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2011 fourth quarter and full year
preliminary results

 February 15th, 2012

2011 highlights: exceptional progress on future growth

       USA                 UK                     Norway                  Norway                    Russia

    Hadrian N.        Culzean               GLA (Ekofisk S,          Skrugard              Samburskoye FID
                                               Eldfisk 2) FID           Havis (2012)          Urengoskoye FID


    Perla FID

                          Ghana                Angola                Mozambique             Indonesia

                    •   Gye Nyame         Block 15/06              Mamba                 Jangkrik NE 1
      Discoveries                                                    South-1                &2
                                           Lira                     Mamba
      Major FIDs                                                     North-1
                                           Cabaca SE3                (2012)

                                     1.1bn boe of new resources
                                  FIDs taken for 140kboe/d by 2015

2011 highlights: quick ramp up of Libyan production

            eni operated production (Libya)
                                                                        Maintained production from Wafa
                                                                         gas field during the war
                                                Elephant oil
500                                                                     Good relationships with local
                               Bahr Essalam gas                          community helped ensure asset
350             Abu Attifel oil
300                                                                     Excellent relations established
250        Wafa gas
                                                                         with NTC (eni - first mover)
150                                                                     Quick production restart and ramp
100                                                                      up (164 kboe/d contribution to Q4
   1-Sep              1-Oct           1-Nov            1-Dec
                                                                        Now almost back to pre-crisis
                                                                         levels of production
                              100%            Eni Equity

2011 highlights: strengthened position to face difficult markets

 G&P: tackling worsening market conditions

  Progress on supply renegotiations, satisfactory agreement reached with Sonatrach

  Strengthened position in retail segment in Italy, Belgium and France

 R&M/Petchem: continued effort on efficiency

  Achieved cost reductions ahead of target

  Focus on most profitable chemicals segments and launch of bio-based project

 Disposals: cashed in ~€2bn from international pipelines, marginal assets sale

                      2011 dividend: +4% year on year

market environment

                                                   Average European
                 Brent                                                                               €/$ exchange rate
                                                    refining margin*

$/bl                               €/bl   $/bl                                    €/bl

135                                 135    6                                        6        1,5

120                                 120    5                                        5      1,45

105                                 105    4                                        4        1,4

 90                                 90     3                                        3      1,35

 75                                 75     2                                        2        1,3

 60                                 60     1                                        1      1,25

 45                                 45     0                                        0        1,2
        Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411                 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411                          Q410   Q111    Q211   Q311      Q411

       USD    Euro

                                                 * Brent/Ural FOB Mediterranean market. Eni calculations on Platt’s Oilgram data

Q4 consolidated results
              Adj. operating profit                                       Adj. net profit

Million €                                        Million €



 Q4 10      E&P    G&P    R&M    Other   Q4 11    Q4 10      Op. Profit   Inv/Fin   Taxes   Minor   Q4 11
                                                                adj       charges

E&P performance

         Oil & gas production                                      Adj. operating profit

kboe/d                                               Million €

1,954                                                  4,028     4,120                     4,200
                                                                         3,826     3,931
         1,684                               1,678
                       1,489     1,473

 Q410    Q1 11         Q2 11         Q3 11   Q4 11     Q4 10     Q1 11    Q2 11    Q3 11   Q4 11

                 Oil           Gas

proved reserves
                                                             7,086                           7,183
                                               (7)                             97

       2010        production   promotions   portfolio       2011        price effect      2011 adj

         2010                                                 2011                         2011 adj

 RRR Organic: 127%                                   RRR Organic: 143%             RRR Organic: 160%
 RRR All sources: 125%                               RRR All sources: 142%         RRR All sources: 159%
 Life Index: 10.3                                    Life Index: 12.3              Life Index: 12.4

       Brent 79                                             Brent 111                       Brent 79
        $/boe                                                 $/boe                          $/boe

                                                                                           Conversion factor

G&P performance

                   Gas sales                                       Adj. operating profit

Bcm                                                   Million €

         31.6                                                     958

                                              24.7      777



 Q4 10   Q1 11       Q2 11       Q3 11        Q4 11     Q4 10     Q1 11   Q2 11      Q3 11        Q4 11

           Italy             International*

                                                                                  * Including associates

G&P: ebitda proforma adjusted*
million €


                              675                                                               623
                                                                      338          550

            Q1 10   Q2 10    Q3 10         Q4 10        Q1 11        Q2 11        Q3 11        Q4 11

                       International          Regulated                       Marketing
                       Transport              businesses in Italy

                                    * Ebitda pro forma includes: pro-quota ebitda contribution from SRG and associates

R&M performance

         Process utilization index                          Adj. operating profit

%                                            Million €

         82                83





 Q4 10   Q1 11   Q2 11   Q3 11       Q4 11       Q4 10    Q1 11    Q2 11   Q3 11    Q4 11

other businesses: adjusted operating profit
million €

       Q4      Q4                           FY      FY
      2010    2011                         2010    2011

       (74)   (154)    Petrochemicals     (113)   (276)   -144

       378    390      Engineering &      1,326   1,443   +8.8

       (43)   (69)     Other activities   (205)   (226)   -10.2

       (86)   (19)     Corporate          (265)   (266)   n.m.

net debt evolution
billion €





    Dec 2010   Operating   Divestments   Dividends   Capex   Acquisitions &   Dec 2011
               cashflow                                         Others

2012: guidance

  Exploration & Production: rapid recovery and growth
   ~10% growth net of PSA effects:
     New start ups to contribute ca. 70 kboe/d
     Libya ramp up (average contribution 230-240kboe/d)

  Gas & Power: impacted by European recession
   Operating result to be higher than in 2011:
     supported by Libya recovery, expected retroactive supply benefits
     pressure on underlying merchant business from worsening market conditions

  Refining & Marketing: continuing efficiency in complex environment
   Further efficiency gains and process optimisation

   In line with 2011

February 15th, 2012

results of operations
million €

    Q4 10    Q4 11                                                     FY 10      FY 11      Δ%

   28,113    30,102    Net sales from operations                       98,523     109,589

    2,875    3,534     Operating Profit                                16,111     17,486     8.5

    (132)    (136)     Inventory holding gains (losses)                (881)      (1.113)

    2,743    3,398     Replacement Cost Operating Profit               15,230      16,373    7.5

    2,242     861      Special items                                    2.320      1.532

    4,985     4,259    Adjusted Profit                                 17,550      17,905    2.0

   (184)     (288)     Net financial income (expense)                   (692)     (1,125)
     82       332      Net share of profit from associates (expense)     781       1,223
    4,883     4,303    Profit before income taxes                       17,639     18,003    2.1

   (2,639)   (2,533)   Taxation                                         (9,459)   (10,160)
   56.9%      58.9%    Tax rate                                         54.4%       56.2%
   (296)      (230)    Minority interest                                (1,065)     (943)

    2,856     1,760    Net Profit                                        5,098      5,443    6.8

   (1,250)    (290)    Special items                                     1,161       802
     96        70      Inventory holding gains (losses)                  610         724

   1,702      1,540    Adjusted Net Profit                               6,869      6,969    1.5

G&P: adjusted operating profit by activities
million €


                                       31      International Transport

                                               Regulated business in Italy

                                      -169     Marketing

                     Q4 10            Q4 11

unrealized profit in stocks (UPIS)
million €

     Q4 10     Q4 11                          FY 10   FY 11

      (201)    (205)       E&P vs R&M         (229)   (150)

        12      25         E&P vs G&P          (4)    (13)

       (13)    (23)        E&C vs Eni Group    (38)   (52)

     (202)    (203)        Total UPIS         (271)   (189)

eni share of profit from associates

         Q4                                                 FY
  2010        2011                                   2010        2011

   93         100    Equity method accounted for     394          393
   28          12       Gas transportation abroad   124           69
    -           4       EnBw (GVS)                    2            4
   35          38       Union Fenosa                119          152
    7           9       Blue Stream                  36           34
   23          37       Others                      113          134

    4         191    Dividends                       264         577

    0         (1)    Disposals                        0            1

  (15)        42     Others                          123         252

   82         332    Net income from associates      781         1,223

G&P share of profit from associates
million €





                           Q4 10                        Q4 11

                  Marketing          Regulated business in Italy

                 International Transport

main operating data

Q4 10   Q4 11                                                                   FY 10            FY 11           Δ%

1,954   1,678    Hydrocarbon prod. (kboe/d)                                      1,815            1,581        (12.9)

173.6   143.7    Production sold* (mmboe)                                        638.0            548.5           (14)

 10.5     9.3    Natural gas sales in Italy**(bcm)                                34.3             34.7           1.1

 16.2    14.0    Natural gas sales in Europe*** (bcm)                             54.5             53.0          (2.8)

 23.0    18.9    Natural gas transported in Italy (bcm)                           83.3             78.3          (6.0)

 10.2    11.4    Power production sold (TWh)                                      39.5             40.3           1.9

  6.6     6.4    Refined product sales (mmtonnes)                                 25.5             25.0          (2.0)

  1.1     0.9    Petrochemical sales (mmtonnes)                                     4.7              4.0         (1.5)

                         * Including Eni’s share of production of joint venture accounted for with the equity method
                                                                                      ** Including self-consumption
                                                                                             *** Consolidated sales

production growth by geographical area


                           419                     1,678

                           145                      376


                           182                      191
                           Q4 10                   Q4 11

                   Italy           North Af rica   West Af rica

                   Kazakhstan      America         RoW

oil & gas production

          182                                                              1,678



         1,772                1,487


         Q4 10                    Q4 11            Q4 10                   Q4 11

                 Abroad   Italy                            Gas   Liquids

million €

                        3,912              3,894
                        386                    285
                        381                    359

                        615                    585

                        2,573              2,690

            -43         Q4 10                  Q4 11       -25

                  E&P    G&P    R&M      E&C       Other

eni consolidated results

                                   1.4%                                           -8.5%

    EPS                    0.15            0.36                            0.47             0.43
    Euro per share*

                           Q4 10           Q4 11                         Q4 10              Q4 11
                                                                        Adjusted           Adjusted

                                   23.2%                                            -6.1%

                                            1.22                           1.15
                            0.99                                                            1.08
    Euro per share*

                           Q4 10           Q4 11
                                                                        Q4 10               Q4 11
                                                                       Adjusted            Adjusted

                                         * Average shares: Q4 10 3,622.7 million; Q4 11 3,622.7 million
                                      Note: Cash Flow calculated as net profit+amortization & depreciation


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2011 Q4 Results

  • 1. 2011 fourth quarter and full year preliminary results February 15th, 2012 eni.com
  • 2. 2011 highlights: exceptional progress on future growth USA UK Norway Norway Russia  Hadrian N.  Culzean  GLA (Ekofisk S,  Skrugard  Samburskoye FID Eldfisk 2) FID  Havis (2012)  Urengoskoye FID Venezuela  Perla FID Ghana Angola Mozambique Indonesia • Gye Nyame  Block 15/06  Mamba  Jangkrik NE 1 Discoveries South-1 &2 Mukuvo Lira  Mamba Major FIDs North-1 Cabaca SE3 (2012) 1.1bn boe of new resources FIDs taken for 140kboe/d by 2015 2
  • 3. 2011 highlights: quick ramp up of Libyan production eni operated production (Libya)  Maintained production from Wafa gas field during the war Elephant oil 500  Good relationships with local 450 Bahr Essalam gas community helped ensure asset 400 safety 350 Abu Attifel oil Bouri 300  Excellent relations established 250 Wafa gas with NTC (eni - first mover) 200 150  Quick production restart and ramp 100 up (164 kboe/d contribution to Q4 50 production) 0 1-Sep 1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec  Now almost back to pre-crisis levels of production 100% Eni Equity 3
  • 4. 2011 highlights: strengthened position to face difficult markets G&P: tackling worsening market conditions  Progress on supply renegotiations, satisfactory agreement reached with Sonatrach  Strengthened position in retail segment in Italy, Belgium and France R&M/Petchem: continued effort on efficiency  Achieved cost reductions ahead of target  Focus on most profitable chemicals segments and launch of bio-based project Disposals: cashed in ~€2bn from international pipelines, marginal assets sale 2011 dividend: +4% year on year 4
  • 5. market environment Average European Brent €/$ exchange rate refining margin* $/bl €/bl $/bl €/bl 135 135 6 6 1,5 120 120 5 5 1,45 105 105 4 4 1,4 90 90 3 3 1,35 75 75 2 2 1,3 60 60 1 1 1,25 45 45 0 0 1,2 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 USD Euro * Brent/Ural FOB Mediterranean market. Eni calculations on Platt’s Oilgram data 5
  • 6. Q4 consolidated results Adj. operating profit Adj. net profit Million € Million € 4,739 4,259 1,702 1,540 Q4 10 E&P G&P R&M Other Q4 11 Q4 10 Op. Profit Inv/Fin Taxes Minor Q4 11 adj charges 6
  • 7. E&P performance Oil & gas production Adj. operating profit kboe/d Million € 1,954 4,028 4,120 4,200 3,826 3,931 1,684 1,678 1,489 1,473 Q410 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q4 10 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Oil Gas 7
  • 8. proved reserves mmboe 7,086 7,183 6,843 (7) 97 827 577 2010 production promotions portfolio 2011 price effect 2011 adj 2010 2011 2011 adj  RRR Organic: 127%  RRR Organic: 143%  RRR Organic: 160%  RRR All sources: 125%  RRR All sources: 142%  RRR All sources: 159%  Life Index: 10.3  Life Index: 12.3  Life Index: 12.4 Brent 79 Brent 111 Brent 79 $/boe $/boe $/boe Conversion factor 8
  • 9. G&P performance Gas sales Adj. operating profit Bcm Million € 31.6 958 27.2 24.7 777 20.3 17.3 385 352 251 Q4 10 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q4 10 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Italy International* * Including associates 9
  • 10. G&P: ebitda proforma adjusted* million € 1,432 1,051 921 825 675 623 338 550 Q1 10 Q2 10 Q3 10 Q4 10 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 International Regulated Marketing Transport businesses in Italy * Ebitda pro forma includes: pro-quota ebitda contribution from SRG and associates 10
  • 11. R&M performance Process utilization index Adj. operating profit % Million € 26 86 82 83 76 73 -39 -114 -176 -271 Q4 10 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q4 10 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 11
  • 12. other businesses: adjusted operating profit million € Q4 Q4 FY FY Δ% 2010 2011 2010 2011 (74) (154)  Petrochemicals (113) (276) -144 378 390  Engineering & 1,326 1,443 +8.8 Construction (43) (69)  Other activities (205) (226) -10.2 (86) (19)  Corporate (265) (266) n.m. 12
  • 13. net debt evolution billion € 28.0 0.5 26.1 13.4 14.3 4.3 2.0 Dec 2010 Operating Divestments Dividends Capex Acquisitions & Dec 2011 cashflow Others 13
  • 14. 2012: guidance Exploration & Production: rapid recovery and growth  ~10% growth net of PSA effects:  New start ups to contribute ca. 70 kboe/d  Libya ramp up (average contribution 230-240kboe/d) Gas & Power: impacted by European recession  Operating result to be higher than in 2011:  supported by Libya recovery, expected retroactive supply benefits  pressure on underlying merchant business from worsening market conditions Refining & Marketing: continuing efficiency in complex environment  Further efficiency gains and process optimisation Capex  In line with 2011 14
  • 16. results of operations million € Q4 10 Q4 11 FY 10 FY 11 Δ% 28,113 30,102 Net sales from operations 98,523 109,589 2,875 3,534 Operating Profit 16,111 17,486 8.5 (132) (136) Inventory holding gains (losses) (881) (1.113) 2,743 3,398 Replacement Cost Operating Profit 15,230 16,373 7.5 2,242 861 Special items 2.320 1.532 4,985 4,259 Adjusted Profit 17,550 17,905 2.0 (184) (288) Net financial income (expense) (692) (1,125) 82 332 Net share of profit from associates (expense) 781 1,223 4,883 4,303 Profit before income taxes 17,639 18,003 2.1 (2,639) (2,533) Taxation (9,459) (10,160) 56.9% 58.9% Tax rate 54.4% 56.2% (296) (230) Minority interest (1,065) (943) 2,856 1,760 Net Profit 5,098 5,443 6.8 (1,250) (290) Special items 1,161 802 96 70 Inventory holding gains (losses) 610 724 1,702 1,540 Adjusted Net Profit 6,869 6,969 1.5 2
  • 17. G&P: adjusted operating profit by activities million € -50.5% 777 68 385 31 International Transport 529 523 Regulated business in Italy 180 -169 Marketing Q4 10 Q4 11 3
  • 18. unrealized profit in stocks (UPIS) million € Q4 10 Q4 11 FY 10 FY 11 (201) (205) E&P vs R&M (229) (150) 12 25 E&P vs G&P (4) (13) (13) (23) E&C vs Eni Group (38) (52) (202) (203) Total UPIS (271) (189) 4
  • 19. eni share of profit from associates Q4 FY 2010 2011 2010 2011 93 100 Equity method accounted for 394 393 28 12  Gas transportation abroad 124 69 - 4  EnBw (GVS) 2 4 35 38  Union Fenosa 119 152 7 9  Blue Stream 36 34 23 37  Others 113 134 4 191 Dividends 264 577 0 (1) Disposals 0 1 (15) 42 Others 123 252 82 332 Net income from associates 781 1,223 5
  • 20. G&P share of profit from associates million € +7.0% 100 93 12 8 28 5 80 60 Q4 10 Q4 11 Marketing Regulated business in Italy International Transport 6
  • 21. main operating data Q4 10 Q4 11 FY 10 FY 11 Δ% 1,954 1,678  Hydrocarbon prod. (kboe/d) 1,815 1,581 (12.9) 173.6 143.7  Production sold* (mmboe) 638.0 548.5 (14) 10.5 9.3  Natural gas sales in Italy**(bcm) 34.3 34.7 1.1 16.2 14.0  Natural gas sales in Europe*** (bcm) 54.5 53.0 (2.8) 23.0 18.9  Natural gas transported in Italy (bcm) 83.3 78.3 (6.0) 10.2 11.4  Power production sold (TWh) 39.5 40.3 1.9 6.6 6.4  Refined product sales (mmtonnes) 25.5 25.0 (2.0) 1.1 0.9  Petrochemical sales (mmtonnes) 4.7 4.0 (1.5) * Including Eni’s share of production of joint venture accounted for with the equity method ** Including self-consumption *** Consolidated sales 7
  • 22. production growth by geographical area kboe/d -14.1% 1,954 419 1,678 145 376 117 128 105 403 381 688 497 182 191 Q4 10 Q4 11 Italy North Af rica West Af rica Kazakhstan America RoW 8
  • 23. oil & gas production kboe/d -14.1% 1,954 1,954 182 1,678 1,678 191 1,049 896 1,772 1,487 905 782 Q4 10 Q4 11 Q4 10 Q4 11 Abroad Italy Gas Liquids 9
  • 24. capex million € (0.5)% 3,912 3,894 386 285 381 359 615 585 2,573 2,690 -43 Q4 10 Q4 11 -25 E&P G&P R&M E&C Other 10
  • 25. eni consolidated results 1.4% -8.5% EPS 0.15 0.36 0.47 0.43 Euro per share* Q4 10 Q4 11 Q4 10 Q4 11 Adjusted Adjusted 23.2% -6.1% 1.22 1.15 0.99 1.08 CFPS Euro per share* Q4 10 Q4 11 Q4 10 Q4 11 Adjusted Adjusted * Average shares: Q4 10 3,622.7 million; Q4 11 3,622.7 million Note: Cash Flow calculated as net profit+amortization & depreciation 11