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Steve Remedios

                2001 BLT
       took some pretty big risks!
               10 years@U
The ‘Extraordinary’ Summer
       11th April 2011
The Global Scorecard
• Standing Tall      • The Difference
  – IBM                – Leadership at all
  – GE                   levels
  – Apple              – The Teachable Point
                         of View
• Fallen Angels           • Ideas
  –   GM                  • Values
  –   Nokia               • Emotional Energy and
  –   Kodak                 Edge

  –   Westinghouse   • Ref: The Leadership
  –   AT&T             Engine - Tichy and
  –   Lehman           Cohen
The Global Context
• Jack Welch         • Lou Gerstner
  – Crotonville         – IBM
• Larry Bossidy      • Sam Walton
  – Honeywell           – Bentonville
• Roger Enrico       • Bill Gates
  – Cayman Islands      – Puzzledom
• Bob Nardelli       • HLL
  – Home Depot          – Gulita / Nalanda
                        – The BLT program
At the
Larry Bossidy “

end of the day,
  you bet on
people, not on
You are
That’s a job well done already
You are
A very important 8 weeks of your
The Moments of Truth
•   First   Day in Office
•   First   Meeting
•   First   Presentation
•   First   Reaction to Feedback
•   First   Note you write on your project
•   First   Self-Appraisal
•   First   Mistake You Make
•   First   time you rebound from a set back
•   First   Contribution
“ Some   people are better than
         other people.”
” Some people are
   a helluva lot
 better than other
Let me bust a few myths about
        Summer Stints
 It is just my POV. You are entitled
          to agree / disagree
Myth: Tutors are too busy
with their work to closely
    observe trainees
 Reality: Your tutor is watching
 you and making observations

Work like Michaelangelo – ‘God is
Myth: It is enough to deliver a
         good project
    Reality: Here is a chance to
 stretch yourself till you are at the
 point of snapping. Get involved in
     everything. Ask for more!

  Throw yourself into everything
     you can. EVERYTHING.
“If things seem
under control,
you’re just not
 fast enough.”
    Mario Andretti
Myth: The Tutor is responsible
    to give you feedback
    Reality: You need to DEMAND
    feedback, regularly. Ask for it,
      Demand it, Scream for it!

    In getting early feedback you
     leave yourself with time to
        salvage the situation!
The 10 Most Powerful 2 Letter
    Words in the WORLD

Myth: It depends on how
 good a tutor you have
Reality: It depends on how many
people you are able to wow with
         your great work!

 More than one opinion decides
  your rating! Make sure every
       interaction counts.
Jack Welch: “I am
a … Dispenser
Myth: Your stint is about work

  Reality: It is about everything you

   If it is a party, a farewell, a team
    bash etc. contribute, showcase
   your talents (singing / imitation/
            public speaking etc.)
The Truth

The Way You
Do Something
 Is The Way
   You Do
038   the good summer trainee
Parthian Shots.
• Don’t lift off the net
   – Many trainees have been caught doing this and the
     consequences have been severe
   – Volunteer For Crappy Jobs and do an amazing job of it and
     WOW everyone
• Be Remarkable
   – If you are asked to model 2 scenarios, model 10. Your tutor
     will be zapped
• Work HARD
   – If your tutor tells you 4 weeks into your stint that you are
     working TOO hard, there’s a 99% chance you will land a
• Make every interaction / opportunity count
   – Network / Build friendships with people outside the
     immediate team you work with.
You   Are The
038   the good summer trainee
Don’t Sell
“The only reason to
    a speech is
     to change
    the world.”
“In classical times when Cicero
   had finished speaking, the
    people said, ‘How well he
 spoke,’ but when Demosthenes
had finished speaking, they said,
‘Let us march.’”        —Adlai Stevenson
Let us

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038 the good summer trainee

  • 1. Steve Remedios 2001 BLT took some pretty big risks! 10 years@U http://twitter.com/#!/StephenRemedios http://stephenremedios.tumblr.com/ http://letterstomyteam.tumblr.com/
  • 2. The ‘Extraordinary’ Summer Trainee 11th April 2011
  • 3. The Global Scorecard • Standing Tall • The Difference – IBM – Leadership at all – GE levels – Apple – The Teachable Point of View • Fallen Angels • Ideas – GM • Values – Nokia • Emotional Energy and – Kodak Edge – Westinghouse • Ref: The Leadership – AT&T Engine - Tichy and – Lehman Cohen
  • 4. The Global Context • Jack Welch • Lou Gerstner – Crotonville – IBM • Larry Bossidy • Sam Walton – Honeywell – Bentonville • Roger Enrico • Bill Gates – Cayman Islands – Puzzledom • Bob Nardelli • HLL – Home Depot – Gulita / Nalanda – The BLT program
  • 5. At the Larry Bossidy “ end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies.”
  • 6. You are ”HERE” That’s a job well done already ☺
  • 8. You are ”BEGINNING” A very important 8 weeks of your life!
  • 10. The Moments of Truth • First Day in Office • First Meeting • First Presentation • First Reaction to Feedback • First Note you write on your project • First Self-Appraisal • First Mistake You Make • First time you rebound from a set back • First Contribution
  • 12. “ Some people are better than other people.” ” Some people are a helluva lot better than other people.”
  • 13. or
  • 14. Let me bust a few myths about Summer Stints Disclaimer It is just my POV. You are entitled to agree / disagree ☺
  • 15. Myth: Tutors are too busy with their work to closely observe trainees Reality: Your tutor is watching you and making observations constantly! Work like Michaelangelo – ‘God is Watching’
  • 17. Myth: It is enough to deliver a good project Reality: Here is a chance to stretch yourself till you are at the point of snapping. Get involved in everything. Ask for more! Throw yourself into everything you can. EVERYTHING.
  • 18. “If things seem under control, you’re just not going fast enough.” Mario Andretti
  • 19. Myth: The Tutor is responsible to give you feedback Reality: You need to DEMAND feedback, regularly. Ask for it, Demand it, Scream for it! In getting early feedback you leave yourself with time to salvage the situation!
  • 20. The 10 Most Powerful 2 Letter Words in the WORLD IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME
  • 21. Myth: It depends on how good a tutor you have Reality: It depends on how many people you are able to wow with your great work! More than one opinion decides your rating! Make sure every interaction counts.
  • 22. Jack Welch: “I am a … Dispenser of Enthusiasm!”
  • 23. Myth: Your stint is about work Reality: It is about everything you do! If it is a party, a farewell, a team bash etc. contribute, showcase your talents (singing / imitation/ public speaking etc.)
  • 24. The Truth The Way You Do Something Is The Way You Do Everything!
  • 27. Parthian Shots. • Don’t lift off the net – Many trainees have been caught doing this and the consequences have been severe • VFCJ – Volunteer For Crappy Jobs and do an amazing job of it and WOW everyone • Be Remarkable – If you are asked to model 2 scenarios, model 10. Your tutor will be zapped • Work HARD – If your tutor tells you 4 weeks into your stint that you are working TOO hard, there’s a 99% chance you will land a PPO • Make every interaction / opportunity count – Network / Build friendships with people outside the immediate team you work with.
  • 28. You Are The Brand
  • 32. “The only reason to give a speech is to change the world.” —JFK
  • 33. “In classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, ‘How well he spoke,’ but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, they said, ‘Let us march.’” —Adlai Stevenson