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005 Essay Example Art Essays
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005 Essay Example Art Essays Examples Criti 005 Essay Example Art Essays Examples Criti
The Expansion Of The Frontier And The Relationship Among...
Unforgiven and Stagecoach
The film Stagecoach incorporated the expansion of the frontier and the relationship among the Native
Americans. The film starts with a wide view of an open valley to show the vast plain and the open
frontier, introducing and getting an idea of the setting. The movie was interesting in the sense that it
had more social commentary than most films. An article was written by Thomas Myers explaining the
film and the unique social commentary of the film Stagecoach by stating, it depicted a sub community
of individuals each representing a distinct social status in western history, and that this clash of classes
and misfit characters provide a perfect set up for social commentary about diverse societies. The
western hero possesses a sense of resilience that allows him to outsmart a group of outlaws.
In earlier western films, Native Americans were viewed as savages and ethnic groups were viewed as
ignorant due to the lack of political correctness. Like most early western films, violence was utilized
in place of punishment for bad men, and as Thomas Myers said in his article about the comparison of
western films, was a means for restoring order to the community. African Americans were not added
to the cast of characters in Stagecoach, but during the early expansion of the western frontier, there
were African American cowboys and other settlers that came from many ethnic groups. Another
example of ignorance expressed in minority groups is the portrayal
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Assignment On Capstone Research Project Essay
Assignment 3: Capstone Research Project Write Down Inventory The concept of write down
inventory states that the value of inventory should appear in financial statements only if it has some
value, which is equal to the difference between the current market replacement value and the original
inventory cost. IAS 2 stipulates that loss on write down inventory if small should be reported as part
of the cost of goods sold and if huge, it should be reported on a separate line on the income statement.
It thus follows that exclusion of write down inventory may lead to investor overestimation of earnings
persistence thereby leading to ethical and financial implications. The ethical issues include loss of
brand value and goodwill, concealment of fraud penalties, and loss of shareholder and investor
confidence while financial implications may include excessive compensation of the management. It
would be advisable for both the CFO and CEO of the company to consider negative assessment by the
IRS since the company used write down inventory to reduce its taxable income. The amount is
inaccurate and is evidently used for tax purposes and was not included in the income statement as
stipulated. The IRS thus would be compelled to contact the fraud technical advisor and the front line
manager to ascertain the length of such an activity and thereby claim the tax payable in addition to
fraud charges. The CFO and CEO should identify any changes in operations that may have led to slow
moving or
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Occupational Therapy Has A Long-Standing History Of Being
Occupational therapy has a long standing history of being a client centered profession that aims to
understand each person individually to best meet occupational performance needs in their day to day
life. Occupational therapists utilize a multitude of resources to best create a plan of care for each
client. Resources that are used often include: standardized assessments, evaluations, client centered
interventions and theoretical frame of reference. A theoretical frame of reference is defined as a set of
interrelated internally consistent concepts, definitions, postulates and principles that provide a
systematic description of and prescription for a practitioner s interaction within his domain of concern
(Creighton, 1985). This paper ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the therapist would incorporate softball related activities into my therapy I certainly was more
motivated because the occupation that I was interested in was involved. Occupational therapists are
said to be very adaptive professionals and understand how how important it is to be adaptive, not only
as a professional, but in everyday life. The Occupational Adaptation Frame of Reference by Schkade
and Schultz aims to describe the link between the two fundamental constructs of occupational therapy,
namely; occupation and adaptation (Schultz Schkade, 1992). This theory primarily focuses on the
interplay between the external and the internal factors that are interacting continuously during
completion of occupations. The constant factor is press for mastery which yields the occupational
challenge and one s ability of an adaptive response. An adaptive response is made up of three
subprocesses that are internal to the person; the three subprocesses are: the generation subprocess, the
evaluation subprocess and the integration subprocess and these explain the adaptive response activated
by the person in response to an occupational challenge (Schultz Schkade, 1992). Through the
subprocesses, the person plans the adaptive response, evaluates the outcome and integrates the
evaluation as adaptation. I am find this frame of reference quite interesting because it focuses on the
interplay of internal and external factors and how an individual responds to the interplay of
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Gsk Annual Report 2010
Do more, feel better, live longer
GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2010
Business review P08 P57 Governance and remuneration P58 P101 Financial statements P102 P191
Shareholder information P192 P212
Business review 2010 Performance overview Research and development Pipeline summary Products,
competition and intellectual property Regulation Manufacturing and supply World market GSK sales
performance Segment reviews Responsible business Financial review 2010 Financial position and
resources Financial review 2009 Risk factors Governance and remuneration Our Board Our Corporate
Executive Team Governance and policy Dialogue with shareholders Internal control framework
Committee reports Remuneration policy Director terms and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Website GlaxoSmithKline s website www.gsk.com gives additional information on the Group.
Notwithstanding the references we make in this Annual Report to GlaxoSmithKline s website, none of
the information made available on the website constitutes part of this Annual Report or shall be
deemed to be incorporated by reference herein. Cautionary statement regarding forward looking
statements The Group s reports filed with or furnished to the US Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), including this document and written information released, or oral statements made, to the
public in the future by or on behalf of the Group, may contain forward looking statements. Forward
looking statements give the Group s current expectations or forecasts of future events. An investor can
identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They
use words such as anticipate , estimate , expect , intend , will , project , plan , believe and other words
and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial
performance. In particular, these include statements relating to future actions, prospective products or
product approvals, future performance or results of current and anticipated products,
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Becoming A Graduate Degree At The Ohio State University
People have a hard time figuring out what they were meant to do in life, leading to numerous jobs
before they settle on one. Sometimes these struggles to find what they are meant to do, lead people to
completely changing career fields. I believed that my purpose in life, as I entered college, was to help
lead the young people of today. While finishing up my bachelors degree in Elementary and Middle
Childhood Studies at The Ohio State University, I knew that I wanted to continue my education and
obtain a masters degree. Throughout my entire undergrad, I spent time as a varsity football assistant
coach. That feeling of wanting to lead along with my coaching experience influenced me to pursue a
graduate degree through a program deeply rooted in leadership.
With the amount of broken homes and divorce rate at an all time high, kids do not look to their parents
for guidance anymore, instead they look at celebrities. Younger generations have always been easily
influenced by what they see in society. If they see someone popular on tv doing something or wearing
something, they have to do their best to mimic it. Nowadays the things that our young people are
seeing are leading to negative consequences in their life. They make choices based on what they see
instead of the values that their parents should have been teaching them. Once those choices do not
workout, those same kids look for someone to blame because they have never been held accountable
for their choices before. Being in a
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Communication Competence In A Group
Communication competence is the first thing every new group member should understand before
beginning a group project. Communication competence is considered very broadly as an impression
that behavior is appropriate and effective in a given context (Spitzberg, 2000). This includes being
effective by having a wide range of behaviors and being in the we , not me mentality, being
appropriate by complying with the group rules, have the knowledge to learn the rules and know how
to be a proper asset in your group, having empathy or being sensitive towards your group members,
staying committed to your group, and lastly being ethical. Our groups communication was very
competent. When it came to group decision making, there was no hint of individuality, none of the
members had a me mentality, but instead we all as a group put what we wanted aside to agree on a
board game that would be the most appropriate for the assignment. For example, I wanted to play
poker instead of monopoly but due to the fact that I was the only one in our group that knew how to
play poker I quickly agreed with monopoly. Furthermore, all the group members showed commitment,
and ethics. Many of us had a busy week schedule to include work and other classes so when we were
able to settle on a time and date for a meeting everyone stayed committed to the schedule and arrived
on time. While we had these group meetings and game nights everyone in the group was respectful
towards each other by not making any rude remarks or aggressiveness when there was disagreement
and being responsible by not attempting to cheat to win
Group Climate is defined by Rothwell as the emotional atmosphere, the enveloping tone that is
created by the way we communicate in groups (105). Group s can have either positive or negative
climates. Our group displayed a positive climate. We treated each other well and fairly, we were all
flexible with our busy schedules in order to have group meetings and whenever someone had a last
minute work shift change interfering with out meeting we quickly reorganized without any harsh
feelings. Furthermore, our group showed a lot of supportive communication and almost no defensive
communication. We did not need to make any positive or
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Finance of Higher Education in the 21st Century
Running Head: Finance Higher Education 21st Century ABSTRACT 1 Introduction The value of
higher education has never been more imperative than it has become now in 21st century. Purpose of
the study is to establish the relationship between growing educational opportunities and the need for
financial back up. The development in higher education has become a very critical issue of the era as
to the fiscal support. There should be less expenditure and more opportunities available for the support
of higher professional education. The evidence has been incorporated that addresses the question
about finance of higher education in the 21st century , furnishing the hypothesis for proposing how
much important the issue of finance in the development of higher education is in expanding the
educational opportunities, and identifying the future research needs as to this theme (Dominic J.
Brewer, 2001). Methodology Primary data have been collected using the interview questionnaire. A
sample of the students has been interviewed and the results were judgmentally related to the whole
population. Secondary data from already available sources has also been taken in account. Data so
collected has been processed analyzed through non statistical judgment for any omissions, legibility
and consistency. Hypothesis has been formulated that there is significant need to increase the finance
for the higher education to meet the ever increasing challenges of the 21st century. Maximizing
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Bargaining With The Devil
ROBERT MNOOKIN is professor of law at Harvard Law School, the director of the Harvard
Negotiation Research project and chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Dr.
Mnookin has taught several workshops on negotiation skills for corporations, government agencies
and law firms. He is the author of nine books including Beyond Winning, Negotiating on Behalf of
Others and Barriers to Conflict Resolution as well as numerous articles. Dr. Mnookin has been
involved in resolving numerous landmark commercial disputes including that between IBM and
Fujitsu over operating system software and between Boston Scientific and Medinol over intellectual ...
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It s the conflict between principle and pragmatism. There aren t any immutable commandments which
will always apply. Instead, four general guidelines you should try and keep in mind are: 1 Be
systematic in evaluating the expected costs and benefits of negotiation 2 Never do an analysis alone
get advice from others in evaluating alternatives 3 Have a bias in favor of negotiation but make it
rebuttable 4 Don t allow your own moral beliefs to color a pragmatic assessment of benefits Four
guidelines Negotiating With the Devil Page 2 1. The three challenges When trying to resolve a
conflict, there are generally three challenges which affect your ability to make a good decision on
whether to negotiate or not: 1 2 You have to analyze the cost and benefits of negotiating versus all
other viable alternatives 3 The three challenges You have to avoid all the emotional traps which can
lead to an unwise knee jerk reaction You have to address all the moral and ethical issues involved in
deciding whether to negotiate with an enemy After helping to resolve many business and family
disputes over the years, I have come to believe that for most of us, confronting an enemy poses
exceptional negotiation challenges. When I say enemy, I do not mean just an
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The Rate Of Data Streaming
Dan Jordan
Comm. 332 Methods of Persuasion
July 3rd, 2015
The rate of data streaming has been rising since the end of the Second World War. The entry of
broadcasting companies, electronic printing presses, satellites, modest information switches, the PC
and the web have implied that data stream and preparing have never been quicker, simpler, less
expensive or all the more technologically advanced.This truth possibly builds news stream, assorted
qualities and supposition, truly the counter weights of business powers and corporate mixture, which
has prompted a virtual media restraining infrastructure where just a modest bunch of multinationals
now own and control the larger part of standard media outlets, have implied that there has ... Show
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In the event that we as a collective society choose that majority rules system does not merit
surrendering, that power is most secure in our grasp as opposed to in the individuals who have the
pathology to be driven towards control in any case, then we should be more proactive. Above all else,
we have to completely understand that at whatever point any gathering of individuals has a lopsided
impact over government arrangement, majority rules system has endured a serious blow, period. There
are no exemptions. On the off chance that feedback of government or corporate action in the US, is
naturally labeled unpatriotic or un American, then the America that is being protected is strongly not a
majority rules system and subsequently not worth protecting. Furthermore, we have to see precisely
how the individuals are controlled into getting along the offering of their pioneers and the
multinationals, so glaringly against their own advantage. We have to comprehend the strategies for
Media possession is vital to the control of society. Control the individuals, and you control their vote.
You either control the media by owning it or by doing favors to the individuals who own it. In the
United States, vast companies possess the media and these, thus, get favors from the Government as
impact over enactment and extraordinary tax cuts.
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The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Analysis
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised The Revolution Will Not Be Televised may be considered one
of the greatest works of art of the twentieth century. It was said that the poem has influenced many
common day artists such as Kanye West, Queen Latifah, and Lupe Fiasco. Gil Scott Heron was born
in Chicago on April 1st, 1949 in Chicago Illinois. As a child, he was raised in Tennessee by his
Grandmother. Later on, he moved to New York then attending Lincoln University for college. He was
also addicted to cocaine and some other drugs. Many people thought of him as a junkie and someone
who was slowly killing himself. Gil became upset due to the fact that his poem, The Revolution will
not be televised became the most popular song out of his album ... Show more content on
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Next there was a reference made is from the quote The revolution will not go better with Coke. I think
this relates to the poem as all Americans drank Coke at the time, so why are they all not treated fairly?
I think both of these references relate to not being treated fairly like all humans should be. These
impacted African Americans negatively throughout time. Another reference that I thought was really
important to the poem is the revolution will not be brought to you by the Schaefer Award Theatre and
will not star Natalie Woods... This is saying that common people will be creating the revolution and
celebrities will not be helping with it. This probably made African Americans feel more motivated to
gain more support for there cause to be treated fair throughout the country. Next there was a reference
made at the end of the poem The revolution will put you in the driver s seat. This is a very strong line
of the poem, it is saying that we the common people are in charge of creating and bring attention to
this movement. This impacted people positively and gave them the power to speak their voice and to
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Best Post ( 1 Point )
1. Best Post (1 point) This article is relevant because it talks about how Hollywood films are changing
as studios begin to make films that don t just target the US audience, but also the international
audience, specifically from countries with emerging markets. According to the article, studio
executives will only approve a movie if there are potential overseas ticket sales. Hollywood would go
out of its way to appeal and to not offend global markets. For example, for the Chinese version of Iron
Man 3 Disney/Marvel actually created a subplot that involves Chinese characters in order to connect
with the Chinese audience. Because Hollywood films are focusing on appealing to the audience across
the globe, the storytelling of recent movies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2. Best Post Analysis (2 points) I feel that post is my best post because I think I did a good job in
picking an interesting article and explaining how the article I picked is relevant and relatable to Week
7 s topic/lecture about US film industry, particularly Contemporary Hollywood. Although some of the
stuff the article points out are quite obvious, as part of the target audience of the film industry, we (I)
do not usually pay much attention to the smaller subtle things. For example, how the supporting cast is
becoming more and more diverse or how as the storylines of blockbuster films are becoming less
sophisticated, appealing to such a diverse audience as the global audience is actually very challenging.
Aside from grammar, I feel like I need to expand more about how and why I think the article is
relevant to the topic of the week. Because I did not want my post to be too long, I omitted some
interesting points I found in the article. I plan to add them in my revision post because they reinforce
the fact Contemporary Hollywood is transforming into Global Hollywood. 3. Rewritten Best Posting
(4 points) This article is relevant to this week s topic because it reinforces and highlights the important
fact that Hollywood is no longer an American or Western exclusive industry. In fact, the Hollywood of
today is practically Global Hollywood.
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What Does The Room Symbolize In The Masque Of The Red Death
The Masque of the Red Death
Edgar Allan Poe s short story, The Masque of the Red Death , is the tale of a young selfish prince who
is trying to escape the Red Death by secluding himself and 1,000 of his closest friends. The Red Death
is a horrible, and highly contagious, disease that causes the pores of the skin to ooze blood until death.
What makes the story so appealing is the irony and symbolism behind the castle and the rooms in
which the prince designs. Although Edgar Allan Poe is not known for his use of symbolism, he does
portray quite a few different symbolic examples of life and death in The Masque of the Red Death .
Although there are many different examples of symbolism in The Masque of the Red Death , the
example that sticks out the most is in the design of the rooms within the castle. A large portion of this
writing is focused on the colors of the seven rooms and what is held within them. The author first
points out how there are seven rooms; all set up differently then most castles. The second piece of ...
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One of the most ironic situations in this story is in the end, Prospero runs through all of the rooms to
reach the crasher of his party. When Prospero finally reaches the black room, which most are scared of
because of the horrifying red glow, he randomly drops dead. Lori Garrett Hatfield says,
Poe s most prolific use of color in the story is his use of both red, which to him symbolized terror,
horror, an ending of life; and black, which symbolized death and destruction. The final room, the red
and black room, faces west, which represents the setting sun. The mummer the figure in the mask
representing death is dressed all in black. Hatfield s quote can help to support the theory that Poe
purposely chose to make Prospero run through all of the rooms and into the room of
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Summary Of William Faulkner s Barn Burning
Web Design Support, Southeast Missouri State University. Southeast Missouri State University. Barn
Burning Southeast Missouri State University, 2017, www.semo.edu/cfs/teaching/4836.html. This
article presents a full summary of William Faulkner s Barn Burning . While reading this article, the
author points out real scenes in the story to support several different points. A few main points that
were served throughout this source focused on racial equality, social classes and economic turmoil of
the 1930s. The author of this article presents many different cases in which social injustice is an
occurrence in the short story, Barn Burning .
Throughout this article, the author provides information about the relationship between father and son,
Abner and Sarty. By providing details about the attitude and beliefs of Mr. Snopes, the author makes it
clear to see why Sarty and Abner would not get along very well. This article is helpful in preparing for
this research project by presenting the differences between Abner and Sarty.
Sarty s Betrayal. Faulkner s Barn Burning , 12 Nov. 2007,
faculty.atu.edu/cbrucker/Engl2013/BarnBurningAE.htm. The focal point of this article is the betrayal
of Abner Snopes, by his own son, Sarty. This whole article about the short story Barn Burning ,
presents many different reasons on why Sarty feels as if he is betraying his father and why he betrays
him in the first place. While analyzing this piece of work, the reader understands that
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Kusmider V. State Case Study
On the eve of November 15, 1982, defendant Thomas Kusmider was informed by his girlfriend, that a
gentleman named Arthur Villella, had assaulted her sexually. Mr. Kusmider confronted Mr. Villella at
his home which led Kusmider to shoot Mr. Villella in the throat. Paramedics arrived on scene and
were able to intubate Mr. Villella. However, while en route to the hospital Mr. Villella pulled the tube
out of his throat. The victim later died at the hospital.
Several questions were raised by the defendant after his trial, which resulted in him filing an appeal of
his conviction. Although he admitted to shooting Mr. Villella, Kusmider alleged that there was
negligence upon the EMT s for failing to properly restrain Mr. Villella while being transported to the
hospital. During the trial, a pathologist testified that Mr. Villella s death was caused by the gunshot
wound to his throat, however, the wound could have been survivable (Brody Acker, 2010, p.116). The
issue of proximate causation came about during Kusmider v. State (1984). Judge Johnstone precluded
Kusmider from pursuing the issue of proximate cause before the jury as he ruled that negligent failure
to provide approximate medical assistance could not interrupt the proximate causation (Kusmider v.
State, 1984).
According to Carpenter (1932), in order to be guilty of a crime, a person s conduct must cause harm as
prescribed by law. Proximate cause can be defined as the defendant s actions or conduct was in fact
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Analysis on Swift s Attitude Towards Humanity
Analysis on Swift s Attitude towards Humanity
In1726, Jonathan Swift, one of the best known realistic writers in 18th century, published his book
Gulliver s Travels which on the surface is a collection of travel journals of a surgeon called Lemuel
Gulliver but actually is a work of satire on politics and human nature. In the four incredible
adventures, Gulliver s perceptions are tied closely with Swift s shame and disgust against British
government and even against the whole of the human condition as Richard Rodino says in his book
that Gulliver is neither a fully developed character nor even an altogether distinguishable persona;
rather, he is a satiric device enabling Swift to score satirical points. (Rodino 124) ... Show more
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Like Hobbes,
Degeneration of Humanity
Swift considers human are not only evil in nature but keep corrupting. The European moralists say:
the nature is degenerated in these latter declining ages of the world, and could now produce only small
abortive births in comparison of those ancient times (Swift 187) In Glubbdubdrib, people can make
ancients appears with magic, Gulliver makes conversation with ancients, and finds As every person
called up made exactly the same appearance he had done in the world, it gave me melancholy
reflections to observe how much the race of mankind was degenerated among us, within those
hundred years past , how all these pure native virtues were prostituded for a piece of money by their
grandchildren (Swift 271) Gulliver is thrown into deep melancholy as he discover the degeneration of
human nature. Not only the ancient virtues are lost, but also man s physical condition is becoming
worse and worse as Swift points out in Gulliver s fourth voyage to the land of the Houyhnhnms where
his satire reaches its pinnacle: I seemed to fail in strength and agility , He said I differed indeed from
other Yahoos, being much more cleanly, and not altogether so deformed, but in point of real advantage
he thought I differed for the worse. (Swift 322) human s disposition is like Yahoos which is violent
and primitive, but human s
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How to Change Oil in a Car Essay
How to Change Oil in a Car
Owning a car is usually a significant investment for an individual. Changing the oil on your car plays
an important part to help keep it functioning at peak performance and to ensure that your vehicle last
for many miles. You might wonder how often does the oil need changing. Well, manufactures advise
that the oil is changed every 3,000 miles or every three months, whichever occurs first. Changing the
oil is not an extremely difficult task, but it is always good to have someone else there, who has done
this before, to help if needed. I would also suggest finding an outfit you wouldn t mind getting dirty
and a pair of rubber gloves to keep your hands clean.
The key to keeping any task, especially this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Two empty milk containers should do the trick. If you don t have any laying around, just use the
empty oil bottle containers. A funnel works well when transferring the old oil into the containers. Last,
some old rags are good for cleaning up spills.
Now that all the materials are gathered, we can change into our outfits and get started. Make sure that
your car is parked on a level surface, rather than a hill or an inclined driveway. Start your car and let it
run for about 10 minutes. This process allows the oil to warm up which makes it drain quicker than
cold oil. Shut the car off and engage the parking brake. Place jack under vehicle lift points, located on
the frame rails just behind the front tires. Raise the car by pumping the jack up and down, giving
enough clearance to slid the jack stand under the car. Place the jack stand under the frame or anywhere
sturdy enough to support the weight of the car. Adjust the height of the stands to allow room for you to
get under the car. After jack stands are positioned, slowly lower the car onto the stands by turning the
pole on the jack to left.
Now its time to grab your drain pan and slide under the car to located the oil pan. It is located on the
lowest, very bottom part of the engine. There is a plug, which is a bolt, located on the bottom part of
the oil pan. Make sure you are not directly underneath the plug. The drain pan should be directly under
it. Use a socket wrench or an adjustable wrench to
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The Importance Of Art In Art
In the rather limited amount of years I ve been on this Earth, I have found myself drawn to the world
of creativity. I kept it in my pocket constantly, always knowing that I d need creative insight in this
world to solve difficult problems. I always had art as an outlet for many things, and soon I became
addicted to colors, shades, and designs. It s very important to me, and I hope to go further with it. To
me, it is vexing when others hold an obvious distaste for trying anything new or creative. I don t hope
to change these individual s minds, as that would be impossible, but rather, I hope to educate them on
why having a creative, or artistic sense the new sixth sense if you will, is vital to being a part of
society. Being creative, or artistic, is important, because it allows me to break away from the stubborn
rules society has forced upon us. When I draw, I have no boundaries other than what I give myself. I
don t have to restrain what I draw, as no one else will see it unless I want them to. It s important to
have this break from the real world because without it, the world seems very bleak and downright
sorrowful. Artistic values are a necessity to me, because without them, I wouldn t have as many
opportunities to better the world around me. Art provides many career paths, such as comic books, or
even advertising. Every art community can have a huge impact on people s daily lives, without them
even realizing it. Take for instance, the billboard you drive by every day to work, or the comic strips
you read on your Sunday paper. Though seemingly insignificant in your eyes, they are so important in
the way you make decisions. When advertisements on TV are shown, no one really thinks about the
artistic aspects the creators use to influence decisions. A prime example of this, that everyone knows
purely by the now recognizable song, is Sarah McLachlan s ASPCA commercial seen constantly, with
the same set up. But what everyone might not know, is that it took creative insight to pair the sad
puppy images, with the depressing song. The artists knew that these things would guide you to feel
sympathetic, and maybe even adopt a puppy. The world would be very different if there were no artists
to create these. It
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Norse Mythology Report
This essay is written for English 503 and the subject is Norse Mythology. The main sources of our
knowledge about Norse Mythology are from the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda. Edda is Icelandic for
saga and these stories are often to as The Sagas. The Prose Edda was written by Snorri Sturluson from
Iceland around the year 1200. Snorri begins the prologue of the book where he explains his
understanding of the origin of heathen science. Prose Edda itself is based on belief in the old Nordic
gods or heathen, and recounts and explains the faith of men before they were Christian. The book is
divided into three main parts, but they are called the Gylfaginning, Skaldskaparmal and Hattatal. In
the first section, Gylfaginning (The delusion of King ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He had a golden ring that could multiply into eight other rings, there we can see similarities with the
story The lord of the rings after John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, in the book there is one ring who rules
them all and together they are nine rings, three were given to the elves, nine to the humans and seven
to the dwarfs but there was one that ruled them all witch is very similar to Odin s ring because it was
one that multiplied. Also all of the dwarfs names in the lord of the ring they come from prophecy of
the seeress in Snorri s Prose Edda. Odin only has one eye because he gave it away for a drink from
Mimir s magic well. It was told that Mimir was the wisest of them all and it was told that anyone who
would drink from the well would gain the wisdom of Mimir. Odin was desperate to get wiser and
powerful so he returned his eye for a drink from the well. He was now known for being the wisest god
of them all and the one with one eye (Norse Mythology, 2010). Odin is related with various other gods
in Indo European religions. For Greeks, it is Zeus. Together, they should be attributed to destroy. Both
have unfaithful wives, what shows up best in that they have many children with other women,
although Zeus has more. Both gods are highly migratory and often hiding behind pseudonyms and
disguise. Thor is the strongest one, he is son of Odin. He is also known in German mythology as well.
He is married to Sif,
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How Did Japan Dominate East Asia
Japan, located off the coast of East Asia, was a major country that fought during the Second World
War. During this time, Japan had an dictatorship government and had its sights on imperialistic ideas.
On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes flew over Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the United States base of
its navy, where the Pacific fleet and airfields were stationed. Bombs were dropped on the island in
Hawaii, causing mass destruction and high death tolls. With this, isolation and neutrality were not an
option, and the United States became deeply embroiled in World War II after declaring war on Japan
the very next day. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because their goal was to establish a dominant world
power through military expansion, starting with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War, the Japanese completed its control in
Manchuria in 1932, then invaded China five years later. In the map created by various sources, the
Japanese empire more than tripled its size after expansion through Manchuria in China. Japan
established Manchuria as a puppet state, and held it as a reservoir for food resources, or a paddy field.
To support a larger empire, its growing military, and an increase in naval power, the Japanese needed
more and more oil. Unfortunately, Japan only owned a few oil reserves and produced very little of its
own oil. They bought most of their oil from the United States. In fact, according to Suzuki Akira, US
Economic Sanctions Against Japan and its Aid to China during the Sino Japanese War , 80 percent of
Japan s 12,170,000 tons of oil was imported from the United States from 1937 1939. However, after
tensions mounted between the United States and Japan, the amount of oil exported from US to Japan
decreased dramatically, from 2,910,000 tons in 1940 to 880,000 tons in 1941, a 330 percent decrease
in oil imports from the US. Tensions continued rising when Japan announced that they will establish
new order , or the Japanese Empire in East Asia. The US showed their disprovement by declaring an
embargo of aircraft and aircraft parts (Iriye 1999) in 1939, and a complete oil embargo in 1941, a
resource the Japanese depended on the most. Fortunately for the Japanese, there were an abundant
amount of oil fields south of Japan, in the Philippines, East Indies, and New Guinea, however, were all
occupied by the European nations and the United States. The Japanese declared that the ... old order ...
(European and American) ... is now crumbling (Japanese Ministry of Education 1941). In order to
conquer the Indonesian islands and the East Indies successfully, they intended to destroy the American
fleets stationed at the
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Workplace Violence Outline
A. Imagine a violent situation escalates in your work area. Violent workplace situations are becoming
more common in today s work environment. While many of these events seemingly happen in the
civilian sector, workplace violence is a current issue in the United States Air Force. Incidents
involving fatalities in Myrtle Beach, McGuire, Fairchild, and the Air Force Academy illustrate that all
members play a vital role in recognizing potentially violent situations. So while the definition of
workplace violence is subject to interpretation, the impact to the workplace quite clear, and the
proactive steps taken to prevent and diffuse these situations have huge social and economic benefits.
II. Body Paragraph #1 (Defining Workplace Violence)
A. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Psychological research has consistently shown that change, even positive change, produces discomfort
that is stressful which can cause emotional and physical illness. The pace and intensity of the change,
combined with uncertain economy, downsizing the workforce and the threat of possible job loss, and
the impact of these events on the individual and their family indirectly translates into an undercurrent
of anxiety, doubt, and even despair.
B. Explanation
i. Workplace violence most often involves aggressive behavior towards peers, subordinates,
supervisors, and other members of the workforce. This can range from verbal abuse to physical
violence. Aggression may occur as a response to many situations. Common examples are when
individuals face the loss of a job, are passed over for promotion, or perceive favoritism toward others
in the work environment.
C. So What?
III. Body Paragraph #2 (Work Environment Impact)
A. Supporting Evidence
i. All Air Force Airmen and civilians are obligated to provide a safe and healthy working environment
for the workforce under the Occupational Health and Safety Act
B. Explanation
C. So What?
IV. Body Paragraph #3 (Dealing with Difficult People)
A. Supporting Evidence
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The Effect Of Benzyl Group Of Tus Strengthened The...
The 1H NMR titration experiment revealed that the benzyl group of TUs strengthened the
intermolecular interactions toward an organophosphonate (Figure 3). It has been known that the
chemical shift of thiourea N H changes according to the degree of hydrogen bond with an acceptor
(i.e., DMMP), and its association constant (Ka) can be obtained by non linear regression analysis
(Figure 3a).18 The 1H NMR spectra of TU 1, 2, 4, or 8 in chloroform d (~100 mM) indicate that the
chemical shift of the N H protons shifted downfield with increasing amount of DMMP up to 80
equivalents, confirming the formation of the TU DMMP complex through hydrogen bonding (Figure
3b). In the 1H NMR titration experiment, proton peak shifting shows deferent shapes ... Show more
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To support this hypothesis, the TU s chemical shift changes were measured by varying its
concentration in chloroform d (the Supporting Information). Indeed, the presence of a N phenyl group
induced self aggregation to a greater extent; the degree of peak shifts (self aggregation) appeared in
the order of TU 8 1 4 2, corresponding to the hydrogen bond donor strength. Thus we may conclude
that the incorporation of a phenyl group render a TU more acidic or strong in hydrogen bond and also
promotes more self aggregation. Figure 3. Calculated structure between 4 and DMMP by hydrogen
bonding and CH π interaction.
Although the decreased interaction of TUs 1 and 8 with DMMP than TUs 2 and 4, respectively, can be
explained by the phenyl s adverse effect, it is still not clear why N benzyl substituted TU 4 is better
than unsubstituted TU 2 (or TU 8 better than TU 1). Since a N benzyl substituted TU has a similar
donor strength as that of N alkyl substituted TU, we suspect that a secondary interaction may exist
between TU 4 DMMP in order to have a larger association constant. To gain further insight into the
binding mechanism between N benzyl substituted TU 4 and DMMP, density functional theory (DFT)
calculation was performed using B3LYP functional with empirical dispersion of Grimme (B3LYP
D3BJ) and d3 basis set employing the Gaussian0920 suite of programs. As shown in Figure 4, the
DFT calculation revealed the possible existence of CH π interactions from
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Character Analysis Of Farley Drexel Hatcher And Fudge
Superfudge Kyler Brisk
Judy Blume Period 8B
Farley Drexel Hatcher or Fudge is the protagonist character. He is both a funny and naughty boy who
is always causing trouble. He is a very curious boy. He was shoving crackers in his mouth and
laughing like a loon. (1, Peter) Peter Hatcher is Fudge s older brother. He doesn t like Fudge to
hangout with him and thinks he is annoying. You re the biggest pain ever invented! (2, Peter) Tamara
Roxanne Hatcher or Tootsie is Peter and Fudge s baby sister who cries a lot. Uncle Feather is Peter
and Fudge s pet myna bird that is very annoying and can say hello in French. Bonjour. (3, Uncle
Feather) Warren Hatcher is Peter Fudge and Tootsie s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Why did Peter want to run away? His mom was having a baby
2. At the end of school party what did Peter drink? Island Punch
3. Where does the family move? Princeton, New Jersey
4. What is the name of Peter s friend in New York? Jimmy
5. What is the name of Peter s friend in Princeton? Alex
6. What does Fudge nickname his teacher? Rat Face
7. What does Fudge name his pet bird? Uncle Feather
8. What did Frank name his painting? Anita s Anger
9. What did Peter get on Christmas? Gift Certificate
10. What is Fudge s favorite author? Brian Tumpkin
11. What is Tootsie s first word? Yuck
12. What do Peter and Alex sell? Worms
13. What does Daniel not like on his bread? Crust
14. What language can Uncle Feather say hello? French
15. What kind of bird is Uncle Feather? Myna Bird
16. Who is Peter and Alex s teacher? Mrs. Muldour
17. What is Peter s favorite drink? Island Punch
18. What is Fudge s real name? Farley Drexel
19. What is Tootsie s real name? Tamara Roxanne
20. Who does Fudge describe to Brian Tumpkin? Mr. Green
21. What does Fudge want to be for Halloween? Ghost
22. What kind of food does Warren like to cook? Chinese
23. Where are the Hatchers from? New York City
24. Who runs away with Fudge? Daniel
25. Where are the brownies from? The
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Analysis Of Sundiat An Epic Of Old Mali By D. T. Maili
The African epic Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali, by D.T. Maili, examines the theme of destiny
through three characters: Sundiata, Nare Maghan, and Nounfari . Sundiata could not walk at seven
years old and, because of his celebrity as the king s son, the community humiliated and gossiped about
him. However, when he felt his destiny pull him to greatness he accepted without hesitation, saying,
Very well then, I am going to walk today (Maili 132). Sundiata realized it was time for him to walk
and disregarded the obstacle of his crippled legs. Sundiata was a prophesied to be a great hero, and his
confidence in the power of fate was one of one of the reasons he later reached a legendary status. His
son s disability worried Nare Maghan
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Meningitis Essay
In nineteenth century Geneva, a family came down with a strange disease one that had never
previously been diagnosed. In a short time, many people in their town were infected and thirty three
people were left dead. This strange disease was later determined to be meningitis. In 1806, the United
States saw its first outbreak of meningitis in Massachusetts. It was not until 1887, however, that
Professor Anton Weichselbaum was able to determine a cause of meningitis: a bacterium called
Neisseria meningitides. Penicillin was first used to combat meningitis in 1944, and in 1978, a vaccine
became available. The usage of vaccines was detrimental in the battle to gain control over the spread
of meningitis (7). Even with these vaccines, however, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nesseria meningitides can be part of the normal flora of the upper part of the respiratory tract (19). It
is a pathenogenic, gram negative aerobe, which resides primarily in mucous membranes. The shape of
the bacterium is diplococci (11). Nesseria meningitides is heterotrophic and reproduces by way of
binary fission (12).
Viral meningitis is more common, but not nearly as severe (8). It is hardly ever fatal and mostly
caused by enteroviruses. Other viruses can induce a person to contract viral meningitis. These include:
mumps, herpes, measles, and varicella zoster. Even an infection from a mosquito bite could potentially
turn into a case of viral meningitis (4)! Fungal meningitis, which can also be deadly, is mostly caused
by Cryptococcus and Candida. The people affected with fungal meningitis are mostly those who have
an inadequate immune system (3). A person may not know he or she has meningitis right away. Many
symptoms are analogous to the flu. These symptoms include a stiff neck, headache, fever, chills,
nausea, light sensitivity, and possible changes in mental state (8). Even after a person recovers from
meningitis, they can still suffer from long term effects such as brain damage, kidney damage, loss of
hearing, amputations, and scarring (6). To accurately diagnose meningitis, a lumbar puncture, or spinal
tap, is performed and tests are run on the cerebrospinal fluid
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Relationship Between Growth Opportunities And Amount Of...
relationship can be observed by comparing the small companies, where SOCO has $0.8bn retained
earnings and zero debt, while JKX has almost $0.4bn and some debt in their capital structure.
4.3. Growth Empirical studies suggest a negative relationship between growth opportunities and
amount of leverage. The market to book ratio (calculated as market value of equity over book value of
equity) is used as proxy of the growth opportunities available to a firm (Niu, 2008).
Growth opportunities are mainly intangible and thus not suited to serve as collateral or to be
liquidated. Hence firms with high growth potential might not prefer, or not even be offered, to raise
additional capital through debt financing (Jensen and Meckling, 1976).
Furthermore, due to agency conflicts, managers of companies with high leverage (debt controlled)
may forgo positive NPV projects, because the returns of such project will be transferred to debt
holders rather than shareholders. Therefore, highly leveraged companies might have low amount of
investment opportunities and thus a lower growth rate (Myers, 1984).
Rajan and Zingales (1995) support this inverse relationship and suggest, that firms with high market to
book ratios suffer under higher bankruptcy costs. The shares of such companies are overvalued and
thus the company may prefer issuing stock. This equity may be raised at lower costs, due to the
signals that a high market to book ratio is sending to the market. Therefore firms with a high
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The Dangers Of Incest Or Consanguineous Relationships
One may wonder what he or she would do with $2,000 to $500,000. However, some do not take into
consideration that that much money could be given to you as a fine if you marry someone to whom
you are related to. Incest is a form of sexual intercourse between two or more people one is related to.
Incest relationships or marriages can occur in two different ways ( Statutory Compilation Regarding
Incest Statutes. ). Incest can happen in a consanguineous relationship or from people who are related
by affinity. In some cases, incetuous relationships also may not be in the person s intent (Webster).
The laws on incestuous marriages are mainly in play because of the dangers of having children. Incest
can be a relationship known as consanguineous relationships. Consanguineous relationships are
people who are blood family ( Incests ). In this type of incestuous relationship, the information
between the two are typically held confidential because of the consequences that ... Show more
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People who are in relation by affinity are typically step brothers and step sisters ( Factsheets: Incest. ).
Some even take it to the measurements of being related through adoption or marital status and even
people who are living in the same household, who could be related or not (Webster). Prohibitions still
exist in affinity relationships, but not as strictly as they do with consanguineous relationships. All
states have different laws, but the majority of them do not have laws on marrying relatives who are not
blood. Most states will prohibit any marriage closer than second cousins; however, in some, they only
prohibit marriage closer than first cousins (Webster). The Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act prohibits
all marriages on relatives, however, not all states are entitled to this act. If people were informed that
this act could be saving a life, then it may have been enforced in every
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Examples Of Mules In Their Eyes Were Watching God
In Zora Neale Hurston s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God introduced many symbolic elements;
however, the most prominent was mules. Throughout the whole novel, mules remained a constant
besides in her marriage with Tea Cake. Mules first appear with Janine s Nanny discussing the level of
power white and Black people have, De nigger woman is de mule uh de world.. (pg. 14) The book
states that white men have the power and black males have power over their women. Mules are known
as a dumb animal that is worked hard. Black women didn t have a voice during this time period and
did hard work without complaining. Janie s Nanny is installing in Janie s mind that she was there to
work and not have power in her life until the death of Joe.
The second incident with mules in Their Eyes Were Watching God was in Janie s first ... Show more
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Logan s nickname for Janie is LilBit . As I read the scene of Janie being LilBit I wondered why
nickname her LilBit . To me, bits are used for mules or horses for their mouthpiece. By calling Janie
LilBit Logan is associating her with the mule (pg 25). He doesn t use her name or anything really
sweet, just calling her little and a piece of mule equipment. Logan also directly connecting Jaine with
a mule, ..uh Mule all gentled up so even uh woman kin handle im. (pg. 26). In this quote, Logan is
suggesting Janie is weak and therefore needs a gentle mule. He is also making the decision without
speaking with Jaine. Logan tells Jaine he is leaving to get a mule and that s the final decision about it.
Janie doesn t have any power in this relationship until she leaves him. Once Logan asked Janie to help
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How To Amend The Second Amendment
The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms and individuals believe that this right is
being taken for granted and away from their rights, so President Obama wants to be committed to the
Second Amendment, but also protect the citizens from the gun violence by legislating proper ways to
keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous people. We won t be able to stop every violent act, but if
there is even one thing that we can do to prevent any of these events, we have a deep obligation, all of
us, to try. The goal of President Obama s plan to protect the citizens is to develop policy proposals that
will help decrease the amount of gun violence. President Obama would have meetings about his plan
to amend the Second Amendment. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The plan combines executive actions and calls for legislative action that would help keep guns out of
the wrong hands, ban assault and high capacity magazines, make our schools safer, and increase
access to mental health services. In this plan President Obama wants to secure the background checks
on purchasing a firearm so than the background checks can be more accurate with selling firearms to
the appropriate customer and not the consumers that are prohibited to own a firearm. There are 1.5
million firearms were purchased by the customers that are prohibited to own a gun due to felons or an
individual with a history of domestic violence in the past 14 years. President Obama s plan is to follow
through with the background checks with all firearm sales either through private or licensed seller.
President Obama wants to make sure that there is reliable data available on the purchasers that are
prohibited through the background check system. Background checks are not always reliable due to
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) because if there is data on Mental
Health HIPAA will not allow the access to the data because of the privacy violation that HIPAA is
trying to protect the individual s medical
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The Physics Of The Cloud
The life (and, sometimes, death) cycle of a star begins when gravity triumphs over heat. This results in
a cloud, composed of gasses and minerals, losing balance, and beginning to contract. Balance for the
cloud is not restored, until several radical changes have been experienced by the cloud, and have,
subsequently, altered the cloud.
Stars start their early stages in the form of the above aforementioned, as what is known as an
interstellar cloud. Following the creation of this cloud, the star then passes through seven basic
evolutionary stages. Characteristics of these seven stages are various centralised temperatures
including those on the surface densities, and sizes, of the pre star object. The process begins with a
cold, dark, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, if a star is born, these clouds can become unstable, and can even collapse under their own
gravity resulting in them breaking up into much smaller pieces of their original forms. Evidence
suggests that this process is triggered as the result of an external event a shock wave of nearby stellar
explosions [supernova] or, perhaps, the pressure wave ripple of another cloud as it forms a star and
ionises its own surroundings. An additional theory suggests that a magnetic field is responsible for the
cloud retaining its form and then fading away as its charged particles drift off into space, thus the
leftover gasses are unable to support the cloud s remaining weight.
Over a few million years, the collapsing process is thought to produce several smaller clouds which
have broken off from the parent cloud after it has become unstable and which, in turn, copy the parent
by collapsing, breaking apart, and so on. All of these theories, however different, result in the same
conclusion: the formation of several different types of stars, which a single interstellar cloud can then
Stage 2 of a star s formation is the Cloud Fragment stage. This stage occurs in one of the
aforementioned fragments of cloud which have broken off from the parent cloud. Cloud fragments
which might then become stars will contain between one and two Sols of material [Sols are a unit of
measurement] and will appear as
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International Student Immigration Research Paper
As an international student, every year I must go and get my visa from the U.S embassy in Nassau. It
is required of me, and without my visa, I wouldn t be able to attend school the upcoming year, or
perhaps even travel to the United States. The process is a hard one, sometimes taking several days and
leaving many waiting for hours and even weeks only to be decline, and due to recent political events,
that process has only gotten worst. For international students, how we are viewed at times, and the
growing problem of immigration and how that affects our goals of education is an increasing social
problem that needs to be addressed immediately. In society today we are faced with a growing hotbed
of tensions between races, political parties
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The Boeing 787 Dreamliner Essay examples
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner After all that has been said about the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the airplane
is set to revolutionize the airline industry. The 787 Dreamliner is more technologically advanced than
its predecessors and will boast better performance, better fuel efficiency, and higher passenger
comfort. To be honest, with all the new innovations the 787 Dreamliner is said to have, the airplane is
quite a wonder. The question now: Can Boeing deliver? If Boeing succeeds, they will catapult past
their competition, the European manufacturer Airbus. They are confident that the 787 Dreamliner will
help them do just that, and have predicted very high sales numbers. According to Oxford Analytica,
Boeing has predicted the sale of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The passenger experience is also supposed to be much improved. The cabin will have improved
humidity, and will be pressurized to 6,000 feet instead of the 8,000 feet that other airliners provide.
Due to the new flight technology, there should also be better noise reduction from the engines, and a
smoother ride (Newairplane). All in all, with all the new improvements, Dreamliner seems to be a very
fitting name for this new aircraft. Boeing has many potential suitors for its 787 Dreamliner. Its largest
customer is the International Lease Finance Corporation, which has ordered 74 aircraft (Wiki). The
International Lease Finance Corporation, or I.L.F.C., leases planes to many of the world s airlines,
such as Air Canada, Lufthansa, American Airlines, Continental Airlines, and Delta Airlines (Wiki).
According to newairplane.com, a few of the many customers for the Boeing 787 are British Airways,
Northwest Airlines, Korean Air, United Airlines, and Virgin Atlantic (Newairplane). The airplane is
not expected to be used for passenger service until the fourth quarter of 2010, so sadly we won t get to
see it in action until the end of the year (Wiki). The Boeing 787 Dreamliner will be replacing the 767
and the 757 jets (Global). The 787 Dreamliner will be able to carry 250 330 passengers farther
distances than these jets, and do it much more efficiently. Its main competition will be from Airbus,
specifically the new
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Leadership, Management, And Management
Leadership and Management in Business
Jachinder S. Mundi
Business administration
Okanagan College
In this report Leadership and Management the author justifies his opinion on the importance of
leadership and management qualities in daily life businesses, whether it is private or public. The
author suggests that if an individual wants to become a good leader in any field ,then he/ she should
work on qualities like relation building, health , compassion, verbal communication and much more.
The author also illustrate about the importance leadership effect on companies. Secondly, author is
providing us insight view of effect of management in day to day by providing relevant examples.
Author has good writing sense and he has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The report provides the insight on the importance of leadership and management qualities in daily life
businesses, whether it is private or public.
Discussion Leadership and management are two important skills that determines your capability in a
business. Leadership is the ability of an individual to lead others on right path, at right time. Different
situation demands different styles of leadership. Leadership is about understanding others, believing in
yourself and work with others to lead your company or business to new level of success. Management
is the functional body which guides and instructs people engaged in an organization to achieve the
targeted goals. Management is considered as most important skill in modern world. All leading
companies, hospitals, schools and all other sectors (public or private) are paying more intention to
improve their management systems. Basically, management is an art of making problems simple.
Qualities of a Good Leader Rath and Conchie (2009) had explained in their book Strengths Based
Leadership that in order to become a good leader, one should have to be familiar with his or her
strengths and weaknesses. An individual should focus more on his/her strengths than weaknesses
because every individual has different talent .Daniel Goleman (1995) also states that IQ and Expertise
are not only two factors to judge an individual capability in business but there are many others talents
and competences which
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Dentist Observation
The second year student I observed was very organized and passionate while helping her patient.
Since this was the last of four visits she had with her patient, she was sweet enough to purchase baby
socks for him because his wife was expecting in a few weeks. I loved how personal she made his
experience at the clinic. He said the only reason he was visiting a dentist for the first time in over
fifteen years was to set a good example for his soon to be son. From what I could tell, the student was
ergonomically correct for the majority of the appointment. Her body positions were different than
when I observed another student during my first observation.
I. Preparation: I did not come in early to watch the set up of the unit for this appointment because I
arrived an hour early in my last observation, and I feel pretty comfortable setting up and wiping down
the unit. The student reviewed everything in the patient s chart even though this was her fourth
appointment with him. The treatment area, the maxillary left quadrant, needed local anesthetic before
progressing forward with the procedure. She got a short needle ready for an injection to check off on
an actual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He was a Calculus Level Three, so the student was only able to work on one quadrant at each
appointment. I know the professors mentioned students would have to do this, but I had no idea how
much time had to be spent on just one small section of the mouth! His plaque score was at 40%. No
risk factors were discussed with the patient, but he was extremely apprehensive about his mandibular
right canine. It was out of alignment and bleeds profusely whenever he brushes and flosses. All of his
other teeth bleed, but not nearly as bad as that specific tooth. The patient was really trying to take care
of the irritated canine the best he could by still brushing and flossing even though it
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Dementi The Most Common Form Of Progressive Dementia
Dementia is a chronic disorder associated with a decline in cognitive functioning typically
characterized by memory impairment, increased communication and language difficulty and
decreased motor activity that interferes with activities of daily living. Patients with dementia may also
experience agitation, hallucinations, paranoia and difficultly with complex tasks. People with a family
history of dementia and older adults are more prone to dementia. Dementia can be reversible or
progressive depending on the cause. Dementia resulting from infections, reactions to medications,
anoxia and poisoning can be reversed with medical treatment. Alzheimer s disease is the most
common form of progressive dementia currently affecting 5.3 million Americans. Of the 5.3 million,
5.1 million people are the elderly population with two thirds of those affected being women. There is
no treatment available to cure dementia but measures can be taken to sustain the quality of life.
Dementia not only affects the patients directly, but also family members and caregivers as well.
Family members deal with patient s memory loss, changes in personality and also have to take care of
the ill patients financially. According to WHO, the cost of dementia in 2010 worldwide was estimated
to be $604 billion dollars. Apart from the economic pressure, family members also deal with the
physical and emotional pressures that come with dementia. According to Bekhet, family members care
for up to 80% of dementia
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Section 59013 (E) (1-2)
§ 59013(e), (e) (1 2)
Specific Purpose
If a substantial threat to a consumer s health or safety is identified, this provision allows the
Department to direct the regional center to obtain alternative or additional services and supports for
the consumer. The Department may consider notifications from the Department of Social Services of
health and safety risks. This provision also allows the Department to request relocation of the
consumer under certain conditions, and requires an Individual Program Plan meeting be convened
within two working days to review the service and support needs of the consumer.
Rationale for Necessity
This adoption is directed by Section 4698(h) of the Welfare Institutions Code and Section 1567.65 of
the Health ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rationale for Necessity
This adoption is necessary for clarity, to ensure both departments involved are kept informed, and is
consistent with Section 4698(i) of the Welfare Institutions Code.
§ 59016(g)
Specific Purpose
This provision requires that the regional center mail the director s decision to the CCH administrator
within two working days of signature.
Rationale for Necessity
This adoption is necessary to ensure the CCH receives the official decision in writing, and provisions
can be made to relocate consumers should the contract ultimately be terminated This is consistent with
Title 17 Sections 54382 and 54384, with a shortened time frame.
§ 59016(h)
Specific Purpose
When a CCH appeals a contract termination, this provision specifies that the contract termination is
suspended pending the outcome of the appeal.
Rationale for Necessity
This adoption is necessary to avoid unnecessarily relocating consumers, and allow time for relocation
of consumers to appropriate placements if so required pending the outcome of the appeal.
Article 10 Corrective Action Plans and
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Report to Explain How to Respond to Evidence or Concerns...
Assignment 333 Understanding How to Safeguard the Well being of Children and Young People
Task E
Produce a report explaining how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has
been bullied.
One of the major concerns for people working within children s services is the increase in cases of
children affected by bullies. Bullying can take any of the forms listed below:
Verbal Bullying: A child becomes a victim of bullying if they, or their loved ones, are subjected to
name calling . Threats, of any kind, are also a form of verbal bullying. Physical Bullying: It is a
criminal offence to hurt someone by touching them in a violent manner. Anything that hurts you by
touching you is classed as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The policies can be separate or combined in on Health and Safety policy but must include sections on
the issues of safeguarding and protecting and the procedures for reporting, bullying and cyber bullying
and E safety.
The Department for Education provides guidance for local authorities they use this guidance to
develop their own policy and procedures which must be followed.
Working Together to Safeguard Children
This is guidance which sets out the duties of organisations and how they must work together to
safeguard children and young people.
What to do if you re worried that a child is being abused
This is guidance to help those working with children safeguard and promote their welfare.
Case Study
As a Learning Assistant, working in Year 3, I worked closely with a seven year old girl who, for the
purpose of this case study, I will call Jane. Jane was a confident and happy girl who, despite not being
particularly academically gifted, always participated with class discussions and activities
Half way through the academic year Jane s behaviour and personality seemed to alter drastically. She
became withdrawn and moody and generally seemed genuinely unhappy. Her attendance, which had
been excellent, had also been affected. One day whilst Jane was helping me wash fruit for morning
snack she began to cry. She opened up to me and admitted that two
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Jospeh Aloisius Ratzinger´s Steps as Pope Benedict XVI Essay
Pope Benedict XVI s birth name was Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger. He was born on April 16th, 1927. His
homeland is Bavaria, Germany and he was born in his parents home at 8:30 in the morning. Benedict
served as pope from 2005 until his resignation in 2013. He was elected pope following the death of
Pope John Paul II. Joseph was ordained into the priesthood in 1951. He was considered a highly
knowledgeable theologian and was appointed a professor in 1958. His writings defended the Catholic
doctrine and values. Ratzinger was baptized the same day he was born. He was the third child and also
was the youngest of three. Benedict s brother dedicated his life as a catholic as well, and became a
priest. Joseph trained in the German infantry. He ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In his footsteps I place my ministry in the service of reconciliation and harmony between peoples.
Additionally, I recall Saint Benedict of Nursia, copatron of Europe, whose life evokes the Christian
roots of Europe. I ask him to help us all to hold firm to the centrality of Christ in our Christian life:
May Christ always take first place in our thoughts and actions. Benedict celebrated his first
canonizations on October 23rd 2005 in St. Peter s square. Pope Benedict wrote three encyclicals; Deus
Caritas Est, Spe Salvi, and Caritas in Veritate. In Benedict s first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, he said
that human being created in the image of God who is love, is able to practice love. His first encyclical
contains about 16,000 words in 42 paragraphs. His second encyclical titled, Spe Salvi, is about the
virtue of hope. His third and final encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, continued the Church s teachings on
social justice. Benedict travelled a lot during his first three years as pope. He traveled to Italy,
Germany, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and Muslim. In 2007, he visited Brazil to address the Bishops
Conference and canonize Friar Antonio Galvao. April 2008, his first visit to the United Sates since
becoming pope took place. He arrived in Washington DC, where he was sent to the White house and
met privately with the President, George W. Bush. He also met with victims of sexual abuse by
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US National Public Debt Essay
The national debt is the result of a state s borrowing from its population, from foreign governments, or
from international institutions such as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Public debts tend to be large scale credit operations and are contracted on a national scale by central
governments and on a lesser scale by provincial, regional, district, and municipal administrative
bodies. In the U.S., public debts are also contracted by the states and by local governments, primarily
for public works.
Kinds of Debt
National public debts are contracted chiefly through the flotation of interest paying loans, in the form
of bonds, bills, or notes. Historically, these loans have been undertaken to raise money for wars ...
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Although government loans are for the most part not secured by physical assets, they are regarded in
law as contracts carrying an obligation on the part of the debtor to repay. Nevertheless, governments,
when hard pressed during economic crises or as a result of political upheavals, have sometimes
repudiated their public debts in whole or in part. In many cases, also, a government to whom another
is in debt may agree to forgive the debt or reschedule its payment over a longer period.
In earlier times debts contracted by heads of state had the legal status of personal debt; public debt
emerged as a systematic element in a country s economy when regular sources of income became
available to provide funds to repay loans, a monetary system became fully formed, and an organized
money market came into operation. The first examples of public debt surfaced in the late 17th century
in Europe and became more prevalent with the rise of the modern state and the banking and credit
system that grew out of the Industrial Revolution.
Today, the finances involved in contracting and redeeming the public debt of a country are a sizable
proportion of its government budget. As the money for redemption of the public debt is raised
principally through taxation, the size of the national debt is a factor in determining taxation rates.
National public debts, taken on a world
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Reflective Journal
Topic 1:
Meeting the customer requirements (Oakland 2003) is a reasonable definition of quality.
Meeting the Customer s requirements is a tough challenge as the requirements of customer are like the
water of a tide; it s likely to change at any point of time. So identifying the expectations of the
customer and performing service in accordance to it is a task that requires great skill. But at the end of
the day if customer s expectation is met and the customer is satisfied with the product, we could say
that quality has been achieved.
For example; A Customer wanting a house to be built for him had come to my uncle s construction
company. Based on his expectations and the trend that was in style during that time, our civil
engineers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Explaining my plans to the guide helped me get constructive ideas from him. It also helped me
understand the priorities of my project better and define it clearly.
The second type of communication in this scenario is operational communication. This involves
communicating about the progress of the project; passing information about its development and if
there are any changes in priorities. During this stage, my customer (guide) was regularly informed
about my progress. He would then suggest particulars that increased the overall quality of my work
and made it a better product.
Through such communication, my project was successfully completed on time in the way my guide
preferred. Excellent communication had become my key to increased quality, which in turn taught me
how vital it was for the success of any given project.
Reference: Jussi Aromaki, 2011, Tips for successful communication with suppliers, ICT Standard
Forum, , accessed 30 August 2013
Topic 3:
All employees must be committed to quality in order for an organisation to achieve sustained
improvement (Oakland 2003)
Quality work and commitment from every single employee plays an important role in the growth of
the company. An Organisation being well managed or having a constant improvement is the result of
each and every employee attaining the quality level. On the other hand, lack of commitment from an
individual employee could actually disturb the proper functioning of an
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The Financial Crisis Of 2008
The world before the financial crisis of 2008 had stability. Iceland in 2000 was viewed as the perfect
place to live and have your family grow. Iceland had clean energy, high standard of living, jobs, and
low government debt. Iceland was a place were children played and parents laughed and enjoyed their
life. Everyone lived well; Iceland was the role model of finance, until it all melted away. Iceland let
giant corporations come into its territory and exploit its geothermal and hydroelectric resources and its
banks became so large to where their banks became larger than their economy, impossible to bail out.
The banks became unruly where the people even supposed to regulate the bank one third of them
worked for the bank. The cause of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This created a toxic situation where people took out a mortgage loan, with a high rate, could not pay it
back creating a bubble to where the investment banks had no one else to lend to, and needed to be
bailed out. Banks became rich and borrowed heavily to create more loans to create more short term
money that became the big investment banks bonuses. This created a global panzi scheme.
The problem is deregulation. The definition of deregulation is the elimination of government power
with in an industry. In this case banks and financial institutions of the world. Deregulation could be
seen as greed, big corporations, monopolies, where the rich get richer. Deregulation is the cause of the
financial crisis of 2008. Deregulation means no one is watching over the banks and CEO is saying no
and stopping the gambling of people s savings. The 2008 economy got to the point of a financial crisis
due to speculation of savings, investor banks went public and in turn turned Wall Street became rich.
Financial deregulation made for risky investments and looting companies. An example of this is the
merger of two big insurance companies Travelers and Citigroup in the 1990 has violated the Glass
Stele Act, but was ignored for a whole year by the SEC. The SEC is the Securities and Exchange
Commission ho are supposed to be monitoring and making sure big corporations like this do not
monopolize. The Gramm Leach Bliley Act cleared the merger and the way for future large
corporations to
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Art Analysis Of Laughing Rembrandt
Laughing Rembrandt on the canvas is a young person with huge jaw and shaved face. With the lined
up upper teeth which are in sequent, he is in a cheerful position. Face lines limits the above area of
month and crossing the edge of the noise, apprehends more than the physiological material world. The
eyes are staring out like sensing the three dimensional living. Each one is directing to a different
perspective As his head tilts, long sloppy hair is dancing in the air and the oscillation of the curved
lines are stunning. It feels like the whole body is vibrating and the ups and downs of the laughter is
painted with brush. Anti shock rigid vest which is glossier represents the high energy period of time
during twenties. Lively brushwork on copper makes the artwork wonderfully luminous. 2. Analysis of
Thinner brush is used for sketching curve lines blending together which resonance with not stable
emotional state during early adulthood. The focal point is his lips as they are painted in a warmer
color. In addition to lips, the forehead and hair style are emphasized. Rembrandt deliberately has
illustrated the lower value using shades. Regarding to the shining spot on his right upper corner of
forehead, the color theme is a mixture of brown to grayer, using orange as a monochromatic color, is
shadowed with respect to the light source. As an impressionist artist, he painted warm analogous color
tends the viewer to advance. The painting is in biomorphic shape as it is
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Analysis of the Setting in August Wilson s Fences
American Lit: Choices and Voices
Helen Li
October 18, 2017
The Setting in Fences
Fences written by August Wilson was focused on the life of Troy Maxson, an African American full of
harshness towards the society because of the barriers he had to face in life back in the 1950 s. The title
Fences reflects the book s story and overall symbol. The setting is used as a frame to the message and
metaphorical meaning of the book. Troy struggles to define his rights and responsibilities as a
husband, brother, worker, friend and father through the complex symbolism of the settings.
August Wilson uses the symbol of a fence in this book on different occasions. Throughout the play,
Troy neglects building fences that Rose has reminded him to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Troy is not invisible, but he builds himself up to be. He kept saying that he could always hit a
homerun off when playing a game when he was younger. Troy uses the idea of baseball to almost
taunt death, daring the evil to fight him. Troy is characterized as seeing himself as unhuman and
extremely powerful. Troy don t want to let death come with ease, and always uses his former baseball
skill to try to show that he can beat death. Troy relates most of the components in his life to baseball,
because he felt baseball makes him more comfortable. This is also the reason why he put the setting of
baseball in the back of the yard, it is to remind him that he is strong enough to protect the family and
himself, and reinforces his ego using his skill with baseball. The setting of a rundown house in a poor
neighborhood gives the impression of their struggle to survive as African Americans. The shabbiness
of the exterior suggests their low social status. A relatively recent addition to the house and running its
full width, the porch lacks congruence. It is a sturdy porch with a flat roof. One or two chairs of
dubious value sit at one end where the kitchen window opens on to the porch. An old fashioned ice
box stands silent guard at the opposite end (Wilson, setting description). While the newly added porch
may represent an attempt to
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The Pull Factors Of Human Trafficking In The United States
The United States as well has provided monetary aid to foreign nations to further tackle the push
factors of human trafficking. It has provided to aid other countries to raise awareness of the dangers of
human trafficking, and provide them with professional training and education in order to identify and
help victims of human trafficking.
In India, there are roughly 200,000 children reportedly trafficked each year and forced into domestic
servitude. Even though the Government is relatively involved in the monitoring of offenders and the
investigating of human trafficking cases, the laws are not fully enforced. One of the reasons is because
it is difficult for universal laws to work and be enforced in countries as large and regionally diverse as
In South Africa, notorious as the main country used as a source, transit, and destination for trafficked
persons. Many of these cases are women trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced
into domestic servitude, although men are mostly trafficked for labor such as agricultural services,
food service and street vending. Child sex tourism is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But it is important to remember that this is a Global phenomenon and it requires Global solutions. We
ourselves must act to stop this crime that deprives countless human beings their life, dignity and
human rights.
Now there is one aspect of human trafficking that needs more attention, it is the rehabilitation of
victims that have been rescued and liberated. These victims are in dire need of counseling, medical,
psychological and housing assistance. If these victims were helpless before they were trafficked and
exploited, their vulnerability after is most likely greater. Rehabilitation is not only crucial in order for
them to recover from the physical and emotional trauma of trafficking but also to reduce the likelihood
of being trafficked
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Cheer Descriptive Writing
Cheer has taken an unexpected turn from real sport to arts and crafts as we prepare for homecoming.
Glitter neatly rains down from Lauryn s hand onto a sign. Her concentration is as intense as the
electric blue of her bow. For whatever reason, we are the only sport who is expected to waste our time
to decorate the school and make signs for football players. I think it is a little creepy that we are
expected to go to all the seniors homes and decorate their doors. But the other girls do not see it that
way it is a source of much excitement so I am excited too. Sitting next to Lauryn, I am pushed along
with the current of excited conversations and painting. Everything melts into one big noise and
becomes quite like to sounds of a noisy forest,
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Lakota Woman Essay
Lakota Woman The book Lakota Woman, is an autobiography that depicts Mary Crow Dog and
Indians Lives. Because I only had a limited knowledge on Indians, the book was full of surprising
incidents. Moreover, she starts out her story by describing how her Indian friends died in miserable
and unjustifiable ways. After reading first few pages, I was able to tell that Indians were mistreated in
the same manners as African Americans by whites. The only facts that make it look worse are, Indians
got their land stolen and prejudice and inequality for them still exists. Just like other Indian kids on
reservation, Crow Dog s childhood was poor in everyway; didn t have enough food, clothes,
education, and parents love. She was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Crow Dog tried to fight against the school system and published newspapers, explaining how school is
treating them like slaves. She quit school but she somehow managed to get her diploma. Despite the
fact that she earned her diploma, Crow Dog was living aimlessly; drinking, drugs, stealing, and
running away from home. Many Indians spend their ADC check on those things because of the given
situation they are in. However, not every Indian spends the day boozed and stoned; like people of AIM
are trying to fight against the wrong system. She joins AIM where she finds Indians, living their lives
to the fullest to fight for their right. AIM changed her life in two big ways; she learned to fight not
only for herself but also for her own people and met her husband Leonard Crow Dog. As an AIM
person and Indian, she participates in many Indian activities such as BIA take over, the siege at
Wounded Knee, and many peyote meetings. She fights against dictator at Pine Ridge, which leads her
and AIM people to Wounded Knee where they stayed and fought for 71days. With very limited food
and weapon, they lasted 71 days with their spiritual strength. Peyote meetings and Ghost dance are
good examples that show Indians are very spiritual people. Despite all the double standard they have
faced all their lives, Indians survived and fought strong for their rights. Even though prejudice
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Cultural Uniformity In The Twentieth Century
In the early twentieth century, the United States was quickly evolving to become a nation of prestige
on the global stage. Yet the young nation lagged in cultural uniformity which its counterparts in
Europe had been developing since the birth of the first European kingdoms. The progression in
cultural philosophy further evolved with significant cultural movements such as Humanism and the
Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Romanticism then Realism, and then the twentieth century s
Modernism. The United States did witness the effects of these movements but their effects lagged in
significance because of the great social divide the nation faced and still faces. The nation is home to a
bountiful population that lacks cultural uniformity because of ... Show more content on
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DuBois and Alfred Rosenberg both touch upon the racial issues in the conflicting rural and urban
communities, in their pieces Of Work and Wealth and Myth of the Twentieth Century respectively.
DuBois writes about the East St. Louis Race Riot of 1917 that was a result of black workers replacing
white workers that were unionizing and protesting. DuBois expresses how the race institutions and
disfranchisement promote racial tensions that unilaterally destroy any sense of cultural unity in the
Middle West and throughout the nation. Mr. DuBois encourages the blacks to not give back because
they were guaranteed the same rights after the Civil War and that the disenfranchisement through local
laws such as those of Jim Crow would serve as a lesson to the nation. He states at the end of his piece
about the riots that the American Negroes stand today as the greatest strategic group in the world.
Their services are indispensable, their temper and character are fine, and their souls have seen a vision
more beautiful than any other mass of workers. They may win back culture to the world if their
strength can be used with the forces of the world that make for justice and not against the hidden hates
that fight for barbarism, expressing that what they stand for may serve as morale for the world and that
life in the urban centers during this period tended to be full of chaos and cultural
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Cultural Trends In Fashion
Trends in the fashion world are greatly influenced by social cultural changes. Social change deals with
any big change over time in behavior patterns and in cultural values. Fashion and clothing is more
than just what we wear but the way we choose to live our lives which relates back to culture. There are
three key sources in trends for fashion, high culture, pop culture, and low culture. High culture is
mainly about the visual kinds of art. Visual arts can range anywhere from paintings to architecture and
design. A designer is able to take note on a piece of art that inspires him or her to incorporate into their
clothing designs. Pop culture is highly influenced by celebrities who spend most of their everyday
lives in the mainstream. Pop culture influences the way we look. For example, TV shows that dress
the cast very fashionably such as the show, that was popular in the 80 s Dynasty to the 90 s into the
year 2004 the show Sex in the City, everyone wanted to dress like the protagonist in those popular TV
series. Subculture is local street movements such as hip hop and graffiti. Subculture is mainly seen in
surf and skateboard culture from the 70 s up until today.
If culture can influence the paintings we paint and the clothes that we wear, then it certainly does have
an impact on the poems we write. Poetry is an art form in which human language is used for its
aesthetic qualities. Poems are often written based on something a poem has dealt with or has
overcome in their
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Factors That Led To The Fall Of The Roman Republic
Three ideals and traditions of the Roman Republic, lust for power, greed, and loyalty, each contributed
to the collapse of the Republic. Desire for power played a major role in the collapse of the Republic
because Caesar, the man who arguably began the Republic s downfall, marched on Rome because he
wanted power. The second ideal that led to the Republic s collapse was greed and the power of money,
for example bribing officials in Rome, Crassus shocking alliance with Caesar, and Pompey s strategy
to fight Caesar during the first civil war. The last ideal that aided the downfall of the Republic was
loyalty, specifically citizens loyalty to political leaders or military generals, loyalty between generals
and their veterans, and loyalty between political leaders. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Before the collapse of the Republic, Sulla, a roman patrician, declared himself dictator and used
proscription lists, a list of people posted in the forum who were declared enemies of the state, to
maintain his power. This example shows how lust for power was inherent and already destructive in
the Republic, prior to its collapse. Similar to lust for power, greed could be found within the Republic
before its collapse. For example, patricians, aristocrats, would buy farmland from plebeians who were
serving in the army, and they used the land to increase their wealth. Lastly, loyalty was viewed as an
important aspect of the Republic, specifically loyalty to politicians, family, and the Republic s beliefs.
Most Roman households had some allegiance to a certain politician and would support that politician
despite their own personal beliefs. These three ideals of the Republic were established and followed
long before the collapse of the Republic, and all three grew into destructive forces that caused the
collapse of the
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Cultural Changes In The Workplace
When you work in a hospital, many different culture shifts happen week by week, even one day to the
next. This makes it hard for a change of culture to manifest but one change the hospital has made,
manifested perfectly. At our hospital there use to be a no scrub policy, meaning you could wear any
type of scrub color you wanted to. As time went on this made things very hard on patients and
managers, to realize what department the employee was under and what their job title was. The
hospital as a whole came up with the great idea of color coding each department with a specific color.
This made things a lot easier on patients and managers. Not only did they enjoy it but the employees
loved it because it gave them a sense of empowerment, that people knew what department they were
from and what their job title was. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I think it is best to describe in the two minute video when Jon Katzenbach said, When an organization
is at its best a corporation is going to energize their employees and it s going to make people feel
good, about what they do to advance the strategic operations of the company. Jon also said when this
happens, it s really an emotional energizer that you can t get anywhere else. I agree with Jon on this
because he attacks the behaviors before attacking the culture. That is why I think the above example
about the scrubs is a perfect example. The hospital not only attack a culture with change but they first
and more importantly attack an emotional commitment to the employee and in doing so this made the
culture change energized and
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  • 4. Occupational Therapy Has A Long-Standing History Of Being Occupational therapy has a long standing history of being a client centered profession that aims to understand each person individually to best meet occupational performance needs in their day to day life. Occupational therapists utilize a multitude of resources to best create a plan of care for each client. Resources that are used often include: standardized assessments, evaluations, client centered interventions and theoretical frame of reference. A theoretical frame of reference is defined as a set of interrelated internally consistent concepts, definitions, postulates and principles that provide a systematic description of and prescription for a practitioner s interaction within his domain of concern (Creighton, 1985). This paper ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the therapist would incorporate softball related activities into my therapy I certainly was more motivated because the occupation that I was interested in was involved. Occupational therapists are said to be very adaptive professionals and understand how how important it is to be adaptive, not only as a professional, but in everyday life. The Occupational Adaptation Frame of Reference by Schkade and Schultz aims to describe the link between the two fundamental constructs of occupational therapy, namely; occupation and adaptation (Schultz Schkade, 1992). This theory primarily focuses on the interplay between the external and the internal factors that are interacting continuously during completion of occupations. The constant factor is press for mastery which yields the occupational challenge and one s ability of an adaptive response. An adaptive response is made up of three subprocesses that are internal to the person; the three subprocesses are: the generation subprocess, the evaluation subprocess and the integration subprocess and these explain the adaptive response activated by the person in response to an occupational challenge (Schultz Schkade, 1992). Through the subprocesses, the person plans the adaptive response, evaluates the outcome and integrates the evaluation as adaptation. I am find this frame of reference quite interesting because it focuses on the interplay of internal and external factors and how an individual responds to the interplay of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Gsk Annual Report 2010 Do more, feel better, live longer GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2010 Contents Business review P08 P57 Governance and remuneration P58 P101 Financial statements P102 P191 Shareholder information P192 P212 Business review 2010 Performance overview Research and development Pipeline summary Products, competition and intellectual property Regulation Manufacturing and supply World market GSK sales performance Segment reviews Responsible business Financial review 2010 Financial position and resources Financial review 2009 Risk factors Governance and remuneration Our Board Our Corporate Executive Team Governance and policy Dialogue with shareholders Internal control framework Committee reports Remuneration policy Director terms and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Website GlaxoSmithKline s website www.gsk.com gives additional information on the Group. Notwithstanding the references we make in this Annual Report to GlaxoSmithKline s website, none of the information made available on the website constitutes part of this Annual Report or shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference herein. Cautionary statement regarding forward looking statements The Group s reports filed with or furnished to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including this document and written information released, or oral statements made, to the public in the future by or on behalf of the Group, may contain forward looking statements. Forward looking statements give the Group s current expectations or forecasts of future events. An investor can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as anticipate , estimate , expect , intend , will , project , plan , believe and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performance. In particular, these include statements relating to future actions, prospective products or product approvals, future performance or results of current and anticipated products, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Becoming A Graduate Degree At The Ohio State University People have a hard time figuring out what they were meant to do in life, leading to numerous jobs before they settle on one. Sometimes these struggles to find what they are meant to do, lead people to completely changing career fields. I believed that my purpose in life, as I entered college, was to help lead the young people of today. While finishing up my bachelors degree in Elementary and Middle Childhood Studies at The Ohio State University, I knew that I wanted to continue my education and obtain a masters degree. Throughout my entire undergrad, I spent time as a varsity football assistant coach. That feeling of wanting to lead along with my coaching experience influenced me to pursue a graduate degree through a program deeply rooted in leadership. With the amount of broken homes and divorce rate at an all time high, kids do not look to their parents for guidance anymore, instead they look at celebrities. Younger generations have always been easily influenced by what they see in society. If they see someone popular on tv doing something or wearing something, they have to do their best to mimic it. Nowadays the things that our young people are seeing are leading to negative consequences in their life. They make choices based on what they see instead of the values that their parents should have been teaching them. Once those choices do not workout, those same kids look for someone to blame because they have never been held accountable for their choices before. Being in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Communication Competence In A Group Communication competence is the first thing every new group member should understand before beginning a group project. Communication competence is considered very broadly as an impression that behavior is appropriate and effective in a given context (Spitzberg, 2000). This includes being effective by having a wide range of behaviors and being in the we , not me mentality, being appropriate by complying with the group rules, have the knowledge to learn the rules and know how to be a proper asset in your group, having empathy or being sensitive towards your group members, staying committed to your group, and lastly being ethical. Our groups communication was very competent. When it came to group decision making, there was no hint of individuality, none of the members had a me mentality, but instead we all as a group put what we wanted aside to agree on a board game that would be the most appropriate for the assignment. For example, I wanted to play poker instead of monopoly but due to the fact that I was the only one in our group that knew how to play poker I quickly agreed with monopoly. Furthermore, all the group members showed commitment, and ethics. Many of us had a busy week schedule to include work and other classes so when we were able to settle on a time and date for a meeting everyone stayed committed to the schedule and arrived on time. While we had these group meetings and game nights everyone in the group was respectful towards each other by not making any rude remarks or aggressiveness when there was disagreement and being responsible by not attempting to cheat to win Group Climate is defined by Rothwell as the emotional atmosphere, the enveloping tone that is created by the way we communicate in groups (105). Group s can have either positive or negative climates. Our group displayed a positive climate. We treated each other well and fairly, we were all flexible with our busy schedules in order to have group meetings and whenever someone had a last minute work shift change interfering with out meeting we quickly reorganized without any harsh feelings. Furthermore, our group showed a lot of supportive communication and almost no defensive communication. We did not need to make any positive or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Finance of Higher Education in the 21st Century Running Head: Finance Higher Education 21st Century ABSTRACT 1 Introduction The value of higher education has never been more imperative than it has become now in 21st century. Purpose of the study is to establish the relationship between growing educational opportunities and the need for financial back up. The development in higher education has become a very critical issue of the era as to the fiscal support. There should be less expenditure and more opportunities available for the support of higher professional education. The evidence has been incorporated that addresses the question about finance of higher education in the 21st century , furnishing the hypothesis for proposing how much important the issue of finance in the development of higher education is in expanding the educational opportunities, and identifying the future research needs as to this theme (Dominic J. Brewer, 2001). Methodology Primary data have been collected using the interview questionnaire. A sample of the students has been interviewed and the results were judgmentally related to the whole population. Secondary data from already available sources has also been taken in account. Data so collected has been processed analyzed through non statistical judgment for any omissions, legibility and consistency. Hypothesis has been formulated that there is significant need to increase the finance for the higher education to meet the ever increasing challenges of the 21st century. Maximizing revenues ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Bargaining With The Devil BARGAINING WITH THE DEVIL When to Negotiate, When to Fight ROBERT MNOOKIN ROBERT MNOOKIN is professor of law at Harvard Law School, the director of the Harvard Negotiation Research project and chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Dr. Mnookin has taught several workshops on negotiation skills for corporations, government agencies and law firms. He is the author of nine books including Beyond Winning, Negotiating on Behalf of Others and Barriers to Conflict Resolution as well as numerous articles. Dr. Mnookin has been involved in resolving numerous landmark commercial disputes including that between IBM and Fujitsu over operating system software and between Boston Scientific and Medinol over intellectual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s the conflict between principle and pragmatism. There aren t any immutable commandments which will always apply. Instead, four general guidelines you should try and keep in mind are: 1 Be systematic in evaluating the expected costs and benefits of negotiation 2 Never do an analysis alone get advice from others in evaluating alternatives 3 Have a bias in favor of negotiation but make it rebuttable 4 Don t allow your own moral beliefs to color a pragmatic assessment of benefits Four guidelines Negotiating With the Devil Page 2 1. The three challenges When trying to resolve a conflict, there are generally three challenges which affect your ability to make a good decision on whether to negotiate or not: 1 2 You have to analyze the cost and benefits of negotiating versus all other viable alternatives 3 The three challenges You have to avoid all the emotional traps which can lead to an unwise knee jerk reaction You have to address all the moral and ethical issues involved in deciding whether to negotiate with an enemy After helping to resolve many business and family disputes over the years, I have come to believe that for most of us, confronting an enemy poses exceptional negotiation challenges. When I say enemy, I do not mean just an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Rate Of Data Streaming Dan Jordan Comm. 332 Methods of Persuasion July 3rd, 2015 The rate of data streaming has been rising since the end of the Second World War. The entry of broadcasting companies, electronic printing presses, satellites, modest information switches, the PC and the web have implied that data stream and preparing have never been quicker, simpler, less expensive or all the more technologically advanced.This truth possibly builds news stream, assorted qualities and supposition, truly the counter weights of business powers and corporate mixture, which has prompted a virtual media restraining infrastructure where just a modest bunch of multinationals now own and control the larger part of standard media outlets, have implied that there has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the event that we as a collective society choose that majority rules system does not merit surrendering, that power is most secure in our grasp as opposed to in the individuals who have the pathology to be driven towards control in any case, then we should be more proactive. Above all else, we have to completely understand that at whatever point any gathering of individuals has a lopsided impact over government arrangement, majority rules system has endured a serious blow, period. There are no exemptions. On the off chance that feedback of government or corporate action in the US, is naturally labeled unpatriotic or un American, then the America that is being protected is strongly not a majority rules system and subsequently not worth protecting. Furthermore, we have to see precisely how the individuals are controlled into getting along the offering of their pioneers and the multinationals, so glaringly against their own advantage. We have to comprehend the strategies for control. Media possession is vital to the control of society. Control the individuals, and you control their vote. You either control the media by owning it or by doing favors to the individuals who own it. In the United States, vast companies possess the media and these, thus, get favors from the Government as impact over enactment and extraordinary tax cuts. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Analysis The Revolution Will Not Be Televised The Revolution Will Not Be Televised may be considered one of the greatest works of art of the twentieth century. It was said that the poem has influenced many common day artists such as Kanye West, Queen Latifah, and Lupe Fiasco. Gil Scott Heron was born in Chicago on April 1st, 1949 in Chicago Illinois. As a child, he was raised in Tennessee by his Grandmother. Later on, he moved to New York then attending Lincoln University for college. He was also addicted to cocaine and some other drugs. Many people thought of him as a junkie and someone who was slowly killing himself. Gil became upset due to the fact that his poem, The Revolution will not be televised became the most popular song out of his album ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Next there was a reference made is from the quote The revolution will not go better with Coke. I think this relates to the poem as all Americans drank Coke at the time, so why are they all not treated fairly? I think both of these references relate to not being treated fairly like all humans should be. These impacted African Americans negatively throughout time. Another reference that I thought was really important to the poem is the revolution will not be brought to you by the Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star Natalie Woods... This is saying that common people will be creating the revolution and celebrities will not be helping with it. This probably made African Americans feel more motivated to gain more support for there cause to be treated fair throughout the country. Next there was a reference made at the end of the poem The revolution will put you in the driver s seat. This is a very strong line of the poem, it is saying that we the common people are in charge of creating and bring attention to this movement. This impacted people positively and gave them the power to speak their voice and to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Best Post ( 1 Point ) 1. Best Post (1 point) This article is relevant because it talks about how Hollywood films are changing as studios begin to make films that don t just target the US audience, but also the international audience, specifically from countries with emerging markets. According to the article, studio executives will only approve a movie if there are potential overseas ticket sales. Hollywood would go out of its way to appeal and to not offend global markets. For example, for the Chinese version of Iron Man 3 Disney/Marvel actually created a subplot that involves Chinese characters in order to connect with the Chinese audience. Because Hollywood films are focusing on appealing to the audience across the globe, the storytelling of recent movies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. Best Post Analysis (2 points) I feel that post is my best post because I think I did a good job in picking an interesting article and explaining how the article I picked is relevant and relatable to Week 7 s topic/lecture about US film industry, particularly Contemporary Hollywood. Although some of the stuff the article points out are quite obvious, as part of the target audience of the film industry, we (I) do not usually pay much attention to the smaller subtle things. For example, how the supporting cast is becoming more and more diverse or how as the storylines of blockbuster films are becoming less sophisticated, appealing to such a diverse audience as the global audience is actually very challenging. Aside from grammar, I feel like I need to expand more about how and why I think the article is relevant to the topic of the week. Because I did not want my post to be too long, I omitted some interesting points I found in the article. I plan to add them in my revision post because they reinforce the fact Contemporary Hollywood is transforming into Global Hollywood. 3. Rewritten Best Posting (4 points) This article is relevant to this week s topic because it reinforces and highlights the important fact that Hollywood is no longer an American or Western exclusive industry. In fact, the Hollywood of today is practically Global Hollywood. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. What Does The Room Symbolize In The Masque Of The Red Death The Masque of the Red Death Edgar Allan Poe s short story, The Masque of the Red Death , is the tale of a young selfish prince who is trying to escape the Red Death by secluding himself and 1,000 of his closest friends. The Red Death is a horrible, and highly contagious, disease that causes the pores of the skin to ooze blood until death. What makes the story so appealing is the irony and symbolism behind the castle and the rooms in which the prince designs. Although Edgar Allan Poe is not known for his use of symbolism, he does portray quite a few different symbolic examples of life and death in The Masque of the Red Death . Although there are many different examples of symbolism in The Masque of the Red Death , the example that sticks out the most is in the design of the rooms within the castle. A large portion of this writing is focused on the colors of the seven rooms and what is held within them. The author first points out how there are seven rooms; all set up differently then most castles. The second piece of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the most ironic situations in this story is in the end, Prospero runs through all of the rooms to reach the crasher of his party. When Prospero finally reaches the black room, which most are scared of because of the horrifying red glow, he randomly drops dead. Lori Garrett Hatfield says, Poe s most prolific use of color in the story is his use of both red, which to him symbolized terror, horror, an ending of life; and black, which symbolized death and destruction. The final room, the red and black room, faces west, which represents the setting sun. The mummer the figure in the mask representing death is dressed all in black. Hatfield s quote can help to support the theory that Poe purposely chose to make Prospero run through all of the rooms and into the room of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Summary Of William Faulkner s Barn Burning Web Design Support, Southeast Missouri State University. Southeast Missouri State University. Barn Burning Southeast Missouri State University, 2017, www.semo.edu/cfs/teaching/4836.html. This article presents a full summary of William Faulkner s Barn Burning . While reading this article, the author points out real scenes in the story to support several different points. A few main points that were served throughout this source focused on racial equality, social classes and economic turmoil of the 1930s. The author of this article presents many different cases in which social injustice is an occurrence in the short story, Barn Burning . Throughout this article, the author provides information about the relationship between father and son, Abner and Sarty. By providing details about the attitude and beliefs of Mr. Snopes, the author makes it clear to see why Sarty and Abner would not get along very well. This article is helpful in preparing for this research project by presenting the differences between Abner and Sarty. Sarty s Betrayal. Faulkner s Barn Burning , 12 Nov. 2007, faculty.atu.edu/cbrucker/Engl2013/BarnBurningAE.htm. The focal point of this article is the betrayal of Abner Snopes, by his own son, Sarty. This whole article about the short story Barn Burning , presents many different reasons on why Sarty feels as if he is betraying his father and why he betrays him in the first place. While analyzing this piece of work, the reader understands that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Kusmider V. State Case Study On the eve of November 15, 1982, defendant Thomas Kusmider was informed by his girlfriend, that a gentleman named Arthur Villella, had assaulted her sexually. Mr. Kusmider confronted Mr. Villella at his home which led Kusmider to shoot Mr. Villella in the throat. Paramedics arrived on scene and were able to intubate Mr. Villella. However, while en route to the hospital Mr. Villella pulled the tube out of his throat. The victim later died at the hospital. Several questions were raised by the defendant after his trial, which resulted in him filing an appeal of his conviction. Although he admitted to shooting Mr. Villella, Kusmider alleged that there was negligence upon the EMT s for failing to properly restrain Mr. Villella while being transported to the hospital. During the trial, a pathologist testified that Mr. Villella s death was caused by the gunshot wound to his throat, however, the wound could have been survivable (Brody Acker, 2010, p.116). The issue of proximate causation came about during Kusmider v. State (1984). Judge Johnstone precluded Kusmider from pursuing the issue of proximate cause before the jury as he ruled that negligent failure to provide approximate medical assistance could not interrupt the proximate causation (Kusmider v. State, 1984). According to Carpenter (1932), in order to be guilty of a crime, a person s conduct must cause harm as prescribed by law. Proximate cause can be defined as the defendant s actions or conduct was in fact the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Analysis on Swift s Attitude Towards Humanity Analysis on Swift s Attitude towards Humanity Introduction In1726, Jonathan Swift, one of the best known realistic writers in 18th century, published his book Gulliver s Travels which on the surface is a collection of travel journals of a surgeon called Lemuel Gulliver but actually is a work of satire on politics and human nature. In the four incredible adventures, Gulliver s perceptions are tied closely with Swift s shame and disgust against British government and even against the whole of the human condition as Richard Rodino says in his book that Gulliver is neither a fully developed character nor even an altogether distinguishable persona; rather, he is a satiric device enabling Swift to score satirical points. (Rodino 124) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Like Hobbes, Degeneration of Humanity Swift considers human are not only evil in nature but keep corrupting. The European moralists say: the nature is degenerated in these latter declining ages of the world, and could now produce only small abortive births in comparison of those ancient times (Swift 187) In Glubbdubdrib, people can make ancients appears with magic, Gulliver makes conversation with ancients, and finds As every person called up made exactly the same appearance he had done in the world, it gave me melancholy reflections to observe how much the race of mankind was degenerated among us, within those hundred years past , how all these pure native virtues were prostituded for a piece of money by their grandchildren (Swift 271) Gulliver is thrown into deep melancholy as he discover the degeneration of human nature. Not only the ancient virtues are lost, but also man s physical condition is becoming worse and worse as Swift points out in Gulliver s fourth voyage to the land of the Houyhnhnms where his satire reaches its pinnacle: I seemed to fail in strength and agility , He said I differed indeed from other Yahoos, being much more cleanly, and not altogether so deformed, but in point of real advantage he thought I differed for the worse. (Swift 322) human s disposition is like Yahoos which is violent and primitive, but human s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. How to Change Oil in a Car Essay How to Change Oil in a Car Owning a car is usually a significant investment for an individual. Changing the oil on your car plays an important part to help keep it functioning at peak performance and to ensure that your vehicle last for many miles. You might wonder how often does the oil need changing. Well, manufactures advise that the oil is changed every 3,000 miles or every three months, whichever occurs first. Changing the oil is not an extremely difficult task, but it is always good to have someone else there, who has done this before, to help if needed. I would also suggest finding an outfit you wouldn t mind getting dirty and a pair of rubber gloves to keep your hands clean. The key to keeping any task, especially this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Two empty milk containers should do the trick. If you don t have any laying around, just use the empty oil bottle containers. A funnel works well when transferring the old oil into the containers. Last, some old rags are good for cleaning up spills. Now that all the materials are gathered, we can change into our outfits and get started. Make sure that your car is parked on a level surface, rather than a hill or an inclined driveway. Start your car and let it run for about 10 minutes. This process allows the oil to warm up which makes it drain quicker than cold oil. Shut the car off and engage the parking brake. Place jack under vehicle lift points, located on the frame rails just behind the front tires. Raise the car by pumping the jack up and down, giving enough clearance to slid the jack stand under the car. Place the jack stand under the frame or anywhere sturdy enough to support the weight of the car. Adjust the height of the stands to allow room for you to get under the car. After jack stands are positioned, slowly lower the car onto the stands by turning the pole on the jack to left. Now its time to grab your drain pan and slide under the car to located the oil pan. It is located on the lowest, very bottom part of the engine. There is a plug, which is a bolt, located on the bottom part of the oil pan. Make sure you are not directly underneath the plug. The drain pan should be directly under it. Use a socket wrench or an adjustable wrench to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Importance Of Art In Art In the rather limited amount of years I ve been on this Earth, I have found myself drawn to the world of creativity. I kept it in my pocket constantly, always knowing that I d need creative insight in this world to solve difficult problems. I always had art as an outlet for many things, and soon I became addicted to colors, shades, and designs. It s very important to me, and I hope to go further with it. To me, it is vexing when others hold an obvious distaste for trying anything new or creative. I don t hope to change these individual s minds, as that would be impossible, but rather, I hope to educate them on why having a creative, or artistic sense the new sixth sense if you will, is vital to being a part of society. Being creative, or artistic, is important, because it allows me to break away from the stubborn rules society has forced upon us. When I draw, I have no boundaries other than what I give myself. I don t have to restrain what I draw, as no one else will see it unless I want them to. It s important to have this break from the real world because without it, the world seems very bleak and downright sorrowful. Artistic values are a necessity to me, because without them, I wouldn t have as many opportunities to better the world around me. Art provides many career paths, such as comic books, or even advertising. Every art community can have a huge impact on people s daily lives, without them even realizing it. Take for instance, the billboard you drive by every day to work, or the comic strips you read on your Sunday paper. Though seemingly insignificant in your eyes, they are so important in the way you make decisions. When advertisements on TV are shown, no one really thinks about the artistic aspects the creators use to influence decisions. A prime example of this, that everyone knows purely by the now recognizable song, is Sarah McLachlan s ASPCA commercial seen constantly, with the same set up. But what everyone might not know, is that it took creative insight to pair the sad puppy images, with the depressing song. The artists knew that these things would guide you to feel sympathetic, and maybe even adopt a puppy. The world would be very different if there were no artists to create these. It ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Norse Mythology Report This essay is written for English 503 and the subject is Norse Mythology. The main sources of our knowledge about Norse Mythology are from the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda. Edda is Icelandic for saga and these stories are often to as The Sagas. The Prose Edda was written by Snorri Sturluson from Iceland around the year 1200. Snorri begins the prologue of the book where he explains his understanding of the origin of heathen science. Prose Edda itself is based on belief in the old Nordic gods or heathen, and recounts and explains the faith of men before they were Christian. The book is divided into three main parts, but they are called the Gylfaginning, Skaldskaparmal and Hattatal. In the first section, Gylfaginning (The delusion of King ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He had a golden ring that could multiply into eight other rings, there we can see similarities with the story The lord of the rings after John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, in the book there is one ring who rules them all and together they are nine rings, three were given to the elves, nine to the humans and seven to the dwarfs but there was one that ruled them all witch is very similar to Odin s ring because it was one that multiplied. Also all of the dwarfs names in the lord of the ring they come from prophecy of the seeress in Snorri s Prose Edda. Odin only has one eye because he gave it away for a drink from Mimir s magic well. It was told that Mimir was the wisest of them all and it was told that anyone who would drink from the well would gain the wisdom of Mimir. Odin was desperate to get wiser and powerful so he returned his eye for a drink from the well. He was now known for being the wisest god of them all and the one with one eye (Norse Mythology, 2010). Odin is related with various other gods in Indo European religions. For Greeks, it is Zeus. Together, they should be attributed to destroy. Both have unfaithful wives, what shows up best in that they have many children with other women, although Zeus has more. Both gods are highly migratory and often hiding behind pseudonyms and disguise. Thor is the strongest one, he is son of Odin. He is also known in German mythology as well. He is married to Sif, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. How Did Japan Dominate East Asia Japan, located off the coast of East Asia, was a major country that fought during the Second World War. During this time, Japan had an dictatorship government and had its sights on imperialistic ideas. On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes flew over Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the United States base of its navy, where the Pacific fleet and airfields were stationed. Bombs were dropped on the island in Hawaii, causing mass destruction and high death tolls. With this, isolation and neutrality were not an option, and the United States became deeply embroiled in World War II after declaring war on Japan the very next day. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because their goal was to establish a dominant world power through military expansion, starting with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War, the Japanese completed its control in Manchuria in 1932, then invaded China five years later. In the map created by various sources, the Japanese empire more than tripled its size after expansion through Manchuria in China. Japan established Manchuria as a puppet state, and held it as a reservoir for food resources, or a paddy field. To support a larger empire, its growing military, and an increase in naval power, the Japanese needed more and more oil. Unfortunately, Japan only owned a few oil reserves and produced very little of its own oil. They bought most of their oil from the United States. In fact, according to Suzuki Akira, US Economic Sanctions Against Japan and its Aid to China during the Sino Japanese War , 80 percent of Japan s 12,170,000 tons of oil was imported from the United States from 1937 1939. However, after tensions mounted between the United States and Japan, the amount of oil exported from US to Japan decreased dramatically, from 2,910,000 tons in 1940 to 880,000 tons in 1941, a 330 percent decrease in oil imports from the US. Tensions continued rising when Japan announced that they will establish new order , or the Japanese Empire in East Asia. The US showed their disprovement by declaring an embargo of aircraft and aircraft parts (Iriye 1999) in 1939, and a complete oil embargo in 1941, a resource the Japanese depended on the most. Fortunately for the Japanese, there were an abundant amount of oil fields south of Japan, in the Philippines, East Indies, and New Guinea, however, were all occupied by the European nations and the United States. The Japanese declared that the ... old order ... (European and American) ... is now crumbling (Japanese Ministry of Education 1941). In order to conquer the Indonesian islands and the East Indies successfully, they intended to destroy the American fleets stationed at the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Workplace Violence Outline A. Imagine a violent situation escalates in your work area. Violent workplace situations are becoming more common in today s work environment. While many of these events seemingly happen in the civilian sector, workplace violence is a current issue in the United States Air Force. Incidents involving fatalities in Myrtle Beach, McGuire, Fairchild, and the Air Force Academy illustrate that all members play a vital role in recognizing potentially violent situations. So while the definition of workplace violence is subject to interpretation, the impact to the workplace quite clear, and the proactive steps taken to prevent and diffuse these situations have huge social and economic benefits. II. Body Paragraph #1 (Defining Workplace Violence) A. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Psychological research has consistently shown that change, even positive change, produces discomfort that is stressful which can cause emotional and physical illness. The pace and intensity of the change, combined with uncertain economy, downsizing the workforce and the threat of possible job loss, and the impact of these events on the individual and their family indirectly translates into an undercurrent of anxiety, doubt, and even despair. B. Explanation i. Workplace violence most often involves aggressive behavior towards peers, subordinates, supervisors, and other members of the workforce. This can range from verbal abuse to physical violence. Aggression may occur as a response to many situations. Common examples are when individuals face the loss of a job, are passed over for promotion, or perceive favoritism toward others in the work environment. C. So What? III. Body Paragraph #2 (Work Environment Impact) A. Supporting Evidence i. All Air Force Airmen and civilians are obligated to provide a safe and healthy working environment for the workforce under the Occupational Health and Safety Act B. Explanation C. So What? IV. Body Paragraph #3 (Dealing with Difficult People) A. Supporting Evidence B. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Effect Of Benzyl Group Of Tus Strengthened The... The 1H NMR titration experiment revealed that the benzyl group of TUs strengthened the intermolecular interactions toward an organophosphonate (Figure 3). It has been known that the chemical shift of thiourea N H changes according to the degree of hydrogen bond with an acceptor (i.e., DMMP), and its association constant (Ka) can be obtained by non linear regression analysis (Figure 3a).18 The 1H NMR spectra of TU 1, 2, 4, or 8 in chloroform d (~100 mM) indicate that the chemical shift of the N H protons shifted downfield with increasing amount of DMMP up to 80 equivalents, confirming the formation of the TU DMMP complex through hydrogen bonding (Figure 3b). In the 1H NMR titration experiment, proton peak shifting shows deferent shapes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To support this hypothesis, the TU s chemical shift changes were measured by varying its concentration in chloroform d (the Supporting Information). Indeed, the presence of a N phenyl group induced self aggregation to a greater extent; the degree of peak shifts (self aggregation) appeared in the order of TU 8 1 4 2, corresponding to the hydrogen bond donor strength. Thus we may conclude that the incorporation of a phenyl group render a TU more acidic or strong in hydrogen bond and also promotes more self aggregation. Figure 3. Calculated structure between 4 and DMMP by hydrogen bonding and CH π interaction. Although the decreased interaction of TUs 1 and 8 with DMMP than TUs 2 and 4, respectively, can be explained by the phenyl s adverse effect, it is still not clear why N benzyl substituted TU 4 is better than unsubstituted TU 2 (or TU 8 better than TU 1). Since a N benzyl substituted TU has a similar donor strength as that of N alkyl substituted TU, we suspect that a secondary interaction may exist between TU 4 DMMP in order to have a larger association constant. To gain further insight into the binding mechanism between N benzyl substituted TU 4 and DMMP, density functional theory (DFT) calculation was performed using B3LYP functional with empirical dispersion of Grimme (B3LYP D3BJ) and d3 basis set employing the Gaussian0920 suite of programs. As shown in Figure 4, the DFT calculation revealed the possible existence of CH π interactions from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Character Analysis Of Farley Drexel Hatcher And Fudge Superfudge Kyler Brisk Judy Blume Period 8B 178 #1 CHARACTER IDENTIFICATION Farley Drexel Hatcher or Fudge is the protagonist character. He is both a funny and naughty boy who is always causing trouble. He is a very curious boy. He was shoving crackers in his mouth and laughing like a loon. (1, Peter) Peter Hatcher is Fudge s older brother. He doesn t like Fudge to hangout with him and thinks he is annoying. You re the biggest pain ever invented! (2, Peter) Tamara Roxanne Hatcher or Tootsie is Peter and Fudge s baby sister who cries a lot. Uncle Feather is Peter and Fudge s pet myna bird that is very annoying and can say hello in French. Bonjour. (3, Uncle Feather) Warren Hatcher is Peter Fudge and Tootsie s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Why did Peter want to run away? His mom was having a baby 2. At the end of school party what did Peter drink? Island Punch 3. Where does the family move? Princeton, New Jersey 4. What is the name of Peter s friend in New York? Jimmy 5. What is the name of Peter s friend in Princeton? Alex 6. What does Fudge nickname his teacher? Rat Face 7. What does Fudge name his pet bird? Uncle Feather 8. What did Frank name his painting? Anita s Anger 9. What did Peter get on Christmas? Gift Certificate 10. What is Fudge s favorite author? Brian Tumpkin 11. What is Tootsie s first word? Yuck 12. What do Peter and Alex sell? Worms 13. What does Daniel not like on his bread? Crust 14. What language can Uncle Feather say hello? French 15. What kind of bird is Uncle Feather? Myna Bird 16. Who is Peter and Alex s teacher? Mrs. Muldour 17. What is Peter s favorite drink? Island Punch 18. What is Fudge s real name? Farley Drexel 19. What is Tootsie s real name? Tamara Roxanne 20. Who does Fudge describe to Brian Tumpkin? Mr. Green 21. What does Fudge want to be for Halloween? Ghost 22. What kind of food does Warren like to cook? Chinese 23. Where are the Hatchers from? New York City 24. Who runs away with Fudge? Daniel 25. Where are the brownies from? The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Analysis Of Sundiat An Epic Of Old Mali By D. T. Maili The African epic Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali, by D.T. Maili, examines the theme of destiny through three characters: Sundiata, Nare Maghan, and Nounfari . Sundiata could not walk at seven years old and, because of his celebrity as the king s son, the community humiliated and gossiped about him. However, when he felt his destiny pull him to greatness he accepted without hesitation, saying, Very well then, I am going to walk today (Maili 132). Sundiata realized it was time for him to walk and disregarded the obstacle of his crippled legs. Sundiata was a prophesied to be a great hero, and his confidence in the power of fate was one of one of the reasons he later reached a legendary status. His son s disability worried Nare Maghan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Meningitis Essay In nineteenth century Geneva, a family came down with a strange disease one that had never previously been diagnosed. In a short time, many people in their town were infected and thirty three people were left dead. This strange disease was later determined to be meningitis. In 1806, the United States saw its first outbreak of meningitis in Massachusetts. It was not until 1887, however, that Professor Anton Weichselbaum was able to determine a cause of meningitis: a bacterium called Neisseria meningitides. Penicillin was first used to combat meningitis in 1944, and in 1978, a vaccine became available. The usage of vaccines was detrimental in the battle to gain control over the spread of meningitis (7). Even with these vaccines, however, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nesseria meningitides can be part of the normal flora of the upper part of the respiratory tract (19). It is a pathenogenic, gram negative aerobe, which resides primarily in mucous membranes. The shape of the bacterium is diplococci (11). Nesseria meningitides is heterotrophic and reproduces by way of binary fission (12). Viral meningitis is more common, but not nearly as severe (8). It is hardly ever fatal and mostly caused by enteroviruses. Other viruses can induce a person to contract viral meningitis. These include: mumps, herpes, measles, and varicella zoster. Even an infection from a mosquito bite could potentially turn into a case of viral meningitis (4)! Fungal meningitis, which can also be deadly, is mostly caused by Cryptococcus and Candida. The people affected with fungal meningitis are mostly those who have an inadequate immune system (3). A person may not know he or she has meningitis right away. Many symptoms are analogous to the flu. These symptoms include a stiff neck, headache, fever, chills, nausea, light sensitivity, and possible changes in mental state (8). Even after a person recovers from meningitis, they can still suffer from long term effects such as brain damage, kidney damage, loss of hearing, amputations, and scarring (6). To accurately diagnose meningitis, a lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, is performed and tests are run on the cerebrospinal fluid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Relationship Between Growth Opportunities And Amount Of... relationship can be observed by comparing the small companies, where SOCO has $0.8bn retained earnings and zero debt, while JKX has almost $0.4bn and some debt in their capital structure. 4.3. Growth Empirical studies suggest a negative relationship between growth opportunities and amount of leverage. The market to book ratio (calculated as market value of equity over book value of equity) is used as proxy of the growth opportunities available to a firm (Niu, 2008). Growth opportunities are mainly intangible and thus not suited to serve as collateral or to be liquidated. Hence firms with high growth potential might not prefer, or not even be offered, to raise additional capital through debt financing (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). Furthermore, due to agency conflicts, managers of companies with high leverage (debt controlled) may forgo positive NPV projects, because the returns of such project will be transferred to debt holders rather than shareholders. Therefore, highly leveraged companies might have low amount of investment opportunities and thus a lower growth rate (Myers, 1984). Rajan and Zingales (1995) support this inverse relationship and suggest, that firms with high market to book ratios suffer under higher bankruptcy costs. The shares of such companies are overvalued and thus the company may prefer issuing stock. This equity may be raised at lower costs, due to the signals that a high market to book ratio is sending to the market. Therefore firms with a high ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Dangers Of Incest Or Consanguineous Relationships One may wonder what he or she would do with $2,000 to $500,000. However, some do not take into consideration that that much money could be given to you as a fine if you marry someone to whom you are related to. Incest is a form of sexual intercourse between two or more people one is related to. Incest relationships or marriages can occur in two different ways ( Statutory Compilation Regarding Incest Statutes. ). Incest can happen in a consanguineous relationship or from people who are related by affinity. In some cases, incetuous relationships also may not be in the person s intent (Webster). The laws on incestuous marriages are mainly in play because of the dangers of having children. Incest can be a relationship known as consanguineous relationships. Consanguineous relationships are people who are blood family ( Incests ). In this type of incestuous relationship, the information between the two are typically held confidential because of the consequences that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People who are in relation by affinity are typically step brothers and step sisters ( Factsheets: Incest. ). Some even take it to the measurements of being related through adoption or marital status and even people who are living in the same household, who could be related or not (Webster). Prohibitions still exist in affinity relationships, but not as strictly as they do with consanguineous relationships. All states have different laws, but the majority of them do not have laws on marrying relatives who are not blood. Most states will prohibit any marriage closer than second cousins; however, in some, they only prohibit marriage closer than first cousins (Webster). The Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act prohibits all marriages on relatives, however, not all states are entitled to this act. If people were informed that this act could be saving a life, then it may have been enforced in every ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Examples Of Mules In Their Eyes Were Watching God In Zora Neale Hurston s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God introduced many symbolic elements; however, the most prominent was mules. Throughout the whole novel, mules remained a constant besides in her marriage with Tea Cake. Mules first appear with Janine s Nanny discussing the level of power white and Black people have, De nigger woman is de mule uh de world.. (pg. 14) The book states that white men have the power and black males have power over their women. Mules are known as a dumb animal that is worked hard. Black women didn t have a voice during this time period and did hard work without complaining. Janie s Nanny is installing in Janie s mind that she was there to work and not have power in her life until the death of Joe. The second incident with mules in Their Eyes Were Watching God was in Janie s first ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Logan s nickname for Janie is LilBit . As I read the scene of Janie being LilBit I wondered why nickname her LilBit . To me, bits are used for mules or horses for their mouthpiece. By calling Janie LilBit Logan is associating her with the mule (pg 25). He doesn t use her name or anything really sweet, just calling her little and a piece of mule equipment. Logan also directly connecting Jaine with a mule, ..uh Mule all gentled up so even uh woman kin handle im. (pg. 26). In this quote, Logan is suggesting Janie is weak and therefore needs a gentle mule. He is also making the decision without speaking with Jaine. Logan tells Jaine he is leaving to get a mule and that s the final decision about it. Janie doesn t have any power in this relationship until she leaves him. Once Logan asked Janie to help ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. How To Amend The Second Amendment The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms and individuals believe that this right is being taken for granted and away from their rights, so President Obama wants to be committed to the Second Amendment, but also protect the citizens from the gun violence by legislating proper ways to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous people. We won t be able to stop every violent act, but if there is even one thing that we can do to prevent any of these events, we have a deep obligation, all of us, to try. The goal of President Obama s plan to protect the citizens is to develop policy proposals that will help decrease the amount of gun violence. President Obama would have meetings about his plan to amend the Second Amendment. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The plan combines executive actions and calls for legislative action that would help keep guns out of the wrong hands, ban assault and high capacity magazines, make our schools safer, and increase access to mental health services. In this plan President Obama wants to secure the background checks on purchasing a firearm so than the background checks can be more accurate with selling firearms to the appropriate customer and not the consumers that are prohibited to own a firearm. There are 1.5 million firearms were purchased by the customers that are prohibited to own a gun due to felons or an individual with a history of domestic violence in the past 14 years. President Obama s plan is to follow through with the background checks with all firearm sales either through private or licensed seller. President Obama wants to make sure that there is reliable data available on the purchasers that are prohibited through the background check system. Background checks are not always reliable due to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) because if there is data on Mental Health HIPAA will not allow the access to the data because of the privacy violation that HIPAA is trying to protect the individual s medical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Physics Of The Cloud The life (and, sometimes, death) cycle of a star begins when gravity triumphs over heat. This results in a cloud, composed of gasses and minerals, losing balance, and beginning to contract. Balance for the cloud is not restored, until several radical changes have been experienced by the cloud, and have, subsequently, altered the cloud. Stars start their early stages in the form of the above aforementioned, as what is known as an interstellar cloud. Following the creation of this cloud, the star then passes through seven basic evolutionary stages. Characteristics of these seven stages are various centralised temperatures including those on the surface densities, and sizes, of the pre star object. The process begins with a cold, dark, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, if a star is born, these clouds can become unstable, and can even collapse under their own gravity resulting in them breaking up into much smaller pieces of their original forms. Evidence suggests that this process is triggered as the result of an external event a shock wave of nearby stellar explosions [supernova] or, perhaps, the pressure wave ripple of another cloud as it forms a star and ionises its own surroundings. An additional theory suggests that a magnetic field is responsible for the cloud retaining its form and then fading away as its charged particles drift off into space, thus the leftover gasses are unable to support the cloud s remaining weight. Over a few million years, the collapsing process is thought to produce several smaller clouds which have broken off from the parent cloud after it has become unstable and which, in turn, copy the parent by collapsing, breaking apart, and so on. All of these theories, however different, result in the same conclusion: the formation of several different types of stars, which a single interstellar cloud can then produce. Stage 2 of a star s formation is the Cloud Fragment stage. This stage occurs in one of the aforementioned fragments of cloud which have broken off from the parent cloud. Cloud fragments which might then become stars will contain between one and two Sols of material [Sols are a unit of measurement] and will appear as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. International Student Immigration Research Paper As an international student, every year I must go and get my visa from the U.S embassy in Nassau. It is required of me, and without my visa, I wouldn t be able to attend school the upcoming year, or perhaps even travel to the United States. The process is a hard one, sometimes taking several days and leaving many waiting for hours and even weeks only to be decline, and due to recent political events, that process has only gotten worst. For international students, how we are viewed at times, and the growing problem of immigration and how that affects our goals of education is an increasing social problem that needs to be addressed immediately. In society today we are faced with a growing hotbed of tensions between races, political parties ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner Essay examples The Boeing 787 Dreamliner After all that has been said about the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the airplane is set to revolutionize the airline industry. The 787 Dreamliner is more technologically advanced than its predecessors and will boast better performance, better fuel efficiency, and higher passenger comfort. To be honest, with all the new innovations the 787 Dreamliner is said to have, the airplane is quite a wonder. The question now: Can Boeing deliver? If Boeing succeeds, they will catapult past their competition, the European manufacturer Airbus. They are confident that the 787 Dreamliner will help them do just that, and have predicted very high sales numbers. According to Oxford Analytica, Boeing has predicted the sale of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The passenger experience is also supposed to be much improved. The cabin will have improved humidity, and will be pressurized to 6,000 feet instead of the 8,000 feet that other airliners provide. Due to the new flight technology, there should also be better noise reduction from the engines, and a smoother ride (Newairplane). All in all, with all the new improvements, Dreamliner seems to be a very fitting name for this new aircraft. Boeing has many potential suitors for its 787 Dreamliner. Its largest customer is the International Lease Finance Corporation, which has ordered 74 aircraft (Wiki). The International Lease Finance Corporation, or I.L.F.C., leases planes to many of the world s airlines, such as Air Canada, Lufthansa, American Airlines, Continental Airlines, and Delta Airlines (Wiki). According to newairplane.com, a few of the many customers for the Boeing 787 are British Airways, Northwest Airlines, Korean Air, United Airlines, and Virgin Atlantic (Newairplane). The airplane is not expected to be used for passenger service until the fourth quarter of 2010, so sadly we won t get to see it in action until the end of the year (Wiki). The Boeing 787 Dreamliner will be replacing the 767 and the 757 jets (Global). The 787 Dreamliner will be able to carry 250 330 passengers farther distances than these jets, and do it much more efficiently. Its main competition will be from Airbus, specifically the new ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Leadership, Management, And Management Leadership and Management in Business Jachinder S. Mundi Business administration Okanagan College Abstract In this report Leadership and Management the author justifies his opinion on the importance of leadership and management qualities in daily life businesses, whether it is private or public. The author suggests that if an individual wants to become a good leader in any field ,then he/ she should work on qualities like relation building, health , compassion, verbal communication and much more. The author also illustrate about the importance leadership effect on companies. Secondly, author is providing us insight view of effect of management in day to day by providing relevant examples. Author has good writing sense and he has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The report provides the insight on the importance of leadership and management qualities in daily life businesses, whether it is private or public. Discussion Leadership and management are two important skills that determines your capability in a business. Leadership is the ability of an individual to lead others on right path, at right time. Different situation demands different styles of leadership. Leadership is about understanding others, believing in yourself and work with others to lead your company or business to new level of success. Management is the functional body which guides and instructs people engaged in an organization to achieve the targeted goals. Management is considered as most important skill in modern world. All leading companies, hospitals, schools and all other sectors (public or private) are paying more intention to improve their management systems. Basically, management is an art of making problems simple. Qualities of a Good Leader Rath and Conchie (2009) had explained in their book Strengths Based Leadership that in order to become a good leader, one should have to be familiar with his or her strengths and weaknesses. An individual should focus more on his/her strengths than weaknesses because every individual has different talent .Daniel Goleman (1995) also states that IQ and Expertise are not only two factors to judge an individual capability in business but there are many others talents and competences which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Dentist Observation The second year student I observed was very organized and passionate while helping her patient. Since this was the last of four visits she had with her patient, she was sweet enough to purchase baby socks for him because his wife was expecting in a few weeks. I loved how personal she made his experience at the clinic. He said the only reason he was visiting a dentist for the first time in over fifteen years was to set a good example for his soon to be son. From what I could tell, the student was ergonomically correct for the majority of the appointment. Her body positions were different than when I observed another student during my first observation. I. Preparation: I did not come in early to watch the set up of the unit for this appointment because I arrived an hour early in my last observation, and I feel pretty comfortable setting up and wiping down the unit. The student reviewed everything in the patient s chart even though this was her fourth appointment with him. The treatment area, the maxillary left quadrant, needed local anesthetic before progressing forward with the procedure. She got a short needle ready for an injection to check off on an actual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was a Calculus Level Three, so the student was only able to work on one quadrant at each appointment. I know the professors mentioned students would have to do this, but I had no idea how much time had to be spent on just one small section of the mouth! His plaque score was at 40%. No risk factors were discussed with the patient, but he was extremely apprehensive about his mandibular right canine. It was out of alignment and bleeds profusely whenever he brushes and flosses. All of his other teeth bleed, but not nearly as bad as that specific tooth. The patient was really trying to take care of the irritated canine the best he could by still brushing and flossing even though it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Dementi The Most Common Form Of Progressive Dementia Dementia is a chronic disorder associated with a decline in cognitive functioning typically characterized by memory impairment, increased communication and language difficulty and decreased motor activity that interferes with activities of daily living. Patients with dementia may also experience agitation, hallucinations, paranoia and difficultly with complex tasks. People with a family history of dementia and older adults are more prone to dementia. Dementia can be reversible or progressive depending on the cause. Dementia resulting from infections, reactions to medications, anoxia and poisoning can be reversed with medical treatment. Alzheimer s disease is the most common form of progressive dementia currently affecting 5.3 million Americans. Of the 5.3 million, 5.1 million people are the elderly population with two thirds of those affected being women. There is no treatment available to cure dementia but measures can be taken to sustain the quality of life. Dementia not only affects the patients directly, but also family members and caregivers as well. Family members deal with patient s memory loss, changes in personality and also have to take care of the ill patients financially. According to WHO, the cost of dementia in 2010 worldwide was estimated to be $604 billion dollars. Apart from the economic pressure, family members also deal with the physical and emotional pressures that come with dementia. According to Bekhet, family members care for up to 80% of dementia ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Section 59013 (E) (1-2) § 59013(e), (e) (1 2) Specific Purpose If a substantial threat to a consumer s health or safety is identified, this provision allows the Department to direct the regional center to obtain alternative or additional services and supports for the consumer. The Department may consider notifications from the Department of Social Services of health and safety risks. This provision also allows the Department to request relocation of the consumer under certain conditions, and requires an Individual Program Plan meeting be convened within two working days to review the service and support needs of the consumer. Rationale for Necessity This adoption is directed by Section 4698(h) of the Welfare Institutions Code and Section 1567.65 of the Health ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rationale for Necessity This adoption is necessary for clarity, to ensure both departments involved are kept informed, and is consistent with Section 4698(i) of the Welfare Institutions Code. § 59016(g) Specific Purpose This provision requires that the regional center mail the director s decision to the CCH administrator within two working days of signature. Rationale for Necessity This adoption is necessary to ensure the CCH receives the official decision in writing, and provisions can be made to relocate consumers should the contract ultimately be terminated This is consistent with Title 17 Sections 54382 and 54384, with a shortened time frame. § 59016(h) Specific Purpose When a CCH appeals a contract termination, this provision specifies that the contract termination is suspended pending the outcome of the appeal. Rationale for Necessity This adoption is necessary to avoid unnecessarily relocating consumers, and allow time for relocation of consumers to appropriate placements if so required pending the outcome of the appeal. Article 10 Corrective Action Plans and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Report to Explain How to Respond to Evidence or Concerns... Assignment 333 Understanding How to Safeguard the Well being of Children and Young People Task E Produce a report explaining how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been bullied. One of the major concerns for people working within children s services is the increase in cases of children affected by bullies. Bullying can take any of the forms listed below: Verbal Bullying: A child becomes a victim of bullying if they, or their loved ones, are subjected to name calling . Threats, of any kind, are also a form of verbal bullying. Physical Bullying: It is a criminal offence to hurt someone by touching them in a violent manner. Anything that hurts you by touching you is classed as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The policies can be separate or combined in on Health and Safety policy but must include sections on the issues of safeguarding and protecting and the procedures for reporting, bullying and cyber bullying and E safety. Guidelines The Department for Education provides guidance for local authorities they use this guidance to develop their own policy and procedures which must be followed. Working Together to Safeguard Children This is guidance which sets out the duties of organisations and how they must work together to safeguard children and young people. What to do if you re worried that a child is being abused This is guidance to help those working with children safeguard and promote their welfare. Case Study As a Learning Assistant, working in Year 3, I worked closely with a seven year old girl who, for the purpose of this case study, I will call Jane. Jane was a confident and happy girl who, despite not being particularly academically gifted, always participated with class discussions and activities enthusiastically. Half way through the academic year Jane s behaviour and personality seemed to alter drastically. She became withdrawn and moody and generally seemed genuinely unhappy. Her attendance, which had
  • 38. been excellent, had also been affected. One day whilst Jane was helping me wash fruit for morning snack she began to cry. She opened up to me and admitted that two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Jospeh Aloisius Ratzinger´s Steps as Pope Benedict XVI Essay Pope Benedict XVI s birth name was Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger. He was born on April 16th, 1927. His homeland is Bavaria, Germany and he was born in his parents home at 8:30 in the morning. Benedict served as pope from 2005 until his resignation in 2013. He was elected pope following the death of Pope John Paul II. Joseph was ordained into the priesthood in 1951. He was considered a highly knowledgeable theologian and was appointed a professor in 1958. His writings defended the Catholic doctrine and values. Ratzinger was baptized the same day he was born. He was the third child and also was the youngest of three. Benedict s brother dedicated his life as a catholic as well, and became a priest. Joseph trained in the German infantry. He ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In his footsteps I place my ministry in the service of reconciliation and harmony between peoples. Additionally, I recall Saint Benedict of Nursia, copatron of Europe, whose life evokes the Christian roots of Europe. I ask him to help us all to hold firm to the centrality of Christ in our Christian life: May Christ always take first place in our thoughts and actions. Benedict celebrated his first canonizations on October 23rd 2005 in St. Peter s square. Pope Benedict wrote three encyclicals; Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi, and Caritas in Veritate. In Benedict s first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, he said that human being created in the image of God who is love, is able to practice love. His first encyclical contains about 16,000 words in 42 paragraphs. His second encyclical titled, Spe Salvi, is about the virtue of hope. His third and final encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, continued the Church s teachings on social justice. Benedict travelled a lot during his first three years as pope. He traveled to Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and Muslim. In 2007, he visited Brazil to address the Bishops Conference and canonize Friar Antonio Galvao. April 2008, his first visit to the United Sates since becoming pope took place. He arrived in Washington DC, where he was sent to the White house and met privately with the President, George W. Bush. He also met with victims of sexual abuse by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. US National Public Debt Essay The national debt is the result of a state s borrowing from its population, from foreign governments, or from international institutions such as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Public debts tend to be large scale credit operations and are contracted on a national scale by central governments and on a lesser scale by provincial, regional, district, and municipal administrative bodies. In the U.S., public debts are also contracted by the states and by local governments, primarily for public works. Kinds of Debt National public debts are contracted chiefly through the flotation of interest paying loans, in the form of bonds, bills, or notes. Historically, these loans have been undertaken to raise money for wars ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although government loans are for the most part not secured by physical assets, they are regarded in law as contracts carrying an obligation on the part of the debtor to repay. Nevertheless, governments, when hard pressed during economic crises or as a result of political upheavals, have sometimes repudiated their public debts in whole or in part. In many cases, also, a government to whom another is in debt may agree to forgive the debt or reschedule its payment over a longer period. History In earlier times debts contracted by heads of state had the legal status of personal debt; public debt emerged as a systematic element in a country s economy when regular sources of income became available to provide funds to repay loans, a monetary system became fully formed, and an organized money market came into operation. The first examples of public debt surfaced in the late 17th century in Europe and became more prevalent with the rise of the modern state and the banking and credit system that grew out of the Industrial Revolution. Today, the finances involved in contracting and redeeming the public debt of a country are a sizable proportion of its government budget. As the money for redemption of the public debt is raised principally through taxation, the size of the national debt is a factor in determining taxation rates. National public debts, taken on a world ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Reflective Journal Topic 1: Meeting the customer requirements (Oakland 2003) is a reasonable definition of quality. Meeting the Customer s requirements is a tough challenge as the requirements of customer are like the water of a tide; it s likely to change at any point of time. So identifying the expectations of the customer and performing service in accordance to it is a task that requires great skill. But at the end of the day if customer s expectation is met and the customer is satisfied with the product, we could say that quality has been achieved. For example; A Customer wanting a house to be built for him had come to my uncle s construction company. Based on his expectations and the trend that was in style during that time, our civil engineers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Explaining my plans to the guide helped me get constructive ideas from him. It also helped me understand the priorities of my project better and define it clearly. The second type of communication in this scenario is operational communication. This involves communicating about the progress of the project; passing information about its development and if there are any changes in priorities. During this stage, my customer (guide) was regularly informed about my progress. He would then suggest particulars that increased the overall quality of my work and made it a better product. Through such communication, my project was successfully completed on time in the way my guide preferred. Excellent communication had become my key to increased quality, which in turn taught me how vital it was for the success of any given project. Reference: Jussi Aromaki, 2011, Tips for successful communication with suppliers, ICT Standard Forum, , accessed 30 August 2013 Topic 3: All employees must be committed to quality in order for an organisation to achieve sustained improvement (Oakland 2003) Quality work and commitment from every single employee plays an important role in the growth of the company. An Organisation being well managed or having a constant improvement is the result of each and every employee attaining the quality level. On the other hand, lack of commitment from an individual employee could actually disturb the proper functioning of an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Financial Crisis Of 2008 The world before the financial crisis of 2008 had stability. Iceland in 2000 was viewed as the perfect place to live and have your family grow. Iceland had clean energy, high standard of living, jobs, and low government debt. Iceland was a place were children played and parents laughed and enjoyed their life. Everyone lived well; Iceland was the role model of finance, until it all melted away. Iceland let giant corporations come into its territory and exploit its geothermal and hydroelectric resources and its banks became so large to where their banks became larger than their economy, impossible to bail out. The banks became unruly where the people even supposed to regulate the bank one third of them worked for the bank. The cause of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This created a toxic situation where people took out a mortgage loan, with a high rate, could not pay it back creating a bubble to where the investment banks had no one else to lend to, and needed to be bailed out. Banks became rich and borrowed heavily to create more loans to create more short term money that became the big investment banks bonuses. This created a global panzi scheme. The problem is deregulation. The definition of deregulation is the elimination of government power with in an industry. In this case banks and financial institutions of the world. Deregulation could be seen as greed, big corporations, monopolies, where the rich get richer. Deregulation is the cause of the financial crisis of 2008. Deregulation means no one is watching over the banks and CEO is saying no and stopping the gambling of people s savings. The 2008 economy got to the point of a financial crisis due to speculation of savings, investor banks went public and in turn turned Wall Street became rich. Financial deregulation made for risky investments and looting companies. An example of this is the merger of two big insurance companies Travelers and Citigroup in the 1990 has violated the Glass Stele Act, but was ignored for a whole year by the SEC. The SEC is the Securities and Exchange Commission ho are supposed to be monitoring and making sure big corporations like this do not monopolize. The Gramm Leach Bliley Act cleared the merger and the way for future large corporations to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Art Analysis Of Laughing Rembrandt Laughing Rembrandt on the canvas is a young person with huge jaw and shaved face. With the lined up upper teeth which are in sequent, he is in a cheerful position. Face lines limits the above area of month and crossing the edge of the noise, apprehends more than the physiological material world. The eyes are staring out like sensing the three dimensional living. Each one is directing to a different perspective As his head tilts, long sloppy hair is dancing in the air and the oscillation of the curved lines are stunning. It feels like the whole body is vibrating and the ups and downs of the laughter is painted with brush. Anti shock rigid vest which is glossier represents the high energy period of time during twenties. Lively brushwork on copper makes the artwork wonderfully luminous. 2. Analysis of Form: Thinner brush is used for sketching curve lines blending together which resonance with not stable emotional state during early adulthood. The focal point is his lips as they are painted in a warmer color. In addition to lips, the forehead and hair style are emphasized. Rembrandt deliberately has illustrated the lower value using shades. Regarding to the shining spot on his right upper corner of forehead, the color theme is a mixture of brown to grayer, using orange as a monochromatic color, is shadowed with respect to the light source. As an impressionist artist, he painted warm analogous color tends the viewer to advance. The painting is in biomorphic shape as it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Analysis of the Setting in August Wilson s Fences American Lit: Choices and Voices Helen Li October 18, 2017 The Setting in Fences Fences written by August Wilson was focused on the life of Troy Maxson, an African American full of harshness towards the society because of the barriers he had to face in life back in the 1950 s. The title Fences reflects the book s story and overall symbol. The setting is used as a frame to the message and metaphorical meaning of the book. Troy struggles to define his rights and responsibilities as a husband, brother, worker, friend and father through the complex symbolism of the settings. August Wilson uses the symbol of a fence in this book on different occasions. Throughout the play, Troy neglects building fences that Rose has reminded him to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Troy is not invisible, but he builds himself up to be. He kept saying that he could always hit a homerun off when playing a game when he was younger. Troy uses the idea of baseball to almost taunt death, daring the evil to fight him. Troy is characterized as seeing himself as unhuman and extremely powerful. Troy don t want to let death come with ease, and always uses his former baseball skill to try to show that he can beat death. Troy relates most of the components in his life to baseball, because he felt baseball makes him more comfortable. This is also the reason why he put the setting of baseball in the back of the yard, it is to remind him that he is strong enough to protect the family and himself, and reinforces his ego using his skill with baseball. The setting of a rundown house in a poor neighborhood gives the impression of their struggle to survive as African Americans. The shabbiness of the exterior suggests their low social status. A relatively recent addition to the house and running its full width, the porch lacks congruence. It is a sturdy porch with a flat roof. One or two chairs of dubious value sit at one end where the kitchen window opens on to the porch. An old fashioned ice box stands silent guard at the opposite end (Wilson, setting description). While the newly added porch may represent an attempt to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Pull Factors Of Human Trafficking In The United States The United States as well has provided monetary aid to foreign nations to further tackle the push factors of human trafficking. It has provided to aid other countries to raise awareness of the dangers of human trafficking, and provide them with professional training and education in order to identify and help victims of human trafficking. In India, there are roughly 200,000 children reportedly trafficked each year and forced into domestic servitude. Even though the Government is relatively involved in the monitoring of offenders and the investigating of human trafficking cases, the laws are not fully enforced. One of the reasons is because it is difficult for universal laws to work and be enforced in countries as large and regionally diverse as India. In South Africa, notorious as the main country used as a source, transit, and destination for trafficked persons. Many of these cases are women trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced into domestic servitude, although men are mostly trafficked for labor such as agricultural services, food service and street vending. Child sex tourism is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But it is important to remember that this is a Global phenomenon and it requires Global solutions. We ourselves must act to stop this crime that deprives countless human beings their life, dignity and human rights. Now there is one aspect of human trafficking that needs more attention, it is the rehabilitation of victims that have been rescued and liberated. These victims are in dire need of counseling, medical, psychological and housing assistance. If these victims were helpless before they were trafficked and exploited, their vulnerability after is most likely greater. Rehabilitation is not only crucial in order for them to recover from the physical and emotional trauma of trafficking but also to reduce the likelihood of being trafficked ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Cheer Descriptive Writing Cheer has taken an unexpected turn from real sport to arts and crafts as we prepare for homecoming. Glitter neatly rains down from Lauryn s hand onto a sign. Her concentration is as intense as the electric blue of her bow. For whatever reason, we are the only sport who is expected to waste our time to decorate the school and make signs for football players. I think it is a little creepy that we are expected to go to all the seniors homes and decorate their doors. But the other girls do not see it that way it is a source of much excitement so I am excited too. Sitting next to Lauryn, I am pushed along with the current of excited conversations and painting. Everything melts into one big noise and becomes quite like to sounds of a noisy forest, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Lakota Woman Essay Lakota Woman The book Lakota Woman, is an autobiography that depicts Mary Crow Dog and Indians Lives. Because I only had a limited knowledge on Indians, the book was full of surprising incidents. Moreover, she starts out her story by describing how her Indian friends died in miserable and unjustifiable ways. After reading first few pages, I was able to tell that Indians were mistreated in the same manners as African Americans by whites. The only facts that make it look worse are, Indians got their land stolen and prejudice and inequality for them still exists. Just like other Indian kids on reservation, Crow Dog s childhood was poor in everyway; didn t have enough food, clothes, education, and parents love. She was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Crow Dog tried to fight against the school system and published newspapers, explaining how school is treating them like slaves. She quit school but she somehow managed to get her diploma. Despite the fact that she earned her diploma, Crow Dog was living aimlessly; drinking, drugs, stealing, and running away from home. Many Indians spend their ADC check on those things because of the given situation they are in. However, not every Indian spends the day boozed and stoned; like people of AIM are trying to fight against the wrong system. She joins AIM where she finds Indians, living their lives to the fullest to fight for their right. AIM changed her life in two big ways; she learned to fight not only for herself but also for her own people and met her husband Leonard Crow Dog. As an AIM person and Indian, she participates in many Indian activities such as BIA take over, the siege at Wounded Knee, and many peyote meetings. She fights against dictator at Pine Ridge, which leads her and AIM people to Wounded Knee where they stayed and fought for 71days. With very limited food and weapon, they lasted 71 days with their spiritual strength. Peyote meetings and Ghost dance are good examples that show Indians are very spiritual people. Despite all the double standard they have faced all their lives, Indians survived and fought strong for their rights. Even though prejudice ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Cultural Uniformity In The Twentieth Century In the early twentieth century, the United States was quickly evolving to become a nation of prestige on the global stage. Yet the young nation lagged in cultural uniformity which its counterparts in Europe had been developing since the birth of the first European kingdoms. The progression in cultural philosophy further evolved with significant cultural movements such as Humanism and the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Romanticism then Realism, and then the twentieth century s Modernism. The United States did witness the effects of these movements but their effects lagged in significance because of the great social divide the nation faced and still faces. The nation is home to a bountiful population that lacks cultural uniformity because of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DuBois and Alfred Rosenberg both touch upon the racial issues in the conflicting rural and urban communities, in their pieces Of Work and Wealth and Myth of the Twentieth Century respectively. DuBois writes about the East St. Louis Race Riot of 1917 that was a result of black workers replacing white workers that were unionizing and protesting. DuBois expresses how the race institutions and disfranchisement promote racial tensions that unilaterally destroy any sense of cultural unity in the Middle West and throughout the nation. Mr. DuBois encourages the blacks to not give back because they were guaranteed the same rights after the Civil War and that the disenfranchisement through local laws such as those of Jim Crow would serve as a lesson to the nation. He states at the end of his piece about the riots that the American Negroes stand today as the greatest strategic group in the world. Their services are indispensable, their temper and character are fine, and their souls have seen a vision more beautiful than any other mass of workers. They may win back culture to the world if their strength can be used with the forces of the world that make for justice and not against the hidden hates that fight for barbarism, expressing that what they stand for may serve as morale for the world and that life in the urban centers during this period tended to be full of chaos and cultural ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Cultural Trends In Fashion Trends in the fashion world are greatly influenced by social cultural changes. Social change deals with any big change over time in behavior patterns and in cultural values. Fashion and clothing is more than just what we wear but the way we choose to live our lives which relates back to culture. There are three key sources in trends for fashion, high culture, pop culture, and low culture. High culture is mainly about the visual kinds of art. Visual arts can range anywhere from paintings to architecture and design. A designer is able to take note on a piece of art that inspires him or her to incorporate into their clothing designs. Pop culture is highly influenced by celebrities who spend most of their everyday lives in the mainstream. Pop culture influences the way we look. For example, TV shows that dress the cast very fashionably such as the show, that was popular in the 80 s Dynasty to the 90 s into the year 2004 the show Sex in the City, everyone wanted to dress like the protagonist in those popular TV series. Subculture is local street movements such as hip hop and graffiti. Subculture is mainly seen in surf and skateboard culture from the 70 s up until today. If culture can influence the paintings we paint and the clothes that we wear, then it certainly does have an impact on the poems we write. Poetry is an art form in which human language is used for its aesthetic qualities. Poems are often written based on something a poem has dealt with or has overcome in their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Factors That Led To The Fall Of The Roman Republic Three ideals and traditions of the Roman Republic, lust for power, greed, and loyalty, each contributed to the collapse of the Republic. Desire for power played a major role in the collapse of the Republic because Caesar, the man who arguably began the Republic s downfall, marched on Rome because he wanted power. The second ideal that led to the Republic s collapse was greed and the power of money, for example bribing officials in Rome, Crassus shocking alliance with Caesar, and Pompey s strategy to fight Caesar during the first civil war. The last ideal that aided the downfall of the Republic was loyalty, specifically citizens loyalty to political leaders or military generals, loyalty between generals and their veterans, and loyalty between political leaders. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before the collapse of the Republic, Sulla, a roman patrician, declared himself dictator and used proscription lists, a list of people posted in the forum who were declared enemies of the state, to maintain his power. This example shows how lust for power was inherent and already destructive in the Republic, prior to its collapse. Similar to lust for power, greed could be found within the Republic before its collapse. For example, patricians, aristocrats, would buy farmland from plebeians who were serving in the army, and they used the land to increase their wealth. Lastly, loyalty was viewed as an important aspect of the Republic, specifically loyalty to politicians, family, and the Republic s beliefs. Most Roman households had some allegiance to a certain politician and would support that politician despite their own personal beliefs. These three ideals of the Republic were established and followed long before the collapse of the Republic, and all three grew into destructive forces that caused the collapse of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Cultural Changes In The Workplace When you work in a hospital, many different culture shifts happen week by week, even one day to the next. This makes it hard for a change of culture to manifest but one change the hospital has made, manifested perfectly. At our hospital there use to be a no scrub policy, meaning you could wear any type of scrub color you wanted to. As time went on this made things very hard on patients and managers, to realize what department the employee was under and what their job title was. The hospital as a whole came up with the great idea of color coding each department with a specific color. This made things a lot easier on patients and managers. Not only did they enjoy it but the employees loved it because it gave them a sense of empowerment, that people knew what department they were from and what their job title was. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I think it is best to describe in the two minute video when Jon Katzenbach said, When an organization is at its best a corporation is going to energize their employees and it s going to make people feel good, about what they do to advance the strategic operations of the company. Jon also said when this happens, it s really an emotional energizer that you can t get anywhere else. I agree with Jon on this because he attacks the behaviors before attacking the culture. That is why I think the above example about the scrubs is a perfect example. The hospital not only attack a culture with change but they first and more importantly attack an emotional commitment to the employee and in doing so this made the culture change energized and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...