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‫מדיה חברתית -‬
                           ‫מגמות וסיפורים מהשטח‬

                      ‫סיגלית סובל סביון‬                          ‫רונן עפר‬
                 ‫מנהלת מערך האינטרנט‬              ‫מנכ"ל אפריל ייעוץ עסקי‬
‫מינהל תקשוב ומערכות מידע, משרד החינוך‬

What is Social Media?

What is Social Media?
Online gathering of           Consumer
interaction, ideas,           conversation in
comments and          =       cyberspace

What is Social Media?
In simple words:

            “Social media is people having
            conversation online.”

So…What is It?
   Social networks
   Forums and online communities
   Multimedia sharing tools (e.g.: YouTube)
   Blogs
   RSS readers
   Microblogging (e.g.:Twitter)
   etc.

‫במשרד החינוך‬
‫‪‬‬   ‫‪Social networks‬‬
‫‪‬‬   ‫‪Forums and online communities‬‬                  ‫למעלה מ – 000,8 עוקבים‬
                                                                                ‫למעלה מ – 003 קבוצות‬
                                                                                      ‫דיון פעילות‬
‫‪‬‬   ‫)‪Multimedia sharing tools (e.g.: YouTube‬‬
‫‪‬‬   ‫‪Blogs‬‬
‫‪‬‬   ‫‪RSS readers‬‬
‫‪‬‬   ‫)‪Microblogging (e.g.:Twitter‬‬                   ‫למעלה מ – 000,59 צפיות‬
                                                                                  ‫בלוגים של מורים –‬
                                                                               ‫מתוכננים בפורטל המחודש‬

‫‪‬‬   ‫.‪etc‬‬

                                                         ‫‪ RSS‬לכל דף‬
                                                                               ‫טוויטר שזקוק לרוח גבית‬
                                                   ‫בתכנון – פילוח לפי נושאים‬

Social Media Statistics

Social Media Statistics
   1 in 5 couples meet online
   1 in 5 divorces are blamed on Facebook
   Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web
   If Facebook were a country it would be the world’s 3rd largest and 2x the size of
    the U.S. population
   80% of companies use social media for recruitment; % of these using LinkedIn

         Source: http://www.socialnomics.net/2011/06/07/10-wow-social-media-statistics/
Social Media Statistics
   One in every nine people on Earth is on Facebook (750M)
   Each Facebook user spends on average 15 hours and 33 minutes a month on the
   More than 250 million people access Facebook through their mobile devices
   YouTube has 490 million unique users who visit every month (as of February

           Source: http://www.socialnomics.net/2011/06/07/10-wow-social-media-statistics/
Social Media Statistics

Social Media Statistics

The Old World…

…The New World

Why Social Media?
   Increase your online visibility
   Increase awareness of company brand
   Broaden your professional network
   Find undiscovered connections
   Prepare background for meetings
   Deepen relationships with customers
   Increase communication with audiences
   Improve search engine prominence
   Increase web or blog traffic
   Find new prospects and turn them into customers

Why Social Media?
   Increase your online visibility
   Increase awareness of company brand
   Broaden your professional network
   Find undiscovered connections
   Prepare background for meetings
   Deepen relationships with customers
                                            ‫שיח שמוביל לשינוי‬
   Increase communication with audiences
   Improve search engine prominence
   Increase web or blog traffic
   Find new prospects and turn them into customers


Why Get Involved?

   If you don’t dive in, others will
         define who you are.”

 Clive Thompson, Journalist & Blogger, NY Times Magazine, September 2008

Why Get Involved?
Markets are conversations
    The networked market knows more than companies do about their own
    Online markets are not the same markets used to watch TV ads – markets are
     now networked person to person, smarter, and involved in constant
    Companies can now communicate directly with the market – and should do it
     right the first time!

    And the conversation is going to happen with or without you!

    In order to control your brand, participate in the conversation.

‫מדברים עלינו הרבה ובכל מקרה‬

Why? (take2)



        “Employees are the brand,

                  give them a voice”

IBM social media strategy, Sep 2008



How To?

‫?‪How To‬‬

‫לחבר את היחידות המקצועיות‬    ‫אמנה ארגונית‬   ‫לייצר באזז בארגון‬

Social Media Strategy

Why Set Up a Strategy?
   Main reasons/goals:
   1. Listen to your customers
          Find out where your customers are
          Find out what your customers think of you and your competitors
          Find out what your customers' passion points are
   2. Build or introduce your brand
          Introduce an existing brand to a larger audience
          Introduce a new product or service
   3. Gather unique feedback
          Use your blog to run ideas past loyal readers before you launch them
          Use social media to recruit a team of beta testers
          Use social media to ask direct questions
   4. Demonstrate personality
          By communicating as a person and not as the company

‫?‪Why Set Up a Strategy‬‬

                ‫מחפשים מורים‬   ‫מתלבטים עם‬
‫קהלים נוספים?‬
                   ‫לקמפיין‬       ‫הלקוחות‬

Social Media Strategy
   Determine your goals

    Sample goals:
      Generate leads
      Build brand and awareness
      Educate customers
      Establish thought leadership
      Drive sales
      Improve communication with customers

‫‪Social Media Strategy‬‬

    ‫הגברת השיח‬        ‫שיתוף מכל מקום‬

Social Media Strategy
      Define the target audience/segment(s)
        Existing customers
        Potential customers
        Geographical regions
        etc.
      Understand how your target audience uses social media
      How will you be personable?
        Social media is about people.
          If you’re a big company, how can you act small again?
      Listen and follow the conversations
        Which tools should we use?
        Who should do the active listening?
        What are we doing with analytics tools?

Implementing SM Strategy
      Start by listening - learn by watching others

      Find internal owner - which department/individual
       ultimately takes the responsibility

      Employees’ involvement - understand their level of
       knowledge and interest. Offer training.

      Technology capabilities to support the strategy

Key Success Factors
      Trust your employees

      Don’t expect success overnight - social media
       should fit into the company’s overall strategy and help it
       reach its long-term goals

      The best way to start - pick manageable, measurable

      Measure social media ROI



Who is Doing It Right?

Who is Doing It Right?

Who is Doing It Right?

Thank You!
 Ronen Offer                 Sigalit Sobel Savyon
 April Business Consulting   Ministry of Eduction
 03-5444119                  02-5602348
 054-4526725                 054-4400867
 ronen@aprilbc.com           sigalitso@education.gov.il
 www.aprilbc.com             www.edu.gov.il

More Related Content

מדיה חברתית, מגמות וסיפורים מהשטח - הרצאת פתיחה בכנס מיקרוסופט, אוקטובר 2011

  • 1. ‫מדיה חברתית -‬ ‫מגמות וסיפורים מהשטח‬ ‫סיגלית סובל סביון‬ ‫רונן עפר‬ ‫מנהלת מערך האינטרנט‬ ‫מנכ"ל אפריל ייעוץ עסקי‬ ‫מינהל תקשוב ומערכות מידע, משרד החינוך‬ ‫1102.01.72‬
  • 2. What is Social Media? 2
  • 3. What is Social Media? Online gathering of Consumer interaction, ideas, conversation in comments and = cyberspace commentary 3
  • 4. What is Social Media? In simple words: “Social media is people having conversation online.” 4
  • 5. So…What is It?  Social networks  Forums and online communities  Multimedia sharing tools (e.g.: YouTube)  Blogs  RSS readers  Microblogging (e.g.:Twitter)  etc. 5
  • 6. ‫במשרד החינוך‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Social networks‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Forums and online communities‬‬ ‫למעלה מ – 000,8 עוקבים‬ ‫למעלה מ – 003 קבוצות‬ ‫דיון פעילות‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫)‪Multimedia sharing tools (e.g.: YouTube‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Blogs‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪RSS readers‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫)‪Microblogging (e.g.:Twitter‬‬ ‫למעלה מ – 000,59 צפיות‬ ‫בסרטונים‬ ‫בלוגים של מורים –‬ ‫מתוכננים בפורטל המחודש‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫.‪etc‬‬ ‫‪ RSS‬לכל דף‬ ‫טוויטר שזקוק לרוח גבית‬ ‫בתכנון – פילוח לפי נושאים‬ ‫6‬
  • 8. Social Media Statistics  1 in 5 couples meet online  1 in 5 divorces are blamed on Facebook  Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web  If Facebook were a country it would be the world’s 3rd largest and 2x the size of the U.S. population  80% of companies use social media for recruitment; % of these using LinkedIn 95% Source: http://www.socialnomics.net/2011/06/07/10-wow-social-media-statistics/ 8
  • 9. Social Media Statistics  One in every nine people on Earth is on Facebook (750M)  Each Facebook user spends on average 15 hours and 33 minutes a month on the site  More than 250 million people access Facebook through their mobile devices  YouTube has 490 million unique users who visit every month (as of February 2011) Source: http://www.socialnomics.net/2011/06/07/10-wow-social-media-statistics/ 9
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Why Social Media?  Increase your online visibility  Increase awareness of company brand  Broaden your professional network  Find undiscovered connections  Prepare background for meetings  Deepen relationships with customers  Increase communication with audiences  Improve search engine prominence  Increase web or blog traffic  Find new prospects and turn them into customers 17
  • 18. Why Social Media?  Increase your online visibility  Increase awareness of company brand  Broaden your professional network  Find undiscovered connections  Prepare background for meetings  Deepen relationships with customers ‫שיח שמוביל לשינוי‬  Increase communication with audiences  Improve search engine prominence  Increase web or blog traffic  Find new prospects and turn them into customers 18
  • 19. 19
  • 21. Why Get Involved? If you don’t dive in, others will define who you are.” Clive Thompson, Journalist & Blogger, NY Times Magazine, September 2008 21
  • 22. Why Get Involved? Markets are conversations  The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products  Online markets are not the same markets used to watch TV ads – markets are now networked person to person, smarter, and involved in constant conversation  Companies can now communicate directly with the market – and should do it right the first time! And the conversation is going to happen with or without you! In order to control your brand, participate in the conversation. 22
  • 23. ‫מדברים עלינו הרבה ובכל מקרה‬ ‫32‬
  • 25. 25
  • 27. 27
  • 29. Who? “Employees are the brand, give them a voice” IBM social media strategy, Sep 2008 29
  • 30. Who? 30
  • 32. How To? 32
  • 33. ‫?‪How To‬‬ ‫לחבר את היחידות המקצועיות‬ ‫אמנה ארגונית‬ ‫לייצר באזז בארגון‬ ‫33‬
  • 35. Why Set Up a Strategy? Main reasons/goals: 1. Listen to your customers  Find out where your customers are  Find out what your customers think of you and your competitors  Find out what your customers' passion points are 2. Build or introduce your brand  Introduce an existing brand to a larger audience  Introduce a new product or service 3. Gather unique feedback  Use your blog to run ideas past loyal readers before you launch them  Use social media to recruit a team of beta testers  Use social media to ask direct questions 4. Demonstrate personality  By communicating as a person and not as the company 35
  • 36. ‫?‪Why Set Up a Strategy‬‬ ‫מחפשים מורים‬ ‫מתלבטים עם‬ ‫קהלים נוספים?‬ ‫לקמפיין‬ ‫הלקוחות‬ ‫63‬
  • 37. Social Media Strategy  Determine your goals Sample goals:  Generate leads  Build brand and awareness  Educate customers  Establish thought leadership  Drive sales  Improve communication with customers 37
  • 38. ‫‪Social Media Strategy‬‬ ‫הגברת השיח‬ ‫שיתוף מכל מקום‬ ‫83‬
  • 39. Social Media Strategy  Define the target audience/segment(s)  Existing customers  Potential customers  Geographical regions  etc.  Understand how your target audience uses social media  How will you be personable?  Social media is about people. If you’re a big company, how can you act small again?  Listen and follow the conversations  Which tools should we use?  Who should do the active listening?  What are we doing with analytics tools? 39
  • 40. Implementing SM Strategy  Start by listening - learn by watching others  Find internal owner - which department/individual ultimately takes the responsibility  Employees’ involvement - understand their level of knowledge and interest. Offer training.  Technology capabilities to support the strategy 40
  • 41. Key Success Factors  Trust your employees  Don’t expect success overnight - social media should fit into the company’s overall strategy and help it reach its long-term goals  The best way to start - pick manageable, measurable goals  Measure social media ROI 41
  • 42. Vaule 42
  • 43. Value 43
  • 44. Who is Doing It Right? 44
  • 45. Who is Doing It Right? 45
  • 46. Who is Doing It Right? 46
  • 47. Thank You! Ronen Offer Sigalit Sobel Savyon April Business Consulting Ministry of Eduction 03-5444119 02-5602348 054-4526725 054-4400867 ronen@aprilbc.com sigalitso@education.gov.il www.aprilbc.com www.edu.gov.il