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® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 1	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 2	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Why Mobile?
•  Because it already happened.
•  Beyond the App
•  Showrooming & Webrooming
•  Cross-Channel Engagement
Current Trends & the Future of
Mobile Shopper Marketing
•  iBeacon
•  Near Field Communications
•  Mobile Payments
Mobile in Action
•  Examples
•  Best Practices
•  How Does Mobile Impact
My KPIs?
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 3	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
1. Why Mobile?
2. Mobile In Action
3. Trends & The Future of
Mobile Shopper Marketing
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 4	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
From the Google Shopper
Marketing Council:
•  84% of smartphone owners use their phone
to help shop while in a store
•  The average shopper uses their phone for 15
minutes in-store, per visit
•  Shoppers who frequently use their
smartphones in-store spend 40-50% moreSource: Google Shopper Marketing Council
Put simply,
Everyone has a smartphone, and they’re using it while they shop.
In other words, everyone in
the United States who can
afford a phone is already
using it as an integral part of
their shopping experience, to
help them make purchase
This behavior is consistent
across all verticals, with a
significant percentage of
every consumer’s in-store
attention being focused on
his or her mobile device.
Why Mobile? Because it already happened.
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 5	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
From the Local Search
•  Consumers of all ages use mobile to
help them shop; including 70% of
shoppers 54+
•  The top reasons people use their
phones in-store? comparing prices
and searching for coupons
Source: Local Search Association
While younger shoppers do
rely on mobile devices more
often while shopping, it’s a
myth that older generations
don’t also regularly use their
phones while in-store.
Nearly 3/4s of seniors—the
oldest demographic—rely on
their mobile devices to assist
them with the shopping
Put simply,
Everyone has a smartphone, and they’re using it while they shop.
Why Mobile? Because it already happened.
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 6	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
“Mobile” doesn’t necessarily mean “app”
It’s a common misconception
amongst shopper marketers that
“mobile marketing” is
synonymous with “mobile apps.”
While branded mobile apps can
be extremely effective for
retailers and brands that enjoy
high-frequency, habitual
consumer interaction (Starbucks,
Target, etc.), they aren’t
necessarily an ideal investment
for everyone, nor should they
encompass any brand’s entire
mobile strategy.
If you’re only marketing to mobile
shoppers with one tactic, you’re
only reaching a fraction of your
audience, and only capturing a
fraction of their in-store mobile
•  In-store engagement
•  Interactive Mobile Coupons
•  SMS
•  Keyword specific lists
•  Mobile web
•  Mobile banner ads (in-app & web)
•  Mobile retargeting & CRM
•  Native advertising
•  Geo-targeting/Geo-conquesting
•  Responsive websites
•  AR (Augmented Reality)
•  Location finder
•  Geo-alerts/notifications
•  Image galleries
•  Video ads
•  Near Field Communications
Why Mobile? Beyond the app
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 7	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
•  Consumer researches/evaluates products
online, then buys them in-store.
Evaluate the experience of a consumer who decides
to webroom for your brand:
•  SEO-Optimized mobile/responsive website
•  Easily-discoverable mobile incentives/coupons
•  Be creative. Use interactivity & multimedia;
features unique to mobile devices.
Number of shoppers who webroom:
Purchase evaluation doesn’t
necessarily happen while a
consumer is at home on their
Particularly for shoppers
who are further down the
purchase funnel, most
research is happening on
mobile—and in-store it’s all
happening on mobile.
A responsive mobile website
that’s been optimized for search
is essential, even if you don’t
offer an eCommerce presence.
Make sure that you control the
mobile space around your brand.
Remember, 70% of consumers
use online research to influence
in-store purchases—so if you’re
not providing the resource they
turn to, a competitor is.
Why Mobile? Webrooming & Showrooming
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 8	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
•  Consumer researches/evaluates products in-
store, then buys them for cheaper online.
Use mobile to mitigate lost revenue from showrooming:
•  Exclusive local promotions
•  In-store engagement
•  Loyalty rewards
•  Reduced-friction purchasing
Leverage consumer aversions to online
purchases by focusing in-store marketing
materials around in-store differentiators:
•  47% don’t want to pay for shipping
•  23% don’t want to wait for delivery
•  36% believe they can negotiate a
better price in person
•  37% like that it’s easier to return items
•  46% want to physically touch the
product first
Number of shoppers who showroom:
Why Mobile? Webrooming & Showrooming
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 9	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Showrooming, webrooming, eCommerce, mCommerce, in-store…
To consumers, it’s all just “shopping.”
Shoppers don’t silo their behaviors across digital and brick-&-mortar spaces,
and neither should you.
Why Mobile? Webrooming & Showrooming
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 10	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Mobile integrates
every consumer touch
point into your
shopper marketing
strategy, by providing
consumers with a
vector for accessing
any touch point while
Why Mobile? Cross-Channel Engagement
TV & Radio
Desktop Display Ads
Mobile Display Ads
Mobile App
Brand Website
End Caps
Demos & Events
Print Ads
Mobile is in-
every touch
point is now
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 11	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
1. Why Mobile?
2. Mobile In Action
3. Trends & The Future of
Mobile Shopper Marketing
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 12	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Mobile coupons have a
redemption rate 10X that
of printed coupons.
Juniper Research 2013
Mobile coupons are probably the
simplest—but also one of the
most effective—tools at a
shopper marketer’s disposal.
Redemption rates average at
about 1000% what print
coupons see, thanks to mobile’s
added convenience, more
engaging feature set, and
intrinsically more relevant reach.
Mobile coupon circulars (seen
here) can provide a variety of
monthly incentives alongside
interactive multimedia
Mobile in Action Mobile Coupons
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 13	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
The shopper swipes to explore & redeem a
variety of interactive mobile promotions, save
or share them with friends, & access map
directions to participating locations.
Bi-monthly SMS Messages are
sent out to the brand’s entire
mobile audience
The shopper sends a simple text
message, automatically opting-in
to receive mobile offers
How it works:
Mobile in Action Mobile Coupons
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 14	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Case Studies
Mobile Coupon Circular CPG On-Pack In-Store Engagement
Mobile in Action Examples
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 15	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
•  Content & offers relevant to local
consumer needs
•  Creative execution
•  Features & functionality only
possible on mobile
Strategic Content Marketing
745% ROI for August, 2014
Dale Hardware targeted their
audience with themed, locally-
relevant content linked to
promotional offers.
With California residents
suffering from a historically
severe draught, Dale
Hardware engaged shoppers
with a diverse multimedia
mobile coupon circular,
specially designed to help
shoppers preserve water.
Dale provided their mobile
audience with how-to videos
& tips & tricks, which in turn
linked to mobile coupons for
the featured products.
Mobile in Action Dale Hardware “Drought Alert” Mobile Promotion
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 16	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
•  Leverage on-pack media for mobile engagement
•  Differentiate your brand in-aisle/on the shelf
•  Re-target a relevant audience with SMS
In just 4 weeks, the client’s CPE (cost per engagement)
was cut in half
On-pack & print materials can
be enhanced to provide
mobile in-store engagement
through texting keywords, QR
codes, Augmented Reality, &
near field communications.
Chiquita Bananas created a
mobile-optimized recipe
contest to drive brand value
on a national level.
By integrating mobile calls-to-
action across every shopper
touch point, FunMobility
reduced the cost of Chiquita’s
chief KPI for this campaign
(unique users engaging with
the recipe contest) by half.
Mobile in Action Chiquita “Cooking Lab” Recipe Contest
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 17	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
•  Deliver hyper-relevant, personalized offers
•  Directly assists the shopper with purchase
decision while in-store or in-app
•  Shoppers who cite positive brand view can
be linked to popular product review sites
•  Shoppers who cite negative brand view can
be offered additional incentives for future
•  Collect custom data on different shopper
segments for market research
45% coupon redemption rate
In-Store Engagement:
In-store features like endcaps,
shopping baskets, & print
circulars are the perfect
context to include a mobile
call to action & engage the
shopper with your brand.
For beauty products retailer/
manufacturer Carol’s
Daughter, FunMobility created
a branching mobile quiz that
promised to help shoppers
find their “perfect hair care
Not only did this solution
provide valuable audience
insights, but the personalized
coupons available at the end
of the quiz had nearly 5x
better redemption.
Mobile in Action Carol’s Daughter “Hair Care Quiz” Product Promotion
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 18	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
"  Encourage a repeat visit by building it into the offer.
For example, "Buy product X and get 20% off any item on your
next visit to the store."
"  Build a mobile database.
Incentivize shoppers to sign up for ongoing SMS engagement
"  Create urgency.
Use condensed redemption windows & visual cues, like a countdown
"  Communicate offers clearly.
Messages should be short, enticing, and simple
Best Practices Mobile Coupons
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 19	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Be Respectful of your
shoppers’ typical daily schedule.
(pay attention to opt outs)Avoid long codes
with no directions:
Identify yourself in the
actual message
Shoppers see only your short
code number as the sender.
Segment by time zone to
make sure you reach everyone at
the optimal time of day
Best Practices SMS
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 20	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Mobile in Action Create a Mobile Strategy
Inspiration stage: Deliver helpful & emotionally engaging mobile content
•  Social Media
•  Owned Media (mobile website)
Transaction stage: Drive conversions/upsell at POS with money-saving offers
•  In-Store
•  mCommerce
Post-Transaction: Retarget with relevant content to drive advocacy and additional
conversions by incentivizing return visits
•  Engagement SMS/Push Notifications
•  Email
•  Incentivized Social Sharing
Your mobile strategy should tell a compelling brand story along the entire purchase journey:
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 21	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
How does mobile impact my KPIs?
1.  Driving Foot Traffic
2.  Audience Segmentation
3.  POS Conversions
4.  Increased Frequency of Revisits
5.  Brand Advocacy
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 22	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
How does mobile impact my KPIs? Driving Foot Traffic
"   Geo-Targeting/Geo-Conquesting Mobile Ad campaigns
"   Store Finder
"   Geo-Alerts
"   Re-Targeting
"   Social Share
Toyota claims a 45% lift in foot traffic via
consumers who were served a mobile ad at
competing lots, compared to those who did
not receive one.
Unlike desktop ads, which can
only be locally targeted by IP
address, geo-targeted mobile
ads can reach customers
within a pre-determined
custom geo-fenced area,
using latitude & longitude.
This means shoppers can be
served targeted mobile ads
while in and around your store
– or a competitor’s.
It also means that your
competitors can advertise to
shoppers while they are
physically in your store.
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 23	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
How does mobile impact my KPIs? Audience Segmentation
"   SMS Engagement - Segment by keyword
"   Eagle Eye (activity at a local level)
"   Time of day (at home/work?)
"   Reference against local demographic data
(residential & commercial)
*in thousands
Retailers & brands with
multiple products, or products
that serve a diverse audience,
may not wish to target the
same promotions to their
entire list.
An easy solution for in-store
audience segmentation is to
use separate SMS programs
triggered with different text
Geographic reporting, made
possible with features like
FunMobility’s “Eagle Eye,”
provides a map of audience
engagement hotspots that
can be cross-referenced
against local demographic
data for a complete picture of
your mobile audience.
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 24	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
How does mobile impact my KPIs? POS Conversions
"   Mobile coupon redemptions rates are
10x that of print coupons
"   Digital rewards can help differentiate
"   In-Store Engagement streamlines the
consideration process by delivering
personalized content to the shopper’s
mobile device
% of mobile searches
resulting in a local brick &
mortar purchase
Consumers who shop across
in-store, mobile, & online
channels are expected to
spend 66% more on gifts than
those shopping in-store only.
Average projected gift spend
for the holiday season, 2014:
$592 for mobile shoppers
$357 for in-store only
74% of shoppers say that they
will be influenced by mobile
coupons/promotions this
holiday season.
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 25	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
How does mobile impact my KPIs? Increased Frequency of Revisits
"   Mobile Retargeting via SMS/Push
"   Timed coupons to drive urgency
"   Rewards-based Loyalty Apps
Average annual increase in revisits for
mobile-engaged shoppers:
SMS open rates range from
95%-97%, usually within 3
minutes of being delivered.
The average CTR (click through
rate) across all our clients’ SMS
campaigns is 36%.
Taken together, this means
virtually everyone who opts in
to receive engagement SMS will
open them, and one in three
will click through to a deeper
mobile engagement page,
incentivizing a return store visit.
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 26	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
How does mobile impact my KPIs? Brand Advocacy
"   Encourage Social Share (“Show & Tell”)
"   Branching surveys link to review sites like Yelp
"   Emotionally-engaging experiences
"   Games
Mobile-first features and
functionality like the touch screen,
camera, & gyroscope enable deeply
interactive brand experiences in a
personal context.
An often-overlooked but extremely
simple way to promote advocacy is
to include a prominent “share”
button with every promotion, which
provides a measure of control over
how social share is executed.
…their future mobile brand engagement
activity increases by 300%
If the shopper is served an emotionally
engaging mobile experience…
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 27	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
1. Why Mobile?
2. Mobile In Action
3. Trends & The Future of
Mobile Shopper Marketing
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 28	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Trends & the future of mobile shopper marketing iBeacon
iBeacon is:
•  Bluetooth software that allows shopper marketers to trigger
push notifications based on region or range
•  Provide hyper-relevant in-store engagement
•  Solves problems of poor in-store mobile reception
Current range of beacon transmitters:
•  Max 450 meters from device
Obstacles to widespread adoption:
•  Shoppers must take the initiative
Phones must have a beacon-using app running, turn on Bluetooth,
accept location services on the relevant app, & agree to receive in-
store or indoor notifications
•  Competition
Remember VHS and Betamax?
“18% percent of marketers said they are using beacons
today in tests or active deployment and that rate is going
to double in 2015.” - Ray Pun, strategic marketing
manager, Adobe Mobile Solutions.
“Less than 1% of the 3.6 million retail stores in the U.S.
make use of iBeacon.” - Mark Hung, Gartner analyst
But are your competitors using it?
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 29	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Trends & the future of mobile shopper marketing Near Field Communications
NFC allows shopper marketers to create:
•  Proximity-triggered mobile events, either from a trigger
point or from the user’s device
•  Within a few inches
Primary uses:
•  In-store mobile engagement through the use of “smart” signage
•  Storing & scanning mobile coupons
•  Mobile payments
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 30	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
Trends & the future of mobile shopper marketing Mobile Payments
Apple Pay/Google Wallet
•  Uses NFC for a streamlined “Tap to Pay” experience
•  Downsides:
•  Adoption hampered by retail consortium black listing
•  Not all devices are NFC-compatible, even iOS devices
older than the iPhone 6 are not compatible
Current C
•  Uses QR codes at checkout, bypasses credit card fees
•  Downsides:
•  Security concerns – recently hacked
•  Clunky user experience
In-App, In-Store
•  Eliminates physical checkout altogether, shopper completes
purchase entirely in-app
® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 31	
  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
FunMobility powers measurable mobile connections between brand
& audience
Partners & clients include Walmart, Chiquita, 3M, and Burger King,
who leverage FunMobility’s award-winning Mobile Engagement
Platform to execute marketing strategies that generate measurable
ROI and actionable insights.
FunMobility’s rich media creation, promotion, and data capabilities
enable full-funnel engagement and attribution for all audience
activity across paid, owned, in-store, and social media.
About Us
For additional information, contact us:
How well are you reaching your mobile audience?

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2015 Guide to Integrating Mobile Shopper Marketing

  • 1. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 1  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing
  • 2. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 2  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Why Mobile? •  Because it already happened. •  Beyond the App •  Showrooming & Webrooming •  Cross-Channel Engagement Current Trends & the Future of Mobile Shopper Marketing •  iBeacon •  Near Field Communications •  Mobile Payments Mobile in Action •  Examples •  Best Practices •  How Does Mobile Impact My KPIs?
  • 3. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 3  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing 1. Why Mobile? 2. Mobile In Action 3. Trends & The Future of Mobile Shopper Marketing
  • 4. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 4  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing From the Google Shopper Marketing Council: •  84% of smartphone owners use their phone to help shop while in a store •  The average shopper uses their phone for 15 minutes in-store, per visit •  Shoppers who frequently use their smartphones in-store spend 40-50% moreSource: Google Shopper Marketing Council Put simply, Everyone has a smartphone, and they’re using it while they shop. In other words, everyone in the United States who can afford a phone is already using it as an integral part of their shopping experience, to help them make purchase decisions. This behavior is consistent across all verticals, with a significant percentage of every consumer’s in-store attention being focused on his or her mobile device. Why Mobile? Because it already happened.
  • 5. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 5  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing From the Local Search Association: •  Consumers of all ages use mobile to help them shop; including 70% of shoppers 54+ •  The top reasons people use their phones in-store? comparing prices and searching for coupons Source: Local Search Association While younger shoppers do rely on mobile devices more often while shopping, it’s a myth that older generations don’t also regularly use their phones while in-store. Nearly 3/4s of seniors—the oldest demographic—rely on their mobile devices to assist them with the shopping experience. Put simply, Everyone has a smartphone, and they’re using it while they shop. Why Mobile? Because it already happened.
  • 6. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 6  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing “Mobile” doesn’t necessarily mean “app” It’s a common misconception amongst shopper marketers that “mobile marketing” is synonymous with “mobile apps.” While branded mobile apps can be extremely effective for retailers and brands that enjoy high-frequency, habitual consumer interaction (Starbucks, Target, etc.), they aren’t necessarily an ideal investment for everyone, nor should they encompass any brand’s entire mobile strategy. If you’re only marketing to mobile shoppers with one tactic, you’re only reaching a fraction of your audience, and only capturing a fraction of their in-store mobile attention. •  In-store engagement •  Interactive Mobile Coupons •  SMS •  Keyword specific lists •  Mobile web •  Mobile banner ads (in-app & web) •  Mobile retargeting & CRM •  Native advertising •  Geo-targeting/Geo-conquesting •  Responsive websites •  AR (Augmented Reality) •  Location finder •  Geo-alerts/notifications •  Image galleries •  Video ads •  Near Field Communications Why Mobile? Beyond the app
  • 7. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 7  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing “Webrooming": •  Consumer researches/evaluates products online, then buys them in-store. Evaluate the experience of a consumer who decides to webroom for your brand: •  SEO-Optimized mobile/responsive website •  Easily-discoverable mobile incentives/coupons •  Be creative. Use interactivity & multimedia; features unique to mobile devices. Number of shoppers who webroom: 70% Purchase evaluation doesn’t necessarily happen while a consumer is at home on their computer. Particularly for shoppers who are further down the purchase funnel, most research is happening on mobile—and in-store it’s all happening on mobile. A responsive mobile website that’s been optimized for search is essential, even if you don’t offer an eCommerce presence. Make sure that you control the mobile space around your brand. Remember, 70% of consumers use online research to influence in-store purchases—so if you’re not providing the resource they turn to, a competitor is. Why Mobile? Webrooming & Showrooming
  • 8. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 8  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing “Showrooming": •  Consumer researches/evaluates products in- store, then buys them for cheaper online. Use mobile to mitigate lost revenue from showrooming: •  Exclusive local promotions •  In-store engagement •  Loyalty rewards •  Reduced-friction purchasing Leverage consumer aversions to online purchases by focusing in-store marketing materials around in-store differentiators: •  47% don’t want to pay for shipping •  23% don’t want to wait for delivery •  36% believe they can negotiate a better price in person •  37% like that it’s easier to return items •  46% want to physically touch the product first Number of shoppers who showroom: 50% Source:  shopify.com   Why Mobile? Webrooming & Showrooming
  • 9. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 9  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Showrooming, webrooming, eCommerce, mCommerce, in-store… To consumers, it’s all just “shopping.” Shoppers don’t silo their behaviors across digital and brick-&-mortar spaces, and neither should you. Why Mobile? Webrooming & Showrooming
  • 10. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 10  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Mobile integrates every consumer touch point into your shopper marketing strategy, by providing consumers with a vector for accessing any touch point while in-store.   Why Mobile? Cross-Channel Engagement TV & Radio Search Desktop Display Ads Mobile Display Ads Mobile App Brand Website SMS Email End Caps On-Pack Demos & Events Print Ads Twitter Facebook Pinterest Instagram Mobile is in- store, meaning every touch point is now in-store  
  • 11. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 11  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing 1. Why Mobile? 2. Mobile In Action 3. Trends & The Future of Mobile Shopper Marketing
  • 12. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 12  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Mobile coupons have a redemption rate 10X that of printed coupons. Juniper Research 2013 Mobile coupons are probably the simplest—but also one of the most effective—tools at a shopper marketer’s disposal. Redemption rates average at about 1000% what print coupons see, thanks to mobile’s added convenience, more engaging feature set, and intrinsically more relevant reach. Mobile coupon circulars (seen here) can provide a variety of monthly incentives alongside interactive multimedia promotions. Mobile in Action Mobile Coupons
  • 13. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 13  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing The shopper swipes to explore & redeem a variety of interactive mobile promotions, save or share them with friends, & access map directions to participating locations. Bi-monthly SMS Messages are sent out to the brand’s entire mobile audience The shopper sends a simple text message, automatically opting-in to receive mobile offers How it works: Mobile in Action Mobile Coupons
  • 14. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 14  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Case Studies Mobile Coupon Circular CPG On-Pack In-Store Engagement Mobile in Action Examples
  • 15. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 15  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing •  Content & offers relevant to local consumer needs •  Creative execution •  Features & functionality only possible on mobile Strategic Content Marketing Results: 745% ROI for August, 2014 Retail: Dale Hardware targeted their audience with themed, locally- relevant content linked to promotional offers. With California residents suffering from a historically severe draught, Dale Hardware engaged shoppers with a diverse multimedia mobile coupon circular, specially designed to help shoppers preserve water. Dale provided their mobile audience with how-to videos & tips & tricks, which in turn linked to mobile coupons for the featured products. Mobile in Action Dale Hardware “Drought Alert” Mobile Promotion
  • 16. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 16  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing •  Leverage on-pack media for mobile engagement •  Differentiate your brand in-aisle/on the shelf •  Re-target a relevant audience with SMS Results: In just 4 weeks, the client’s CPE (cost per engagement) was cut in half CPG: On-pack & print materials can be enhanced to provide mobile in-store engagement through texting keywords, QR codes, Augmented Reality, & near field communications. Chiquita Bananas created a mobile-optimized recipe contest to drive brand value on a national level. By integrating mobile calls-to- action across every shopper touch point, FunMobility reduced the cost of Chiquita’s chief KPI for this campaign (unique users engaging with the recipe contest) by half. Mobile in Action Chiquita “Cooking Lab” Recipe Contest
  • 17. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 17  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing BRANCHING QUIZ •  Deliver hyper-relevant, personalized offers •  Directly assists the shopper with purchase decision while in-store or in-app •  Shoppers who cite positive brand view can be linked to popular product review sites •  Shoppers who cite negative brand view can be offered additional incentives for future purchase •  Collect custom data on different shopper segments for market research Results: 45% coupon redemption rate In-Store Engagement: In-store features like endcaps, shopping baskets, & print circulars are the perfect context to include a mobile call to action & engage the shopper with your brand. For beauty products retailer/ manufacturer Carol’s Daughter, FunMobility created a branching mobile quiz that promised to help shoppers find their “perfect hair care product.” Not only did this solution provide valuable audience insights, but the personalized coupons available at the end of the quiz had nearly 5x better redemption. Mobile in Action Carol’s Daughter “Hair Care Quiz” Product Promotion
  • 18. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 18  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing "  Encourage a repeat visit by building it into the offer. For example, "Buy product X and get 20% off any item on your next visit to the store." "  Build a mobile database. Incentivize shoppers to sign up for ongoing SMS engagement "  Create urgency. Use condensed redemption windows & visual cues, like a countdown "  Communicate offers clearly. Messages should be short, enticing, and simple Best Practices Mobile Coupons
  • 19. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 19  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Be Respectful of your shoppers’ typical daily schedule. (pay attention to opt outs)Avoid long codes with no directions: Identify yourself in the actual message Shoppers see only your short code number as the sender. Segment by time zone to make sure you reach everyone at the optimal time of day Best Practices SMS
  • 20. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 20  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Mobile in Action Create a Mobile Strategy Inspiration stage: Deliver helpful & emotionally engaging mobile content •  Social Media •  Owned Media (mobile website) Transaction stage: Drive conversions/upsell at POS with money-saving offers •  In-Store •  mCommerce Post-Transaction: Retarget with relevant content to drive advocacy and additional conversions by incentivizing return visits •  Engagement SMS/Push Notifications •  Email •  Incentivized Social Sharing Your mobile strategy should tell a compelling brand story along the entire purchase journey:
  • 21. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 21  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing How does mobile impact my KPIs? 1.  Driving Foot Traffic 2.  Audience Segmentation 3.  POS Conversions 4.  Increased Frequency of Revisits 5.  Brand Advocacy
  • 22. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 22  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing How does mobile impact my KPIs? Driving Foot Traffic "   Geo-Targeting/Geo-Conquesting Mobile Ad campaigns "   Store Finder "   Geo-Alerts "   Re-Targeting "   Social Share Toyota claims a 45% lift in foot traffic via consumers who were served a mobile ad at competing lots, compared to those who did not receive one. Source:  AdWeek   Unlike desktop ads, which can only be locally targeted by IP address, geo-targeted mobile ads can reach customers within a pre-determined custom geo-fenced area, using latitude & longitude. This means shoppers can be served targeted mobile ads while in and around your store – or a competitor’s. It also means that your competitors can advertise to shoppers while they are physically in your store.
  • 23. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 23  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing How does mobile impact my KPIs? Audience Segmentation "   SMS Engagement - Segment by keyword "   Eagle Eye (activity at a local level) "   Time of day (at home/work?) "   Reference against local demographic data (residential & commercial) *in thousands Retailers & brands with multiple products, or products that serve a diverse audience, may not wish to target the same promotions to their entire list. An easy solution for in-store audience segmentation is to use separate SMS programs triggered with different text keywords. Geographic reporting, made possible with features like FunMobility’s “Eagle Eye,” provides a map of audience engagement hotspots that can be cross-referenced against local demographic data for a complete picture of your mobile audience.
  • 24. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 24  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing How does mobile impact my KPIs? POS Conversions "   Mobile coupon redemptions rates are 10x that of print coupons "   Digital rewards can help differentiate in-aisle "   In-Store Engagement streamlines the consideration process by delivering personalized content to the shopper’s mobile device % of mobile searches resulting in a local brick & mortar purchase Source:  Comscore   Consumers who shop across in-store, mobile, & online channels are expected to spend 66% more on gifts than those shopping in-store only. Average projected gift spend for the holiday season, 2014: $592 for mobile shoppers vs. $357 for in-store only shoppers 74% of shoppers say that they will be influenced by mobile coupons/promotions this holiday season. Source:  Deloi8e  
  • 25. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 25  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing How does mobile impact my KPIs? Increased Frequency of Revisits "   Mobile Retargeting via SMS/Push "   Timed coupons to drive urgency "   Rewards-based Loyalty Apps Average annual increase in revisits for mobile-engaged shoppers: 25% SMS open rates range from 95%-97%, usually within 3 minutes of being delivered. The average CTR (click through rate) across all our clients’ SMS campaigns is 36%. Taken together, this means virtually everyone who opts in to receive engagement SMS will open them, and one in three will click through to a deeper mobile engagement page, incentivizing a return store visit.
  • 26. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 26  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing How does mobile impact my KPIs? Brand Advocacy "   Encourage Social Share (“Show & Tell”) "   Branching surveys link to review sites like Yelp "   Emotionally-engaging experiences "   Games Mobile-first features and functionality like the touch screen, camera, & gyroscope enable deeply interactive brand experiences in a personal context. An often-overlooked but extremely simple way to promote advocacy is to include a prominent “share” button with every promotion, which provides a measure of control over how social share is executed. …their future mobile brand engagement activity increases by 300% If the shopper is served an emotionally engaging mobile experience…
  • 27. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 27  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing 1. Why Mobile? 2. Mobile In Action 3. Trends & The Future of Mobile Shopper Marketing
  • 28. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 28  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Trends & the future of mobile shopper marketing iBeacon iBeacon is: •  Bluetooth software that allows shopper marketers to trigger push notifications based on region or range •  Provide hyper-relevant in-store engagement •  Solves problems of poor in-store mobile reception Current range of beacon transmitters: •  Max 450 meters from device Obstacles to widespread adoption: •  Shoppers must take the initiative Phones must have a beacon-using app running, turn on Bluetooth, accept location services on the relevant app, & agree to receive in- store or indoor notifications •  Competition Remember VHS and Betamax? “18% percent of marketers said they are using beacons today in tests or active deployment and that rate is going to double in 2015.” - Ray Pun, strategic marketing manager, Adobe Mobile Solutions. “Less than 1% of the 3.6 million retail stores in the U.S. make use of iBeacon.” - Mark Hung, Gartner analyst But are your competitors using it?
  • 29. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 29  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Trends & the future of mobile shopper marketing Near Field Communications NFC allows shopper marketers to create: •  Proximity-triggered mobile events, either from a trigger point or from the user’s device Range: •  Within a few inches Primary uses: •  In-store mobile engagement through the use of “smart” signage •  Storing & scanning mobile coupons •  Mobile payments
  • 30. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 30  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing Trends & the future of mobile shopper marketing Mobile Payments Apple Pay/Google Wallet •  Uses NFC for a streamlined “Tap to Pay” experience •  Downsides: •  Adoption hampered by retail consortium black listing •  Not all devices are NFC-compatible, even iOS devices older than the iPhone 6 are not compatible Current C •  Uses QR codes at checkout, bypasses credit card fees •  Downsides: •  Security concerns – recently hacked •  Clunky user experience In-App, In-Store •  Eliminates physical checkout altogether, shopper completes purchase entirely in-app
  • 31. ® 2015 FunMobility, Inc. – Engagement at Every Touch Point 31  |  Integrate Mobile with Shopper Marketing FunMobility powers measurable mobile connections between brand & audience Partners & clients include Walmart, Chiquita, 3M, and Burger King, who leverage FunMobility’s award-winning Mobile Engagement Platform to execute marketing strategies that generate measurable ROI and actionable insights. FunMobility’s rich media creation, promotion, and data capabilities enable full-funnel engagement and attribution for all audience activity across paid, owned, in-store, and social media. About Us For additional information, contact us: Funmobility.com (855)75-MOBILE marketing@funmobility.com How well are you reaching your mobile audience?