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Chapter 12 Lecture
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Cosmic Perspective
Seventh Edition
Asteroids, Comets,
and Dwarf Planets:
Their Nature, Orbits,
and Impacts
Asteroids, Comets, and Dwarf Planets:
Their Nature, Orbits, and Impacts
12.1 Asteroids and Meteorites
• Our goals for learning:
– What are asteroids like?
– Why is there an asteroid belt?
– How are meteorites related to asteroids?
What are asteroids like?
• Asteroids are rocky leftovers of planet formation.
• The largest is Ceres, diameter ~1000 kilometers.
• 150,000 in catalogs, and probably over a million with
diameter >1 kilometer.
• Small asteroids are more common than large asteroids.
• All the asteroids in the solar system wouldn't add up to
even a small terrestrial planet.
Asteroid Facts
• Asteroids are cratered and not round.
Asteroids with Moons
• Some large
asteroids have
their own moon.
• Asteroid Ida has a
tiny moon named
Density of Asteroids
• Measuring the orbit
of asteroid's moon
tells us an asteroid's
• Mass and size tell us
an asteroid's density.
• Some asteroids are
solid rock; others are
just piles of rubble.
Asteroid Orbits
• Most asteroids orbit
in the asteroid belt
between Mars and
• Trojan asteroids
follow Jupiter's orbit.
• Orbits of near-Earth
asteroids cross
Earth's orbit.
Vesta as seen by the Dawn Spacecraft
Thought Question
Why are there very few asteroids beyond Jupiter's
A. There was no rocky material beyond Jupiter's orbit.
B. The heaviest rocks sank toward the center of the solar
C. Ice could form in the outer solar system.
D. A passing star probably stripped away all of those
asteroids, even if they were there at one time.
Thought Question
Why are there very few asteroids beyond Jupiter's
A. There was no rocky material beyond Jupiter's orbit.
B. The heaviest rocks sank toward the center of the solar
C. Ice could form in the outer solar system.
D. A passing star probably stripped away all of those
asteroids, even if they were there at one time.
Why is there an asteroid belt?
Thought Question
Which explanation for the belt seems the most
A. The belt is where all the asteroids happened to form.
B. The belt is the remnant of a large terrestrial planet that
used to be between Mars and Jupiter.
C. The belt is where all the asteroids happened to survive.
But WHY didn't they
form a planet?
Thought Question
Which explanation for the belt seems the most
A. The belt is where all the asteroids happened to form.
B. The belt is the remnant of a large terrestrial planet that
used to be between Mars and Jupiter.
C. The belt is where all the asteroids happened to
Orbital Resonances
• Asteroids in
orbital resonance
with Jupiter
periodic nudges.
• Eventually, those
nudges move
asteroids out of
resonant orbits,
leaving gaps in
the asteroid belt.
Origin of Asteroid Belt
• Rocky
between Mars and
Jupiter did not
accrete into a
• Jupiter's gravity,
through influence of
orbital resonances,
stirred up asteroid
orbits and
prevented their
accretion into a
How are meteorites related to asteroids?
Meteor Terminology
• Meteorite: a rock from space that falls through
Earth's atmosphere
• Meteor: the bright trail left by a meteorite
Chicago, March 26, 2003
Meteorite Impact
Meteorite Types
1) Primitive: unchanged in composition since they
first formed 4.6 billion years ago
2) Processed: younger; have experienced
processes like volcanism or differentiation
Primitive Meteorites
Processed Meteorites
Meteorites from Moon and Mars
• A few meteorites arrive from the Moon and
• Composition differs from the asteroid fragments.
• A cheap (but slow) way to acquire Moon rocks
and Mars rocks
What have we learned?
• What are asteroids like?
– They are rocky, small, potato-shaped
leftovers from the era of planet formation.
• Why is there an asteroid belt?
– Orbital resonances with Jupiter prevented
planetesimals between Jupiter and Mars from
forming a planet.
What have we learned?
• How are meteorites related to asteroids?
– Primitive meteorites are remnants from solar
– Processed meteorites are fragments of larger
bodies that underwent differentiation.
12.2 Comets
• Our goals for learning:
– What are comets like?
– Where do comets come from?
What are comets like?
Comet Facts
• Formed beyond the frost line, comets are icy
counterparts to asteroids.
• Nucleus of comet is a "dirty snowball."
• Most comets do not have tails.
• Most comets remain perpetually frozen in the
outer solar system.
• Only comets that enter the inner solar system
grow tails.
Sun-Grazing Comet
Nucleus of Comet
• A "dirty snowball"
• Source of
material for
comet's tail
Deep Impact
• Mission to study
nucleus of Comet
Tempel 1
• Projectile hit
surface on July 4,
• Many telescopes
studied aftermath
of impact.
Anatomy of a Comet
• A coma is the
atmosphere that
comes from a
comet's heated
• A plasma tail is gas
escaping from
coma, pushed by
the solar wind.
• A dust tail is pushed
by photons.
Growth of Tail
• Comets eject small particles that follow the comet around
in its orbit and cause meteor showers when Earth crosses
the comet's orbit.
• Meteors in a meteor shower appear to emanate from the
same area of sky because of Earth's motion through
Where do comets come from?
• Only a tiny number of
comets enter the inner
solar system. Most
stay far from the Sun.
• Oort cloud:
on random orbits
extending to about
50,000 AU
• Kuiper belt:
on orderly orbits from
30–100 AU in disk of
solar system
How did they get there?
• Kuiper belt comets formed in the Kuiper belt: flat
plane, aligned with the plane of planetary orbits,
orbiting in the same direction as the planets
• Oort cloud comets were once closer to the Sun,
but they were kicked out there by gravitational
interactions with jovian planets: spherical
distribution, orbits in any direction
What have we learned?
• What are comets like?
– Comets are like dirty snowballs.
– Most are far from Sun and do not have tails.
– Tails grow when comet nears Sun and
nucleus heats up.
• Where do comets come from?
– Comets in plane of solar system come from
Kuiper belt.
– Comets on random orbits come from Oort
12.3 Pluto: Lone Dog No More
• Our goals for learning:
– How big can a comet be?
– What are the large objects of the Kuiper
belt like?
How big can a comet be?
Pluto's Orbit
• Pluto will never hit Neptune, even though their orbits
cross, because of their 3:2 orbital resonance.
• Neptune orbits three times during the time Pluto orbits
Is Pluto a Planet?
• Much smaller than the terrestrial or jovian
• Not a gas giant like other outer planets
• Has an icy composition like a comet
• Has a very elliptical, inclined orbit
• Has more in common with comets than with the
eight major planets
Other Icy Bodies
• There are many icy
objects like Pluto on
elliptical, inclined
orbits beyond
• The largest of these,
Eris, was discovered
in summer 2005, and
is even larger than
Kuiper Belt Objects
• These large, icy
objects have orbits
similar to the smaller
objects in the Kuiper
belt that become
short period comets.
• So are they very
large comets or very
small planets?
What are the large objects of the Kuiper belt
What is Pluto like?
• Its moon Charon is nearly as large as Pluto itself
(probably made by a major impact).
• Pluto is very cold (40 K).
• Pluto has a thin nitrogen atmosphere that will
refreeze onto the surface as Pluto's orbit takes it
farther from the Sun.
Hubble's View of Pluto and Its Moons
Other Kuiper Belt Objects
• Most have been discovered very recently so little
is known about them.
• NASA's New Horizons mission will study Pluto
and a few other Kuiper belt object in a planned
Pluto and Eris
• Pluto's size was overestimated after its
discovery in 1930, and nothing of similar size
was discovered for several decades.
• Now other large objects have been discovered in
Kuiper belt, including Eris.
• The International Astronomical Union (IAU) now
classifies Pluto and Eris as dwarf planets.
• Dwarf planets have not cleared most other
objects from their orbital paths.
What have we learned?
• How big can a comet be?
– The Kuiper belt from which comets come
contains objects as large as Pluto.
• What are the large objects of the Kuiper
belt like?
– Large objects in the Kuiper belt have orbits
and icy compositions like those of comets.
12.4 Cosmic Collisions: Small Bodies
Versus the Planets
• Our goals for learning:
– Have we ever witnessed a major impact?
– Did an impact kill the dinosaurs?
– Is the impact threat a real danger or media
– How do the jovian planets affect impact
rates and life on Earth?
Have we ever witnessed a major impact?
• Comet SL9 caused a string of violent impacts on Jupiter
in 1994, reminding us that catastrophic collisions still
• Tidal forces tore it apart during a previous encounter with
• An impact plume
from a fragment of
comet SL9 rises
high above
Jupiter's surface.
Photo Credit: HST Jupiter Imaging Science Team
Artist's conception of SL9 impact
Impact sites in infrared light
• The black spot in this photo is a scar from the impact of
an unknown object that struck Jupiter in July 2009.
Did an impact kill the dinosaurs?
Mass Extinctions
• Fossil record shows occasional large dips in the
diversity of species: mass extinctions.
• Most recent was 65 million years ago, ending
the reign of the dinosaurs.
Iridium: Evidence of an Impact
• Iridium is very rare in Earth surface rocks but
often found in meteorites.
• Luis and Walter Alvarez found a worldwide layer
containing iridium, laid down 65 million years
ago, probably by a meteorite impact.
• Dinosaur fossils all lie below this layer.
Dinosaur fossils in
lower rock layers
No dinosaur fossils in
upper rock layers
Thin layer containing
the rare element
Iridium Layer
Consequences of an Impact
• Meteorite 10 kilometers in size would send large
amounts of debris into atmosphere.
• Debris would reduce sunlight reaching Earth's
• Resulting climate change may have caused
mass extinction.
Likely Impact Site
• Geologists have
found a large
crater about 65
million years old
in Mexico.
Likely Impact Site
• A comet or
about 10
kilometers in
12 lecture outline
12 lecture outline
12 lecture outline
12 lecture outline
Is the impact threat a real danger or media
Facts about Impacts
• Asteroids and comets have hit Earth.
• A major impact is only a matter of time: not IF
but WHEN.
• Major impacts are very rare.
• Extinction level events happen millions of years
• Major damage happen tens to hundreds of years
Insert Figure
Insert Figure
• Tunguska, Siberia: June 30, 1908
• A ~40-meter object disintegrated and exploded in the
• Crater made by the impact of a 1–2 meter object
in Peru, 2007
Frequency of Impacts
• Small impacts
happen almost
• Impacts large
enough to
cause mass
happen many
millions of years
The asteroid with our name on it
• We haven't seen it yet.
• Deflection is more probable with years of
advance warning.
• Control is critical: Breaking a big asteroid into a
bunch of little asteroids is unlikely to help.
• We get less advance warning of a killer comet….
What are we doing about it?
• Stay tuned to
How do the jovian planets affect impact
rates and life on Earth?
Influence of the Jovian Planets
• Gravity of a jovian planet (especially Jupiter) can redirect
a comet.
Influence of Jovian Planets
• Jupiter has directed some comets toward Earth but has
ejected many more into the Oort cloud.
• Was Jupiter necessary
for life on Earth?
• Impacts can extinguish life.
• But were they necessary
for "life as we know it"?
What have we learned?
• Have we ever witnessed a major impact?
– The most recent major impact happened in
1994, when fragments of comet SL9 hit
• Did an impact kill the dinosaurs?
– Iridium layer just above dinosaur fossils
suggests that an impact caused mass
extinction 65 million years ago.
– A large crater of that age has been found in
What have we learned?
• Is the impact threat a real danger or media
– Large impacts do happen, but they are rare.
– They cause major extinctions about every 100
million years.
• How do the jovian planets affect impact rates
and life on Earth?
– Jovian planets sometimes deflect comets
toward Earth but send many more out to Oort

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12 lecture outline

  • 1. Chapter 12 Lecture © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. The Cosmic Perspective Seventh Edition Asteroids, Comets, and Dwarf Planets: Their Nature, Orbits, and Impacts
  • 2. Asteroids, Comets, and Dwarf Planets: Their Nature, Orbits, and Impacts
  • 3. 12.1 Asteroids and Meteorites • Our goals for learning: – What are asteroids like? – Why is there an asteroid belt? – How are meteorites related to asteroids?
  • 5. • Asteroids are rocky leftovers of planet formation. • The largest is Ceres, diameter ~1000 kilometers. • 150,000 in catalogs, and probably over a million with diameter >1 kilometer. • Small asteroids are more common than large asteroids. • All the asteroids in the solar system wouldn't add up to even a small terrestrial planet. Asteroid Facts
  • 6. • Asteroids are cratered and not round.
  • 7. Asteroids with Moons • Some large asteroids have their own moon. • Asteroid Ida has a tiny moon named Dactyl.
  • 8. Density of Asteroids • Measuring the orbit of asteroid's moon tells us an asteroid's mass. • Mass and size tell us an asteroid's density. • Some asteroids are solid rock; others are just piles of rubble.
  • 9. Asteroid Orbits • Most asteroids orbit in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. • Trojan asteroids follow Jupiter's orbit. • Orbits of near-Earth asteroids cross Earth's orbit.
  • 10. Vesta as seen by the Dawn Spacecraft
  • 11. Thought Question Why are there very few asteroids beyond Jupiter's orbit? A. There was no rocky material beyond Jupiter's orbit. B. The heaviest rocks sank toward the center of the solar system. C. Ice could form in the outer solar system. D. A passing star probably stripped away all of those asteroids, even if they were there at one time.
  • 12. Thought Question Why are there very few asteroids beyond Jupiter's orbit? A. There was no rocky material beyond Jupiter's orbit. B. The heaviest rocks sank toward the center of the solar system. C. Ice could form in the outer solar system. D. A passing star probably stripped away all of those asteroids, even if they were there at one time.
  • 13. Why is there an asteroid belt?
  • 14. Thought Question Which explanation for the belt seems the most plausible? A. The belt is where all the asteroids happened to form. B. The belt is the remnant of a large terrestrial planet that used to be between Mars and Jupiter. C. The belt is where all the asteroids happened to survive.
  • 15. But WHY didn't they form a planet? Thought Question Which explanation for the belt seems the most plausible? A. The belt is where all the asteroids happened to form. B. The belt is the remnant of a large terrestrial planet that used to be between Mars and Jupiter. C. The belt is where all the asteroids happened to survive.
  • 16. Orbital Resonances • Asteroids in orbital resonance with Jupiter experience periodic nudges. • Eventually, those nudges move asteroids out of resonant orbits, leaving gaps in the asteroid belt.
  • 17. Origin of Asteroid Belt • Rocky planetesimals between Mars and Jupiter did not accrete into a planet. • Jupiter's gravity, through influence of orbital resonances, stirred up asteroid orbits and prevented their accretion into a planet.
  • 18. How are meteorites related to asteroids?
  • 19. Meteor Terminology • Meteorite: a rock from space that falls through Earth's atmosphere • Meteor: the bright trail left by a meteorite
  • 20. Chicago, March 26, 2003 Meteorite Impact
  • 21. Meteorite Types 1) Primitive: unchanged in composition since they first formed 4.6 billion years ago 2) Processed: younger; have experienced processes like volcanism or differentiation
  • 24. Meteorites from Moon and Mars • A few meteorites arrive from the Moon and Mars. • Composition differs from the asteroid fragments. • A cheap (but slow) way to acquire Moon rocks and Mars rocks
  • 25. What have we learned? • What are asteroids like? – They are rocky, small, potato-shaped leftovers from the era of planet formation. • Why is there an asteroid belt? – Orbital resonances with Jupiter prevented planetesimals between Jupiter and Mars from forming a planet.
  • 26. What have we learned? • How are meteorites related to asteroids? – Primitive meteorites are remnants from solar nebula. – Processed meteorites are fragments of larger bodies that underwent differentiation.
  • 27. 12.2 Comets • Our goals for learning: – What are comets like? – Where do comets come from?
  • 29. Comet Facts • Formed beyond the frost line, comets are icy counterparts to asteroids. • Nucleus of comet is a "dirty snowball." • Most comets do not have tails. • Most comets remain perpetually frozen in the outer solar system. • Only comets that enter the inner solar system grow tails.
  • 31. Nucleus of Comet • A "dirty snowball" • Source of material for comet's tail
  • 32. Deep Impact • Mission to study nucleus of Comet Tempel 1 • Projectile hit surface on July 4, 2005. • Many telescopes studied aftermath of impact.
  • 33. Anatomy of a Comet • A coma is the atmosphere that comes from a comet's heated nucleus. • A plasma tail is gas escaping from coma, pushed by the solar wind. • A dust tail is pushed by photons.
  • 35. • Comets eject small particles that follow the comet around in its orbit and cause meteor showers when Earth crosses the comet's orbit.
  • 36. • Meteors in a meteor shower appear to emanate from the same area of sky because of Earth's motion through space.
  • 37. Where do comets come from?
  • 38. • Only a tiny number of comets enter the inner solar system. Most stay far from the Sun. • Oort cloud: on random orbits extending to about 50,000 AU • Kuiper belt: on orderly orbits from 30–100 AU in disk of solar system
  • 39. How did they get there? • Kuiper belt comets formed in the Kuiper belt: flat plane, aligned with the plane of planetary orbits, orbiting in the same direction as the planets • Oort cloud comets were once closer to the Sun, but they were kicked out there by gravitational interactions with jovian planets: spherical distribution, orbits in any direction
  • 40. What have we learned? • What are comets like? – Comets are like dirty snowballs. – Most are far from Sun and do not have tails. – Tails grow when comet nears Sun and nucleus heats up. • Where do comets come from? – Comets in plane of solar system come from Kuiper belt. – Comets on random orbits come from Oort cloud.
  • 41. 12.3 Pluto: Lone Dog No More • Our goals for learning: – How big can a comet be? – What are the large objects of the Kuiper belt like?
  • 42. How big can a comet be?
  • 43. Pluto's Orbit • Pluto will never hit Neptune, even though their orbits cross, because of their 3:2 orbital resonance. • Neptune orbits three times during the time Pluto orbits twice.
  • 44. Is Pluto a Planet? • Much smaller than the terrestrial or jovian planets • Not a gas giant like other outer planets • Has an icy composition like a comet • Has a very elliptical, inclined orbit • Has more in common with comets than with the eight major planets
  • 45. Other Icy Bodies • There are many icy objects like Pluto on elliptical, inclined orbits beyond Neptune. • The largest of these, Eris, was discovered in summer 2005, and is even larger than Pluto.
  • 46. Kuiper Belt Objects • These large, icy objects have orbits similar to the smaller objects in the Kuiper belt that become short period comets. • So are they very large comets or very small planets?
  • 47. What are the large objects of the Kuiper belt like?
  • 48. What is Pluto like? • Its moon Charon is nearly as large as Pluto itself (probably made by a major impact). • Pluto is very cold (40 K). • Pluto has a thin nitrogen atmosphere that will refreeze onto the surface as Pluto's orbit takes it farther from the Sun.
  • 49. Hubble's View of Pluto and Its Moons
  • 50. Other Kuiper Belt Objects • Most have been discovered very recently so little is known about them. • NASA's New Horizons mission will study Pluto and a few other Kuiper belt object in a planned flyby.
  • 51. Pluto and Eris • Pluto's size was overestimated after its discovery in 1930, and nothing of similar size was discovered for several decades. • Now other large objects have been discovered in Kuiper belt, including Eris. • The International Astronomical Union (IAU) now classifies Pluto and Eris as dwarf planets. • Dwarf planets have not cleared most other objects from their orbital paths.
  • 52. What have we learned? • How big can a comet be? – The Kuiper belt from which comets come contains objects as large as Pluto. • What are the large objects of the Kuiper belt like? – Large objects in the Kuiper belt have orbits and icy compositions like those of comets.
  • 53. 12.4 Cosmic Collisions: Small Bodies Versus the Planets • Our goals for learning: – Have we ever witnessed a major impact? – Did an impact kill the dinosaurs? – Is the impact threat a real danger or media hype? – How do the jovian planets affect impact rates and life on Earth?
  • 54. Have we ever witnessed a major impact?
  • 55. • Comet SL9 caused a string of violent impacts on Jupiter in 1994, reminding us that catastrophic collisions still happen. • Tidal forces tore it apart during a previous encounter with Jupiter.
  • 56. • An impact plume from a fragment of comet SL9 rises high above Jupiter's surface. Photo Credit: HST Jupiter Imaging Science Team
  • 58. Impact sites in infrared light
  • 59. • The black spot in this photo is a scar from the impact of an unknown object that struck Jupiter in July 2009.
  • 60. Did an impact kill the dinosaurs?
  • 61. Mass Extinctions • Fossil record shows occasional large dips in the diversity of species: mass extinctions. • Most recent was 65 million years ago, ending the reign of the dinosaurs.
  • 62. Iridium: Evidence of an Impact • Iridium is very rare in Earth surface rocks but often found in meteorites. • Luis and Walter Alvarez found a worldwide layer containing iridium, laid down 65 million years ago, probably by a meteorite impact. • Dinosaur fossils all lie below this layer.
  • 63. Dinosaur fossils in lower rock layers No dinosaur fossils in upper rock layers Thin layer containing the rare element iridium Iridium Layer
  • 64. Consequences of an Impact • Meteorite 10 kilometers in size would send large amounts of debris into atmosphere. • Debris would reduce sunlight reaching Earth's surface. • Resulting climate change may have caused mass extinction.
  • 65. Likely Impact Site • Geologists have found a large subsurface crater about 65 million years old in Mexico.
  • 66. Likely Impact Site • A comet or asteroid about 10 kilometers in diameter approaches Earth.
  • 71. Is the impact threat a real danger or media hype?
  • 72. Facts about Impacts • Asteroids and comets have hit Earth. • A major impact is only a matter of time: not IF but WHEN. • Major impacts are very rare. • Extinction level events happen millions of years apart. • Major damage happen tens to hundreds of years apart.
  • 73. Insert Figure 12.26 Insert Figure 12.26 • Tunguska, Siberia: June 30, 1908 • A ~40-meter object disintegrated and exploded in the atmosphere.
  • 74. • Crater made by the impact of a 1–2 meter object in Peru, 2007
  • 75. Frequency of Impacts • Small impacts happen almost daily. • Impacts large enough to cause mass extinctions happen many millions of years apart.
  • 76. The asteroid with our name on it • We haven't seen it yet. • Deflection is more probable with years of advance warning. • Control is critical: Breaking a big asteroid into a bunch of little asteroids is unlikely to help. • We get less advance warning of a killer comet….
  • 77. What are we doing about it? • Stay tuned to http://impact.arc.nasa.gov
  • 78. How do the jovian planets affect impact rates and life on Earth?
  • 79. Influence of the Jovian Planets • Gravity of a jovian planet (especially Jupiter) can redirect a comet.
  • 80. Influence of Jovian Planets • Jupiter has directed some comets toward Earth but has ejected many more into the Oort cloud.
  • 81. • Was Jupiter necessary for life on Earth? • Impacts can extinguish life. • But were they necessary for "life as we know it"?
  • 82. What have we learned? • Have we ever witnessed a major impact? – The most recent major impact happened in 1994, when fragments of comet SL9 hit Jupiter. • Did an impact kill the dinosaurs? – Iridium layer just above dinosaur fossils suggests that an impact caused mass extinction 65 million years ago. – A large crater of that age has been found in Mexico.
  • 83. What have we learned? • Is the impact threat a real danger or media hype? – Large impacts do happen, but they are rare. – They cause major extinctions about every 100 million years. • How do the jovian planets affect impact rates and life on Earth? – Jovian planets sometimes deflect comets toward Earth but send many more out to Oort cloud.

Editor's Notes

  1. Thought question: were these pictures taken from Earth?
  2. Rocky material condensed everywhere. B. The students often get confused by the differentiation ideas they've just heard about in planet formation. D. If a passing star ripped off asteroids, it would have stripped away comets and planets too. (That may be one explanation for the truncation of the Kuiper belt…)
  3. Discussion: A -- planetesimals formed EVERYWHERE in the solar system. B--there's not enough mass in the asteroid belt to be the remnant of even a small terrestrial planet.
  4. (note deleted)
  5. Simple rocks and metal, occasionally carbon compounds and water. Shiny bits are metal flakes, first to condense. White features are solidified droplets of material that splashed out during impacts during accretion
  6. Simple rocks and metal, occasionally carbon compounds and water. Shiny bits are metal flakes, first to condense. White features are solidified droplets of material that splashed out during impacts during accretion
  7. Several atomic bombs worth of energy.
  8. Crater is 15 meters across. Impact spewed debris more than 300 meters and shattered windows as far as a kilometer away.