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Understanding and Adapting
to Change
Presented by: Darren Gomez
Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
General Services Administration
Two Types of Change
Self Imposed Change – You see
something within yourself or
your environment that you want
Imposed Change – Someone
other than you initiates the
Characteristics of Change
Self Imposed Change
 Can be something as simple as changing
your outfit, the color of your walls or as
complex as your job.
 Relatively easy to adapt to because you
establish the parameters of the change.
 Usually accompanied by a sense of
excitement and expectation.
Characteristics of Change
Imposed Change
 Typically much more complex than self
imposed change.
 Can be difficult to adapt to. Usually
because the individual is not in control
of parameters of the change. The
difficulty increases as the information
flow decreases.
 It can be difficult to not take it
 Usually accompanied by a sense of
dread and a fear of the unknown.
Significant Emotional Event
Requires you to adapt to a new situation
Can affect you physically and
Two types of SEEs
 Personal (marriage, divorce, birth, death)
 Professional (job, resources, bosses)
Stages of a Significant Emotional
Shock or Denial – I Can’t believe
A Flood of Emotion – Typically
Bargaining – Let’s Short Cut the
Depression – Mistaken for Grief
Acceptance – Intellectual or
The Four F’s of Change
Which One are You?
Working Through Stress and
How long does all this take?
 Typically 12 to 18 months
 Must occur within 24 months or you will
risk burn out and quit or you will become
difficult and “batter the nest”.
 All changes produces loss (which must
be grieved).
 Recognize that this process is natural
and normal.
 Change produces fear – Of What?
Story Time
Dope on a Rope
Working Through Stress and
Change (Con’t)
How Do I Feel
 Confused or unhappy
 Low Morale
 Beaten Down
 Alone – Nobody Knows the Trouble I
 Depressed – But not an excuse to
misbehave or perform poorly.
 Acceptance – How Do I Get There?
 Let’s go back to the old ways.
Story Time
The Elephant and the Twig
Harsh Slap of
Reality Time!
Ways to Protect Yourself
Recognize that what you are feeling is normal, resisting will only
make it worse.
Find someplace to vent your anger.
Managers must increase information flow, if you are not getting
enough information, ask for it. Don’t be a martyr.
Keep in mind that during times of change, all perceptions are
distorted and they are usually negative.
Keep as much familiarity as possible during times of change.
Work on maintaining or creating a support system.
Take care of yourself physically. Avoid escaping with excessive
alcohol consumption, drugs, over eating, gambling, etc.
Relax – You have been through things like this before and
survived you will survive this change too.
Where am I going to end up?
Story Time
The Big Move
How you approach the change will determine
how well you will adapt to the change.
Managers – Remember that associates are
looking to you see how you are reacting.
QTIP – Quite Taking It Personally - You are
not the only one going through this. Be the
Last Story
The Shoe Salesmen

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2004-07 Gomez-Understanding and Adapting to Change.ppt

  • 1. Understanding and Adapting to Change Presented by: Darren Gomez Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer General Services Administration
  • 2. Two Types of Change Self Imposed Change – You see something within yourself or your environment that you want altered. Imposed Change – Someone other than you initiates the change.
  • 3. Characteristics of Change Self Imposed Change  Can be something as simple as changing your outfit, the color of your walls or as complex as your job.  Relatively easy to adapt to because you establish the parameters of the change.  Usually accompanied by a sense of excitement and expectation.
  • 4. Characteristics of Change Imposed Change  Typically much more complex than self imposed change.  Can be difficult to adapt to. Usually because the individual is not in control of parameters of the change. The difficulty increases as the information flow decreases.  It can be difficult to not take it personally.  Usually accompanied by a sense of dread and a fear of the unknown.
  • 5. SEE Significant Emotional Event Requires you to adapt to a new situation Can affect you physically and emotionally Two types of SEEs  Personal (marriage, divorce, birth, death)  Professional (job, resources, bosses)
  • 6. Stages of a Significant Emotional Event Shock or Denial – I Can’t believe It! A Flood of Emotion – Typically Anger Bargaining – Let’s Short Cut the Process Depression – Mistaken for Grief Acceptance – Intellectual or Emotional
  • 7. The Four F’s of Change Which One are You? Freeze Fight Flee Flow
  • 8. Working Through Stress and Change How long does all this take?  Typically 12 to 18 months  Must occur within 24 months or you will risk burn out and quit or you will become difficult and “batter the nest”.  All changes produces loss (which must be grieved).  Recognize that this process is natural and normal.  Change produces fear – Of What?
  • 10. Working Through Stress and Change (Con’t) How Do I Feel  Confused or unhappy  Low Morale  Beaten Down  Alone – Nobody Knows the Trouble I Seen  Depressed – But not an excuse to misbehave or perform poorly.  Acceptance – How Do I Get There?  Let’s go back to the old ways.
  • 11. Story Time The Elephant and the Twig
  • 13. Ways to Protect Yourself Recognize that what you are feeling is normal, resisting will only make it worse. Find someplace to vent your anger. Managers must increase information flow, if you are not getting enough information, ask for it. Don’t be a martyr. Keep in mind that during times of change, all perceptions are distorted and they are usually negative. Keep as much familiarity as possible during times of change. Work on maintaining or creating a support system. Take care of yourself physically. Avoid escaping with excessive alcohol consumption, drugs, over eating, gambling, etc. Relax – You have been through things like this before and survived you will survive this change too. Where am I going to end up?
  • 15. How you approach the change will determine how well you will adapt to the change. Managers – Remember that associates are looking to you see how you are reacting. QTIP – Quite Taking It Personally - You are not the only one going through this. Be the example! BE POSITIVE!