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Seveoth Semcstcr B.E.DegreeEx.mination,Dec.20l4/Jan.2015
AirPollution a d Control
ote: 1. )ns|9s ur! FIVE l ll tlu.stion seLtlihg
aneast TwO qrcsnois ro,t ea.h pan
2. Atr Missn,a dota ,"a! be snilablr assu en.
a. Wh 0re lne melhods old.nhryingrirloUurion? lixphin bnefly
b Ilou airpolluGaa xrc dasnlicd? Cire e{afrtles
f rplxin atr poLlutarts allecin! planh.
Wriie a norc on Bhopal Gas Tragddy
 irh skech, explain plume behaviotrr ln dilIerenrahospheric condnions
$ha1arc th. rneleotulogral panmetr ihar influcnce anpollulion?
$jrile a nore on riidr.se
Bric,lr, erplah lado6lo be coisideed lorindustrialplaDr Lo.xlloi
Detinc Noile pollurion. Lntrhe sonrces oa oisepolllrion
Nhat r.c llre eliecrs oinois. pollulioir L,! rhe contullins nre.sures us.d
x. B.e0!explain p rclin inrry c onnderali on s and nage o f salpliDC.
b. 'rire r brief procedure lor collecaon olsuspcidedpaniculltes.
a Brlell!eaplain mcthods used ro Drinnnizerheaulonobilccnau edefrissnr. OoNhrrn
b fhatirerhealrcharivenldrhodsrajlablerocontulautomobihemnsionr (0sNr*kt
c. Wntanoieonexl.trelrsE.r-.hngaidconbol.fevapoElivcemissions (05 Nlsdrt
a. ,{cid ain 107nr*,
b Gr.cf house.tli.r (07!r 9
.. lndooratpollurion. (06 )h*,
a. lvl.nboD any llle Enlironmenlrl lcgtrlarion (osvirk,
b. i'r.i on Jny 5 driflinE sater eandrils ard 5 s6re *ater$ardards as Der Enrtonmnral
A.t. (rsrhrr.)
c LisrileIndra.AirQualiIsrmdadsrsperc.!ory (0ar!rkt
d. Lnttunonepoltunon sandards. (o5rhrlt
;(*x*;r ,/?i
Seventb Semester B.E. Desree Eramination. Dec.2014
^n.2O75Highway Geometric Design
Notct Atsvu anJ' FIt E f"ll q"estiots, sebcnnt!
arl.ast TWo questioaslron zath pan
x. wlai is d desisD rehiclel hdicare the IRC and AASHIO speciicarions wirh respcct ro
dimcnsiohs and axelloads. (06 Nrrrk,
b List and brielt, des.ribe the lacros conrrolling geometic deslen olhiehways. {03 Mrikt
c. A one way cny $reel hds Ihe rolloms rmilic count pr hour dnriDs peak hour. r'ind thc
uffic i. rens ofPCU at
l) Midblocksection ii) At interseciion
a Ve'rrur rl . de.rgn ieo nEren.. or o 'o3o r
s.er.l roe dcr-.s o J .rD.J
Briefly desc be the larious road nargi.s.
Delennine thc heighlofctu*n wth Espect to edges olroadln
i) WBM road3 3n vidc in l.wi,inf,ll,r..
ii) wBM road 7.0mwidc in hca!, Eirtill dea.
iii) Bitunnnonsrodd 7 5m D hcary rainfall area.
a Dernc tlre equaion ibr calculating cxra wideni.g ofa horizontal cune. (06Ntrrk,
b. A 6 lxne dnided hish$atr has a cuse l000m lons and radius olsoom The sare SSD is
200'n Calculate rhc minimuft setback dntaoce ftom inner cdg. olrhc curlc io rhe turer
e!se ofa buildingto ensure sai!visibility. TlE width orpavernent per llne is 1.5m.
c. A 2lane NH passire ihrcusb planr rerain has horizontal curve ofmdius,l00m. The design
spccd is 100 Kmph Deslgnihe lengthoft8nsitiotrcunc (0s )lark,
wnh sldtchcs indicare dre circumsr,nces in s,hich sijrht dista.ce is atrecred. Describe how
tle sighi dnknce required ar an L..o.tiolled intenection iseslimaicd? (0s:uark,
Calculate dre ove aking sight disrance as per AASHTO pEclice lbr a desisn speed ol
100 Kmph nakrns suitable asumptions. Also calculatetheOSD asp$tRCpradice.
what are the crcunstdnces in wh(ha valleJ, cL c is turmedltndioatennskerches
to be designed for a speed of80 (mpb so as to have er OSD of470M (06M'rrr)
Deive ths ev.ession f(x.rlcularing lenglh ot valley cuNe olparabohc shape tbr comlbfr
condition (08 Mrrr.,
Indi. .ihe f.ll.wi'io wiih lin.sketches:
i) Totic nuioeu!res ar arende iftq$ctions
ii) T}!es olate$de nnersections
whal are adlantages o f c hamelizcd ntencctions?
of cha n.c liTed i.toscctions.
wilh sketches indicate rhe comron twes
i) areradc inte^ections; 1i) Grade scpamrcd
b Two roads in an utuan area heet at 90o and h6!e a canisge wny $idlh or l5nr Dcsisn a
rour}, inteNcrion 8i!en that design speed is 30 Ktrph, Bdius of eolrance curlc = 20tu
radius of exn cune:40m Delernine lhe cap&ily olrctaDr wirh rhe following pcak hour
N 200 50 250
60 224
250 1A
220 50 t20 250
a. Lnr the advansges and disadvantages of
w'th skerches explain the nrethods olsub su nce
sarerrablc: ii) contml of seepaee no$.
List the step by step proccdure olhydrologic and hyd$uLic design ol longitudinal urf,cc
(10 Nlrrk,
i!l t0cv74
Iec.20!4/.Ian.?015Seventh Semester B.E. Desree Exami;sHAi,
Design of Pre-strcssed Goncrete Slructures
Note. l. Aasvq FIYE lull questions, s.lectihA
arleast TwO rlwstio"s fion .a.h p.tl
2. Use ol IS I 313 - 1940 is pmhLd.
De fs d ! re strcscd co ncre re. Stare ns xdla ntage over re i. rorced co ncrete
Errlain withneatsketches. rry$inef sysrenolprc sressing.
A pre{tressed co.crere beam suppofts a live lo:d ol4 kN /m orera simply suppofted span
ol8 m. Tho beam has an I section ryilh an oyerau depth 01400 m rhe rhi.kne$ oi
tlange and web a€ 60 and 80 nm rerpectlvely. The width ofrhe ilanges h 200 mm The
b.an is ro be prc-strcsed byanelGcrive aorce or2l5 t N !t a suitable ec centicny such &at
.'!.-ifl.r.c-c..r, e o{r ot'ne beqo r rle col.rc orrp.r i. /.ro
i) Find lhe ecce.ticiryrequned for the rorce
ii) Ilthe ren,iol is concentric, what should bc the magnnude ofthe prd $.essing foroe lor
the resuxlnt stes to be zerc ar l[ebottom libn olrhecenBlspansection? (03N{,rk,
r Explainconcept oaloadbalancing inpe skessed concrete design. (06M*r,
b. A.o.cEre beanr wnh a "double olerha.s'h,s rno hiddle span equat to t0 m and the equ.l
orerhangibg oD enher side is 2.5 n Delemine the profile ol rhe pre-stnsixg cable sith an
eilectilr lore of250 k qhich can balance a uniformly dtribured load or3 kN/m o. ihe
beam. $hich in.ludes the self rveisht ofthe beam. Sker.h dr cable p.oiile ndki.g the
ec.cnrricnyofcablcatthesupp.n&dmid{pan (tlMerk,
a ]-isi the various ljJds oflosses in pE{l.esed concrerc nehb.rs and rhe equations used to
detemine them (06ltr!rkt
A rectaigular beam 180 mm eide by,100 nd deep is simply supporled over a span ol3 m
and is Einforced wiih I $fts or 8 nrm dra merer. The wnes arc located it a consr$t
eccenki.ny ol80 inm and are su6jcctcd to an inirial stess ol l2OO N/m] Calculare rhe
pcrceriage l$s ofstEs in the *nes ifrhe bcan is l) pre reDsioned ii) post tensioned. Take
E, = 210 k/dm, m.dular rilro = 6. slip at.nchorage = 0.8 mm, nlctio.
.oeff.icnt = 0.002rm, relaxatior ol sreel stress = 6%. Adopt reep dd shnnLage
.oefficicniasperls:ll4:lcodespecincations. (t,tli,rk,
Ernlain the signilicance ol long tem deflections in PSC belns atui indicare ho* it is
calculated. (06M0t(,
What ar rbe facton iifluencine lhe deflectior of PSC beams? Briefly dncu$ rhetu.
(0i nI!rro
A concretc bean haling a reclangular section 150 m! wide by 300 nm dee! is
pre -sressed by a parebolic cable lav ganeccenricnyofTsnnar.e.reofspantorvarJs
the soffit and a. .ccenriciy ol25 mn toNards th. top al supporr secrions. The eflecri.rc
6r.c in$e cable is lsokN The beam uppo(s a concenkared lod ol2o kN ar rhe cenfie ot
span i, additionio thc s.llNeigLl Ifthenodulusofelasticiryof.o.fere is38 kNhm: and
span is 3 fr,- calculalc.
i) Shon tehr deflection al co.lre o a span u.d er p.eslres, sellweieht and livc load
ii) Lons tcrm dcl cction asumDg the 1o$ mtio as 0.3 a.d creep co erficEnt 61.6.
whar are th. ditlere.r l$es ol flerLual failurcs obseasd in a pre-saes$d con...rc berr'l
Explain $ ith skercnes. (06 iusre9
A double Tee secrior havine a Iange 1200 m wide and 150 mm thlck is pre nressed by
4700 mmr ofhig| tensile (eel locared at an eff.ctnt deprh of1600 mnr. The ribs lrarc a
thiok.e$ ol!50d mrn ea.n. The cube srrength cfconcrcie is 40 N/ormi ar.lrensile strength
ofsteel k 1600 N/trh:. D.ieminc thc nexual sften8th olthc dor61e ree giriler usinS
ls : 13,13 tud. psvnio,s (07 n',.r,
c. A post r..)iorod bear sith t.bonnded rendonJ is ol rcctnnSnlar cros se.tion
500 nm ! lC00 mm. The cross sectional drea or lre{tressina steel $ 3oO0 mn: Ih.
efttctive pE str.$ 2fter.onsiderire all,oscs i l00.)MPa llc cffcoti. spaD oftlrc
h:s nrade NI40 .on.de n ! 5 m Estimic the ultimalc momeni of rcskoncc .f dr scctio.
a. Discuss bricliy nte hodes offailuedueto shear. (05 rk$)
b. l- .oncrer. bean of.ecta.-qula. secrion. 200 nm  ide and 600 mr deep. n pre{tFssed by a
panbciic cable Iocat.d ataneccenticityoat00 nrm al mid{penand zcro ardrsupprts.li
iire brao has a spah oa l0 m and.anies a u.ifomlv Cisrlbored live load ol4 kNh1,lind the
3li-tive irrcc nocessary in l1€ .able i.r zero shear nEss ar rhe srpldn sccnon lin thi
.,, I r'u:.d.c.l,r'. n|i.c'pr.'. - -! : ie 0e.., ). 1..' d. r.:d .'.
c. A PSC belm 250 nrm $,dc and 150 n'n deop-n subj.cted to a shearnrs force 01900 kN.
T o.e.-...rd..vo. i,e'."d..!n, I ccloarep...{rc..e.. i,t'n:
,sleorsjrirll) $itlr ho onrai.
Explai. Macnal melhod of cid bloct d.sisn
The cnd blcck olapost tosi.n.d berm a l00.rm vide by i00 mm Ceep and is pr.{rE$.d
.f900 k. Designsuirabieaichoftge zone EinturcemeDr and sketch rhe d etai ls (12m,rb
Design a pr.-te.sioned symtoeticrl I - bean tbr an eff€ctive span ol7 m to support a $rper
idpcsd ioad ol6 kNd The beah h ro be lre casl in a laciory and is ro he desie.cd inr
handlins at any point along lenslh durin3 truspon an.i crcciion. Load facto aganri triluE
by tcnding or shear. Ior dead load = L5. lor livc ioad : 2 5
Al sor;ng load.
a.nheslle {ress = l6 N/mrn
remite srrcs = L.,t r*r;nf
'rhe sF.ifi.d 28 dly.ube strengih ofconcr.te is s0 /nnir. The pre-stresnre lorcc h to be
r.rovided lry 5 mn diaderr high rcnsiic vncs having !n ultimate tensile srenstlr .f
I60C N/an'. Thc Lss Elio is 0 8. Desi8n the bcsm and skctch ine.m$ - sccrb0 shorine
rie arangef.at oi wnes. (2obrl,
c4 I :6
Seventh S€mesrer B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.20r.r/Jrn.2q15
Estimation and Valuations z.]tjlEstimation an.t Valuations ts$9:l
d('" ''lmotet t. lnntr tt t q .lion tro,, pARr A //fII c€x"R^. :.i
2. A D.t t'ot R qu.nio,s cta ksat t?an 4 uaF * l. f
t t O fhl q@lin . P..h trot Pz,A/,i/c, .,'.'
Prcp0rc a detdiled cstimarc ror a residcnrial building slEn in Fis Q](i) and Ql(ii tnr the
ro'o'.n.9 re., ol!or..P-cp. cD'Jo..ra. J.o
i) Ea.hvorkexcaationaorfounddioninhmdsoil@Rs 100!nl
i, rr b"d. j B.o ".t. J p iit ,,
iiil SSM*ith CNl I :4 irr loundation and baseinent a,t Rs.ls00rm
ir) CCpli.ih I :2:4(,i Rs.1900/ fr'
v' BBI4 ral.vi.l ' V l'oro.r'p6'.'ru
'ue, P. rni i I'
Thedetailsolmanhole is shosri in Ilg. Q:. Estirnate rhc qnanriries olthe followine irc.Nol
i) EanhRork excrvati.n
r) C C BednnhI 3 6
ill) Flr*.las hri.kN.rk i,, aNJ I rL
r!) l0 mm rhick cehenr noaarpla$er. (lsrrrk,
Wine rhc detailed steclricarnr. ror !0y three of the iolowin-q :
ii) Damptroolcouse 25 mhthick inCM I
,ii) r'nn chs brick work in supeNtmlurein
iv) Cenrent planeriirg inCM I :,r.
Cary oui dre mte a.rlysis fo. dny tlnee ofthe follo!inA
i) CC I :4:8 turlouidaiiohbed
ii) Con6ed rubble stonenrasorq hCM br I :6 in lbu.dation
iii) 12 min dnck ce nent p la$erirx in CM I r 6
iv) 75 orn rhick cemenr.onffcrc floorligs,irhCC 1 :,1 8.
ofeanhNork aor a p.nion
n 10i. Side slopes are 2:
100.8 | r0r ')
l0l + Raii'rr Gi.dl.nr rin400
olthe road Eoor rlrc lollourg data Fomation
1 ir nlli.g aid 1.5: I in.uldE The c.$nllins
write shoft noteson a.]. thec ofthc lbllowins:
iii) Adminitatle appmvrl
i!) !ame$ inoney deposir
I .fl
rni'l r--i-
l; __-ic I PluPed,0nm--=:-
D2 1.0r 1
Fig Ql(ii)
Fi-e Ql(i)
,. E
8i-+ {E
ip !
Iig Q2
USN 10cv72
Seventb Scm.ster B.E. Desree Examination! Dec.2014/Jrn.20l5
I r. Menlion&erdrantagcsanddnadlaniasesorrh.neelnructuFs. (06Nhrk,
b. whar aE rhe equnenlenrs rhal goved fis ntucrudl design ofsEel slr'ucrures? (06Nrrrk,
c Mentiotr rhc dillerenr lodsr&d in the stelse.li.nsdnd,korhecombtuanonofloads.
a Exphin vanous modes ollailltres oaboh.d connc.riod $ilh neal skerch. (06Nr,rk,
b. Tso ISF se4ions 200 m x l0 nnn each and l5 m Iong arc to bctoincd lo nake a nember
ollcngrh I0 h. DesigD a butl joi rnh ne bolts trmnged in a diainond prtcn. The na6
arcsupposed ro carry a ractorcd tcnsilc rorceof,150 kN. Adopl]:ISFC bolrs oapmpen, clos
It 3. dr ol boh - 20 nm, cocmcienl ol riidlon !r = 0rl, slip Esisrurce designaled al
Design of Steel Structures
Mar Marks:100
.tet L. Aaswd l-t t'E full tlteeions, sel.cti"a
at leasr TWO qn^lio,s lroDt each por.
2. Us. of IS aA0-204 ard sL.l tahl"r p.mittel,
3. )ssttQ hissitrg dala s nah+.
ultimare load. Also. dermine rhe eficiencyolrhcjoinl
x. A ri. Deinbcr oaa roollfls consisG oi 2lSA 125 x
subjeded r. pull 01250 kN Tlie ansles are comeftd
l0! nlhic* silh loiglegsback roback Desiendre end
b. For rhe *eftd bEckei sho$n in FisQ3(b), dcrennine
.pplied ala dishce o1120 ulm non flanges olcolumn.
a. Dercminc the shape laclor oaa rcclangular
b. Find our rhe collapld lo lor a pi.pped
load/unii lcnrlh. The planic cap.cry olthc
75 x l0 nm The 1ie nrnlber is
on eiller side ola gusser plale ol
conneclion assunrtug nek treld.
the grealen srla load rhtrr cxn bc
TheslT. olNcld n6 mn Assum.
secriotr oibicadrh'b' anddcllh d'. (06vr*t
cmiiLercr subjecled lo n uri6mn, dnribulcd
bcxm(Mr orvr*n
a. Wharis lLrg angle and $hy is nnol pntctrcd? Explain
b Dcngn an uncqual sngle angle re.rion 10 a.t ds a tc member ollenglh
l s. if il is lo cm] &r *ial load 0160 kN, $hen subjeded ro posible
inlo .ompresion rc hiDE fronr lhe acion of Nind or carhqurkc
a A.olum sq0are in.ms scction (plan) ofside 360 mm coDstts oi4 rneLes ol ISA
30 i 30 x l0 m al each comcr*ilh suilable king. Find $c lood carqiirs capsciq ol$c
colum, ifllE heiehl ofihe column k 5 m md elli nclyhcld in posnion ar bolh ends, bur
noL re{ralned again$ 6rarion. (06Nt,rk,
Desig. a ingle dgh ntut lbr a roolhFs carying a
letredr ofslrut betqeen c/c inrerccnoff is ll0 cn Also
conpresre lold ol 100 kN. The
dcien bolred cnd conncdion ilh
Disrinsunh bcee, fie slab base md suseted base and draw a ncar s*otch ol secrionrl
elerationolgu$eledbaseindicaiingrhcsalicnrterltrEs. (06Ntrrls)
A buill up colunu consisrs of]SHB 150 (4 67,1N/m {ith 400 x 20 mnrnangeplates crrics
an axial Ioad ol1300 kN Desgn a runable guserdd base Belnn-s nrmgrh olconcFre is
ots lik. Asufre M. gflde concrele od Mr bolts olende 5.6. SBC orsoil= 180 kN/mr.
Disring0ish belween l.rer0lly restEined lDd unrcshined beatu vnh lhe help olskclches
(06M! .,
A r o ola hi Ir.e!
ri.s' . 12.n.un.. r. ll:0nr1rltrlo'..do.rppolp-u'rr
l-.ec''on.pJced J' r0 m!. lrle' e udJ r5. r_ad tuirl.e. l'. n B.'eor
Rall =,10l)nlto.lhe beam is lareiallj- r.slrxined. Design oEof tne inredorbcam supponing
IhemolChecki]rshear,nonenlcopac]l]anddeflecriu (l4Nlrit,
,rs fffJTIfIl l
S.venth Semester B.E. Degree Ex.mination, Dec.20l'{/Jan'2015
Environmental Engineering - Il
oret l. Ans|9et t-IvE lttll tlzeeioas, s.tecti,s
at lzut ltlO tkettion trou ea.h N -
) AnMp aib tan hherdet rcqnircd
a Erplair d6ic. denEi{s rnd suitabilll) or combined srstem and
b. Di f.€ntiate bcN een:
i) Sewage md Sullage
ii) lniilrration and cxiltaiioo.
in)N{i num &d Maxidum velocit.s in seNea.
n) D.N.F and W.w F
DeJine BoD. Derivc theeptossion lor lir$ slose BoD
a. Extlsin lhe difiere.ces in rhe hvdraulic desig!oisatersuppll llnes and sewer
'ris;1r )
b. Ei.lainthe tufios ar'fecrinP da- rc.ther flol (06!rkl)
". ii"i ir.. ..... *r""irv1ni g!.dient aruiEd Io t.-spod coase smd lnrougl a sever
60 cnr dhnEbr widr sera aadcles or I nn diamerer ond speciic gialilv 2 66' A$!nc
! = 0.06 od l= O.l):. Asufrelhe seler ro run h.Lt ]nlL. Tak' N = 0'cl2
rng L ll K = O ll dJ) r'6rr .r $hT is
ol BOD (ouLd tmln uno'idi.d rh r
se$er appnndanccr I lrplar sith a neal skelch, .onstruction and *orkins oi r
b EpL. n rhe tu loN'n-s. q ih sl,fl(hes:
Wite an.le or cr oncrle
The BODj oi rasrc$ atr hos been dElvserl as 600
rhe uLrirrld BoD, ollhe aste whar prolotio!
' i nl'in ' re "rloac'o"r'a"n
" ri. , s. i-. -,, i q6{ase
" ,^. i,.".. !"u,.ti "
i,t oO.hasa fl5'ol l 2 mrtec. BOD or4 ngi! ddm(' c'nsl6r!l'
I nej dr I r-cce'' eil'e'r d''j"E" "l o'l' o " '''"p aoD o L" I
;;':;"' -",.,.."..,.,,"'pe'u,,, e .u...e,0.,o
0!^,n e:.dl.-k'''l'"DO..'t".. p"
': ''.'ro'0 n'oo'0a r' q" i'''
n*p.*.t" ".
ZO'C, ,r,t",g1., and BdD is nieasued ai 5 davs
-l!te sxtur2tion D'O nt
2o'aas9.l7 Drs/L. lrolkrl')
DEw a oow diagam of a nunicipal swlg. trcatmdr plel including sludge digeslion.
Giw 6e @vd olinportmt pohnins pemeten by .eh olthe teatoent units, O0 Mirtt,
Explad rn. iEponame ofscEtus ed qpes orscms in in s.wau" *"**, ,'lfoti,*,
Cne rhe<odpeision beaeel @nva oodmdhighmErfl,klinefi ei. ,,vd;,'
D..ign lh. ddmois of a septic ht br o rmall colon) ol150 pertrs prcided wnb*r
asurcd wfla suppr, ol' 20 lDcd. A$Jme tuy dtr& you ma) 0eed. (ln n' d.r,
"rjr Clyrle smn nores o.
L Slndee d icdioo rul,
b. s@plins echnhes.
d. Re6e udrlpjcle of*wrge,

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7th Semester (December; January-2014 and 2015) Civil Engineering Question Papers

  • 1. 6 .rr)d >-/€' a l0cv765 Seveoth Semcstcr B.E.DegreeEx.mination,Dec.20l4/Jan.2015 AirPollution a d Control i ! z: ii 1= z ote: 1. )ns|9s ur! FIVE l ll tlu.stion seLtlihg aneast TwO qrcsnois ro,t ea.h pan 2. Atr Missn,a dota ,"a! be snilablr assu en. IABLI a. Wh 0re lne melhods old.nhryingrirloUurion? lixphin bnefly b Ilou airpolluGaa xrc dasnlicd? Cire e{afrtles f rplxin atr poLlutarts allecin! planh. Wriie a norc on Bhopal Gas Tragddy irh skech, explain plume behaviotrr ln dilIerenrahospheric condnions $ha1arc th. rneleotulogral panmetr ihar influcnce anpollulion? $jrile a nore on riidr.se Bric,lr, erplah lado6lo be coisideed lorindustrialplaDr Lo.xlloi Detinc Noile pollurion. Lntrhe sonrces oa oisepolllrion Nhat r.c llre eliecrs oinois. pollulioir L,! rhe contullins nre.sures us.d x. B.e0!explain p rclin inrry c onnderali on s and nage o f salpliDC. b. 'rire r brief procedure lor collecaon olsuspcidedpaniculltes. a Brlell!eaplain mcthods used ro Drinnnizerheaulonobilccnau edefrissnr. OoNhrrn b fhatirerhealrcharivenldrhodsrajlablerocontulautomobihemnsionr (0sNr*kt c. Wntanoieonexl.trelrsE.r-.hngaidconbol.fevapoElivcemissions (05 Nlsdrt a. ,{cid ain 107nr*, b Gr.cf house.tli.r (07!r 9 .. lndooratpollurion. (06 )h*, a. lvl.nboD any llle Enlironmenlrl lcgtrlarion (osvirk, b. i'r.i on Jny 5 driflinE sater eandrils ard 5 s6re *ater$ardards as Der Enrtonmnral A.t. (rsrhrr.) c LisrileIndra.AirQualiIsrmdadsrsperc.!ory (0ar!rkt d. Lnttunonepoltunon sandards. (o5rhrlt
  • 2. .{P ;(*x*;r ,/?i l0cv?55 t 2r. 2i 2a ax a! 3s ai 5i a z Seventb Semester B.E. Desree Eramination. Dec.2014 ^n.2O75Highway Geometric Design Notct Atsvu anJ' FIt E f"ll q"estiots, sebcnnt! arl.ast TWo questioaslron zath pan PART 4 x. wlai is d desisD rehiclel hdicare the IRC and AASHIO speciicarions wirh respcct ro dimcnsiohs and axelloads. (06 Nrrrk, b List and brielt, des.ribe the lacros conrrolling geometic deslen olhiehways. {03 Mrikt c. A one way cny $reel hds Ihe rolloms rmilic count pr hour dnriDs peak hour. r'ind thc uffic i. rens ofPCU at l) Midblocksection ii) At interseciion a Ve'rrur rl . de.rgn ieo nEren.. or o 'o3o r 'np s.er.l roe dcr-.s o J .rD.J Briefly desc be the larious road nargi.s. Delennine thc heighlofctu*n wth Espect to edges olroadln i) WBM road3 3n vidc in l.wi,inf,ll,r.. ii) wBM road 7.0mwidc in hca!, Eirtill dea. iii) Bitunnnonsrodd 7 5m D hcary rainfall area. a Dernc tlre equaion ibr calculating cxra wideni.g ofa horizontal cune. (06Ntrrk, b. A 6 lxne dnided hish$atr has a cuse l000m lons and radius olsoom The sare SSD is 200'n Calculate rhc minimuft setback dntaoce ftom inner cdg. olrhc curlc io rhe turer e!se ofa buildingto ensure sai!visibility. TlE width orpavernent per llne is 1.5m. (06M!din c. A 2lane NH passire ihrcusb planr rerain has horizontal curve ofmdius,l00m. The design spccd is 100 Kmph Deslgnihe lengthoft8nsitiotrcunc (0s )lark, wnh sldtchcs indicare dre circumsr,nces in s,hich sijrht dista.ce is atrecred. Describe how tle sighi dnknce required ar an L..o.tiolled intenection iseslimaicd? (0s:uark, Calculate dre ove aking sight disrance as per AASHTO pEclice lbr a desisn speed ol 100 Kmph nakrns suitable asumptions. Also calculatetheOSD asp$tRCpradice. llrNrark,
  • 3. tocv75s PART-B what are the crcunstdnces in wh(ha valleJ, cL c is turmedltndioatennskerches (06It,rk, ADascendirggradieniofthel00meeBadescendlngeradicnroarlrell0Asumnir.u,eis to be designed for a speed of80 (mpb so as to have er OSD of470M (06M'rrr) Deive ths ev.ession f(x.rlcularing lenglh ot valley cuNe olparabohc shape tbr comlbfr condition (08 Mrrr., Indi. .ihe f.ll.wi'io wiih lin.sketches: i) Totic nuioeu!res ar arende iftq$ctions ii) T}!es olate$de nnersections whal are adlantages o f c hamelizcd ntencctions? of cha n.c liTed i.toscctions. (l0ILrL, wilh sketches indicate rhe comron twes (10lu|rl, i) areradc inte^ections; 1i) Grade scpamrcd (l0iyrrt b Two roads in an utuan area heet at 90o and h6!e a canisge wny $idlh or l5nr Dcsisn a rour}, inteNcrion 8i!en that design speed is 30 Ktrph, Bdius of eolrance curlc = 20tu radius of exn cune:40m Delernine lhe cap&ily olrctaDr wirh rhe following pcak hour cv N 200 50 250 60 224 250 1A 220 50 t20 250 a. Lnr the advansges and disadvantages of w'th skerches explain the nrethods olsub su nce sarerrablc: ii) contml of seepaee no$. List the step by step proccdure olhydrologic and hyd$uLic design ol longitudinal urf,cc (10 Nlrrk,
  • 4. '^ i!l t0cv74 Iec.20!4/.Ian.?015Seventh Semester B.E. Desree Exami;sHAi, Design of Pre-strcssed Goncrete Slructures ! z ,I !1 ca t. ,a i2 ?! a= an a Note. l. Aasvq FIYE lull questions, s.lectihA arleast TwO rlwstio"s fion .a.h p.tl 2. Use ol IS I 313 - 1940 is pmhLd. PAR'T A De fs d ! re strcscd co ncre re. Stare ns xdla ntage over re i. rorced co ncrete Errlain withneatsketches. rry$inef sysrenolprc sressing. A pre{tressed co.crere beam suppofts a live lo:d ol4 kN /m orera simply suppofted span ol8 m. Tho beam has an I section ryilh an oyerau depth 01400 m rhe rhi.kne$ oi tlange and web a€ 60 and 80 nm rerpectlvely. The width ofrhe ilanges h 200 mm The b.an is ro be prc-strcsed byanelGcrive aorce or2l5 t N !t a suitable ec centicny such &at '1 .'!.-ifl.r.c-c..r, e o{r ot'ne beqo r rle col.rc orrp.r i. /.ro i) Find lhe ecce.ticiryrequned for the rorce ii) Ilthe ren,iol is concentric, what should bc the magnnude ofthe prd $.essing foroe lor the resuxlnt stes to be zerc ar l[ebottom libn olrhecenBlspansection? (03N{,rk, r Explainconcept oaloadbalancing inpe skessed concrete design. (06M*r, b. A.o.cEre beanr wnh a "double olerha.s'h,s rno hiddle span equat to t0 m and the equ.l orerhangibg oD enher side is 2.5 n Delemine the profile ol rhe pre-stnsixg cable sith an eilectilr lore of250 k qhich can balance a uniformly dtribured load or3 kN/m o. ihe beam. $hich in.ludes the self rveisht ofthe beam. Sker.h dr cable p.oiile ndki.g the ec.cnrricnyofcablcatthesupp.n&dmid{pan (tlMerk, a ]-isi the various ljJds oflosses in pE{l.esed concrerc nehb.rs and rhe equations used to detemine them (06ltr!rkt A rectaigular beam 180 mm eide by,100 nd deep is simply supporled over a span ol3 m and is Einforced wiih I $fts or 8 nrm dra merer. The wnes arc located it a consr$t eccenki.ny ol80 inm and are su6jcctcd to an inirial stess ol l2OO N/m] Calculare rhe pcrceriage l$s ofstEs in the *nes ifrhe bcan is l) pre reDsioned ii) post tensioned. Take E, = 210 k/dm, m.dular rilro = 6. slip at.nchorage = 0.8 mm, nlctio. .oeff.icnt = 0.002rm, relaxatior ol sreel stress = 6%. Adopt reep dd shnnLage .oefficicniasperls:ll4:lcodespecincations. (t,tli,rk, Ernlain the signilicance ol long tem deflections in PSC belns atui indicare ho* it is calculated. (06M0t(, What ar rbe facton iifluencine lhe deflectior of PSC beams? Briefly dncu$ rhetu. (0i nI!rro A concretc bean haling a reclangular section 150 m! wide by 300 nm dee! is pre -sressed by a parebolic cable lav ganeccenricnyofTsnnar.e.reofspantorvarJs the soffit and a. .ccenriciy ol25 mn toNards th. top al supporr secrions. The eflecri.rc 6r.c in$e cable is lsokN The beam uppo(s a concenkared lod ol2o kN ar rhe cenfie ot span i, additionio thc s.llNeigLl Ifthenodulusofelasticiryof.o.fere is38 kNhm: and span is 3 fr,- calculalc. i) Shon tehr deflection al co.lre o a span u.d er p.eslres, sellweieht and livc load ii) Lons tcrm dcl cction asumDg the 1o$ mtio as 0.3 a.d creep co erficEnt 61.6. (l0n!rks)
  • 5. locv74 PART B whar are th. ditlere.r l$es ol flerLual failurcs obseasd in a pre-saes$d con...rc berr'l Explain $ ith skercnes. (06 iusre9 A double Tee secrior havine a Iange 1200 m wide and 150 mm thlck is pre nressed by 4700 mmr ofhig| tensile (eel locared at an eff.ctnt deprh of1600 mnr. The ribs lrarc a thiok.e$ ol!50d mrn ea.n. The cube srrength cfconcrcie is 40 N/ormi ar.lrensile strength ofsteel k 1600 N/trh:. D.ieminc thc nexual sften8th olthc dor61e ree giriler usinS ls : 13,13 tud. psvnio,s (07 n',.r, c. A post r..)iorod bear sith t.bonnded rendonJ is ol rcctnnSnlar cros se.tion 500 nm ! lC00 mm. The cross sectional drea or lre{tressina steel $ 3oO0 mn: Ih. efttctive pE str.$ 2fter.onsiderire all,oscs i l00.)MPa llc cffcoti. spaD oftlrc h:s nrade NI40 .on.de n ! 5 m Estimic the ultimalc momeni of rcskoncc .f dr scctio. a. Discuss bricliy nte hodes offailuedueto shear. (05 rk$) b. l- .oncrer. bean of.ecta.-qula. secrion. 200 nm ide and 600 mr deep. n pre{tFssed by a panbciic cable Iocat.d ataneccenticityoat00 nrm al mid{penand zcro ardrsupprts.li iire brao has a spah oa l0 m and.anies a u.ifomlv Cisrlbored live load ol4 kNh1,lind the 3li-tive irrcc nocessary in l1€ .able i.r zero shear nEss ar rhe srpldn sccnon lin thi .,, I r'u:.d.c.l,r'. n|i.c'pr.'. - -! : ie 0e.., ). 1..' d. r.:d .'. c. A PSC belm 250 nrm $,dc and 150 n'n deop-n subj.cted to a shearnrs force 01900 kN. T o.e.-...rd..vo. i,e'."d..!n, I ccloarep...{rc..e.. i,t'n: a.)ddr"oi,be.l'00nm'Deyerrl''.,d''c.1to'cen'en'1',e!,oe."en(l 'eJJr i ,sleorsjrirll) $itlr ho onrai. Explai. Macnal melhod of cid bloct d.sisn The cnd blcck olapost tosi.n.d berm a l00.rm vide by i00 mm Ceep and is pr.{rE$.d .once.trallyb:,aF.lssinet.ylind.i.alanh.rageof150rnmdiameterwnhaja.hrgforce .f900 k. Designsuirabieaichoftge zone EinturcemeDr and sketch rhe d etai ls (12m,rb Design a pr.-te.sioned symtoeticrl I - bean tbr an eff€ctive span ol7 m to support a $rper idpcsd ioad ol6 kNd The beah h ro be lre casl in a laciory and is ro he desie.cd inr handlins at any point along lenslh durin3 truspon an.i crcciion. Load facto aganri triluE by tcnding or shear. Ior dead load = L5. lor livc ioad : 2 5 Al sor;ng load. a.nheslle {ress = l6 N/mrn remite srrcs = L.,t r*r;nf 'rhe sF.ifi.d 28 dly.ube strengih ofconcr.te is s0 /nnir. The pre-stresnre lorcc h to be r.rovided lry 5 mn diaderr high rcnsiic vncs having !n ultimate tensile srenstlr .f I60C N/an'. Thc Lss Elio is 0 8. Desi8n the bcsm and skctch ine.m$ - sccrb0 shorine rie arangef.at oi wnes. (2obrl,
  • 6. I0cv7] :11:1 c4 I :6 ! i2 aa 11 ?1 zp ?? z-a ai Seventh S€mesrer B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.20r.r/Jrn.2q15 Estimation and Valuations z.]tjlEstimation an.t Valuations ts$9:l d('" ''lmotet t. lnntr tt t q .lion tro,, pARr A //fII c€x"R^. :.i 2. A D.t t'ot R qu.nio,s cta ksat t?an 4 uaF * l. f t t O fhl q@lin . P..h trot Pz,A/,i/c, .,'.' Prcp0rc a detdiled cstimarc ror a residcnrial building slEn in Fis Q](i) and Ql(ii tnr the ro'o'.n.9 re., ol!or..P-cp. cD'Jo..ra. J.o i) Ea.hvorkexcaationaorfounddioninhmdsoil@Rs 100!nl i, rr b"d. j B.o ".t. J p iit ,, iiil SSM*ith CNl I :4 irr loundation and baseinent a,t Rs.ls00rm ir) CCpli.ih I :2:4(,i Rs.1900/ fr' v' BBI4 ral.vi.l ' V l'oro.r'p6'.'ru 'ue, P. rni i I' PART B Thedetailsolmanhole is shosri in Ilg. Q:. Estirnate rhc qnanriries olthe followine irc.Nol i) EanhRork excrvati.n r) C C BednnhI 3 6 ill) Flr*.las hri.kN.rk i,, aNJ I rL r!) l0 mm rhick cehenr noaarpla$er. (lsrrrk, Wine rhc detailed steclricarnr. ror !0y three of the iolowin-q : ii) Damptroolcouse 25 mhthick inCM I ,ii) r'nn chs brick work in supeNtmlurein iv) Cenrent planeriirg inCM I :,r. vhrt,sanestnnate?Clasifydrer$esofeslimarc.Explainrben$irhthenltunarods 05Nlrrr) PART C Cary oui dre mte a.rlysis fo. dny tlnee ofthe follo!inA i) CC I :4:8 turlouidaiiohbed ii) Con6ed rubble stonenrasorq hCM br I :6 in lbu.dation iii) 12 min dnck ce nent p la$erirx in CM I r 6 iv) 75 orn rhick cemenr.onffcrc floorligs,irhCC 1 :,1 8. ofeanhNork aor a p.nion n 10i. Side slopes are 2: .10 100.8 | r0r ') l0l + Raii'rr Gi.dl.nr rin400 olthe road Eoor rlrc lollourg data Fomation 1 ir nlli.g aid 1.5: I in.uldE The c.$nllins write shoft noteson a.]. thec ofthc lbllowins: iii) Adminitatle appmvrl i!) !ame$ inoney deposir I .fl
  • 7. rni'l r--i- a- j; L l; __-ic I PluPed,0nm--=:- irti INDEX D1-12x2.1 D2 1.0r 1 Fig Ql(ii) i".*".,,,.,..-,'-.L---r4_- Fi-e Ql(i) .-s;-. l0c'7.] SECTION ON AB SECTION ON CD
  • 9. USN 10cv72 Seventb Scm.ster B.E. Desree Examination! Dec.2014/Jrn.20l5 , i, ;; !! it. i: Z, t: 2i aa a I r. Menlion&erdrantagcsanddnadlaniasesorrh.neelnructuFs. (06Nhrk, b. whar aE rhe equnenlenrs rhal goved fis ntucrudl design ofsEel slr'ucrures? (06Nrrrk, c Mentiotr rhc dillerenr lodsr&d in the stelse.li.nsdnd,korhecombtuanonofloads. (03Nrrik, a Exphin vanous modes ollailltres oaboh.d connc.riod $ilh neal skerch. (06Nr,rk, b. Tso ISF se4ions 200 m x l0 nnn each and l5 m Iong arc to bctoincd lo nake a nember ollcngrh I0 h. DesigD a butl joi rnh ne bolts trmnged in a diainond prtcn. The na6 arcsupposed ro carry a ractorcd tcnsilc rorceof,150 kN. Adopl]:ISFC bolrs oapmpen, clos It 3. dr ol boh - 20 nm, cocmcienl ol riidlon !r = 0rl, slip Esisrurce designaled al Design of Steel Structures Mar Marks:100 .tet L. Aaswd l-t t'E full tlteeions, sel.cti"a at leasr TWO qn^lio,s lroDt each por. 2. Us. of IS aA0-204 ard sL.l tahl"r p.mittel, 3. )ssttQ hissitrg dala s nah+. PART-A ultimare load. Also. dermine rhe eficiencyolrhcjoinl x. A ri. Deinbcr oaa roollfls consisG oi 2lSA 125 x subjeded r. pull 01250 kN Tlie ansles are comeftd l0! nlhic* silh loiglegsback roback Desiendre end b. For rhe *eftd bEckei sho$n in FisQ3(b), dcrennine .pplied ala dishce o1120 ulm non flanges olcolumn. Fig.Q:l(b) a. Dercminc the shape laclor oaa rcclangular b. Find our rhe collapld lo lor a pi.pped load/unii lcnrlh. The planic cap.cry olthc (t{Ni,ik, 75 x l0 nm The 1ie nrnlber is on eiller side ola gusser plale ol conneclion assunrtug nek treld. (06rirr*, the grealen srla load rhtrr cxn bc TheslT. olNcld n6 mn Assum. (grfrn secriotr oibicadrh'b' anddcllh d'. (06vr*t cmiiLercr subjecled lo n uri6mn, dnribulcd bcxm(Mr orvr*n
  • 10. a. Wharis lLrg angle and $hy is nnol pntctrcd? Explain b Dcngn an uncqual sngle angle re.rion 10 a.t ds a tc member ollenglh l s. if il is lo cm] &r *ial load 0160 kN, $hen subjeded ro posible inlo .ompresion rc hiDE fronr lhe acion of Nind or carhqurkc 10cv72 a A.olum sq0are in.ms scction (plan) ofside 360 mm coDstts oi4 rneLes ol ISA 30 i 30 x l0 m al each comcr*ilh suilable king. Find $c lood carqiirs capsciq ol$c colum, ifllE heiehl ofihe column k 5 m md elli nclyhcld in posnion ar bolh ends, bur noL re{ralned again$ 6rarion. (06Nt,rk, Desig. a ingle dgh ntut lbr a roolhFs carying a letredr ofslrut betqeen c/c inrerccnoff is ll0 cn Also conpresre lold ol 100 kN. The dcien bolred cnd conncdion ilh (11[t,fk, Disrinsunh bcee, fie slab base md suseted base and draw a ncar s*otch ol secrionrl elerationolgu$eledbaseindicaiingrhcsalicnrterltrEs. (06Ntrrls) A buill up colunu consisrs of]SHB 150 (4 67,1N/m {ith 400 x 20 mnrnangeplates crrics an axial Ioad ol1300 kN Desgn a runable guserdd base Belnn-s nrmgrh olconcFre is ots lik. Asufre M. gflde concrele od Mr bolts olende 5.6. SBC orsoil= 180 kN/mr. 01M#k, Disring0ish belween l.rer0lly restEined lDd unrcshined beatu vnh lhe help olskclches (06M! ., A r o ola hi Ir.e! ' ri.s' . 12.n.un.. r. ll:0nr1rltrlo'..do.rppolp-u'rr l-.ec''on.pJced J' r0 m!. lrle' e udJ r5. r_ad tuirl.e. l'. n B.'eor Rall =,10l)nlto.lhe beam is lareiallj- r.slrxined. Design oEof tne inredorbcam supponing IhemolChecki]rshear,nonenlcopac]l]anddeflecriu (l4Nlrit,
  • 11. !0cv?1 ,rs fffJTIfIl l S.venth Semester B.E. Degree Ex.mination, Dec.20l'{/Jan'2015 Environmental Engineering - Il oret l. Ans|9et t-IvE lttll tlzeeioas, s.tecti,s at lzut ltlO tkettion trou ea.h N - ) AnMp aib tan hherdet rcqnircd l4af:A a Erplair d6ic. denEi{s rnd suitabilll) or combined srstem and b. Di f.€ntiate bcN een: i) Sewage md Sullage ii) lniilrration and cxiltaiioo. in)N{i num &d Maxidum velocit.s in seNea. n) D.N.F and W.w F DeJine BoD. Derivc theeptossion lor lir$ slose BoD a. Extlsin lhe difiere.ces in rhe hvdraulic desig!oisatersuppll llnes and sewer 'ris;1r ) b. Ei.lainthe tufios ar'fecrinP da- rc.ther flol (06!rkl) ". ii"i ir.. ..... *r""irv1ni g!.dient aruiEd Io t.-spod coase smd lnrougl a sever 'r 60 cnr dhnEbr widr sera aadcles or I nn diamerer ond speciic gialilv 2 66' A$!nc ! = 0.06 od l= O.l):. Asufrelhe seler ro run h.Lt ]nlL. Tak' N = 0'cl2 rng L ll K = O ll dJ) r'6rr .r $hT is ol BOD (ouLd tmln uno'idi.d rh r (03I!rLt a i7 1a a7 ?4. ,: /c a5 Z se$er appnndanccr I lrplar sith a neal skelch, .onstruction and *orkins oi r b EpL. n rhe tu loN'n-s. q ih sl,fl(hes: Wite an.le or cr oncrle The BODj oi rasrc$ atr hos been dElvserl as 600 rhe uLrirrld BoD, ollhe aste whar prolotio! ' i nl'in ' re "rloac'o"r'a"n " ri. , s. i-. -,, i q6{ase ' {er " ,^. i,.".. !"u,.ti " i,t oO.hasa fl5'ol l 2 mrtec. BOD or4 ngi! ddm(' c'nsl6r!l' " I nej dr I r-cce'' eil'e'r d''j"E" "l o'l' o " '''"p aoD o L" I ;;':;"' -",.,.."..,.,,"'pe'u,,, e .u...e,0.,o 0!^,n e:.dl.-k'''l'"DO..'t".. p" ': ''.'ro'0 n'oo'0a r' q" i''' n*p.*.t" ". ZO'C, ,r,t",g1., and BdD is nieasued ai 5 davs -l!te sxtur2tion D'O nt 2o'aas9.l7 Drs/L. lrolkrl')
  • 12. 10cv7l DEw a oow diagam of a nunicipal swlg. trcatmdr plel including sludge digeslion. Giw 6e @vd olinportmt pohnins pemeten by .eh olthe teatoent units, O0 Mirtt, Explad rn. iEponame ofscEtus ed qpes orscms in in s.wau" *"**, ,'lfoti,*, Cne rhe<odpeision beaeel @nva oodmdhighmErfl,klinefi ei. ,,vd;,' D..ign lh. ddmois of a septic ht br o rmall colon) ol150 pertrs prcided wnb*r asurcd wfla suppr, ol' 20 lDcd. A$Jme tuy dtr& you ma) 0eed. (ln n' d.r, "rjr Clyrle smn nores o. L Slndee d icdioo rul, b. s@plins echnhes. d. Re6e udrlpjcle of*wrge, "r/ ^tr s'.J o_ ^5?)' o,c f "$ tr-,