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James S. Friend, Jr., Secretary
Secretariat for Stewardship & Development
Diocese of Allentown
Annual Appeal: A Success Story
• I believe…

  • In Stewardship
  • In the story of the Widow’s Mite.
     All gifts of equal sacrifice are equal in the
     eyes of God.
  • It is our obligation to engage donors with
    affluence and influence who can make a
    difference in the Church today.
Snapshot: Diocese of Allentown, PA
 • Mid-Sized Diocese (275K Catholics),
   mix: inner city/suburban/rural area.
 • Median (HUD) income $55K - $73K (5
 • Unemployment rate currently 8%
 • 2008 diocese consolidated from 152-104
   Parishes, prior to current Bishop.
 • 52 year old Bishop installed 3 years ago,
   very visible.
The Numbers: Appeal History
•2006: $3.1 Million
•2007: $3.3 Million
                           Parish goals are not
•2008: $3.3 Million             mandatory
•2009: $3.6 Million
•2010: $4.1 Million – New Strategies Implemented
•2011: $4.3 Million
•2012: Projected $4.75
Comparing Giving: 2011 versus 2012

• 2011 Appeal: $3,558,924
• 2012 Appeal: $4,239,356

• Currently tracking an increase in
 giving of $680,432 (up 19%)

*As of September 11, 2012. Tracking what donors gave last year versus
this year.
Giving Breakdown

            13%       53% of the funds
                       come from 8%
                       of the donors
                   Bishop's Circle

                   Council of Stewards

                   Gifts below $500
Bishop’s Circle: 72 Donors ($5K & up)
• 2011: $447,545
• 2012: $565,004
   • Increased $117,458 (up 26%)
   • Number of Gifts: 72
   • Average Gift: $7,958

• 2010 – 35 Members
• 2011 – 45 Members
• 2012 - 71 Members
   • 29 New members (26 more members – up 58%)
   • 2 families dropped to a lower giving circle
   • 1 family has not made gift yet
Council of Stewards: ($500-$4,999K)
• 2011: $1,378,095
• 2012: $1,686,765
• Increased: $308,670 (Up 22%)
   • Number of Gifts: 1,807
   • Average Gift: $933

• 2011: 1,488 Members
• 2012: 1,807 Members
• 363 New members (319 more members – up 21%)
   • 44 families either dropped to a lower giving circle or have not
     made gift yet
Gifts below $500
• 2011: $1,733,283
• 2012: $1,987,587
   • Increased: $254,304 (up 15%)
   • Number of Gifts: 21,794
   • Average gift: $91
Key Elements to Success: Clergy
• Very engaged Bishop, held 30 lunches with key donors
  at his residence in his first year (private Mass), PT Major
  Gifts Office or Development Director attended.
• Very visible Bishop: Not only at diocesan functions but
  drops by parish/catholic school functions, celebrates
  Mass at parishes and attends graduations at Catholic
  High Schools.
• Strong relationship between Bishop and Development
  Director. Trust.
• Trust of the Pastors – continuous communications.
Key Elements to Success: Relationships
  Relationships built through…
   • Local Kickoff of Appeal, Bishop attends
   • Easter and Christmas Cards to top donors
   • Bishop calls to top 50 donors during the Holidays
   • “Thank you call” from Development Office to top
     900 donors.
   • Personal visits to donors by PT Sister of Mercy
   • DOD’s Personal Engagement with donors
   • Catholic Business Owners Alliance
   • Diocesan Strategic Planning Initiative
Evolving Strategies: Giving Societies
 Something for every donor
 • Bishop remembers prayer intentions at Mass
 • Group purchase at a theme park (Dorney Park)
 Mid-Level Giving Expanded (Council of
 • Previous: $1,000 and up = 500 families
 • Current: $500 and up = 1,300 members in 1st year
  • 3rd year nearly 1900 families.
 • Once a year gathering: Examples: Prayer Service and
  Reception, Gospel Concert, “Late Night Catechism”
High Level Donors: Bishop’s Circle
• Invitation Letter to $500 and up donors (Council of Stewards)
• Brand the group
  • Create logo
  • Bishop’s Circle Pin
  • Letterhead/Napkins
  • Banner for events
• Build Community
  • Develop a Directory
  • Create a social calendar of events (Bishop attends)
  • Engage with Bishop
  • Monthly touch point (St. Anthony Messenger Magazine)
  • From Bishop: Easter Card / Christmas Card / Some personal calls
    during the holiday
  • Lunch and personal contact with the 29 new members who stepped up
    their giving
3 Asks in Ask Letter…(Excerpt)
We invite you to participate in these missions by giving
something back through the 2012 BISHOP’S ANNUAL
APPEAL. This year, we are asking you to consider
reaching further with your gift by responding to our “stretch”
gift request. This will help our ministries serve more
people! Please prayerfully consider a gift of <INSERT ASK
“stretch” gift of <INSERT ASK AMOUNT 3>. As you pray
about your gift, please consider membership in the
Bishop’s Circle through a gift of $5,000 or more.
Ongoing Strategies
• Ask for a specific amount of money. Ask is based upon the
    donors previous giving history
•   Engage a parish committee.
•   Phone-a-thons
•   Ask pastors to write a Homily for the Appeal, collect a few
    and share them among the Clergy.
•   Engage a Lay Witness Speaker for each parish.
•   Lay Chairperson couple for each county.
•   Prayer petitions at Mass
•   Appeal Prayer said after the petitions
•   In Pew Solicitation
•   Appeal Video
Local Connection
Prayer Requests

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2012 ICSC Annual Appeal presentation

  • 1. ANNUAL APPEAL: A SUCCESS STORY James S. Friend, Jr., Secretary Secretariat for Stewardship & Development Diocese of Allentown
  • 2. Annual Appeal: A Success Story • I believe… • In Stewardship • In the story of the Widow’s Mite. All gifts of equal sacrifice are equal in the eyes of God. • It is our obligation to engage donors with affluence and influence who can make a difference in the Church today.
  • 3. Snapshot: Diocese of Allentown, PA • Mid-Sized Diocese (275K Catholics), mix: inner city/suburban/rural area. • Median (HUD) income $55K - $73K (5 counties) • Unemployment rate currently 8% • 2008 diocese consolidated from 152-104 Parishes, prior to current Bishop. • 52 year old Bishop installed 3 years ago, very visible.
  • 4. The Numbers: Appeal History •2006: $3.1 Million •2007: $3.3 Million Parish goals are not •2008: $3.3 Million mandatory •2009: $3.6 Million •2010: $4.1 Million – New Strategies Implemented •2011: $4.3 Million •2012: Projected $4.75
  • 5. Comparing Giving: 2011 versus 2012 • 2011 Appeal: $3,558,924 • 2012 Appeal: $4,239,356 • Currently tracking an increase in giving of $680,432 (up 19%) *As of September 11, 2012. Tracking what donors gave last year versus this year.
  • 6. Giving Breakdown 13% 53% of the funds come from 8% of the donors 47% 40% Bishop's Circle Council of Stewards Gifts below $500
  • 7. Bishop’s Circle: 72 Donors ($5K & up) • 2011: $447,545 • 2012: $565,004 • Increased $117,458 (up 26%) • Number of Gifts: 72 • Average Gift: $7,958 • 2010 – 35 Members • 2011 – 45 Members • 2012 - 71 Members • 29 New members (26 more members – up 58%) • 2 families dropped to a lower giving circle • 1 family has not made gift yet
  • 8. Council of Stewards: ($500-$4,999K) • 2011: $1,378,095 • 2012: $1,686,765 • Increased: $308,670 (Up 22%) • Number of Gifts: 1,807 • Average Gift: $933 • 2011: 1,488 Members • 2012: 1,807 Members • 363 New members (319 more members – up 21%) • 44 families either dropped to a lower giving circle or have not made gift yet
  • 9. Gifts below $500 • 2011: $1,733,283 • 2012: $1,987,587 • Increased: $254,304 (up 15%) • Number of Gifts: 21,794 • Average gift: $91
  • 10. Key Elements to Success: Clergy • Very engaged Bishop, held 30 lunches with key donors at his residence in his first year (private Mass), PT Major Gifts Office or Development Director attended. • Very visible Bishop: Not only at diocesan functions but drops by parish/catholic school functions, celebrates Mass at parishes and attends graduations at Catholic High Schools. • Strong relationship between Bishop and Development Director. Trust. • Trust of the Pastors – continuous communications.
  • 11. Key Elements to Success: Relationships Relationships built through… • Local Kickoff of Appeal, Bishop attends • Easter and Christmas Cards to top donors • Bishop calls to top 50 donors during the Holidays • “Thank you call” from Development Office to top 900 donors. • Personal visits to donors by PT Sister of Mercy • DOD’s Personal Engagement with donors • Catholic Business Owners Alliance • Diocesan Strategic Planning Initiative
  • 12. Evolving Strategies: Giving Societies Something for every donor • Bishop remembers prayer intentions at Mass • Group purchase at a theme park (Dorney Park) Mid-Level Giving Expanded (Council of Stewards) • Previous: $1,000 and up = 500 families • Current: $500 and up = 1,300 members in 1st year • 3rd year nearly 1900 families. • Once a year gathering: Examples: Prayer Service and Reception, Gospel Concert, “Late Night Catechism”
  • 13. High Level Donors: Bishop’s Circle • Invitation Letter to $500 and up donors (Council of Stewards) • Brand the group • Create logo • Bishop’s Circle Pin • Letterhead/Napkins • Banner for events • Build Community • Develop a Directory • Create a social calendar of events (Bishop attends) • Engage with Bishop • Monthly touch point (St. Anthony Messenger Magazine) • From Bishop: Easter Card / Christmas Card / Some personal calls during the holiday • Lunch and personal contact with the 29 new members who stepped up their giving
  • 14. 3 Asks in Ask Letter…(Excerpt) We invite you to participate in these missions by giving something back through the 2012 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL. This year, we are asking you to consider reaching further with your gift by responding to our “stretch” gift request. This will help our ministries serve more people! Please prayerfully consider a gift of <INSERT ASK AMOUNT 1>,<INSERT ASK AMOUNT 2>, or your “stretch” gift of <INSERT ASK AMOUNT 3>. As you pray about your gift, please consider membership in the Bishop’s Circle through a gift of $5,000 or more.
  • 15. Ongoing Strategies • Ask for a specific amount of money. Ask is based upon the donors previous giving history • Engage a parish committee. • Phone-a-thons • Ask pastors to write a Homily for the Appeal, collect a few and share them among the Clergy. • Engage a Lay Witness Speaker for each parish. • Lay Chairperson couple for each county. • Prayer petitions at Mass • Appeal Prayer said after the petitions • In Pew Solicitation • Appeal Video