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International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
M. S. Patil1
and G. A. Usmani2
Principal, Pratap Institute of Management & Technology,
At Walki, Risod Road, WashimDist: Washim 444505 (M.S.) India,
Professor, University Institute of Chemical Technology,
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S.) India.
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of Activated Sludge Process
(ASP) for the treatment of synthetic wastewater and to develop a simple design criteria under local
conditions. A laboratory scale Bubble column and Compact jet loop reactor model comprising of an
aeration tank and final clarifier were used for this purpose. Settled synthetic wastewater was used as
influent to the aeration tank. The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the influent and effluent was
measured to find process efficiency at various mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) and
hydraulic retention time (θ). The results of the study demonstrated that an efficiency of above 85%
for bubble column reactor and above 95% for jet loop reactor could be obtained for COD if the ASP
is operated at an MLVSS concentration of 3000 mg/l keeping an aeration time of 1 hour. In the
present investigation the preliminary studies were carried out in a lab scale Bubble column and Jet
loop reactor made of glass. Synthetic waste water having a composition of 1000 mg/lit mixed with
other nutrients such as Urea, Primary and secondary Potassium phosphates, Magnesium sulfate, Iron
chloride required for the bacteria was prepared in the laboratory and reduction in COD and the
increase in Suspended Solids and the Sludge Volume Index (SVI) were determined. The
performance of the Jet loop reactor on a continuous basis was further studied to optimize the reactor
for the best COD reduction. The efficiency of the Jet loop reactor to handle the sudden increase in
the pollution loading was determined by treating synthetic waste water having increased
concentration of the glucose and other constituents and also by varying flow rates. The data so
collected could be further used for studying the performance characteristics of other mass transfer
and energy efficient reactors.
ISSN 0976 - 6480 (Print)
ISSN 0976 - 6499 (Online)
Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73
© IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijaret.asp
Journal Impact Factor (2014): 7.8273 (Calculated by GISI)
© I A E M E
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
Keywords: Activated Sludge, COD, Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS),
Synthetic Waste Water (SWW).
Biological treatment is an important and integral part of any wastewater treatment plant that
treats wastewater from either municipality or industry having soluble organic impurities or a mix of
the two types of wastewater sources. The obvious economic advantage, both in terms of capital
investment and operating costs, of biological treatment over other treatment processes like chemical
oxidation; thermal oxidation etc. has cemented its place in any integrated wastewater treatment plant.
Biological treatment using aerobic activated sludge process has been in practice for well over
a century [10]. Increasing pressure to meet more stringent discharge standards or not being allowed
to discharge treated effluent has led to implementation of a variety of advanced biological treatment
processes in recent years. In the present study, treatment of waste water was investigated to reduce
the level of pollution. Usually the extent of pollution is measured in terms of the Biological and
Chemical Oxygen Demands (BOD and COD) as well as Suspended Solids (SS). The treatment is
divided into three stages Primary, Secondary and Tertiary [5]. In the primary stage coarse materials
are separated by using filtration [6]. During the secondary treatment particularly dissolved organic
pollutants are removed by aerobic or anaerobic methods using microorganisms (Biological). The
treated effluent should have a BOD value of 60 mg/L and a suspended solid content of 30 mg/L [8].
In the third stage the BOD and SS are further reduced to 20 and 10 mg/L respectively by filtering the
treated effluent from the secondary stage through sand, charcoal and/or activated carbon [13].
In the biological stage of waste water treatment plants, the dissolved organic pollutants (in
the form of Carbon and hydrogen) are converted to sludge by microorganisms under addition of
oxygen (aerobic) [4]. The type of equipment’s used for the secondary treatment is big aeration basins
containing either diffused or surface aerators. Recently there has been a shift from conventional
treatment basins with a water depth of 3-4 m to large-size tower reactors of height between 15 and 30
m like the “Turmbiologie” of Bayer AG, the BiohochReaktor of Hoechst AG, or the deep shaft
process of ICI with water depths between 50 and 200m [1]. These new developments have greatly
reduced the ground surface required as well as the emission airborne pollutants as well as the air
intake owing to better oxygen usage. The space-time yield, however, has not improved significantly
and the separation of the sludge from the treated water still requires huge clarification or
sedimentation tanks [14]. The “Hubstrahlreaktor” proposed by Brauer and Sucker [2] and the
Compact reactor developed at the Technical University Clausthal [3] demonstrate on the other hand a
high space-time yield and improved sludge handling properties and thus may be regarded as high
performance reactors with respect to the biological waste water treatment.
The experiment is carried out using 1 GPL synthetic waste water and fixed MLVSS
concentration maintained inside the reactor for different reaction time. Initially, 10L of SWW was
taken in a 15L bucket and 2L sludge was added to it. The culture was allowed to grow by aeration
(without interruption) for 24 hours. The aeration was then stopped and allowed to settle for 15
minutes. The clear liquid was decanted without losing any sludge. The removed clear liquid was
replaced by adding equivalent volume of fresh SWW and the aeration was continued. This procedure
was repeated for 5 days. The suspended solids were determined on each day.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
The composition of Synthetic Wastewater in mg/L of solution [14] is
Glucose: 1000
Urea: 225
Magnesium Sulfate: 100
Potassium Phosphate: 1000
Calcium chloride: 64
Ferric Chloride: 0.5
Once enough treated sludge was available, 2-3 L sludge was transferred into 15/18 L column
and 10-13 LSWW was added to it. The fresh synthetic waste water was mixed with the recirculation
steam and pumped through the two fluid nozzles into the reactor. The hydraulic retention time inside
the reactor was maintained by properly adjusting the flow rate of influent. After reaching the process
under steady state the sample of treated effluent was carried out for measuring COD and MLVSS.
The samples were taken after every 1 hour. This was followed by aeration and the COD was
measured (at time 0). After every hour or two hours, the degradation of glucose was determined,
mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) values were also determined and plotted. The curve
for both the cases was studied and the observed value of suspended solids at every stage finally
determines the amount of excess sludge formed.
2.1 Experimental Setup of Bubble Column Reactor
Bubble column reactors are used in various types of chemical reactions like wet oxidation, or
as Algae bioreactor. Since the computerized design of bubble columns is restricted to a few partial
processes, experience in the choice of a particular type column still plays an important role [13].
A laboratory scale bubble column reactor made up of glass having approximately 15 cm
diameter and 1 m height with bottom sealed and top open with a provision of an overflow to hold at
least 10 L of waste water was used in this study. It consists of an aeration tank (bucket) of 15 L
capacity. One aerator capable of producing very fine air bubbles and provision for uninterrupted
power supply for aeration was used.
Figure 1:- Laboratory scale Bubble Column Reactor
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
2.2 Experimental Setup of CompactJet Loop Reactor
A laboratory scale Jet loop reactor made of hollow cylindrical acrylic glass having
approximately 15 cm diameter and near about 2m height with an inner draft tube and a height:
diameter ratio of about 7:1, making a volume of 18 L with bottom sealed and top opened with a
provision of an overflow to hold at least 15L of waste water was used in this study. A central coaxial
draft tube was placed inside the column for circulation of gas liquid mixture within the reactor. A two
fluid nozzle was fitted at the top of the column for admitting the synthetic wastewater into the reactor.
When the liquid forces through the nozzle, it sucks in the atmospheric air through the fine metal tube
fitted inside the nozzle. It consists of an aeration tank (bucket) of 15 L capacity. One aerator capable
of producing very fine air bubbles and provison for uninterrupted power supply for aeration was used.
Figure 2:- Laboratory scale Compact Jet Loop Reactor
Determination of COD and suspended solids [12] were carried out by using k2Cr2O7, ferrous
ammonium sulphate, H2SO4. The COD was calibrated using exactly 1gpl pure glucose solution (add
1gm glucose in distilled water and make up volume 1 liter). Here the data was collected and studied
related to COD only.
4.1. Observations for Bubble Column Reactor
Table (1):- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1GPL,
MLVSS = 1000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes
Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
MLVSS (mg/L) 1100 1180 1240 1300 1320 1360 1380
COD (mg/L) 1040 732 576 432 336 272 224
%COD Reduction 0.00 29.62 44.62 58.46 67.69 73.85 78.46
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
Figure3:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes &
MLVSS = 1000 mg/L
Table (2):- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL,
MLVSS = 2000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes
Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5
MLVSS (mg/L) 2180 2260 2360 2420 2520 2640
COD (mg/L) 992 642 443 320 231 183
%COD Reduction 0 35.28 55.34 67.74 76.71 81.55
Figure4:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes &
MLVSS = 2000 mg/L
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (hrs)
MLVSS (mg/L)
COD (mg/L)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
MLVSS (mg/L)
COD (mg/L)
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
Table (3):- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL,
MLVSS = 3000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes
Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5
MLVSS (mg/L) 2960 3100 3180 3260 3320 3380
COD (mg/L) 1096 640 423 301 202 136
%COD Reduction 0 41.61 61.41 72.54 81.57 87.59
Figure5:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes &
MLVSS = 3000 mg/L
Table 4:- COD Removal Efficiency Vs. Time for Synthetic Waste Water Concentration:
1 GPL, MLVSS = 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L & Hydraulic Retention Time = 60minutes
Time (Hrs.) % COD Removal
1000 mg/L 2000 mg/L 3000 mg/L
0 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 29.62 35.28 41.61
2 44.62 55.34 61.41
3 58.46 67.74 72.54
4 67.69 76.71 81.57
5 73.85 81.55 87.59
6 78.46 - -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (hrs)
MLVSS (mg/L)
COD (mg/L)
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
Figure 6:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS Removal Efficiency when MLVSS = 1000, 2000, 3000 mg/L
& 60 minutes Hydraulic Retention Time
4.2. Observations for Compact Jet Loop Reactor
Table 5:- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL,
MLVSS = 1000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes
Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5
MLVSS (mg/L) 1080 1160 1220 1280 1320 1380
COD (mg/L) 1192 712 475 332 212 142
%COD Reduction 0.00 40.27 60.15 72.15 82.21 88.09
Figure7:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes &
MLVSS = 1000 mg/L
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
MLVSS (mg/L)
COD (mg/L)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1000 mg/lit
2000 mg/lit
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
Table 6:- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL, MLVSS
= 2000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes
Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5
MLVSS (mg/L) 1960 2050 2160 2220 2260 2280
COD (mg/L) 1056 580 370 254 165 102
%COD Reduction 0 45.08 64.96 75.95 84.38 90.34
Figure 8:-Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes &
MLVSS = 2000 mg/L
Table 7:-Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL,
MLVSS = 3000 mg/L When Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes
Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5
MLVSS (mg/L) 2960 3140 3260 3340 3380 3420
COD (mg/L) 1024 554 340 210 112 48
%COD Reduction 0 45.90 66.80 79.49 89.06 95.31
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
MLVSS (mg/L)
COD (mg/L)
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
Figure 9:-Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes &
MLVSS = 3000 mg/L
Table 8:- COD Removal Efficiency Vs. Time for Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1
GPL, MLVSS = 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L & Hydraulic Retention Time = 60minutes
Time (HRS.) % COD Removal
1000 mg/L 2000 mg/L 3000 mg/L
0 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 40.27 45.08 45.90
2 60.15 64.96 66.80
3 72.15 75.95 79.49
4 82.21 84.38 89.06
5 88.09 90.34 95.31
Figure 10:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS Removal Efficiency when MLVSS = 1000, 2000, 3000 mg/L
& 60 minutes Hydraulic Retention Time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
MLVSS (mg/L)
COD (mg/L)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1000 mg/L
2000 mg/L
3000 mg/L
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
The experimental data was collected by using two different reactors,
1) Bubble Column Reactor
2) Compact Jet Loop Reactor
Bubble column reactor was operated under steady state, by varying the MLVSS
concentration as 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L and 3000 mg/L for 1 GPL synthetic waste water
concentration and hydraulic retention time = 60 minutes.
The values of COD obtained for 1GPL synthetic waste water concentration keeping MLVSS
concentration 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L, 3000 mg/L and hydraulic retention time 60 minutes are
depicted in table 1, 2 and 3. The relationships between hydraulic retention time and COD/MLVSS
for above results are shown in figure 3, 4 and 5.
The treatment efficiency of reactor in terms of COD removals was studied for concentrations
of 1000, 2000, 3000 mg/L at time intervals of 60 minutes and the result are depicted in table 4. The
relationships between hydraulic retention time and the overall efficiency of the removals indicated
by % reduction of COD for above results are shown in figure 6.
Thus the results indicate that as the MLVSS concentration increases, COD removal
efficiency also increases; for e.g. the observed COD removal efficiencies are 73.85, 81.55, 87.59 %
for MLVSS concentrations of 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L at hydraulic retention time of 60 minutes
respectively. As per our previous experimental data it was observed that as hydraulic retention time
changes to 45 minutes, COD removal efficiencies are 69.84, 76.04 & 81.62 % and for 30 minutes,
COD removal efficiencies are 60.43, 67.61 & 76.22 % when MLVSS concentrations are 1000, 2000
& 3000 mg/L respectively.
The experimental data was collected by using Compact jet loop reactor. Compact jet loop
reactor was operated under steady state, by varying the MLVSS concentration as 1000 mg/L, 2000
mg/L and 3000 mg/L for 1 GPL synthetic waste water concentration and at hydraulic retention time
of 60 minutes.
The values of COD obtained for 1GPL synthetic waste water concentration at MLVSS
concentration 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L, 3000 mg/L and hydraulic retention time of 60 minutes are
depicted in table 5, 6 and 7. The relationships between hydraulic retention time and COD/MLVSS
for above results are shown in figure 7, 8 and 9. It was noted that the COD value decreases with
increase in MLVSS concentration and time.
The treatment efficiency of reactor in terms of COD removals was studied for concentrations
of 1000, 2000, 3000 mg/L at time interval of 60 minutes and the results are depicted in table 8. The
relationship between hydraulic retention time and the overall efficiency of the removals indicated by
% reduction of COD for above results are shown in figure 10.
Thus the results indicate that as the MLVSS concentration increases, COD removal
efficiency also increases; for e.g. the observed COD removal efficiencies are 88.09, 90.34, 95.31 %
for MLVSS concentrations of 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L at hydraulic retention time of 60 minutes
It is observed that all calculated values of COD in Bubble column reactor were around the
permissible limit and for Compact jet loop reactor it is observed that all values are under permissible
limit i.e. 250 mg/L given by the general standards for discharge of environmental pollutants decided
by Central Pollution Control Board, ministry of environment and forests, Government of India [11].
From above results it is concluded that maximum COD removal efficiency was obtained at
MLVSS concentration of 3000 mg/L and time value of 60 minutes [7]. It is also concluded that
maximum COD removal efficiency is found in Compact jet loop reactor as compared to Bubble
column reactor. This is due to the fact that in jet loop reactor, very finely dispersed air bubbles
produce high turbulence and efficient mass transfer. Moreover the bio mass also works very
efficiently due to constant inertia when they are projected into the core of the reactor through the two
fluid nozzles.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 –
6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME
In growing industrialization era the water purity is the main problem. Water is needed
everywhere for process, utilities, household purpose etc. so for waste water, treatment has become more
and more important. For the treatment of waste water activated sludge process is environmentally useful.
The Compact Jet Loop Reactor is found most effective and economical for the treatment of
industrial waste water by using activated sludge process and widely used for removing organic
components from waste water. The pollution load was estimated by Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).
Results obtained in this study has indicated that percentage reduction of COD reached up to 87% in
Bubble Column Reactor and 96% in Compact Jet Loop Reactor in treated effluent at MLVSS
concentration of 3000 mg/L and an aeration time of 1hour.
Authors are very much thankful to Hon’ble Shri. Sachin Pratap singh Ade, Secretary,
Pratap Institute of Management and Technology (Engineering College), Washim for providing laboratory
facilities and cooperation during the present study.
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  • 1. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 63 PERFORMANCE OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS IN BUBBLE COLUMN AND COMPACT JET LOOP REACTOR: A COMPARATIVE STUDY M. S. Patil1 and G. A. Usmani2 1 Principal, Pratap Institute of Management & Technology, At Walki, Risod Road, WashimDist: Washim 444505 (M.S.) India, 2 Professor, University Institute of Chemical Technology, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S.) India. ABSTRACT The present study was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of Activated Sludge Process (ASP) for the treatment of synthetic wastewater and to develop a simple design criteria under local conditions. A laboratory scale Bubble column and Compact jet loop reactor model comprising of an aeration tank and final clarifier were used for this purpose. Settled synthetic wastewater was used as influent to the aeration tank. The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the influent and effluent was measured to find process efficiency at various mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) and hydraulic retention time (θ). The results of the study demonstrated that an efficiency of above 85% for bubble column reactor and above 95% for jet loop reactor could be obtained for COD if the ASP is operated at an MLVSS concentration of 3000 mg/l keeping an aeration time of 1 hour. In the present investigation the preliminary studies were carried out in a lab scale Bubble column and Jet loop reactor made of glass. Synthetic waste water having a composition of 1000 mg/lit mixed with other nutrients such as Urea, Primary and secondary Potassium phosphates, Magnesium sulfate, Iron chloride required for the bacteria was prepared in the laboratory and reduction in COD and the increase in Suspended Solids and the Sludge Volume Index (SVI) were determined. The performance of the Jet loop reactor on a continuous basis was further studied to optimize the reactor for the best COD reduction. The efficiency of the Jet loop reactor to handle the sudden increase in the pollution loading was determined by treating synthetic waste water having increased concentration of the glucose and other constituents and also by varying flow rates. The data so collected could be further used for studying the performance characteristics of other mass transfer and energy efficient reactors. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJARET) ISSN 0976 - 6480 (Print) ISSN 0976 - 6499 (Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73 © IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijaret.asp Journal Impact Factor (2014): 7.8273 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com IJARET © I A E M E
  • 2. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 64 Keywords: Activated Sludge, COD, Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS), Synthetic Waste Water (SWW). 1. INTRODUCTION Biological treatment is an important and integral part of any wastewater treatment plant that treats wastewater from either municipality or industry having soluble organic impurities or a mix of the two types of wastewater sources. The obvious economic advantage, both in terms of capital investment and operating costs, of biological treatment over other treatment processes like chemical oxidation; thermal oxidation etc. has cemented its place in any integrated wastewater treatment plant. Biological treatment using aerobic activated sludge process has been in practice for well over a century [10]. Increasing pressure to meet more stringent discharge standards or not being allowed to discharge treated effluent has led to implementation of a variety of advanced biological treatment processes in recent years. In the present study, treatment of waste water was investigated to reduce the level of pollution. Usually the extent of pollution is measured in terms of the Biological and Chemical Oxygen Demands (BOD and COD) as well as Suspended Solids (SS). The treatment is divided into three stages Primary, Secondary and Tertiary [5]. In the primary stage coarse materials are separated by using filtration [6]. During the secondary treatment particularly dissolved organic pollutants are removed by aerobic or anaerobic methods using microorganisms (Biological). The treated effluent should have a BOD value of 60 mg/L and a suspended solid content of 30 mg/L [8]. In the third stage the BOD and SS are further reduced to 20 and 10 mg/L respectively by filtering the treated effluent from the secondary stage through sand, charcoal and/or activated carbon [13]. In the biological stage of waste water treatment plants, the dissolved organic pollutants (in the form of Carbon and hydrogen) are converted to sludge by microorganisms under addition of oxygen (aerobic) [4]. The type of equipment’s used for the secondary treatment is big aeration basins containing either diffused or surface aerators. Recently there has been a shift from conventional treatment basins with a water depth of 3-4 m to large-size tower reactors of height between 15 and 30 m like the “Turmbiologie” of Bayer AG, the BiohochReaktor of Hoechst AG, or the deep shaft process of ICI with water depths between 50 and 200m [1]. These new developments have greatly reduced the ground surface required as well as the emission airborne pollutants as well as the air intake owing to better oxygen usage. The space-time yield, however, has not improved significantly and the separation of the sludge from the treated water still requires huge clarification or sedimentation tanks [14]. The “Hubstrahlreaktor” proposed by Brauer and Sucker [2] and the Compact reactor developed at the Technical University Clausthal [3] demonstrate on the other hand a high space-time yield and improved sludge handling properties and thus may be regarded as high performance reactors with respect to the biological waste water treatment. 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The experiment is carried out using 1 GPL synthetic waste water and fixed MLVSS concentration maintained inside the reactor for different reaction time. Initially, 10L of SWW was taken in a 15L bucket and 2L sludge was added to it. The culture was allowed to grow by aeration (without interruption) for 24 hours. The aeration was then stopped and allowed to settle for 15 minutes. The clear liquid was decanted without losing any sludge. The removed clear liquid was replaced by adding equivalent volume of fresh SWW and the aeration was continued. This procedure was repeated for 5 days. The suspended solids were determined on each day.
  • 3. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 65 The composition of Synthetic Wastewater in mg/L of solution [14] is Glucose: 1000 Urea: 225 Magnesium Sulfate: 100 Potassium Phosphate: 1000 Calcium chloride: 64 Ferric Chloride: 0.5 Once enough treated sludge was available, 2-3 L sludge was transferred into 15/18 L column and 10-13 LSWW was added to it. The fresh synthetic waste water was mixed with the recirculation steam and pumped through the two fluid nozzles into the reactor. The hydraulic retention time inside the reactor was maintained by properly adjusting the flow rate of influent. After reaching the process under steady state the sample of treated effluent was carried out for measuring COD and MLVSS. The samples were taken after every 1 hour. This was followed by aeration and the COD was measured (at time 0). After every hour or two hours, the degradation of glucose was determined, mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) values were also determined and plotted. The curve for both the cases was studied and the observed value of suspended solids at every stage finally determines the amount of excess sludge formed. 2.1 Experimental Setup of Bubble Column Reactor Bubble column reactors are used in various types of chemical reactions like wet oxidation, or as Algae bioreactor. Since the computerized design of bubble columns is restricted to a few partial processes, experience in the choice of a particular type column still plays an important role [13]. A laboratory scale bubble column reactor made up of glass having approximately 15 cm diameter and 1 m height with bottom sealed and top open with a provision of an overflow to hold at least 10 L of waste water was used in this study. It consists of an aeration tank (bucket) of 15 L capacity. One aerator capable of producing very fine air bubbles and provision for uninterrupted power supply for aeration was used. Figure 1:- Laboratory scale Bubble Column Reactor
  • 4. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 66 2.2 Experimental Setup of CompactJet Loop Reactor A laboratory scale Jet loop reactor made of hollow cylindrical acrylic glass having approximately 15 cm diameter and near about 2m height with an inner draft tube and a height: diameter ratio of about 7:1, making a volume of 18 L with bottom sealed and top opened with a provision of an overflow to hold at least 15L of waste water was used in this study. A central coaxial draft tube was placed inside the column for circulation of gas liquid mixture within the reactor. A two fluid nozzle was fitted at the top of the column for admitting the synthetic wastewater into the reactor. When the liquid forces through the nozzle, it sucks in the atmospheric air through the fine metal tube fitted inside the nozzle. It consists of an aeration tank (bucket) of 15 L capacity. One aerator capable of producing very fine air bubbles and provison for uninterrupted power supply for aeration was used. Figure 2:- Laboratory scale Compact Jet Loop Reactor 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS Determination of COD and suspended solids [12] were carried out by using k2Cr2O7, ferrous ammonium sulphate, H2SO4. The COD was calibrated using exactly 1gpl pure glucose solution (add 1gm glucose in distilled water and make up volume 1 liter). Here the data was collected and studied related to COD only. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Observations for Bubble Column Reactor Table (1):- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1GPL, MLVSS = 1000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 MLVSS (mg/L) 1100 1180 1240 1300 1320 1360 1380 COD (mg/L) 1040 732 576 432 336 272 224 %COD Reduction 0.00 29.62 44.62 58.46 67.69 73.85 78.46
  • 5. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 67 Figure3:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes & MLVSS = 1000 mg/L Table (2):- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL, MLVSS = 2000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 MLVSS (mg/L) 2180 2260 2360 2420 2520 2640 COD (mg/L) 992 642 443 320 231 183 %COD Reduction 0 35.28 55.34 67.74 76.71 81.55 Figure4:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes & MLVSS = 2000 mg/L 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MLVSS/COD(mg/L) Time (hrs) MLVSS (mg/L) COD (mg/L) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 MLVSS/COD(mg/L) TIME (HRS) MLVSS (mg/L) COD (mg/L)
  • 6. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 68 Table (3):- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL, MLVSS = 3000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 MLVSS (mg/L) 2960 3100 3180 3260 3320 3380 COD (mg/L) 1096 640 423 301 202 136 %COD Reduction 0 41.61 61.41 72.54 81.57 87.59 Figure5:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes & MLVSS = 3000 mg/L Table 4:- COD Removal Efficiency Vs. Time for Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL, MLVSS = 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L & Hydraulic Retention Time = 60minutes Time (Hrs.) % COD Removal 1000 mg/L 2000 mg/L 3000 mg/L 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 29.62 35.28 41.61 2 44.62 55.34 61.41 3 58.46 67.74 72.54 4 67.69 76.71 81.57 5 73.85 81.55 87.59 6 78.46 - - 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 MLVSS/COD(mg/L) Time (hrs) MLVSS (mg/L) COD (mg/L)
  • 7. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 69 Figure 6:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS Removal Efficiency when MLVSS = 1000, 2000, 3000 mg/L & 60 minutes Hydraulic Retention Time 4.2. Observations for Compact Jet Loop Reactor Table 5:- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL, MLVSS = 1000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 MLVSS (mg/L) 1080 1160 1220 1280 1320 1380 COD (mg/L) 1192 712 475 332 212 142 %COD Reduction 0.00 40.27 60.15 72.15 82.21 88.09 Figure7:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes & MLVSS = 1000 mg/L 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 MLVSS/COD(mg/L) TIME (HRS) MLVSS (mg/L) COD (mg/L) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 %CODREMOVAL TIME (HRS) 1000 mg/lit 2000 mg/lit
  • 8. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 70 Table 6:- Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL, MLVSS = 2000 mg/L and Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 MLVSS (mg/L) 1960 2050 2160 2220 2260 2280 COD (mg/L) 1056 580 370 254 165 102 %COD Reduction 0 45.08 64.96 75.95 84.38 90.34 Figure 8:-Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes & MLVSS = 2000 mg/L Table 7:-Determination of COD When Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL, MLVSS = 3000 mg/L When Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes Time (hr.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 MLVSS (mg/L) 2960 3140 3260 3340 3380 3420 COD (mg/L) 1024 554 340 210 112 48 %COD Reduction 0 45.90 66.80 79.49 89.06 95.31 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 MLVSS/COD(mg/L) TIME (HRS) MLVSS (mg/L) COD (mg/L)
  • 9. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 71 Figure 9:-Time Vs. COD/MLVSS when Hydraulic Retention Time = 60 minutes & MLVSS = 3000 mg/L Table 8:- COD Removal Efficiency Vs. Time for Synthetic Waste Water Concentration: 1 GPL, MLVSS = 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L & Hydraulic Retention Time = 60minutes Time (HRS.) % COD Removal 1000 mg/L 2000 mg/L 3000 mg/L 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 40.27 45.08 45.90 2 60.15 64.96 66.80 3 72.15 75.95 79.49 4 82.21 84.38 89.06 5 88.09 90.34 95.31 Figure 10:- Time Vs. COD/MLVSS Removal Efficiency when MLVSS = 1000, 2000, 3000 mg/L & 60 minutes Hydraulic Retention Time 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 MLVSS/COD(mg/L) TIME (HRS) MLVSS (mg/L) COD (mg/L) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 %CODREMOVAL TIME (HRS) 1000 mg/L 2000 mg/L 3000 mg/L
  • 10. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 72 The experimental data was collected by using two different reactors, 1) Bubble Column Reactor 2) Compact Jet Loop Reactor Bubble column reactor was operated under steady state, by varying the MLVSS concentration as 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L and 3000 mg/L for 1 GPL synthetic waste water concentration and hydraulic retention time = 60 minutes. The values of COD obtained for 1GPL synthetic waste water concentration keeping MLVSS concentration 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L, 3000 mg/L and hydraulic retention time 60 minutes are depicted in table 1, 2 and 3. The relationships between hydraulic retention time and COD/MLVSS for above results are shown in figure 3, 4 and 5. The treatment efficiency of reactor in terms of COD removals was studied for concentrations of 1000, 2000, 3000 mg/L at time intervals of 60 minutes and the result are depicted in table 4. The relationships between hydraulic retention time and the overall efficiency of the removals indicated by % reduction of COD for above results are shown in figure 6. Thus the results indicate that as the MLVSS concentration increases, COD removal efficiency also increases; for e.g. the observed COD removal efficiencies are 73.85, 81.55, 87.59 % for MLVSS concentrations of 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L at hydraulic retention time of 60 minutes respectively. As per our previous experimental data it was observed that as hydraulic retention time changes to 45 minutes, COD removal efficiencies are 69.84, 76.04 & 81.62 % and for 30 minutes, COD removal efficiencies are 60.43, 67.61 & 76.22 % when MLVSS concentrations are 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L respectively. The experimental data was collected by using Compact jet loop reactor. Compact jet loop reactor was operated under steady state, by varying the MLVSS concentration as 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L and 3000 mg/L for 1 GPL synthetic waste water concentration and at hydraulic retention time of 60 minutes. The values of COD obtained for 1GPL synthetic waste water concentration at MLVSS concentration 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L, 3000 mg/L and hydraulic retention time of 60 minutes are depicted in table 5, 6 and 7. The relationships between hydraulic retention time and COD/MLVSS for above results are shown in figure 7, 8 and 9. It was noted that the COD value decreases with increase in MLVSS concentration and time. The treatment efficiency of reactor in terms of COD removals was studied for concentrations of 1000, 2000, 3000 mg/L at time interval of 60 minutes and the results are depicted in table 8. The relationship between hydraulic retention time and the overall efficiency of the removals indicated by % reduction of COD for above results are shown in figure 10. Thus the results indicate that as the MLVSS concentration increases, COD removal efficiency also increases; for e.g. the observed COD removal efficiencies are 88.09, 90.34, 95.31 % for MLVSS concentrations of 1000, 2000 & 3000 mg/L at hydraulic retention time of 60 minutes respectively. It is observed that all calculated values of COD in Bubble column reactor were around the permissible limit and for Compact jet loop reactor it is observed that all values are under permissible limit i.e. 250 mg/L given by the general standards for discharge of environmental pollutants decided by Central Pollution Control Board, ministry of environment and forests, Government of India [11]. From above results it is concluded that maximum COD removal efficiency was obtained at MLVSS concentration of 3000 mg/L and time value of 60 minutes [7]. It is also concluded that maximum COD removal efficiency is found in Compact jet loop reactor as compared to Bubble column reactor. This is due to the fact that in jet loop reactor, very finely dispersed air bubbles produce high turbulence and efficient mass transfer. Moreover the bio mass also works very efficiently due to constant inertia when they are projected into the core of the reactor through the two fluid nozzles.
  • 11. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) Volume 5, Issue 3, March (2014), pp. 63-73, © IAEME 73 5. CONCLUSION In growing industrialization era the water purity is the main problem. Water is needed everywhere for process, utilities, household purpose etc. so for waste water, treatment has become more and more important. For the treatment of waste water activated sludge process is environmentally useful. The Compact Jet Loop Reactor is found most effective and economical for the treatment of industrial waste water by using activated sludge process and widely used for removing organic components from waste water. The pollution load was estimated by Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Results obtained in this study has indicated that percentage reduction of COD reached up to 87% in Bubble Column Reactor and 96% in Compact Jet Loop Reactor in treated effluent at MLVSS concentration of 3000 mg/L and an aeration time of 1hour. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors are very much thankful to Hon’ble Shri. Sachin Pratap singh Ade, Secretary, Pratap Institute of Management and Technology (Engineering College), Washim for providing laboratory facilities and cooperation during the present study. 7. REFERENCES 1] M. Zlokarnik, Verfahrenstechnik der aerobe Wasserreinigung, Chem. Ing. Tech., 54, 1982, 939-952. 2] H.Brauer and D. Saucker, Biological waste water treatment in a high efficiency reactor, Ger. Chem. Eng., 2, 1979,77-86. 3] U. Wachsmann, N. Rabiger and A. Vogelpohl, The Compact reactor-A newly developed loop reactor with high mass transfer performance, Ger. Chem. Eng., 7, 1984, 39-44. 4] Metcalf G. & Eddy T., Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. McGraw Hill N.Y. 1998, pp. 154-169. 5] M. K. Sharif, S. Yazdi, C. Azimi, M. B.Khalili, Iranian J. Public Health, 30 (3-4), 2001, 87-90. 6] A. Y. Zahrin, F. M. Rachel, S. Meneka, S. Y. Su, F. Melvin, and E. S. Chen, World Applied Sciences Journal (special issue for environment), 5, 2009, 126- 129. 7] M. S. Patil and G. A. Usmani, Study of Activated Sludge Process for Treatment of Waste Water under Laboratory Controlled Conditions, International Journal of Chemical Engg. (IJCE), 3 (1), 2010, 77-82. 8] R. S. Ramalho, Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Process. Academic Press Inc.1983, pp. 147-156. 9] Bhutada, S. R. and V. G. Pangarkar, Chem. Eng. Commun., 61, 1987, 239. 10] A. Fadvi and Y. Chisti, Gas-liquid mass transfer in novel forced circulation loop reactor, Chem. Eng. J., 112 (1-3), 2005, 73-80. 11] Indian Standard Methods of Sampling and Test (Physical and Chemical) for Water and Wastewater, 2006, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), First Revision, IS 3025 (Par 58). 12] S. S. Dara, A Textbook on Experimental and Calculations in Engineering Chemistry, Sixth Edition, S. Chand & Company Ltd. Publications, 2009, pp. 45-50. 13] S. Haider, J. A. Aziz and M. S. Ahmad, Biological Treatment of Tannary Waste Water using Activated Sludge Process, Pak. J. Eng. & Appl. Sci. 1, 2007, 61-66. 14] E. A. Naundor, D. Subramaniam, N. Rabiger and A. Vogelpohl, Biological Treatment of Waste Water in the Compact Reactor, Chem. Eng. Process, 19, 1985, 229-233. 15] R Radhakrishanan and A Praveen, “Sustainability Perceptions on Wastewater Treatment Operations in Urban Areas of Developing World”, International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Volume 3, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 45 - 61, ISSN Print: 0976 – 6308, ISSN Online: 0976 – 6316,