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Virtualization and
    Cloud Computing
Norman Wilde
Thomas Huber

           20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   1
An opening caveat ...
 This talk is based on
  speeches at conferences,
  discussions with people in
  industry, and some
 A lot of people think they
  will make a lot of money –
  so there is lots of hype!                          Some sun
 But there seems to be                              behind the
  something fundamental                               clouds?
  going on.        20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud                2
Two Technologies for Agility
 Virtualization:

    The ability to run multiple operating systems on a
    single physical system and share the underlying
    hardware resources*
 Cloud    Computing:
    “The provisioning of services in a timely (near on
    instant), on-demand manner, to allow the scaling
    up and down of resources”**
   * VMware white paper, Virtualization Overview
  ** Alan Williamson, quoted in Cloud BootCamp March 2009
                        20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud     3
The Traditional Server

  Web Server   App Server                 DB Server    EMail
  Windows        Linux                        Linux   Windows
     IIS       Glassfish                     MySQL    Exchange
                   20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud               4
And if something goes
wrong ...

 Web Server   App Server                 DB Server    EMail
  Windows      DOWN!                         Linux   Windows
    IIS                                     MySQL    Exchange
                  20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud               5
The Traditional Server
   System Administrators often talk about servers as a
    whole unit that includes the hardware, the OS, the
    storage, and the applications.
   Servers are often referred to by their function i.e. the
    Exchange server, the SQL server, the File server,
   If the File server fills up, or the Exchange server
    becomes overtaxed, then the System Administrators
    must add in a new server.

                       20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud     6
The Traditional Server
 Unless  there are multiple servers, if a service
  experiences a hardware failure, then the
  service is down.
 System Admins can implement clusters of
  servers to make them more fault tolerant.
  However, even clusters have limits on their
  scalability, and not all applications work in a
  clustered environment.

                   20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   7
The Traditional Server
   Pros                                           Cons
       Easy to conceptualize                            Expensive to acquire and
       Fairly easy to deploy                             maintain hardware
       Easy to backup                                   Not very scalable
       Virtually any                                    Difficult to replicate
        application/service can be                       Redundancy is difficult to
        run from this type of setup                       implement
                                                         Vulnerable to hardware
                                                         In many cases, processor is

                             20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud                        8
The Virtual Server Concept

Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) layer between Guest OS and
hardware                20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud    9
* adapted from a diagram in VMware white paper, Virtualization

              Server               Server
                1                    2
             Guest OS             Guest OS

                      VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor)

                                x86 Architecture

         requests             20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud                10
The Virtual Server Concept
 Virtualservers seek to encapsulate the
  server software away from the hardware
     This includes the OS, the applications, and the
      storage for that server.
 Servers  end up as mere files stored on a
  physical box, or in enterprise storage.
 A virtual server can be serviced by one or
  more hosts, and one host may house more
  than one virtual server.

                      20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   11
The Virtual Server Concept
 Virtual servers can still be referred to by their
  function i.e. email server, database server,
 If the environment is built correctly, virtual
  servers will not be affected by the loss of a
 Hosts may be removed and introduced
  almost at will to accommodate maintenance.

                   20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud    12
The Virtual Server Concept
   Virtual servers can be scaled out easily.
       If the administrators find that the resources supporting a
        virtual server are being taxed too much, they can adjust the
        amount of resources allocated to that virtual server
   Server templates can be created in a virtual
    environment to be used to create multiple, identical
    virtual servers
   Virtual servers themselves can be migrated from
    host to host almost at will.

                           20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud         13
The Virtual Server Concept
   Pros                                         Cons
       Resource pooling                               Slightly harder to
       Highly redundant                                conceptualize
       Highly available                               Slightly more costly (must
                                                        buy hardware, OS, Apps,
       Rapidly deploy new servers
                                                        and now the abstraction
       Easy to deploy                                  layer)
       Reconfigurable while
        services are running
       Optimizes physical
        resources by doing more
        with less

                           20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud                           14
Virtualization Status
 Offerings    from many companies
     e.g. VMware, Microsoft, Sun, ...
 Hardware     support
     Fits well with the move to 64 bit (very large
      memories) multi-core (concurrency) processors.
     Intel VT (Virtualization Technology) provides
      hardware to support the Virtual Machine Monitor
 Virtualization    is now a well-established
  technology          20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   15
So what about
Cloud Computing?

        20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   16
Suppose you are Forbes.com
   You offer on-line real                  Why pay for capacity
    time stock market                        weekends, overnight?

                                                        9 AM - 5 PM,
     Rate of
                                                          ALL OTHER

                      20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud                  17
Forbes' Solution
 Host the web site in Amazon's EC2 Elastic
  Compute Cloud
 Provision new servers every day, and
  deprovision them every night
 Pay just $0.10* per server per hour
    * more for higher capacity servers
 Let   Amazon worry about the hardware!

                     20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   18
Cloud computing takes
virtualization to the next step
 You don’t have to own the hardware
 You “rent” it as needed from a cloud

 There are public clouds
    e.g. Amazon EC2, and now many others
     (Microsoft, IBM, Sun, and others ...)
A   company can create a private one
    With more control over security, etc.

                    20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   19
Goal 1 – Cost Control
 Cost
  Many   systems have variable demands
    Batch processing (e.g. New York Times)
    Web sites with peaks (e.g. Forbes)

    Startups with unknown demand (e.g. the
     Cash for Clunkers program)
  Reduce     risk
    Don't   need to buy hardware until you need it
                     20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   20
Goal 2 - Business Agility
 More     than scalability - elasticity!
    Ely Lilly in rapidly changing health care
        Used to take 3 - 4 months to give a department a
         server cluster, then they would hoard it!
    Using EC2, about 5 minutes!
        And they give it back when they are done!
 Scaling     back is as important as scaling up

                        20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud     21
Goal 3 - Stick to Our Business
 Most
     companies don't WANT to do system
    Forbes says:
        We are is a publishing company, not a software
 But    beware:
    Do you really save much on sys admin?
    You don't have the hardware, but you still need to
     manage the OS!
                        20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   22
How Cloud Computing Works
   Various providers let you create virtual servers
       Set up an account, perhaps just with a credit card
   You create virtual servers ("virtualization")
       Choose the OS and software each "instance" will have
       It will run on a large server farm located somewhere
       You can instantiate more on a few minutes' notice
       You can shut down instances in a minute or so
   They send you a bill for what you use

                         20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud     23
Any Nasty Details?
(loads of them!)
   How do I pick a provider?
   Am I locked in to a provider?
   Where do I put my data?
   What happens to my data when I shut down?
   How do I log in to my server?
   How do I keep others from logging in (security)?
   How do I get an IP address?
   Etc.

                      20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   24
And One Really Important Caveat*

  * Cloud BootCamp March 2009

                  20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   25
             How come Amazon?
 Grew out of efforts to manage Amazon’s own
    (Each time you get a page from Amazon, over a
     hundred servers are involved)
    See reference Amazon Architecture on their
     service design concepts
 They
     got so good at it that they launched
 Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a product

                    20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   26
Cloud Computing Status
 Seems   to be rapidly becoming a mainstream
 Numerous providers
    Amazon EC2 imitators ...
    Just about every major industry name
        IBM, Sun, Microsoft, ...
 Major     buzz at industry meetings

                         20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   27
So What’s the Take-Away?
 There
      seems to be a major revolution
 underway in how we manage hardware
    Specify (machine per service or one big             and
     machine with many virtual servers                 software
    Purchase (own it yourself or rent from a
     public cloud)
    Use (always-on, or flexible provisioning as
     needed ...)
 We may need to rethink both our
 research and teaching
                     20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud          28
For UWF:
What About Research?
 The    Eucalyptus Project
    From University of California Santa Barbara
    An open source collection of tools to build your
     own cloud
        Linux using Xen for virtualization
 Anapparently open research area: handling
    Regular databases apparently don't scale well
    Especially hard to make elastic (scale up / scale
                         20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   29
For UWF:
What About Teaching?
 Our
    graduates should know about cloud
 computing / virtualization
    It will be useful for some applications, though not
     for all
 But   what are the right learning objectives?
    Awareness (its there ...)
    Mechanics (here’s how to instantiate a server ...)
    Design (how to make a scalable service ...)
    ???
                      20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud      30
For Fall 2009 ...
 Currently
         developing a Virtualization / Cloud
 Computing “module”
     1 – 2 class sessions plus an exercise
 Target   courses (November):
     COP 6990 – Multi-Process Computing (Simmons)
     CTS 4817 – Web Server Administration
 Objectives
     Awareness and mechanics of EC2
                      20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   31
(links are current as of September, 2009)

   VMware Inc., Virtualization Overview,
   Todd Hoff, Amazon Architecture,
    http://highscalability.com/amazon-architecture, Sept. 18, 2007
   Intel Corp., Technology brief: Understanding Intel® Virtualization
   aw2.0 Ltd, Cloud BootCamp March 2009,

                            20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud              32
Where do we go from here?
 Any   ideas to keep us out of the rain?

                  20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud   33

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20090911 virtualizationandcloud

  • 1. Virtualization and Cloud Computing Norman Wilde Thomas Huber 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 1
  • 2. An opening caveat ...  This talk is based on speeches at conferences, discussions with people in industry, and some experimentation.  A lot of people think they will make a lot of money – so there is lots of hype! Some sun  But there seems to be behind the something fundamental clouds? going on. 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 2
  • 3. Two Technologies for Agility  Virtualization: The ability to run multiple operating systems on a single physical system and share the underlying hardware resources*  Cloud Computing: “The provisioning of services in a timely (near on instant), on-demand manner, to allow the scaling up and down of resources”** * VMware white paper, Virtualization Overview ** Alan Williamson, quoted in Cloud BootCamp March 2009 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 3
  • 4. The Traditional Server Concept Web Server App Server DB Server EMail Windows Linux Linux Windows IIS Glassfish MySQL Exchange 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 4
  • 5. And if something goes wrong ... Web Server App Server DB Server EMail Windows DOWN! Linux Windows IIS MySQL Exchange 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 5
  • 6. The Traditional Server Concept  System Administrators often talk about servers as a whole unit that includes the hardware, the OS, the storage, and the applications.  Servers are often referred to by their function i.e. the Exchange server, the SQL server, the File server, etc.  If the File server fills up, or the Exchange server becomes overtaxed, then the System Administrators must add in a new server. 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 6
  • 7. The Traditional Server Concept  Unless there are multiple servers, if a service experiences a hardware failure, then the service is down.  System Admins can implement clusters of servers to make them more fault tolerant. However, even clusters have limits on their scalability, and not all applications work in a clustered environment. 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 7
  • 8. The Traditional Server Concept  Pros  Cons  Easy to conceptualize  Expensive to acquire and  Fairly easy to deploy maintain hardware  Easy to backup  Not very scalable  Virtually any  Difficult to replicate application/service can be  Redundancy is difficult to run from this type of setup implement  Vulnerable to hardware outages  In many cases, processor is under-utilized 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 8
  • 9. The Virtual Server Concept Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) layer between Guest OS and hardware 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 9
  • 10. Close-up* * adapted from a diagram in VMware white paper, Virtualization Overview Server Server Clustering 1 2 Guest OS Guest OS Service Console VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor) x86 Architecture Intercepts hardware requests 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 10
  • 11. The Virtual Server Concept  Virtualservers seek to encapsulate the server software away from the hardware  This includes the OS, the applications, and the storage for that server.  Servers end up as mere files stored on a physical box, or in enterprise storage.  A virtual server can be serviced by one or more hosts, and one host may house more than one virtual server. 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 11
  • 12. The Virtual Server Concept  Virtual servers can still be referred to by their function i.e. email server, database server, etc.  If the environment is built correctly, virtual servers will not be affected by the loss of a host.  Hosts may be removed and introduced almost at will to accommodate maintenance. 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 12
  • 13. The Virtual Server Concept  Virtual servers can be scaled out easily.  If the administrators find that the resources supporting a virtual server are being taxed too much, they can adjust the amount of resources allocated to that virtual server  Server templates can be created in a virtual environment to be used to create multiple, identical virtual servers  Virtual servers themselves can be migrated from host to host almost at will. 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 13
  • 14. The Virtual Server Concept  Pros  Cons  Resource pooling  Slightly harder to  Highly redundant conceptualize  Highly available  Slightly more costly (must buy hardware, OS, Apps,  Rapidly deploy new servers and now the abstraction  Easy to deploy layer)  Reconfigurable while services are running  Optimizes physical resources by doing more with less 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 14
  • 15. Virtualization Status  Offerings from many companies  e.g. VMware, Microsoft, Sun, ...  Hardware support  Fits well with the move to 64 bit (very large memories) multi-core (concurrency) processors.  Intel VT (Virtualization Technology) provides hardware to support the Virtual Machine Monitor layer  Virtualization is now a well-established technology 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 15
  • 16. So what about Cloud Computing? 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 16
  • 17. Suppose you are Forbes.com  You offer on-line real  Why pay for capacity time stock market weekends, overnight? data 9 AM - 5 PM, M-F Rate of Server Accesses ALL OTHER TIMES 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 17
  • 18. Forbes' Solution  Host the web site in Amazon's EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud  Provision new servers every day, and deprovision them every night  Pay just $0.10* per server per hour  * more for higher capacity servers  Let Amazon worry about the hardware! 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 18
  • 19. Cloud computing takes virtualization to the next step  You don’t have to own the hardware  You “rent” it as needed from a cloud  There are public clouds  e.g. Amazon EC2, and now many others (Microsoft, IBM, Sun, and others ...) A company can create a private one  With more control over security, etc. 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 19
  • 20. Goal 1 – Cost Control  Cost  Many systems have variable demands  Batch processing (e.g. New York Times)  Web sites with peaks (e.g. Forbes)  Startups with unknown demand (e.g. the Cash for Clunkers program)  Reduce risk  Don't need to buy hardware until you need it 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 20
  • 21. Goal 2 - Business Agility  More than scalability - elasticity!  Ely Lilly in rapidly changing health care business  Used to take 3 - 4 months to give a department a server cluster, then they would hoard it!  Using EC2, about 5 minutes!  And they give it back when they are done!  Scaling back is as important as scaling up 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 21
  • 22. Goal 3 - Stick to Our Business  Most companies don't WANT to do system administration  Forbes says:  We are is a publishing company, not a software company  But beware:  Do you really save much on sys admin?  You don't have the hardware, but you still need to manage the OS! 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 22
  • 23. How Cloud Computing Works  Various providers let you create virtual servers  Set up an account, perhaps just with a credit card  You create virtual servers ("virtualization")  Choose the OS and software each "instance" will have  It will run on a large server farm located somewhere  You can instantiate more on a few minutes' notice  You can shut down instances in a minute or so  They send you a bill for what you use 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 23
  • 24. Any Nasty Details? (loads of them!)  How do I pick a provider?  Am I locked in to a provider?  Where do I put my data?  What happens to my data when I shut down?  How do I log in to my server?  How do I keep others from logging in (security)?  How do I get an IP address?  Etc. 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 24
  • 25. And One Really Important Caveat* * Cloud BootCamp March 2009 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 25
  • 26. (footnote) How come Amazon?  Grew out of efforts to manage Amazon’s own services  (Each time you get a page from Amazon, over a hundred servers are involved)  See reference Amazon Architecture on their service design concepts  They got so good at it that they launched Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a product 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 26
  • 27. Cloud Computing Status  Seems to be rapidly becoming a mainstream practice  Numerous providers  Amazon EC2 imitators ...  Just about every major industry name  IBM, Sun, Microsoft, ...  Major buzz at industry meetings 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 27
  • 28. So What’s the Take-Away?  There seems to be a major revolution underway in how we manage hardware  Specify (machine per service or one big and machine with many virtual servers software ?  Purchase (own it yourself or rent from a public cloud)  Use (always-on, or flexible provisioning as needed ...)  We may need to rethink both our research and teaching 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 28
  • 29. For UWF: What About Research?  The Eucalyptus Project  From University of California Santa Barbara  An open source collection of tools to build your own cloud  Linux using Xen for virtualization  Anapparently open research area: handling data  Regular databases apparently don't scale well  Especially hard to make elastic (scale up / scale down) 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 29
  • 30. For UWF: What About Teaching?  Our graduates should know about cloud computing / virtualization  It will be useful for some applications, though not for all  But what are the right learning objectives?  Awareness (its there ...)  Mechanics (here’s how to instantiate a server ...)  Design (how to make a scalable service ...)  ??? 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 30
  • 31. For Fall 2009 ...  Currently developing a Virtualization / Cloud Computing “module”  1 – 2 class sessions plus an exercise  Target courses (November):  COP 6990 – Multi-Process Computing (Simmons)  CTS 4817 – Web Server Administration (Owsnicki-Klewe)  Objectives  Awareness and mechanics of EC2 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 31
  • 32. References (links are current as of September, 2009)  VMware Inc., Virtualization Overview, http://www.vmware.com/pdf/virtualization.pdf  Todd Hoff, Amazon Architecture, http://highscalability.com/amazon-architecture, Sept. 18, 2007  Intel Corp., Technology brief: Understanding Intel® Virtualization Technology, http://download.intel.com/technology/virtualization/320426.pdf  aw2.0 Ltd, Cloud BootCamp March 2009, http://www.aw20.co.uk/help/cloudbootcamp_march2009.cfm 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 32
  • 33. Where do we go from here?  Any ideas to keep us out of the rain? 20090909_VirtualizationAndCloud 33