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13.1 Formatting A Research Paper
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13.1 Formatting A Research Paper | Successful Writing 13.1 Formatting A Research Paper | Successful Writing
Research Paper On Job Shop Scheduling
Job shop schedsuling using genetic algorithm
Abstract The job shop scheduling (JSS) can be difined as a planning of schedules with many
variations according to the requirements. In job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) environment, there
are numbers jobs to be processed on numbers of machines with a certain objective function to be
minimized or maximized. In this paper, we have used the GT GA to solve the job shop scheduling to
minimize the makespan along with the special type of crossover known as multi step crossover fusion
(MSXF). To see wheather we get good results by modifyinng the classical approach using GA, we
have compared the result with the standard benchmark instances available. Using this combinations of
the techniques, we have got results showing deviations less than 3%.
Index Terms Scheduling, Job Shop Scheduling, genetic algorithm.
The job shop scheduling problem is the combinatorial problem in which there can be many objective
functions. In this paper we have selected the makespan to be the objective function. The main
objective of any scheduling is to create a schedule which specifies when each task is to begin and
what resources it will use that satisfies all the constraints while taking as little overall time as possible.
The scheduling in which there is a specific order of a job to be processed by perticular machines is
called as job shop scheduling problem. This kind of scheduling and sequecing of operations deals with
the allocations of resources optimally over time so as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Vakharia and Chang (1990) developed a scheduling system based on this method for manufacturing
cells. Jeffcoat and Bulfin (1993) applied the same to a resource constrained scheduling problem. Their
results showed that this procedure provided the best results in comparison with other neighborhood
search procedures. This method is an iterative search
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Essay on Navajo-Hopi Lande Dispute
Navajo Hopi Lande Dispute
When first considering the Navajo Hopi land dispute as a topic of research, I anticipated a relatively
light research paper discussing the local skirmishes between the two tribes. However, my research has
yielded innumerable volumes of facts, figures and varying viewpoints on a struggle that has
dominated the two tribes for over 100 years. The story is an ever changing one, evolving from local
conflict to forcible relocation to big business interests. The incredible breadth of the dispute s history
makes it impossible to objectively cover the entire progression from all viewpoints. I will therefore
focus on current issues and their historical causes facing the two tribes as they mutually approach ...
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The land was officially partitioned in 1974 by mandate of P.L. 93 531 also known as the Navajo Hopi
Land Settlement Act of 1974 without the input or consent of those from both tribes actually occupying
the land in question. The partition equally divided the JUA into the Navajo Partitioned Lands (NPL)
and the Hopi Partitioned Lands (HPL). About 12,000 Navajo were stranded on newly declared Hopi
land and, likewise, about 300 Hopi families found themselves on Navajo land. Many hold the belief
that government sponsored and styled tribal council and influential energy interests contrived the JUA
dispute to promote congressional action. The US has subsequently spent over $400 million to relocate
the families to tract housing in nearby cities.
The disproportionate amount of Navajo forced to relocate heightened age old anxieties between the
Navajo and Hopi. The Navajo are still at the center of the relocation controversy as many traditional
Dineh families have chosen to remain within the HPL in defiance of 1974 s P.L. 93 531. The Navajo
traditionalists view their land as representing the essence of their being, says Jennie Joe of the Native
American Research and Training Center at the University of Arizona in Tucson, who conducted a
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Education For Immigrants And Immigrants
Education for immigrants.
People read the newspaper and articles when they see a topic that is related to their life and I think the
immigrant s families will also read the newspaper when they see a topic about immigration. For
example, my family are immigrants too and we tend to read the article when the headline has
something to do with immigrants which convinces me that the main audience of my article would be
immigrants and their families. We tend to read articles and try to find out if we are getting the same
right as others or not and many immigrant families will read my article and try to find whether they
are getting equal opportunity or not. Immigrants are not getting same opportunity as others citizens
and residents of United ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Early education of children is so important because it usually decides whether or not the children go to
college or be successful in life; so this is the reason American government should invest more in
improving the education for the children of immigrants.
I have read about how immigrants struggle to get their education in the United States because of lack
of well qualified ESL teachers, limited resources in schools for immigrants etc. The education system
has been very unfair for the immigrants because very little things are done to help them be more
successful in getting their education. In an article published in Harvard University journal a researcher
says, Even though one out of every four children in the United States is an immigrant or the U.S. born
child of immigrants, many schools are ill equipped to meet their needs, which shows how the
education system has not been fair for the immigrants (Tamer). As we all know there are lots of
immigrants in United States and I think that the education system in United States should be changed
in such a way that it suits everyone including the immigrants. In the same article Tamer says, Even
though one out of every four children in the United States is an immigrant or the U.S. born child of
immigrants, many schools are ill equipped to meet their needs , which shows more importance of
schools and programs to help the immigrants in the United States.
Lack of knowledge in English is one of the hardship
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The Effects Of Corporal Punishment On Student Development...
The Aftermath of a Raised Hand What is the harm of a little physical reinforcement to ensure children
know how to properly act in society? This idea of physical reinforcement is also known as corporal
punishment and is still present today in the southern American states, including some Texas school
systems. Corporal punishment defined as punishment of a physical nature, such as caning, flogging, or
beating (Corporal punishment). Some administers believe benefits include fewer student outbursts and
a quiet environment; however, this logic fails to include the psychological implications of corporal
punishment on students. Negative effects of corporal punishment negate the benefits of classroom
management, as evidenced by the Social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, if a student experiences punishment from a teacher/principal at school just to get even more
punishment from a parent for the same offense, then consequently the violence is what the child will
remember most vividly. The conditions to model this violent behavior includes attention, retention,
reproduction, and motivation which can be interpreted as the attention to the fact that violence is an
adult s response causes a child to model the behavior of the adults around them resulting in more
violence (Bandura, 288).
Subconsciously most adults tend to believe that the easiest way to deal with a disobedient child or
person is to cause physical harm. This answer of violence more times than not stems from the anger a
student caused in doing wrong. Justification for corporal punishment originates from the past and is
often the defense of pro corporal punishment advocates. Physical punishment can be traced back to
ancient times exemplified in Egypt, concerning the slaves that built the pyramids. These deep roots of
physical punishment are often referred to as a form of proof that it works. To use Egyptian violence as
an example is pushing the envelope of what corporal punishment is today, regardless the reaction to
that punishment is similar because human nature is present in both time periods. Punishment in and of
itself is not inherently detrimental to a person s development; however, in the case of school corporal
punishment the extra violent input
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Power In Animal Farm
Throughout George Orwell s Animal Farm, many different themes and ideas are presented. One of the
main themes prevalent in Animal Farm is power. Power can be seen in most aspects of today s society
and Orwell mirrors this in Animal Farm. He chooses to show this theme through Mr Jones initial
power over the entire farm, the power of the animals during the rebellion and how the pigs took
control over the farm at the end. To begin with, power is shown in Animal Farm through Mr Jones and
his power over the animals early part of the story. An example of this in the text is when the animals
were not fed. A cow then decided to break into the store shed and feed off the bins. Mr Jones was
awaken and started whipping at them. [Mr Jones] and his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The animals flung out at Mr Jones while he was whipping them and drove him out of his own farm.
This was more than the hungry animals could bear...they flung themselves upon their tormentors.
Orwell shows that Mr Jones does not have complete power over his animals and that the animals had
the capacity to overthrow him. The rebellion of the animals is another way of how power is shown in
Animal Farm. Finally, power is shown in Animal Farm through the pigs and how they ran the farm
without Mr Jones. They were clearly the leaders of the farm and had power over all the other animals.
The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others. With their superior knowledge
it was natural that they should assume the leadership . Although it was outlined that all animals were
equal earlier, Squealer convinces the animals that this is just to ensure that right decisions were being
made. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you
might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be? The power of the pigs in
Animal Farm is one way of how power is shown in Animal
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Cardiovascular Fitness
Discussion; Benefits of cardiovascular fitness
Health issues of bad cardiovascular fitness
Good physical health is a vital part of the well being of every person. A major component of our
physical health is Cardiovascular fitness . Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart and lungs to
provide oxygen to the muscles for activity of an extended duration. If we have a good level of cardio
vascular fitness we are able to sustain activity for a reasonable period of time and not fatigue easily.
This can give individuals a variety of health benefits and allow more regular and enjoyable activity to
be participated in. This research report will examine my results of cardio vascular fitness tests and
weekly physical activity events, which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When exercising with friends and family you enjoy the workout. It is also a way to help keep each
other on track to your goal and reward each other and it s easier to stay motivated. When choosing
activities that appeal to you and that you can handle physically and suits your lifestyle, that way you re
more likely to stay motivated and find it an enjoyable process. When setting goals that are realistic and
you are likely to successes, aim for an amount of time, or type of exercise to complete rather than
losing weight, or gaining strength, this will help you work your way up to your larger goal. By doing
these things you will have a higher chance of success and staying motivated when participating in
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Effective Treatment Of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is an inflammatory condition of the liver that ultimately results in cirrhosis consequently
leading up to liver cell cancer due to a blood borne virus. The infection is usually asymptomatic
showing how those who are infected with Hepatitis C are unaware of its presence until the condition
has become potentially life threatening. The main ways in which the virus is transmitted is from the
transfusion of unscreened blood, improper sterilization of invasive medical devices used in surgery
and other internal examinations of the patient and the reuse of syringes by health care providers for
common ailments or by narcotic users. Evidently, Pakistan as the second highest prevalence rate of
hepatitis C ranging from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I will be analysing these ethical issues with the use of my chemistry and economical knowledge. The
research question An investigation into the mortality and morbidity of drug pricing from Hepatitis C in
Pakistan mainly uses pharmaceutical sciences to underline and justify the main objectives of drug
pricing whilst identifying the human implications from both perspectives of economics and chemistry.
Economical Justification
66% of Pakistan s population live in rural areas underlying the geographical issues with suffering from
Hepatitis C. The geographical consequences mainly ly with the isolation the rural population have
from the productive and thriving urban cities of the country. Individuals are unable to be a part of an
exponentially growing economy as they are unfortunately marked as the less prosperous part of the
country. This evidently leads to unemployment. Unemployment is defined as the people of working
age who are without work, available for work and actively seeking employment. This effectively
contributes to the prevalence rate as due to being unemployed people are unable to afford necessities,
such as Hepatitis C treatment, since there is no government system in place in aid of the unemployed.
However, if an individual is employed and earning an income, the income may not be sufficient
enough to accommodation an appropriate and successful course of treatment. In order to access
treatment, the amount of
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The Feminist Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter can easily be seen as an early feminist piece of work. Nathaniel Hawthorne created
a story that exemplifies Hester as a strong female character living with her choices, whether they were
good or bad, and also as the protagonist. He also presents the daughter of Hester, Pearl, as an
intelligent female, especially for her age. He goes on to prove man as imperfect through both the
characters of Dimmesdale and of Chillingworth. With the situation that all the characters face,
Hawthorne establishes the female as the triumphant one, accomplishing something that, during
Nathaniel Hawthorne s time, authors did not attempt. In the beginning of the book, Hawthorne paints
the picture of a female named Hester who has sinned. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(pg. 51) It shown incredibly bright on her dress. Many of the townspeople do not understand her
reasoning for such elaborate stitching, but Hawthorne suggest the fact that she understands why she
must wear it and accepts that she has sinned and must pay for her sins. He depicts a female who is not
weak and who does not runs away from her problems and mistakes, but one who accepts them. She
does the same with her daughter Pearl by dressing her in elaborate garments, strictly against
Puritanical beliefs. Hester also proves herself to be a strong female character when she does not leave
the town and attempt to start a new life elsewhere, void of her scarlet letter . It may seem marvelous,
that this woman should still call that place her home, where, and where only, she must needs be the
type of shame . (pg. 72) Hawthorne goes on to state that Hester is drawn to the home because of the
events. She knows that the town is the scene of her guilt, and [there] should be the scene of her earthly
punishment . (pg. 72) Hester is a female who is she is strong and caring, helping anyone she can when
he or she are in need. She leads a pious life, and although she could retain all that she earns, she gives
most away. Even the townsfolk say Hester is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable
to the afflicted . (pg. 142) Nathaniel Hawthorne almost all ways personifies Hester as a powerful
female, making
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Introduction Of A Primary Alcohol
5. Introduction In this experiment, a primary alcohol was converted into a primary bromoalkane using
hydrobromic acid. The reaction was done under reflux and then distilled to obtain a product of higher
purity. The degree of the alkyl halide obtained from the experiment was tested with silver nitrate and
sodium iodide. An infrared (IR) spectra and the weight of the product were obtained for further
analysis. The IR gave information on the present functional groups and product weight was used to
calculate the percent yield.
6. Data and Results The product obtained after reflux was a yellow liquid. With the halide tests, the
product reacted faster with sodium iodide to form a precipitate than with silver nitrate. This indicates
that the degree of the product was primary and that bromine did replace the alcohol group. The IR of
the product showed four peaks at 3326.36, 2932.86, 1465.34, and 1028.73. These peaks indicate O H,
C H, C H3, and C O bonds, respectively, within the product. 2.032 grams of product were recovered
from the reaction. With this, a percent yield of 27.14% was calculated. 7. Discussion and Conclusion
Nucleophilic aliphatic substitution is the replacement of one group for another at a saturated, sp3
hybridized carbon atom. This process is often used to interconvert functional groups, such as in the
preparation of alkyl halides. In these reactions, nucleophiles attack the carbon atom which the
electronegative leaving group breaks its bond
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Essay about Bronfenbrenner Analysis
Bronfenbrenner Analysis
COUN 5004 Survey of Research in Human Development and Behavior
Lynette Rollins Barrett
Capella University
April 6, 2012
This essay will give a brief description of Urie Bronfenbrenner contribution to the psychology. It will
assess Bronfenbrenner ecological theory of development. It will examine the Bronfenbrenner
Ecological Model of Human Development how each of the five systems form a child s personal
development. The document will identify which of Bronfenbrenner systems had the greatest impact on
this scholar s individual s growth. It will evaluate the effects of the ecological ... Show more content
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At the age 4, I graduated from the Head Start program. My mom was only 18 years, unemployed, and
no high school diploma. She could not afford day care and my natural father was an estranged
alcoholic was did not pay child support.
The Mesosystems level had the greatest impact on this learner s development. At age 7, her mother
divorced, remarried an addict/Blues singer with his own business. Her step father raped her when she
was 11 years old at the new home she relocated to with hem mom and year siblings. Her status from
the oldest sibling moved to the middle child. She had a step sister 7 years older, a step sister 4 years
older, a step brother 2 years older and a step sister 2 years younger.
At the age of 14, her mother divorced and they returned to her grandmother home. Again, the family
unit changed. It was her grandmother, mother, step brother, step sister, natural sister, and natural
brother living in the home. Let s not forget the alcoholic uncle. And, at the age of 17, her mother
remarried for the third time to a man who thought he was still a sergeant in the army. 6.
Great emphasis was placed on education was of the all throughout the learner s life. All seven children
attended parochial school. Her teachers and family members gave her great praise for her academic
achievements. While her step sisters mocked and beat her out of jealousy for being an over achiever.
The learner was an extrovert in
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How And Why Safe Working Practices
Task 4D
How and Why Safe Working Practices in a Lab are Regulated?
CLEAPSS Hazcards (which stands for: Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision
of Science Services) are used in schools and other education centres to give potential hazards and
information for technician staff that use concentrated chemicals to prepare more dilute solutions for a
class/lesson. In working environments they are used to produce data sheets for chemical
manufacturers to give all relevant information for all of the products that they use. Details referencing
what to avoid when using the substance, exposure limits and any specific hazards will also be
displayed on the hazcards. The CLEAPSS service also provides; newsletters for schools, free ... Show
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melting point and boiling point), toxicity, health effects, first aid precautions and measures, reactivity,
storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill handling procedures. This information provided in
one s specific place for lab workers and users means that work in the lab can be carried out safely as
they are able to access any details they need about equipment, machines and chemicals etc.
MSDS (which stands for: Material Safety Data Sheet) is a document that contains information on
potential hazards (e.g. health, fire hazards, reactivity and environmental), how to work safely with a
chemical product and the use, storage, handling and emergency procedures all related to the hazards of
a material. MSDS documents contains more information about materials than a label would and they
are prepared by the supplier/manufacturer of the material. It helps to maintain the safe working
practices as it outlines the hazards of products, how to use products safely, what to expect if
recommendations are not followed, what to do if accidents occur, how to recognize symptoms of
overexposure, and what to do if such incidents occur and it is an essential starting point for the
development of a complete health and safety program.
Good laboratory practice involves communication with various organisations that assess labs by
embodying a set of principles which provide a framework for lab studies to be planned,
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A Study of Four Classical Chinese Poems
One subject that seems salient in the four classical Chinese poems included in the reading is social
status. I use this term loosely because in The Charcoal Seller and On the Birth of His Son social status
is probably best understood by the western designation of social class, but in Woman and Mei Yao Ch
en social status is better understood as part of gender relations. However, I think that the more
generalized designation of social status is appropriate in approaching these four poems, because of the
way it illustrates the Confucian concept of ren, usually translated as goodness or virtue . This is very
different, however, from most western notions of goodness or virtue because in Confucianism the
concept is defined in terms of social relationships: for Confucius, there were five specifically defined
social relationships in which one should exhibit ren . These are the relations of a parent to a child, of
an older sibling to a younger sibling, of a husband to a wife, of an older person to a younger person,
and of a ruler toward a subject. In other words, relationships which might risk a potential power
imbalance are governed by right rules of conduct. In these terms, we can see the workings, or failings,
of the socially defined ren in these four poems. This is most clear and obvious in The Charcoal Seller
(Waley 1919), which demonstrates the failure of ren in the final category, the virtuous or right
relationship between a ruler and his
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Manufacturing Consent
Manufacturing Consent Questions Avery Reyner September 30, 2012
Manufacturing Consent is a technique of control. Noam Chomsky was first introduced to this concept
from an author named Walter Lippmann who wrote about Manufacturer of Consent. Chomsky
augmented his concept to Manufacturing Concept and the philosophy has become so popular it later
became a documentary film produced by two Canadians. Noam Chomsky has been called arguably the
greatest intellectual alive (Fox, 1998) by the New York Times as he not only is a very outspoken
professor, he is also an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, logician, historian, political
critic and activist. The information in this essay was obtained from his video called: ... Show more
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The second group is the other 80% of the population. They don t think or pay attention as astutely as
do the first 20% and their opinions and thoughts can be somewhat manipulated. According to
Chomsky, their main function is to follow orders. The consent of the people is the consent, or opinions
being manufactured by the government, and the political system. Their intentions are to manufacture
the consent of the people and make sure that their choices and attitudes are altered in such a way that
they will always do what is in the government s best interest, which often is the same interest of
corporate companies in America. This is what Chomsky meant by propaganda.
The methodology Chomsky s used in studying Manufacture of Consent is called the Propaganda
Model and it is an institutional analysis of the major media. The major media he studied consisted of
The New York Times, The Washington Post and major television channels. Chomsky evaluated them
because he believes that by selection of topics, by distribution of concerns, by emphasis and framing
of issues, by filtering of information, by bounding of debate within certain limits, they determine, they
select, they shape, they control, they restrict in order to serve the interests of dominant, elite groups in
the society. (Chomsky, 1992) He also believes that by analysing the institutions it is very obvious they
have a goal to make money and the way to make money with a newspaper is to sell
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Netw600 Capstone Paper
NETW600 Telecommunications Capstone Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Project
Background 3 Industry 3 Trends and Projections 4 Competition 5 Strength 5 Weakness 5 Opportunity
5 Threats 5 Problem and Definition 6 Problem 1: Infrastructure 6 Problem 1.1 Cabling 6 Problem 1.2
Disaster Recovery 6 Problem 1.3 Equipment Life Cycles 6 Problem 2: Security 7 Problem 3: No
Internal VoIP 7 Problem 4: Inability to Switch to Telecommute Employees 7 Project Overview 8 Goals
amp; Objectives 8 Assumptions 9 Identification of Issues amp; Requirements 10 Findings and
Recommendations 14 Budget Requirements 14 Recommended Approach Telecommute 14 Alternative
Approach 1 High Availability (On Site) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
can create flexibility, better customer service, and increased productivity. This will also create a home
based virtual office environment. This will help with employee retention, especially those that are
experienced and skilled. Travel Agency, Inc. ultimately wants to move to a leaner and smaller
footprint to save costs and to help service their customer base. However, to do this, Travel Agency,
Inc. will need to overhaul their network to meet the requirements of a telecommuting business model.
This business model will ultimately serve to help Travel Agency, Inc. grow and thrive in this highly
aggressive and competitive market. Project Background Industry Before the days of the Internet, if a
family wanted to travel to a far off, exotic locale, they would have to either find a local travel agent or
call a travel agency and plan their getaway. In the 1990 s, the Internet became a staple of everyday life
and began entering many homes. As the availability of the Internet increased, so did the services
available to clients. With the increasing availability of the World Wide Web the travel industry found
itself faced with revolutionizing changes. All of the tools that were once solely available to travel
agents now became readily available to anyone with access to the Internet and a search engine.
Websites quickly formed around the idea of providing consumers with quick vacation planning ideas
at low costs. Getting
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Low Volume-High Intensity Exercise Analysis
1. Wadley, Alex J., et al. Low volume high intensity interval exercise elicits antioxidant and anti
inflammatory effects in humans. Journal of sports sciences 34.1 (2016): 1 9. In this study, researchers
used untrained male subjects to compare the effect low volume high intensity exercise interval (LV
HIIE) and steady state exercise has on anti inflammatory (IL 6 IL 10) and antioxidant levels in the
blood during and afterwards. Cytokines are proteins, connected to the level of oxidative stress present
at that time. Steady state exercise, along with the magnitude of intensity, causes an increase in the
production of pro and anti inflammatory cytokines. A small sample (10) of untrained male subjects
completed 3 different exercise bouts. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Researchers tested IL 6 levels in both male and female subjects, by gathering sweat, capillary and
venous blood samples of the participants. Males were instructed to cycle for a total of 75 minutes at a
workload of 60% of VO2peak W, breaking at the 45 minute mark to collect venous and capillary
samples. Females cycled for 60 minutes of a workload 60% of their VO2peak. Sweat and venous
samples were collected at 20 minutes and the conclusion of exercise. The experimenters were hoping
that since HIIT has the ability to produce elevated amounts of IL 6 circulating in the blood, it would
be detectable in all 3 measurements. However, concentration of IL 6 were undetectable in the sweat
samples collected. Venous and capillary blood samples did show significant increases in their
concentrations. A higher level was noted before the start of exercise, but was linked to the under
vasodilated venous vessels. IL 6 continued to increase in both samples following the cycling exercise
conducted by males. The study did not specifically if there were any gender differences or if that
played a role, if at
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Research Paper On Jerry Sandusky
Sexual Abuse is unwanted sexual behavior by an individual using force, threats or any other violent
acts. Many sexual abuse victims do not report to authorities. Children are the most vulnerable
involving sexual abuse before the age of seventeen. Sexual abuse makes many individuals nauseous
about the topic and they refuse to bring it up. In fact, it scars the people who have suffered from it for
the rest of their lives. Most sexual abusers are men that the victim is very close with or in fact, looks
up to them. Penn State University Football team coaching staff and others were involved in a scandal
investigation back in 2012. Jerry Sandusky was an assistant coach and defensive coordinator for the
Penn State Football team. Sandusky was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Honesty means to be truthful in any circumstance and all the people involved or even knew about the
scandal was not honest at all and lied when they were asked about any question regarding the
situation. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens someone to do an action and only the
grad assistant had the courage to bring the situation to the light and the people higher up decided to
keep it low and it turned out bad for them. Temperance is the moderation of physical pleasures,
especially those associated with eating, drinking, and sex. Sandusky didn t moderate his physical
pleasure and decided to get his physical pleasure from children and not the women he was married.
Justice is to be fair to all stakeholders, and it also includes hard work, good ideas, and fair practices.
Sandusky was not fair for putting his fellow co workers and university in that situation. My opinion on
the Penn State scandal I think everyone involved keeps trying to take the easy way out and deciding to
keep it low and out of the light. I applaud the grad assistant trying to stand up for the children and
bringing the situation to a person higher up in power. If they would have brought many jobs wouldn t
have been lost, the university wouldn t have had to pay the big fine and Paterno wouldn t have lost
many of his accomplishments and
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Speech On Lemon Water
Talking about refreshments a single drink that s liked by every person is lemon water. Nearly every
person has loving childhood mementos of ingesting lemon water. The fairly sweet as well as nasty
flavouring of the natural drink staves off being thirsty and fulfils the palette of everybody.
Apart from the flavour this natural beverage is stated to turn into beneficial for a folk s well being too.
This is actually a number of a couple of the rewards of lemon water.
The first of all gain of drinking lemon water is it helps present a terrific skin. Lemon water is in the
best of region of nutrition that s proven to fortify the well being of skin therefore furnishing a correct
glow and smoothness into the skin. Furthermore it might aid eliminate ... Show more content on
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Simply because the digestive tract performs remarkably as it maintains troubles like problems away. It
s proposed to organize this beverage making use of lukewarm water if you d like to sustain a check
mark on continual bowel irregularity difficulty.
Weight reduction is an extra region exactly where this straightforward beverage could possibly be of
considerable aid. Only a cup filled with lemon water everyday can assist you to remove undesirable
Lemon established reality to possess body fat burning characteristics and may possibly help in weight
reduction. Supplement this having a particular time of acceptable physical exercise and you are just
particular to accomplish remarkable outcomes.
One more benefit of this natural drink is it assists bring lower the cholesterol levels in our bodies. One
considerable element of lemon is said to offer marvelous final outcomes in decreasing bad cholesterol
Consuming lemon water to get rid of weight is truly powerful and also the further rewards genuinely
are an increase towards the defence systems along with the digestive system and it is also considered
that drinking lemon water to reduce weight may well also decrease the appearance of lumpy skin by
stimulating the steady stream of bloodstream on the
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Concerning The Bodyguard Essay
A bodyguard has the distinct purpose to provide security, to guard, and to protect. A bodyguard must
be vigilant at all times, even when there does not appear to be a need for security. When a bodyguard
is protecting a person his principal everything around the principal becomes a potential threat,
including the bodyguard himself. This is what Donald Barthelme depicts so seamlessly in his story
Concerning the Bodyguard with a surplus of questions. Through this story told as a questionnaire,
Barthelme allows doubt to soak into every question and every word, creating an atmosphere of
suspense and obscurity. This effective writing style, portrayed in how Donald Barthelme utilizes his
questions from the viewpoint of the bodyguard, captures ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Donald Barthelme leaves all questions unanswered and the ending a mystery. Yet, with patience and
personal interpretation, the reader can answer the questions and propose a solution for the conclusion.
Without this type of layout, the significance of the champagne would not have been prominently
known. The champagne symbolizes both celebration and death, and the questions surrounding it only
enhance the champagne s meaning. This effective writing style provokes the reader to be attentive
throughout the entire story so that they may attempt to answer the story s questions. One must think
for oneself while also envisioning what the person asking the questions is thinking. The thrill and
doubt the bodyguard feels transfers into the reader because of the question layout Barthelme uses for
Concerning the Bodyguard. This creates unity between the reader, the narrator, and the writer, and that
is a trait to be envied in all
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Cyber Security And Cyber Warfare
Data subject to restrictions on cover and notice page.
8.1 Summary
8.1.1 Motivation
To address the increasing threats to national security coming from the cyber domain, military
intelligence corps have recognized the need for officers trained in cyberspace
Data subject to restrictions on cover and notice page. counterterrorism techniques, technologies, and
methods. These officers direct and conduct integrated electronic warfare, information technology, and
cyberspace operations, as authorized or directed, to ensure freedom of action in and through
cyberspace and the information environment, and to deny the same to our nation s adversaries.
In support of the requirement for officers trained in cyber warfare techniques and technologies, the
ROTC Cyber Research program provides cadets with opportunities to research and solve real world
problems in cyber security and cyber counter terrorism.
This first year pilot program research effort focused on the design and deployment of a covert
communications network that can operate at the enemy s operational base and gather intelligence on
enemy communications and activities. This effort is in support of the Year 1 Challenge Problem of the
Cyber Spectrum Research and Technology Development Virtual Environment (CSpec DVE).
The covert communications system design is optimal with regard to detection avoidance, information
gathering and transmission, and power requirements. Covert methodologies
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Reasons of Selecting Bank Muscat
Sultan Qaboos University
College of Commerce Economics
Individual Project Assignment
Done by: Jameela Ali Al Hamhami
ID : 23990
Introduction 3
Executive Summary 3
Bank Muscat at Glance 4
Reasons of selecting Bank Muscat 5
The Analysis 6 Beat calculation 6 Comparison between risk and return in 2007 and 2008 7
Calculating WACC 8 Calculation of WACC on book value basis 9 Calculation of WACC on Market
value basis 10
Conclusion 11
In my report as requested I picked one component of MSM30 Index sample. I have chosen to talk
about Bank Muscat Share (BKMB) to analyze its performance ... Show more content on
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Mainly, because I my self interested to see the level of risk of this share and how it used to be
compensated by a good return. Because I have some shares in this bank, so as any investor, I need to
know the relationship between the two (risk and return). Along side with this personal reason there are
such other reasons: 1. It is one of the big companies dominated the stock market in general and the
MSM 30 index in particular. 2. In many cases it is considered to be the benchmark for the whole
market. 3. It has the highest market capitalization since it form around 28% of the total index market
capitalization as on 20/10/2008. 4. EPS equal to R.O 0.112 per share as recorded on third quarter of
this year (30 Sept 2008). 5. Bank Muscat is a well known financial institution and one of the main
competitors in banking industry. 6. From all aspects the share of Bank Muscat is one of the
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Essay on Willy Russell s Our Day Out
Willy Russell s Our Day Out
Willy Russell has written many plays over the last thirty years, but there is one feature that is common
to all of them: the issue of social and cultural background. This is the situation of the characters; their
surroundings; their class; the society in which they are brought up, and the culture of that society. It is
this that can lead to the behaviour, feelings, opinions and general outlook of the characters. Russell
explores the effects that society and culture can have on people in all his plays, but in none is it so
poignant as in
Our Day Out , the story of what happens when Mrs Kay takes her
Progress class out of inner city Liverpool on a school trip to Conwy
Castle, Wales.
Throughout ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The children also use slang words. For example, they refer to the Corporation as The Corpy , bonfire
night as bommy night , and cigarettes as ciggies . In any society, the colloquial dialect is an essential
part of the culture, and the use of it in Our
Day Out forcefully conveys to the audience the essence of the background of these children.
Symbolism plays a significant part in Our Day Out , because it gives
Russell the opportunity to display how the children feel about their hopeless situations, without having
to state it in the text or put it in the dialogue. This is important because the children don t necessarily
know how they feel, or if they do they can t express it, so to put it in the dialogue would be
inconsistent with their characters. If Russell had put it in the stage directions it would not be
experienced to its full impact when people see the play on television or on the stage. Russell also
probably didn t want to be so explicit; some things, such as the knowledge of the hopelessness of the
children s situations and the destitution they are facing, are more poignant and affecting when implied
through some form of symbolism rather than directly stated.
The two most obvious symbols in the play are the analogies of the bear in the pit at the zoo and the
goldfish in the bag Carol wins at the fair. In the first case the bear represents the children, and the pit
represents Liverpool. The children are trapped in
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Research Paper On Ipreo
Eric Pan
Matthew Wong, Ph.D FIN 4399
Internship Paper The institution that I have interned within the semester of spring 2015 is Ipreo. Ipreo
is an international leader in providing market intelligence data and technology solutions to public and
private companies, banks, and investors. Their products and services help their clients make better
investment decisions with the proper tools and information. Ipreo is a growing company that is
currently a division owned by Goldman Sachs and Blackstone and with over 800 employees and
growing while their client base is increasing all over the world but I am located in the Lower
Manhattan office next to Wall Street. Ipreo is a privately held company so financial information such
as revenues and profits are undisclosed. Due to Ipreo s wide range of products and services, there are
many competitors. Also, this is the reason why it has a competitive advantage. Ipreo s competitors are
companies such as Advent Software, INDATA, and Copp Clark Limited. Some more notable top
competitors are McGraw Hill Financial Inc, Bloomberg, and Dealogic LTD. With many companies
and even larger institutions having similar products and services, Ipreo ... Show more content on
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Each division serves a different purpose. Capital Markets department focuses on equity, fixed income,
municipal, and loans. Capital Market uses premier new issuance systems with data to enable clients to
execute deals more efficiently that will increase and get more out of their time and money. New
issuance software includes bookbuilding system, roadshows and conference management, and
electronic document delivery. All the applications are web based so this provides clients with smooth
access to important data. Also under capital markets, investor prospecting solutions provide the most
accurate and comprehensive institutional contact and profiles within the
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The Absolutism Of King Louis XIV Essay
Louis XIV, the ruler of France from the late seventeenth century to the early eighteenth century,
claimed, I am the state. He considered this to be absolutism. His goal, also acquainted with
absolutism, was, one king, one law, one faith; Furthermore, Louis wanted to promote religious unity,
royal dignity, and security of the state. In order to achieve this goal, he had to rule with a firm hand,
laying down the law for all to see. Louis XIV s absolutism fostered in four major parts: the building of
Versailles to control the nobility, the breeding of a strong military, the improvement of France s
economy, and, while quite harsh, the brutal extinction of religious toleration. After the occurrence of
the Fronde, an open rebellion of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1685, Louis revoked the Edict of Nantes and put the Edict of Fontainebleau in its place. Because of
this document, all religious toleration for Huguenots (previously allowed by the Edict of Nantes) was
no longer allowed, leaving them with two options: convert to Catholicism or leave France. Through
this law, Louis achieved national religious unity. In 1661 Louis appointed Jean Baptiste Colbert as
controller general of finances. This proved to be very successful in adding to the increase of France s
economy, and it helped Louis achieve his second goal of having one law. Colbert s ideas were similar
to that of mercantilism. He insisted on having an economic system that would make France a self
sufficient powerful country where they exported more than they imported. He improved France s
economy through the invention of a merchant marine fleet, the support of industries, the control of
tariffs on French goods, and the collection of taxes. All of these gained money for France, which led to
the creation of a powerful army. Due to a powerful army, France was able to secure its natural
frontiers, even in the North East, which was France s weakest natural border. While Louis claimed a
flaw of his was that, I loved war too much, he was able to make a strong French presence in Europe,
adding to his idea of one law. Louis XIV was successful in achieving one king, one law, one faith. He
was able to
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Corporate Diversification
When a firm chooses to diversify, it faces a decision as to how related the new business(es) is(are) to
the existing businesses of the firm. When Charles Bluhdorn was CEO of a company called
Gulf+Western in the 1950s, he diversified into a host of industries: motion pictures (Paramount
Pictures, the makers of The Godfather, Chinatown, and other movies), clothing, cigars, zinc mines,
auto parts, and sugar, among others! In contrast, a company such as Cooper Industries is more careful
in diversifying into related industries.
Five types of diversification: Single business
160 Part II Dominant business Related constrained Related linked Unrelated
Limited Corporate Diversification
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Interestingly, conglomerates were very much in vogue in the 1960s and 1970s, as the earlier example
of Gulf +Western points out. At one point, ITT owned 250 or more unrelated businesses!
Strategic actions are aimed at creating value for the organization. Therefore, it is important to look at
the value creation rationale of diversification.
Diversification moves create value when: economies of scope exist among the multiple businesses in
the organization, and exploiting these scope economies can be done more efficiently by the firm than
by shareholders on their own.
The general discussion on value creation in diversification sets the stage for the next important pasture
for the instructor outlining the key elements of economies of scope.
What are Valuable Economies of Scope?
It is important to define economies of scope first and clarify what it means with the help of examples.
Since scope economies are at the heart of successful diversification moves, its definition is vital.
The concept of economies of scope and eight potential economies of scope a diversified firm might try
to exploit. Economies of scope exist in a firm when the value of the products or services it sells
increases as a function of the number of businesses that firm
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Descartes, Hume and Skepticism Essay
Descartes, Hume and Skepticism Descartes is responsible for the skepticism that has been labeled
Cartesian doubt. Hume critiques this skepticism in his Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
After his discussion of Cartesian doubt, he offers a different type of skepticism that he considers as
being more effective philosophically. Is Hume right in his characterization of Cartesian doubt and is
the skepticism he offers better? Descartes introduced the idea of universal doubt to philosophy. If there
is even a slight case for doubting something, then it should be doubted. His skepticism was used to
find a basis for knowledge and his aim was to establish truths. He relayed this universal doubt to all
human understanding. Not only does it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cartesian doubt does not allow us to advance. We would be in a constant state of doubting. How
would one lay a foundation of truths if it is possible to doubt all? No reasoning could ever bring us to
a state of assurance and conviction upon any subject (Hume Section XII part 1). Hume does give some
credit to this method of skepticism. It can be useful in philosophy when used reasonably. A degree of
doubt should escort every person who reasons. This doubt gets rid of prejudices in judgments and
helps rid closed mindedness brought about by education. It allows philosophy to be brought down to
basic principles and gives a foundation to slowly build upon. This slow progress allows a review of
thoughts and establishes sure steps to truths. Hume s skepticism is limiting but not as limiting as
Cartesian doubt. Hume calls this mitigated skepticism. Another species of mitigated skepticism which
may be of advantage to man kind is the limitation of our enquiries to such subjects as are best
adapted to the narrow capacity of human understanding (Section XII part. 3). We should direct our
focus and studies to experiences of everyday life and to common occurrences. Extraordinary or remote
ideas and thoughts should be left to the imaginations of people of the arts. By looking at the natural
powers of the mind one can find what should be the objects of enquiry and study. Hume writes that are
two enquiries that man
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Christianity And Islam Comparison
Christianity and Islam are surely different religions but foundationally some parts are the same. Where
Christians and Muslims believe in an omnipotent being that is above all and that the holy scripture is a
way of learning how to reach a happy afterlife, this is where the similarity blurs. The god in
Christianity is a lover of all creatures that are on earth and has a relation to his followers and son
(Jesus Christ) whereas Allah loves some and hate others who does not follow his will and does not
have relations to anyone as this would be a blasphemous sin. This difference shifts over to the art
aspects such as the sculptures, books, paintings and even decorative sketches on buildings. In my
analysis of art, I will be analyzing the differences ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, Mosque have beautiful stained glass and patterns with geometry and calligraphy on the
outside of the building. The first mosque with a minaret was established in 707 which is called the
mosque of Madinah. A minaret as told by Ettinghausen was said to be from it the muezzin called the
faithful to prayer at appointed times (Ettinghausen 21). The minaret was not around during
Muhammad s time where he had to go on a rooftop to do a call to prayer 5 times a day, so when the
minaret was established in the Islamic culture it became a symbol of Islamic presence. A minaret is a
tall building so that everyone in that society could see it and hear the muezzin call. Something that
seemed similar in mosques to early churches were the Corinthian order pillars that were common
since this was a place to learn. Another thing I noticed was the utilization of certain shapes on the
outside walls such as the circles which meant divine and in one picture there was a panel with one
large circle and four smaller circles around it. The four circles could be a reference to the four holy
books of Islam which are the Qu ran, Tawrat, Injil, and
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Advantages Of Urbanization In China
The urbanization in China
As Joseph E Stiglitz who won the Nobel economic prize said, Two forces will shape the 21st century:
urbanisation in China and technological innovation in the US. Urbanization is such an important issue
for China and the world. Research figures indicate the urbanization rate has grown to 45% from 13%
since 1949 and the government estimates it will increase to 60% in 2030. Some researchers have
shown urbanization in China was very successful and got many great accomplishments. On the other
side, many other researchers also revealed critical opinions to what it has done in the past. They also
worried about the future of urbanization in China. Through this report, This report will examine what
benefits and disadvantages did urbanization process bring to China and How is the future of it.
Q:Why did China keep focusing on urbanization as one of the top agenda items?
So far, twenty five of the world s largest 100 cities are in China. After Chinese economic reform, those
first 14 opening harbour cities and 4 special economic zones set great examples for other cities. With
developing and growing of those cities and a big influx of investments from overseas investors, there
were more and more occupation opportunities be required. Then people from counties and the
countryside began to move to cities for better lives so that the manpower engine was formed which
was based on the large population of China. Cheap and endless manpower helped cities developed
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how i learned to love football Essay
Jesse Saunders
Prof. Keith Bishop
English 101
How I Learned To Love Football
Move Over Boys, Make Room In The Crease
Sara Maratta and Felisa Rogers essay is the opposite of one another. Sara Maratta at the age of 14
developed a liking to sports, hockey was Marattas number one sport. Maratta knew hockey inside and
out. Her favorite aspect of the sport was the fighting part. It drew her deeper into the sport. Maratta
had a passion for the Blue Jackets team, and being her number one hobby whom she supported as a
fan. Although women want to be heard in the sports world and want to participate in the games, it is
still a man dominated sport. Men feel that the sports world is not for women. Since she was a little ...
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Rogers finished all her accounts and then dryed up, while her husband got laid off due to the economy.
Rich Rogers, Felisas husband decided to take to take charge to help support his family. Rich worked
three jobs and with minimal pay supported his family he was so stressed out and was worried that they
would lose everything. Then things turned for the worse, the Roger s family suffered a tragedy the
death of Richs mother, and their car crapped the bed. Felisas husband was in despair, they had rough
times ahead of them. Whenever Rich would talk about football and Brett Favre Richs favorite player
his face would light up and become happy even for the briefest of moments. Felisa saw this and never
gave thought of richs emotional status before the hard times hit. Felisa saw the spark of happiness in
Rich s face she started to listen and support her husbands love for football. Felisa found her voice as a
wife through sports specially football, reconnecting her relationship with her husband. Felisa found
out she liked it. Sara Maratta enters the world of hockey and by doing so discovers her strength as a
woman and finds her voice. Maratta states this group did not and have not accepted me as a true
enthusiast who has a real comprehension and love for what goes on in the crease. Why? Because I am
a woman .(538 539) Women are finally being recognized in the world of sports. It is still a male
dominate sport and women are still looked as sex objects, that
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Personal Statement On Sexual Orientation
In taking answering the questions to the Personal Autobiography on Sexual Orientation, I was able to
reflect upon my life up to now as being a gay male from the Midwest. My first memories about really
being exposed to sexual orientation would have to have been back in elementary school where sexual
orientation was introduced by peers more or less as a name calling, playground name calling sort of
thing I was introduced to sexual orientation in a negative way. In terms of my parents, I would say the
messages from there were positive as my grandma has a brother who is gay and has been out since the
1980s, so they have gone through the process of acceptance of LGBTQ individuals. When I look at
sexuality and my peers, I would say in middle and high school the messages were mixed. Negative
messages were how LGBTQ individuals were treated if it was known they were of whichever letter in
the alphabet, but also the negative messages came in the often heard usage of the word faggot to insult
someone. To me, my peers then were exercising this idea of cultural destructiveness, or where they
felt they (heterosexual) were the most superior sexual orientation compared to others. I would say the
faculty at school when this would occur was more or less culturally blind, or they felt as though the
sexual orientation of a student should not matter; however, I felt as though the faculty maybe didn t
understand the struggles an LGBTQ person goes through and how painful hearing
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Chicano Studies Quiz 1
NOTE: Be sure to answer each question in complete sentence. Be sure to proofread your answer for
correctness in grammar, spelling, punctuation mark, etc. Your answer must be word processed, double
spaced (repeat, double spaced), with 10 12 font size. Be sure to write your NAME and ID number in
your paper.
1. Differentiate between: a. Ethics and Aesthetics
Ethics constitutes the difference between right and wrong.Ethics are usually more broad and informal
than laws, they are usually taught in ones childhood. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that
emphasizes on the beautiful and the ugly. It can be defined as the study of the mind and emotions in
relation to the sense of beauty. b. the rationalist and the empiricist (at ... Show more content on
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to keep knocking at the door to get whatever kind of information you
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Garveyism and Rastafarianism Essay
Garveyism and Rastafarianism
I. Introduction
In the twentieth century, two movements have emerged out of Jamaica in protest of black oppression
and slavery, both mental and physical. The first to evolve was Garveyism, founded by Marcus Garvey,
and was born in the aftermath of the First World War.
Rastafarianism was the second movement to emerge, lead by Leonard Howell during the depression
years of the 1930 s. Garveyism and Rastafarianism are both resistance movements based on the same
ideal: consciousness and essentialism of Africa and its descendants. The founding brethren of the
Rastafari movement were Garveyites themselves, although not members of the Universal Negro
Improvement Asscioation (UNIA), they agreed with and defended ... Show more content on
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Garvey s aim was to recontextualize particular aspects of seeming irreconcilable systems of
Marxism/Leninism, monarchism, and even of National Socialism for the African of Africa American
experience (Zips, 224). Garvey did not feel restricted by established political ideologies, instead he
felt free to pick out the best attributes of every government. Ultimately, Garveyism hoped to develop
the African continent into a modern network of nations, modeling it after the United States and
Western Europe (Lewis, 146).
Garvey established the UNIA in Jamaica in the year 1914, two years later he left for the United States
in order to gain more momentum for his movement and spread the African unity he had started in
Jamaica. Before leaving Jamaica, Garvey made a prophecy of sorts to his followers: Look into Africa
for the crowning of a black king. He shall be the Redeemer (Barrett, 67). From this prediction stems
most of the discrepancy between Garveyites and Rastafarians, something I will discuss later in this
The four main themes that the Garvey movement was built upon were 1) Africa for Africans at home
and abroad, 2) unity, 3) self reliance, and 4) retaining their black pride in the presence of whites
(Chevannes, 95). Garvey brought this ideology with him to the United States where he founded an
American branch of the UNIA in 1917 and furthered his initiatives
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Animal Vs Asian Elephants
Asian elephants are a big mammal but let me tell you more about them and what makes them different
from the other elephants. Asian elephants live in Nepal, India and Southeast Asia scrub forests and
rainforests. Asian elephants have been around for over 55 million years elephants are very successful
animals they found many different fossils and they have said over 300 species have walked the earth
over a long period. Elephants eat roots, grasses, fruit, and bark. An adult elephant can consume up to
300 pounds of food in a single day. Elephants form deep family bonds and live in tight matriarchal
family groups of related females called a herd. When a calf is born, it is raised and protected by the
whole matriarchal herd. Female elephants live in a herd. Male elephants have very different social
needs, males are driven out of the family group as they approach sexual maturity, males spend as
much as 95% of their lives alone. When it comes to babies getting attacked by predators, the whole
herd pitches in.
After five years of rearing the young elephants, the mother gives birth to a new infant weaning the
now adolescent calf at the same time. The subspecies of the elephants are African and Asian. In Africa
there is two different species the African bush elephant, and the African forest elephant. In Asia they
just have the Asian elephant. In the early times of 2000 b.c. elephants because of the size they were
they helped building. Many experts believe that the mammoth which is
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James Brown Monument Dbq
In today s society, we try to remember every little thing that happens, from the first day of school to
the graduation of college. One of the ways we try to remember things is through photos. However,
photos and just natural memory are not enough. In our lives extraordinary events are done by
extraordinary people, and tragedies strike our nation. Those people and events deserve to get
recognized by more than a simple photo or a hazy memory. The process that is used to select a
memorial are proper place, sensitivity of memorial, materials used, and the design itself.
A major question to ask is if the monument is being put in the proper place. Would you want a statue
of George Washington in the middle of a Native American Reserve? I think not. Having the proper
place is essential to making sure that the person/event is being respected properly. A great example of
this is the James Brown Statue that is located in downtown Augusta. It is placed in the walkway that is
breaks up Broad Street. As far as the statue being in Augusta that is the proper ... Show more content
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Sensitivity affects how people feel and view memorials, and it is chanced upon in some cases what is
politically correct. An example of this the Savannah Memorial Park which dedicated to pioneers.
Many feel as though it brings bad luck (Source D). This is a superb example because the whole reason
they wanted to get rid of it is purely based on how they feel, and there appears to be no other apparent
reason. Another example is Mount Rushmore, yes the great Mount Rushmore. Before Mount
Rushmore, that land belonged to the Sioux (Native Americans). They were driven from their land.
That mountain is considered sacred and holy to them. The American people have just defaced the
property that initially belonged to them. How do you think they felt? They would be extremely hurt
not only from having to leave their land, but also an import at part of their culture was destroyed
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Dominance And Development Of Conflict Management Styles
Dominating Style in Conflict Resolution
Graham Jackson
LSAL 3133 301
Introduction Thesis Statement
I believe that there is a link between childhood experiences and the development of conflict
management styles, arguing that the exposures to family conflict resolution plays a great role in
determining the development of the dominating conflict resolution style.
Conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction. However, the way people deal with conflict is
largely linked with the outcome of the conflict resolution. Many studies have been conducted to
analyze the different styles of conflict management and resolution as Tou, Baker, Hadden and Lin
(2015) write. Consequently, the increasing amount of research conducted on the ... Show more content
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By far, the integrative approach is the best style of conflict management as it envisages a high level of
concern for both the conflict manager and the conflicting parties. The compromising style of conflict
management is characterized by the moderate concern for both the conflicting parties and the conflict
resolver. In other instances, the conflict manager exhibits low concern for self while having high
concern for others. For this reason the conflict management style is often referred to as obliging. Even
more, there are instances when the conflict manager chooses to adopt the avoiding style of conflict. In
this style, there is low concern for both self and others. Missing in the above overview of the conflict
management styles is the dominating style, which is discussed in this study. Hopeck, Desrayaud,
Harrison and Hatten (2014) defined conflict resolution as a process that should be geared towards
having a solution that suits all the parties involved in the conflict. The author outlined how solution
oriented conflict resolution style provides more positive outcomes in comparison to the other styles of
conflict management The dominating style of conflict management is one that Cai and Fink (2002)
linked to frustration. In the authors explanation, it is natural for people to default to the dominating
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How Important Was The Role Of Lafayette In Leaving Home
On the 15th July Lafayette was appointed leader of the National Guard, which was an armed guard
with the role of protecting Paris from foreign threats along with maintaining order in the city. It was
from this position that Lafayette came to notice in the revolution as he now was in a position on
power. Lafayette faced difficulty as leader of the National Guard as on the 15th October 1789 a large
crowd of mostly women marched to Versailles in response to food shortages. The crowd gathered
outside the palace and as Louis refused to move to Paris, the crowd broke into the palace. Lafayette
intervened in the situation and escorted the royal family to the balcony of the palace. As the unpopular
Marie Antoinette appeared on the balcony large roars
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Anne T. Donahue s Nine Cinderella Stories You Might Not Know
Cinderella For centuries children have been familiar with fairy tales. The fantasy of the fairy tales
allows children to have an imagination. Children gain their imagination from these stories, based off
of the characters and the adventures they go on. One particular fairy tale that many children enjoy, is
Cinderella. According to Anne T. Donahue s article 9 Cinderella Stories You Might Not Know which
was published in the March 13, 2015 Refinery29, Cinderella has come a long way from its origins as a
tale about persecution and the dangers of systemic oppression. Dating back to the first century, what
was once a story about a Greek slave girl becoming an Egyptian queen has evolved into something
much more magical, romantic, and ultimately
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Lawyer Memo
The purpose of this memorandum is to go into detail about the legal career path of being a lawyer.
Within this memo, you will find information regarding the preparation for a career as a lawyer, such as
the necessary degrees and skills, as well as information on the general outlook for this job, such as
expect salary, and where most of the jobs in this field are located. Finally, the memorandum will
discuss how occupational research for being an attorney helped tailor my resume and cover letter to
specific job postings in the field.
Preparation and Skills
In order to become a lawyer, there is three key components to past first: obtaining a bachelor s degree,
attending an accredited law school, and passing the bar exam. Beginning with a bachelor s ... Show
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I pulled out highlights, which included mentioning that I was the Senior Administrator, meaning I was
a leader among the other administrators, and discussing the tasks I ve had that highlight both my legal
education and my administrative skills. The job description also preferred someone that had
knowledge and experience of Westlaw and LexisNexis, two highly used search engines for law related
materials. Since I do have experience using both, I made sure to highlight that on my resume, as well
as mention it in my cover letter. Before this, I did not list my experience with the search engines, so I
learned the importance of having it on there for future reference. The job also wants individuals to be
able to assist in preparing and reviewing legal documents. I highlighted this by discussing my
internship, where I spent roughly 32 hours a week preparing legal documents, and reviewing legal
standards, and mentioned how I tutor on campus. The qualifications discussed wanting someone with
strong proofreading and formatting skills so I wanted to be sure I mentioned in my resume how I tutor
both in my major, which reinforces I have remembered what I have learned over the years in my
major and can apply it, and in English, which helps reinforce my skills in proofreading, and my
general writing skills overall. Overall, after researching the company s values, and comparing that to
the job description I was applying for, I was able to better tailor my resume and cover letter to help me
stand out as a
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Propaganda During The Great War
The Great War was not only fought with tanks, U boats, and trench warfare, but it was a war of
propaganda. Propaganda from both sides was used throughout the Great War to help try and shape the
opinions of each embattled nation. This total war did not just require innovative weapons, but also
innovative and at times even deceptive propaganda. The British, Germans and United States
governments specifically, invested a lot of resources into propaganda as a way to increase recruitment
numbers, build international support, and instill a sense of confidence in what was the Great War.
Countries had to not just focus their efforts on getting people from their own country to support them,
but also neutral countries, as well as having to focus on the enemies by use of atrocity propaganda. In
turn, this led to governments tampering with the human will, and even using deceit, all in an effort to
help solidify their sides victory. In turn, propaganda played a vital role in the Great War and
additionally created an everlasting influence on both war and media in the world today. Unlike
previous wars, this war required not just millions of men to serve their own countries, but it required
the support of all civilians to help play a role in the war efforts. M.L Saunders stated During the war,
sections of the community which has previously remained uninvolved in the exigencies of national
survival had found themselves directly affected by events at the front line. Life changed for
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Blue Yeti Milk Research Paper
Meet the USB Microphone Blue Microphones Yeti USB Microphone Silver Edition!
This Blue Yeti USB Microphone will make you reminiscent of that good old, classic microphone with
its retro based theme of shiny metal grilles and silver, chrome toned frame. With its carefully crafted
design, it is quick and easy to adjust, with the help of a set of knobs to secure it in place, to suit your
desired microphone angle that aids in improving and optimizing sound quality.
And for convenience, you can just fold it down when travelling and you can completely remove the
microphone from its base for ground recordings or mounting in a mic stand. It is a side address
microphone so it is perfectly used when you are face to face with it.
The Blue Yeti USB
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The Catcher in the Rye and 6 Degrees of Separation Essay
The human condition is as far from reason and judgement as anything can be, it is what we have tried
to explain for centuries and it is still a confusing maze we attempt and pretend to understand. Holden
from The Catcher in the Rye and Paul from Six degrees of
Separations help to explore the workings of the human condition, both boys are conflicted with their
lives and have difficulty fitting into their society. However these two texts do put the boys in different
positions in life, Holden has what Paul desires but it does not give him
the love and care he unknowingly needs. Paul takes on roles that disguise his own traits and turns him
into what he believes to be a person nobody can say no to. When he takes on these roles, he ... Show
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This is evident with his underlying yearning for JaneGallagher but is too afraid to make any
connection with her. Holden revels his
isolation calling anyone with self worth a phonie but in the end he is the biggest phonie of them all.
The book the Catcher in the Rye appealed to young people everywhere, who felt pressured about
growing up and living by society s rules, and
to disengage from meaningful human connection. The realease of this book created a wave of
disagreement and contreversy but many saw this book as a symbol of cultural oppression. The movie
six degrees of separation also explored the consequence of
alienation as a form of self protection, Paul is a gay black man living on the streets of New York with
very little money, it is implied that his life may not have been filled with wealth and opportunity. He
yearns for a life that will provide him with comfort and stability, he
enters peoples houses and surrounds himself with what they have and for a moment he is able to
pretend that what they have belongs to him. Paul creates a new identity for himself as a son of sydney
Poitier as that is the only way that the rich would open their doors to a
stranger and allow him into their lavish apartments. However his deceptive personality cannot be
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How Does Alison Bechdel Use Allusions In Fun Home
In the creatively illustrated novel Fun Home by Alison Bechdel has many references to different
works of literature that are used to explain and relate to her experiences throughout the novel. It seems
to be that the main character Alison and her family would rather live in a world of literature than their
current world. Alison uses multiple allusions of different literatures in her novel, the reason she uses
all of these literary references is to explain to us that the people in her life including herself do not
want to be in their world. The noticeable uses of literature in the novel are the chapters which are all
names taken from different works of literature. Authors such as James Joyce, Albert Camus, Henry
James, along with myths such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An example of this is when she tells us that she feels as if her father Bruce cares more about little
things in his life more than his family, like the house renovations. Alison even says I grew to resent the
way my father treated his furniture like children, and his children like furniture (Bechdel, p.14) to
describe to us how she thinks her father is viewing her family, as if they are all just apart of the house.
Alison also likes to compare people and places in her life to things in literature. Alison relates her
father to many different characters, such as the novel The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, due to
Bruce s love for the character Gatsby. Alison even tells us that he has started to act and even looks like
Gatsby (Bechdel, p.g.64). Alison also describes her surroundings in the view of literary places. The
Chapter The Canary Colored Caravan is also a literary reference to Kenneth Grahame s The Wind In
The Willows a book her and her father used to read. Alison s setting of her hometown called Beech
Creek is somewhat similar to The Wild Woods in Grahame s novel. Along with how the animals never
leave there, much like Bruce. So the author is almost literally describing her town in the form of a
different world, a place that she might wish to
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Analysis Of Me Talk Pretty One Day By David Sedaris
In the article, Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris (1999), the author describes what it was like
learning French while living in France. Sedaris moved to Paris in order to learn the language and
immerse himself into the culture. He thought this would make learning the language easier. During his
time in France, Sedaris experienced intimidation, abuse, and joy. Learning a foreign language as an
adult is difficult because of the feeling of intimidation by younger classmates, a hostile learning
environment presented by the teacher, and an inherent cognitive disadvantage. On the first day of
class, after he was done checking in, he sat down to observe his classmates returning from their
summer vacations. Initially, he walked in full of confidence and his head held high. However, that
quickly changed when he heard his classmates speak French, and the feeling of intimidation washed
over him like waves hitting the beach, at my age, a reasonable person should have completed his
sentence in the prison of the nervous and insecure . . . my fears have not vanished, rather, they have
multiplied with age (Sedaris, 1999, 1). For being a forty one year old man, he thought these feelings of
insecurity and fear in the classroom would have ended long ago. If he thought things could not get
worse, he was mistaken. The teacher walked in, rattled off commands to the class, and then asked
them to recite the alphabet. In that moment, he knew he was in trouble, I ve spent time in Normandy,
and I took a monthlong French class in New York. I am not completely in the dark, yet I only
understood half of what she said (Sedaris, 1999, 1) and, despite the exposure he already had, he was
still unable to understand everything the teacher was saying. Properly learning and grasping a new
language requires support and the proper learning environment from the teacher. However, it did not
take long for David to learn that his teacher was verbally abusive, among other negative things.
Unfortunately, this realization also came on the first day of class. She spoke to the class in a
condescending tone, and insulted each student s ability to speak the language. One day, as she was
humiliating David in front of the entire class, she said
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  • 9. The Feminist Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter can easily be seen as an early feminist piece of work. Nathaniel Hawthorne created a story that exemplifies Hester as a strong female character living with her choices, whether they were good or bad, and also as the protagonist. He also presents the daughter of Hester, Pearl, as an intelligent female, especially for her age. He goes on to prove man as imperfect through both the characters of Dimmesdale and of Chillingworth. With the situation that all the characters face, Hawthorne establishes the female as the triumphant one, accomplishing something that, during Nathaniel Hawthorne s time, authors did not attempt. In the beginning of the book, Hawthorne paints the picture of a female named Hester who has sinned. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (pg. 51) It shown incredibly bright on her dress. Many of the townspeople do not understand her reasoning for such elaborate stitching, but Hawthorne suggest the fact that she understands why she must wear it and accepts that she has sinned and must pay for her sins. He depicts a female who is not weak and who does not runs away from her problems and mistakes, but one who accepts them. She does the same with her daughter Pearl by dressing her in elaborate garments, strictly against Puritanical beliefs. Hester also proves herself to be a strong female character when she does not leave the town and attempt to start a new life elsewhere, void of her scarlet letter . It may seem marvelous, that this woman should still call that place her home, where, and where only, she must needs be the type of shame . (pg. 72) Hawthorne goes on to state that Hester is drawn to the home because of the events. She knows that the town is the scene of her guilt, and [there] should be the scene of her earthly punishment . (pg. 72) Hester is a female who is she is strong and caring, helping anyone she can when he or she are in need. She leads a pious life, and although she could retain all that she earns, she gives most away. Even the townsfolk say Hester is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable to the afflicted . (pg. 142) Nathaniel Hawthorne almost all ways personifies Hester as a powerful female, making ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Introduction Of A Primary Alcohol Substitution 5. Introduction In this experiment, a primary alcohol was converted into a primary bromoalkane using hydrobromic acid. The reaction was done under reflux and then distilled to obtain a product of higher purity. The degree of the alkyl halide obtained from the experiment was tested with silver nitrate and sodium iodide. An infrared (IR) spectra and the weight of the product were obtained for further analysis. The IR gave information on the present functional groups and product weight was used to calculate the percent yield. 6. Data and Results The product obtained after reflux was a yellow liquid. With the halide tests, the product reacted faster with sodium iodide to form a precipitate than with silver nitrate. This indicates that the degree of the product was primary and that bromine did replace the alcohol group. The IR of the product showed four peaks at 3326.36, 2932.86, 1465.34, and 1028.73. These peaks indicate O H, C H, C H3, and C O bonds, respectively, within the product. 2.032 grams of product were recovered from the reaction. With this, a percent yield of 27.14% was calculated. 7. Discussion and Conclusion Nucleophilic aliphatic substitution is the replacement of one group for another at a saturated, sp3 hybridized carbon atom. This process is often used to interconvert functional groups, such as in the preparation of alkyl halides. In these reactions, nucleophiles attack the carbon atom which the electronegative leaving group breaks its bond ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Essay about Bronfenbrenner Analysis Running head: BRONFENBRENNER ANALYSIS Bronfenbrenner Analysis COUN 5004 Survey of Research in Human Development and Behavior Lynette Rollins Barrett Capella University April 6, 2012 2. Abstract This essay will give a brief description of Urie Bronfenbrenner contribution to the psychology. It will assess Bronfenbrenner ecological theory of development. It will examine the Bronfenbrenner Ecological Model of Human Development how each of the five systems form a child s personal development. The document will identify which of Bronfenbrenner systems had the greatest impact on this scholar s individual s growth. It will evaluate the effects of the ecological ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the age 4, I graduated from the Head Start program. My mom was only 18 years, unemployed, and no high school diploma. She could not afford day care and my natural father was an estranged alcoholic was did not pay child support. The Mesosystems level had the greatest impact on this learner s development. At age 7, her mother divorced, remarried an addict/Blues singer with his own business. Her step father raped her when she was 11 years old at the new home she relocated to with hem mom and year siblings. Her status from the oldest sibling moved to the middle child. She had a step sister 7 years older, a step sister 4 years older, a step brother 2 years older and a step sister 2 years younger. At the age of 14, her mother divorced and they returned to her grandmother home. Again, the family unit changed. It was her grandmother, mother, step brother, step sister, natural sister, and natural brother living in the home. Let s not forget the alcoholic uncle. And, at the age of 17, her mother remarried for the third time to a man who thought he was still a sergeant in the army. 6. Great emphasis was placed on education was of the all throughout the learner s life. All seven children attended parochial school. Her teachers and family members gave her great praise for her academic achievements. While her step sisters mocked and beat her out of jealousy for being an over achiever. The learner was an extrovert in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. How And Why Safe Working Practices Task 4D How and Why Safe Working Practices in a Lab are Regulated? CLEAPSS Hazcards (which stands for: Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision of Science Services) are used in schools and other education centres to give potential hazards and information for technician staff that use concentrated chemicals to prepare more dilute solutions for a class/lesson. In working environments they are used to produce data sheets for chemical manufacturers to give all relevant information for all of the products that they use. Details referencing what to avoid when using the substance, exposure limits and any specific hazards will also be displayed on the hazcards. The CLEAPSS service also provides; newsletters for schools, free ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... melting point and boiling point), toxicity, health effects, first aid precautions and measures, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill handling procedures. This information provided in one s specific place for lab workers and users means that work in the lab can be carried out safely as they are able to access any details they need about equipment, machines and chemicals etc. MSDS (which stands for: Material Safety Data Sheet) is a document that contains information on potential hazards (e.g. health, fire hazards, reactivity and environmental), how to work safely with a chemical product and the use, storage, handling and emergency procedures all related to the hazards of a material. MSDS documents contains more information about materials than a label would and they are prepared by the supplier/manufacturer of the material. It helps to maintain the safe working practices as it outlines the hazards of products, how to use products safely, what to expect if recommendations are not followed, what to do if accidents occur, how to recognize symptoms of overexposure, and what to do if such incidents occur and it is an essential starting point for the development of a complete health and safety program. Good laboratory practice involves communication with various organisations that assess labs by embodying a set of principles which provide a framework for lab studies to be planned, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. A Study of Four Classical Chinese Poems One subject that seems salient in the four classical Chinese poems included in the reading is social status. I use this term loosely because in The Charcoal Seller and On the Birth of His Son social status is probably best understood by the western designation of social class, but in Woman and Mei Yao Ch en social status is better understood as part of gender relations. However, I think that the more generalized designation of social status is appropriate in approaching these four poems, because of the way it illustrates the Confucian concept of ren, usually translated as goodness or virtue . This is very different, however, from most western notions of goodness or virtue because in Confucianism the concept is defined in terms of social relationships: for Confucius, there were five specifically defined social relationships in which one should exhibit ren . These are the relations of a parent to a child, of an older sibling to a younger sibling, of a husband to a wife, of an older person to a younger person, and of a ruler toward a subject. In other words, relationships which might risk a potential power imbalance are governed by right rules of conduct. In these terms, we can see the workings, or failings, of the socially defined ren in these four poems. This is most clear and obvious in The Charcoal Seller (Waley 1919), which demonstrates the failure of ren in the final category, the virtuous or right relationship between a ruler and his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Manufacturing Consent Manufacturing Consent Questions Avery Reyner September 30, 2012 Manufacturing Consent is a technique of control. Noam Chomsky was first introduced to this concept from an author named Walter Lippmann who wrote about Manufacturer of Consent. Chomsky augmented his concept to Manufacturing Concept and the philosophy has become so popular it later became a documentary film produced by two Canadians. Noam Chomsky has been called arguably the greatest intellectual alive (Fox, 1998) by the New York Times as he not only is a very outspoken professor, he is also an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, logician, historian, political critic and activist. The information in this essay was obtained from his video called: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The second group is the other 80% of the population. They don t think or pay attention as astutely as do the first 20% and their opinions and thoughts can be somewhat manipulated. According to Chomsky, their main function is to follow orders. The consent of the people is the consent, or opinions being manufactured by the government, and the political system. Their intentions are to manufacture the consent of the people and make sure that their choices and attitudes are altered in such a way that they will always do what is in the government s best interest, which often is the same interest of corporate companies in America. This is what Chomsky meant by propaganda. The methodology Chomsky s used in studying Manufacture of Consent is called the Propaganda Model and it is an institutional analysis of the major media. The major media he studied consisted of The New York Times, The Washington Post and major television channels. Chomsky evaluated them because he believes that by selection of topics, by distribution of concerns, by emphasis and framing of issues, by filtering of information, by bounding of debate within certain limits, they determine, they select, they shape, they control, they restrict in order to serve the interests of dominant, elite groups in the society. (Chomsky, 1992) He also believes that by analysing the institutions it is very obvious they have a goal to make money and the way to make money with a newspaper is to sell ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Netw600 Capstone Paper NETW600 Telecommunications Capstone Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Project Background 3 Industry 3 Trends and Projections 4 Competition 5 Strength 5 Weakness 5 Opportunity 5 Threats 5 Problem and Definition 6 Problem 1: Infrastructure 6 Problem 1.1 Cabling 6 Problem 1.2 Disaster Recovery 6 Problem 1.3 Equipment Life Cycles 6 Problem 2: Security 7 Problem 3: No Internal VoIP 7 Problem 4: Inability to Switch to Telecommute Employees 7 Project Overview 8 Goals amp; Objectives 8 Assumptions 9 Identification of Issues amp; Requirements 10 Findings and Recommendations 14 Budget Requirements 14 Recommended Approach Telecommute 14 Alternative Approach 1 High Availability (On Site) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... can create flexibility, better customer service, and increased productivity. This will also create a home based virtual office environment. This will help with employee retention, especially those that are experienced and skilled. Travel Agency, Inc. ultimately wants to move to a leaner and smaller footprint to save costs and to help service their customer base. However, to do this, Travel Agency, Inc. will need to overhaul their network to meet the requirements of a telecommuting business model. This business model will ultimately serve to help Travel Agency, Inc. grow and thrive in this highly aggressive and competitive market. Project Background Industry Before the days of the Internet, if a family wanted to travel to a far off, exotic locale, they would have to either find a local travel agent or call a travel agency and plan their getaway. In the 1990 s, the Internet became a staple of everyday life and began entering many homes. As the availability of the Internet increased, so did the services available to clients. With the increasing availability of the World Wide Web the travel industry found itself faced with revolutionizing changes. All of the tools that were once solely available to travel agents now became readily available to anyone with access to the Internet and a search engine. Websites quickly formed around the idea of providing consumers with quick vacation planning ideas at low costs. Getting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Low Volume-High Intensity Exercise Analysis 1. Wadley, Alex J., et al. Low volume high intensity interval exercise elicits antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects in humans. Journal of sports sciences 34.1 (2016): 1 9. In this study, researchers used untrained male subjects to compare the effect low volume high intensity exercise interval (LV HIIE) and steady state exercise has on anti inflammatory (IL 6 IL 10) and antioxidant levels in the blood during and afterwards. Cytokines are proteins, connected to the level of oxidative stress present at that time. Steady state exercise, along with the magnitude of intensity, causes an increase in the production of pro and anti inflammatory cytokines. A small sample (10) of untrained male subjects completed 3 different exercise bouts. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Researchers tested IL 6 levels in both male and female subjects, by gathering sweat, capillary and venous blood samples of the participants. Males were instructed to cycle for a total of 75 minutes at a workload of 60% of VO2peak W, breaking at the 45 minute mark to collect venous and capillary samples. Females cycled for 60 minutes of a workload 60% of their VO2peak. Sweat and venous samples were collected at 20 minutes and the conclusion of exercise. The experimenters were hoping that since HIIT has the ability to produce elevated amounts of IL 6 circulating in the blood, it would be detectable in all 3 measurements. However, concentration of IL 6 were undetectable in the sweat samples collected. Venous and capillary blood samples did show significant increases in their concentrations. A higher level was noted before the start of exercise, but was linked to the under vasodilated venous vessels. IL 6 continued to increase in both samples following the cycling exercise conducted by males. The study did not specifically if there were any gender differences or if that played a role, if at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Research Paper On Jerry Sandusky Sexual Abuse is unwanted sexual behavior by an individual using force, threats or any other violent acts. Many sexual abuse victims do not report to authorities. Children are the most vulnerable involving sexual abuse before the age of seventeen. Sexual abuse makes many individuals nauseous about the topic and they refuse to bring it up. In fact, it scars the people who have suffered from it for the rest of their lives. Most sexual abusers are men that the victim is very close with or in fact, looks up to them. Penn State University Football team coaching staff and others were involved in a scandal investigation back in 2012. Jerry Sandusky was an assistant coach and defensive coordinator for the Penn State Football team. Sandusky was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Honesty means to be truthful in any circumstance and all the people involved or even knew about the scandal was not honest at all and lied when they were asked about any question regarding the situation. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens someone to do an action and only the grad assistant had the courage to bring the situation to the light and the people higher up decided to keep it low and it turned out bad for them. Temperance is the moderation of physical pleasures, especially those associated with eating, drinking, and sex. Sandusky didn t moderate his physical pleasure and decided to get his physical pleasure from children and not the women he was married. Justice is to be fair to all stakeholders, and it also includes hard work, good ideas, and fair practices. Sandusky was not fair for putting his fellow co workers and university in that situation. My opinion on the Penn State scandal I think everyone involved keeps trying to take the easy way out and deciding to keep it low and out of the light. I applaud the grad assistant trying to stand up for the children and bringing the situation to a person higher up in power. If they would have brought many jobs wouldn t have been lost, the university wouldn t have had to pay the big fine and Paterno wouldn t have lost many of his accomplishments and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Speech On Lemon Water Talking about refreshments a single drink that s liked by every person is lemon water. Nearly every person has loving childhood mementos of ingesting lemon water. The fairly sweet as well as nasty flavouring of the natural drink staves off being thirsty and fulfils the palette of everybody. Apart from the flavour this natural beverage is stated to turn into beneficial for a folk s well being too. This is actually a number of a couple of the rewards of lemon water. The first of all gain of drinking lemon water is it helps present a terrific skin. Lemon water is in the best of region of nutrition that s proven to fortify the well being of skin therefore furnishing a correct glow and smoothness into the skin. Furthermore it might aid eliminate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Simply because the digestive tract performs remarkably as it maintains troubles like problems away. It s proposed to organize this beverage making use of lukewarm water if you d like to sustain a check mark on continual bowel irregularity difficulty. Weight reduction is an extra region exactly where this straightforward beverage could possibly be of considerable aid. Only a cup filled with lemon water everyday can assist you to remove undesirable weight. Lemon established reality to possess body fat burning characteristics and may possibly help in weight reduction. Supplement this having a particular time of acceptable physical exercise and you are just particular to accomplish remarkable outcomes. One more benefit of this natural drink is it assists bring lower the cholesterol levels in our bodies. One considerable element of lemon is said to offer marvelous final outcomes in decreasing bad cholesterol normally. Consuming lemon water to get rid of weight is truly powerful and also the further rewards genuinely are an increase towards the defence systems along with the digestive system and it is also considered that drinking lemon water to reduce weight may well also decrease the appearance of lumpy skin by stimulating the steady stream of bloodstream on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Concerning The Bodyguard Essay A bodyguard has the distinct purpose to provide security, to guard, and to protect. A bodyguard must be vigilant at all times, even when there does not appear to be a need for security. When a bodyguard is protecting a person his principal everything around the principal becomes a potential threat, including the bodyguard himself. This is what Donald Barthelme depicts so seamlessly in his story Concerning the Bodyguard with a surplus of questions. Through this story told as a questionnaire, Barthelme allows doubt to soak into every question and every word, creating an atmosphere of suspense and obscurity. This effective writing style, portrayed in how Donald Barthelme utilizes his questions from the viewpoint of the bodyguard, captures ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Donald Barthelme leaves all questions unanswered and the ending a mystery. Yet, with patience and personal interpretation, the reader can answer the questions and propose a solution for the conclusion. Without this type of layout, the significance of the champagne would not have been prominently known. The champagne symbolizes both celebration and death, and the questions surrounding it only enhance the champagne s meaning. This effective writing style provokes the reader to be attentive throughout the entire story so that they may attempt to answer the story s questions. One must think for oneself while also envisioning what the person asking the questions is thinking. The thrill and doubt the bodyguard feels transfers into the reader because of the question layout Barthelme uses for Concerning the Bodyguard. This creates unity between the reader, the narrator, and the writer, and that is a trait to be envied in all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Cyber Security And Cyber Warfare 87 Data subject to restrictions on cover and notice page. 8.0 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY FINAL REPORT 8.1 Summary 8.1.1 Motivation To address the increasing threats to national security coming from the cyber domain, military intelligence corps have recognized the need for officers trained in cyberspace 88 Data subject to restrictions on cover and notice page. counterterrorism techniques, technologies, and methods. These officers direct and conduct integrated electronic warfare, information technology, and cyberspace operations, as authorized or directed, to ensure freedom of action in and through cyberspace and the information environment, and to deny the same to our nation s adversaries. In support of the requirement for officers trained in cyber warfare techniques and technologies, the ROTC Cyber Research program provides cadets with opportunities to research and solve real world problems in cyber security and cyber counter terrorism. This first year pilot program research effort focused on the design and deployment of a covert communications network that can operate at the enemy s operational base and gather intelligence on enemy communications and activities. This effort is in support of the Year 1 Challenge Problem of the Cyber Spectrum Research and Technology Development Virtual Environment (CSpec DVE). The covert communications system design is optimal with regard to detection avoidance, information gathering and transmission, and power requirements. Covert methodologies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Reasons of Selecting Bank Muscat Sultan Qaboos University College of Commerce Economics Finance [pic] Individual Project Assignment [pic] Done by: Jameela Ali Al Hamhami ID : 23990 Contents Introduction 3 Executive Summary 3 Bank Muscat at Glance 4 Reasons of selecting Bank Muscat 5 The Analysis 6 Beat calculation 6 Comparison between risk and return in 2007 and 2008 7 Calculating WACC 8 Calculation of WACC on book value basis 9 Calculation of WACC on Market value basis 10 Conclusion 11 Introduction In my report as requested I picked one component of MSM30 Index sample. I have chosen to talk about Bank Muscat Share (BKMB) to analyze its performance ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mainly, because I my self interested to see the level of risk of this share and how it used to be compensated by a good return. Because I have some shares in this bank, so as any investor, I need to know the relationship between the two (risk and return). Along side with this personal reason there are such other reasons: 1. It is one of the big companies dominated the stock market in general and the MSM 30 index in particular. 2. In many cases it is considered to be the benchmark for the whole market. 3. It has the highest market capitalization since it form around 28% of the total index market capitalization as on 20/10/2008. 4. EPS equal to R.O 0.112 per share as recorded on third quarter of this year (30 Sept 2008). 5. Bank Muscat is a well known financial institution and one of the main competitors in banking industry. 6. From all aspects the share of Bank Muscat is one of the
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  • 23. Essay on Willy Russell s Our Day Out Willy Russell s Our Day Out Willy Russell has written many plays over the last thirty years, but there is one feature that is common to all of them: the issue of social and cultural background. This is the situation of the characters; their surroundings; their class; the society in which they are brought up, and the culture of that society. It is this that can lead to the behaviour, feelings, opinions and general outlook of the characters. Russell explores the effects that society and culture can have on people in all his plays, but in none is it so poignant as in Our Day Out , the story of what happens when Mrs Kay takes her Progress class out of inner city Liverpool on a school trip to Conwy Castle, Wales. Throughout ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The children also use slang words. For example, they refer to the Corporation as The Corpy , bonfire night as bommy night , and cigarettes as ciggies . In any society, the colloquial dialect is an essential part of the culture, and the use of it in Our Day Out forcefully conveys to the audience the essence of the background of these children. Symbolism plays a significant part in Our Day Out , because it gives Russell the opportunity to display how the children feel about their hopeless situations, without having to state it in the text or put it in the dialogue. This is important because the children don t necessarily know how they feel, or if they do they can t express it, so to put it in the dialogue would be inconsistent with their characters. If Russell had put it in the stage directions it would not be experienced to its full impact when people see the play on television or on the stage. Russell also probably didn t want to be so explicit; some things, such as the knowledge of the hopelessness of the children s situations and the destitution they are facing, are more poignant and affecting when implied through some form of symbolism rather than directly stated. The two most obvious symbols in the play are the analogies of the bear in the pit at the zoo and the goldfish in the bag Carol wins at the fair. In the first case the bear represents the children, and the pit represents Liverpool. The children are trapped in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Research Paper On Ipreo Eric Pan Matthew Wong, Ph.D FIN 4399 Internship Paper The institution that I have interned within the semester of spring 2015 is Ipreo. Ipreo is an international leader in providing market intelligence data and technology solutions to public and private companies, banks, and investors. Their products and services help their clients make better investment decisions with the proper tools and information. Ipreo is a growing company that is currently a division owned by Goldman Sachs and Blackstone and with over 800 employees and growing while their client base is increasing all over the world but I am located in the Lower Manhattan office next to Wall Street. Ipreo is a privately held company so financial information such as revenues and profits are undisclosed. Due to Ipreo s wide range of products and services, there are many competitors. Also, this is the reason why it has a competitive advantage. Ipreo s competitors are companies such as Advent Software, INDATA, and Copp Clark Limited. Some more notable top competitors are McGraw Hill Financial Inc, Bloomberg, and Dealogic LTD. With many companies and even larger institutions having similar products and services, Ipreo ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each division serves a different purpose. Capital Markets department focuses on equity, fixed income, municipal, and loans. Capital Market uses premier new issuance systems with data to enable clients to execute deals more efficiently that will increase and get more out of their time and money. New issuance software includes bookbuilding system, roadshows and conference management, and electronic document delivery. All the applications are web based so this provides clients with smooth access to important data. Also under capital markets, investor prospecting solutions provide the most accurate and comprehensive institutional contact and profiles within the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Absolutism Of King Louis XIV Essay Louis XIV, the ruler of France from the late seventeenth century to the early eighteenth century, claimed, I am the state. He considered this to be absolutism. His goal, also acquainted with absolutism, was, one king, one law, one faith; Furthermore, Louis wanted to promote religious unity, royal dignity, and security of the state. In order to achieve this goal, he had to rule with a firm hand, laying down the law for all to see. Louis XIV s absolutism fostered in four major parts: the building of Versailles to control the nobility, the breeding of a strong military, the improvement of France s economy, and, while quite harsh, the brutal extinction of religious toleration. After the occurrence of the Fronde, an open rebellion of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1685, Louis revoked the Edict of Nantes and put the Edict of Fontainebleau in its place. Because of this document, all religious toleration for Huguenots (previously allowed by the Edict of Nantes) was no longer allowed, leaving them with two options: convert to Catholicism or leave France. Through this law, Louis achieved national religious unity. In 1661 Louis appointed Jean Baptiste Colbert as controller general of finances. This proved to be very successful in adding to the increase of France s economy, and it helped Louis achieve his second goal of having one law. Colbert s ideas were similar to that of mercantilism. He insisted on having an economic system that would make France a self sufficient powerful country where they exported more than they imported. He improved France s economy through the invention of a merchant marine fleet, the support of industries, the control of tariffs on French goods, and the collection of taxes. All of these gained money for France, which led to the creation of a powerful army. Due to a powerful army, France was able to secure its natural frontiers, even in the North East, which was France s weakest natural border. While Louis claimed a flaw of his was that, I loved war too much, he was able to make a strong French presence in Europe, adding to his idea of one law. Louis XIV was successful in achieving one king, one law, one faith. He was able to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Corporate Diversification TYPES OF CORPORATE DIVERSIFICATION When a firm chooses to diversify, it faces a decision as to how related the new business(es) is(are) to the existing businesses of the firm. When Charles Bluhdorn was CEO of a company called Gulf+Western in the 1950s, he diversified into a host of industries: motion pictures (Paramount Pictures, the makers of The Godfather, Chinatown, and other movies), clothing, cigars, zinc mines, auto parts, and sugar, among others! In contrast, a company such as Cooper Industries is more careful in diversifying into related industries. Five types of diversification: Single business 160 Part II Dominant business Related constrained Related linked Unrelated Limited Corporate Diversification A ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Interestingly, conglomerates were very much in vogue in the 1960s and 1970s, as the earlier example of Gulf +Western points out. At one point, ITT owned 250 or more unrelated businesses! THE VALUE OF CORPORATE DIVERSIFICATION Strategic actions are aimed at creating value for the organization. Therefore, it is important to look at the value creation rationale of diversification. Diversification moves create value when: economies of scope exist among the multiple businesses in the organization, and exploiting these scope economies can be done more efficiently by the firm than by shareholders on their own. The general discussion on value creation in diversification sets the stage for the next important pasture for the instructor outlining the key elements of economies of scope. What are Valuable Economies of Scope? It is important to define economies of scope first and clarify what it means with the help of examples. Since scope economies are at the heart of successful diversification moves, its definition is vital. The concept of economies of scope and eight potential economies of scope a diversified firm might try to exploit. Economies of scope exist in a firm when the value of the products or services it sells increases as a function of the number of businesses that firm ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Descartes, Hume and Skepticism Essay Descartes, Hume and Skepticism Descartes is responsible for the skepticism that has been labeled Cartesian doubt. Hume critiques this skepticism in his Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. After his discussion of Cartesian doubt, he offers a different type of skepticism that he considers as being more effective philosophically. Is Hume right in his characterization of Cartesian doubt and is the skepticism he offers better? Descartes introduced the idea of universal doubt to philosophy. If there is even a slight case for doubting something, then it should be doubted. His skepticism was used to find a basis for knowledge and his aim was to establish truths. He relayed this universal doubt to all human understanding. Not only does it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cartesian doubt does not allow us to advance. We would be in a constant state of doubting. How would one lay a foundation of truths if it is possible to doubt all? No reasoning could ever bring us to a state of assurance and conviction upon any subject (Hume Section XII part 1). Hume does give some credit to this method of skepticism. It can be useful in philosophy when used reasonably. A degree of doubt should escort every person who reasons. This doubt gets rid of prejudices in judgments and helps rid closed mindedness brought about by education. It allows philosophy to be brought down to basic principles and gives a foundation to slowly build upon. This slow progress allows a review of thoughts and establishes sure steps to truths. Hume s skepticism is limiting but not as limiting as Cartesian doubt. Hume calls this mitigated skepticism. Another species of mitigated skepticism which may be of advantage to man kind is the limitation of our enquiries to such subjects as are best adapted to the narrow capacity of human understanding (Section XII part. 3). We should direct our focus and studies to experiences of everyday life and to common occurrences. Extraordinary or remote ideas and thoughts should be left to the imaginations of people of the arts. By looking at the natural powers of the mind one can find what should be the objects of enquiry and study. Hume writes that are two enquiries that man ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Christianity And Islam Comparison Christianity and Islam are surely different religions but foundationally some parts are the same. Where Christians and Muslims believe in an omnipotent being that is above all and that the holy scripture is a way of learning how to reach a happy afterlife, this is where the similarity blurs. The god in Christianity is a lover of all creatures that are on earth and has a relation to his followers and son (Jesus Christ) whereas Allah loves some and hate others who does not follow his will and does not have relations to anyone as this would be a blasphemous sin. This difference shifts over to the art aspects such as the sculptures, books, paintings and even decorative sketches on buildings. In my analysis of art, I will be analyzing the differences ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, Mosque have beautiful stained glass and patterns with geometry and calligraphy on the outside of the building. The first mosque with a minaret was established in 707 which is called the mosque of Madinah. A minaret as told by Ettinghausen was said to be from it the muezzin called the faithful to prayer at appointed times (Ettinghausen 21). The minaret was not around during Muhammad s time where he had to go on a rooftop to do a call to prayer 5 times a day, so when the minaret was established in the Islamic culture it became a symbol of Islamic presence. A minaret is a tall building so that everyone in that society could see it and hear the muezzin call. Something that seemed similar in mosques to early churches were the Corinthian order pillars that were common since this was a place to learn. Another thing I noticed was the utilization of certain shapes on the outside walls such as the circles which meant divine and in one picture there was a panel with one large circle and four smaller circles around it. The four circles could be a reference to the four holy books of Islam which are the Qu ran, Tawrat, Injil, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Advantages Of Urbanization In China The urbanization in China As Joseph E Stiglitz who won the Nobel economic prize said, Two forces will shape the 21st century: urbanisation in China and technological innovation in the US. Urbanization is such an important issue for China and the world. Research figures indicate the urbanization rate has grown to 45% from 13% since 1949 and the government estimates it will increase to 60% in 2030. Some researchers have shown urbanization in China was very successful and got many great accomplishments. On the other side, many other researchers also revealed critical opinions to what it has done in the past. They also worried about the future of urbanization in China. Through this report, This report will examine what benefits and disadvantages did urbanization process bring to China and How is the future of it. Q:Why did China keep focusing on urbanization as one of the top agenda items? So far, twenty five of the world s largest 100 cities are in China. After Chinese economic reform, those first 14 opening harbour cities and 4 special economic zones set great examples for other cities. With developing and growing of those cities and a big influx of investments from overseas investors, there were more and more occupation opportunities be required. Then people from counties and the countryside began to move to cities for better lives so that the manpower engine was formed which was based on the large population of China. Cheap and endless manpower helped cities developed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. how i learned to love football Essay Jesse Saunders Prof. Keith Bishop English 101 12/10/2013 How I Learned To Love Football Move Over Boys, Make Room In The Crease Sara Maratta and Felisa Rogers essay is the opposite of one another. Sara Maratta at the age of 14 developed a liking to sports, hockey was Marattas number one sport. Maratta knew hockey inside and out. Her favorite aspect of the sport was the fighting part. It drew her deeper into the sport. Maratta had a passion for the Blue Jackets team, and being her number one hobby whom she supported as a fan. Although women want to be heard in the sports world and want to participate in the games, it is still a man dominated sport. Men feel that the sports world is not for women. Since she was a little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rogers finished all her accounts and then dryed up, while her husband got laid off due to the economy. Rich Rogers, Felisas husband decided to take to take charge to help support his family. Rich worked three jobs and with minimal pay supported his family he was so stressed out and was worried that they would lose everything. Then things turned for the worse, the Roger s family suffered a tragedy the death of Richs mother, and their car crapped the bed. Felisas husband was in despair, they had rough times ahead of them. Whenever Rich would talk about football and Brett Favre Richs favorite player his face would light up and become happy even for the briefest of moments. Felisa saw this and never gave thought of richs emotional status before the hard times hit. Felisa saw the spark of happiness in Rich s face she started to listen and support her husbands love for football. Felisa found her voice as a wife through sports specially football, reconnecting her relationship with her husband. Felisa found out she liked it. Sara Maratta enters the world of hockey and by doing so discovers her strength as a woman and finds her voice. Maratta states this group did not and have not accepted me as a true enthusiast who has a real comprehension and love for what goes on in the crease. Why? Because I am a woman .(538 539) Women are finally being recognized in the world of sports. It is still a male dominate sport and women are still looked as sex objects, that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Personal Statement On Sexual Orientation In taking answering the questions to the Personal Autobiography on Sexual Orientation, I was able to reflect upon my life up to now as being a gay male from the Midwest. My first memories about really being exposed to sexual orientation would have to have been back in elementary school where sexual orientation was introduced by peers more or less as a name calling, playground name calling sort of thing I was introduced to sexual orientation in a negative way. In terms of my parents, I would say the messages from there were positive as my grandma has a brother who is gay and has been out since the 1980s, so they have gone through the process of acceptance of LGBTQ individuals. When I look at sexuality and my peers, I would say in middle and high school the messages were mixed. Negative messages were how LGBTQ individuals were treated if it was known they were of whichever letter in the alphabet, but also the negative messages came in the often heard usage of the word faggot to insult someone. To me, my peers then were exercising this idea of cultural destructiveness, or where they felt they (heterosexual) were the most superior sexual orientation compared to others. I would say the faculty at school when this would occur was more or less culturally blind, or they felt as though the sexual orientation of a student should not matter; however, I felt as though the faculty maybe didn t understand the struggles an LGBTQ person goes through and how painful hearing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Chicano Studies Quiz 1 QUIZ #1 NOTE: Be sure to answer each question in complete sentence. Be sure to proofread your answer for correctness in grammar, spelling, punctuation mark, etc. Your answer must be word processed, double spaced (repeat, double spaced), with 10 12 font size. Be sure to write your NAME and ID number in your paper. 1. Differentiate between: a. Ethics and Aesthetics Ethics constitutes the difference between right and wrong.Ethics are usually more broad and informal than laws, they are usually taught in ones childhood. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that emphasizes on the beautiful and the ugly. It can be defined as the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty. b. the rationalist and the empiricist (at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... to keep knocking at the door to get whatever kind of information you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Garveyism and Rastafarianism Essay Garveyism and Rastafarianism I. Introduction In the twentieth century, two movements have emerged out of Jamaica in protest of black oppression and slavery, both mental and physical. The first to evolve was Garveyism, founded by Marcus Garvey, and was born in the aftermath of the First World War. Rastafarianism was the second movement to emerge, lead by Leonard Howell during the depression years of the 1930 s. Garveyism and Rastafarianism are both resistance movements based on the same ideal: consciousness and essentialism of Africa and its descendants. The founding brethren of the Rastafari movement were Garveyites themselves, although not members of the Universal Negro Improvement Asscioation (UNIA), they agreed with and defended ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Garvey s aim was to recontextualize particular aspects of seeming irreconcilable systems of Marxism/Leninism, monarchism, and even of National Socialism for the African of Africa American experience (Zips, 224). Garvey did not feel restricted by established political ideologies, instead he felt free to pick out the best attributes of every government. Ultimately, Garveyism hoped to develop the African continent into a modern network of nations, modeling it after the United States and Western Europe (Lewis, 146). Garvey established the UNIA in Jamaica in the year 1914, two years later he left for the United States in order to gain more momentum for his movement and spread the African unity he had started in Jamaica. Before leaving Jamaica, Garvey made a prophecy of sorts to his followers: Look into Africa for the crowning of a black king. He shall be the Redeemer (Barrett, 67). From this prediction stems most of the discrepancy between Garveyites and Rastafarians, something I will discuss later in this paper. The four main themes that the Garvey movement was built upon were 1) Africa for Africans at home and abroad, 2) unity, 3) self reliance, and 4) retaining their black pride in the presence of whites (Chevannes, 95). Garvey brought this ideology with him to the United States where he founded an American branch of the UNIA in 1917 and furthered his initiatives ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Animal Vs Asian Elephants Asian elephants are a big mammal but let me tell you more about them and what makes them different from the other elephants. Asian elephants live in Nepal, India and Southeast Asia scrub forests and rainforests. Asian elephants have been around for over 55 million years elephants are very successful animals they found many different fossils and they have said over 300 species have walked the earth over a long period. Elephants eat roots, grasses, fruit, and bark. An adult elephant can consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single day. Elephants form deep family bonds and live in tight matriarchal family groups of related females called a herd. When a calf is born, it is raised and protected by the whole matriarchal herd. Female elephants live in a herd. Male elephants have very different social needs, males are driven out of the family group as they approach sexual maturity, males spend as much as 95% of their lives alone. When it comes to babies getting attacked by predators, the whole herd pitches in. After five years of rearing the young elephants, the mother gives birth to a new infant weaning the now adolescent calf at the same time. The subspecies of the elephants are African and Asian. In Africa there is two different species the African bush elephant, and the African forest elephant. In Asia they just have the Asian elephant. In the early times of 2000 b.c. elephants because of the size they were they helped building. Many experts believe that the mammoth which is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. James Brown Monument Dbq In today s society, we try to remember every little thing that happens, from the first day of school to the graduation of college. One of the ways we try to remember things is through photos. However, photos and just natural memory are not enough. In our lives extraordinary events are done by extraordinary people, and tragedies strike our nation. Those people and events deserve to get recognized by more than a simple photo or a hazy memory. The process that is used to select a memorial are proper place, sensitivity of memorial, materials used, and the design itself. A major question to ask is if the monument is being put in the proper place. Would you want a statue of George Washington in the middle of a Native American Reserve? I think not. Having the proper place is essential to making sure that the person/event is being respected properly. A great example of this is the James Brown Statue that is located in downtown Augusta. It is placed in the walkway that is breaks up Broad Street. As far as the statue being in Augusta that is the proper ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sensitivity affects how people feel and view memorials, and it is chanced upon in some cases what is politically correct. An example of this the Savannah Memorial Park which dedicated to pioneers. Many feel as though it brings bad luck (Source D). This is a superb example because the whole reason they wanted to get rid of it is purely based on how they feel, and there appears to be no other apparent reason. Another example is Mount Rushmore, yes the great Mount Rushmore. Before Mount Rushmore, that land belonged to the Sioux (Native Americans). They were driven from their land. That mountain is considered sacred and holy to them. The American people have just defaced the property that initially belonged to them. How do you think they felt? They would be extremely hurt not only from having to leave their land, but also an import at part of their culture was destroyed (Source ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Dominance And Development Of Conflict Management Styles Dominating Style in Conflict Resolution Graham Jackson LSAL 3133 301 Introduction Thesis Statement I believe that there is a link between childhood experiences and the development of conflict management styles, arguing that the exposures to family conflict resolution plays a great role in determining the development of the dominating conflict resolution style. Conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction. However, the way people deal with conflict is largely linked with the outcome of the conflict resolution. Many studies have been conducted to analyze the different styles of conflict management and resolution as Tou, Baker, Hadden and Lin (2015) write. Consequently, the increasing amount of research conducted on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By far, the integrative approach is the best style of conflict management as it envisages a high level of concern for both the conflict manager and the conflicting parties. The compromising style of conflict management is characterized by the moderate concern for both the conflicting parties and the conflict resolver. In other instances, the conflict manager exhibits low concern for self while having high concern for others. For this reason the conflict management style is often referred to as obliging. Even more, there are instances when the conflict manager chooses to adopt the avoiding style of conflict. In this style, there is low concern for both self and others. Missing in the above overview of the conflict management styles is the dominating style, which is discussed in this study. Hopeck, Desrayaud, Harrison and Hatten (2014) defined conflict resolution as a process that should be geared towards having a solution that suits all the parties involved in the conflict. The author outlined how solution oriented conflict resolution style provides more positive outcomes in comparison to the other styles of conflict management The dominating style of conflict management is one that Cai and Fink (2002) linked to frustration. In the authors explanation, it is natural for people to default to the dominating conflict ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. How Important Was The Role Of Lafayette In Leaving Home On the 15th July Lafayette was appointed leader of the National Guard, which was an armed guard with the role of protecting Paris from foreign threats along with maintaining order in the city. It was from this position that Lafayette came to notice in the revolution as he now was in a position on power. Lafayette faced difficulty as leader of the National Guard as on the 15th October 1789 a large crowd of mostly women marched to Versailles in response to food shortages. The crowd gathered outside the palace and as Louis refused to move to Paris, the crowd broke into the palace. Lafayette intervened in the situation and escorted the royal family to the balcony of the palace. As the unpopular Marie Antoinette appeared on the balcony large roars ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Anne T. Donahue s Nine Cinderella Stories You Might Not Know Cinderella For centuries children have been familiar with fairy tales. The fantasy of the fairy tales allows children to have an imagination. Children gain their imagination from these stories, based off of the characters and the adventures they go on. One particular fairy tale that many children enjoy, is Cinderella. According to Anne T. Donahue s article 9 Cinderella Stories You Might Not Know which was published in the March 13, 2015 Refinery29, Cinderella has come a long way from its origins as a tale about persecution and the dangers of systemic oppression. Dating back to the first century, what was once a story about a Greek slave girl becoming an Egyptian queen has evolved into something much more magical, romantic, and ultimately ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Lawyer Memo The purpose of this memorandum is to go into detail about the legal career path of being a lawyer. Within this memo, you will find information regarding the preparation for a career as a lawyer, such as the necessary degrees and skills, as well as information on the general outlook for this job, such as expect salary, and where most of the jobs in this field are located. Finally, the memorandum will discuss how occupational research for being an attorney helped tailor my resume and cover letter to specific job postings in the field. Preparation and Skills In order to become a lawyer, there is three key components to past first: obtaining a bachelor s degree, attending an accredited law school, and passing the bar exam. Beginning with a bachelor s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I pulled out highlights, which included mentioning that I was the Senior Administrator, meaning I was a leader among the other administrators, and discussing the tasks I ve had that highlight both my legal education and my administrative skills. The job description also preferred someone that had knowledge and experience of Westlaw and LexisNexis, two highly used search engines for law related materials. Since I do have experience using both, I made sure to highlight that on my resume, as well as mention it in my cover letter. Before this, I did not list my experience with the search engines, so I learned the importance of having it on there for future reference. The job also wants individuals to be able to assist in preparing and reviewing legal documents. I highlighted this by discussing my internship, where I spent roughly 32 hours a week preparing legal documents, and reviewing legal standards, and mentioned how I tutor on campus. The qualifications discussed wanting someone with strong proofreading and formatting skills so I wanted to be sure I mentioned in my resume how I tutor both in my major, which reinforces I have remembered what I have learned over the years in my major and can apply it, and in English, which helps reinforce my skills in proofreading, and my general writing skills overall. Overall, after researching the company s values, and comparing that to the job description I was applying for, I was able to better tailor my resume and cover letter to help me stand out as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Propaganda During The Great War The Great War was not only fought with tanks, U boats, and trench warfare, but it was a war of propaganda. Propaganda from both sides was used throughout the Great War to help try and shape the opinions of each embattled nation. This total war did not just require innovative weapons, but also innovative and at times even deceptive propaganda. The British, Germans and United States governments specifically, invested a lot of resources into propaganda as a way to increase recruitment numbers, build international support, and instill a sense of confidence in what was the Great War. Countries had to not just focus their efforts on getting people from their own country to support them, but also neutral countries, as well as having to focus on the enemies by use of atrocity propaganda. In turn, this led to governments tampering with the human will, and even using deceit, all in an effort to help solidify their sides victory. In turn, propaganda played a vital role in the Great War and additionally created an everlasting influence on both war and media in the world today. Unlike previous wars, this war required not just millions of men to serve their own countries, but it required the support of all civilians to help play a role in the war efforts. M.L Saunders stated During the war, sections of the community which has previously remained uninvolved in the exigencies of national survival had found themselves directly affected by events at the front line. Life changed for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Blue Yeti Milk Research Paper Meet the USB Microphone Blue Microphones Yeti USB Microphone Silver Edition! This Blue Yeti USB Microphone will make you reminiscent of that good old, classic microphone with its retro based theme of shiny metal grilles and silver, chrome toned frame. With its carefully crafted design, it is quick and easy to adjust, with the help of a set of knobs to secure it in place, to suit your desired microphone angle that aids in improving and optimizing sound quality. And for convenience, you can just fold it down when travelling and you can completely remove the microphone from its base for ground recordings or mounting in a mic stand. It is a side address microphone so it is perfectly used when you are face to face with it. The Blue Yeti USB ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Catcher in the Rye and 6 Degrees of Separation Essay The human condition is as far from reason and judgement as anything can be, it is what we have tried to explain for centuries and it is still a confusing maze we attempt and pretend to understand. Holden from The Catcher in the Rye and Paul from Six degrees of Separations help to explore the workings of the human condition, both boys are conflicted with their lives and have difficulty fitting into their society. However these two texts do put the boys in different positions in life, Holden has what Paul desires but it does not give him the love and care he unknowingly needs. Paul takes on roles that disguise his own traits and turns him into what he believes to be a person nobody can say no to. When he takes on these roles, he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is evident with his underlying yearning for JaneGallagher but is too afraid to make any connection with her. Holden revels his isolation calling anyone with self worth a phonie but in the end he is the biggest phonie of them all. The book the Catcher in the Rye appealed to young people everywhere, who felt pressured about growing up and living by society s rules, and to disengage from meaningful human connection. The realease of this book created a wave of disagreement and contreversy but many saw this book as a symbol of cultural oppression. The movie six degrees of separation also explored the consequence of alienation as a form of self protection, Paul is a gay black man living on the streets of New York with very little money, it is implied that his life may not have been filled with wealth and opportunity. He yearns for a life that will provide him with comfort and stability, he enters peoples houses and surrounds himself with what they have and for a moment he is able to pretend that what they have belongs to him. Paul creates a new identity for himself as a son of sydney Poitier as that is the only way that the rich would open their doors to a stranger and allow him into their lavish apartments. However his deceptive personality cannot be sustained, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. How Does Alison Bechdel Use Allusions In Fun Home In the creatively illustrated novel Fun Home by Alison Bechdel has many references to different works of literature that are used to explain and relate to her experiences throughout the novel. It seems to be that the main character Alison and her family would rather live in a world of literature than their current world. Alison uses multiple allusions of different literatures in her novel, the reason she uses all of these literary references is to explain to us that the people in her life including herself do not want to be in their world. The noticeable uses of literature in the novel are the chapters which are all names taken from different works of literature. Authors such as James Joyce, Albert Camus, Henry James, along with myths such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An example of this is when she tells us that she feels as if her father Bruce cares more about little things in his life more than his family, like the house renovations. Alison even says I grew to resent the way my father treated his furniture like children, and his children like furniture (Bechdel, p.14) to describe to us how she thinks her father is viewing her family, as if they are all just apart of the house. Alison also likes to compare people and places in her life to things in literature. Alison relates her father to many different characters, such as the novel The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, due to Bruce s love for the character Gatsby. Alison even tells us that he has started to act and even looks like Gatsby (Bechdel, p.g.64). Alison also describes her surroundings in the view of literary places. The Chapter The Canary Colored Caravan is also a literary reference to Kenneth Grahame s The Wind In The Willows a book her and her father used to read. Alison s setting of her hometown called Beech Creek is somewhat similar to The Wild Woods in Grahame s novel. Along with how the animals never leave there, much like Bruce. So the author is almost literally describing her town in the form of a different world, a place that she might wish to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Analysis Of Me Talk Pretty One Day By David Sedaris In the article, Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris (1999), the author describes what it was like learning French while living in France. Sedaris moved to Paris in order to learn the language and immerse himself into the culture. He thought this would make learning the language easier. During his time in France, Sedaris experienced intimidation, abuse, and joy. Learning a foreign language as an adult is difficult because of the feeling of intimidation by younger classmates, a hostile learning environment presented by the teacher, and an inherent cognitive disadvantage. On the first day of class, after he was done checking in, he sat down to observe his classmates returning from their summer vacations. Initially, he walked in full of confidence and his head held high. However, that quickly changed when he heard his classmates speak French, and the feeling of intimidation washed over him like waves hitting the beach, at my age, a reasonable person should have completed his sentence in the prison of the nervous and insecure . . . my fears have not vanished, rather, they have multiplied with age (Sedaris, 1999, 1). For being a forty one year old man, he thought these feelings of insecurity and fear in the classroom would have ended long ago. If he thought things could not get worse, he was mistaken. The teacher walked in, rattled off commands to the class, and then asked them to recite the alphabet. In that moment, he knew he was in trouble, I ve spent time in Normandy, and I took a monthlong French class in New York. I am not completely in the dark, yet I only understood half of what she said (Sedaris, 1999, 1) and, despite the exposure he already had, he was still unable to understand everything the teacher was saying. Properly learning and grasping a new language requires support and the proper learning environment from the teacher. However, it did not take long for David to learn that his teacher was verbally abusive, among other negative things. Unfortunately, this realization also came on the first day of class. She spoke to the class in a condescending tone, and insulted each student s ability to speak the language. One day, as she was humiliating David in front of the entire class, she said ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...