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Common Parasitic

     DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
            CON, BPKIHS
                                                  Pin worms


Fish Tape worms                                   Wipe worms

                   Dwarf Tape worms
 Hook worms        DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                                                 Tape worm Mouth
                          CON, BPKIHS
Cutaneous leishmaniasis

       DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
              CON, BPKIHS

 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
        CON, BPKIHS

DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS

DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
This skin disorder is due to infestation of the skin
by fly larvae . The most common fly causing dermal
            myiasis is the screw worm fly.
                  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                         CON, BPKIHS
Babesia: Babesiosis is a vector-borne illness usually
    transmitted deer tick or black legged tick
               DR. Ram Sharan .Mehta, MSND,
                      CON, BPKIHS
Parasite infection in lung

       DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
              CON, BPKIHS
Lyme disease by Tick bite

       DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
              CON, BPKIHS
Loa eye parasite in Eye

      DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
             CON, BPKIHS
Eye Worm

DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
Round worm

DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
Ascaris In Mouth and Nose

       DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
              CON, BPKIHS
Worm in Head

 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
        CON, BPKIHS
Parasites In Humans
Some facts:
• Humans may be a host to over 100
  different types of parasites.
• In recent medical studies it has been
  estimated that 85% of the North
  American adult population has at least
  one form of parasites living in their

              DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                     CON, BPKIHS
DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
1. Types of parasites
a. Protozoa
  –   Single celled, Organized cellular structure
  –   May ingest solid particles
  –   Require aquatic (watery) environment
  –   Reproduce by binary fission at some point in life cycle
b. Helminths (worms)
  – Multicellular, Organized internal structure; includes
       • Platyhelminths (flatworms)
       • Nematoda (roundworms)
c. Ectoparasites
  – Insects and arachnida (spider, scorpions) found on the skin.

                      DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                             CON, BPKIHS
Classification, disease
and detection of parasites

        DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
               CON, BPKIHS
DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
– Amoebae
 • Form cytoplasmic protrusions
 • Occur as trophozoites (active, growing) and
   cyst (environmentally protected) forms.

            DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                   CON, BPKIHS
• Pathogens
  –Entamoeba histolytica
• Disease - Ranges from: asymptomatic,
  diarrhoea to dysentery and liver disease.
• Transmission - Fecal-oral - contaminated
  water/food, (especially in the tropics).
  – Poor living conditions.

                 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                        CON, BPKIHS
    – Propelled by flagella.
    – May occur in trophozoites and cyst forms.
    – Have shape because of rigid outer wall.
•   Pathogens - Giardia lamblia
•   Disease - Ranges from asymptomatic to
    acute or chronic diarrhoea
•   Transmission - Fecal-oral,
    waterborne,World wide.

                 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                        CON, BPKIHS
• Trichomonas vaginalis
 – Disease - Vaginitis.
 – Transmission - Sexual.
 – Detection - Microscopy of discharge,

             DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                    CON, BPKIHS
• Trypanosoma spp
 – Cause: Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping sickness)
 – Disease - Fever, encephalitis; cardiac
 – Transmission - Fly, Bug
 – Detection - Parasites stained on blood
   smears, serology.

              DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                     CON, BPKIHS
• Sporozoa
 – Mature forms are non-motile.
 – Complex life cycles.
 – Pathogens - Plasmodium spp. Cause malaria.
 – Disease - Episodic fevers, anaemia - life
 – Transmission - Mosquito bites.
 – Detection: Parasites stained on blood film.

              DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                     CON, BPKIHS
• Cryptosporidium parvum
  – Disease: watery diarrhea (chronic in
  – Transmission: fecal-oral, water borne,
    animals (zoonosis), world wide distribution
  – Detection: microscopy of stool using special

                DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                       CON, BPKIHS
• Cyclospora cayetanensis
 –Disease - Watery diarrhea, similar
  to above.
 –Transmission - Fecal - oral,
  especially in tropics.
 –Detection - As for Cryptosporidium.

           DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                  CON, BPKIHS
• Toxoplasma gondii
 – Disease - Mostly asymptomatic infection,
   but new infection in pregnancy causes
   fetal malformations; also infection in
 – Transmission - By poorly cooked meat,
   from cat stool, rarely water.
 – Detection - By serology.

              DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                     CON, BPKIHS
DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
• Helminths
 – Platyheminths (flatworms)
   • Cestodes – “tapeworms”
   • Ribbon like, segmented. No digestive system, adult
     attached to gut wall by scolex, larval forms in
   • Life cycle Definitive Host (gut contains adult
     worms )
   • Environment ( Ova )
   • Intermediate Host ( tissues contain larval stage)
   • When the intermediate host is eaten by the
     definitive host, the adult worm develops in the gut
     from the larval form, and later produces ova.
                 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                        CON, BPKIHS
DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
• Principle Pathogens
  – Taenia saginata,Taenia solium
    • Disease: - Abdominal discomfort (man is
      definitive host {i.e. has adult}).
    • Transmission: - Larval forms ingested in food.
    • Detection: - Identification of ova or adult
      segments in stool.
  – Some cestodes infect humans by the adult
    form in the gut, some infect by larval forms
    in tissues, and some infect in both forms.

                 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                        CON, BPKIHS
–Cysticercosis (T. solium larvae)
  • Disease -Cysts throughout the body
  • Transmission - Ova are ingested;
  • Detection - Serology, also x-ray,
    ultrasound, and other methods to
    detect mass lesions.

            DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                   CON, BPKIHS
• Pathogens - Schistosoma spp.
• Disease - Effects of inflammation,
• Transmission - Penetration of skin .
• Detection - Ova in stool/urine depending
  on species of schistosome.

              DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                     CON, BPKIHS
–Nematodes (roundworms)
 • Disease - Abdominal pain/discomfort
   (most found in the gut).
 • Transmission - Fecal-oral via ova in
 • Detection
   –Recognition of ova using stool
   –Identification of adult worms.

           DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                  CON, BPKIHS
 • Disease - Chronic blood loss.
 • Transmission - Larvae penetrate
 • Detection - Identification of ova
   or larvae in stool.

          DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                 CON, BPKIHS
–Filaria - filariasis
 • Disease - Fevers, elephantiasis,
   swelling and deformity of limbs,
 • Transmission - Mosquito borne/Sand
 • Detection - Marasites (microfilaria)
   stained on blood film.

          DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                 CON, BPKIHS

DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS

DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
 –       Colonize the body vs. Micropredators
         that bite only.
     •    Insects - ( 6 legs) - fleas, head-, body-
          and pubic lice (singular – Louse)
     •    Arachnida - ( 8 legs, but can have 6 in
          immature form) - ticks, mites
 –       Their importance is as vectors of
         disease and to a lesser extent

                  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                         CON, BPKIHS
DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
       CON, BPKIHS
Adaptations to a parasitic existence
 • Loss of structures or enzymes, e.g. GI tract.
 • Development of pathogenic adaptations, e.g.
   mechanisms of attachment (hookworms).
 • Defense mechanisms, e.g. resistance to
   digestion (nematodes).
 • Increased reproductive capacity, eg. Ascaris.
Some parasites require infection of a host to
complete their lifecycles.
Other parasites may be free living in the environment
and do not need to cause infection to persist.
                  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                         CON, BPKIHS
Detection of GI protozoa –
      amoebae / flagellates
• Microscopic identification of organisms
  from a concentrated extract of stool.

• Microscopic identification of organisms
  using a stained slide made from a filtered
  stool suspension.

Note: Parasite preservative kills all organisms;
therefore, a preserved specimen cannot be used
for culture.
                DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                       CON, BPKIHS
Thank You

  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
         CON, BPKIHS
Insect infections/infestations
1. Louse (Anoplura) infestations: Pediculus
2. Blood-feeding bugs (Hemiptera)
3. Fleas (Siphonaptera)
4. Blood-feeding flies and myiasis (Diptera)
    • Cutaneous myiasis – calliphorid blowflies; putsi flies,
      human botflies
    • Gastrointestinal myiasis – calliphorid blowflies
    • Ophthalmomyiasis – sheep nasal bot fly, Oestrus ovis41;
      screw worms
    • Genitourinary myiasis – calliphorid blowflies.
    • Sanguinivorous myiasis – the Congo Floor Maggot
                    DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                           CON, BPKIHS
Arachnid infections/infestations
1.   Mites
2.   Ticks
3.   Argasid ticks
4.   Ixodid ticks

                DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                       CON, BPKIHS
Common Symptoms of Parasites
• Constipation: Some worms, because of
  their shape and large size. can physically
  obstruct certain organs. Heavy worm
  infections can block the common bile duct
  and the intestinal tract, making elimination
  infrequent and difficult.

               DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                      CON, BPKIHS
Diarrhoea: Certain parasites, primarily protozoa, produce a
prostaglandin (hormonelike substances found in various
human tissues) which creates a sodium and chloride loss
that leads to frequent watery stools. The diarrhoea process
in parasite infection is, therefore, a function of the parasite,
not the body's attempt to rid itself of an infectious organism.

Gas and Bloating: Some parasites live in the upper small
intestine where the inflammation they produce causes both
gas and bloating. The situation can be magnified when
hard-to-digest foods such as beans and raw fruits and
vegetables are eaten. Persistent abdominal distention is a
frequent sign of hidden invaders. These gastrointestinal
symptoms can persist intermittently for many months or
years if the parasites are not eliminated from the body.

                    DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                           CON, BPKIHS
Irritable bowel syndrome: Parasites can irritate inflame,
coal, the intestinal cell wall, leading to a variety of
gastrointestinal symptoms and malabsorption of vital
nutriens, particularly fatty substances. This malabsorption
leads to bulky stools and steatorrhea (excess far in

Joint and muscle aches and pains: Parasites are
known to migrate to encyst (become enclosed in a sac) in
joint fluids, and worms can encyst in muscles. Once Ads
happens, pain becomes evident and is often assumed to
be caused by arthritis Joint and muscle pains and
inflammation are also the result of tissue damage caused
by some parasites of the body's ongoing immune
response to then- presence.
                  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                         CON, BPKIHS
Anaemia: Some varieties of intestinal worms attach
themselves to the mucosal lining of the intestines and
then leach nutrients from the human host. If they are
present in large enough numbers, they can create
enough blood loss to cause a type of iron deficiency or

Allergy: Parasites can irritate and sometimes perforate
the intestinal lining, increasing bowel permeability to
large undigested molecules. This can activate the body's
immune response to produce increased levels of
eosinophils, one type of the body's fighter cells. The
eosinophils can inflame body tissue, resulting in an
allergic reaction. Like allergy, parasites also trigger an
increase in the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE).
                  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                         CON, BPKIHS
• Skin conditions: Intestinal worms can cause
  hives, rashes, weeping eczema, and other
  allergic-type skin reactions. Cutaneous ulcers,
  swellings and sores, popular lesions, and itchy
  dermatitis can afl result from protozoan invasion.

  Granuiomas: Granulomas are tumour-like
  masses that encase destroyed large or parasitic
  eggs. They develop most often in the colon or
  rectal walls but can also be found in the lungs
  liver, peritoneum, and uterus.

                 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                        CON, BPKIHS
Nervousness: Parasitic metabolic wastes and toxic substances can
serve as irritants to the central nervous system. Restlessness and
anxiety are often the result of the systemic parasite infestation. (After
completing a herbal cleanse, many people swear that their
persistently grouchy mates or relatives have become a lot more
pleasant and patient. "The most famous tapeworm of recent years
belonged to the late opera singer Maria Callas. She had a serious
weight and skin problem. When the tapeworm was detected and
removed, ha" weight dropped, her skin improved and her
temperament mellowed," says Gittleman.)

Sleep disturbances: Multiple awakening during the night particularly
between 2 and 3 AM, are possibly caused by the body's attempts to
eliminate toxic wastes via the liver. According to Chinese medicine,
these hours are governed by the liver. Sleep disturbances are also
caused by nocturnal exits of certain parasites through the anus,
creating the intense discomfort and itching.

                        DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                               CON, BPKIHS
Teeth grinding: Bruxism - abnormal grinding, clenching,
and gnashing of the teeth - has been observed in cases
of parasitic infection. These symptoms are most
noticeable among sleeping for children. Bruxism may be
a nervous response to the internal foreign irritant.

Chronic fatigue: Chronic fatigue symptoms include
tiredness, flu-like complaints, apathy, depression,
impaired concentration, and faulty memory. Parasites
cause these physical, mental, and emotional symptoms
through malnutrition resulting from malabsorption of
proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and especially vitamins A
and B-12.

                 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                        CON, BPKIHS
• Immunie Dysfunction: Parasites depress
  immune system functioning by decreasing the
  secretion of immunoglobulin A (I&A). Their
  presence continuously stimulates the system
  response and over time can exhaust this vital
  defense system, leaving the body open to bacterial
  and viral infections.

  The following conditions might also be tell-tale
  signs of a parasitic invasion: weight gain,
  excessive hunger, weight loss, bad taste in the
  mouth and bad breath, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy,
  acne, migraines, and even the biggest killers: heart
  disease and cancer. CON, BPKIHS MSND,
                  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta,
Nematoda -
·                  Anisakis
·                  Ascaris Lumbricoides - Giant
·                  Enterobius Vermicularis - Pinworm
·                  Hookworms
·                  Loa Loa - Eye Worm - Subcutaneous
·                  Strongyloides Stercoralis
·                  Trichuris Trichiura - Whipworm
·                   Wuchereria Bancrofti - Lymphatic
                    Filariasis - Elephantiasis
                  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                       CON, BPKIHS
Trematoda -
·            Fasciola Hepatica - Liver Fluke

·            Fasciolopsis Buski - Intestinal
·            Paragonimus Westermani - Lung
·            Schistosoma - Blood Flukes

               DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                      CON, BPKIHS
Cestoda -

·            Diphyllobothrium Latum - Fish
·            Hymenolepis Nana - Dwarf
·            Taenia Saginata - Beef Tapeworm

·            Taenia Solium - Pork Tapeworm

                 DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                        CON, BPKIHS

·              Balantidium Coli
·              Entamoeba Histolytica - Amoebiasis
·              Giardia Intestinalis
·              Leishmania
·              Plasmodium Falciparum - Malaria
·              Toxoplasma Gondii
·              Trypanosoma Brucei - Sleeping Sickness
                      DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                             CON, BPKIHS
Skin Parasites

·                    Cimex Lectularius - Bedbug
·                    Dermatobia hominis - Human Botfly
·                    Sarcoptes Scabiei - Scabies

                     DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
                            CON, BPKIHS
Thank You

  DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND,
         CON, BPKIHS

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1.1.4. common paracite infections [compatibility mode]

  • 1. Common Parasitic Infections DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 2. Parasites Pin worms Amoeba Flukes Fish Tape worms Wipe worms Dwarf Tape worms Hook worms DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, Tape worm Mouth CON, BPKIHS
  • 3. Cutaneous leishmaniasis DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 4. leishmaniasis DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 5. Scabies DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 6. Scabies DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 7. This skin disorder is due to infestation of the skin by fly larvae . The most common fly causing dermal myiasis is the screw worm fly. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 8. Babesia: Babesiosis is a vector-borne illness usually transmitted deer tick or black legged tick DR. Ram Sharan .Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 9. Parasite infection in lung DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 10. Lyme disease by Tick bite DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 11. Loa eye parasite in Eye DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 12. Eye Worm DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 13. Round worm DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 14. Ascaris In Mouth and Nose DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 15. Worm in Head DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 16. Parasites In Humans Some facts: • Humans may be a host to over 100 different types of parasites. • In recent medical studies it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasites living in their bodies. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 17. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 18. 1. Types of parasites a. Protozoa – Single celled, Organized cellular structure – May ingest solid particles – Require aquatic (watery) environment – Reproduce by binary fission at some point in life cycle b. Helminths (worms) – Multicellular, Organized internal structure; includes • Platyhelminths (flatworms) • Nematoda (roundworms) c. Ectoparasites – Insects and arachnida (spider, scorpions) found on the skin. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 19. Classification, disease and detection of parasites DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 20. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 21. Protozoa – Amoebae • Form cytoplasmic protrusions (pseudopodia). • Occur as trophozoites (active, growing) and cyst (environmentally protected) forms. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 22. • Pathogens –Entamoeba histolytica • Disease - Ranges from: asymptomatic, diarrhoea to dysentery and liver disease. • Transmission - Fecal-oral - contaminated water/food, (especially in the tropics). – Poor living conditions. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 23. Flagellates – Propelled by flagella. – May occur in trophozoites and cyst forms. – Have shape because of rigid outer wall. • Pathogens - Giardia lamblia • Disease - Ranges from asymptomatic to acute or chronic diarrhoea • Transmission - Fecal-oral, waterborne,World wide. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 24. • Trichomonas vaginalis – Disease - Vaginitis. – Transmission - Sexual. – Detection - Microscopy of discharge, culture. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 25. • Trypanosoma spp – Cause: Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping sickness) – Disease - Fever, encephalitis; cardiac complications. – Transmission - Fly, Bug – Detection - Parasites stained on blood smears, serology. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 26. • Sporozoa – Mature forms are non-motile. – Complex life cycles. – Pathogens - Plasmodium spp. Cause malaria. – Disease - Episodic fevers, anaemia - life threatening! – Transmission - Mosquito bites. – Detection: Parasites stained on blood film. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 27. • Cryptosporidium parvum – Disease: watery diarrhea (chronic in immunosuppressed) – Transmission: fecal-oral, water borne, animals (zoonosis), world wide distribution – Detection: microscopy of stool using special stains DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 28. • Cyclospora cayetanensis –Disease - Watery diarrhea, similar to above. –Transmission - Fecal - oral, especially in tropics. –Detection - As for Cryptosporidium. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 29. • Toxoplasma gondii – Disease - Mostly asymptomatic infection, but new infection in pregnancy causes fetal malformations; also infection in immuno-suppressed. – Transmission - By poorly cooked meat, from cat stool, rarely water. – Detection - By serology. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 30. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 31. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 32. • Helminths – Platyheminths (flatworms) • Cestodes – “tapeworms” • Ribbon like, segmented. No digestive system, adult attached to gut wall by scolex, larval forms in tissues. • Life cycle Definitive Host (gut contains adult worms ) • Environment ( Ova ) • Intermediate Host ( tissues contain larval stage) • When the intermediate host is eaten by the definitive host, the adult worm develops in the gut from the larval form, and later produces ova. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 33. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 34. • Principle Pathogens – Taenia saginata,Taenia solium • Disease: - Abdominal discomfort (man is definitive host {i.e. has adult}). • Transmission: - Larval forms ingested in food. • Detection: - Identification of ova or adult segments in stool. – Some cestodes infect humans by the adult form in the gut, some infect by larval forms in tissues, and some infect in both forms. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 35. –Cysticercosis (T. solium larvae) • Disease -Cysts throughout the body tissues. • Transmission - Ova are ingested; • Detection - Serology, also x-ray, ultrasound, and other methods to detect mass lesions. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 36. • Pathogens - Schistosoma spp. (schistosomiasis). • Disease - Effects of inflammation, hematuria. • Transmission - Penetration of skin . • Detection - Ova in stool/urine depending on species of schistosome. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 37. –Nematodes (roundworms) • Disease - Abdominal pain/discomfort (most found in the gut). • Transmission - Fecal-oral via ova in stool. • Detection –Recognition of ova using stool microscopy. –Identification of adult worms. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 38. –Hookworms • Disease - Chronic blood loss. • Transmission - Larvae penetrate skin. • Detection - Identification of ova or larvae in stool. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 39. –Filaria - filariasis • Disease - Fevers, elephantiasis, swelling and deformity of limbs, genitalia. • Transmission - Mosquito borne/Sand fly. • Detection - Marasites (microfilaria) stained on blood film. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 40. Filarisis DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 41. Elephantitis DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 42. Ectoparasites – Colonize the body vs. Micropredators that bite only. • Insects - ( 6 legs) - fleas, head-, body- and pubic lice (singular – Louse) • Arachnida - ( 8 legs, but can have 6 in immature form) - ticks, mites – Their importance is as vectors of disease and to a lesser extent cosmetic. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 43. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 44. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 45. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 46. Adaptations to a parasitic existence • Loss of structures or enzymes, e.g. GI tract. • Development of pathogenic adaptations, e.g. mechanisms of attachment (hookworms). • Defense mechanisms, e.g. resistance to digestion (nematodes). • Increased reproductive capacity, eg. Ascaris. Some parasites require infection of a host to complete their lifecycles. Other parasites may be free living in the environment and do not need to cause infection to persist. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 47. Detection of GI protozoa – amoebae / flagellates • Microscopic identification of organisms from a concentrated extract of stool. • Microscopic identification of organisms using a stained slide made from a filtered stool suspension. Note: Parasite preservative kills all organisms; therefore, a preserved specimen cannot be used for culture. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 48. Thank You DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 49. ARTHROPOD INFECTIONS/INFESTATIONS OF THE SKIN: Insect infections/infestations 1. Louse (Anoplura) infestations: Pediculus 2. Blood-feeding bugs (Hemiptera) 3. Fleas (Siphonaptera) 4. Blood-feeding flies and myiasis (Diptera) • Cutaneous myiasis – calliphorid blowflies; putsi flies, human botflies • Gastrointestinal myiasis – calliphorid blowflies • Ophthalmomyiasis – sheep nasal bot fly, Oestrus ovis41; screw worms • Genitourinary myiasis – calliphorid blowflies. • Sanguinivorous myiasis – the Congo Floor Maggot DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 50. Arachnid infections/infestations 1. Mites 2. Ticks 3. Argasid ticks 4. Ixodid ticks DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 51. Common Symptoms of Parasites • Constipation: Some worms, because of their shape and large size. can physically obstruct certain organs. Heavy worm infections can block the common bile duct and the intestinal tract, making elimination infrequent and difficult. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 52. Diarrhoea: Certain parasites, primarily protozoa, produce a prostaglandin (hormonelike substances found in various human tissues) which creates a sodium and chloride loss that leads to frequent watery stools. The diarrhoea process in parasite infection is, therefore, a function of the parasite, not the body's attempt to rid itself of an infectious organism. Gas and Bloating: Some parasites live in the upper small intestine where the inflammation they produce causes both gas and bloating. The situation can be magnified when hard-to-digest foods such as beans and raw fruits and vegetables are eaten. Persistent abdominal distention is a frequent sign of hidden invaders. These gastrointestinal symptoms can persist intermittently for many months or years if the parasites are not eliminated from the body. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 53. Irritable bowel syndrome: Parasites can irritate inflame, coal, the intestinal cell wall, leading to a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms and malabsorption of vital nutriens, particularly fatty substances. This malabsorption leads to bulky stools and steatorrhea (excess far in feces). Joint and muscle aches and pains: Parasites are known to migrate to encyst (become enclosed in a sac) in joint fluids, and worms can encyst in muscles. Once Ads happens, pain becomes evident and is often assumed to be caused by arthritis Joint and muscle pains and inflammation are also the result of tissue damage caused by some parasites of the body's ongoing immune response to then- presence. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 54. Anaemia: Some varieties of intestinal worms attach themselves to the mucosal lining of the intestines and then leach nutrients from the human host. If they are present in large enough numbers, they can create enough blood loss to cause a type of iron deficiency or pernicious Allergy: Parasites can irritate and sometimes perforate the intestinal lining, increasing bowel permeability to large undigested molecules. This can activate the body's immune response to produce increased levels of eosinophils, one type of the body's fighter cells. The eosinophils can inflame body tissue, resulting in an allergic reaction. Like allergy, parasites also trigger an increase in the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE). DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 55. • Skin conditions: Intestinal worms can cause hives, rashes, weeping eczema, and other allergic-type skin reactions. Cutaneous ulcers, swellings and sores, popular lesions, and itchy dermatitis can afl result from protozoan invasion. Granuiomas: Granulomas are tumour-like masses that encase destroyed large or parasitic eggs. They develop most often in the colon or rectal walls but can also be found in the lungs liver, peritoneum, and uterus. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 56. Nervousness: Parasitic metabolic wastes and toxic substances can serve as irritants to the central nervous system. Restlessness and anxiety are often the result of the systemic parasite infestation. (After completing a herbal cleanse, many people swear that their persistently grouchy mates or relatives have become a lot more pleasant and patient. "The most famous tapeworm of recent years belonged to the late opera singer Maria Callas. She had a serious weight and skin problem. When the tapeworm was detected and removed, ha" weight dropped, her skin improved and her temperament mellowed," says Gittleman.) Sleep disturbances: Multiple awakening during the night particularly between 2 and 3 AM, are possibly caused by the body's attempts to eliminate toxic wastes via the liver. According to Chinese medicine, these hours are governed by the liver. Sleep disturbances are also caused by nocturnal exits of certain parasites through the anus, creating the intense discomfort and itching. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 57. Teeth grinding: Bruxism - abnormal grinding, clenching, and gnashing of the teeth - has been observed in cases of parasitic infection. These symptoms are most noticeable among sleeping for children. Bruxism may be a nervous response to the internal foreign irritant. Chronic fatigue: Chronic fatigue symptoms include tiredness, flu-like complaints, apathy, depression, impaired concentration, and faulty memory. Parasites cause these physical, mental, and emotional symptoms through malnutrition resulting from malabsorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and especially vitamins A and B-12. DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 58. • Immunie Dysfunction: Parasites depress immune system functioning by decreasing the secretion of immunoglobulin A (I&A). Their presence continuously stimulates the system response and over time can exhaust this vital defense system, leaving the body open to bacterial and viral infections. The following conditions might also be tell-tale signs of a parasitic invasion: weight gain, excessive hunger, weight loss, bad taste in the mouth and bad breath, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, acne, migraines, and even the biggest killers: heart disease and cancer. CON, BPKIHS MSND, DR. Ram Sharan Mehta,
  • 59. Nematoda - Roundworms · Anisakis · Ascaris Lumbricoides - Giant Roundworm · Enterobius Vermicularis - Pinworm · Hookworms · Loa Loa - Eye Worm - Subcutaneous Filariasis · Strongyloides Stercoralis · Trichuris Trichiura - Whipworm · Wuchereria Bancrofti - Lymphatic Filariasis - Elephantiasis DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 60. Trematoda - Flukes · Fasciola Hepatica - Liver Fluke · Fasciolopsis Buski - Intestinal Fluke · Paragonimus Westermani - Lung Fluke · Schistosoma - Blood Flukes DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 61. Cestoda - Tapeworms · Diphyllobothrium Latum - Fish Tapeworm · Hymenolepis Nana - Dwarf Tapeworm · Taenia Saginata - Beef Tapeworm · Taenia Solium - Pork Tapeworm DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 62. Protozoa · Balantidium Coli · Entamoeba Histolytica - Amoebiasis · Giardia Intestinalis · Leishmania · Plasmodium Falciparum - Malaria · Toxoplasma Gondii · Trypanosoma Brucei - Sleeping Sickness DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 63. Skin Parasites · Cimex Lectularius - Bedbug · Dermatobia hominis - Human Botfly · Sarcoptes Scabiei - Scabies DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS
  • 64. Thank You DR. Ram Sharan Mehta, MSND, CON, BPKIHS