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C. Titus Brown 
Assistant Professor 
Lansing, Michigan -> Davis, California
We practice open science! 
Everything discussed here: 
• Code: github.com/ged-lab/ ; BSD license 
• Blog: http://ivory.idyll.org/blog (‘titus brown blog’) 
• Twitter: @ctitusbrown 
• Grants on Lab Web site: http://ged.msu.edu/research.html 
• Papers available as preprints. 
• All my talks are available at slideshare.net/c.titus.brown/
• Sequencing of DNA and RNA. 
• Single genomes 
• Transcriptomes 
• Natural populations (tags) 
• Environmental samples/microbial populations (metagenomics) 
• Cheap and massively scalable sequencing of DNA and 
Sequencing technology 
• Major, dramatic changes in our ability to sequence DNA 
and RNA quickly and cheaply. 
• Majority of deployed techniques depend on (variations of) 
a single trick: “polony” sequencing. No cloning. 
• Single-molecule sequencing coming along fast, but not 
yet ready for prime time.
2014 bangkok-talk
2014 bangkok-talk
Two specific concepts: 
• First, sequencing everything at random is very much 
easier than sequencing a specific gene region. (For 
example, it will soon be easier and cheaper to shotgun-sequence 
all of E. coli then it is to get a single good 
plasmid sequence.) 
• Second, if you are sequencing on a 2-D substrate (wells, 
or surfaces, or whatnot) then any increase in density 
(smaller wells, or better imaging) leads to a squared 
increase in the number of sequences.
Novel genome sequencing
2014 bangkok-talk
2014 bangkok-talk
2014 bangkok-talk
2014 bangkok-talk
Some numbers 
• For under $1,000 per sample, the Illumina HiSeq machine 
will generate: 
• 200,000,000 reads 
• Each of length ~150 
• In under a week. 
• x 16 samples/run. 
• That’s almost 500 Gbp of sequence, or just over 160x 
human genome…
Shotgun sequencing 
• Collect samples; 
• Extract DNA or RNA; 
• Feed into sequencer; 
• Computationally analyze. 
“Sequence it all and let the 
bioinformaticians sort it 
Wikipedia: Environmental shotgun 
The challenges of non-model sequencing 
• Missing or low quality genome reference. 
• Evolutionarily distant. 
• Most extant computational tools focus on model 
organisms – 
• Assume low polymorphism (internal variation) 
• Assume reference genome 
• Assume somewhat reliable functional annotation 
• More significant compute infrastructure 
…and cannot easily or directly be used on critters of interest.
Shotgun sequencing analysis goals: 
• Assembly (what is the text?) 
• Produces new genomes & transcriptomes. 
• Gene discovery for enzymes, drug targets, etc. 
• Counting (how many copies of each book?) 
• Measure gene expression levels, protein-DNA 
• Variant calling (how does each edition vary?) 
• Discover genetic variation: genotyping, linkage 
• Allele-specific expression analysis.
Shotgun sequencing & assembly 
Shotgun sequencing analysis goals: 
• Assembly (what is the text?) 
• Produces new genomes & transcriptomes. 
• Gene discovery for enzymes, drug targets, etc. 
• Counting (how many copies of each book?) 
• Measure gene expression levels, protein-DNA 
• Variant calling (how does each edition vary?) 
• Discover genetic variation: genotyping, linkage 
• Allele-specific expression analysis.
It was the best of times, it was the wor 
, it was the worst of times, it was the 
isdom, it was the age of foolishness 
mes, it was the age of wisdom, it was th 
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the 
age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness 
…but for lots and lots of fragments!
Mapping: locate reads in reference 
Variant detection after mapping 
Looking forward 5 years… 
Navin et al., 2011
Some basic math: 
• 1000 single cells from a tumor… 
• …sequenced to 40x haploid coverage with Illumina… 
• …yields 120 Gbp each cell… 
• …or 120 Tbp of data. 
• HiSeq X10 can do the sequencing in ~3 weeks. 
• The variant calling will require 2,000 CPU weeks… 
• …so, given ~2,000 computers, can do this all in one 
Similar math applies: 
• Pathogen detection in blood; 
• Environmental sequencing; 
• Sequencing rare DNA from circulating blood. 
• Two issues: 
•Volume of data & compute 
• Latency for clinical applications.
The Data Deluge 
(a traditional requirement for these talks)
Lab approach: Lossy compression 
(Reduce volume of data & compute infrastructure 
Raw data 
(~10-100 GB) Analysis 
~1 GB 
Database & 
(~2 GB) 
Lossy compression can substantially 
reduce data size while retaining 
information needed for later (re)analysis.
Lossy compression
Lossy compression
Lossy compression
Lossy compression
Lossy compression
• The Molgulid story: investigating non-model 
ascidians ( this is the biology) 
• Meditations on data analysis. 
• Methods, methods, methods. 
•Training, training, training. 
• Concluding thoughts
The Molgula Story – an int’l collaboration 
Elijah Lowe 
(MSU; Naples?) 
Billie Swalla (UW, BEACON) 
Lionel Christiaen (NYU); 
Claudia Racioppi (Naples; NYU)
…to the urochordateswe go! 
Putnam et al., 2008, 
Modified from SwaNllaa t2u0r0e1.
Filter feeding adults 
Molgula oculata 
Molgula occulta 
Molgula oculata Ciona intestinalis 
Elijah Lowe; collaboration w/Billie Swalla
Challenging organisms to work on! 
Molgula occulta & M. oculata: 
• Only spawn ~1 month out of the year 
• Located off the northern coast of France 
• Hybrids not found outside of lab conditions 
• Species cannot be cultured 
•Wet lab techniques are not fully developed for 
• No genomic resources (as of 2008).
Billie Swalla, Nadine Peyriéras, Alberto Stolfi
Tail loss and notochord 
a) M. oculata b) hybrid (occulta egg x oculata sperm) c) M. occulta 
Notochord cells in orange Swalla, B. et al. Science, Vol 274, Issue 5290, 1205-1208 , 15 November 1996
Molgula clades – tail loss is derived
Solitary ascidians 
have determinant 
and invariant cleavage. 
Some species have 
colored cytoplasms. 
(Boltenia villosa) 
The cell lineage is very 
similar in Ciona, Phallusia, 
Halocynthia roretzi & 
Molgula oculata.
Molgula occidentalis 
Ciona intestinalis
2014 bangkok-talk
Notochord formation (convergence & 
extension) in ascidians is highly 
Ciona savignyi Jiang and Smith, 2007
Notochord Formation 
in Molgulids 
Molgula oculata notochord 
(40 cells, converged & extended) 
Molgula occulta no notochord 
(20 cells, not converged & extended) 
Hybrid notochord 
(20 cells, converged & extended) 
Swalla and Jeffery, 1996
First we applied mRNAseq… 
Lowe et al., in review (PeerJ). https://peerj.com/preprints/505/
…which gave us entire transcriptomes… 
Lowe et al., in review (PeerJ). https://peerj.com/preprints/505/
…then we sequenced their genomes... 
• 3 species: 
Molgula occidentalis (tailed) – “MOXI” 
Molgula oculata (tailed) – “MOCU” 
Molgula occulta (tail-less) – “MOCC” 
• 3 lanes: 300-400 bp; 650-750 bp; 900-1000 bp 
• ≥ 200X coverage each genome 
De novo assembly by Elijah Lowe (MSU) 
Stolfi et al., eLife, 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03728
…which gave us most of their genes (and 
regulatory elements?) 
Genome assembly statistics: 
Stolfi et al., eLife, 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03728
Shift in differentially expressed genes from 
gastrulation to neurulation 
M. ocu vs. M. occ gastrula M. ocu vs. M. occ neurula 
Differentially expressed during neurulation in M. ocu vs M. occ 
Elijah Lowe
Notochord gene expression similar to tailed 
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 
Expression difference Hybrid vs Parent species 
Elijah Lowe
Heterochronic Shift in MolgulidaeDevelopment 
*79 genes examined 
across six species
Transgenics of reporter constructs 
(“Mutual intelligibility” across ~350 my) 
Stolfi et al., eLife, 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03728
Prickle is a key part of the notochord program. 
Veeman, M., et al., 2007 
•Planar cell 
polarity (PCP) 
•Involved in 
convergence and 
Prickle expressed in notochord cells of 
tailless ascidians. 
Mita et al Zool. Sci., 2010 
M. occulta gastrulation 
Ciona intestinalis 
Satoh Nature Reviews Genetics 4, 2003 
FGF Bra Pk 
Elijah Lowe
(Re)booting the Molgula -- 
• Determined conservation of cardiopharyngeal 
developmental program, despite shifts in cis-regulatory 
sequences (Stolfi et al, eLife, 2014). 
• Examining heterochronic shifts in developmental timing 
(tail loss) (Maliska et al., in preparation). 
• Connecting evolutionary shifts in developmental gene 
regulatory networks with conserved molecular profiles 
(Lowe et al, submitted; Lowe et al., in preparation).
More thoughts on Molgula 
• One grad student, two transcriptomes, three genomes, 
four years… 
• Genomic resources are enabling a sprawling international 
collaboration (UW/BEACON, MSU/BEACON, NYU, 
Naples, Paris) 
• ! Methods development key!
How Science Works 
Data generation
Luckily, data analysis is cheap and easy!
Err, well, actually… 
Data generation 
Data Analysis 
It is now easy to generate sequencing 
data sets of such a size and scale that 
the first round analysis cannot even be 
My research: 
theoretical => applied solutions to scale. 
Theoretical advances 
in data structures and 
Practically useful & usable 
implementations, at scale. 
effectiveness on real data.
My research: three methods. 
1. Adaptation of a suite of probabilistic data structures for 
representing set membership and counting (Bloom filters 
and CountMin Sketch). (Zhang et al., PLoS One, 2014.) 
2. An online streaming approach to lossy compression of 
sequencing data. (Brown et al., arXiv, 2012; Howe et al., PNAS, 2014.) 
3. Compressible de Bruijn graph representation for 
assembly. (Pell et al., PNAS, 2012.)
Method #2 - Digital normalization 
(a computational version of library normalization) 
Suppose you have a 
dilution factor of A (10) to 
B(1). To get 10x of B you 
need to get 100x of A! 
This 100x will consume 
disk space and, because 
of errors, memory. 
We can discard it for 
Digital normalization
Digital normalization
Digital normalization
Digital normalization
Digital normalization
Digital normalization
Digital normalization retains information, while 
discarding data and errors
Digital normalization approach 
A digital analog to cDNA library normalization, diginorm: 
• Streaming & single pass: looks at each read at most 
• Does not “collect” the majority of errors; 
• Keeps all low-coverage reads; 
• Smooths out coverage of sequencing. 
Enables analyses that are otherwise completely 
Witness the power of this fully operational 
set of sequence analysis methods: 
1. Assembling soil metagenomes. 
Howe et al., PNAS, 2014 (w/Tiedje) 
2. Understanding bone-eating worm symbionts. 
Goffredi et al., ISME, 2014. 
3. An ultra-deep look at the lamprey transcriptome. 
Scott et al., in preparation (w/Li) 
4. Understanding development in Molgulid ascidians. 
Stolfi et al, eLife 2014; etc.
Open science 
Guiding principle: methods that aren’t broadly 
available aren’t very useful. 
(=> Preprints, open source code, blog posts, Twitter, 
training, etc.) 
Estimated ~1000 users of our software. 
Diginorm now included in Trinity software from Broad 
Institute (~10,000 users) 
Illumina TruSeq long-read technology now 
incorporates our approach (~100,000 users)
Current research: 
Compressive algorithms for sequence 
Raw data 
(~10-100 GB) Analysis 
~1 GB 
Database & 
(~2 GB) 
Can we enable and accelerate sequence-based 
inquiry by making all basic analysis 
easier and some analyses possible?
The data challenge in biology 
In 5-10 years, we will have nigh-infinite data. 
(Genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, 
We currently have no good way of querying, 
exploring, investigating, or mining these data sets, 
especially across multiple locations.. 
Moreover, most data is unavailable until after 
…which, in practice, means it will be lost.
Infrastructure: distributed graph database server 
Web interface + API 
Compute server 
Raw data sets 
Graph query layer 
(NCBI, KBase) 
“Data Intensive Biology” 
• Increasingly, relevant data is out there or can be 
generated fairly inexpensively. 
• But what does the data mean? How can we get it to yield 
putative answers? How can we integrate it with other 
people’s data? 
• Virtually nobody in biology is trained to do this. 
• Virtually nobody in biology is being trained in how to do 
Summer NGS workshop (2010-2017)
Perspectives on training 
• Prediction: The single biggest 
challenge facing biology over the 
next 20 years is the lack of data 
analysis training (see: NIH DIWG 
• Data analysis is not turning the 
crank; it is an intellectual exercise 
on par with experimental design or 
paper writing. 
• Training is systematically 
undervalued in academia (!?)
Training - looking forward 
• NIH “Big Data 2 Knowledge” (BD2K) will be investing 
~$20-40m in training each year (my estimate). 
Biomedical science increasingly depends on data 
• Moore, Sloan Foundations are investing heavily in training 
(see: Software Carpentry) 
• NSF BIO Centers have stated that “training is the second 
most important problem that all of us have”. 
We need to figure out solutions…
Students and postdocs 
• Dr. Jason Pell (Google NYC) 
• Asst Professor Adina Howe (Iowa State) 
• Current: 
• Dr. Likit Preeyanon (MMG) 
• Elijah Lowe (CSE) 
• Qingpeng Zhang (CSE) 
• Jaron Guo (MMG) 
• Camille Scott (CSE) 
• Michael Crusoe 
• Luiz Irber (CSE) 
• Dr. Sherine Awad (MMG)
Students and postdocs 
• Dr. Jason Pell (Google NYC) 
• Asst Professor Adina Howe (Iowa State) 
• Current: 
• Dr. Likit Preeyanon (MMG) 
• Elijah Lowe (CSE) 
• Qingpeng Zhang (CSE) 
• Jaron Guo (MMG) 
• Camille Scott (CSE) 
• Michael Crusoe 
• Luiz Irber (CSE) 
• Dr. Sherine Awad (MMG)

More Related Content

2014 bangkok-talk

  • 2. Lansing, Michigan -> Davis, California
  • 3. We practice open science! Everything discussed here: • Code: github.com/ged-lab/ ; BSD license • Blog: http://ivory.idyll.org/blog (‘titus brown blog’) • Twitter: @ctitusbrown • Grants on Lab Web site: http://ged.msu.edu/research.html • Papers available as preprints. • All my talks are available at slideshare.net/c.titus.brown/
  • 4. Sequencing! • Sequencing of DNA and RNA. • Single genomes • Transcriptomes • Natural populations (tags) • Environmental samples/microbial populations (metagenomics) • Cheap and massively scalable sequencing of DNA and RNA.
  • 5. Sequencing technology • Major, dramatic changes in our ability to sequence DNA and RNA quickly and cheaply. • Majority of deployed techniques depend on (variations of) a single trick: “polony” sequencing. No cloning. • Single-molecule sequencing coming along fast, but not yet ready for prime time.
  • 8. Two specific concepts: • First, sequencing everything at random is very much easier than sequencing a specific gene region. (For example, it will soon be easier and cheaper to shotgun-sequence all of E. coli then it is to get a single good plasmid sequence.) • Second, if you are sequencing on a 2-D substrate (wells, or surfaces, or whatnot) then any increase in density (smaller wells, or better imaging) leads to a squared increase in the number of sequences.
  • 14. Some numbers • For under $1,000 per sample, the Illumina HiSeq machine will generate: • 200,000,000 reads • Each of length ~150 • In under a week. • x 16 samples/run. • That’s almost 500 Gbp of sequence, or just over 160x human genome…
  • 15. Shotgun sequencing • Collect samples; • Extract DNA or RNA; • Feed into sequencer; • Computationally analyze. “Sequence it all and let the bioinformaticians sort it Wikipedia: Environmental shotgun sequencing.png out”
  • 16. The challenges of non-model sequencing • Missing or low quality genome reference. • Evolutionarily distant. • Most extant computational tools focus on model organisms – • Assume low polymorphism (internal variation) • Assume reference genome • Assume somewhat reliable functional annotation • More significant compute infrastructure …and cannot easily or directly be used on critters of interest.
  • 17. Shotgun sequencing analysis goals: • Assembly (what is the text?) • Produces new genomes & transcriptomes. • Gene discovery for enzymes, drug targets, etc. • Counting (how many copies of each book?) • Measure gene expression levels, protein-DNA interactions • Variant calling (how does each edition vary?) • Discover genetic variation: genotyping, linkage studies… • Allele-specific expression analysis.
  • 18. Shotgun sequencing & assembly http://eofdreams.com/library.html; http://www.theshreddingservices.com/2011/11/paper-shredding-services-small-business/; http://schoolworkhelper.net/charles-dickens%E2%80%99-tale-of-two-cities-summary-analysis/
  • 19. Shotgun sequencing analysis goals: • Assembly (what is the text?) • Produces new genomes & transcriptomes. • Gene discovery for enzymes, drug targets, etc. • Counting (how many copies of each book?) • Measure gene expression levels, protein-DNA interactions • Variant calling (how does each edition vary?) • Discover genetic variation: genotyping, linkage studies… • Allele-specific expression analysis.
  • 20. Assembly It was the best of times, it was the wor , it was the worst of times, it was the isdom, it was the age of foolishness mes, it was the age of wisdom, it was th It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness …but for lots and lots of fragments!
  • 21. Mapping: locate reads in reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mapping_Reads.png
  • 22. Variant detection after mapping http://www.kenkraaijeveld.nl/genomics/bioinformatics/
  • 23. Looking forward 5 years… Navin et al., 2011
  • 24. Some basic math: • 1000 single cells from a tumor… • …sequenced to 40x haploid coverage with Illumina… • …yields 120 Gbp each cell… • …or 120 Tbp of data. • HiSeq X10 can do the sequencing in ~3 weeks. • The variant calling will require 2,000 CPU weeks… • …so, given ~2,000 computers, can do this all in one month.
  • 25. Similar math applies: • Pathogen detection in blood; • Environmental sequencing; • Sequencing rare DNA from circulating blood. • Two issues: •Volume of data & compute infrastructure; • Latency for clinical applications.
  • 26. The Data Deluge (a traditional requirement for these talks)
  • 27. Lab approach: Lossy compression (Reduce volume of data & compute infrastructure requirements) Raw data (~10-100 GB) Analysis "Information" ~1 GB "Information" "Information" "Information" "Information" Database & integration Compression (~2 GB) Lossy compression can substantially reduce data size while retaining information needed for later (re)analysis.
  • 33. Outline • The Molgulid story: investigating non-model ascidians ( this is the biology) • Meditations on data analysis. • Methods, methods, methods. •Training, training, training. • Concluding thoughts
  • 34. The Molgula Story – an int’l collaboration Elijah Lowe (MSU; Naples?) Billie Swalla (UW, BEACON) Lionel Christiaen (NYU); Claudia Racioppi (Naples; NYU)
  • 35. …to the urochordateswe go! Putnam et al., 2008, Modified from SwaNllaa t2u0r0e1.
  • 36. Filter feeding adults Molgula oculata Molgula occulta Molgula oculata Ciona intestinalis Elijah Lowe; collaboration w/Billie Swalla
  • 37. Challenging organisms to work on! Molgula occulta & M. oculata: • Only spawn ~1 month out of the year • Located off the northern coast of France • Hybrids not found outside of lab conditions • Species cannot be cultured •Wet lab techniques are not fully developed for species • No genomic resources (as of 2008).
  • 38. Billie Swalla, Nadine Peyriéras, Alberto Stolfi
  • 39. Tail loss and notochord a) M. oculata b) hybrid (occulta egg x oculata sperm) c) M. occulta Notochord cells in orange Swalla, B. et al. Science, Vol 274, Issue 5290, 1205-1208 , 15 November 1996
  • 40. Molgula clades – tail loss is derived
  • 41. Solitary ascidians have determinant and invariant cleavage. Some species have colored cytoplasms. (Boltenia villosa) The cell lineage is very similar in Ciona, Phallusia, Halocynthia roretzi & Molgula oculata.
  • 44. Notochord formation (convergence & extension) in ascidians is highly conserved. Ciona savignyi Jiang and Smith, 2007
  • 45. Notochord Formation in Molgulids Molgula oculata notochord (40 cells, converged & extended) Molgula occulta no notochord (20 cells, not converged & extended) Hybrid notochord (20 cells, converged & extended) Swalla and Jeffery, 1996
  • 46. First we applied mRNAseq… Lowe et al., in review (PeerJ). https://peerj.com/preprints/505/
  • 47. …which gave us entire transcriptomes… Lowe et al., in review (PeerJ). https://peerj.com/preprints/505/
  • 48. …then we sequenced their genomes... • 3 species: Molgula occidentalis (tailed) – “MOXI” Molgula oculata (tailed) – “MOCU” Molgula occulta (tail-less) – “MOCC” • 3 lanes: 300-400 bp; 650-750 bp; 900-1000 bp • ≥ 200X coverage each genome De novo assembly by Elijah Lowe (MSU) Stolfi et al., eLife, 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03728
  • 49. …which gave us most of their genes (and regulatory elements?) Genome assembly statistics: Stolfi et al., eLife, 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03728
  • 50. Shift in differentially expressed genes from gastrulation to neurulation M. ocu vs. M. occ gastrula M. ocu vs. M. occ neurula Differentially expressed during neurulation in M. ocu vs M. occ Elijah Lowe
  • 51. Notochord gene expression similar to tailed species -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Expression difference Hybrid vs Parent species log2(hybrid)-log2(oculata) log2(hybrid)-log2(occulta) Elijah Lowe
  • 52. Heterochronic Shift in MolgulidaeDevelopment *79 genes examined across six species
  • 53. Transgenics of reporter constructs (“Mutual intelligibility” across ~350 my) Stolfi et al., eLife, 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03728
  • 54. Prickle is a key part of the notochord program. Veeman, M., et al., 2007 •Planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway •Involved in convergence and extension
  • 55. Prickle expressed in notochord cells of tailless ascidians. Mita et al Zool. Sci., 2010 M. occulta gastrulation Ciona intestinalis Satoh Nature Reviews Genetics 4, 2003 FGF Bra Pk Elijah Lowe
  • 56. (Re)booting the Molgula -- • Determined conservation of cardiopharyngeal developmental program, despite shifts in cis-regulatory sequences (Stolfi et al, eLife, 2014). • Examining heterochronic shifts in developmental timing (tail loss) (Maliska et al., in preparation). • Connecting evolutionary shifts in developmental gene regulatory networks with conserved molecular profiles (Lowe et al, submitted; Lowe et al., in preparation).
  • 57. More thoughts on Molgula • One grad student, two transcriptomes, three genomes, four years… • Genomic resources are enabling a sprawling international collaboration (UW/BEACON, MSU/BEACON, NYU, Naples, Paris) • ! Methods development key!
  • 58. How Science Works Data Analysis Data generation
  • 59. Luckily, data analysis is cheap and easy!
  • 60. Err, well, actually… Data generation Data Analysis http://www.pixelpog.com/ftpimages/GnomesAttack.jpg
  • 61. It is now easy to generate sequencing data sets of such a size and scale that the first round analysis cannot even be completed.
  • 62. My research: theoretical => applied solutions to scale. Theoretical advances in data structures and algorithms Practically useful & usable implementations, at scale. Demonstrated effectiveness on real data.
  • 63. My research: three methods. 1. Adaptation of a suite of probabilistic data structures for representing set membership and counting (Bloom filters and CountMin Sketch). (Zhang et al., PLoS One, 2014.) 2. An online streaming approach to lossy compression of sequencing data. (Brown et al., arXiv, 2012; Howe et al., PNAS, 2014.) 3. Compressible de Bruijn graph representation for assembly. (Pell et al., PNAS, 2012.)
  • 64. Method #2 - Digital normalization (a computational version of library normalization) Suppose you have a dilution factor of A (10) to B(1). To get 10x of B you need to get 100x of A! Overkill!! This 100x will consume disk space and, because of errors, memory. We can discard it for you…
  • 71. Digital normalization retains information, while discarding data and errors
  • 72. Digital normalization approach A digital analog to cDNA library normalization, diginorm: • Streaming & single pass: looks at each read at most once; • Does not “collect” the majority of errors; • Keeps all low-coverage reads; • Smooths out coverage of sequencing. => Enables analyses that are otherwise completely impossible.
  • 73. Witness the power of this fully operational set of sequence analysis methods: 1. Assembling soil metagenomes. Howe et al., PNAS, 2014 (w/Tiedje) 2. Understanding bone-eating worm symbionts. Goffredi et al., ISME, 2014. 3. An ultra-deep look at the lamprey transcriptome. Scott et al., in preparation (w/Li) 4. Understanding development in Molgulid ascidians. Stolfi et al, eLife 2014; etc.
  • 74. Open science Guiding principle: methods that aren’t broadly available aren’t very useful. (=> Preprints, open source code, blog posts, Twitter, training, etc.) Estimated ~1000 users of our software. Diginorm now included in Trinity software from Broad Institute (~10,000 users) Illumina TruSeq long-read technology now incorporates our approach (~100,000 users)
  • 75. Current research: Compressive algorithms for sequence analysis Raw data (~10-100 GB) Analysis "Information" ~1 GB "Information" "Information" "Information" "Information" Database & integration Compression (~2 GB) Can we enable and accelerate sequence-based inquiry by making all basic analysis easier and some analyses possible?
  • 76. The data challenge in biology In 5-10 years, we will have nigh-infinite data. (Genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, …?) We currently have no good way of querying, exploring, investigating, or mining these data sets, especially across multiple locations.. Moreover, most data is unavailable until after publication… …which, in practice, means it will be lost.
  • 77. Infrastructure: distributed graph database server Web interface + API Compute server (Galaxy? Arvados?) Data/ Info Raw data sets Public servers "Walled garden" server Private server Graph query layer Upload/submit (NCBI, KBase) Import (MG-RAST, SRA, EBI)
  • 78. “Data Intensive Biology” • Increasingly, relevant data is out there or can be generated fairly inexpensively. • But what does the data mean? How can we get it to yield putative answers? How can we integrate it with other people’s data? • Virtually nobody in biology is trained to do this. • Virtually nobody in biology is being trained in how to do this.
  • 79. Summer NGS workshop (2010-2017)
  • 80. Perspectives on training • Prediction: The single biggest challenge facing biology over the next 20 years is the lack of data analysis training (see: NIH DIWG report) • Data analysis is not turning the crank; it is an intellectual exercise on par with experimental design or paper writing. • Training is systematically undervalued in academia (!?)
  • 81. Training - looking forward • NIH “Big Data 2 Knowledge” (BD2K) will be investing ~$20-40m in training each year (my estimate). Biomedical science increasingly depends on data analysis. • Moore, Sloan Foundations are investing heavily in training (see: Software Carpentry) • NSF BIO Centers have stated that “training is the second most important problem that all of us have”. We need to figure out solutions…
  • 83. Students and postdocs Former: • Dr. Jason Pell (Google NYC) • Asst Professor Adina Howe (Iowa State) • Current: • Dr. Likit Preeyanon (MMG) • Elijah Lowe (CSE) • Qingpeng Zhang (CSE) • Jaron Guo (MMG) • Camille Scott (CSE) • Michael Crusoe • Luiz Irber (CSE) • Dr. Sherine Awad (MMG)
  • 84. Students and postdocs Former: • Dr. Jason Pell (Google NYC) • Asst Professor Adina Howe (Iowa State) • Current: • Dr. Likit Preeyanon (MMG) • Elijah Lowe (CSE) • Qingpeng Zhang (CSE) • Jaron Guo (MMG) • Camille Scott (CSE) • Michael Crusoe • Luiz Irber (CSE) • Dr. Sherine Awad (MMG)