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e-Learning Services
The 2010 Thought Leader Series
Participate in WORLD-CLASS, interactive Management & Leadership training via Satellite, Webcast,
and/or DVD

Linkage’s Thought Leader Series is a convenient and cost-effective way to bring some of the most world-renowned leaders right to
your organization. These 90-minute live broadcasts can be easily integrated into your existing leadership and management devel-
opment programs. The broadcasts can be viewed by satellite and webcast and include an interactive Q&A session with the featured
presenter. Additionally, Linkage makes the broadcasts available “on-demand” after the original broadcast date.

Spring 2010                                                       Fall 2010
                 Carlos Gutierrez                                                    Sheena Iyengar
                 on Leadership from Top to Bottom                                    on The Art of Choosing
                 March 11, 2010                                                      September 15, 2010
                 12:00PM–1:30PM ET                                                   11:00AM–12:30PM ET

                 Marshall Goldsmith                                                  Hank Haney
                 on The Positive Actions Leaders Must Take to                        on A Roadmap to Excellence
                 Start Winning Again                                                 October 19, 2010
                 April 14, 2010                                                      11:00AM–12:30PM ET
                 11:00AM–12:30PM ET

                 Dan Heath                                                           Lynda Gratton
                 on How to Change Things when Change is Hard                         on Creating Performance Driven Innovation
                 May 12, 2010                                                        within your Organization
                 11:00AM–12:30PM ET                                                  November 17, 2010
                                                                                     11:00AM–12:30PM ET

                 Malcolm Gladwell                                                    Michael Roberto
                 on Why People are Successful                                        on How Great Leaders Prevent Problems
                 June 17, 2010                                                       Before they Happen
                 11:00AM–12:30PM ET                                                  December 8, 2010
                                                                                     11:00AM–12:30PM ET

Helping thousands of managers & leaders                                    Linkage’s Leadership Series helps Nokia realize
achieve better results!
Call 781.402.5555 to register or for more information.
                                                                    “      one of our company’s fundamental values:
                                                                           leaders developing leaders.
                                                                           Anna Tavis // Nokia
e-Learning Services
>>   Spring 2010 speakers

     Carlos Gutierrez                                                                        Marshall Goldsmith
     on Leadership from Top to Bottom                                                        on The Positive Actions Leaders must Take to Start
                                        “Carlos Gutierrez understands the world                                      Winning Again
                                        of business, from the first rung on the                                               “MOJO moves us to define who we are in
                                        ladder to the very top. He knows exactly                                              a new and illuminating way! MOJO is a
                                        what it takes to help businesses grow and                                             guidebook for the leaders of the future.”
                                        to create jobs.”
                                                                                                                                                — Frances Hesselbein
                                    Throughout his career, Carlos Gutierrez
                                    has witnessed many different styles                                                      Mojo is the moment when we feel we’re
                                    of leadership and he has incorporated                                                    ‘on a roll’, firing on all cylinders, and
                                    the best of these traits into his own                                                    everyone around us senses it. When
                                    life. His leadership journey provided                                                    we’re moving forward, making prog-
                                    him an up-close view of both corporate                                                   ress, achieving goals, clearing hurdles,
                                    leaders and heads of state and from                                                      passing the competition—and doing so
     his own experience ascending the leadership ladder. With firsthand                      with increasing ease. Sports people call this being “in the zone;” oth-
     experience in the vast opportunities America has to offer, Carlos                       ers describe it as “flow.” Marshall describes it as Mojo--“that positive
     Gutierrez has a rich range of perspectives on the world of business.                    spirit toward what we are doing now that starts from the inside and
     He understands the point of view of the salesman just starting out,                     radiates to the outside.” Mojo plays a vital role in our pursuit of hap-
     the immigrant forging a career in a new country, the corporate execu-                   piness and meaning because it is about achieving two simple goals:
     tive steering a company with a household name, and the government                       loving what we do and showing it. And it becomes apparent when the
     official working to advance business around the world.                                  positive feelings toward what we are doing come from inside us and
                                                                                             are evident for others to see. In other words, it is the moment when
     Participants in this program will learn:                                                there’s no gap between the positive way we perceive ourselves—what
     •	    The varied approaches and surprising tactics all great leaders                    we are doing—and how we are perceived by others.
           have in common                                                                    Participants in this program will learn:
     •	    Why having the will to lead and the desire to embrace risk cre-
           ates dynamic leaders                                                              •	    The three elements needed to maximize professional and
                                                                                                   personal mojo
     •	    How to foster environments where innovation can thrive and
           superior results can be produced                                                  •	    How to gauge work in terms of mojo
     Carlos Gutierrez is the son of Cuban immigrants who began his career                    •	    How professionals can measure both ‘personal’ and ‘professional’
     selling Kellogg’s cereal to small grocery stores in Mexico City and                           mojo in their daily lives
     eventually rose to become the youngest CEO in the 100-year history                      Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is a world authority in helping successful
     of Kellogg Company. Gutierrez, faced the challenge of reversing the                     leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behavior: for themselves,
     downward spiral in which the respected company found itself. Kellogg                    their people and their teams. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
     had been under-performing for more than five years and was losing                       is a New York Times best seller, Wall Street Journal #1 business book
     out to its major competitor, General Mills. Pledging to boost profits,                  and winner of the Harold Longman award for Best Business Book of
     Gutierrez developed a strategy that would effectively reinvent how                      the Year. It has been translated into 23 languages and is a listed best
     Kellogg did business and through a series of acquisitions expanded                      seller in six different countries. Marshall has been ranked as #14 of
     Kellogg’s presence in a number of non-cereal areas. Gutierrez directed                  the Top 50 Thinkers globally. The American Management Association
     the Kellogg toward brand building and launching new products to in-                     named Dr. Goldsmith as one of 50 great thinkers and leaders who
     crease sales. To ensure Kellogg maintained its well-known and trusted                   have influenced the field of management over the past 80 years. Ma-
     name in its key categories, Gutierrez increased marketing efforts and                   jor business press acknowledgments include: Business Week – most
     entered into licensing agreements with leaders in children’s enter-                     influential practitioners in the history of leadership development, The
     tainment, including Disney and Nickelodeon. The new strategic plan                      Times (UK) – 50 greatest living business thinkers, Wall Street Journal
     executed by Gutierrez produced results. Between 1999 and 2003 sales                     - top ten executive educators, Forbes - five most-respected executive
     increased 43 percent and earnings 131 percent. Because of his success                   coaches, Leadership Excellence – top five thinkers on leadership, Eco-
     there was speculation Gutierrez might be lured by a larger company                      nomic Times (India) and Fast Company - America’s preeminent ex-
     to bring about another turnaround. In 2005, he was tapped to be                         ecutive coach. Dr. Goldsmith’s Ph.D. is from UCLA. In 2006 Alliant
     the 35th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce. He now                           International University honored Marshall by naming their schools of
     currently sits on the board of several companies including United                       business and organizational studies - the Marshall Goldsmith School
     Technologies, GLW Corning, and Occidental Petroleum.                                    of Management. Marshall is one of a select few advisors who have
                                                                                             been asked to work with over 100 major CEOs and their management
                                                                                             teams. He is co-founder of Marshall Goldsmith Partners, a network
                                                                                             of top-level executive coaches. He served as a member of the Board of
                                                                                             the Peter Drucker Foundation for ten years.

     2            To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm

Dan Heath                                                                    Malcolm Gladwell
on How to Change Things when Change is Hard                                  on Why People are Successful
                                 “Your success in life isn’t based on your                                    “People don’t rise from nothing....It is only
                                 ability to simply change. It is based on                                     by asking where they are from that we can
                                 your ability to change faster than your                                      unravel the logic behind who succeeds and
                                 competition, customers and business.”                                        who doesn’t.”
                                                          — Mark Sanborn                                                           — Malcolm Gladwell
                                 Consider change at every level—in-                                         Why are people successful? The secrets
                                 dividual, organizational, and societal.                                    of success can be decoded—and copied
                                 Maybe you want to help your brother                                        and reconstructed. In his stunning new
                                 beat his email addiction. Maybe you                                        book, the bestselling author of The
                                 need your team at work to act more                                         Tipping Point and Blink reveals the
                                 frugally because of the times. Maybe                                       real—and mostly overlooked—secrets
                                 you wish more of your neighbors would                                      to extraordinary success. As in his
bike to work. Usually these topics are treated separately—there is           earlier books, Gladwell builds his case with stories of real people, bril-
“change management” advice for executives and “self-help advice” for         liantly told from an all-new perspective. He reveals that we pay far too
individuals and “change the world” advice for activists. That’s a shame,     much attention to what successful people are like, and too little atten-
because all change efforts have something in common: For anything            tion to where successful people are from: their culture, their family,
to change, someone has to start acting differently. We believe there’s       and their generation. Gladwell explains what Bill Gates, the Beatles
a way to do exactly that, and to see how, we’ve got to explore one of        and other world-class successes have in common, how culture affects
the most fascinating findings of modern psychology. This framework           their careers and performance, why some cultures are good at math
is designed for people who don’t have scads of authority or resources.       and what drives the so-called “achievement gap” in American educa-
Whether the switch you seek is in your family, in your charity, in your      tion. Along the way, Gladwell overturns many of our conventional
organization, or in society at large, you’ll get there by making three       notions about what makes a person successful. He creates an entirely
things happen. Come find out what those things are.                          new model for nurturing success and suggests ways to give people the
                                                                             best opportunities to succeed. Because we so profoundly personalize
Participants in this program will learn:                                     success, we squander human potential. We miss opportunities to lift
•	    The three part framework to help you change things in tough            others onto the top rung.
      times                                                                  Participants in this program will learn:
•	    How to make those change efforts stick
                                                                             •	    The kinds of circumstances and backgrounds shared by high
•	    How to turn seemingly hard changes into much easier change                   performers
                                                                             •	    The predictors of success we consistently overemphasize as well
Dan Heath is the co-author, along with his brother Chip, of the book               as those we continue to underemphasize
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die . Made to Stick
is a Business Week and New York Times bestseller, and it has been            •	    Some provocative suggestions on how to nurture success
translated into 23 languages, including Thai, Arabic, and Lithuanian.        Malcolm Gladwell has an incomparable gift for interpreting new ideas
Amazon readers voted it one of the top 100 books of 2007, and                in the social sciences and making them understandable, and practical
Amazon editors named it the #2 business book of the year. Dan’s              to business and general audiences alike. He’s become so successful
new book, Switch, is scheduled for release in February 2010. Dan             at this that, in 2005, Time Magazine named Malcolm one of its 100
co-authors a monthly column for Fast Company magazine and serves             Most Influential People. Malcolm’s book Outliers: The Story of Success
as a Consultant to the Policy Programs at the Aspen Institute. He has        is having an even greater impact than his first two books. In Outliers,
taught and consulted with organizations such as Microsoft, Macy’s,           Malcolm suggests an exciting new approach to helping people succeed
Nestle, and the American Heart Association. Prior to joining the             by using the factors that really foster success. Outliers debuted as a #1
Aspen Institute, Dan conducted research and wrote case studies for           bestseller for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The San
Harvard Business School, and more recently, he worked and taught in          Francisco Chronicle, Barnes & Noble, and Publisher’s Weekly. He is
the executive education division of Duke University.                         the author of two other New York Times #1 bestsellers, The Tipping
                                                                             Point and Blink. With his first book Malcolm gave organizations new
                                                                             tools for understanding how trends work. In Blink he analyzed first
                                                                             impressions—the snap judgments that we all make unconsciously
                                                                             and instinctively—and he explores how we can master this important
                                                                             aspect of successful decision-making. Malcolm is a staff writer for the
                                                                             New Yorker magazine. His editor describes his work as a new genre
                                                                             of story, an idea-driven narrative that’s focused on the everyday and
                                                                             combines research with material that’s more personal, social and his-
                                                                             torical. He now has another bestseller, What the Dog Saw, a compila-
                                                                             tion of essays from his writings in The New Yorker magazine.

e-Learning Services
>>   Fall 2010 speakers

     Sheena Iyengar                                                                          Hank Haney
     on The Art of Choosing                                                                  on A Roadmap to Excellence
                                        “Choice is the only tool that we have to go                                           “The talent of success is nothing more than
                                        from who we are today to who we want to                                               doing what you can do well and doing well
                                        be tomorrow.”                                                                         whatever you do without thought of fame.”
                                                                 — Sheena Iyengar                                                       — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
                                    In our world of interconnected com-                                                     Hank Haney was once asked by Forbes
                                    merce, technological revolution, shift-                                                 Magazine for the parallels between
                                    ing political and cultural forces, our de-                                              planning for retirement and golf
                                    cisions have far-reaching consequences.                                                 instruction. The answer he provided
                                    Whether mundane or momentous,                                                           below can be applied by every corpo-
                                    our choices give us the power to define                                                 rate leader as they think about the
                                    ourselves and shape our lives. In this                                                  challenges of business success in 2010.
                                    presentation, Dr. Sheena Iyengar                                                        Hank’s answer was “There are paral-
     takes the audience into this complex and dynamic process, revealing                     lels. The most important thing you can have is a plan, whether that’s
     why we make the choices we make, and how we can choose better.                          for your investments or your golf game. You have to be patient. Both
     Whether she is speaking to students, community leaders or CEO’s                         require long-term approaches. There are ups and downs, and you can’t
     of major corporations, Dr. Iyengar’s insights always leave attendees                    get too high with the ups or too low with the down. Today’s program
     inspired about their power to choose.                                                   will provide the tremendous insight that can be applied anywhere
                                                                                             from the 18th green to the boardroom from the founder of Hank
     Participants in this program will learn:                                                Haney Golf, Inc. and top ranked coach of several major championship
     •	   How leaders can improve on the skill of choice                                     winners.

     •	   Why giving a customer, subordinate or colleague too many                           Participants in this program will learn:
          choices can actually be detrimental                                                •	    The importance of having a roadmap to guide an individual or
     •	   Why leaders choose against their best interests                                          organization toward its goals

     •	   Whether the desire for choice is an innate trait or driven by                      •	    How to better diagnose the challenges that currently exist
          culture                                                                            •	    Why organizations need to set realistic goals for their organiza-
     Sheena Iyengar is the inaugural S.T. Lee Professor of Business in the                         tion
     Management Division of the Columbia Business School. She has                            Hank Haney developed his desire to teach while majoring in educa-
     taught on a wide variety of topics at Columbia for MBA and Executive                    tion at Tulsa University graduating in 1977. In the years since, Hank
     MBA students, including leadership, decision making, creativity, and                    has enthusiastically set out to be a great instructor of the golf swing.
     globalization. Dr. Iyengar was also recently selected by Columbia Uni-                  He has steadily built a reputation as an instructor, not only to the
     versity’s President’s Office to teach at the Global Leadership Fellows                  club level player, but to touring pros as well. After working as either
     Program at the World Economics Forum in Geneva, Switzerland. One                        the Head Pro, Director of Instruction or Director of Golf at several
     of the world’s experts on choice, Dr. Iyengar received a dual degree                    large golf operations, Hank Haney opened his own golf instruction
     from the University of Pennsylvania, consisting of a B.S. in Econom-                    center in 1991. Hank Haney also operates 4 teaching facilities in the
     ics from the Wharton School of Business and a B.A. in psychology                        Dallas, Texas area. Hank Haney works with his students to develop
     with a minor in English from the College of Arts and Sciences. She                      an accurate plan to improve the flight of their golf ball. By giving
     completed her Ph.D. in social psychology from Stanford University.                      cause and effect analogies, coupled with physical hands on examples,
     During her studies at Stanford, Dr. Iyengar became interested in how                    the student and instructor can create a relationship that will produce
     people make choices, particularly the importance and universality                       positive results. Hank has taught more than 200 touring profession-
     of choice in people’s lives In 2002, she was awarded the Presidential                   als from the PGA, LPGA, and European, Japanese, and Asian tours
     Early Career Award for Social Scientists by the Executive Office of the                 and his pupils have wonder every one of golf’s major events in both
     President. Throughout her career, her research has not only appeared                    the professional and amateur ranks. He has written articles for nu-
     in many respected academic journals but is also regularly cited in the                  merous publications including Golf Digest, Golf Illustrated Magazine
     media, including periodicals such as Fortune and Time magazines, the                    and the Dallas Morning News. Hank has authored 4 books on golf
     New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, on National Public Radio,                  instruction and has worked with many organizations and businesses
     and in popular books including Blink by Malcolm Gladwell and The                        including the following: Nike, Buick, General Motors, ESPN, Ely Lilly,
     Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz.It is her passion for this subject                  CA, IBM, Nortel, EDS, American Express, FBR, Jones Day, Wachovia,
     matter that led Dr. Iyengar down the extraordinary path of writing                      Merrill Lynch, Breakfast Club of America, Chevron, Morgan Stanley,
     her forthcoming book The Art of Choosing (publication date March                        Arean Sports, Golfsmith, PGA of America, European PGA, and many
     2010). Whether mundane or life-altering choices define us and shape                     others “My philosophy as a teacher is to teach my students to become
     our lives. In her book, Dr. Iyengar asks the difficult questions about                  their own best teacher by getting them to understand the flight of the
     how and why we choose Dr. Iyengar’s award-winning research reveals                      golf ball and how it relates to the swing, with emphasis on swinging
     that the answers are surprising and profound.                                           the golf club on their own correct swing plane”.

     4            To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm

Lynda Gratton                                              Michael Roberto
on Creating Performance Driven Innovation within           on How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before they
                      your Organization                                         Happen
                                                                                            “A good problem-finder recognizes that
                      Course Description is Coming Soon.                                    small problems often do not occur due
                                                                                            to the negligence or misconduct of an
                                                                                            individual. Instead, small errors frequently
                                                                                            serve as indicators of broader systemic
                                                                                            issues in the organization.”
                                                                                                                  — Michael Roberto
                                                                                            Do you want to find and prevent
                                                                                            problems before they happen?
                                                                                            Are you tired of “fighting fires”? Start
                                                           “detecting smoke” — so you can fix your company’s problems before
                                                           they erupt into crisis! Your most dangerous problems are the ones
                                                           you don’t even know about. Michael will help you hunt down those
                                                           hidden, festering issues: the ones that could destroy your organiza-
                                                           tion if you don’t discover them soon. Michael A. Roberto teaches the
                                                           skill sets you need to become a world-class “problem hunter.” Roberto
                                                           shows leaders how to get past dangerous information “filtering”,
                                                           and watch how people behave, not just what they say. You can learn
                                                           to pick meaningful patterns out of raw data and encourage smarter
                                                           risk-taking and “useful failures.” Roberto first identifies the diverse,
                                                           sometimes surprising reasons why problems typically fester in the
                                                           shadows, ignored and unaddressed. You’ll discover how to become a
                                                           business “anthropologist,” observing how your employees, custom-
                                                           ers, and suppliers actually behave, not just how they’re “supposed”
                                                           to behave. Last learn how and when to circumvent your gatekeepers
                                                           to see crucial raw data...how to “connect the dots” among issues that
                                                           seem unrelated, but are really signs of a deeper pattern.
                                                           Participants in this program will learn:
                                                           •	   How to hunt down the potential disasters that lie hidden below
                                                                the radar of most management planning and strategic decision-
                                                           •	   The structural and interpersonal factors that prevent early detec-
                                                                tion of hidden problems
                                                           •	   Some skills and techniques for making sure that you recognize
                                                                them anyway
                                                           •	   How to build a culture that enables your team to act on what
                                                                you’ve learned
                                                           Michael Roberto is a preeminent authority on strategic decision-mak-
                                                           ing, senior management teams, and neutralizing hidden threats to
                                                           your organization. Professor Roberto has studied how interpersonal
                                                           dynamics cause catastrophic organizational failures (such as the Co-
                                                           lumbia Space Shuttle accident and the 1996 Mount Everest tragedy)
                                                           and how to structure decision-making processes for success. He helps
                                                           senior executives build the consensus that successful implementa-
                                                           tion of a strategy requires and uncover potential disasters before they
                                                           destroy your strategy. His newest book, Know What You Don’t Know,
                                                           helps business leaders find and prevent problems before they happen,
                                                           with practical techniques for recognizing hidden signs of trouble and
                                                           for defusing the potential threat. Michael Roberto is the Trustee
                                                           Professor of Management at Bryant University.

e-Learning Services
>>   The High Impact Leadership Model™

     Leadership Responsibilities                                                            Leadership Skills For Emerging Leaders:
     Creating the Vision: The leader and her/his team transform the                         Decision Making: The skill of using empowering processes to drive
     charge or mission they have received from the organization into a vi-                  decisions and take action
     sion that creates passionate commitment and an unwillingness to fail.
                                                                                            Relationship Building: The skill of understanding the components
     Creating the Organization: The leader enables the development                          of emotional intelligence and interpersonal effectiveness that help
     of an organization that is consistent with the vision and culture of                   you build the long-term networks you need
     its members, provides processes and structures capable of achieving
                                                                                            Leading Teams: The skill of inspiring and driving a team to go be-
     strategic goals, is permeable to outside influence, and can adapt to
                                                                                            yond the expected
     changing economic, technical, financial and business environments.
     Building a Culture of Innovation: The leader creates and sustains
     a culture that systematically anticipates future demands and seizes                    For Senior Leaders:
     future opportunities.                                                                  Strategic Thinking: The skill of using powerful frameworks and
     Motivating the Team: The leader focuses her/his efforts on develop-                    approaches for diagnosing and anticipating competitive threats and
     ing people in the directions that will enable them to continue to be                   taking action on the strategic concerns of your organization
     effective in the future.                                                               Communication: The skill of communicating and relating to a broad
     Producing Results: The price of entry into a leadership role. The                      range of people internally and externally
     leader enables the organization and its members to accomplish ever                     Leading Change: The skill of understanding and using the most ef-
     higher levels of achievement.                                                          fective tools and processes to drive needed change

     Leadership Competencies                                                                For Both:
     Focused Drive: The competency of focusing on a goal and harnessing                     Coaching/Mentoring: The skill of mastering a comfortable coaching
     your energy in order to meet that goal                                                 style and using it strategically to improve performance
     Emotional Intelligence: The competency of understanding and                            Personal Productivity: The skill of managing yourself and your
     mastering your emotions (and recognizing the emotions of others)                       priorities to take on additional challenges and be successful at the
     in a way that instills confidence, motivates, inspires, and enhances                   next level
     group effectiveness
     Trusted Influence: The competency of effectively influencing others
     by evoking their trust and by placing trust in others to enable their
     Conceptual Thinking: The competency of conceiving and selecting
     innovative strategies and ideas for your organization
     Systems Thinking: The competency of rigorously and systematically
     connecting processes, events, and systems

     6           To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm


The foundation that drives the selection of our speaker lineup is the High Impact Leadership Model (HILM). The
HILM, co-developed by Linkage and Warren Bennis, is based on over 50 years of empirical observation into the
behavior and performance of hundreds of thousands of managers and leaders around the world.

This observation culminated in a 2-year, longitudinal study comparing managers and leaders that consistently
delivered better results with those who delivered only average results. The behavior-based competencies and
skills found to differentiate the two sets make up the competencies, skills, and responsibilities in the model.

Over the last 12 years, the HILM has been validated and refined through application with over 100,000
thousand leaders and managers around the world making it one of the most reliable and valid leadership
frameworks available today.

Each speaker within this series seeks to cover one of these areas
but will touch upon several others within their presentation. Many
companies will identify the areas that need to be covered within
their organization and combine our upcoming lineup with our
extensive on demand library to construct a customized,
focused internal leadership series.

e-Learning Services

         The highest quality, most flexible, and                                                 Why do leading organizations choose
         cost-effective management and leadership                                                Linkage’s Thought Leaders Series?
         training solution your organization can buy!

                                                                                                 + World-Class Faculty
         The world-class speakers are just the beginning. The
         Thought Leader Series is designed and supported                                             Bring valuable content, insight, and perspective from world-
                                                                                                     renowned presenters at a fraction of the cost to hire them directly.
         with a Participant Guide and Facilitator Guide that
         provide numerous tools, resources, and learning
         activities to ensure real “take-away” value for your                                    + Global Reach
         participants.                                                                               Use a variety of proven distance learning options (Satellite,
                                                                                                     Webcast, and/or DVD) to maximize the global reach and impact of
         Whether you use these broadcasts as LIVE stand-alone                                        your training investment.
         development programs or integrate them into existing
         leadership development initiatives through the ON-
         DEMAND option, every program provides an exceptional                                    + Cost-Effective
         complement to any manager or leader’s development                                           An unbelievably low “total cost per person” allows you to get
         plan.                                                                                       maximum “bang for your buck” with exceptional program quality.

                                                                                                 + Interactive Format
         For over a decade, thousands of customers have leveraged Linkage’s                          Get your specific questions answered by the experts! Participants
         Thought Leader Series because of its tremendous quality, impact, and                        submit questions directly via telephone, e-mail, or fax before and
         return on investment. Real customer examples include:                                       during the live programs.
         •	 A Fortune 100 multinational organization that re-brands the
            broadcasts as their own Distance Learning Executive Series and
            offers the programs to managers and executives around the world.
                                                                                                 + Timely
                                                                                                     Timely & Convenient – A 90-minute, highly relevant learning
         •	 A 60,000 person governmental agency that uses the live broad-
            cast as well as an Extended View Option (a DVD or Web recording                          experience that can occur in your conference room, at your
            that is circulated to those unavailable for the live broadcast) to                       desktop and/or at home LIVE or on your own time.
            ensure that its current executives and high-potential managers are
            continually honing their leadership skills despite travel and budget
            restrictions.                                                                        + Integration with Existing Programs
         •	 A mid-size, high-growth private company that uses the series                             Many of our clients use the broadcasts as an integral part of their
            throughout the year by building the 90-minute broadcasts into a                          own management and leadership programs, combining them with
            series of day-long blended learning development programs offered                         additional live programs or developmental activities.
            by its corporate university.
         •	 A small not-for-profit organization that cannot usually afford
            live presentations from such world-renowned speakers, but uses
            Linkage’s Thought Leader Series to bring tremendous value,
            insight, and leadership lessons to their managers and executives at
            an affordable price.
         Each broadcast is supported by technical assistance, participant materials,
         and facilitator guides.

     8           To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm

                                                                   Bringing together the people, tools,
Participant and Facilitator                                        and technology for a truly distinctive

These guides are created by
                                                                   learning experience!
an instructional designer
in association with the                                                      Linkage’s satellite broadcasts give us a

speaker. They are designed
to maximize the power of                                                     valuable and cost-effective opportunity to keep
the broadcasts by increas-                                                   our finger on the pulse of thought leadership.
ing the essential transfer
                                                                             Anne Glass // CSC
of knowledge into action.
These comprehensive materials contain insightful pre-program
readings to better prepare the facilitators and participants for             The live broadcast and interview format gave
the live event. They also contain many exercises and activities
designed for groups of varying size and experience. Facilitators             me the rare opportunity to get to know the
can select those that best support their unique organizational               speakers as well as share in their valuable
needs. The facilitator guides also contain over 15 pages of                  insights.
materials designed to assist newer facilitators with overall
facilitation skills.                                                         Richard Ayers // AMD

One-Hour Facilitator Preparation Call                                        The program covered the topics facing
This call is hosted in tandem with the instructional designer                participants today and provided clear, simple
who creates the materials in association with the speaker. Dur-              models for dealing with leadership challenges.
ing the call, participants are provided with:                                Jack Brown // Pemco Corporation
•	 an overview of the speaker’s background and the material
   they will cover to help prepare facilitators
•	 a thorough knowledge of the program materials and how
   they can best be used to maximize the impact within their       Linkage’s Thought Leader Series Library
   own organization
                                                                   Timeless leadership lessons in a convenient format designed to boost
•	 an opportunity to ask questions about how to best facilitate    your organization’s internal leadership capabilities—from first line
   the session with their particular group                         supervisors to C-suite leaders.

                                                                   Consisting of 80 of the world’s greatest thought leaders, CEOs,
Internal Marketing Materials                                       political, and military leaders, the complete Thought Leader Series
                                                                   library offers a keynote retail value of $4.5 million at a fraction of
These materials are designed to increase awareness of, and         the cost.
maximize participation in the broadcasts. They include:
                                                                   Downloadable directly onto your learning management system,
•	 a one-page, customizable, marketing flyer containing key        the full series is yours to tap into at your leisure and to share with
   learnings, a brief bio, and a picture of the speaker            your leaders 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
•	 a brief paper on each program known as “The Background-         For complete details, please call Linkage today at 781-402-5555.
   er” that contains an overview of the topic and speaker to
   increase interest in the program and better prepare partici-
   pants for the program
•	 E-mail announcements for internal communication

Technical Support

A technical consultant will be available to work with you prior
to each live program to assist with any technology-related
questions or issues you have.

e-Learning Services
Leadership Responsibilities                                      elle
                                                          s  t-S

Producing Results
The price of entry into a leadership role. The leader enables the organization and its members to accomplish ever
higher levels of achievement.

                   Richard Branson                                                                          Phil Harkins & Dave Liniger
                   Chairman and CEO of Virgin Brands presents:                                              CEO of Linkage Inc and chairman of Re/Max
                      Lessons in Leadership                                                                 International present:
                                                                                                                Everybody Wins: Proven Guidelines for
                                                                                                                Creating Unprecedented Growth

                   Henry Mintzberg                                                                          Quint Studer
                   Author of The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning                                        Author of best-seller Results That Last presents:
                   presents:                                                                                    Transforming a Corporate Culture to Drive
                      Half Truths of Leadership                                                                 Sustainable Results

                   Jack Welch                                                                               Jack & Suzy Welch
                   Former chairman and CEO of General Electric                                              Authors of Winning present:
                   presents:                                                                                    Producing Results: Winning Through
                      Leadership & Management                                                                   Flawless Execution

                   Michael Treacy                                                                           Marilyn Carlson Nelson
                   Growth & Strategy Business Transformation                                                Chairman and former CEO of Carlson Companies
                   Expert presents:                                                                         presents:
                      Sustaining Double-Digit Growth in Any                                                     How You Lead Matters

Building a Culture of Innovation
The leader creates and sustains a culture that systematically anticipates future demands and seizes future
                   Clayton Christensen                                                                      Rosabeth Moss Kanter
                   Author of The Innovator’s Dilemma presents:                                              Author, SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies
                      Building a Successful Innovation-Driven                                               Create Innovations, Profits, Growth, and Social Good
                      Organization                                                                          presents:
                      How to Create New Growth Businesses in a                                                  Leading a SuperCorp
                      Risk-Minimizing Environment

10       To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm

Creating the Organization
The leader enables the development of an organization that is consistent with the vision and culture of its members,
provides processes and structures capable of achieving strategic goals, is permeable to outside influence, and can adapt
to changing economic, technical, financial and business environments.
                Rick Belluzzo & Jay Conger                                       Ken Blanchard
                Former CEO of Quantum and author of The                          Leading management expert and author of The
                Practice of Leadership present:                                  One Minute Manager presents:
                  Developing Your Leadership Bench Strength                        Creating a World-Class Organization

                Tommy Franks                                                     Rudy Giuliani
                Former Commander of US central command                           Former mayor of NYC presents:
                presents:                                                          Leading in Difficult Times
                  Learning to Lead

                Michael Hammer                                                   Ann Richards
                Creator of management theory of Business                         Former governor of Texas presents:
                Process Reengineering presents:                                    Refining Moments for Successful Leaders
                  Managing Without Structure

                Sherron Watkins & Joseph Badaracco, Jr.                          Margaret Wheatley
                Enron whistleblower and Harvard Business                         Author of Finding Our Way Leadership for an
                School professor present:                                        Uncertain Time presents:
                  Ethics in Leadership                                             Leading in a Networked World

                Peter Sheahan                                                    Randy Street
                Leading expert in workforce trends and                           Co-author, Who: The A Method for Hiring presents:
                generational change presents:                                      Using the “A” Method to Evaluate Talent
                  Future Proof: How to be Up in a Down Market

e-Learning Services
Motivating the Team
The leader focuses her/his efforts on developing people in the directions that will enable them to continue to be effec-
tive in the future.
                   Marcus Buckingham                                                                        Mike Krzyzewski
                   Author of best-seller Go Put Your Strengths to Work                                      Head Coach of the Duke Blue Devils presents:
                   presents:                                                                                    Coaching to Win: Developing People and
                      Leverage Your Strengths                                                                   Teams Who Excel

Creating the Vision
The leader and her/his team transform the charge or mission they have received from the organization into a vision
that creates passionate commitment and an unwillingness to fail.
                   Warren Bennis                                                                                David Breashears
                   The world’s foremost authority on leadership                                                 World-class filmaker, adventurer and
                   and best selling author of On Becoming a Leader                                              mountaineer presents:
                   presents:                                                                                      Vision, Courage and Passion
                      The Most Common and Often Fatal Flaws of

                   Benazir Bhutto                                                                               Mikhail Gorbachev
                   First female prime minister of Pakistan presents:                                            Former head of the Soviet Union presents:
                      Diversity                                                                                   Global Leadership

                   Michael Porter                                                                           Sandra Taylor
                   Foremost expert on competitive strategy                                                  Former senior vice president of Corporate Social
                   presents:                                                                                Responsibility with Starbucks Coffee Company
                      Creating a Vision for Competitive Advantage                                           presents:
                                                                                                                The Business Case of Corporate Social

12       To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm

Leadership Competencies

Systems Thinking
The competency of rigorously and systematically connecting processes, events, and systems.
                Rosabeth Moss Kanter & Peter Senge                             Peter Senge
                Leading management experts present:                            Author of the Fifth Discipline presents:
                   The Keys to Leading/Managing Change/                          Systemic Leadership and Change
                   Strategy & Systems Thinking

Emotional Intelligence
The competency of understanding and mastering your emotions (and recognizing the emotions of others) in a way
that instills confidence, motivates, inspires, and enhances group effectiveness.
                Bill George                                                    Dan Goleman
                Former chairman and CEO of Medtronic                           Best-selling author of Emotional Intelligence
                presents:                                                      presents:
                   Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the                       Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
                   Secrets to Creating Lasting Value                             Emotionally Intelligent Leadership—Bottom
                                                                                 Line Results

                Richard Boyatzis
                Author, Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself
                and Connecting with Others through Mindfulness,
                Hope and Compassion presents:
                   Leading in a New World

Trusted Influence
The competency of effectively influencing others by evoking their trust and by placing trust in others to enable their
                Louis Gerstner                                                 Dave Ulrich
                Former chairman and CEO of IBM presents:                       Professor, University of Michigan presents:
                   Organizational Transformation                                 Creating Your Own Leadership Brand

                Stephen M.R. Covey                                             John Maxwell
                Author, The SPEED of Trust presents:                           Internationally recognized leadership expert
                   Leading at the Speed of Trust                               presents:
                                                                                 The Five Levels of Leadership

e-Learning Services
Conceptual Thinking
The competency of conceiving and selecting innovative strategies and ideas for your organization.
                   Warren Bennis                                                                            Thomas Friedman
                   The foremost authority on leadership and best-                                           Author, The World Is Flat presents:
                   selling author of On Becoming a Leader presents:                                             The Status Quo Is Not an Option: The Leader’s
                      Leadership                                                                                Role in Globalization

                   Seth Godin                                                                               C.K. Prahalad
                   Called by BusinessWeek the ultimate entreprenuer                                         Co-Author, The Future of Competition: Co-Creating
                   of the information age presents:                                                         Unique Value with Customers presents:
                      Idea Marketing                                                                            Strategy in the New Competitive Landscape

                   Howard Schultz
                   Former chairman and CEO of Starbucks presents:

Focused Drive
The competency of focusing on a goal and harnessing your energy in order to meet that goal.

                   Warren Bennis                                                                            Ken Blanchard
                   The foremost authority on leadership and best-                                           Leading management expert and author of The
                   selling author of On Becoming a Leader presents:                                         One Minute Manager presents:
                      The 6 Core Leadership Capabilities                                                        Excellence in Management and Leadership

                   Larry Bossidy
                   Former chairman of Honeywell presents:

14       To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm

Leadership Skills

For emerging leaders
Decision Making
The skill of using empowering processes to drive decisions and take action.
                Malcolm Gladwell                                              Noel Tichy
                Best-selling author of Outliers, The Tipping Point            Co-Author of Judgment and one of BusinessWeek’s
                and Blink presents:                                           Top 10 Management Gurus presents:
                  The Power of Rapid Cognition for Business                     How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls

                Michael Useem
                Author of The Go Point—When It’s Time to Decide
                  Reaching the Go Point

Relationship Building
The skill of understanding the components of emotional intelligence and interpersonal effectiveness that help you
build the long-term networks you need.
                Keith Ferrazzi                                                Tim Sanders
                Founder & CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight and author               Author of best-selling Saving the World at Work
                of Never Eat Alone presents:                                  presents:
                  Relationships for Group Success                               Leadership and Likability

                Bruce Tulgan
                Recently included in a Financial Times listing
                of the world’s greatest management thinkers
                  How to Turn Age Diversity Into a Strategic
                  Advantage for Your Organzation

e-Learning Services
Leading Teams
The skill of inspiring and driving a team to go beyond the expected.

                   Doris Kearns Goodwin                                                                     Kimball & Mareen Fisher
                   Pulitzer Prize-Winning author and world                                                  Authors of The Distance Manager and co-founders
                   renowned historian presents:                                                             of The Fisher Group present:
                      Team of Rivals                                                                            Leading High Performance Virtual Teams

                   Patrick Lencioni
                   Author of BusinessWeek best-seller The Five
                   Dysfunctions of a Team presents:
                      Building and Leading a High Performance

For senior leaders
Strategic Thinking
The skill of using powerful frameworks and approaches for diagnosing and anticipating competitive threats and taking
action on the strategic concerns of your organization.

                   Madeleine Albright                                                                       Gary Hamel
                   Former US Secretary of State presents:                                                   Harvard professor and leading expert presents:
                      Global Leadership                                                                         Strategy on Innovation and Strategy

                   C.K. Prahalad
                   Co-Author, The Future of Competition: Co-Creating
                   Unique Value with Customers presents:
                      Making Strategy Work-The Future of Value

Leading Change
The skill of understanding and using the most effective tools and processes to drive needed change.

                   Margot Morrell and Warren Bennis                                                         Tom Peters
                   Best-selling authors present:                                                            Author of all-time best-seller In Search of
                      Shackleton: A Leadership Journey                                                      Excellence presents:
                                                                                                                Creating the 21st Century Organization
                                                                                                                Change & Leadership
                                                                                                                Leadership and Change

16       To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm

The skill of communicating and relating to a broad range of people internally and externally.

                Phil Harkins                                                    Nick Washienko
                Author of Powerful Conversations presents:                      Leading expert on Executive Communication and
                   Communicating With Impact                                    former director of the Professional Development
                                                                                Program of Boston University presents:
                                                                                  Effective Leadership Communication

For both senior and emerging leaders
The skill of mastering a comfortable coaching style and using it strategically to improve performance.
                 Marshall Goldsmith                                             Noel Tichy
                 Author of Wall Street Journal best-seller, What Got            Co-Author of Judgment and one of BusinessWeek’s
                 You Here Won’t Get You There presents:                         Top 10 Management Gurus presents:
                   Coaching for Leadership                                        Leader As Teacher
                   Coaching & Feedback

                 Pat Mitchell
                 President and Chief Executive Officer of PBS
                   Leader As Mentor

Personal Productivity
The skill of managing yourself and your priorities to take on additional challenges and be successful at the next level.
                 David Allen                                                    Stephen Covey
                 Author of Getting Things Done presents:                        One of Time Magazine’s 25 most influential
                   The Keys of Execution: Successful Strategies                 Americans and author of 7 Habits of Highly
                   Leaders Use to Get Things Done                               Effective People presents:
                                                                                  Unleashing Human Potential

                 Tom Davenport                                                  Tony Schwartz
                 Author of Competing on Analytics presents:                     Author of The Power of Full Engagement presents:
                   Maximizing Knowledge Worker Productivity:                      Building Individual & Organizational Capacity
                   The Next Generation of Management                              in the Age of Overload

>> Maximize your organization’s leadership training impact by registering today                                                                                      linkageinc.com
       Call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm

Participation options                                                                                                                          Partial client list
Group Participation Options: Live audio and video participation via the following mediums:                                                     Allmerica Financial   Lubrizol
•	 Satellite—We broadcast our programs on both C and Ku band. A test time is provided one                                                      American Home
   week before the broadcast as well as 30 minutes before the broadcast begins.                                                                Products              Mastercard
•	 Large screen webcast—A special high resolution web stream that will expand clearly                                                          Amgen                 Medtronic
   on a large boardroom or auditorium screen. This medium combines the convenience of a
   webcast with the clarity of a videoconferencing feed.                                                                                       AT&T                  Microsoft

•	 Webcast—Enables a widely dispersed audience to view the broadcasts by bringing the                                                          Bausch & Lomb         McDonald’s
   content to the desktop. This medium allows participants to view the broadcast either live                                                                         Corporation
                                                                                                                                               Berlex Labs
   or for a period of time following the live session.                                                                                                               Monsanto
                                                                                                                                               The Boeing
•	 Extended View via DVD—The best choice for organizations not requiring live program-                                                         Company               NASA
   ming, Extended View enables facilitators to preview the broadcast and determine how to
   best position it within your unique organization and culture. This option affords maximum                                                   The Campbell Soup     New York Life
   flexibility in that you can view the broadcast during times most convenient for you and                                                     Company
   your leadership teams within the defined viewing period.                                                                                    Cisco
                                                                                                                                               Computer Sciences     Mutual
Pricing information                                                                                                                            Corporation
                                                                                                                                                                     Panama Canal
Group participation per broadcast                                                                                                              Constellation         Authority
                                        up to 50 viewers ....................... $1500                                                         Energy
                                                                                                                                                                     Pemco Financial
                                        51 to 100 viewers..................... $3000                                                           Dell
                                                                                                                                                                     Pfizer, Inc.
                                        101 to 150 viewers .................. $4000
                                        151 to 200 viewers .................. $4500                                                                                  Procter & Gamble
                                                                                                                                               Disney University
                            201+ viewers ............................ Please call Linkage at 781.402.5555                                                            Rockwell
All fees include participant materials, facilitator guides, sample marketing materials, and                                                    Dow Corning           Automation
technical support assistance.
                                                                                                                                               Florida Power &       Solvay
Technology fees: In addition to the prices above there will be additional technology fees for                                                  Light                 Pharmaceuticals
the live or delayed view webcast option based on the number of web viewers desired. Please
call Linkage at 781-402-5555 for an estimate of these additional fees.                                                                         Gap, Inc.             Sprint

Payment, Cancellation, and Restrictions: All registrations must include payment or a                                                           Genentech             Toyota Motor Sales
copy of a purchase order. Cancellations made anytime up to four weeks prior to the satellite                                                   General Mills         TSMC
presentation will be refunded. Cancellations made within three weeks prior to the satellite pre-
sentation are subject to the full registration fee. Taping rights are not allowed for The Linkage                                              Genworth              US Census Bureau
Thought Leader Series.                                                                                                                         Financial
                                                                                                                                                                     University of
                                                                                                                                               Harley Davidson       California
Additional services                                                                                                                            Hewlett-Packard       US Army
•	 Facilitation—Linkage helps your organization connect distance learning to corporate                                                         Ingersoll Rand        US EPA
   initiatives and development goals. Opt to have a Linkage facilitator work with your orga-
   nization to enhance the learning experience and impact of the session(s). Please ask your                                                   Intel                 US FDA
   account manager about bringing a skilled Linkage facilitator to your location.                                                              JC Penney             US Navy
•	 Leadership Tools—Linkage provides your organization with management tools such as                                                           JP Morgan Chase       USDA
   The Toolkit for Developing Leaders, which can be used in connection with the broadcast(s).
   These tools help managers to drive their own learning, develop their people, work with                                                      Key Span Energy       US Steel
   their teams, and impact organizational change.
                                                                                                                                               Kohl’s                University of
                                                                                                                                                                     Notre Dame
                                   Linkage is a global organizational development company that specializes in leadership development.          Lawrence
                                   We provide clients around the globe with integrated solutions that include strategic consulting services,   Livermore             VA Learning
                                   customized leadership development and training experiences, tailored assessment services, and               National              University
                                   benchmark research. Linkage’s mission is to connect high performing leaders and organizations to the
futures they want to create. With a relentless commitment to learning, Linkage offers conferences, learning summits, open-enrollment           Laboratory
                                                                                                                                                                     World Bank
workshops, and distance learning programs on leading-edge topics in leadership, management, human resources, and organizational
development. More than 200,000 leaders and managers have attended Linkage programs since 1988.                                                 Los Alamo’s

Linkage / Burlington, MA / 781.402.5555 / www.linkageinc.com                                                                                   Laboratories


More Related Content

2010 Thought Leader Series

  • 1. e-Learning Services The 2010 Thought Leader Series Participate in WORLD-CLASS, interactive Management & Leadership training via Satellite, Webcast, and/or DVD Linkage’s Thought Leader Series is a convenient and cost-effective way to bring some of the most world-renowned leaders right to your organization. These 90-minute live broadcasts can be easily integrated into your existing leadership and management devel- opment programs. The broadcasts can be viewed by satellite and webcast and include an interactive Q&A session with the featured presenter. Additionally, Linkage makes the broadcasts available “on-demand” after the original broadcast date. Spring 2010 Fall 2010 Carlos Gutierrez Sheena Iyengar on Leadership from Top to Bottom on The Art of Choosing March 11, 2010 September 15, 2010 12:00PM–1:30PM ET 11:00AM–12:30PM ET Marshall Goldsmith Hank Haney on The Positive Actions Leaders Must Take to on A Roadmap to Excellence Start Winning Again October 19, 2010 April 14, 2010 11:00AM–12:30PM ET 11:00AM–12:30PM ET Dan Heath Lynda Gratton on How to Change Things when Change is Hard on Creating Performance Driven Innovation May 12, 2010 within your Organization 11:00AM–12:30PM ET November 17, 2010 11:00AM–12:30PM ET Malcolm Gladwell Michael Roberto on Why People are Successful on How Great Leaders Prevent Problems June 17, 2010 Before they Happen 11:00AM–12:30PM ET December 8, 2010 11:00AM–12:30PM ET Helping thousands of managers & leaders Linkage’s Leadership Series helps Nokia realize achieve better results! Call 781.402.5555 to register or for more information. “ one of our company’s fundamental values: leaders developing leaders. Anna Tavis // Nokia >>
  • 2. e-Learning Services >> Spring 2010 speakers Carlos Gutierrez Marshall Goldsmith on Leadership from Top to Bottom on The Positive Actions Leaders must Take to Start “Carlos Gutierrez understands the world Winning Again of business, from the first rung on the “MOJO moves us to define who we are in ladder to the very top. He knows exactly a new and illuminating way! MOJO is a what it takes to help businesses grow and guidebook for the leaders of the future.” to create jobs.” — Frances Hesselbein Throughout his career, Carlos Gutierrez has witnessed many different styles Mojo is the moment when we feel we’re of leadership and he has incorporated ‘on a roll’, firing on all cylinders, and the best of these traits into his own everyone around us senses it. When life. His leadership journey provided we’re moving forward, making prog- him an up-close view of both corporate ress, achieving goals, clearing hurdles, leaders and heads of state and from passing the competition—and doing so his own experience ascending the leadership ladder. With firsthand with increasing ease. Sports people call this being “in the zone;” oth- experience in the vast opportunities America has to offer, Carlos ers describe it as “flow.” Marshall describes it as Mojo--“that positive Gutierrez has a rich range of perspectives on the world of business. spirit toward what we are doing now that starts from the inside and He understands the point of view of the salesman just starting out, radiates to the outside.” Mojo plays a vital role in our pursuit of hap- the immigrant forging a career in a new country, the corporate execu- piness and meaning because it is about achieving two simple goals: tive steering a company with a household name, and the government loving what we do and showing it. And it becomes apparent when the official working to advance business around the world. positive feelings toward what we are doing come from inside us and are evident for others to see. In other words, it is the moment when Participants in this program will learn: there’s no gap between the positive way we perceive ourselves—what • The varied approaches and surprising tactics all great leaders we are doing—and how we are perceived by others. have in common Participants in this program will learn: • Why having the will to lead and the desire to embrace risk cre- ates dynamic leaders • The three elements needed to maximize professional and personal mojo • How to foster environments where innovation can thrive and superior results can be produced • How to gauge work in terms of mojo Carlos Gutierrez is the son of Cuban immigrants who began his career • How professionals can measure both ‘personal’ and ‘professional’ selling Kellogg’s cereal to small grocery stores in Mexico City and mojo in their daily lives eventually rose to become the youngest CEO in the 100-year history Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is a world authority in helping successful of Kellogg Company. Gutierrez, faced the challenge of reversing the leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behavior: for themselves, downward spiral in which the respected company found itself. Kellogg their people and their teams. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There had been under-performing for more than five years and was losing is a New York Times best seller, Wall Street Journal #1 business book out to its major competitor, General Mills. Pledging to boost profits, and winner of the Harold Longman award for Best Business Book of Gutierrez developed a strategy that would effectively reinvent how the Year. It has been translated into 23 languages and is a listed best Kellogg did business and through a series of acquisitions expanded seller in six different countries. Marshall has been ranked as #14 of Kellogg’s presence in a number of non-cereal areas. Gutierrez directed the Top 50 Thinkers globally. The American Management Association the Kellogg toward brand building and launching new products to in- named Dr. Goldsmith as one of 50 great thinkers and leaders who crease sales. To ensure Kellogg maintained its well-known and trusted have influenced the field of management over the past 80 years. Ma- name in its key categories, Gutierrez increased marketing efforts and jor business press acknowledgments include: Business Week – most entered into licensing agreements with leaders in children’s enter- influential practitioners in the history of leadership development, The tainment, including Disney and Nickelodeon. The new strategic plan Times (UK) – 50 greatest living business thinkers, Wall Street Journal executed by Gutierrez produced results. Between 1999 and 2003 sales - top ten executive educators, Forbes - five most-respected executive increased 43 percent and earnings 131 percent. Because of his success coaches, Leadership Excellence – top five thinkers on leadership, Eco- there was speculation Gutierrez might be lured by a larger company nomic Times (India) and Fast Company - America’s preeminent ex- to bring about another turnaround. In 2005, he was tapped to be ecutive coach. Dr. Goldsmith’s Ph.D. is from UCLA. In 2006 Alliant the 35th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce. He now International University honored Marshall by naming their schools of currently sits on the board of several companies including United business and organizational studies - the Marshall Goldsmith School Technologies, GLW Corning, and Occidental Petroleum. of Management. Marshall is one of a select few advisors who have been asked to work with over 100 major CEOs and their management teams. He is co-founder of Marshall Goldsmith Partners, a network of top-level executive coaches. He served as a member of the Board of the Peter Drucker Foundation for ten years. 2 To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm
  • 3. linkageinc.com Dan Heath Malcolm Gladwell on How to Change Things when Change is Hard on Why People are Successful “Your success in life isn’t based on your “People don’t rise from nothing....It is only ability to simply change. It is based on by asking where they are from that we can your ability to change faster than your unravel the logic behind who succeeds and competition, customers and business.” who doesn’t.” — Mark Sanborn — Malcolm Gladwell Consider change at every level—in- Why are people successful? The secrets dividual, organizational, and societal. of success can be decoded—and copied Maybe you want to help your brother and reconstructed. In his stunning new beat his email addiction. Maybe you book, the bestselling author of The need your team at work to act more Tipping Point and Blink reveals the frugally because of the times. Maybe real—and mostly overlooked—secrets you wish more of your neighbors would to extraordinary success. As in his bike to work. Usually these topics are treated separately—there is earlier books, Gladwell builds his case with stories of real people, bril- “change management” advice for executives and “self-help advice” for liantly told from an all-new perspective. He reveals that we pay far too individuals and “change the world” advice for activists. That’s a shame, much attention to what successful people are like, and too little atten- because all change efforts have something in common: For anything tion to where successful people are from: their culture, their family, to change, someone has to start acting differently. We believe there’s and their generation. Gladwell explains what Bill Gates, the Beatles a way to do exactly that, and to see how, we’ve got to explore one of and other world-class successes have in common, how culture affects the most fascinating findings of modern psychology. This framework their careers and performance, why some cultures are good at math is designed for people who don’t have scads of authority or resources. and what drives the so-called “achievement gap” in American educa- Whether the switch you seek is in your family, in your charity, in your tion. Along the way, Gladwell overturns many of our conventional organization, or in society at large, you’ll get there by making three notions about what makes a person successful. He creates an entirely things happen. Come find out what those things are. new model for nurturing success and suggests ways to give people the best opportunities to succeed. Because we so profoundly personalize Participants in this program will learn: success, we squander human potential. We miss opportunities to lift • The three part framework to help you change things in tough others onto the top rung. times Participants in this program will learn: • How to make those change efforts stick • The kinds of circumstances and backgrounds shared by high • How to turn seemingly hard changes into much easier change performers efforts • The predictors of success we consistently overemphasize as well Dan Heath is the co-author, along with his brother Chip, of the book as those we continue to underemphasize Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die . Made to Stick is a Business Week and New York Times bestseller, and it has been • Some provocative suggestions on how to nurture success translated into 23 languages, including Thai, Arabic, and Lithuanian. Malcolm Gladwell has an incomparable gift for interpreting new ideas Amazon readers voted it one of the top 100 books of 2007, and in the social sciences and making them understandable, and practical Amazon editors named it the #2 business book of the year. Dan’s to business and general audiences alike. He’s become so successful new book, Switch, is scheduled for release in February 2010. Dan at this that, in 2005, Time Magazine named Malcolm one of its 100 co-authors a monthly column for Fast Company magazine and serves Most Influential People. Malcolm’s book Outliers: The Story of Success as a Consultant to the Policy Programs at the Aspen Institute. He has is having an even greater impact than his first two books. In Outliers, taught and consulted with organizations such as Microsoft, Macy’s, Malcolm suggests an exciting new approach to helping people succeed Nestle, and the American Heart Association. Prior to joining the by using the factors that really foster success. Outliers debuted as a #1 Aspen Institute, Dan conducted research and wrote case studies for bestseller for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The San Harvard Business School, and more recently, he worked and taught in Francisco Chronicle, Barnes & Noble, and Publisher’s Weekly. He is the executive education division of Duke University. the author of two other New York Times #1 bestsellers, The Tipping Point and Blink. With his first book Malcolm gave organizations new tools for understanding how trends work. In Blink he analyzed first impressions—the snap judgments that we all make unconsciously and instinctively—and he explores how we can master this important aspect of successful decision-making. Malcolm is a staff writer for the New Yorker magazine. His editor describes his work as a new genre of story, an idea-driven narrative that’s focused on the everyday and combines research with material that’s more personal, social and his- torical. He now has another bestseller, What the Dog Saw, a compila- tion of essays from his writings in The New Yorker magazine. 3
  • 4. e-Learning Services >> Fall 2010 speakers Sheena Iyengar Hank Haney on The Art of Choosing on A Roadmap to Excellence “Choice is the only tool that we have to go “The talent of success is nothing more than from who we are today to who we want to doing what you can do well and doing well be tomorrow.” whatever you do without thought of fame.” — Sheena Iyengar — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow In our world of interconnected com- Hank Haney was once asked by Forbes merce, technological revolution, shift- Magazine for the parallels between ing political and cultural forces, our de- planning for retirement and golf cisions have far-reaching consequences. instruction. The answer he provided Whether mundane or momentous, below can be applied by every corpo- our choices give us the power to define rate leader as they think about the ourselves and shape our lives. In this challenges of business success in 2010. presentation, Dr. Sheena Iyengar Hank’s answer was “There are paral- takes the audience into this complex and dynamic process, revealing lels. The most important thing you can have is a plan, whether that’s why we make the choices we make, and how we can choose better. for your investments or your golf game. You have to be patient. Both Whether she is speaking to students, community leaders or CEO’s require long-term approaches. There are ups and downs, and you can’t of major corporations, Dr. Iyengar’s insights always leave attendees get too high with the ups or too low with the down. Today’s program inspired about their power to choose. will provide the tremendous insight that can be applied anywhere from the 18th green to the boardroom from the founder of Hank Participants in this program will learn: Haney Golf, Inc. and top ranked coach of several major championship • How leaders can improve on the skill of choice winners. • Why giving a customer, subordinate or colleague too many Participants in this program will learn: choices can actually be detrimental • The importance of having a roadmap to guide an individual or • Why leaders choose against their best interests organization toward its goals • Whether the desire for choice is an innate trait or driven by • How to better diagnose the challenges that currently exist culture • Why organizations need to set realistic goals for their organiza- Sheena Iyengar is the inaugural S.T. Lee Professor of Business in the tion Management Division of the Columbia Business School. She has Hank Haney developed his desire to teach while majoring in educa- taught on a wide variety of topics at Columbia for MBA and Executive tion at Tulsa University graduating in 1977. In the years since, Hank MBA students, including leadership, decision making, creativity, and has enthusiastically set out to be a great instructor of the golf swing. globalization. Dr. Iyengar was also recently selected by Columbia Uni- He has steadily built a reputation as an instructor, not only to the versity’s President’s Office to teach at the Global Leadership Fellows club level player, but to touring pros as well. After working as either Program at the World Economics Forum in Geneva, Switzerland. One the Head Pro, Director of Instruction or Director of Golf at several of the world’s experts on choice, Dr. Iyengar received a dual degree large golf operations, Hank Haney opened his own golf instruction from the University of Pennsylvania, consisting of a B.S. in Econom- center in 1991. Hank Haney also operates 4 teaching facilities in the ics from the Wharton School of Business and a B.A. in psychology Dallas, Texas area. Hank Haney works with his students to develop with a minor in English from the College of Arts and Sciences. She an accurate plan to improve the flight of their golf ball. By giving completed her Ph.D. in social psychology from Stanford University. cause and effect analogies, coupled with physical hands on examples, During her studies at Stanford, Dr. Iyengar became interested in how the student and instructor can create a relationship that will produce people make choices, particularly the importance and universality positive results. Hank has taught more than 200 touring profession- of choice in people’s lives In 2002, she was awarded the Presidential als from the PGA, LPGA, and European, Japanese, and Asian tours Early Career Award for Social Scientists by the Executive Office of the and his pupils have wonder every one of golf’s major events in both President. Throughout her career, her research has not only appeared the professional and amateur ranks. He has written articles for nu- in many respected academic journals but is also regularly cited in the merous publications including Golf Digest, Golf Illustrated Magazine media, including periodicals such as Fortune and Time magazines, the and the Dallas Morning News. Hank has authored 4 books on golf New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, on National Public Radio, instruction and has worked with many organizations and businesses and in popular books including Blink by Malcolm Gladwell and The including the following: Nike, Buick, General Motors, ESPN, Ely Lilly, Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz.It is her passion for this subject CA, IBM, Nortel, EDS, American Express, FBR, Jones Day, Wachovia, matter that led Dr. Iyengar down the extraordinary path of writing Merrill Lynch, Breakfast Club of America, Chevron, Morgan Stanley, her forthcoming book The Art of Choosing (publication date March Arean Sports, Golfsmith, PGA of America, European PGA, and many 2010). Whether mundane or life-altering choices define us and shape others “My philosophy as a teacher is to teach my students to become our lives. In her book, Dr. Iyengar asks the difficult questions about their own best teacher by getting them to understand the flight of the how and why we choose Dr. Iyengar’s award-winning research reveals golf ball and how it relates to the swing, with emphasis on swinging that the answers are surprising and profound. the golf club on their own correct swing plane”. 4 To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm
  • 5. linkageinc.com Lynda Gratton Michael Roberto on Creating Performance Driven Innovation within on How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before they your Organization Happen “A good problem-finder recognizes that Course Description is Coming Soon. small problems often do not occur due to the negligence or misconduct of an individual. Instead, small errors frequently serve as indicators of broader systemic issues in the organization.” — Michael Roberto Do you want to find and prevent problems before they happen? Are you tired of “fighting fires”? Start “detecting smoke” — so you can fix your company’s problems before they erupt into crisis! Your most dangerous problems are the ones you don’t even know about. Michael will help you hunt down those hidden, festering issues: the ones that could destroy your organiza- tion if you don’t discover them soon. Michael A. Roberto teaches the skill sets you need to become a world-class “problem hunter.” Roberto shows leaders how to get past dangerous information “filtering”, and watch how people behave, not just what they say. You can learn to pick meaningful patterns out of raw data and encourage smarter risk-taking and “useful failures.” Roberto first identifies the diverse, sometimes surprising reasons why problems typically fester in the shadows, ignored and unaddressed. You’ll discover how to become a business “anthropologist,” observing how your employees, custom- ers, and suppliers actually behave, not just how they’re “supposed” to behave. Last learn how and when to circumvent your gatekeepers to see crucial raw data...how to “connect the dots” among issues that seem unrelated, but are really signs of a deeper pattern. Participants in this program will learn: • How to hunt down the potential disasters that lie hidden below the radar of most management planning and strategic decision- making • The structural and interpersonal factors that prevent early detec- tion of hidden problems • Some skills and techniques for making sure that you recognize them anyway • How to build a culture that enables your team to act on what you’ve learned Michael Roberto is a preeminent authority on strategic decision-mak- ing, senior management teams, and neutralizing hidden threats to your organization. Professor Roberto has studied how interpersonal dynamics cause catastrophic organizational failures (such as the Co- lumbia Space Shuttle accident and the 1996 Mount Everest tragedy) and how to structure decision-making processes for success. He helps senior executives build the consensus that successful implementa- tion of a strategy requires and uncover potential disasters before they destroy your strategy. His newest book, Know What You Don’t Know, helps business leaders find and prevent problems before they happen, with practical techniques for recognizing hidden signs of trouble and for defusing the potential threat. Michael Roberto is the Trustee Professor of Management at Bryant University. 5
  • 6. e-Learning Services >> The High Impact Leadership Model™ Leadership Responsibilities Leadership Skills For Emerging Leaders: Creating the Vision: The leader and her/his team transform the Decision Making: The skill of using empowering processes to drive charge or mission they have received from the organization into a vi- decisions and take action sion that creates passionate commitment and an unwillingness to fail. Relationship Building: The skill of understanding the components Creating the Organization: The leader enables the development of emotional intelligence and interpersonal effectiveness that help of an organization that is consistent with the vision and culture of you build the long-term networks you need its members, provides processes and structures capable of achieving Leading Teams: The skill of inspiring and driving a team to go be- strategic goals, is permeable to outside influence, and can adapt to yond the expected changing economic, technical, financial and business environments. Building a Culture of Innovation: The leader creates and sustains a culture that systematically anticipates future demands and seizes For Senior Leaders: future opportunities. Strategic Thinking: The skill of using powerful frameworks and Motivating the Team: The leader focuses her/his efforts on develop- approaches for diagnosing and anticipating competitive threats and ing people in the directions that will enable them to continue to be taking action on the strategic concerns of your organization effective in the future. Communication: The skill of communicating and relating to a broad Producing Results: The price of entry into a leadership role. The range of people internally and externally leader enables the organization and its members to accomplish ever Leading Change: The skill of understanding and using the most ef- higher levels of achievement. fective tools and processes to drive needed change Leadership Competencies For Both: Focused Drive: The competency of focusing on a goal and harnessing Coaching/Mentoring: The skill of mastering a comfortable coaching your energy in order to meet that goal style and using it strategically to improve performance Emotional Intelligence: The competency of understanding and Personal Productivity: The skill of managing yourself and your mastering your emotions (and recognizing the emotions of others) priorities to take on additional challenges and be successful at the in a way that instills confidence, motivates, inspires, and enhances next level group effectiveness Trusted Influence: The competency of effectively influencing others by evoking their trust and by placing trust in others to enable their success Conceptual Thinking: The competency of conceiving and selecting innovative strategies and ideas for your organization Systems Thinking: The competency of rigorously and systematically connecting processes, events, and systems 6 To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm
  • 7. linkageinc.com HIGH IMPACT LEADERSHIP MODEL™ The foundation that drives the selection of our speaker lineup is the High Impact Leadership Model (HILM). The HILM, co-developed by Linkage and Warren Bennis, is based on over 50 years of empirical observation into the behavior and performance of hundreds of thousands of managers and leaders around the world. This observation culminated in a 2-year, longitudinal study comparing managers and leaders that consistently delivered better results with those who delivered only average results. The behavior-based competencies and skills found to differentiate the two sets make up the competencies, skills, and responsibilities in the model. Over the last 12 years, the HILM has been validated and refined through application with over 100,000 thousand leaders and managers around the world making it one of the most reliable and valid leadership frameworks available today. Each speaker within this series seeks to cover one of these areas but will touch upon several others within their presentation. Many companies will identify the areas that need to be covered within their organization and combine our upcoming lineup with our extensive on demand library to construct a customized, focused internal leadership series. 7
  • 8. e-Learning Services >> The highest quality, most flexible, and Why do leading organizations choose cost-effective management and leadership Linkage’s Thought Leaders Series? training solution your organization can buy! + World-Class Faculty The world-class speakers are just the beginning. The Thought Leader Series is designed and supported Bring valuable content, insight, and perspective from world- renowned presenters at a fraction of the cost to hire them directly. with a Participant Guide and Facilitator Guide that provide numerous tools, resources, and learning activities to ensure real “take-away” value for your + Global Reach participants. Use a variety of proven distance learning options (Satellite, Webcast, and/or DVD) to maximize the global reach and impact of Whether you use these broadcasts as LIVE stand-alone your training investment. development programs or integrate them into existing leadership development initiatives through the ON- DEMAND option, every program provides an exceptional + Cost-Effective complement to any manager or leader’s development An unbelievably low “total cost per person” allows you to get plan. maximum “bang for your buck” with exceptional program quality. + Interactive Format For over a decade, thousands of customers have leveraged Linkage’s Get your specific questions answered by the experts! Participants Thought Leader Series because of its tremendous quality, impact, and submit questions directly via telephone, e-mail, or fax before and return on investment. Real customer examples include: during the live programs. • A Fortune 100 multinational organization that re-brands the broadcasts as their own Distance Learning Executive Series and offers the programs to managers and executives around the world. + Timely Timely & Convenient – A 90-minute, highly relevant learning • A 60,000 person governmental agency that uses the live broad- cast as well as an Extended View Option (a DVD or Web recording experience that can occur in your conference room, at your that is circulated to those unavailable for the live broadcast) to desktop and/or at home LIVE or on your own time. ensure that its current executives and high-potential managers are continually honing their leadership skills despite travel and budget restrictions. + Integration with Existing Programs • A mid-size, high-growth private company that uses the series Many of our clients use the broadcasts as an integral part of their throughout the year by building the 90-minute broadcasts into a own management and leadership programs, combining them with series of day-long blended learning development programs offered additional live programs or developmental activities. by its corporate university. • A small not-for-profit organization that cannot usually afford live presentations from such world-renowned speakers, but uses Linkage’s Thought Leader Series to bring tremendous value, insight, and leadership lessons to their managers and executives at an affordable price. Each broadcast is supported by technical assistance, participant materials, and facilitator guides. 8 To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm
  • 9. linkageinc.com SUPPORT MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Bringing together the people, tools, Participant and Facilitator and technology for a truly distinctive Guides These guides are created by learning experience! an instructional designer in association with the Linkage’s satellite broadcasts give us a “ speaker. They are designed to maximize the power of valuable and cost-effective opportunity to keep the broadcasts by increas- our finger on the pulse of thought leadership. ing the essential transfer Anne Glass // CSC of knowledge into action. These comprehensive materials contain insightful pre-program readings to better prepare the facilitators and participants for The live broadcast and interview format gave the live event. They also contain many exercises and activities designed for groups of varying size and experience. Facilitators me the rare opportunity to get to know the can select those that best support their unique organizational speakers as well as share in their valuable needs. The facilitator guides also contain over 15 pages of insights. materials designed to assist newer facilitators with overall facilitation skills. Richard Ayers // AMD One-Hour Facilitator Preparation Call The program covered the topics facing This call is hosted in tandem with the instructional designer participants today and provided clear, simple who creates the materials in association with the speaker. Dur- models for dealing with leadership challenges. ing the call, participants are provided with: Jack Brown // Pemco Corporation • an overview of the speaker’s background and the material they will cover to help prepare facilitators • a thorough knowledge of the program materials and how they can best be used to maximize the impact within their Linkage’s Thought Leader Series Library own organization Timeless leadership lessons in a convenient format designed to boost • an opportunity to ask questions about how to best facilitate your organization’s internal leadership capabilities—from first line the session with their particular group supervisors to C-suite leaders. Consisting of 80 of the world’s greatest thought leaders, CEOs, Internal Marketing Materials political, and military leaders, the complete Thought Leader Series library offers a keynote retail value of $4.5 million at a fraction of These materials are designed to increase awareness of, and the cost. maximize participation in the broadcasts. They include: Downloadable directly onto your learning management system, • a one-page, customizable, marketing flyer containing key the full series is yours to tap into at your leisure and to share with learnings, a brief bio, and a picture of the speaker your leaders 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. • a brief paper on each program known as “The Background- For complete details, please call Linkage today at 781-402-5555. er” that contains an overview of the topic and speaker to increase interest in the program and better prepare partici- pants for the program • E-mail announcements for internal communication Technical Support A technical consultant will be available to work with you prior to each live program to assist with any technology-related questions or issues you have. 9
  • 10. e-Learning Services rs Leadership Responsibilities elle s t-S Be Producing Results The price of entry into a leadership role. The leader enables the organization and its members to accomplish ever higher levels of achievement. Richard Branson Phil Harkins & Dave Liniger Chairman and CEO of Virgin Brands presents: CEO of Linkage Inc and chairman of Re/Max Lessons in Leadership International present: Everybody Wins: Proven Guidelines for Creating Unprecedented Growth Henry Mintzberg Quint Studer Author of The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning Author of best-seller Results That Last presents: presents: Transforming a Corporate Culture to Drive Half Truths of Leadership Sustainable Results Jack Welch Jack & Suzy Welch Former chairman and CEO of General Electric Authors of Winning present: presents: Producing Results: Winning Through Leadership & Management Flawless Execution Michael Treacy Marilyn Carlson Nelson Growth & Strategy Business Transformation Chairman and former CEO of Carlson Companies Expert presents: presents: Sustaining Double-Digit Growth in Any How You Lead Matters Economy Building a Culture of Innovation The leader creates and sustains a culture that systematically anticipates future demands and seizes future opportunities. Clayton Christensen Rosabeth Moss Kanter Author of The Innovator’s Dilemma presents: Author, SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Building a Successful Innovation-Driven Create Innovations, Profits, Growth, and Social Good Organization presents: How to Create New Growth Businesses in a Leading a SuperCorp Risk-Minimizing Environment 10 To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm
  • 11. linkageinc.com Creating the Organization The leader enables the development of an organization that is consistent with the vision and culture of its members, provides processes and structures capable of achieving strategic goals, is permeable to outside influence, and can adapt to changing economic, technical, financial and business environments. Rick Belluzzo & Jay Conger Ken Blanchard Former CEO of Quantum and author of The Leading management expert and author of The Practice of Leadership present: One Minute Manager presents: Developing Your Leadership Bench Strength Creating a World-Class Organization Tommy Franks Rudy Giuliani Former Commander of US central command Former mayor of NYC presents: presents: Leading in Difficult Times Learning to Lead Michael Hammer Ann Richards Creator of management theory of Business Former governor of Texas presents: Process Reengineering presents: Refining Moments for Successful Leaders Managing Without Structure Sherron Watkins & Joseph Badaracco, Jr. Margaret Wheatley Enron whistleblower and Harvard Business Author of Finding Our Way Leadership for an School professor present: Uncertain Time presents: Ethics in Leadership Leading in a Networked World Peter Sheahan Randy Street Leading expert in workforce trends and Co-author, Who: The A Method for Hiring presents: generational change presents: Using the “A” Method to Evaluate Talent Future Proof: How to be Up in a Down Market 11
  • 12. e-Learning Services Motivating the Team The leader focuses her/his efforts on developing people in the directions that will enable them to continue to be effec- tive in the future. Marcus Buckingham Mike Krzyzewski Author of best-seller Go Put Your Strengths to Work Head Coach of the Duke Blue Devils presents: presents: Coaching to Win: Developing People and Leverage Your Strengths Teams Who Excel Creating the Vision The leader and her/his team transform the charge or mission they have received from the organization into a vision that creates passionate commitment and an unwillingness to fail. Warren Bennis David Breashears The world’s foremost authority on leadership World-class filmaker, adventurer and and best selling author of On Becoming a Leader mountaineer presents: presents: Vision, Courage and Passion The Most Common and Often Fatal Flaws of Leadership Benazir Bhutto Mikhail Gorbachev First female prime minister of Pakistan presents: Former head of the Soviet Union presents: Diversity Global Leadership Michael Porter Sandra Taylor Foremost expert on competitive strategy Former senior vice president of Corporate Social presents: Responsibility with Starbucks Coffee Company Creating a Vision for Competitive Advantage presents: The Business Case of Corporate Social Responsibility 12 To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm
  • 13. linkageinc.com Leadership Competencies Systems Thinking The competency of rigorously and systematically connecting processes, events, and systems. Rosabeth Moss Kanter & Peter Senge Peter Senge Leading management experts present: Author of the Fifth Discipline presents: The Keys to Leading/Managing Change/ Systemic Leadership and Change Strategy & Systems Thinking Emotional Intelligence The competency of understanding and mastering your emotions (and recognizing the emotions of others) in a way that instills confidence, motivates, inspires, and enhances group effectiveness. Bill George Dan Goleman Former chairman and CEO of Medtronic Best-selling author of Emotional Intelligence presents: presents: Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Secrets to Creating Lasting Value Emotionally Intelligent Leadership—Bottom Line Results Richard Boyatzis Author, Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others through Mindfulness, Hope and Compassion presents: Leading in a New World Trusted Influence The competency of effectively influencing others by evoking their trust and by placing trust in others to enable their success. Louis Gerstner Dave Ulrich Former chairman and CEO of IBM presents: Professor, University of Michigan presents: Organizational Transformation Creating Your Own Leadership Brand Stephen M.R. Covey John Maxwell Author, The SPEED of Trust presents: Internationally recognized leadership expert Leading at the Speed of Trust presents: The Five Levels of Leadership 13
  • 14. e-Learning Services Conceptual Thinking The competency of conceiving and selecting innovative strategies and ideas for your organization. Warren Bennis Thomas Friedman The foremost authority on leadership and best- Author, The World Is Flat presents: selling author of On Becoming a Leader presents: The Status Quo Is Not an Option: The Leader’s Leadership Role in Globalization Seth Godin C.K. Prahalad Called by BusinessWeek the ultimate entreprenuer Co-Author, The Future of Competition: Co-Creating of the information age presents: Unique Value with Customers presents: Idea Marketing Strategy in the New Competitive Landscape Howard Schultz Former chairman and CEO of Starbucks presents: Leadership Focused Drive The competency of focusing on a goal and harnessing your energy in order to meet that goal. Warren Bennis Ken Blanchard The foremost authority on leadership and best- Leading management expert and author of The selling author of On Becoming a Leader presents: One Minute Manager presents: The 6 Core Leadership Capabilities Excellence in Management and Leadership Larry Bossidy Former chairman of Honeywell presents: Execution 14 To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm
  • 15. linkageinc.com Leadership Skills For emerging leaders Decision Making The skill of using empowering processes to drive decisions and take action. Malcolm Gladwell Noel Tichy Best-selling author of Outliers, The Tipping Point Co-Author of Judgment and one of BusinessWeek’s and Blink presents: Top 10 Management Gurus presents: The Power of Rapid Cognition for Business How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls Leaders Michael Useem Author of The Go Point—When It’s Time to Decide presents: Reaching the Go Point Relationship Building The skill of understanding the components of emotional intelligence and interpersonal effectiveness that help you build the long-term networks you need. Keith Ferrazzi Tim Sanders Founder & CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight and author Author of best-selling Saving the World at Work of Never Eat Alone presents: presents: Relationships for Group Success Leadership and Likability Bruce Tulgan Recently included in a Financial Times listing of the world’s greatest management thinkers presents: How to Turn Age Diversity Into a Strategic Advantage for Your Organzation 15
  • 16. e-Learning Services Leading Teams The skill of inspiring and driving a team to go beyond the expected. Doris Kearns Goodwin Kimball & Mareen Fisher Pulitzer Prize-Winning author and world Authors of The Distance Manager and co-founders renowned historian presents: of The Fisher Group present: Team of Rivals Leading High Performance Virtual Teams Patrick Lencioni Author of BusinessWeek best-seller The Five Dysfunctions of a Team presents: Building and Leading a High Performance Team For senior leaders Strategic Thinking The skill of using powerful frameworks and approaches for diagnosing and anticipating competitive threats and taking action on the strategic concerns of your organization. Madeleine Albright Gary Hamel Former US Secretary of State presents: Harvard professor and leading expert presents: Global Leadership Strategy on Innovation and Strategy C.K. Prahalad Co-Author, The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers presents: Making Strategy Work-The Future of Value Creation Leading Change The skill of understanding and using the most effective tools and processes to drive needed change. Margot Morrell and Warren Bennis Tom Peters Best-selling authors present: Author of all-time best-seller In Search of Shackleton: A Leadership Journey Excellence presents: Creating the 21st Century Organization Change & Leadership Leadership and Change 16 To participate or for more information please call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm
  • 17. linkageinc.com Communication The skill of communicating and relating to a broad range of people internally and externally. Phil Harkins Nick Washienko Author of Powerful Conversations presents: Leading expert on Executive Communication and Communicating With Impact former director of the Professional Development Program of Boston University presents: Effective Leadership Communication For both senior and emerging leaders Coaching/Mentoring The skill of mastering a comfortable coaching style and using it strategically to improve performance. Marshall Goldsmith Noel Tichy Author of Wall Street Journal best-seller, What Got Co-Author of Judgment and one of BusinessWeek’s You Here Won’t Get You There presents: Top 10 Management Gurus presents: Coaching for Leadership Leader As Teacher Coaching & Feedback Pat Mitchell President and Chief Executive Officer of PBS presents: Leader As Mentor Personal Productivity The skill of managing yourself and your priorities to take on additional challenges and be successful at the next level. David Allen Stephen Covey Author of Getting Things Done presents: One of Time Magazine’s 25 most influential The Keys of Execution: Successful Strategies Americans and author of 7 Habits of Highly Leaders Use to Get Things Done Effective People presents: Unleashing Human Potential Tom Davenport Tony Schwartz Author of Competing on Analytics presents: Author of The Power of Full Engagement presents: Maximizing Knowledge Worker Productivity: Building Individual & Organizational Capacity The Next Generation of Management in the Age of Overload 17
  • 18. >> Maximize your organization’s leadership training impact by registering today linkageinc.com Call 781.402.5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/disl.htm Participation options Partial client list Group Participation Options: Live audio and video participation via the following mediums: Allmerica Financial Lubrizol Corporation • Satellite—We broadcast our programs on both C and Ku band. A test time is provided one American Home week before the broadcast as well as 30 minutes before the broadcast begins. Products Mastercard • Large screen webcast—A special high resolution web stream that will expand clearly Amgen Medtronic on a large boardroom or auditorium screen. This medium combines the convenience of a webcast with the clarity of a videoconferencing feed. AT&T Microsoft • Webcast—Enables a widely dispersed audience to view the broadcasts by bringing the Bausch & Lomb McDonald’s content to the desktop. This medium allows participants to view the broadcast either live Corporation Berlex Labs or for a period of time following the live session. Monsanto The Boeing • Extended View via DVD—The best choice for organizations not requiring live program- Company NASA ming, Extended View enables facilitators to preview the broadcast and determine how to best position it within your unique organization and culture. This option affords maximum The Campbell Soup New York Life flexibility in that you can view the broadcast during times most convenient for you and Company Nokia your leadership teams within the defined viewing period. Cisco Northwestern Computer Sciences Mutual Pricing information Corporation Panama Canal Group participation per broadcast Constellation Authority up to 50 viewers ....................... $1500 Energy Pemco Financial 51 to 100 viewers..................... $3000 Dell Pfizer, Inc. 101 to 150 viewers .................. $4000 Discover 151 to 200 viewers .................. $4500 Procter & Gamble Disney University 201+ viewers ............................ Please call Linkage at 781.402.5555 Rockwell All fees include participant materials, facilitator guides, sample marketing materials, and Dow Corning Automation technical support assistance. Florida Power & Solvay Technology fees: In addition to the prices above there will be additional technology fees for Light Pharmaceuticals the live or delayed view webcast option based on the number of web viewers desired. Please call Linkage at 781-402-5555 for an estimate of these additional fees. Gap, Inc. Sprint Payment, Cancellation, and Restrictions: All registrations must include payment or a Genentech Toyota Motor Sales copy of a purchase order. Cancellations made anytime up to four weeks prior to the satellite General Mills TSMC presentation will be refunded. Cancellations made within three weeks prior to the satellite pre- sentation are subject to the full registration fee. Taping rights are not allowed for The Linkage Genworth US Census Bureau Thought Leader Series. Financial University of Harley Davidson California Additional services Hewlett-Packard US Army • Facilitation—Linkage helps your organization connect distance learning to corporate Ingersoll Rand US EPA initiatives and development goals. Opt to have a Linkage facilitator work with your orga- nization to enhance the learning experience and impact of the session(s). Please ask your Intel US FDA account manager about bringing a skilled Linkage facilitator to your location. JC Penney US Navy • Leadership Tools—Linkage provides your organization with management tools such as JP Morgan Chase USDA The Toolkit for Developing Leaders, which can be used in connection with the broadcast(s). These tools help managers to drive their own learning, develop their people, work with Key Span Energy US Steel their teams, and impact organizational change. Kohl’s University of Notre Dame Linkage is a global organizational development company that specializes in leadership development. Lawrence We provide clients around the globe with integrated solutions that include strategic consulting services, Livermore VA Learning customized leadership development and training experiences, tailored assessment services, and National University benchmark research. Linkage’s mission is to connect high performing leaders and organizations to the futures they want to create. With a relentless commitment to learning, Linkage offers conferences, learning summits, open-enrollment Laboratory World Bank workshops, and distance learning programs on leading-edge topics in leadership, management, human resources, and organizational development. More than 200,000 leaders and managers have attended Linkage programs since 1988. Los Alamo’s Wyeth Natural 0292.10 Linkage / Burlington, MA / 781.402.5555 / www.linkageinc.com Laboratories ATLANTA / NEW YORK / SAN FRANCISCO / ATHENS / BANGALORE / BRUSSELS / BUCHAREST / ISTANBUL / JOHANNESBURG / KUWAIT CITY / MEXICO CITY / SEOUL / SINGAPORE / SYDNEY