Democratic party, these ideas held the party back and led to most either choosing the Republicans or the Democrats. Eventually in 1896 part of the Populist party dissolved and fused with the Democratic party. The other Populists decided to continue on as their own thing and not join the Democrats; they lasted until 1908. After the fusion with the democrats, the Populists original presidential nominee, William Jennings Bryan, flew a new flag; that of the democrats. Unfortunately for the democrats and the Populists that joined them, Bryan lost the election. Concerning the topic of the Populists failure, these events played a major role in it because they weren t even the Populists anymore, they were democrats, and those that chose to continue on under the title of the People s party didn t last much longer after the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Validity Of Animal Experimentation Although some people argue that animal testing has played a vital role in medical industries however, it has been proven that the majority of animal experimentation has no significant impact or breakthrough that could be beneficial to humans. This makes us question the validity of these experiments, and if they truly have any benefits. This idea is supported by Dr. Bross , the director of biostatistics at the Roswell Institute for Cancer Research who states that the conflicting animal results that have been found have never produced a single advance either in preventing or in curing cancer (as cited in Carlson, 2012, p. 398). The effort done by the scientists and doctors who care about people s health and work hard to provide safety for them ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Diversity In Media Essay Concentration of Ownership and Decreasing Diversity in Print Media For all who love to read books, imagine walking into bookstore after bookstore seeing the same type of books over and over. No variety, no choice, only repetition. Although America prides itself on freedom and democracy more than any nation in the world, this hypothetical situation is becoming increasingly closer to becoming a reality than some may think. Consolidation and concentration of ownership in print media companies may cause for the inability of some people to voice their opinions. What does this mean? This means that the basis of our country, including freedom from the first amendment, maybe be pulled out from under our feet. Causes of this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It has become increasingly difficult for new ideas to come out in print for this reason. Rifka Rosenwein reinforces these ideas by stating, Having a few huge corporations control our outlets of expressions could lead to less aggressive news coverage and a more muted marketplaces of ideas. 2[2] And that is exactly what is happening, not only in news coverage and the marketplace, but in print media as well. When large companies dominate the print media of the United States, we are allowing information to be screened, weeded out, and chosen by these companies, and these companies alone. In order to further emphasize the amount of power that truly lies within these nine dominating companies I would like to bring into light the most profitable, AOL Time Warner. Time Warner makes 20 percent of its money from the music business, another 20 percent from the news division (magazine and book publishing and cable television news), 10 percent from its US cable systems and the rest from its film, video and television holdings. 3[3] This is an incredible amount. Not only does AOL Time Warner make twenty percent profit from the news division of media, but they also have a vertical integration throughout our nation. There should be warning lights going off in every American. If one single company can have this much control over so many aspects of our life, there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Strict Dress Codes Schools Should Not Have Dress codes Between 2009 and 2010 19% of schools required uniforms and 57% of schools enforce a strict dress code. Kids who follow a strict dress code policy at school are limited in expression. Many schools think by having strict dress codes are safer and keep the focus on education, but enforcing a strict dress code many times place the focus of school on clothing and rules, rather than education. Schools should not have dress codes because they become gender bias, they stunt the growth of individuality, and generally cost more. When a girl is taken out of class on a hot day, for wearing a strappy top, because she is distracting her male classmates, his education is prioritized over hers. When a school takes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There shouldn t be school dress codes, it would just make the school better. The creativity from students would increase greatly because they would feel free to put their opinion and original ideas out there for people to see or hear. Being a teen myself I know what it s like to feel like you cant put your original ideas out there because they will be harshly judges. When schools have strict dress codes teens feel like they can t be themselves in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Financial Statements CHAPTER I FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the meaning of financial statements of a company; Describe the form and content of balance sheet of a company; Prepare the Balance Sheet of a company as per Schedule VI Part I of the Companies Act 1956. Know the major headings under which the various assets and liabilities can be shown. Explain the meaning, objectives and limitations of analysis using accounting ratios Calculate various ratios to assess the solvency, liquidity, efficiency and profitability of the firm. Interpret the various ratios for inter and intra firm comparison. define Cash Flow Statement know its objectives ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Employees and Trade Unions Employees are interested in better emoluments, bonus and continuance of business and whether the dues like provident fund, ESI et., have been deposited with the authorities. They would therefore, like to know its financial performance and profitability and operating sustainability. Government and its agencies Financial statements are used by government and its agencies to formulate policies to regulate the activities of business, to formulate taxation policies, to compile national income accounts. Taxation authorities such as income tax department use the financial statements for determination of income tax; sales tax department is interested in sales while the excise department is interested in production. Stock exchange Stock exchange uses the financial statements to analyze and thereafter, inform its members about the performance, financial health, etc. of the company, to see whether financial statements prepared are in conformity with the specified laws and rules and to see whether they safeguard the interest of various concerned agencies. Other Regulatory authorities (such as, Company Law Board, SEBI, Stock Exchanges, Tax Authorities etc.) would like that the financial statements prepared are in conformity with the specified laws and rules, and are to safeguard the interest of various concerned
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  • 15. Analyzing The Bandwagon Effect In Ayn Rand s Anthem Have you ever felt the need to complete a task because the people around you already completed that task? That feeling is caused by a phenomenon known as the bandwagon effect. Concepts such as the bandwagon effect are explored in Ayn Rand s Anthem. In the novella, there is a collectivist society that believes more in the importance of the group instead of the individual. Personal preferences are suppressed, and people who question the collectivist ideals are persecuted by society. The people cannot decide what they want to become because the Council picks what occupation they receive based on the needs of the State as a whole. This also affects individual people such as Equality 7 2521. The collectivist ideals that are displayed in Ayn Rand s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The people in the general public in Anthem have a similar mentality and tend to do similar actions. This is likely caused by the bandwagon effect which is when people start to do what other people are doing without considering why they do it. The bandwagon effect can be bad as it is harmful when it comes to ideals and ethics (McMahon). It has caused many adverse effects on the public. For example, there is very little rebellion against the collectivist society besides a few individuals. This happens as a result of the bandwagon effect. Most people decide to agree with the collectivist ideals because the other people around them agree with them. As more people decide to accept the ideals, there will be fewer people who will decide to stand up for their rights. The collectivist ideals makes the people in the general public give up their rights due to the bandwagon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Characteristics Of Malvolio In Twelfth Night In Twelfth Night there are many characters that are greatly disliked by others, many would say Malvolio is the most disliked due to his profound attributes. Twelfth Night is a well known romantic comedy written by William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night is also an admirably well written romantic comedy. Malvolio, Lady Olivia s steward, is not a character many would like to be compared to as his ego, gullibility and sternness cause him to be mistreated and greatly disliked. Malvolio s egotism is portrayed throughout the play because it is a trait that affects him constantly. His gullibility is mostly seen during the major prank that is played on him in scene two act five. We see Malvolio s sternness throughout the whole entire play as well, because it is another trait that is always with him. Malvolio s egotistical, gullible and stern personality cause him to be justly abused and easily disliked by others. An egotistical individual is one who believes he/she are more important than others, has no sympathy for anyone or thinks they are superior to others. Malvolio portrays most traits of a person who would be egotistical; Malvolio is an egomaniac. Due to Malvolio s egotistical personality many characters dislike him, including Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew and Maria. The three greatly despise of him due to him thinking he is superior to everyone, also known as his arrogance. Maria says, ...that it is his grounds of faith that all look on him love him. (2.3.133). Maria was impelled to say such because Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew were asking her about little foolish things Malvolio does and thinks about that they could make a fool of him for. The three came up with a scheme to play on Malvolio, Maria writes a love letter that looks like Lady Olivia wrote, she drops it on the floor and makes Malvolio think the letter is addressed to him. Later on, the plan works and Malvolio begins to read the letter and think it is about him. While Malvolio reads the letter, he makes comments about how his superiority will allow him to overrule others in the castle once him and Lady Olivia get married . Toby approaches, curtsies there to me (2.5.54), Malvolio also makes a great deal of remarks on how he will treat Sir Toby ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Paperhanger deserted their mansion. One night, the girl s mother decided to return to the mansion and look for her daughter. It is here where she encounters the paperhanger once more. During this scene, the mother offers to pay him to drive her into the woods and look for her daughter. He replied, I wouldn t charge anybody anything to search for a child s body. But she s not in the woods. Nothing could have stayed hidden, the way these woods were searched (165). By offering to help the child s mother the paperhanger gains the mother s trust. To the reader, he appears to be helping the mother during a time of need, making him a decent friend. The paperhanger manipulated the situation, to get the girl s mother to trust him and consequently leave with him. He knew the child would not be found, not because the woods were extensively searched, but because he remains. The paperhanger was supposed to drive the child s mother to the woods, but instead drives her to a cemetery. After noticing that some of the graves had been dismantled and robbed, she tells the paperhanger. He responded by saying, You can t rob the dead. They have nothing left to steal (167). The woman was shocked by his response and then asked him if he had robbed the graves. He responded by saying, The line between grave robbing and archeology has always looked a little blurry to me. I was studying their culture trying to get a fix on what their lives were like (168). This is the turning place in the story, where the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Interpersonal Communication Skills CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction or background of the study Universities are being challenged to provide high quality and productive human resources. Such challenges must be an impact of increased global competition and the pressure of diminishing resource. The participation of students in group discussion has been accepted as an effective strategy because it is the place for the students to implement their interpersonal communication skill in order to improve their leadership skills. Group discussion is the place which provides the opportunities for the students to negotiate meaning and manipulate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main purpose of this research is to analyze the usage of interpersonal communication skills among students. There have been many studies conducted to prove the importance of interpersonal communication in group discussion. Interpersonal communication skills that students use during their group discussion is the key element in the development of students leadership skills as it will be beneficial for them in future. Besides, there are limited studies regarding skills that are most effective and most essential in improving student s both verbal and nonverbal communication ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Francisco Pizarro Essay Who is Francisco Pizarro Conquistador is a term that defines the soldiers and explorers of the New World. There were many conquistadors before the discovery of the New World. However, the most important and unforgettable conquistador was born sometime in the 1470s. Francisco Pizarro Gonzalez, was the Spanish conquistador who was the leader of the expedition of the Inca Empire. And behind this expedition, there is a long story that defines a man and events that prove facts. So, who is Francisco Pizarro? According to the facts, Francisco Pizarro was born in Trujillo, Spain. His date of birth is unknown, but some say that it is some time in the 1470s, perhaps 1474. He was the illegitimate son of infantry Colonel Gonzalo Pizarro, who was serving in Navarre and the Italian campaigns and his mother was Francisca Gonzalez, who was a poor woman and she married late and had a son who is Francisco Martin de Alcantara (The Most Evil Men In History Francisco Pizarro,2012). How his childhood plays a role in his achievement Francisco Pizarro was uneducated and grew up illiterate. The reason behind that is maybe that he did not grow ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though the Inca people trusted Pizarro and gave him all their money, gold and silver pieces were they considered them as a part of their religion. The gold referred to the sun god, and the silver referred to the moon god. As it was mentioned in Francisco Pizarro Duckstersm, The Inca delivered the gold and silver, but Pizarro executed Atahualpa anyway (Francisco Pizarro Duckstersm,n.d). He did what was in his mind. He killed more than 2000 men and captured more than 5000 as well as Atahualpa who was a hostage. After taking what he wanted, he gave his men what they deserve from the gold and then order to execute Atahualpa by garrote in such an evil way in front of his people, and that proves how violent he was. (The Most Evil Men In History Francisco ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Theme Of Isolation In Cathedral By Edmond Carver Raymond Carver s short story Cathedral and Edward Hopper s painting Sunday depict depression and isolation by showing in the painting a man sitting by himself creating a feeling of him being alone, and in Cathedral in an internal way of the narrator not really seeing the beauty in the world. Raymond Carver is a previous alcoholic who adds in alcohol in his short stories such as Cathedral . Carver has the narrator always drinking, he mentions that in the house they have a bit of every kind of alcohol. Representing his feeling of being alone just like the man in Edward Hopper s painting, Sunday. In the painting there is a man sitting on the curb smoking, he looks very depressed just like the narrator in the short story, although he shows depression in numerous different ways. Raymond Carver and Edward Hopper together create a very mellow and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then we made ourselves comfortable and talked about Robert s travels, (Carver 217). In the painting by Hopper, there is no alcohol, but there is isolation, sorrow, and a cigar. The cigar shows loneliness, maybe weakness. The narrator and his wife in Cathedral have a nightly habit of smoking, He inhaled, held the smoke, and then let it go. It was like he d been doing it since he was nine years old. Thanks, bub, he said. But I think this is all for me. I think i m beginning to feel it, he said. He held the burning roach out for my wife, (Carver 221). Smoking is the narrator s way of feeling happier, he does not feel so sorrow and alone, Every night I smoked dope and stayed up as long as I could before I fell asleep. My wife and I had hardly went to bed at the same time, (Carver 222). Although the husband and wife do not sleep in the same room, smoking is something they always do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Research Paper On Shahzia Sikander Shahzia Sikander As we all knew Indo Persian Miniature paintings are very famous around our nation because of their small size, having a theme and better illustrations. There are many artists who made the Indo Persian Miniature paintings to show their talent to people; Shahiza Sikander is one of the Pakistani artists who is an expert in the Indo Persian painting. Sikander was born in 1969 in Lahore, Pakistan. The reason Sikander was so good at it because she revised her Bachelors of Fine Art degree in Indo Persian style of miniature paintings at The National College of Art in Lahore, Pakistan. She also earned her a Maters of Fine Art degree in 1995 from the Rhode Island school of design of united state. Sikander is an amazing artist who works in drawing, painting, animation, large scale installation, performance and video, on an international stage. Sikander s is a champion art because of her experience. So her Indo Persian paintings were extremely inspiring to others because it is very well done and carries many thoughts, which shows cultures, traditions and beliefs. Sikander s most of the Indo Persian Miniature painting was related to historical issue s, peoples, animals, and tradition s. For example, in Sikander art is she mainly explore about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sikander had done her work very clearly and casually. Her Miniature paintings were very attracting due to her deep thinking and experience. The reason I like her artwork most because it is relate to the history of Hindu and Muslim culture. As I m a Asian Indian, I think I know some of the Indian history, which Sikander mention in her art like the god (Krishna) and (women fan) Gopi s stories. Although I know what is Indian classical dance, Mughal durbar and what did and why people get together there because I study this in my history books. I think that could be the reason, I choose Shahzia Sikander for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Total Quality Management Literature Review Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Aerospace and Defence industry to enhance performance Implementation of Total Quality Management in an organisation to Gain Competitive Advantage/ Performance Literature review Total Quality Management (TQM) definitions The TQM theory was elaborated by W. Edwards Deming to better the management of industrial units (Militaru et al, 2013). Contributors to the concept of TQM are people such as Deming (Anvari et al, 2011). Dr Deming considered quality and process improvement activities as the catalyst necessary to start an economic chain reaction. Improving quality leads to decreased costs, fewer mistakes, fewer delays, and better use of resources, which in turn leads to improved productivity, which enables a company to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He felt that without quality improvement efforts to light the fuse, this process would not begin (Summers, 2014). Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach to optimization (Anvari, Ismail Hojjati, 2011). TQM is defined as an approach to management characterized by some guiding principles or core concepts that embody the way the organisation is expected to operate, which, when effectively linked together, will lead to high performance (Eriksson Garvare, 2005). According to Radnor (2000) TQM is the management of quality at every stage of operations, from planning and design through self inspection to continual process monitoring for improvement opportunities . Some argue that TQM is corporate culture characterized by increased customer satisfaction through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Elderly Care Ministry Proposal ELDERLY CARE MINISTRY PROPOSAL We are grateful to our church elders for recognizing the need to minister to the elderly people who reside in our community s assisted living facility, and for their desire to impact the residents, their families and over time the community at large with the love of Jesus Christ. We appreciate the confidence and support bestowed upon us in designing a ministry plan to care for both member and non member elderly residents. It is our goal to establish a ministry that will be the hands and feet of Christ, exemplifying His love and care for the aging in an encouraging positive manner through ministry programs that are relevant and meaningful. Working in conjunction with our local assisted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. Many of the residents are unable to go outside for walks unassisted. A team of people have volunteered to visit on a regular basis to walk outside with residents, and continue their walks and friendships inside in inclement weather. 3. The strength trainer at our church has volunteered to teach and assist residents in their use of weights and then lead a time of weight training on an ongoing basis as a part of this ministry. He will also train other members to assist and lead in this area of ministry. Included with his strength training he plans to talk about the strength found in Jesus Christ. 4. A dance instructor at our church has volunteered to do flexibility training along with teaching line dancing, even with a wheel chair section, and then hold dances every other month. Conclusion The improvements in offerings related to the area of exercise fulfill the ministry purpose of helping residents have a better quality of life, and the overall purpose of encouraging them through an expression of God s love while pointing people to the hope found in Jesus Christ. References Asha, D. S. (2009). Aging brain: Prevention of oxidative stress by vitamin E and exercise. Scientific World Journal, 9, 366 372. Chodzko Zaiko, W. J., Proctor, D. N., Fiatarone Singh, M. A., Minson, C. T., Nigg, C. R., Salem, G. J. et al. (2009). American College of Sports Medicine ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Federal Bureau Investigation Have you ever wondered who helped keep our country safe? It is the Federal Bureau Investigation. Federal Bureau Investigation, is also known as the FBI. The FBI is an investigating team. The FBI has history, investigating, and has numerous facts. To begin, the FBI has rich history and background. The FBI was created by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte. It was created in the year of 1908. The FBI has been up and running for about 107 years. By 1907 the Department of Justice most frequently called upon Secret Services to conduct investigations. It was 1892 when law enforcement was often political rather than professional. The FBI states, The FBI originated from a force of special agents created in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt . There is much more I could talk about. The FBI has been running for about 107 years which means they have a lot of papers. In addition , they also have to investigate. When the FBI arrive to a crime scene, they first look to see if they can see the weapons. Finding the weapon is a crucial step to finding the killer. A gun leaves the same unique patterns of marks on every bullet it fires. If the crime scene is by a river then police divers search for missing weapons at the bottom of river, lakes, and ponds. There may, however, be more than one crime scene. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the nineteenth century, municipal and state governments shouldered the responsibility of law enforcement. Another facts is that the Special Agents force also aided border guards, investigating smuggling cases and immigration violations. Encyclopedia says Despite the changing future of the structure of the United States intelligence community, the FBI will undoubtedly play a central role . The FBI s focus on the prevention of terrorism failed to thwart the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The FBI has many things that people do not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Resilience In Life Of Pi Humanity tends to praise an individual for their exceptional perseverance, but instead, society should begin acknowledging the real culprits: the mind and resilience of those who survive the extraordinary. Hidden within the allegory, Life of Pi, is an ode to the mind and human resilience, and in order for one to unearth this buried treasure, they must dig a little deeper. Yann Martel s, the author, protagonist holds onto life with the support of his mind and body. Life of Pi is an ode to the human mind and resilience by depicting Pi s manipulation of Richard Parker, Pi s ability to use his mind to stay sane within the harsh conditions accompanying life at sea, and portraying the human body s ability to bounce back from the point of death. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pi Patel s heroic journey of staying sane, keeping focus, and living on. Yann Martel incorporated the concepts he admires into his novel. In all these times of Pi s desperation his intellect provides some form of hope. Pi Patel would not have survived the treacherous waters if he had not had his instincts to aid him along. The author understood the mind and body s importance in life and felt the need to express their wonders within his works. The human mind and resilience is vital to the continuance of man s existence. Without the will to continue and the reason to do so mass extinction would be inevitable. Our society shouldn t take for granted the tools for life we ve been supplied with. Acknowledgement is a step closer to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Similarities Between Slang And Sling Slang is language which takes off its coat, spits on its hand, and goes to work. 1. EtyDefiniSlangmology Throughout this sub chapter the Os and Ds shall be analyzed, which implies slang s birthplace and meaning .The Os, known henceforward as origins of the word slang are like the Scooby Doo cartoons i.e. a mystery, an enigma. The 18th and 19th philologists Henry Kennedy Wyld and Ernest Weekly strongly believed that slang was cognate with slengjeord, a new word , slengjenamn, a nickname , and slengja kjeften, literally to sling the jaw, hence to abuse . Some make a connection between slang and sling, the idea being that people sling words at one another in a devil manner. Unconventional English affords several parallels such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By all means the last definition is adjacent to presently slang, but still not close enough. In order to move forward, it is highly needed to underline the distinctiveness between informal (non standard) and formal (standard) style as slang s various definitions were related to these notions. First of all, standard language can be seen as the official and the most prestigious style because of its elitist and literate vocabulary, grammatical and full sentences based on recognized rules, and clean orthography. Standard English is suitable for use in every type of written or spoken situation because it addresses a hypothetical general audience. Secondly, on the opposite line abides the informal style which includes a familiar vocabulary that is not always understood by outsiders, used in unofficial and relaxed contexts. Formal language can be more common when writing, while informal language is more common when speaking. The later is also called colloquial style that derives from Latin col together and loqui to speak . This type of parlance gives the impression of friendliness, warmth, endearment and mildness. During its life, slang was related to colloquial language, which means that it may not be as rigid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Crinone 8 Ge Analysis physician instructions on how to use Crinone 8 gel. Normally, one applicator is inserted into the vagina daily or as directed by the doctor, starting a day after ovulation or between the 18th day to 20th day of menstrual cycle. If pregnancy occurs, continue using the gel until the placenta is producing adequate progesterone to maintain the pregnancy; Crinone 8 gel is used for at least the first 12 weeks after conception. Some women find it uncomfortable inserting the medication in the vagina, however, if the doctor has prescribed the drug it is important to use it and help in conception and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. The procedure on how to insert Crinone 8 gel is easy. The pre filled applicator has a thick and a thin end, so, hold it on the thick end and shake down for the content to be on the thin end. Twist off the tab and insert the thin end gently inside the vagina while in a sitting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Eggs are removed from a female s ovary and fertilized in a laboratory. The embryo which is the fertilized egg is transferred into a woman uterus to grow and develop. Progesterone supplementation is important for conception and staying pregnant after IVF, so, Crinone 8 gel may be used. A woman going through IVF requires more progesterone since in vitro process isn t natural; you take medicines to produce multiple follicles and to prevent premature ovulation. Once the follicles have matured, human chorionic gonadotropin is administered to trigger ovulation, the eggs are harvested when the body least expects it; the whole process disrupts the natural function of progesterone hormone, this in an explanation of the need for the Crinone to support implantation and avoid a miscarriage. The gel is considered very effective since it s readily absorbed into the bloodstream. Ensure you follow the prescribed dose, Crinone 8 gel instructions and discard the applicator after ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Severe Left Hemiplegia Phillip C. is 5 months post and presents with severe left hemiplegia of the arm along with left leg paresis. The most recent neuropsychology assessment revealed deficits including: impaired hemi spatial neglect, impaired selective attention, flat affect, impaired affective auditory comprehension, disturbance of emotional facial recognition, problems with working memory, and problems with reduplicative paramnesia. Hemi spatial neglect is a condition in which patients fail to respond to stimuli on the side of the body opposite the brain injury (Myers Blake, 2008) Neglect may be caused by injury in either brain hemisphere, however, it is more sever and persistent after a right hemisphere brain injury (Brookshire, 2015). Many deficits exist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first test I would give is the Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Right Hemisphere Screen (ENH RHS). The ENH RHS is a non standardized assessment used to determine if the patient requires additional assessment. Eight domains of cognitive communicative abilities are assessed, however, clinicians can shorten the assessment by administering selected items to identify which area the patient is having difficulty with. When assessing Phillip, I would assess the following domains: orientation to person, place, and time (e.g. name, location, day of week), selective attention (e.g. counting backward from 30 by 3 s), memory (e.g. delayed recall of a word list), abstract verbal reasoning and problem solving (auditory comprehension of complex sentences e.g. Is your father s mother your aunt? ), and visuospatial skills (clock drawing). After administering the ENH RHS, I should have a better understanding of the cognitive communicative impairments likely to be experienced by Phillip (Brookshire, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. 1 9 ‘To what extent can preparedness and planning mitigate... A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or environment. There is a very big difference that helps prepare for a volcanic hazard and that is whether you are in a MEDC or a LEDC. In a MEDC monitoring volcanic zones and potential hazards is an option many LEDC s don t have. In Italy at Mt Etna they have Geochemical monitoring programs currently run by INGV which focus on the analysis of temporal changes, chemical changes and seismic activity. This option open to the Italians is not an option for LEDC who don t have the wealth or public education to set up these stations. In Montserrat their where no levels of monitoring at all due to Before 1995 there was no record of the volcano on Montserrat ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are other factors predicting and preparing wont help for. One is the type of volcanic hazard such as a sudden pyroclastic flow is much more violent then a slow lava flow. With pyroclastics you can only reduce the hazard by vacation but lava flows can be diverted and slowed down with dam wall trenches and spraying water As they did in ice land on the 1973 Heimaey eruption which started on 23 January. Some times warning isn t enough because of peoples different circumstances and beliefs they might not leave. One example is in Columbia in 1985 where they where warned but didn t listen as they didn t think they would be affected and didn t trust the people telling them. About 20,000 people are feared dead after a volcanic eruption in northern Colombia. Four towns in the Andes region are reported to have been buried when ash spewed out of the volcano, Nevado del Ruiz, causing a mudslide. These people weren t told to evacuate until 2 hours before the major eruption casing massive loss of life. The reason for this late call was because the country didn t trust the people observing the volcano this meant the potential hazard was far greater then it should have been ad the results where horrific. This is one example of how poor education and different situation can greatly increase the hazard. The Nevado del Ruiz Volcano eruption is also a great example of how the physical environment affects the hazard. In Armero two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. How Scientists Can Most Efficiently Complete Organ... Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to test how scientists can most efficiently complete organ printing. In this lab, the cells will be suspended in a substrate called sodium alginate collagen, hydrogel, and other reactants. These materials will react to then embed the cells to their goal location. Then, the cells will be able to be fixated into layers. These layers will then come together and form tissues, which according to biological organization will form organs. The inkjet bioprinter allows for this to occur. Tiny ink droplets form a digital design for the organ printing, and in horizontal sheets, the organ is created tissue by tissue. This lab will test to see which percent concentration of the sodium alginate collagen composite will prove to be most effective when organ printing. The dependent factor that will determine the conclusion will be the percent of efficiency of cell survival rate. Four trials will be completed in which the same organ is printed and all factors are kept constant, except for the percent concentration of the substrate. Introduction: In the past, the only way to replace diminished cells, tissues, and organs was from organ transplantation. An organ donor was needed, and the tissues would be surgically removed from the donated body and placed into the recipient. Due to the current research being conducted, it is believed that tissue engineering and organ printing can contribute to the process of improving and saving lives. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Anti Opium Movement, Opium War And Their Causes Haoyang Fan MMW 14 Summer 2015 July 23, 2015 TA: Joel Palhegyi Final Paper Anti Opium Movement, Opium War and Their Causes The main theme of 19th century was the imperialism expansion of western capitalistic industrial nations throughout the whole world. During this process, the conflicts between occidental imperialism powers and oriental countries never stopped. The First Opium War, well known as the Opium War, was the war that happened during September, 1839 to Autumn, 1842, between China and Britain. The war was initiated by the conflicts between China and Britain on the fact that some British merchants, who worked for the East India Company, smuggled opium to China and ignored Chinese laws. The mania of opium smoking shocked the Chinese government and triggered the anti opium movement. Lin Zexu, a Chinese official known as Commissioner Lin, burned out the confiscated opium at Humen. During the war, China suffered great loss and ended up with a disastrous fiasco. The result was extremely humiliating to China and profoundly changed the fate of China: China was compelled to sign a series of unequal treaties, cede Hong Kong and compensate huge war indemnity. When I viewed this miserable history of China, a question was created in my mind. Considering the great power gap between the declining China and the rising Britain, what factors led the Chinese government to launch the anti opium movement at the expense of triggering the Opium War? My answer is quite explicit: the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Rule Of Antoninus Plus ( C. Ce ) During the rule of Antoninus Plus (c. 138 161 CE), Romans began to favor burials over cremations and the demand for sarcophagi grew rapidly (Kleiner 215). Greek mythology was heavily borrowed upon by the Roman and prominent members of the Roman society wanted to be commemorated in the fashion of Greek heroes. The Romans took the general principles of an Egyptian sarcophagus and added Greek mythology to create a unique piece of Roman art and The Sarcophagus Depicting a Battle between Soldiers and Amazons (Warrior Women) is one such example. The Egyptians were the first to use a sarcophagus to bury and commemorate their dead, and judging from the war themed artwork on this Roman sarcophagus, it was most likely built to commemorate the death of a great warrior. The Sarcophagus Depicting a Battle between Soldiers and Amazons (Warrior Women) is a massive piece of Roman funerary art made of a hollowed out block of white marble around 140 170 CE. Weighing an impressive 5511.5 pounds, the sarcophagus is 40 ½ x 91 ½ x 50 ½ inches in dimension and is comprised of a lid and casket (The Museum of Fine Arts). The identity of the sculptor is unknown, and considering the careful attention detail on this impressive work of art, it is possible that crafting the sarcophagus was the work of multiple sculptors. Unlike the Egyptians, who preferred gold, the mineral of choice for the Romans was marble. Unlike most Egyptian sarcophagi, which had a portrait of the dead on the lid, the lid of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Liberal Education Course Analysis When someone thinks of liberal education most of the time they think of someone who is interested in art or music but the more that I learn about liberal education the more I realize there is a lot more involved in that kind of education. By reading these articles, liberal education is making someone more knowledgeable in a subject or area that person would of never thought about learning on their own. The University of Wisconsin in Oshkosh is trying to promote liberal education by doing the University Studies Program (USP) set in place. Some of the course I have taken through USP are Political Science, Ethics, and Theatre. By taking these courses, I have had some different opportunities on campus. For insteads if I never took Theatre, I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I believe that what makes a person who they are is based off the way that person was raised and how they want to acted. I think school can help in some matters when they are younger but once they turn a certain age that person need to decide for themselves what they would like to learn and do. There is a statement that William Cronon makes that people with liberal arts can talk with anyone which I do not believe. I think that a liberal arts student could use more challenging words but anyone can talk to whoever they want no matter what education they may have received. The other remark that William Cronon made was about how liberal art people know how to listen and hear better which I disagree with because I feel like people are going to listen to the things they want to listen too. I think liberal arts education can open you to new ideas but I do not think that liberal arts will change a person s way of thinking. In Sustainability: the Ultimate Liberal Art by Frank H.T. Rhodes, mentions that if schools want liberal arts to be enforced than the professors need to get together and discuss how they want to teach the students. I would say the USP courses could be better if the teachers got together and talked about how they plan on using the significant question and what they are going to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Teiresias, The Blind Seer In The Play Oedipus Rex Teiresias, the blind seer, plays an important role in the play Oedipus Rex . He is kind, wise, a man of truth, and easily angered. He reveals the major conflict in the play, and important aspects about Oedipus s personality. In the play, the new king Oedipus attempts to find the murderer of the previous king, Laius to rid his kingdom of a curse and help his people. He consults, Teiresias, the blind prophet, who hesitantly tries to avoid giving Oedipus an answer. After Oedipus accuses the old man of being the murderer, Teiresias angrily informs him that Oedipus himself murdered Laius. In disbelief, Oedipus asks Teiresias to repeat himself. When Teiresias does, Oedipus threatens to punish him. The enraged seer then adds that Oedipus commited vile acts with the people close to him, referring to how Oedipus unknowingly married and had children with his biological mother. Oedipus, still doubting Teiresias s words, blames his brother in law and uncle, Creon for plotting against him. Teiresias tells Oedipus that Oedipus is blind to the situation and Creon didn t plot against him. Oedipus angrily tells Teiresias to leave. As Teiresias turns away he tells him that he will soon realize what has happened, insults Oedipus by questioning his ability to solve puzzles, and tells him that he does not fear Oedipus punishing him for the things that he told him. Everything the blind prophet told the king turns out to be true in the later scenes of the play. (Sophocles, 1.2) The text describes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Canada Welcomes An Ethno Cultural Diversity And Follows... In 2012, Canada received approximately 23,000 refugees and their families (Statistics Canada, 2012). Canada welcomes an ethno cultural diversity and follows the international mandate to ensure safety, stability and accessibility to health services for refugees. The refugees come from different countries, which are socioeconomically unstable, and they are in search of stability and a better destiny. Canada is recognized as one of the most developed countries in the world, it is undeniable that the protection of refugees will be provided. The Ottawa Newcomer Clinic, located in Ottawa, is one of the agencies that welcomes newcomer refugees. This clinic plays an essential role in the reintegration of refugees in their new environment and provides preventive healthcare services. To improve its services, the team members of the clinic are committed to promoting mental health in order to undertake a holistic approach in the care of refugee youths. Consequently, it is important to explore the obstacles facing this particular population using the Population Health model in order to identify startegies for mental health promotion programs that aims to optimize the health status of refugee youths. This brings us to review the importance of mental health among refugees and concepts involved, such as importance of the role of health care providers who have direct contact with the target population as well as mental health promotion. As indicated by Lucia (2012) populace Health Promotion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Difference in Reactions of Sheila Birling and Her Father... Difference in Reactions of Sheila Birling and Her Father in J.B. Priestley s An Inspector Calls Coursework. Sheila Birling and her father react totally differently to the inspector. How far would the audience agree? Author Birling I do agree that Sheila Birling and her father Author Birling react differently to the inspector. This shows because when the inspector was talking to Author Birling, he was very annoyed at the inspector and didn t want to listen to what he had to say, this shows when Author says to the inspector Look here inspector, im half a mind to report you. I ve told you all I know and it doesn t seem very important. When Author had said it doesn t seem very important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Birling doesn t feel guilty at all about this case, because he doesn t care. This shows when he says There s nothing mysterious scandalous about this business, at least im concerned it s happened more then eighteen months ago nearly two years now, obviously it has nothing to do with the wretched girl suicide. When he says wretched girl suicide this shows that he never really liked her at all and doesn t wish to remember her. Birling doesn t think about the links she could have suffered before he had sacked her. Even when Eric said He could of kept her instead of throwing her out, I call it tough luck. Mr Birling didn t want to listen to what Eric as saying because Birling didn t want the blame for this at all and also he didn t like complaints that other people had against him. When the inspector wants to talk to Sheila, Mr Birling says Nothing to do with you Sheila, run along now! This shows that Birling didn t want anyone else involved into this case and he didn t want to spoil the evening and wanted the inspector to leave. Birling is different to Sheila because as Sheila finds out about Eva Smith she is very upset and didn t know that a horrible thing could happen to a young girl. Sheila accepts what has happened to Eva Smith and wants to find out more about her rather than Birling just wanting to give ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Command And Control Research Paper Ezeugo Okechukwu David Command and Control Policy Brian Hunt American Intercontinental University Microeconomics (ECON220 1703 AGPRNA) 4/25/17 Command and Control Policy Introduction Climate change poses a huge risk to human beings and natural system hence the need for policies to reduce carbon dioxide gas emissions to the environment and the damages caused by the rapidly changing climate. This is the reason countries like the United States of America enacted command and control policies to try and curb the rate of pollution of the environment (Davies Mazurek, 2014 ). This paper will explain the command and control policy, give an example where the policy has been used, outline how it has fared since its enactment and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the quantities of environmental protection are low for an extensive for an extensive pollution, then there exists a variety of cheap and easy ways to reduce pollution hence an increase in marginal benefits. However, if the event that an environmental protection rises, then cheap and readily available ways of reducing pollution start to decrease hence requiring more costly methods to be employed. As the extent of environmental regulation rises, additional expenditures related to environmental protection will most likely lead to increased marginal costs and decreased marginal benefits. This pattern would suggest that the cost savings and flexibility nature of market oriented environmental policies would be very important (Harrington Morgenstern, 2013). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Obamacare Debate Ever since announcing his candidacy for the presidency, the now President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, emerged as an anti Obama regime leader. He vowed that he would scrap off most of the changes that Obama had made when in the presidency (Rovner Terhune). Some of this included the same sex marriage legislation and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which is popularly known as Obamacare. The Obamacare is a policy that had benefited a lot of people in the United States, especially those in the middle and lower class factions of the society. They managed to obtain insurance and were able to access medical care despite the increased costs in service provision. However, President Trump did not completely do away with the ACA but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...