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Key Steps For A
Successful Site Visit
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 1


On arrival
• Before you enter on site, you
first overlook the whole
construction site.
• This takes a couple of
• Remember:
1. “There is never a Second
2. chance to make a first
3. impression”
• What is your first impression?
• Can you see that the site is Managed?
• Are you proud of the (your) site?
• What would your boss think About this site?
• Is it clean, organised?
• If you take a picture, would you show it to your
colleagues as a “best practice”
• Would the ‘client’ be proud?
• Fencing is ok?
 The overlook of the site is professional,
clean, well-organised.
 Entrance is clearly indicated, and Basic
Safety Rules are posted at entrance.
 Fences are clamped together.
 Site layout is like agreed with the contractor
and/or site supervisor.
 Site fully complies with local law. (Legal
notifications, incident management, etc)
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 2
Step 1
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


On Site
You enter the site and go
straight to the site office.
• Is everything in place like agreed?
• It is safe to enter on your own?
 Routing to office is safe and clear.
 You cannot enter the site, without being
noticed by somebody.
 Site office is organised, clean and
windows are overlooking the
construction site.
 Somebody guides entrance.
 It’s not possible to enter directly the
working area, without going to the site
office first. (Safe area is in place)
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 3
Step 2
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


Site induction
Every site visit done, must
start with a site induction.
This must be done before
signing into the logbook.
The site induction must be
done following the ‘site
induction process’,
supported by the white board
or Data show device ,
 White board is in place, indicating works, hazards,
potential incidents, near misses, etc
 A full briefing is done by the site supervisor, using
the guidance
 You are clearly informed, and all is clear.
 Site supervisor is using the white board,
building schedule, induction guidance to
do the site induction.
 Site supervisor explains clearly the
works and hazards of the day. (he can
use the WCF, PTW, JHA and JHA
review log, if wanted.)
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 4
Step 3
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


Signing in
You sign into the logbook
(or logbook legally required)
after the site induction.
• Signing in is done after the briefing by the site
• Did the site supervisor asked you to sign
in after the briefing?
• Do you see that everybody on site has
signed in?
• Is the logbook fully completed every
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 5
Step 4
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


HSSE site
safety tour
Before you start your meeting,
you do a HSSE tour, with the
Site supervisor.
 Look for potential incidents (unsafe behaviour or
unsafe situations)
 Topics to look for can be:
o Reactions of people
 Changing position
 Rearranging the job
 Adjust or add PPE
o Positions of people
 Caught in or between
 Falling / tripping
 Struck by
 Head and face
 Ears, eyes, feet
 Lungs, skin, hands
o Tools and equipment
 Right for the job?
 Used correctly?
 Safe condition?
o Procedures (standards)
 Adequate?
 Established?
 Maintained?
o Orderly and tidy?
 Standards established?
 Understood?
 Maintained?
• People work correctly and in a
professional way, understanding the
HSSE measures.
• People are proud of their job.
• Your visit does not disturb them.
• They continue their work.
• Site has no potential hazards.
• People know what they are doing and
controlling all hazards associated with
the job.
• Site is organised (waste management,
safe storage, boundaries, access way ,
assembly point, etc)
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 6
Step 5
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


During your site visit you talk
to workers, using the TNT
principles, supported by the
LMRA process. This to
ensure yourself about HSSE
awareness of workers.
Your first focus is to talk to
people who are working at
risk, but you should also talk
to the other, not at risk, to
praise safe behaviour. When
doing this you must:
 Establish trust
 Questions only (open)
 Establish injury cause
and severity
 Establish preventative
 Praise as appropriate
 Make agreements (from
now on, you will do the
 Questions that you can ask
o Can you tell me more about your job?
o What could go wrong?
o What is the worst thing that can happen?
o How could you prevent it?
o Who else could be affected?
o What if the unexpected happened?
o Why do you think I stopped you working?
o What worried me, when I first saw you?
o How can the job be done more safely?
o What would you do in an emergency?
o What was the result of your LMRA?
 People understand the need of working
 People understand that working safely
is part of their job and profession.
 People come up themselves with the
 People apply the agreements.
 Site supervisor takes note of
agreements (takes ownership)
 Site supervisor participates in TNT
 People know the LMRA process and
apply it all the time.
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 7
Step 6
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


After your visit you do a
Feedback discussion with the
site supervisor.
 You discuss the following topics:
o Lessons learned
o Actions agreed
o Mutual coaching
o Overall performance
 Site supervisor takes ownership and
how leadership.
 Site supervisor documents the
findings, using the SMART principle.
• Specific,
• Measurable,
• Acceptable,
• Realistic and
• Time related
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 8
Step 7
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


You make agreements with
the site supervisor about the
 You put your findings into personal or mutual
 You indicate clearly roles and responsibilities to
implement the agreements. (What, who, when,
how, etc)
 You take ownership of all agreements.
 Site supervisor takes ownership of all
 Agreements are documented and
signed off by both parties.
 Both look for organisational
improvements and take owner- and
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 9
Step 8
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


a momentum
Try always to end in a positive
During the follow up you will
check if agreements are
implemented and maintained.
 A HSSE visit is an occasion to improve HSSE
performance on site.
 If it is not possible to ensure safety on site at the
moment of your visit, take the necessary
measurements, including stopping the works if
needed until the site is 100% safe again.
 You can invite the workers to share this moment.
 Site supervisor shows leadership of
• momentum, even the result is not as
• wanted.
 Workers take ownership of
• momentum, even the result is not as
• wanted.
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 10
Step 9
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


Follow up
During your next visit or as
defined in the agreements,
you will check the
implementation of the
agreement. You will do the
Same principles
 You take the documented agreements and check
for implementation on site.
• You also confirm yourself that they are maintained.
 Site supervisor takes the lead in this
 Workers are proud of implementation.
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 11
Step 10
Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success


Conclusion.. Its just beginning
Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 12
SAFETY TRAINING - ***********************************

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  • 1. Key Steps For A Successful Site Visit Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 1
  • 2. On arrival • Before you enter on site, you first overlook the whole construction site. • This takes a couple of minutes. • Remember: 1. “There is never a Second 2. chance to make a first 3. impression” • What is your first impression? • Can you see that the site is Managed? • Are you proud of the (your) site? • What would your boss think About this site? • Is it clean, organised? • If you take a picture, would you show it to your colleagues as a “best practice” • Would the ‘client’ be proud? • Fencing is ok?  The overlook of the site is professional, clean, well-organised.  Entrance is clearly indicated, and Basic Safety Rules are posted at entrance.  Fences are clamped together.  Site layout is like agreed with the contractor and/or site supervisor.  Site fully complies with local law. (Legal notifications, incident management, etc) Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 2 Step 1 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 3. Entrance On Site You enter the site and go straight to the site office. • Is everything in place like agreed? • It is safe to enter on your own?  Routing to office is safe and clear.  You cannot enter the site, without being noticed by somebody.  Site office is organised, clean and windows are overlooking the construction site.  Somebody guides entrance.  It’s not possible to enter directly the working area, without going to the site office first. (Safe area is in place) Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 3 Step 2 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 4. Site induction Every site visit done, must start with a site induction. This must be done before signing into the logbook. The site induction must be done following the ‘site induction process’, supported by the white board or Data show device ,  White board is in place, indicating works, hazards, potential incidents, near misses, etc  A full briefing is done by the site supervisor, using the guidance  You are clearly informed, and all is clear.  Site supervisor is using the white board, building schedule, induction guidance to do the site induction.  Site supervisor explains clearly the works and hazards of the day. (he can use the WCF, PTW, JHA and JHA review log, if wanted.) Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 4 Step 3 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 5. Signing in You sign into the logbook (or logbook legally required) after the site induction. • Signing in is done after the briefing by the site supervisor • Did the site supervisor asked you to sign in after the briefing? • Do you see that everybody on site has signed in? • Is the logbook fully completed every day? Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 5 Step 4 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 6. HSSE site safety tour Before you start your meeting, you do a HSSE tour, with the Site supervisor.  Look for potential incidents (unsafe behaviour or unsafe situations)  Topics to look for can be: o Reactions of people  Changing position  Rearranging the job  Adjust or add PPE o Positions of people  Caught in or between  Falling / tripping  Struck by o PPE  Head and face  Ears, eyes, feet  Lungs, skin, hands o Tools and equipment  Right for the job?  Used correctly?  Safe condition? o Procedures (standards)  Adequate?  Established?  Maintained? o Orderly and tidy?  Standards established?  Understood?  Maintained? • People work correctly and in a professional way, understanding the HSSE measures. • People are proud of their job. • Your visit does not disturb them. • They continue their work. • Site has no potential hazards. • People know what they are doing and controlling all hazards associated with the job. • Site is organised (waste management, safe storage, boundaries, access way , assembly point, etc) Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 6 Step 5 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 7. TNT/LMRA During your site visit you talk to workers, using the TNT principles, supported by the LMRA process. This to ensure yourself about HSSE awareness of workers. Your first focus is to talk to people who are working at risk, but you should also talk to the other, not at risk, to praise safe behaviour. When doing this you must:  Establish trust  Questions only (open)  Establish injury cause and severity  Establish preventative measures  Praise as appropriate  Make agreements (from now on, you will do the job…)  Questions that you can ask o Can you tell me more about your job? o What could go wrong? o What is the worst thing that can happen? o How could you prevent it? o Who else could be affected? o What if the unexpected happened? o Why do you think I stopped you working? o What worried me, when I first saw you? o How can the job be done more safely? o What would you do in an emergency? o What was the result of your LMRA?  People understand the need of working safe.  People understand that working safely is part of their job and profession.  People come up themselves with the answers.  People apply the agreements.  Site supervisor takes note of agreements (takes ownership)  Site supervisor participates in TNT session.  People know the LMRA process and apply it all the time. Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 7 Step 6 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 8. Feedback discussion After your visit you do a Feedback discussion with the site supervisor.  You discuss the following topics: o Lessons learned o Actions agreed o Mutual coaching o Overall performance  Site supervisor takes ownership and how leadership.  Site supervisor documents the findings, using the SMART principle. • Specific, • Measurable, • Acceptable, • Realistic and • Time related Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 8 Step 7 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 9. Make Agreements You make agreements with the site supervisor about the findings.  You put your findings into personal or mutual agreements.  You indicate clearly roles and responsibilities to implement the agreements. (What, who, when, how, etc)  You take ownership of all agreements.  Site supervisor takes ownership of all agreements  Agreements are documented and signed off by both parties.  Both look for organisational improvements and take owner- and leadership. Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 9 Step 8 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 10. Have a momentum Try always to end in a positive way. During the follow up you will check if agreements are implemented and maintained.  A HSSE visit is an occasion to improve HSSE performance on site.  If it is not possible to ensure safety on site at the moment of your visit, take the necessary measurements, including stopping the works if needed until the site is 100% safe again.  You can invite the workers to share this moment.  Site supervisor shows leadership of • momentum, even the result is not as • wanted.  Workers take ownership of • momentum, even the result is not as • wanted. Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 10 Step 9 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 11. Follow up During your next visit or as defined in the agreements, you will check the implementation of the agreement. You will do the Same principles  You take the documented agreements and check for implementation on site. • You also confirm yourself that they are maintained.  Site supervisor takes the lead in this process.  Workers are proud of implementation. Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 11 Step 10 Steps to take What? What are you looking for? Signs of success
  • 12. Conclusion.. Its just beginning QUESTIONS Prepared By | Safety Professional | www.safetygoodwe.com 12 SAFETY TRAINING - ***********************************