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May 11, 2011
Revised October 2013


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Introductory Note ……………………………………………...……………..…… 1
Preamble …………………………………………………………………………… 2
Article 1: Coverage ……………………………………………..……………...... 3
Article 2: Fairness and Equitability ……………………………………………. 4
Article 3: Effect of Law & Regulation ......……………………...…………….... 5
Article 4: Labor-Management Relations Committees ……………………..… 6
Article 5: Union Rights …………………………………………………………. 9
Article 6: Agency Rights ………………………………………………………... 12
Article 7: Protection Against Prohibited Personnel Practices ……………….. 13
Article 8: Position Descriptions and Classification Appeals .………………… 18
Article 9: Personnel Records …………………………………………………… 22
Article 10: Notice to Employees …………………………………………………. 24
Article 11: Outside Employment ………………………………………………… 26
Article 12: Probationary Periods ………………………………………………… 28
Article 13: Bid, Rotation and Placement ………………………………………... 32
Article 14: Alternative Work Schedules ……………………………………….... 48
Article 15: Telework ……………………………………………………………… 52
Article 16: Travel………………………………………………..………………… 62
Article 17: Part-Time Employment ……………………………………………... 68
Article 18: Child Care Subsidy Program….…………………………………….. 70
Article 19: Employee Proficiency Review ……….……………………………… 73
Article 20: Acceptable Level of Competence …………………………………… 82
Article 21: Unacceptable Performance …………………………………………. 86
Article 22: Investigations………………………….…………………………….... 91
Article 23: Reduction in Force and Transfer of Function ……………………... 96
Article 24: Retirement ……………………………………………………………. 97
Article 25: Dues Allotments ……………………………………………………… 99
Article 26: Bargaining ……………………………………………………………. 104
Article 27: Grievance Procedure ………………………………………………… 109
Article 28: Arbitration …………………………………………………………… 117
Article 29: Access to Facilities and Services ……………………………………. 126
Article 30: Union Representatives and Official Time ………………………….. 132
Article 31: Employee Rights …………………………………………………….. 139
Article 32: Employee Development …………………………………………….. 144
Article 33: Safety and Health ……………………………………………………. 149
Article 34: Scheduling ……………………………………………………………. 159
Article 35: Overtime ……………………………………………………………… 165
Article 36: Holidays ………………………………………………………………. 176
Article 37: Leave and Excusal …………………………………………………… 182
Article 38: Temporary Assignments …………………………………………….. 201


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Article 39: Reassignments ………………………………………………………. 205
Article 40: Preclearance ………………………………………………………… 215
Article 41: Merit Promotion ……………………………………………………. 218
Article 42: Awards and Recognition …………………………………………… 227
Article 43: Use of Force and Firearms …………………………………………. 236
Article 44: Attire and Appearance ……………………………………………… 244
Article 45: Disciplinary Actions ………………………………………………… 249
Article 46: Adverse Actions …………………………………………………….. 254
Article 47: Equal Employment Opportunity ………………………………….. 257
Article 48: Duration ……………………………………………………………... 265
Appendix A:Investigatory Interview Forms
General Notice ……………………………………………………… A-1
Weingarten Rights …………………………………………………. A-2
Third Party Witness Interviews …………………………………… A-3
Miranda Rights …………………………………………………….. A-4
Beckwith Rights …………………………………………………….. A-5
Kalkines Rights ……………………………………………………... A-6
Appendix B: Dues Withholding Codes …………………………………………… A-7
Appendix C: Grievance Form (CBP 280) …………………………………………A-11
Appendix D: Douglas Factors …………………………………………………….. A-12
Appendix E: Personal Appearance Standards – Quick Reference Matrix ……. A-14
Appendix F: Foreign Language Awards Program …………………………….. A-16
Appendix G: Procedures for Processing EEO Grievances …………………….. A-19


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Any reference to "employee" or "employees" throughout this Agreement shall mean
bargaining unit employee(s) only. Furthermore, as the English language lacks a generic
singular pronoun signifying both the masculine and feminine (e.g., “he” and “she”, “him”
and “her”, etc.); we have followed the customary and grammatically sanctioned use of
masculine pronouns to refer to persons of either sex.
However, in reaffirmation of our dedication to the equality of the sexes in the
employment situation, wherever a masculine pronoun is used in this Agreement to denote
an employee, supervisor or other party, it refers to persons of both sexes and shall be
construed to include males and/or females as appropriate.
Throughout this Agreement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection may be referred to as
"The Employer", “Agency”, or "CBP”, and the National Treasury Employees Union may
be referred to as "the Union", or “NTEU.”
All acronyms will be spelled out the first time they are used in a given Article.


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As the first national collective bargaining agreement between U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) and the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) for the Agency-
wide bargaining unit established by the Federal Labor Relations Authority on May 18,
2007, CBP and NTEU set forth the following principles of general guidance to aid in the
creation of a constructive labor-management relationship that ensures and supports the
effective and efficient accomplishment of the Agency’s critical national security mission:
• We recognize employees are the keystone of the Agency, and their
commitment, knowledge, skill, wisdom, experience, enthusiasm and versatility
is the lifeblood to the successful accomplishment of the Agency’s important
• We recognize participation of employees, through their elected representative,
NTEU, in the formulation and implementation of policies and practices
affecting the conditions of their employment can contribute to increased
organizational performance. As a result, CBP and NTEU are committed to
develop and maintain a constructive relationship supportive of the employees
and the mission they fulfill.
• We renew, as this relationship moves forward, our commitment to:
o Recognize each others’ needs and interests;
o Focus and encourage non-adversarial methods for resolving problems;
o Encourage and assist employees in developing to their full potential; and
o Invite employee input on matters that affect them whenever practicable.


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The terms of this Agreement apply to all professional and non-professional employees of
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), excluding:
• Employees in the Office of Border Patrol who are assigned to Border Patrol
• Employees of the Office of Chief Counsel; and
• Management officials, supervisors, and other employees excluded from bargaining
unit in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 7112(b)(2), (3), (4), (6) and (7).
In the event the National Treasury Employees Union is certified as the exclusive
representative of any additional bargaining unit(s) within CBP after the effective date of
this Agreement, the parties may, by mutual agreement, automatically cover such unit(s)
by the terms of this Agreement.


- 4 -
Section 1. Several provisions in this Agreement require that the Employer exercise its
authority or discretion in a fair and impartial (or fair and equitable) manner. Unless
otherwise defined, such terms will be interpreted to mean that the Employer will exercise
the referenced authorities or discretion fairly and consistently so as to avoid adverse
impact. To clarify, this provision does not require the authority or discretion itself to be
fair and impartial (or fair and equitable) on its face; but rather that it be applied, or
followed fairly and impartially (or fairly and equitably). In other words, the provision
simply requires that the referenced authorities or discretion be applied (or not applied) in
accordance with law, rule, regulation, and this Agreement to similarly situated bargaining
unit employees, without bias, favoritism, arbitrariness or consideration of reasons not
relating to merit or mission.
Section 2. In carrying out its representation functions, the union will treat employees
with dignity and respect.


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Section 1. Except as provided by law, in the administration of all matters covered by this
Agreement, the parties are governed by:
• Existing or future laws;
• Government-wide rules or regulations in effect on the date the Agreement
becomes effective;
• Government-wide rules and regulations issued after the Agreement is effective
which do not conflict with the contract and over which all bargaining
responsibilities have been fulfilled; and
• Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection rules
and regulations which do not conflict with this Agreement and over which all
bargaining responsibilities have been fulfilled.
Section 2. The parties may implement through mutual agreement any conflicting rules or
regulations issued after the effective date of this agreement or over which bargaining has
not been completed, but this is not a mandatory subject of bargaining for either party.
Section 3. This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements and past practices in
conflict with it. Otherwise, all practices and agreements will continue until otherwise
modified by the parties.


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The parties will establish Labor-Management Relations Committees (LMRCs) in
accordance with the provisions of this Article. They will give consideration to: areas of
pre-decisional input; the prevention and resolution of misunderstandings and grievances;
working conditions, personnel policies and practices; the promotion of good employee-
supervisor relationships; the strengthening of morale, etc.
All LMRCs are solely for the purpose of exchanging views and information and shall be
deemed a supplement to negotiations as defined by the Civil Service Reform Act, not a
substitute. However, the parties recognize that issues unresolved in these meetings
potentially can be addressed in grievances, mid-term bargaining and other traditional
representational forums.
Section 1. National Labor-Management Relations Committee.
A. A national LMRC will meet two times per calendar year for no more than two (2)
working days at U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Headquarters
facilities. Additional meetings may be held, by mutual consent, at such other times
as deemed necessary. Thirty (30) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the
meeting, the parties will exchange anticipated agenda items. Matters not on the
agenda can be discussed by mutual consent.
B. The Union will have five (5) attendees from the bargaining unit present. These
five (5) unit members will receive official time for the meeting as well as the time
necessary to travel to and from the meeting. National LMRC bargaining unit
members will be reimbursed travel and per diem in accordance with the Federal
Travel Regulations. The national LMRC bargaining unit members may be joined
by National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) elected leaders and staff who are
not CBP employees.
Section 2. National Work Groups.
A. The national LMRC may, by mutual agreement, establish work groups to analyze
specific problems and propose solutions. Absent mutual agreement by the national
LMRC, a work group shall be comprised of no more than eight (8) members, i.e.,
four (4) representatives from NTEU and four (4) representatives from CBP.


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B. No later than seven (7) calendar days after the national LMRC agreeing to
establish a work group, CBP will provide NTEU the qualifications necessary to
participate in a specific work group. Within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of
qualifications from CBP, NTEU will provide employee nominations.
C. The work groups proposed solutions will be presented to the national LMRC for
D. Where the Employer selects bargaining unit employees to serve on committees,
work groups or projects to analyze work processes or problems, and such work is
not normally assigned to all employees in a given position or location, the
Employer will solicit from NTEU nominations of employees based on
qualifications provided by the Employer. The Employer will select from the union
nominations, absent just cause.
Section 3. Field Level Labor-Management Relations Committees.
A. In addition to the national LMRC, committees will be established at the field level
(e.g., DFO or equivalent level) to support the objectives of this Article. Field
LMRCs will meet four (4) times every calendar year for no longer than one (1)
regular work day, at space provided by CBP management. The committees may
also meet at other times as the parties find mutually agreeable.
B. The parties will furnish each other, no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to
the scheduled date of the meeting, a written agenda of items to be discussed.
Matters not on the agenda can be discussed by mutual consent.
C. NTEU will be represented by a maximum of six (6) and a minimum of four (4)
unit members on any field LMRC. Representatives from the NTEU National
Office and CBP Headquarters may attend any field LMRC meeting. Their
attendance will not count towards the field LMRC structure.
D. Field LMRC meetings will be held during normal duty hours, and all participating
unit employees shall be on official time.
E. Field LMRC bargaining unit members will be reimbursed travel and per diem in
accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations.


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Section 4. Lower Level Labor-Management Relations.
A. In addition to the national and field LMRCs, the Parties are committed to the
constant encouragement of Chapter leaders and equivalent levels of CBP
management to establish a productive relationship for the same purposes as listed
above. This could be done by the creation of a local committee structure, a
weekly meeting among key principals, an open door policy, etc.
B. If either party at this level is not satisfied with their respective labor-management
relationship, either party can move that dispute to the field LMRC for assistance,
if needed.


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Section 1. The Union is the exclusive representative of the employees in the bargaining
unit and is entitled to act for, and represent the interests of, all employees in the unit.
Section 2.A. The Union shall be given the opportunity to be represented at any formal
discussion between one (1) or more representatives of the Agency and one (1) or more
employees in the bargaining unit or their representatives concerning any dispute or any
personnel policy or practices or other general condition of employment.
B. The appropriate Union representative will receive reasonable advance notice of
such formal discussions and advance copies or access to documents the Agency
proposes to discuss unless such documents are protected by applicable laws, rules
and regulations. The appropriate Union representative to receive such notice and
documents will be designated locally by each NTEU Chapter. When possible,
such notices shall be given no less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the
C. At any formal discussion, the designated Union representative will be identified
and has the right to ask questions, comment, speak and make statements related to
the subject matter addressed by the Agency at that meeting and shall not seek to
take charge of or disrupt the meeting.
D. After a formal meeting held by management with a group of employees to discuss
general conditions of employment, workload and operational requirements
permitting, the Union may meet with those employees for up to thirty (30)
minutes. After meeting with the employees, the Union will share employee
concerns, if any, with management.
Section 3. The Union shall be given the opportunity to be represented at any
examination of an employee in the unit by a representative of the Agency in connection
with an investigation if:
A. The employee reasonably believes that the examination may result in disciplinary
action against the employee; and
B. The employee requests representation.
Section 4. The Union may refuse to represent employees in statutory appeals, e.g.,
before outside agencies such as Merit Systems Protection Board (adverse actions), or the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (discrimination appeals). The Union may


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refuse to represent employees in other matters where employees have the statutory right
to choose other representation (e.g., replies to proposed suspensions, adverse actions,
reductions in grade or removals based on unacceptable performance).
Section 5.A. The Agency will give the Union as much advance notice as possible of a
new employee's entrance on duty date, name, position, and work location. The Union
will also be notified of any employee employment orientation session and allowed to
participate in accordance with the formal meeting procedure to discuss representational
matters. The Union representative will be provided a period of time not to exceed sixty
(60) minutes, before a break if possible, to address the new employees at their permanent
duty station as part of this employee employment orientation session. If a new employee
will not be included in a group orientation, a Union representative will be afforded a
period of time, not to exceed sixty (60) minutes, during the new employee's first day of
employment to discuss representational matters. Release of the Union representative to
attend these meetings will be on official time in accordance with Article 30: Union
Representatives and Official Time.
B. Upon request, the Agency agrees to show a Union video, if provided with one,
wherever basic training orientation sessions are conducted including the Federal
Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) facilities in Glynco, Front Royal and
Marana. The Agency will also make available to participants in these sessions a
list of NTEU Chapter Presidents' names and phone numbers, NTEU brochures and
an NTEU announcement card (as provided by NTEU). All bargaining unit
employees attending basic training sessions at FLETC facilities will be provided a
notice at their first class session informing them of who will provide them with
Union representation while they are at the Center and how they can contact their
Union representative.
C. NTEU shall distribute to each new employee, at the time of the orientation or
other meeting as provided for in this Agreement material on its benefits and
services, descriptive material about the Union, and information concerning their
conditions of employment. These materials shall contain no adverse or derogatory
information about the Employer. Any material distributed must conform to the
requirements of law and regulations concerning information which may be
distributed on Federal property.
Section 6.A. The parties agree to recognize Labor-Management Recognition Week on an
annual basis at an agreed upon time. During that week, and in accordance with Article
29: Access to Facilities and Services, local chapters may use the Agency's cafeterias,
break rooms and meeting rooms to set up exhibits that publicize the contributions of
organized labor, including NTEU, to society.


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B. This provision does not grant official time to employees for participating in this


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Section 1. In accordance with the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 the Agency retains
the authority:
A. To determine the mission, budget, organization, number of employees, and
internal security practices of the Agency; and,
B. In accordance with applicable laws:
(1) To hire, assign, direct, lay off, and retain employees in the Agency, or to
suspend, remove, reduce in grade or pay, or to subject such employees to other
remedial action;
(2) To assign work, to make determinations with respect to contracting out, and to
determine the personnel by which the Agency’s operations shall be conducted;
(3) With respect to filling positions, to make selections for appointments from:
(a) Among properly ranked and certified candidates for promotion; or
(b) Any other appropriate source; and
To take whatever actions may be necessary to carry out the missions of the Agency
during emergencies.


- 13 -
Section 1.A. For the purpose of this Article and in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 2302,
"prohibited personnel practice" means any action described in Section 2.
B. For the purpose of this Article, "personnel action" means a(n):
(1) Appointment;
(2) Promotion;
(3) Adverse action, disciplinary action or other corrective action;
(4) Detail, transfer or reassignment;
(5) Reinstatement;
(6) Restoration;
(7) Reemployment;
(8) Performance evaluation under Chapter 43 of Title 5 of the United States
(9) Decision concerning pay, benefits, or awards, or concerning education or
training if the education or training may reasonably be expected to lead to an
appointment, promotion, performance evaluation, or other action described in
this Subsection;
(10) Decision to order psychiatric testing or examination; and
(11) Any other significant change in duties or responsibilities or working
Section 2. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 2302, the Employer shall not:
A. Discriminate for or against any employee or applicant for employment:


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(1) On the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, as prohibited under
Section 717 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
(2) On the basis of age, as prohibited under Sections 12 and 15 of the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967;
(3) On the basis of sex, as prohibited under Section 6(d) of the Fair Labor
Standards Act of 1938;
(4) On the basis of handicapping condition as prohibited under Section 501 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973; or
(5) On the basis of marital status or political affiliation, as prohibited under any
law, rule, or regulation;
B. Solicit or consider any recommendation or statement, oral or written, with respect
to any individual who requests or is under consideration for any personnel action
unless such recommendation or statement is based on the personal knowledge or
records of the person furnishing it and consists of:
(1) An evaluation of the work performance, ability, aptitude or general
qualifications of such individual; or
(2) An evaluation of the character, loyalty, or suitability of such individual;
C. Coerce the political activity of any person (including the providing of any political
contribution or service), or take any action against any employee or applicant for
employment as a reprisal for the refusal of any person to engage in such political
D. Deceive or willfully obstruct any person with respect to such person's right to
compete for employment;
E. Influence any person to withdraw from competition for any position for the
purpose of improving or injuring the prospects of any other person for
F. Grant any preference or advantage not authorized by law, rule or regulation to any
employee or applicant for employment (including defining the scope or manner of
competition or the requirements for any position) for the purpose of improving or
injuring the prospects of any particular person for employment;


- 15 -
G. Appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment,
promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position any individual who is a
relative (as defined in Title 5 of the United States Code) of such employee if such
position is in the agency in which such employee is serving as a public official (as
defined in Title 5 of the United States Code) or over which such employee
exercises jurisdiction or control as such an official;
H. Take or fail to take or threaten to take or fail to take a personnel action with
respect to any employee or applicant for employment as reprisal for:
(1) A disclosure of information by an employee or applicant which the employee
or applicant reasonably believes evidences:
(a) A violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or
(b) Gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or
substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, if such disclosure
is not specifically prohibited by law and if such information is not
specifically required by Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of
national defense or the conduct of foreign affairs; or
(2) A disclosure to the Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board, or
to the Inspector General of an agency or another employee designated by the
head of the agency to receive such disclosures, of information which the
employee or applicant reasonably believes evidences:
(a) A violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or
(b) Gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a
substantial and specific danger to public health or safety;
I. Take or fail to take or threaten to take or fail to take any personnel action against
any employee or applicant for employment as a reprisal for the exercise of any
appeal right complaint or grievance right granted by any law, rule, or regulation;
testifying for or otherwise lawfully assisting any individual in the exercise of any
right of this subsection; cooperating with or disclosing information to the
Inspector General of an agency, or the Special Counsel, in accordance with
applicable provisions of law; or refusing to obey an order that would require the
individual to violate a law;


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J. Discriminate for or against an employee or applicant for employment on the basis
of conduct which does not adversely affect the performance of the employee or
applicant or the performance of others; except that nothing in this Subsection shall
prohibit an agency from taking into account in determining suitability or fitness
any conviction of the employee or applicant for any crime under the laws of any
State, of the District of Columbia, or of the United States;
K. Knowingly take, recommend or approve any personnel action if the failure to take
such action would violate veterans’ preference requirement; or
L. Take or fail to take any other personnel action if the taking of or failure to take
such action violates any law, rule, or regulation implementing, or directly
concerning the merit system principles contained in 5 U.S.C. § 2301.
Section 3. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 2302, nothing in Section 2 above shall be
construed to authorize the withholding of information from the Congress or the taking of
any personnel action against an employee who discloses information to the Congress.
Section 4. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 2302, nothing in Section 2 above shall be
construed to extinguish or lessen any effort to achieve equal employment opportunity
through affirmative action or any right or remedy available to any employee or applicant
for employment in the Civil Service under:
A. Section 717 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on the basis
of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;
B. Sections 12 and 15 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967,
prohibiting discrimination on the basis of age;
C. Under Section 6(d) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, prohibiting
discrimination on the basis of sex;
D. Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, prohibiting discrimination on the
basis of handicapping condition; or
E. The provisions of any law, rule, or regulation prohibiting discrimination on the
basis of marital status or political affiliation.


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Section 5.A. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 7121, an employee aggrieved under
Subsection 2.A., above, may raise the matter under a statutory procedure or the grievance
and arbitration procedures provided in this Agreement, but not under both.
B. An employee shall be deemed to have exercised his option under this Section at
such time as the employee timely initiates an action under the applicable statutory
procedure or timely files a written grievance under the provisions of this
Agreement, whichever event occurs first.
C. Selection of the grievance and arbitration procedures contained in this Agreement
in no manner prejudices the right of an aggrieved employee to request the Merit
Systems Protection Board to review the final decision pursuant to Section 7702 of
Title 5 of the United States Code in the case of any personnel actions that could
have been appealed to the Board, or, where applicable, to request the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission to review a final decision in any other
matter involving a complaint of discrimination of the type prohibited by any law
administered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Section 6. Except as provided in Section 5 above, any employee aggrieved under the
provisions of this Article shall file his complaint under the grievance and arbitration
provisions contained in this Agreement.


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Section 1. The position description is a written record of the principal duties and
responsibilities assigned to a position and which comprise the work assigned to an
employee. Position descriptions will clearly state what work is expected to be performed.
Section 2.A. Position descriptions will state the principal duties, responsibilities and
supervisory relationships in a manner necessary for proper classification.
B. Position descriptions are not expected to contain a comprehensive or exhaustive
listing of each and every task or duty which is performed by an employee. These
incidental and infrequent duties may be omitted from the position description or
covered by a brief statement showing that other minor duties may be performed.
C. It is understood that this Section does not preclude management from assigning
such duties as necessary to accomplish its mission in accordance with law.
Section 3. A group of like positions with similar principal duties, responsibilities and
supervisory relationships may be covered by a standard position description.
Section 4. CBP will take the necessary steps to ensure position descriptions accurately
reflect the assigned duties of the employee occupying that position.
Section 5. An employee will be provided with a copy of his/her position description
when (s)he reports for duty in the position; when changes are made in the position
description; and upon appropriate request.
Section 6.A. In accordance with the procedures contained in this Agreement, CBP will
notify NTEU regarding changes to be made in the grade controlling and/or principal
duties and responsibilities of positions held by bargaining unit employees; changes in
position descriptions; and the creation of new bargaining unit position descriptions.


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B. Positions that have the same grade controlling duties or responsibilities will be
classified at the same grade level in accordance with applicable law, rule or
Section 7. CBP will provide NTEU with copies of proposed classification standards
referred to the Employer by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for comment.
Section 8.A. Employees are encouraged to discuss with their supervisor significant
aspects of duty assignments are believed not covered by official position descriptions.
B. If the supervisor agrees that material differences exist, he will either arrange for
the preparation of a new position description or amendment to bring the position
up-to-date, or take action to assign the employee the duties and responsibilities
reflected in the position description of record.
Section 9.A. A General Schedule employee may file a classification appeal directly with
OPM or through the Appeals Procedure established by CBP. An employee may not
pursue both procedures at the same time.
B. A Federal Wage System (e.g., Wage Grade) employee must file a classification
appeal with CBP before going to OPM.
Section 10. When an employee elects to file a classification appeal directly with OPM,
(s)he will do so in accordance with the appropriate rules and regulations. When an
employee elects to file a classification appeal through the CBP appeals procedure, the
following procedures will apply:
A. Appeals must be made in writing and forwarded to the CBP Office of Human
Resources Management, Office of Compensation and Organizational
Effectiveness Division.
B. An employee may file an appeal directly or designate, in writing, a representative
to process the appeal. Two (2) or more employees may appeal jointly if they
occupy identical additional positions and agree on the basis of the appeal.
C. Appeals must contain the following information:


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(1) The organizational location of the position;
(2) The title (or requested title), series, and grade level;
(3) Reasons why the position is believed to be incorrectly classified;
(4) A statement of any relevant circumstances, information, or classification
standards which have a bearing on the appeal; and,
(5) If applicable, a written designation of representative.
D. CBP will provide a decision to the employee following a reasonable investigation
and evaluation period, normally within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the
Section 11.A. In the event CBP issues an unfavorable decision, an employee may submit
a classification appeal to OPM in accordance with established rules and regulations.
B. CBP will make available to employees the OPM requirements for submitting a
classification appeal.
Section 12. A successful classification appeal will be effected no later than the
beginning of the second full pay period following the receipt of the decision.
Section 13.A. Employees and NTEU may grieve reductions in grade or pay actions that
result from classification decisions but not the substantive classification decision itself.
B. Where the classification of a position results in the reduction in grade or pay of an
employee, the employee or NTEU may appeal through the grievance procedure
and arbitration provisions of this Agreement, or, at their option, to the Merit
Systems Protection Board under such regulations as the Board may prescribe.
Section 14.A. An employee who has filed a classification appeal will be entitled to a
Union representative at any desk audit or meeting with any CBP representative
concerning the appeal, provided that such representation is not prohibited by any rule,
regulation or operating procedure of CBP.


- 21 -
B. An employee who has filed a classification appeal will not be subject to any
penalty, reprisal, discrimination, or harassment because he has filed such an


- 22 -
Section 1. Only information authorized by law or regulation will be maintained in an
employee’s electronic Official Personnel Folder (e-OPF) or Employee Performance
Folder (EPF). No derogatory material of any nature which might reflect adversely upon
the employee’s character or Agency career will be placed in his or her e-OPF or EPF
without his or her knowledge. Nothing in the e-OPF or EPF will be made available to
any unauthorized person for inspection or photocopy. Moreover, even authorized
persons may only access the files in connection with official business. A log will be kept
of the name and date of any use of the files.
Section 2. An employee, or his or her personal representative designated in writing will,
upon request, be given a sanitized (in accordance with the Privacy Act) copy of the audit
trail log identifying the user(s) who accessed his/her e-OPF or EPF records. Such
requests should be submitted to the employee’s servicing Human Resources Management
Specialist (for e-OPFs) or Mission Support Specialist (for EPFs).
Section 3. Supervisory records, notes and diaries.
A. In the event an individual supervisor maintains a formal working file concerning
an employee’s conduct or performance (e.g., through the use of the former Office
of Personnel Management Form 7B or equivalent), each employee or his or her
personal representative designated in writing will, upon request, and in accordance
with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and/or the Privacy Act
solely for purposes of redaction, be given a copy of any document contained in
such file with the exception of records restricted by law or regulation.
B. Notes or diaries maintained by a supervisor with regard to his/her work unit or
employees are merely extensions of the supervisor’s memory, and may be retained
or discarded at the supervisor’s discretion. However, they may not be given or
shown to any other person but the supervisor who created them and the employee.
C. Such records, notes or diaries shall not be used as the basis to support an
unfavorable personnel action, or denial of such, unless the employee has been
shown and provided a copy of such record, note or diary after it has been
determined that the information will be used for such purpose, and before it is
used. Of course, these extensions of the supervisor’s memory must also meet the
requirements of the Privacy Act before they can be used.


- 23 -
D. The parties recognize that the longer a supervisory record covered by Section 3(A)
of this Article is kept without notifying the employee of it, the less likely it is that
the employee will be able to fairly respond to the notation due to the passage of
time, e.g., asking the employee to explain why he came in ten minutes late on a
day months ago. Consequently, employees will be given a reasonable amount of
official time to timely respond to any potentially negative recordation maintained
by the agency or an individual supervisor.
Section 4. There will be no personnel files, retrievable by name or other personal
identifier (e.g., SSN), other than the individual supervisors’ and the EPF or E-OPF.


- 24 -
Section 1. All new employees will be informed by the Agency that the Union is the
exclusive representative of employees in the unit.
Section 2. An employee who receives a personally addressed notice, proposal or
correspondence from the Agency concerning:
A. Removal of firearm carriage authority;
B. Leave restriction;
C. Denial of a within-grade salary increase;
D. A fitness for duty examination;
E. A request for outside employment;
F. Reassignment or transfer;
G. An adverse action; or
H. A disciplinary action;
shall receive an additional copy which states at the top of the first page: THIS COPY
An additional copy will not be provided in Section 2.G and 2.H notices if the employee
has designated the Union as their representative but will instead be provided to the
employee’s Union representative pursuant to the procedures set forth at Article 45
Section 8 and Article 46 Section 7.
Section 3. Each employee will be furnished, on a bi-weekly basis, a payroll statement
showing the employee's total cumulative earnings and total cumulative deductions from
the first yearly pay period in each standard category. The notice shall also contain annual
leave and sick leave balances. The Employer is not required to provide this information
in a paper format as long as it provides employees access to the same information


- 25 -
Section 4.A. The Agency agrees to provide an employee who is injured while on duty
status with a copy of the Department of Labor brochure, e.g. CA-550, and all the
appropriate forms within a reasonable period of time after the reporting of the job
accident or injury.
B. At a minimum, when the employee sustains a job-related injury which requires
medical treatment, management shall promptly authorize treatment by giving the
employee a properly executed CA-16 within 4 hours of the report. A CA-2 will be
provided in lieu of the CA-1 if the employee is reporting an occupational illness.
C. Although the Agency will employ an electronic system in administering this
Section, paper copies of the required documents will be available upon request.
Section 5.A. The Agency may periodically direct the attention of all employees to the
Standards of Conduct, and their responsibilities thereunder, and the Table of Offenses
and Penalties, through orientation sessions and formal and informal discussions.
B. Each supervisor will provide advice and guidance to the employees under his
supervision concerning conduct questions, within the scope of his experience,
knowledge and authority, and assist them in obtaining advice on conduct questions
which are beyond that scope.
C. An employee who has a question concerning an interpretation or the application of
the Standards of Conduct may forward the question, in writing, through normal
supervisory channels. An answer will be provided in writing by an appropriate
Agency representative.


- 26 -
Section 1. In accordance with U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Standards of
Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, applicable regulations and
directives, employees are required to obtain approval prior to engaging in outside
employment, or participating in or being associated with a business enterprise.
Section 2. Outside employment means any form of non-Federal employment, activity,
enterprise, or business relationship involving the provision of personal services by the
employee. The definition of outside employment does not include participation in the
activities of a nonprofit charitable, religious, professional, social, fraternal, educational,
recreational, service, or civic organization, unless the participation involves acting in a
fiduciary capacity, providing professional services or the rendering of advice for
compensation, or the activity relates to the employee’s official duties, or creates the
appearance of a conflict or otherwise interferes with the Agency’s mission.
Section 3. The Employer will approve an employee request for outside employment, or
participating in or being associated with a business enterprise, only upon a determination
that the requested activity is not expected to involve conduct prohibited by statute or
Federal regulation, does not give rise to the appearance of a conflict of interest or
violation of law or Federal regulation, and does not interfere with the efficient
performance of an employee’s duty or availability for duty.
Section 4. Request Procedures.
A. Employees desiring to accept or undertake outside employment, or to engage in or
be associated with a business enterprise, shall obtain prior approval of the
Employer by forwarding a request on CBP Form 3031, Request to Engage in
Outside Employment or Business Activities. Provided the Form 3031 contains
sufficient and complete information for the Employer to make a decision, the
Employer will act on the request as soon as reasonably possible, but in no case
later than fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the Form 3031.
B. In the event the employee has not received a response on his or her request to
engage in outside employment or activity, the employee will contact the Employer
to inquire as to the status of the request and the Employer will issue a final
decision within ten (10) working days. If the Employer does not respond by that
date, the Union may take the matter directly to expedited arbitration in accordance


- 27 -
with Article 28: Arbitration. If the Arbitrator finds the Agency failed to make any
response to the employee, the arbitrator may assess all arbitration costs against the
C. If the Employer’s response is to disapprove the request, it will provide the
employee a written explanation of the basis for the disapproval.
Section 5. If the employee has not changed positions or duties, he or she need not
reapply for approval simply because the approving official has changed.
Section 6. Employees are encouraged to ask for, and the Employer further agrees to
provide guidance and specific interpretative assistance on questions concerning outside
employment when requested in writing by the employee.
Section 7. When the Employer determines that upon further review or upon a change in
circumstances, that any approved outside employment, activity, or association with a
business enterprise is inconsistent with the criteria for approval, the employee shall be
directed to terminate his outside employment or association within a reasonable period of
time and the employee will terminate his outside employment by that date. This will be
done by a written notice which includes an explanation for the basis of the disapproval.
Section 8. All challenges to the Employer’s decision to deny or discontinue outside
employment will be appealed directly through expedited arbitration in accordance with
Article 28: Arbitration.


- 28 -
This Article is intended to clarify the policies, procedures and processes applicable to
employees serving on probationary periods.
Section 1. For the purpose of this Article, probationary period refers to a probationary
or trial period served by an employee that is established in accordance with the
appointment under which an employee serves.
Section 2. Probationary periods will be served in accordance with applicable laws,
regulations and the authority under which employees is appointed. The duration of such
periods will be documented in the employee’s Official Personnel Folder.
Section 3. During the probationary period, the employee’s conduct and performance in
the actual duties of the position will be observed, and the employee may be separated
from the Agency in accordance with this Article and applicable regulations.
Section 4. The Employer will advise employees serving a probationary period of
performance standards and standards of conduct at the beginning of the probationary or
trial period.
Section 5. During the probationary period, the Employer will:
A. Observe the employee’s conduct, general character traits, and performance;
B. Provide guidance in regard to work related problems; and
C. Evaluate the employee’s potentialities and attempt to determine whether the
employee is suited for continued employment with the Employer.
Section 6. In the event the performance or conduct of an employee serving a
probationary period may be lacking, the Employer will:
A. Explain what is required of the employee in the position;


- 29 -
B. Identify areas where the employee needs improvement; and
C. Suggest ways or means for the employee to improve his or her performance and/or
Section 7. The Employer will meet with, discuss and counsel an employee serving a
probationary period regarding his or her work, performance expectations, or conduct
upon request by the employee. Such counseling will include those areas in which the
employee indicates (s)he would like further guidance or knowledge.
Section 8. In evaluating a probationary employee’s potentialities and determining
whether the employee is suited for continued employment, the management official
responsible for conducting the evaluation and making the determination may seek input
from any supervisor or management official with or for whom the employee performed
work during the probationary period.
Section 9. Nothing in this Article is to be interpreted as preventing or discouraging the
Employer’s initiation of a separation action at any time during the probationary period.
Section 10. In the event the Employer determines an employee will be separated during
his/her probationary period, the Employer will inform the employee in writing of the
separation, including the general reasons for and effective date of the separation. Such
separations must be effective before the employee completes his/her probationary period.
Section 11. Nothing will prohibit an employee serving a probationary period from
resigning in lieu of an Employer initiated separation.
Section 12. An employee serving on a competitive service appointment who is separated
during the probationary period based on deficiencies in performance or conduct occurring
after entering on duty, in accordance with law and regulation, may only appeal the
separation to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) on the following grounds:
A. When the employee believes the separation was based on partisan political reasons
or marital status; or


- 30 -
B. When the employee believes the separation was based on discrimination because
of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or because of age, provided that at
the time of the alleged discriminatory action the employee was at least forty (40)
years of age, or disabling condition, only if such allegation is combined with an
otherwise appealable matter based on subsection A.
Section 13. An employee serving on a competitive service appointment who is separated
during the probationary period who is separated based in whole or in part on conduct
occurring prior to employment, in accordance with law and regulation, may only appeal
the separation to the MSPB on the following grounds:
A. When the employee believes the separation was based on partisan political reasons
or marital status;
B. When the employee believes the Employer did not follow proper procedures for
separating the employee as set forth in applicable laws and regulations; or
C. When the employee believes the separation was based on discrimination because
of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or because of age, provided that at
the time of the alleged discriminatory action the employee was at least forty (40)
years of age, or disabling condition, only if such allegation is combined with an
otherwise appealable matter based on subsections A. or B.
Section 14. Appeals to the MSPB must be filed no later than thirty (30) days after the
separation has been effective, or as otherwise allowed by applicable MSPB regulations.
Section 15. Where an employee separated during the probationary period believes that
the separation is based solely on discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin, or because of age, provided that at the time of the alleged discriminatory
action the employee was at least forty (40) years of age, reprisal for Equal Employment
Opportunity activity, or disabling condition, the employee may pursue an appeal to the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission pursuant to procedures and time frames
established by the Commission and its regulations.
Section 16. The separation of an employee during the probationary period is not subject
to the grievance or arbitration procedures established elsewhere in this Agreement unless
permitted by law, rule or regulation.


- 31 -
Section 17. Nothing in this Agreement diminishes the right of an employee serving a
probationary or trial period from pursuing other appeal avenues with the assistance of
NTEU such as appeals filed with the Office of the Special Counsel or to the Federal
Labor Relations Authority.


- 32 -
In the interest of providing opportunities for employees to receive work assignments in
accordance with their preferences, this Part affords CBP Officers and CBP Agriculture
Specialists within the Office of Field Operations an annual opportunity to bid on specific
assignments or work units within the area of responsibility of their Port Director.
Section 1. Definitions.
A. Bid is the term used to refer to an individual’s request to be assigned to a specific
work unit. Similarly, bidding refers to the process of submitting a request for
assignment to a work unit or higher level unit in accordance with this procedure.
Such a bid constitutes an employee commitment to be assigned to those requested
work units in the event (s)he is selected in accordance with these policies and
B. Covered employees include all CBP Officers and CBP Agriculture Specialists
assigned to a port of entry who have successfully completed the formal academy
and structured post-academy training programs, and are not the subject of any
pending performance or disciplinary action, or the subject of an investigation of
alleged misconduct, that may prevent the performance of the full scope of required
duties. Employees on a temporary light duty assignment may participate in the bid
process, provided the Agency possesses evidence that the employee will no longer
be on light duty at the time of placement.
C. Duration refers to the length of time an employee serves within an assignment.
D. Mutual agreement refers to the ability of the local parties (e.g., a NTEU Chapter
President and Port Director) to vary from the procedures set forth in this policy
only if both parties agree to do so voluntarily. A “by mutual agreement” provision
does not confer or infer any right or obligation to engage in bargaining, or to
submit any disagreement over a proposed variation to grievance, arbitration or any
other impasse dispute procedures. Such agreements must be placed in writing and
signed by the parties, and will be binding until such time as either party provides
written notice to the other of its intent to withdraw. Withdrawals will be effective
at the beginning of the annual bid cycle (i.e., August 1st
) following receipt of the


- 33 -
E. Placement refers to a change in an employee’s assignment in accordance with
these procedures, other than through rotation.
F. Qualifications refers to the knowledges, skills and abilities for particular
assignments and for the composition of particular work units. Such qualifications
will be uniformly applied throughout the unit, and limited to those established
consistent with law and regulation.
G. Random selection means to arbitrarily and indiscriminately choose through an
appropriate system. Unless specifically described or mutually agreed to at the
local level, the default system for random selection from a defined group of
employees shall be based on the matching of a randomly selected number ranging
from zero (0) to nine (9) to the last digit of an appropriate numerical unique
identifier assigned to each employee. This process shall be repeated using the
second to last, third to last, etc. numbers to new randomly selected numbers until a
single employee is identified.
H. Rotation refers to a change in an employee’s assignment immediately following
the annual bidding process.
I. Seniority will be determined by:
(1) The total time an employee has served in his or her occupation (i.e., CBP
Officer or CBP Agriculture Specialist), including time in an equivalent
position (i.e., Customs Inspector, Immigration Inspector or PPQ Officer) at the
employee’s heritage agency. For seniority purposes, Customs Canine
Enforcement Officer, Immigration Inspector (Canine) or PPQ Officer (Canine)
is considered creditable equivalent heritage agency time to the CBP Officer
and CBP Agriculture Specialist positions, respectively.
(2) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (1), the total time an
employee has served in CBP and heritage agency, regardless of position, will
be used.
(3) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (2), the total time in Federal
government service (i.e., SCD) will be used.
(4) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (3), the methodology
provided by the local NTEU Chapter President for the port of entry will be
used. Such methodology shall be provided prior to the bid cycle each year.
Absent identification, the default methodology will be coin flip.


- 34 -
Less than full-time employment will be credited for seniority purposes in
accordance with the above on a pro rated basis.
J. Work unit means the smallest organizational component, operational or equivalent
level to which groups of employees are normally assigned and for which
qualifications for positions are defined and applied. Such units are specific to the
configuration of each Port. Examples of work units are: airport, seaport, cargo,
and passenger, and to the extent they exist, A-TCET, PAU, PERT, NII, ICAT and
Section 2. Policies.
A. To the extent consistent with operational requirements, on an annual basis each
Port of Entry will solicit bids and rotate approximately twenty-five percent (25%)
of covered employees within each work unit under these procedures.
B. Management may limit the number of rotations to less than twenty-five percent
(25%) when it determines such limits are needed based on operational and mission
requirements. In such circumstances, management will notify NTEU prior to the
call for employee bids (at either the national or local level) as required by law.
C. Other limitations may be made only by mutual agreement between CBP and
NTEU (at either the national or local level).
D. Management may, at its discretion, increase the percentage of opportunities
available to more than twenty-five percent (25%), after informing and upon
request, consulting with NTEU (at either the national or local level).
E. In processing employee bids under these procedures, management is responsible
for ensuring employees are assigned to a particular work unit so as to ensure
continuity of, and to prevent unnecessary disruption to, Agency operations. This
responsibility includes determining the appropriate numbers, types (e.g., CBP
Officers and Agriculture Specialists) and grades of employees with specific skill
sets needing to be assigned or retained within a particular work unit or assignment.
Nothing in this subsection is intended to permit the creation of a work unit based
solely on grade.
F. Where management involuntarily extends the assignment of an employee to a
particular work unit or assignment as a result of fulfilling its responsibility in
Section 2.E., it will take reasonable steps to train others to replace the employee so


- 35 -
that the retained or extended employee may rotate within six months, but no later
than the beginning of the next bid cycle. Management will also make reasonable
efforts to alleviate any adverse impact on the extended or retained employee.
G. Employees selected for assignments pursuant to these procedures will normally
perform the work assigned for a minimum of one full bid cycle period (e.g.,
October through September). As an exception, CBP may establish longer
assignment durations in connection with assignments requiring specialized
training involving significant investment of time and/or money by the Agency.
Employees in such assignments may be required to remain on the assignment for
one full bid cycle from the end of the cycle wherein the employee received the
specialized training. Assignments to which this exception applies shall be
identified prior to the call for employee bids, and will normally apply uniformly
throughout the country.
H. Employees may not receive reimbursement for any travel or relocation costs
associated with assignments made under these procedures.
Section 3. Procedures.
A. During the month of September of each calendar year, each port of entry shall
conduct a bid, rotation and placement process for covered employees in
accordance with the below procedures.
(1) No later than August 1st
of the first year this procedure is used, CBP will
provide NTEU, at the national level, advance copies of standardized bid
opportunity announcements for work units associated with national CBP
programs (e.g., AASP/PAX Secondary, A-TCET, ATS/ATU, Cargo, CTR,
PERT, PAU, Training Teams or other teams/assignments open to this
process) for review. Such announcements will include a description of the
work unit, the assignment’s duration, as well as identify the knowledges,
skills and abilities CBP intends to use to determine if an employee is
qualified for such assignments. For subsequent years, CBP will similarly
provide advance copies of announcements for work units for which the
qualifications have changed from the previous year, or for newly established
(2) NTEU shall provide its issues or concerns regarding the announcements to
CBP no later than August 15th
of each year.


- 36 -
(3) No later than August 1st
of the first year this procedure is used, CBP will
provide NTEU, at the local level, advance copies of bid opportunity
announcements for work units associated with localized functions (e.g.,
admin, scheduling, trusted traveler/enrollment center, or other
teams/assignments open to this process) for review. NTEU shall provide its
issues or concerns regarding the announcements to CBP no later than August
of each year. For subsequent years, CBP will similarly provide advance
copies of the announcements for work units associated with localized
functions for which the qualifications have changed from the previous year,
or for newly established work units.
(4) By local mutual agreement, qualifications for nationally defined work units
may be supplemented by one (1) knowledge, skill or ability. Absent
agreement, only the nationally established qualifications shall be used.
(5) On or about September 1st
of each year, CBP will identify and post (or
distribute) the bid opportunity announcements at each Port.
(6) Concurrent with the posting, CBP will make available (or distribute) a bid
preference and qualifications statement form. To the extent practicable, CBP
will standardize this form. Included on the form will be an area for the
employee to identify and self-certify his/her seniority, as well as to provide
up to four (4) prioritized bid preferences. In lieu of expressing a preference
for a particular work unit, the employee may indicate (in any of the four (4)
bid preferences) his/her desire to be placed anywhere within the next higher
level from the posted bidding opportunity (e.g., A-TCET would be the next
higher level for Outbound). By mutual agreement, the parties may increase
or decrease the number of bid preferences.
(7) Employees wishing to bid on one or more available assignments must submit
a completed bid preference and qualifications form within ten (10) calendar
days of the posting (or distribution) of the bid opportunity announcement
postings. By mutual agreement, the parties may extend or adopt a longer
bidding period.
(8) For the purpose of providing transparency of process and procedural
compliance awareness, local bid and rotation committees, consisting of at
least two (2) representatives each from NTEU and CBP management shall
review and process employee submissions. The committee may be a different
size by mutual agreement. To ensure the committee is prepared to implement


- 37 -
these procedures each year, it will review these procedures as well as the
employee submissions prior to doing so.
(9) Upon request by the rotation committee, an employee may be required to
provide proof of his/her seniority. Requests will be made only when
necessary, as determined by at least one (1) member of the committee. In the
event proof is not provided, the employee’s bid request will be removed from
(10) Management shall select qualified employees bidding for one or more
assignments in seniority order, except when an obvious difference in
qualifications exists among employees that would impact the performance of
the work unit. To clarify, employee bids will be placed in seniority order,
with the most senior processed first. The processing of bids will continue
until the identified number (normally twenty-five percent (25%)) of new
placements within each work unit is made.
When processing a bid, the employee will be placed in his/her highest priority
bid for which (s)he is qualified and more senior than an employee currently
assigned to that work unit. To accommodate this placement, the employee
with the least seniority assigned to the work unit will be displaced. Absent
the placement of the displaced employee through the processing of his/her bid
preference and qualifications form, (s)he will be assigned to the Port’s core
By mutual agreement, the parties may establish a different method for
determining which employee is affected by the placement of a more senior
qualified employee bidding to the work unit (e.g., first in – first out). Any
such agreement must be made prior to, and publicized concurrently with, the
bid opportunity announcements postings.
B. Bid preference and qualifications statements of employees who were not selected
for any assignment during the annual bid and rotation cycle will be retained for
use in accordance with Section 6 below.
Section 4. Work Schedule Preference.
A. Concurrent with the bid procedure, employees will be permitted to express a
preference for available shifts or schedules within each work unit or assignment.


- 38 -
B. Selections for available shifts and/or work schedules will be made in a manner
consistent with the policies and procedures delineated above. Such work schedule
preferences, however, will not be limited to 25%.
Section 5. Announcement and Implementation. Absent unusual circumstances, CBP
will announce and implement bid and rotation and work schedule bid results within thirty
(30) calendar days of the close of the employee bid submission period.
Section 6. Post-Rotation Vacancies.
A. As they arise between bid cycles, CBP has elected to fill vacancies in work units
subject to the annual bid and rotation process through one of the following
(1) Placement of employees who submitted a bid preference and qualifications
statement and were not selected for any assignment during the annual bid and
rotation. Under this method, the most senior employee who bid to and was
found qualified for the work unit will be placed. Employees placed through
this method will be expected to perform the work assigned through the current
bid cycle, or the identified assignment duration, whichever is greater.
(2) Placement of employees who were not selected for any assignment during the
annual bid and rotation process, regardless of whether they submitted a bid
preference and qualifications statement form. Under this method, employees
will be identified and placed by random selection. Employees placed through
this method will normally be assigned to the work unit for a period of six (6)
months. Management has elected to limit the number of employees serving
under such assignments to not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of a work
unit. Upon conclusion of the assignment, the employee will be assigned to the
Port’s core function(s). The vacated position may be continue to be filled
through this procedure, or that defined under Section 6.A.(1) above.
B. Absent unusual and unforeseen circumstances that would create a significant
personal hardship for the employee, (s)he must accept placement under this
C. Once all employees who submitted a bid preference and were qualified for a
particular work unit are placed, management may assign employees through any
appropriate method.


- 39 -
Section 7. Assignment Dispute Procedure.
A. The following procedure has been developed for the purpose of expediting a final
resolution to claims of violations of this procedure. With this in mind, unless CBP
and NTEU agree otherwise (at the national level), it shall serve as the exclusive
procedure for addressing such claims.
(1) In those cases which an employee or the union believes (s)he has not been
assigned in accordance with these procedures, either shall be entitled, upon
request, to a face-to-face meeting with the responsible management official to
discuss the reasons for the his/her assignment. An employee shall be entitled
to be accompanied by one (1) union representative at such meetings.
(2) If the meeting in Section 7.A.(1) above does not resolve the matter, the union
or employee will notify the Port Director (or designee) in writing of the
claimed violation, including the nature of the error and requested remedy,
within fourteen (14) calendar days of notice of the assignment decision.
(3) If the notification includes a request for a meeting, the Port Director (or
designee) will schedule one within seven (7) calendar days of receiving the
submission, and the employee and the union representative will be entitled to
reasonable travel and per diem, if appropriate, as well as time to travel and
attend the meeting.
(4) A written decision will be issued by the Port Director (or designee) no later
than seven (7) calendar days following the meeting (or receipt of the
employees submission if no meeting was requested). The decision shall
include an explanation for the decision.
(5) If the matter is not resolved to the union’s (or employee’s) satisfaction by the
Port Director (or designee), it may be referred in writing to the appropriate
Director of Field Operations (or designee) within seven (7) calendar days from
the date of decision. The referral must identify the specific deficiency
contained in the Port Director’s decision.
(6) The Director of Field Operations (or designee) shall provide a final decision on
the matter within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the referral.
(7) In the event the Port Director or Director of Field Operations (or designees)
determines that absent a management error, the employee should have been
provided a different assignment, such assignment shall be made immediately to


- 40 -
the extent the assignment is available. If not available, or at the employee’s (or
union’s) request, the employee will be placed at the top of the list(s) of work
units or assignments for which (s)he bid for placement under Section 6(A)(1)
above. In the event more than one employee is placed on these lists in
accordance with this procedure, they will be listed in seniority order. Once
placed from the bid list, the employee will remain in the position for at least
one (1) full bid cycle (i.e., rotation to rotation).
(8) If the final decision is not acceptable to the union, it may be submitted to
arbitration as if it was a final grievance decision. The parties are encouraged to
combine related grievances submitted to arbitration within a port to be heard
by a single arbitrator. At a minimum, where necessary to avoid arbitration
decisions that could reasonably result in two or more employees being placed
in the same position, such grievances will be combined and heard before a
single arbitrator.
B. Upon request, the time frames contained in the above procedure may be extended
by mutual agreement of the involved parties.
C. The placement of an employee under this dispute procedure (e.g., through the
granting of a grievance or implementation of an arbitration award), or the impact
of such a placement on other employees, is not subject to grievance or arbitration.
To increase the variety in work assignments, this Part describes bid and rotation and work
preference procedures for positions other than CBP Officers and Agriculture Specialists.
Section 1. Definitions.
A. Covered employees include those employees, unless otherwise indicated, who
have obtained the journeyman level in their respective occupation prior to the bid
announcement date for the annual bid cycle, and are not the subject of any pending
performance or disciplinary action, or the subject of an allegation of misconduct,
that may prevent the performance of the full scope of required duties. Employees
on a temporary light duty assignment may participate in the bid process, provided
the Agency possesses evidence that the employee will no longer be on light duty at
the time of placement.


- 41 -
B. Work unit is the term used to refer to a specific commodity team, trade team,
entry branch, or similar organizational unit.
C. Bid is the term used to refer to an individual’s request to be assigned to a specific
work unit. Similarly, bidding refers to the process of submitting a request for
assignment to a specific work unit. Such a bid constitutes an employee
commitment to be assigned to that requested work unit in the event (s)he is
selected in accordance with these policies and procedures.
D. Rotation refers to a change in an employee’s assignment immediately following
the bidding process.
E. Mutual agreement refers to the ability of the local parties (e.g., a NTEU Chapter
President and Port Director, or designees) to vary from the procedures set forth in
this policy only if both parties agree to do so voluntarily. A “by mutual
agreement” provision does not confer or infer any right or obligation to engage in
bargaining, or to submit any disagreement over a proposed variation to grievance,
arbitration or any other impasse dispute procedures. Such agreements must be
placed in writing and signed by the parties, and will be binding until such time as
either party provides written notice to the other of its intent to withdraw.
Withdrawals will be effective at the beginning of the next bid cycle following
receipt of the notice.
F. Qualifications refer to the knowledge, skills and abilities the Agency has
determined necessary for particular assignments and for the composition of
particular work units. Such qualifications will be uniformly applied, and limited
to those established consistent with law and regulation.
G. Seniority will be determined by:
(1) The total time an employee has served in his or her series (e.g., 1889 or 1894).
Time served as an Import Specialist or Entry Specialist on a less than full time
basis will be credited for seniority purposes on a pro rated basis.
(2) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (1), the total time assigned
to the position at the current duty location.
(3) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (2), the total time in Federal
government service (i.e., Service Computation Date) will be used.


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Section 2. Import Specialist & Entry Specialist Policies.
A. Unless the parties mutually agree to another procedure(s) at the local level, this
procedure will serve as the default bid and rotation process for covered Import
Specialists and Entry Specialists. An election not to conduct any bid and rotation
for covered employees may be made by mutual agreement.
B. Management will solicit annual bids and rotate at least one associate per four (4)
or five (5) person work unit, and at least two (2) associates per six (6), seven (7),
or eight (8) person work unit. Locations that do not have more than one (1) work
unit will not have a bid and rotation process.
C. Management may limit the number of rotations to less than that prescribed in
Subsection B above when it determines such limits are needed based on
operational and mission requirements. In such circumstances, management will
inform the local NTEU chapter prior to the solicitation for employee bids and take
the necessary steps to permit the rotation of employees in accordance with this
Article by the next bid cycle.
D. Management may, at its discretion, increase the number of rotation opportunities
to more than that prescribed in Subsection B above, after informing and upon
request, consulting with the local NTEU chapter.
E. In processing bids under these procedures, management is responsible for ensuring
employees are assigned to a particular work unit so as to ensure continuity of, and
to prevent unnecessary disruption to, Agency operations. This responsibility
includes determining the appropriate numbers, types and grades of employees with
specific skill sets needing to be assigned or retained within a particular work unit
or assignment. Nothing in this Article is intended to create a work unit based
solely on grade.
F. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists rotating to a new team will be provided a
reasonable amount of training determined necessary by the supervisor. Safety
equipment and protective devices shall be provided to Import Specialists as
required and prescribed by applicable regulations, directives and provisions of this
G. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists selected for assignments pursuant to these
procedures will, absent just cause, perform the work assigned for a minimum of
three (3) years after which they will be eligible to participate in the next bid cycle.


- 43 -
H. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists selected for assignment pursuant to these
procedures will be expected to conform to the work schedule requirements and
practices of the new work unit to which they are assigned. As tours of duty
(including Alternative Work Schedules (AWS)) are established for and tied to
specific work units, the placement of an employee may necessitate the change of
the employee’s schedule (including from an AWS to a regular schedule) if so
required to be consistent with work unit’s negotiated agreements, established
scheduling procedures and practices.
I. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists may not receive reimbursement for any
travel or relocation costs associated with assignments made under these
J. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists that are reassigned to another duty
location during the bid cycle will be placed at management’s discretion. Those
employees will be eligible during the next bidding process if they meet the
definition of covered employees.
Section 3. Import Specialist & Entry Specialist Procedures.
A. On or about September 1st
of each year, duty locations will make available to
Import Specialists and Entry Specialists the work units and number of positions
available for bidding. Management’s advertisement will also include a brief
description of the work unit, necessary qualifications, as well as the tour(s) of duty
B. Within ten (10) work days of advertising available bids, covered employees will
submit a number of bids equal to the number of work units at their location in
priority order to their supervisor. Included with the bids, the employee will self-
certify his/her seniority. By mutual agreement, the parties may extend or adopt a
longer bidding period.
C. For the purpose of providing transparency of process, local bid and rotation
committees, consisting of at least two (2) representatives each from NTEU and
CBP management shall process employee submissions. By mutual agreement, the
committee may be a different size. To ensure the committee is prepared to
implement these procedures each year, it will review the procedures and the
employee bids prior to processing submissions.


- 44 -
D. Upon request by the committee, an employee may be required to provide proof of
his/her seniority. Requests will be made only when necessary, as determined by at
least one (1) member of the committee. In the event proof is not provided, the
employee’s bid request will be removed from consideration.
E. Absent just cause, bids will be granted in qualified seniority order for the first bid
cycle conducted after the effective date of this Agreement. When processing a
bid, the employee will be placed in his/her highest priority bid where there is a
F. During the second bid cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees
who participate in the first cycle will be ineligible. The remaining most senior
employees will have their bids processed by the Committee.
G. During the third cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees who
participate in the first and second cycle will be ineligible. The remaining most
senior employees will have their bids processed by the Committee. The next years
bid cycle will restart with the employees whose bids were granted in Subsection E.
H. During any bid cycle when the most senior employee bids to remain assigned to
their current work unit, the next most senior covered employee will have their bid
processed by the Committee until a vacancy (if any) exists.
Section 4. Senior Import Specialist Policies.
A. Unless the parties mutually agree to another procedure(s) at the local level, this
procedure will serve as the default bid and rotation process for covered Senior
Import Specialists. An election not to conduct any bid and rotation for covered
employees may be made by mutual agreement.
B. Management will solicit annual bids from all Senior Import Specialists (GS-1889-
12) who have worked on their respective work unit for at least four (4) years.
Rotation and placement onto other available work units will be determined by
seniority. Locations that do not have more than one (1) work unit will not have a
bid and rotation process for Senior Import Specialists.
C. Management may limit the number of rotations when it determines such limits are
needed based on operational and mission requirements. In such circumstances,
management will inform the local NTEU chapter prior to the solicitation for
employee bids and take the necessary steps to permit the rotation of employees in


- 45 -
accordance with this Article by the next bid cycle.
D. Management may, at its discretion, increase the number of rotation opportunities
after informing and upon request, consulting with the local NTEU chapter.
E. In processing bids under these procedures, management is responsible for ensuring
employees are assigned to a particular work unit so as to ensure continuity of, and
to prevent unnecessary disruption to, Agency operations. This responsibility
includes determining the appropriate numbers, types and grades of employees with
specific skill sets needing to be assigned or retained within a particular work unit
or assignment.
F. Senior Import Specialists rotating to a new team will be provided a reasonable
amount of training determined necessary by the supervisor. Safety equipment and
protective devices shall be provided to Import Specialists as required and
prescribed by applicable regulations, directives and provisions of this Agreement.
G. Senior Import Specialists selected for assignments pursuant to these procedures
will, absent just cause, perform the work assigned for a minimum of four (4) years
after which they will be eligible to participate in the next bid cycle.
H. Senior Import Specialists selected for assignment pursuant to these procedures
will be expected to conform to the work schedule requirements and practices of
the new work unit to which they are assigned. As tours of duty (including
Alternative Work Schedules (AWS)) are established for and tied to specific work
units, the placement of an employee may necessitate the change of the employee’s
schedule (including from an AWS to a regular schedule) if so required to be
consistent with work unit’s negotiated agreements, established scheduling
procedures and practices.
I. Senior Import Specialists may not receive reimbursement for any travel or
relocation costs associated with assignments made under these procedures.
J. Senior Import Specialists that are reassigned to another duty location during the
bid cycle will be placed at management’s discretion. Those employees will be
eligible during the next bidding process if they meet the definition of covered


- 46 -
Section 5. Senior Import Specialist Procedures.
A. On or about October 1st
of each year, duty locations will make available to Senior
Import Specialists the work units (i.e., teams) and number of positions available
for bidding. Management’s advertisement will also include a brief description of
the work unit, necessary qualifications, as well as the tour(s) of duty available.
B. Within ten (10) work days of advertising available bids, covered employees will
submit a number of bids equal to the number of work units at their location in
priority order to their supervisor. Included with the bids, the employee will self-
certify his/her seniority. By mutual agreement, the parties may extend or adopt a
longer bidding period.
C. For the purpose of providing transparency of process, local bid and rotation
committees, consisting of at least two (2) representatives each from NTEU and
CBP management shall process employee submissions. By mutual agreement, the
committee may be a different size. To ensure the committee is prepared to
implement these procedures each year, it will review the procedures and the
employee bids prior to processing submissions.
D. Upon request by the committee, an employee may be required to provide proof of
his/her seniority. Requests will be made only when necessary, as determined by at
least one (1) member of the committee. In the event proof is not provided, the
employee’s bid request will be removed from consideration.
E. Absent just cause, bids will be granted in qualified seniority order for the first bid
cycle conducted after the effective date of this Agreement. When processing a
bid, the employee will be placed in his/her highest priority bid where there is a
F. During the second bid cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees
who participate in the first cycle will be ineligible. The remaining most senior
employees will have their bids processed by the Committee.
G. During the third cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees who
participate in the first and second cycle will be ineligible. The remaining most
senior employees will have their bids processed by the Committee.
H. During the fourth cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees who
participate in the first, second, and third cycles will be ineligible. The remaining
most senior employees will have their bids processed by the Committee.


- 47 -
I. The next year’s bid cycle will restart with the employees whose bids were granted
in subsection E.
J. During any bid cycle when the most senior employee bids to remain assigned to
their current work unit, the next most senior covered employee will have their bid
processed by the Committee until a vacancy (if any) exists.
Section 6. Absent unusual circumstances, CBP will announce and implement bid and
rotation results within thirty (30) calendar days of the close of the employee bid
submission period.
Section 7. By mutual agreement, the parties may establish a different method for
determining which covered employee is affected by the placement of a more senior
qualified covered employee bidding to the work unit (e.g., first in – first out). Any such
agreement must be made prior to, and publicized concurrently with the bid announcement
Section 8. All Other Positions.
A. On at least an annual basis (normally an employee’s annual proficiency review
meeting) all other non-uniformed employees will be permitted to express a
preference for routine work assignments, e.g., audits, accounts, or branches, for
management’s consideration. In the event a preference cannot be accommodated,
management will meet with a requesting employee and explain the decision(s) not
to accommodate the preference and discuss potential alternatives. Upon request
from an employee, management will provide a written explanation as to why a
work preference couldn’t be accommodated.
B. Upon mutual agreement of the local parties, other bid and rotation procedures may
be created for bargaining unit positions other than CBP Officer, CBP Agriculture
Specialist, Import Specialist and Entry Specialist.
C. However, those locations operating under existing practices will continue on those
practices to the extent that they comply with the provisions of this Article and
changes are implemented in accordance with law and this Agreement.


- 48 -
Section 1. Alternative work schedules are potential scheduling options. Establishment
and termination of such scheduling options is subject to applicable law, regulations and
the terms of this Agreement. Furthermore, employees covered by this Agreement may
participate in a flexible or compressed work schedule only to the extent expressly
provided under a locally negotiated agreement.
Section 2. CBP and NTEU recognize and acknowledge that broad use of alternative
work schedules enable employees to better balance their work and personal
responsibilities, increase employee effectiveness and job satisfaction, and aid CBP’s
recruitment and retention efforts. The parties therefore agree to take necessary and
reasonable steps, consistent with the effective and efficient accomplishment of the
Agency’s mission, to support and encourage employee use of alternative work schedules.
Such steps may include:
A. Identifying Agency positions that are suitable for alternative work schedules;
B. Adopting appropriate policies to increase the opportunities for employees in
positions suitable for participation in alternative work schedules;
C. Providing appropriate training and support necessary to implement alternative
work schedules; and
D. Identifying barriers to implementing alternative work schedules, and developing
strategies for addressing such barriers.
Section 3. Flexi-tour and compressed work schedules are the two (2) types of alternative
work schedules available for local implementation.
Section 4. Flexi-tour is a flexible schedule in which an employee, having once selected
start and end times within established flexible time bands, continues to adhere to those
times until the periodic opportunity to change arises. CBP and NTEU agree this Section
shall not apply to employees compensated under the Customs Officer Pay Reform Act
A. The following definitions apply to Flexi-tour work schedules:


- 49 -
(1) Basic Work Requirement: Ten (10) eight-hour days (plus an unpaid lunch
period each day of 30 to 60 minutes, as required) during each bi-weekly pay
(2) Core Hours (Time): The designated hours and days during the bi-weekly pay
period when an employee on a flexible schedule must be at work.
(3) Flexible (Flex) Time: That part of the schedule of working hours during which
employees, subject to supervisory approval, may choose their time of arrival
and departure from work.
(4) Credit Hours: Any hours worked under a flexi-tour schedule which are in
excess of an employee’s basic work requirement which, upon management
approval (e.g., that sufficient work to be performed exists), are worked at the
request of the employee. Credit hours may be earned and used in quarter-hour
increments. Credit hour use must be requested by the employee and approved
by management in advance. A request to use credit hours will be granted,
workload permitting.
B. At the local level, either party may initiate bargaining over the establishment and
implementation of a Flexi-tour schedule, or the modification or termination of an
existing practice. In addition to whether the establishment of such a schedule is
feasible, the scope of such negotiations may include:
(1) Commencement date and frequency of the periodic opportunity period;
(2) Where the number of employees permitted to work specific start times and to
take a lunch break at a specific time is limited, the procedures by which
qualified employees will be notified of, express interest in and selected for
specific schedules;
(3) Procedures by which opportunities to work credit hours are offered and
assigned among qualified and available employees; and
(4) Where work requirements prevent the approval of all requests for credit hour
use received for a particular time, the procedures by which conflicting requests
among qualified employees will be resolved.


- 50 -
Section 5. Compressed Work Schedules
A. A compressed work schedule is defined as an eighty (80) hour basic work
requirement in a pay period which is scheduled for less than ten (10) workdays.
The following are examples of widely recognized (a.k.a. traditional) compressed
work schedules:
(1) 5/4-9: a schedule comprising of eight (8) workdays of nine (9) hours each and
one (1) workday of eight (8) hours in each pay period.
(2) 4-10: a schedule comprising of four (4) workdays of ten (10) hours each in
each administrative workweek of the pay period.
B. At the local level, either party may initiate bargaining over the establishment and
implementation of a compressed work schedule, or the modification or termination
of an existing practice.
Section 6. Flexible and compressed work schedules established through local
negotiations must reasonably align to staffing and workload requirements, and not
adversely impact operations or result in increased operating costs (other than a reasonable
administrative cost relating to the process of establishing a flexible or compressed
schedule). With this in mind, in order to promote the availability and employee
participation in such scheduling options, where traditional compressed work schedules
are not feasible, local parties are encouraged to explore the feasibility of more creative
compressed work schedule options such as (but not limited to) alternating between
compressed and regular schedules based on known fluctuations in workload (e.g.,
seasonal fluctuations).
Section 7. Management may require an employee who is on temporary assignment,
travel or training to adopt a regular work schedule for the pay period(s) in which such
temporary assignment, travel or training occurs, the work associated with the temporary
assignment, travel or training does not align with the employee’s regular work schedule
and management reasonably determines that there is no legitimate work that may be
assigned that would allow the employee to work his/her established tour of duty.
Section 8. Management may temporarily suspend the use of flexible and compressed
work schedules for a particular work group or team in order to meet unexpected work
requirements or changes in staffing levels that require such a suspension, provided a


- 51 -
minimum of two (2) weeks advance notice is provided to the affected employees and
designated union representative. Such notices will include the date such schedules are
expected to resume. Nothing shall prohibit the local union from voluntarily agreeing to
adjust schedules prior to the conclusion of the two week notice period, if acceptable to
management. Absent local agreement, such temporary suspensions shall not be longer
than three (3) pay periods in duration.
Section 9. Should the Employer at any time determine that a locally negotiated flexible
or compressed work schedule has had an adverse impact, e.g., a reduction in productivity,
a diminished level of services furnished to the public, or has resulted in an increase in
operating costs (other than a reasonable administrative cost relating to the process of
establishing a flexible or compressed schedule), the Employer will notify the Union of its
intent to modify or terminate such schedules in accordance with applicable law and
regulation. Such notice will include an explanation of the basis for the Employer's
Section 10. If the Employer and the Union reach an impasse with respect to establishing
or terminating a flexible or compressed schedule, the impasse shall be presented to the
Federal Service Impasses Panel for resolution in accordance with applicable law and
Section 11. The policies, practices, and procedures established under previous local
agreements governing flexible and compressed schedules shall remain in effect only to
the extent that they comply with the provisions of this Article and neither party exercises
their ability to reopen and invoke negotiations. If the union invokes negotiations either at
its own initiative or in response to an employer proposal to terminate an existing local
agreement or practice, changes will not be implemented until the bargaining obligations
of law are met.
Section 12. Local agreements established in accordance with this Agreement may be
reopened by either party at any time.


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Section 1. Telework (also commonly referred to as flexiplace or telecommuting) has the
potential to enhance the quality of work life for employees, while also maintaining
productivity and mission accomplishment. The policy and procedures contained in this
Article memorializes the Agency’s commitment to implement Telework for the
bargaining unit.
Section 2. The Agency will make available the procedures, policies, and related forms
and information concerning Telework to all supervisors and bargaining unit employees
via the CBP intranet. Such information will include the impact of the alternative
worksite becoming the employee’s official duty station, e.g., potential changes in locality
pay. Through this intranet posting, employees may submit questions regarding Telework.
Based on the questions received, the Agency will post and periodically update Frequently
Asked Questions as an additional resource.
Section 3. Definitions.
A. Alternate Worksite is a place where official duties are performed away from the
traditional worksite. An alternate worksite can be a designated area in a home-
based office or other approved location.
B. Approving Official is a management official with delegated authority to review,
modify, approve, and/or terminate the Telework arrangement.
C. Core Telework is a Telework arrangement that occurs on a routine, regular, and
recurring basis one or more days per work week.
D. Situational/Episodic Telework is a Telework arrangement that occurs on an
occasional, non-routine basis, such as during emergencies (i.e., inclement weather,
natural or a man-made disaster, etc.) or temporary medical situation/condition.
E. Telework is an arrangement in which an employee performs official duties away
from the traditional worksite on either a regular and recurring or on a temporary
basis. Telework is also known as flexiplace, flexible workplace, or
F. Traditional Worksite is a worksite that is located where the employee regularly
performs his or her duties absent a Telework agreement and as long as the


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20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


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20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)


20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)

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20131001 CBA between CBP and NTEU (revised version)

  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page - i - Introductory Note ……………………………………………...……………..…… 1 Preamble …………………………………………………………………………… 2 Article 1: Coverage ……………………………………………..……………...... 3 Article 2: Fairness and Equitability ……………………………………………. 4 Article 3: Effect of Law & Regulation ......……………………...…………….... 5 Article 4: Labor-Management Relations Committees ……………………..… 6 Article 5: Union Rights …………………………………………………………. 9 Article 6: Agency Rights ………………………………………………………... 12 Article 7: Protection Against Prohibited Personnel Practices ……………….. 13 Article 8: Position Descriptions and Classification Appeals .………………… 18 Article 9: Personnel Records …………………………………………………… 22 Article 10: Notice to Employees …………………………………………………. 24 Article 11: Outside Employment ………………………………………………… 26 Article 12: Probationary Periods ………………………………………………… 28 Article 13: Bid, Rotation and Placement ………………………………………... 32 Article 14: Alternative Work Schedules ……………………………………….... 48 Article 15: Telework ……………………………………………………………… 52 Article 16: Travel………………………………………………..………………… 62 Article 17: Part-Time Employment ……………………………………………... 68 Article 18: Child Care Subsidy Program….…………………………………….. 70 Article 19: Employee Proficiency Review ……….……………………………… 73 Article 20: Acceptable Level of Competence …………………………………… 82 Article 21: Unacceptable Performance …………………………………………. 86 Article 22: Investigations………………………….…………………………….... 91 Article 23: Reduction in Force and Transfer of Function ……………………... 96 Article 24: Retirement ……………………………………………………………. 97 Article 25: Dues Allotments ……………………………………………………… 99 Article 26: Bargaining ……………………………………………………………. 104 Article 27: Grievance Procedure ………………………………………………… 109 Article 28: Arbitration …………………………………………………………… 117 Article 29: Access to Facilities and Services ……………………………………. 126 Article 30: Union Representatives and Official Time ………………………….. 132 Article 31: Employee Rights …………………………………………………….. 139 Article 32: Employee Development …………………………………………….. 144 Article 33: Safety and Health ……………………………………………………. 149 Article 34: Scheduling ……………………………………………………………. 159 Article 35: Overtime ……………………………………………………………… 165 Article 36: Holidays ………………………………………………………………. 176 Article 37: Leave and Excusal …………………………………………………… 182 Article 38: Temporary Assignments …………………………………………….. 201
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page - ii - Article 39: Reassignments ………………………………………………………. 205 Article 40: Preclearance ………………………………………………………… 215 Article 41: Merit Promotion ……………………………………………………. 218 Article 42: Awards and Recognition …………………………………………… 227 Article 43: Use of Force and Firearms …………………………………………. 236 Article 44: Attire and Appearance ……………………………………………… 244 Article 45: Disciplinary Actions ………………………………………………… 249 Article 46: Adverse Actions …………………………………………………….. 254 Article 47: Equal Employment Opportunity ………………………………….. 257 Article 48: Duration ……………………………………………………………... 265 Appendix A:Investigatory Interview Forms General Notice ……………………………………………………… A-1 Weingarten Rights …………………………………………………. A-2 Third Party Witness Interviews …………………………………… A-3 Miranda Rights …………………………………………………….. A-4 Beckwith Rights …………………………………………………….. A-5 Kalkines Rights ……………………………………………………... A-6 Appendix B: Dues Withholding Codes …………………………………………… A-7 Appendix C: Grievance Form (CBP 280) …………………………………………A-11 Appendix D: Douglas Factors …………………………………………………….. A-12 Appendix E: Personal Appearance Standards – Quick Reference Matrix ……. A-14 Appendix F: Foreign Language Awards Program …………………………….. A-16 Appendix G: Procedures for Processing EEO Grievances …………………….. A-19
  • 4. - 1 - INTRODUCTORY NOTE Any reference to "employee" or "employees" throughout this Agreement shall mean bargaining unit employee(s) only. Furthermore, as the English language lacks a generic singular pronoun signifying both the masculine and feminine (e.g., “he” and “she”, “him” and “her”, etc.); we have followed the customary and grammatically sanctioned use of masculine pronouns to refer to persons of either sex. However, in reaffirmation of our dedication to the equality of the sexes in the employment situation, wherever a masculine pronoun is used in this Agreement to denote an employee, supervisor or other party, it refers to persons of both sexes and shall be construed to include males and/or females as appropriate. Throughout this Agreement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection may be referred to as "The Employer", “Agency”, or "CBP”, and the National Treasury Employees Union may be referred to as "the Union", or “NTEU.” All acronyms will be spelled out the first time they are used in a given Article.
  • 5. - 2 - PREAMBLE As the first national collective bargaining agreement between U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) for the Agency- wide bargaining unit established by the Federal Labor Relations Authority on May 18, 2007, CBP and NTEU set forth the following principles of general guidance to aid in the creation of a constructive labor-management relationship that ensures and supports the effective and efficient accomplishment of the Agency’s critical national security mission: • We recognize employees are the keystone of the Agency, and their commitment, knowledge, skill, wisdom, experience, enthusiasm and versatility is the lifeblood to the successful accomplishment of the Agency’s important mission. • We recognize participation of employees, through their elected representative, NTEU, in the formulation and implementation of policies and practices affecting the conditions of their employment can contribute to increased organizational performance. As a result, CBP and NTEU are committed to develop and maintain a constructive relationship supportive of the employees and the mission they fulfill. • We renew, as this relationship moves forward, our commitment to: o Recognize each others’ needs and interests; o Focus and encourage non-adversarial methods for resolving problems; o Encourage and assist employees in developing to their full potential; and o Invite employee input on matters that affect them whenever practicable.
  • 6. - 3 - ARTICLE 1: COVERAGE The terms of this Agreement apply to all professional and non-professional employees of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), excluding: • Employees in the Office of Border Patrol who are assigned to Border Patrol Sectors; • Employees of the Office of Chief Counsel; and • Management officials, supervisors, and other employees excluded from bargaining unit in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 7112(b)(2), (3), (4), (6) and (7). In the event the National Treasury Employees Union is certified as the exclusive representative of any additional bargaining unit(s) within CBP after the effective date of this Agreement, the parties may, by mutual agreement, automatically cover such unit(s) by the terms of this Agreement.
  • 7. - 4 - ARTICLE 2: FAIRNESS AND EQUITABILITY Section 1. Several provisions in this Agreement require that the Employer exercise its authority or discretion in a fair and impartial (or fair and equitable) manner. Unless otherwise defined, such terms will be interpreted to mean that the Employer will exercise the referenced authorities or discretion fairly and consistently so as to avoid adverse impact. To clarify, this provision does not require the authority or discretion itself to be fair and impartial (or fair and equitable) on its face; but rather that it be applied, or followed fairly and impartially (or fairly and equitably). In other words, the provision simply requires that the referenced authorities or discretion be applied (or not applied) in accordance with law, rule, regulation, and this Agreement to similarly situated bargaining unit employees, without bias, favoritism, arbitrariness or consideration of reasons not relating to merit or mission. Section 2. In carrying out its representation functions, the union will treat employees with dignity and respect.
  • 8. - 5 - ARTICLE 3: EFFECT OF LAW & REGULATION Section 1. Except as provided by law, in the administration of all matters covered by this Agreement, the parties are governed by: • Existing or future laws; • Government-wide rules or regulations in effect on the date the Agreement becomes effective; • Government-wide rules and regulations issued after the Agreement is effective which do not conflict with the contract and over which all bargaining responsibilities have been fulfilled; and • Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection rules and regulations which do not conflict with this Agreement and over which all bargaining responsibilities have been fulfilled. Section 2. The parties may implement through mutual agreement any conflicting rules or regulations issued after the effective date of this agreement or over which bargaining has not been completed, but this is not a mandatory subject of bargaining for either party. Section 3. This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements and past practices in conflict with it. Otherwise, all practices and agreements will continue until otherwise modified by the parties.
  • 9. - 6 - ARTICLE 4: LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS COMMITTEES The parties will establish Labor-Management Relations Committees (LMRCs) in accordance with the provisions of this Article. They will give consideration to: areas of pre-decisional input; the prevention and resolution of misunderstandings and grievances; working conditions, personnel policies and practices; the promotion of good employee- supervisor relationships; the strengthening of morale, etc. All LMRCs are solely for the purpose of exchanging views and information and shall be deemed a supplement to negotiations as defined by the Civil Service Reform Act, not a substitute. However, the parties recognize that issues unresolved in these meetings potentially can be addressed in grievances, mid-term bargaining and other traditional representational forums. Section 1. National Labor-Management Relations Committee. A. A national LMRC will meet two times per calendar year for no more than two (2) working days at U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Headquarters facilities. Additional meetings may be held, by mutual consent, at such other times as deemed necessary. Thirty (30) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting, the parties will exchange anticipated agenda items. Matters not on the agenda can be discussed by mutual consent. B. The Union will have five (5) attendees from the bargaining unit present. These five (5) unit members will receive official time for the meeting as well as the time necessary to travel to and from the meeting. National LMRC bargaining unit members will be reimbursed travel and per diem in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations. The national LMRC bargaining unit members may be joined by National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) elected leaders and staff who are not CBP employees. Section 2. National Work Groups. A. The national LMRC may, by mutual agreement, establish work groups to analyze specific problems and propose solutions. Absent mutual agreement by the national LMRC, a work group shall be comprised of no more than eight (8) members, i.e., four (4) representatives from NTEU and four (4) representatives from CBP.
  • 10. - 7 - B. No later than seven (7) calendar days after the national LMRC agreeing to establish a work group, CBP will provide NTEU the qualifications necessary to participate in a specific work group. Within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of qualifications from CBP, NTEU will provide employee nominations. C. The work groups proposed solutions will be presented to the national LMRC for consideration. D. Where the Employer selects bargaining unit employees to serve on committees, work groups or projects to analyze work processes or problems, and such work is not normally assigned to all employees in a given position or location, the Employer will solicit from NTEU nominations of employees based on qualifications provided by the Employer. The Employer will select from the union nominations, absent just cause. Section 3. Field Level Labor-Management Relations Committees. A. In addition to the national LMRC, committees will be established at the field level (e.g., DFO or equivalent level) to support the objectives of this Article. Field LMRCs will meet four (4) times every calendar year for no longer than one (1) regular work day, at space provided by CBP management. The committees may also meet at other times as the parties find mutually agreeable. B. The parties will furnish each other, no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting, a written agenda of items to be discussed. Matters not on the agenda can be discussed by mutual consent. C. NTEU will be represented by a maximum of six (6) and a minimum of four (4) unit members on any field LMRC. Representatives from the NTEU National Office and CBP Headquarters may attend any field LMRC meeting. Their attendance will not count towards the field LMRC structure. D. Field LMRC meetings will be held during normal duty hours, and all participating unit employees shall be on official time. E. Field LMRC bargaining unit members will be reimbursed travel and per diem in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations.
  • 11. - 8 - Section 4. Lower Level Labor-Management Relations. A. In addition to the national and field LMRCs, the Parties are committed to the constant encouragement of Chapter leaders and equivalent levels of CBP management to establish a productive relationship for the same purposes as listed above. This could be done by the creation of a local committee structure, a weekly meeting among key principals, an open door policy, etc. B. If either party at this level is not satisfied with their respective labor-management relationship, either party can move that dispute to the field LMRC for assistance, if needed.
  • 12. - 9 - ARTICLE 5: UNION RIGHTS Section 1. The Union is the exclusive representative of the employees in the bargaining unit and is entitled to act for, and represent the interests of, all employees in the unit. Section 2.A. The Union shall be given the opportunity to be represented at any formal discussion between one (1) or more representatives of the Agency and one (1) or more employees in the bargaining unit or their representatives concerning any dispute or any personnel policy or practices or other general condition of employment. B. The appropriate Union representative will receive reasonable advance notice of such formal discussions and advance copies or access to documents the Agency proposes to discuss unless such documents are protected by applicable laws, rules and regulations. The appropriate Union representative to receive such notice and documents will be designated locally by each NTEU Chapter. When possible, such notices shall be given no less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the discussion. C. At any formal discussion, the designated Union representative will be identified and has the right to ask questions, comment, speak and make statements related to the subject matter addressed by the Agency at that meeting and shall not seek to take charge of or disrupt the meeting. D. After a formal meeting held by management with a group of employees to discuss general conditions of employment, workload and operational requirements permitting, the Union may meet with those employees for up to thirty (30) minutes. After meeting with the employees, the Union will share employee concerns, if any, with management. Section 3. The Union shall be given the opportunity to be represented at any examination of an employee in the unit by a representative of the Agency in connection with an investigation if: A. The employee reasonably believes that the examination may result in disciplinary action against the employee; and B. The employee requests representation. Section 4. The Union may refuse to represent employees in statutory appeals, e.g., before outside agencies such as Merit Systems Protection Board (adverse actions), or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (discrimination appeals). The Union may
  • 13. - 10 - refuse to represent employees in other matters where employees have the statutory right to choose other representation (e.g., replies to proposed suspensions, adverse actions, reductions in grade or removals based on unacceptable performance). Section 5.A. The Agency will give the Union as much advance notice as possible of a new employee's entrance on duty date, name, position, and work location. The Union will also be notified of any employee employment orientation session and allowed to participate in accordance with the formal meeting procedure to discuss representational matters. The Union representative will be provided a period of time not to exceed sixty (60) minutes, before a break if possible, to address the new employees at their permanent duty station as part of this employee employment orientation session. If a new employee will not be included in a group orientation, a Union representative will be afforded a period of time, not to exceed sixty (60) minutes, during the new employee's first day of employment to discuss representational matters. Release of the Union representative to attend these meetings will be on official time in accordance with Article 30: Union Representatives and Official Time. B. Upon request, the Agency agrees to show a Union video, if provided with one, wherever basic training orientation sessions are conducted including the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) facilities in Glynco, Front Royal and Marana. The Agency will also make available to participants in these sessions a list of NTEU Chapter Presidents' names and phone numbers, NTEU brochures and an NTEU announcement card (as provided by NTEU). All bargaining unit employees attending basic training sessions at FLETC facilities will be provided a notice at their first class session informing them of who will provide them with Union representation while they are at the Center and how they can contact their Union representative. C. NTEU shall distribute to each new employee, at the time of the orientation or other meeting as provided for in this Agreement material on its benefits and services, descriptive material about the Union, and information concerning their conditions of employment. These materials shall contain no adverse or derogatory information about the Employer. Any material distributed must conform to the requirements of law and regulations concerning information which may be distributed on Federal property. Section 6.A. The parties agree to recognize Labor-Management Recognition Week on an annual basis at an agreed upon time. During that week, and in accordance with Article 29: Access to Facilities and Services, local chapters may use the Agency's cafeterias, break rooms and meeting rooms to set up exhibits that publicize the contributions of organized labor, including NTEU, to society.
  • 14. - 11 - B. This provision does not grant official time to employees for participating in this event.
  • 15. - 12 - ARTICLE 6: AGENCY RIGHTS Section 1. In accordance with the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 the Agency retains the authority: A. To determine the mission, budget, organization, number of employees, and internal security practices of the Agency; and, B. In accordance with applicable laws: (1) To hire, assign, direct, lay off, and retain employees in the Agency, or to suspend, remove, reduce in grade or pay, or to subject such employees to other remedial action; (2) To assign work, to make determinations with respect to contracting out, and to determine the personnel by which the Agency’s operations shall be conducted; (3) With respect to filling positions, to make selections for appointments from: (a) Among properly ranked and certified candidates for promotion; or (b) Any other appropriate source; and To take whatever actions may be necessary to carry out the missions of the Agency during emergencies.
  • 16. - 13 - ARTICLE 7: PROTECTION AGAINST PROHIBITED PERSONNEL PRACTICES Section 1.A. For the purpose of this Article and in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 2302, "prohibited personnel practice" means any action described in Section 2. B. For the purpose of this Article, "personnel action" means a(n): (1) Appointment; (2) Promotion; (3) Adverse action, disciplinary action or other corrective action; (4) Detail, transfer or reassignment; (5) Reinstatement; (6) Restoration; (7) Reemployment; (8) Performance evaluation under Chapter 43 of Title 5 of the United States Code; (9) Decision concerning pay, benefits, or awards, or concerning education or training if the education or training may reasonably be expected to lead to an appointment, promotion, performance evaluation, or other action described in this Subsection; (10) Decision to order psychiatric testing or examination; and (11) Any other significant change in duties or responsibilities or working conditions. Section 2. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 2302, the Employer shall not: A. Discriminate for or against any employee or applicant for employment:
  • 17. - 14 - (1) On the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, as prohibited under Section 717 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; (2) On the basis of age, as prohibited under Sections 12 and 15 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; (3) On the basis of sex, as prohibited under Section 6(d) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938; (4) On the basis of handicapping condition as prohibited under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; or (5) On the basis of marital status or political affiliation, as prohibited under any law, rule, or regulation; B. Solicit or consider any recommendation or statement, oral or written, with respect to any individual who requests or is under consideration for any personnel action unless such recommendation or statement is based on the personal knowledge or records of the person furnishing it and consists of: (1) An evaluation of the work performance, ability, aptitude or general qualifications of such individual; or (2) An evaluation of the character, loyalty, or suitability of such individual; C. Coerce the political activity of any person (including the providing of any political contribution or service), or take any action against any employee or applicant for employment as a reprisal for the refusal of any person to engage in such political activity; D. Deceive or willfully obstruct any person with respect to such person's right to compete for employment; E. Influence any person to withdraw from competition for any position for the purpose of improving or injuring the prospects of any other person for employment; F. Grant any preference or advantage not authorized by law, rule or regulation to any employee or applicant for employment (including defining the scope or manner of competition or the requirements for any position) for the purpose of improving or injuring the prospects of any particular person for employment;
  • 18. - 15 - G. Appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position any individual who is a relative (as defined in Title 5 of the United States Code) of such employee if such position is in the agency in which such employee is serving as a public official (as defined in Title 5 of the United States Code) or over which such employee exercises jurisdiction or control as such an official; H. Take or fail to take or threaten to take or fail to take a personnel action with respect to any employee or applicant for employment as reprisal for: (1) A disclosure of information by an employee or applicant which the employee or applicant reasonably believes evidences: (a) A violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or (b) Gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, if such disclosure is not specifically prohibited by law and if such information is not specifically required by Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or the conduct of foreign affairs; or (2) A disclosure to the Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board, or to the Inspector General of an agency or another employee designated by the head of the agency to receive such disclosures, of information which the employee or applicant reasonably believes evidences: (a) A violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or (b) Gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety; I. Take or fail to take or threaten to take or fail to take any personnel action against any employee or applicant for employment as a reprisal for the exercise of any appeal right complaint or grievance right granted by any law, rule, or regulation; testifying for or otherwise lawfully assisting any individual in the exercise of any right of this subsection; cooperating with or disclosing information to the Inspector General of an agency, or the Special Counsel, in accordance with applicable provisions of law; or refusing to obey an order that would require the individual to violate a law;
  • 19. - 16 - J. Discriminate for or against an employee or applicant for employment on the basis of conduct which does not adversely affect the performance of the employee or applicant or the performance of others; except that nothing in this Subsection shall prohibit an agency from taking into account in determining suitability or fitness any conviction of the employee or applicant for any crime under the laws of any State, of the District of Columbia, or of the United States; K. Knowingly take, recommend or approve any personnel action if the failure to take such action would violate veterans’ preference requirement; or L. Take or fail to take any other personnel action if the taking of or failure to take such action violates any law, rule, or regulation implementing, or directly concerning the merit system principles contained in 5 U.S.C. § 2301. Section 3. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 2302, nothing in Section 2 above shall be construed to authorize the withholding of information from the Congress or the taking of any personnel action against an employee who discloses information to the Congress. Section 4. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 2302, nothing in Section 2 above shall be construed to extinguish or lessen any effort to achieve equal employment opportunity through affirmative action or any right or remedy available to any employee or applicant for employment in the Civil Service under: A. Section 717 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; B. Sections 12 and 15 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of age; C. Under Section 6(d) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex; D. Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of handicapping condition; or E. The provisions of any law, rule, or regulation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of marital status or political affiliation.
  • 20. - 17 - Section 5.A. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 7121, an employee aggrieved under Subsection 2.A., above, may raise the matter under a statutory procedure or the grievance and arbitration procedures provided in this Agreement, but not under both. B. An employee shall be deemed to have exercised his option under this Section at such time as the employee timely initiates an action under the applicable statutory procedure or timely files a written grievance under the provisions of this Agreement, whichever event occurs first. C. Selection of the grievance and arbitration procedures contained in this Agreement in no manner prejudices the right of an aggrieved employee to request the Merit Systems Protection Board to review the final decision pursuant to Section 7702 of Title 5 of the United States Code in the case of any personnel actions that could have been appealed to the Board, or, where applicable, to request the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to review a final decision in any other matter involving a complaint of discrimination of the type prohibited by any law administered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Section 6. Except as provided in Section 5 above, any employee aggrieved under the provisions of this Article shall file his complaint under the grievance and arbitration provisions contained in this Agreement.
  • 21. - 18 - ARTICLE 8: POSITION DESCRIPTIONS AND CLASSIFICATION APPEALS Section 1. The position description is a written record of the principal duties and responsibilities assigned to a position and which comprise the work assigned to an employee. Position descriptions will clearly state what work is expected to be performed. Section 2.A. Position descriptions will state the principal duties, responsibilities and supervisory relationships in a manner necessary for proper classification. B. Position descriptions are not expected to contain a comprehensive or exhaustive listing of each and every task or duty which is performed by an employee. These incidental and infrequent duties may be omitted from the position description or covered by a brief statement showing that other minor duties may be performed. C. It is understood that this Section does not preclude management from assigning such duties as necessary to accomplish its mission in accordance with law. Section 3. A group of like positions with similar principal duties, responsibilities and supervisory relationships may be covered by a standard position description. Section 4. CBP will take the necessary steps to ensure position descriptions accurately reflect the assigned duties of the employee occupying that position. Section 5. An employee will be provided with a copy of his/her position description when (s)he reports for duty in the position; when changes are made in the position description; and upon appropriate request. Section 6.A. In accordance with the procedures contained in this Agreement, CBP will notify NTEU regarding changes to be made in the grade controlling and/or principal duties and responsibilities of positions held by bargaining unit employees; changes in position descriptions; and the creation of new bargaining unit position descriptions.
  • 22. - 19 - B. Positions that have the same grade controlling duties or responsibilities will be classified at the same grade level in accordance with applicable law, rule or regulation. Section 7. CBP will provide NTEU with copies of proposed classification standards referred to the Employer by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for comment. Section 8.A. Employees are encouraged to discuss with their supervisor significant aspects of duty assignments are believed not covered by official position descriptions. B. If the supervisor agrees that material differences exist, he will either arrange for the preparation of a new position description or amendment to bring the position up-to-date, or take action to assign the employee the duties and responsibilities reflected in the position description of record. Section 9.A. A General Schedule employee may file a classification appeal directly with OPM or through the Appeals Procedure established by CBP. An employee may not pursue both procedures at the same time. B. A Federal Wage System (e.g., Wage Grade) employee must file a classification appeal with CBP before going to OPM. Section 10. When an employee elects to file a classification appeal directly with OPM, (s)he will do so in accordance with the appropriate rules and regulations. When an employee elects to file a classification appeal through the CBP appeals procedure, the following procedures will apply: A. Appeals must be made in writing and forwarded to the CBP Office of Human Resources Management, Office of Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness Division. B. An employee may file an appeal directly or designate, in writing, a representative to process the appeal. Two (2) or more employees may appeal jointly if they occupy identical additional positions and agree on the basis of the appeal. C. Appeals must contain the following information:
  • 23. - 20 - (1) The organizational location of the position; (2) The title (or requested title), series, and grade level; (3) Reasons why the position is believed to be incorrectly classified; (4) A statement of any relevant circumstances, information, or classification standards which have a bearing on the appeal; and, (5) If applicable, a written designation of representative. D. CBP will provide a decision to the employee following a reasonable investigation and evaluation period, normally within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the appeal. Section 11.A. In the event CBP issues an unfavorable decision, an employee may submit a classification appeal to OPM in accordance with established rules and regulations. B. CBP will make available to employees the OPM requirements for submitting a classification appeal. Section 12. A successful classification appeal will be effected no later than the beginning of the second full pay period following the receipt of the decision. Section 13.A. Employees and NTEU may grieve reductions in grade or pay actions that result from classification decisions but not the substantive classification decision itself. B. Where the classification of a position results in the reduction in grade or pay of an employee, the employee or NTEU may appeal through the grievance procedure and arbitration provisions of this Agreement, or, at their option, to the Merit Systems Protection Board under such regulations as the Board may prescribe. Section 14.A. An employee who has filed a classification appeal will be entitled to a Union representative at any desk audit or meeting with any CBP representative concerning the appeal, provided that such representation is not prohibited by any rule, regulation or operating procedure of CBP.
  • 24. - 21 - B. An employee who has filed a classification appeal will not be subject to any penalty, reprisal, discrimination, or harassment because he has filed such an appeal.
  • 25. - 22 - ARTICLE 9: PERSONNEL RECORDS Section 1. Only information authorized by law or regulation will be maintained in an employee’s electronic Official Personnel Folder (e-OPF) or Employee Performance Folder (EPF). No derogatory material of any nature which might reflect adversely upon the employee’s character or Agency career will be placed in his or her e-OPF or EPF without his or her knowledge. Nothing in the e-OPF or EPF will be made available to any unauthorized person for inspection or photocopy. Moreover, even authorized persons may only access the files in connection with official business. A log will be kept of the name and date of any use of the files. Section 2. An employee, or his or her personal representative designated in writing will, upon request, be given a sanitized (in accordance with the Privacy Act) copy of the audit trail log identifying the user(s) who accessed his/her e-OPF or EPF records. Such requests should be submitted to the employee’s servicing Human Resources Management Specialist (for e-OPFs) or Mission Support Specialist (for EPFs). Section 3. Supervisory records, notes and diaries. A. In the event an individual supervisor maintains a formal working file concerning an employee’s conduct or performance (e.g., through the use of the former Office of Personnel Management Form 7B or equivalent), each employee or his or her personal representative designated in writing will, upon request, and in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and/or the Privacy Act solely for purposes of redaction, be given a copy of any document contained in such file with the exception of records restricted by law or regulation. B. Notes or diaries maintained by a supervisor with regard to his/her work unit or employees are merely extensions of the supervisor’s memory, and may be retained or discarded at the supervisor’s discretion. However, they may not be given or shown to any other person but the supervisor who created them and the employee. C. Such records, notes or diaries shall not be used as the basis to support an unfavorable personnel action, or denial of such, unless the employee has been shown and provided a copy of such record, note or diary after it has been determined that the information will be used for such purpose, and before it is used. Of course, these extensions of the supervisor’s memory must also meet the requirements of the Privacy Act before they can be used.
  • 26. - 23 - D. The parties recognize that the longer a supervisory record covered by Section 3(A) of this Article is kept without notifying the employee of it, the less likely it is that the employee will be able to fairly respond to the notation due to the passage of time, e.g., asking the employee to explain why he came in ten minutes late on a day months ago. Consequently, employees will be given a reasonable amount of official time to timely respond to any potentially negative recordation maintained by the agency or an individual supervisor. Section 4. There will be no personnel files, retrievable by name or other personal identifier (e.g., SSN), other than the individual supervisors’ and the EPF or E-OPF.
  • 27. - 24 - ARTICLE 10: NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES Section 1. All new employees will be informed by the Agency that the Union is the exclusive representative of employees in the unit. Section 2. An employee who receives a personally addressed notice, proposal or correspondence from the Agency concerning: A. Removal of firearm carriage authority; B. Leave restriction; C. Denial of a within-grade salary increase; D. A fitness for duty examination; E. A request for outside employment; F. Reassignment or transfer; G. An adverse action; or H. A disciplinary action; shall receive an additional copy which states at the top of the first page: THIS COPY MAY AT YOUR OPTION BE FURNISHED TO YOUR NTEU REPRESENTATIVE. An additional copy will not be provided in Section 2.G and 2.H notices if the employee has designated the Union as their representative but will instead be provided to the employee’s Union representative pursuant to the procedures set forth at Article 45 Section 8 and Article 46 Section 7. Section 3. Each employee will be furnished, on a bi-weekly basis, a payroll statement showing the employee's total cumulative earnings and total cumulative deductions from the first yearly pay period in each standard category. The notice shall also contain annual leave and sick leave balances. The Employer is not required to provide this information in a paper format as long as it provides employees access to the same information electronically.
  • 28. - 25 - Section 4.A. The Agency agrees to provide an employee who is injured while on duty status with a copy of the Department of Labor brochure, e.g. CA-550, and all the appropriate forms within a reasonable period of time after the reporting of the job accident or injury. B. At a minimum, when the employee sustains a job-related injury which requires medical treatment, management shall promptly authorize treatment by giving the employee a properly executed CA-16 within 4 hours of the report. A CA-2 will be provided in lieu of the CA-1 if the employee is reporting an occupational illness. C. Although the Agency will employ an electronic system in administering this Section, paper copies of the required documents will be available upon request. Section 5.A. The Agency may periodically direct the attention of all employees to the Standards of Conduct, and their responsibilities thereunder, and the Table of Offenses and Penalties, through orientation sessions and formal and informal discussions. B. Each supervisor will provide advice and guidance to the employees under his supervision concerning conduct questions, within the scope of his experience, knowledge and authority, and assist them in obtaining advice on conduct questions which are beyond that scope. C. An employee who has a question concerning an interpretation or the application of the Standards of Conduct may forward the question, in writing, through normal supervisory channels. An answer will be provided in writing by an appropriate Agency representative.
  • 29. - 26 - ARTICLE 11: OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Section 1. In accordance with U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, applicable regulations and directives, employees are required to obtain approval prior to engaging in outside employment, or participating in or being associated with a business enterprise. Section 2. Outside employment means any form of non-Federal employment, activity, enterprise, or business relationship involving the provision of personal services by the employee. The definition of outside employment does not include participation in the activities of a nonprofit charitable, religious, professional, social, fraternal, educational, recreational, service, or civic organization, unless the participation involves acting in a fiduciary capacity, providing professional services or the rendering of advice for compensation, or the activity relates to the employee’s official duties, or creates the appearance of a conflict or otherwise interferes with the Agency’s mission. Section 3. The Employer will approve an employee request for outside employment, or participating in or being associated with a business enterprise, only upon a determination that the requested activity is not expected to involve conduct prohibited by statute or Federal regulation, does not give rise to the appearance of a conflict of interest or violation of law or Federal regulation, and does not interfere with the efficient performance of an employee’s duty or availability for duty. Section 4. Request Procedures. A. Employees desiring to accept or undertake outside employment, or to engage in or be associated with a business enterprise, shall obtain prior approval of the Employer by forwarding a request on CBP Form 3031, Request to Engage in Outside Employment or Business Activities. Provided the Form 3031 contains sufficient and complete information for the Employer to make a decision, the Employer will act on the request as soon as reasonably possible, but in no case later than fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the Form 3031. B. In the event the employee has not received a response on his or her request to engage in outside employment or activity, the employee will contact the Employer to inquire as to the status of the request and the Employer will issue a final decision within ten (10) working days. If the Employer does not respond by that date, the Union may take the matter directly to expedited arbitration in accordance
  • 30. - 27 - with Article 28: Arbitration. If the Arbitrator finds the Agency failed to make any response to the employee, the arbitrator may assess all arbitration costs against the Agency. C. If the Employer’s response is to disapprove the request, it will provide the employee a written explanation of the basis for the disapproval. Section 5. If the employee has not changed positions or duties, he or she need not reapply for approval simply because the approving official has changed. Section 6. Employees are encouraged to ask for, and the Employer further agrees to provide guidance and specific interpretative assistance on questions concerning outside employment when requested in writing by the employee. Section 7. When the Employer determines that upon further review or upon a change in circumstances, that any approved outside employment, activity, or association with a business enterprise is inconsistent with the criteria for approval, the employee shall be directed to terminate his outside employment or association within a reasonable period of time and the employee will terminate his outside employment by that date. This will be done by a written notice which includes an explanation for the basis of the disapproval. Section 8. All challenges to the Employer’s decision to deny or discontinue outside employment will be appealed directly through expedited arbitration in accordance with Article 28: Arbitration.
  • 31. - 28 - ARTICLE 12: PROBATIONARY PERIODS This Article is intended to clarify the policies, procedures and processes applicable to employees serving on probationary periods. Section 1. For the purpose of this Article, probationary period refers to a probationary or trial period served by an employee that is established in accordance with the appointment under which an employee serves. Section 2. Probationary periods will be served in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and the authority under which employees is appointed. The duration of such periods will be documented in the employee’s Official Personnel Folder. Section 3. During the probationary period, the employee’s conduct and performance in the actual duties of the position will be observed, and the employee may be separated from the Agency in accordance with this Article and applicable regulations. Section 4. The Employer will advise employees serving a probationary period of performance standards and standards of conduct at the beginning of the probationary or trial period. Section 5. During the probationary period, the Employer will: A. Observe the employee’s conduct, general character traits, and performance; B. Provide guidance in regard to work related problems; and C. Evaluate the employee’s potentialities and attempt to determine whether the employee is suited for continued employment with the Employer. Section 6. In the event the performance or conduct of an employee serving a probationary period may be lacking, the Employer will: A. Explain what is required of the employee in the position;
  • 32. - 29 - B. Identify areas where the employee needs improvement; and C. Suggest ways or means for the employee to improve his or her performance and/or conduct. Section 7. The Employer will meet with, discuss and counsel an employee serving a probationary period regarding his or her work, performance expectations, or conduct upon request by the employee. Such counseling will include those areas in which the employee indicates (s)he would like further guidance or knowledge. Section 8. In evaluating a probationary employee’s potentialities and determining whether the employee is suited for continued employment, the management official responsible for conducting the evaluation and making the determination may seek input from any supervisor or management official with or for whom the employee performed work during the probationary period. Section 9. Nothing in this Article is to be interpreted as preventing or discouraging the Employer’s initiation of a separation action at any time during the probationary period. Section 10. In the event the Employer determines an employee will be separated during his/her probationary period, the Employer will inform the employee in writing of the separation, including the general reasons for and effective date of the separation. Such separations must be effective before the employee completes his/her probationary period. Section 11. Nothing will prohibit an employee serving a probationary period from resigning in lieu of an Employer initiated separation. Section 12. An employee serving on a competitive service appointment who is separated during the probationary period based on deficiencies in performance or conduct occurring after entering on duty, in accordance with law and regulation, may only appeal the separation to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) on the following grounds: A. When the employee believes the separation was based on partisan political reasons or marital status; or
  • 33. - 30 - B. When the employee believes the separation was based on discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or because of age, provided that at the time of the alleged discriminatory action the employee was at least forty (40) years of age, or disabling condition, only if such allegation is combined with an otherwise appealable matter based on subsection A. Section 13. An employee serving on a competitive service appointment who is separated during the probationary period who is separated based in whole or in part on conduct occurring prior to employment, in accordance with law and regulation, may only appeal the separation to the MSPB on the following grounds: A. When the employee believes the separation was based on partisan political reasons or marital status; B. When the employee believes the Employer did not follow proper procedures for separating the employee as set forth in applicable laws and regulations; or C. When the employee believes the separation was based on discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or because of age, provided that at the time of the alleged discriminatory action the employee was at least forty (40) years of age, or disabling condition, only if such allegation is combined with an otherwise appealable matter based on subsections A. or B. Section 14. Appeals to the MSPB must be filed no later than thirty (30) days after the separation has been effective, or as otherwise allowed by applicable MSPB regulations. Section 15. Where an employee separated during the probationary period believes that the separation is based solely on discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or because of age, provided that at the time of the alleged discriminatory action the employee was at least forty (40) years of age, reprisal for Equal Employment Opportunity activity, or disabling condition, the employee may pursue an appeal to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission pursuant to procedures and time frames established by the Commission and its regulations. Section 16. The separation of an employee during the probationary period is not subject to the grievance or arbitration procedures established elsewhere in this Agreement unless permitted by law, rule or regulation.
  • 34. - 31 - Section 17. Nothing in this Agreement diminishes the right of an employee serving a probationary or trial period from pursuing other appeal avenues with the assistance of NTEU such as appeals filed with the Office of the Special Counsel or to the Federal Labor Relations Authority.
  • 35. - 32 - ARTICLE 13: BID, ROTATION AND PLACEMENT PART A: BID, ROTATION AND PLACEMENT FOR CBP OFFICERS AND CBP AGRICULTURE SPECIALISTS In the interest of providing opportunities for employees to receive work assignments in accordance with their preferences, this Part affords CBP Officers and CBP Agriculture Specialists within the Office of Field Operations an annual opportunity to bid on specific assignments or work units within the area of responsibility of their Port Director. Section 1. Definitions. A. Bid is the term used to refer to an individual’s request to be assigned to a specific work unit. Similarly, bidding refers to the process of submitting a request for assignment to a work unit or higher level unit in accordance with this procedure. Such a bid constitutes an employee commitment to be assigned to those requested work units in the event (s)he is selected in accordance with these policies and procedures. B. Covered employees include all CBP Officers and CBP Agriculture Specialists assigned to a port of entry who have successfully completed the formal academy and structured post-academy training programs, and are not the subject of any pending performance or disciplinary action, or the subject of an investigation of alleged misconduct, that may prevent the performance of the full scope of required duties. Employees on a temporary light duty assignment may participate in the bid process, provided the Agency possesses evidence that the employee will no longer be on light duty at the time of placement. C. Duration refers to the length of time an employee serves within an assignment. D. Mutual agreement refers to the ability of the local parties (e.g., a NTEU Chapter President and Port Director) to vary from the procedures set forth in this policy only if both parties agree to do so voluntarily. A “by mutual agreement” provision does not confer or infer any right or obligation to engage in bargaining, or to submit any disagreement over a proposed variation to grievance, arbitration or any other impasse dispute procedures. Such agreements must be placed in writing and signed by the parties, and will be binding until such time as either party provides written notice to the other of its intent to withdraw. Withdrawals will be effective at the beginning of the annual bid cycle (i.e., August 1st ) following receipt of the notice.
  • 36. - 33 - E. Placement refers to a change in an employee’s assignment in accordance with these procedures, other than through rotation. F. Qualifications refers to the knowledges, skills and abilities for particular assignments and for the composition of particular work units. Such qualifications will be uniformly applied throughout the unit, and limited to those established consistent with law and regulation. G. Random selection means to arbitrarily and indiscriminately choose through an appropriate system. Unless specifically described or mutually agreed to at the local level, the default system for random selection from a defined group of employees shall be based on the matching of a randomly selected number ranging from zero (0) to nine (9) to the last digit of an appropriate numerical unique identifier assigned to each employee. This process shall be repeated using the second to last, third to last, etc. numbers to new randomly selected numbers until a single employee is identified. H. Rotation refers to a change in an employee’s assignment immediately following the annual bidding process. I. Seniority will be determined by: (1) The total time an employee has served in his or her occupation (i.e., CBP Officer or CBP Agriculture Specialist), including time in an equivalent position (i.e., Customs Inspector, Immigration Inspector or PPQ Officer) at the employee’s heritage agency. For seniority purposes, Customs Canine Enforcement Officer, Immigration Inspector (Canine) or PPQ Officer (Canine) is considered creditable equivalent heritage agency time to the CBP Officer and CBP Agriculture Specialist positions, respectively. (2) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (1), the total time an employee has served in CBP and heritage agency, regardless of position, will be used. (3) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (2), the total time in Federal government service (i.e., SCD) will be used. (4) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (3), the methodology provided by the local NTEU Chapter President for the port of entry will be used. Such methodology shall be provided prior to the bid cycle each year. Absent identification, the default methodology will be coin flip.
  • 37. - 34 - Less than full-time employment will be credited for seniority purposes in accordance with the above on a pro rated basis. J. Work unit means the smallest organizational component, operational or equivalent level to which groups of employees are normally assigned and for which qualifications for positions are defined and applied. Such units are specific to the configuration of each Port. Examples of work units are: airport, seaport, cargo, and passenger, and to the extent they exist, A-TCET, PAU, PERT, NII, ICAT and Outbound. Section 2. Policies. A. To the extent consistent with operational requirements, on an annual basis each Port of Entry will solicit bids and rotate approximately twenty-five percent (25%) of covered employees within each work unit under these procedures. B. Management may limit the number of rotations to less than twenty-five percent (25%) when it determines such limits are needed based on operational and mission requirements. In such circumstances, management will notify NTEU prior to the call for employee bids (at either the national or local level) as required by law. C. Other limitations may be made only by mutual agreement between CBP and NTEU (at either the national or local level). D. Management may, at its discretion, increase the percentage of opportunities available to more than twenty-five percent (25%), after informing and upon request, consulting with NTEU (at either the national or local level). E. In processing employee bids under these procedures, management is responsible for ensuring employees are assigned to a particular work unit so as to ensure continuity of, and to prevent unnecessary disruption to, Agency operations. This responsibility includes determining the appropriate numbers, types (e.g., CBP Officers and Agriculture Specialists) and grades of employees with specific skill sets needing to be assigned or retained within a particular work unit or assignment. Nothing in this subsection is intended to permit the creation of a work unit based solely on grade. F. Where management involuntarily extends the assignment of an employee to a particular work unit or assignment as a result of fulfilling its responsibility in Section 2.E., it will take reasonable steps to train others to replace the employee so
  • 38. - 35 - that the retained or extended employee may rotate within six months, but no later than the beginning of the next bid cycle. Management will also make reasonable efforts to alleviate any adverse impact on the extended or retained employee. G. Employees selected for assignments pursuant to these procedures will normally perform the work assigned for a minimum of one full bid cycle period (e.g., October through September). As an exception, CBP may establish longer assignment durations in connection with assignments requiring specialized training involving significant investment of time and/or money by the Agency. Employees in such assignments may be required to remain on the assignment for one full bid cycle from the end of the cycle wherein the employee received the specialized training. Assignments to which this exception applies shall be identified prior to the call for employee bids, and will normally apply uniformly throughout the country. H. Employees may not receive reimbursement for any travel or relocation costs associated with assignments made under these procedures. Section 3. Procedures. A. During the month of September of each calendar year, each port of entry shall conduct a bid, rotation and placement process for covered employees in accordance with the below procedures. (1) No later than August 1st of the first year this procedure is used, CBP will provide NTEU, at the national level, advance copies of standardized bid opportunity announcements for work units associated with national CBP programs (e.g., AASP/PAX Secondary, A-TCET, ATS/ATU, Cargo, CTR, PERT, PAU, Training Teams or other teams/assignments open to this process) for review. Such announcements will include a description of the work unit, the assignment’s duration, as well as identify the knowledges, skills and abilities CBP intends to use to determine if an employee is qualified for such assignments. For subsequent years, CBP will similarly provide advance copies of announcements for work units for which the qualifications have changed from the previous year, or for newly established teams/assignments. (2) NTEU shall provide its issues or concerns regarding the announcements to CBP no later than August 15th of each year.
  • 39. - 36 - (3) No later than August 1st of the first year this procedure is used, CBP will provide NTEU, at the local level, advance copies of bid opportunity announcements for work units associated with localized functions (e.g., admin, scheduling, trusted traveler/enrollment center, or other teams/assignments open to this process) for review. NTEU shall provide its issues or concerns regarding the announcements to CBP no later than August 15th of each year. For subsequent years, CBP will similarly provide advance copies of the announcements for work units associated with localized functions for which the qualifications have changed from the previous year, or for newly established work units. (4) By local mutual agreement, qualifications for nationally defined work units may be supplemented by one (1) knowledge, skill or ability. Absent agreement, only the nationally established qualifications shall be used. (5) On or about September 1st of each year, CBP will identify and post (or distribute) the bid opportunity announcements at each Port. (6) Concurrent with the posting, CBP will make available (or distribute) a bid preference and qualifications statement form. To the extent practicable, CBP will standardize this form. Included on the form will be an area for the employee to identify and self-certify his/her seniority, as well as to provide up to four (4) prioritized bid preferences. In lieu of expressing a preference for a particular work unit, the employee may indicate (in any of the four (4) bid preferences) his/her desire to be placed anywhere within the next higher level from the posted bidding opportunity (e.g., A-TCET would be the next higher level for Outbound). By mutual agreement, the parties may increase or decrease the number of bid preferences. (7) Employees wishing to bid on one or more available assignments must submit a completed bid preference and qualifications form within ten (10) calendar days of the posting (or distribution) of the bid opportunity announcement postings. By mutual agreement, the parties may extend or adopt a longer bidding period. (8) For the purpose of providing transparency of process and procedural compliance awareness, local bid and rotation committees, consisting of at least two (2) representatives each from NTEU and CBP management shall review and process employee submissions. The committee may be a different size by mutual agreement. To ensure the committee is prepared to implement
  • 40. - 37 - these procedures each year, it will review these procedures as well as the employee submissions prior to doing so. (9) Upon request by the rotation committee, an employee may be required to provide proof of his/her seniority. Requests will be made only when necessary, as determined by at least one (1) member of the committee. In the event proof is not provided, the employee’s bid request will be removed from consideration. (10) Management shall select qualified employees bidding for one or more assignments in seniority order, except when an obvious difference in qualifications exists among employees that would impact the performance of the work unit. To clarify, employee bids will be placed in seniority order, with the most senior processed first. The processing of bids will continue until the identified number (normally twenty-five percent (25%)) of new placements within each work unit is made. When processing a bid, the employee will be placed in his/her highest priority bid for which (s)he is qualified and more senior than an employee currently assigned to that work unit. To accommodate this placement, the employee with the least seniority assigned to the work unit will be displaced. Absent the placement of the displaced employee through the processing of his/her bid preference and qualifications form, (s)he will be assigned to the Port’s core function(s). By mutual agreement, the parties may establish a different method for determining which employee is affected by the placement of a more senior qualified employee bidding to the work unit (e.g., first in – first out). Any such agreement must be made prior to, and publicized concurrently with, the bid opportunity announcements postings. B. Bid preference and qualifications statements of employees who were not selected for any assignment during the annual bid and rotation cycle will be retained for use in accordance with Section 6 below. Section 4. Work Schedule Preference. A. Concurrent with the bid procedure, employees will be permitted to express a preference for available shifts or schedules within each work unit or assignment.
  • 41. - 38 - B. Selections for available shifts and/or work schedules will be made in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures delineated above. Such work schedule preferences, however, will not be limited to 25%. Section 5. Announcement and Implementation. Absent unusual circumstances, CBP will announce and implement bid and rotation and work schedule bid results within thirty (30) calendar days of the close of the employee bid submission period. Section 6. Post-Rotation Vacancies. A. As they arise between bid cycles, CBP has elected to fill vacancies in work units subject to the annual bid and rotation process through one of the following methods: (1) Placement of employees who submitted a bid preference and qualifications statement and were not selected for any assignment during the annual bid and rotation. Under this method, the most senior employee who bid to and was found qualified for the work unit will be placed. Employees placed through this method will be expected to perform the work assigned through the current bid cycle, or the identified assignment duration, whichever is greater. (2) Placement of employees who were not selected for any assignment during the annual bid and rotation process, regardless of whether they submitted a bid preference and qualifications statement form. Under this method, employees will be identified and placed by random selection. Employees placed through this method will normally be assigned to the work unit for a period of six (6) months. Management has elected to limit the number of employees serving under such assignments to not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of a work unit. Upon conclusion of the assignment, the employee will be assigned to the Port’s core function(s). The vacated position may be continue to be filled through this procedure, or that defined under Section 6.A.(1) above. B. Absent unusual and unforeseen circumstances that would create a significant personal hardship for the employee, (s)he must accept placement under this procedure. C. Once all employees who submitted a bid preference and were qualified for a particular work unit are placed, management may assign employees through any appropriate method.
  • 42. - 39 - Section 7. Assignment Dispute Procedure. A. The following procedure has been developed for the purpose of expediting a final resolution to claims of violations of this procedure. With this in mind, unless CBP and NTEU agree otherwise (at the national level), it shall serve as the exclusive procedure for addressing such claims. (1) In those cases which an employee or the union believes (s)he has not been assigned in accordance with these procedures, either shall be entitled, upon request, to a face-to-face meeting with the responsible management official to discuss the reasons for the his/her assignment. An employee shall be entitled to be accompanied by one (1) union representative at such meetings. (2) If the meeting in Section 7.A.(1) above does not resolve the matter, the union or employee will notify the Port Director (or designee) in writing of the claimed violation, including the nature of the error and requested remedy, within fourteen (14) calendar days of notice of the assignment decision. (3) If the notification includes a request for a meeting, the Port Director (or designee) will schedule one within seven (7) calendar days of receiving the submission, and the employee and the union representative will be entitled to reasonable travel and per diem, if appropriate, as well as time to travel and attend the meeting. (4) A written decision will be issued by the Port Director (or designee) no later than seven (7) calendar days following the meeting (or receipt of the employees submission if no meeting was requested). The decision shall include an explanation for the decision. (5) If the matter is not resolved to the union’s (or employee’s) satisfaction by the Port Director (or designee), it may be referred in writing to the appropriate Director of Field Operations (or designee) within seven (7) calendar days from the date of decision. The referral must identify the specific deficiency contained in the Port Director’s decision. (6) The Director of Field Operations (or designee) shall provide a final decision on the matter within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the referral. (7) In the event the Port Director or Director of Field Operations (or designees) determines that absent a management error, the employee should have been provided a different assignment, such assignment shall be made immediately to
  • 43. - 40 - the extent the assignment is available. If not available, or at the employee’s (or union’s) request, the employee will be placed at the top of the list(s) of work units or assignments for which (s)he bid for placement under Section 6(A)(1) above. In the event more than one employee is placed on these lists in accordance with this procedure, they will be listed in seniority order. Once placed from the bid list, the employee will remain in the position for at least one (1) full bid cycle (i.e., rotation to rotation). (8) If the final decision is not acceptable to the union, it may be submitted to arbitration as if it was a final grievance decision. The parties are encouraged to combine related grievances submitted to arbitration within a port to be heard by a single arbitrator. At a minimum, where necessary to avoid arbitration decisions that could reasonably result in two or more employees being placed in the same position, such grievances will be combined and heard before a single arbitrator. B. Upon request, the time frames contained in the above procedure may be extended by mutual agreement of the involved parties. C. The placement of an employee under this dispute procedure (e.g., through the granting of a grievance or implementation of an arbitration award), or the impact of such a placement on other employees, is not subject to grievance or arbitration. PART B: BID & ROTATION AND WORK PREFERENCES FOR POSITIONS OTHER THAN CBP OFFICERS AND CBP AGRICULTURE SPECIALISTS. To increase the variety in work assignments, this Part describes bid and rotation and work preference procedures for positions other than CBP Officers and Agriculture Specialists. Section 1. Definitions. A. Covered employees include those employees, unless otherwise indicated, who have obtained the journeyman level in their respective occupation prior to the bid announcement date for the annual bid cycle, and are not the subject of any pending performance or disciplinary action, or the subject of an allegation of misconduct, that may prevent the performance of the full scope of required duties. Employees on a temporary light duty assignment may participate in the bid process, provided the Agency possesses evidence that the employee will no longer be on light duty at the time of placement.
  • 44. - 41 - B. Work unit is the term used to refer to a specific commodity team, trade team, entry branch, or similar organizational unit. C. Bid is the term used to refer to an individual’s request to be assigned to a specific work unit. Similarly, bidding refers to the process of submitting a request for assignment to a specific work unit. Such a bid constitutes an employee commitment to be assigned to that requested work unit in the event (s)he is selected in accordance with these policies and procedures. D. Rotation refers to a change in an employee’s assignment immediately following the bidding process. E. Mutual agreement refers to the ability of the local parties (e.g., a NTEU Chapter President and Port Director, or designees) to vary from the procedures set forth in this policy only if both parties agree to do so voluntarily. A “by mutual agreement” provision does not confer or infer any right or obligation to engage in bargaining, or to submit any disagreement over a proposed variation to grievance, arbitration or any other impasse dispute procedures. Such agreements must be placed in writing and signed by the parties, and will be binding until such time as either party provides written notice to the other of its intent to withdraw. Withdrawals will be effective at the beginning of the next bid cycle following receipt of the notice. F. Qualifications refer to the knowledge, skills and abilities the Agency has determined necessary for particular assignments and for the composition of particular work units. Such qualifications will be uniformly applied, and limited to those established consistent with law and regulation. G. Seniority will be determined by: (1) The total time an employee has served in his or her series (e.g., 1889 or 1894). Time served as an Import Specialist or Entry Specialist on a less than full time basis will be credited for seniority purposes on a pro rated basis. (2) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (1), the total time assigned to the position at the current duty location. (3) In the event it is necessary to resolve ties after step (2), the total time in Federal government service (i.e., Service Computation Date) will be used.
  • 45. - 42 - Section 2. Import Specialist & Entry Specialist Policies. A. Unless the parties mutually agree to another procedure(s) at the local level, this procedure will serve as the default bid and rotation process for covered Import Specialists and Entry Specialists. An election not to conduct any bid and rotation for covered employees may be made by mutual agreement. B. Management will solicit annual bids and rotate at least one associate per four (4) or five (5) person work unit, and at least two (2) associates per six (6), seven (7), or eight (8) person work unit. Locations that do not have more than one (1) work unit will not have a bid and rotation process. C. Management may limit the number of rotations to less than that prescribed in Subsection B above when it determines such limits are needed based on operational and mission requirements. In such circumstances, management will inform the local NTEU chapter prior to the solicitation for employee bids and take the necessary steps to permit the rotation of employees in accordance with this Article by the next bid cycle. D. Management may, at its discretion, increase the number of rotation opportunities to more than that prescribed in Subsection B above, after informing and upon request, consulting with the local NTEU chapter. E. In processing bids under these procedures, management is responsible for ensuring employees are assigned to a particular work unit so as to ensure continuity of, and to prevent unnecessary disruption to, Agency operations. This responsibility includes determining the appropriate numbers, types and grades of employees with specific skill sets needing to be assigned or retained within a particular work unit or assignment. Nothing in this Article is intended to create a work unit based solely on grade. F. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists rotating to a new team will be provided a reasonable amount of training determined necessary by the supervisor. Safety equipment and protective devices shall be provided to Import Specialists as required and prescribed by applicable regulations, directives and provisions of this Agreement. G. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists selected for assignments pursuant to these procedures will, absent just cause, perform the work assigned for a minimum of three (3) years after which they will be eligible to participate in the next bid cycle.
  • 46. - 43 - H. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists selected for assignment pursuant to these procedures will be expected to conform to the work schedule requirements and practices of the new work unit to which they are assigned. As tours of duty (including Alternative Work Schedules (AWS)) are established for and tied to specific work units, the placement of an employee may necessitate the change of the employee’s schedule (including from an AWS to a regular schedule) if so required to be consistent with work unit’s negotiated agreements, established scheduling procedures and practices. I. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists may not receive reimbursement for any travel or relocation costs associated with assignments made under these procedures. J. Import Specialists and Entry Specialists that are reassigned to another duty location during the bid cycle will be placed at management’s discretion. Those employees will be eligible during the next bidding process if they meet the definition of covered employees. Section 3. Import Specialist & Entry Specialist Procedures. A. On or about September 1st of each year, duty locations will make available to Import Specialists and Entry Specialists the work units and number of positions available for bidding. Management’s advertisement will also include a brief description of the work unit, necessary qualifications, as well as the tour(s) of duty available. B. Within ten (10) work days of advertising available bids, covered employees will submit a number of bids equal to the number of work units at their location in priority order to their supervisor. Included with the bids, the employee will self- certify his/her seniority. By mutual agreement, the parties may extend or adopt a longer bidding period. C. For the purpose of providing transparency of process, local bid and rotation committees, consisting of at least two (2) representatives each from NTEU and CBP management shall process employee submissions. By mutual agreement, the committee may be a different size. To ensure the committee is prepared to implement these procedures each year, it will review the procedures and the employee bids prior to processing submissions.
  • 47. - 44 - D. Upon request by the committee, an employee may be required to provide proof of his/her seniority. Requests will be made only when necessary, as determined by at least one (1) member of the committee. In the event proof is not provided, the employee’s bid request will be removed from consideration. E. Absent just cause, bids will be granted in qualified seniority order for the first bid cycle conducted after the effective date of this Agreement. When processing a bid, the employee will be placed in his/her highest priority bid where there is a vacancy. F. During the second bid cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees who participate in the first cycle will be ineligible. The remaining most senior employees will have their bids processed by the Committee. G. During the third cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees who participate in the first and second cycle will be ineligible. The remaining most senior employees will have their bids processed by the Committee. The next years bid cycle will restart with the employees whose bids were granted in Subsection E. H. During any bid cycle when the most senior employee bids to remain assigned to their current work unit, the next most senior covered employee will have their bid processed by the Committee until a vacancy (if any) exists. Section 4. Senior Import Specialist Policies. A. Unless the parties mutually agree to another procedure(s) at the local level, this procedure will serve as the default bid and rotation process for covered Senior Import Specialists. An election not to conduct any bid and rotation for covered employees may be made by mutual agreement. B. Management will solicit annual bids from all Senior Import Specialists (GS-1889- 12) who have worked on their respective work unit for at least four (4) years. Rotation and placement onto other available work units will be determined by seniority. Locations that do not have more than one (1) work unit will not have a bid and rotation process for Senior Import Specialists. C. Management may limit the number of rotations when it determines such limits are needed based on operational and mission requirements. In such circumstances, management will inform the local NTEU chapter prior to the solicitation for employee bids and take the necessary steps to permit the rotation of employees in
  • 48. - 45 - accordance with this Article by the next bid cycle. D. Management may, at its discretion, increase the number of rotation opportunities after informing and upon request, consulting with the local NTEU chapter. E. In processing bids under these procedures, management is responsible for ensuring employees are assigned to a particular work unit so as to ensure continuity of, and to prevent unnecessary disruption to, Agency operations. This responsibility includes determining the appropriate numbers, types and grades of employees with specific skill sets needing to be assigned or retained within a particular work unit or assignment. F. Senior Import Specialists rotating to a new team will be provided a reasonable amount of training determined necessary by the supervisor. Safety equipment and protective devices shall be provided to Import Specialists as required and prescribed by applicable regulations, directives and provisions of this Agreement. G. Senior Import Specialists selected for assignments pursuant to these procedures will, absent just cause, perform the work assigned for a minimum of four (4) years after which they will be eligible to participate in the next bid cycle. H. Senior Import Specialists selected for assignment pursuant to these procedures will be expected to conform to the work schedule requirements and practices of the new work unit to which they are assigned. As tours of duty (including Alternative Work Schedules (AWS)) are established for and tied to specific work units, the placement of an employee may necessitate the change of the employee’s schedule (including from an AWS to a regular schedule) if so required to be consistent with work unit’s negotiated agreements, established scheduling procedures and practices. I. Senior Import Specialists may not receive reimbursement for any travel or relocation costs associated with assignments made under these procedures. J. Senior Import Specialists that are reassigned to another duty location during the bid cycle will be placed at management’s discretion. Those employees will be eligible during the next bidding process if they meet the definition of covered employees.
  • 49. - 46 - Section 5. Senior Import Specialist Procedures. A. On or about October 1st of each year, duty locations will make available to Senior Import Specialists the work units (i.e., teams) and number of positions available for bidding. Management’s advertisement will also include a brief description of the work unit, necessary qualifications, as well as the tour(s) of duty available. B. Within ten (10) work days of advertising available bids, covered employees will submit a number of bids equal to the number of work units at their location in priority order to their supervisor. Included with the bids, the employee will self- certify his/her seniority. By mutual agreement, the parties may extend or adopt a longer bidding period. C. For the purpose of providing transparency of process, local bid and rotation committees, consisting of at least two (2) representatives each from NTEU and CBP management shall process employee submissions. By mutual agreement, the committee may be a different size. To ensure the committee is prepared to implement these procedures each year, it will review the procedures and the employee bids prior to processing submissions. D. Upon request by the committee, an employee may be required to provide proof of his/her seniority. Requests will be made only when necessary, as determined by at least one (1) member of the committee. In the event proof is not provided, the employee’s bid request will be removed from consideration. E. Absent just cause, bids will be granted in qualified seniority order for the first bid cycle conducted after the effective date of this Agreement. When processing a bid, the employee will be placed in his/her highest priority bid where there is a vacancy. F. During the second bid cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees who participate in the first cycle will be ineligible. The remaining most senior employees will have their bids processed by the Committee. G. During the third cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees who participate in the first and second cycle will be ineligible. The remaining most senior employees will have their bids processed by the Committee. H. During the fourth cycle after the effective date of this Agreement, employees who participate in the first, second, and third cycles will be ineligible. The remaining most senior employees will have their bids processed by the Committee.
  • 50. - 47 - I. The next year’s bid cycle will restart with the employees whose bids were granted in subsection E. J. During any bid cycle when the most senior employee bids to remain assigned to their current work unit, the next most senior covered employee will have their bid processed by the Committee until a vacancy (if any) exists. Section 6. Absent unusual circumstances, CBP will announce and implement bid and rotation results within thirty (30) calendar days of the close of the employee bid submission period. Section 7. By mutual agreement, the parties may establish a different method for determining which covered employee is affected by the placement of a more senior qualified covered employee bidding to the work unit (e.g., first in – first out). Any such agreement must be made prior to, and publicized concurrently with the bid announcement postings. Section 8. All Other Positions. A. On at least an annual basis (normally an employee’s annual proficiency review meeting) all other non-uniformed employees will be permitted to express a preference for routine work assignments, e.g., audits, accounts, or branches, for management’s consideration. In the event a preference cannot be accommodated, management will meet with a requesting employee and explain the decision(s) not to accommodate the preference and discuss potential alternatives. Upon request from an employee, management will provide a written explanation as to why a work preference couldn’t be accommodated. B. Upon mutual agreement of the local parties, other bid and rotation procedures may be created for bargaining unit positions other than CBP Officer, CBP Agriculture Specialist, Import Specialist and Entry Specialist. C. However, those locations operating under existing practices will continue on those practices to the extent that they comply with the provisions of this Article and changes are implemented in accordance with law and this Agreement.
  • 51. - 48 - ARTICLE 14: ALTERNATIVE WORK SCHEDULES Section 1. Alternative work schedules are potential scheduling options. Establishment and termination of such scheduling options is subject to applicable law, regulations and the terms of this Agreement. Furthermore, employees covered by this Agreement may participate in a flexible or compressed work schedule only to the extent expressly provided under a locally negotiated agreement. Section 2. CBP and NTEU recognize and acknowledge that broad use of alternative work schedules enable employees to better balance their work and personal responsibilities, increase employee effectiveness and job satisfaction, and aid CBP’s recruitment and retention efforts. The parties therefore agree to take necessary and reasonable steps, consistent with the effective and efficient accomplishment of the Agency’s mission, to support and encourage employee use of alternative work schedules. Such steps may include: A. Identifying Agency positions that are suitable for alternative work schedules; B. Adopting appropriate policies to increase the opportunities for employees in positions suitable for participation in alternative work schedules; C. Providing appropriate training and support necessary to implement alternative work schedules; and D. Identifying barriers to implementing alternative work schedules, and developing strategies for addressing such barriers. Section 3. Flexi-tour and compressed work schedules are the two (2) types of alternative work schedules available for local implementation. Section 4. Flexi-tour is a flexible schedule in which an employee, having once selected start and end times within established flexible time bands, continues to adhere to those times until the periodic opportunity to change arises. CBP and NTEU agree this Section shall not apply to employees compensated under the Customs Officer Pay Reform Act (COPRA). A. The following definitions apply to Flexi-tour work schedules:
  • 52. - 49 - (1) Basic Work Requirement: Ten (10) eight-hour days (plus an unpaid lunch period each day of 30 to 60 minutes, as required) during each bi-weekly pay period. (2) Core Hours (Time): The designated hours and days during the bi-weekly pay period when an employee on a flexible schedule must be at work. (3) Flexible (Flex) Time: That part of the schedule of working hours during which employees, subject to supervisory approval, may choose their time of arrival and departure from work. (4) Credit Hours: Any hours worked under a flexi-tour schedule which are in excess of an employee’s basic work requirement which, upon management approval (e.g., that sufficient work to be performed exists), are worked at the request of the employee. Credit hours may be earned and used in quarter-hour increments. Credit hour use must be requested by the employee and approved by management in advance. A request to use credit hours will be granted, workload permitting. B. At the local level, either party may initiate bargaining over the establishment and implementation of a Flexi-tour schedule, or the modification or termination of an existing practice. In addition to whether the establishment of such a schedule is feasible, the scope of such negotiations may include: (1) Commencement date and frequency of the periodic opportunity period; (2) Where the number of employees permitted to work specific start times and to take a lunch break at a specific time is limited, the procedures by which qualified employees will be notified of, express interest in and selected for specific schedules; (3) Procedures by which opportunities to work credit hours are offered and assigned among qualified and available employees; and (4) Where work requirements prevent the approval of all requests for credit hour use received for a particular time, the procedures by which conflicting requests among qualified employees will be resolved.
  • 53. - 50 - Section 5. Compressed Work Schedules A. A compressed work schedule is defined as an eighty (80) hour basic work requirement in a pay period which is scheduled for less than ten (10) workdays. The following are examples of widely recognized (a.k.a. traditional) compressed work schedules: (1) 5/4-9: a schedule comprising of eight (8) workdays of nine (9) hours each and one (1) workday of eight (8) hours in each pay period. (2) 4-10: a schedule comprising of four (4) workdays of ten (10) hours each in each administrative workweek of the pay period. B. At the local level, either party may initiate bargaining over the establishment and implementation of a compressed work schedule, or the modification or termination of an existing practice. Section 6. Flexible and compressed work schedules established through local negotiations must reasonably align to staffing and workload requirements, and not adversely impact operations or result in increased operating costs (other than a reasonable administrative cost relating to the process of establishing a flexible or compressed schedule). With this in mind, in order to promote the availability and employee participation in such scheduling options, where traditional compressed work schedules are not feasible, local parties are encouraged to explore the feasibility of more creative compressed work schedule options such as (but not limited to) alternating between compressed and regular schedules based on known fluctuations in workload (e.g., seasonal fluctuations). Section 7. Management may require an employee who is on temporary assignment, travel or training to adopt a regular work schedule for the pay period(s) in which such temporary assignment, travel or training occurs, the work associated with the temporary assignment, travel or training does not align with the employee’s regular work schedule and management reasonably determines that there is no legitimate work that may be assigned that would allow the employee to work his/her established tour of duty. Section 8. Management may temporarily suspend the use of flexible and compressed work schedules for a particular work group or team in order to meet unexpected work requirements or changes in staffing levels that require such a suspension, provided a
  • 54. - 51 - minimum of two (2) weeks advance notice is provided to the affected employees and designated union representative. Such notices will include the date such schedules are expected to resume. Nothing shall prohibit the local union from voluntarily agreeing to adjust schedules prior to the conclusion of the two week notice period, if acceptable to management. Absent local agreement, such temporary suspensions shall not be longer than three (3) pay periods in duration. Section 9. Should the Employer at any time determine that a locally negotiated flexible or compressed work schedule has had an adverse impact, e.g., a reduction in productivity, a diminished level of services furnished to the public, or has resulted in an increase in operating costs (other than a reasonable administrative cost relating to the process of establishing a flexible or compressed schedule), the Employer will notify the Union of its intent to modify or terminate such schedules in accordance with applicable law and regulation. Such notice will include an explanation of the basis for the Employer's decision. Section 10. If the Employer and the Union reach an impasse with respect to establishing or terminating a flexible or compressed schedule, the impasse shall be presented to the Federal Service Impasses Panel for resolution in accordance with applicable law and regulation. Section 11. The policies, practices, and procedures established under previous local agreements governing flexible and compressed schedules shall remain in effect only to the extent that they comply with the provisions of this Article and neither party exercises their ability to reopen and invoke negotiations. If the union invokes negotiations either at its own initiative or in response to an employer proposal to terminate an existing local agreement or practice, changes will not be implemented until the bargaining obligations of law are met. Section 12. Local agreements established in accordance with this Agreement may be reopened by either party at any time.
  • 55. - 52 - ARTICLE 15: TELEWORK Section 1. Telework (also commonly referred to as flexiplace or telecommuting) has the potential to enhance the quality of work life for employees, while also maintaining productivity and mission accomplishment. The policy and procedures contained in this Article memorializes the Agency’s commitment to implement Telework for the bargaining unit. Section 2. The Agency will make available the procedures, policies, and related forms and information concerning Telework to all supervisors and bargaining unit employees via the CBP intranet. Such information will include the impact of the alternative worksite becoming the employee’s official duty station, e.g., potential changes in locality pay. Through this intranet posting, employees may submit questions regarding Telework. Based on the questions received, the Agency will post and periodically update Frequently Asked Questions as an additional resource. Section 3. Definitions. A. Alternate Worksite is a place where official duties are performed away from the traditional worksite. An alternate worksite can be a designated area in a home- based office or other approved location. B. Approving Official is a management official with delegated authority to review, modify, approve, and/or terminate the Telework arrangement. C. Core Telework is a Telework arrangement that occurs on a routine, regular, and recurring basis one or more days per work week. D. Situational/Episodic Telework is a Telework arrangement that occurs on an occasional, non-routine basis, such as during emergencies (i.e., inclement weather, natural or a man-made disaster, etc.) or temporary medical situation/condition. E. Telework is an arrangement in which an employee performs official duties away from the traditional worksite on either a regular and recurring or on a temporary basis. Telework is also known as flexiplace, flexible workplace, or telecommuting. F. Traditional Worksite is a worksite that is located where the employee regularly performs his or her duties absent a Telework agreement and as long as the