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research report
The 2010 Executive Coaching Survey
A Summary of Key Executive Coaching Practices
The 2010 Executive Coaching Survey
     A Summary of Key Executive Coaching Practices
     by Mark Pomerleau, Henry Silvert, Lee WanVeer, Erica Desrosiers, and Marcel Henderson


3    Introduction

4    Key Findings

5    External Coaching Engagements

9    Internal Coaching Practices

13   Coaching Fee Structures

16   Appendix: About the Survey Participants

17   About the Authors

17   About the Contributors
3       T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                     w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

        The 2010 Executive Coaching Survey is the third in a                  of the organization’s coaching practices. Members of the
        series of bi-annual surveys that study how executive                  target audience were associate members of The Conference
        coaching is managed within organizations. The first                   Board who had shown interest in the structure, practice,
        Executive Coaching Survey, conducted in 2005 and                      and management of executive coaching. These included
        released in 2006, was designed to study trends in                     members of The Conference Board Council on Executive
        executive coaching. The 2008 survey was expanded in                   Coaching, participants in The Conference Board annual
        scope to include internal coaching and fee structures.                Executive Coaching Conference, and participants of other
        The 2010 survey was broadened to focus more on both                   conferences and councils of The Conference Board linked
        external coaching practices and the growing use of                    to executive coaching, such as the Leadership Develop-
        internal coaching.                                                    ment Council and the Councils for Talent Management
                                                                              Executives. Also included in the target audience were
        Respondent organizations were generally large: 49 percent             the respondents to the 2008 survey and the 2006 survey.
        had annual revenues of $10 billion or more in FY08;                   The target audience did not include vendors of executive
        51 percent had 25,000 or more employees. The organiza-                coaching services.
        tions were predominantly global—with 56 percent operating
        in more than 25 countries—and came from a wide range of               This summary report provides insights into internal and
        industry segments. The survey targeted profit, nonprofit,             external coaching practices, and the structure of coaching
        and government organizations.1                                        fees. Where meaningful, it includes comparisons to the
                                                                              surveys published in 2006 and 2008.
        The 2010 survey, which was fielded in 2009, was sent
        to individuals within an organization who are likely to               Note: For all charts, values were rounded and therefore some
        be responsible for executive coaching or knowledgeable                sets may not add up to 100 exactly.

    1   For detailed information about the sample, see Appendix on page 16.
4       T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                   w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

        Key Findings

    •   Responsibilities for executive coaching are usually managed    •   Development coaching and assessment debriefings are
        at the enterprise level.                                           the most common types of coaching done by both internal
                                                                           and external coaches. Onboarding coaching is the only type
    •   Funding for external coaching engagements comes from               that internal and external coaches perform at a relatively
        the business unit in 75 percent of cases.                          similar amount.

    •   Monitoring the progress of engagements with an external        •   In choosing between an internal or external coach, there
        coach is common, but only half of companies surveyed use           are two key deciding factors: the level of the coachee and
        a formal monitoring process.                                       the type of development needed.

    •   There appears to be a trend toward mid-range external          •   Larger companies are more likely to formally evaluate
        coaching engagements: since 2006, results have shifted             external coaching.
        toward lengths between three and nine months, and away
        from less than 3 months or a full 12 month-long engagement.    •   Most respondents who set their payment rates on a
                                                                           variable structure do not base the rate on the results
    •   Most internal coaches have one to four executive coaching          of the coaching itself.
        engagements with a coachee each year.
                                                                       •   Globally, coaching rates are mostly similar to U.S. rates,
    •   Internal coaches are used by 63 percent of responding              although some regional differences apply.
        organizations; most respondents plan to rely on internal
        coaches even more in the near future.                          •   Since 2006, the similarity of coaching rates in South America
                                                                           to those of the United States has declined, with more
    •   Most internal coaches spend 20 percent or less of their time       organizations in South America paying less than the U.S.
        on coaching activities (76 percent).                               rate for coaching.
5        T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                           w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

         External Coaching Engagements

         Coaching Responsibilities                                                                            Source of Funding for External Coaching
         Most coaching responsibilities are managed at the enterprise                                         While most coaching responsibilities are managed at the
         level, especially setting strategy (84 percent) and identifica-                                      enterprise level, funding of external coaching engagements
         tion of coaches for the organization (77 percent) (Chart 1).2                                        is most often provided by the business unit (75 percent)
         Slightly less than one-third of responsibilities for vendor                                          (Chart 2). This result is consistent with the surveys published
         contracting and matching coaches with coachees are                                                   in 2006 and 2008. Twenty-four percent of companies
         managed at the business unit level. Management at the                                                surveyed, however, arrange funding for executive coaching
         human resources level and at the business unit level appear                                          through a centralized budget center or corporate center.
         to have an equally active role in matching, monitoring,
         and evaluating coaching engagements.

                                                        Chart 1                                                                                Chart 2
                                      Where are the following                                                                         What is your company’s
                                      coaching responsibilities                                                                    primary source of funding for
                                    placed in your organization?                                                                   external executive coaching?
                                   Most coaching responsibilities are                                                               Business units are the primary
                                    managed at the enterprise level.                                                                 funding source for coaching.

                                                 Enterprise level                                                                              Other
                                                 Manager/HR level                                            Corporate center/                   2
                                                 Business unit level                                             central budget
                                                                                                             center for coaching
                    Setting strategy                 9%

                                                                                             77                                                        Business unit/
        Identification of coaches
              for the organization                              23                                                                                     line of business
                                                                       29                                                                                   75%
               Providing oversight                                24

         Evaluating engagement                                               38

               Vendor contracting                               22

         Monitoring engagement                                                40

                Matching coaches
                   with coachees

                                            0                24               48        72
                            Note: Respondents were allowed to choose more than one option.

    2    Note: For all charts, values were rounded and therefore some sets may not
         add up to 100 exactly.
6       T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                      w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

        Length and Number of Engagements                                                          Types of Coaching
        More than 80 percent of external coaching engagements                                     External coaches are most often engaged in development
        last between three and nine months (Chart 3). The least                                   coaching and assessment debriefings. Seventy-two percent
        common time frames for this category are less than                                        of external coaches conduct development-focused coaching,
        three months and 12 months or longer. These results are                                   64 percent perform 360 debriefings, and 58 percent do
        consistent with findings from the previous surveys.3                                      other forms of assessment debriefings (Chart 4). An equal
        However, in previous years, responses were more evenly                                    amount of respondents (51 percent) conduct performance-
        divided between the different lengths of time.                                            focused coaching and transition coaching. External coaches
                                                                                                  participate to a lesser extent in onboarding coaching
        More specifically, in 2006 the responses were nearly equal                                (26 percent) and group coaching (19 percent).
        between 6 months (27 percent), 9 months (28 percent),
        and 12 months (28 percent); but in 2008, results for the
                                                                                                                                 Chart 4
        category of 6 months nearly doubled to reach 51 percent
                                                                                                          Which of the following types of coaching
        while 12 months fell 8 percentage points. This year, there
                                                                                                            do your external coaches perform?
        remains a significant concentration in the three to six and                                             Development and assessments are
        six to nine month categories, and the responses for the                                                 most common for external coaching.
        longest and shortest time periods both fell—suggesting
        a trend toward mid-range engagements.                                                     Development-focused coaching                                                             72%

                                                                                                                       360 debrief                                                   64
        Fifty-one percent of coaches have one to five engagements
        per year in a given organization, which is the majority                                   Other assessment tool debriefs
                                                                                                        (e.g., DISC, MBTI, Hogan)
        by far. Only 12 percent of external coaches have six to 15
        engagements per year, and another 14 percent have 16                                      Performance-focused coaching                                            51

        or more. These findings are similar to the results in the
                                                                                                             Transition coaching                                          51
        2006 and 2008 surveys.
                                                                                                                  Team coaching                                  40
        The majority of organizations expect an external coach to
                                                                                                                 Career coaching                             36
        work with a client between one and six hours per month,
        with three to four hours being the most common time frame                                          Onboarding coaching                         26
        (33 percent). The results in prior surveys were similar.
                                                                                                                  Group coaching                  19

                                                         Chart 3                                                             Other     1
             What is the average length of time for a typical coaching
                                                                                                                                     0     10   20     30   40     50          60     70       80
              engagement with an external coach in your company?                                       Note: Respondents were allowed to choose more than one option.

                            Three to six months is the most common time
                              frame for external coaching engagements.

    Less than               3 to                                        6 to         9 to
    3 months            < 6 months                                  < 9 months   < 12 months

        2                    42%                                       40            13       4
                                                                                 12 months
                                                                                  or longer


    3   Note: For this question in the 2006 and 2008 surveys, respondents chose
        between singular lengths of time (3 months, 6 months, 9 months, etc.) as
        opposed to the range options in the 2010 survey.
7      T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                               w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

       Internal Certification, Orientation, and                                                   Monitoring and Evaluation
       Ongoing Training for External Coaches                                                      Monitoring progress of external coaching engagements
       Orientation prepares coaches for their role, and informs                                   is often done informally through conversations with the
       them about the company, its strategy, and culture and                                      principals involved. Ninety-three percent of respondents
       procedures. Informal training may be needed for specific                                   indicate that they monitor external coaching engagements;
       company programs and tools. Slightly more than half of                                     of those, 50 percent do formal monitoring through sub-
       the respondents (53 percent) report providing internal                                     mitted deliverables such as progress reports and 43 percent
       certification or orientation programs for some or all of                                   monitor through conversations with key stakeholders
       their external coaches (Chart 5a). Fewer organizations                                     (Chart 6).
       (29 percent) offer ongoing training for their external
       coaches (Chart 5b).                                                                        When asked if they evaluate the effectiveness of external
                                                                                                  coaches, 92 percent of respondents indicate that they did
       Companies that have a large global presence have a higher                                  evaluate external coaches. However, most say that the
       likelihood of offering both orientation and ongoing                                        process is conducted informally through conversations
       training for external coaches, according to survey data.                                   with key stakeholders (54 percent). Only 38 percent indi-
                                                                                                  cate that evaluation of external coaches is a formal process.

                          Chart 5a                                                                                            Chart 6
          Prior to coaching executives                                                                       Does your company monitor ongoing
    in your company, does your company                                         Chart 5b                        external coaching engagements
      have external coaches participate                             Does your company offer                     in any way as they progress?
         in an internal certification or                           ongoing training of any kind
       orientation program of any kind?                              to its external coaches?                                            monitoring through
                                                                                                  Formal monitoring through the          conversations with
                                                                                                  use of submitted deliverables         key stakeholders only

                                                                                                                50%                              43                             7
                                                                                          29%              20            40             60                 80                     100
                     No                 Yes                               No
                     47                  53%                              71                                                       No planned ongoing monitoring
8       T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                                w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

                                                                                                   Chart 7
                                                           Does your company evaluate the effectiveness of external coaches it utilizes?
                                                                         Formal evaluation occurs more often in larger organizations.

                                    50%                                                                                                                                      48
                              38%                                                                                            41 41
                                                                                      21                   22
                        13%                                         14
                                                                                                  0                                           0
                        Less than                   $500 million to         $1 billion to       $5 billion to          $10 billion to       $20 billion to      $40 billion
                       $500 million                   < $1 billion          < $5 billion        < $10 billion          < $20 billion        < $40 billion        or more

                                       We do not evaluate coaches                We conduct informal evaluation through              We conduct formal evaluation of
                                                                                 conversations with key stakeholders only            coach/engagement effectiveness

        Companies with less than $1 billion in annual revenue are                                                   Formal evaluation of coaching engagements presents
        more likely not to evaluate external coaches at all than                                                    challenges, according to survey respondents’ follow-up
        their larger counterparts, with the exception of companies                                                  comments. Accurately measuring return on investment is
        with revenue between $10 and $20 billion. Informal                                                          difficult, and evaluation is often viewed with skepticism
        evaluation is most common by far in companies with                                                          because improvements can be in areas that are difficult to
        annual revenue between $1 billion and $10 billion.                                                          quantify, such as behavioral change, relationship building,
        Although it is mostly the companies in the largest revenue                                                  listening skills, leadership presence, and communication
        categories that formally evaluate the effectiveness of their                                                skills (see box below).
        external coaches, interestingly a significant amount of
        smaller companies with annual revenue totaling less than
        $500 million indicated that they also conduct formal
        evaluations (Chart 7).

        Evaluation of Executive Coaching
        The following are some of the follow-up comments provided by survey respondents.

    •   “The reasons we don’t do formal evaluation of coaching is                                               •   “We only do aspirational coaching, not remedial coaching
        generally due to a lack of time and money and the lack of                                                   that attempts to change behavior. The person being coached
        perceived value in the return on the investment in evaluation.”                                             evaluates the engagement, but not in a formal process.”

    •   “There is difficulty in accurately measuring the return on                                              •   “At this point, executive coaching has only been conducted
        an investment in evaluation. Results are often anecdotal and                                                at the very top of the house and no formal process had been
        frequently viewed with skepticism. Clients often report                                                     established until recently. Unfortunately, coaching has not
        significant improvements in areas which are critical but                                                    been embraced as developmental; and those who have a
        difficult to quantify, such as relationship building, influence,                                            coach have not been eager to announce it. We are working
        listening, leadership presence, and communications.”                                                        to change that perception and to formalize the process.”
9   T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                                     w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

    Internal Coaching Practices
    Use of Internal Coaches                                                                                         When asked to rank the criteria on which internal coaches
    Internal coaches as a resource are increasing in importance.                                                    are selected for the role, responses indicate the candidate’s
    Of the survey respondents, 63 percent indicate that their                                                       credibility as a coach and the candidate’s prior training
    organizations employ at least some internal coaching,                                                           and experience in coaching are the most important factors.
    with two-thirds of them having used internal coaches
    for more than two years (Chart 8). Of the 38 percent of                                                         In terms of the number of internal coaches at an organiza-
    respondents not currently using internal coaching, half                                                         tion, 24 percent say they have three to five internal coaches;
    of them indicate they have plans to do so.                                                                      20 percent indicate they have as many as six to 10 coaches;
                                                                                                                    and 18 percent have 11 to 15 internal coaches.
                                                     Chart 8
                  Which of the following best describes the use                                                     When asked how they expect the use of internal coaches
                   of internal coaches within your company?                                                         to change over the next one to three years, 61 percent
     More than 60 percent of organizations surveyed use internal coaches.                                           of respondents say they expect to rely more heavily on
                                                    We began                                                        internal coaches. Twelve percent indicate they do not
                                                     utilizing                                                      expect their usage of internal coaches to change.
     We have been utilizing                     internal coaches We currently do not utilize
      internal coaches for                          within the   internal coaches, but have plans
        2 years or more                            last 2 years  to consider/begin doing so                         Time Spent Coaching
                                                                                                                    Coaching is a relatively small part of the job for most
                   42%                                    21                  19                 19
                                                                                                                    internal coaches. Nearly three-quarters (74 percent) of
                                                     We do not utilize internal coaches, and
                                                         have no plans to in the near future                        internal coaches spend 20 percent or less of their time on
                                                                                                                    coaching activities; 48 percent spend less than 10 percent
                                                                                                                    of their time coaching (Chart 9). These findings are
                                                                                                                    consistent with results from the 2008 survey.

                                                                                                      Chart 9
                                                          What percent of time do these individuals devote to executive coaching?
                                                                Nearly half of internal coaches spend less than 10 percent of their time coaching.



                                                                                   3                            5                                                    4
                                                                                                 1                           1             0            0
                     Less than              10 to 20              21 to 30     31 to 40      41 to 50       51 to 60     61 to 70      71 to 80      81 to 90   More than
                     10 percent             percent               percent      percent       percent        percent      percent       percent       percent    90 percent
10   T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                                         w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

     Job Description                                                                                           Types of Coaching
     For 55 percent of internal coaches, coaching is considered                                                Internal coaches are called upon to perform various types
     a formal part of the job for which they are held accountable                                              of coaching. Development-focused coaching (44 percent),
     in performance reviews. Internal coaches for whom coaching                                                360 debriefs (40 percent), and performance-focused
     activities are a formal part of their job description spend                                               coaching (30 percent) are the most common types of
     a larger percentage of their time coaching and have more                                                  coaching done by both internal and external coaches
     clients on an annual basis.                                                                               (Chart 12). Onboarding coaching is the only type of
                                                                                                               coaching that is performed relatively equally by internal
     Internal coaches are exclusively human resource profes-                                                   and external coaches.
     sionals in 53 percent of cases, but may also be professionals
     from the within an organization’s operating units.
                                                                                                                                             Chart 12
     In 85 percent of the cases, there is no charge back to the                                                              Types of coaching performed by
     client’s line of business for the use of an internal coach.                                                              external and internal coaches
                                                                                                                     Development and assessment coaching are most
                                                                                                                   commonly done by both internal and external coaches.

     Length and Number of Engagements                                                                                                                External coaches
     Survey respondents report that slightly more than one-third                                                                                     Internal coaches

     (34 percent) of internal coaches work with one to two clients                                             Development-focused coaching
     per year, and slightly less than one-third (32 percent)                                                                                                                           44%

     work with three to four clients per year (Chart 10).                                                                           360 debrief
     These results are fairly similar to prior surveys.
                                                                                                               Other assessment tool debriefs                                                     58
                                                                                                                     (e.g., DISC, MBTI, Hogan)                         27
     Fifty-six percent of internal coaches spend one to four
     hours per month with a client (Chart 11). Only 11 percent                                                                                                                              51
                                                                                                               Performance-focused coaching
     spend 5 hours or more per month with a client.
                                                                                                                           Transition coaching

                                                   Chart 10                                                                                                                       40
                                                                                                                                Team coaching
          For the average internal coach within your organization,
             how many coachees do they work with per year?                                                                                                                     36
                                                                                                                               Career coaching
                                   Two-thirds of internal coaches
                                   work with 4 coachees or fewer.                                                                                                      26
                                                                                                                         Onboarding coaching
                  1 to 2                               3 to 4                  5 to 6        7 or more
                                                                                                                               Group coaching
                   34%                                  32                      14              20                                                          10
                       20                    40                      60                 80               100
                                                                                                                                 Peer coaching
                                                     Chart 11
                What is the average amount of time per month an                                                                           Other
               internal coach is expected to work with a coachee?
                             More than half of internal coaches spend                                               Note: Respondents were allowed to choose more than one option.
                                1 to 4 hours per month coaching.                                                    “Peer coaching” does not apply to external coaches.

     Unspecified                                  33

                                                                 7                                   5
                                                                           1            3
                 Less than 1 to 2              3 to 4 5 to 6              7 to 8 More than Other
                  1 hour hours                 hours hours                hours 8 hours
11       T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                 w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

         Choosing between internal and external coaches                                                      Chart 13

         In choosing whether to employ an internal or external                      If your company is using internal coaches now,
         coach, respondents indicate that the two major deciding                 how does your organization decide when to use an
                                                                                external coach versus an internal coach or vice versa?
         factors were the level of the executive and the type of
         development needed (Chart 13). Client preference is not                         Type of development and level of coachee
                                                                                              are the most common criteria.
         a major factor, according to the survey results.
                                                                            Type of development needed                                                   56%
         In follow-up comments, respondents mentioned that
         external coaches are often assigned to work with senior-                       Level of coachee                                                 56

         level executives and internal coaches are reserved for
                                                                                     Availability of coach                   24
         mid-level executives. In addition, respondents suggested
         that external coaches may be used when confidentiality is                        Budget savings                     23
         an issue or for specific functional expertise. Others said
         that external coaches typically have more experience with                   Coachee preference                 18

         a wider range of assessment tools, while internal coaches
                                                                                                    Other          10
         are sometimes selected because they understand the
                                                                                                             0   10     20    30       40       50        60       70        80
         business context (see box below).

           Choosing between Internal and External Coaches
           The following are some of the follow-up comments provided by survey respondents.

     •     “We use the manager’s level to determine use of an internal      •    “Effectiveness correlates to skill and experience and
           or external coach. Our senior leaders work with external              isn’t a factor of internal versus external. To control bias,
           coaches; middle leaders work with internal coaches.”                  our internal coaches don’t coach people they have
                                                                                 known previously.”
     •     “For behavioral and leadership development challenges,
           internal coaches are fine. But we go outside for specific        •    “Our external coaches typically have more experience
           functional expertise, such as strategic and organizational            with a wider range of assessment tools; internal coaches
           development coaching, presentation coaching, and                      have more experience understanding the company-
           coaching executive presence.”                                         specific assessments.”

     •     “Internal coaches have an advantage in knowing
           the business. There are no differences in their ability
           to do assessments, except that most internal coaches
           are not trained as licensed psychologists to interpret
           certain assessments.”
12   T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                        w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

     Training and Certification                                        How Coaching Data Is Used
     Initial training and/or certification are provided to internal    Data from coaching engagements is generally not used
     coaches in 79 percent of cases (Chart 14). By comparison,         outside of the coaching process itself. In the majority
     53 percent of external coaches are provided orientation           of cases, information gathered and developed during
     and/or certification, and 29 percent ongoing training             coaching engagements is kept out of the performance
     (see Charts 5a and 5b, p. 7).                                     management and succession planning processes (66 percent)
                                                                       (Chart 15). This is true especially in large organizations,
     Survey data also indicate that orientation, certification,        according to survey data.
     and/or training programs for both external and internal
     coaches are more likely provided by organizations with                                         Chart 15
     a larger number of employees.                                            How is the information gathered by the coach
                                                                               (or their resulting impressions) used by your
                                                                              organization in the performance management
                                                 Chart 14
                                                                                     or succession planning process?
                   Does your company provide initial training
                                                                                        Coaching information is generally
                    and/or certification for internal coaches
                                                                                           protected from other use.
                     prior to assigning them to coachees?

                                                                         The data is protected and kept strictly
                                                                         out of the performance management
                                             No                                                                  The data may be used as an input
                                                                             and/or succession processes
                                             21                                                                 into the performance management
                                                                                                                   and/or succession processes
                                                                 79%                      66%                                     23                   6      5
                                                                                                               The data is explicitly and
                                                                                                           purposefully brought into the
                                                                                                             performance management                        Other
                                                                                                          and/or succession processes
13   T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                                                   w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

     Coaching Fee Structures
     Global Rates                                                                                                           Interestingly, in Africa, coaching rates generally rose.
     The coaching rates that organizations pay do not vary                                                                  Africa had been paying below the U.S. rate for executive
     significantly on an international basis, although there are                                                            coaching 43 percent of the time and the same as the
     regional differences. According to the responses in the                                                                United States 57 percent of the time in 2008 (50 percent
     2010 survey, European coaching rates were similar to the                                                               and 50 percent in 2006, respectively). Now Africa pays
     U.S. rate 56 percent of the time (Chart 16), compared to                                                               the same as the U.S. rates 63 percent of the time—more
     65 percent of the time in 2008 and 40 percent in 2006.                                                                 comparable to most other regions. Unlike in previous
     The pattern of variation in coaching fees in Asia compared                                                             surveys where no amount of executive coaching in Africa
     to the United States over the years is similar to that of                                                              was paid at rates higher than the United States, six percent
     Europe (in Asia, 54 percent of coaching rates were the                                                                 of coaching rates in Africa registered higher than the
     same as in the U.S.; in 2008, that number was 63 percent;                                                              United States in 2010.
     and in 2006, 40 percent) while in South America the
     similarity to the U.S. in fees steadily declined over time                                                             In Europe, slightly more than one-third of organizations
     (in the 2010 survey, 59 percent of coaching rates were                                                                 surveyed pay up to 25 percent more than the U.S. rate.
     the same as in the U.S.; in 2008, 68 percent were; and                                                                 In Australia and New Zealand, 78 percent of organizations
     in 2006, 75 percent).4                                                                                                 pay a rate comparable to the U.S. rate, and only 6 percent
                                                                                                                            pay more. In other areas, coaching rates are more often less
                                                                                                                            than the U.S. rate: in Asia, 36 percent of organizations say
                                                                                                                            they pay below the U.S. rate; and in both Latin America
                                                                                                                            and South America, 39 percent and 40 percent, respectively,
                                                                                                                            pay less than the U.S. rate.

                                                                                                              Chart 16
                                                  To what extent do your executive coaching fees vary internationally in your company?
                                                                            In most regions, coaching rates are at or slightly below the U.S. rate.

                                                                                                       61                                                                                           63
                          56%                                         54

                                                                 28                               26                            27

                                                                                             13                            13                               13                             12 10
                     6%                                   7                6 4                                                                                        6                                   6
                                   3%                                                                                                     2           2 2                        4 4
        0 0 0                                    1 0                                   0 0                  0 0      0 0                      0   0                       0                                     0
                  Europe                                      Asia                        Latin America                  South America                  Australia/                           Africa
                                                                                                                                                       New Zealand

                 Minus 99%                  Minus 75%                      Minus 50%         Minus 25%            Same as             Plus 25%        Plus 50%        [0] Plus 75%     [0] Plus 100%
                                                                                                                  U.S. rates

 4   Note: In the 2008 and 2006 surveys, Latin America was not a separate
     category for this question as it was in the 2010 survey.
14   T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                                 w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g


     Travel time                                                                                                       Materials
     Thirty-six percent of companies say coaches are not                                                               Costs for assessments and materials are included in the
     compensated additionally for travel time (Chart 17).                                                              coach’s stated fee, according to 47 percent of respondents;
     Companies incorporate travel time into the coach’s overall                                                        while 39 percent indicate coaches are paid separately
     fee 31 percent of the time. For the remaining companies,                                                          for these. In previous surveys, 55 percent of respondents
     travel time is paid at either a standard rate, at the full hourly                                                 considered these materials added costs (2008) and in 2006
     rate, or either at a reduced hourly or reduced standard rate.                                                     39 percent did so.
     In the 2008 survey, only 32 percent of respondents indicated
     that travel time was compensated.5

                                                                                                       Chart 17
                                                                    How are coaches compensated for travel time in your company?
                                                                                    Most coaches are compensated for travel time,
                                                                                       but the means of compensation varies.


                                                                                                                       8                                 7

                                  Coaches                           Travel time            Travel time             Travel time        Travel time      Other
                                   are not                       is incorporated              is paid                 is paid            is paid
                                compensated                      into the overall         separately at           separately at      separately at
                                extra for their                     fee paid for         a reduced rate            the coach’s      a standard rate
                                 travel time                         coaching           (e.g., 50 percent          full hourly/        we use for
                                                                                          of daily rate)            daily rate        travel time

 5   This question was not part of the 2006 survey.
15   T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                   w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

     Rate Structures                                                                         Payment schedules
     Responses were widely dispersed on the structure of                                     Most organizations report paying coaches throughout the
     rates for executive coaching in general. Most respondents                               engagement; either monthly, as services are rendered, or
     who chose variable rates base their rate on a coach’s                                   split between the beginning and end of the engagement
     experience or the level of the executive being coached                                  (Chart 19). Few organizations pay the entire fee at the
     (Chart 18). Variable rates can also be based on the                                     beginning or at the end of the engagement. One-fourth
     geographic location or on a coach’s stated fee, but the                                 say they process invoices monthly; one-fourth process
     results of the coaching itself are not a major factor in that                           invoices as services are rendered; 26 percent pay in split
     structure. Of the choices for a standard rate structure,                                payments of either one-half or one-third; and 9 percent
     a specific rate per engagement is more prevalent than                                   pay at specific milestones.
     fixed hourly or daily rates.

                                                   Chart 18                                                               Chart 19

                     How are your company’s rates structured?                                                When are coaching invoices
                                                                                                             processed by your company?
                        The structure of coaching rates varies widely.
                                                                                                           The majority of invoices are processed
            Standard rate per engagement                                               25%                     throughout the engagement.

         Variable rates based on coach’s                                                             As services are rendered                                    25%
       experience, training, certifications
                                                                                                                     Monthly                                     25
     Standard fixed rates by hour or day                                      16
                                                                                                  50 percent at the beginning
              Variable rates based on level                                                                                                            18
                                                                                                   and 50 percent at the end
               of executive being coached
                                                                                                   Upon specified milestones
                          Variable rates based                                                                                               9
                                                                                                              or deliverables
                         on coach’s stated fee
                                                                                                  33 percent in the beginning,
                     Variable rates based on                                                         33 percent in the middle,           8
                                                                     5                                  33 percent at the end
                   location of client or coach

                      Variable rates based on                                                          100 percent at the end        3
                         the results achieved
                                                                                                 100 percent at the beginning    2
                                                Other                    7

                                                                                                                        Other                11
16     T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                                                                                                    w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g


       About the Survey Participants

       Industries surveyed                                                                                                   Global operations
       Manufacturing companies represented the largest seg-                                                                  The companies surveyed reflect a widespread global
       ment of respondents (40 percent). Other responses came                                                                presence. Forty-one percent of companies operate in
       from organizations in business and professional services,                                                             more than 50 countries (Chart 22).
       financial services, and government and non-profit.
                                                                                                                             Response rate
       Size of companies surveyed                                                                                            The response rate for the 2010 survey was 18 percent.
       Just over half (51 percent) of responding organizations                                                               By comparison, the average response rate for surveys
       generate annual revenue between $1b and $20 billion, and                                                              conducted by The Conference Board is 12 percent.
       approximately one-third (34 percent) accrue more than                                                                 There were 156 responses to the 2010 Survey, an increase
       $20 billion annually (Chart 20). Responding organizations                                                             over previous years: there were 82 responses to the 2008
       are predominantly large: 38 percent employ between                                                                    survey and 31 responses to the 2006 survey.
       10,000 and 50,000 people, and 33 percent employ more
       than 50,000 people (Chart 21).

                                                        Chart 20                                                                                                        Chart 21
                                   What was your company’s total                                                      60.0                  How many full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
                                   annual revenue, in U.S. dollars?                                                   52.5                  were in your company on December 31, 2008?
                                                                                                                      45.0                                     2006         2008               2010
                                                           2006                                                                                                                                     35 36
                                         $1 billion        $5 billion      $10 billion
                                                                                                                      30.0                        28 29
                                            to                 to              to
                 < $1 billion            $5 billion        $10 billion     $20 billion       > $20 billion            22.5                                     17 16
                                                                                                                                                                                 17         18                                  19
                                                                                                                       5.0                                                            13                      14
      0               31%                     12               19                12                26                                       8%
                                                                                                                       7.5       3%
                                                                                                                                  < 1,000         1,000 to     10,000 to         25,000 to          51,000 to         100,000
                                                           2008                                                                                    10,000       25,000            50,000            100,000           or more
                              $1 billion      $5 billion           $10 billion
                                 to               to                   to                                                         Note: For this question, the category of 100,000 or more was not included
          < $1 billion        $5 billion      $10 billion          $20 billion             > $20 billion                          in the 2006 and 2008 surveys.

      0                                                                                                                      0
              17%                 17               16                 18                          32                                                                        Chart 22
                                                                                                                                       In how many countries does your company operate?
                           20                    40                    60                   80                  100
                                                           2010                                                                                                             2006
                             $1 billion         $5 billion $10 billion                                                       0               1 –5               6 – 10 11 – 25             26 – 40      41 – 50            > 50
      Less than                 to                  to            to                              $40 billion
     $500 million           < $5 billion       < $10 billion < $20 billion                         or more
                                                                                                                                             32%                 11          7                 21            4               25
                                                                                                                                                   20              40                       60                      80                     100
          9%        7            20                   16              15              12               22                                                                   2008
            $500 million 20                      40                    60         $20 billion80                 100                          1– 5                6 – 10          11 – 25                                 > 50
                 to                                                                   to                                     0
             < $1 billion                                                        < $40 billion                                                   34%              12                  15            6    6                 27
                                                                                                                                                   20              40                       60                      80                     100
                                                                                                                                                                                      26 – 40                 41 – 50

                                                                                                                                 1 country       2– 5   6 – 10 11 – 25 26 – 40                               More than 50

                                                                                                                                   13%            10      10      12          12           3                       41
                                                                                                                                                   20              40                       60                      80                     100
                                                                                                                                                                            41 – 50
17   T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y                                                     w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g

                                                                          About The Conference Board
     About the Authors                                                    Council on Executive Coaching
     Mark Pomerleau is a program director at The Conference Board,        A group of corporate leaders representing their different
     where he manages the Investor Relations Council and the              industries and perspectives, whose members are responsible
     Council for Division Leaders - Financial Executives. He has also     for executive coaching and/or leading executive coaching
     authored several Conference KeyNotes for The Conference Board.       practices. This council is dedicated to its members learning
     Pomerleau has more than 25 years of corporate experience in          about, sharing, creating, and implementing executive coaching
     finance, sales and operations management, public affairs, investor   best practices and protocols that will drive business results and
     relations, communications, and executive speech writing.             develop individuals within organizations, while also evolving
                                                                          executive coaching as a practice.
     Henry Silvert, Ph.D. is survey associate and statistician at
     The Conference Board, specializing in research and survey
     design and quantitative analysis. Silvert contributes to regular
     reports of The Conference Board Consumer Internet Barometer.
     He is also co-author of the Mid-Market CEO Challenge and
     reports on risk management and workforce readiness. His
     survey research includes business and education, the maturing
     workforce, leadership, and talent development.

     Lee WanVeer is vice president of learning at Prudential
     Financial, where he is responsible for the executive coaching
     practice and leadership development of the global company.
     WanVeer is also chair of The Conference Board Council on
     Executive Coaching. He brings more than 20 years of leadership
     development, training, and organizational development
     experience to his current roles.

     Erica Desrosiers, Ph.D. is director of organization and manage-
     ment development at PepsiCo. She is responsible for the company’s
     global 360 feedback process, as well as for developing the com-
     pany’s coaching practice. She is on the executive committee
     of The Conference Board Council on Executive Coaching and
     recently completed a chapter on executive coaching in
     organizations to be published in Advancing Executive Coaching:
     Ingredients for Successful Leadership Coaching.

     Marcel Henderson is an assistant vice president of organiza-
     tional development at Assurant. She is responsible for managing
     the enterprise’s executive coaching practices and provides
     support for talent and succession planning at the enterprise
     level. In 2009, she was an executive committee member of
     The Conference Board Council on Executive Coaching.
                                                                          Publications Team
                                                                          Publishing Director Chuck Mitchell
                                                                          Director, Consumer Research Center Lynn Franco
     Michael Tuller is a third-year graduate student at the University
     of Connecticut, where he is pursuing his Ph.D. in industrial/        Research Assistant Allen Li
     organizational psychology. Currently he is working at PepsiCo        Council Manager Ruth Kennedy-Mountjoy
     as an intern in the organization and management development          Editor Megan Manni
     group, and his work focuses on the employee survey and the           Designer Peter Drubin
     360-degree feedback process.                                         Production Andrew Ashwell
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2010 Exec Coaching Survey The Conf Board

  • 1. research report The 2010 Executive Coaching Survey A Summary of Key Executive Coaching Practices
  • 2. The 2010 Executive Coaching Survey A Summary of Key Executive Coaching Practices RESEARCH REPORT R-1464-10-RR by Mark Pomerleau, Henry Silvert, Lee WanVeer, Erica Desrosiers, and Marcel Henderson Contents 3 Introduction 4 Key Findings 5 External Coaching Engagements 9 Internal Coaching Practices 13 Coaching Fee Structures 16 Appendix: About the Survey Participants 17 About the Authors 17 About the Contributors
  • 3. 3 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Introduction The 2010 Executive Coaching Survey is the third in a of the organization’s coaching practices. Members of the series of bi-annual surveys that study how executive target audience were associate members of The Conference coaching is managed within organizations. The first Board who had shown interest in the structure, practice, Executive Coaching Survey, conducted in 2005 and and management of executive coaching. These included released in 2006, was designed to study trends in members of The Conference Board Council on Executive executive coaching. The 2008 survey was expanded in Coaching, participants in The Conference Board annual scope to include internal coaching and fee structures. Executive Coaching Conference, and participants of other The 2010 survey was broadened to focus more on both conferences and councils of The Conference Board linked external coaching practices and the growing use of to executive coaching, such as the Leadership Develop- internal coaching. ment Council and the Councils for Talent Management Executives. Also included in the target audience were Respondent organizations were generally large: 49 percent the respondents to the 2008 survey and the 2006 survey. had annual revenues of $10 billion or more in FY08; The target audience did not include vendors of executive 51 percent had 25,000 or more employees. The organiza- coaching services. tions were predominantly global—with 56 percent operating in more than 25 countries—and came from a wide range of This summary report provides insights into internal and industry segments. The survey targeted profit, nonprofit, external coaching practices, and the structure of coaching and government organizations.1 fees. Where meaningful, it includes comparisons to the surveys published in 2006 and 2008. The 2010 survey, which was fielded in 2009, was sent to individuals within an organization who are likely to Note: For all charts, values were rounded and therefore some be responsible for executive coaching or knowledgeable sets may not add up to 100 exactly. 1 For detailed information about the sample, see Appendix on page 16.
  • 4. 4 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Key Findings • Responsibilities for executive coaching are usually managed • Development coaching and assessment debriefings are at the enterprise level. the most common types of coaching done by both internal and external coaches. Onboarding coaching is the only type • Funding for external coaching engagements comes from that internal and external coaches perform at a relatively the business unit in 75 percent of cases. similar amount. • Monitoring the progress of engagements with an external • In choosing between an internal or external coach, there coach is common, but only half of companies surveyed use are two key deciding factors: the level of the coachee and a formal monitoring process. the type of development needed. • There appears to be a trend toward mid-range external • Larger companies are more likely to formally evaluate coaching engagements: since 2006, results have shifted external coaching. toward lengths between three and nine months, and away from less than 3 months or a full 12 month-long engagement. • Most respondents who set their payment rates on a variable structure do not base the rate on the results • Most internal coaches have one to four executive coaching of the coaching itself. engagements with a coachee each year. • Globally, coaching rates are mostly similar to U.S. rates, • Internal coaches are used by 63 percent of responding although some regional differences apply. organizations; most respondents plan to rely on internal coaches even more in the near future. • Since 2006, the similarity of coaching rates in South America to those of the United States has declined, with more • Most internal coaches spend 20 percent or less of their time organizations in South America paying less than the U.S. on coaching activities (76 percent). rate for coaching.
  • 5. 5 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g External Coaching Engagements Coaching Responsibilities Source of Funding for External Coaching Most coaching responsibilities are managed at the enterprise While most coaching responsibilities are managed at the level, especially setting strategy (84 percent) and identifica- enterprise level, funding of external coaching engagements tion of coaches for the organization (77 percent) (Chart 1).2 is most often provided by the business unit (75 percent) Slightly less than one-third of responsibilities for vendor (Chart 2). This result is consistent with the surveys published contracting and matching coaches with coachees are in 2006 and 2008. Twenty-four percent of companies managed at the business unit level. Management at the surveyed, however, arrange funding for executive coaching human resources level and at the business unit level appear through a centralized budget center or corporate center. to have an equally active role in matching, monitoring, and evaluating coaching engagements. Chart 1 Chart 2 Where are the following What is your company’s coaching responsibilities primary source of funding for placed in your organization? external executive coaching? Most coaching responsibilities are Business units are the primary managed at the enterprise level. funding source for coaching. Enterprise level Other Manager/HR level Corporate center/ 2 Business unit level central budget center for coaching 84% Setting strategy 9% 24 22% 77 Business unit/ Identification of coaches for the organization 23 line of business 29 75% 72 Providing oversight 24 19 70 Evaluating engagement 38 41 70 Vendor contracting 22 29 60 Monitoring engagement 40 36 59 Matching coaches 41 with coachees 32 0 24 48 72 Note: Respondents were allowed to choose more than one option. 96 2 Note: For all charts, values were rounded and therefore some sets may not add up to 100 exactly.
  • 6. 6 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Length and Number of Engagements Types of Coaching More than 80 percent of external coaching engagements External coaches are most often engaged in development last between three and nine months (Chart 3). The least coaching and assessment debriefings. Seventy-two percent common time frames for this category are less than of external coaches conduct development-focused coaching, three months and 12 months or longer. These results are 64 percent perform 360 debriefings, and 58 percent do consistent with findings from the previous surveys.3 other forms of assessment debriefings (Chart 4). An equal However, in previous years, responses were more evenly amount of respondents (51 percent) conduct performance- divided between the different lengths of time. focused coaching and transition coaching. External coaches participate to a lesser extent in onboarding coaching More specifically, in 2006 the responses were nearly equal (26 percent) and group coaching (19 percent). between 6 months (27 percent), 9 months (28 percent), and 12 months (28 percent); but in 2008, results for the Chart 4 category of 6 months nearly doubled to reach 51 percent Which of the following types of coaching while 12 months fell 8 percentage points. This year, there do your external coaches perform? remains a significant concentration in the three to six and Development and assessments are six to nine month categories, and the responses for the most common for external coaching. longest and shortest time periods both fell—suggesting a trend toward mid-range engagements. Development-focused coaching 72% 360 debrief 64 Fifty-one percent of coaches have one to five engagements per year in a given organization, which is the majority Other assessment tool debriefs 58 (e.g., DISC, MBTI, Hogan) by far. Only 12 percent of external coaches have six to 15 engagements per year, and another 14 percent have 16 Performance-focused coaching 51 or more. These findings are similar to the results in the Transition coaching 51 2006 and 2008 surveys. Team coaching 40 The majority of organizations expect an external coach to Career coaching 36 work with a client between one and six hours per month, with three to four hours being the most common time frame Onboarding coaching 26 (33 percent). The results in prior surveys were similar. Group coaching 19 Chart 3 Other 1 What is the average length of time for a typical coaching 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 engagement with an external coach in your company? Note: Respondents were allowed to choose more than one option. Three to six months is the most common time frame for external coaching engagements. Less than 3 to 6 to 9 to 3 months < 6 months < 9 months < 12 months 2 42% 40 13 4 12 months or longer 0 3 Note: For this question in the 2006 and 2008 surveys, respondents chose between singular lengths of time (3 months, 6 months, 9 months, etc.) as opposed to the range options in the 2010 survey.
  • 7. 7 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Internal Certification, Orientation, and Monitoring and Evaluation Ongoing Training for External Coaches Monitoring progress of external coaching engagements Orientation prepares coaches for their role, and informs is often done informally through conversations with the them about the company, its strategy, and culture and principals involved. Ninety-three percent of respondents procedures. Informal training may be needed for specific indicate that they monitor external coaching engagements; company programs and tools. Slightly more than half of of those, 50 percent do formal monitoring through sub- the respondents (53 percent) report providing internal mitted deliverables such as progress reports and 43 percent certification or orientation programs for some or all of monitor through conversations with key stakeholders their external coaches (Chart 5a). Fewer organizations (Chart 6). (29 percent) offer ongoing training for their external coaches (Chart 5b). When asked if they evaluate the effectiveness of external coaches, 92 percent of respondents indicate that they did Companies that have a large global presence have a higher evaluate external coaches. However, most say that the likelihood of offering both orientation and ongoing process is conducted informally through conversations training for external coaches, according to survey data. with key stakeholders (54 percent). Only 38 percent indi- cate that evaluation of external coaches is a formal process. Chart 5a Chart 6 Prior to coaching executives Does your company monitor ongoing in your company, does your company Chart 5b external coaching engagements have external coaches participate Does your company offer in any way as they progress? in an internal certification or ongoing training of any kind Informal orientation program of any kind? to its external coaches? monitoring through Formal monitoring through the conversations with use of submitted deliverables key stakeholders only Yes 50% 43 7 29% 20 40 60 80 100 No Yes No 47 53% 71 No planned ongoing monitoring
  • 8. 8 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Chart 7 Does your company evaluate the effectiveness of external coaches it utilizes? Formal evaluation occurs more often in larger organizations. 78 74 63 57 50% 48 44 38% 41 41 38 29 21 22 18 13% 14 9 5 0 0 Less than $500 million to $1 billion to $5 billion to $10 billion to $20 billion to $40 billion $500 million < $1 billion < $5 billion < $10 billion < $20 billion < $40 billion or more We do not evaluate coaches We conduct informal evaluation through We conduct formal evaluation of conversations with key stakeholders only coach/engagement effectiveness Companies with less than $1 billion in annual revenue are Formal evaluation of coaching engagements presents more likely not to evaluate external coaches at all than challenges, according to survey respondents’ follow-up their larger counterparts, with the exception of companies comments. Accurately measuring return on investment is with revenue between $10 and $20 billion. Informal difficult, and evaluation is often viewed with skepticism evaluation is most common by far in companies with because improvements can be in areas that are difficult to annual revenue between $1 billion and $10 billion. quantify, such as behavioral change, relationship building, Although it is mostly the companies in the largest revenue listening skills, leadership presence, and communication categories that formally evaluate the effectiveness of their skills (see box below). external coaches, interestingly a significant amount of smaller companies with annual revenue totaling less than $500 million indicated that they also conduct formal evaluations (Chart 7). Evaluation of Executive Coaching The following are some of the follow-up comments provided by survey respondents. • “The reasons we don’t do formal evaluation of coaching is • “We only do aspirational coaching, not remedial coaching generally due to a lack of time and money and the lack of that attempts to change behavior. The person being coached perceived value in the return on the investment in evaluation.” evaluates the engagement, but not in a formal process.” • “There is difficulty in accurately measuring the return on • “At this point, executive coaching has only been conducted an investment in evaluation. Results are often anecdotal and at the very top of the house and no formal process had been frequently viewed with skepticism. Clients often report established until recently. Unfortunately, coaching has not significant improvements in areas which are critical but been embraced as developmental; and those who have a difficult to quantify, such as relationship building, influence, coach have not been eager to announce it. We are working listening, leadership presence, and communications.” to change that perception and to formalize the process.”
  • 9. 9 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Internal Coaching Practices Use of Internal Coaches When asked to rank the criteria on which internal coaches Internal coaches as a resource are increasing in importance. are selected for the role, responses indicate the candidate’s Of the survey respondents, 63 percent indicate that their credibility as a coach and the candidate’s prior training organizations employ at least some internal coaching, and experience in coaching are the most important factors. with two-thirds of them having used internal coaches for more than two years (Chart 8). Of the 38 percent of In terms of the number of internal coaches at an organiza- respondents not currently using internal coaching, half tion, 24 percent say they have three to five internal coaches; of them indicate they have plans to do so. 20 percent indicate they have as many as six to 10 coaches; and 18 percent have 11 to 15 internal coaches. Chart 8 Which of the following best describes the use When asked how they expect the use of internal coaches of internal coaches within your company? to change over the next one to three years, 61 percent More than 60 percent of organizations surveyed use internal coaches. of respondents say they expect to rely more heavily on We began internal coaches. Twelve percent indicate they do not utilizing expect their usage of internal coaches to change. We have been utilizing internal coaches We currently do not utilize internal coaches for within the internal coaches, but have plans 2 years or more last 2 years to consider/begin doing so Time Spent Coaching Coaching is a relatively small part of the job for most 42% 21 19 19 internal coaches. Nearly three-quarters (74 percent) of We do not utilize internal coaches, and have no plans to in the near future internal coaches spend 20 percent or less of their time on coaching activities; 48 percent spend less than 10 percent of their time coaching (Chart 9). These findings are consistent with results from the 2008 survey. Chart 9 What percent of time do these individuals devote to executive coaching? Nearly half of internal coaches spend less than 10 percent of their time coaching. 48% 26 13 3 5 4 1 1 0 0 Less than 10 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 60 61 to 70 71 to 80 81 to 90 More than 10 percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent 90 percent
  • 10. 10 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Job Description Types of Coaching For 55 percent of internal coaches, coaching is considered Internal coaches are called upon to perform various types a formal part of the job for which they are held accountable of coaching. Development-focused coaching (44 percent), in performance reviews. Internal coaches for whom coaching 360 debriefs (40 percent), and performance-focused activities are a formal part of their job description spend coaching (30 percent) are the most common types of a larger percentage of their time coaching and have more coaching done by both internal and external coaches clients on an annual basis. (Chart 12). Onboarding coaching is the only type of coaching that is performed relatively equally by internal Internal coaches are exclusively human resource profes- and external coaches. sionals in 53 percent of cases, but may also be professionals from the within an organization’s operating units. Chart 12 In 85 percent of the cases, there is no charge back to the Types of coaching performed by client’s line of business for the use of an internal coach. external and internal coaches Development and assessment coaching are most commonly done by both internal and external coaches. Length and Number of Engagements External coaches Survey respondents report that slightly more than one-third Internal coaches (34 percent) of internal coaches work with one to two clients Development-focused coaching 72% per year, and slightly less than one-third (32 percent) 44% work with three to four clients per year (Chart 10). 360 debrief 64 40 These results are fairly similar to prior surveys. Other assessment tool debriefs 58 (e.g., DISC, MBTI, Hogan) 27 Fifty-six percent of internal coaches spend one to four hours per month with a client (Chart 11). Only 11 percent 51 Performance-focused coaching 30 spend 5 hours or more per month with a client. 51 Transition coaching 29 Chart 10 40 Team coaching 18 For the average internal coach within your organization, how many coachees do they work with per year? 36 Career coaching 22 Two-thirds of internal coaches work with 4 coachees or fewer. 26 Onboarding coaching 24 1 to 2 3 to 4 5 to 6 7 or more 19 Group coaching 34% 32 14 20 10 20 40 60 80 100 N/A Peer coaching 12 Chart 11 1 What is the average amount of time per month an Other 3 internal coach is expected to work with a coachee? More than half of internal coaches spend Note: Respondents were allowed to choose more than one option. 1 to 4 hours per month coaching. “Peer coaching” does not apply to external coaches. Unspecified 33 29% 23 7 5 1 3 0 Less than 1 to 2 3 to 4 5 to 6 7 to 8 More than Other 1 hour hours hours hours hours 8 hours
  • 11. 11 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Choosing between internal and external coaches Chart 13 In choosing whether to employ an internal or external If your company is using internal coaches now, coach, respondents indicate that the two major deciding how does your organization decide when to use an external coach versus an internal coach or vice versa? factors were the level of the executive and the type of development needed (Chart 13). Client preference is not Type of development and level of coachee are the most common criteria. a major factor, according to the survey results. Type of development needed 56% In follow-up comments, respondents mentioned that external coaches are often assigned to work with senior- Level of coachee 56 level executives and internal coaches are reserved for Availability of coach 24 mid-level executives. In addition, respondents suggested that external coaches may be used when confidentiality is Budget savings 23 an issue or for specific functional expertise. Others said that external coaches typically have more experience with Coachee preference 18 a wider range of assessment tools, while internal coaches Other 10 are sometimes selected because they understand the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 business context (see box below). Choosing between Internal and External Coaches The following are some of the follow-up comments provided by survey respondents. • “We use the manager’s level to determine use of an internal • “Effectiveness correlates to skill and experience and or external coach. Our senior leaders work with external isn’t a factor of internal versus external. To control bias, coaches; middle leaders work with internal coaches.” our internal coaches don’t coach people they have known previously.” • “For behavioral and leadership development challenges, internal coaches are fine. But we go outside for specific • “Our external coaches typically have more experience functional expertise, such as strategic and organizational with a wider range of assessment tools; internal coaches development coaching, presentation coaching, and have more experience understanding the company- coaching executive presence.” specific assessments.” • “Internal coaches have an advantage in knowing the business. There are no differences in their ability to do assessments, except that most internal coaches are not trained as licensed psychologists to interpret certain assessments.”
  • 12. 12 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Training and Certification How Coaching Data Is Used Initial training and/or certification are provided to internal Data from coaching engagements is generally not used coaches in 79 percent of cases (Chart 14). By comparison, outside of the coaching process itself. In the majority 53 percent of external coaches are provided orientation of cases, information gathered and developed during and/or certification, and 29 percent ongoing training coaching engagements is kept out of the performance (see Charts 5a and 5b, p. 7). management and succession planning processes (66 percent) (Chart 15). This is true especially in large organizations, Survey data also indicate that orientation, certification, according to survey data. and/or training programs for both external and internal coaches are more likely provided by organizations with Chart 15 a larger number of employees. How is the information gathered by the coach (or their resulting impressions) used by your organization in the performance management Chart 14 or succession planning process? Does your company provide initial training Coaching information is generally and/or certification for internal coaches protected from other use. prior to assigning them to coachees? The data is protected and kept strictly out of the performance management No The data may be used as an input and/or succession processes 21 into the performance management and/or succession processes Yes 79% 66% 23 6 5 The data is explicitly and purposefully brought into the performance management Other and/or succession processes
  • 13. 13 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Coaching Fee Structures Global Rates Interestingly, in Africa, coaching rates generally rose. The coaching rates that organizations pay do not vary Africa had been paying below the U.S. rate for executive significantly on an international basis, although there are coaching 43 percent of the time and the same as the regional differences. According to the responses in the United States 57 percent of the time in 2008 (50 percent 2010 survey, European coaching rates were similar to the and 50 percent in 2006, respectively). Now Africa pays U.S. rate 56 percent of the time (Chart 16), compared to the same as the U.S. rates 63 percent of the time—more 65 percent of the time in 2008 and 40 percent in 2006. comparable to most other regions. Unlike in previous The pattern of variation in coaching fees in Asia compared surveys where no amount of executive coaching in Africa to the United States over the years is similar to that of was paid at rates higher than the United States, six percent Europe (in Asia, 54 percent of coaching rates were the of coaching rates in Africa registered higher than the same as in the U.S.; in 2008, that number was 63 percent; United States in 2010. and in 2006, 40 percent) while in South America the similarity to the U.S. in fees steadily declined over time In Europe, slightly more than one-third of organizations (in the 2010 survey, 59 percent of coaching rates were surveyed pay up to 25 percent more than the U.S. rate. the same as in the U.S.; in 2008, 68 percent were; and In Australia and New Zealand, 78 percent of organizations in 2006, 75 percent).4 pay a rate comparable to the U.S. rate, and only 6 percent pay more. In other areas, coaching rates are more often less than the U.S. rate: in Asia, 36 percent of organizations say they pay below the U.S. rate; and in both Latin America and South America, 39 percent and 40 percent, respectively, pay less than the U.S. rate. Chart 16 To what extent do your executive coaching fees vary internationally in your company? In most regions, coaching rates are at or slightly below the U.S. rate. 78 61 63 59 56% 54 35% 28 26 27 13 13 13 12 10 6% 7 6 4 6 6 3% 2 2 2 4 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Europe Asia Latin America South America Australia/ Africa New Zealand Minus 99% Minus 75% Minus 50% Minus 25% Same as Plus 25% Plus 50% [0] Plus 75% [0] Plus 100% U.S. rates 4 Note: In the 2008 and 2006 surveys, Latin America was not a separate category for this question as it was in the 2010 survey.
  • 14. 14 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Compensation Travel time Materials Thirty-six percent of companies say coaches are not Costs for assessments and materials are included in the compensated additionally for travel time (Chart 17). coach’s stated fee, according to 47 percent of respondents; Companies incorporate travel time into the coach’s overall while 39 percent indicate coaches are paid separately fee 31 percent of the time. For the remaining companies, for these. In previous surveys, 55 percent of respondents travel time is paid at either a standard rate, at the full hourly considered these materials added costs (2008) and in 2006 rate, or either at a reduced hourly or reduced standard rate. 39 percent did so. In the 2008 survey, only 32 percent of respondents indicated that travel time was compensated.5 Chart 17 How are coaches compensated for travel time in your company? Most coaches are compensated for travel time, but the means of compensation varies. 36% 31 12 8 7 6 Coaches Travel time Travel time Travel time Travel time Other are not is incorporated is paid is paid is paid compensated into the overall separately at separately at separately at extra for their fee paid for a reduced rate the coach’s a standard rate travel time coaching (e.g., 50 percent full hourly/ we use for of daily rate) daily rate travel time 5 This question was not part of the 2006 survey.
  • 15. 15 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Rate Structures Payment schedules Responses were widely dispersed on the structure of Most organizations report paying coaches throughout the rates for executive coaching in general. Most respondents engagement; either monthly, as services are rendered, or who chose variable rates base their rate on a coach’s split between the beginning and end of the engagement experience or the level of the executive being coached (Chart 19). Few organizations pay the entire fee at the (Chart 18). Variable rates can also be based on the beginning or at the end of the engagement. One-fourth geographic location or on a coach’s stated fee, but the say they process invoices monthly; one-fourth process results of the coaching itself are not a major factor in that invoices as services are rendered; 26 percent pay in split structure. Of the choices for a standard rate structure, payments of either one-half or one-third; and 9 percent a specific rate per engagement is more prevalent than pay at specific milestones. fixed hourly or daily rates. Chart 18 Chart 19 How are your company’s rates structured? When are coaching invoices processed by your company? The structure of coaching rates varies widely. The majority of invoices are processed Standard rate per engagement 25% throughout the engagement. Variable rates based on coach’s As services are rendered 25% 17 experience, training, certifications Monthly 25 Standard fixed rates by hour or day 16 50 percent at the beginning Variable rates based on level 18 and 50 percent at the end 16 of executive being coached Upon specified milestones Variable rates based 9 or deliverables 14 on coach’s stated fee 33 percent in the beginning, Variable rates based on 33 percent in the middle, 8 5 33 percent at the end location of client or coach Variable rates based on 100 percent at the end 3 1 the results achieved 100 percent at the beginning 2 Other 7 Other 11
  • 16. 16 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g Appendix About the Survey Participants Industries surveyed Global operations Manufacturing companies represented the largest seg- The companies surveyed reflect a widespread global ment of respondents (40 percent). Other responses came presence. Forty-one percent of companies operate in from organizations in business and professional services, more than 50 countries (Chart 22). financial services, and government and non-profit. Response rate Size of companies surveyed The response rate for the 2010 survey was 18 percent. Just over half (51 percent) of responding organizations By comparison, the average response rate for surveys generate annual revenue between $1b and $20 billion, and conducted by The Conference Board is 12 percent. approximately one-third (34 percent) accrue more than There were 156 responses to the 2010 Survey, an increase $20 billion annually (Chart 20). Responding organizations over previous years: there were 82 responses to the 2008 are predominantly large: 38 percent employ between survey and 31 responses to the 2006 survey. 10,000 and 50,000 people, and 33 percent employ more than 50,000 people (Chart 21). Chart 20 Chart 21 What was your company’s total 60.0 How many full-time equivalent (FTE) employees annual revenue, in U.S. dollars? 52.5 were in your company on December 31, 2008? 45.0 2006 2008 2010 2006 35 36 37.5 $1 billion $5 billion $10 billion 30.0 28 29 to to to 22 < $1 billion $5 billion $10 billion $20 billion > $20 billion 22.5 17 16 20 17 18 19 5.0 13 14 11% 0 31% 12 19 12 26 8% 7.5 3% 0.0 < 1,000 1,000 to 10,000 to 25,000 to 51,000 to 100,000 2008 10,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 or more $1 billion $5 billion $10 billion to to to Note: For this question, the category of 100,000 or more was not included < $1 billion $5 billion $10 billion $20 billion > $20 billion in the 2006 and 2008 surveys. 0 0 17% 17 16 18 32 Chart 22 In how many countries does your company operate? 20 40 60 80 100 2010 2006 $1 billion $5 billion $10 billion 0 1 –5 6 – 10 11 – 25 26 – 40 41 – 50 > 50 Less than to to to $40 billion $500 million < $5 billion < $10 billion < $20 billion or more 32% 11 7 21 4 25 20 40 60 80 100 9% 7 20 16 15 12 22 2008 $500 million 20 40 60 $20 billion80 100 1– 5 6 – 10 11 – 25 > 50 to to 0 < $1 billion < $40 billion 34% 12 15 6 6 27 20 40 60 80 100 26 – 40 41 – 50 2010 1 country 2– 5 6 – 10 11 – 25 26 – 40 More than 50 13% 10 10 12 12 3 41 20 40 60 80 100 41 – 50
  • 17. 17 T h e 2 010 E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g S u r v e y w w w. c o n fe r e n c e - b o a r d . o r g About The Conference Board About the Authors Council on Executive Coaching Mark Pomerleau is a program director at The Conference Board, A group of corporate leaders representing their different where he manages the Investor Relations Council and the industries and perspectives, whose members are responsible Council for Division Leaders - Financial Executives. He has also for executive coaching and/or leading executive coaching authored several Conference KeyNotes for The Conference Board. practices. This council is dedicated to its members learning Pomerleau has more than 25 years of corporate experience in about, sharing, creating, and implementing executive coaching finance, sales and operations management, public affairs, investor best practices and protocols that will drive business results and relations, communications, and executive speech writing. develop individuals within organizations, while also evolving executive coaching as a practice. Henry Silvert, Ph.D. is survey associate and statistician at The Conference Board, specializing in research and survey design and quantitative analysis. Silvert contributes to regular reports of The Conference Board Consumer Internet Barometer. He is also co-author of the Mid-Market CEO Challenge and reports on risk management and workforce readiness. His survey research includes business and education, the maturing workforce, leadership, and talent development. Lee WanVeer is vice president of learning at Prudential Financial, where he is responsible for the executive coaching practice and leadership development of the global company. WanVeer is also chair of The Conference Board Council on Executive Coaching. He brings more than 20 years of leadership development, training, and organizational development experience to his current roles. Erica Desrosiers, Ph.D. is director of organization and manage- ment development at PepsiCo. She is responsible for the company’s global 360 feedback process, as well as for developing the com- pany’s coaching practice. She is on the executive committee of The Conference Board Council on Executive Coaching and recently completed a chapter on executive coaching in organizations to be published in Advancing Executive Coaching: Ingredients for Successful Leadership Coaching. Marcel Henderson is an assistant vice president of organiza- tional development at Assurant. She is responsible for managing the enterprise’s executive coaching practices and provides support for talent and succession planning at the enterprise level. In 2009, she was an executive committee member of The Conference Board Council on Executive Coaching. Publications Team Publishing Director Chuck Mitchell Contributor Director, Consumer Research Center Lynn Franco Michael Tuller is a third-year graduate student at the University of Connecticut, where he is pursuing his Ph.D. in industrial/ Research Assistant Allen Li organizational psychology. Currently he is working at PepsiCo Council Manager Ruth Kennedy-Mountjoy as an intern in the organization and management development Editor Megan Manni group, and his work focuses on the employee survey and the Designer Peter Drubin 360-degree feedback process. Production Andrew Ashwell
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