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017 Persuasive Essay Graphic
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017 Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer Titles F 017 Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer Titles F
The Historical Context Of Nursing
Nursing was not always seen as a profession, therefore it is important to explore what a profession is
and its historical context related to nursing. Turkoski (1995) states that profession is a social construct
that was determined by a male worldview; only men were allowed to have professions. Over time the
concept of profession has moved beyond the gender divide and established a set of criteria that are non
gender specific. RNABC (as cited in Northrup et al, 2004) listed attributes that explained how nurses
were a profession. These attributes are, responsibility and accountability to the public, have own body
of knowledge, bound by a code ethics, provide a service to the public and is self regulating. However,
education is missing from the RNABC standards of professional development, according the Merriam
Websters dictionary (2015) a profession is, a type of job that requires special education, training or
skill and requires specialized knowledge. Bluhm (2014) adds that it is the specialized training that
allows someone to be called a nurse. Ten Hoeve, Jansen and Roodbol (2014) agree that education and
development of knowledge is the reason why nursing was raised to the professional status. It is this
knowledge development that has helped shaped what nursing is today, and has allowed nurses to share
a common worldview. Worldviews (paradigms) frame global assumptions for vocabulary, theories and
principles to direct the development of ideas for a domain (Duff, 2011
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Wolsey s Fall
Assess the reasons behind Wolsey s fall
From the beginning of Henry VIII reign to 1529, Cardinal Wolsey was a influential figure and Henry s
key advisor. However by 1529 Wolsey had been charged with praemunire and was due to be executed
in November 1530. The most important reason for this was because of Wolsey s failure to obtain a
divorce between Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII.
The main reason behind Wolsey s fall was his failure to obtain a divorce between Catherine of Argon
and Henry VIII. Henry s desire to end his marriage began in 1527 in which Wolsey promised would be
a quick and easy problem to resolve due to his influence with the pope. However after two years of
waiting Henry became desperate for a divorce. Wolsey made ... Show more content on
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Overall, the main reason for the fall of Wolsey was because of his failure to obtain a divorce. This
resulted in a loss of power, and support from the king. Whereas the Amicable Grant and tensions with
the nobles facilitated Wolsey s fall, they did not cause him to lose all of his power or the kings
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Carl Virchow Research Paper
Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow was born on October 13, 1821 in the town of Schivelbein, in the
German Kingdom of Prussia. Today the town is called Świdwin and lies in Poland. His father was
Carl Christian Siegfried Virchow, a farmer, and town treasurer of Schivelbein; his mother was Johanna
Maria Hesse. The couple were not especially well off financially and Rudolf was their only child. His
parents loved the natural world and passed this love onto their son, taking him on bird watching trips.
Rudolf attended elementary school in Schivelbein. From his earliest days at school, he seems to have
been exceptionally gifted intellectually, so much so that his parents paid for extra lessons to push him
forward. From elementary school he progressed to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He has also received the Copley Medal. Rudolf Virchow was widely regarded as one of the greatest
and most influential physicians in history. One of Virchow major impact was on the medical education
in Germany. He taught several people, who have now become famous scientist in Germany. He has
taught Edwin Klebs, Ernst Haekel, Adolf Kussimaul, William Wetch and William Osler. And 2 of the
4 of the famous physicians who founded Johns Hopkin
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The Apostle Paul
3.1 Describe Paul s gospel in regards to the elements he learned from the disciples in Jerusalem and in
regards to those elements he received by revelation. To whom did Paul talk when he went to
Jerusalem? How do we know? Show the similarities and differences between tradition and revelation
in Paul s gospel.
Three years after his conversion, Paul went to Jerusalem to meet with Cephas (Peter). He remained in
Jerusalem for fifteen days. After this time, he also met with James, the Lord s brother. It was from
Peter that Paul learned of the tradition, i.e., the details of Jesus teachings during His earthly ministry.
It was important for Paul to inquire about the teachings that the disciples had received from the Lord
during his time on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In discussing the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul uses almost the same words to convey the
fact that he was transmitting the original traditions. He says in I Corinthians, For I delivered to you as
of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins...
In the parable of the prodigal son , Jesus tells of a father s unconditional love and acceptance to his
repentant son to illustrate God the Father s unconditional love and grace to repentant sinners. Paul
follows accordingly in his teaching where he emphasizes that believers are no longer slaves but
legitimate sons and heirs of God.
In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, Jesus teaches that His love and grace are unmerited and
do not depend on what one does or doesn t do. Grace is grace, and it is free for all at whatever time of
life it is accepted. Paul s teaching confirms this. In Galatians, Paul reproves the Galatian believers for
thinking that salvation could be changed from faith in God s grace to dependence on the law. The
merging of tradition and revelation in both of the gospel parables mentioned above resonate with me.
It is important for contemporary hearers of the Word of God to know that the salvation from God is
unconditional and unmerited. It is not dependent on what one does or doesn t do, but on the love and
grace of almighty God through His Son Jesus
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Influence Of American Industrialization On The Projects Of...
The Influence of American Industrialization on the Projects of Le Corbusier: the Ville Contemporaine.
The end of the twentieth century was marked by the unprecedented scale of construction, huge
advances in science and technology: new advanced designs, building materials, construction
technology and strategies.1 Along with that, architects have been disclosing the failure of the
traditional aesthetic concepts in the art of postmodern architecture, which were based on the
assumption that politics should no longer be connected with the disciplines of administration.2
Therefore, the consequence of this failure was enormous number of debates occurred during that time:
whether to reject the modernity and to return to conservative values or to embrace the imperatives of
modern technology .3 In the quest for reshaping human industry based on the highly effective systems
of nature 4, the French architectural leaders were looking at vitality of American development and,
thus, the results of World War II had virtually halted new construction in France .5 According to
Bacon, French building practices could no longer be satisfying in the age of industrialization: in fact,
this notion of industrialization would be a critical factor in reconstruction 6. To keep up with this new
period of extensive consumption and mass production based society, French architects were not only
against the anarchy and uncontrolled experimentalism of the pre war avant garde 7, but also organized
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The Weary Blues Poem Explication
The Weary Blues Poem Explication Langston Hughes, a black poet, proved one of the most influential
poets of the Harlem Renaissance, a flowering of African American literature, art, and culture during
the 1920s and 1930s. In particular, writers of the Renaissance focused heavily on issues of black
identity and struggles faced by African Americans, both economically and socially, as they struggled
with the legacy of the Civil War and omnipresent discrimination. Hughes was no exception, and his
body of work explored the issue of the black experience. His poem The Weary Blues falls squarely
within this literary theme; in it, the black musician portrayed represents the struggles faced by black
Americans, and Hughes clearly communicates that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He notes that the scene of the poem occurs at night, by the pale dull pallor of an old gas light (5). It is
most likely dark outside, and one can t see very well due to the lack of modern, up to date streetlights,
communicating the run down nature of the neighborhood and creating a gloomy mood due to the lack
of light on the street. The very fact that the musician is playing out on the street indicates that he is
most likely down on his luck. Next, Hughes repeats the line, He did a lazy sway... /He did a lazy
sway... (6 7). This repetition, and the drawn out ellipses after the lines themselves, emphasizes the fact
that the night is slow and without energy. Hughes continues on, emphasizing the blackness of the
musician by juxtaposing the musician s skin color with the keys of the piano, noting the movement of
his ebony hands on each ivory key (9). Although the setting of the poem and the content of the blues
song would normally create a downbeat mood, this expectation contrasts with the speaker s frequent
apostrophes to the blues, such as O Blues! (11) and Sweet Blues! (14), which make it clear that the
speaker is overcome with admiration and is struck by the nature of the song, emphasizing the
contrasting nature of blues songs in general. Despite this contrast, however, the mood and setting
created in the first stanza set the scene for the musician s revelation in the second stanza. The musician
s song relies on colloquial diction, using black vernacular language, exemplified when he sings Ain t
got nobody but myself./I s gwine to quit ma frownin (20 21), further emphasizing the musician s
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The Fire that Changed America
The Cold War was a new conflict that began to rise after the horrific and globally destructive World
War II in the mid 20th century between two powerful countries, the democratic United States of
America and the communist government of the Soviet Union. Both countries highlighted its
superiority through a thriving threat of nuclear weapons and wide ranging espionage and counter
espionage between the two countries. In the 1950 s, space became the platform for the competition of
supremacy to validate each country s dominance in innovative technology, military firepower, and
political economic system. Space was seen by David Beers, in the book Blue Sky Dream: A memoir of
America s Fall from Grace, as the next frontier which was a logical extension of the grand American
tradition of exploration. The rise of the aerospace industry became the icon of national reputation and
a dream for the blue sky tribe, who benefitted from the space race, which then later on led to
disappointment and betrayal in the 1990s.
The space race begun in 1957 with the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. In addition, the United
States aerospace innovation was considerably prompted by the government s steady upward ratcheting
of requirements for the acceleration, efficiency, and performance based on speedily evolving project
requirements. Fifteen thousand workers had arrived on the outskirts on (the city of) Sacramento
(pg.55) in California due to the rising aerospace industry. David Beers
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The Tempest Essay
Throughout the play The Tempest there is a relationship that pits master and slave in a harmony that
benefits both parties. Though it may sound strange, these slaves sometimes have a goal or expectation
that they hope to have fulfilled. Although rarely realized by its by its participants, the Master Slave,
Slave Master relationship is a balance of expectation and fear by the slaves to the master; and a
perceived since of power by that of the master over the slaves.
The relationship between the slave and master is one of expectation and perceived fear. Expectation in
a sense that a slave with a perceived future expectation will tend to work harder and more diligently
for their master then a slave that does ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, for with no expectation of future gains, Caliban s work is also subpar for he knows that for
better or for worse he will always be a slave to Prospero.
Second among the slave master relationship is a fear factor that links a fear that Prospero s slaves. For
that if they are not doing of what is expected by Prospero, they can and will be easily destroyed by his
mighty powers. For this fear is real and keeps Ariel and Caliban from coming together and staging a
coo to overthrow Prospero and his powers. To reaffirm his power Prospero tells Ariel, If thou more
mumur st, I will rend an oak and peg thee in his knotty entrails till thou hast howled away twelve
winters (Act I, Scene II, 295 297). Thus Ariel is pressured to do what is asked of him, or face a
horrible demise that should not be wished upon no one. This fear also reminds Ariel that though he is
powerful Prospero is even more powerful. Making it hard for him to try and escape. Whereas, Caliban
fears that Prospero is willing and able to end his llife at any time, since at every meeting he threatens
Caliban with the bad things that he can do to him if he is not pleased with his work. Fetch us in fuel,
and be quick, thou rt best, to answer other business shrug st thou malice? If thou neglect st or dost
unwillingly what I command, I ll rock thee with old cramps, fall all they bones with aches, make thee
roar, that
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A Brief Look at Poliomyelitis
INTRODUCTION Poliomyelitis is often called polio, this polio is an acute infectious disease caused
by a virus which can spread from person to person via the fecal oral route. The term poliomyelitis
means inflammation of the spinal cord of the grey matter. In severe poliomyelitis infection it can
expand to the brainstem. Polio is so contagious that anyone living with a person that is recently
affected can spread the virus for weeks in their feces. It invades the nervous system and spread within
hours. Poliomyelitis causes infection with a member of the genus called the enterovirus which is
known as the poliovirus. It belongs to a group of Ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses which affects the
gastrointestinal tract especially the intestine and the oropharynx. Its structure is very simple,
composed of a single positive sense RNA genome which is enclosed in a protein shell called the
capsid. The capsid apart from protecting the virus genetic material, it capsid protein also make the
polio virus to infect some certain types of cells. There are three serotypes of poliovirus that have been
identified; it includes the poliovirus type 1, poliovirus type of 2 and poliovirus 3. They all look similar
but have a small different structure in its capsid protein. The poliovirus type 1 is the one that causes
most of the disease and is mostly associated with paralysis. Poliomyelitis can come in two ways of
polio infection .There is a minor illness which does not involve the Central
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The Pros And Cons Of Intellectual Property Law
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines anti competitive
practices as the many ways firms restrict inter firm competition to maintain or to increase their relative
market position and profits without necessarily providing goods and services at a lower price or at a
higher quality. The American Federal Trade Commission states that anti competitive practices include
activities such as price fixing, group boycotts and exclusionary exclusive dealings. These activities are
generally grouped as agreements between competitors (horizontal conduct) and monopolization
(single firm conduct).
In order to explore the extent to which exercise of intellectual property rights may be considered anti
competitive, the definition must ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The cause of the tensions has been traced to the objectives of both the laws. In definition, IPR gives
the owners an exclusive right to behave in a particular way, when competition law does everything in
its power to keep the markets open. So then tension rises at which point does IPR become harmful and
competition law should intervene and override IPR?
Lionel Bentley and Brad Sherman have, in their book; Intellectual Property Law acknowledged that
indeed there is tension between competition law and intellectual property law. While discussing the
effect of competition law on the exploitation of copyright , they state that a copyright entitles an owner
to use the property in a manner which he or she so wishes and that the copyright owner cannot be
compelled to apply their rights in a particular manner. This is the exclusivity of a right. They, however,
acknowledge that there are circumstances in which competition law may require a property owner to
make available the right for use by the public. They state that operators in dominant positions have a
special responsibility not to allow their conduct to impair
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Power And Power In Arthur Miller s The Crucible
Sometimes people can get lost in their ability to control others, your mom yelling at you to take out
the trash or maybe you pinning your younger sibling down in a wrestling match. It happens to us all,
even if you do not realize. It all comes with our ingrained desire for this thing we call power. This
desire plagues every society, those of the past and present. For example, in the 1960s an author named
Arthur Miller saw his society falling victim to this plague, so he wrote a play. Miller shows us
throughout The Crucible that power and the desire for it is a disease that spreads in communities and
cripples them, we see this through the actions of Abigail, Danforth, and Parris. Parris is a great
example of a ground zero patient, from the start of the play we see him claw for more and more
political and material power. Miller wastes no time showing Parris concern with his power and how
people perceive it. But if you trafficked with the spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my
enemies will, and they will ruin me with it (Miller 10). Here we see Parris worrying about his ego
while his daughter is lying ill on the bed next to him. This theme continues throughout the play and
becomes worse as we get to know him more. His concern with ego goes hand in hand with our idea of
power; with a tainted ego he will lose his power. His constant concern with these illusory concepts he
loses his path and begins to lead others down it, Like Danforth. Danforth
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Coco Chanel Bibliography
Coco Chanel
At the start of the twentieth century, the idea of women in business seemed crazy. In those days, men
held all the positions of power and made all the decisions about money. They believed that a woman s
place was in the home, looking after her children, cooking for her family and managing the house. If a
woman needed to work she could perhaps find a job in a shop or in a factory, but she had no chance of
working as a businesswoman or a banker or a lawyer.
Women s fashions in the US and Europe at that time supported this idea of their position in society.
Fashionable women wore long dresses that almost touched the ground. This made it difficult for them
to drive a car, ride a horse or even walk quickly. As a result, they ... Show more content on
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Some people were frightened, but most were in a good mood. Don t worry, they told each other. The
war will be finished by Christmas. But after a few weeks, it was clear that they were wrong. More and
more men left Deauville to go and fight in the French army. Soon the expensive hotels were changed
into hospitals, full of soldiers who had been hurt in the fighting. The rich Frenchwomen of Deauville
saw that it was their duty to help the French army and many of them took jobs as nurses in the
hospitals or did other kinds of war work. But after a few days they realized that it was impossible to
work in their long dresses. They looked around for different things to wear. They found the answer in
Coco Chanel s new shop. Her simple hats, loose jackets and straight skirts were just what these
women needed. They were stylish, but they allowed women to move around quickly. Coco was soon
selling clothes as fast as she could make them.
For the next three years, Coco travelled between her businesses, while the First World War continued
in the north and east of France. By 1916, over three hundred people were working for her. She soon
made so much money that she could pay back Boy Capek all that she had borrowed. Coco had been
lucky because the war had given her a chance to make her new designs popular. When the war is
finished, in November 1918, Coco was ready to start the next and most successful part
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Rotavirus is commonly spread from person to person. It is highly contagious and passes easily through
the fecal oral route by way of contact with contaminated hands or objects, such as toys and surfaces,
through tainted food or water, in respiratory droplets or on water contaminated with feces. Infected
children begin to shed rotavirus in their stools 76 before the onset of symptoms and can excrete up to
1011 rotavirus particles per gram of fecal matter, much more than the number of 100 particles required
to infect new contacts. The risk of rotavirus transmission can be reduced by frequent hand washing
and treatment of contaminated materials at high temperatures, namely above + 50°C. Rotaviruses are
ubiquitous, easily spread and resistant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Serological studies indicate that infections in adults are less dependent on seasonal fluctuations than
infection in children 5371. Adults who are interested in children and travelers infected by resource
shortage environments appear to be at the greatest risk 53. Transmission among adults was also
documented in hospitals 53, nursing homes and military barracks. In view of the fact that rotavirus is
typically distributed in amounts well beyond what is required to cause infection in fully susceptible
hosts 6, perhaps only a few viral particles entering the small intestine, infected older children and
adults 53 are infected with a milder or asymptomatic infection 64. Be an important reservoir for
infection, although its importance for transmission remains
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The United States Secret Service
The United States Secret Service is one of the oldest federal law enforcement agencies in the country,
and one of the most elite in the world. Secret Service s mission is to protect the president, vice
president and others; and investigations into crimes against the financial infrastructure of the United
States (USSS History. (n.d.). By law, the Secret Service is authorized to protect the president, vice
president, the president elect, and vice president elect. The immediate families of those individuals,
former presidents, their spouses, children of former presidents until age sixteen. The Secret Service is
also authorized to protect National Security Events, visiting heads of foreign states, and major
presidential and vice presidential ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(n.d.). The Secret Service is important to criminal justice administration because they have a
jurisdiction to investigate threat against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes. Crimes
such as counterfeiting of U.S currency or other U.S government obligations; forgery, theft of U.S
treasury checks, bonds and other securities; credit card fraud; telecommunications fraud; computer
fraud; identity fraud and other crimes that affect federal financial institutions. The United States
Attorney s Office and the Secret Service work closely together as well in protective and investigation
matters (FAQs. (n.d.). To even be considered for Secret Service Agent you must be a U.S Citizen.
Twenty one years of age at the time of the application and younger than thirty seven at the time the job
offer is made to you. If you re a veteran you must be at least twenty one years of age as well as and
younger than forty years old at the time the position is offered to you. A current and valid driver s
license is needed. High school diploma or equivalent. Qualify for the GL 07 level which in other
words is a bachelor s degree from and accredited college or university with superior academic
achievement, or a GL 09 level which is a master s degree with superior academic achievement. The
vision qualifications for this position require uncorrected vision no worse than 20/60 binocular, or
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Jay Z Decoded Sparknotes
In the book Decoded, rapper and businessman Jay Z describes the emergence of hip hop culture while
sharing his childhood memories, life challenges, and passions. Along with Jay Z s personal narrative,
he provides an explanation for his song lyrics to educate readers about hip hop s importance, his life,
and national issues. Thus, he creates several arguments about hip hop s purpose in the music industry.
Two of Jay Z s main arguments consisted of hip hop being a form of art and the story of a hustler. This
is especially true when considering how Jay Z defines hip hop, analyzes supporting evidence, and
interprets rap lyrics. Moreover, Jay Z explains how poetry hides beneath the surface of hip hop songs,
making it a form of art. However, many individuals are unaware of the poetry due to them focusing on
the beat and punch lines of songs or quickly labeling rap as provocative rather than hearing the
message behind the lyrics. Jay Z states an individual cannot half listen to a ... Show more content on
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Hip hop paints pictures of poverty, violence, and thug life. Jay Z says, the story of the hustler was the
story hip hop was born to tell not its only story, but the story that found its voice in the form and, in
return, helped grow into an art (Jay Z, 18). This shows how hip hop became the voice for people
living in the ghetto. The hustler s story created a connection with a global audience that defined the
life of pure struggle (Jay Z, 18). For instance, Jay Z was raised in Brooklyn s drug infested projects
causing him to have a rough adolescence. He became a hustler to afford material items and help his
mother pay for the bills like most teenagers in his generation. Jay Z explains how teenagers were
wearing automatic weapons as if they were sneakers. Instead of focusing on education, teenagers were
worrying about adult responsibilities. Consequently, teenage roles were shifting in negative
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Persuasive Essay On Rap Music
Many believe that rap music has taken a complete 180 in the industry and has turned their lyrics of
inspiration and positivity, to drugs and gang violence. Although several signs can point to this
statement being true, rap music does not encourage teens to act violently. In fact, many artists/rappers
spread positive messages across, giving solutions, and inspiration to the audience.
Parents were and still are on the fence of their kids listening to rap music. The explicit types of rap
music are poisoning the minds of young teens and can even encourage them to act in the a violent
manner or rebel. Although, that is for explicit lyrics, not all rap has explicit lyrics. Altogether, rap
music does not encourage teen violence in any way and many individual artists even teach their
audience how to act positively. Teenagers seem to click easier to song lyrics, whether it s country, rap,
rock, or pop. It can affect teenagers in a positive and negative way, but violence being said in the
lyrics does not cause an indication of aggression for the listener. The lyrics may describe their
situation perfectly, what they go through and how they feel. That s why we always have those catchy
radio tunes stuck in our heads. Alison Churchill, a fan of rapper Eminem from Newsday feed shares
her input on what it can do to younger peers. But she thinks the song could have a positive impact, if it
can hit a nerve with a teenager and prompt them to go talk to someone about it. Because, Churchill
says, The more we talk about a subject, the easier it is to fix. If teens don t usually have anyone to talk
to, it can cause an empty feeling of loneliness that can turn into urges of depression, anxiety, mental
health issues. When rap music hits home for the younger generation it s telling them to open up to
somebody and share what you have to say. Talking about something that is bothersome can be a great
solution for those who need or want it.
Rap music was creating a negative influence throughout the music industry for awhile, it s agreeable
that modern day rap today mostly involves drugs, gangs, violence, money, etc. Although, a lot of it
also gives inspiration or at least has that goal being set when creating the music. Most
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Heart Failure and Western Countries Essay
Heart failure is a major cause of morbidity and mortality affecting all Western countries and represents
a significant economic, social and healthcare burden.(1) Approximately 1 2% of the population of the
developed world has been diagnosed with clinically significant heart failure, a gross underestimation.
(2) Depending on how the condition is defined, recent population studies estimate that between 3%
and 9% of the adult population are affected by overt symptoms of heart failure.(3) An additional and
similar proportion of individuals surveyed exhibit a pre clinical silent left ventricular dysfunction. (3)
The incidence of which rises sharply among persons 70 years of age and older.(4) In the United States,
estimates place ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Systolic and Diastolic Heart Failure
The pathophysiolgy underlying heart failure has evolved significantly over time. The heart may be
visualised as a pump, consisting of four chambers divided into atria and ventricles further divided into
right and left hemispheres.(14) Deoxygenated blood from peripheral tissues is supplied through the
right atria/ventricle to the lungs where oxygenation through membranous perfusion occurs.
Oxygenated blood returns through the pulmonary veins into the left atria/ventricle where it is supplied
to the systemic/coronary circulation. This process occurs in two phases; systole and diastole. (14)
Heart failure may affect either the systolic or diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle. Alternatively, both
phases may be involved. Conceptually it is useful to view this heterogenous condition as a progressive
disorder that has an initiating or index event where damage is inflicted on the cardiac myocytes.(15)
The index event can be acute, such as may be the case in myocardial infarct, or chronic due to
haemodynamic pressure or volume overloading. Regardless of the mechanism of injury a decline in
pump function is the result. The initial insult will be compensated for in the acute phase by activation
of a complex sequence of neurohormonal changes which are recognised to play a pivotal role in the
development and progression of heart failure.(15) Whilst
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Sociological Paradigm
Sociological Paradigm
Societies have different expectations about how individuals and groups should behave and this is
based on the values, beliefs and various forms of interactions that exist among individuals in the
society and give cues to how men and women should behave (Blackstone, 2003). Ridgeway and
Correll (2004) in their work Unpacking Gender System describe gender as an institutionalized system
of social practices and view inequality in multilevel perspective with cultural beliefs and resource
distribution at macro level, behaviour patterns at interactional level and selves and identities at the
individual level. Leaper and Friedman use Social Structural Process and the Social Interactive Process
to describe children s gender development with relation to the societal context. The social structural
process views how power and status at home and outside impose gendered roles and emphasize
gender equality and the constraints placed on these roles.The social interactive process views gender
roles in the society during children s development requires relating it with a large cultural context that
places emphasis on the social interactions and daily activities.
Psycho Social Paradigm on Health, Education and Work
Males and females are generally viewed as having distinct roles with females being restricted to
household chores and men working in the public sphere. Men and women face different expectations
about how they should dress, behave or work. Relations between
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Laney Computer Lab Case Study
Laney Computer Lab Case Study The first thing upon entry into the Laney Computer lab I noticed
was a consistent mummer of quiet voices, as I began my entry. I chose this area because it was easy to
observe, close by, and provided a diverse population of people to study. The atmosphere in the
computer lab was clearly directed at studying, it was a calm, well lit room, with a cool temperature,
and not too loud. A few people asked me some questions related to their work while I was there, but I
noticed they seemed slightly, nervous, and the conversation was kept brief. I felt comfortable, safe,
and a little stressed in the computer lab, because I could tell that most people did not want to be
disturbed. At some points all I could hear was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During my visit I noticed there seemed to be an unsaid social rule that when using the computers you
should quickly finish your work, though there were no rules posted within plain sight referring to
duration of your visit. People in this setting also, seemed to get frustrated when they noticed others
using the computers for things other than what immediately appeared to be school work. Though some
people were leaving, or entering with groups of friends, the occupancy of the room seemed fairly
consistent. When I was there I did not notice a line to wait, but people were filling the room almost
exactly as others were leaving the room causing the room to be nearly full of students at all times, but
the room never actually reached full occupancy while I was there. The exact numerical data for this
was about nine people would leave every fifteen minutes, and then they would be replaced on average
by nine to ten people within that same timeframe. While I was calculating the amount of people
coming in verses the number of people leaving the lab, I also decided to check the ratio of backpacks,
verses no backpacks in the room. There were approximately thirty two people with backpacks, and
thirty seven people without them at any given point resulting in about an eighty six percent rate of
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The Warsaw Pact
The Opposing alliances in 1985 were military alliances in the cold war, the two alliances were the
NATO an anti communism alliance, and the Warsaw alliance is a communism alliance. I agree with
NATO alliance by trying to stop the communism alliances. Warsaw Was a collective defense treaty
among eight communist states of Central and Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War, led by
the USSR. The Warsaw Pact was the military complement to the Council for Mutual Economic
Assistance, the regional economic organization for the communist states of Central and Eastern
Europe. The Warsaw Pact was in part a Soviet military reaction to the integration of West Germany
the Warsaw alliance isolated itself with an iron curtain in Germany no one could leave or enter.
Although NATO was present throughout the Cold War as the opposite to the Warsaw Pact, joint
military exercises were practiced but no military operations took place. This came after the Cold War
when NATO s influence in a post Cold War rose to prominence in Bosnia where NATO gradually
stepped up their efforts to end the trouble. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But in this case its intimidation of nuclear weapons. Both superpowers of the world, Russia and the
United States had mutual intimidation during the nuclear arms race developed during the Cold War, an
intense period between the Soviet Union and the United States. This was one of the main causes that
began the cold war. On both sides, perceived advantages of the adversary such as the missile gap led
to large spending on armaments and the stockpiling of vast nuclear arsenals. Proxy wars were fought
all over the After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War when Apollo 17
landed on the moon, tensions decreased and the nuclear arsenal of both countries were
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Soccer Vs MLS
It s impossible to achieve success in life without networking. No sports utilizes the strategy more than
Soccer. The most popular international sport s transfer windows, make free agency looks childish. But
conquering it is harder than it looks. Some leagues have mastered the craft others haven t. MLS is still
working on getting the hang of things. Which begs the question. Will an international player in his
prime ever play in the states ? Soccer is the most popular sport on the planet. People in every corner of
the globe are involved in it. The global sport also has a global transfer market sort of. A major party is
still missing. Soccer in the states has grown at a rapid rate. But the change hasn t altered perception of
the league; when it comes to transfers. In a way MLS resembles a retirement ... Show more content on
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Their involvement in the global market is well documented. American Soccer has also participated but
on a smaller scale. In order to create a true transfer market this needs to change. American Soccer
teams aren t known for stealing major talent from foreign clubs. The two parties haven t even played
outside the states. They re potential off field interactions; are more important than they re on field
ones. If MLS wants to be considered a peer it needs to do business overseas. Many if not all the
international clubs are dependent on youth development. MLS has a similar model that has produced
some success. The major difference is MLS players have been known to leave the states. Emerging
stars rarely go play in the states. This mindset isn t a good sign for MLS. DeAndre Yedlin became a
household name; thanks to his MLS and World Cup success. The former Sounder ended joining a club
overseas at the peak of his momentum. Other players have followed a similar path with some success.
This trend is arguably the biggest reason why MLS is viewed as second tier. Reversing the trend
would be huge for the
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Rome Was Different From The Steppes
Rome was different from the steppes.
For one, there were more trees. Dense forests dotted the landscape back east but here in the west they
rolled on for miles and miles, making it harder for the large horde to travel on horseback. At least the
roads helped. Romans were meticulous about their roads, and their insistence about the width made it
easier for riders to ride two by two, as well as for the large carts to pass through unscathed. Roads to
the east were merely dirt paths carved over time, little more than dirt impressions winding through a
sea of grass.
Although grateful for them, Attila didn t need the roads. Despite the trees he could have navigated his
men through the thick forests, though it would have admittedly taken ... Show more content on
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It was a damning piece of parchment. Her brother had been sending legions to the east to stop the
encroaching Huns. He would not have allowed his sister to write the letter and if he had been
entertaining the idea of an alliance, then he would have written it himself.
This was treason.
Yet the idea was intriguing. Attila had been married once before, but both his wife and child were dead
and buried alongside the trails in the steppes. With no legitimate heir to his dynasty, there had already
been quarrels amongst the host as to who should step in if, and more importantly when, the king died.
Some suggested one of his acknowledged sons from the trail women. Though not born of a proper
union, they were still his blood. Others said that he should pick from his most trusted generals. Attila
had made no decision either way, however. In fact the inferred idea that he would not sire any more
children offended him. He was a young man, not a lecher too old to rise to the occasion... He could
still father a true heir.
And who better than a princess from the west, beautiful and young, and considering the ring that Attila
had wrapped around his neck with a bit of leather, who was also eager to become his wife?
So the decision was made. Attila chose from the main host a few hundred men to accompany him to
Rome. It was dangerous riding into the heart of the empire but with a smaller group travelling with
him, it would be easier to avoid patrols and outposts.
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Comparing Working Memory And The Episodic Buffer
In 1974 the researchers Baddeley and Hitch argued that the picture of short term memory (STM)
provided by the Multi Store Model was far too simple. Following the Multi Store Model, it is believed
that STM holds limited amounts of information for short periods of time with relatively little
processing, it is believed to be a unitary store. This means that due to its single store it has no
subsystems, unlike the Working Memory Model which has many subsystems. This proves that the
Working Memory is not a unitary store. Working Memory is STM. In contrast to the Multi Store
Model, where all the information goes to one single store (Unitary store), there are different systems
for the different types of information. Working Memory consists of ... Show more content on
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This supports the idea of an immediate memory store for items that are neither visual nor phonological
and that draw on long term memory to link the related words. It is used as both the Phonological Loop
and the Visuo Spatial Sketch Pad have specific roles and the Central Executive has very limited
storage capacity so as a result there was no where to store both visual and acoustic information. The
Episodic Buffer is an extra storage system that has in common with all working memory units, a
limited capacity. It is handy and can integrate information from the Central Executive, The
Phonological Loop, The Visuo Spatial Sketch Pad and also information from the Long Term Memory.
Researchers such as Logie, Baddeley and Bunge generally agree that the short term memory is made
up of a number of components or subsystems. The working memory model has replaced the idea of a
unitary store short term memory as suggested by the multistore model. The working memory model
explains a lot more and in a lot more detail than the multistore model. It makes sense a range of tasks
verbal reasoning, comprehension, reading, problem solving and visual and spatial processing, it also
applies to real life tasks such as reading which involves the phonological loop subsystem, problem
solving which involves the central executive and navigation which involves the visual and spatial
subsystem. The Working Memory Model is supported by
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Literary Precis
1. MLA Citation: Márquez, Gabriel García, and Gregory Rabassa. One hundred years of solitude.
HarperLargePrint, 2004.
2. Literary Precis: In the novel One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Marquez Garcia, he suggests
that our fate is written and inevitable. He supports this claim by showing multiple generations do the
same mistakes that their previous generation made. He also supports this by stating that the Buendia
family had there fate written all along and was not able to avoid it by any means. The author s purpose
of this novel is to entertain and inform the reader in order to get across that our fate is written down
even before we are born. The author uses an observational tone with his intellectually capable
3. Four ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Four Quotations: Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to
remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. This explains the work of
Gabriel Marquez Garcia is one sentence. It is confusing, complicated, and very hard to make sense of.
We re going to leave this town, just as far as we can go, and we ll never come back, Go in peace now.
This is Jose Arcadio Buendia speaking to his wife. This show how he lacks judgement because who in
the right mind would just sacrifice everything to an uncertain adventure. This was all because he was
rumored to be incompetent. ...about the time he had begun to cultivate the black mustache with waxed
tips and the somewhat stentorian voice that would characterize him in the war. Garcia like to
foreshadow a lot. In this period of the book, we are just seeing Aureliano grow up and we are already
told he was in a
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How Did Betsy Ross Make The American Flag
The American flag is the symbol of our nation s strength and unity. Many people wonder was it Betsy
Ross that sewed the American flag. Betsy Ross played a big role in making the first American Flag.
Betsy Ross was born on January 1, 1752 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her real name was Elizabeth
Griscom, her mom called her Betsy. She is one of seventeen children and was very close to her sisters.
During this time many girls didn t attend school, but she as one of the few that did and learned how to
read and write (USHistory, 2010). When she was twelve she took a job sewing tablecloths, curtains
and bedspreads. In this shop she met a man by the name of John Ross which she later married. Betsy
eloped to marry John Ross in 1773. Because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They had in hand a design for a flag. In that design the stars they had in mind had six points. Betsy
looks at the design took a piece of paper and folds it in half and cuts it. By cutting the piece of paper
she showed Washington, Ross and Morris that making a five point start is much more efficient. They
agree and take it back to Congress and pass the first flag. This flag would become the official flag of
the new United State of America. The flag had thirteen stars and thirteen stripes to represent the
thirteen colonies that won the Revolutionary War and became the United States of America. Today the
flag has fifty stars to represent the fifty States of America; however, the thirteen stripes still remain to
represent the thirteen colonies of Betsy Ross s time (Palazzo Craig, 2004).
As mentioned before the first American Flag had thirteen stars for the thirteen colonies. The American
flag is the symbol of our nation s strength and unity. The flag is a well known icon to our history. The
stars were in a circle so that no one colony would be viewed above another. It is reported that George
Washington said, Let the 13 stars in a circle stand as a new constellation in the heavens (Landau,
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The Prophets Of The Old Testament Speak A Great Deal
The prophets of the Old Testament speak a great deal about idolatry, social injustice, and religious
ritualism. These were serious problems for the people of Israel and Judah and are still problems for
many people today.
Idolatry is probably one of the most talked about problems throughout the whole history of Israel and
Judah. From Moses and Arron with the golden calf right up until the Assyrian and Babylonian
captivity we see the people of Israel and Judah repeatedly turn away from God to worship idols. Every
time they turned away from Him, God would send a prophet to rebuke His people and to preach
judgement if they did not repent.
One of the most famous of the prophets who spoke on idolatry was Isaiah who preached to the
southern ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ezekiel writes that he saw the Shekinah Glory of God depart from Jerusalem because of the idol
worship that was taking place even in the temple. He also says that the Lord will be against Israel
because of their idolatry. Ezekiel 6:3 4 ESV You mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God!
Thus says the Lord God to the mountains and the hills, to the ravines and the valleys:Behold, I, even I,
will bring a sword upon you, and I will destroy your high places. Your altars shall become desolate,
and your incense altars shall be broken, and I will cast down your slain before your idols
Another stumbling block for the people of Israel was social injustice. Those who were rich and
powerful were oppressing and enslaving the poor. God did not approve of this practice and sent
several prophets to condemn it. Some of those prophets were Amos, Micah, and Nahum who went to
both the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel preaching repentance.
The prophet God sent to condemn the practice of social injustice in the northern kingdom of Israel was
Amos. Amos 5:11 12 ESV Therefore because you trample on the poor and you exact taxes of grain
from him, you have built houses of hewn stone, but you shall not dwell in them; you have planted
pleasant vineyards, but you shall not drink their wine. In these verses Amos condemns the subjugation
of the poor and the high taxes placed on food to keep them in poverty by the rich. He also tells of
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Introduction Of A Mobile Development Program
Introducing Cluster Development Programme in Bangladesh Bangladesh is one of the most promising
emerging economies in South Asia. The averaged GDP growth of the country is 6. 5% which has been
largely driven by its exports, remittance and agricultural sectors. Recently, manufacturing industry and
service sectors are growing rapidly and the involvement in farming is decreasing. Bangladesh has a
lucrative opportunity to become one of the leading economic powers in Asia by properly utilising its
cheap labour and geographical position. Bangladesh is the pioneer in introducing microfinance in the
world. Eventually, it encouraged the many micro and small enterprises to be established in the fertile
land. Many of the small and medium (SME) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So this is the high time for the government, different organisations like the Bangladesh Bank, BSCIC,
SMEF, NGOs, banks and international organisations like the UNIDO, World Bank, Asian
Development Bank to work together for the SME clusters development. The higher educational
institutions in Bangladesh also can contribute to the CDP through conducting comprehensive research
and by organising continuous development programmes. Recently, I got a call from an employee of
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industry Corporation (BSCIC). He shared a problem with me that he
found some lentil producers from the BSCIC industry area who are struggling to survive in the market
because their sales are going down and some of them are thinking to wind up their businesses. So he
asked me for sharing some solutions considering their problems. I replied to him that the lentil
producers can create marketing consortia by doing which they can increase their sales initially. Before
that, they have to maintain a standard quality of their products so that they can sell the produced lentils
by a common brand locally and nationally maintaining the same quality. They can also decrease the
cost of the production and packaging as the volume will be huge altogether. Later I also added some
other recommendations which they can think to work with in the long run like technological
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Evolution Of Host Parasite Relationships
Betsy Gladden
Evolution Case Study #1
Dr. Amanda Duffus
The Evolution of Host Parasite Relationships
Since Darwin s dangerous idea in the nineteenth century, the causes and significances of evolution
have been investigated unceasingly. One evident example of evolution is between parasite and host
relationships, in which host and parasite partners maximize their own fitness, by evolving to reduce
the fitness of the other. Parasites are hypothesized to evolve and cause hosts to evolve, as well as
promoting sexual recombination. There are two major hypotheses of evolution pertaining to host
parasite relationships: the Red Queen hypothesis and the Red King model. The Red Queen hypothesis
claims that there is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Scientist Van Valen used this as a metaphor for the evolutionary race saying that species keep running
(evolving) to stay in the same place, but if they stop, they become extinct. This theory has been
consistently added to and built upon by G. Bell in 1982, who applied it to host and parasite
relationships, showing how evolution affects genotype frequencies and that changes come from
maintaining sexual reproduction. (Lively, 2010) The Red Queen hypothesis demonstrates how species
rely on competition for initiating evolution, and how there is a domino effect of change causing
change. (Barnett and Hansen, 1996) In studies done by Barnett and Hansen (1996) using an
organizational approach, evidence was found for Red Queen evolution in that organizations exhibited
less failure if there was more competition. The research used banks as a model, and the results showed
that in places only one existed, there was an advantage of a monopoly, but did not have any
experience when exposed to competition. (Barnett and Hansen, 1996) The Red Queen hypothesis also
shows that selection favors hosts that have rare resistance alleles. There also is research that shows
generation time affects selection for sex, in that the longer it takes to reproduce, the more opportunity
there is for evolution. The Red Queen hypothesis suggests that when in regard to parasite and host
relationships, when parasites are low in number, the costs of sex outweigh the benefits and
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Analysis of the Book of Jonah Essay
We often read stories in the Bible without taking the historical context into consideration. As a result,
we become unaware of the story s historical validity. In some cases, stories are used to share a moral
concept, or used as a tool to teach a lesson. The Book of Jonah is an example that will be used to
determine if this particular story describes an accurate recount of history, or if it teaches the readers a
lesson. In the Book of Jonah, Jonah (the prophet) is instructed to go to a pagan city (Nineveh) to
preach to the Ninevites, hoping that they will repent for their sins. However, he challenges God and
travels to Tarshish instead. Jonah receives consequences for his actions and Nineveh is eventually
forgiven by God. Although the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, the city of Nineveh is described in Nahum as bloody, full of deceit, and full of plunder
(Bolin 117). The Ninevites actions therefore justified Jonah s decision to disobey God s command
because of how ruthless they were. The nature of the great city disgusted Jonah and made him believe
that the Ninevites were not worthy of God s forgiveness. Although Jonah s intuition to ignore God s
command seems admissible, we later learn that it is not up to Jonah to determine the Ninevites fate. To
recap the first half of the Book of Jonah, God calls upon Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh and
send them a message that God will punish the Ninevites if they do not repent for their sins. Jonah,
refusing to help the Ninevites, decides to flee from God in disobedience (Cosby 124) to Tarshish.
Jonah boards a ship with a couple of sailors and sets sail to Tarshish. However during their sail, God
sends a terrible storm due to Jonah s disobedience. The sailors eventually had to throw Jonah into the
sea in order to calm the storm. God creates a big fish to engulf Jonah where Jonah was in its belly for
three days and three nights. This part of the story in particular allows the reader to stop and ponder if
Jonah s incident with the big fish really took place in history. It is impossible to survive one day in a
belly of a fish nevertheless three days! Knowing this bit of information, we can deduce that the
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William Cullen Bryant Analysis
William Cullen Bryant was a man wise beyond his years. It is said that Bryant was seen in the eyes of
many as a star so to speak. Some even referred to the writer as a child prodigy. Honestly, while first
reading Bryant, we thought to ourselves that his work should not be written as verses on paper. Rather,
they should be displayed on a wall with vivid colors for the world to see. As one sits down to read
Bryant, I m sure they were in as much surprise as we were. His descriptions so vivid, his
personification so lifelike, we fell in love. Bryant did not just explore nature; he embodied it. As one
would notice, he often pulled a bunch of themes, such as romantic themes, from nature. If you need an
example, we suggest glancing over Thanatopsis. Communion with her visible forms, she speaks.
Personally, we feel that Bryant fits right in there with other astonishing writers that we have studied.
He has a very open mind, and did not have any discomfort sharing his thought/feelings on beautiful
things as we ve mentioned; (nature) along with deeper, more personal topics. (Death.) Is it truly in the
hands of nature to heal? Do we really never die alone? Correct us if we re wrong here, but weren t
these thoughts along the same lines of Dickinson and Emerson? If this is ... Show more content on
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As a writer, Bryant adds a ton of personification to his work; as he often personifies nature.
Personification, in our minds, is out of the box thinking. Therefore, we feel that in a sense, he would
be the perfect platform for this. He is a different or unique writer; and in 2015, almost 16, we see
different every single day. The idea of different is in no way, shape, or form strange. We feel that
people who are different implement the biggest lessons in life. That being said, if they were to bring
Bryant into a traditional classroom today, we can almost guarantee that they would not be
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Use Of Magic, Spells, Creatures And Magical Devices
Throughout the Harry Potter series you are introduced to many forms of magic, spells, creatures and
magical devices. One of the very first devices used in the series appears in the first book and is one of
the main components to the book and a driving role in the plot even giving the book a title. That
device is the Philosopher s stone, also known as the Sorcerer s stone. An extraordinary alchemist in
the wizarding world and long time friend of Albus Dumbledore, Nicolas Flame, created the stone. The
stone is used to create the Elixir of Life potion. When someone drinks the Elixir of Life their life is
extended however long they want as long as they keep taking the potion before its effects wear off.
The potion can also reincarnate a dead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They include: Hagrid s three headed dog which protected the trap door to the chamber; Devil s snare
created by Professor Sprout; flying keys that were charmed by Flitwick; Professor McGonagall s life
size game of chess; the Mirror of Erised, which was put there by Dumbledore; Snipe s potion riddle;
and the troll which attacks Hermione in the bathroom brought in by Professor Quirrell. All seven
creatures or enchantments work to protect the stone from Voldemort. However, throughout the year,
Harry, Hermione, and Ron become suspicious of Snape and think that he is going to try and steal the
treasured stone. Acting on their suspicions the three friends get past the seven complications Harry
ends up having to duel Lord Voldemort and Professor Quirrell, who Voldemort was actually using to
get to the stone. Harry defeats them both, Quirrell s life is lost and Lord Voldemort is diminished from
this world again. After the battle Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel decide to destroy the stone so that
Voldemort could not get ahold of it at a later date. Since the stone is what was keeping Nicolas Flamel
and his wife alive, they both ended up dying with the destruction of the stone. Like many other aspects
of the Potter series, the Philosopher s Stone has many political links. The most evident display of
political styles seen in the stone is perfectionism. The stone s main uses are for
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Identifying The Patterns Of Social Acceptance
In the context of parties of people, I was particularly interested in finding the patterns of social
acceptance, and the ways that people incorporate themselves into groups. An example of such
acceptance can be the pattern of individuals who completely ignore groups around them by staring at
their phone; compared to those who strike conversations with people they haven t met before.
Addressed, also, are ways that people use more passive technique to identify themselves and how this
resembles their social circle. Note taking was taken in two spots with the overall time of note taking to
roughly 1 hour. The first area was the quad. This area was where the majority of notes were written. I
selected this area in particular because of the traffic during lunch hours. In order to get a good viewing
angle of the quad, I sat under in the southwest corner of the quad and began taking notes. The other
part of my notes were written in a more progressive manner. I specifically took notes of group patterns
during lecture, and regularly would ask questions focused on such. Finding a correlation between the
different questions asked, and a behavioral response is how I drew my conclusions. I am always
fascinated between how people socialize. This topic is close to my heart because I was an extreme
introvert before my final years of high school. Not being able to just start a simple conversation
because of social anxiety is one of the worst feelings anybody can have, and it takes a lot
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On Yellow Paper Or Work It Out For Yourself Essay
ovel on Yellow Paper also titled Novel on Yellow Paper, or Work it Out for Yourself, by Stevie Smith
is a semi autobiographical modernist text that is set up as a stream of consciousness of the musings of
Pompey Casmilus. It is the first of Smith s three novels, and often considered a part of the second
generation of Modernist writings. Other critics like Kristin Bluemel consider it to be an intermodernist
text. Throughout Novel, Smith brings in modernist staples such as references to other texts, different
languages, stream of consciousness style, quotations, allusions, myth making, and nationalism. While
there are no chapters in the book, spaces between paragraphs determine breaks in Pompey s and when
she must take a break from writing her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Anti Semitism runs throughout Novel, according to Kristin Bluemel, plays an important role in Smith
s purpose to show the fickleness of English anti Semitism. Pompey continues on with another
flashback about how when she was at a party thrown by Leonie and was suddenly struck by the notion
that she was the only goy or a Gentile. The line Hurrah to be a goy! is used, and has become one of the
more referenced lines in criticism and reviews (11). She continues by saying, A clever goy is cleverer
than a clever Jew (11). She expresses how lucky she is to be a goy in London, but of course she is
clear to explain that she has Jewish friends. Pompey states that it makes her feel doublefaced (13). At
first, Pompey expresses her love of Germany: the art, the music, and the atmosphere. While
reminiscing about her trip to Germany, Pompey talks about how deeply neurotic the German people
are (119). She talks about Hitler in an almost mocking voice, and Severin explains: ...begins with a
blatantly anti Semitic statement, from a simple anti Other stance. But it does so by mimicking the
language of imperialism and anti Semitism, slowly exposing the dangers of any language of
domination (Severin 471). Therefore, by using anti Semitic language, and using it as a focal point in
the novel, Smith is able to convey the importance of unity and respect. The rise of
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  • 1. 017 Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer Titles F 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 017 Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer Titles F 017 Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer Titles F
  • 2. The Historical Context Of Nursing Nursing was not always seen as a profession, therefore it is important to explore what a profession is and its historical context related to nursing. Turkoski (1995) states that profession is a social construct that was determined by a male worldview; only men were allowed to have professions. Over time the concept of profession has moved beyond the gender divide and established a set of criteria that are non gender specific. RNABC (as cited in Northrup et al, 2004) listed attributes that explained how nurses were a profession. These attributes are, responsibility and accountability to the public, have own body of knowledge, bound by a code ethics, provide a service to the public and is self regulating. However, education is missing from the RNABC standards of professional development, according the Merriam Websters dictionary (2015) a profession is, a type of job that requires special education, training or skill and requires specialized knowledge. Bluhm (2014) adds that it is the specialized training that allows someone to be called a nurse. Ten Hoeve, Jansen and Roodbol (2014) agree that education and development of knowledge is the reason why nursing was raised to the professional status. It is this knowledge development that has helped shaped what nursing is today, and has allowed nurses to share a common worldview. Worldviews (paradigms) frame global assumptions for vocabulary, theories and principles to direct the development of ideas for a domain (Duff, 2011 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Wolsey s Fall Assess the reasons behind Wolsey s fall From the beginning of Henry VIII reign to 1529, Cardinal Wolsey was a influential figure and Henry s key advisor. However by 1529 Wolsey had been charged with praemunire and was due to be executed in November 1530. The most important reason for this was because of Wolsey s failure to obtain a divorce between Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII. The main reason behind Wolsey s fall was his failure to obtain a divorce between Catherine of Argon and Henry VIII. Henry s desire to end his marriage began in 1527 in which Wolsey promised would be a quick and easy problem to resolve due to his influence with the pope. However after two years of waiting Henry became desperate for a divorce. Wolsey made ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overall, the main reason for the fall of Wolsey was because of his failure to obtain a divorce. This resulted in a loss of power, and support from the king. Whereas the Amicable Grant and tensions with the nobles facilitated Wolsey s fall, they did not cause him to lose all of his power or the kings ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Carl Virchow Research Paper Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow was born on October 13, 1821 in the town of Schivelbein, in the German Kingdom of Prussia. Today the town is called Świdwin and lies in Poland. His father was Carl Christian Siegfried Virchow, a farmer, and town treasurer of Schivelbein; his mother was Johanna Maria Hesse. The couple were not especially well off financially and Rudolf was their only child. His parents loved the natural world and passed this love onto their son, taking him on bird watching trips. Rudolf attended elementary school in Schivelbein. From his earliest days at school, he seems to have been exceptionally gifted intellectually, so much so that his parents paid for extra lessons to push him forward. From elementary school he progressed to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He has also received the Copley Medal. Rudolf Virchow was widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential physicians in history. One of Virchow major impact was on the medical education in Germany. He taught several people, who have now become famous scientist in Germany. He has taught Edwin Klebs, Ernst Haekel, Adolf Kussimaul, William Wetch and William Osler. And 2 of the 4 of the famous physicians who founded Johns Hopkin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Apostle Paul 3.1 Describe Paul s gospel in regards to the elements he learned from the disciples in Jerusalem and in regards to those elements he received by revelation. To whom did Paul talk when he went to Jerusalem? How do we know? Show the similarities and differences between tradition and revelation in Paul s gospel. Three years after his conversion, Paul went to Jerusalem to meet with Cephas (Peter). He remained in Jerusalem for fifteen days. After this time, he also met with James, the Lord s brother. It was from Peter that Paul learned of the tradition, i.e., the details of Jesus teachings during His earthly ministry. It was important for Paul to inquire about the teachings that the disciples had received from the Lord during his time on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In discussing the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul uses almost the same words to convey the fact that he was transmitting the original traditions. He says in I Corinthians, For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins... In the parable of the prodigal son , Jesus tells of a father s unconditional love and acceptance to his repentant son to illustrate God the Father s unconditional love and grace to repentant sinners. Paul follows accordingly in his teaching where he emphasizes that believers are no longer slaves but legitimate sons and heirs of God. In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, Jesus teaches that His love and grace are unmerited and do not depend on what one does or doesn t do. Grace is grace, and it is free for all at whatever time of life it is accepted. Paul s teaching confirms this. In Galatians, Paul reproves the Galatian believers for thinking that salvation could be changed from faith in God s grace to dependence on the law. The merging of tradition and revelation in both of the gospel parables mentioned above resonate with me. It is important for contemporary hearers of the Word of God to know that the salvation from God is unconditional and unmerited. It is not dependent on what one does or doesn t do, but on the love and grace of almighty God through His Son Jesus ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Influence Of American Industrialization On The Projects Of... The Influence of American Industrialization on the Projects of Le Corbusier: the Ville Contemporaine. The end of the twentieth century was marked by the unprecedented scale of construction, huge advances in science and technology: new advanced designs, building materials, construction technology and strategies.1 Along with that, architects have been disclosing the failure of the traditional aesthetic concepts in the art of postmodern architecture, which were based on the assumption that politics should no longer be connected with the disciplines of administration.2 Therefore, the consequence of this failure was enormous number of debates occurred during that time: whether to reject the modernity and to return to conservative values or to embrace the imperatives of modern technology .3 In the quest for reshaping human industry based on the highly effective systems of nature 4, the French architectural leaders were looking at vitality of American development and, thus, the results of World War II had virtually halted new construction in France .5 According to Bacon, French building practices could no longer be satisfying in the age of industrialization: in fact, this notion of industrialization would be a critical factor in reconstruction 6. To keep up with this new period of extensive consumption and mass production based society, French architects were not only against the anarchy and uncontrolled experimentalism of the pre war avant garde 7, but also organized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Weary Blues Poem Explication The Weary Blues Poem Explication Langston Hughes, a black poet, proved one of the most influential poets of the Harlem Renaissance, a flowering of African American literature, art, and culture during the 1920s and 1930s. In particular, writers of the Renaissance focused heavily on issues of black identity and struggles faced by African Americans, both economically and socially, as they struggled with the legacy of the Civil War and omnipresent discrimination. Hughes was no exception, and his body of work explored the issue of the black experience. His poem The Weary Blues falls squarely within this literary theme; in it, the black musician portrayed represents the struggles faced by black Americans, and Hughes clearly communicates that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He notes that the scene of the poem occurs at night, by the pale dull pallor of an old gas light (5). It is most likely dark outside, and one can t see very well due to the lack of modern, up to date streetlights, communicating the run down nature of the neighborhood and creating a gloomy mood due to the lack of light on the street. The very fact that the musician is playing out on the street indicates that he is most likely down on his luck. Next, Hughes repeats the line, He did a lazy sway... /He did a lazy sway... (6 7). This repetition, and the drawn out ellipses after the lines themselves, emphasizes the fact that the night is slow and without energy. Hughes continues on, emphasizing the blackness of the musician by juxtaposing the musician s skin color with the keys of the piano, noting the movement of his ebony hands on each ivory key (9). Although the setting of the poem and the content of the blues song would normally create a downbeat mood, this expectation contrasts with the speaker s frequent apostrophes to the blues, such as O Blues! (11) and Sweet Blues! (14), which make it clear that the speaker is overcome with admiration and is struck by the nature of the song, emphasizing the contrasting nature of blues songs in general. Despite this contrast, however, the mood and setting created in the first stanza set the scene for the musician s revelation in the second stanza. The musician s song relies on colloquial diction, using black vernacular language, exemplified when he sings Ain t got nobody but myself./I s gwine to quit ma frownin (20 21), further emphasizing the musician s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Fire that Changed America The Cold War was a new conflict that began to rise after the horrific and globally destructive World War II in the mid 20th century between two powerful countries, the democratic United States of America and the communist government of the Soviet Union. Both countries highlighted its superiority through a thriving threat of nuclear weapons and wide ranging espionage and counter espionage between the two countries. In the 1950 s, space became the platform for the competition of supremacy to validate each country s dominance in innovative technology, military firepower, and political economic system. Space was seen by David Beers, in the book Blue Sky Dream: A memoir of America s Fall from Grace, as the next frontier which was a logical extension of the grand American tradition of exploration. The rise of the aerospace industry became the icon of national reputation and a dream for the blue sky tribe, who benefitted from the space race, which then later on led to disappointment and betrayal in the 1990s. The space race begun in 1957 with the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. In addition, the United States aerospace innovation was considerably prompted by the government s steady upward ratcheting of requirements for the acceleration, efficiency, and performance based on speedily evolving project requirements. Fifteen thousand workers had arrived on the outskirts on (the city of) Sacramento (pg.55) in California due to the rising aerospace industry. David Beers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Tempest Essay Throughout the play The Tempest there is a relationship that pits master and slave in a harmony that benefits both parties. Though it may sound strange, these slaves sometimes have a goal or expectation that they hope to have fulfilled. Although rarely realized by its by its participants, the Master Slave, Slave Master relationship is a balance of expectation and fear by the slaves to the master; and a perceived since of power by that of the master over the slaves. The relationship between the slave and master is one of expectation and perceived fear. Expectation in a sense that a slave with a perceived future expectation will tend to work harder and more diligently for their master then a slave that does ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, for with no expectation of future gains, Caliban s work is also subpar for he knows that for better or for worse he will always be a slave to Prospero. Second among the slave master relationship is a fear factor that links a fear that Prospero s slaves. For that if they are not doing of what is expected by Prospero, they can and will be easily destroyed by his mighty powers. For this fear is real and keeps Ariel and Caliban from coming together and staging a coo to overthrow Prospero and his powers. To reaffirm his power Prospero tells Ariel, If thou more mumur st, I will rend an oak and peg thee in his knotty entrails till thou hast howled away twelve winters (Act I, Scene II, 295 297). Thus Ariel is pressured to do what is asked of him, or face a horrible demise that should not be wished upon no one. This fear also reminds Ariel that though he is powerful Prospero is even more powerful. Making it hard for him to try and escape. Whereas, Caliban fears that Prospero is willing and able to end his llife at any time, since at every meeting he threatens Caliban with the bad things that he can do to him if he is not pleased with his work. Fetch us in fuel, and be quick, thou rt best, to answer other business shrug st thou malice? If thou neglect st or dost unwillingly what I command, I ll rock thee with old cramps, fall all they bones with aches, make thee roar, that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. A Brief Look at Poliomyelitis INTRODUCTION Poliomyelitis is often called polio, this polio is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus which can spread from person to person via the fecal oral route. The term poliomyelitis means inflammation of the spinal cord of the grey matter. In severe poliomyelitis infection it can expand to the brainstem. Polio is so contagious that anyone living with a person that is recently affected can spread the virus for weeks in their feces. It invades the nervous system and spread within hours. Poliomyelitis causes infection with a member of the genus called the enterovirus which is known as the poliovirus. It belongs to a group of Ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses which affects the gastrointestinal tract especially the intestine and the oropharynx. Its structure is very simple, composed of a single positive sense RNA genome which is enclosed in a protein shell called the capsid. The capsid apart from protecting the virus genetic material, it capsid protein also make the polio virus to infect some certain types of cells. There are three serotypes of poliovirus that have been identified; it includes the poliovirus type 1, poliovirus type of 2 and poliovirus 3. They all look similar but have a small different structure in its capsid protein. The poliovirus type 1 is the one that causes most of the disease and is mostly associated with paralysis. Poliomyelitis can come in two ways of polio infection .There is a minor illness which does not involve the Central ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Pros And Cons Of Intellectual Property Law The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines anti competitive practices as the many ways firms restrict inter firm competition to maintain or to increase their relative market position and profits without necessarily providing goods and services at a lower price or at a higher quality. The American Federal Trade Commission states that anti competitive practices include activities such as price fixing, group boycotts and exclusionary exclusive dealings. These activities are generally grouped as agreements between competitors (horizontal conduct) and monopolization (single firm conduct). In order to explore the extent to which exercise of intellectual property rights may be considered anti competitive, the definition must ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cause of the tensions has been traced to the objectives of both the laws. In definition, IPR gives the owners an exclusive right to behave in a particular way, when competition law does everything in its power to keep the markets open. So then tension rises at which point does IPR become harmful and competition law should intervene and override IPR? Lionel Bentley and Brad Sherman have, in their book; Intellectual Property Law acknowledged that indeed there is tension between competition law and intellectual property law. While discussing the effect of competition law on the exploitation of copyright , they state that a copyright entitles an owner to use the property in a manner which he or she so wishes and that the copyright owner cannot be compelled to apply their rights in a particular manner. This is the exclusivity of a right. They, however, acknowledge that there are circumstances in which competition law may require a property owner to make available the right for use by the public. They state that operators in dominant positions have a special responsibility not to allow their conduct to impair ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Power And Power In Arthur Miller s The Crucible Sometimes people can get lost in their ability to control others, your mom yelling at you to take out the trash or maybe you pinning your younger sibling down in a wrestling match. It happens to us all, even if you do not realize. It all comes with our ingrained desire for this thing we call power. This desire plagues every society, those of the past and present. For example, in the 1960s an author named Arthur Miller saw his society falling victim to this plague, so he wrote a play. Miller shows us throughout The Crucible that power and the desire for it is a disease that spreads in communities and cripples them, we see this through the actions of Abigail, Danforth, and Parris. Parris is a great example of a ground zero patient, from the start of the play we see him claw for more and more political and material power. Miller wastes no time showing Parris concern with his power and how people perceive it. But if you trafficked with the spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it (Miller 10). Here we see Parris worrying about his ego while his daughter is lying ill on the bed next to him. This theme continues throughout the play and becomes worse as we get to know him more. His concern with ego goes hand in hand with our idea of power; with a tainted ego he will lose his power. His constant concern with these illusory concepts he loses his path and begins to lead others down it, Like Danforth. Danforth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Coco Chanel Bibliography Coco Chanel At the start of the twentieth century, the idea of women in business seemed crazy. In those days, men held all the positions of power and made all the decisions about money. They believed that a woman s place was in the home, looking after her children, cooking for her family and managing the house. If a woman needed to work she could perhaps find a job in a shop or in a factory, but she had no chance of working as a businesswoman or a banker or a lawyer. Women s fashions in the US and Europe at that time supported this idea of their position in society. Fashionable women wore long dresses that almost touched the ground. This made it difficult for them to drive a car, ride a horse or even walk quickly. As a result, they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some people were frightened, but most were in a good mood. Don t worry, they told each other. The war will be finished by Christmas. But after a few weeks, it was clear that they were wrong. More and more men left Deauville to go and fight in the French army. Soon the expensive hotels were changed into hospitals, full of soldiers who had been hurt in the fighting. The rich Frenchwomen of Deauville saw that it was their duty to help the French army and many of them took jobs as nurses in the hospitals or did other kinds of war work. But after a few days they realized that it was impossible to work in their long dresses. They looked around for different things to wear. They found the answer in Coco Chanel s new shop. Her simple hats, loose jackets and straight skirts were just what these women needed. They were stylish, but they allowed women to move around quickly. Coco was soon selling clothes as fast as she could make them. For the next three years, Coco travelled between her businesses, while the First World War continued in the north and east of France. By 1916, over three hundred people were working for her. She soon made so much money that she could pay back Boy Capek all that she had borrowed. Coco had been lucky because the war had given her a chance to make her new designs popular. When the war is finished, in November 1918, Coco was ready to start the next and most successful part ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Rotavirus Rotavirus is commonly spread from person to person. It is highly contagious and passes easily through the fecal oral route by way of contact with contaminated hands or objects, such as toys and surfaces, through tainted food or water, in respiratory droplets or on water contaminated with feces. Infected children begin to shed rotavirus in their stools 76 before the onset of symptoms and can excrete up to 1011 rotavirus particles per gram of fecal matter, much more than the number of 100 particles required to infect new contacts. The risk of rotavirus transmission can be reduced by frequent hand washing and treatment of contaminated materials at high temperatures, namely above + 50°C. Rotaviruses are ubiquitous, easily spread and resistant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Serological studies indicate that infections in adults are less dependent on seasonal fluctuations than infection in children 5371. Adults who are interested in children and travelers infected by resource shortage environments appear to be at the greatest risk 53. Transmission among adults was also documented in hospitals 53, nursing homes and military barracks. In view of the fact that rotavirus is typically distributed in amounts well beyond what is required to cause infection in fully susceptible hosts 6, perhaps only a few viral particles entering the small intestine, infected older children and adults 53 are infected with a milder or asymptomatic infection 64. Be an important reservoir for infection, although its importance for transmission remains ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The United States Secret Service The United States Secret Service is one of the oldest federal law enforcement agencies in the country, and one of the most elite in the world. Secret Service s mission is to protect the president, vice president and others; and investigations into crimes against the financial infrastructure of the United States (USSS History. (n.d.). By law, the Secret Service is authorized to protect the president, vice president, the president elect, and vice president elect. The immediate families of those individuals, former presidents, their spouses, children of former presidents until age sixteen. The Secret Service is also authorized to protect National Security Events, visiting heads of foreign states, and major presidential and vice presidential ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (n.d.). The Secret Service is important to criminal justice administration because they have a jurisdiction to investigate threat against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes. Crimes such as counterfeiting of U.S currency or other U.S government obligations; forgery, theft of U.S treasury checks, bonds and other securities; credit card fraud; telecommunications fraud; computer fraud; identity fraud and other crimes that affect federal financial institutions. The United States Attorney s Office and the Secret Service work closely together as well in protective and investigation matters (FAQs. (n.d.). To even be considered for Secret Service Agent you must be a U.S Citizen. Twenty one years of age at the time of the application and younger than thirty seven at the time the job offer is made to you. If you re a veteran you must be at least twenty one years of age as well as and younger than forty years old at the time the position is offered to you. A current and valid driver s license is needed. High school diploma or equivalent. Qualify for the GL 07 level which in other words is a bachelor s degree from and accredited college or university with superior academic achievement, or a GL 09 level which is a master s degree with superior academic achievement. The vision qualifications for this position require uncorrected vision no worse than 20/60 binocular, or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Jay Z Decoded Sparknotes In the book Decoded, rapper and businessman Jay Z describes the emergence of hip hop culture while sharing his childhood memories, life challenges, and passions. Along with Jay Z s personal narrative, he provides an explanation for his song lyrics to educate readers about hip hop s importance, his life, and national issues. Thus, he creates several arguments about hip hop s purpose in the music industry. Two of Jay Z s main arguments consisted of hip hop being a form of art and the story of a hustler. This is especially true when considering how Jay Z defines hip hop, analyzes supporting evidence, and interprets rap lyrics. Moreover, Jay Z explains how poetry hides beneath the surface of hip hop songs, making it a form of art. However, many individuals are unaware of the poetry due to them focusing on the beat and punch lines of songs or quickly labeling rap as provocative rather than hearing the message behind the lyrics. Jay Z states an individual cannot half listen to a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hip hop paints pictures of poverty, violence, and thug life. Jay Z says, the story of the hustler was the story hip hop was born to tell not its only story, but the story that found its voice in the form and, in return, helped grow into an art (Jay Z, 18). This shows how hip hop became the voice for people living in the ghetto. The hustler s story created a connection with a global audience that defined the life of pure struggle (Jay Z, 18). For instance, Jay Z was raised in Brooklyn s drug infested projects causing him to have a rough adolescence. He became a hustler to afford material items and help his mother pay for the bills like most teenagers in his generation. Jay Z explains how teenagers were wearing automatic weapons as if they were sneakers. Instead of focusing on education, teenagers were worrying about adult responsibilities. Consequently, teenage roles were shifting in negative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Rap Music Many believe that rap music has taken a complete 180 in the industry and has turned their lyrics of inspiration and positivity, to drugs and gang violence. Although several signs can point to this statement being true, rap music does not encourage teens to act violently. In fact, many artists/rappers spread positive messages across, giving solutions, and inspiration to the audience. Parents were and still are on the fence of their kids listening to rap music. The explicit types of rap music are poisoning the minds of young teens and can even encourage them to act in the a violent manner or rebel. Although, that is for explicit lyrics, not all rap has explicit lyrics. Altogether, rap music does not encourage teen violence in any way and many individual artists even teach their audience how to act positively. Teenagers seem to click easier to song lyrics, whether it s country, rap, rock, or pop. It can affect teenagers in a positive and negative way, but violence being said in the lyrics does not cause an indication of aggression for the listener. The lyrics may describe their situation perfectly, what they go through and how they feel. That s why we always have those catchy radio tunes stuck in our heads. Alison Churchill, a fan of rapper Eminem from Newsday feed shares her input on what it can do to younger peers. But she thinks the song could have a positive impact, if it can hit a nerve with a teenager and prompt them to go talk to someone about it. Because, Churchill says, The more we talk about a subject, the easier it is to fix. If teens don t usually have anyone to talk to, it can cause an empty feeling of loneliness that can turn into urges of depression, anxiety, mental health issues. When rap music hits home for the younger generation it s telling them to open up to somebody and share what you have to say. Talking about something that is bothersome can be a great solution for those who need or want it. Rap music was creating a negative influence throughout the music industry for awhile, it s agreeable that modern day rap today mostly involves drugs, gangs, violence, money, etc. Although, a lot of it also gives inspiration or at least has that goal being set when creating the music. Most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Heart Failure and Western Countries Essay Introduction Heart failure is a major cause of morbidity and mortality affecting all Western countries and represents a significant economic, social and healthcare burden.(1) Approximately 1 2% of the population of the developed world has been diagnosed with clinically significant heart failure, a gross underestimation. (2) Depending on how the condition is defined, recent population studies estimate that between 3% and 9% of the adult population are affected by overt symptoms of heart failure.(3) An additional and similar proportion of individuals surveyed exhibit a pre clinical silent left ventricular dysfunction. (3) The incidence of which rises sharply among persons 70 years of age and older.(4) In the United States, estimates place ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Systolic and Diastolic Heart Failure The pathophysiolgy underlying heart failure has evolved significantly over time. The heart may be visualised as a pump, consisting of four chambers divided into atria and ventricles further divided into right and left hemispheres.(14) Deoxygenated blood from peripheral tissues is supplied through the right atria/ventricle to the lungs where oxygenation through membranous perfusion occurs. Oxygenated blood returns through the pulmonary veins into the left atria/ventricle where it is supplied to the systemic/coronary circulation. This process occurs in two phases; systole and diastole. (14) Heart failure may affect either the systolic or diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle. Alternatively, both phases may be involved. Conceptually it is useful to view this heterogenous condition as a progressive disorder that has an initiating or index event where damage is inflicted on the cardiac myocytes.(15) The index event can be acute, such as may be the case in myocardial infarct, or chronic due to haemodynamic pressure or volume overloading. Regardless of the mechanism of injury a decline in pump function is the result. The initial insult will be compensated for in the acute phase by activation of a complex sequence of neurohormonal changes which are recognised to play a pivotal role in the development and progression of heart failure.(15) Whilst ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Sociological Paradigm Sociological Paradigm Societies have different expectations about how individuals and groups should behave and this is based on the values, beliefs and various forms of interactions that exist among individuals in the society and give cues to how men and women should behave (Blackstone, 2003). Ridgeway and Correll (2004) in their work Unpacking Gender System describe gender as an institutionalized system of social practices and view inequality in multilevel perspective with cultural beliefs and resource distribution at macro level, behaviour patterns at interactional level and selves and identities at the individual level. Leaper and Friedman use Social Structural Process and the Social Interactive Process to describe children s gender development with relation to the societal context. The social structural process views how power and status at home and outside impose gendered roles and emphasize gender equality and the constraints placed on these roles.The social interactive process views gender roles in the society during children s development requires relating it with a large cultural context that places emphasis on the social interactions and daily activities. Psycho Social Paradigm on Health, Education and Work Males and females are generally viewed as having distinct roles with females being restricted to household chores and men working in the public sphere. Men and women face different expectations about how they should dress, behave or work. Relations between ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Laney Computer Lab Case Study Laney Computer Lab Case Study The first thing upon entry into the Laney Computer lab I noticed was a consistent mummer of quiet voices, as I began my entry. I chose this area because it was easy to observe, close by, and provided a diverse population of people to study. The atmosphere in the computer lab was clearly directed at studying, it was a calm, well lit room, with a cool temperature, and not too loud. A few people asked me some questions related to their work while I was there, but I noticed they seemed slightly, nervous, and the conversation was kept brief. I felt comfortable, safe, and a little stressed in the computer lab, because I could tell that most people did not want to be disturbed. At some points all I could hear was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During my visit I noticed there seemed to be an unsaid social rule that when using the computers you should quickly finish your work, though there were no rules posted within plain sight referring to duration of your visit. People in this setting also, seemed to get frustrated when they noticed others using the computers for things other than what immediately appeared to be school work. Though some people were leaving, or entering with groups of friends, the occupancy of the room seemed fairly consistent. When I was there I did not notice a line to wait, but people were filling the room almost exactly as others were leaving the room causing the room to be nearly full of students at all times, but the room never actually reached full occupancy while I was there. The exact numerical data for this was about nine people would leave every fifteen minutes, and then they would be replaced on average by nine to ten people within that same timeframe. While I was calculating the amount of people coming in verses the number of people leaving the lab, I also decided to check the ratio of backpacks, verses no backpacks in the room. There were approximately thirty two people with backpacks, and thirty seven people without them at any given point resulting in about an eighty six percent rate of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Warsaw Pact The Opposing alliances in 1985 were military alliances in the cold war, the two alliances were the NATO an anti communism alliance, and the Warsaw alliance is a communism alliance. I agree with NATO alliance by trying to stop the communism alliances. Warsaw Was a collective defense treaty among eight communist states of Central and Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War, led by the USSR. The Warsaw Pact was the military complement to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, the regional economic organization for the communist states of Central and Eastern Europe. The Warsaw Pact was in part a Soviet military reaction to the integration of West Germany the Warsaw alliance isolated itself with an iron curtain in Germany no one could leave or enter. Although NATO was present throughout the Cold War as the opposite to the Warsaw Pact, joint military exercises were practiced but no military operations took place. This came after the Cold War when NATO s influence in a post Cold War rose to prominence in Bosnia where NATO gradually stepped up their efforts to end the trouble. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But in this case its intimidation of nuclear weapons. Both superpowers of the world, Russia and the United States had mutual intimidation during the nuclear arms race developed during the Cold War, an intense period between the Soviet Union and the United States. This was one of the main causes that began the cold war. On both sides, perceived advantages of the adversary such as the missile gap led to large spending on armaments and the stockpiling of vast nuclear arsenals. Proxy wars were fought all over the After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War when Apollo 17 landed on the moon, tensions decreased and the nuclear arsenal of both countries were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Soccer Vs MLS It s impossible to achieve success in life without networking. No sports utilizes the strategy more than Soccer. The most popular international sport s transfer windows, make free agency looks childish. But conquering it is harder than it looks. Some leagues have mastered the craft others haven t. MLS is still working on getting the hang of things. Which begs the question. Will an international player in his prime ever play in the states ? Soccer is the most popular sport on the planet. People in every corner of the globe are involved in it. The global sport also has a global transfer market sort of. A major party is still missing. Soccer in the states has grown at a rapid rate. But the change hasn t altered perception of the league; when it comes to transfers. In a way MLS resembles a retirement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their involvement in the global market is well documented. American Soccer has also participated but on a smaller scale. In order to create a true transfer market this needs to change. American Soccer teams aren t known for stealing major talent from foreign clubs. The two parties haven t even played outside the states. They re potential off field interactions; are more important than they re on field ones. If MLS wants to be considered a peer it needs to do business overseas. Many if not all the international clubs are dependent on youth development. MLS has a similar model that has produced some success. The major difference is MLS players have been known to leave the states. Emerging stars rarely go play in the states. This mindset isn t a good sign for MLS. DeAndre Yedlin became a household name; thanks to his MLS and World Cup success. The former Sounder ended joining a club overseas at the peak of his momentum. Other players have followed a similar path with some success. This trend is arguably the biggest reason why MLS is viewed as second tier. Reversing the trend would be huge for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Rome Was Different From The Steppes Rome was different from the steppes. For one, there were more trees. Dense forests dotted the landscape back east but here in the west they rolled on for miles and miles, making it harder for the large horde to travel on horseback. At least the roads helped. Romans were meticulous about their roads, and their insistence about the width made it easier for riders to ride two by two, as well as for the large carts to pass through unscathed. Roads to the east were merely dirt paths carved over time, little more than dirt impressions winding through a sea of grass. Although grateful for them, Attila didn t need the roads. Despite the trees he could have navigated his men through the thick forests, though it would have admittedly taken ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was a damning piece of parchment. Her brother had been sending legions to the east to stop the encroaching Huns. He would not have allowed his sister to write the letter and if he had been entertaining the idea of an alliance, then he would have written it himself. This was treason. Yet the idea was intriguing. Attila had been married once before, but both his wife and child were dead and buried alongside the trails in the steppes. With no legitimate heir to his dynasty, there had already been quarrels amongst the host as to who should step in if, and more importantly when, the king died. Some suggested one of his acknowledged sons from the trail women. Though not born of a proper union, they were still his blood. Others said that he should pick from his most trusted generals. Attila had made no decision either way, however. In fact the inferred idea that he would not sire any more children offended him. He was a young man, not a lecher too old to rise to the occasion... He could still father a true heir. And who better than a princess from the west, beautiful and young, and considering the ring that Attila had wrapped around his neck with a bit of leather, who was also eager to become his wife? So the decision was made. Attila chose from the main host a few hundred men to accompany him to Rome. It was dangerous riding into the heart of the empire but with a smaller group travelling with him, it would be easier to avoid patrols and outposts. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Comparing Working Memory And The Episodic Buffer In 1974 the researchers Baddeley and Hitch argued that the picture of short term memory (STM) provided by the Multi Store Model was far too simple. Following the Multi Store Model, it is believed that STM holds limited amounts of information for short periods of time with relatively little processing, it is believed to be a unitary store. This means that due to its single store it has no subsystems, unlike the Working Memory Model which has many subsystems. This proves that the Working Memory is not a unitary store. Working Memory is STM. In contrast to the Multi Store Model, where all the information goes to one single store (Unitary store), there are different systems for the different types of information. Working Memory consists of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This supports the idea of an immediate memory store for items that are neither visual nor phonological and that draw on long term memory to link the related words. It is used as both the Phonological Loop and the Visuo Spatial Sketch Pad have specific roles and the Central Executive has very limited storage capacity so as a result there was no where to store both visual and acoustic information. The Episodic Buffer is an extra storage system that has in common with all working memory units, a limited capacity. It is handy and can integrate information from the Central Executive, The Phonological Loop, The Visuo Spatial Sketch Pad and also information from the Long Term Memory. Researchers such as Logie, Baddeley and Bunge generally agree that the short term memory is made up of a number of components or subsystems. The working memory model has replaced the idea of a unitary store short term memory as suggested by the multistore model. The working memory model explains a lot more and in a lot more detail than the multistore model. It makes sense a range of tasks verbal reasoning, comprehension, reading, problem solving and visual and spatial processing, it also applies to real life tasks such as reading which involves the phonological loop subsystem, problem solving which involves the central executive and navigation which involves the visual and spatial subsystem. The Working Memory Model is supported by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Literary Precis 1. MLA Citation: Márquez, Gabriel García, and Gregory Rabassa. One hundred years of solitude. HarperLargePrint, 2004. 2. Literary Precis: In the novel One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Marquez Garcia, he suggests that our fate is written and inevitable. He supports this claim by showing multiple generations do the same mistakes that their previous generation made. He also supports this by stating that the Buendia family had there fate written all along and was not able to avoid it by any means. The author s purpose of this novel is to entertain and inform the reader in order to get across that our fate is written down even before we are born. The author uses an observational tone with his intellectually capable audience. 3. Four ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Four Quotations: Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. This explains the work of Gabriel Marquez Garcia is one sentence. It is confusing, complicated, and very hard to make sense of. We re going to leave this town, just as far as we can go, and we ll never come back, Go in peace now. This is Jose Arcadio Buendia speaking to his wife. This show how he lacks judgement because who in the right mind would just sacrifice everything to an uncertain adventure. This was all because he was rumored to be incompetent. ...about the time he had begun to cultivate the black mustache with waxed tips and the somewhat stentorian voice that would characterize him in the war. Garcia like to foreshadow a lot. In this period of the book, we are just seeing Aureliano grow up and we are already told he was in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. How Did Betsy Ross Make The American Flag The American flag is the symbol of our nation s strength and unity. Many people wonder was it Betsy Ross that sewed the American flag. Betsy Ross played a big role in making the first American Flag. Betsy Ross was born on January 1, 1752 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her real name was Elizabeth Griscom, her mom called her Betsy. She is one of seventeen children and was very close to her sisters. During this time many girls didn t attend school, but she as one of the few that did and learned how to read and write (USHistory, 2010). When she was twelve she took a job sewing tablecloths, curtains and bedspreads. In this shop she met a man by the name of John Ross which she later married. Betsy eloped to marry John Ross in 1773. Because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They had in hand a design for a flag. In that design the stars they had in mind had six points. Betsy looks at the design took a piece of paper and folds it in half and cuts it. By cutting the piece of paper she showed Washington, Ross and Morris that making a five point start is much more efficient. They agree and take it back to Congress and pass the first flag. This flag would become the official flag of the new United State of America. The flag had thirteen stars and thirteen stripes to represent the thirteen colonies that won the Revolutionary War and became the United States of America. Today the flag has fifty stars to represent the fifty States of America; however, the thirteen stripes still remain to represent the thirteen colonies of Betsy Ross s time (Palazzo Craig, 2004). As mentioned before the first American Flag had thirteen stars for the thirteen colonies. The American flag is the symbol of our nation s strength and unity. The flag is a well known icon to our history. The stars were in a circle so that no one colony would be viewed above another. It is reported that George Washington said, Let the 13 stars in a circle stand as a new constellation in the heavens (Landau, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Prophets Of The Old Testament Speak A Great Deal The prophets of the Old Testament speak a great deal about idolatry, social injustice, and religious ritualism. These were serious problems for the people of Israel and Judah and are still problems for many people today. Idolatry is probably one of the most talked about problems throughout the whole history of Israel and Judah. From Moses and Arron with the golden calf right up until the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity we see the people of Israel and Judah repeatedly turn away from God to worship idols. Every time they turned away from Him, God would send a prophet to rebuke His people and to preach judgement if they did not repent. One of the most famous of the prophets who spoke on idolatry was Isaiah who preached to the southern ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ezekiel writes that he saw the Shekinah Glory of God depart from Jerusalem because of the idol worship that was taking place even in the temple. He also says that the Lord will be against Israel because of their idolatry. Ezekiel 6:3 4 ESV You mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God! Thus says the Lord God to the mountains and the hills, to the ravines and the valleys:Behold, I, even I, will bring a sword upon you, and I will destroy your high places. Your altars shall become desolate, and your incense altars shall be broken, and I will cast down your slain before your idols Another stumbling block for the people of Israel was social injustice. Those who were rich and powerful were oppressing and enslaving the poor. God did not approve of this practice and sent several prophets to condemn it. Some of those prophets were Amos, Micah, and Nahum who went to both the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel preaching repentance. The prophet God sent to condemn the practice of social injustice in the northern kingdom of Israel was Amos. Amos 5:11 12 ESV Therefore because you trample on the poor and you exact taxes of grain from him, you have built houses of hewn stone, but you shall not dwell in them; you have planted pleasant vineyards, but you shall not drink their wine. In these verses Amos condemns the subjugation of the poor and the high taxes placed on food to keep them in poverty by the rich. He also tells of coming ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Introduction Of A Mobile Development Program Introducing Cluster Development Programme in Bangladesh Bangladesh is one of the most promising emerging economies in South Asia. The averaged GDP growth of the country is 6. 5% which has been largely driven by its exports, remittance and agricultural sectors. Recently, manufacturing industry and service sectors are growing rapidly and the involvement in farming is decreasing. Bangladesh has a lucrative opportunity to become one of the leading economic powers in Asia by properly utilising its cheap labour and geographical position. Bangladesh is the pioneer in introducing microfinance in the world. Eventually, it encouraged the many micro and small enterprises to be established in the fertile land. Many of the small and medium (SME) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So this is the high time for the government, different organisations like the Bangladesh Bank, BSCIC, SMEF, NGOs, banks and international organisations like the UNIDO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank to work together for the SME clusters development. The higher educational institutions in Bangladesh also can contribute to the CDP through conducting comprehensive research and by organising continuous development programmes. Recently, I got a call from an employee of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industry Corporation (BSCIC). He shared a problem with me that he found some lentil producers from the BSCIC industry area who are struggling to survive in the market because their sales are going down and some of them are thinking to wind up their businesses. So he asked me for sharing some solutions considering their problems. I replied to him that the lentil producers can create marketing consortia by doing which they can increase their sales initially. Before that, they have to maintain a standard quality of their products so that they can sell the produced lentils by a common brand locally and nationally maintaining the same quality. They can also decrease the cost of the production and packaging as the volume will be huge altogether. Later I also added some other recommendations which they can think to work with in the long run like technological ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Evolution Of Host Parasite Relationships Betsy Gladden Evolution Case Study #1 Dr. Amanda Duffus The Evolution of Host Parasite Relationships Since Darwin s dangerous idea in the nineteenth century, the causes and significances of evolution have been investigated unceasingly. One evident example of evolution is between parasite and host relationships, in which host and parasite partners maximize their own fitness, by evolving to reduce the fitness of the other. Parasites are hypothesized to evolve and cause hosts to evolve, as well as promoting sexual recombination. There are two major hypotheses of evolution pertaining to host parasite relationships: the Red Queen hypothesis and the Red King model. The Red Queen hypothesis claims that there is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Scientist Van Valen used this as a metaphor for the evolutionary race saying that species keep running (evolving) to stay in the same place, but if they stop, they become extinct. This theory has been consistently added to and built upon by G. Bell in 1982, who applied it to host and parasite relationships, showing how evolution affects genotype frequencies and that changes come from maintaining sexual reproduction. (Lively, 2010) The Red Queen hypothesis demonstrates how species rely on competition for initiating evolution, and how there is a domino effect of change causing change. (Barnett and Hansen, 1996) In studies done by Barnett and Hansen (1996) using an organizational approach, evidence was found for Red Queen evolution in that organizations exhibited less failure if there was more competition. The research used banks as a model, and the results showed that in places only one existed, there was an advantage of a monopoly, but did not have any experience when exposed to competition. (Barnett and Hansen, 1996) The Red Queen hypothesis also shows that selection favors hosts that have rare resistance alleles. There also is research that shows generation time affects selection for sex, in that the longer it takes to reproduce, the more opportunity there is for evolution. The Red Queen hypothesis suggests that when in regard to parasite and host relationships, when parasites are low in number, the costs of sex outweigh the benefits and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Analysis of the Book of Jonah Essay We often read stories in the Bible without taking the historical context into consideration. As a result, we become unaware of the story s historical validity. In some cases, stories are used to share a moral concept, or used as a tool to teach a lesson. The Book of Jonah is an example that will be used to determine if this particular story describes an accurate recount of history, or if it teaches the readers a lesson. In the Book of Jonah, Jonah (the prophet) is instructed to go to a pagan city (Nineveh) to preach to the Ninevites, hoping that they will repent for their sins. However, he challenges God and travels to Tarshish instead. Jonah receives consequences for his actions and Nineveh is eventually forgiven by God. Although the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, the city of Nineveh is described in Nahum as bloody, full of deceit, and full of plunder (Bolin 117). The Ninevites actions therefore justified Jonah s decision to disobey God s command because of how ruthless they were. The nature of the great city disgusted Jonah and made him believe that the Ninevites were not worthy of God s forgiveness. Although Jonah s intuition to ignore God s command seems admissible, we later learn that it is not up to Jonah to determine the Ninevites fate. To recap the first half of the Book of Jonah, God calls upon Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh and send them a message that God will punish the Ninevites if they do not repent for their sins. Jonah, refusing to help the Ninevites, decides to flee from God in disobedience (Cosby 124) to Tarshish. Jonah boards a ship with a couple of sailors and sets sail to Tarshish. However during their sail, God sends a terrible storm due to Jonah s disobedience. The sailors eventually had to throw Jonah into the sea in order to calm the storm. God creates a big fish to engulf Jonah where Jonah was in its belly for three days and three nights. This part of the story in particular allows the reader to stop and ponder if Jonah s incident with the big fish really took place in history. It is impossible to survive one day in a belly of a fish nevertheless three days! Knowing this bit of information, we can deduce that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. William Cullen Bryant Analysis William Cullen Bryant was a man wise beyond his years. It is said that Bryant was seen in the eyes of many as a star so to speak. Some even referred to the writer as a child prodigy. Honestly, while first reading Bryant, we thought to ourselves that his work should not be written as verses on paper. Rather, they should be displayed on a wall with vivid colors for the world to see. As one sits down to read Bryant, I m sure they were in as much surprise as we were. His descriptions so vivid, his personification so lifelike, we fell in love. Bryant did not just explore nature; he embodied it. As one would notice, he often pulled a bunch of themes, such as romantic themes, from nature. If you need an example, we suggest glancing over Thanatopsis. Communion with her visible forms, she speaks. Personally, we feel that Bryant fits right in there with other astonishing writers that we have studied. He has a very open mind, and did not have any discomfort sharing his thought/feelings on beautiful things as we ve mentioned; (nature) along with deeper, more personal topics. (Death.) Is it truly in the hands of nature to heal? Do we really never die alone? Correct us if we re wrong here, but weren t these thoughts along the same lines of Dickinson and Emerson? If this is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a writer, Bryant adds a ton of personification to his work; as he often personifies nature. Personification, in our minds, is out of the box thinking. Therefore, we feel that in a sense, he would be the perfect platform for this. He is a different or unique writer; and in 2015, almost 16, we see different every single day. The idea of different is in no way, shape, or form strange. We feel that people who are different implement the biggest lessons in life. That being said, if they were to bring Bryant into a traditional classroom today, we can almost guarantee that they would not be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Use Of Magic, Spells, Creatures And Magical Devices Throughout the Harry Potter series you are introduced to many forms of magic, spells, creatures and magical devices. One of the very first devices used in the series appears in the first book and is one of the main components to the book and a driving role in the plot even giving the book a title. That device is the Philosopher s stone, also known as the Sorcerer s stone. An extraordinary alchemist in the wizarding world and long time friend of Albus Dumbledore, Nicolas Flame, created the stone. The stone is used to create the Elixir of Life potion. When someone drinks the Elixir of Life their life is extended however long they want as long as they keep taking the potion before its effects wear off. The potion can also reincarnate a dead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They include: Hagrid s three headed dog which protected the trap door to the chamber; Devil s snare created by Professor Sprout; flying keys that were charmed by Flitwick; Professor McGonagall s life size game of chess; the Mirror of Erised, which was put there by Dumbledore; Snipe s potion riddle; and the troll which attacks Hermione in the bathroom brought in by Professor Quirrell. All seven creatures or enchantments work to protect the stone from Voldemort. However, throughout the year, Harry, Hermione, and Ron become suspicious of Snape and think that he is going to try and steal the treasured stone. Acting on their suspicions the three friends get past the seven complications Harry ends up having to duel Lord Voldemort and Professor Quirrell, who Voldemort was actually using to get to the stone. Harry defeats them both, Quirrell s life is lost and Lord Voldemort is diminished from this world again. After the battle Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel decide to destroy the stone so that Voldemort could not get ahold of it at a later date. Since the stone is what was keeping Nicolas Flamel and his wife alive, they both ended up dying with the destruction of the stone. Like many other aspects of the Potter series, the Philosopher s Stone has many political links. The most evident display of political styles seen in the stone is perfectionism. The stone s main uses are for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Identifying The Patterns Of Social Acceptance In the context of parties of people, I was particularly interested in finding the patterns of social acceptance, and the ways that people incorporate themselves into groups. An example of such acceptance can be the pattern of individuals who completely ignore groups around them by staring at their phone; compared to those who strike conversations with people they haven t met before. Addressed, also, are ways that people use more passive technique to identify themselves and how this resembles their social circle. Note taking was taken in two spots with the overall time of note taking to roughly 1 hour. The first area was the quad. This area was where the majority of notes were written. I selected this area in particular because of the traffic during lunch hours. In order to get a good viewing angle of the quad, I sat under in the southwest corner of the quad and began taking notes. The other part of my notes were written in a more progressive manner. I specifically took notes of group patterns during lecture, and regularly would ask questions focused on such. Finding a correlation between the different questions asked, and a behavioral response is how I drew my conclusions. I am always fascinated between how people socialize. This topic is close to my heart because I was an extreme introvert before my final years of high school. Not being able to just start a simple conversation because of social anxiety is one of the worst feelings anybody can have, and it takes a lot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. On Yellow Paper Or Work It Out For Yourself Essay ovel on Yellow Paper also titled Novel on Yellow Paper, or Work it Out for Yourself, by Stevie Smith is a semi autobiographical modernist text that is set up as a stream of consciousness of the musings of Pompey Casmilus. It is the first of Smith s three novels, and often considered a part of the second generation of Modernist writings. Other critics like Kristin Bluemel consider it to be an intermodernist text. Throughout Novel, Smith brings in modernist staples such as references to other texts, different languages, stream of consciousness style, quotations, allusions, myth making, and nationalism. While there are no chapters in the book, spaces between paragraphs determine breaks in Pompey s and when she must take a break from writing her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Anti Semitism runs throughout Novel, according to Kristin Bluemel, plays an important role in Smith s purpose to show the fickleness of English anti Semitism. Pompey continues on with another flashback about how when she was at a party thrown by Leonie and was suddenly struck by the notion that she was the only goy or a Gentile. The line Hurrah to be a goy! is used, and has become one of the more referenced lines in criticism and reviews (11). She continues by saying, A clever goy is cleverer than a clever Jew (11). She expresses how lucky she is to be a goy in London, but of course she is clear to explain that she has Jewish friends. Pompey states that it makes her feel doublefaced (13). At first, Pompey expresses her love of Germany: the art, the music, and the atmosphere. While reminiscing about her trip to Germany, Pompey talks about how deeply neurotic the German people are (119). She talks about Hitler in an almost mocking voice, and Severin explains: ...begins with a blatantly anti Semitic statement, from a simple anti Other stance. But it does so by mimicking the language of imperialism and anti Semitism, slowly exposing the dangers of any language of domination (Severin 471). Therefore, by using anti Semitic language, and using it as a focal point in the novel, Smith is able to convey the importance of unity and respect. The rise of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...