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                A Shared Digital Repository

HathiTrust: Aspiring to Build
   the Universal Library
             UKSG Annual Conference
                March 26-28, 2012
      Jeremy York, Project Librarian, HathiTrust
Arizona State University     North Carolina State        University of Connecticut
Baylor University                 University             University of Florida
Boston College               Northwestern University     University of Illinois
Boston University            The Ohio State University   University of Illinois at Chicago
California Digital Library   The Pennsylvania State      The University of Iowa
Columbia University               University
                             Princeton University        University of Maryland
Cornell University
                             Purdue University           University of Miami
Dartmouth College
Duke University              Stanford University         University of Michigan
Emory University             Texas A&M University        University of Minnesota
Florida State University     Universidad Complutense     University of Missouri
Getty Research Institute          de Madrid              University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Harvard University Library   University of Arizona       The University of North
Indiana University           University of Calgary             Carolina at Chapel Hill
Johns Hopkins University     University of California    University of Notre Dame
Lafayette College                 Berkeley
                                  Davis                  University of Pennsylvania
Library of Congress
                                  Irvine                 University of Pittsburgh
Massachusetts Institute of
     Technology                   Los Angeles            University of Utah
McGill University`                Merced                 University of Virginia
Michigan State University         Riverside              University of Washington
New York Public Library           San Diego              University of Wisconsin-
New York University               San Francisco                Madison
North Carolina Central            Santa Barbara          Utah State University
     University                   Santa Cruz
                                                         Washington University
                             The University of Chicago
                                                         Yale University Library
Digital Repository
• Launched 2008
• Initial focus on digitized book and journal
  – 10,109,919 total volumes
  – 5,372,755 book titles
  – 266,540 serial titles
  – 2,802,347 public domain (~28%)
The Name
• The meaning behind the name
  – Hathi (hah-tee)--Hindi for elephant
  – Big, strong
  – Never forgets, wise
  – Secure
  – Trustworthy
• To contribute to the common good by collecting,
  organizing, preserving, communicating, and
  sharing the record of human knowledge

     Universal Library

      Common Goal

Single Entity, Many Partners
Collections and Collaboration
• Comprehensive collection
  - Preservation…with Access
• Shared strategies
  –   Copyright
  –   Collection management, development
  –   Preservation
  –   Discovery / Use
  –   Bibliographic Indeterminacy
  –   Efficient user services
• Public Good
Content Distribution
                                                  U.S. Federal
72%   "Public Domain"   Public Domain             (US)
            28%          (worldwide)              10%

                                                     Open Access
                                        Creative Commons
Content Sources
                       LC     Minnesota
                      1%          1%
                                              Yale UNC-Chapel Hill
                  Harvard    Madrid                        0%
                                     Virginia 0% Utah State
      Indiana       1%        1%
                                       0%             0%       Chicago
         2%                                              NCSU    0%
                     Columbia       NorthwesternDuke
                        1%                         0%     0%
        Princeton                         0% Illinois
                                                        Purdue     Penn State
            3%                                  0%
                NYPL                                      0%           0%
        Cornell 3%
Wisconsin 4%
   5%                                                    Michigan

1330 mon katrine york
                      1800-1849                      0%
          1900-1909                   0%
             4%                                0-1500   2000-2009
                      1850-1899                  0%        10%
                         8%        1%
          4%                                                  1990-1999
   4%                                                            14%
          4%                                            1980-1989
       1940-1949            1960-1969       1970-1979
          4%                   11%             13%
Language Distribution (1)
                                           The top 10 languages make up
                      Remaining            ~86% of all content
       Arabic   Latin    14%
Italian 2%       1%
  3% Japanese
          3%                                      English
Russian                                            48%

Language Distribution (2)
       Bulgarian ArmenianAncient-Greek
                                     Panjabi Catalan      Malayalam
          1%        1%
                              1%       1%      1%            1%
                                                                  Multiple        The next 40
 Sanskrit                                                           1%
   2% Ukrainian Serbian Marathi          Malay                Undetermined
                                                                                  languages make
             1%       1%Romanian Telugu 1%
                             1%                     Finnish        7%             up ~13% of total
      Vietnamese Greek 1%            1%               1%1%            Polish
   Hungarian          1%                                               7%
      2%                                                                      Portuguese
        Norwegian                                                          Dutch 7%
            2%                                                               5%

Bengali    Tamil
  2%                                                                     Hebrew
  Persian                                                           Hindi
    2%                                                               5%
         Unknown Czech
           3%        3%     Thai                             Korean
                                   Turkish Urdu                           4%
                Danish       3%                      Swedish   4%
Croatian                             3%     3%
                 3%                                    3%
Preservation with Access
• Cost effective preservation and access services
• Preservation
  – TRAC-certified
  – Robust infrastructure
  – Long-term commitments on digital content
    facilitate planning, decision-making
Executive Committee
                                                 Strategic Advisory Board
Budget/Finances Decision-making
                                           Guidance on Policy, Planning
                        Collective Work: Working
                        Groups and Committees

          Operational                           Strategic
          •• Communications
             Communications                     • Collections
          •• User Support
             User Support                       • Discovery Interface
          •• User Experience
             User Experience                    • Full-text Search

                             Distributed work

       • Driven by needs of institutions
       • Leverage across the partnership
       • Projects, Grant Work, Ingest
         Specifications, PageTurner, Bibliographic Data Management

                          Enterprise           Repository               Repository               Rights                                     Collection
  Governance                                                                                                             Data
                         Management           Administration           Administration          Management                                  Development
                            Communication                                Data management                                                    Digital
    Budget, Finances                                 Hardware                                       Copyright         Entity description
                           and Coordination                                   (content                                                      • Expansion beyond
                                                  configuration and                               determination         (record-level)
                             with partner                                storage, backup, in                                                  books and journals
                              institutions          maintenance                                                                               (born-
    Decision-making                                                            tegrity                                                        digital, images and
                                                                          checks, deletion)                                 Object            maps, audio)
                               Project                                                           Copyright review       identification      • Selection of
         Policy              management               Web and                                                            (item-level)         content (for non-
                                                  application server                                                                          Google volume
                                                  configuration and      Hardware selection                                                   ingest and pilots
                                                                                                    Copyright                                 projects)
                                                    maintenance           and replacement         information          Data availability
                                                                                                  management                                Print
                                                                                                   (database)                               • Cloud Library (effect
                                                       Security                                                                               of digital on print)
                                                                             Content and
                                                                            specifications         Rightsholder
                                                                          Disaster Recovery

                                                                           Processes for
                                                                          ensuring content

e-Commerce             Content Ingest         Content Access                                   User Services           Outreach                       Legal

                           Transformation          PageTurner             Quality Review                                                            Risk management
  Print on Demand                                                                                    Usability           Project website            (use of materials)

                             Validation         Collection Builder            Content              User support                                         Partner
                                                                            Certification                                   Monthly                   agreements

                                                Large-scale Search                                                                                      Advocacy
                                                                                                                           Papers and
     Financial                                                                                                            presentations

     contributions                               Research Center
                                                                        HathiTrust Functional                            Communication
     of partners
                                                                            Framework                                     with potential
                                                                                                                        Surveys, general
                                                       APIs                                                                 inquiries

                                                                                                                         evaluation and
                                                                                                                       (e.g., DRAMBORA,
Constitutional Convention
•   October 2011
•   52 partners
•   3-year review overseen by SAB
•   Ballot Proposals
    – Print monograph storage
    – Approval Process for development initiatives
    – U.S. Government Documents
    – Fee-for-service content deposit
    – Governance
Emerging Governance
• 12-member Board of Governors
  – 3-member Executive Committee
  – Executive Director
• 6 seats to founding institutions
  – 2 California, 2 CIC (minus Indiana and Michigan)
  – 1 Indiana, 1 Michigan
• Voting (March 1 – March 15)
• Announcement of Results March 30
• Begin work April 16, 2012
Preservation with Access
• Cost effective preservation and access services
• Preservation
  – TRAC-certified
  – Robust infrastructure
  – Long-term commitments on digital content
    facilitate planning, decision-making
Preservation with Access (2)
• Discovery
  – Bibliographic and full-text search of all materials
  – Extended discovery (ProQuest, EBSCO, OCLC, Ex
  – Mechanisms for local loading of records
1330 mon katrine york
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Preservation with Access (3)
• Access and Use
  – Public domain and open access works
  – Full download of materials where possible*
  – Print on demand
  – Collections and APIs
  – Research Center*
  – Lawful uses of in-copyright works*
Lawful uses
• Access to users who have print disabilities
• Section 108 uses of materials
• Access to orphan works
Terms of Access
• Available to students, faculty, staff of
  partnering institutions
  – On library premises or authenticated into
• Partner libraries own a print copy
  – One simultaneous user per print copy owned
• Users must be on U.S. soil
• One page at a time download
How do we facilitate uses?
• Fundamental issues of
  – Identification
  – Description
  – Rights
• Collective problems as collective
• Web of relationships                   Rights

       Records                     Digital

                 Libraries            Print Volumes
Bibliographic Data
• Normalization of bibliographic data
  – University of Michigan
     • Efficiency
  – California Digital Library
• Bibliographic metadata
• Automatic and manual rights determination
Automatic Rights Determination
• Conducted on all works at time of ingest and
  when records are modified
  – Public domain worldwide
     • US works published before 1923, US federal
       government publications, non-US works published prior
       to 1872
  – Public domain in the United States
     • Non-US works published prior to 1923
Manual Rights Determination
• IMLS-funded CRMS project
  – US-published works 1923-1963
  – Conformance with formalities
  – Expanding to non-US works
  – Double-blind review with expert review for conflicts
  – Staff at 4 HathiTrust partner institutions (15 will take
    part in non-US)
  – As of February 2012 ~190,000 reviewed, more than
    100,000 opened
• Rights Holder Permissions
Breakdown of HathiTrust book corpus by publication date

Bibliographic Indeterminacy and the Scale of Problems and Opportunities of "Rights" in Digital Collection Building – 2/2011
Breakdown of HathiTrust book corpus by publication date
Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works
published 1923-1963
Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works
published 1923-1963

                                               Pre-1872 ~ 5%
Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works
published 1923-1963

                                               Pre-1872 ~ 5%
                           Public Domain in
                           the US
Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works
    published 1923-1963


                                                   Pre-1872 ~ 5%
                               Public Domain in
                               the US
Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works
published 1923-1963
Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works
             published 1923-1963

In Print ?
Collection Management, Development
• Overlap
A global change in the library environment

                                       Academic print book collection already substantially
                                       duplicated in mass digitized book corpus
                                                                                         June 2010
% of Titles in Local Collection

        40%                                                                              Median duplication: 31%



        10%                                                                              June 2009
                                                                                         Median duplication: 19%

                                  0        20        40             60              80         100           120

                                                     Rank in 2008 ARL Investment Index
Digitized Books in Shared Repositories
                                                                                                                      ~3.5M titles

                               ~75% of mass digitized corpus is ‘backed up’ in one
                               or more shared print repositories
                3,000,000                                                                                                         ~2.5M

Unique Titles





                            Sep-09     Oct-09     Nov-09     Dec-09      Jan-10   Feb-10     Mar-10     Apr-10    May-10      Jun-10

                      Mass digitized books in Hathi digital repository        Mass digitized books in shared print repositories
Collection Management, Development
• Overlap
  – More than 50% median overlap with ARL
    institutions; higher for small liberal arts colleges
• Pricing model based on Print holdings
  – Requires print holdings database
  – Also support expansion of legal uses, efforts in de-
  – Facilitate individual and collaborative collection
    development and management operations
• Print monographs archiving
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Collection Management, Development
• Discovery (OCLC)
• Collections Committee
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Comprehensive Picture
• “Definitional Issues”
   – Identification, Description, Rights
• Discovery and Use
   – Finding
   – Relating (APIs and integration)
   – Using (Reading, Computational activities)
• Collection management, development
• Preservation infrastructure
   – Digital and Print
   – Relationships
Work going forward
• Definitional elements
• Print archiving, management
• Discovery and use
    – Lawful uses
•   Research Center
•   Quality
•   Government documents
•   Beyond books and journals
•   Publishing
•   Transitioning to next phase of partnership
How to find out more
• Web site “About” section
   • http://www.hathitrust.org/about
• HathiTrust Research Center
   • http://www.hathitrust.org/htrc
• Twitter
   • http://twitter.com/hathitrust
• Monthly newsletter
   • http://www.hathitrust.org/updates
   • RSS: http://www.hathitrust.org/updates_rss
• Contact us: feedback@issues.hathitrust.org
• Blogs: http://www.hathitrust.org/blogs
   • Large-scale search
   • Perspectives from HathiTrust
Thank you very much!

More Related Content

1330 mon katrine york

  • 1. HATHITRUST A Shared Digital Repository HathiTrust: Aspiring to Build the Universal Library UKSG Annual Conference March 26-28, 2012 Jeremy York, Project Librarian, HathiTrust
  • 2. Partnership Arizona State University North Carolina State University of Connecticut Baylor University University University of Florida Boston College Northwestern University University of Illinois Boston University The Ohio State University University of Illinois at Chicago California Digital Library The Pennsylvania State The University of Iowa Columbia University University Princeton University University of Maryland Cornell University Purdue University University of Miami Dartmouth College Duke University Stanford University University of Michigan Emory University Texas A&M University University of Minnesota Florida State University Universidad Complutense University of Missouri Getty Research Institute de Madrid University of Nebraska-Lincoln Harvard University Library University of Arizona The University of North Indiana University University of Calgary Carolina at Chapel Hill Johns Hopkins University University of California University of Notre Dame Lafayette College Berkeley Davis University of Pennsylvania Library of Congress Irvine University of Pittsburgh Massachusetts Institute of Technology Los Angeles University of Utah McGill University` Merced University of Virginia Michigan State University Riverside University of Washington New York Public Library San Diego University of Wisconsin- New York University San Francisco Madison North Carolina Central Santa Barbara Utah State University University Santa Cruz Washington University The University of Chicago Yale University Library
  • 3. Digital Repository • Launched 2008 • Initial focus on digitized book and journal content – 10,109,919 total volumes – 5,372,755 book titles – 266,540 serial titles – 2,802,347 public domain (~28%)
  • 4. The Name • The meaning behind the name – Hathi (hah-tee)--Hindi for elephant – Big, strong – Never forgets, wise – Secure – Trustworthy
  • 5. Mission • To contribute to the common good by collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating, and sharing the record of human knowledge
  • 6. HathiTrust Universal Library Common Goal Single Entity, Many Partners
  • 7. Collections and Collaboration • Comprehensive collection - Preservation…with Access • Shared strategies – Copyright – Collection management, development – Preservation – Discovery / Use – Bibliographic Indeterminacy – Efficient user services • Public Good
  • 8. Content Distribution U.S. Federal Government Documents (worldwide) 4% Public Domain 72% "Public Domain" Public Domain (US) 28% (worldwide) 10% 14% Open Access .1% Creative Commons .01%
  • 9. Content Sources LC Minnesota 1% 1% Yale UNC-Chapel Hill Harvard Madrid 0% Virginia 0% Utah State Indiana 1% 1% 0% 0% Chicago 2% NCSU 0% Columbia NorthwesternDuke 1% 0% 0% Princeton 0% Illinois Purdue Penn State 3% 0% NYPL 0% 0% Cornell 3% Wisconsin 4% 5% Michigan 45% California 33%
  • 11. Dates 1500-1599 1600-1699 1800-1849 0% 1900-1909 0% 3% 4% 0-1500 2000-2009 1700-1799 1850-1899 0% 10% 8% 1% 1910-1919 4% 1990-1999 1920-1929 4% 14% 1930-1939 4% 1980-1989 15% 1940-1949 1960-1969 1970-1979 4% 11% 13% 1950-1959 6%
  • 12. Language Distribution (1) The top 10 languages make up Remaining ~86% of all content Languages Arabic Latin 14% Italian 2% 1% 3% Japanese 3% English Russian 48% 4% Chinese German 4% 9% Spanish 5% French 7%
  • 13. Language Distribution (2) Bulgarian ArmenianAncient-Greek Panjabi Catalan Malayalam 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Multiple The next 40 Sanskrit 1% 2% Ukrainian Serbian Marathi Malay Undetermined languages make 1% 1%Romanian Telugu 1% 1% Finnish 7% up ~13% of total Slovak Vietnamese Greek 1% 1% 1%1% Polish Hungarian 1% 7% 1% 2% Portuguese Norwegian Dutch 7% 2% 5% Music 2% Bengali Tamil 2% Hebrew 2% 5% Persian Hindi 2% 5% Unknown Czech Indonesian 3% 3% Thai Korean Turkish Urdu 4% Danish 3% Swedish 4% Croatian 3% 3% 3% 3% 2%
  • 14. Preservation with Access • Cost effective preservation and access services • Preservation – TRAC-certified – Robust infrastructure – Long-term commitments on digital content facilitate planning, decision-making
  • 15. Executive Committee Strategic Advisory Board Budget/Finances Decision-making Guidance on Policy, Planning Collective Work: Working Groups and Committees Operational Operational Strategic •• Communications Communications • Collections •• User Support User Support • Discovery Interface •• User Experience User Experience • Full-text Search Distributed work • Driven by needs of institutions • Leverage across the partnership • Projects, Grant Work, Ingest Specifications, PageTurner, Bibliographic Data Management HathiTrust
  • 16. Bibliographic Enterprise Repository Repository Rights Collection Governance Data Management Administration Administration Management Development Management Communication Data management Digital Budget, Finances Hardware Copyright Entity description and Coordination (content • Expansion beyond configuration and determination (record-level) with partner storage, backup, in books and journals institutions maintenance (born- Decision-making tegrity digital, images and checks, deletion) Object maps, audio) Project Copyright review identification • Selection of Policy management Web and (item-level) content (for non- application server Google volume configuration and Hardware selection ingest and pilots Copyright projects) maintenance and replacement information Data availability Planning management Print (database) • Cloud Library (effect Security of digital on print) Content and Metadata specifications Rightsholder permissions Permissions Disaster Recovery Logging Processes for ensuring content integrity Quality e-Commerce Content Ingest Content Access User Services Outreach Legal Assurance Transformation PageTurner Quality Review Risk management Print on Demand Usability Project website (use of materials) Validation Collection Builder Content User support Partner Certification Monthly agreements (helpdesk) newsletter Large-scale Search Advocacy Papers and Financial presentations contributions Research Center HathiTrust Functional Communication of partners Bibliographic Framework with potential partners Catalog Surveys, general APIs inquiries Repository evaluation and audit (e.g., DRAMBORA, TRAC)
  • 17. Constitutional Convention • October 2011 • 52 partners • 3-year review overseen by SAB • Ballot Proposals – Print monograph storage – Approval Process for development initiatives – U.S. Government Documents – Fee-for-service content deposit – Governance
  • 18. Emerging Governance • 12-member Board of Governors – 3-member Executive Committee – Executive Director • 6 seats to founding institutions – 2 California, 2 CIC (minus Indiana and Michigan) – 1 Indiana, 1 Michigan • Voting (March 1 – March 15) • Announcement of Results March 30 • Begin work April 16, 2012
  • 19. Preservation with Access • Cost effective preservation and access services • Preservation – TRAC-certified – Robust infrastructure – Long-term commitments on digital content facilitate planning, decision-making
  • 20. Preservation with Access (2) • Discovery – Bibliographic and full-text search of all materials – Extended discovery (ProQuest, EBSCO, OCLC, Ex Libris) – Mechanisms for local loading of records
  • 24. Preservation with Access (3) • Access and Use – Public domain and open access works – Full download of materials where possible* – Print on demand – Collections and APIs – Research Center* – Lawful uses of in-copyright works*
  • 25. Lawful uses • Access to users who have print disabilities • Section 108 uses of materials • Access to orphan works
  • 26. Terms of Access • Available to students, faculty, staff of partnering institutions – On library premises or authenticated into HathiTrust • Partner libraries own a print copy – One simultaneous user per print copy owned • Users must be on U.S. soil • One page at a time download
  • 27. How do we facilitate uses? • Fundamental issues of – Identification – Description – Rights
  • 28. Approach • Collective problems as collective • Web of relationships Rights Records Digital Volumes Libraries Print Volumes
  • 29. Bibliographic Data • Normalization of bibliographic data – University of Michigan • Efficiency – California Digital Library
  • 30. Copyright • Bibliographic metadata • Automatic and manual rights determination
  • 31. Automatic Rights Determination • Conducted on all works at time of ingest and when records are modified – Public domain worldwide • US works published before 1923, US federal government publications, non-US works published prior to 1872 – Public domain in the United States • Non-US works published prior to 1923
  • 32. Manual Rights Determination • IMLS-funded CRMS project – US-published works 1923-1963 – Conformance with formalities – Expanding to non-US works – Double-blind review with expert review for conflicts – Staff at 4 HathiTrust partner institutions (15 will take part in non-US) – As of February 2012 ~190,000 reviewed, more than 100,000 opened • Rights Holder Permissions
  • 33. Breakdown of HathiTrust book corpus by publication date Bibliographic Indeterminacy and the Scale of Problems and Opportunities of "Rights" in Digital Collection Building – 2/2011
  • 34. Breakdown of HathiTrust book corpus by publication date
  • 35. Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works published 1923-1963
  • 36. Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works published 1923-1963 Pre-1872 ~ 5%
  • 37. Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works published 1923-1963 Pre-1872 ~ 5% Public Domain in the US
  • 38. Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works published 1923-1963 ? Pre-1872 ~ 5% Public Domain in the US
  • 39. Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works published 1923-1963
  • 40. Copyright status of books published pre-1923 and US works published 1923-1963 In Print ?
  • 42. A global change in the library environment 60% Academic print book collection already substantially 50% duplicated in mass digitized book corpus June 2010 % of Titles in Local Collection 40% Median duplication: 31% 30% 20% 10% June 2009 Median duplication: 19% 0% 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Rank in 2008 ARL Investment Index
  • 43. Digitized Books in Shared Repositories ~3.5M titles 3,500,000 ~75% of mass digitized corpus is ‘backed up’ in one or more shared print repositories 3,000,000 ~2.5M 2,500,000 Unique Titles 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Mass digitized books in Hathi digital repository Mass digitized books in shared print repositories
  • 44. Collection Management, Development • Overlap – More than 50% median overlap with ARL institutions; higher for small liberal arts colleges • Pricing model based on Print holdings – Requires print holdings database – Also support expansion of legal uses, efforts in de- duplication – Facilitate individual and collaborative collection development and management operations • Print monographs archiving
  • 63. Collection Management, Development • Discovery (OCLC) • Collections Committee
  • 65. Comprehensive Picture • “Definitional Issues” – Identification, Description, Rights • Discovery and Use – Finding – Relating (APIs and integration) – Using (Reading, Computational activities) • Collection management, development • Preservation infrastructure – Digital and Print – Relationships
  • 66. Work going forward • Definitional elements • Print archiving, management • Discovery and use – Lawful uses • Research Center • Quality • Government documents • Beyond books and journals • Publishing • Transitioning to next phase of partnership
  • 67. How to find out more • Web site “About” section • http://www.hathitrust.org/about • HathiTrust Research Center • http://www.hathitrust.org/htrc • Twitter • http://twitter.com/hathitrust • Monthly newsletter • http://www.hathitrust.org/updates • RSS: http://www.hathitrust.org/updates_rss • Contact us: feedback@issues.hathitrust.org • Blogs: http://www.hathitrust.org/blogs • Large-scale search • Perspectives from HathiTrust
  • 68. Thank you very much!