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LeadingAge Oregon
Fall Leadership Conference
October 14-16, 2015
Agate Beach Inn, Newport
October 14
5:00-6:30 p.m.
Leadership Academy
This special reception is designed to give
Leadership Academy alumni, this year’s
graduating class and our incoming class
the opportunity to meet and reconnect with
colleagues and friends.
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Welcoming Reception
Start making the connections that count!
Join us to meet with your peers from other
organizations at the Agate Beach Inn
before the conference begins.
Sponsored by USI Northwest
Be the Voice...of Leadership
Our aging population is exploding, new innovations in aging
services pop up daily and transformation is changing the
healthcare landscape. There’s no question that today’s senior
living and long-term care leaders have to stay informed and stay
connected to ensure that their organizations remain relevant in the
years and decades ahead.
Please join us at the Oregon coast this October to gather with your
colleagues from around the state and learn together about critical
issues facing our field today!
Among our conference topics:
• Workforce challenges in a tightening labor market
• Emerging dementia care models
• Lessons learned from Housing with Services projects
• Technology trends and tools
• New HCBS rules for assisted living/residential care
• State public policy and regulatory update
and more!
In addition, we are delighted to once again offer a special
Board Governance track for members of your organization’s
Board of Directors, as well as a closing session from
LeadingAge on trends, challenges and opportunities across
the senior living/long-term care continuum.
Who are the leaders - and leaders-to-be - in your organization?
In today’s world, every member of your leadership team needs
to be knowledgeable about major trends impacting aging
services so that they, too, can Be the Voice of Leadership and
the Voice of Aging in Oregon. We look forward to seeing you,
your staff leaders and boards of directors in October!
October 15
7:30-8:30 a.m.
Breakfast and
The opportunity to meet and share
information with leaders from other senior
care and housing organizations across the
state is one of the most valuable benefits
of conferences like this. If you aren’t
staying over on Wednesday night, you’ll
want to be sure to get to the Agate Beach
Inn early to enjoy a hearty breakfast and
great conversation.
8:30-10:00 a.m.
The Voice of Intentional
The more people contribute, the more
things get done. It seems obvious, yet
as leaders work to keep up with today’s
rapidly changing market, it becomes easier
to focus more on what matters next…
instead of what matters most.
Our keynote session will deliver
actionable tools for leaders to enhance
their leadership effectiveness through
alignment, focus, and understanding
of proven processes for learning and
development. At the center of it all
is alignment. Without alignment,
organizations have more mistakes, more
waste, less communication and less
potential. With
it, you get more
positivity, more
and more
At its heart,
leadership is
a behavior,
not a position.
leaders are
and work every day to identify and
support what matters most to achieve
their goals. In this lively and interactive
session, participants will identify six
core leadership behaviors that support
and sustain high levels of performance,
and will walk away with proven tools for
sustainable leadership and organizational
About Renie Cavallari
Renie Cavallari is an award-winning
international marketing and leadership
expert and is founder, CEO, and Chief
Instigator of Aspire, a strategic marketing
and training company based in Phoenix,
Arizona. Her inimitable grasp of business
and its challenges, along with her proven,
innovative solutions set Renie apart as a
captivating speaker, author, leader, coach,
and strategist who has driven measurable
results for businesses around the world for
over 25 years.
Cavallari is author of aspire…to be, an
insightful and inspirational collection
of tips that shape stronger leaders and
tools that help cultivate them. The second
book in the Aspire series, aspire…to
lead (2014), is an in-depth look at the
leadership principles and strategies that
have grown revenues, profitability, and
customer retention for some of the world’s
most respected leaders.
Cavallari has been honored as one of
the Top 20 Most Influential Training
Professionals by TrainingIndustry.com, a
nationally respected online resource for
the learning development community.
Cavallari presents keynote speeches
around the world and is a member of the
prestigious National Speakers Association
as well as the International Society of
Hospitality Consultants.
A1) Housing with Services in
Oregon: Lessons Learned
Bringing health and supportive services to
senior housing communities holds great
promise as a cost-effective strategy for
helping older people age in place even
as they struggle with frailty, disability
and chronic illness. More than a year
ago, several Oregon health and housing
providers embarked on initiatives to
document the link between housing and
healthcare and its impact on vulnerable
populations in Oregon. In this session,
you’ll have the opportunity to:
• Hear the status of these “housing with
services” initiatives.
• Examine lessons learned so far.
• Learn about Oregon Housing and
Community Services (OHCS)
interest in housing with services and
the agency’s on-going conversations
with Coordinated Care Organizations
(CCOs) about integrating housing and
Panelists: Howard Klink, Project Director,
Housing with Services LLC: Rachael Duke,
Supportive Housing Program Director, Home
Forward; Rose Englert, Senior Business
Leader, Community Health Innovation
Programs, Care Oregon; Kenny LaPoint,
Housing Integrator, Oregon Housing and
Community Services
A2) Honing Your Workforce
Strategy: 5 Keys to Hiring,
Developing and Keeping Great
When it comes to superior performance,
you only get two shots. You either hire
it or you develop it. Failure to do either
hurts your residents and their families,
the cohesiveness of your culture, and
your bottom-line. During this session,
participants will examine recruiting,
retention, and everything in between as
our presenter shares with you five keys
to a developing a workforce strategy that
hires, develops, and keeps great people.
Participants will discuss:
• Why everything starts with culture
• The Ideal Candidate Profile
• The differences between recruiting and
• How critical orientation is
• Developing top talent
Presenter: Jason Kiesau, Training &
Development Manager, Merit Senior Living
A3) Board Governance Track
Building Board Engagement
Part 1: Generative Governance
Join Dottie Schindlinger, Governance
Technology Evangelist of BoardEffect,
for Part 1 of this two-part series designed
to provide you with practical strategies to
build board engagement. In Part 1, Dottie
will provide an overview of “Generative
Governance,” the practice of boards
serving in the role of “sense-maker,” in
which they decide what to pay attention to,
what their organizations should look like,
and what the impact of the changing aging
services landscape might be. “Generative
governance” provides strategies to
help deepen the quality of your board’s
discussions, decision making, and impact.
In this session, Dottie will introduce
generative governance in the context
of your organization. Through a series
of hands-on exercises and group
discussions, you’ll learn more about what
generative governance can mean for your
organization and how generative concepts
can be applied in your boardroom. You’ll
leave this session with practical tools,
useful tips, and helpful resources to help
your board adopt a more generative
approach to governance.
Presenter: Dottie Schindlinger, Governance
Technology Evangelist, BoardEffect
Leadership Luncheon
Join us to applaud the LeadingAge Oregon
Leadership Academy Class of 2014-2015
as they conclude their year of learning
about leadership and the aging services
field, and welcome our Class of 2015-
Sponsored by: Orrick, Herrington &
B1) Oregon APD & OLRO
Update: Current Issues/Initiatives/
Public policy initiatives of Oregon’s Aging
and People with Disabilities (APD) and
the licensing and regulatory actions of
the Office of Licensing and Regulatory
Oversight (OLRO) both significantly
impact Oregon’s long-term care providers.
Join us as the directors of these two
state agencies provide updates on their
respective areas of focus. Hear about APD
strategies to maintain a sustainable system
of long-term services and supports in light
of increasing caseloads, OLRO’s work to
improve survey processes, the role of the
new Licensing Complaint Investigation
Unit, and more. Opportunity will be
provided for questions and discussion.
Guests: Mike McCormick, Director, Aging
and People with Disabilities; Donna
Keddy, Director, DHS Office of Licensing &
Regulatory Oversight (OLRO)
B2) Kanban for One: Weekly
Workflow Freedom
Kanban, a Japanese word that means “sign
board,” is a proven way to manage work.
Its secret is that it visualizes a project
from beginning to end and limits work
in progress so that activities actually get
done. This workshop, Kanban for One,
applies these proven principles to our
individual work week so that we can
enjoy freedom in our day-to-day life and
In this workshop you will learn:
• How multitasking reduces our ability to
complete work and what do instead.
• How to create a visual workflow for
your week and enjoy greater clarity and
effectiveness in it.
• How to plan each week/day so that
you’re always doing he most important
• How to use your kanban to delegate
more effectively so the things you
assign actually get done.
Presenter: Bill Zipp, Leadership Link
B3) Board Governance Track
Building Board Engagement
Part 2: The Board Development
As a follow-up to the morning governance
session, join Dottie Schindlinger,
Governance Technology Evangelist of
BoardEffect, for an exploration of board
development strategies. With “generative
governance” firmly in mind, this session is
designed to help you take the next step in
building the board of your dreams. We’ll
review the key components of the board
development cycle, including:
• Board member recruitment & retention
• Nominations, elections, and on-boarding
• Board education and knowledge
• Board self-assessment and handling
difficult issues
You’ll walk away with a host of strategies,
samples, and tools you can use to develop
your board and build engagement among
its members.
Presenter: Dottie Schindlinger, Governance
Technology Evangelist, BoardEffect
2:45-4:00 p.m.
C1) New HCBS Rules:
Implications for Oregon’s
Community-based Care Providers
The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare
Services (CMS) has adopted new
Home and Community-based Services
(HCBS) rules that will apply to all
community-based care settings in Oregon,
including assisted living/residential care
communities, adult foster care, adult
day services and more. The new rules
aim to ensure that HCBS settings are
non-institutional and provide residents/
clients the same control over their lives
and access to the surrounding community
as non-HCBS settings. Oregon providers
must make “substantial progress” toward
complying with the new rules by January
1, 2016, and be in full compliance by
September 2018.
Join us to learn about DHS plans to
roll out these new rules and engage in a
dialogue about strategies for implementing
the rules in assisted living/residential care
communities and other HCBS settings.
Presenters/Guests: Bob Weir, Medicaid Home
and Community-based Services Policy Analyst;
Ana Potter, Community-based Care Manager,
Office of Licensing & Regulatory Oversight
C2) Emerging Aging Services
Technologies and their Impact on
Senior Living and Long-term Care
Technology is reshaping all sectors of
our world, from business to healthcare
- and aging services is no exception.
Technology holds the promise to make
our systems safer, timelier, more efficient,
more effective, more equitable and
more person-centered. As innovative
companies develop technology solutions
for senior living and long-term care, it
can be overwhelming to keep up with
what’s out there and identify which
technology options might be right for your
organization. In this session, you will:
• Gain an understanding of the different
types of aging services technologies
relevant to senior living and long-term
care settings.
• Learn about aging services technology
trends and potential business models.
• Explore the LeadingAge CAST
online technology selection tools and
Presenter: Scott Code, Aging Services
Technologies Manager, Center for Aging
Services Technologies (CAST), LeadingAge
C3) Board Governance Track:
Strengthening Board Oversight in
Financial Issues and Performance
One of the most important responsibilities
of board members is to maintain financial
accountability of their organization.
Board members act as trustees of the
organization’s assets and must exercise
due diligence to see that the organization
is well-managed and that its financial
situation remains sound. Participants
in this session will gain a better
understanding of the board member’s role
in financial oversight and will identify best
practices in this critical area.
• Understand accountability and fiduciary
responsibilities for board members.
• Discuss internal controls and learn
options to help improve board oversight
and increase segregation of duties.
• Learn best practice monitoring,
benchmarking and identification of
financial “red flags.”
Presenters: Daniel Frein, CPA, and James
Munn, NHA, CliftonlarsenAllen
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Exhibit Reception
Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and learn about
new and improved products and services
that are available to help you provide
the highest quality care and services to
your residents and clients. While you’re
at it, please take a moment to thank the
Business Members whose support is
critical to LeadingAge Oregon educational
programs such as this conference!
October 16
7:45-8:45 a.m.
Breakfast and
Don’t miss the opportunity to reconnect
with your peers to discuss the
opportunities and ideas generated by the
first day’s conference sessions!
8:45-10:15 a.m.
General Session
Reconsidering How to Support
People with Dementia
It is estimated that the number of persons
aged 65 or older with Alzheimer’s or other
dementias in Oregon will increase 40
percent between now and 2025. Clearly
senior housing and care providers in
all settings will continue to see larger
numbers of individuals with dementia and
will be challenged to seek new and better
ways to meet their needs.
Mindful that LeadingAge members
from throughout the continuum of
housing and services serve people with
dementia, LeadingAge convened a group
of providers and thought partners this
summer to delve into the challenges and
opportunities inherent in this important
work. In this session, you will have the
opportunity to:
• Explore themes that emerged from
the LeadingAge think tank that grappled
with the question, “In what ways can we
expand our thinking about settings
(spaces and programs) for people living
with dementia?”
• Consider trends and promising practices
from across the country.
• Hear how one Colorado CCRC has
fostered an inclusive environment
for everyone, regardless of health
status, through culture change, utilizing
the arts and intentional language.
at a Glance
Wednesday Oct. 14
5:00-6:30 Leadership Academy
5:30-7:30 Welcome Reception
Thursday Oct. 15
7:30-8:30 Breakfast/Networking
8:30-10:00 Keynote
The Voice of Intentional Leadership
10:15-11:30 Breakouts
A1) Housing with Services in Oregon:
Lessons Learned
A2) Honing Your Workforce Strategy: 5
Keys to Hiring, Developing and
Keeping Great People
A3) Building Board Engagement Part I:
Generative Governance
11:30-1:00 Leadership Luncheon
1:15-2:30 Breakouts
B1) Oregon APD and OLRO Update:
Current Issues/Initiatives/Trends
B2) Kanban for One: Weekly Workflow
B3) Building Board Engagement Part 2:
The Board Development Cycle
2:45-4:00 Breakouts
C1) New HCBS Rules: Implications
for Oregon’s Community-based Care
C2) Emerging Aging Services
Technologies and their Impact on Senior
Living and Long-term Care
C3) Strengthening Board Oversight in
Financial Issues and Performance
5:30-7:00 Exhibit Reception
Friday Oct. 16
7:45-8:45 Breakfast/Networking
8:45-10:15 General Session
Reconsidering How to Support People
with Dementia
10:30-Noon General Session
Looking to the Future: Trends, Challenges
& Opportunities
• Explore the benefits, challenges and
training necessary to create an inclusive
culture for all, including individuals
with dementia, and the impact such a
culture can have on society as a whole.
Presenters: Kirsten Jacobs, MSW, Education
Manager, LeadingAge; Moriah Bernhardt,
Director of Community Life, Clermont Park,
Denver, CO
General Session
Looking to the Future: Trends,
Challenges & Opportunities
It’s an exciting time for senior care and
living providers, preparing for a wave of
aging Baby Boomers in a world where new
technologies and innovative models to meet
the growing need appear to pop up nearly
every day. At the same time changing
consumer desires and demands, shifting
reimbursement and financing models,
increasing competition and looming
workforce shortages are among the myriad
of challenges facing LeadingAge members
in Oregon and across the country. What
will it take to survive - and thrive - in
the years ahead? Examine the trends and
challenges that are impacting LeadingAge
members across the continuum and
identify opportunities that will ensure your
organization can continue to successfully
fulfill its mission to serve older Oregonians
in the decades to come.
Presenter: Steve Maag, LeadingAge
Contact us at
The Agate Beach Inn is located off of
Highway 101 at 3019 N. Coast Highway
in north Newport.
Room rates:
Hillside: $94
Ocean View: $104
Extra person rate: $10
Rates do not include a 10.5 percent city
room tax.
Participants must make their own room
reservations by calling 541.265.9411 or
1.800.547.3310. Be sure to mention that
you are with the LeadingAge Oregon
conference. After September 13 our
room block will be released to the general
public, so be sure to reserve your room by
that date!
Cancellations received in writing by
October 2 will be refunded less a $25
administrative fee. No refunds are
possible after that date; however, you are
welcome to send someone in your place.
Certificates will be provided for up to 8
Special needs
If you have a disability that may impact
your participation in this conference,
please include with your registration
a statement regarding your dietary or
disability needs. Someone from our staff
will contact you prior to the conference
to discuss accommodations. We cannot
assure the availability of special meals
or appropriate accommodations without
prior notification.
A limited number of scholarships are
available for those LeadingAge Oregon
members who would otherwise not
be able to pay registration fees. Call
503.684.3788 for more information.
Call 503.684.3788
Registration Details
Special thanks to Online Registration Sponsor ValueFirst
All registration is online. You will have the option of paying for your online
registration by check or by credit card. (LeadingAge Oregon accepts Visa, Mastercard
and American Express).
To register, go to the LeadingAge Oregon home page, www.leadingageoregon.org, and
click on the Fall Conference Brochure and Registration Information link.
Provider member registration:
Each facility/organization must register independently, even when several facilities/
organizations are governed by a parent company. Discounts are offered for fourth and
subsequent registrants from the same facility/organization.
Business Associate registration:
LeadingAge Oregon welcomes our Business Associates who wish to attend
the conference to benefit from the education and networking opportunities. We
encourage all of our Business Associate members to join us as exhibitors. For more
information about exhibiting, contact Karen Nichols, knichols@leadingageoregon.org,
If your company is unable to exhibit and you wish to attend the conference as an
attendee, two Business Associate rates are available. One rate is for Business Associates
who have chosen a sponsorship with a value of $500 or more, and another rate is for
those who are not exhibitors or sponsors.
Cancellations must be sent in writing to Denise Wetzel, dwetzel@leadingageoregon.
org, no later than Friday, October 2 to be refunded (less a $25 service charge). No
refunds are possible after that date, but you are welcome to send someone in your
Early bird rates:
Early bird rates are available through October 2 only. All registration fees increase by
$25 after October 2.
LeadingAge Oregon
Conference fees: members Non-members
Provider members:
First three staff registrants*: $335 each $435 each
Fourth and subsequent staff registrants
from same site: $235 each $335 each
*Staff registrants include CEOs/Administrators, department managers and any other paid
employees of a participating organization.
Nonprofit board members:
Full Conference $125 $175
Thursday only* $100 $150
*Special one-day rate is available to nonprofit board members only
Business Associate members:
Per person sponsor fee (Non-exhibiting) $335 N/A
Per person Non-Exhibitor/Non-Sponsor $535 N/A
Spouse/guest $50
Spouse/guest fee includes Wednesday welcome reception and Thursday exhibit reception
LeadingAge Oregon would like to thank the following organizations for their sponsorship
of our Fall Leadership Conference:
Principal Sponsor
Welcome Wine and Cheese Reception
Leadership Luncheon
On-line Registration Sponsor
Supporting Sponsors
Prize Sponsors
Interested in a sponsorship?
Contact Karen Nichols at knichols@leadingageoregon.org, 503.684.3788

More Related Content

2015 fall leadership conference brochure

  • 1. LeadingAge Oregon Fall Leadership Conference October 14-16, 2015 Agate Beach Inn, Newport
  • 2. Wednesday October 14 5:00-6:30 p.m. Leadership Academy Reception This special reception is designed to give Leadership Academy alumni, this year’s graduating class and our incoming class the opportunity to meet and reconnect with colleagues and friends. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Welcoming Reception Start making the connections that count! Join us to meet with your peers from other organizations at the Agate Beach Inn before the conference begins. Sponsored by USI Northwest Be the Voice...of Leadership Our aging population is exploding, new innovations in aging services pop up daily and transformation is changing the healthcare landscape. There’s no question that today’s senior living and long-term care leaders have to stay informed and stay connected to ensure that their organizations remain relevant in the years and decades ahead. Please join us at the Oregon coast this October to gather with your colleagues from around the state and learn together about critical issues facing our field today! Among our conference topics: • Workforce challenges in a tightening labor market • Emerging dementia care models • Lessons learned from Housing with Services projects • Technology trends and tools • New HCBS rules for assisted living/residential care providers • State public policy and regulatory update and more! In addition, we are delighted to once again offer a special Board Governance track for members of your organization’s Board of Directors, as well as a closing session from LeadingAge on trends, challenges and opportunities across the senior living/long-term care continuum. Who are the leaders - and leaders-to-be - in your organization? In today’s world, every member of your leadership team needs to be knowledgeable about major trends impacting aging services so that they, too, can Be the Voice of Leadership and the Voice of Aging in Oregon. We look forward to seeing you, your staff leaders and boards of directors in October! Thursday October 15 7:30-8:30 a.m. Breakfast and Networking The opportunity to meet and share information with leaders from other senior care and housing organizations across the state is one of the most valuable benefits of conferences like this. If you aren’t staying over on Wednesday night, you’ll want to be sure to get to the Agate Beach Inn early to enjoy a hearty breakfast and great conversation. 8:30-10:00 a.m. Keynote The Voice of Intentional Leadership The more people contribute, the more things get done. It seems obvious, yet as leaders work to keep up with today’s rapidly changing market, it becomes easier to focus more on what matters next… instead of what matters most. Our keynote session will deliver actionable tools for leaders to enhance their leadership effectiveness through alignment, focus, and understanding of proven processes for learning and development. At the center of it all is alignment. Without alignment, organizations have more mistakes, more waste, less communication and less potential. With it, you get more positivity, more productivity, and more profitability. At its heart, leadership is a behavior, not a position. Effective leaders are intentional and work every day to identify and support what matters most to achieve their goals. In this lively and interactive session, participants will identify six core leadership behaviors that support and sustain high levels of performance, and will walk away with proven tools for sustainable leadership and organizational success.
  • 3. About Renie Cavallari Renie Cavallari is an award-winning international marketing and leadership expert and is founder, CEO, and Chief Instigator of Aspire, a strategic marketing and training company based in Phoenix, Arizona. Her inimitable grasp of business and its challenges, along with her proven, innovative solutions set Renie apart as a captivating speaker, author, leader, coach, and strategist who has driven measurable results for businesses around the world for over 25 years. Cavallari is author of aspire…to be, an insightful and inspirational collection of tips that shape stronger leaders and tools that help cultivate them. The second book in the Aspire series, aspire…to lead (2014), is an in-depth look at the leadership principles and strategies that have grown revenues, profitability, and customer retention for some of the world’s most respected leaders. Cavallari has been honored as one of the Top 20 Most Influential Training Professionals by TrainingIndustry.com, a nationally respected online resource for the learning development community. Cavallari presents keynote speeches around the world and is a member of the prestigious National Speakers Association as well as the International Society of Hospitality Consultants. 10:15-11:30 Breakouts A1) Housing with Services in Oregon: Lessons Learned Bringing health and supportive services to senior housing communities holds great promise as a cost-effective strategy for helping older people age in place even as they struggle with frailty, disability and chronic illness. More than a year ago, several Oregon health and housing providers embarked on initiatives to document the link between housing and healthcare and its impact on vulnerable populations in Oregon. In this session, you’ll have the opportunity to: • Hear the status of these “housing with services” initiatives. • Examine lessons learned so far. • Learn about Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) interest in housing with services and the agency’s on-going conversations with Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) about integrating housing and healthcare. Panelists: Howard Klink, Project Director, Housing with Services LLC: Rachael Duke, Supportive Housing Program Director, Home Forward; Rose Englert, Senior Business Leader, Community Health Innovation Programs, Care Oregon; Kenny LaPoint, Housing Integrator, Oregon Housing and Community Services A2) Honing Your Workforce Strategy: 5 Keys to Hiring, Developing and Keeping Great People When it comes to superior performance, you only get two shots. You either hire it or you develop it. Failure to do either hurts your residents and their families, the cohesiveness of your culture, and your bottom-line. During this session, participants will examine recruiting, retention, and everything in between as our presenter shares with you five keys to a developing a workforce strategy that hires, develops, and keeps great people. Participants will discuss: • Why everything starts with culture • The Ideal Candidate Profile • The differences between recruiting and hiring • How critical orientation is • Developing top talent Presenter: Jason Kiesau, Training & Development Manager, Merit Senior Living A3) Board Governance Track Building Board Engagement Part 1: Generative Governance Join Dottie Schindlinger, Governance Technology Evangelist of BoardEffect, for Part 1 of this two-part series designed to provide you with practical strategies to build board engagement. In Part 1, Dottie will provide an overview of “Generative Governance,” the practice of boards serving in the role of “sense-maker,” in which they decide what to pay attention to, what their organizations should look like, and what the impact of the changing aging services landscape might be. “Generative governance” provides strategies to help deepen the quality of your board’s discussions, decision making, and impact. In this session, Dottie will introduce generative governance in the context of your organization. Through a series of hands-on exercises and group discussions, you’ll learn more about what generative governance can mean for your organization and how generative concepts can be applied in your boardroom. You’ll leave this session with practical tools, useful tips, and helpful resources to help your board adopt a more generative approach to governance. Presenter: Dottie Schindlinger, Governance Technology Evangelist, BoardEffect 11:30-1:00 Leadership Luncheon Join us to applaud the LeadingAge Oregon Leadership Academy Class of 2014-2015 as they conclude their year of learning about leadership and the aging services field, and welcome our Class of 2015- 2016! Sponsored by: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe 1:15-2:30 Breakouts B1) Oregon APD & OLRO Update: Current Issues/Initiatives/ Trends Public policy initiatives of Oregon’s Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) and the licensing and regulatory actions of the Office of Licensing and Regulatory Oversight (OLRO) both significantly impact Oregon’s long-term care providers. Join us as the directors of these two state agencies provide updates on their respective areas of focus. Hear about APD strategies to maintain a sustainable system of long-term services and supports in light of increasing caseloads, OLRO’s work to improve survey processes, the role of the new Licensing Complaint Investigation Unit, and more. Opportunity will be provided for questions and discussion. Guests: Mike McCormick, Director, Aging and People with Disabilities; Donna Keddy, Director, DHS Office of Licensing & Regulatory Oversight (OLRO)
  • 4. B2) Kanban for One: Weekly Workflow Freedom Kanban, a Japanese word that means “sign board,” is a proven way to manage work. Its secret is that it visualizes a project from beginning to end and limits work in progress so that activities actually get done. This workshop, Kanban for One, applies these proven principles to our individual work week so that we can enjoy freedom in our day-to-day life and leadership. In this workshop you will learn: • How multitasking reduces our ability to complete work and what do instead. • How to create a visual workflow for your week and enjoy greater clarity and effectiveness in it. • How to plan each week/day so that you’re always doing he most important tasks. • How to use your kanban to delegate more effectively so the things you assign actually get done. Presenter: Bill Zipp, Leadership Link B3) Board Governance Track Building Board Engagement Part 2: The Board Development Cycle As a follow-up to the morning governance session, join Dottie Schindlinger, Governance Technology Evangelist of BoardEffect, for an exploration of board development strategies. With “generative governance” firmly in mind, this session is designed to help you take the next step in building the board of your dreams. We’ll review the key components of the board development cycle, including: • Board member recruitment & retention • Nominations, elections, and on-boarding • Board education and knowledge development • Board self-assessment and handling difficult issues You’ll walk away with a host of strategies, samples, and tools you can use to develop your board and build engagement among its members. Presenter: Dottie Schindlinger, Governance Technology Evangelist, BoardEffect 2:45-4:00 p.m. Breakouts C1) New HCBS Rules: Implications for Oregon’s Community-based Care Providers The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) has adopted new Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) rules that will apply to all community-based care settings in Oregon, including assisted living/residential care communities, adult foster care, adult day services and more. The new rules aim to ensure that HCBS settings are non-institutional and provide residents/ clients the same control over their lives and access to the surrounding community as non-HCBS settings. Oregon providers must make “substantial progress” toward complying with the new rules by January 1, 2016, and be in full compliance by September 2018. Join us to learn about DHS plans to roll out these new rules and engage in a dialogue about strategies for implementing the rules in assisted living/residential care communities and other HCBS settings. Presenters/Guests: Bob Weir, Medicaid Home and Community-based Services Policy Analyst; Ana Potter, Community-based Care Manager, Office of Licensing & Regulatory Oversight (OLRO) C2) Emerging Aging Services Technologies and their Impact on Senior Living and Long-term Care Technology is reshaping all sectors of our world, from business to healthcare - and aging services is no exception. Technology holds the promise to make our systems safer, timelier, more efficient, more effective, more equitable and more person-centered. As innovative companies develop technology solutions for senior living and long-term care, it can be overwhelming to keep up with what’s out there and identify which technology options might be right for your organization. In this session, you will: • Gain an understanding of the different types of aging services technologies relevant to senior living and long-term care settings. • Learn about aging services technology trends and potential business models. • Explore the LeadingAge CAST online technology selection tools and resources. Presenter: Scott Code, Aging Services Technologies Manager, Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST), LeadingAge C3) Board Governance Track: Strengthening Board Oversight in Financial Issues and Performance One of the most important responsibilities of board members is to maintain financial accountability of their organization. Board members act as trustees of the organization’s assets and must exercise due diligence to see that the organization is well-managed and that its financial situation remains sound. Participants in this session will gain a better understanding of the board member’s role in financial oversight and will identify best practices in this critical area. Objectives: • Understand accountability and fiduciary responsibilities for board members. • Discuss internal controls and learn options to help improve board oversight and increase segregation of duties. • Learn best practice monitoring, benchmarking and identification of financial “red flags.” Presenters: Daniel Frein, CPA, and James Munn, NHA, CliftonlarsenAllen 5:30-7:00 p.m. Exhibit Reception Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and learn about new and improved products and services that are available to help you provide the highest quality care and services to your residents and clients. While you’re at it, please take a moment to thank the Business Members whose support is critical to LeadingAge Oregon educational programs such as this conference!
  • 5. Friday October 16 7:45-8:45 a.m. Breakfast and Networking Don’t miss the opportunity to reconnect with your peers to discuss the opportunities and ideas generated by the first day’s conference sessions! 8:45-10:15 a.m. General Session Reconsidering How to Support People with Dementia It is estimated that the number of persons aged 65 or older with Alzheimer’s or other dementias in Oregon will increase 40 percent between now and 2025. Clearly senior housing and care providers in all settings will continue to see larger numbers of individuals with dementia and will be challenged to seek new and better ways to meet their needs. Mindful that LeadingAge members from throughout the continuum of housing and services serve people with dementia, LeadingAge convened a group of providers and thought partners this summer to delve into the challenges and opportunities inherent in this important work. In this session, you will have the opportunity to: • Explore themes that emerged from the LeadingAge think tank that grappled with the question, “In what ways can we expand our thinking about settings (spaces and programs) for people living with dementia?” • Consider trends and promising practices from across the country. • Hear how one Colorado CCRC has fostered an inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of health status, through culture change, utilizing the arts and intentional language. Schedule at a Glance Wednesday Oct. 14 5:00-6:30 Leadership Academy Reception 5:30-7:30 Welcome Reception Thursday Oct. 15 7:30-8:30 Breakfast/Networking 8:30-10:00 Keynote The Voice of Intentional Leadership 10:15-11:30 Breakouts A1) Housing with Services in Oregon: Lessons Learned A2) Honing Your Workforce Strategy: 5 Keys to Hiring, Developing and Keeping Great People A3) Building Board Engagement Part I: Generative Governance 11:30-1:00 Leadership Luncheon 1:15-2:30 Breakouts B1) Oregon APD and OLRO Update: Current Issues/Initiatives/Trends B2) Kanban for One: Weekly Workflow Freedom B3) Building Board Engagement Part 2: The Board Development Cycle 2:45-4:00 Breakouts C1) New HCBS Rules: Implications for Oregon’s Community-based Care Providers C2) Emerging Aging Services Technologies and their Impact on Senior Living and Long-term Care C3) Strengthening Board Oversight in Financial Issues and Performance 5:30-7:00 Exhibit Reception Friday Oct. 16 7:45-8:45 Breakfast/Networking 8:45-10:15 General Session Reconsidering How to Support People with Dementia 10:30-Noon General Session Looking to the Future: Trends, Challenges & Opportunities • Explore the benefits, challenges and training necessary to create an inclusive culture for all, including individuals with dementia, and the impact such a culture can have on society as a whole. Presenters: Kirsten Jacobs, MSW, Education Manager, LeadingAge; Moriah Bernhardt, Director of Community Life, Clermont Park, Denver, CO 10:30-Noon General Session Looking to the Future: Trends, Challenges & Opportunities It’s an exciting time for senior care and living providers, preparing for a wave of aging Baby Boomers in a world where new technologies and innovative models to meet the growing need appear to pop up nearly every day. At the same time changing consumer desires and demands, shifting reimbursement and financing models, increasing competition and looming workforce shortages are among the myriad of challenges facing LeadingAge members in Oregon and across the country. What will it take to survive - and thrive - in the years ahead? Examine the trends and challenges that are impacting LeadingAge members across the continuum and identify opportunities that will ensure your organization can continue to successfully fulfill its mission to serve older Oregonians in the decades to come. Presenter: Steve Maag, LeadingAge Questions? Contact us at 503.684.3788
  • 6. Location The Agate Beach Inn is located off of Highway 101 at 3019 N. Coast Highway in north Newport. Room rates: Hillside: $94 Ocean View: $104 Extra person rate: $10 Rates do not include a 10.5 percent city room tax. Participants must make their own room reservations by calling 541.265.9411 or 1.800.547.3310. Be sure to mention that you are with the LeadingAge Oregon conference. After September 13 our room block will be released to the general public, so be sure to reserve your room by that date! Cancellation Policy Cancellations received in writing by October 2 will be refunded less a $25 administrative fee. No refunds are possible after that date; however, you are welcome to send someone in your place. CEUs Certificates will be provided for up to 8 CEUs. Special needs If you have a disability that may impact your participation in this conference, please include with your registration a statement regarding your dietary or disability needs. Someone from our staff will contact you prior to the conference to discuss accommodations. We cannot assure the availability of special meals or appropriate accommodations without prior notification. Scholarships A limited number of scholarships are available for those LeadingAge Oregon members who would otherwise not be able to pay registration fees. Call 503.684.3788 for more information. Questions? Call 503.684.3788 Registration Details Special thanks to Online Registration Sponsor ValueFirst All registration is online. You will have the option of paying for your online registration by check or by credit card. (LeadingAge Oregon accepts Visa, Mastercard and American Express). To register, go to the LeadingAge Oregon home page, www.leadingageoregon.org, and click on the Fall Conference Brochure and Registration Information link. Provider member registration: Each facility/organization must register independently, even when several facilities/ organizations are governed by a parent company. Discounts are offered for fourth and subsequent registrants from the same facility/organization. Business Associate registration: LeadingAge Oregon welcomes our Business Associates who wish to attend the conference to benefit from the education and networking opportunities. We encourage all of our Business Associate members to join us as exhibitors. For more information about exhibiting, contact Karen Nichols, knichols@leadingageoregon.org, 503.684.3788 If your company is unable to exhibit and you wish to attend the conference as an attendee, two Business Associate rates are available. One rate is for Business Associates who have chosen a sponsorship with a value of $500 or more, and another rate is for those who are not exhibitors or sponsors. Cancellations: Cancellations must be sent in writing to Denise Wetzel, dwetzel@leadingageoregon. org, no later than Friday, October 2 to be refunded (less a $25 service charge). No refunds are possible after that date, but you are welcome to send someone in your place. Early bird rates: Early bird rates are available through October 2 only. All registration fees increase by $25 after October 2. LeadingAge Oregon Conference fees: members Non-members Provider members: First three staff registrants*: $335 each $435 each Fourth and subsequent staff registrants from same site: $235 each $335 each *Staff registrants include CEOs/Administrators, department managers and any other paid employees of a participating organization. Nonprofit board members: Full Conference $125 $175 Thursday only* $100 $150 *Special one-day rate is available to nonprofit board members only Business Associate members: Per person sponsor fee (Non-exhibiting) $335 N/A Per person Non-Exhibitor/Non-Sponsor $535 N/A Spouse/guest $50 Spouse/guest fee includes Wednesday welcome reception and Thursday exhibit reception
  • 7. LeadingAge Oregon would like to thank the following organizations for their sponsorship of our Fall Leadership Conference: Principal Sponsor Welcome Wine and Cheese Reception Leadership Luncheon On-line Registration Sponsor Supporting Sponsors Prize Sponsors Interested in a sponsorship? Contact Karen Nichols at knichols@leadingageoregon.org, 503.684.3788