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October 20-22

Conference on
Road dust –
Health effects
and abatement

October 18-19, 2010
No charge

Stockholm not as clean as most
        slides indicate!

        ... actually Sweden to EU court...
        due to PM10 exceedances!
“Sweden and Slovenia did not submit requests for time extensions.
 As both Member States that had received a final warning in November 2009
continue to exceed the PM10 limit values, the Commission has decided to refer the
cases to the European Court of Justice”
Death accidents in traffic
                                                  in the county of Stockholm 2008

60 persons killed
annually in traffic

 Particles from road
 traffic may cause
 >400 premature
 deaths per year*

* Forsberg et al., Ambio, vol.,34, No. 1, 2005.
The Congestion Tax in Stockholm

Christer Johansson
Environmental officer & Professor
Environment and Health Administration, City of Stockholm
Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm university
            Trial                          Permanent
            Jan-Jul                        tax system
                                           from Aug-2007

jan-05   jan-06                   jan-07    jan-08
18 charging points…

                       Automatic identification
                      with cameras (license plates)
                        Maximum amount per
                      vehicle and day – 6 EURO
                      (1-2 € per passage)
                       Extended public transports
                       More park-and-ride sites
                        Essingeleden bypass is
                      exempted (part of European
                      route E4)
18 automatic
 toll stations
Toll vehicle registrations give
high resolution fleet composition
Vehicle categories      Vehicle information
•   Personal cars       • Model year
•   Light duty trucks   • Weight
•   Heavy duty trucks   • Reason for exemption
•   Buses
Time of day       Tax    (In other currencies)
00:00 – 06:29   0 SEK

06:30 – 06:59   10 SEK      ~ 1 EUR
07:00 – 07:29   15 SEK
07:30 – 08:29   20 SEK
08:30 – 08:59   15 SEK
                              Maximum amount per
09:00 – 15:29   10 SEK
                              vehicle and day – 60 SEK
15:30 – 15:59   15 SEK        - 6.3 EUR
16:00 – 17:29   20 SEK

17:30 – 17:59   15 SEK

18:00 – 18:29   10 SEK

18:30 – 23:59   0 SEK
23/06/2010   PAGE 11   THE CITY OF
Less traffic within the zone…
  Vehicle km within the zone, weekdays year 2005-2006:
  Total:      Pass. cars   LCV         HGV         Buses
  -15%        -17%         - 15%       -8%         +18%


Queueing time was reduced by one third in the morning and by
half during afternoons
Changes in traffic
Estimated reduction of emissions…
The inner-city, year           tons/    %       Inner-city:
2006:                          year
                                               ~8-14% reduction of
Nitrogen oxides, NOx            45      -8,5   emissions (mainly due
Carbon monoxide, CO             670     -14    to less traffic)
Particles, PM10 total           21      -13
 ”         ”wear” particles     19      -13    Less congestion:
 ”       ”exhaust” particles    1.8     -12     -2-3% for rush hours
Hydrocarbons, VOC               110     -14
     ”            benzene       3.4     -14    Extended bus traffic:
Carbon dioxide, CO2            38,000   -13    more NOx
Air Quality - Nitrogen oxides, NOx…

                                Increased levels

                                Decreased levels

                    Urban background
                    ~6% decrease
                     Street level
                     ~5-10% decrease
~ 1-2%
increase             Essingeleden & Southern
                     Link tunnel
                     ~1-2% increase
Long term exposure
effect on population mortality
                                                                  NOX population exposure
                                                                  indicator of traffic exhaust
                                                                  Long term mortality risk:
                                                                  8 % per 10 µg/m3 higher NOx-conc.
                     - 0,23                                       (Nafstad et al. 2004; Oslo*)

                     µg/m3                                         - 25 to 30 fewer premature
                                                                   deaths per year (1.44 million

                                                                   - 206 years of life gained/100 000
                                                                   people in 10 years.
*Nafstad, P., Haheim, L.L., Wisloff, T., Gram, F., Oftedal, B.,
Holme, I., et al., 2004. Environ Health Persp 112, 610–615.       Effects on mortality – “tip of the iceberg”
PM10 & NO2 still exceeding limits
PM10 exceedings in Stockholm city
(90th percentile of daily mean values)

Studded tyres - wear of road surface


 0    1    2 Kilometer                   2004-03-01
Daily vehicle passages
    600 000

P   550 000
              Total   Cars   HGV   Buses   Fuel excemptions
a   500 000
s                                           PERMANENT
    450 000             TRIAL
a   400 000
g   350 000
s   300 000
    250 000
p 200 000
r 150 000
  100 000
d 50 000
y       0
Reduced emission 2006-2008

  NOx PM10 PMc PMe   VOC CO   CO2 CO2
Increased public transport…
Number of people passing into and out of the city centre

                                        + 80 000

        Buses        Under- Local          Comm.           In total
                     ground trains         trains
Boom in alternatively fuelled vehicles…
Clean cars exempted from tax until Jan. 1st, 2009 (14 % of passages)
                             80 000
                                        Etanol                                                 9%
                             70 000     Fordonsgas
                                        El & elhybrid
                             60 000     Bränslesnål diesel*
      Personbilar i trafik

                                        Bränslesnål bensin*
                             50 000
                             40 000

                             30 000                                              3%
                             20 000

                             10 000                                       1%
                                 2001      2002      2003     2004        2005   2006   2007   2008
Location of measurement stations
Mean conc.                                                                       101

             -------------------Inner city streets------------------ Exempted bypass

                       -------------------Inner city streets------------------

  No tax                              PM10

  With tax                                                                       36

                                                                       Exempted bypass
             -------------------Inner city streets------------------
Revenues and surplus…
International attention
          • The demonstrated
            success of road
          “Other major cities around the world,
             including London, England and
             Stockholm, Sweden most recently,
             have reduced congestion and
             improved throughput almost
             immediately through the
             implementation of congestion pricing

• Large traffic & emission reductions

• Efficient way of decreasing exposure to polluttion

• Expected big positive effects on health (long term
  effect on mortality)

• Boom in alternatively fuelled vehicles

   Thank you!
Why we were awarded
•   Climate combat
•   District heating                                        Presentation (2)*
•   Clean cars                            Dissimenation programme (2)*
                                                 Sustainable land use (1)*
•   Congestion tax     Sustainable management of the local authority (3)*
•   Public transport                      Waste water management (2)*
                                                  Water consumption (6)*
•   Clean water                  Waste production and management (1)*
•   Waste treatment                                    Noise pollution (1)*
                                           Quality of local ambient air (4)*
•   Recycling            Availability of green areas open to the public (1)*
•   Clean air                 Local mobility and passenger transport (1)*
                          Local contribution to global climate change (1)*
•   Green areas
                                                                                0   10 20   30 40   50 60   70 80   90 100
•   Noise reduction    * Rating among the eight finalists                                                      Per cent (%)

23/06/2010                                 PAGE 28                                                   THE CITY OF

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  • 2. International Conference on Road dust – Health effects and abatement strategies October 18-19, 2010 No charge www.slb.nu/roaddust
  • 3. Stockholm not as clean as most slides indicate! ... actually Sweden to EU court... due to PM10 exceedances! “Sweden and Slovenia did not submit requests for time extensions. As both Member States that had received a final warning in November 2009 continue to exceed the PM10 limit values, the Commission has decided to refer the cases to the European Court of Justice”
  • 4. Death accidents in traffic in the county of Stockholm 2008 60 persons killed annually in traffic accidents Particles from road traffic may cause >400 premature deaths per year* * Forsberg et al., Ambio, vol.,34, No. 1, 2005.
  • 5. The Congestion Tax in Stockholm EFFECTS ON AIR QUALITY AND HEALTH Christer Johansson Environmental officer & Professor Environment and Health Administration, City of Stockholm Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm university
  • 6. Refrendum Trial Permanent Jan-Jul tax system from Aug-2007 jan-05 jan-06 jan-07 jan-08
  • 7. 18 charging points… Automatic identification with cameras (license plates) Maximum amount per vehicle and day – 6 EURO (1-2 € per passage) Extended public transports More park-and-ride sites Essingeleden bypass is exempted (part of European route E4)
  • 8. 18 automatic toll stations
  • 9. Toll vehicle registrations give high resolution fleet composition Vehicle categories Vehicle information • Personal cars • Model year • Light duty trucks • Weight • Heavy duty trucks • Reason for exemption • Buses
  • 10. Time of day Tax (In other currencies) (weekdays) 00:00 – 06:29 0 SEK 06:30 – 06:59 10 SEK ~ 1 EUR 07:00 – 07:29 15 SEK 07:30 – 08:29 20 SEK 08:30 – 08:59 15 SEK Maximum amount per 09:00 – 15:29 10 SEK vehicle and day – 60 SEK 15:30 – 15:59 15 SEK - 6.3 EUR 16:00 – 17:29 20 SEK 17:30 – 17:59 15 SEK 18:00 – 18:29 10 SEK 18:30 – 23:59 0 SEK
  • 11. 23/06/2010 PAGE 11 THE CITY OF STOCKHOLM
  • 12. Less traffic within the zone… Vehicle km within the zone, weekdays year 2005-2006: Total: Pass. cars LCV HGV Buses -15% -17% - 15% -8% +18% -15% Queueing time was reduced by one third in the morning and by half during afternoons
  • 14. Estimated reduction of emissions… The inner-city, year tons/ % Inner-city: 2006: year ~8-14% reduction of Nitrogen oxides, NOx 45 -8,5 emissions (mainly due Carbon monoxide, CO 670 -14 to less traffic) Particles, PM10 total 21 -13 ” ”wear” particles 19 -13 Less congestion: ” ”exhaust” particles 1.8 -12 -2-3% for rush hours Hydrocarbons, VOC 110 -14 ” benzene 3.4 -14 Extended bus traffic: Carbon dioxide, CO2 38,000 -13 more NOx
  • 15. Air Quality - Nitrogen oxides, NOx… µg/m3 Increased levels Decreased levels Urban background ~6% decrease Street level ~5-10% decrease ~ 1-2% increase Essingeleden & Southern Link tunnel ~1-2% increase
  • 16. Long term exposure effect on population mortality NOX population exposure indicator of traffic exhaust Long term mortality risk: 8 % per 10 µg/m3 higher NOx-conc. - 0,23 (Nafstad et al. 2004; Oslo*) µg/m3 - 25 to 30 fewer premature deaths per year (1.44 million people) - 206 years of life gained/100 000 people in 10 years. *Nafstad, P., Haheim, L.L., Wisloff, T., Gram, F., Oftedal, B., Holme, I., et al., 2004. Environ Health Persp 112, 610–615. Effects on mortality – “tip of the iceberg”
  • 17. PM10 & NO2 still exceeding limits PM10 exceedings in Stockholm city (90th percentile of daily mean values) Studded tyres - wear of road surface Sveavägen Hornsgatan 0 1 2 Kilometer 2004-03-01
  • 18. Daily vehicle passages 600 000 P 550 000 Total Cars HGV Buses Fuel excemptions a 500 000 s PERMANENT s 450 000 TRIAL a 400 000 g 350 000 e s 300 000 250 000 p 200 000 e r 150 000 100 000 d 50 000 a y 0
  • 19. Reduced emission 2006-2008 NOx PM10 PMc PMe VOC CO CO2 CO2 _ fossil
  • 20. Increased public transport… Number of people passing into and out of the city centre + 80 000 passages (10%) Buses Under- Local Comm. In total ground trains trains
  • 21. Boom in alternatively fuelled vehicles… Clean cars exempted from tax until Jan. 1st, 2009 (14 % of passages) 80 000 Etanol 9% 70 000 Fordonsgas El & elhybrid 60 000 Bränslesnål diesel* Personbilar i trafik Bränslesnål bensin* 50 000 6% 40 000 30 000 3% 20 000 10 000 1% 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 År
  • 23. NOx Mean conc. 101 2005-2008 -------------------Inner city streets------------------ Exempted bypass CO Weekdays 6-19 -------------------Inner city streets------------------ No tax PM10 With tax 36 Exempted bypass -------------------Inner city streets------------------
  • 25. International attention • The demonstrated success of road pricing. “Other major cities around the world, including London, England and Stockholm, Sweden most recently, have reduced congestion and improved throughput almost immediately through the implementation of congestion pricing strategies.”
  • 26. Reports www.slb.nu/lvf http://www.stockholmsforsoket.se/templates/page.aspx?id=183
  • 27. Conclusions • Large traffic & emission reductions • Efficient way of decreasing exposure to polluttion • Expected big positive effects on health (long term effect on mortality) • Boom in alternatively fuelled vehicles Thank you!
  • 28. Why we were awarded • Climate combat • District heating Presentation (2)* • Clean cars Dissimenation programme (2)* Sustainable land use (1)* • Congestion tax Sustainable management of the local authority (3)* • Public transport Waste water management (2)* Water consumption (6)* • Clean water Waste production and management (1)* • Waste treatment Noise pollution (1)* Quality of local ambient air (4)* • Recycling Availability of green areas open to the public (1)* • Clean air Local mobility and passenger transport (1)* Local contribution to global climate change (1)* • Green areas 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 • Noise reduction * Rating among the eight finalists Per cent (%) 23/06/2010 PAGE 28 THE CITY OF STOCKHOLM