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Model Question Paper
First Semester B.E. Degree (CBCS) Examination
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module.
2. Use of Thermodynamic data hand book permitted.
1 a Enumerate the method of extracting energy from wind with a neat sketch (08Marks)
b Illustrate the formation of steam with relevant sketches. (08Marks)
c What are the different states of steam? Explain them in brief. (04 Marks)
2 a Explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics. List the similarities and dissimilarities
between work and heat.
(10 Marks)
b A stationary mass of gas is compressed without friction from an initial stage of
0.3 m3
and 0.105 MPa to a final state of 0.15 m3
, the pressure remaining constant.
There is a transfer of 37.6 kJ of heat from the gas during the process. How much
does the internal energy of the gas change?
3 a With a neat sketch, explain the working of Lancashire boiler. (10 Marks)
b Explain the different boiler mountings and accessories. (10 Marks)
4 a Classify Hydraulic turbines and with a neat sketch explain the working of a
typical impulse turbine. (10 Marks)
b Describe the working of a reciprocating pump. (10 Marks)
5 a With the help of P-V diagram, explain the operation of 4-Stroke Diesel engine (10 Marks)
b The following observations were recorded during a test on single cylinder diesel
engine: Brake Power= 75 kW, Brake thermal efficiency= 35%, Mechanical
efficiency= 90%, calorific value =40000 kJ/kg. Determinei) IP ii) FP iii) fuel
consumed per hour.
(10 Marks)
6 a Explain the ideal properties of refrigerant. (06 Marks)
b With the help of a sketch, explain the functioning of Vapor AbsorptionSystem. (10 Marks)
c List the most commonly used refrigerants. (04 Marks)
7 a Classify and explain various types of smart materials (10 Marks)
b With a neat sketch explain TIG welding. (10 Marks)
8 a Derive an expression for length of belt in cross belt drive. (10 Marks)
b What are the advantages and disadvantages of gear drives over belt drives? (10Marks)
9 a What are the various methods of producing taper turning method? Explain taper
turning by swiveling the compound method. (10Marks)
b Explain the following machining operations on milling machine with suitable
(i) Plane milling (ii) End milling (iii) Slot milling (iv) Form milling
(10 Marks)
10 a Explain the components of a CNC with a block diagram (10Marks)
b Elaborate the various robot configurations with simple sketches (10 Marks)
Model Question Paper
First Semester B.E. Degree (CBCS) Examination
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module.
2. Use of steam tables is permitted.
1 a Classifydifferent sources of energy with suitable examples. (04 Marks)
b Find the enthalpy of 1kg of steam at 12 bar when (i) steam is dry saturated
(ii) steam is 22% wet (iii) superheated to 250ºC. Take the specific heat of
superheated steam as 2.25kJ/kgK.
(06 Marks)
c With the help of T-h diagram, explain the generation of steam at constant
(10 Marks)
2 a Write short note on (i) global warming (ii) Ozone depletion (10 Marks)
b State and Explain Zeroth law, first law and second law of thermodynamics. (10 Marks)
3 a With a neat sketch, explain the working of water tube boiler. (10 Marks)
b Classify Hydraulic pumps and explain the working principle of centrifugalpump
with a neat sketch. (10 Marks)
4 a Classify hydraulic turbines and with a neat sketch explain the working of Francis
(10 Marks)
b Explain the functions of (i) Water level indicator (ii) Safety valve (iii) Super
heater (iv) Pressure gauge (v) Feed check valve
(10 Marks)
5 a With the help of P-V diagram, explain the operation of 4-Stroke Petrol engine (10 Marks)
b Following data are collected from a 4-stroke, single cylinder at full load.
Bore = 200mm, stroke= 280mm, speed = 300 rpm, Indicated mean effective
pressure = 5.6bar, Torque on the brake drum = 250 N-m, fuel consumed =
4.2kg/hour, and calorific value of fuel = 41000 KJ/kg.Determine (i) Brake power
(ii) Mechanical Efficiency (iii) Indicated thermal efficiency (iv) Brake thermal
(10 Marks)
6 a Define the following refrigeration terms :
i) Refrigerant ii) Ton of refrigeration iii) COP iv) Relative COP v) Refrigerating
(05 Marks)
b Define refrigeration. State the application of refrigeration (05 Marks)
c With the help of a flow diagram, explain the functioning of Vapor Compression
refrigeration cycle. (10 Marks)
7 a Classify and explain various types of Steel (10 Marks)
b With a neat sketch explain the Arc welding method. (10 Marks)
8 a Derive an expression for length of belt in open belt drive. (10 Marks)
b A shaft running at 100 rpm, is to drive a parallel shaft at 150 rpm. The pulley on
the driving shaft is 350 mm in diameter. Find the diameter of the driven pulley.
Calculate the linear velocity of the belt and the velocity ratio.
9 a Explain the following machining operations on Lathe machine with suitable
sketches (i) Turning (ii) Facing (iii) Thread cutting (iv) Knurling (10 Marks)
b With a neat sketch explain the working of vertical milling machine (10 Marks)
10 a Explain the advantages and applications of robots in industries. (10Marks)
b Discuss the elements of a CNC system with a neat block diagram. (10 Marks)
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
/ 2nd
Semester, B.E (CBCS)
Course: 18ELN14/24- Basic Electronics – Set no. 3
Note: (i) Answer five full questions selecting any one full question from each module.
(ii) Missing data may be suitably assumed
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
1 a Explain the forward and reverse bias condition for a pn junction diode with
neat diagram.
b A half wave rectifier is fed from a supply of 230 V, 50 Hz with step down
transformer of ratio 3:1. Resistive load connected is 10 KΩ. The diode forwardΩ. The diode forward
resistance is 75Ω and transformer secondary is 10 Ω. Calculate the DC load
current, DC load voltage, efficiency and ripple factor.
c Write a short note on the following:
(i) Photo diode (ii) Light emitting diode
2 a With neat circuit diagram and wave forms explain the working of a centre
tapped full wave rectifier.
b A Zener diode has a breakdown voltage of 10V. It is supplied from a voltage
source varying between 20-40V in series with a resistance of 820Ω. Using an
ideal Zener model, obtain the minimum and maximum Zener currents
c Explain the features of LM7805 fixed regulator. 06M
3 a Explain the construction and operation of a p-channel JFET 08M
b With neat diagram explain the operation of a CMOS inverter. 06M
c With neat diagram explain the VI characteristics of an SCR. 06M
4 a Explain the characteristics of an n-channel JEFT. 06M
b With neat diagram, explain the characteristics of a enhancement type
c With neat diagram explain the two transistor model of an SCR. 06M
5 a Explain the following with respect to op-amp
(i) Input Impedance (ii) output impedance (iii) Slew rate (iv) CMRR (v) virtual
b Derive an expression for the output voltage of an inverting amplifier. 06M
c The input to the basic differentiator circuit is a sinusoidal voltage of peak
value of 10mV and frequency 1.5KΩ. The diode forwardHz. Find the output if, Rf=100KΩ. The diode forwardΩ and
6 a Derive an expression for the output voltage of an op-amp integrator. 06M
b Derive an expression for the output voltage of an inverting summer. 06M
c A non-inverting amplifier circuit has an input resistance of 10KΩ. The diode forwardΩ and
feedback resistance 60KΩ. The diode forwardΩ with load resistance of 47KΩ. The diode forwardΩ. Draw the circuit.
Calculate the output voltage, voltage gain, load current when the input voltage
is 1.5V.
7 a Explain how the transistor can be used as a switch and as an amplifier. 10M
An amplifier has a high frequency response described byA=
A 0
1+( jωω/ω2)
Where in A0=1000, ω2=104 rad/s. Find the feedback factor which will raise the
upper corner frequency ω2 to 105 Hz. What is the corresponding gain of the
amplifier? Find also the gain bandwidth product in this case.
c With a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of RC phase shift oscillator. 06M
8 a List the advantages of negative feedback in an amplifier. Explain the voltage
series feedback amplifier. Show that the gain band width product for a
feedback amplifier is constant.
b The frequency sensitivity arms of the Wein bridge oscillator uses
C1=C2=0.01μF.F and R1=10KΩ. The diode forwardΩ while R2 is kept variable. The frequency is to be
varied from 10KΩ. The diode forwardHz to 50 KΩ. The diode forwardHz by varying R2. Find the minimum and
maximum values of R2.
c With a neat diagram explain the Astable operation of IC 555 timer. 06M
9 a Simplify the following Boolean expressions
(i) Y=A ´B+ AB
(ii) Y=AB+ AC+BD+CD
(iii) Y=(B+CA )(C+ ´A B)
(iv) Y= ´A ´B ´C ´D+ ´A ´B ´C D+ A ´B ´C ´D+ A ´B ´C D
b With a neat circuit diagram and truth table, explain the working of a JKΩ. The diode forward flip
c With a neat diagram, explain the working of a communication system. 06M
10 a Simplify and realize the following using NAND gates only
(i) Y=AC+ ABC+ ´A BC+ AB+ D
(ii) Y=A ´B ´C+ ´A ´B ´C+ ´A ´B+ ´A ´C
b With a neat circuit diagram and truth table, explain the full adder circuit. 06M
c With a neat block diagram, explain the operating principle of the GSM system. 06M
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Semester, B.E (CBCS 2018-19 Scheme)
Course: 18ELN14/24- BASIC ELECTRONICS – Set no. 2
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: (i) Answer Five full questions selecting any one full question from each Module.
(ii) Question on a topic of a Module may appear in either its 1st
or/and 2nd
Module-1 Marks
a. Explain the operation of PN junction diode under forward and reverse bias conditions 6M
A full wave bridge rectifier with an input of 100V(rms) feeds a load of 1kΩ .VΩ .VT=0.7V
(i) If the diodes employed are of silicon, what is the dc voltage across the load?
(ii) Determine the PIV rating of each diode..
(iii) Determine the maximum current that each diode conducts and the diode power rating.
Write a short note on
(i) Light emitting diode and (ii) Photo coupler 8M
What is Zener diode? With neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a voltage regulator with and
without load?
b. A silicon diode has IS=10nA operating at 25°C. Calculate In for a forward bias of 0.6V. 4M
Define rectifier. SkΩ .Vetch a centre tapped full wave rectifier and derive the following. Show the
appropriate waveforms.
(i) Average Voltage (ii) Efficiency and (iii) Ripple factor 8M
a. Explain the construction and operation of JFET with necessary diagram. 7M
b. Draw and explain the V-I characteristics of SCR. 6M
c. With neat circuit diagram, explain the workΩ .Ving of CMOS inverter. 7M
a. What is MOSFET? Explain D- MOSFET and E- MOSFET transfer characteristics. 8M
b. A certain JFET has an IGSS of -2nA for VGS= -20V Determine the input resistance. 4M
c. What is SCR? Explain the workΩ .Ving of two transistor model of SCR. 6M
5 a. Describe the characteristics of basic Op-Amp. List out its ideal characteristics. 8M
A certain op-amp has an open loop voltage gain of 1,00,000 and a common mode gain of 0.2.
Determine the CMRR and express it in decibels.
c. Derive the output voltage for the following
(i) Integrator and (ii) Voltage follower
Explain the following terms related to op-amp
(i) CMRR (ii) Offest Voltage and Current (iii) Slew rate and (iv) Input bias
b. Design an adder using op-amp to give the output voltage VO= - [2V1+3V2+5V3]. 6M
c. Derive the output voltage of a non-inverting amplifier. 6M
a. What is an amplifier? Explain the operation of transistor amplifier circuit. 8M
Define feedbackΩ .V amplifier? With necessary diagram and equation explain the different types of
feedbackΩ .V?
a. Briefly explain how a transistor is used as an electronic switch. 6M
b. Explain how 555 timer can be used as an oscillator. 6M
c. Define an oscillator? Derive the equation for Wien bridge oscillator. 8M
Perform the following
(i) Convert (A B C D)16 =(?)2=(?)8=(?)10
(ii) Subtract (1010)2-(111)2 using 2’s compliment method.
b. Realize Y=AB+CD+E using NAND gates. 4M
c. What is a flip flop? Explain the Master Slave JK flip flop operation. 5M
d. With a neat blockΩ .V diagram explain GSM system. 6M
Perform the following
(i) Convert (111110101101)2 to ( )8
(ii) Subtract (22)2-(17)2 using 1’s and 2’s compliment method.
b. Design full adder circuit using three variables and implement it using two half adders. 8M
What is a counter? With a neat timing and blockΩ .V diagram, explain three bit asynchronous counter
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Semester, B.E (CBCS 2018-19 Scheme)
Course: 18ELN14/24- BASIC ELECTRONICS – Set no.1
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: (i) Answer Five full questions selecting any one full question from each Module.
(ii) Question on a topic of a Module may appear in either its 1st
or/and 2nd
Module-1 Marks
1 a Explain the operation of p-n junction diode under forward and reverse biased
b Explain how Zener diode can be used as a voltage regulator 6
c A diode circuit shown below has E=1.5V, R1=10 ohm. By assuming Vf=0.7V, calculate If
i) rd = 0
ii) rd = 0.25 ohm
2 a With a neat circuit diagram and waveform, explain the working of half-wave rectifier
and derive the expression for average load current.
b Explain briefly the operation of a capacitor filter circuit. 6
c Explain the operation of 7805 fixed IC voltage regulator. 6
3 a Explain the characteristics of N-channel JFET. 8
b For E-MOSFET, determine value of ID, if ID (ON)= 4mA, Vgs(ON)=6V, VT=4V and Vgs=8V. 4
c Explain the construction and working of P-channel enhancement type MOSFET. 8
4 a Draw and explain the operations of SCR using 2-transistor equivalent circuit. 8
b Explain phase controlled application of SCR. 6
c Explain the operation of a CMOS inverter. 6
5 a For an op-amp (i) List the characteristics of an ideal op-amp and (ii) Draw the three
input inverting summer circuit and derive an expression for its output voltage.
b Define the terms
i) Slew rate
ii) CMRR
iii) Common mode gain AC of op-amp
c Design an adder circuit using an op-amp to obtain an output voltage of Vo=
6 a Draw the working of an inverting op-amp. Derive the expression for its voltage gain. 8
b With a neat diagram, explain how an op-amp can be used as a differentiator. 6
c Find the output Vo of following op-amp circuit.
7 a Explain the operation of BJT as an amplifier and as a switch. 8
b What is a feedback amplifier? Briefly explain different types of feedback amplifiers. 6
c Draw and explain the operation of a voltage series feedback amplifier and derive an
expression for its voltage gain with feedback.
8 a Explain the Barkhausens’ criteria for oscillations. 6
b Explain the operation of an RC phase shift oscillator. 6
c Explain the working of an Astable oscillator constructed using IC- 555 timer. 8
9 a Convert the following.
i) (725.25)10=( ? )2 = ( ? )16
ii) (111100111110001)2= ( ? )10 = ( ? )16
b Simplify the following expressions and draw the logic circuits using basic gates.
i) AB+ ´AC+ A ´BC (AB+C)
ii) (A+´B)(CD+E)
c Realize a full adder circuit using 2 half adders. 6
10 a What is a multiplexer? Explain the working of 4:1 multiplexer. 6
b With the help of a logic diagram and truth table, explain the working of a clocked SR
c What is a shift register? Explain the working of a 4-bit SISO shift register. 8
Model Question Paper-2 with effect from 2018-19
(CBCS Scheme)
First/Second Semester B.E.Degree Examination
Engineering Chemistry
(Common to all Branches)
Time : 3 Hrs Max.Marks:100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module
1. a. What is single electrode potential? Derive Nernst equation for single electrode potential.
(6 Marks)
b. Calculate the emf of a Cd-Cu cell in which Cd is in contact with 0.002 M CdSO4 and
Cu in contact with 0.02 M CuSO4 solution. The standard emf of the cell is 0.74 V at
298 K (7 Marks)
c. Explain the construction and working of Ni-MH battery, mention its applications.
(7 Marks)
2. a. Explain the construction and working of Li-ion battery. Mention their advantages and
applications. (7 Marks)
b. What are primary and secondary batteries? Explain with examples. (6 Marks)
c. A concentration cell was constructed by immersing two silver electrodes in 0.05 M and
1M AgNO3 solutions. Give the cell representation, write the cell reactions and calculate
the emf of the cell (7 Marks)
3. a. Explain: (i) Water-line corrosion & (ii) Pitting corrosion. (6 Marks)
b. Explain the process of (i) galvanization & (ii) Anodizing (7 Marks)
c. What is electrolessplating? Explain the electrolessplating of nickel. (7 Marks)
4. a. What is meant by metal finishing? Mention (any 6) technological importance
of metal finishing. (7 Marks)
b. Define the terms (i) Polarization, (ii) Decomposition potential & (iii) Over voltage.
(6 Marks)
c. What is cathodic protection? Explain (i) Sacrificial anodic & (ii) Impressed
current methods (7 Marks)
5. a. What are chemical fuels? How are they classified? (6 Marks)
b. What are fuel cells? How does a fuel cell differ from a battery? Give their advantages &
disadvantages. (7 marks)
c. Explain the preparation of solar grade silicon by union carbide process. (7 marks)
6. a. What are PV cells? Mention their advantages and limitations.
b. 0.85 g of coal sample (carbon 90%, H2 5% and ash 5%) was
subjected to combustion in a Bomb calorimeter. Mass water taken in
the calorimeter was 2000 g and the water equivalent of calorimeter
was 600 g. The rise in temperature was found to be 3.5o
C. Calculate
gross and net calorific values of the sample. Latent heat of steam
(8 Marks)
(6 marks)
c. Write a note on (i) Power alcohol & (ii) Unleaded petrol
(6 Marks)
7 a. What are the causes, effects and disposal methods of e-waste? (7 Marks)
b. What are the sources, effects and control of mercury pollution? (7 Marks)
c. In a COD test 30.2 cm3
and 14.5 cm3
of 0.05 N FAS solution are required
for blank and sample titration respectively. The volume of the test sample used was 25
. Calculate the COD of the sample solution. (6 Marks)
8. a. Explain the softening of water by ion exchange method. (6 Marks)
b. Explain the activated sludge treatment of sewage of water. (7 Marks)
c. Explain the mechanism of photochemical smog. (7 Marks)
9. a. Explain the theory, instrumentation and applications of atomic absorption spectroscopy.
(7 Marks)
b. Explain the theory and instrumentation of potentiometry (7 Marks)
c. Explain the synthesis of nano-material by sol-gel technique. (6 Marks)
10. a.
Write a note on fullerenes. Mention their applications. (7 Marks)
b. What are nano-materials? Explain the synthesis of nano-materials by
chemical vapor deposition. (7 Marks)
c. Explain the theory and instrumentation of colorimetry. (6 Marks)
Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2018-19
(CBCS Scheme)
First/Second Semester B.E.Degree Examination
Engineering Chemistry
(Common to all Branches)
Time : 3 Hrs Max.Marks:100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module
1. a. Define the terms: (i) Free energy, (ii) Entropy & (iii) Cell potential (6 Marks)
b. What are concentration cells? The cell potential of Cu concentration cell
Cu/CuSO4 (0.005M) // CuSO4 (X)/ Cu is 0.0295 V at 25° C.
Write the cell reaction and calculate the value of X. (7 Marks)
c. What are batteries? Explain the construction and working of Li-ion battery,
mention its applications. (7 Marks)
2. a. Write short notes on primary, secondary and reserve batteries. (6 Marks)
b. Explain the construction and working of Ni-MH battery. Mention its applications.
(7 Marks)
c. For the cell, Fe/Fe2+
(0.1M)/Ag write the cell reaction and calculate the
emf of the cell at 298K, if standard electrode potentials of Fe and Ag electrodes are
-0.44V and 0.8 V respectively. (7 Marks)
3. a. What is metallic corrosion? Describe the electrochemical theory of corrosion
taking iron as an example. (7 Marks)
b. Explain: (i) Differential metal corrosion & (ii) Water-line corrosion (6 Marks)
c. What is electroplating? Explain the electroplating of chromium (7 Marks)
4. a. What is meant by metal finishing? Mention (any five) technological importance
of metal finishing. (6 Marks)
b. What is electrolessplating? Explain the electrolessplating of copper. (8 Marks)
c. Explain the factors affecting the rate of corrosion (i) Nature of corrosion product,
(ii) Ratio of anodic to cathodic areas & (iii) pH (6 Marks)
5. a. Define the term Calorific value of fuel. Explain the experimental determination
of calorific value of solid/liquid fuel using Bomb calorimeter. (8 Marks)
b. What are fuel cells? Describe the construction and working of CH3OH-O2 fuel cell.
(6 marks)
c. What are solar cells? Explain the construction and working of a typical PV cell.
(6 marks)
6. a. Explain the production solar grade Si by union carbide process
b. 0.75 g of coal sample (carbon 90%, H2 5% and ash 5%) was
subjected to combustion in Bomb calorimeter. Mass water taken in
the calorimeter was 2.5Kg and the water equivalent of calorimeter is
0.65Kg. The rise in temperature was found to be 3.2o
C. Calculate
gross and net calorific values of the sample. Latent heat of steam
=2457KJ/Kg and specific heat of water = 4.187KJ/ Kg/o
C. (8 Marks)
(6 marks)
c. What is knocking? Explain its mechanism. Mention its ill effects.
(6 Marks)
7 a. Explain the mechanism of photochemical smog? (7 Marks)
b. What are the sources, effects and control of lead pollution? (7 Marks)
c. Define COD. In COD test 27.5 cm3
and 13.2 cm3
of 0.05 N FAS solution ere required
for blank and sample titration respectively. The volume of the test sample used is 25
. Calculate the COD of the sample solution. (6 Marks)
8. a. Define the term COD. Explain the determination of COD. (6 Marks)
b. What is potable water? Describe the process of reverse osmosis process of water.
(7 Marks)
c. What are the causes, effects and disposal methods of e-waste? (7 Marks)
9. a. Explain the theory, instrumentation and applications of flame photometry.
(7 Marks)
b. Explain the theory and instrumentation of conductometry. (7 Marks)
c. Explain the synthesis of nano-material by sol-gel technique. (6 Marks)
10. a.
Write a note on graphenes. Mention its applications. (7 Marks)
b. What are nano-materials? Explain the synthesis of nano-materials by
precipitation method (7 Marks)
c. Explain the theory and instrumentation of potentiometry. (6 Marks)
Page 1 of 2
Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2018-19
(CBCS Scheme)
First Semester B.E. Degree Examination
Calculus and Linear Algebra
(Common to all Branches)
Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each module.
1. (a) With usual notation, prove that  2422
111 ddrrrp  . (06 Marks)
(b) For the cardiod :  cos1 ar , show that r2
 is constant. (06 Marks)
(c) Show that the evolute of the parabola axy 42
 is  32
2427 axay  . (08 Marks)
2. (a) Find the pedal equation of the curve : )sin(cos  mmar mm
 . (06 Marks)
(b) Show that the radius of curvature for the catenary  cxcy cosh at any point  yx, varies
as square of the ordinate at that point. (06 Marks)
(c) Show that the angle between the pair of curves:  log&log arar  is .tan2 1
(08 Marks)
3. (a) Using Maclaurin’s series, prove that ...
xx (06 Marks)
(b) Evaluate (i)    xxxx
3lim 
(ii)    x
. (07 Marks)
(c) Examine the function   20123, 33
 yxyxyxf for its extreme values. (07 Marks)
4. (a) Find dtdu at ,0t if
eu 
 and tzttytx sin,cos,12
 . (06 Marks)
(b) If zxywyzxvxyzu  ,, , then show that     4,,,,  zyxwvu . (07 Marks)
(c) Find the maximum and minimum distances of the point  3,2,1 from the sphere .56222
 zyx (07 Marks)
5. (a) Evaluate :  dydxdzzyx
z zx
zx  
1 0
(b) Find by double integration the area lying between the circle 222
ayx  and the line
ayx  in the first quadrant. (06 Marks)
(c) Show that 
 
(07 Marks)
Page 2 of 2
6. (a) Change the order of integration and hence evaluate  
dxdyxy . (06 Marks)
(b) A pyramid is bounded by three coordinate planes and the plane 632  zyx .
Compute the volume by double integration. (07 Marks)
(c) Evaluate:   dxxx
1 , by expressing in terms beta & gamma functions. (07 Marks)
7. (a) If the temperature of the air is C0
30 and a metal ball cools from C0
100 to C0
70 in 15
minutes, find how long will it take for the metal ball to reach a temperature of .400
C (06 Marks)
(b) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves     ,122222
 dybydxax 
where  is a parameter. (07 Marks)
(c) Solve :    .0422 434
 dyxyxydxyy (07 Marks)
8. (a) The current i in an electrical circuit containing an inductance L anda resistance R in series
and, acted upon an e.m.f. tE sin satisfies the differential equation   .sin tERidtdiL 
Find the value of the current at any time t, if initially there is no current in the circuit. (06 Marks)
(b) Solve:   0cos2sin 23
 dxyxyxdy (07 Marks)
(c) Find the general and singular solution of    ,2ppyxypx  by using the substitution
vyux  22
& (07 Marks)
9. (a) Find the rank of the matrix
by applying elementary row operations. (06 Marks)
(b) Using Rayleigh’s power method, find largest eigen value and eigen vector of the matrix:
 402
by taking  0
X = T
0,0,1 as initial eigen vector.(Perform 7 iterations) (07 Marks)
(c) Use Gauss-Jordan method solve the system of equations:
43;126;54  zyxzyxzyx (07 Marks)
10. (a) For what values  and  the system of equations   zyxzyxzyx 52;953;632 ,
has (a) no solution (b) a unique solution and (iii) infinite number of solutions. (06 Marks)
(b) Reduce the matrix 
A into the diagonal form. (07 Marks)
(c) Solve the system of equations 9541183;712983;10413527  zyxzyxzyx ,
using Gauss-Seidel method. (Carry out 4 iterations). (07 Marks)
Page 1 of 2
Model Question Paper-2 with effect from 2018-19
(CBCS Scheme)
First Semester B.E. Degree Examination
Calculus and Linear Algebra
(Common to all Branches)
Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each module.
1. (a) With usual notation, prove that  drdr  tan . (06 Marks)
(b) Find the radius of curvature at the point  aa 3,3 on the curve axyyx 333
 . (06 Marks)
(c) Show that the evolute of the ellipse: 12222
 byax is       32223232
babyax  (08 Marks)
2. (a) Find the pedal equation of the curve : .cos1 erl  (06 Marks)
(b) Find the radius of curvature for the curve    raaar 122
 at any point on it. (06 Marks)
(c) Show that the angle between the pair of curves:  2sin16&42sin 22
 rr is .3 (08 Marks)
3. (a) Using Maclaurin’s series, prove that   ...
xxx (06 Marks)
(b) Evaluate (i)    
 a
ax 2
(ii)    x
(07 Marks)
(c) Examine the function     4422
2, yxyxyxf  for its extreme values. (07 Marks)
4. (a) If  xzzyyxfu 24,43,32  , show that       0413121  zyx uuu (06 Marks)
(b) If  cos,sinsin,cossin rzryrx  , show that      .sin,,,, 2
 rrzyxJ  (07 Marks)
(c) A rectangular box, open at the top, is to have a volume of 32 cubic ft. Find the dimension of
the box requiring least material for its construction. (07 Marks)
5. (a) Evaluate  dxdye yx
 
0 0
by changing into polar coordinates. (06 Marks)
(b) Find the volume the tetrahedron bounded by the plane 1
and the coordinate planes,
using double integration. (07 Marks)
(c) Show that
 
 
dxe x
(07 Marks)
Page 2 of 2
6. (a) Evaluate:   
 
2 22
x yx
(06 Marks)
(b) Find by double integration, the centre of gravity of the area of the cardioid:  .cos1  ar (07 Marks)
(c) With usual notations, show that
 
 .,
 
(07 Marks)
7. (a) A copper ball originally at C0
80 cools down to C0
60 in 20 minutes, if the temperature of the
air being .400
C What will be the temperature of the ball after 40 minutes from the original? (06 Marks)
(b) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves nn
anr cos ,where a is a parameter. (07 Marks)
(c) Solve :    .0223 23342
 dyxyxdxxyyx (07 Marks)
8. (a) Solve the differential equation   ,300sin200 tRidtdiL  when 05.0L & 100R and
find the value of the current i at any time t, if initially there is no current in the circuit. What
value does i approach after a long time. (06 Marks)
(b) Solve :    .0cossin 2
 drdrr  (07 Marks)
(c) Solve:     022212 234
 xyppxyyxpyxp , where .dxdyp  (07 Marks)
9. (a) For what values  and  the system of equations   zyxzyxzyx 2;1032;6 ,
has (a) no solution (b) a unique solution and (iii) infinite number of solutions. (06 Marks)
(b) Using Rayleigh’s power method, find largest eigen value and eigen vector of the matrix:
by taking  0
X = T
0,0,1 as initial eigen vector.(Perform 7 iterations) (07 Marks)
(c) Use Gauss-Jordan method solve the system of equations:
712983;10413527;9541183  zyxzyxzyx (07 Marks)
10. (a) Find the rank of the matrix
by applying elementary row operations. (06 Marks)
(b) Reduce the matrix 
A into the diagonal form. (06 Marks)
(c) Solve the system of equations 18203;17220;252032  zyxzyxzyx , (07 Marks)
using Gauss-Seidel method. (Carry out 4 iterations).
Model Question Paper
I/II Semester
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module.
1 a
Explain different types of computer.
b What is Software? Explain different types of software. (6 Marks)
With a neat diagram explain the basic structure of a computer
(8 Marks)
2 a Explain a general structure of C program with an example. ( 8 Marks)
b What is a token? What are different types of tokens available in C
language? Explain.
( 8 Marks)
Evaluate the following expressions:
i) 22 + 3 < 6 && !5 || 22 = =7 && 22 – 2 > +5
ii) a + 2 > b || !c && a = = d *a – 2 < = e Where a=11, b=6, c=0, d
= 7 and e=5.
( 4 Marks)
3. a Explain formatted input and output statement with examples. (6 Marks)
Explain if, if-else, nested if-else and cascaded if-else with examples and
( 8 Marks)
An electricity board charges the following rates for the use of
electricity: for the first 200 units 80 paise per unit: for the next 100
units 90 paise per unit: beyond 300 units Rs 1 per unit. All users are
charged a minimum of Rs. 100 as meter charge. If the total amount is
more than Rs 400, then an additional surcharge of 15% of total amount
is charged. Write a program to read the name of the user, number of
units consumed and print out the charges.
( 6 Marks)
4 a Explain the different types of loops in C with syntax. (8 Marks)
b Show how break and continue statements are used in a C-program, with
(4 Marks)
c Develop a C program to generate and plot the Pascal triangle. (8 Marks)
5 a What is an array? How a single dimension and two dimension arrays
are declared and initialized?
(12 Marks)
b Write an algorithm and develop a C program that reads N integer
numbers and arrange them in ascending order using selection Sort.
(08 Marks)
6 a Explain string manipulation library functions with their syntaxes. Write
a program to check whether a string is palindrome or not.
( 12 Marks)
b Write an algorithm and develop a C program to search an integer from
N numbers in ascending order using binary searching technique
(8 Marks)
7. a What is function? Explain different classification of user defined
functions based on parameter passing and return type with examples
(12 Marks)
b Write a c-program using functions to generate the Fibonacci series. (8 Marks)
8 a What is recursion? Explain. Write a c-program using recursive function
for Binary to Decimal Conversion.
(10 Marks)
b Write a program in C using functions to swap two numbers using
global variables concept and call by reference concept.
(6 Marks)
c Write a c-program using function to check whether the given number is
prime or not.
(4 Marks)
9 a What is structure? Explain C syntax of structure declaration with
(6 Marks)
b Explain structure within a structure with an example. (6 Marks)
c Write a c-program using structures to read, write, compute average -
marks and display the students scoring above and below the average
marks for a class of N students.
( 8 Marks)
10 a What is a pointer? Explain how the pointer variable declared and
( 4 Marks)
b Write a program in C to find the sum and mean of all elements in an
array using pointers.
( 6 Marks)
c Explain different categories of pre-processor directives used in C. (10 Marks)
C-Programming for Problem Solving
(a). What is a Computer? Explain different type of computers. 6M
(b). Define and give example for the following. 6M
i. Variable
ii. Constant
iii. Declaration
(c). Convert the following mathematical expressions in to ’C’ expression.
a. X=e power root of( x)+e power root of( y)/xsin root( y)
b. C=a*a+1/((b+1/(c+d))
c. C=3 root of((a*a*a+b*b*b*b)/(a*a*a*a-b*b*b*))
d. Area=((pie*r*r)+(2*pie*r*h)) 8M
(a). What are input device? Mention & explain any 2 input devices. 6M
(b). Mention different types of operators and explain any 4 in detail with explain. 6M
(c). Differentiate between primary memory & secondary memory? 4M
(d). Evaluate each of the following expression independent of each other.
The declaration & initialize statement is ...... int 1=3,j=4,k=2;
(a).i++-j-- (b).++k%--j (c).j+1/i-1 (d).j++/i-- 4M
(a). What is the purpose of scanf() &printf() statement? Explain the formatted printf() along
with the respective example. 6M
(b). Write a ‘C’ Program to check whether a given number is even or odd using if –else
statement. 6M
(c). Write a ‘C’ Program to perform the simple calculator operations like addition, subtraction,
multiplication & division use ‘switch’ statement in program. 8M
4(a). Explain different types of loops in C with syntax & example. 8M
(b). Explain the syntax of nested ‘if...else’ statement. Write a ‘C’ Program to find largest of these
numbers using nested ‘if’ statement. 6M
(c) Write a ‘C’ Program to find the sum of odd numbers ‘n’ natural numbers using do ‘while’
loop. 6M
(a). Define array? Explain the declaration & initialization of single dimensional array with
example. 5M
(b). Explain any five string manipulation library functions with example. 8M
(c). Write a ‘C’ Program to check a number is prime or not? 7M
(a). How string is declared &initialized? Explain string input/output functions with an
example. 6M
(b). Write a ‘C’ Program to read N numbers into an array & perform Linear search8M
(c). Write a ‘C’ Program to concatenate two strings without using built in function. 6M
(a). What are ‘C’ functions? Explain the difference between user defined& library functions.
(b). Differentiate between call by value and call by reference with examples. 6M
(c). Write a ‘C’ Program to find the binomial co-efficient of a number using recursion. 8M
(a). Explain the different elements of user defined functions in detail. 8M
(b). Write a ‘C’ Program to find the largest element in an array. 6M
(c). Write a ‘C’ Program to calculate the Fibonacci sequence using recursion functions.6M
(a). Explain how the structure variable can be passed as a parameter to a function with an
example. 6M
(b). Define pointer. Explain the declaration &initialization of pointer. 6M
(c). Write a ‘C’ Program to maintain a record of student details. Print the marks of the student
given student name as input using structures. 8M
(a). Explain the array of pointers with examples. 6M
(b). What are pre-processor directives? Explain #define & #include pre-processor directives.
(c). Write a ‘C’ Program using pointers to compute the sum, mean & standard derivation of all
elements stored in an array of ‘n’ real numbers. 8M

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1st and 2nd Semester 2018 scheme C cycle model question papers

  • 1. 18ME15/25 Model Question Paper First Semester B.E. Degree (CBCS) Examination Elements of Mechanical Engineering Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: 1.Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module. 2. Use of Thermodynamic data hand book permitted. MODULE – I 1 a Enumerate the method of extracting energy from wind with a neat sketch (08Marks) b Illustrate the formation of steam with relevant sketches. (08Marks) c What are the different states of steam? Explain them in brief. (04 Marks) OR 2 a Explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics. List the similarities and dissimilarities between work and heat. (10 Marks) b A stationary mass of gas is compressed without friction from an initial stage of 0.3 m3 and 0.105 MPa to a final state of 0.15 m3 , the pressure remaining constant. There is a transfer of 37.6 kJ of heat from the gas during the process. How much does the internal energy of the gas change? (10Marks) MODULE – II 3 a With a neat sketch, explain the working of Lancashire boiler. (10 Marks) b Explain the different boiler mountings and accessories. (10 Marks) OR 4 a Classify Hydraulic turbines and with a neat sketch explain the working of a typical impulse turbine. (10 Marks) b Describe the working of a reciprocating pump. (10 Marks) MODULE – III 5 a With the help of P-V diagram, explain the operation of 4-Stroke Diesel engine (10 Marks) b The following observations were recorded during a test on single cylinder diesel engine: Brake Power= 75 kW, Brake thermal efficiency= 35%, Mechanical efficiency= 90%, calorific value =40000 kJ/kg. Determinei) IP ii) FP iii) fuel consumed per hour. (10 Marks) OR 6 a Explain the ideal properties of refrigerant. (06 Marks) b With the help of a sketch, explain the functioning of Vapor AbsorptionSystem. (10 Marks) c List the most commonly used refrigerants. (04 Marks) MODULE – IV 7 a Classify and explain various types of smart materials (10 Marks) b With a neat sketch explain TIG welding. (10 Marks) OR 8 a Derive an expression for length of belt in cross belt drive. (10 Marks) b What are the advantages and disadvantages of gear drives over belt drives? (10Marks) USN ImportantNote:1.Oncompletingyouranswers,compulsorilydrawdiagonalcrosslinesontheremainingblankpages. 2.Anyrevealingofidentification,appealtoevaluatorand/orequationswrittene.g,38+2=40,willbetreatedasmalpractice. 18ME15/25
  • 2. 18ME15/25 MODULE – V 9 a What are the various methods of producing taper turning method? Explain taper turning by swiveling the compound method. (10Marks) b Explain the following machining operations on milling machine with suitable sketches (i) Plane milling (ii) End milling (iii) Slot milling (iv) Form milling (10 Marks) OR 10 a Explain the components of a CNC with a block diagram (10Marks) b Elaborate the various robot configurations with simple sketches (10 Marks)
  • 3. 18ME15/25 Model Question Paper First Semester B.E. Degree (CBCS) Examination Elements of Mechanical Engineering Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: 1.Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module. 2. Use of steam tables is permitted. MODULE – I 1 a Classifydifferent sources of energy with suitable examples. (04 Marks) b Find the enthalpy of 1kg of steam at 12 bar when (i) steam is dry saturated (ii) steam is 22% wet (iii) superheated to 250ºC. Take the specific heat of superheated steam as 2.25kJ/kgK. (06 Marks) c With the help of T-h diagram, explain the generation of steam at constant pressure. (10 Marks) OR 2 a Write short note on (i) global warming (ii) Ozone depletion (10 Marks) b State and Explain Zeroth law, first law and second law of thermodynamics. (10 Marks) MODULE – II 3 a With a neat sketch, explain the working of water tube boiler. (10 Marks) b Classify Hydraulic pumps and explain the working principle of centrifugalpump with a neat sketch. (10 Marks) OR 4 a Classify hydraulic turbines and with a neat sketch explain the working of Francis turbine. (10 Marks) b Explain the functions of (i) Water level indicator (ii) Safety valve (iii) Super heater (iv) Pressure gauge (v) Feed check valve (10 Marks) MODULE – III 5 a With the help of P-V diagram, explain the operation of 4-Stroke Petrol engine (10 Marks) b Following data are collected from a 4-stroke, single cylinder at full load. Bore = 200mm, stroke= 280mm, speed = 300 rpm, Indicated mean effective pressure = 5.6bar, Torque on the brake drum = 250 N-m, fuel consumed = 4.2kg/hour, and calorific value of fuel = 41000 KJ/kg.Determine (i) Brake power (ii) Mechanical Efficiency (iii) Indicated thermal efficiency (iv) Brake thermal efficiency (10 Marks) OR 6 a Define the following refrigeration terms : i) Refrigerant ii) Ton of refrigeration iii) COP iv) Relative COP v) Refrigerating effect (05 Marks) b Define refrigeration. State the application of refrigeration (05 Marks) c With the help of a flow diagram, explain the functioning of Vapor Compression refrigeration cycle. (10 Marks) USN ImportantNote:1.Oncompletingyouranswers,compulsorilydrawdiagonalcrosslinesontheremainingblankpages. 2.Anyrevealingofidentification,appealtoevaluatorand/orequationswrittene.g,38+2=40,willbetreatedasmalpractice. 18ME15/25
  • 4. 18ME15/25 MODULE – IV 7 a Classify and explain various types of Steel (10 Marks) b With a neat sketch explain the Arc welding method. (10 Marks) OR 8 a Derive an expression for length of belt in open belt drive. (10 Marks) b A shaft running at 100 rpm, is to drive a parallel shaft at 150 rpm. The pulley on the driving shaft is 350 mm in diameter. Find the diameter of the driven pulley. Calculate the linear velocity of the belt and the velocity ratio. (10Marks) MODULE – V 9 a Explain the following machining operations on Lathe machine with suitable sketches (i) Turning (ii) Facing (iii) Thread cutting (iv) Knurling (10 Marks) b With a neat sketch explain the working of vertical milling machine (10 Marks) OR 10 a Explain the advantages and applications of robots in industries. (10Marks) b Discuss the elements of a CNC system with a neat block diagram. (10 Marks)
  • 5. 18ELN14/24 Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi MODEL QUESTION PAPER 1st / 2nd Semester, B.E (CBCS) Course: 18ELN14/24- Basic Electronics – Set no. 3 Note: (i) Answer five full questions selecting any one full question from each module. (ii) Missing data may be suitably assumed Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100 MODULE 1 1 a Explain the forward and reverse bias condition for a pn junction diode with neat diagram. 08M b A half wave rectifier is fed from a supply of 230 V, 50 Hz with step down transformer of ratio 3:1. Resistive load connected is 10 KΩ. The diode forwardΩ. The diode forward resistance is 75Ω and transformer secondary is 10 Ω. Calculate the DC load current, DC load voltage, efficiency and ripple factor. 06M c Write a short note on the following: (i) Photo diode (ii) Light emitting diode 06M OR 2 a With neat circuit diagram and wave forms explain the working of a centre tapped full wave rectifier. 08M b A Zener diode has a breakdown voltage of 10V. It is supplied from a voltage source varying between 20-40V in series with a resistance of 820Ω. Using an ideal Zener model, obtain the minimum and maximum Zener currents 06M c Explain the features of LM7805 fixed regulator. 06M MODULE 2 3 a Explain the construction and operation of a p-channel JFET 08M b With neat diagram explain the operation of a CMOS inverter. 06M c With neat diagram explain the VI characteristics of an SCR. 06M OR 4 a Explain the characteristics of an n-channel JEFT. 06M b With neat diagram, explain the characteristics of a enhancement type MOSFET. 08M c With neat diagram explain the two transistor model of an SCR. 06M
  • 6. MODULE 3 5 a Explain the following with respect to op-amp (i) Input Impedance (ii) output impedance (iii) Slew rate (iv) CMRR (v) virtual ground 10M b Derive an expression for the output voltage of an inverting amplifier. 06M c The input to the basic differentiator circuit is a sinusoidal voltage of peak value of 10mV and frequency 1.5KΩ. The diode forwardHz. Find the output if, Rf=100KΩ. The diode forwardΩ and C1=1μF.F. 04M OR 6 a Derive an expression for the output voltage of an op-amp integrator. 06M b Derive an expression for the output voltage of an inverting summer. 06M c A non-inverting amplifier circuit has an input resistance of 10KΩ. The diode forwardΩ and feedback resistance 60KΩ. The diode forwardΩ with load resistance of 47KΩ. The diode forwardΩ. Draw the circuit. Calculate the output voltage, voltage gain, load current when the input voltage is 1.5V. 08M MODULE 4 7 a Explain how the transistor can be used as a switch and as an amplifier. 10M b An amplifier has a high frequency response described byA= A 0 1+( jωω/ω2) . Where in A0=1000, ω2=104 rad/s. Find the feedback factor which will raise the upper corner frequency ω2 to 105 Hz. What is the corresponding gain of the amplifier? Find also the gain bandwidth product in this case. 04M c With a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of RC phase shift oscillator. 06M OR 8 a List the advantages of negative feedback in an amplifier. Explain the voltage series feedback amplifier. Show that the gain band width product for a feedback amplifier is constant. 10M b The frequency sensitivity arms of the Wein bridge oscillator uses C1=C2=0.01μF.F and R1=10KΩ. The diode forwardΩ while R2 is kept variable. The frequency is to be varied from 10KΩ. The diode forwardHz to 50 KΩ. The diode forwardHz by varying R2. Find the minimum and maximum values of R2. 04M c With a neat diagram explain the Astable operation of IC 555 timer. 06M MODULE 5 9 a Simplify the following Boolean expressions (i) Y=A ´B+ AB (ii) Y=AB+ AC+BD+CD (iii) Y=(B+CA )(C+ ´A B) (iv) Y= ´A ´B ´C ´D+ ´A ´B ´C D+ A ´B ´C ´D+ A ´B ´C D 08M b With a neat circuit diagram and truth table, explain the working of a JKΩ. The diode forward flip flop. 06M
  • 7. c With a neat diagram, explain the working of a communication system. 06M OR 10 a Simplify and realize the following using NAND gates only (i) Y=AC+ ABC+ ´A BC+ AB+ D (ii) Y=A ´B ´C+ ´A ´B ´C+ ´A ´B+ ´A ´C 08M b With a neat circuit diagram and truth table, explain the full adder circuit. 06M c With a neat block diagram, explain the operating principle of the GSM system. 06M
  • 8. 18ELN14/24 Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi MODEL QUESTION PAPER 1st /2nd Semester, B.E (CBCS 2018-19 Scheme) Course: 18ELN14/24- BASIC ELECTRONICS – Set no. 2 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Note: (i) Answer Five full questions selecting any one full question from each Module. (ii) Question on a topic of a Module may appear in either its 1st or/and 2nd question. Module-1 Marks 1 a. Explain the operation of PN junction diode under forward and reverse bias conditions 6M b. A full wave bridge rectifier with an input of 100V(rms) feeds a load of 1kΩ .VΩ .VT=0.7V (i) If the diodes employed are of silicon, what is the dc voltage across the load? (ii) Determine the PIV rating of each diode.. (iii) Determine the maximum current that each diode conducts and the diode power rating. 6M c. Write a short note on (i) Light emitting diode and (ii) Photo coupler 8M OR 2 a. What is Zener diode? With neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a voltage regulator with and without load? 8M b. A silicon diode has IS=10nA operating at 25°C. Calculate In for a forward bias of 0.6V. 4M c. Define rectifier. SkΩ .Vetch a centre tapped full wave rectifier and derive the following. Show the appropriate waveforms. (i) Average Voltage (ii) Efficiency and (iii) Ripple factor 8M Module-2 3 a. Explain the construction and operation of JFET with necessary diagram. 7M b. Draw and explain the V-I characteristics of SCR. 6M c. With neat circuit diagram, explain the workΩ .Ving of CMOS inverter. 7M OR 4 a. What is MOSFET? Explain D- MOSFET and E- MOSFET transfer characteristics. 8M b. A certain JFET has an IGSS of -2nA for VGS= -20V Determine the input resistance. 4M c. What is SCR? Explain the workΩ .Ving of two transistor model of SCR. 6M Module-3 5 a. Describe the characteristics of basic Op-Amp. List out its ideal characteristics. 8M b. A certain op-amp has an open loop voltage gain of 1,00,000 and a common mode gain of 0.2. Determine the CMRR and express it in decibels. 4M c. Derive the output voltage for the following (i) Integrator and (ii) Voltage follower 8M
  • 9. OR 6 a. Explain the following terms related to op-amp (i) CMRR (ii) Offest Voltage and Current (iii) Slew rate and (iv) Input bias 8M b. Design an adder using op-amp to give the output voltage VO= - [2V1+3V2+5V3]. 6M c. Derive the output voltage of a non-inverting amplifier. 6M Module-4 7 a. What is an amplifier? Explain the operation of transistor amplifier circuit. 8M b. Define feedbackΩ .V amplifier? With necessary diagram and equation explain the different types of feedbackΩ .V? 12M OR 8 a. Briefly explain how a transistor is used as an electronic switch. 6M b. Explain how 555 timer can be used as an oscillator. 6M c. Define an oscillator? Derive the equation for Wien bridge oscillator. 8M Module-5 9 a. Perform the following (i) Convert (A B C D)16 =(?)2=(?)8=(?)10 (ii) Subtract (1010)2-(111)2 using 2’s compliment method. 5M b. Realize Y=AB+CD+E using NAND gates. 4M c. What is a flip flop? Explain the Master Slave JK flip flop operation. 5M d. With a neat blockΩ .V diagram explain GSM system. 6M OR 10 a. Perform the following (i) Convert (111110101101)2 to ( )8 (ii) Subtract (22)2-(17)2 using 1’s and 2’s compliment method. 5M b. Design full adder circuit using three variables and implement it using two half adders. 8M c. What is a counter? With a neat timing and blockΩ .V diagram, explain three bit asynchronous counter operation. 7M **********
  • 10. 18ELN14/24 Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi MODEL QUESTION PAPER 1st /2nd Semester, B.E (CBCS 2018-19 Scheme) Course: 18ELN14/24- BASIC ELECTRONICS – Set no.1 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Note: (i) Answer Five full questions selecting any one full question from each Module. (ii) Question on a topic of a Module may appear in either its 1st or/and 2nd question. Module-1 Marks 1 a Explain the operation of p-n junction diode under forward and reverse biased condition 8 b Explain how Zener diode can be used as a voltage regulator 6 c A diode circuit shown below has E=1.5V, R1=10 ohm. By assuming Vf=0.7V, calculate If for i) rd = 0 ii) rd = 0.25 ohm Fig.Q.1(c) 6 OR 2 a With a neat circuit diagram and waveform, explain the working of half-wave rectifier and derive the expression for average load current. 8 b Explain briefly the operation of a capacitor filter circuit. 6 c Explain the operation of 7805 fixed IC voltage regulator. 6 Module-2
  • 11. 3 a Explain the characteristics of N-channel JFET. 8 b For E-MOSFET, determine value of ID, if ID (ON)= 4mA, Vgs(ON)=6V, VT=4V and Vgs=8V. 4 c Explain the construction and working of P-channel enhancement type MOSFET. 8 OR 4 a Draw and explain the operations of SCR using 2-transistor equivalent circuit. 8 b Explain phase controlled application of SCR. 6 c Explain the operation of a CMOS inverter. 6 Module-3 5 a For an op-amp (i) List the characteristics of an ideal op-amp and (ii) Draw the three input inverting summer circuit and derive an expression for its output voltage. 8 b Define the terms i) Slew rate ii) CMRR iii) Common mode gain AC of op-amp 6 c Design an adder circuit using an op-amp to obtain an output voltage of Vo= -[2V1+3V2+5V3] 6 OR 6 a Draw the working of an inverting op-amp. Derive the expression for its voltage gain. 8 b With a neat diagram, explain how an op-amp can be used as a differentiator. 6 c Find the output Vo of following op-amp circuit. Fig.Q.6(c) 6
  • 12. Module-4 7 a Explain the operation of BJT as an amplifier and as a switch. 8 b What is a feedback amplifier? Briefly explain different types of feedback amplifiers. 6 c Draw and explain the operation of a voltage series feedback amplifier and derive an expression for its voltage gain with feedback. 6 OR 8 a Explain the Barkhausens’ criteria for oscillations. 6 b Explain the operation of an RC phase shift oscillator. 6 c Explain the working of an Astable oscillator constructed using IC- 555 timer. 8 Module-5 9 a Convert the following. i) (725.25)10=( ? )2 = ( ? )16 ii) (111100111110001)2= ( ? )10 = ( ? )16 8 b Simplify the following expressions and draw the logic circuits using basic gates. i) AB+ ´AC+ A ´BC (AB+C) ii) (A+´B)(CD+E) 6 c Realize a full adder circuit using 2 half adders. 6 OR 10 a What is a multiplexer? Explain the working of 4:1 multiplexer. 6 b With the help of a logic diagram and truth table, explain the working of a clocked SR flip-flop. 6 c What is a shift register? Explain the working of a 4-bit SISO shift register. 8 **********
  • 13. Model Question Paper-2 with effect from 2018-19 (CBCS Scheme) USN 18CHE12/22 First/Second Semester B.E.Degree Examination Engineering Chemistry (Common to all Branches) Time : 3 Hrs Max.Marks:100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module Module-I 1. a. What is single electrode potential? Derive Nernst equation for single electrode potential. (6 Marks) b. Calculate the emf of a Cd-Cu cell in which Cd is in contact with 0.002 M CdSO4 and Cu in contact with 0.02 M CuSO4 solution. The standard emf of the cell is 0.74 V at 298 K (7 Marks) c. Explain the construction and working of Ni-MH battery, mention its applications. (7 Marks) OR 2. a. Explain the construction and working of Li-ion battery. Mention their advantages and applications. (7 Marks) b. What are primary and secondary batteries? Explain with examples. (6 Marks) c. A concentration cell was constructed by immersing two silver electrodes in 0.05 M and 1M AgNO3 solutions. Give the cell representation, write the cell reactions and calculate the emf of the cell (7 Marks) Module-II 3. a. Explain: (i) Water-line corrosion & (ii) Pitting corrosion. (6 Marks) b. Explain the process of (i) galvanization & (ii) Anodizing (7 Marks) c. What is electrolessplating? Explain the electrolessplating of nickel. (7 Marks) OR 4. a. What is meant by metal finishing? Mention (any 6) technological importance of metal finishing. (7 Marks) b. Define the terms (i) Polarization, (ii) Decomposition potential & (iii) Over voltage. (6 Marks) c. What is cathodic protection? Explain (i) Sacrificial anodic & (ii) Impressed current methods (7 Marks)
  • 14. Module-III 5. a. What are chemical fuels? How are they classified? (6 Marks) b. What are fuel cells? How does a fuel cell differ from a battery? Give their advantages & disadvantages. (7 marks) c. Explain the preparation of solar grade silicon by union carbide process. (7 marks) OR 6. a. What are PV cells? Mention their advantages and limitations. b. 0.85 g of coal sample (carbon 90%, H2 5% and ash 5%) was subjected to combustion in a Bomb calorimeter. Mass water taken in the calorimeter was 2000 g and the water equivalent of calorimeter was 600 g. The rise in temperature was found to be 3.5o C. Calculate gross and net calorific values of the sample. Latent heat of steam =2457KJ/Kg. (8 Marks) (6 marks) c. Write a note on (i) Power alcohol & (ii) Unleaded petrol (6 Marks) Module-IV 7 a. What are the causes, effects and disposal methods of e-waste? (7 Marks) b. What are the sources, effects and control of mercury pollution? (7 Marks) c. In a COD test 30.2 cm3 and 14.5 cm3 of 0.05 N FAS solution are required for blank and sample titration respectively. The volume of the test sample used was 25 cm3 . Calculate the COD of the sample solution. (6 Marks) OR 8. a. Explain the softening of water by ion exchange method. (6 Marks) b. Explain the activated sludge treatment of sewage of water. (7 Marks) c. Explain the mechanism of photochemical smog. (7 Marks) Module-V 9. a. Explain the theory, instrumentation and applications of atomic absorption spectroscopy. (7 Marks) b. Explain the theory and instrumentation of potentiometry (7 Marks) c. Explain the synthesis of nano-material by sol-gel technique. (6 Marks) 10. a. OR Write a note on fullerenes. Mention their applications. (7 Marks) b. What are nano-materials? Explain the synthesis of nano-materials by chemical vapor deposition. (7 Marks) c. Explain the theory and instrumentation of colorimetry. (6 Marks)
  • 15. Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2018-19 (CBCS Scheme) USN 18CHE12/22 First/Second Semester B.E.Degree Examination Engineering Chemistry (Common to all Branches) Time : 3 Hrs Max.Marks:100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module Module-1 1. a. Define the terms: (i) Free energy, (ii) Entropy & (iii) Cell potential (6 Marks) b. What are concentration cells? The cell potential of Cu concentration cell Cu/CuSO4 (0.005M) // CuSO4 (X)/ Cu is 0.0295 V at 25° C. Write the cell reaction and calculate the value of X. (7 Marks) c. What are batteries? Explain the construction and working of Li-ion battery, mention its applications. (7 Marks) OR 2. a. Write short notes on primary, secondary and reserve batteries. (6 Marks) b. Explain the construction and working of Ni-MH battery. Mention its applications. (7 Marks) c. For the cell, Fe/Fe2+ (0.01M)//Ag+ (0.1M)/Ag write the cell reaction and calculate the emf of the cell at 298K, if standard electrode potentials of Fe and Ag electrodes are -0.44V and 0.8 V respectively. (7 Marks) Module-2 3. a. What is metallic corrosion? Describe the electrochemical theory of corrosion taking iron as an example. (7 Marks) b. Explain: (i) Differential metal corrosion & (ii) Water-line corrosion (6 Marks) c. What is electroplating? Explain the electroplating of chromium (7 Marks) OR 4. a. What is meant by metal finishing? Mention (any five) technological importance of metal finishing. (6 Marks) b. What is electrolessplating? Explain the electrolessplating of copper. (8 Marks) c. Explain the factors affecting the rate of corrosion (i) Nature of corrosion product, (ii) Ratio of anodic to cathodic areas & (iii) pH (6 Marks)
  • 16. 18CHE12/22 Module-3 5. a. Define the term Calorific value of fuel. Explain the experimental determination of calorific value of solid/liquid fuel using Bomb calorimeter. (8 Marks) b. What are fuel cells? Describe the construction and working of CH3OH-O2 fuel cell. (6 marks) c. What are solar cells? Explain the construction and working of a typical PV cell. (6 marks) OR 6. a. Explain the production solar grade Si by union carbide process b. 0.75 g of coal sample (carbon 90%, H2 5% and ash 5%) was subjected to combustion in Bomb calorimeter. Mass water taken in the calorimeter was 2.5Kg and the water equivalent of calorimeter is 0.65Kg. The rise in temperature was found to be 3.2o C. Calculate gross and net calorific values of the sample. Latent heat of steam =2457KJ/Kg and specific heat of water = 4.187KJ/ Kg/o C. (8 Marks) (6 marks) c. What is knocking? Explain its mechanism. Mention its ill effects. (6 Marks) Module-4 7 a. Explain the mechanism of photochemical smog? (7 Marks) b. What are the sources, effects and control of lead pollution? (7 Marks) c. Define COD. In COD test 27.5 cm3 and 13.2 cm3 of 0.05 N FAS solution ere required for blank and sample titration respectively. The volume of the test sample used is 25 cm3 . Calculate the COD of the sample solution. (6 Marks) OR 8. a. Define the term COD. Explain the determination of COD. (6 Marks) b. What is potable water? Describe the process of reverse osmosis process of water. (7 Marks) c. What are the causes, effects and disposal methods of e-waste? (7 Marks) Module-5 9. a. Explain the theory, instrumentation and applications of flame photometry. (7 Marks) b. Explain the theory and instrumentation of conductometry. (7 Marks) c. Explain the synthesis of nano-material by sol-gel technique. (6 Marks) 10. a. OR Write a note on graphenes. Mention its applications. (7 Marks) b. What are nano-materials? Explain the synthesis of nano-materials by precipitation method (7 Marks) c. Explain the theory and instrumentation of potentiometry. (6 Marks)
  • 17. Page 1 of 2 Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2018-19 (CBCS Scheme) 18MAT11USN First Semester B.E. Degree Examination Calculus and Linear Algebra (Common to all Branches) Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each module. Module-1 1. (a) With usual notation, prove that  2422 111 ddrrrp  . (06 Marks) (b) For the cardiod :  cos1 ar , show that r2  is constant. (06 Marks) (c) Show that the evolute of the parabola axy 42  is  32 2427 axay  . (08 Marks) OR 2. (a) Find the pedal equation of the curve : )sin(cos  mmar mm  . (06 Marks) (b) Show that the radius of curvature for the catenary  cxcy cosh at any point  yx, varies as square of the ordinate at that point. (06 Marks) (c) Show that the angle between the pair of curves:  log&log arar  is .tan2 1 e (08 Marks) Module-2 3. (a) Using Maclaurin’s series, prove that ... 2432 12sin1 432  xxx xx (06 Marks) (b) Evaluate (i)    xxxx x cba 1 0 3lim   (ii)    x x x   2 2 coslim   . (07 Marks) (c) Examine the function   20123, 33  yxyxyxf for its extreme values. (07 Marks) OR 4. (a) Find dtdu at ,0t if 222 zyx eu   and tzttytx sin,cos,12  . (06 Marks) (b) If zxywyzxvxyzu  ,, , then show that     4,,,,  zyxwvu . (07 Marks) (c) Find the maximum and minimum distances of the point  3,2,1 from the sphere .56222  zyx (07 Marks) Module-3 5. (a) Evaluate :  dydxdzzyx z zx zx      1 1 0 (b) Find by double integration the area lying between the circle 222 ayx  and the line ayx  in the first quadrant. (06 Marks) (c) Show that       2 0 2 0 sin sin d d (07 Marks) OR
  • 18. Page 2 of 2 6. (a) Change the order of integration and hence evaluate   1 0 2 2 x x dxdyxy . (06 Marks) (b) A pyramid is bounded by three coordinate planes and the plane 632  zyx . Compute the volume by double integration. (07 Marks) (c) Evaluate:   dxxx 21 1 0 23 1 , by expressing in terms beta & gamma functions. (07 Marks) Module-4 7. (a) If the temperature of the air is C0 30 and a metal ball cools from C0 100 to C0 70 in 15 minutes, find how long will it take for the metal ball to reach a temperature of .400 C (06 Marks) (b) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves     ,122222  dybydxax  where  is a parameter. (07 Marks) (c) Solve :    .0422 434  dyxyxydxyy (07 Marks) OR 8. (a) The current i in an electrical circuit containing an inductance L anda resistance R in series and, acted upon an e.m.f. tE sin satisfies the differential equation   .sin tERidtdiL  Find the value of the current at any time t, if initially there is no current in the circuit. (06 Marks) (b) Solve:   0cos2sin 23  dxyxyxdy (07 Marks) (c) Find the general and singular solution of    ,2ppyxypx  by using the substitution vyux  22 & (07 Marks) Module-5 9. (a) Find the rank of the matrix                5114 1352 35110 2131 by applying elementary row operations. (06 Marks) (b) Using Rayleigh’s power method, find largest eigen value and eigen vector of the matrix:            402 031 2125 by taking  0 X = T 0,0,1 as initial eigen vector.(Perform 7 iterations) (07 Marks) (c) Use Gauss-Jordan method solve the system of equations: 43;126;54  zyxzyxzyx (07 Marks) OR 10. (a) For what values  and  the system of equations   zyxzyxzyx 52;953;632 , has (a) no solution (b) a unique solution and (iii) infinite number of solutions. (06 Marks) (b) Reduce the matrix          1642 719 A into the diagonal form. (07 Marks) (c) Solve the system of equations 9541183;712983;10413527  zyxzyxzyx , using Gauss-Seidel method. (Carry out 4 iterations). (07 Marks) *****
  • 19. Page 1 of 2 Model Question Paper-2 with effect from 2018-19 (CBCS Scheme) 18MAT11USN First Semester B.E. Degree Examination Calculus and Linear Algebra (Common to all Branches) Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each module. Module-1 1. (a) With usual notation, prove that  drdr  tan . (06 Marks) (b) Find the radius of curvature at the point  aa 3,3 on the curve axyyx 333  . (06 Marks) (c) Show that the evolute of the ellipse: 12222  byax is       32223232 babyax  (08 Marks) OR 2. (a) Find the pedal equation of the curve : .cos1 erl  (06 Marks) (b) Find the radius of curvature for the curve    raaar 122 cos  at any point on it. (06 Marks) (c) Show that the angle between the pair of curves:  2sin16&42sin 22  rr is .3 (08 Marks) Module-2 3. (a) Using Maclaurin’s series, prove that   ... 246 tanseclog 53  xx xxx (06 Marks) (b) Evaluate (i)            a x ax ax 2 tan 2lim  (ii)    x x x sin2 0 1lim  (07 Marks) (c) Examine the function     4422 2, yxyxyxf  for its extreme values. (07 Marks) OR 4. (a) If  xzzyyxfu 24,43,32  , show that       0413121  zyx uuu (06 Marks) (b) If  cos,sinsin,cossin rzryrx  , show that      .sin,,,, 2  rrzyxJ  (07 Marks) (c) A rectangular box, open at the top, is to have a volume of 32 cubic ft. Find the dimension of the box requiring least material for its construction. (07 Marks) Module-3 5. (a) Evaluate  dxdye yx     0 0 22 by changing into polar coordinates. (06 Marks) (b) Find the volume the tetrahedron bounded by the plane 1 c z b y a x and the coordinate planes, using double integration. (07 Marks) (c) Show that 2200 2 2        dxex x dxe x x (07 Marks)
  • 20. Page 2 of 2 OR 6. (a) Evaluate:       1 0 1 0 1 0 222 2 22 1 x yx zyx dxdydz (06 Marks) (b) Find by double integration, the centre of gravity of the area of the cardioid:  .cos1  ar (07 Marks) (c) With usual notations, show that    ., 1 1 0 11 nmdx x xx nm nm       (07 Marks) Module-4 7. (a) A copper ball originally at C0 80 cools down to C0 60 in 20 minutes, if the temperature of the air being .400 C What will be the temperature of the ball after 40 minutes from the original? (06 Marks) (b) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves nn anr cos ,where a is a parameter. (07 Marks) (c) Solve :    .0223 23342  dyxyxdxxyyx (07 Marks) OR 8. (a) Solve the differential equation   ,300sin200 tRidtdiL  when 05.0L & 100R and find the value of the current i at any time t, if initially there is no current in the circuit. What value does i approach after a long time. (06 Marks) (b) Solve :    .0cossin 2  drdrr  (07 Marks) (c) Solve:     022212 234  xyppxyyxpyxp , where .dxdyp  (07 Marks) Module-5 9. (a) For what values  and  the system of equations   zyxzyxzyx 2;1032;6 , has (a) no solution (b) a unique solution and (iii) infinite number of solutions. (06 Marks) (b) Using Rayleigh’s power method, find largest eigen value and eigen vector of the matrix:              512 132 114 by taking  0 X = T 0,0,1 as initial eigen vector.(Perform 7 iterations) (07 Marks) (c) Use Gauss-Jordan method solve the system of equations: 712983;10413527;9541183  zyxzyxzyx (07 Marks) OR 10. (a) Find the rank of the matrix              512 132 114 by applying elementary row operations. (06 Marks) (b) Reduce the matrix        12 21 A into the diagonal form. (06 Marks) (c) Solve the system of equations 18203;17220;252032  zyxzyxzyx , (07 Marks) using Gauss-Seidel method. (Carry out 4 iterations). *****
  • 21. Model Question Paper I/II Semester C-PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING (18CPS13/23) Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module. MODULE 1 1 a Explain different types of computer. (6Marks) b What is Software? Explain different types of software. (6 Marks) c With a neat diagram explain the basic structure of a computer (8 Marks) OR 2 a Explain a general structure of C program with an example. ( 8 Marks) b What is a token? What are different types of tokens available in C language? Explain. ( 8 Marks) c Evaluate the following expressions: i) 22 + 3 < 6 && !5 || 22 = =7 && 22 – 2 > +5 ii) a + 2 > b || !c && a = = d *a – 2 < = e Where a=11, b=6, c=0, d = 7 and e=5. ( 4 Marks) MODULE 2 3. a Explain formatted input and output statement with examples. (6 Marks) b Explain if, if-else, nested if-else and cascaded if-else with examples and syntax. ( 8 Marks) c An electricity board charges the following rates for the use of electricity: for the first 200 units 80 paise per unit: for the next 100 units 90 paise per unit: beyond 300 units Rs 1 per unit. All users are charged a minimum of Rs. 100 as meter charge. If the total amount is more than Rs 400, then an additional surcharge of 15% of total amount is charged. Write a program to read the name of the user, number of units consumed and print out the charges. ( 6 Marks) OR 4 a Explain the different types of loops in C with syntax. (8 Marks) b Show how break and continue statements are used in a C-program, with example. (4 Marks)
  • 22. c Develop a C program to generate and plot the Pascal triangle. (8 Marks) MODULE 3 5 a What is an array? How a single dimension and two dimension arrays are declared and initialized? (12 Marks) b Write an algorithm and develop a C program that reads N integer numbers and arrange them in ascending order using selection Sort. (08 Marks) OR 6 a Explain string manipulation library functions with their syntaxes. Write a program to check whether a string is palindrome or not. ( 12 Marks) b Write an algorithm and develop a C program to search an integer from N numbers in ascending order using binary searching technique (8 Marks) MODULE 4 7. a What is function? Explain different classification of user defined functions based on parameter passing and return type with examples (12 Marks) b Write a c-program using functions to generate the Fibonacci series. (8 Marks) OR 8 a What is recursion? Explain. Write a c-program using recursive function for Binary to Decimal Conversion. (10 Marks) b Write a program in C using functions to swap two numbers using global variables concept and call by reference concept. (6 Marks) c Write a c-program using function to check whether the given number is prime or not. (4 Marks) MODULE 5 9 a What is structure? Explain C syntax of structure declaration with example. (6 Marks) b Explain structure within a structure with an example. (6 Marks) c Write a c-program using structures to read, write, compute average - marks and display the students scoring above and below the average marks for a class of N students. ( 8 Marks) OR 10 a What is a pointer? Explain how the pointer variable declared and initialized. ( 4 Marks) b Write a program in C to find the sum and mean of all elements in an array using pointers. ( 6 Marks)
  • 23. c Explain different categories of pre-processor directives used in C. (10 Marks)
  • 24. C-Programming for Problem Solving 18CPS13/23 Module-1 1 (a). What is a Computer? Explain different type of computers. 6M (b). Define and give example for the following. 6M i. Variable ii. Constant iii. Declaration (c). Convert the following mathematical expressions in to ’C’ expression. a. X=e power root of( x)+e power root of( y)/xsin root( y) b. C=a*a+1/((b+1/(c+d)) c. C=3 root of((a*a*a+b*b*b*b)/(a*a*a*a-b*b*b*)) d. Area=((pie*r*r)+(2*pie*r*h)) 8M OR 2 (a). What are input device? Mention & explain any 2 input devices. 6M (b). Mention different types of operators and explain any 4 in detail with explain. 6M (c). Differentiate between primary memory & secondary memory? 4M (d). Evaluate each of the following expression independent of each other. The declaration & initialize statement is ...... int 1=3,j=4,k=2; (a).i++-j-- (b).++k%--j (c).j+1/i-1 (d).j++/i-- 4M Module-2 3 (a). What is the purpose of scanf() &printf() statement? Explain the formatted printf() along with the respective example. 6M
  • 25. (b). Write a ‘C’ Program to check whether a given number is even or odd using if –else statement. 6M (c). Write a ‘C’ Program to perform the simple calculator operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication & division use ‘switch’ statement in program. 8M OR 4(a). Explain different types of loops in C with syntax & example. 8M (b). Explain the syntax of nested ‘if...else’ statement. Write a ‘C’ Program to find largest of these numbers using nested ‘if’ statement. 6M (c) Write a ‘C’ Program to find the sum of odd numbers ‘n’ natural numbers using do ‘while’ loop. 6M Module-3 5 (a). Define array? Explain the declaration & initialization of single dimensional array with example. 5M (b). Explain any five string manipulation library functions with example. 8M (c). Write a ‘C’ Program to check a number is prime or not? 7M OR 6 (a). How string is declared &initialized? Explain string input/output functions with an example. 6M (b). Write a ‘C’ Program to read N numbers into an array & perform Linear search8M (c). Write a ‘C’ Program to concatenate two strings without using built in function. 6M Module-4 7 (a). What are ‘C’ functions? Explain the difference between user defined& library functions. 6M (b). Differentiate between call by value and call by reference with examples. 6M (c). Write a ‘C’ Program to find the binomial co-efficient of a number using recursion. 8M OR 8 (a). Explain the different elements of user defined functions in detail. 8M
  • 26. (b). Write a ‘C’ Program to find the largest element in an array. 6M (c). Write a ‘C’ Program to calculate the Fibonacci sequence using recursion functions.6M Module-5 9 (a). Explain how the structure variable can be passed as a parameter to a function with an example. 6M (b). Define pointer. Explain the declaration &initialization of pointer. 6M (c). Write a ‘C’ Program to maintain a record of student details. Print the marks of the student given student name as input using structures. 8M OR 10 (a). Explain the array of pointers with examples. 6M (b). What are pre-processor directives? Explain #define & #include pre-processor directives. 6M (c). Write a ‘C’ Program using pointers to compute the sum, mean & standard derivation of all elements stored in an array of ‘n’ real numbers. 8M