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You need a strategy,
dammit, not a Twitter account

             JD Lasica & Carla A. Schlemminger
             April 5, 2012
Today’s hashtag
Tweet this preso! Hashtag: #12NTCdammit

                                       Creative Commons
                                       photo on Flickr
                                       by Prakhar

     handles: @jdlasica & @carlainsf
                               Creative Commons
                               BY photo on Flickr
                               by Tom@HK

What we’ll cover today
Look at the landscape
1. Lay the groundwork
2. Meaningful metrics
3. Content: Storytelling &
   production processes
4. Use your community
5. Integrate your efforts
Q&A, hugs, tearful goodbyes
9 color handouts. Be happy!


Socialbrite Sharing Center


Social media a game-changer
• Blogs
• Social networks
• Microblogs (Twitter)
• Online video (YouTube,
    Vimeo, Dailymotion)
•   Widgets
•   Photo sharing (Flickr,
    Photobucket, etc.)
•   Podcasts
•   Virtual worlds
•   Wikis
•   Social bookmarking
•   Forums
•   Presentation sharing
Staggering growth
• 77% US adults are frequent social media users.*

• 150 million active blogs; 1 million blog posts created per day

• 6 of top 10 websites in US are social sites (YouTube,
  Facebook, Wikipedia, Blogger, Craigslist, Twitter)

• Twitter: 100+ million active users, 250 million tweets per day

• Flickr: 35 million people, 4 billion-plus photos

• YouTube: 3 billion videos watched per day

• 8 trillion text messages sent in 2011

   *source: Nielsen Online, spring 2010
Facebook: The social network
                  850 million members worldwide —
               76% of US Internet users are on Facebook



                                      2009                            0
    Facebook’s global growth rate, 2004-2012, in millions
1 . L AY T H E G R O U N D W O R K

Big picture reality check
Before we talk tools, technology or campaigns, do a
self-assessment with your team.

Why are you doing this?

What core values drive your

What change would you like
to see in the world?

Is there clarity about what your
organization is trying to achieve?

Why should people care?

Do you have an idea worth spreading?
Before you plunge in ...

• Understand that social media is a series of stages: crawl,
   walk, run, fly
• Do you have buy-in from top management?
• Do you have a social media policy or guidelines?
• Do you have a Strategic Social Media Plan in place?
• Have you defined a clear theme or call to action?
• Are you listening to your constituents & community?
• Have you built a program before you turn to a campaign?
• Have you identified and trained your team members?
Have you defined a clear theme?
Boil down your mission to a strong phrase or sentence

               Help anyone go to college

               Alter Eco:
               Support fair trade

               Elect progressive candidates

               Support public classrooms in need
Begin with a strategy document
Elements of a Strategic Plan
• 360 assessment of social
  media capabilities
• Spell out goals
• Identify online community
• Proposed use of social
  tools & platforms
• Recommendations on
  expanded capabilities
• Lay out metrics program
• Competitive/peer analysis

Bread for World’s SM goals
1. Expand and strengthen
   Bread’s advocacy work for
   poor and hungry people
2. Expand our membership
3. Better communicate with
   existing members and target
4. Strengthen our relationships
   with our members
5. Fulll our mission to end
   hunger here and abroad

How can you use social media?
• Raise public awareness of your mission or cause
• Raise funds for a cause or campaign
• Reach new constituents & supporters
• Build a community of champions
• Recruit volunteers
• Get people to take real-world actions
• Enhance existing communications programs
• Involve the community in decision-making
• Advance your organization’s mission

Before you start, measure!
  ‘Data is better than gut’: Gather, analyze, act

        Photos on Flickr by Emran Kassim, left, and Vee Dub (CC-BY)


              Who, how, why

Funnel           ACTION
of love
Map metrics to goals
Business goals                      KPIs to measure
• Grow email list                   # newsletter subscribers

• SEO: Increase online visibility   increase in traffic or linkback #s
• Increase comments on blog         avg. # comments/post

• Increase positive mentions of     mentions or pick-ups in blogs
  organization or program           & social networks
• Have visitors stick around        stick rate, bounce rate

• Make our content more viral       # of shares
• Get people to take action         # of petition signatures
• Get people to attend event        # of registrants, year over year
New metrics of engagement
                Beyond page views

                  "We don't really care about
                page views as much as we care
                   about comments. If we get
                1,000 video views, that is good.
                   The comments are a focus
                 group with our influencers. If
                they like it, they'll spread it and
                    that helps get us to our
                   - Jake Brewer, PowerShift

Why long tail keywords matter

What does your site rank for?
     Search your own site’s keyword juju
      on semrush.com & spyfu.com
Set up a metrics program
1. Get buy-in at the top
2. Identify a Chief Metrics Guru
   & give him or her support
3. Interview stakeholders across depts.
   to identify key goals & target audiences
4. Create internal document that ties these
   goals to specic KPIs you can track
5. Identify tools to use and begin tracking
6. Print out monthly reports, circulate among key execs and
   managers. Make this a part of someone’s job.
7. Spend time analyzing the data & drawing conclusions
8. Rene and ne-tune

Two cheat sheets

The power of storytelling

  Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc cave paintings, France, 30,000 years ago
The power of storytelling

     Lascaux Grottoes, France, 17,000 years ago

Your nonprofit is a media outlet
        Awareness > Influence > Action > Impact

Use personal storytelling
Find emotional core, use videos or photos to make us feel


Create lightweight media
     Using Animoto at SF Goodwill
Find your internal storytellers
• List staffers’ skills
• Who’s good at photos?
• Video?
• Writing?
• Facebook or Twitter?
• Create a Blog Squad
• Who’s good at campaigns?
• Open your blog to guest posts

Create an Events Calendar
 Key off both internal events & community events

Facebook ♡s live events
Create an Editorial Calendar
    Map out a weekly or monthly game plan

Don’t do all the heavy lifting!
                                  Creative Commons
                                  photo on Flickr by
                                  Jason Means

        Don’t be like this guy!
Build community, not eyeballs

      here’s an amazing
difference between building
an audience and building a
 community. An audience
   will watch you fall on a
sword. A community will fall
     on a sword for you.

     — Chris Brogan
  Author, “Trust Agents”

Involve your supporters
     350.org                  livestrong.org
Find your champions!

• Find the big kahunas in your sector by using a listening post.
  Then, influence the influencers. Post on their blogs & retweet.
• Establish a rapport and only then reach out to try to convert
  them into evangelists & ambassadors for your cause.
• Scope out Twitter Lists that intersect with your organization
  or social cause.
• Useful tools: Klout, SocialMention, Google Analytics.
Use social love handles!
      Generate an Attention Wave
Enable friction-free conversations
                     Make sure your site is
                     Lower the barriers to people
                     talking about your cause by using
                     third-party authentication services.
                     Left: SpokenWord.org with
                     multiple log-in options.

Make your cause tangible

  Average mycharitywater campaigner raises $1,000
Meet up in the real world
 Meetups, Tweet-ups, concerts, fund-raisers to deepen ties
Don’t overlook mobile
       New Goodwill Bay Area app

Create a mobile calling card
        Text 'jdlasica' to 50500

  Create your own at http://contxts.com

Much more than Text2Give
  The Cove campaign: Text DOLPHIN to 44144

                       Start & grow a mobile list
                      •   Calls to action
                      •   Alerts
                      •   Feedback loop
                      •   Reaches new constituents

                                         Text HELPME
                                           to 30644
Is your site mobile-ready?
  WPtouch Pro for mobile phones, Onswipe for iPad
The awesome power of free
Free content!                   Free resources!
• Free photos                   • Socialbrite.org/sharing-center
• Free videos (eg, TED talks)   • Creativecommons.org
• Free music & audio            • Techsoup

Free services!                  Free expertise!
• Google Grants                 •   BarCamp
• YouTube for Nonprofits         •   PodCamp
• Google Earth for Nonprofits    •   WordCamp
                                •   Social Media           Club
Free software & platforms!
• WordPress & its plug-ins
• Open Office, Google docs
• Drupal, Joomla
                • Rich source of free
                commercial & noncommercial
                • Flickr: 210 million licenses
                • Use them for your blog,
                website, email or print
                newsletter, presentations, etc.
                • Don’t just take. Share!
5 . I N T E G R AT E Y O U R E F F O R T S

Is your strategy aligned?
                Case study: thehopeinstitute.us

Moving from tactics to strategy: Direct mail, events marketing
    & social media working as an integrated ecosystem
Integrate social into the culture
• Create teams of participants.
• Knock down the silos.
• Get people using the tools.
  Use ‘reverse mentoring.’
• Share monthly metrics reports.

                                                          Photo on Flickr by lanuiop
• Provide evidence of how social
  media moved the needle.
• Shine a light on examples of
  employees doing social media
  well — reward best practices.    Convert the skeptics

  Productivity tools
• Google docs
• LibreOffice
• Google groups
• Private group on
• Project management
  (Huddle.net, SharePoint)
• Skype

Pace yourself, don’t stress!
      HootSuite                   ThinkUp

      Tweetdeck                   Spredfast

      Crowdbooster                Netvibes

Key takeaways
• Begin with an aligned strategy,
  not with the tools.

• Measure, measure, measure.
  Evaluate, iterate, relaunch.

• Tell your stories!

• Use your community — your
  biggest resource: your supporters!
Don’t settle for the status quo

If you do not change
  direction, you may
  end up where you
     are heading.

      — Lao Tse
Thank you, let’s talk!

JD Lasica            Carla A. Schlemminger
jd@socialbrite.org   carla@socialbrite.org
Twitter: @jdlasica   Twitter: @carlainsf
Evaluate this session
   Each entry has a chance to win
      an NTEN-engraved iPad!

                    3 OPTIONS:
                    1. Text #12NTCdammit to
                    2. Scan this QR code
                    3. Go online to nten.org/

More Related Content

You Need A Strategy, Dammit, Not A Twitter Account

  • 1. You need a strategy, dammit, not a Twitter account JD Lasica & Carla A. Schlemminger Socialbrite.org team@socialbrite.org April 5, 2012
  • 2. Today’s hashtag Tweet this preso! Hashtag: #12NTCdammit Creative Commons photo on Flickr by Prakhar handles: @jdlasica & @carlainsf
  • 3. Relax! Creative Commons BY photo on Flickr by Tom@HK http://socialbrite.org/NTC
  • 4. What we’ll cover today Look at the landscape 1. Lay the groundwork 2. Meaningful metrics 3. Content: Storytelling & production processes 4. Use your community 5. Integrate your efforts Q&A, hugs, tearful goodbyes
  • 5. 9 color handouts. Be happy! http://socialbrite.org/ntc
  • 6. RESOURCES Socialbrite Sharing Center http://socialbrite.org/sharing-center
  • 7. THE ECOSYSTEM Social media a game-changer • Blogs • Social networks • Microblogs (Twitter) • Online video (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion) • Widgets • Photo sharing (Flickr, Photobucket, etc.) • Podcasts • Virtual worlds • Wikis • Social bookmarking • Forums • Presentation sharing
  • 8. Staggering growth • 77% US adults are frequent social media users.* • 150 million active blogs; 1 million blog posts created per day • 6 of top 10 websites in US are social sites (YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Blogger, Craigslist, Twitter) • Twitter: 100+ million active users, 250 million tweets per day • Flickr: 35 million people, 4 billion-plus photos • YouTube: 3 billion videos watched per day • 8 trillion text messages sent in 2011 *source: Nielsen Online, spring 2010
  • 9. Facebook: The social network 850 million members worldwide — 76% of US Internet users are on Facebook 900 600 300 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 2010 2011 Today Facebook’s global growth rate, 2004-2012, in millions
  • 10. 1 . L AY T H E G R O U N D W O R K Big picture reality check Before we talk tools, technology or campaigns, do a self-assessment with your team. Why are you doing this? What core values drive your organization? What change would you like to see in the world? Is there clarity about what your organization is trying to achieve? Why should people care? Do you have an idea worth spreading?
  • 11. Before you plunge in ... • Understand that social media is a series of stages: crawl, walk, run, fly • Do you have buy-in from top management? • Do you have a social media policy or guidelines? • Do you have a Strategic Social Media Plan in place? • Have you dened a clear theme or call to action? • Are you listening to your constituents & community? • Have you built a program before you turn to a campaign? • Have you identied and trained your team members?
  • 12. Have you defined a clear theme? Boil down your mission to a strong phrase or sentence Vittana: Help anyone go to college Alter Eco: Support fair trade ActBlue: Elect progressive candidates DonorsChoose: Support public classrooms in need
  • 13. Begin with a strategy document
  • 14. Elements of a Strategic Plan • 360 assessment of social media capabilities • Spell out goals • Identify online community • Proposed use of social tools & platforms • Recommendations on expanded capabilities • Lay out metrics program • Competitive/peer analysis
  • 15. CASE STUDY Bread for World’s SM goals bread.org 1. Expand and strengthen Bread’s advocacy work for poor and hungry people 2. Expand our membership 3. Better communicate with existing members and target audiences 4. Strengthen our relationships with our members 5. Fulll our mission to end hunger here and abroad
  • 16. E S TA B L I S H G O A L S How can you use social media? • Raise public awareness of your mission or cause • Raise funds for a cause or campaign • Reach new constituents & supporters • Build a community of champions • Recruit volunteers • Get people to take real-world actions • Enhance existing communications programs • Involve the community in decision-making • Advance your organization’s mission
  • 17. 2. MEANINGFUL METRICS Before you start, measure! ‘Data is better than gut’: Gather, analyze, act Photos on Flickr by Emran Kassim, left, and Vee Dub (CC-BY)
  • 19. Map metrics to goals Business goals KPIs to measure • Grow email list # newsletter subscribers • SEO: Increase online visibility increase in trafc or linkback #s • Increase comments on blog avg. # comments/post • Increase positive mentions of mentions or pick-ups in blogs organization or program & social networks • Have visitors stick around stick rate, bounce rate • Make our content more viral # of shares • Get people to take action # of petition signatures • Get people to attend event # of registrants, year over year
  • 20. New metrics of engagement Beyond page views "We don't really care about page views as much as we care about comments. If we get 1,000 video views, that is good. The comments are a focus group with our influencers. If they like it, they'll spread it and that helps get us to our objectives." - Jake Brewer, PowerShift
  • 21. GOOGLE KEYWORD TOOL Why long tail keywords matter https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer
  • 22. EXERCISE What does your site rank for? Search your own site’s keyword juju on semrush.com & spyfu.com
  • 23. Set up a metrics program 1. Get buy-in at the top 2. Identify a Chief Metrics Guru & give him or her support 3. Interview stakeholders across depts. to identify key goals & target audiences 4. Create internal document that ties these goals to specic KPIs you can track 5. Identify tools to use and begin tracking 6. Print out monthly reports, circulate among key execs and managers. Make this a part of someone’s job. 7. Spend time analyzing the data & drawing conclusions 8. Rene and ne-tune
  • 24. HANDOUTS Two cheat sheets http://socialbrite.org/ntc
  • 25. 3. CONTENT & PROCESSES The power of storytelling Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc cave paintings, France, 30,000 years ago
  • 26. The power of storytelling Lascaux Grottoes, France, 17,000 years ago
  • 27. C O N V E R S AT I O N F O L L O W S I N T E R E S T I N G C O N T E N T Your nonprofit is a media outlet Awareness > Influence > Action > Impact
  • 28. CASE STUDY Use personal storytelling Find emotional core, use videos or photos to make us feel invisiblepeople.tv
  • 29. CASE STUDY Create lightweight media Using Animoto at SF Goodwill
  • 30. Find your internal storytellers • List staffers’ skills • Who’s good at photos? • Video? • Writing? • Facebook or Twitter? • Create a Blog Squad • Who’s good at campaigns? • Open your blog to guest posts
  • 31. PRODUCTION PROCESSES Create an Events Calendar Key off both internal events & community events
  • 33. Create an Editorial Calendar Map out a weekly or monthly game plan
  • 34. 4. USE YOUR COMMUNITY Don’t do all the heavy lifting! Creative Commons photo on Flickr by Jason Means Don’t be like this guy!
  • 35. Build community, not eyeballs here’s an amazing difference between building an audience and building a community. An audience will watch you fall on a sword. A community will fall on a sword for you. — Chris Brogan Author, “Trust Agents”
  • 36. CASE STUDIES Involve your supporters 350.org livestrong.org
  • 37. Find your champions! • Find the big kahunas in your sector by using a listening post. Then, influence the influencers. Post on their blogs & retweet. • Establish a rapport and only then reach out to try to convert them into evangelists & ambassadors for your cause. • Scope out Twitter Lists that intersect with your organization or social cause. • Useful tools: Klout, SocialMention, Google Analytics.
  • 38. Use social love handles! Generate an Attention Wave
  • 39. Enable friction-free conversations Make sure your site is conversation-enabled! Lower the barriers to people talking about your cause by using third-party authentication services. Left: SpokenWord.org with multiple log-in options.
  • 40. CASE STUDY Make your cause tangible http://charitywater.org/projects/map/ Average mycharitywater campaigner raises $1,000
  • 41. Meet up in the real world Meetups, Tweet-ups, concerts, fund-raisers to deepen ties
  • 42. Don’t overlook mobile New Goodwill Bay Area app
  • 43. EXERCISE Create a mobile calling card Text 'jdlasica' to 50500 Create your own at http://contxts.com
  • 44. CASE STUDIES Much more than Text2Give The Cove campaign: Text DOLPHIN to 44144 Start & grow a mobile list • Calls to action • Alerts • Feedback loop • Reaches new constituents Text HELPME to 30644
  • 45. Is your site mobile-ready? WPtouch Pro for mobile phones, Onswipe for iPad
  • 46. The awesome power of free Free content! Free resources! • Free photos • Socialbrite.org/sharing-center • Free videos (eg, TED talks) • Creativecommons.org • Free music & audio • Techsoup Free services! Free expertise! • Google Grants • BarCamp • YouTube for Nonprots • PodCamp • Google Earth for Nonprots • WordCamp • Social Media Club Free software & platforms! • WordPress & its plug-ins • Open Ofce, Google docs • Drupal, Joomla
  • 47. flickr.com/creativecommons Creativecommons.org • Rich source of free commercial & noncommercial images • Flickr: 210 million licenses • Use them for your blog, website, email or print newsletter, presentations, etc. • Don’t just take. Share!
  • 48. 5 . I N T E G R AT E Y O U R E F F O R T S Is your strategy aligned? Case study: thehopeinstitute.us Moving from tactics to strategy: Direct mail, events marketing & social media working as an integrated ecosystem
  • 49. Integrate social into the culture • Create teams of participants. • Knock down the silos. • Get people using the tools. Use ‘reverse mentoring.’ • Share monthly metrics reports. Photo on Flickr by lanuiop • Provide evidence of how social media moved the needle. • Shine a light on examples of employees doing social media well — reward best practices. Convert the skeptics
  • 50. RESOURCES Productivity tools • Google docs • LibreOfce • Google groups • Private group on Facebook • Project management (Huddle.net, SharePoint) • Skype
  • 51. SOCIAL MEDIA DASHBOARDS Pace yourself, don’t stress! HootSuite ThinkUp Tweetdeck Spredfast Crowdbooster Netvibes http://bit.ly/smdash
  • 52. Key takeaways • Begin with an aligned strategy, not with the tools. • Measure, measure, measure. Evaluate, iterate, relaunch. • Tell your stories! • Use your community — your biggest resource: your supporters!
  • 53. Don’t settle for the status quo If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. — Lao Tse
  • 54. Thank you, let’s talk! http://socialbrite.org/NTC JD Lasica Carla A. Schlemminger jd@socialbrite.org carla@socialbrite.org Twitter: @jdlasica Twitter: @carlainsf
  • 55. Evaluate this session Each entry has a chance to win an NTEN-engraved iPad! 3 OPTIONS: 1. Text #12NTCdammit to 69866 2. Scan this QR code 3. Go online to nten.org/ ntc/eval