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Making the Case for Place
Slides from morning sessions
Wednesday 28 June 2017
Conference Sponsors
Margaret Newman
2017 Conference - Morning 1/2
2017 Conference - Morning 1/2
Source: nytimes.com
2017 Conference - Morning 1/2
Summer Streets Along Park Avenue
Expanded Network of Bike Lanes
Source: RPA
2017 Conference - Morning 1/2
Uneven Curb
Accessibility Drainage
Existing Conditions
Building on Previous Success:
Broadway Today
34th Street
Times Square
Flatiron 23rd
St Partnership
Union Square
Existing Conditions
Broadway Today
linkTimes Square
Herald Square
Columbus Circle
Madison Square
Union Square
Vision Development
Broadway Today
A walkway to New York’s
signature experiences
Empire State
Bryant Park
Grand Central
Times Square
Herald Square
Madison Square
Union Square
Columbus Circle
Vision Development
Traditional Street
Shared Street
*Bike infrastructure can be applied to all scenarios
Street Typologies
Broadway Today
Traditional Street Block
Shared Street Block
Pedestrianized Block
Emerging Typologies:
Character Area
Street Typologies
Making the Case for Place
Large-Scale Placemaking
Conference Sponsors
Lyn Garner
Strategic Director of Regeneration, Planning &
LB Haringey
Effective Placemaking
• Leadership
• Vision
• Establish principles/objectives
• Be Bold
• Demand Quality
• Use The London Advantage
• Test your Plan
• Planning; Housing; Growth; Finance
• Drivers of Change
• Social infrastructure
• Transport
• Open Space
• Environmental Sustainability
• Affordable Housing
• Employment Land
• Land ownership/acquisition
• Retain ownership/leverage
• Secure buy in
• Political
• Residents
• Landowners
• Meanwhile uses
• Curate commercial occupancy
• Chose partners carefully
• Thoughtful long term management
Sara Bailey
Head of Real Estate
Trowers & Hamlins
Making the case for place
Sara Bailey
Presentation 28 June 2017
Placemaking and value
● What is Placemaking?
● Does Placemaking matter?
● Does it create value?
● How can the Law help or hinder?
What is placemaking?
● Placemaking can be small scale or large scale
● About creating and delivering a vision of a place to work, live and play
● Meridian Water large scale example of delivering place
● Industrial site no place there at all at the moment
● Needs imagination, courage, skill and flexibility
Does it create value?
● Highly Valued Hard to Value
● Investing and creating place by its nature helps increase values
● Challenges include short term financial models, procurement, ability to
include in valuations
● Proof is in outcome
How can the law help or hinder?
● Flexibility essential
● Procurement needs to be scoped correctly at the outset
● One size does not fit all
● Understand the aim of the parties not just legally but practically
© Trowers & Hamlins LLP 2017
Trowers & Hamlins LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC 337852 whose registered office is at 3 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8YZ. Trowers & Hamlins LLP is authorised and regulated by the
Solicitors Regulation Authority. The word “partner” is used to refer to a member of Trowers & Hamlins LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or an individual with equivalent status in one of Trowers & Hamlins
LLP’s affiliated undertakings. A list of the members of Trowers & Hamlins LLP together with those non-members who are designated as partners is open to inspection at the registered office.
Trowers & Hamlins LLP has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that information contained in this document is accurate, but stresses that the content is not intended to be legally comprehensive. Trowers & Hamlins LLP recommends that no
action be taken on matters covered in this document without taking full legal advice.
(c) Copyright Trowers & Hamlins – June 2017 – All Rights Reserved. This document remains the property of Trowers & Hamlins LLP. No part of this document may be reproduced in any format without the express written consent of Trowers &
Hamlins LLP.
Sara Bailey
Head of Real Estate
d +44 (0)20 7423 8288
e SBailey@trowers.com
Rob Heasman
Project Director, Elephant & Castle
Elephant Park
100 years ago the
Elephant was known
as the ‘Piccadilly of
the South’
2017 Conference - Morning 1/2
Masterplanning a
network of Streets
Aspect & Movement
Replace with dalency plan and remove the
text below
Elephant Park
• The retail at Elephant Park will be
delivery predominately over 2
major phases;
• 1. Early 2019 with MP2 (West
Grove buildings, Sayer Street and
park connection)
• 2. Mid 2021 with MP3 (East Grove
buildings and the 2nd stage of the
Elephant Park – Retail
Park will deliver at least 10%
‘Affordable Local Retail’
Health & Wellbeing
Public realmDensity & Context
Public realmPlay
Nurturing New
Nuturing new
Welcoming existing
Interim uses
Key Messages
1. Importance of a shared vision
2. No ‘red line boundary’
3. Listen & collaborate
4. You cannot impose ‘place’
5. Keep learning and experiment
6. Placemaking starts now and
never ends
Making the Case for Place Conference
Valuing the Ordinary
Wednesday 28 June 2017
Conference Sponsors
Richard Cherry
Group New Business Director
Countryside Properties
61 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Valuing the ordinary –
good places to live
Richard Cherry
28 June 2017
62 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Good placemaking dates back to the early 1970s
63 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
New garden and urban villages
64 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Council estates – little relationship to their surroundings
65 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Acton Gardens – family housing
66 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Integrating all tenures
67 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Local access to jobs
68 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Vibrant mixed uses
69 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Education – improvement of social and economic sustainability
70 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Measuring success
71 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live
Richard Cherry
Louise Duggan
Northwest Area Manager
GLA Regeneration
High Street
The geography of
London’s economy
F r o m 2 0 1 1 t o t o d a y, t h e
M a y o r h a s d e d i c a t e d
£ 1 2 9 m ( a n d l e v e r e d i n
a b o u t £ 7 5 m i n m a t c h
f u n d i n g ) t o h e l p o v e r 8 5
h i g h s t r e e t s a d a p t a n d
t h r i v e
F u n d i n g i s a l w a y s
a c c o m p a n i e d b y a
w i d e r s u p p o r t o f f e r
f o r p a r t n e r s f r o m
t h e R e g e n e r a t i o n
Te a m
9 5 5 s h o p f r o n t s
i m p r o v e d
2 , 6 3 8
j o b s c r e a t e d
6 6 v a c a n t u n i t s
b r o u g h t
b a c k i n t o u s e
O v e r 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 m 2
o f p u b l i c
s p a c e i m p r o v e d
c . 1 0 0 0
j o b s s e c u r e d
2 , 8 2 0 m 2 o f n e w
c o m m e r c i a l s p a c e
9 7 0 p u b l i c e v e n t s
o r g a n i s e d
2 0 s i g n a g e / L e g i b l e
L o n d o n s c h e m e s
i m p l e m e n t e d
2 1 a s s o c i a t i o n s
c r e a t e d ,
2 2 s u p p o r t e d
1 , 0 2 2 y o u n g
p e o p l e r e c e i v e d
t r a i n i n g
2 , 5 3 1 b u s i n e s s e s
r e c e i v e d
s u p p o r t
2 0 w e b s i t e s o r
h i g h s t r e e t
m a r k e t i n g p r o j e c t s
W e l e a r n f r o m b e s t
p r a c t i c e & w i d e r d e b a t e s .
W e c o m m i s s i o n o r i g i n a l
r e s e a r c h . W e s h a r e
i n s i g h t s a n d u s e t h e m t o
d e s i g n p r o g r a m m e s t h a t
d e l i v e r t h e M a y o r ’ s
p r i o r i t i e s .
1 . D e f i n e s o c i a l v a l u e
2 . I d e n t i f y t h r e a t s ,
o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d
i m p a c t o n L o n d o n e r s
3 . S e t o u t A c t i o n P l a n
‘High Streets For All’ Research commission:
We Made That & LSE cities
Good Growth Fund
4 Y E A R R O L L I N G P R O G R A M M E :
• Empowering People
• Making Better Places
• Growing Prosperity
Launch - 29 June
Project workshops - July
Expressions of Interest - early September
Andrew Beharrell
Senior Partner
Pollard Thomas Edwards
Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia
Presentation byAndrew Beharrell of Pollard Thomas Edwards
28 June2017
In praise of ordinary places
Over five million Londoners (around 60%)
live in the 20 Outer London boroughs
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
semi-detached houses built
in Outer London between
the wars
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
London’s unsung heroes
Ligustrum Ovalifolium Platanus × acerifolia
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden -a filter for privacy and view
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden -a filter for air pollution
“The big thing about hedges is that they are right down at tailpipe level… catching pollutants on the leaves…
to offer people in homes better protection”
Prof Prashant Kumar of Surrey University writing inAtmospheric Environment
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden – a place of social opportunity
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden – enhancing the nation’shealth
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden – asource of employment
gardeners employed in
the UK (2016)
self-employed people
in building and garden
services in London
(Office for National
Statistics 2015)
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden -a sanctuary for urban ecology
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden – a sanctuary for the orderly mind
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden -a stimulant for public art
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
Vision and reality
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
The front garden – acar showroom
Health Impacts of Cars in London
(GLA September 2015)
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
withaccess toa car orvan:
England 74
58 average
43 average
Sutton 78
TowerHamlets 29
Car dependence is changing – improved accessto public transport
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
Car dependence is changing – the way welive now and the Uber revolution
“London should embrace new technology to make car ownership pointless”
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
Car dependence is changing – the way welive now and the electric revolution
“Over one third of all the car trips made by London residents are less than 2 km”
HealthImpacts of Cars inLondon (GLASeptember2015)
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
Car dependence is changing – policy and prediction
Mayor’s Transport Strategy
Draft for public consultation
JUNE 2017
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
– take advantage of changing travel patterns
– embrace the Mayor’s Healthy Streets initiative
– car restraint through the planning system
– planning policies to promote proper front
gardens in new development
– grants for replacing parking with gardens
– publicity campaign
– sponsored streets
Ligustrum Ovalifolium Resurgens:
what can be done to revive placemaking in the suburbs?
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
Ligustrum Ovalifolium Resurgens:
what can be done to revive placemaking in the suburbs?
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
Reaching an
with the car
Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
Diespeker Wharf 38 Graham Street London N18JX
T 020 7336 7777 mail@ptea.co.uk @ptearchitects www.pollardthomasedwards.co.uk
Copyright inthis document and all contents belongs
toPollard Thomas Edwards LLP (excludingonly
material reproduced from other sources where shown).
Withthanks to Chris Martin of
Urban Movement
Featured publications:
Transforming Suburbia:
Supurbia and Semi-Permissive
by HTA, Pollard Thomas Edwards,
Savills and Lichfields
Mayor of London’s Transport
Strategy (draft June 2017)
Health Impacts of Cars in London
(GLA September 2015)
London Suburbs by Andrew Saint
(Merrell Publisher’s Limited 1999)
Ordnance Survey Map (pg2)
(Crown copyright)

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2017 Conference - Morning 1/2

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  • 29. 29
  • 30. Making the Case for Place Large-Scale Placemaking #placemaking Conference Sponsors
  • 31. Lyn Garner Strategic Director of Regeneration, Planning & Development LB Haringey #placemaking
  • 32. Effective Placemaking • Leadership • Vision • Establish principles/objectives • Be Bold • Demand Quality • Use The London Advantage • Test your Plan
  • 33. Policy • Planning; Housing; Growth; Finance • Drivers of Change • Social infrastructure • Transport • Open Space • Environmental Sustainability • Affordable Housing • Employment Land
  • 34. Delivery • Land ownership/acquisition • Retain ownership/leverage • Secure buy in • Political • Residents • Landowners • Meanwhile uses • Curate commercial occupancy • Chose partners carefully • Thoughtful long term management
  • 35. Sara Bailey Head of Real Estate Trowers & Hamlins #placemaking
  • 36. Making the case for place Sara Bailey Presentation 28 June 2017
  • 37. Placemaking and value ● What is Placemaking? ● Does Placemaking matter? ● Does it create value? ● How can the Law help or hinder?
  • 38. What is placemaking? ● Placemaking can be small scale or large scale ● About creating and delivering a vision of a place to work, live and play ● Meridian Water large scale example of delivering place ● Industrial site no place there at all at the moment ● Needs imagination, courage, skill and flexibility
  • 39. Does it create value? ● Highly Valued Hard to Value ● Investing and creating place by its nature helps increase values ● Challenges include short term financial models, procurement, ability to include in valuations ● Proof is in outcome
  • 40. How can the law help or hinder? ● Flexibility essential ● Procurement needs to be scoped correctly at the outset ● One size does not fit all ● Understand the aim of the parties not just legally but practically
  • 41. Contact © Trowers & Hamlins LLP 2017 Trowers & Hamlins LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC 337852 whose registered office is at 3 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8YZ. Trowers & Hamlins LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The word “partner” is used to refer to a member of Trowers & Hamlins LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or an individual with equivalent status in one of Trowers & Hamlins LLP’s affiliated undertakings. A list of the members of Trowers & Hamlins LLP together with those non-members who are designated as partners is open to inspection at the registered office. Trowers & Hamlins LLP has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that information contained in this document is accurate, but stresses that the content is not intended to be legally comprehensive. Trowers & Hamlins LLP recommends that no action be taken on matters covered in this document without taking full legal advice. (c) Copyright Trowers & Hamlins – June 2017 – All Rights Reserved. This document remains the property of Trowers & Hamlins LLP. No part of this document may be reproduced in any format without the express written consent of Trowers & Hamlins LLP. Sara Bailey Head of Real Estate d +44 (0)20 7423 8288 e SBailey@trowers.com
  • 42. Rob Heasman Project Director, Elephant & Castle Lendlease #placemaking
  • 44. 100 years ago the Elephant was known as the ‘Piccadilly of the South’
  • 46. N
  • 50. Replace with dalency plan and remove the text below Elephant Park • The retail at Elephant Park will be delivery predominately over 2 major phases; • 1. Early 2019 with MP2 (West Grove buildings, Sayer Street and park connection) • 2. Mid 2021 with MP3 (East Grove buildings and the 2nd stage of the park) Elephant Park – Retail Zones
  • 51. Park will deliver at least 10% ‘Affordable Local Retail’
  • 58. Key Messages 1. Importance of a shared vision 2. No ‘red line boundary’ 3. Listen & collaborate 4. You cannot impose ‘place’ 5. Keep learning and experiment 6. Placemaking starts now and never ends
  • 59. Making the Case for Place Conference Valuing the Ordinary Wednesday 28 June 2017 #placemaking Conference Sponsors
  • 60. Richard Cherry Group New Business Director Countryside Properties #placemaking
  • 61. 61 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Valuing the ordinary – good places to live Richard Cherry Countryside 28 June 2017
  • 62. 62 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Good placemaking dates back to the early 1970s
  • 63. 63 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live New garden and urban villages
  • 64. 64 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Council estates – little relationship to their surroundings
  • 65. 65 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Acton Gardens – family housing
  • 66. 66 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Integrating all tenures
  • 67. 67 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Local access to jobs
  • 68. 68 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Vibrant mixed uses
  • 69. 69 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Education – improvement of social and economic sustainability
  • 70. 70 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live Measuring success
  • 71. 71 Valuing the Ordinary – good places to live THANK YOU Richard Cherry
  • 72. Louise Duggan Northwest Area Manager GLA Regeneration #placemaking
  • 75. INVESTING F r o m 2 0 1 1 t o t o d a y, t h e M a y o r h a s d e d i c a t e d £ 1 2 9 m ( a n d l e v e r e d i n a b o u t £ 7 5 m i n m a t c h f u n d i n g ) t o h e l p o v e r 8 5 h i g h s t r e e t s a d a p t a n d t h r i v e
  • 76. SUPPORTING F u n d i n g i s a l w a y s a c c o m p a n i e d b y a w i d e r s u p p o r t o f f e r f o r p a r t n e r s f r o m t h e R e g e n e r a t i o n Te a m
  • 77. 9 5 5 s h o p f r o n t s i m p r o v e d 2 , 6 3 8 j o b s c r e a t e d 6 6 v a c a n t u n i t s b r o u g h t b a c k i n t o u s e O v e r 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 m 2 o f p u b l i c s p a c e i m p r o v e d c . 1 0 0 0 j o b s s e c u r e d 2 , 8 2 0 m 2 o f n e w c o m m e r c i a l s p a c e 9 7 0 p u b l i c e v e n t s o r g a n i s e d 2 0 s i g n a g e / L e g i b l e L o n d o n s c h e m e s i m p l e m e n t e d 2 1 a s s o c i a t i o n s c r e a t e d , 2 2 s u p p o r t e d 1 , 0 2 2 y o u n g p e o p l e r e c e i v e d t r a i n i n g 2 , 5 3 1 b u s i n e s s e s r e c e i v e d s u p p o r t 2 0 w e b s i t e s o r h i g h s t r e e t m a r k e t i n g p r o j e c t s
  • 78. THINKING W e l e a r n f r o m b e s t p r a c t i c e & w i d e r d e b a t e s . W e c o m m i s s i o n o r i g i n a l r e s e a r c h . W e s h a r e i n s i g h t s a n d u s e t h e m t o d e s i g n p r o g r a m m e s t h a t d e l i v e r t h e M a y o r ’ s p r i o r i t i e s .
  • 79. HIGH STREETS FOR ALL 1 . D e f i n e s o c i a l v a l u e 2 . I d e n t i f y t h r e a t s , o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d i m p a c t o n L o n d o n e r s 3 . S e t o u t A c t i o n P l a n ‘High Streets For All’ Research commission: We Made That & LSE cities HIGH STREETS FOR ALL
  • 81. Good Growth Fund 4 Y E A R R O L L I N G P R O G R A M M E : • Empowering People • Making Better Places • Growing Prosperity Launch - 29 June Project workshops - July Expressions of Interest - early September https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/regeneration
  • 82. Andrew Beharrell Senior Partner Pollard Thomas Edwards #placemaking
  • 83. Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia FUTURE OF LONDON CONFERENCE Presentation byAndrew Beharrell of Pollard Thomas Edwards 28 June2017
  • 84. In praise of ordinary places Over five million Londoners (around 60%) live in the 20 Outer London boroughs Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 85. Metroland 541,000 semi-detached houses built in Outer London between the wars Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 86. London’s unsung heroes Ligustrum Ovalifolium Platanus × acerifolia Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 87. The front garden -a filter for privacy and view Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 88. The front garden -a filter for air pollution “The big thing about hedges is that they are right down at tailpipe level… catching pollutants on the leaves… to offer people in homes better protection” Prof Prashant Kumar of Surrey University writing inAtmospheric Environment Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 89. The front garden – a place of social opportunity Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 90. The front garden – enhancing the nation’shealth Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 91. The front garden – asource of employment 173,000 gardeners employed in the UK (2016) 42,000 self-employed people in building and garden services in London (Office for National Statistics 2015) Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 92. The front garden -a sanctuary for urban ecology Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 93. The front garden – a sanctuary for the orderly mind Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 94. The front garden -a stimulant for public art Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 95. Vision and reality Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 96. The front garden – acar showroom Health Impacts of Cars in London (GLA September 2015) Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017 Percentageofhouseholds withaccess toa car orvan: England 74 Outer London boroughs 58 average Inner London boroughs 43 average Extremes: Sutton 78 TowerHamlets 29
  • 97. Car dependence is changing – improved accessto public transport Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 98. Car dependence is changing – the way welive now and the Uber revolution “London should embrace new technology to make car ownership pointless” LordAdonis Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 99. Car dependence is changing – the way welive now and the electric revolution “Over one third of all the car trips made by London residents are less than 2 km” HealthImpacts of Cars inLondon (GLASeptember2015) Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 100. Car dependence is changing – policy and prediction Mayor’s Transport Strategy Draft for public consultation JUNE 2017 Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 101. – take advantage of changing travel patterns – embrace the Mayor’s Healthy Streets initiative – car restraint through the planning system – planning policies to promote proper front gardens in new development – grants for replacing parking with gardens – publicity campaign – sponsored streets Ligustrum Ovalifolium Resurgens: what can be done to revive placemaking in the suburbs? Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 102. Ligustrum Ovalifolium Resurgens: what can be done to revive placemaking in the suburbs? TRANSFORMING SUBURBIA SUPURBIA SEMI-PERMISSIVE 2015 Semi-permissive Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017 Supurbia
  • 103. Reaching an accommodation with the car Pollard Thomas Edwards Privet Lives – Placemaking in Suburbia June2017
  • 104. Diespeker Wharf 38 Graham Street London N18JX T 020 7336 7777 mail@ptea.co.uk @ptearchitects www.pollardthomasedwards.co.uk Copyright inthis document and all contents belongs toPollard Thomas Edwards LLP (excludingonly material reproduced from other sources where shown). Withthanks to Chris Martin of Urban Movement www.urbanmovement.co.uk Featured publications: Transforming Suburbia: Supurbia and Semi-Permissive by HTA, Pollard Thomas Edwards, Savills and Lichfields www.supurbia.info Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy (draft June 2017) www.london.gov.uk Health Impacts of Cars in London (GLA September 2015) www.london.gov.uk London Suburbs by Andrew Saint (Merrell Publisher’s Limited 1999) Ordnance Survey Map (pg2) (Crown copyright)