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Family Life Education:
 Which Road to Take?

          © 2002 International Educational Foundation
   IEF is responsible for the content of this presentation only
            if it has not been altered from the original.         © IEF 1
Social Response —
Family Life Education

                        © IEF 2
Two Models of
Family Life Education

 Character-   Contraceptive-
  based         based

                                 © IEF 3
Sexual Norm for
 Character–        Contraceptive–
   Based               Based
   No sexual        Sexual relations
 relations until       by mutual
    marriage            consent
                      Use
                                       © IEF 4

 Character–   Contraceptive–
   Based          Based
 Character–      Expedient
  building      Tolerates
 Supports       diverse values
                                  © IEF 5
Educators and Guidance

 Character–        Contraceptive–
   Based               Based
    Morally         Non–directive
   directive         Teenage
  Youth              sexual activity
   receptive          inevitable
   to abstinence
                                        © IEF 6

 Character–     Contraceptive–
   Based            Based
 Not promoted      Promoted
  Undermines     Effective
   abstinence      protection

                                 © IEF 7
Meaning of Sexual
 Character–    Contraceptive–
   Based           Based

  No genital    Sexual relations
   activity         short of

                                   © IEF 8
Educators’ Role Towards

 Character–    Contraceptive–
   Based           Based
   Supports     Support youth
   parental        privacy

                                © IEF 9
Education— Dubious
   Minimal improvements
    based on small samples
   50% of studies show no
     S o u r c e : A. Gr u e n h e i t, Impact of HIV
                   and Sexual Health Education,
                   UNAIDS, 1997

                                                        © IEF 10
High Condom Failure Rate
Against Pregnancy

            13-27% failure rate
            for adolescent
            S ourc e : J one s &
                  F o r e s t, Family
                  Jan/ Feb 1992

                                        © IEF 11
Risk of Pregnancy vs.
Risk of Venereal Disease

 Pregnancy      Disease Risk
     Risk        Both woman
 Woman only      and man
                 365 days a
 60 days per
                 Death
 Unwanted
  birth                        © IEF 12
Condom Ineffective in
Preventing HIV

   23% spouses of A patients
   becam e infected
    Despite consistent condom use
      S o u r c e : M. D. C. Gu i m a r a e s , e t a l . ,
                 American Journal of Epidemiology, v.         © IEF 13
                 142, 1995
Do Sex Educators
Themselves Trust
“I asked [800 sex educator if they
 knewthata per car ied the [HIV]
                son r
 vir woul they have sex, depending
    us,     d
 on a condom forpr otection? No one
 raised theirhand.”
 S o u r c e : Dr . Th e r e s a Cr e n s h a w, pa s t pr e s i d e n t o f
            th e Am e r i c a n S o c i e ty o f S e x Ed u c a to r s a n d
            Th e r a pi s ts , a n d m e m b e r o f th e P r e s i d e n ti a l
            AIDS Co m m i s s i o n
                                                                                   © IEF 14
Condom Promotion Gives
False Sense of Security
     Removes youth natural
       reservations about
         premarital sex

 Fear of           Fear of              Worry about
AIDS and          Pregnancy              Parents’
  STDs                                  Disapproval

    Sour Louis Har is, A erican Teens Speak, 1 986
        ce:       r m
                                                      © IEF 15
Prevention Addresses
Risky Behavior

      Teenage       Teenage
     Pregnancy Sexual
             Effect            © IEF 16
Contraceptive–Based Education
Linked to Increased Sexual
  50% increase among 14-
    S ource :       De b o r a h An n Da ws o n , ‘ Effects of
            Sex Education on Adolescent Behavior, ”
            Family Planning Perspectives, Jul/ Aug 1986

  Greater probability among
   aged 15-17                                                    © IEF 17
Education Focuses on
Reducing the Cause


      Teenage       Teenage
     Pregnancy Sexual

                               © IEF 18
Public Health Benefits of
Character–Based Sex
     Abstinence Education

      Reduction in Sexual

     Reduction in Teenage
     Pregnancies & Sexual
           Diseases         © IEF 19
Help Parents
Protect Their Children

             Regulate exposure
              to media
             Discipline effectively

                                  © IEF 20
Education Lacks Guidance

  Attempts to be value-neutral
  Allows students to set their own
                                      © IEF 21
Abstinence Demands
Knowledge and Skills

   Character-based education
   provides support needed to
   achieve the healthy norm

                                © IEF 22
Education Supports the
Majority of Youth
             Majority of
              teenagers are
             Many non–virgins
              want support to
              sexual activity    © IEF 23
Contraceptive Instruction
and Pro-Abstinence
Message Do Not Mix
     No               “ Safer”
  Premarital         Premarital
     Sex                 Sex

          Standard Lost
                                  © IEF 24
Balanced Condom Policy
   Promote marriage as the
    only safe context for sex
   Publicize limitations of
   Target high–risk adults
    for condom promotion

                                © IEF 25
Factors Linked to
Preventing Sexual Activity
           Self-motivation
           Academic ambition
           Parental supervision
           Abstinent friends
           No substance abuse
            S o u r c e : La wr e n c e E. Ka y, MD,
                       “ Adolescent Sexual Intercourse, ”
                       Postgraduate Medicine, June,
                       1995                           © IEF 26

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06 fle TIMD-IEF Philosophy 6

  • 1. Family Life Education: Which Road to Take? © 2002 International Educational Foundation IEF is responsible for the content of this presentation only if it has not been altered from the original. © IEF 1
  • 2. Social Response — Family Life Education © IEF 2
  • 3. Two Models of Family Life Education  Character- Contraceptive- based based © IEF 3
  • 4. Sexual Norm for Adolescents Character– Contraceptive– Based Based No sexual Sexual relations relations until by mutual marriage consent  Use protection © IEF 4
  • 5. Appeal Character– Contraceptive– Based Based Character– Expedient building  Tolerates  Supports diverse values parents’ values © IEF 5
  • 6. Educators and Guidance Character– Contraceptive– Based Based Morally Non–directive directive  Teenage  Youth sexual activity receptive inevitable to abstinence © IEF 6
  • 7. Contraceptives Character– Contraceptive– Based Based Not promoted Promoted  Undermines  Effective abstinence protection © IEF 7
  • 8. Meaning of Sexual Abstinence Character– Contraceptive– Based Based No genital Sexual relations activity short of intercourse © IEF 8
  • 9. Educators’ Role Towards Parents Character– Contraceptive– Based Based Supports Support youth parental privacy authority © IEF 9
  • 10. Contraceptive–Based Education— Dubious Effectiveness  Minimal improvements based on small samples  50% of studies show no impact S o u r c e : A. Gr u e n h e i t, Impact of HIV and Sexual Health Education, UNAIDS, 1997 © IEF 10
  • 11. High Condom Failure Rate Against Pregnancy 13-27% failure rate for adolescent S ourc e : J one s & F o r e s t, Family Planning Perspectives, Jan/ Feb 1992 © IEF 11
  • 12. Risk of Pregnancy vs. Risk of Venereal Disease Pregnancy Disease Risk Risk  Both woman  Woman only and man  365 days a  60 days per year year  Death  Unwanted possible birth © IEF 12
  • 13. Condom Ineffective in Preventing HIV 23% spouses of A patients IDS becam e infected  Despite consistent condom use S o u r c e : M. D. C. Gu i m a r a e s , e t a l . , American Journal of Epidemiology, v. © IEF 13 142, 1995
  • 14. Do Sex Educators Themselves Trust Condoms? “I asked [800 sex educator if they s] knewthata per car ied the [HIV] son r vir woul they have sex, depending us, d on a condom forpr otection? No one raised theirhand.” S o u r c e : Dr . Th e r e s a Cr e n s h a w, pa s t pr e s i d e n t o f th e Am e r i c a n S o c i e ty o f S e x Ed u c a to r s a n d Th e r a pi s ts , a n d m e m b e r o f th e P r e s i d e n ti a l AIDS Co m m i s s i o n © IEF 14
  • 15. Condom Promotion Gives False Sense of Security Removes youth natural reservations about premarital sex Fear of Fear of Worry about AIDS and Pregnancy Parents’ STDs Disapproval Sour Louis Har is, A erican Teens Speak, 1 986 ce: r m © IEF 15
  • 16. Prevention Addresses Risky Behavior Cause Teenage Teenage Teenage Premarital Premarital Premarital Sex Sex Sex Teenage Teenage Pregnancy Sexual Diseases Effect © IEF 16
  • 17. Contraceptive–Based Education Linked to Increased Sexual Activity  50% increase among 14- year-olds S ource : De b o r a h An n Da ws o n , ‘ Effects of Sex Education on Adolescent Behavior, ” Family Planning Perspectives, Jul/ Aug 1986  Greater probability among girls aged 15-17 © IEF 17
  • 18. Character–Based Education Focuses on Reducing the Cause Teenage Teenage Teenage Premarital Premarital Premarital Sex Sex Sex Teenage Teenage Pregnancy Sexual Diseases © IEF 18
  • 19. Public Health Benefits of Character–Based Sex Education Abstinence Education Reduction in Sexual Activity Reduction in Teenage Pregnancies & Sexual Diseases © IEF 19
  • 20. Help Parents Protect Their Children Regulate exposure to media Discipline effectively Encourage schoolwork © IEF 20
  • 21. Contraceptive–Based Education Lacks Guidance  Attempts to be value-neutral  Allows students to set their own standards © IEF 21
  • 22. Abstinence Demands Knowledge and Skills Character-based education provides support needed to achieve the healthy norm © IEF 22
  • 23. Character–Based Education Supports the Majority of Youth  Majority of American teenagers are virgins  Many non–virgins want support to postpone sexual activity © IEF 23
  • 24. Contraceptive Instruction and Pro-Abstinence Message Do Not Mix No “ Safer” Premarital Premarital Sex Sex Abstinence Standard Lost © IEF 24
  • 25. Balanced Condom Policy  Promote marriage as the only safe context for sex  Publicize limitations of condoms  Target high–risk adults for condom promotion © IEF 25
  • 26. Factors Linked to Preventing Sexual Activity  Self-motivation  Academic ambition  Parental supervision  Abstinent friends  No substance abuse S o u r c e : La wr e n c e E. Ka y, MD, “ Adolescent Sexual Intercourse, ” Postgraduate Medicine, June, 1995 © IEF 26

Editor's Notes

  1. Family in Crisis ¥ Spouse and child abuse ¥ Infidelity ¥ Divorce
  2. Throughout history...education has had two great goals: To help young people to become smart and...become good.Ó Source: Dr. Thomas Lickona, ÔEducating for Character