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InterOil Corporation
              Annual General Meeting Presentation


             Wayne Andrews – V.P. Capital Markets
                        June 22, 2010
Cautionary & Forward-Looking Statements
This presentation includes “forward-looking statements” as defined in United States federal and Canadian securities laws. All statements, other
than statements of historical facts, included in this presentation that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes
or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. In particular, this presentation contains forward-looking statements
pertaining to business plans and strategies, estimated characteristics of the Antelope-1 & 2 discovery, exploration prospects, proposed development
of a liquified natural gas processing facility (including design conclusions, costs, timing of development, economics of the facility and ownership
of such facility, timing of first cargo and completion costs), farm-in process on the Elk and Antelope fields, the proposed sale of up to 35%
working interest in the Elk and Antelope resources, operations in the proposed LNG plant and LNG offtake agreements, and exploration and
development activities including, potential resource revisions, proposed seismic program, horizontal drilling, acquiring a second drilling rig, bolt-
on acquisitions for mid- and downstream infrastructure. These statements are based on certain assumptions made by the Company based on its
experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the
circumstances. No assurances can be given however, that any of these events will occur. Such statements are subject to a number of assumptions,
risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, which may cause our actual results to differ materially from those
implied or expressed by the forward-looking statements. Some of these factors include the inherent uncertainty of oil and gas exploration
activities; the availability and cost of drilling rigs, oilfield equipment, and other oilfield exploration services; the Company’s ability to finance the
development of its LNG facility; the Company’s ability to timely construct and commission the LNG facility; turmoil in the financial and capital
markets; political, legal and economic risks in Papua New Guinea; landowner claims; weather conditions and unforeseen operating hazards; the
impact of legislation regulating emissions of greenhouse gases; and the risk factors discussed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and SEDAR, including but not limited to those in the Company’s Annual Information Form in the year ended December
31, 2009 and the MD&A for the period ended December 31, 2009, available at www.sec.com and www.sedar.com. Readers are cautioned that the
foregoing list of factors that may affect future results is not exhaustive. The forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are made as
of the date hereof and InterOil does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements,
except as required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements contained herein are expressly qualified by this cautionary
We currently have no reserves as defined in Canadian National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities. The
Company includes in this presentation information that the SEC's guidelines strictly prohibit the Company from including in filings with the SEC.
Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in the Company’s Form 40-F, available from us at www.interoil.com or from the SEC at
www.sec.com and Annual Information Form in the year ended December 31, 2009 on SEDAR at www.sedar.ca
All calculations converting natural gas to crude oil equivalent have been made using a ratio of six mscf of natural gas to one barrel of crude
equivalent. BOE’s may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A BOE conversion ratio of six mscf of natural gas to one barrel of crude oil
equivalent is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency
at the wellhead.

Cautionary & Forward-Looking Statements

Contingent resources referred to in this presentation are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable
from known accumulations using established technology or technology under development. There is no certainty that it will be commercially
viable to produce any portion of the resources. These resource estimates are not classified as reserves primarily due to lack of marketing
infrastructure, further project application, facility and reservoir design work. There is no guarantee that all or any part of the estimated resources
will be recovered. Although a final project has not yet been sanctioned, pre - Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) studies are ongoing for
LNG and condensate stripping operations as options for monetization of the gas and condensate. The proposed LNG plant will consist of a 220
mile pipeline from the Elk/Antelope field to the plant which is to be located adjacent to the InterOil refinery near Port Moresby. An export
terminal will also be constructed at the LNG plant. However, commerciality of any monetization project has not been implemented for the
purposes of deriving the resource estimates.
The accuracy of resource estimates are in part a function of the quality and quantity of the available data and of engineering and geological
interpretation and judgment. Other factors in the classification as a resource include a requirement for more delineation wells, detailed design
estimates and near term development plans. The size of the resource estimate could be positively impacted, potentially in a material amount, if
additional delineation wells determined that the aerial extent, reservoir quality and/or the thickness of the reservoir is larger than what is
currently estimated based on the interpretation of the seismic and well data. The size of the resource estimate could be negatively impacted,
potentially in a material amount, if additional delineation wells determined that the aerial extent, reservoir quality and/or the thickness of the
reservoir are less than what is currently estimated based on the interpretation of the seismic and well data.
The “low” estimate of contingent resources set forth in this presentation is considered to be a conservative estimate of the quantity that will
actually be recovered. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the low estimate. If probabilistic methods are used,
there should be at least a 90 percent probability (P90) that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the low estimate. The “best”
estimate is considered to be the best estimate of the quantity that will actually be recovered. It is equally likely that the actual remaining
quantities recovered will be greater or less than the best estimate. If probabilistic methods are used, there should be at least a 50 percent
probability (P50) that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the best estimate. The “high” estimate is considered to be an
optimistic estimate of the quantity that will actually be recovered. It is unlikely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the
high estimate. If probabilistic methods are used, there should be at least a 10 percent probability (P10) that the quantities actually recovered will
equal or exceed the high estimate. Marketable gas estimates exclude CO2, shrinkage and gas used for fuel.

InterOil Investment Highlights
Increased Resource estimate on Elk and Antelope fields
         2009 YE Best Case estimate of 8.2 Tcf and 156.5
          MMBC gross contingent resources
Condensate stripping project JV with Mitsui
         JV agreement with Mitsui & Co. Ltd. to fund FEED
          on condensate stripping project
Proposed LNG project with first cargo est. at 2015
         Asset monetization agreement (up to 25% interest in
          resource) with LNG partners anticipated by year-end.
Strongest balance sheet in Company’s history
         Debt-to-total capitalization ratio 11%
         $75.8 million in cash at March 31, 2010
Experienced management team
         15 years in PNG, major oil company experience and
          independent LNG experience
Potential joint ventures:
         Liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant with LNG off-take
         Elk and Antelope development
         Exploration joint ventures
World class hydrocarbon province
         40 identified exploration prospects
         80% of Eastern Papuan basin

InterOil Has A Track Record of Achievement With Investment Upside
     InterOil was formed in 1997 - Vision to create an integrated energy company
     Exploration licenses signed under incentive program - 2003
             Elk-1 discovery of Elk fault block      – 2006
             Elk-4 discovery of Antelope fault block – 2008
             Antelope-1 discovery of Antelope reef – 2009
             Third-party certified resource estimate – 2009 – over 3.8 Tcfe ~ 630 mmBOE
             Antelope-2 delineation 2.3 mile stepout – 2009
             Third-party certified resource estimate – 2010 – over 9.1 Tcfe ~ 1.52 BBOE
             Antelope-2 horizontal exceeds objective – 2010 – 3,066 feet (934 meters)
     Refinery commissioned in 2004, Mechanical completion - 2006
            Completed refinery project agreement
            Secured land rights - harbor rights
            Secured Overseas Private Investment Corp. financing
     Distribution asset acquisitions lever refinery - 2003/2005
     Condensate Stripping Project JV agreement with Mitsui & Co. Ltd. to fund FEED - 2010

     Near-term objectives build on track record of success
            Completion of FEED and FID on early condensate project
            Completion of LNG Project strategic partnering process, including asset
               monetization through sale of up to 25% interest in Elk and Antelope fields
     Mid-term opportunities provide long-term growth potential
             40 identified exploration prospects
             LNG first cargo 2015

InterOil Assets Located in a Cooperative Political Environment

Former Australian Territory – Gained
Independence in 1975
         Strong relations with Australia - A$350
          million annual aid
         Constitutional Monarchy
         Parliamentary Democracy, Member of
Positive Fiscal Policy
         30% flat tax rate
         Resource project protection
S&P Issuer Credit Rating – Stable Outlook
Petromin Partnership – PNG State Company
         PNG’s National Oil, Gas and Minerals Co.
         20.5% working interest
                                                         In December, 2009 the PNG National
Official Languages: English and Pidgin                    Government approved and signed
Main Religion – Christianity                              the Company’s Project Agreement
                                                         for the construction of an LNG plant
2009 GDP US$8.3 billion                                          in Papua New Guinea.

Synergistic Business Segments Across The Value Chain

Exploration Portfolio              Midstream Portfolio - Refinery         Downstream Domestic
 3.9 million acres                       K36bpd capacity                      Distribution

                              Proposed Condensate
                                 Stripping Project

                                        Proposed Midstream
                                            LNG Project
                                   25% Projected Economic Interest

                        Strategically Located and Positioned for Growth

Upstream Exploration Provides Long-Term Growth Potential

                               Operate 3.9 million acre onshore exploration
                               40 identified drilling prospects
                               Assets secured at a time when Papua New
                               Guinea was overlooked and under-explored
                               InterOil made the first significant new
                               discovery in a frontier basin utilizing modern
                               exploration technology
                                   Elk and Antelope gas fields
                                   Highly productive carbonate reservoir trend
                                   Significant upgrade in resource estimates
                                    potentially underpin single/two train LNG

                               Outstanding achievement accomplished in a
                               short period of time, in a basin dominated by
                                     major oil companies for decades

World Class Hydrocarbon Province – InterOil’s 3.9 Million Acres

                                                         Potential Recoverable
                                                                 11 Tcf
     Potential Recoverable
             25 Tcf


                   Source: Papua New Guinea Department of Petroleum & Energy

Additional Resource Potential On Flanks Of Elk and Antelope Field

                                                  Elk-4                       Elk-2

                        1.6              1.7      0.9             2.9 miles
                       miles            miles     miles

Antelope-1 and 2 Wells Confirmed Reef Development
                                 Observed On Seismic Data
                                                   Composite Line E4IOL05 and E12IOL07
                     11200          12000        12800   13600     14400       15200         16000   16800    17600         18400         19200          20000

            E4IOL05                                                                                                                             E12IOL07

                 Elk-4                                   Ant-1         Ant-3                Ant-4     Ant-2



                                                                 Top Reef Limestone Surface



                                                                           Projected GWC (TWT)


                     11200          12000        12800   13600     14400       15200         16000   16800    17600         18400         19200          20000
        0     0.25     0.5   0.75      1    1.25miles                                                           0     500       1000     1500     2000     2500m

                        1:40000                                                                                                     1:40000

Antelope-2 Well Confirmed Lateral Extent of Dolomitization

Vertical Antelope-2 Log Results:
  •   Demonstrated a gas and gas
      liquids column height of 1,729
  •   Confirmed reef development
      with porous limestone and
      dolomite in 2.3 mile step-out

                                                                     1,729 feet

      Free Water Level at -2,224 Sub Sea

Well Productivity Exceeds Proposed LNG Startup Requirements

                                                                            Flow Test Natural
                  Gross           Net             Percent   Production
   Well                                                                           Gas
                 Reservoir      Reservoir           Pay     Tubing OD
                                                                               102 MMcfd
   Elk-1          620 Ft.         88 Ft.           14%        5.5 inch         510 BCPD

                                                                                105 MMcfd
   Elk-4          600 Ft.         166 Ft.          28%        4.5 inch         1,890 BCPD

                                                                                382 MMcfd
 Antelope-1      2,600 Ft.       2,277 Ft.         88%        7.0 inch         5,000 BCPD

                                                                               705 MMcfd
Antelope-2*      1,224 Ft.       1,175 Ft.         96%        7.0 inch        11,200 BCPD

Antelope-2 and previous wells, have identified over 1.2 Bcf/d of productive capacity
The condensate ratio established in the lower section of the Antelope-2 reservoir further
enhances the economics of the proposed condensate stripping facility

Third Party Resource Estimate Elk and Antelope Structure

         Gross Resource Estimate for Gas and Condensate                                                    An evaluation of the potential resources
                                                                                                           of gas and condensate for the
               As At December, 31, 2009                                           Case                     Elk/Antelope field has been completed
                                                                    Low           Best          High       by GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd., an
                                                                                                           independent qualified reserves evaluator,
Initial Recoverable Sales Gas (Tcf)                                  6.19         8.18          9.94
                                                                                                           as of December 31, 2009
Initial Recoverable Condensate (MMBbls)                             117.1         156.5        194.7
                                                                                                           The estimates presented are in
Initial Recoverable MMBOE                                          1,148.8      1,519.8       1,851.4      accordance with the definitions and
Resource Estimate for Gas and Condensate – Net to InterOil*                                                guidelines in the COGE Handbook and
                                                                                                           Canadian NI 51-101
               As At December, 31, 2009                                           Case                     Best Case estimate of 9.1 Tcfe gross (5.2
                                                                    Low           Best         High        Tcfe net) and High Case estimate of 11.1
                                                                                                           Tcfe gross (6.4 Tcfe net)
Initial Recoverable Sales Gas (Tcf)                                 3.56          4.70          5.71
Initial Recoverable Condensate (MMBbls)                             67.3          89.9         111.9       Upstream gross capital expenditures of
                                                                                                           $91.8 million add best case gross initial
Initial Recoverable MMBOE                                           660.6        873.2        1063.6       recoverable resources of 889 million
*These estimates are based upon InterOil holding a 57.4751% working interest in the Elk and                barrels of oil equivalent, as estimated by
Antelope fields, which assumes that: (i) the State and landowners elect to participate in the Elk and
Antelope fields to the full extent provided under applicable PNG oil and gas legislation after a PDL       GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd.
has been granted in relation to the Elk/Antelope field and (ii) all elections are made to participate in
the Field by all investors pursuant to relevant indirect participation interest agreements with
InterOil, including to participate fully and directly in the PDL.

           Please refer to the statement of resources in the company’s Annual Information Form filed on www.sedar.com for additional disclosure.

    Contingent resources are those quantities of natural gas and condensate estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations
    using established technology or technology under development, but which are not currently considered to be commercially recoverable due to one or more
    contingencies. The economic status of the resources is undetermined and there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the
    resources. The following contingencies must be met before the resources can be classified as reserves: 1) Sanctioning of the facilities required to process and
    transport marketable natural gas to market, 2) Confirmation of a market for the marketable natural gas and condensate, 3) Determination of economic viability.
    Although a final project has not yet been sanctioned, pre-FEED studies are ongoing for LNG and condensate stripping operations as options for monetization of the
    gas and condensate.

InterOil Added 889 MMBOE of Contingent Resources in 2009

                                                                                  Case                                             1,600.0
                                                                                                                                                Condensate *
                                                                                                                                                Sales Gas *                           156.5
       As at 31 December, 2009                                Low                  Best                 High                       1,400.0


       Original Gas-In-Place (tcf)                            9.65                11.03                12.54

 Initial Recoverable Raw Gas (tcf)                            6.87                 9.08                11.04
                                                                                                                                                        59.3                          1,363.3
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~ 9.12tcfe

  Initial Recoverable Sales Gas
                                                              6.19                 8.18                 9.94                        400.0
 Initial Recoverable Condensate
                                                             117.1                156.5                194.7
             (mmbbls)                                                                                                                  0.0                                                      *
                                                                                                                                                   31-12-2008                  31-12-2009
                                                                                                                                             *Resources are presented on a 2C basis
                                                                                                                                             ** 6 mmscf = 1 mboe

 InterOil organically increased the estimated contingent resources associated with *the Elk & Antelope fields
  by 889 million barrels of oil equivalent in a single year
 Upstream gross capital expenditures of $91.8 million add best case gross initial recoverable resources of
  889 million barrels of oil equivalent, for a cost of 2C contingent resource additions of approximately
  $0.10/BOE ($0.017/Mcfe)
*GLJ   certification prepared in accordance with the Canadian Oil & Gas Evaluation Handbook and Canadian Securities Administrators National Instrument 51-101.

Surrounding Prospect Inventory to Fuel Long-Term Growth

100 Km Infill Seismic on Antelope Completed

Wolverine Prospect 20 Km Data Acquisition Completed

Bwata Prospect 20 Km Seismic Acquisition Underway

InterOil’s Second Rig Set to Arrive in PNG in July

Transportation of rig underway
        The new rig is packed and ready for shipment.
        The rig will depart New Zealand near the end of
         June, 2010
Modifications for jungle
        Once in PNG the rig will be modified for jungle
         operations at Napa Napa
Timing anticipated to dovetail with corporate
        Completion of seismic acquisition program
        Prospect prioritization
        Funding for two rig program in place
Forward Program
        Mobilizing the rig into the field in the 4th quarter
        Continue exploration of prospect inventory

Horizontal Drilling Exceeds Initial 1,000 Foot Objective

                          Horizontal length achieved of 2,569 feet (783
                          meters) beyond liner shoe
                                  InterOil reached total depth in the easterly
                                   drilled horizontal of 10,502 feet (3,201 meters)
                                  The true vertical depth - TVD was 7,668 feet
                                   (2,337 meters)
                                  Reached a total of 3,066 feet (934 meters)
                                   from vertical well bore
                          Drilling with mud returns for first 1460 feet (445
                                  A gradual lithology change, including increased
                                   dolomite, observed in drill cuttings away from
                                   the parent hole.
                          Converted to “managed pressure drilling” after
                          total loss of mud returns
                                  Drilled with total loss of returns from 9,394 feet
                                   (2,863 meters) measured depth to TD.

Horizontal well True Vertical Depth Profile Covers Targeted Zone

True Vertical Depth, ft
             Liner Shoe 7,933 MD
                                                                                               Total Depth 10,502 MD
                                                         Horizontal Distance, ft
       0 Antelope-2       500         1000            1500               2000           2500               3000

       InterOil Engineering Achievements
                First horizontal well in PNG drilled under pressure with a rotating head and Managed
                 Pressure Drilling techniques
                Set 5 ½” liner through 7” casing and through the build section of the well allowing for
                 larger hole to be drilled horizontally
                Reached a total of 3,066 feet from vertical well bore
                Length achieved with Horizontal section of 2,570 feet (783 meters) exceeding 1,000 foot
                Drill pipe conveyed logging under pressure is currently being performed

Antelope-2H2 Drill Stem Test #4 Recovers 18 Barrels/MMcf

                                  Horizontal Electric Log Results
                                     Average porosity of 11.1% exceeds
                                      porosity of comparable horizon in
                                      vertical wellbore of approximately 6%,
                                      by 80%.
                                     Dolomitized bedding enhanced
                                      reservoir porosity
                                     Porosity measurements exceeded

Antelope-2H2 DST#4 Confirms Increased Liquid Content

Drill Stem Test #4 recovers 18 Bbls/MMcf a 12% increase over the 16 Bbls/MMcf recovered in
      DST#1 from the top of the reservoir
         Test interval 7,933 – 10,502 feet (2,418 – 3,201 meters) measured depth (MD).
         Approximate test duration (flowing time) = 46 hours
         Flowing BHP = 3699.3 psia.
         Pressure draw down = ~3-4 psia based on the initial build up performed at beginning of test
         The flow capacity of the well is high due to the high permeability observed in the test interval
          and is demonstrated by the minimal pressure drop during the test
         Cum flow: Gas = 18.7 MMscf; Condensate = 260.6 STB; Load Water = 59.2 STB
Drill Stem Test #5 designed to isolate and test lowest portion of the horizontal wellbore
         Testing interval ~ 9,679 – 10,502 feet (2,950 – 3,201 meters) MD.
         Currently running in hole with formation packer and test equipment

Feasibility Study Indicates Economic Condensate Recovery Project

                                             EDG Consulting Engineers were
                                             commissioned to evaluate early
                                             monetization of condensate from
                                             the Elk/Antelope field
                                             InterOil committed to FEED with
                                             Mitsui &Co., Ltd on a proposed
                                             400MMcfd plant for early
                                             condensate monetization
                                             (estimated to yield approximately
                                             9,000 bbls per day)
                                             The expected yield of 22.4 barrels
                                             of condensate per MMcf was
                                             based on the Elk-4 PVT analysis
                                             Increased condensate yield with
                                             depth would, if established, result
                                             in significantly enhanced

InterOil and Mitsui & Co. Ltd. Enter Joint Venture in April, 2010

   In April, 2010, InterOil and Mitsui & Co. Ltd. agreed to jointly operate and fund Front End-
   Engineering and Design (FEED) to develop a proposed condensate stripping facility
              InterOil and Mitsui will each be responsible for half of the capital expenditure involved in
               the preliminary works (FEED) and Mitsui will fund InterOil’s share
              Standard conditions of the agreements include the completion of FEED, an EPC
               agreement, and the definitive agreements by December 31, 2010, necessary to reach
               Final Investment Decision (FID)*
              InterOil has received the first payment from Mitsui to fund the FEED of its proposed joint
               venture condensate stripping plant
   The Project is proposed to be designed to process 400 MMcf/day of wellhead gas with an
   anticipated yield of approximately 9,000 barrels of condensate per day
              Dry gas will be reinjected into the reservoir for storage until the proposed LNG facility has
               been constructed
              The condensate will be barged to the InterOil refinery in Port Moresby for processing and
              Expect agreement with JV partner, including resource monetization, by year-end*
    Agreed to commence FEED (Front End Engineering and Design) with EDG Consultants of
       Houston, Texas

          *There is no assurance definitive agreements will be completed as contemplated or that the proposed joint
               venture with Mitsui to develop the condensate stripping project will proceed.

Robust Economics Create a Competitive LNG JV Process

 Current activities and objectives:
            Deliver a on time and on budget LNG project in PNG
            Project Agreement approved by PNG Government in December 2009
            Competitive economics compared with other Pacific Rim LNG projects

 Engaged financial advisors to manage the sale of up to 35% working interest in the
 Elk/Antelope resources, operations in the LNG plant and LNG offtake agreements*
            Process underway with established timeline
            High interest levels from major oil companies, national oil companies and international
            Expect agreement with JV partner, including resource monetization, by year-end 2010

        *There is no assurance any sale will be completed or will be completed as contemplated

Papua New Guinea at Heart of World’s Largest LNG Market

Source: BP Statistical Review 2009   28
Attractive Economics Relative to Asia-Pacific LNG Projects
Natural Gas Supply
      InterOil believes exploration wells (Elk and
       Antelope) indicate higher productivity than other
       wells in PNG
      Tests indicate 5-6% CO2
      InterOil anticipates 16-21 Bbls/MMcf of
       condensate in field tests
      Minimal pre-LNG processing requirements
Favorable Geography
        Protected geographic region
        Onshore, near coast (75 Km)
        Close to largest global LNG market
        220 miles to LNG Plant site
Existing Infrastructure
        Deep water harbor rights
        Jetty system
        Electricity, water, roadway and accommodations
        InterOil LNG plant and infrastructure costs
         estimated at roughly 1/2 of the nearby PNG LNG
Fiscal Policy
      30% flat tax rate
      No super profits tax
      Government resource project protection

InterOil Controls the Largest Field in Papua New Guinea

                Oil Fields1              Gas & Condensate Fields1
                    Oil     Solution Gas Condensate Natural Gas
                MMSTBO          BCF        MMBC         BCF          MMBOE
Elk & Antelope2                             156.5       8,120        1,509.8
Hides                                       101.0       5,371          996.2
Kutubu            348.6        1,722                                   635.6
Angore                                       5.0        3,328          559.7
Juha 3                                                  2,100          350.0
Moran              110.0        206                                    144.3
Pandora                                                  644           107.3
Barikewa                                                 605           100.8
SE Gobe            43.5         176                                     72.9
Gobe main          28.2         132                                     50.2

   1 Estimate on 50% probability basis. Source PNG DPE 2007
   2 GLJ Resource Estimate (See additional disclosure on slide 19)
   3 Estimated from public data

InterOil Capitalizes on the Whole Value Chain

                                                              LNG Plant

                                                                           Power Plant
                       Exploration & Development

                                     Hydrocarbon Sales

                                                         LPG Export

Oil, Natural Gas and

                               Separation and
                               Transportation                             Commercial Consumption

                               Commercial Boundary
InterOil Poised to Achieve JV Partner Agreement
                           Upstream                                                                            Midstream LNG
           Participating Interests Pre-Transaction*                                            Participating Interests Pre-Transaction*

                          57.51%           19.99%                                                              52.50%

               Petromin         Investor Group          InterOil*                                              Pacific LNG        InterOil

           Participating Interests Post-Transaction*                                         Participating Interests Post-Transaction*

                                          22.50%                                                              25.00%

                                                        12.50%                                                              42.50%
         Example only.
                                                                                                  12.50%                                       Example only.
       Final interests yet
                                 35.00%                                                                                                      Final interests yet
       to be determined                                                                                                                      to be determined

      Petromin       Investor Group        Farm-In Partners         InterOil*        Petromin       TBD       Farm-In Partners         Pacific LNG        InterOil

*55.67% Participating Interest assumes all IPWI Investors and the PNG Government elect to fully participate after a Production Development License has been granted.

Proposed JV Partner Participating Interests

                              Participating Interests Post-Transaction

                                 30.0%                                  Industry Partner
                                           Farm-In Partners
                        Investor Group         35.0%

                                   22.5%                                   Strategic 2.5%
    Example only.                                                          Strategic 2.5%
  Final interests yet                                                      Strategic 2.5%
  to be determined
                                                                           Strategic 2.5%

                                         Upstream              LNG Plant               LNG Off-take

Industry Partner                         Up to 25%            Up to 25-50%                  50%

Strategic Partner                        Up to 10%             Up to 10%                    50%

Proposed Timeline Based on LNG Partner Agreement by YE 2010
                                2010              2011          2012
                                                                       First Condensate
                                                                              2013/2014   First LNG
Floating LNG (3 mtpa)
Land LNG (4 mtpa)

                                                                               Land Based LNG

Elk/Antelope & Condensate
      Stripping Plant
                                                                                  IOC Refinery

                                             Barge Condensate
                        Fixed Floating LNG     to Napa Napa

Brown Fields Site Leverages Existing Infrastructure for World
                     Scale LNG Project

InterOil refinery

                    Located on InterOil leasehold land adjoining Port Moresby harbor

Profitable Refining Segment with Existing Spare Capacity

    36,500 bpd capacity oil refinery
              Excess capacity for in-country growth
              Supplies domestic market
              Refinery strategically located – government leased land

    Profitability enhancement opportunities
              Full integration with upstream operations
              Condensate processing improves high margin product yield
              Surrounding island nation export prospects

Profitable Distribution with Domestic and Export Growth Potential

Largest distributor of fuel products in PNG

Strategic acquisitions to leverage InterOil’s niche

Owned and operated by InterOil:

         Distribution depots
         Seaboard terminals
         Trucking system
         Retail network

South Pacific islands expansion opportunities

Summary of Consolidated Quarterly Financial Results
         Quarters ended                2010                           2009                                         2008
 ($ thousands except per share
              data)                   Mar-31       Dec-31       Sep-30       Jun-30       Mar-31       Dec-31     Sep-30       Jun-30

   Upstream                                998       1,027        1,011          660          611          487        698          895
   Midstream – Refining                152,093     173,438      141,295      114,347      145,523      194,617    216,750      197,864     Includes
   Midstream – Liquefaction                    0            0            1            2            4        23            35        19    $31.7 MM
   Downs tream                         109,687     118,270      107,712       85,472       78,572      128,540    172,528      140,467    non-cash
   Corporate                            12,093      10,539       10,087        8,640        7,753        9,591      8,415        8,334    expense
   Consolidation entries               (96,052)    (93,971)     (86,509)     (60,625)     (70,801) (114,691) (134,695) (102,565)
 Sales and operating revenues          178,819     209,303      173,597      148,496      161,662      218,567    263,731      245,014     Includes
                                        (1,964)        574      (29,097)       (669)         (469)      (2,483)       231       10,164
                                                                                                                                          $10.2 MM
                                                                                                                                            gain on
   Midstream – Refining                  4,402       8,492        8,199       14,134       14,747      (13,976)    17,516       16,329
   Midstream – Liquefaction               (563)     (1,200)      (2,119)      (1,379)      (2,361)      (2,501)    (1,570)      (1,784)
   Downs tream                           4,492       4,391        6,542        4,150        3,241       (7,244)       610        7,893
   Corporate                             4,402       1,765        1,980        1,897        3,051          226        764       (2,155)   revaluation
   Consolidation entries                (5,910)     (4,884)      (4,092)       (278)       (7,285)      (2,865)      (737)      (3,093)
 EBITDA                                  4,859       9,138      (18,587)      17,855       10,924      (28,843)    16,814       27,354
   Upstream                             (6,182)     (3,626)     (31,392)      (2,382)      (2,133)      (4,003)    (1,039)       9,188
   Midstream – Refining                    (74)     18,070        3,762        9,624       10,350      (19,490)    12,660       11,344
   Midstream – Liquefaction               (911)     (1,591)      (2,481)      (1,765)      (2,552)      (2,597)    (1,677)      (1,909)
   Downs tream                             671       2,371        3,440        1,742          964       (5,901)      (886)       3,383
   Corporate                             3,544       3,036        1,602        (677)          349       (2,275)    (1,759)      (5,164)
   Consolidation entries                  (191)      1,047         (237)       2,894       (4,332)          37      1,928       (1,241)
 Net profit/(loss)                      (3,143)     19,307      (25,306)       9,436        2,646      (34,229)     9,227       15,601
 Net profit/(loss) per share
   Per Share – Basic                     (0.07)        0.45       (0.60)        0.25         0.07        (0.96)      0.26         0.48
   Per Share – Diluted                   (0.07)        0.43       (0.60)        0.24         0.07        (0.96)      0.22         0.40
       (1) Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization is a non-GAAP measure and is reconciled to GAAP in the
       MD&A for year end 2009 filed on SEDAR and our website www.interoil.com

Best Balance Sheet* in Company’s History
                                                                                March 31, 2010                        December 31, 2009
Cash, Cash Equivalents, Restricted Cash                                                 $75.8                                     $75.8
Total Current Assets                                                                   $231.6                                    $208.1
Plant & Equipment, Oil & Gas Properties                                                $415.5                                    $393.5
Total Assets                                                                           $676.0                                    $631.8
Current Liabilities                                                                    $136.2                                     $93.5
Secured Loan (including current portion)                                                $52.6                                     $52.6
8% Convertible Subordinated Debenture                                                      -                                         -
Total Liabilities                                                                      $232.5                                    $189.8
Shareholders Equity                                                                    $443.5                                    $441.9

Debt-To-Capital Ratio (Long term Debt/(Shareholders’ equity + Long term Debt) was reduced to 11% at March 31,
2009 from 36% in March 2009

Secured debt and credit facilities in place for refinery and distribution assets and inventory, upstream resources
completely unencumbered

* Incomplete and abbreviated balance sheet, Investors are urged to consult the disclosure in the Company’s Form 40-F, Annual Information Form, and MD&A
discussion available from us at www.interoil.com or from the SEC at www.sec.gov or on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

2010 Operating Goals

Reach early condensate FID and
advance the development of liquid
stripping plant to commercial operations

Continue development of the
                                                 Of course, our overarching goal remains
Elk/Antelope field                                   to continue driving value for our
                                                 shareholders, continue supporting safe
Prioritize prospect inventory with              and efficient operations for our employees,
additional seismic data acquisition             and continue to be a good partner to those
                                                        with whom we do business.
Deploy second drilling rig

Select and transact with LNG JV
investment partner

In Summary

Papua New Guinea is an under-explored frontier with world class assets strategically located on the
   doorstep of Asia

Proving significant hydrocarbon resource for a stronger LNG Joint Venture

         GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. certified resources of 9.1 Tcfe gross best case
         Low F&D cost structure (2009 contingent resource additions at ~ $0.10-$0.15/bbl)
         Infrastructure advantages from refinery
         Early condensate project

Delivered significant value to shareholders over the last 12 months

         Resource additions to 8.2 Tcf and 156 million barrels
         Signing of FEED agreements with Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
         Increased experience of condensate and LNG development project team s
         Strengthened balance sheet reducing debt to 11% of total capitalization

Participating in the full value chain generates major advantages which leverages company for
     exponential growth

InterOil has the assets and people to achieve our goals, generate superior growth, and drive
     shareholder value


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2010 06-22 agm-final_

  • 1. InterOil Corporation Annual General Meeting Presentation PAPUA NEW GUINEA — THE NEXT GLOBAL LNG SUPPLIER Wayne Andrews – V.P. Capital Markets June 22, 2010
  • 2. Cautionary & Forward-Looking Statements This presentation includes “forward-looking statements” as defined in United States federal and Canadian securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this presentation that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. In particular, this presentation contains forward-looking statements pertaining to business plans and strategies, estimated characteristics of the Antelope-1 & 2 discovery, exploration prospects, proposed development of a liquified natural gas processing facility (including design conclusions, costs, timing of development, economics of the facility and ownership of such facility, timing of first cargo and completion costs), farm-in process on the Elk and Antelope fields, the proposed sale of up to 35% working interest in the Elk and Antelope resources, operations in the proposed LNG plant and LNG offtake agreements, and exploration and development activities including, potential resource revisions, proposed seismic program, horizontal drilling, acquiring a second drilling rig, bolt- on acquisitions for mid- and downstream infrastructure. These statements are based on certain assumptions made by the Company based on its experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. No assurances can be given however, that any of these events will occur. Such statements are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, which may cause our actual results to differ materially from those implied or expressed by the forward-looking statements. Some of these factors include the inherent uncertainty of oil and gas exploration activities; the availability and cost of drilling rigs, oilfield equipment, and other oilfield exploration services; the Company’s ability to finance the development of its LNG facility; the Company’s ability to timely construct and commission the LNG facility; turmoil in the financial and capital markets; political, legal and economic risks in Papua New Guinea; landowner claims; weather conditions and unforeseen operating hazards; the impact of legislation regulating emissions of greenhouse gases; and the risk factors discussed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and SEDAR, including but not limited to those in the Company’s Annual Information Form in the year ended December 31, 2009 and the MD&A for the period ended December 31, 2009, available at www.sec.com and www.sedar.com. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors that may affect future results is not exhaustive. The forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are made as of the date hereof and InterOil does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements contained herein are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. We currently have no reserves as defined in Canadian National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities. The Company includes in this presentation information that the SEC's guidelines strictly prohibit the Company from including in filings with the SEC. Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in the Company’s Form 40-F, available from us at www.interoil.com or from the SEC at www.sec.com and Annual Information Form in the year ended December 31, 2009 on SEDAR at www.sedar.ca All calculations converting natural gas to crude oil equivalent have been made using a ratio of six mscf of natural gas to one barrel of crude equivalent. BOE’s may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A BOE conversion ratio of six mscf of natural gas to one barrel of crude oil equivalent is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. 2
  • 3. Cautionary & Forward-Looking Statements Contingent resources referred to in this presentation are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations using established technology or technology under development. There is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources. These resource estimates are not classified as reserves primarily due to lack of marketing infrastructure, further project application, facility and reservoir design work. There is no guarantee that all or any part of the estimated resources will be recovered. Although a final project has not yet been sanctioned, pre - Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) studies are ongoing for LNG and condensate stripping operations as options for monetization of the gas and condensate. The proposed LNG plant will consist of a 220 mile pipeline from the Elk/Antelope field to the plant which is to be located adjacent to the InterOil refinery near Port Moresby. An export terminal will also be constructed at the LNG plant. However, commerciality of any monetization project has not been implemented for the purposes of deriving the resource estimates. The accuracy of resource estimates are in part a function of the quality and quantity of the available data and of engineering and geological interpretation and judgment. Other factors in the classification as a resource include a requirement for more delineation wells, detailed design estimates and near term development plans. The size of the resource estimate could be positively impacted, potentially in a material amount, if additional delineation wells determined that the aerial extent, reservoir quality and/or the thickness of the reservoir is larger than what is currently estimated based on the interpretation of the seismic and well data. The size of the resource estimate could be negatively impacted, potentially in a material amount, if additional delineation wells determined that the aerial extent, reservoir quality and/or the thickness of the reservoir are less than what is currently estimated based on the interpretation of the seismic and well data. The “low” estimate of contingent resources set forth in this presentation is considered to be a conservative estimate of the quantity that will actually be recovered. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the low estimate. If probabilistic methods are used, there should be at least a 90 percent probability (P90) that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the low estimate. The “best” estimate is considered to be the best estimate of the quantity that will actually be recovered. It is equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will be greater or less than the best estimate. If probabilistic methods are used, there should be at least a 50 percent probability (P50) that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the best estimate. The “high” estimate is considered to be an optimistic estimate of the quantity that will actually be recovered. It is unlikely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the high estimate. If probabilistic methods are used, there should be at least a 10 percent probability (P10) that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the high estimate. Marketable gas estimates exclude CO2, shrinkage and gas used for fuel. 3
  • 4. InterOil Investment Highlights Increased Resource estimate on Elk and Antelope fields  2009 YE Best Case estimate of 8.2 Tcf and 156.5 MMBC gross contingent resources Condensate stripping project JV with Mitsui  JV agreement with Mitsui & Co. Ltd. to fund FEED on condensate stripping project Proposed LNG project with first cargo est. at 2015  Asset monetization agreement (up to 25% interest in resource) with LNG partners anticipated by year-end. Strongest balance sheet in Company’s history  Debt-to-total capitalization ratio 11%  $75.8 million in cash at March 31, 2010 Experienced management team  15 years in PNG, major oil company experience and independent LNG experience Potential joint ventures:  Liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant with LNG off-take  Elk and Antelope development  Exploration joint ventures World class hydrocarbon province  40 identified exploration prospects  80% of Eastern Papuan basin 4
  • 5. InterOil Has A Track Record of Achievement With Investment Upside InterOil was formed in 1997 - Vision to create an integrated energy company Exploration licenses signed under incentive program - 2003  Elk-1 discovery of Elk fault block – 2006  Elk-4 discovery of Antelope fault block – 2008  Antelope-1 discovery of Antelope reef – 2009  Third-party certified resource estimate – 2009 – over 3.8 Tcfe ~ 630 mmBOE  Antelope-2 delineation 2.3 mile stepout – 2009  Third-party certified resource estimate – 2010 – over 9.1 Tcfe ~ 1.52 BBOE  Antelope-2 horizontal exceeds objective – 2010 – 3,066 feet (934 meters) Refinery commissioned in 2004, Mechanical completion - 2006  Completed refinery project agreement  Secured land rights - harbor rights  Secured Overseas Private Investment Corp. financing Distribution asset acquisitions lever refinery - 2003/2005 Condensate Stripping Project JV agreement with Mitsui & Co. Ltd. to fund FEED - 2010 Near-term objectives build on track record of success  Completion of FEED and FID on early condensate project  Completion of LNG Project strategic partnering process, including asset monetization through sale of up to 25% interest in Elk and Antelope fields Mid-term opportunities provide long-term growth potential  40 identified exploration prospects  LNG first cargo 2015 5
  • 6. InterOil Assets Located in a Cooperative Political Environment Former Australian Territory – Gained Independence in 1975  Strong relations with Australia - A$350 million annual aid  Constitutional Monarchy  Parliamentary Democracy, Member of Commonwealth Positive Fiscal Policy  30% flat tax rate  Resource project protection S&P Issuer Credit Rating – Stable Outlook Petromin Partnership – PNG State Company  PNG’s National Oil, Gas and Minerals Co.  20.5% working interest In December, 2009 the PNG National Official Languages: English and Pidgin Government approved and signed Main Religion – Christianity the Company’s Project Agreement for the construction of an LNG plant 2009 GDP US$8.3 billion in Papua New Guinea. 6
  • 7. Synergistic Business Segments Across The Value Chain Exploration Portfolio Midstream Portfolio - Refinery Downstream Domestic 3.9 million acres K36bpd capacity Distribution Proposed Condensate Stripping Project Proposed Midstream LNG Project 25% Projected Economic Interest Strategically Located and Positioned for Growth 7
  • 8. Upstream Exploration Provides Long-Term Growth Potential Operate 3.9 million acre onshore exploration license 40 identified drilling prospects Assets secured at a time when Papua New Guinea was overlooked and under-explored InterOil made the first significant new discovery in a frontier basin utilizing modern exploration technology  Elk and Antelope gas fields  Highly productive carbonate reservoir trend  Significant upgrade in resource estimates potentially underpin single/two train LNG plant Outstanding achievement accomplished in a short period of time, in a basin dominated by major oil companies for decades 8
  • 9. World Class Hydrocarbon Province – InterOil’s 3.9 Million Acres Potential Recoverable 11 Tcf Potential Recoverable PPL237 25 Tcf PPL238 PPL236 Source: Papua New Guinea Department of Petroleum & Energy 9
  • 10. Additional Resource Potential On Flanks Of Elk and Antelope Field Elk-4 Elk-2 Antelope-1 Elk-1 Antelope-2 Antelope-3 1.6 1.7 0.9 2.9 miles miles miles miles 10
  • 11. Antelope-1 and 2 Wells Confirmed Reef Development Observed On Seismic Data Composite Line E4IOL05 and E12IOL07 11200 12000 12800 13600 14400 15200 16000 16800 17600 18400 19200 20000 E4IOL05 E12IOL07 Elk-4 Ant-1 Ant-3 Ant-4 Ant-2 0 0 -400 -400 -800 -800 Top Reef Limestone Surface -1200 -1200 -1600 -1600 -2000 -2000 Projected GWC (TWT) -2400 -2400 -2800 -2800 11200 12000 12800 13600 14400 15200 16000 16800 17600 18400 19200 20000 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25miles 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500m 1:40000 1:40000 11
  • 12. Antelope-2 Well Confirmed Lateral Extent of Dolomitization Antelope-1 Vertical Antelope-2 Log Results: • Demonstrated a gas and gas Antelope-2 liquids column height of 1,729 feet • Confirmed reef development with porous limestone and dolomite in 2.3 mile step-out 1,729 feet Elk-4 Free Water Level at -2,224 Sub Sea 12
  • 13. Well Productivity Exceeds Proposed LNG Startup Requirements Flow Test Natural Gross Net Percent Production Well Gas Reservoir Reservoir Pay Tubing OD Condensate 102 MMcfd Elk-1 620 Ft. 88 Ft. 14% 5.5 inch 510 BCPD 105 MMcfd Elk-4 600 Ft. 166 Ft. 28% 4.5 inch 1,890 BCPD 382 MMcfd Antelope-1 2,600 Ft. 2,277 Ft. 88% 7.0 inch 5,000 BCPD 705 MMcfd Antelope-2* 1,224 Ft. 1,175 Ft. 96% 7.0 inch 11,200 BCPD Antelope-2 and previous wells, have identified over 1.2 Bcf/d of productive capacity The condensate ratio established in the lower section of the Antelope-2 reservoir further enhances the economics of the proposed condensate stripping facility 13
  • 14. Third Party Resource Estimate Elk and Antelope Structure Gross Resource Estimate for Gas and Condensate An evaluation of the potential resources of gas and condensate for the As At December, 31, 2009 Case Elk/Antelope field has been completed Low Best High by GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd., an independent qualified reserves evaluator, Initial Recoverable Sales Gas (Tcf) 6.19 8.18 9.94 as of December 31, 2009 Initial Recoverable Condensate (MMBbls) 117.1 156.5 194.7 The estimates presented are in Initial Recoverable MMBOE 1,148.8 1,519.8 1,851.4 accordance with the definitions and Resource Estimate for Gas and Condensate – Net to InterOil* guidelines in the COGE Handbook and Canadian NI 51-101 As At December, 31, 2009 Case Best Case estimate of 9.1 Tcfe gross (5.2 Low Best High Tcfe net) and High Case estimate of 11.1 Tcfe gross (6.4 Tcfe net) Initial Recoverable Sales Gas (Tcf) 3.56 4.70 5.71 Initial Recoverable Condensate (MMBbls) 67.3 89.9 111.9 Upstream gross capital expenditures of $91.8 million add best case gross initial Initial Recoverable MMBOE 660.6 873.2 1063.6 recoverable resources of 889 million *These estimates are based upon InterOil holding a 57.4751% working interest in the Elk and barrels of oil equivalent, as estimated by Antelope fields, which assumes that: (i) the State and landowners elect to participate in the Elk and Antelope fields to the full extent provided under applicable PNG oil and gas legislation after a PDL GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. has been granted in relation to the Elk/Antelope field and (ii) all elections are made to participate in the Field by all investors pursuant to relevant indirect participation interest agreements with InterOil, including to participate fully and directly in the PDL. Please refer to the statement of resources in the company’s Annual Information Form filed on www.sedar.com for additional disclosure. Contingent resources are those quantities of natural gas and condensate estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations using established technology or technology under development, but which are not currently considered to be commercially recoverable due to one or more contingencies. The economic status of the resources is undetermined and there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources. The following contingencies must be met before the resources can be classified as reserves: 1) Sanctioning of the facilities required to process and transport marketable natural gas to market, 2) Confirmation of a market for the marketable natural gas and condensate, 3) Determination of economic viability. Although a final project has not yet been sanctioned, pre-FEED studies are ongoing for LNG and condensate stripping operations as options for monetization of the gas and condensate. 14
  • 15. InterOil Added 889 MMBOE of Contingent Resources in 2009 Case 1,600.0 Condensate * Sales Gas * 156.5 As at 31 December, 2009 Low Best High 1,400.0 1,200.0 Original Gas-In-Place (tcf) 9.65 11.03 12.54 1,000.0 mmboe 800.0 Initial Recoverable Raw Gas (tcf) 6.87 9.08 11.04 59.3 1,363.3 ~ 9.12tcfe 600.0 Initial Recoverable Sales Gas 6.19 8.18 9.94 400.0 (tcf) 571.7 200.0 Initial Recoverable Condensate 117.1 156.5 194.7 (mmbbls) 0.0 * 31-12-2008 31-12-2009 *Resources are presented on a 2C basis ** 6 mmscf = 1 mboe  InterOil organically increased the estimated contingent resources associated with *the Elk & Antelope fields by 889 million barrels of oil equivalent in a single year  Upstream gross capital expenditures of $91.8 million add best case gross initial recoverable resources of 889 million barrels of oil equivalent, for a cost of 2C contingent resource additions of approximately $0.10/BOE ($0.017/Mcfe) *GLJ certification prepared in accordance with the Canadian Oil & Gas Evaluation Handbook and Canadian Securities Administrators National Instrument 51-101. 15
  • 16. Surrounding Prospect Inventory to Fuel Long-Term Growth 16
  • 17. 100 Km Infill Seismic on Antelope Completed 17
  • 18. Wolverine Prospect 20 Km Data Acquisition Completed 18
  • 19. Bwata Prospect 20 Km Seismic Acquisition Underway 19
  • 20. InterOil’s Second Rig Set to Arrive in PNG in July Transportation of rig underway  The new rig is packed and ready for shipment.  The rig will depart New Zealand near the end of June, 2010 Modifications for jungle  Once in PNG the rig will be modified for jungle operations at Napa Napa Timing anticipated to dovetail with corporate objectives  Completion of seismic acquisition program  Prospect prioritization  Funding for two rig program in place Forward Program  Mobilizing the rig into the field in the 4th quarter  Continue exploration of prospect inventory 20
  • 21. Horizontal Drilling Exceeds Initial 1,000 Foot Objective Horizontal length achieved of 2,569 feet (783 meters) beyond liner shoe  InterOil reached total depth in the easterly drilled horizontal of 10,502 feet (3,201 meters)  The true vertical depth - TVD was 7,668 feet (2,337 meters)  Reached a total of 3,066 feet (934 meters) from vertical well bore Drilling with mud returns for first 1460 feet (445 meters)  A gradual lithology change, including increased dolomite, observed in drill cuttings away from the parent hole. Converted to “managed pressure drilling” after total loss of mud returns  Drilled with total loss of returns from 9,394 feet (2,863 meters) measured depth to TD. 21
  • 22. Horizontal well True Vertical Depth Profile Covers Targeted Zone True Vertical Depth, ft Antelope-2H2 7575 7600 Liner Shoe 7,933 MD 7625 Total Depth 10,502 MD 7650 Horizontal Distance, ft 7675 0 Antelope-2 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 InterOil Engineering Achievements  First horizontal well in PNG drilled under pressure with a rotating head and Managed Pressure Drilling techniques  Set 5 ½” liner through 7” casing and through the build section of the well allowing for larger hole to be drilled horizontally  Reached a total of 3,066 feet from vertical well bore  Length achieved with Horizontal section of 2,570 feet (783 meters) exceeding 1,000 foot objective  Drill pipe conveyed logging under pressure is currently being performed 22
  • 23. Antelope-2H2 Drill Stem Test #4 Recovers 18 Barrels/MMcf Horizontal Electric Log Results  Average porosity of 11.1% exceeds porosity of comparable horizon in vertical wellbore of approximately 6%, by 80%.  Dolomitized bedding enhanced reservoir porosity  Porosity measurements exceeded expectations 23
  • 24. Antelope-2H2 DST#4 Confirms Increased Liquid Content Drill Stem Test #4 recovers 18 Bbls/MMcf a 12% increase over the 16 Bbls/MMcf recovered in DST#1 from the top of the reservoir  Test interval 7,933 – 10,502 feet (2,418 – 3,201 meters) measured depth (MD).  Approximate test duration (flowing time) = 46 hours  Flowing BHP = 3699.3 psia.  Pressure draw down = ~3-4 psia based on the initial build up performed at beginning of test  The flow capacity of the well is high due to the high permeability observed in the test interval and is demonstrated by the minimal pressure drop during the test  Cum flow: Gas = 18.7 MMscf; Condensate = 260.6 STB; Load Water = 59.2 STB Drill Stem Test #5 designed to isolate and test lowest portion of the horizontal wellbore  Testing interval ~ 9,679 – 10,502 feet (2,950 – 3,201 meters) MD.  Currently running in hole with formation packer and test equipment 24
  • 25. Feasibility Study Indicates Economic Condensate Recovery Project EDG Consulting Engineers were commissioned to evaluate early monetization of condensate from the Elk/Antelope field InterOil committed to FEED with Mitsui &Co., Ltd on a proposed 400MMcfd plant for early condensate monetization (estimated to yield approximately 9,000 bbls per day) The expected yield of 22.4 barrels of condensate per MMcf was based on the Elk-4 PVT analysis Increased condensate yield with depth would, if established, result in significantly enhanced economics 25
  • 26. InterOil and Mitsui & Co. Ltd. Enter Joint Venture in April, 2010 In April, 2010, InterOil and Mitsui & Co. Ltd. agreed to jointly operate and fund Front End- Engineering and Design (FEED) to develop a proposed condensate stripping facility  InterOil and Mitsui will each be responsible for half of the capital expenditure involved in the preliminary works (FEED) and Mitsui will fund InterOil’s share  Standard conditions of the agreements include the completion of FEED, an EPC agreement, and the definitive agreements by December 31, 2010, necessary to reach Final Investment Decision (FID)*  InterOil has received the first payment from Mitsui to fund the FEED of its proposed joint venture condensate stripping plant The Project is proposed to be designed to process 400 MMcf/day of wellhead gas with an anticipated yield of approximately 9,000 barrels of condensate per day  Dry gas will be reinjected into the reservoir for storage until the proposed LNG facility has been constructed  The condensate will be barged to the InterOil refinery in Port Moresby for processing and sale  Expect agreement with JV partner, including resource monetization, by year-end* Agreed to commence FEED (Front End Engineering and Design) with EDG Consultants of Houston, Texas *There is no assurance definitive agreements will be completed as contemplated or that the proposed joint venture with Mitsui to develop the condensate stripping project will proceed. 26
  • 27. Robust Economics Create a Competitive LNG JV Process Current activities and objectives:  Deliver a on time and on budget LNG project in PNG  Project Agreement approved by PNG Government in December 2009  Competitive economics compared with other Pacific Rim LNG projects Engaged financial advisors to manage the sale of up to 35% working interest in the Elk/Antelope resources, operations in the LNG plant and LNG offtake agreements*  Process underway with established timeline  High interest levels from major oil companies, national oil companies and international utilities  Expect agreement with JV partner, including resource monetization, by year-end 2010 *There is no assurance any sale will be completed or will be completed as contemplated 27
  • 28. Papua New Guinea at Heart of World’s Largest LNG Market Source: BP Statistical Review 2009 28
  • 29. Attractive Economics Relative to Asia-Pacific LNG Projects Natural Gas Supply  InterOil believes exploration wells (Elk and Antelope) indicate higher productivity than other wells in PNG  Tests indicate 5-6% CO2  InterOil anticipates 16-21 Bbls/MMcf of condensate in field tests  Minimal pre-LNG processing requirements Favorable Geography  Protected geographic region  Onshore, near coast (75 Km)  Close to largest global LNG market  220 miles to LNG Plant site Existing Infrastructure  Deep water harbor rights  Jetty system  Electricity, water, roadway and accommodations  InterOil LNG plant and infrastructure costs estimated at roughly 1/2 of the nearby PNG LNG project Fiscal Policy  30% flat tax rate  No super profits tax  Government resource project protection 29
  • 30. InterOil Controls the Largest Field in Papua New Guinea Oil Fields1 Gas & Condensate Fields1 Oil Solution Gas Condensate Natural Gas MMSTBO BCF MMBC BCF MMBOE Elk & Antelope2 156.5 8,120 1,509.8 Hides 101.0 5,371 996.2 Kutubu 348.6 1,722 635.6 Angore 5.0 3,328 559.7 Juha 3 2,100 350.0 Moran 110.0 206 144.3 Pandora 644 107.3 Barikewa 605 100.8 SE Gobe 43.5 176 72.9 Gobe main 28.2 132 50.2 1 Estimate on 50% probability basis. Source PNG DPE 2007 2 GLJ Resource Estimate (See additional disclosure on slide 19) 3 Estimated from public data 30
  • 31. InterOil Capitalizes on the Whole Value Chain Refinery LNG Plant Power Plant Exploration & Development Hydrocarbon Sales LPG Export Oil, Natural Gas and Condensate Production Separation and Transportation Commercial Consumption Commercial Boundary 31
  • 32. InterOil Poised to Achieve JV Partner Agreement Upstream Midstream LNG Participating Interests Pre-Transaction* Participating Interests Pre-Transaction* 22.50% 47.50% 57.51% 19.99% 52.50% Petromin Investor Group InterOil* Pacific LNG InterOil Participating Interests Post-Transaction* Participating Interests Post-Transaction* 10.00% 10.00% 22.50% 25.00% 30.00% 12.50% 42.50% Example only. 12.50% Example only. Final interests yet 35.00% Final interests yet to be determined to be determined Petromin Investor Group Farm-In Partners InterOil* Petromin TBD Farm-In Partners Pacific LNG InterOil *55.67% Participating Interest assumes all IPWI Investors and the PNG Government elect to fully participate after a Production Development License has been granted. 32
  • 33. Proposed JV Partner Participating Interests Participating Interests Post-Transaction InterOil 30.0% Industry Partner 25.0% Farm-In Partners Investor Group 35.0% 12.5% Petromin 22.5% Strategic 2.5% Example only. Strategic 2.5% Final interests yet Strategic 2.5% to be determined Strategic 2.5% Upstream LNG Plant LNG Off-take Industry Partner Up to 25% Up to 25-50% 50% Strategic Partner Up to 10% Up to 10% 50% 33
  • 34. Proposed Timeline Based on LNG Partner Agreement by YE 2010 2010 2011 2012 First Condensate Condensate 2013/2014 First LNG Floating LNG (3 mtpa) 2015/2016 Land LNG (4 mtpa) Land Based LNG Elk/Antelope & Condensate Stripping Plant IOC Refinery Barge Condensate Fixed Floating LNG to Napa Napa 34
  • 35. Brown Fields Site Leverages Existing Infrastructure for World Scale LNG Project InterOil refinery Located on InterOil leasehold land adjoining Port Moresby harbor 35
  • 36. Profitable Refining Segment with Existing Spare Capacity 36,500 bpd capacity oil refinery  Excess capacity for in-country growth  Supplies domestic market  Refinery strategically located – government leased land Profitability enhancement opportunities  Full integration with upstream operations  Condensate processing improves high margin product yield  Surrounding island nation export prospects 36
  • 37. Profitable Distribution with Domestic and Export Growth Potential Largest distributor of fuel products in PNG Strategic acquisitions to leverage InterOil’s niche refinery Owned and operated by InterOil:  Distribution depots  Seaboard terminals  Trucking system  Retail network South Pacific islands expansion opportunities 37
  • 38. Summary of Consolidated Quarterly Financial Results Quarters ended 2010 2009 2008 ($ thousands except per share data) Mar-31 Dec-31 Sep-30 Jun-30 Mar-31 Dec-31 Sep-30 Jun-30 Upstream 998 1,027 1,011 660 611 487 698 895 Midstream – Refining 152,093 173,438 141,295 114,347 145,523 194,617 216,750 197,864 Includes Midstream – Liquefaction 0 0 1 2 4 23 35 19 $31.7 MM Downs tream 109,687 118,270 107,712 85,472 78,572 128,540 172,528 140,467 non-cash Corporate 12,093 10,539 10,087 8,640 7,753 9,591 8,415 8,334 expense Consolidation entries (96,052) (93,971) (86,509) (60,625) (70,801) (114,691) (134,695) (102,565) Sales and operating revenues 178,819 209,303 173,597 148,496 161,662 218,567 263,731 245,014 Includes (1,964) 574 (29,097) (669) (469) (2,483) 231 10,164 $10.2 MM Upstream gain on Midstream – Refining 4,402 8,492 8,199 14,134 14,747 (13,976) 17,516 16,329 sale Midstream – Liquefaction (563) (1,200) (2,119) (1,379) (2,361) (2,501) (1,570) (1,784) Downs tream 4,492 4,391 6,542 4,150 3,241 (7,244) 610 7,893 Inventory Corporate 4,402 1,765 1,980 1,897 3,051 226 764 (2,155) revaluation Consolidation entries (5,910) (4,884) (4,092) (278) (7,285) (2,865) (737) (3,093) (1) EBITDA 4,859 9,138 (18,587) 17,855 10,924 (28,843) 16,814 27,354 Upstream (6,182) (3,626) (31,392) (2,382) (2,133) (4,003) (1,039) 9,188 Midstream – Refining (74) 18,070 3,762 9,624 10,350 (19,490) 12,660 11,344 Midstream – Liquefaction (911) (1,591) (2,481) (1,765) (2,552) (2,597) (1,677) (1,909) Downs tream 671 2,371 3,440 1,742 964 (5,901) (886) 3,383 Corporate 3,544 3,036 1,602 (677) 349 (2,275) (1,759) (5,164) Consolidation entries (191) 1,047 (237) 2,894 (4,332) 37 1,928 (1,241) Net profit/(loss) (3,143) 19,307 (25,306) 9,436 2,646 (34,229) 9,227 15,601 Net profit/(loss) per share (dollars) Per Share – Basic (0.07) 0.45 (0.60) 0.25 0.07 (0.96) 0.26 0.48 Per Share – Diluted (0.07) 0.43 (0.60) 0.24 0.07 (0.96) 0.22 0.40 (1) Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization is a non-GAAP measure and is reconciled to GAAP in the MD&A for year end 2009 filed on SEDAR and our website www.interoil.com 38
  • 39. Best Balance Sheet* in Company’s History March 31, 2010 December 31, 2009 Cash, Cash Equivalents, Restricted Cash $75.8 $75.8 Total Current Assets $231.6 $208.1 Plant & Equipment, Oil & Gas Properties $415.5 $393.5 Total Assets $676.0 $631.8 Current Liabilities $136.2 $93.5 Secured Loan (including current portion) $52.6 $52.6 8% Convertible Subordinated Debenture - - Total Liabilities $232.5 $189.8 Shareholders Equity $443.5 $441.9 Debt-To-Capital Ratio (Long term Debt/(Shareholders’ equity + Long term Debt) was reduced to 11% at March 31, 2009 from 36% in March 2009 Secured debt and credit facilities in place for refinery and distribution assets and inventory, upstream resources completely unencumbered * Incomplete and abbreviated balance sheet, Investors are urged to consult the disclosure in the Company’s Form 40-F, Annual Information Form, and MD&A discussion available from us at www.interoil.com or from the SEC at www.sec.gov or on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. 39
  • 40. 2010 Operating Goals Reach early condensate FID and advance the development of liquid stripping plant to commercial operations Continue development of the Of course, our overarching goal remains Elk/Antelope field to continue driving value for our shareholders, continue supporting safe Prioritize prospect inventory with and efficient operations for our employees, additional seismic data acquisition and continue to be a good partner to those with whom we do business. Deploy second drilling rig Select and transact with LNG JV investment partner 40
  • 41. In Summary Papua New Guinea is an under-explored frontier with world class assets strategically located on the doorstep of Asia Proving significant hydrocarbon resource for a stronger LNG Joint Venture  GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. certified resources of 9.1 Tcfe gross best case  Low F&D cost structure (2009 contingent resource additions at ~ $0.10-$0.15/bbl)  Infrastructure advantages from refinery  Early condensate project Delivered significant value to shareholders over the last 12 months  Resource additions to 8.2 Tcf and 156 million barrels  Signing of FEED agreements with Mitsui & Co., Ltd.  Increased experience of condensate and LNG development project team s  Strengthened balance sheet reducing debt to 11% of total capitalization Participating in the full value chain generates major advantages which leverages company for exponential growth InterOil has the assets and people to achieve our goals, generate superior growth, and drive shareholder value 41