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TrendsSpotting Market
                                                         Research is now running
                                                         its third annual prediction
                                                         reports following major
                                                         trends in six categories.
                                                         We will be featuring the
                                                         predictions of digital and
                                                         marketing experts on the
                                                         big changes awaiting us in
                                                         the coming year.
                                                         This year we are adopting
                                                         a new “tweet style”
                                                         format, easier for you to
                                                         focus on, comprehend and
More in this series >
Technology | Mobile | Videos | eMarketing | Consumer Trends
Findings: Major trends in 2010 SM:
Across many of these predictions, we
have identified the following trends
suggested to influence 2010 Social Media:
Mobile, Location, Transparency,
Measurement, ROI, Privacy
Reflecting on 2009 predictions – not much
has changed.
We conclude that 2009 did not meet its
expectations. How about 2010?
Location, Augmented Reality, Privacy & Social Gaming

@petecashmore                                  PETE CASHMORE
                                                            Founder, CEO
 Fueled by the ubiquity of GPS in modern smartphones, location-sharing services ..
 Surge in enterprise spend for social platforms in late 2010. U.S. online
may become the breakout services of the year ... provided they're not crushed by
community software market will grow 63% in 2010 to $679 million.
the addition of location-based features to Twitter and Facebook.

Our whereabouts may optionally secure social media activities. They will realize
Businesses are looking for ways to be appended to every Tweet, blog comment,
photo be cheaper to purchase this software in the cloud
it will or video we post.

Augmented reality: The challenge for such services is to prove Sharepoint 2010)
Traditional enterprise software providers (such as Microsoft withtheir utility: They
have the this factor,"
will enter"cool market. but can they be truly useful?

Social gaming and virtual currencies: virtual buying and selling may be the route to
riches for some social media sites. The big players are seizing the mobile payments
More standard ways of measuring social business value .

Expect personal privacy -- or rather its continued erosion -- to be a hot media
topic of 2010.

Source: CNN
Private SN, Location, Mobile, Scalable, Rewards
@armano                                            DAVID ARMANO
                                              Senior Partner, Dachis Group
                                                Author, Logic and Emotion

"Social media begins to look less social .. more "exclusive" - getting value .. while
filtering out the clutter”..

 Corporations look to scale and uncover cost savings or serve customers more
 effectively through leveraging social technology .(e.g.: Best Buy's Twelpforce ).

Networked activity will be local, mobile, encourage competition and reward

Your company will have a social media policy.

Mobile becomes a social media lifeline.

Sharing no longer means e-mail: Content providers will allow users the ability to
distribute content across their own networks (e.g. - NYTimes iPhone app).
Source: Harvard Business Review blog
Private SN, Location, Validation
@chrisbrogan                                   CHRIS BROGAN
                                                      New Marketing Labs

 I see velvet rope social networks, where some kind of gating to keep out the
commons will occur.

I see a thousand specific Twitters popping up for places internally and externally,
each using OAuth to validate who we are.

Source: ZDNet
Social Business, Ads & Thought Leaders..
@peterkim                                               PETER KIM
                                           Managing Director, N.America
                                                          Dachis Group

@peterkim: Companies get serious about social media, elevating their focus to
social business.

@peterkim: Advertising infiltrates public social sites on a widespread scale,
souring experiences for many.

@peterkim: A new cadre of bonafide thought leaders emerges, with almost 100%
turnover from five years ago.
On Next Big Thing

 Seth Godin                         Michael Litman            Tamar Weinberg,
 Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur   Social Media Strategist   Community & Marketing Manager
 & Agent of change                  Consolidated PR           Mashable

Seth Godin: folks that put in the time and energy to build a foundation over the
last 2 years online will be rewarded, while the latecomers will merely whine.

Seth Godin: A lot of people (who were not investing in an asset) will lose interest
in Twitter as the next shiny thing comes along.

@litmanlive: I believe that the next "big thing" will be a greater sense of
personalization and location-based offerings. We're starting to see this for example
in Foursquare.

@tamar: Content will be more widely dispersed, especially across mobile platforms
as phones are getting smarter.

@tamar: A bigger emphasis on Augmented Reality, giving consumers the ability to
find and buy products that they are interested in from wherever they are.

Source: Junta42
Status Updates Platform
@johnbattelle                                  JOHN BATTELLE
                                                   Founder & Chairman
                                                      Federated Media

@johnbattelle: By the end of the year we'll have a new interface for status
updates that looks nothing like a microblog.
Mobmedia, Cyberdisinhibition
@mariansalzman                              MARIAN SALZMAN
                                         President, N.America,Euro PR
                                                Trend Spotter & Author

@mariansalzman: Mobmedia/Virtual Bullies - Social media sites allow for virtual
bullies + flash mob gatherings around disputes; heightened by celeb involvement.

@mariansalzman: Cyberdisinhibition - Based on #ERWWPR social media study, 43%
of Net users feel less inhibited online, behaving in ways they wldn‟t in person.
Real-time Reviews & Business On Social Media
@mzkagan                                         MARTA KAGAN
                                                 Managing Director, US
                                            Espresso- Brand Infiltration

@mzkagan: Real-time reviews will scare the pants off many a brand & foster a new
'radical-beta' mindset.

@mzkagan: “Tracking & alerting" become the new searching.

@mzkagan: Business finally admit that social media aint some fad for kids and B-
list movie stars.
Augmented Reality, Small Business &
                     Micro Targeting..
@danzarrella                      DAN ZARRELLA
                                       Social & Viral Marketing Scientist

@danzarrella: IRL: With augmented reality and mobile social media, the real world
will be important again.

@danzarrella: Small Business Social Media - small business will discover the bang-
for-buck accountability of social media marketing.

@danzarrella: Micro targeting and personalization - businesses will begin to
leverage the wealth of data we share about ourselves to deliver individualized
Mobile, Location, Scalable
@emarketer                                         eMARKETER
                                                      Digital Intelligence

Social networking is one of the fastest-growing activities among mobile users and
has become a significant driver of Internet usage on mobile devices.

Gaining a voice in the conversations taking place across mobile social networks
will be challenging for marketers.

Most marketers are thinking through key issues, such as internal ownership and
scalability of mobile-social programs.

Budgeting and definitions of ROI likewise continue to evolve.

The biggest near-term opportunities will come from location-aware applications.

 Search will get more social: real-time content in results, information from social
 network friends to results, using collective information from other Web users

Source: eMarketer.com
On Content Marketing
 @drewmclellan                                DREW McLELLAN
                                                    Founder and Author
                                                  The Marketing Minute

The good: As the economy continues to slowly recover, consumers are going to
reward those brand marketers who have been sharing content/expertise without
any strings attached.

The bad: Many just entering the content marketing arena will do so with the old
broadcast mentality… they will shout.. and turn off their potential audience.

The ugly: Content marketing isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. But many CFOs will
prematurely pull the plug on their content marketing efforts because the results are
not instantaneous. .

Source: Junta42
Secured, Clouds, Measurement

                                    CAROLINE DANGSON
                                    Digital Marketplace Research Analyst

 Surge in enterprise spend for social platforms in late 2010. U.S. online community
software market will grow 63% in 2010 to $679 million.

Businesses are looking for ways to secure social media activities. They will realize
it will be cheaper to purchase this software in the cloud.

More standard ways of measuring social business value.

Source: ZDNet
Conversational Marketing, Content Distribution
@jasonfalls                                     JASON FALLS
                                                  Social Media Strategist
                                                   Social Media Explorer

Conversational marketing will be the prevailing success tactic for brands. .

The one-way channels, will continue to be shunned and stagnate.

Twitter will see more consistent use from a core base of people and less hype -
more of a communications utility.

Making content highly portable is the key to engaging an ever-more-mobile

More will start to see the power of content distribution and customer engagement
through that content.

 2009 was about learning SM. 2010 will be about figuring out how to use it well.

Source: Junta42, ZDnet
On Social Media & Relationships
@charleneli                                        CHARLENE LI
                                                       Altimeter Group

Social media in 2010 will cease being the shiny new object and instead, become
part of the everyday lexicon of business.

The technology will begin to fade into the background so that people can focus on
the relationships that are created because of the technologies, not the
technologies themselves.

Source: ZDNet
Brand, Communities, Micro Content
 @gauravonomics                            GAURAV MISHRA
                                                            2020 Social

Online communities will come of age in 2010.

Brand marketers will create compelling micro-content to seed these communities,
then run contests to invite consumers to interpret their brand, create their own

Brand marketers investing in communities that are built around a bigger social
object: a lifestyle, cause or passion.

Source: Junta42
Premium, ROI, Experts
@marc_meyer                                       MARC MEYER
                                     Digital Marketing Response Group

@marc_meyer: Twitter will offer a premium level option that'll allow the creation
of hosted invite only discussions. .

 @marc_meyer: Google will flex its muscle in the SM space by creating more
"social" tools & apps 2 compete w/ Facebook & Twitter.

@marc_meyer: Look for social to become less about the "what is it" and even more
about the ROI.

@marc_meyer: Expect to see more Fortune 500 and Inc 1000's companies making
large scale, visible social media mistakes.

@marc_meyer: There will continue 2 be a void in SM leadership as long as ppl
continue to dwell on who is & who isn't an expert.
Retailers Grapple with Measuring Social Commerce
@emarketer                                   JEFFREY GARU
                                                          Senior Analyst

2010, retailers will become more serious about trying to measure social media‟s
impact on sales: how much a large fan base translates into sales or brand loyalty.

Source: eMarketer.com
Bottom Up Global Changes

    Jimmy Wales         Alec Ross                Craig Newmark
    Founder             Sr Advisor -Innovation   Founder
    WikiPedia           State Department         Craigslist

@jimmy_wales: the global nature of the internet.. people will come online from
India, China, Africa, South America- there's going to be a cultural impact as the
different cultures will come and mix and mingle online.

@alecjross: The democratized access to the tools of the digital age will be used for
economic empowerment and political actions in ways that were not possible five
and ten years ago.

@CraigNewmark: 2010 will bring the “tipping point” for social media. People will
see how easy it is to work with each other.

Source: Supernova Hub
On location & Foursquare
 @scobleizer                                      ROBERT SCOBLE
                                                       Technical Evangelist

 We‟re going to see an explosion of things that use location.

Cool businesses that are hip are already doing Foursquare promotions now, but
that will boom in 2010.

Foursquare - the „cool kids‟ are on it, it feeds on itself. People are going to use the
system all of their friends are on.

Source: ZDNet
Transparency, Obsolete Social Media
@dmscott                           DAVID MEERMAN SCOTT
                                          Marketing Strategist & Author
                                                      World Wide Rave

@dmscott: The term "social media" wanes as people realize we're just talking about

@dmscott: A huge backlash against "snake oil salesmen" who spam people on

@dmscott: The fear of marketing on the web experienced by many organizations
Global Tensions
 @roncallari                                    RON CALLARI
                                                   Social Media Scientist

 Global tensions will bubble up over into the social media space in 2010.

 SNS will become a new battleground for opposing forces around the globe to
 threaten and harass each other (e.g: Iranian Election Protests)

Source: Investorspot
10 Ways Social Media Would Change..
@ravit_ustrategy                         RAVIT LICHTENBERG
                                             Founder & Chief Strategist

 SM will become a single, cohesive experience embedded in our activities and
technologies. SM innovation will no longer be limited by technology

Mobile will take center stage. Enterprises will shape the next generation of what
we've called "Social Media"

Expect an intense battle as people and companies look to own their own content.

ROI will be measured – and it will matter.

Augmented reality finally: real, cool and very bizarre online-offline integration

Women will rule social media. Social media will move into new domains.

Source: Read Write Web
Product Search On SNS
@equalman                                    ERIK QUALMAN

@equalman: Facebook/Twitter will have some form of product search
functionality [onsite or via partnership].
Google ,Twitter & Facebook Privacy
@pgillin                                               PAUL GILLIN
                                Writer, Author & Social Media Consultant
                                 Principal at Paul Gillin Communications

@pgillin: Twitter's strategy to monetize its service gives Google the first real run
for its money.

@pgillin: New Facebook privacy policy sparks member backlash (at least we know
ONE of these predictions will be right!).
„Un-friending‟ Brands On Social Media
@adambroitman                               ADAM BROITMAN
                                                Partner & Ringleader

@adambroitman: Consumers will un-friend all brands that don‟t add value.
Social Media Measurement
@cbensen                                       CONNIE BENSEN
                         Director of Social Media & Community Strategy

@cbensen: Social media monitoring will provide insight across all channels, as well
as making Social Media an active outbound marketing channel.

@cbensen: SM will shift from being experimental to having metrics and the loop
will be closed the loop so that SM Monitoring is necessary & actionable.
Transparency, Performance

  Mike Arauz         Nenshad Badoliwalla
  Strategist         Co-author
  Undercurrent       Driven to Performance

@mikearauz: We're moving into an age of transparency .

@mikearauz: The last decade was all about acquisition. The next one, will be all
about retention.

@mikearauz: No brand is immune, no matter how big or small. Transparency FTW!

@nenshad: Social media projects will need to tie their efforts to concrete
performance improvements in order to remain viable

Source: Junta42
Integrated Marketing, Monitoring, Brand Advocates
@adamcohen                                       ADAM COHEN

@adamcohen: Social media tactics become integrated tools in the relationship
marketing arsenal.

@adamcohen: Companies struggle adapting processes for customer interaction in
marketing, sales, customer service & PR.

@adamcohen: Marketing programs focus more on activating brand advocates than
general customers.

 @adamcohen: Social media monitoring industry consolidates and matures, drawing
closer to web analytics.
Social Media In Maslow Hierarchy
@danielwaisberg                             DANIEL WAISBERG
                                                 Head of Web Analytics

@danielwaisberg: Social Networks got us to step 3 of Maslow hierarchy: Belonging.
Next challenge: management Esteem!
Monitoring, Branded Communities & Guidelines
@communitygirl                              ANGELA CONNOR
                                    Journalist & Community Strategist
                            Author,18 Rules of Community Engagement

@communitygirl: Employees will find themselves facing strict social media
guidelines banning FB, YouTube or both.

@communitygirl: Online branded communities will outperform Facebook fan pages
and gain increased popularity. .

@communitygirl: The cost of popular social media monitoring software will
decrease as early adopters opt-out and newcomers flood the space.
Less Social, More “Social Aware”
@trendsspotting                                     Dr. TALY WEISS
                                                CEO and Head of Research
                                                         Trends Research

 @trendsspotting: 2010- the year “you‟re being followed”.

 @trendsspotting: Facebook will soon launch its search. By providing good search
 capabilities & localization - it will change not only the face of Facebook - it will
 take social networks to new levels.
 @trendsspotting: Remember the years consumers felt that internet is not a safe
 shopping place? 2010 is the year internet users will think about safety with every
 move they take.

 @trendsspotting: Blogs will continue to flourish as people realize micro-blogging
 needs a “home base”.
                 Did You Know

New Oxford American Dictionary‟s 2009 Word of The Year is

                              Read More On The “unfriend” Social Cycle >>
@trendsspotting   Discover more Trends Insights:
TrendsSpotting offers Trend consulting, Customized Trend
Research Reports & Syndicated Trend Reports, published at top
market research databases.

TrendsSpotting Research serves leading international brands.

TrendsSpotting‟s insights are presented at The TrendsSpotting Blog
and quoted in the news media.

Visit us here: www.trendsspotting.com

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TrendsSpotting's 2010 Social Media Influencers - Trend Predictions in 140 Characters

  • 1. More in this series > Technology | Mobile | Videos | eMarketing | Consumer Trends
  • 2. TrendsSpotting Market Research is now running its third annual prediction reports following major trends in six categories. We will be featuring the predictions of digital and marketing experts on the big changes awaiting us in the coming year. This year we are adopting a new “tweet style” format, easier for you to focus on, comprehend and forward. More in this series > Technology | Mobile | Videos | eMarketing | Consumer Trends
  • 3. Findings: Major trends in 2010 SM: Across many of these predictions, we have identified the following trends suggested to influence 2010 Social Media: Mobile, Location, Transparency, Measurement, ROI, Privacy Reflecting on 2009 predictions – not much has changed. We conclude that 2009 did not meet its expectations. How about 2010?
  • 4. Location, Augmented Reality, Privacy & Social Gaming @petecashmore PETE CASHMORE Founder, CEO Mashable Fueled by the ubiquity of GPS in modern smartphones, location-sharing services .. Surge in enterprise spend for social platforms in late 2010. U.S. online may become the breakout services of the year ... provided they're not crushed by community software market will grow 63% in 2010 to $679 million. the addition of location-based features to Twitter and Facebook. Our whereabouts may optionally secure social media activities. They will realize Businesses are looking for ways to be appended to every Tweet, blog comment, photo be cheaper to purchase this software in the cloud it will or video we post. Augmented reality: The challenge for such services is to prove Sharepoint 2010) Traditional enterprise software providers (such as Microsoft withtheir utility: They have the this factor," will enter"cool market. but can they be truly useful? Social gaming and virtual currencies: virtual buying and selling may be the route to riches for some social media sites. The big players are seizing the mobile payments More standard ways of measuring social business value . opportunity. Expect personal privacy -- or rather its continued erosion -- to be a hot media topic of 2010. Source: CNN
  • 5. Private SN, Location, Mobile, Scalable, Rewards @armano DAVID ARMANO Senior Partner, Dachis Group Author, Logic and Emotion "Social media begins to look less social .. more "exclusive" - getting value .. while filtering out the clutter”.. Corporations look to scale and uncover cost savings or serve customers more effectively through leveraging social technology .(e.g.: Best Buy's Twelpforce ). Networked activity will be local, mobile, encourage competition and reward participants. Your company will have a social media policy. Mobile becomes a social media lifeline. Sharing no longer means e-mail: Content providers will allow users the ability to distribute content across their own networks (e.g. - NYTimes iPhone app). Source: Harvard Business Review blog
  • 6. Private SN, Location, Validation @chrisbrogan CHRIS BROGAN President, New Marketing Labs I see velvet rope social networks, where some kind of gating to keep out the commons will occur. I see a thousand specific Twitters popping up for places internally and externally, each using OAuth to validate who we are. Source: ZDNet
  • 7. Social Business, Ads & Thought Leaders.. @peterkim PETER KIM Managing Director, N.America Dachis Group @peterkim: Companies get serious about social media, elevating their focus to social business. @peterkim: Advertising infiltrates public social sites on a widespread scale, souring experiences for many. @peterkim: A new cadre of bonafide thought leaders emerges, with almost 100% turnover from five years ago.
  • 8. On Next Big Thing Seth Godin Michael Litman Tamar Weinberg, Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur Social Media Strategist Community & Marketing Manager & Agent of change Consolidated PR Mashable Seth Godin: folks that put in the time and energy to build a foundation over the last 2 years online will be rewarded, while the latecomers will merely whine. Seth Godin: A lot of people (who were not investing in an asset) will lose interest in Twitter as the next shiny thing comes along. @litmanlive: I believe that the next "big thing" will be a greater sense of personalization and location-based offerings. We're starting to see this for example in Foursquare. @tamar: Content will be more widely dispersed, especially across mobile platforms as phones are getting smarter. @tamar: A bigger emphasis on Augmented Reality, giving consumers the ability to find and buy products that they are interested in from wherever they are. Source: Junta42
  • 9. Status Updates Platform @johnbattelle JOHN BATTELLE Founder & Chairman Federated Media @johnbattelle: By the end of the year we'll have a new interface for status updates that looks nothing like a microblog.
  • 10. Mobmedia, Cyberdisinhibition @mariansalzman MARIAN SALZMAN President, N.America,Euro PR Trend Spotter & Author @mariansalzman: Mobmedia/Virtual Bullies - Social media sites allow for virtual bullies + flash mob gatherings around disputes; heightened by celeb involvement. @mariansalzman: Cyberdisinhibition - Based on #ERWWPR social media study, 43% of Net users feel less inhibited online, behaving in ways they wldn‟t in person.
  • 11. Real-time Reviews & Business On Social Media @mzkagan MARTA KAGAN Managing Director, US Espresso- Brand Infiltration @mzkagan: Real-time reviews will scare the pants off many a brand & foster a new 'radical-beta' mindset. @mzkagan: “Tracking & alerting" become the new searching. @mzkagan: Business finally admit that social media aint some fad for kids and B- list movie stars.
  • 12. Augmented Reality, Small Business & Micro Targeting.. @danzarrella DAN ZARRELLA Social & Viral Marketing Scientist HubSpot @danzarrella: IRL: With augmented reality and mobile social media, the real world will be important again. @danzarrella: Small Business Social Media - small business will discover the bang- for-buck accountability of social media marketing. @danzarrella: Micro targeting and personalization - businesses will begin to leverage the wealth of data we share about ourselves to deliver individualized messages.
  • 13. Mobile, Location, Scalable @emarketer eMARKETER Digital Intelligence @eMarketer Social networking is one of the fastest-growing activities among mobile users and has become a significant driver of Internet usage on mobile devices. Gaining a voice in the conversations taking place across mobile social networks will be challenging for marketers. Most marketers are thinking through key issues, such as internal ownership and scalability of mobile-social programs. Budgeting and definitions of ROI likewise continue to evolve. The biggest near-term opportunities will come from location-aware applications. Search will get more social: real-time content in results, information from social network friends to results, using collective information from other Web users Source: eMarketer.com
  • 14. On Content Marketing @drewmclellan DREW McLELLAN Founder and Author The Marketing Minute The good: As the economy continues to slowly recover, consumers are going to reward those brand marketers who have been sharing content/expertise without any strings attached. The bad: Many just entering the content marketing arena will do so with the old broadcast mentality… they will shout.. and turn off their potential audience. The ugly: Content marketing isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. But many CFOs will prematurely pull the plug on their content marketing efforts because the results are not instantaneous. . Source: Junta42
  • 15. Secured, Clouds, Measurement CAROLINE DANGSON Digital Marketplace Research Analyst IDC Surge in enterprise spend for social platforms in late 2010. U.S. online community software market will grow 63% in 2010 to $679 million. Businesses are looking for ways to secure social media activities. They will realize it will be cheaper to purchase this software in the cloud. More standard ways of measuring social business value. Source: ZDNet
  • 16. Conversational Marketing, Content Distribution @jasonfalls JASON FALLS Social Media Strategist Social Media Explorer Conversational marketing will be the prevailing success tactic for brands. . The one-way channels, will continue to be shunned and stagnate. Twitter will see more consistent use from a core base of people and less hype - more of a communications utility. Making content highly portable is the key to engaging an ever-more-mobile audience. More will start to see the power of content distribution and customer engagement through that content. 2009 was about learning SM. 2010 will be about figuring out how to use it well. Source: Junta42, ZDnet
  • 17. On Social Media & Relationships @charleneli CHARLENE LI Founder Altimeter Group Social media in 2010 will cease being the shiny new object and instead, become part of the everyday lexicon of business. The technology will begin to fade into the background so that people can focus on the relationships that are created because of the technologies, not the technologies themselves. Source: ZDNet
  • 18. Brand, Communities, Micro Content @gauravonomics GAURAV MISHRA CEO 2020 Social Online communities will come of age in 2010. Brand marketers will create compelling micro-content to seed these communities, then run contests to invite consumers to interpret their brand, create their own content. Brand marketers investing in communities that are built around a bigger social object: a lifestyle, cause or passion. Source: Junta42
  • 19. Premium, ROI, Experts @marc_meyer MARC MEYER Principal Digital Marketing Response Group @marc_meyer: Twitter will offer a premium level option that'll allow the creation of hosted invite only discussions. . @marc_meyer: Google will flex its muscle in the SM space by creating more "social" tools & apps 2 compete w/ Facebook & Twitter. @marc_meyer: Look for social to become less about the "what is it" and even more about the ROI. @marc_meyer: Expect to see more Fortune 500 and Inc 1000's companies making large scale, visible social media mistakes. @marc_meyer: There will continue 2 be a void in SM leadership as long as ppl continue to dwell on who is & who isn't an expert.
  • 20. Retailers Grapple with Measuring Social Commerce @emarketer JEFFREY GARU Senior Analyst eMarketer 2010, retailers will become more serious about trying to measure social media‟s impact on sales: how much a large fan base translates into sales or brand loyalty. Source: eMarketer.com
  • 21. Bottom Up Global Changes SUPERNOVA Jimmy Wales Alec Ross Craig Newmark Founder Sr Advisor -Innovation Founder WikiPedia State Department Craigslist @jimmy_wales: the global nature of the internet.. people will come online from India, China, Africa, South America- there's going to be a cultural impact as the different cultures will come and mix and mingle online. @alecjross: The democratized access to the tools of the digital age will be used for economic empowerment and political actions in ways that were not possible five and ten years ago. @CraigNewmark: 2010 will bring the “tipping point” for social media. People will see how easy it is to work with each other. Source: Supernova Hub
  • 22. On location & Foursquare @scobleizer ROBERT SCOBLE Technical Evangelist Rackspace We‟re going to see an explosion of things that use location. Cool businesses that are hip are already doing Foursquare promotions now, but that will boom in 2010. Foursquare - the „cool kids‟ are on it, it feeds on itself. People are going to use the system all of their friends are on. Source: ZDNet
  • 23. Transparency, Obsolete Social Media @dmscott DAVID MEERMAN SCOTT Marketing Strategist & Author World Wide Rave @dmscott: The term "social media" wanes as people realize we're just talking about communicating. @dmscott: A huge backlash against "snake oil salesmen" who spam people on Twitter. @dmscott: The fear of marketing on the web experienced by many organizations continues.
  • 24. Global Tensions @roncallari RON CALLARI Social Media Scientist Global tensions will bubble up over into the social media space in 2010. SNS will become a new battleground for opposing forces around the globe to threaten and harass each other (e.g: Iranian Election Protests) Source: Investorspot
  • 25. 10 Ways Social Media Would Change.. @ravit_ustrategy RAVIT LICHTENBERG Founder & Chief Strategist Ustrategy.com SM will become a single, cohesive experience embedded in our activities and technologies. SM innovation will no longer be limited by technology Mobile will take center stage. Enterprises will shape the next generation of what we've called "Social Media" Expect an intense battle as people and companies look to own their own content. ROI will be measured – and it will matter. Augmented reality finally: real, cool and very bizarre online-offline integration Women will rule social media. Social media will move into new domains. Source: Read Write Web
  • 26. Product Search On SNS @equalman ERIK QUALMAN Author Socialnomics @equalman: Facebook/Twitter will have some form of product search functionality [onsite or via partnership].
  • 27. Google ,Twitter & Facebook Privacy @pgillin PAUL GILLIN Writer, Author & Social Media Consultant Principal at Paul Gillin Communications @pgillin: Twitter's strategy to monetize its service gives Google the first real run for its money. @pgillin: New Facebook privacy policy sparks member backlash (at least we know ONE of these predictions will be right!).
  • 28. „Un-friending‟ Brands On Social Media @adambroitman ADAM BROITMAN Partner & Ringleader Circ.us @adambroitman: Consumers will un-friend all brands that don‟t add value.
  • 29. Social Media Measurement @cbensen CONNIE BENSEN Director of Social Media & Community Strategy Alterian @cbensen: Social media monitoring will provide insight across all channels, as well as making Social Media an active outbound marketing channel. @cbensen: SM will shift from being experimental to having metrics and the loop will be closed the loop so that SM Monitoring is necessary & actionable.
  • 30. Transparency, Performance Mike Arauz Nenshad Badoliwalla Strategist Co-author Undercurrent Driven to Performance @mikearauz: We're moving into an age of transparency . @mikearauz: The last decade was all about acquisition. The next one, will be all about retention. @mikearauz: No brand is immune, no matter how big or small. Transparency FTW! @nenshad: Social media projects will need to tie their efforts to concrete performance improvements in order to remain viable Source: Junta42
  • 31. Integrated Marketing, Monitoring, Brand Advocates @adamcohen ADAM COHEN Partner Rosetta @adamcohen: Social media tactics become integrated tools in the relationship marketing arsenal. @adamcohen: Companies struggle adapting processes for customer interaction in marketing, sales, customer service & PR. @adamcohen: Marketing programs focus more on activating brand advocates than general customers. @adamcohen: Social media monitoring industry consolidates and matures, drawing closer to web analytics.
  • 32. Social Media In Maslow Hierarchy @danielwaisberg DANIEL WAISBERG Head of Web Analytics Easynet @danielwaisberg: Social Networks got us to step 3 of Maslow hierarchy: Belonging. Next challenge: management Esteem!
  • 33. Monitoring, Branded Communities & Guidelines @communitygirl ANGELA CONNOR Journalist & Community Strategist Author,18 Rules of Community Engagement @communitygirl: Employees will find themselves facing strict social media guidelines banning FB, YouTube or both. @communitygirl: Online branded communities will outperform Facebook fan pages and gain increased popularity. . @communitygirl: The cost of popular social media monitoring software will decrease as early adopters opt-out and newcomers flood the space.
  • 34. Less Social, More “Social Aware” @trendsspotting Dr. TALY WEISS CEO and Head of Research TrendsSpotting.com Trends Research @trendsspotting: 2010- the year “you‟re being followed”. @trendsspotting: Facebook will soon launch its search. By providing good search capabilities & localization - it will change not only the face of Facebook - it will take social networks to new levels. @trendsspotting: Remember the years consumers felt that internet is not a safe shopping place? 2010 is the year internet users will think about safety with every move they take. @trendsspotting: Blogs will continue to flourish as people realize micro-blogging needs a “home base”.
  • 35. ? Did You Know New Oxford American Dictionary‟s 2009 Word of The Year is Read More On The “unfriend” Social Cycle >>
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