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007 Essay Example Colleg
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007 Essay Example Colleg 007 Essay Example Colleg
Best Leaders For Rome in the Play, Julius Ceasar
Unlike the common view of leaders, the potential leaders of Julius Caesar are not necessarily nice or
giving. However, sometimes that is necessary. In the play Julius Caesar, a long tale of leadership
shows the true qualities of the greatest leaders. Where the reader finds themselves started is at the
point which Antony and Caesar, the overconfident leader of Rome, are discussing people around them.
This discussion boils to a point in which Antony and Caesar discuss the possibility of Cassius being a
threat to Caesar. Later, readers find Cassius is indeed a threat, as he and multiple others, including
Brutus, stab Caesar to death. Antony then brings Caesar s body to the multitude, and with a great
speech inspires a hatred for those who wrongfully stabbed him. At the next point Antony is seen, he
and Octavius are the new rulers of Rome. These two comrades go and finally eliminate the last of the
traitors, Cassius and Brutus, in a battle that cements the two as the new leaders of Rome. Throughout
all these actions, one man particularly showed that he should control the Roman Empire. Antony was
created to be Rome s leader in Julius Caesar, where William Shakespeare gave him inspirational
abilities, persuasiveness, and fearlessness which are unparalleled. When Antony is heard speaking to
the crowd, it was rather clear that he could inspire large groups of people to take action with a startling
eloquence given to him. A person that can inspire will very often be a better leader
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Dyslexia And Reading
As I read these quotes, I remembered previously hearing the quote by Angela Carter. The remainder of
the quote helps to explain it even more. Although, I have to admit I m not a huge reader. Growing up
with a learning disability and dyslexia, that was not clinically diagnosed until much later; I was always
told by teachers, counselors, and specialists to just read more. As if reading more would be a magical
cure for all of my issues. Only my parents knew exactly what I was struggling with and how difficult
reading was for me. I think between my struggles and their blaming my disabilities on my not reading
enough, I was turned off from reading. I have and still read for assignments but rarely any pleasure
reading, simply because it
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Similarities Between Hitch And Along Came Polly
Romantic Comedies: Hitch vs. Along Came Polly In 2004, John Hamburg directed a movie named
Along Came Polly , a romantic comedy about betrayal and love. A year later Andy Tennant conducted
Hitch , a movie based on men attracting the opposite sex. Both films take place in New York and
illustrate the emotional and physical traits the main characters experience on an everyday life. In the
movie Hitch Alex Hitchens is a sentimental advisor, and he teaches clients how to date the woman
they fell in love with. On the other hand, Reuben Feffer finds the love of his life after being cheated on
by his previous bride. The films have differences such as the main characters careers and their
personalities. Yet, it also has similarities for example, Reuben and Alex has food allergies. In Along
Came Polly Reuben is a professional risk analyst at an insurance company. His job consisted of
analyzing and determining instability to help clients make financial decisions. He has his whole life
planned and spends his time minimizing risk in order to avoid danger. In the movie Hitch , Alex is the
date doctor and tries to break down the wall of physical attraction between men and women. He meets
with men to help them be noticed by women not only for their appearance. ... Show more content on
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Reuben is considered boring, anxious, courageous, and intelligent with an industrious persona while
Alex is affectionate, charismatic, creative, extroverted, and a reliable individual. Alex knows how to
approach women without freaking out or making a fool of himself. Reuben, on the other hand, doubts
himself and has a trouble sweet talking the ladies. He is mellow kind of lay back type of guy and lacks
creativity towards women. Now Alex is easy going spontaneous knows exactly what to say and when.
His nickname is the date doctor , which means he is comfortable meeting new women and being
smooth and
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One Solution to Global Overfishing Analysis
The first thing that comes to one s mind when fish is mentioned is usually, smelly, nasty, or to some,
delicious. In a nutritional aspect, fish is a top priority in a diet because of the protein that it has. Many
people fish for food, or just for leisure. Overfishing mainly started in the 19th century, when humans
started looking for blubber for oil lamps, which they used for light during the night. When humans
started overfishing for the whale blubber it severely reduced and damaged the whole population of the
sea life. In the fish population, many fish such as the Atlantic cod and herring were overfished to the
point where they almost went extinct by the mid 1900 s. The depletion of the fish population disrupted
the aquatic food ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There have been many incidents where innocent lifeguards and individuals have been attacked by
sharks and other dangerous fish while spending time in waters. The overfishing of the shark s prey has
causes this. This is a very dangerous issue as it may take many lives away for nothing.
Another major cause is the subsides provided to fishermen from the government. Despite the depleted
state of the oceans, many governments provide major subsidies to their fishing sectors. According to
The Webster Merriam Dictionary, a subsidy is money that is paid usually by a government to keep the
price of a product or service low or to help a business or organization to continue to function.
Subsidies not only distort markets and support uneconomic activities, but also are a major incentive to
overfishing and other destructive fishing practices. These large subsidies have helped produce a
worldwide fishing fleet that is up to 250 percent larger than what is needed to fish at sustainable levels
(Fisheries Subsidies, Overcapacity and Overfishing, 2008). Some subsidies support beneficial
programs, such as management and research for overfishing. However, the majority of subsidies
influence the increase and intensity of overfishing. These subsidies include those that reduce costs or
enhance revenues and promote overcapacity, such as support for boat construction and modernization,
fuel, equipment, and other operating costs (EcoWatch, 2011). Another
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The And Christianity Of Christianity
Courage and Christianity Christianity is one of the worlds most recognizable religions today. With
every major religion, a struggle has to be overcome in order to be successful. Over a period of
hundreds of years, Christianity spread through the Roman empire. The spreading of Christianity was
not an easy task but a terrifying task that took the brave to conquer. Although several powerful rulers
were important in spreading Christianity in Ancient Rome, it would not have taken root if not for its
appeal among the slaves and the lower class.
Jesus, a Jewish prophet and teacher, taught during the reign of Augustus that he was the son of God.
Jesus message told that he was sent into the world to deliver the people from their sins. Jesus s
disciples spreaded his word and helped him gain many followers. Many disciples believed that a final
judgement day was near at hand, on which God would reward the righteous with immortality and
condemn sinners into everlasting hell, (Guisepi 1). The thought of eternal paradise in Heaven gave
especially the poor hope. People who were living in poverty and slavery could only dream of a life
filled with relaxation and luxury. Jesus gave everyone faith that whoever believes in him would be
rewarded with eternal paradise in Heaven. As Jesus followers grew, Jewish officials became filled
with rage. Jesus claimed to be the the son of God, a claim they thought to be blasphemy. Jesus
associated with the poor who were considered sinners. Many
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Weapons of the First World War
Research Overview of WW1 Weapons During World War I many new kinds of weapons and
technology were invented and improved. Some of these weapons included tanks, chemical and
biochemical weapons, grenades, and machine guns. Chemical Warfare was used for the first time on a
large scale in World War I. There are two main types of chemical warfare, one affects the surface of
the body they come in contact with and the other affects the nervous system. Almost all chemical
warfare weapons needed to be inhaled to cause severe damage or death. Chemicals that caused
neurological damage acted by blocking the transmission of nerve messages throughout the body, these
types of chemicals included tabun, soman, sarin, and VX ( Chemical and Biological ... Show more
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Chemicals that attack the nervous system are very powerful and can cause death within minutes of
inhalation. Nerve agents work by blocking the transmission of nerve messages within the body (
Chemical and Biological Warfare ). A single drop of nerve agent can shut down the entire body s
nervous system in a few minutes ( Chemical and Biological Warfare ). Tanks were first used in combat
in September of 1916 by the British ( The WW1 Tank ). When tanks were first created they were
basically an armored car with a track instead of tires for easier off road use. The first prototypes of
tanks were very flawed and would take a lot of improvements to become what they are today. They
were not well adapted to moving over uneven muddy battle fields so the tanks were easily bogged
down by mud and sometimes got completely stuck. Tanks were not only effective by their protective
properties but also had a scare factor towards the beginning of the war since they were new and the
German army had not experienced them in battle before. View slits were one of the main problems
with the first tanks. For one they were too small to be able to effectively see anything out of them
while the tank was moving. And the slits were targets for enemy gunshot.
The name tank came from the British, they shipped the parts for tanks in crates marked tanks to try
and disguise what was
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Herman Miller. Essay
Herman Miller: Role Model in Employee and Environmental Relations
Case Summary and Questions for debate
The company had been a model for almost 70 years until the 1990 s
Used as example of superb employee relations in business text books like o A Passion for Excellence o
The 100 Best Companies to Work For in America
Interesting point of how the founder named the company after his father in law, giving honor to him
who supported the business both in financial start up and via family
The DuPree family maintained a paternalistic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
sp; Exceeded Clean Air Act requirement with ethically correct machines built to incinerate 98% of the
toxic solvents from the staining of wood
Herman Miller Case Study
Herman Miller profits over $40 million in the 1980 s
First loss recorded in 1992 of $3.5 million
By 1995, a $1 million company, yet profits down to $4.3 million
Major competitor Hon Industries reports steady profit increases
Net income as percent of revenue declined steadily to .4% in 1995
Hon Industries percent of revenues two to three times better in 90 s
Decline in market of office furniture basic shift in demand / technology
Stock unchanged from 1985 to 1995
Increased competition from Office Depot and Office Max
J Kermit Campbell name first outsider CEO in 1992
Max DePree retires and Campbell takes chairman position in 1995
survival more important than preserving reputation of pristine employee relations
Quick and severe changes made o Top executives fired
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Inca And Mayas Research Paper
Incas and Mayas By:Hunter Mangine
Imagine you re living with an ancient tribe called the Mayas. When you were in school all they taught
you about was hunting and farming. But you were an open minded kid, so you ran as far away as you
could from the village one day. When you were on the trail out of nowhere an Incan officer grabbed
your arm and dragged you up a mountain. When you arrived at the top of the mountain they tied ropes
to hold you down! You were scared half to death and then you woke up in an instant and you were
covered in sweat. Breathing in and out fastly you thought to yourself I m glad that wasn t real!.
Who are the Mayas and Incas:
The Maya Empire, centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala, ... Show more content
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Inti, the god of sun was another important god. Officially, the Inca ruler or Sapa Inca was the Son of
the Sun, a direct descendent of the sun god, and when he died he returned to the sun. The largest Inca
religious event each year was the multi day Inti Raymi festival. During the Inti Raymi festival (which
is still held today)all the people of Cuzco lined up according to their tribe or lineage. Dressed in their
finest clothes they passed the days giving thanks to their creator, and they feasted on food that had
been provided by the sapa inca and local priests. I ve always wondered what it would be like to have
such a variety of
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An Organizing Framework For Interprofessional Global...
An Organizing Framework for Interprofessional Global Health Education
Author Name, University Affiliation, Country
G lobal health is an extremely complex ... area of study, research and practice that places a priority on
improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Global health emphasizes
transnational health issues, determinants and solutions; involves many disciplines within and beyond
the health sciences and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration; and is a synthesis of population based
prevention with individual level care (Koplan et al. 2009, 3). Beaglehole and Bonita (2010) proposed
that global health is a collaborative trans national research and action for promoting health for all. ...
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During an intercultural teaching experience in Japan in 2004 to 2005, the author had previous
experience in developing and teaching an international nursing course. These experiences provided
insight into the complexity of global health and the need to bring disparate but related concepts into a
meaningful whole. Redwood Campbell et al. (2011) described an organizing framework for global
health curricula in family medicine. The aim was to identify and incorporate key educational elements
to achieve desired global health education outcomes. Although the framework guides the curriculum
for family medicine, an expanded framework is needed with an interprofessional focus. The purpose
of this paper is to (a) present an organizing framework for interprofessional global health
courses/curricula, (b) describe the primary and secondary characteristics that are distinct to global
health , and (c) discuss how the primary and secondary characteristics are reflected in the organizing
The Organizing Framework
Recently, there have been recommendations for the incorporation of systems thinking into global
health. Russell et al. (2014) contended that systems thinking offers the principles and methods
necessary to address existing and future health challenges in global health. Thus, there is justification
for using open systems theory as the basis for the organizing framework which consists of input,
process, output, and a feedback loop. The concepts in
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Trauma And Trauma
Trauma can shake an individual or academic system to its very core, and school psychologists have a
unique opportunity to mitigate many of trauma s negative effects through education, prevention, and
advocacy. The personal and professional role they play in providing services can help foster individual
and community resiliency, while furthering the psychological field to develop effective intervention
frameworks. The National Childhood Survey of Children s Heath Survey (NCSCHS) reported 40,992
youth had at least one adverse childhood experience. The survey classified an adverse childhood
experience as socioeconomic hardship, divorce/separation of parent, death of parent, parent served
time in jail, witness to domestic violence, victim of neighborhood ... Show more content on
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McConnico et al (2016) stress the need for reflective practice for professionals to prevent secondary
trauma and burnout. They describe it as the need to be honest and authentic about the thought, beliefs,
and assumptions that influence practice and the relationships they have with their children and
families. Aucott and Soni (2016) reported there was an increase of anxiety and depressive symptoms
by staff who participated in a Critical Incident Stress debriefing after a traumatic incident in their
school. Further research on this topic can include ways to implement mindfulness, identify burnout
warning signs, and study the longer term impacts on school staff after a traumatic incident
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Care and Maintenance for Painted Concrete Walls
A concrete wall is like an empty canvas. You have the opportunity to transform it into a beautiful work
of art.
When you think of concrete walls, what typically comes to mind are images of plain, grey and drab
looking surfaces. But when you add colour to the equation, the walls will look far from dull or boring.
Painting your concrete walls can freshen up the look and add a bit of interest to your home. A coloured
concrete wall will make your house more beautiful and inviting. It will not only enhance the aesthetics
of your home, but also improve the value of your property.
Here at Pridal Services, our expert house painters in Adelaide excel in what they do. Every home we
paint is treated with the care and professionalism that we would expect in our own homes.
We aim to help homeowners create beautiful dwellings (that they can be proud of). In line with that
commitment, we give you these useful home improvement tips. Read on and learn how to care for and
maintain painted or coloured concrete walls to keep it in excellent condition.
Clean Keeping painted concrete walls clean is fairly simple as long as no stubborn dirt or grime has
clung to the surface. Simple practices such as sweeping off dust, leaves or grass, and removing spills
from surfaces should be done regularly. Using water, non metallic scrub or brush and a dishwashing
liquid is often enough to keep it clean. Also avoid using solvent or chlorine based cleaners as these
may cause the colours to fade.
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Discrimination Among The Homeless Essay
From the wise words of Nelson Mandela No one is born hating another person, for love comes more
naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Discrimination is an on going controversial issue, which
can range from status of class, based on gender, color of one s skin, and almost every group there is
Across America, we re all classified by at least a category, and social class happens to be one of them.
The homeless, being the lowest class is often looked down on. According to preliminary figures by the
National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH), in 2013, homeless Americans experienced a 23%
increase in violence compared with the year before. Hate crimes are common among the homeless,
especially in Florida according to, Huffington post. Cousins Jose Llano Xolo, 14, and Juan Xolo
Merlin, 17 was using self defense when they put a homeless man in a chokehold and stabbed him with
a pen. In Seattle of March 15, two off duty firefighters and a female companion attacked a homeless
man sleeping on a memorial. Love, smiles and hope are the positivity I want to be spreading like
giving change to the homeless for example, instead of discrimination, which is harsh. Nearly half of
families in the US live below 250% of the federal poverty level based on the Hamilton Project. One
mistake, even a penny short can lead people into poverty, even a dollar can literally mean a lottery
win, because every bit counts, it s either life or death.
Discrimination against women is
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Anheuser Busch Case Study on Csr
Anheuser Busch
Corporate Social Responsibility in marketing and advertising
The area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a constantly evolving field with direct impact on
an organizations strategies and success, and it has become an important part of how the beer making
industry promotes and advertises itself. Current portrayals of corporate social responsibility in the beer
making industry are misleading and do not show the true nature of these practices. Relatively little
research has been conducted on how the beer making industry promotes corporate social responsibility
in their attempt to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The advantages of conducting responsible advertising for us as a society aren t hard to imagine or
even define, but as of now, there are no published outlines to define what constitutes responsible
advertising, and the deficit of such a definition makes it harder for stakeholders to discern what is and
isn t considered acceptable in regards to responsible advertising. (M.Hyman)
Anheuser Busch took a step into the direction of promoting their responsibility campaign by launching
their Budweiser Designate a Driver Blimp campaign . This campaign was the first ever blimp to be
flown in the United States that advertises social responsibility to drinking, but essentially, the blimp is
a big floating billboard sign. It is intended to be flown over various venues and sporting events across
the U.S. to advocate the safe and responsible use of alcohol, but Anheuser Busch clearly understands
the role of advertising to their overall success. Anheuser Busch clearly maintains and advertises an
advocacy of responsible drinking, but is that that the underlying message? When it comes to
advertising, they maintain a strong stance to ensure they do not depict situations where beer is being
consumed excessively, but they also make strong statements and push to promote
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Janet Turner Case Summary
I. Background and Purpose In August, 1985, Janet Turner, an employee of Hershey Chocolate USA,
started working at the Hershey s Reading, Pennsylvania plant. Turner worked as a custodian and in
several production capacities. During her time working at Hershey, she was diagnosed with several
medical problems, including post laminectomy pain syndrome, fused cervical discs, thoracic outlet
syndrome, and cervical radiculopathy. (Turner vs Hershey, 2006) Following her several surgeries,
Turner returned back to work in 1999 as a shaker table inspector for a York peppermint patty line.
Hershey made several accommodations due to her new work restrictions. This new job was said to be
a light duty position. Turner was assigned to work on line 7, which was the line that was required to
stand and repeatedly bend and twist to sort different size mint patties moving down the conveyor.
(Turner vs Hershey, 2006) After two days of returning back to work, Turner made further complaints
to her immediate supervisor, Steve Heimbach. She complained that the work ... Show more content on
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In this instance, Hershey does not question that Turner was diagnosed with a disability, but they do
assert that Turner did not suffer a negative employment action as a result of her classified disability.
The analytical focus is on whether Turner is a qualified individual. In this situation, neither party
disputes that Turner satisfies that she is qualified to perform her job. Both parties also acknowledge
that Turner was unable to return to her original work position as a shaker table inspector without
reasonable accommodations. The sole question that is being considered is whether Turner could
participate in the rotation system if she were given reasonable
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Psychographic Segmentation Of Pizza Hut
The history of Pizza hut began in 1958, when what is now the world s largest pizza franchise was
born. Pizza Hut is the world s largest pizza restaurant chain and is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc.,
whose restaurants total approximately 34,000 restaurants.
The whole history of pizza hut has been achieved through innovation, but the history of pizza hut
really took off with amalgamation into the Pepsi Company and more aggressive marketing techniques
especially in the take out market.It was founded in 1958 by Dan and Frank Carney. Their friend
suggested opening a pizza parlor they agreed with the idea that it could prove successful, so that they
borrowed $600 form their mother to start a business. At that time the original Pizza hut was at ... Show
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Butthey go wide in this thing. They segment high incomes and business class families which can
spend money on the best pizzas in the market. Pizza Hut s global slogan is also describing its market
segmentation that is
Now it s time to eat more
. But in Morocco, the slogan is
Share the good times
. Main age group is 12 30 years. and they also offer Halal food to all its customers as it is located in
Islamic country.
Pizza Hut s psychographic segmentation also called lifestyle segmentation Pizza Hut hasdivided the
market into different groups based on social class, life style or personality characteristics
Pizza Hut s behavioural segment is the class where people love to spend money on eating. That s why
in Morocco, Pizza Hut Ana Road Casablanca is the second largest outlet of the pizza hut outlets in
north Africa generating more than $90,000 a month.
Targeting of pizza hut
Target Marketing:
Pizza hut have target the families who like to go out for dinner once in a week.
They also target teenagers of school Characteristics Products Demographic Geographical Economic
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A Number Of Studies And Researches Showing The Improvement...
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW A number of studies and researches showing the improvement
in LEACH protocol of Wireless Sensor Networks. 2.1 Literature Review Heinzelman et al. (2000) [1]
Based on their findings that the conventional protocols of direct transmission, minimum transmission
energy, multihop routing, and static clustering may not be optimal for sensor networks, proposed
LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), a clustering based protocol that utilizes
randomized rotation of local cluster base stations(cluster heads) to evenly distribute the energy load
among the sensors in the network. LEACH uses localized coordination to enable scalability ... Show
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Energy LEACH protocol improves the choice method of cluster head and multihop LEACH protocol
improves communication mode from single hop to multi hop between cluster head and sink. Chen et
al. (2007) [5]proposed a novel clustering associating algorithm, known as Energy Residue Aware
(ERA)clustering algorithm, to prolong the lifetime of a sensor network by balancing the energy
consumption of the entire network.ERA enables each sensor to associate its cluster head to find a path
with maximum energy residue sum instead of a path with the minimum energy consumption as many
energy efficient routing protocols have been proposed in sensor networks for different scenarios and
various applications in literature. One of the efficient way is to group sensors in the neighbouring into
clusters and send aggregate data by a designated cluster head. However, such design discipline still
can not balance the energy consumption of the entire network. As such, in worst cases, some nodes
may be soon exhausted. Consequently, it is difficult to provide effective operation and seamless
coverage in such a network. Cheng et al.(2008) [6] proposed an energy efficient, weighted clustering
algorithm which improves the cluster formation process of LEACH by taking residual energy mutual
position, workload balance and MAC functioning into consideration.WSN is extremely energy
limited, the traditional network routing protocols are not suitable to it. Energy conservation becomes a
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The Plague Of Hannibal Analysis
The Pursue
It was a foggy, mysterious, and colorless fall day. The year was 247 B.C.E and we were all the same.
We only saw the colors they wanted us to see. We had to be precise with our words and could never
lies, and were only given specific memories. We were instructed to be basic with our feeling. We were
told that we couldn t be anyone else or thing then Carthingings. The only thing we know to feel was
hatred. From a young age we were told to hate Rome and Romans and nothing else. At that moment
we had the great Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca who was fighting Rome in the first punic wars.
His son, Hannibal, was born that year and was destined for greatness as foretold by a fortune teller..
Hannibal was born in Carthage which is now a days known as Tunisia, a cursed land upon all those
who have Roman blood in their veins. Sence of his father s high place he was giving the privilege of
all the gifts without being pursued. He was able to feel love,emotions, and have feeling. To be able to
see all the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once they got married he decided to make peace with the revenge and hatred that filled his soul and
not fight a humongous war against Rome. All the soldiers and even his own brother, Hasdrubal
became very furious and irritated with him. No one understood the place where he came from because
they did not have the gifts he did. Hannibal relied on his only brother Hasdrubal to understand him
because he also had the gifts and help defend Hannibal but he also turned his back against him in rage.
One day, while staying at his wife s palace, Hannibal heard the new that his brother and his two
legions attacked Rome in Zama, Hasdrubal was killed by Scipio. After the death of his brother,
Hannibal once again was re ignited with hatred and was determined more than ever to bring Rome
down to it s
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The Natural Development Of Banana Ripening Essay
Introduction Banana ripening is characterized as the process in which starch breaks down into sugar,
acid is neutralized, aromatic compounds are formed from larger organic molecules, softening occurs
due to a decrease in pectin concentration, and, finally, a change in color from the loss of chlorophyll
and its green pigment. This natural development is due to a single organic gas: ethylene. As this
hydrocarbon is produced by the fruit various enzymes are produced, catalyzing the previously stated
reactions and ripening the banana.1 Qualitatively, banana ripening can be measured by the color of the
peel, degree of hardness, and aromatic properties for this is an indicator of the level of ethylene
exposure and state of ripeness A banana unexposed to a significant amount of ethylene has a green
peel. This is due to the high concentration of chlorophyll; however, as this banana comes in contact
with more ethylene enzymes break down chlorophyll into other various compounds (carotenoids,
anthocyanin, etc.) with different pigments.2 Likewise, as ripening continues, pectin is broken down by
pectinase, softening the banana. Finally, banana ripeness can be determined by the aroma, for an
unripe banana is lacking the fragrant esters associated with a banana that has been exposed to
sufficient amounts of ethylene.1 These methods are general recognized as reliable indicators of banana
maturity; however, scientific analysis can also be conducted on the banana to determine the degree of
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Essay about Gender and Race During the U.S. Occupation of...
The Fifteen Year War was a time of great turmoil and uncertainty in Japan. Various facets of the
country were tested and driven to their limits. During the occupation, race and gender began to evolve
in ways that had not exactly be seen before. War had a tremendous impact on every part of the life of a
Japanese citizen. Both men and women began to fill roles that were completely novel to them. Race
became a part of the definition of who people were. As the war progressed and American troops
landed on Japanese soil for occupation, more drastic changes occurred. Economic hardship and rations
befell the people of the Land of the Rising Sun. Prostitution began to rear its ugly head and rape
transpired. Through memory, research, and vivid ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A prime example of this is Seita and Setsuko s female cousin. There are several mentions during a
portion of the film about her status as a worker. Her mother, Seita and Setsuko s aunt, believes it to be
patriotic and work toward the country and war effort. There is nobility in working for the war, in it as
a man of the military or on home soil as a woman. The aunt makes her opinion about this abundantly
clear; her critique is hard to ignore. Her grueling dogging of the main protagonists also is a critique of
gender roles. What she says is most often just as important as how she says it. Her tone is often
militant even in nature, again emphasizing the importance of the war. She is a motivator and a drill
sergeant. Japanese soil is as much a war zone as the places of actual war. Her role in the household is
scattered with masculine traits. Setsuko s and Seita s hiatus of habitation under their aunt s roof
enabled a sense of independence happiness not seen before for Seita and Setusko. For example, she
has Seita sell his mother s kimono for rice. Control of finances is a facet of the male gender role. Yet
she convinced Seita to sell the clothing with ease. In this is evidence that a woman with a set of
masculine role traits is worth more or possesses greater power than a feminized male. In the end
however, this double standard still exhibits a sense of inferiority for the female gender because a
woman must change from what
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1. How Does RNA Differ From DNA
1) How does RNA differ from DNA? According to the video, RNA is made of nucleotide building
block, but is a single stranded. DNA often exists as a double stranded molecule made of four building
blocks called nucleotides. RNA contains Uracil as DNA contains Thymine. DNA is most often used to
store genetic information, while RNA serves as a host of functions.
2) Name and discuss at least three things does RNA do in the cell, based on what you learned in the
video and the tutorials.
Based on what I ve learned in the video and the tutorials. RNA plays three major roles in the cell as
DNA photocopy (mRNA) as a coupler between the genetic code and the protein building blocks
(tRNA), and as a structural component of ribosomes (rRNA). RNA is much ... Show more content on
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There is much scientific debate about whether viruses are alive. Like living creatures, they carry genes
and evolve. They are unable to reproduce on their own and must infect living cells and hijack cellular
machinery such as ribosomes to copy themselves. Each virus is like a little tank that can blast a hole in
the outer cell wall and send its forces in. These intruders change the blueprints in the factory s
headquarters so the factory starts producing more viral tanks. It doesn t stop until it builds so many
tanks that the cell bursts right open. Most viruses are little more than genetic information DNA or
RNA inside a protein shell. They bind to a cell and inject their genetic code inside
9) How does RNA interference help scientists study genes?
Scientists can use the same basic mechanism of RNA interference to turn off one gene at a time and
study the effect on the cell and the organism. For example, turning off one gene may drain all the
pigment out of a purple flower. Another might prevent a plant from producing a toxic chemical,
making it safe to eat. Scientists have not yet determined whether human cells naturally fight viruses
with RNAi, but it is possible that one day we will be able to use RNAi to deactivate cancer causing
genes and genetic disorders.
10) In a paragraph, reflect on what you thought of the NOVA RNA Lab. You
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How African Americans Shaped America
African Americans blood run threw America veins, and all their hard work and sweat shaped America.
How African Americans shape America is the topic I enjoyed the most in African American literature
It first started when blacks can through the middle passage, civil rights, and reconstruction period.
African Americans had a significant impact in America history, and with all their hard work they
shaped America as it is today. The first subject that I would like to talk about is the Middle Passage. In
1619 Europeans start bringing africans was separated from their families and friends. They were
stripped naked and put on a boat, where they would be chain to people who would die days into the
trip. Some mothers would kill their kids and themselves,
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Goodbye Letter
I am writing to say goodbye. Goodbye for now, not for forever. I am fairly sure our paths will continue
to meet. Maybe someday I ll be more mature and better prepared for whatever comes my way, but I
cannot anymore handle the pain you have unknowingly caused me these past months Don t get me
wrong. You have made me very happy just by sharing yourself and your life with me. The memories
will stay in my heart forever. From the time we first started going out until now, you have unfailingly
shown me how it is to be really cared for and cherished. At the same time you have managed to keep
my feet on the ground, always reminding me that my life is my own and no one else s. I thank you for
that. You taught me how fully comprehend what real ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I know and I acknowledge that I am fully to blame for everything. I was forewarned, I knew what I
was getting myself into. But as the years and months passed, maybe the attachment grew stronger. My
appreciation of your companionship bred feelings and thoughts that couldn t control and are now the
cause of this pain. I thought you could shelter me forever that you would be careful that I wouldn t get
hurt. But carelessness on your end, and too much snooping at my end to be lethal. Remember making
joke about mending broken fences???it was not a joke for me. I saw it as an admission from you, one
which you didn t want to make but still did knowing that somehow you had make things right. I
appreciate your efforts at maintaining the status quo. I know it s very difficult, considering everything
that s been said and done, which is why I appreciate you all the more. Your constant remark about
things not having changed between us? In fairness to you, I admit that s true. Things haven t changed
in our relationship at all. The caring, our mutual respect for each other, helping each other out and
being there for each other....nothing has changed. And I know that if I decide to stay in relationship,
nothing will change and things will go on as they have before But I have changed. I am hurting and I
wasn t hurting before. I am becoming more critical of you and the things that you do and do not do. I
expect you to make up for everything that has
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John Donne s Metaphysical Poetry
John Donne s metaphysical poetry is where theology crosses with sexuality. The connection between
spiritual love and erotic love becomes apparent. Throughout his whole life Donne found love in
everything. In his early life his focus was on the love of women, and then it transitioned to the love of
his wife, and ultimately the love of God. His work defines the unity of these contrasting ideals in
every man and woman. Batter my Heart and The Ecstasy displayed the connection that can be found
between erotic love and divine love. There are also characteristics with each piece of Donne s work
that can be identified as crossovers from erotic and divine. Early in Donne s career his initial pieces of
literature were defined as his love poetry, while his later work was primarily his Holy Sonnets. It can
be perceived that through his love poetry Donne establishes his ideals on love. Through his writing of
The Ecstasy , Donne is able to relay his experiences of love and that love is experienced through the
body, soul, or both. His work emphasized that it can either be a religious or sensual experience. For
The Ecstasy Donne conveys a complex viewpoint towards erotic pleasure in comparison to the full
understanding of love. His poem urges the readers to rejuvenate their souls through a sensual
connection that results in ecstasy. This idea bashes the conventional idea of the time period that the
soul and body are separate; that sexual pleasure does not create a bond between the
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An Example Of Physical Abuse
Abuse is behaviour towards a person which deliberately or unintentionally causes harm to them. It is a
violation of an individual s human and civil rights and in the worst cases can result in death. There are
6 types of abuse: Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Financial Abuse Neglect
Discrimination Physical Abuse Physical Abuse is when someone physically causes you harm, this can
include things such as; hitting, kicking, pulling hair, pinching, scratching, shaking or (in a care related
situation), giving someone too much or not enough medicine. An example of physical abuse in care
setting is if you are to punch or kick someone intentionally to cause harm to them. Another example
would be a personal carer not giving an elderly person the correct amount of medicine at the right
times to cause harm. Sexual Abuse Sexual Abuse is when someone is making you do sexual things
and actions which might make you sad, angry or frightened. This includes things such as; being
touched when you do not want to be, being made to touch other people in ways you do not want to,
undressing or having sexual intercourse with someone when you do not want to, or being made to
watch or say sexual things when you do not want to. Sexual abuse is not always between strangers,
and can be between husband and wife, or two members of the family. An example of this is if a
boyfriend was to touch their girlfriend inappropriately and they did not want them to, or maybe the
girlfriend s
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Going Solo Roald Dahl Summary
Going Solo, Roald Dahl s memoir of his work in East Africa and his service in the RAF, covers the
buildup to World War II and his involvement in it. In the book mention is made of the Suez Canal. The
Suez Canal plays a large role in the memoir as an important place when he crossed to Africa. In 1854
Ferdinand de Lesseps, a French former diplomat, persuaded the Viceroy of Egypt to permit the
construction of a shipping canal through the 100 miles of desert between Africa and Asia. A
prospectus was circulated and on December 20, 1858 the Universal Company of the Suez Maritime
Canal was constituted. It was officially opened in November 1869 although the Suez Canal wasn t
officially completed. Its length is 193,30 km, including its northern and southern access channels.
However, the construction of this artificial waterway was expensive, it also let to a significant impact,
but tempted other countries to invade it.
The construction of the Suez Canal later causes problems, allowed the British government to buy
stakes owned by Egyptian in 1875. They were the major shareholders in the Suez Canal Company, ...
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The Suez crisis was provoked by an American and British decision not to finance Egypt s construction
stated by the editors of encyclopedia Britannica. Nasser reacted to them by declaring martial law in
the canal zone, predicting that the tolls collected from ships passing through the canal would pay for
the construction of the canal. British and France feared that Egypt would close the canal and stop the
trades. British and France holded secret discussions, how to recover the use of the canal, Israel would
invade Egypt and allow British and French forces to seize the Canal as an act of intervention between
warring nations. However, Israel lost the battle, and the freedom of the use of the canal the same way
as British and
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Question 1 Essay
 Question 1
0 out of 2 points
What are the odds of picking a g in the word Georgia?
Selected Answer:
Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
Success : Failure
 Question 2
2 out of 2 points
The odds that you will pick a heart from a standard deck of 52 cards is 13:39.
Selected Answer:
Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
Success : Failure
 Question 3
0 out of 2 points
The odds that you will pick a spade from a standard deck of 52 cards is 4:39.
Selected Answer:
Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
Success : Failure
 Question 4
2 out of 2 points
What is the probability of rolling a number less than or equal to 6 on a six sided die?
Selected Answer: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Selected Answer:
Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
P(A and B) = P(A) P(B following A)
 Question 18
2 out of 2 points
A bag has 2 green marbles, 3 red marbles, and 3 yellow marbles. What is the probability that you pick
a red marble, do not replace it, and pick yellow marble?
Selected Answer:
Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
P(A and B) = P(A) P(B following A)
 Question 19
0 out of 2 points
A bag of marbles has 5 green, 2 yellow, 8 red, and 3 purple marbles. What is the probability of picking
a red marble, not replacing it, and then picking another red marble?
Selected Answer:
Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
P(A and B) = P(A) P(B following A)
 Question 20
0 out of 3 points
Find the number of permutations of the first 8 letters of the alphabet taking 2 letters at a time.
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Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
Use the Binomial Theorem
 Question 21
0 out of 3 points
Find the number of permutations of the first 13 letter of the alphabet taking 4 letters at a time.
Selected Answer:
Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
Use the Binomial Theorem
 Question 22
3 out of 3 points
Find the number of permutations of the first 6 letters of the alphabet taking 4 letters at a time.
Selected Answer:
Correct Answer:
Response Feedback:
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Difference in Reactions of Sheila Birling and Her Father...
Difference in Reactions of Sheila Birling and Her Father in J.B. Priestley s An Inspector Calls
Coursework. Sheila Birling and her father react totally differently to the inspector. How far would the
audience agree? Author Birling I do agree that Sheila Birling and her father Author Birling react
differently to the inspector. This shows because when the inspector was talking to Author Birling, he
was very annoyed at the inspector and didn t want to listen to what he had to say, this shows when
Author says to the inspector Look here inspector, im half a mind to report you. I ve told you all I know
and it doesn t seem very important. When Author had said it doesn t seem very important ... Show
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Birling doesn t feel guilty at all about this case, because he doesn t care. This shows when he says
There s nothing mysterious scandalous about this business, at least im concerned it s happened more
then eighteen months ago nearly two years now, obviously it has nothing to do with the wretched girl
suicide. When he says wretched girl suicide this shows that he never really liked her at all and doesn t
wish to remember her. Birling doesn t think about the links she could have suffered before he had
sacked her. Even when Eric said He could of kept her instead of throwing her out, I call it tough luck.
Mr Birling didn t want to listen to what Eric as saying because Birling didn t want the blame for this at
all and also he didn t like complaints that other people had against him. When the inspector wants to
talk to Sheila, Mr Birling says Nothing to do with you Sheila, run along now! This shows that Birling
didn t want anyone else involved into this case and he didn t want to spoil the evening and wanted the
inspector to leave. Birling is different to Sheila because as Sheila finds out about Eva Smith she is
very upset and didn t know that a horrible thing could happen to a young girl. Sheila accepts what has
happened to Eva Smith and wants to find out more about her rather than Birling just wanting to give
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No Range Of The Third Era Tucson Hybrid Utility Vehicle
No range of the third era Tucson hybrid utility vehicle was left untouched by Hyundai engineers, yet
specific consideration was set on re designing the undercarriage for enhanced ride and taking care of,
and essentially, better NVH (clamor, vibration, and brutality) attributes.
As anyone might expect, the 2016 Tucson stage is bigger than the past generation s; notwithstanding,
builds centered around enhancing width and wheelbase for more noteworthy ride solace and straight
strength, as per Mike O Brien, Vice President, Corporate and Product Planning, Hyundai Motor
America (HMA).
We have a full lineup of CUVs, so having the greatest one in the portion is not the best since
individuals that up front investment this range of the business sector concentrate more on mobility and
stopping, O Brien said. So all things being equal we centered around getting the best width that we
could, at 72.8 in, furthermore the best wheelbase at 105.1 in, which gives a feeling of strength.
Contrasted with the 2015 model, the new Tucson is 1.1 in (27.9 mm) more extensive, with a 1.2 in
(30.5 mm) increment in wheelbase. The front and back shades were expanded in littler extent,
focusing a greater amount of the Tucson s mass inside the wheelbase for better taking care of reaction
and control. The CUV is 3 in (76 mm) longer by and large than the active model, at 176.2 in (4475
To empower the suspension refinements to be more compelling, Hyundai engineers concentrated on
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The Beginning Of The Great Recession
a. The Beginning of the Great Recession The definition of a recession is this: a significant decline in
general economic activity, typically involving two consecutive quarters of decline in gross domestic
product (GDP). In December of 2007, the American economy experienced an event of this nature the
Great Recession. This global financial crisis stemmed from what seemed like an isolated disturbance
within the subprime US housing market but transformed into a catastrophic event. The GR officially
ended in June of 2009. According to an article outlining an interview with David Wessel of The Wall
Street Journal, the task of defining a recession is, delegated to a small committee of academic
economists who are convened by... the National ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Macroeconomist Dean Baker argued: The central element in the current financial crisis is the housing
bubble. The irrational exuberance surrounding this bubble created an environment that was ripe for the
cowboy financing that got... the country into so much trouble. With encouragement from politically
influential persons to increase home ownership rates and the optimism that followed the yields on
government bonds, lenders and investors sought assets with even higher yields. The problem,
however, was the lack of credit worthy borrowers. To remedy this, lenders sought out those who
would not ordinarily meet typical credit standards within the sub prime (and non standard loans)
segment of the housing market. These subprime borrowers were considered profitable and were
viewed as the solution to the lenders search for higher yields. This, of course, was a much riskier tactic
and led banks to hide their questionable transactions. The actions on behalf of the banks, along with
their reckless behavior, resulted in the creation of the subprime US housing market and ultimately led
to the deterioration of the economy. II. Comparison and Contrast of Past Recessions Graph 1
Durations of US Recessions, 1929 2009 As shown by Graph 1, the eighteen month long Great
Recession was the lengthiest recession the United States had experienced
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English For Academic Purpose Essay
English for Academic Purpose (EAP) has become an expanding discipline in higher education
worldwide. Universities are center of intellectual gathering for international scholars. The
development of EAP is stimulated by the internationalization of higher education and increasing
number of international courses taught in university around the world as well as the students mobility
to universities around the world. In addition , foreign students contributes to the economy of Western
countries , as an evidence UK receives up to 80 billion British pounds during 2013 ( NEF consulting ,
It entails preparing students to use English for higher education and it is one of the most common
forms of English for Specific Purpose (ESP). According to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This focuses on the development of role by modeling to student how they can transfer the skills they
acquire in EGAP classes to enhance their understanding while reading the assigned textbooks ,
listening to lectures and writing essays. Defining EAP, it is highlighted that it refers to any English
teaching that relates to study purpose (Dudley Evans and St John 1998 highlighted that EAP is related
to teaching English communication skills in order to succeed study purpose and is primarily
concerned with communication skills required for studies . (ETIC 1975, as quoted in Jordan 1997: 1).
The role of the EAP tutor transcends the limited framework of language teaching, to involve
institutional awareness and a detailed knowledge of specialized discourse. An EAP tutor needs to
research and assist students in understanding and constructing texts in their disciplines and to actively
engage with the disciplines (Dudley Evans and St John 1998).
Johns and Price Machado, 2001classified ESP into two main areas namely English for Academic
Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational Purposes. ). This is shown in Figure 1 . Figure 1.
Classification of ESP Categories (Johns and Price Machado,
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Sainsburys objectives!
Sainsbury Plc
The company aim is to provide a world class service to customers by incorporating quality principles
with our everyday routine.
The company s objective is to discharge the responsibility as leaders in its trade by acting with
complete integrity, by carrying out its work to the public good and to the quality of life in the
community, to provide unrivalled value to its customers in the quality of the goods it sells, in the
competitiveness of its prices and in the range of choice it offers.
It aims in its stores, to achieve the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene, efficiency of
operation, convenience and customer service, and thereby create as attractive and friendly a shopping
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The products/services offered are a large supermarket, a wide range of food and non food e.g.
cd/video, books, pharmaceuticals, a cook shop, food includes: bakery, meat, fish produce, dairy,
frozen foods, tinned/packets, also a customer restaurant and a petrol station.
The location of the company is in Huddersfield adjacent to the ring road opposite The University of
Huddersfield and Oldgate House same side as Aspley Marina.
Reasons why the organisation is located in Calderdale/Kirklees are to provide a service to customers
within the geographical area and the suitable density of population.
Reasons for this specific site are because of excellent road links for distribution and particularly
customers, a good public transport system and land available for sale suitable for new store.
The production process is split into Inputs, the Process and Outputs.
The Inputs are goods and commodities are received from suppliers and received 24 hours a day.
The Process is that when received, all items are counted manually and taken to the warehouse loaded
on to special shelves. Information is recorded on the computer. Each department identifies goods
needed. A list is made and items taken for display and sale in the shop. Department staff replenish the
shelves when needed under close supervision and management in order to supply a high class service
to customers.
There is a customer self service and
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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Liberal Education
Liberal education enables people and sets them up to manage multifaceted nature, differing qualities,
and change. It gives understudies wide information of the more extensive world (e.g. science, society,
and society) and in addition top to bottom study in a particular range of hobby. A liberal instruction
offers some assistance with developing a feeling of social obligation, and solid and transferable
scholarly and down to earth aptitudes, for example, correspondence, explanatory and critical thinking
Liberal instruction has been respected by numerous creating world strategy producers as an
extravagance, and implied for the rich. Today, it is a considerably more of a need. Pioneers with the
vision to look past the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A large portion of the advantages of a liberal instruction are substantial as higher wages and
accumulate prevalently to the people who get the training. In any case, there are likewise immaterial
advantages, a significant number of which are delighted in by different individuals from society.
All types of advanced education make national advantages yet liberal training makes a specific
arrangement of advantages for instance business pioneers will probably advance when they have been
animated by the expansive scope of studies that regularly include liberal instruction. For creating
economies, such advancement can mean moving into new, more profitable fields, and adjusting
advances grew somewhere else to make new occupations, and decrease destitution at home.
Liberal training urges individuals to question and test ordinary thinking and hones and can be an
essential impetus for expanding an economy s smoothness.
Carnevale, Anthony P., and Richard A. Fry (2001). Economics, Demography, and the Future of Higher
Education Policy. Washington, DC: National Governors Association.
Abbott, Andrew (1988). The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor.
Chicago and London: University of Chicago
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It Is Efficient When Copying Information
It is efficient when copying information.
Being double stranded means that when the DNA helicase enzyme unzips it, information can be
copied from both strands at the same time. DNA polymerase is responsible for attaching free DNA
nucleotides to the open DNA strands. The DNA helicase enzyme will not stop till it reaches the end of
the strand. Same as the DNA polymerase. When DNA is copied from both the complementary strand
and the template strand, this process is called semi conservative replication. Its information can be
copied easily.
Being single stranded means that the side with the bases are not paired to another strand. When it is
making the proteins, protein synthesis, it will be easy to for the amino acids to attach. mRNA leaves
the nucleus with the copied information and attaches to the ribosome in the cytoplasm. mRNA will
wait for amino acids molecules to attach. If the mRNA was double stranded, it would take more time
for the amino acids to attach.
It is stronger. Having two strands bonded together makes DNA stronger. The strands are joined
together by hydrogen bonds. Hydrogens are very strong bonds. DNA is stable in alkaline environment.
It is lighter to carry around. Since mRNA has to move from inside the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
7. Differences between DNA and RNA;
It consists of the nitrogen containing bases, namely; adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. Adenine
pairs up with thymine in base pairing. It consists of the nitrogen containing bases,
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  • 4. Similarities Between Hitch And Along Came Polly Romantic Comedies: Hitch vs. Along Came Polly In 2004, John Hamburg directed a movie named Along Came Polly , a romantic comedy about betrayal and love. A year later Andy Tennant conducted Hitch , a movie based on men attracting the opposite sex. Both films take place in New York and illustrate the emotional and physical traits the main characters experience on an everyday life. In the movie Hitch Alex Hitchens is a sentimental advisor, and he teaches clients how to date the woman they fell in love with. On the other hand, Reuben Feffer finds the love of his life after being cheated on by his previous bride. The films have differences such as the main characters careers and their personalities. Yet, it also has similarities for example, Reuben and Alex has food allergies. In Along Came Polly Reuben is a professional risk analyst at an insurance company. His job consisted of analyzing and determining instability to help clients make financial decisions. He has his whole life planned and spends his time minimizing risk in order to avoid danger. In the movie Hitch , Alex is the date doctor and tries to break down the wall of physical attraction between men and women. He meets with men to help them be noticed by women not only for their appearance. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Reuben is considered boring, anxious, courageous, and intelligent with an industrious persona while Alex is affectionate, charismatic, creative, extroverted, and a reliable individual. Alex knows how to approach women without freaking out or making a fool of himself. Reuben, on the other hand, doubts himself and has a trouble sweet talking the ladies. He is mellow kind of lay back type of guy and lacks creativity towards women. Now Alex is easy going spontaneous knows exactly what to say and when. His nickname is the date doctor , which means he is comfortable meeting new women and being smooth and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. One Solution to Global Overfishing Analysis The first thing that comes to one s mind when fish is mentioned is usually, smelly, nasty, or to some, delicious. In a nutritional aspect, fish is a top priority in a diet because of the protein that it has. Many people fish for food, or just for leisure. Overfishing mainly started in the 19th century, when humans started looking for blubber for oil lamps, which they used for light during the night. When humans started overfishing for the whale blubber it severely reduced and damaged the whole population of the sea life. In the fish population, many fish such as the Atlantic cod and herring were overfished to the point where they almost went extinct by the mid 1900 s. The depletion of the fish population disrupted the aquatic food ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There have been many incidents where innocent lifeguards and individuals have been attacked by sharks and other dangerous fish while spending time in waters. The overfishing of the shark s prey has causes this. This is a very dangerous issue as it may take many lives away for nothing. Another major cause is the subsides provided to fishermen from the government. Despite the depleted state of the oceans, many governments provide major subsidies to their fishing sectors. According to The Webster Merriam Dictionary, a subsidy is money that is paid usually by a government to keep the price of a product or service low or to help a business or organization to continue to function. Subsidies not only distort markets and support uneconomic activities, but also are a major incentive to overfishing and other destructive fishing practices. These large subsidies have helped produce a worldwide fishing fleet that is up to 250 percent larger than what is needed to fish at sustainable levels (Fisheries Subsidies, Overcapacity and Overfishing, 2008). Some subsidies support beneficial programs, such as management and research for overfishing. However, the majority of subsidies influence the increase and intensity of overfishing. These subsidies include those that reduce costs or enhance revenues and promote overcapacity, such as support for boat construction and modernization, fuel, equipment, and other operating costs (EcoWatch, 2011). Another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The And Christianity Of Christianity Courage and Christianity Christianity is one of the worlds most recognizable religions today. With every major religion, a struggle has to be overcome in order to be successful. Over a period of hundreds of years, Christianity spread through the Roman empire. The spreading of Christianity was not an easy task but a terrifying task that took the brave to conquer. Although several powerful rulers were important in spreading Christianity in Ancient Rome, it would not have taken root if not for its appeal among the slaves and the lower class. Jesus, a Jewish prophet and teacher, taught during the reign of Augustus that he was the son of God. Jesus message told that he was sent into the world to deliver the people from their sins. Jesus s disciples spreaded his word and helped him gain many followers. Many disciples believed that a final judgement day was near at hand, on which God would reward the righteous with immortality and condemn sinners into everlasting hell, (Guisepi 1). The thought of eternal paradise in Heaven gave especially the poor hope. People who were living in poverty and slavery could only dream of a life filled with relaxation and luxury. Jesus gave everyone faith that whoever believes in him would be rewarded with eternal paradise in Heaven. As Jesus followers grew, Jewish officials became filled with rage. Jesus claimed to be the the son of God, a claim they thought to be blasphemy. Jesus associated with the poor who were considered sinners. Many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Weapons of the First World War Research Overview of WW1 Weapons During World War I many new kinds of weapons and technology were invented and improved. Some of these weapons included tanks, chemical and biochemical weapons, grenades, and machine guns. Chemical Warfare was used for the first time on a large scale in World War I. There are two main types of chemical warfare, one affects the surface of the body they come in contact with and the other affects the nervous system. Almost all chemical warfare weapons needed to be inhaled to cause severe damage or death. Chemicals that caused neurological damage acted by blocking the transmission of nerve messages throughout the body, these types of chemicals included tabun, soman, sarin, and VX ( Chemical and Biological ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Chemicals that attack the nervous system are very powerful and can cause death within minutes of inhalation. Nerve agents work by blocking the transmission of nerve messages within the body ( Chemical and Biological Warfare ). A single drop of nerve agent can shut down the entire body s nervous system in a few minutes ( Chemical and Biological Warfare ). Tanks were first used in combat in September of 1916 by the British ( The WW1 Tank ). When tanks were first created they were basically an armored car with a track instead of tires for easier off road use. The first prototypes of tanks were very flawed and would take a lot of improvements to become what they are today. They were not well adapted to moving over uneven muddy battle fields so the tanks were easily bogged down by mud and sometimes got completely stuck. Tanks were not only effective by their protective properties but also had a scare factor towards the beginning of the war since they were new and the German army had not experienced them in battle before. View slits were one of the main problems with the first tanks. For one they were too small to be able to effectively see anything out of them while the tank was moving. And the slits were targets for enemy gunshot. The name tank came from the British, they shipped the parts for tanks in crates marked tanks to try and disguise what was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Herman Miller. Essay Herman Miller: Role Model in Employee and Environmental Relations Case Summary and Questions for debate The company had been a model for almost 70 years until the 1990 s EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Used as example of superb employee relations in business text books like o A Passion for Excellence o The 100 Best Companies to Work For in America Interesting point of how the founder named the company after his father in law, giving honor to him who supported the business both in financial start up and via family The DuPree family maintained a paternalistic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... sp; Exceeded Clean Air Act requirement with ethically correct machines built to incinerate 98% of the toxic solvents from the staining of wood Herman Miller Case Study BUSINESS FROM THE OTHER STAKEHOLDER S PERSPECTIVE Herman Miller profits over $40 million in the 1980 s First loss recorded in 1992 of $3.5 million By 1995, a $1 million company, yet profits down to $4.3 million Major competitor Hon Industries reports steady profit increases Net income as percent of revenue declined steadily to .4% in 1995 Hon Industries percent of revenues two to three times better in 90 s Decline in market of office furniture basic shift in demand / technology Stock unchanged from 1985 to 1995 Increased competition from Office Depot and Office Max CHANGES MADE J Kermit Campbell name first outsider CEO in 1992 Max DePree retires and Campbell takes chairman position in 1995 survival more important than preserving reputation of pristine employee relations Quick and severe changes made o Top executives fired ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Inca And Mayas Research Paper Incas and Mayas By:Hunter Mangine Imagine you re living with an ancient tribe called the Mayas. When you were in school all they taught you about was hunting and farming. But you were an open minded kid, so you ran as far away as you could from the village one day. When you were on the trail out of nowhere an Incan officer grabbed your arm and dragged you up a mountain. When you arrived at the top of the mountain they tied ropes to hold you down! You were scared half to death and then you woke up in an instant and you were covered in sweat. Breathing in and out fastly you thought to yourself I m glad that wasn t real!. Who are the Mayas and Incas: The Maya Empire, centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Inti, the god of sun was another important god. Officially, the Inca ruler or Sapa Inca was the Son of the Sun, a direct descendent of the sun god, and when he died he returned to the sun. The largest Inca religious event each year was the multi day Inti Raymi festival. During the Inti Raymi festival (which is still held today)all the people of Cuzco lined up according to their tribe or lineage. Dressed in their finest clothes they passed the days giving thanks to their creator, and they feasted on food that had been provided by the sapa inca and local priests. I ve always wondered what it would be like to have such a variety of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. An Organizing Framework For Interprofessional Global... An Organizing Framework for Interprofessional Global Health Education Author Name, University Affiliation, Country Introduction G lobal health is an extremely complex ... area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Global health emphasizes transnational health issues, determinants and solutions; involves many disciplines within and beyond the health sciences and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration; and is a synthesis of population based prevention with individual level care (Koplan et al. 2009, 3). Beaglehole and Bonita (2010) proposed that global health is a collaborative trans national research and action for promoting health for all. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During an intercultural teaching experience in Japan in 2004 to 2005, the author had previous experience in developing and teaching an international nursing course. These experiences provided insight into the complexity of global health and the need to bring disparate but related concepts into a meaningful whole. Redwood Campbell et al. (2011) described an organizing framework for global health curricula in family medicine. The aim was to identify and incorporate key educational elements to achieve desired global health education outcomes. Although the framework guides the curriculum for family medicine, an expanded framework is needed with an interprofessional focus. The purpose of this paper is to (a) present an organizing framework for interprofessional global health courses/curricula, (b) describe the primary and secondary characteristics that are distinct to global health , and (c) discuss how the primary and secondary characteristics are reflected in the organizing framework. The Organizing Framework Recently, there have been recommendations for the incorporation of systems thinking into global health. Russell et al. (2014) contended that systems thinking offers the principles and methods necessary to address existing and future health challenges in global health. Thus, there is justification for using open systems theory as the basis for the organizing framework which consists of input, process, output, and a feedback loop. The concepts in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Trauma And Trauma Trauma can shake an individual or academic system to its very core, and school psychologists have a unique opportunity to mitigate many of trauma s negative effects through education, prevention, and advocacy. The personal and professional role they play in providing services can help foster individual and community resiliency, while furthering the psychological field to develop effective intervention frameworks. The National Childhood Survey of Children s Heath Survey (NCSCHS) reported 40,992 youth had at least one adverse childhood experience. The survey classified an adverse childhood experience as socioeconomic hardship, divorce/separation of parent, death of parent, parent served time in jail, witness to domestic violence, victim of neighborhood ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... McConnico et al (2016) stress the need for reflective practice for professionals to prevent secondary trauma and burnout. They describe it as the need to be honest and authentic about the thought, beliefs, and assumptions that influence practice and the relationships they have with their children and families. Aucott and Soni (2016) reported there was an increase of anxiety and depressive symptoms by staff who participated in a Critical Incident Stress debriefing after a traumatic incident in their school. Further research on this topic can include ways to implement mindfulness, identify burnout warning signs, and study the longer term impacts on school staff after a traumatic incident ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Care and Maintenance for Painted Concrete Walls A concrete wall is like an empty canvas. You have the opportunity to transform it into a beautiful work of art. When you think of concrete walls, what typically comes to mind are images of plain, grey and drab looking surfaces. But when you add colour to the equation, the walls will look far from dull or boring. Painting your concrete walls can freshen up the look and add a bit of interest to your home. A coloured concrete wall will make your house more beautiful and inviting. It will not only enhance the aesthetics of your home, but also improve the value of your property. Here at Pridal Services, our expert house painters in Adelaide excel in what they do. Every home we paint is treated with the care and professionalism that we would expect in our own homes. We aim to help homeowners create beautiful dwellings (that they can be proud of). In line with that commitment, we give you these useful home improvement tips. Read on and learn how to care for and maintain painted or coloured concrete walls to keep it in excellent condition. Clean Keeping painted concrete walls clean is fairly simple as long as no stubborn dirt or grime has clung to the surface. Simple practices such as sweeping off dust, leaves or grass, and removing spills from surfaces should be done regularly. Using water, non metallic scrub or brush and a dishwashing liquid is often enough to keep it clean. Also avoid using solvent or chlorine based cleaners as these may cause the colours to fade. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Discrimination Among The Homeless Essay From the wise words of Nelson Mandela No one is born hating another person, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Discrimination is an on going controversial issue, which can range from status of class, based on gender, color of one s skin, and almost every group there is possible. Across America, we re all classified by at least a category, and social class happens to be one of them. The homeless, being the lowest class is often looked down on. According to preliminary figures by the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH), in 2013, homeless Americans experienced a 23% increase in violence compared with the year before. Hate crimes are common among the homeless, especially in Florida according to, Huffington post. Cousins Jose Llano Xolo, 14, and Juan Xolo Merlin, 17 was using self defense when they put a homeless man in a chokehold and stabbed him with a pen. In Seattle of March 15, two off duty firefighters and a female companion attacked a homeless man sleeping on a memorial. Love, smiles and hope are the positivity I want to be spreading like giving change to the homeless for example, instead of discrimination, which is harsh. Nearly half of families in the US live below 250% of the federal poverty level based on the Hamilton Project. One mistake, even a penny short can lead people into poverty, even a dollar can literally mean a lottery win, because every bit counts, it s either life or death. Discrimination against women is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Anheuser Busch Case Study on Csr BUSINESS ETHICS Anheuser Busch Corporate Social Responsibility in marketing and advertising ABSTRACT The area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a constantly evolving field with direct impact on an organizations strategies and success, and it has become an important part of how the beer making industry promotes and advertises itself. Current portrayals of corporate social responsibility in the beer making industry are misleading and do not show the true nature of these practices. Relatively little research has been conducted on how the beer making industry promotes corporate social responsibility in their attempt to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The advantages of conducting responsible advertising for us as a society aren t hard to imagine or even define, but as of now, there are no published outlines to define what constitutes responsible advertising, and the deficit of such a definition makes it harder for stakeholders to discern what is and isn t considered acceptable in regards to responsible advertising. (M.Hyman) Anheuser Busch took a step into the direction of promoting their responsibility campaign by launching their Budweiser Designate a Driver Blimp campaign . This campaign was the first ever blimp to be flown in the United States that advertises social responsibility to drinking, but essentially, the blimp is a big floating billboard sign. It is intended to be flown over various venues and sporting events across the U.S. to advocate the safe and responsible use of alcohol, but Anheuser Busch clearly understands the role of advertising to their overall success. Anheuser Busch clearly maintains and advertises an advocacy of responsible drinking, but is that that the underlying message? When it comes to advertising, they maintain a strong stance to ensure they do not depict situations where beer is being consumed excessively, but they also make strong statements and push to promote ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Janet Turner Case Summary I. Background and Purpose In August, 1985, Janet Turner, an employee of Hershey Chocolate USA, started working at the Hershey s Reading, Pennsylvania plant. Turner worked as a custodian and in several production capacities. During her time working at Hershey, she was diagnosed with several medical problems, including post laminectomy pain syndrome, fused cervical discs, thoracic outlet syndrome, and cervical radiculopathy. (Turner vs Hershey, 2006) Following her several surgeries, Turner returned back to work in 1999 as a shaker table inspector for a York peppermint patty line. Hershey made several accommodations due to her new work restrictions. This new job was said to be a light duty position. Turner was assigned to work on line 7, which was the line that was required to stand and repeatedly bend and twist to sort different size mint patties moving down the conveyor. (Turner vs Hershey, 2006) After two days of returning back to work, Turner made further complaints to her immediate supervisor, Steve Heimbach. She complained that the work ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this instance, Hershey does not question that Turner was diagnosed with a disability, but they do assert that Turner did not suffer a negative employment action as a result of her classified disability. The analytical focus is on whether Turner is a qualified individual. In this situation, neither party disputes that Turner satisfies that she is qualified to perform her job. Both parties also acknowledge that Turner was unable to return to her original work position as a shaker table inspector without reasonable accommodations. The sole question that is being considered is whether Turner could participate in the rotation system if she were given reasonable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Psychographic Segmentation Of Pizza Hut The history of Pizza hut began in 1958, when what is now the world s largest pizza franchise was born. Pizza Hut is the world s largest pizza restaurant chain and is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc., whose restaurants total approximately 34,000 restaurants. The whole history of pizza hut has been achieved through innovation, but the history of pizza hut really took off with amalgamation into the Pepsi Company and more aggressive marketing techniques especially in the take out market.It was founded in 1958 by Dan and Frank Carney. Their friend suggested opening a pizza parlor they agreed with the idea that it could prove successful, so that they borrowed $600 form their mother to start a business. At that time the original Pizza hut was at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Butthey go wide in this thing. They segment high incomes and business class families which can spend money on the best pizzas in the market. Pizza Hut s global slogan is also describing its market segmentation that is Now it s time to eat more . But in Morocco, the slogan is Share the good times . Main age group is 12 30 years. and they also offer Halal food to all its customers as it is located in Islamic country. Psychographic: Pizza Hut s psychographic segmentation also called lifestyle segmentation Pizza Hut hasdivided the market into different groups based on social class, life style or personality characteristics Behavioural: Pizza Hut s behavioural segment is the class where people love to spend money on eating. That s why in Morocco, Pizza Hut Ana Road Casablanca is the second largest outlet of the pizza hut outlets in north Africa generating more than $90,000 a month. Targeting of pizza hut Target Marketing: Pizza hut have target the families who like to go out for dinner once in a week. They also target teenagers of school Characteristics Products Demographic Geographical Economic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. A Number Of Studies And Researches Showing The Improvement... CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW A number of studies and researches showing the improvement in LEACH protocol of Wireless Sensor Networks. 2.1 Literature Review Heinzelman et al. (2000) [1] Based on their findings that the conventional protocols of direct transmission, minimum transmission energy, multihop routing, and static clustering may not be optimal for sensor networks, proposed LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), a clustering based protocol that utilizes randomized rotation of local cluster base stations(cluster heads) to evenly distribute the energy load among the sensors in the network. LEACH uses localized coordination to enable scalability ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Energy LEACH protocol improves the choice method of cluster head and multihop LEACH protocol improves communication mode from single hop to multi hop between cluster head and sink. Chen et al. (2007) [5]proposed a novel clustering associating algorithm, known as Energy Residue Aware (ERA)clustering algorithm, to prolong the lifetime of a sensor network by balancing the energy consumption of the entire network.ERA enables each sensor to associate its cluster head to find a path with maximum energy residue sum instead of a path with the minimum energy consumption as many energy efficient routing protocols have been proposed in sensor networks for different scenarios and various applications in literature. One of the efficient way is to group sensors in the neighbouring into clusters and send aggregate data by a designated cluster head. However, such design discipline still can not balance the energy consumption of the entire network. As such, in worst cases, some nodes may be soon exhausted. Consequently, it is difficult to provide effective operation and seamless coverage in such a network. Cheng et al.(2008) [6] proposed an energy efficient, weighted clustering algorithm which improves the cluster formation process of LEACH by taking residual energy mutual position, workload balance and MAC functioning into consideration.WSN is extremely energy limited, the traditional network routing protocols are not suitable to it. Energy conservation becomes a crucial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Plague Of Hannibal Analysis The Pursue It was a foggy, mysterious, and colorless fall day. The year was 247 B.C.E and we were all the same. We only saw the colors they wanted us to see. We had to be precise with our words and could never lies, and were only given specific memories. We were instructed to be basic with our feeling. We were told that we couldn t be anyone else or thing then Carthingings. The only thing we know to feel was hatred. From a young age we were told to hate Rome and Romans and nothing else. At that moment we had the great Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca who was fighting Rome in the first punic wars. His son, Hannibal, was born that year and was destined for greatness as foretold by a fortune teller.. Hannibal was born in Carthage which is now a days known as Tunisia, a cursed land upon all those who have Roman blood in their veins. Sence of his father s high place he was giving the privilege of all the gifts without being pursued. He was able to feel love,emotions, and have feeling. To be able to see all the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once they got married he decided to make peace with the revenge and hatred that filled his soul and not fight a humongous war against Rome. All the soldiers and even his own brother, Hasdrubal became very furious and irritated with him. No one understood the place where he came from because they did not have the gifts he did. Hannibal relied on his only brother Hasdrubal to understand him because he also had the gifts and help defend Hannibal but he also turned his back against him in rage. One day, while staying at his wife s palace, Hannibal heard the new that his brother and his two legions attacked Rome in Zama, Hasdrubal was killed by Scipio. After the death of his brother, Hannibal once again was re ignited with hatred and was determined more than ever to bring Rome down to it s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Natural Development Of Banana Ripening Essay Introduction Banana ripening is characterized as the process in which starch breaks down into sugar, acid is neutralized, aromatic compounds are formed from larger organic molecules, softening occurs due to a decrease in pectin concentration, and, finally, a change in color from the loss of chlorophyll and its green pigment. This natural development is due to a single organic gas: ethylene. As this hydrocarbon is produced by the fruit various enzymes are produced, catalyzing the previously stated reactions and ripening the banana.1 Qualitatively, banana ripening can be measured by the color of the peel, degree of hardness, and aromatic properties for this is an indicator of the level of ethylene exposure and state of ripeness A banana unexposed to a significant amount of ethylene has a green peel. This is due to the high concentration of chlorophyll; however, as this banana comes in contact with more ethylene enzymes break down chlorophyll into other various compounds (carotenoids, anthocyanin, etc.) with different pigments.2 Likewise, as ripening continues, pectin is broken down by pectinase, softening the banana. Finally, banana ripeness can be determined by the aroma, for an unripe banana is lacking the fragrant esters associated with a banana that has been exposed to sufficient amounts of ethylene.1 These methods are general recognized as reliable indicators of banana maturity; however, scientific analysis can also be conducted on the banana to determine the degree of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay about Gender and Race During the U.S. Occupation of... The Fifteen Year War was a time of great turmoil and uncertainty in Japan. Various facets of the country were tested and driven to their limits. During the occupation, race and gender began to evolve in ways that had not exactly be seen before. War had a tremendous impact on every part of the life of a Japanese citizen. Both men and women began to fill roles that were completely novel to them. Race became a part of the definition of who people were. As the war progressed and American troops landed on Japanese soil for occupation, more drastic changes occurred. Economic hardship and rations befell the people of the Land of the Rising Sun. Prostitution began to rear its ugly head and rape transpired. Through memory, research, and vivid ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A prime example of this is Seita and Setsuko s female cousin. There are several mentions during a portion of the film about her status as a worker. Her mother, Seita and Setsuko s aunt, believes it to be patriotic and work toward the country and war effort. There is nobility in working for the war, in it as a man of the military or on home soil as a woman. The aunt makes her opinion about this abundantly clear; her critique is hard to ignore. Her grueling dogging of the main protagonists also is a critique of gender roles. What she says is most often just as important as how she says it. Her tone is often militant even in nature, again emphasizing the importance of the war. She is a motivator and a drill sergeant. Japanese soil is as much a war zone as the places of actual war. Her role in the household is scattered with masculine traits. Setsuko s and Seita s hiatus of habitation under their aunt s roof enabled a sense of independence happiness not seen before for Seita and Setusko. For example, she has Seita sell his mother s kimono for rice. Control of finances is a facet of the male gender role. Yet she convinced Seita to sell the clothing with ease. In this is evidence that a woman with a set of masculine role traits is worth more or possesses greater power than a feminized male. In the end however, this double standard still exhibits a sense of inferiority for the female gender because a woman must change from what ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. 1. How Does RNA Differ From DNA 1) How does RNA differ from DNA? According to the video, RNA is made of nucleotide building block, but is a single stranded. DNA often exists as a double stranded molecule made of four building blocks called nucleotides. RNA contains Uracil as DNA contains Thymine. DNA is most often used to store genetic information, while RNA serves as a host of functions. 2) Name and discuss at least three things does RNA do in the cell, based on what you learned in the video and the tutorials. Based on what I ve learned in the video and the tutorials. RNA plays three major roles in the cell as DNA photocopy (mRNA) as a coupler between the genetic code and the protein building blocks (tRNA), and as a structural component of ribosomes (rRNA). RNA is much ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is much scientific debate about whether viruses are alive. Like living creatures, they carry genes and evolve. They are unable to reproduce on their own and must infect living cells and hijack cellular machinery such as ribosomes to copy themselves. Each virus is like a little tank that can blast a hole in the outer cell wall and send its forces in. These intruders change the blueprints in the factory s headquarters so the factory starts producing more viral tanks. It doesn t stop until it builds so many tanks that the cell bursts right open. Most viruses are little more than genetic information DNA or RNA inside a protein shell. They bind to a cell and inject their genetic code inside 9) How does RNA interference help scientists study genes? Scientists can use the same basic mechanism of RNA interference to turn off one gene at a time and study the effect on the cell and the organism. For example, turning off one gene may drain all the pigment out of a purple flower. Another might prevent a plant from producing a toxic chemical, making it safe to eat. Scientists have not yet determined whether human cells naturally fight viruses with RNAi, but it is possible that one day we will be able to use RNAi to deactivate cancer causing genes and genetic disorders. 10) In a paragraph, reflect on what you thought of the NOVA RNA Lab. You ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. How African Americans Shaped America African Americans blood run threw America veins, and all their hard work and sweat shaped America. How African Americans shape America is the topic I enjoyed the most in African American literature It first started when blacks can through the middle passage, civil rights, and reconstruction period. African Americans had a significant impact in America history, and with all their hard work they shaped America as it is today. The first subject that I would like to talk about is the Middle Passage. In 1619 Europeans start bringing africans was separated from their families and friends. They were stripped naked and put on a boat, where they would be chain to people who would die days into the trip. Some mothers would kill their kids and themselves, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Goodbye Letter I am writing to say goodbye. Goodbye for now, not for forever. I am fairly sure our paths will continue to meet. Maybe someday I ll be more mature and better prepared for whatever comes my way, but I cannot anymore handle the pain you have unknowingly caused me these past months Don t get me wrong. You have made me very happy just by sharing yourself and your life with me. The memories will stay in my heart forever. From the time we first started going out until now, you have unfailingly shown me how it is to be really cared for and cherished. At the same time you have managed to keep my feet on the ground, always reminding me that my life is my own and no one else s. I thank you for that. You taught me how fully comprehend what real ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I know and I acknowledge that I am fully to blame for everything. I was forewarned, I knew what I was getting myself into. But as the years and months passed, maybe the attachment grew stronger. My appreciation of your companionship bred feelings and thoughts that couldn t control and are now the cause of this pain. I thought you could shelter me forever that you would be careful that I wouldn t get hurt. But carelessness on your end, and too much snooping at my end to be lethal. Remember making joke about mending broken fences???it was not a joke for me. I saw it as an admission from you, one which you didn t want to make but still did knowing that somehow you had make things right. I appreciate your efforts at maintaining the status quo. I know it s very difficult, considering everything that s been said and done, which is why I appreciate you all the more. Your constant remark about things not having changed between us? In fairness to you, I admit that s true. Things haven t changed in our relationship at all. The caring, our mutual respect for each other, helping each other out and being there for each other....nothing has changed. And I know that if I decide to stay in relationship, nothing will change and things will go on as they have before But I have changed. I am hurting and I wasn t hurting before. I am becoming more critical of you and the things that you do and do not do. I expect you to make up for everything that has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. John Donne s Metaphysical Poetry John Donne s metaphysical poetry is where theology crosses with sexuality. The connection between spiritual love and erotic love becomes apparent. Throughout his whole life Donne found love in everything. In his early life his focus was on the love of women, and then it transitioned to the love of his wife, and ultimately the love of God. His work defines the unity of these contrasting ideals in every man and woman. Batter my Heart and The Ecstasy displayed the connection that can be found between erotic love and divine love. There are also characteristics with each piece of Donne s work that can be identified as crossovers from erotic and divine. Early in Donne s career his initial pieces of literature were defined as his love poetry, while his later work was primarily his Holy Sonnets. It can be perceived that through his love poetry Donne establishes his ideals on love. Through his writing of The Ecstasy , Donne is able to relay his experiences of love and that love is experienced through the body, soul, or both. His work emphasized that it can either be a religious or sensual experience. For The Ecstasy Donne conveys a complex viewpoint towards erotic pleasure in comparison to the full understanding of love. His poem urges the readers to rejuvenate their souls through a sensual connection that results in ecstasy. This idea bashes the conventional idea of the time period that the soul and body are separate; that sexual pleasure does not create a bond between the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. An Example Of Physical Abuse Abuse is behaviour towards a person which deliberately or unintentionally causes harm to them. It is a violation of an individual s human and civil rights and in the worst cases can result in death. There are 6 types of abuse: Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Financial Abuse Neglect Discrimination Physical Abuse Physical Abuse is when someone physically causes you harm, this can include things such as; hitting, kicking, pulling hair, pinching, scratching, shaking or (in a care related situation), giving someone too much or not enough medicine. An example of physical abuse in care setting is if you are to punch or kick someone intentionally to cause harm to them. Another example would be a personal carer not giving an elderly person the correct amount of medicine at the right times to cause harm. Sexual Abuse Sexual Abuse is when someone is making you do sexual things and actions which might make you sad, angry or frightened. This includes things such as; being touched when you do not want to be, being made to touch other people in ways you do not want to, undressing or having sexual intercourse with someone when you do not want to, or being made to watch or say sexual things when you do not want to. Sexual abuse is not always between strangers, and can be between husband and wife, or two members of the family. An example of this is if a boyfriend was to touch their girlfriend inappropriately and they did not want them to, or maybe the girlfriend s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Going Solo Roald Dahl Summary Going Solo, Roald Dahl s memoir of his work in East Africa and his service in the RAF, covers the buildup to World War II and his involvement in it. In the book mention is made of the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal plays a large role in the memoir as an important place when he crossed to Africa. In 1854 Ferdinand de Lesseps, a French former diplomat, persuaded the Viceroy of Egypt to permit the construction of a shipping canal through the 100 miles of desert between Africa and Asia. A prospectus was circulated and on December 20, 1858 the Universal Company of the Suez Maritime Canal was constituted. It was officially opened in November 1869 although the Suez Canal wasn t officially completed. Its length is 193,30 km, including its northern and southern access channels. However, the construction of this artificial waterway was expensive, it also let to a significant impact, but tempted other countries to invade it. The construction of the Suez Canal later causes problems, allowed the British government to buy stakes owned by Egyptian in 1875. They were the major shareholders in the Suez Canal Company, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Suez crisis was provoked by an American and British decision not to finance Egypt s construction stated by the editors of encyclopedia Britannica. Nasser reacted to them by declaring martial law in the canal zone, predicting that the tolls collected from ships passing through the canal would pay for the construction of the canal. British and France feared that Egypt would close the canal and stop the trades. British and France holded secret discussions, how to recover the use of the canal, Israel would invade Egypt and allow British and French forces to seize the Canal as an act of intervention between warring nations. However, Israel lost the battle, and the freedom of the use of the canal the same way as British and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Question 1 Essay  Question 1 0 out of 2 points What are the odds of picking a g in the word Georgia? Selected Answer: 2:07 Correct Answer: 2:05 Response Feedback: Success : Failure  Question 2 2 out of 2 points The odds that you will pick a heart from a standard deck of 52 cards is 13:39. Selected Answer: TRUE Correct Answer: TRUE Response Feedback: Success : Failure  Question 3 0 out of 2 points The odds that you will pick a spade from a standard deck of 52 cards is 4:39. Selected Answer: TRUE Correct Answer:
  • 28. FALSE Response Feedback: Success : Failure  Question 4 2 out of 2 points What is the probability of rolling a number less than or equal to 6 on a six sided die? Selected Answer: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Selected Answer: Correct Answer: Response Feedback: P(A and B) = P(A) P(B following A)  Question 18 2 out of 2 points A bag has 2 green marbles, 3 red marbles, and 3 yellow marbles. What is the probability that you pick a red marble, do not replace it, and pick yellow marble? Selected Answer: Correct Answer: Response Feedback: P(A and B) = P(A) P(B following A)  Question 19 0 out of 2 points A bag of marbles has 5 green, 2 yellow, 8 red, and 3 purple marbles. What is the probability of picking a red marble, not replacing it, and then picking another red marble? Selected Answer: Correct Answer: Response Feedback: P(A and B) = P(A) P(B following A)  Question 20 0 out of 3 points Find the number of permutations of the first 8 letters of the alphabet taking 2 letters at a time.
  • 29. Selected Answer: 6720 Correct Answer: 56 Response Feedback: Use the Binomial Theorem  Question 21 0 out of 3 points Find the number of permutations of the first 13 letter of the alphabet taking 4 letters at a time. Selected Answer: 15,120 Correct Answer: 17,160 Response Feedback: Use the Binomial Theorem  Question 22 3 out of 3 points Find the number of permutations of the first 6 letters of the alphabet taking 4 letters at a time. Selected Answer: 360 Correct Answer: 360 Response Feedback: Use ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Difference in Reactions of Sheila Birling and Her Father... Difference in Reactions of Sheila Birling and Her Father in J.B. Priestley s An Inspector Calls Coursework. Sheila Birling and her father react totally differently to the inspector. How far would the audience agree? Author Birling I do agree that Sheila Birling and her father Author Birling react differently to the inspector. This shows because when the inspector was talking to Author Birling, he was very annoyed at the inspector and didn t want to listen to what he had to say, this shows when Author says to the inspector Look here inspector, im half a mind to report you. I ve told you all I know and it doesn t seem very important. When Author had said it doesn t seem very important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Birling doesn t feel guilty at all about this case, because he doesn t care. This shows when he says There s nothing mysterious scandalous about this business, at least im concerned it s happened more then eighteen months ago nearly two years now, obviously it has nothing to do with the wretched girl suicide. When he says wretched girl suicide this shows that he never really liked her at all and doesn t wish to remember her. Birling doesn t think about the links she could have suffered before he had sacked her. Even when Eric said He could of kept her instead of throwing her out, I call it tough luck. Mr Birling didn t want to listen to what Eric as saying because Birling didn t want the blame for this at all and also he didn t like complaints that other people had against him. When the inspector wants to talk to Sheila, Mr Birling says Nothing to do with you Sheila, run along now! This shows that Birling didn t want anyone else involved into this case and he didn t want to spoil the evening and wanted the inspector to leave. Birling is different to Sheila because as Sheila finds out about Eva Smith she is very upset and didn t know that a horrible thing could happen to a young girl. Sheila accepts what has happened to Eva Smith and wants to find out more about her rather than Birling just wanting to give ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. No Range Of The Third Era Tucson Hybrid Utility Vehicle No range of the third era Tucson hybrid utility vehicle was left untouched by Hyundai engineers, yet specific consideration was set on re designing the undercarriage for enhanced ride and taking care of, and essentially, better NVH (clamor, vibration, and brutality) attributes. As anyone might expect, the 2016 Tucson stage is bigger than the past generation s; notwithstanding, builds centered around enhancing width and wheelbase for more noteworthy ride solace and straight strength, as per Mike O Brien, Vice President, Corporate and Product Planning, Hyundai Motor America (HMA). We have a full lineup of CUVs, so having the greatest one in the portion is not the best since individuals that up front investment this range of the business sector concentrate more on mobility and stopping, O Brien said. So all things being equal we centered around getting the best width that we could, at 72.8 in, furthermore the best wheelbase at 105.1 in, which gives a feeling of strength. Contrasted with the 2015 model, the new Tucson is 1.1 in (27.9 mm) more extensive, with a 1.2 in (30.5 mm) increment in wheelbase. The front and back shades were expanded in littler extent, focusing a greater amount of the Tucson s mass inside the wheelbase for better taking care of reaction and control. The CUV is 3 in (76 mm) longer by and large than the active model, at 176.2 in (4475 mm). To empower the suspension refinements to be more compelling, Hyundai engineers concentrated on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Beginning Of The Great Recession a. The Beginning of the Great Recession The definition of a recession is this: a significant decline in general economic activity, typically involving two consecutive quarters of decline in gross domestic product (GDP). In December of 2007, the American economy experienced an event of this nature the Great Recession. This global financial crisis stemmed from what seemed like an isolated disturbance within the subprime US housing market but transformed into a catastrophic event. The GR officially ended in June of 2009. According to an article outlining an interview with David Wessel of The Wall Street Journal, the task of defining a recession is, delegated to a small committee of academic economists who are convened by... the National ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Macroeconomist Dean Baker argued: The central element in the current financial crisis is the housing bubble. The irrational exuberance surrounding this bubble created an environment that was ripe for the cowboy financing that got... the country into so much trouble. With encouragement from politically influential persons to increase home ownership rates and the optimism that followed the yields on government bonds, lenders and investors sought assets with even higher yields. The problem, however, was the lack of credit worthy borrowers. To remedy this, lenders sought out those who would not ordinarily meet typical credit standards within the sub prime (and non standard loans) segment of the housing market. These subprime borrowers were considered profitable and were viewed as the solution to the lenders search for higher yields. This, of course, was a much riskier tactic and led banks to hide their questionable transactions. The actions on behalf of the banks, along with their reckless behavior, resulted in the creation of the subprime US housing market and ultimately led to the deterioration of the economy. II. Comparison and Contrast of Past Recessions Graph 1 Durations of US Recessions, 1929 2009 As shown by Graph 1, the eighteen month long Great Recession was the lengthiest recession the United States had experienced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. English For Academic Purpose Essay English for Academic Purpose (EAP) has become an expanding discipline in higher education worldwide. Universities are center of intellectual gathering for international scholars. The development of EAP is stimulated by the internationalization of higher education and increasing number of international courses taught in university around the world as well as the students mobility to universities around the world. In addition , foreign students contributes to the economy of Western countries , as an evidence UK receives up to 80 billion British pounds during 2013 ( NEF consulting , 2013). It entails preparing students to use English for higher education and it is one of the most common forms of English for Specific Purpose (ESP). According to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This focuses on the development of role by modeling to student how they can transfer the skills they acquire in EGAP classes to enhance their understanding while reading the assigned textbooks , listening to lectures and writing essays. Defining EAP, it is highlighted that it refers to any English teaching that relates to study purpose (Dudley Evans and St John 1998 highlighted that EAP is related to teaching English communication skills in order to succeed study purpose and is primarily concerned with communication skills required for studies . (ETIC 1975, as quoted in Jordan 1997: 1). The role of the EAP tutor transcends the limited framework of language teaching, to involve institutional awareness and a detailed knowledge of specialized discourse. An EAP tutor needs to research and assist students in understanding and constructing texts in their disciplines and to actively engage with the disciplines (Dudley Evans and St John 1998). Johns and Price Machado, 2001classified ESP into two main areas namely English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational Purposes. ). This is shown in Figure 1 . Figure 1. Classification of ESP Categories (Johns and Price Machado, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Sainsburys objectives! Sainsbury Plc AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The company aim is to provide a world class service to customers by incorporating quality principles with our everyday routine. OBJECTIVES The company s objective is to discharge the responsibility as leaders in its trade by acting with complete integrity, by carrying out its work to the public good and to the quality of life in the community, to provide unrivalled value to its customers in the quality of the goods it sells, in the competitiveness of its prices and in the range of choice it offers. It aims in its stores, to achieve the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene, efficiency of operation, convenience and customer service, and thereby create as attractive and friendly a shopping ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... PRODUCTION The products/services offered are a large supermarket, a wide range of food and non food e.g. cd/video, books, pharmaceuticals, a cook shop, food includes: bakery, meat, fish produce, dairy, frozen foods, tinned/packets, also a customer restaurant and a petrol station. The location of the company is in Huddersfield adjacent to the ring road opposite The University of Huddersfield and Oldgate House same side as Aspley Marina. Reasons why the organisation is located in Calderdale/Kirklees are to provide a service to customers within the geographical area and the suitable density of population. Reasons for this specific site are because of excellent road links for distribution and particularly customers, a good public transport system and land available for sale suitable for new store. The production process is split into Inputs, the Process and Outputs. The Inputs are goods and commodities are received from suppliers and received 24 hours a day. The Process is that when received, all items are counted manually and taken to the warehouse loaded on to special shelves. Information is recorded on the computer. Each department identifies goods needed. A list is made and items taken for display and sale in the shop. Department staff replenish the
  • 35. shelves when needed under close supervision and management in order to supply a high class service to customers. There is a customer self service and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Liberal Education INTRODUCTION. Liberal education enables people and sets them up to manage multifaceted nature, differing qualities, and change. It gives understudies wide information of the more extensive world (e.g. science, society, and society) and in addition top to bottom study in a particular range of hobby. A liberal instruction offers some assistance with developing a feeling of social obligation, and solid and transferable scholarly and down to earth aptitudes, for example, correspondence, explanatory and critical thinking abilities. Liberal instruction has been respected by numerous creating world strategy producers as an extravagance, and implied for the rich. Today, it is a considerably more of a need. Pioneers with the vision to look past the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A large portion of the advantages of a liberal instruction are substantial as higher wages and accumulate prevalently to the people who get the training. In any case, there are likewise immaterial advantages, a significant number of which are delighted in by different individuals from society. All types of advanced education make national advantages yet liberal training makes a specific arrangement of advantages for instance business pioneers will probably advance when they have been animated by the expansive scope of studies that regularly include liberal instruction. For creating economies, such advancement can mean moving into new, more profitable fields, and adjusting advances grew somewhere else to make new occupations, and decrease destitution at home. Liberal training urges individuals to question and test ordinary thinking and hones and can be an essential impetus for expanding an economy s smoothness. REFERENCES. Carnevale, Anthony P., and Richard A. Fry (2001). Economics, Demography, and the Future of Higher Education Policy. Washington, DC: National Governors Association. Abbott, Andrew (1988). The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor. Chicago and London: University of Chicago ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. It Is Efficient When Copying Information It is efficient when copying information. Being double stranded means that when the DNA helicase enzyme unzips it, information can be copied from both strands at the same time. DNA polymerase is responsible for attaching free DNA nucleotides to the open DNA strands. The DNA helicase enzyme will not stop till it reaches the end of the strand. Same as the DNA polymerase. When DNA is copied from both the complementary strand and the template strand, this process is called semi conservative replication. Its information can be copied easily. Being single stranded means that the side with the bases are not paired to another strand. When it is making the proteins, protein synthesis, it will be easy to for the amino acids to attach. mRNA leaves the nucleus with the copied information and attaches to the ribosome in the cytoplasm. mRNA will wait for amino acids molecules to attach. If the mRNA was double stranded, it would take more time for the amino acids to attach. It is stronger. Having two strands bonded together makes DNA stronger. The strands are joined together by hydrogen bonds. Hydrogens are very strong bonds. DNA is stable in alkaline environment. It is lighter to carry around. Since mRNA has to move from inside the nucleus to the cytoplasm. 7. Differences between DNA and RNA; DNA RNA It consists of the nitrogen containing bases, namely; adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. Adenine pairs up with thymine in base pairing. It consists of the nitrogen containing bases, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...