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18001 & 14001 ohsas   ems
Global Issues
Environmental Management System
Occupational Health and Safety
Global Worming Warming Accident
Acid Rain Occupational Health Hazard
Ozone Depletion Lost Time
Depletion of Water resources Unrest
Causes of Acid Rain
ā€¢ Burning coal. Oil and natural gas in
power stations makes electricity,
giving off sulphur dioxide (SOX) gas.
ā€¢ Burning petrol and oil in vehicle
engines gives off nitrogen oxides
(NOX) as gases.
ā€¢ These gases mix with water vapour
and rainwater in the atmosphere
producing weak solutions of
sulphuric and nitric acids ā€“ which
fall as acid rain.
Effects of Acid Rain
ā€¢ Damage the buildings, statues
ā€¢ Destroy marble and metals
ā€¢ Causes human respiratory (laugh) diseases
ā€¢ Increases the acidity of soil
ā€¢ Induce the release of aluminum ions from soil
ā€¢ Acidify lakes
Sandstone portal Figure on Herten Castle in Ruhr district of Germany.
Effect of Acid Rain
1908 1969
So what could we do
Technological innovations to reduce SOX and NOX emission from fossil fuel
combustion .
Efficient use of energy (electricity).
Carpool, use public transportation, or better yet, walk or bicycle whenever
Use alternative energy sources .
Use energy efficient appliances: lighting, air conditioners, heaters,
refrigerators, washing machines, etc.
Only use electric appliances when you need them.
Buy vehicles/ Machines with low NOX emissions, and maintain them well.
The ozone layer blocks 95-99% of the sunā€™s Ultraviolet Radiation
Ozone Hole on 11/8/08
Activity -Change over Years
Ozone Depletion
Too much ultra-violet light can result in
Weakened Immune System.
Reduced crop yield.
Damages to marine ecosystem.
Increase risk of non-melanoma and malignant melanoma skin cancer .
Eye damage such as cataracts.
Reduction in phytoplankton.
Damage to the DNA in various life-forms .
this has been as observed in Antarctic ice-fish that lack pigments to shield them from the
ultra-violet light (they've never needed them before).
Impacts on other animals
ļ¬ Reduces plankton population
ļ¬ Reduces penguin population
ļ¬ Reduces the percentage of hatching of frog eggs
Possible Solution
ā€¢ all production and usage of CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbon) must be stopped.
ā€¢ we should follow the Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, initiative to help control
climate change which has a key part for the layer to recover. In addition,
we should educate others and try to live lives with limited use of these
Where is the water?
Earth is the ā€œWater Planetā€
70% of surface is water
97% by volume is salt water
-------undrinkable, not usable by most plants
3% fresh water
18001 & 14001 ohsas   ems
Competing water uses
How We Pollute the Water
ā€¢ Point-source pollution:
From a discrete location, like a factory or sewer pipe. Occurs when harmful chemicals are
released into waterways .
ā€¢ Nonpoint-source pollution: From many places spread over a large area, such as when
snowmelt runoff picks up pollutants along its path.
A 2004 oil spill off the Alaskan coast
Effects of Deforestation
Loss of Biodiversity
Erosion of Soil
Disruption of the Water Cycle
Climate Change
Flooding and Drought
18001 & 14001 ohsas   ems
What Could we do ?
ā€¢ Tree plantation .
ā€¢ Go paperless.
ā€¢ Recycle and buy recycled products.
ā€¢ Eat vegetarian meals as often as possible.
Protecting the Environment is Everyoneā€™s Job,
And So Is Maintaining
Management System
Management system means what the organization does to manage its
processes, or activities in order that
its products or services meet the organizationā€™s objectives, such as
satisfying the customer's quality requirements,
complying to regulations, or
meeting environmental objectives
Management System Standards
To be really efficient and effective, the organization can
manage its way of doing things by systemizing it.
Nothing important is left out.
Everyone is clear about who is responsible for doing what,
when, how, why and where.
Management system standards provide the organization with
an international, state-of-the-art model to follow.
Birth Of EMS Standard
ā€¢ September 1996- ISO 14001 EMS finalized
ā€“ "Environmental Management Systems-
Specification With Guidance For Use"
ā€¢ International Organization For
ISO 14001:2007 EMS
ISO 14001 gives the requirements for what the organization must do to
manage processes affecting the impact of its activities on the environment.
ISO 14001 concern the way an organization goes about its work.
It is not a product standards.
It is a Service Standards.
It is a process standards.
It can be used by both Product manufacturer and service providers.
Core of the EMS
Review Legal and Other
Legal Requirements
Evaluate for
Energy and
Business Plan
Env. Load
Significant Aspects
Not Significant
Objectives and
Develop Environmental
Management Programs
ā€œProject Planā€
Core of the EMS
Procedures and
Work Practices
l Tasks, Responsible
Parties, Time
l Operational Controls
l Monitoring and
Work Prt.1
Work Prt.2
Work Prt.3
Objectives and Targets Environmental
Management Programs
System to implement an organizationā€™s environmental policy and manage its
environmental aspects.
ā€¢ Surroundings in which an organization operates (air, water, land, natural
resources, flora/fauna, humans and their interrelationā€¦)
Environmental Aspect
ā€¢ Element of an organizationā€™s activities or products or services that can
interact with the environment.
Environmental Impact
ā€¢ Any change to the environment, whether negative or positive, in whole or
partially resulting from an organizationā€™s environmental aspects.
Activity Aspects Impacts
Electricity &
resources &
A significant
aspect is an
aspect that has
or can have a
OHSAS 18001
OHSAS 18001 is an international standard which specifies requirements for a
Health & Safety Management System.
Produced in 1999. Became Standard in 2007
Specification produced by several organisations (both from the UK and
internationally) led by the BSI.
The management system model used in OHSAS 18001 is aligned with ISO
14001 standard sections.
2 in 1
ā€“ Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health,
damage to property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these.
ā€“ Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm
ā€“ Combination of the likelihood and consequences of a specified hazardous event
Risk Assessment
ā€“ Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the
risk is tolerable.
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control ā€“ HIRA - RC
ā€“ Ranked based on frequency and severity.
ā€“ For those with High Risk, develop targets, objectives and management programs to
reduce risk and develop controls.
ā€“ H&S ā€“ Chemical exposure, Pinch Points, Lifting Devices, Confined Space, Electrical
18001 & 14001 ohsas   ems
Deming Cycle
ISO 14001 EMS & OHSAS 18001 Model
4.5.1 Monitoring & Measurement
4.5.2 Preventive & Corrective Action
4.5.3 Records
4.5.4 EMS Audit
4.4.1 Resources, Roles,
responsibility and authority
4.4.2 Competence, Training &
4.4.3 Communication
4.4.4 Documentation
4.4.5 Document Control
4.4.6 Operational Control
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness
4.2 Define Policy
4.3.1 Identify Aspects / haza
4.3.2 Legal Requirements 4.3.3 Identify Objectives
Targets and Programs
4.4 Implementation
and Operation
4.5 Checking
4.6 Management Review
3.2 Continual Improvement
3.18 Prevention of Pollution
Services, and
System Documents
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Policy
We must have to have an Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy which must
have to describe our overall Approach and Intentions towards the Environment And Health And
Safety . And the Policy must have to :
1. Be Appropriate to the nature, scale, and environmental impacts of the organization activities,
goods produced and organizationā€™s OH&S Risk.
2. Must have to be Approved by the Top Management.
3. Include a Commitment to continual improvement , prevention of pollution and prevention of
injury and ill health and continual improvement in Environmental/OH&S management and
4. Include a Commitment to relevant Legal requirements.
5. Provide a framework for setting and reviewing Environmental / OH&S Objectives and Targets.
6. Be Documented, Implemented and Maintained, and Communicated to all employees (also
7. Be Available to the public.
4.3 Planning
4.3.1 Environmental Aspect/ Hazard Identification ,Risk Assessment(HIRA) and Determining Control
Planning Inputs
1. Environmental Aspect (4.3.1)
2. Hazard identification (4.3.1)
3. Risk assessment (4.3.1)
4. Meets legal and other requirements (4.3.2)
Planning Outputs
1. Risk control measures (4.3.1)
2. EMS/ OH&S Objectives (4.3.3)
3. EMS/OH&S management programme (4.3.4)
Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment ( HIRA )
Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment ( HIRA )
Environment Aspect Impact Assessment
Environment Aspect Impact Assessment
4.3 Planning
We must have to ensure that the results of these assessments are considered when
determining controls. When determining controls, or considering changes to existing
controls, consideration shall be given to reducing the risks according to the following
Aspect Categories
ā€¢ Material use
ā€¢ Air emissions
ā€¢ Water use
ā€¢ Energy use
ā€¢ Storm water discharges
ā€¢ Storage tanks
ā€¢ Wastewater discharges
ā€¢ Solid & liquid waste
ā€¢ Noise
ā€¢ Odor
ā€¢ Natural environment
ā€¢ Land condition
4.3 Planning Process
and Service
Aspects and
Hazard & Risk
priority of
the Aspects
Determining Legal and Other
and Targets
tal / OH&S
t program
4.3.2 Legal and other requirements
We must have to have a procedure that explains how the organization obtains
information regarding its legal and other requirements, and makes that information
known to key functions within the organization. The intent of this element is to
identify the environmental legal and other requirements that relate to our operations
and activities so that we can ensure that we have taken it into account in the EMS. In
doing so, the organization must also determine how these requirements apply to the
significant aspects.
ISO 14001 EMS BS 18001 OHSAS
1. Air Consent
2. Water Consent.
3. Hazardous waste Consent.
4. Boiler Certificates.
5. License to operate DG set.
6. Related Health And Safety Requirements .
7. Factory license .
8. Stability certificate.
9. Noise limit regulation.
1. Agreements with public Authorities.
2. Agreements with Customers.
3. Non Regulatory Guidelines.
4. Voluntary principles or Code of practice .
5. Requirements of Trade Associates.
6. Agreements with Community Group or
Non Government Organizations.
7. Corporate/ Company Requirements.
List Of Legal Requirements
4.3.3 Objectives, Targets And Program(s)
While establishing and maintaining Objectives, Targets and Programs we Must have to
Legal & other requirements.
Significant Environmental Aspects/ Occupational Hazards .
Technological options.
Financial and operational requirements.
Views of interested parties.
The objectives and targets shall be consistent with the Environmental
Policy, including the commitment to prevent Pollution & Accidents.
Environmental / OHSAS Management Programs
An EMS/OH&S Program is an action plan to specify:
How objectives and targets will be accomplished.
Who is responsible for achieving them.
Who will manage and supervise the activities.
Who will carry out the work.
What they will do.
What resources are needed (people, skills, equipment, time, money)
When the tasks will be completed (a schedule)
4 3 2 1
Environmental / OHSAS Management Programs
Time bound
Setting targets and objectives
Implementation and Operation
Structure and
Awareness and
Document Control
EMS/OH&S Documentation
Emergency preparedness
and response
Operational Control
Organization &
Capabilities &
4.4 Implementation and operation
4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and
Management must have to ensure :
Provision of all resources.
o Specialised skills
o Technology
o Financial resources
Roles, responsibility & authorities Must have to be defined, documented & communicated.
Management must have to appoint a representative for implementation .
And the Managers must have to demonstrate commitment to continual improvement by
reviewing all the reports all operational performances/effects of the EMS & OHSAS
Management system.
4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness
We must have to have a training procedure. And it must have to include the suppliers as well
who have significant influence on the EMS & OHSAS system . We must have to determine and
record the educational requirements and the competence level of the personals who are
included and will be included.
We must have to Ensure employee awareness and competence with records by taking into
account differing levels of:
ā€“ Responsibility
ā€“ Ability
ā€“ Literacy
ā€“ Aspects/Hazard/Risk
Most of required training driven by regulation.
We must have to have a training record
4.4.3 Communication, Participation and Consultation Communication
4.4.3 Communication
With regard to our environmental and OH&S aspects and management system, we must have to establish
implement and maintain Procedures for
Internal communication between the various levels and functions of the organization.
a) HIRA & determining Control.
b) Incident Investigation.
c) Development and review of OH&S policies and Objectives .
Receiving, documenting and responding to relevant communication from external interested parties.
And we must have to determine & Established proper methods of communication.
Appropriate communication processes must has to be established and carried out within the organization
regarding the effectiveness of the system
Complaints / Queries Interested
Communication Participation and Consultation ( OHSAS )
We must have to establish, implement and maintain a Procedure to involve the workers in :
HIRA and determining Control.
Incident investigation.
Development and review of OHSAS policy and objectives.
Information regarding participation arrangements.
We must have to have a Safety committee/ Suggestion Boxes
where there are any changes:
Consultation with internal and external parties must have to be involved
4.4.4 Documentation
SL` Procedure Standard Clause EMS 14001 OHSAS 18001
1 Aspect procedure 4.3.1
2 procedure For Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment -- HIRA 4.3.1
3 Legal And Other Requirements Procedure 4.3.2
4 Procedure for competence Training and Awareness 4.4.3
5 Procedure For Communication 4.4.3
6 Procedure for Participation and communication
7 Procedure For Control Of Documents 4.4.5
8 Operational Control Procedure 4.4.6
9 Procedure For Emergency preparedness and Response 4.4.7
10 Monitoring and Measurement Procedure 4.5.1
11 Procedure for Evaluation of Compliance 4.5.2
12 Incident investigation procedure
13 Procedure for NC/ CA / PA 4.5.3 /
14 Procedure for Control of Documents 4.5.4
15 Procedure for Internal Audit 4.5.5
4.4.4 Documentation
SL Documents Clause EMS OHSAS SL Documents Clause EMS OHS
1 Policy 4.2 11 Agenda/ Attendance of meeting/
Meeting minutes
2 Aspect / Impact Register 4.3.1 12 List of documents 4.4.4
3 HIRA 4.3.1 13 List od External Origin Documents 4.4.5
4 All legal requirements 3.2 14 List of OC/ Procedures 4.4.6
5 Objectives And Targets /
4.3.3 15 Mog Drill Records 4.5.1
6 Resources, Role, Responsibility,
4.4.1 16 Monitoring Records 4.5.1
7 Competence Methods 4.4.2 17 Compliance Evaluation reports 4.5.2
8 Training plan Identification /
Training Plan /Training Records/
effective evaluation of Training
4.4.2 18 Incident register
9 Communication Record /
4.4.3 19 All NC/CA/PA ( reports ) 4.5.5
10 Safety committee Meeting 20 Internal Audit records 4.5.5
21 Management Review Minutes /and
Control of Documents
Control the documents required by the EMS and OHSAS . Records are a special type of
document and must be controlled as required by the standards
Establish a documented procedure to:
1) Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue.
2) Review, update as necessary, and reā€approve documents.
3) Identify the changes and current document revision status.
4) Make relevant documents available at points of use.
5) Ensure the documents remain legible and readily identifiable.
6) Identify external documents and control their distribution.
7) Prevent obsolete documents from unintended use.
8) Apply suitable identification if obsolete documents are retained.
Define needed
Review & Approve
Prior to use
Issue to point of
Update Documents
Identify if retimed
Changes ?
Prevent unintended
Ensure that document is and remains
legible and readily Identifiable
General Rules
The right document must be
available at the right time in the
right place
Identify revision status
Control ā€œ Externallyā€
Generated Documents too
( Permits and licenses)
Document versus Records
Documents Records
Describes how things are going to be done Describes how things have been done /
Can be revised Con not be changed
Example : policy/ Procedure / work
Example : Monitoring records/ Obsolete
4.4.6 Operation control
We must have to establish and maintain arrangements to ensure that all operations and activities
are carried out effectively and safely. We must :
Plan to control operations and activities associated with identified Environmental risks
and any health and safety objectives
Procedures where required which required operating criteria
Procedures related to risks of goods and services and for communication with suppliers
Procedures for workplace and process design in order to eliminate or reduce risks at
We must also plan and prepare for all foreseeable accident, incident and emergency situations
Type of operational controls :
SOP Preventive maintenance
Contract language OCP for hazardous tasks
Singe OCP for hazardous materials
Log book LOTO TO
Check lists
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
We must have to have a Procedure in place to:
1) Identify the Potential emergency situations,
2) Respond to those actual emergency situations / incident / accident .
2) Preventing and Mitigating the environmental impacts , likely illness and
injury that may be associated with them.
3) Where necessary it must have to be Reviewed particularly after an
emergency situation / incidents.
4) We must have to periodically test the procedure where practicable.
5) Where necessary external service provider must have to be involved.
6) Personnel should be trained to response to the emergency situations
4.5 Checking
Monitoring and
Evaluation of
Internal EMS
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement
We must have to establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to monitor and measure, on a
regular basis, the key characteristics of our operations that can have a significant environmental
and OH&S impact.
1) Procedures should be in place to monitor how well H&S objectives are met
2) Proactive (compliance with law, man sys etc.)
3) Reactive (accident, ill health etc.)
4) Equipments required for monitoring should be maintained and calibrated.
5) Operation control .
6) Inspection .
7) Root cause analysis
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance
We must have to have a procedure to :
1. Periodically evaluate compliance with applicable legal requirements.
2. Also evaluate compliance with other requirements.
3. Keep records of such evaluations.
Evaluation of compliance ----- Inputs :
1. Audits .
2. The results of regulatory inspection.
3. Analysis of legal ad other requirements.
4. Review of documents and / or records of incidents .
5. Risk assessment.
6. Facility inspection.
7. Facility tour and /or direct observation.
8. Interviews.
9. Project or work review.
10. Analysis of the test results from monitoring and testing.
4.5.3 Non-conformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action
We must have to have a procedure to
1. Define responsibility and authority for handling and investigating
nonconformance, taking action to mitigate any impacts caused, and for initiating
and completing corrective and preventive action.
2. And the corrective or preventive action taken to eliminate the causes of actual
and potential nonconformance's must have to be appropriate to the magnitude
of problems and adequate with the environmental impact encountered.
3. Investigating nonconformity(ies), determining their cause(s) and taking actions in
order to avoid their recurrence.
4. Recording the results of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken, and
5. reviewing the effectiveness of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken Incident Investigation ( OHSAS )
We must have to establish implement and maintain a procedure to record, investigate
and analysis incidents in order to :
1) Determine the factors contributing to incidents.
2) Identify corrective action and the opportunities for preventive actions.
3) identify opportunities for continual improvement.
4) perform investigation in timely manner.
5) Communicating the results of the investigation.
4.5.4 Control of Records
We must have to establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for :
1) Identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of all
2) Establishing and maintaining records as necessary to demonstrate conformity
to the requirements of EMS and OHSAS and of the International Standards.
Records Must have to remain legible, readily identifiable, and retrievable
4.5.5 Internal EMS / OHSAS Audits
To ensure the effectiveness of the EMS / OHSAS we must have to plan, establish, implement and
maintain specific internal audits (Program) in a planned interval based on the severity . We must:
1) Consider the status and importance of the audited areas.
3) Consider the results of prior audits.
4) Define the audit criteria, scope, frequency, and methods.
5) Select and use impartial and objective auditors (not audit their own work).
Establishing a documented procedure to address responsibilities and requirements to:
1) Plan audits and conduct audits.
2) Establish records and report results.
3) Maintain records of the audits and their results.
We must have to ensure management (Plant in charge) of the audited areas takes actions
without undue delay to eliminate detected non conformities and their causes. Verify through
followā€up actions the implementation of the action and report the results.
4.6 Management Review
Our top management must have to review the EMS AND OHSAS System regularly in a planned
interval to :
a) Ensure suitable, adequate, and effective systems.
b) Assess possible opportunities for improvement.
c) Evaluate the need for any changes to the system.
d) Consider the need for changes to the EMS and OHSAS policy and objectives/
All outputs of the management reviews must have to be recorded and maintained as well .
and Operation
Checking and
Corrective Action
Spread the word! Tell other people things, that they can do to help prevent global warming.
- Remember -- Every person makes a difference!
Presented by : Mohammed Enamul Kabir

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18001 & 14001 ohsas ems

  • 2. Global Issues Environmental Management System (EMS) Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Global Worming Warming Accident Acid Rain Occupational Health Hazard Ozone Depletion Lost Time Depletion of Water resources Unrest Deforestation
  • 3. Causes of Acid Rain ā€¢ Burning coal. Oil and natural gas in power stations makes electricity, giving off sulphur dioxide (SOX) gas. ā€¢ Burning petrol and oil in vehicle engines gives off nitrogen oxides (NOX) as gases. ā€¢ These gases mix with water vapour and rainwater in the atmosphere producing weak solutions of sulphuric and nitric acids ā€“ which fall as acid rain.
  • 4. Effects of Acid Rain ā€¢ Damage the buildings, statues ā€¢ Destroy marble and metals ā€¢ Causes human respiratory (laugh) diseases ā€¢ Increases the acidity of soil ā€¢ Induce the release of aluminum ions from soil elements. ā€¢ Acidify lakes
  • 5. Sandstone portal Figure on Herten Castle in Ruhr district of Germany. Effect of Acid Rain 1908 1969
  • 6. So what could we do Technological innovations to reduce SOX and NOX emission from fossil fuel combustion . Efficient use of energy (electricity). Carpool, use public transportation, or better yet, walk or bicycle whenever possible Use alternative energy sources . Use energy efficient appliances: lighting, air conditioners, heaters, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. Only use electric appliances when you need them. Buy vehicles/ Machines with low NOX emissions, and maintain them well.
  • 7. The ozone layer blocks 95-99% of the sunā€™s Ultraviolet Radiation
  • 8. Ozone Hole on 11/8/08
  • 10. Ozone Depletion Too much ultra-violet light can result in Weakened Immune System. Reduced crop yield. Damages to marine ecosystem. Increase risk of non-melanoma and malignant melanoma skin cancer . Eye damage such as cataracts. Reduction in phytoplankton. Damage to the DNA in various life-forms . this has been as observed in Antarctic ice-fish that lack pigments to shield them from the ultra-violet light (they've never needed them before).
  • 11. Impacts on other animals ļ¬ Reduces plankton population ļ¬ Reduces penguin population ļ¬ Reduces the percentage of hatching of frog eggs
  • 12. Possible Solution ā€¢ all production and usage of CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbon) must be stopped. ā€¢ we should follow the Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, initiative to help control climate change which has a key part for the layer to recover. In addition, we should educate others and try to live lives with limited use of these chemicals.
  • 13. Where is the water? Earth is the ā€œWater Planetā€ 70% of surface is water 97% by volume is salt water -------undrinkable, not usable by most plants 3% fresh water
  • 16. How We Pollute the Water ā€¢ Point-source pollution: From a discrete location, like a factory or sewer pipe. Occurs when harmful chemicals are released into waterways . ā€¢ Nonpoint-source pollution: From many places spread over a large area, such as when snowmelt runoff picks up pollutants along its path. A 2004 oil spill off the Alaskan coast
  • 17. Effects of Deforestation Loss of Biodiversity Erosion of Soil Disruption of the Water Cycle Climate Change Flooding and Drought
  • 19. What Could we do ? ā€¢ Tree plantation . ā€¢ Go paperless. ā€¢ Recycle and buy recycled products. ā€¢ Eat vegetarian meals as often as possible.
  • 20. Protecting the Environment is Everyoneā€™s Job, And So Is Maintaining
  • 22. Management System Management system means what the organization does to manage its processes, or activities in order that its products or services meet the organizationā€™s objectives, such as satisfying the customer's quality requirements, complying to regulations, or meeting environmental objectives
  • 23. Management System Standards To be really efficient and effective, the organization can manage its way of doing things by systemizing it. Nothing important is left out. Everyone is clear about who is responsible for doing what, when, how, why and where. Management system standards provide the organization with an international, state-of-the-art model to follow.
  • 24. Birth Of EMS Standard ā€¢ September 1996- ISO 14001 EMS finalized ā€“ "Environmental Management Systems- Specification With Guidance For Use" ā€¢ International Organization For Standardization
  • 25. ISO 14001:2007 EMS ISO 14001 gives the requirements for what the organization must do to manage processes affecting the impact of its activities on the environment. ISO 14001 concern the way an organization goes about its work. It is not a product standards. It is a Service Standards. It is a process standards. It can be used by both Product manufacturer and service providers.
  • 26. Facility- wide Department by Department A B C Departments Core of the EMS Review Legal and Other Requirements Aspects Legal Requirements Evaluate for Significance Regulated Potential Release Energy and Business Plan Env. Load Significant Aspects Not Significant
  • 27. Categorize Objectives and Targets Develop Environmental Management Programs ā€œProject Planā€ Core of the EMS Develop Procedures and Work Practices l Tasks, Responsible Parties, Time Frames l Operational Controls l Monitoring and Measurement EMPā€™s Procedures Work Prt.1 Work Prt.2 Work Prt.3 Objectives and Targets Environmental Management Programs Procedures/Work Practices Control/ Maintain (Regulatory Compliance) Improvement (Energy Reduction) Study (Feasibility Study) Significant Aspects
  • 28. Definitions EMS System to implement an organizationā€™s environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects. Environment ā€¢ Surroundings in which an organization operates (air, water, land, natural resources, flora/fauna, humans and their interrelationā€¦) Environmental Aspect ā€¢ Element of an organizationā€™s activities or products or services that can interact with the environment. Environmental Impact ā€¢ Any change to the environment, whether negative or positive, in whole or partially resulting from an organizationā€™s environmental aspects.
  • 29. Activity Aspects Impacts Use of computer Consumption of Electricity & Human energy Depletion of energy resources & Physical damage A significant environmental aspect is an environmental aspect that has or can have a significant environmental impactā€¦ā€¦.
  • 30. OHSAS 18001 OHSAS 18001 is an international standard which specifies requirements for a Health & Safety Management System. Produced in 1999. Became Standard in 2007 Specification produced by several organisations (both from the UK and internationally) led by the BSI. The management system model used in OHSAS 18001 is aligned with ISO 14001 standard sections. OK!! 2 in 1
  • 31. Hazard ā€“ Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these. Safety ā€“ Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm Risk ā€“ Combination of the likelihood and consequences of a specified hazardous event occurring. Risk Assessment ā€“ Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is tolerable. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control ā€“ HIRA - RC ā€“ Ranked based on frequency and severity. ā€“ For those with High Risk, develop targets, objectives and management programs to reduce risk and develop controls. Examples ā€“ H&S ā€“ Chemical exposure, Pinch Points, Lifting Devices, Confined Space, Electrical
  • 34. ISO 14001 EMS & OHSAS 18001 Model 4.5.1 Monitoring & Measurement 4.5.2 Preventive & Corrective Action 4.5.3 Records 4.5.4 EMS Audit 4.4.1 Resources, Roles, responsibility and authority 4.4.2 Competence, Training & Awareness 4.4.3 Communication 4.4.4 Documentation 4.4.5 Document Control 4.4.6 Operational Control 4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness 4.2 Define Policy 4.3.1 Identify Aspects / haza 4.3.2 Legal Requirements 4.3.3 Identify Objectives Targets and Programs 4.4 Implementation and Operation 4.5 Checking 4.6 Management Review 3.2 Continual Improvement 3.18 Prevention of Pollution Products, Services, and Activities P D C A
  • 36. 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Policy We must have to have an Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy which must have to describe our overall Approach and Intentions towards the Environment And Health And Safety . And the Policy must have to : 1. Be Appropriate to the nature, scale, and environmental impacts of the organization activities, goods produced and organizationā€™s OH&S Risk. 2. Must have to be Approved by the Top Management. 3. Include a Commitment to continual improvement , prevention of pollution and prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvement in Environmental/OH&S management and performance. 4. Include a Commitment to relevant Legal requirements. 5. Provide a framework for setting and reviewing Environmental / OH&S Objectives and Targets. 6. Be Documented, Implemented and Maintained, and Communicated to all employees (also contractors). 7. Be Available to the public.
  • 37. 4.3 Planning 4.3.1 Environmental Aspect/ Hazard Identification ,Risk Assessment(HIRA) and Determining Control Planning Inputs 1. Environmental Aspect (4.3.1) 2. Hazard identification (4.3.1) 3. Risk assessment (4.3.1) 4. Meets legal and other requirements (4.3.2) Planning Outputs 1. Risk control measures (4.3.1) 2. EMS/ OH&S Objectives (4.3.3) 3. EMS/OH&S management programme (4.3.4)
  • 38. Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment ( HIRA )
  • 39. Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment ( HIRA )
  • 42. 4.3 Planning We must have to ensure that the results of these assessments are considered when determining controls. When determining controls, or considering changes to existing controls, consideration shall be given to reducing the risks according to the following hierarchy:
  • 43. Aspect Categories ā€¢ Material use ā€¢ Air emissions ā€¢ Water use ā€¢ Energy use ā€¢ Storm water discharges ā€¢ Storage tanks ā€¢ Wastewater discharges ā€¢ Solid & liquid waste ā€¢ Noise ā€¢ Odor ā€¢ Natural environment ā€¢ Land condition
  • 44. 4.3 Planning Process Identify Activities, Product and Service Identification of Environmental Aspects and Impacts, Hazard & Risk Assessment Determining priority of the Aspects Determining Legal and Other Requirements Establishing Objectives and Targets Develop Environmen tal / OH&S managemen t program
  • 45. 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements We must have to have a procedure that explains how the organization obtains information regarding its legal and other requirements, and makes that information known to key functions within the organization. The intent of this element is to identify the environmental legal and other requirements that relate to our operations and activities so that we can ensure that we have taken it into account in the EMS. In doing so, the organization must also determine how these requirements apply to the significant aspects. ISO 14001 EMS BS 18001 OHSAS 1. Air Consent 2. Water Consent. 3. Hazardous waste Consent. 4. Boiler Certificates. 5. License to operate DG set. 6. Related Health And Safety Requirements . 7. Factory license . 8. Stability certificate. 9. Noise limit regulation. 1. Agreements with public Authorities. 2. Agreements with Customers. 3. Non Regulatory Guidelines. 4. Voluntary principles or Code of practice . 5. Requirements of Trade Associates. 6. Agreements with Community Group or Non Government Organizations. 7. Corporate/ Company Requirements.
  • 46. List Of Legal Requirements
  • 47. 4.3.3 Objectives, Targets And Program(s) While establishing and maintaining Objectives, Targets and Programs we Must have to consider: Legal & other requirements. Significant Environmental Aspects/ Occupational Hazards . Technological options. Financial and operational requirements. Views of interested parties. The objectives and targets shall be consistent with the Environmental Policy, including the commitment to prevent Pollution & Accidents.
  • 48. Environmental / OHSAS Management Programs An EMS/OH&S Program is an action plan to specify: How objectives and targets will be accomplished. Who is responsible for achieving them. Who will manage and supervise the activities. Who will carry out the work. What they will do. What resources are needed (people, skills, equipment, time, money) When the tasks will be completed (a schedule) 4 3 2 1
  • 49. Environmental / OHSAS Management Programs
  • 51. Implementation and Operation Structure and Responsibility Training, Awareness and Competence Document Control EMS/OH&S Documentation Emergency preparedness and response Communication Operational Control Organization & Accountability Capabilities & Communications Controls
  • 52. 4.4 Implementation and operation 4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and Authority Management must have to ensure : Provision of all resources. o Specialised skills o Technology o Financial resources Roles, responsibility & authorities Must have to be defined, documented & communicated. Management must have to appoint a representative for implementation . And the Managers must have to demonstrate commitment to continual improvement by reviewing all the reports all operational performances/effects of the EMS & OHSAS Management system.
  • 53. 4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness We must have to have a training procedure. And it must have to include the suppliers as well who have significant influence on the EMS & OHSAS system . We must have to determine and record the educational requirements and the competence level of the personals who are included and will be included. We must have to Ensure employee awareness and competence with records by taking into account differing levels of: ā€“ Responsibility ā€“ Ability ā€“ Literacy ā€“ Aspects/Hazard/Risk Most of required training driven by regulation. We must have to have a training record
  • 54. 4.4.3 Communication, Participation and Consultation Communication 4.4.3 Communication With regard to our environmental and OH&S aspects and management system, we must have to establish implement and maintain Procedures for Internal communication between the various levels and functions of the organization. a) HIRA & determining Control. b) Incident Investigation. c) Development and review of OH&S policies and Objectives . Receiving, documenting and responding to relevant communication from external interested parties. And we must have to determine & Established proper methods of communication. Appropriate communication processes must has to be established and carried out within the organization regarding the effectiveness of the system Management Lateral Operations UP DOWN Complaints / Queries Interested Parties External Communication
  • 55. Participation and Consultation ( OHSAS ) We must have to establish, implement and maintain a Procedure to involve the workers in : HIRA and determining Control. Incident investigation. Development and review of OHSAS policy and objectives. Information regarding participation arrangements. We must have to have a Safety committee/ Suggestion Boxes where there are any changes: Consultation with internal and external parties must have to be involved
  • 56. 4.4.4 Documentation SL` Procedure Standard Clause EMS 14001 OHSAS 18001 1 Aspect procedure 4.3.1 2 procedure For Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment -- HIRA 4.3.1 3 Legal And Other Requirements Procedure 4.3.2 4 Procedure for competence Training and Awareness 4.4.3 5 Procedure For Communication 4.4.3 6 Procedure for Participation and communication 7 Procedure For Control Of Documents 4.4.5 8 Operational Control Procedure 4.4.6 9 Procedure For Emergency preparedness and Response 4.4.7 10 Monitoring and Measurement Procedure 4.5.1 11 Procedure for Evaluation of Compliance 4.5.2 12 Incident investigation procedure 13 Procedure for NC/ CA / PA 4.5.3 / 14 Procedure for Control of Documents 4.5.4 15 Procedure for Internal Audit 4.5.5
  • 57. 4.4.4 Documentation SL Documents Clause EMS OHSAS SL Documents Clause EMS OHS AS 1 Policy 4.2 11 Agenda/ Attendance of meeting/ Meeting minutes 2 Aspect / Impact Register 4.3.1 12 List of documents 4.4.4 3 HIRA 4.3.1 13 List od External Origin Documents 4.4.5 4 All legal requirements 3.2 14 List of OC/ Procedures 4.4.6 5 Objectives And Targets / Program 4.3.3 15 Mog Drill Records 4.5.1 6 Resources, Role, Responsibility, Authority 4.4.1 16 Monitoring Records 4.5.1 7 Competence Methods 4.4.2 17 Compliance Evaluation reports 4.5.2 8 Training plan Identification / Training Plan /Training Records/ effective evaluation of Training 4.4.2 18 Incident register 9 Communication Record / Register 4.4.3 19 All NC/CA/PA ( reports ) 4.5.5 10 Safety committee Meeting 20 Internal Audit records 4.5.5 21 Management Review Minutes /and records 4.6
  • 58. Control of Documents Control the documents required by the EMS and OHSAS . Records are a special type of document and must be controlled as required by the standards Establish a documented procedure to: 1) Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue. 2) Review, update as necessary, and reā€approve documents. 3) Identify the changes and current document revision status. 4) Make relevant documents available at points of use. 5) Ensure the documents remain legible and readily identifiable. 6) Identify external documents and control their distribution. 7) Prevent obsolete documents from unintended use. 8) Apply suitable identification if obsolete documents are retained. Procedure WI WI WI
  • 59. Define needed Documents Develop Documents Review & Approve Prior to use Issue to point of use Update Documents Identify if retimed Changes ? Obsolete? Prevent unintended use Ensure that document is and remains legible and readily Identifiable General Rules The right document must be available at the right time in the right place Yes Yes No Identify revision status Control ā€œ Externallyā€ Generated Documents too ( Permits and licenses)
  • 60. Document versus Records Documents Records Describes how things are going to be done Describes how things have been done / performed Can be revised Con not be changed Example : policy/ Procedure / work instruction Example : Monitoring records/ Obsolete documents
  • 61. 4.4.6 Operation control We must have to establish and maintain arrangements to ensure that all operations and activities are carried out effectively and safely. We must : Plan to control operations and activities associated with identified Environmental risks and any health and safety objectives Procedures where required which required operating criteria Procedures related to risks of goods and services and for communication with suppliers Procedures for workplace and process design in order to eliminate or reduce risks at source We must also plan and prepare for all foreseeable accident, incident and emergency situations Type of operational controls : SOP Preventive maintenance Contract language OCP for hazardous tasks Singe OCP for hazardous materials Log book LOTO TO Check lists
  • 62. 4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response We must have to have a Procedure in place to: 1) Identify the Potential emergency situations, 2) Respond to those actual emergency situations / incident / accident . 2) Preventing and Mitigating the environmental impacts , likely illness and injury that may be associated with them. 3) Where necessary it must have to be Reviewed particularly after an emergency situation / incidents. 4) We must have to periodically test the procedure where practicable. 5) Where necessary external service provider must have to be involved. 6) Personnel should be trained to response to the emergency situations
  • 64. 4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement We must have to establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of our operations that can have a significant environmental and OH&S impact. 1) Procedures should be in place to monitor how well H&S objectives are met 2) Proactive (compliance with law, man sys etc.) 3) Reactive (accident, ill health etc.) 4) Equipments required for monitoring should be maintained and calibrated. 5) Operation control . 6) Inspection . 7) Root cause analysis
  • 65. 4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance We must have to have a procedure to : 1. Periodically evaluate compliance with applicable legal requirements. 2. Also evaluate compliance with other requirements. 3. Keep records of such evaluations. Evaluation of compliance ----- Inputs : 1. Audits . 2. The results of regulatory inspection. 3. Analysis of legal ad other requirements. 4. Review of documents and / or records of incidents . 5. Risk assessment. 6. Facility inspection. 7. Facility tour and /or direct observation. 8. Interviews. 9. Project or work review. 10. Analysis of the test results from monitoring and testing.
  • 66. 4.5.3 Non-conformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action We must have to have a procedure to 1. Define responsibility and authority for handling and investigating nonconformance, taking action to mitigate any impacts caused, and for initiating and completing corrective and preventive action. 2. And the corrective or preventive action taken to eliminate the causes of actual and potential nonconformance's must have to be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and adequate with the environmental impact encountered. 3. Investigating nonconformity(ies), determining their cause(s) and taking actions in order to avoid their recurrence. 4. Recording the results of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken, and 5. reviewing the effectiveness of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken
  • 67. Incident Investigation ( OHSAS ) We must have to establish implement and maintain a procedure to record, investigate and analysis incidents in order to : 1) Determine the factors contributing to incidents. 2) Identify corrective action and the opportunities for preventive actions. 3) identify opportunities for continual improvement. 4) perform investigation in timely manner. 5) Communicating the results of the investigation.
  • 68. 4.5.4 Control of Records We must have to establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for : 1) Identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of all records. 2) Establishing and maintaining records as necessary to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of EMS and OHSAS and of the International Standards. Records Must have to remain legible, readily identifiable, and retrievable
  • 69. 4.5.5 Internal EMS / OHSAS Audits To ensure the effectiveness of the EMS / OHSAS we must have to plan, establish, implement and maintain specific internal audits (Program) in a planned interval based on the severity . We must: 1) Consider the status and importance of the audited areas. 3) Consider the results of prior audits. 4) Define the audit criteria, scope, frequency, and methods. 5) Select and use impartial and objective auditors (not audit their own work). Establishing a documented procedure to address responsibilities and requirements to: 1) Plan audits and conduct audits. 2) Establish records and report results. 3) Maintain records of the audits and their results. We must have to ensure management (Plant in charge) of the audited areas takes actions without undue delay to eliminate detected non conformities and their causes. Verify through followā€up actions the implementation of the action and report the results.
  • 70. 4.6 Management Review Our top management must have to review the EMS AND OHSAS System regularly in a planned interval to : a) Ensure suitable, adequate, and effective systems. b) Assess possible opportunities for improvement. c) Evaluate the need for any changes to the system. d) Consider the need for changes to the EMS and OHSAS policy and objectives/ Targets All outputs of the management reviews must have to be recorded and maintained as well . Policy Management Review Implementation and Operation Checking and Corrective Action Planning
  • 71. Spread the word! Tell other people things, that they can do to help prevent global warming. - Remember -- Every person makes a difference! Presented by : Mohammed Enamul Kabir