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                          • telecommunication design
                          • systems engineering
                          • real-time and embedded systems

3GPP LTE Radio Link Control
     (RLC) Sub Layer

   © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.
      All Rights Reserved.
        LTE RLC Sub Layer                                         • telecommunication design
                                                                  • systems engineering

            Functions                                             • real-time and embedded systems

                                                 •    Transfer of upper layer PDUs;
                        Error Correction         •    Error correction through ARQ
Unacknowledged                                        (only for AM data transfer)
                         Through ARQ
and Transparent
                              (AM)               •    Concatenation, segmentation and
Mode Operation                                        reassembly of RLC SDUs (UM and
                                                 •    Re-segmentation of RLC data
                                                      PDUs (AM)
                  RLC                            •    Reordering of RLC data PDUs (UM
                                                      and AM);
                                                 •    Duplicate detection (UM and
 Concatenation,                                       AM);
                    Transfer of Upper            •    RLC SDU discard (UM and AM)
and Reassembly                                   •    RLC re-establishment
                       Layer PDUs
of RLC SDUs (AM                                  •    Protocol error detection and
    and UM)                                           recovery

                                  © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                               2
RLC in the LTE Protocol                   • telecommunication design
                                          • systems engineering

         Stack                            • real-time and embedded systems

MME        eNodeB                               UE
  NAS                                             NAS
                      RRC                         RRC
                     PDCP                        PDCP
                      RLC                         RLC
                     MAC                         MAC
                      PHY                         PHY

             © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            3
   Downlink RLC Sub Layer                                                         • telecommunication design
                                                                                  • systems engineering

         Interfaces                                                               • real-time and embedded systems

                                     Radio Bearers

       ROHC              ROHC                            ROHC              ROHC
       Security          Security                        Security          Security

        Segm.             Segm.                           Segm.             Segm.
 RLC               ...                                               ...
       ARQ etc           ARQ etc                         ARQ etc           ARQ etc    CCCH BCCH   PCCH

                                     Logical Channels

                                          Scheduling / Priority Handling

MAC        Multiplexing UE1                                  Multiplexing UEn

                  HARQ                                              HARQ

                                    Transport Channels

                                      © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                           4
Uplink RLC Sub Layer                                 • telecommunication design
                                                     • systems engineering

     Interfaces                                      • real-time and embedded systems

                                            Radio Bearers

          ROHC              ROHC
          Security          Security

           Segm.             Segm.
    RLC               ...
          ARQ etc           ARQ etc

                                            Logical Channels

          Scheduling / Priority Handling

    MAC         Multiplexing


                                            Transport Channels
               © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                     5
                                                                                     • telecommunication design
         LTE RLC Sub Layer                                                           • systems engineering
                                                                                     • real-time and embedded systems

                                                                                        RLC SDUs are exchanged
                                upper layer (i.e. RRC layer or PDCP sub layer)             with upper layers
                                                                                                 SAP between
                                                                                                 upper layers

 transmitting     receiving        transmitting               receiving
TM RLC entity   TM RLC entity     UM RLC entity             UM RLC entity
                                                                                 AM RLC entity       eNB

                                                 lower layers
                                    (i.e. MAC sub layer and physical layer)
                                                                                        RLC PDUs are exchanged
                                                radio interface
                                                                                       between peer RLC entities
                                                 lower layers
                                    (i.e. MAC sub layer and physical layer)

  receiving      transmitting       receiving                transmitting
TM RLC entity   TM RLC entity     UM RLC entity             UM RLC entity
                                                                                 AM RLC entity        UE

                                                                                                 SAP between
                                                                                                 upper layers

                                upper layer (i.e. RRC layer or PDCP sub layer)
                                                                                        RLC SDUs are exchanged
                                         © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.
                                                                                           with upper layers
                                                      • telecommunication design
             RLC Modes                                • systems engineering
                                                      • real-time and embedded systems

                       Unacknowledged                  Acknowledged
 Transparent Mode
                            Mode                           Mode
• No segmentation     • Segmentation and             • Segmentation and
  and reassembly of     reassembly of RLC              reassembly of RLC
  RLC SDUs              SDUs                           SDUs
• No RLC headers      • RLC Headers are              • RLC Headers are
  are added             added                          added
• No delivery         • No delivery                  • Reliable in
  guarantees            guarantees                     sequence delivery
• Suitable for        • Suitable for                   service
  carrying voice        carrying streaming           • Suitable for
                        traffic                        carrying TCP

                        © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                             7
                                                        • telecommunication design
                                                        • systems engineering
                                                        • real-time and embedded systems

3GPP LTE Radio Link Control (RLC) Sub Layer


                           © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            8
  Unacknowledged Mode                                     • telecommunication design
                                                          • systems engineering

    Transmit Overview                                     • real-time and embedded systems

   1. Receive from PDCP / RRC               1. Receive the upper layer
                                               SDU from PDCP or RRC.
                                            2. Add the SDU to the
   2. Add to Transmission Buffer
                                               transmit buffer.
                                            3. Segment the SDU into RLC
                                               PDUs when the MAC
                                               scheduler permits
3. Segmentation and Concatenation              transmission.
                                            4. Add the RLC header to the
                                               RLC PDU.
        4. Add RLC Header
                                            5. Pass the RLC PDUs to MAC
                                               for transmission over the
     5. Pass to MAC Sub Layer

                             © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            9
  Unacknowledged Mode                                  • telecommunication design
                                                       • systems engineering

    Receive Overview                                   • real-time and embedded systems

                                         1. The MAC layer passes
1. Receive from MAC Sub Layer               the received RLC PDUs
                                            to the RLC layer.
                                         2. The RLC layer removes
   2. Remove RLC Header                     the RLC header.
                                         3. The RLC layer assembles
                                            an upper layer SDUs if
                                            receipt of an RLC PDU
     3. Reassemble PDUs                     completes the assembly
                                            of the SDU.
                                         4. Pass the assembled
                                            SDUs to the PDCP or
    4. Pass to PDCP / RRC                   RRC layers.

                          © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            10
Unacknowledged Mode                                                               • telecommunication design
                                                                                  • systems engineering

   State Variables                                                                • real-time and embedded systems

VT(US) Send State Variable
• Holds the value of the SN to be assigned for the next newly generated UMD PDU.
• It is initially set to 0, and is updated whenever the UM RLC entity delivers an UMD PDU with SN =

VR(UR) UM receive state variable
• Holds the value of the SN of the earliest UMD PDU that is still considered for reordering.
• It is initially set to 0.

VR(UX) UM t-Reordering state variable
• This state variable holds the value of the SN following the SN of the UMD PDU which triggered t-

VR(UH) UM highest received state variable
• This state variable holds the value of the SN following the SN of the UMD PDU with the highest SN
  among received UMD PDUs
• Serves as the higher edge of the reordering window. It is initially set to 0.

                                        © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                         11
                                                        • telecommunication design
                                                        • systems engineering
                                                        • real-time and embedded systems

3GPP LTE Radio Link Control (RLC) Sub Layer


                           © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            12
   Acknowledged Mode                                             • telecommunication design
                                                                 • systems engineering

    Transmit Overview                                            • real-time and embedded systems

   1. Receive from PDCP / RRC                 1.      Receive the upper layer SDU
                                                      from PDCP or RRC.
                                              2.      Add the SDU to the transmit
  2. Add to Transmission Buffer                       buffer.
                                              3.      Segment the SDU into RLC
                                                      PDUs when the MAC
3. Segmentation and Concatenation                     scheduler permits
4. Keep a Copy for Retransmission
                                              4.      Make a copy of the transmit
                                                      buffer for possible
       5. Add RLC Header                      5.      Add the RLC header to the
                                                      RLC PDUs.
                                              6.      Pass the RLC PDUs to MAC
    6. Pass to MAC Sub Layer                          for transmission over the air.

                               © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                 13
    Acknowledged Mode                                                 • telecommunication design
                                                                      • systems engineering

     Receive Overview                                                 • real-time and embedded systems

                                               1.      The MAC layer passes the
   1. Receive from MAC Sub Layer                       received RLC PDU to the RLC
                                               2.      The RLC layer removes the RLC
       2. Remove RLC Header                            header.
                                               3.      The RLC PDU is received
                                                       correctly, so mark the block for
                                                       positive acknowledgement.
3. Mark for Positive Acknowledgement                 –       Acknowledgements are sent
                                                             periodically to the remote peer.
                                               4.      The RLC layer assembles an
                                                       upper layer SDUs if receipt of
        4. Reassemble PDUs                             an RLC PDU completes the
                                                       assembly of the SDU.
                                               5.      Pass the assembled SDUs to the
                                                       PDCP or RRC layers.
        5. Pass to PDCP / RRC

                                © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                      14
   Acknowledged Mode: Received                                  • telecommunication design
                                                                • systems engineering
Positive Acknowledgement - Overview                             • real-time and embedded systems

                                                  1. A positive
1. Received Positive Acknowledgement                 acknowledgement is
                                                     received from the
                                                     remote end.
                                                  2. Access the
2. Remove from Retransmission Queue
                                                     retransmission queue
                                                     and remove the buffer
 Free buffer released from retransmission
                                                     as it has been
                                                  3. Update the received
                                                     sequence numbers to
3. Update the receive sequence number                advance the sliding
     to allow further transmissions                  window.

                                   © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            15
Acknowledged Mode: Received                                       EventHelix.com
                                                                     • telecommunication design
    Negative Acknowledgement -                                       • systems engineering
                                                                     • real-time and embedded systems
                                                1. A negative
     1. Received a Negative                        acknowledgement is
                                                   received from the
                                                   remote end.
                                                2. Access the
                                                   retransmission queue
2. Extract the RLC PDU that needs                  and extract the buffer
        to be retransmitted                        for retransmission.
                                                3. Retransmit the buffer
                                                      –       If MAC does not support
                                                              the original transmission
    3. Retransmit the Buffer                                  rate, re-segment the RLC
 Re-segment if the MAC cannot transmit                        block into the smaller
       bursts with original length                            available block size

                                 © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                   16
Acknowledged Mode: Received                                          • telecommunication design
                                                                     • systems engineering
  Retransmission - Overview                                          • real-time and embedded systems

 1. Received a retransmission for a            1. A retransmission for a
previously negatively acknowledged                previously negatively
             RLC PDU                              acknowledged RLC PDU is
                                               2. Update the received data
  2. Update the receive buffer and                   –       The received buffer may fill
check if the retransmission fills holes                      a hole in the previously
     in previously received data                             received data.
                                               3. Assemble all the in
                                                  sequence received data
                                                  into SDUs
  3. Reassemble all the received in                  –       Pass the received SDUs to
     sequence data and pass the                              the RRC or PDCP layers.
  reassembled SDUs to RRC/PDCP

                                © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                    17
Acknowledged Mode State                                                      • telecommunication design
                                                                             • systems engineering

       Variables                                                             • real-time and embedded systems

  Transmit                                                      Receive
  VT(A): Acknowledged State Variable                             VR(R): Receive State Variable
 VT(MS): Maximum Send State Variable
                                                          VR(MR): Maximum Accepted Receive
      VT(S): Send State Variable                                   State Variable

   POLL_SN: Poll Send State Variable                            VR(X): Reordering State Variable

    PDU_WITHOUT_POLL Counter                               VR(MS): Maximum STATUS Transmit
                                                                    State Variable

        RETX_COUNT Counter                               VR(H): Highest Received State Variable

                                   © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                         18
 Acknowledged Mode                                                              • telecommunication design
                                                                                • systems engineering

Transmit State Variables                                                        • real-time and embedded systems

VT(A) Acknowledgement state variable
• Holds the value of the SN of the next AMD PDU for which a positive acknowledgment is to be received
• Serves as the lower edge of the transmitting window.
• It is initially set to 0, and is updated whenever a positive acknowledgment for an AMD PDU with SN =
  VT(A) is received

VT(MS) Maximum send state variable
• This state variable equals VT(A) + AM_Window_Size
• It serves as the higher edge of the transmitting window.

VT(S) Send state variable
• This state variable holds the value of the SN to be assigned for the next newly generated AMD PDU.
• It is initially set to 0, and is updated whenever the AM RLC entity delivers an AMD PDU with SN =

POLL_SN Poll send state variable
• This state variable holds the value of VT(S)-1 upon the most recent transmission of a RLC data PDU
  with the poll bit set to “1”. It is initially set to 0.

                                       © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                        19
      Acknowledged Mode                                                     • telecommunication design
                                                                            • systems engineering

       Transmit Procedure                                                   • real-time and embedded systems

              The Transmit AM RLC entity maintains a transmitting window such that

Transmit Serial Number (SN) falls within the Transmit window [VT(A) <= SN < VT(MS)]

              Deliver a new AMD PDU to lower layer, the Transmit AM RLC entity shall:

           AMD PDU SN= VT(S)                                        VT(S) = VT(S) + 1

 Transmit AM RLC entity receives a STATUS PDU with positive acknowledgement for a RLC data PDU

                     VT(A) = Smallest SN awaiting acknowledgement.

 Positive acknowledgements have been received for all AMD PDUs associated with a transmitted RLC SDU:

                          Deliver the RLC SDU to the upper layers

                                       © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                       20
 Acknowledged Mode                                                                             • telecommunication design
                                                                                               • systems engineering

Receive State Variables                                                                        • real-time and embedded systems

VR(R) Receive state variable
•Holds the value of the SN following the last in-sequence completely received AMD PDU
•It serves as the lower edge of the receiving window.
•It is initially set to 0, and is updated whenever an AMD PDU with SN = VR(R) is received.

VR(MR) Maximum acceptable receive state variable
•This state variable equals VR(R) + AM_Window_Size, and it holds the value of the SN of the first AMD PDU that is beyond
the receiving window
•Serves as the higher edge of the receiving window.

VR(X) t-Reordering state variable
•This state variable holds the value of the SN following the SN of the RLC data PDU which triggered t-Reordering.

VR(MS) Maximum STATUS transmit state variable
•This state variable holds the highest possible value of the SN which can be indicated by “ACK_SN” when a STATUS PDU
 needs to be constructed. It is initially set to 0.

VR(H) Highest received state variable
•This state variable holds the value of the SN following the SN of the RLC data PDU with the highest SN among received
 RLC data PDUs. It is initially set to 0.

                                              © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                                   21
      RLC Configurable                                • telecommunication design
                                                      • systems engineering

        Parameters                                    • real-time and embedded systems

                   • This parameter is used by the transmitting side of each
maxRetxThreshold     AM RLC entity to limit the number of retransmissions of
                     an AMD PDU.

                   • This parameter is used by the transmitting side of each
    pollPDU          AM RLC entity to trigger a poll for every pollPDU PDUs.

                   • This parameter is used by the transmitting side of each
    pollByte         AM RLC entity to trigger a poll for every pollByte bytes.

 sn-FieldLength    • This parameter gives the UM SN field size in bits.

                     © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                22
                                                • telecommunication design
         RLC Priority                           • systems engineering
                                                • real-time and embedded systems

• The transmitting side of an AM RLC entity shall
  prioritize transmission of RLC control PDUs
  over RLC data PDUs.
• The transmitting side of an AM RLC entity
  shall prioritize retransmission of RLC data
  PDUs over transmission of new AMD PDUs.

                   © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            23
                                                        • telecommunication design
                                                        • systems engineering
                                                        • real-time and embedded systems

3GPP LTE Radio Link Control (RLC) Sub Layer


                           © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            24
                                              • telecommunication design
         TMD PDU                              • systems engineering
                                              • real-time and embedded systems

                  Data                        Oct 1
                                              Oct N

• Transparent Mode PDUs just contain Data
• No headers are included

                 © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                            25
                                                                         • telecommunication design
               UMD PDU-1                                                 • systems engineering
                                                                         • real-time and embedded systems

     FI    E           SN          Oct 1                  R1   R1   R1      FI     E     SN     Oct 1
                Data               Oct 2                                    SN                  Oct 2
                 ...                                                       Data                 Oct 3
                                   Oct N
                                                                                                Oct N

  UMD PDU with 5 bit Serial Number                UMD PDU with 10 bit Serial Number

• An UM RLC entity is configured by RRC to use either a 5 bit SN or a
  10 bit SN.
• An UMD PDU header needs to be extended when more than
  multiple Data field elements need to be sent.
    – In that which case an E and a LI are present for every Data field
      element except the last.
    – Furthermore, when an UMD PDU header consists of an odd number of
      LI(s), four padding bits follow after the last LI.
    – See next two slides

                             © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                           26
                                                                                                                  • telecommunication design
                                 UMD PDU -2                                                                       • systems engineering
                                                                                                                  • real-time and embedded systems

        UMD PDU (5 bit SN) with Odd                                               UMD PDU (5 bit SN) with Even
        Number of LIs                                                             Number of LIs

                FI           E               SN               Oct 1                      FI            E               SN           Oct 1
            E                          LI1                    Oct 2                  E                           LI1                Oct 2
                     LI1               E      LI2 (if K>=3)   Oct 3                            LI1               E          LI2     Oct 3
                                 LI2                          Oct 4                                        LI2                      Oct 4
                                 ...                                                                       ...
            E                       LIK-2                     Oct [2.5+1.5*K-5]      E                       LIK-1                  Oct [2+1.5*K-3]
if K >= 3
                     LIK-2           E            LIK-1       Oct [2.5+1.5*K-4]                LIK-1          E             LIK     Oct [2+1.5*K-2]
                                 LIK-1                        Oct [2.5+1.5*K-3]                             LIK                     Oct [2+1.5*K-1]
            E                         LIK                     Oct [2.5+1.5*K-2]                            Data                     Oct [2+1.5*K]
                     LIK                     Padding          Oct [2.5+1.5*K-1]                             ...
                                 Data                         Oct [2.5+1.5*K]
                                                                                                                                    Oct N
                                                              Oct N

                                                                  © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                                27
                                                                                                                   • telecommunication design
                                   UMD PDU -3                                                                      • systems engineering
                                                                                                                   • real-time and embedded systems

            UMD PDU (10 bit SN) with Odd                                            UMD PDU (10 bit SN) with Even
            Number of LIs                                                           Number of LIs

              R1   R1         R1   FI          E         SN     Oct 1
                                                                                      R1   R1         R1   FI          E         SN   Oct 1
                                   SN                           Oct 2
                                                                                                           SN                         Oct 2
              E                          LI1                    Oct 3
                        LI1              E      LI2 (if K>=3)   Oct 4                 E                          LI1                  Oct 3
                                   LI2                          Oct 5                           LI1              E         LI2        Oct 4
                                   ...                                                                     LI2                        Oct 5
 Present                                                                                                   ...
              E                       LIK-2                     Oct [2.5+1.5*K-4]
if K >= 3
                    LIK-2              E            LIK-1       Oct [2.5+1.5*K-3]     E                      LIK-1                    Oct [2+1.5*K-2]
                                   LIK-1                        Oct [2.5+1.5*K-2]            LIK-1            E            LIK        Oct [2+1.5*K-1]
              E                         LIK                     Oct [2.5+1.5*K-1]
                                                                                                            LIK                       Oct [2+1.5*K]
                        LIK                    Padding          Oct [2.5+1.5*K]
                                                                                                           Data                       Oct [2+1.5*K+1]
                                   Data                         Oct [2.5+1.5*K+1]
                                    ...                                                                     ...
                                                                Oct N                                                                 Oct N

                                                                © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                                     28
                                                                  • telecommunication design
UMD PDU Fields - 1                                                • systems engineering
                                                                  • real-time and embedded systems

Sequence Number (SN) – 5 or 10 bit

• The SN field indicates the sequence number of the corresponding UMD PDU.
• The sequence number is incremented by one for every UMD PDU.

Extension bit (E) – 1 bit

• The E field indicates whether Data field follows or a set of E field and LI field

Framing Info (FI) – 2 bit

• The FI field indicates whether a RLC SDU is segmented at the beginning
  and/or at the end of the Data field.
• Specifically, the FI field indicates whether the first byte of the Data field
  corresponds to the first byte of a RLC SDU, and whether the last byte of the
  Data field corresponds to the last byte of a RLC SDU.

                                © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                 29
                                                           • telecommunication design
UMD PDU Fields - 2                                         • systems engineering
                                                           • real-time and embedded systems

Reserved 1 (R1) – 1 bit

• The R1 field is a reserved field for this release of the protocol.

Length Indicator (LI) - 11 bit

• The LI field indicates the length in bytes of the corresponding Data
  field element present in the RLC data PDU delivered/received by an
  UM or an AM RLC entity.
• The first LI present in the RLC data PDU header corresponds to the
  first Data field element present in the Data field of the RLC data PDU,
• The second LI present in the RLC data PDU header corresponds to
  the second Data field element present in the Data field of the RLC
  data PDU, and so on.
• The value 0 is reserved.

                            © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                              30
                                                                           • telecommunication design
                AMD PDU - 1                                                • systems engineering
                                                                           • real-time and embedded systems

               D/C    RF     P        FI          E         SN     Oct 1
                                      SN                           Oct 2
                                     Data                          Oct 3
                                                                   Oct N

•   AMD PDU consists of a Data field and an AMD PDU header.
•   AMD PDU header consists of a fixed part (fields that are present for every AMD
    PDU) and an extension part
•   An AMD PDU header needs to be extended when more than multiple Data field
    elements need to be sent.
     – In that which case an E and a LI are present for every Data field element except the last.
     – When an UMD PDU header consists of an odd number of LI(s), four padding bits follow after
       the last LI.
     – See next slide

                                      © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                    31
                                                                                                            • telecommunication design
                                AMD PDU - 2                                                                 • systems engineering
                                                                                                            • real-time and embedded systems

         Odd Number of LIs                                                             Event Number of LIs

             D/C RF         P    FI          E           SN        Oct 1
                                 SN                                Oct 2               D/C RF         P   FI           E         SN   Oct 1
             E                         LI1                         Oct 3                                  SN                          Oct 2
                      LI1               E        LI2 (if K>=3)     Oct 4                E                        LI1                  Oct 3
                                 LI2                               Oct 5                        LI1               E        LI2        Oct 4
                                 ...                                                                       LI2                        Oct 5
Present if                                                                                                 ...
             E                     LIK-2                           Oct [2.5+1.5*K-4]
 K >= 3
                  LIK-2             E                LIK-1         Oct [2.5+1.5*K-3]    E                    LIK-1                    Oct [2+1.5*K-2]
                                LIK-1                              Oct [2.5+1.5*K-2]          LIK-1           E            LIK        Oct [2+1.5*K-1]
             E                       LIK                           Oct [2.5+1.5*K-1]                       LIK                        Oct [2+1.5*K]
                      LIK                    Padding               Oct [2.5+1.5*K]                        Data                        Oct [2+1.5*K+1]
                                Data                               Oct [2.5+1.5*K+1]                        ...
                                 ...                                                                                                  Oct N
                                                                   Oct N

                                                                 © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                                   32
                                                                            • telecommunication design
AMD PDU Specific Fields                                                     • systems engineering
                                                                            • real-time and embedded systems

  Data/Control (D/C) – 1 bit

 • The D/C field indicates whether the RLC PDU is a RLC data PDU or RLC control PDU.

  Re-segmentation Flag (RF) – 1 bit

 • The RF field indicates whether the RLC PDU is an AMD PDU or AMD PDU segment.

  Polling bit (P) – 1 bit

 • The P field indicates whether or not the transmitting side of an AM RLC entity requests a
   STATUS report from its peer AM RLC entity.

  Sequence Number (SN) - 10 bit

 • The SN field indicates the sequence number of the corresponding AMD PDU.
 • For an AMD PDU segment, the SN field indicates the sequence number of the original AMD
   PDU from which the AMD PDU segment was constructed from.
 • The sequence number is incremented by one for every AMD PDU.

                                      © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                     33
                                                                            • telecommunication design
    AMD PDU Segment - 1                                                     • systems engineering
                                                                            • real-time and embedded systems

                     D/C   RF   P          FI        E           SN   Oct   1
                                           SN                         Oct   2
                     LSF                        SO                    Oct   3
                                          SO                          Oct   4
                                          Data                        Oct   5
                                                                      Oct N

•   AMD PDUs can be further segmented into AMD PDU Segments
•   AMD PDU segment header consists of a fixed part and an extension part.
•   An AMD PDU segment header needs to be extended when more than
    multiple Data field elements need to be sent.
     – In that which case an E and a LI are present for every Data field element
       except the last.
     – When an UMD PDU header consists of an odd number of LI(s), four padding
       bits follow after the last LI.
     – See next slide

                                    © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                       34
                                                                                                                     • telecommunication design
             AMD PDU Segment - 2                                                                                     • systems engineering
                                                                                                                     • real-time and embedded systems

         Odd Number of LIs                                                         Even Number of LIs

             D/C   RF         P   FI          E           SN        Oct 1               D/C    RF         P   FI           E         SN   Oct 1
                                  SN                                Oct 2                                     SN                          Oct 2
             LSF                        SO                          Oct 3               LSF                          SO                   Oct 3
                                  SO                                Oct 4                                     SO                          Oct 4
              E                         LI1                         Oct 5
                                                                                         E                           LI1                  Oct 5
                        LI1              E        LI2 (if K>=3)     Oct 6
                                                                                                    LI1               E        LI2        Oct 6
                                  LI2                               Oct 7
                                  ...                                                                          LI2                        Oct 7
Present if                                                                                                     ...
              E                      LIK-2                          Oct [4.5+1.5*K-4]
 K >= 3                                                                                  E                       LIK-1                    Oct [4+1.5*K-2]
                    LIK-2             E               LIK-1         Oct [4.5+1.5*K-3]
                                  LIK-1                             Oct [4.5+1.5*K-2]           LIK-1             E            LIK        Oct [4+1.5*K-1]
              E                        LIK                          Oct [4.5+1.5*K-1]                          LIK                        Oct [4+1.5*K]
                        LIK                   Padding               Oct [4.5+1.5*K]                           Data                        Oct [4+1.5*K+1]
                                  Data                              Oct [4.5+1.5*K+1]                           ...
                                   ...                                                                                                    Oct N
                                                                    Oct N

                                                                  © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                                      35
   AMD PDU Segment                                                 • telecommunication design
                                                                   • systems engineering

     Specific Fields                                               • real-time and embedded systems

SO start (SOstart) - 15 bit

• The SOstart field indicates the portion of the AMD PDU with SN = NACK_SN that
  has been detected as lost at the receiving side of the AM RLC entity.
• The SOstart field indicates the position of the first byte of the portion of the AMD
  PDU in bytes within the Data field of the AMD PDU. The first byte in the Data field
  of the original AMD PDU is referred by the SOstart field value 0.

SO end (SOend) – 15 bit

• The SOend field indicates the portion of the AMD PDU with SN = NACK_SN that
  has been detected as lost at the receiving side of the AM RLC entity.
• The SOend field indicates the position of the last byte of the portion of the AMD
  PDU in bytes within the Data field of the AMD PDU.
• The special SOend value "111111111111111" is used to indicate that the missing
  portion of the AMD PDU includes all bytes to the last byte of the AMD PDU.

                                © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                  36
                                                                           • telecommunication design
                    STATUS PDU                                             • systems engineering
                                                                           • real-time and embedded systems

                                                  •   STATUS PDU is used to send
                                                      acknowledgements for received PDUs.
                                                  •   Consists of payload and a RLC control
                                                      PDU header.
D/C       CPT               ACK_SN        Oct 1
                                                  •   The payload starts from the first bit
           ACK_SN                E1       Oct 2
                                                      following the RLC control PDU header,
                                                      and it consists of:
                NACK_SN                   Oct 3
                                                       – One ACK_SN and one E1
      E1 E2              NACK_SN          Oct 4
        NACK_SN            E1 E2          Oct 5
                                                       – Zero or more sets of a NACK_SN, an E1
                                                         and an E2
                 SOstart                  Oct 6
                                                       – Possibly a set of a SOstart and a SOend
           SOstart                SOend   Oct 7          for each NACK_SN.
                 SOend                    Oct 8        – When necessary one to seven padding
         SOend                NACK_SN     Oct 9          bits are included in the end of the
                   ...                                   STATUS PDU to achieve octet alignment.

                                          © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                37
                                                                           • telecommunication design
    Status PDU Fields                                                      • systems engineering
                                                                           • real-time and embedded systems

Acknowledgement SN (ACK_SN) – 10 bit

• The ACK_SN field indicates the SN of the next not received RLC Data PDU which is not reported
  as missing in the STATUS PDU.
• When the transmitting side of an AM RLC entity receives a STATUS PDU, it interprets that all
  AMD PDUs up to but not including the AMD PDU with SN = ACK_SN have been received by its
  peer AM RLC entity,
  • excluding those AMD PDUs indicated in the STATUS PDU with NACK_SN and portions of AMD
    PDUs indicated in the STATUS PDU with NACK_SN, SOstart and SOend.

Negative Acknowledgement SN (NACK_SN) – 10 bit

• The NACK_SN field indicates the SN of the AMD PDU (or portions of it) that has been detected
  as lost at the receiving side of the AM RLC entity.

Control PDU Type (CPT) – 3 bit

• The CPT field indicates the type of the RLC control PDU.
• A value of 0 represents the STATUS PDU. All other values are reserved.

                                    © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                                      38
                                                            • telecommunication design
                Explore More                                • systems engineering
                                                            • real-time and embedded systems

Specification      Title
3GPP TS 36.322    Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)
                  Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification
3GPP TS 36.300     Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and
                   Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN);
                   Overall description; Stage 2
3GPP TS 36.321     Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Medium
                   Access Control (MAC) protocol specification
3GPP TS 36.211     Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical
                   channels and modulation

                              © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                             39
                                                                   • telecommunication design
                  Thank You                                        • systems engineering
                                                                   • real-time and embedded systems

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  information about telecom design tools and techniques:

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                                    © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc.                              40

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  • 1. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems 3GPP LTE Radio Link Control (RLC) Sub Layer © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 2. EventHelix.com LTE RLC Sub Layer • telecommunication design • systems engineering Functions • real-time and embedded systems • Transfer of upper layer PDUs; Acknowledged, Error Correction • Error correction through ARQ Unacknowledged (only for AM data transfer) Through ARQ and Transparent (AM) • Concatenation, segmentation and Mode Operation reassembly of RLC SDUs (UM and AM) • Re-segmentation of RLC data PDUs (AM) RLC • Reordering of RLC data PDUs (UM and AM); • Duplicate detection (UM and Concatenation, AM); Segmentation Transfer of Upper • RLC SDU discard (UM and AM) and Reassembly • RLC re-establishment Layer PDUs of RLC SDUs (AM • Protocol error detection and and UM) recovery © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 2
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  • 4. EventHelix.com Downlink RLC Sub Layer • telecommunication design • systems engineering Interfaces • real-time and embedded systems Radio Bearers ROHC ROHC ROHC ROHC PDCP Security Security Security Security Segm. Segm. Segm. Segm. RLC ... ... ARQ etc ARQ etc ARQ etc ARQ etc CCCH BCCH PCCH Logical Channels Scheduling / Priority Handling MAC Multiplexing UE1 Multiplexing UEn HARQ HARQ Transport Channels © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 4
  • 5. EventHelix.com Uplink RLC Sub Layer • telecommunication design • systems engineering Interfaces • real-time and embedded systems Radio Bearers ROHC ROHC PDCP Security Security Segm. Segm. RLC ... ARQ etc ARQ etc CCCH Logical Channels Scheduling / Priority Handling MAC Multiplexing HARQ Transport Channels © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 5
  • 6. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design LTE RLC Sub Layer • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems RLC SDUs are exchanged upper layer (i.e. RRC layer or PDCP sub layer) with upper layers SAP between upper layers transmitting receiving transmitting receiving TM RLC entity TM RLC entity UM RLC entity UM RLC entity AM RLC entity eNB logical channel lower layers (i.e. MAC sub layer and physical layer) RLC PDUs are exchanged radio interface between peer RLC entities lower layers (i.e. MAC sub layer and physical layer) logical channel receiving transmitting receiving transmitting TM RLC entity TM RLC entity UM RLC entity UM RLC entity AM RLC entity UE SAP between upper layers upper layer (i.e. RRC layer or PDCP sub layer) RLC SDUs are exchanged © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. with upper layers 6
  • 7. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design RLC Modes • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Unacknowledged Acknowledged Transparent Mode Mode Mode • No segmentation • Segmentation and • Segmentation and and reassembly of reassembly of RLC reassembly of RLC RLC SDUs SDUs SDUs • No RLC headers • RLC Headers are • RLC Headers are are added added added • No delivery • No delivery • Reliable in guarantees guarantees sequence delivery • Suitable for • Suitable for service carrying voice carrying streaming • Suitable for traffic carrying TCP traffic © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 7
  • 8. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems 3GPP LTE Radio Link Control (RLC) Sub Layer UNACKNOWLEDGED MODE © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 8
  • 9. EventHelix.com Unacknowledged Mode • telecommunication design • systems engineering Transmit Overview • real-time and embedded systems 1. Receive from PDCP / RRC 1. Receive the upper layer SDU from PDCP or RRC. 2. Add the SDU to the 2. Add to Transmission Buffer transmit buffer. 3. Segment the SDU into RLC PDUs when the MAC scheduler permits 3. Segmentation and Concatenation transmission. 4. Add the RLC header to the RLC PDU. 4. Add RLC Header 5. Pass the RLC PDUs to MAC for transmission over the air. 5. Pass to MAC Sub Layer © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 9
  • 10. EventHelix.com Unacknowledged Mode • telecommunication design • systems engineering Receive Overview • real-time and embedded systems 1. The MAC layer passes 1. Receive from MAC Sub Layer the received RLC PDUs to the RLC layer. 2. The RLC layer removes 2. Remove RLC Header the RLC header. 3. The RLC layer assembles an upper layer SDUs if receipt of an RLC PDU 3. Reassemble PDUs completes the assembly of the SDU. 4. Pass the assembled SDUs to the PDCP or 4. Pass to PDCP / RRC RRC layers. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 10
  • 11. EventHelix.com Unacknowledged Mode • telecommunication design • systems engineering State Variables • real-time and embedded systems VT(US) Send State Variable • Holds the value of the SN to be assigned for the next newly generated UMD PDU. • It is initially set to 0, and is updated whenever the UM RLC entity delivers an UMD PDU with SN = VT(US). VR(UR) UM receive state variable • Holds the value of the SN of the earliest UMD PDU that is still considered for reordering. • It is initially set to 0. VR(UX) UM t-Reordering state variable • This state variable holds the value of the SN following the SN of the UMD PDU which triggered t- Reordering. VR(UH) UM highest received state variable • This state variable holds the value of the SN following the SN of the UMD PDU with the highest SN among received UMD PDUs • Serves as the higher edge of the reordering window. It is initially set to 0. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 11
  • 12. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems 3GPP LTE Radio Link Control (RLC) Sub Layer ACKNOWLEDGED MODE © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 12
  • 13. EventHelix.com Acknowledged Mode • telecommunication design • systems engineering Transmit Overview • real-time and embedded systems 1. Receive from PDCP / RRC 1. Receive the upper layer SDU from PDCP or RRC. 2. Add the SDU to the transmit 2. Add to Transmission Buffer buffer. 3. Segment the SDU into RLC PDUs when the MAC 3. Segmentation and Concatenation scheduler permits transmission. 4. Keep a Copy for Retransmission 4. Make a copy of the transmit buffer for possible retransmissions. 5. Add RLC Header 5. Add the RLC header to the RLC PDUs. 6. Pass the RLC PDUs to MAC 6. Pass to MAC Sub Layer for transmission over the air. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 13
  • 14. EventHelix.com Acknowledged Mode • telecommunication design • systems engineering Receive Overview • real-time and embedded systems 1. The MAC layer passes the 1. Receive from MAC Sub Layer received RLC PDU to the RLC layer. 2. The RLC layer removes the RLC 2. Remove RLC Header header. 3. The RLC PDU is received correctly, so mark the block for positive acknowledgement. 3. Mark for Positive Acknowledgement – Acknowledgements are sent periodically to the remote peer. 4. The RLC layer assembles an upper layer SDUs if receipt of 4. Reassemble PDUs an RLC PDU completes the assembly of the SDU. 5. Pass the assembled SDUs to the PDCP or RRC layers. 5. Pass to PDCP / RRC © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 14
  • 15. EventHelix.com Acknowledged Mode: Received • telecommunication design • systems engineering Positive Acknowledgement - Overview • real-time and embedded systems 1. A positive 1. Received Positive Acknowledgement acknowledgement is received from the remote end. 2. Access the 2. Remove from Retransmission Queue retransmission queue and remove the buffer Free buffer released from retransmission queue as it has been acknowledged. 3. Update the received sequence numbers to 3. Update the receive sequence number advance the sliding to allow further transmissions window. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 15
  • 16. Acknowledged Mode: Received EventHelix.com • telecommunication design Negative Acknowledgement - • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Overview 1. A negative 1. Received a Negative acknowledgement is Acknowledgement received from the remote end. 2. Access the retransmission queue 2. Extract the RLC PDU that needs and extract the buffer to be retransmitted for retransmission. 3. Retransmit the buffer – If MAC does not support the original transmission 3. Retransmit the Buffer rate, re-segment the RLC Re-segment if the MAC cannot transmit block into the smaller bursts with original length available block size © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 16
  • 17. EventHelix.com Acknowledged Mode: Received • telecommunication design • systems engineering Retransmission - Overview • real-time and embedded systems 1. Received a retransmission for a 1. A retransmission for a previously negatively acknowledged previously negatively RLC PDU acknowledged RLC PDU is received. 2. Update the received data buffer 2. Update the receive buffer and – The received buffer may fill check if the retransmission fills holes a hole in the previously in previously received data received data. 3. Assemble all the in sequence received data into SDUs 3. Reassemble all the received in – Pass the received SDUs to sequence data and pass the the RRC or PDCP layers. reassembled SDUs to RRC/PDCP © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 17
  • 18. EventHelix.com Acknowledged Mode State • telecommunication design • systems engineering Variables • real-time and embedded systems Transmit Receive VT(A): Acknowledged State Variable VR(R): Receive State Variable VT(MS): Maximum Send State Variable VR(MR): Maximum Accepted Receive VT(S): Send State Variable State Variable POLL_SN: Poll Send State Variable VR(X): Reordering State Variable PDU_WITHOUT_POLL Counter VR(MS): Maximum STATUS Transmit State Variable BYTE_WITHOUT_POLL Counter RETX_COUNT Counter VR(H): Highest Received State Variable © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 18
  • 19. EventHelix.com Acknowledged Mode • telecommunication design • systems engineering Transmit State Variables • real-time and embedded systems VT(A) Acknowledgement state variable • Holds the value of the SN of the next AMD PDU for which a positive acknowledgment is to be received in-sequence • Serves as the lower edge of the transmitting window. • It is initially set to 0, and is updated whenever a positive acknowledgment for an AMD PDU with SN = VT(A) is received VT(MS) Maximum send state variable • This state variable equals VT(A) + AM_Window_Size • It serves as the higher edge of the transmitting window. VT(S) Send state variable • This state variable holds the value of the SN to be assigned for the next newly generated AMD PDU. • It is initially set to 0, and is updated whenever the AM RLC entity delivers an AMD PDU with SN = VT(S). POLL_SN Poll send state variable • This state variable holds the value of VT(S)-1 upon the most recent transmission of a RLC data PDU with the poll bit set to “1”. It is initially set to 0. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 19
  • 20. EventHelix.com Acknowledged Mode • telecommunication design • systems engineering Transmit Procedure • real-time and embedded systems The Transmit AM RLC entity maintains a transmitting window such that Transmit Serial Number (SN) falls within the Transmit window [VT(A) <= SN < VT(MS)] Deliver a new AMD PDU to lower layer, the Transmit AM RLC entity shall: AMD PDU SN= VT(S) VT(S) = VT(S) + 1 Transmit AM RLC entity receives a STATUS PDU with positive acknowledgement for a RLC data PDU VT(A) = Smallest SN awaiting acknowledgement. Positive acknowledgements have been received for all AMD PDUs associated with a transmitted RLC SDU: Deliver the RLC SDU to the upper layers © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 20
  • 21. EventHelix.com Acknowledged Mode • telecommunication design • systems engineering Receive State Variables • real-time and embedded systems VR(R) Receive state variable •Holds the value of the SN following the last in-sequence completely received AMD PDU •It serves as the lower edge of the receiving window. •It is initially set to 0, and is updated whenever an AMD PDU with SN = VR(R) is received. VR(MR) Maximum acceptable receive state variable •This state variable equals VR(R) + AM_Window_Size, and it holds the value of the SN of the first AMD PDU that is beyond the receiving window •Serves as the higher edge of the receiving window. VR(X) t-Reordering state variable •This state variable holds the value of the SN following the SN of the RLC data PDU which triggered t-Reordering. VR(MS) Maximum STATUS transmit state variable •This state variable holds the highest possible value of the SN which can be indicated by “ACK_SN” when a STATUS PDU needs to be constructed. It is initially set to 0. VR(H) Highest received state variable •This state variable holds the value of the SN following the SN of the RLC data PDU with the highest SN among received RLC data PDUs. It is initially set to 0. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 21
  • 22. EventHelix.com RLC Configurable • telecommunication design • systems engineering Parameters • real-time and embedded systems • This parameter is used by the transmitting side of each maxRetxThreshold AM RLC entity to limit the number of retransmissions of an AMD PDU. • This parameter is used by the transmitting side of each pollPDU AM RLC entity to trigger a poll for every pollPDU PDUs. • This parameter is used by the transmitting side of each pollByte AM RLC entity to trigger a poll for every pollByte bytes. sn-FieldLength • This parameter gives the UM SN field size in bits. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 22
  • 23. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design RLC Priority • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems • The transmitting side of an AM RLC entity shall prioritize transmission of RLC control PDUs over RLC data PDUs. • The transmitting side of an AM RLC entity shall prioritize retransmission of RLC data PDUs over transmission of new AMD PDUs. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 23
  • 24. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems 3GPP LTE Radio Link Control (RLC) Sub Layer RLC PDU FORMATS © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 24
  • 25. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design TMD PDU • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Data Oct 1 ... Oct N • Transparent Mode PDUs just contain Data • No headers are included © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 25
  • 26. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design UMD PDU-1 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems FI E SN Oct 1 R1 R1 R1 FI E SN Oct 1 Data Oct 2 SN Oct 2 ... Data Oct 3 ... Oct N Oct N UMD PDU with 5 bit Serial Number UMD PDU with 10 bit Serial Number • An UM RLC entity is configured by RRC to use either a 5 bit SN or a 10 bit SN. • An UMD PDU header needs to be extended when more than multiple Data field elements need to be sent. – In that which case an E and a LI are present for every Data field element except the last. – Furthermore, when an UMD PDU header consists of an odd number of LI(s), four padding bits follow after the last LI. – See next two slides © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 26
  • 27. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design UMD PDU -2 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems UMD PDU (5 bit SN) with Odd UMD PDU (5 bit SN) with Even Number of LIs Number of LIs FI E SN Oct 1 FI E SN Oct 1 E LI1 Oct 2 E LI1 Oct 2 LI1 E LI2 (if K>=3) Oct 3 LI1 E LI2 Oct 3 LI2 Oct 4 LI2 Oct 4 ... ... Present E LIK-2 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-5] E LIK-1 Oct [2+1.5*K-3] if K >= 3 LIK-2 E LIK-1 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-4] LIK-1 E LIK Oct [2+1.5*K-2] LIK-1 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-3] LIK Oct [2+1.5*K-1] E LIK Oct [2.5+1.5*K-2] Data Oct [2+1.5*K] LIK Padding Oct [2.5+1.5*K-1] ... Data Oct [2.5+1.5*K] Oct N ... Oct N © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 27
  • 28. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design UMD PDU -3 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems UMD PDU (10 bit SN) with Odd UMD PDU (10 bit SN) with Even Number of LIs Number of LIs R1 R1 R1 FI E SN Oct 1 R1 R1 R1 FI E SN Oct 1 SN Oct 2 SN Oct 2 E LI1 Oct 3 LI1 E LI2 (if K>=3) Oct 4 E LI1 Oct 3 LI2 Oct 5 LI1 E LI2 Oct 4 ... LI2 Oct 5 Present ... E LIK-2 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-4] if K >= 3 LIK-2 E LIK-1 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-3] E LIK-1 Oct [2+1.5*K-2] LIK-1 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-2] LIK-1 E LIK Oct [2+1.5*K-1] E LIK Oct [2.5+1.5*K-1] LIK Oct [2+1.5*K] LIK Padding Oct [2.5+1.5*K] Data Oct [2+1.5*K+1] Data Oct [2.5+1.5*K+1] ... ... Oct N Oct N © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 28
  • 29. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design UMD PDU Fields - 1 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Sequence Number (SN) – 5 or 10 bit • The SN field indicates the sequence number of the corresponding UMD PDU. • The sequence number is incremented by one for every UMD PDU. Extension bit (E) – 1 bit • The E field indicates whether Data field follows or a set of E field and LI field follows. Framing Info (FI) – 2 bit • The FI field indicates whether a RLC SDU is segmented at the beginning and/or at the end of the Data field. • Specifically, the FI field indicates whether the first byte of the Data field corresponds to the first byte of a RLC SDU, and whether the last byte of the Data field corresponds to the last byte of a RLC SDU. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 29
  • 30. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design UMD PDU Fields - 2 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Reserved 1 (R1) – 1 bit • The R1 field is a reserved field for this release of the protocol. Length Indicator (LI) - 11 bit • The LI field indicates the length in bytes of the corresponding Data field element present in the RLC data PDU delivered/received by an UM or an AM RLC entity. • The first LI present in the RLC data PDU header corresponds to the first Data field element present in the Data field of the RLC data PDU, • The second LI present in the RLC data PDU header corresponds to the second Data field element present in the Data field of the RLC data PDU, and so on. • The value 0 is reserved. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 30
  • 31. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design AMD PDU - 1 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems D/C RF P FI E SN Oct 1 SN Oct 2 Data Oct 3 ... Oct N • AMD PDU consists of a Data field and an AMD PDU header. • AMD PDU header consists of a fixed part (fields that are present for every AMD PDU) and an extension part • An AMD PDU header needs to be extended when more than multiple Data field elements need to be sent. – In that which case an E and a LI are present for every Data field element except the last. – When an UMD PDU header consists of an odd number of LI(s), four padding bits follow after the last LI. – See next slide © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 31
  • 32. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design AMD PDU - 2 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Odd Number of LIs Event Number of LIs D/C RF P FI E SN Oct 1 SN Oct 2 D/C RF P FI E SN Oct 1 E LI1 Oct 3 SN Oct 2 LI1 E LI2 (if K>=3) Oct 4 E LI1 Oct 3 LI2 Oct 5 LI1 E LI2 Oct 4 ... LI2 Oct 5 Present if ... E LIK-2 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-4] K >= 3 LIK-2 E LIK-1 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-3] E LIK-1 Oct [2+1.5*K-2] LIK-1 Oct [2.5+1.5*K-2] LIK-1 E LIK Oct [2+1.5*K-1] E LIK Oct [2.5+1.5*K-1] LIK Oct [2+1.5*K] LIK Padding Oct [2.5+1.5*K] Data Oct [2+1.5*K+1] Data Oct [2.5+1.5*K+1] ... ... Oct N Oct N © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 32
  • 33. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design AMD PDU Specific Fields • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Data/Control (D/C) – 1 bit • The D/C field indicates whether the RLC PDU is a RLC data PDU or RLC control PDU. Re-segmentation Flag (RF) – 1 bit • The RF field indicates whether the RLC PDU is an AMD PDU or AMD PDU segment. Polling bit (P) – 1 bit • The P field indicates whether or not the transmitting side of an AM RLC entity requests a STATUS report from its peer AM RLC entity. Sequence Number (SN) - 10 bit • The SN field indicates the sequence number of the corresponding AMD PDU. • For an AMD PDU segment, the SN field indicates the sequence number of the original AMD PDU from which the AMD PDU segment was constructed from. • The sequence number is incremented by one for every AMD PDU. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 33
  • 34. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design AMD PDU Segment - 1 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems D/C RF P FI E SN Oct 1 SN Oct 2 LSF SO Oct 3 SO Oct 4 Data Oct 5 ... Oct N • AMD PDUs can be further segmented into AMD PDU Segments • AMD PDU segment header consists of a fixed part and an extension part. • An AMD PDU segment header needs to be extended when more than multiple Data field elements need to be sent. – In that which case an E and a LI are present for every Data field element except the last. – When an UMD PDU header consists of an odd number of LI(s), four padding bits follow after the last LI. – See next slide © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 34
  • 35. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design AMD PDU Segment - 2 • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Odd Number of LIs Even Number of LIs D/C RF P FI E SN Oct 1 D/C RF P FI E SN Oct 1 SN Oct 2 SN Oct 2 LSF SO Oct 3 LSF SO Oct 3 SO Oct 4 SO Oct 4 E LI1 Oct 5 E LI1 Oct 5 LI1 E LI2 (if K>=3) Oct 6 LI1 E LI2 Oct 6 LI2 Oct 7 ... LI2 Oct 7 Present if ... E LIK-2 Oct [4.5+1.5*K-4] K >= 3 E LIK-1 Oct [4+1.5*K-2] LIK-2 E LIK-1 Oct [4.5+1.5*K-3] LIK-1 Oct [4.5+1.5*K-2] LIK-1 E LIK Oct [4+1.5*K-1] E LIK Oct [4.5+1.5*K-1] LIK Oct [4+1.5*K] LIK Padding Oct [4.5+1.5*K] Data Oct [4+1.5*K+1] Data Oct [4.5+1.5*K+1] ... ... Oct N Oct N © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 35
  • 36. EventHelix.com AMD PDU Segment • telecommunication design • systems engineering Specific Fields • real-time and embedded systems SO start (SOstart) - 15 bit • The SOstart field indicates the portion of the AMD PDU with SN = NACK_SN that has been detected as lost at the receiving side of the AM RLC entity. • The SOstart field indicates the position of the first byte of the portion of the AMD PDU in bytes within the Data field of the AMD PDU. The first byte in the Data field of the original AMD PDU is referred by the SOstart field value 0. SO end (SOend) – 15 bit • The SOend field indicates the portion of the AMD PDU with SN = NACK_SN that has been detected as lost at the receiving side of the AM RLC entity. • The SOend field indicates the position of the last byte of the portion of the AMD PDU in bytes within the Data field of the AMD PDU. • The special SOend value "111111111111111" is used to indicate that the missing portion of the AMD PDU includes all bytes to the last byte of the AMD PDU. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 36
  • 37. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design STATUS PDU • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems • STATUS PDU is used to send acknowledgements for received PDUs. • Consists of payload and a RLC control PDU header. D/C CPT ACK_SN Oct 1 • The payload starts from the first bit ACK_SN E1 Oct 2 following the RLC control PDU header, and it consists of: NACK_SN Oct 3 – One ACK_SN and one E1 E1 E2 NACK_SN Oct 4 NACK_SN E1 E2 Oct 5 – Zero or more sets of a NACK_SN, an E1 and an E2 SOstart Oct 6 – Possibly a set of a SOstart and a SOend SOstart SOend Oct 7 for each NACK_SN. SOend Oct 8 – When necessary one to seven padding SOend NACK_SN Oct 9 bits are included in the end of the ... STATUS PDU to achieve octet alignment. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 37
  • 38. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design Status PDU Fields • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Acknowledgement SN (ACK_SN) – 10 bit • The ACK_SN field indicates the SN of the next not received RLC Data PDU which is not reported as missing in the STATUS PDU. • When the transmitting side of an AM RLC entity receives a STATUS PDU, it interprets that all AMD PDUs up to but not including the AMD PDU with SN = ACK_SN have been received by its peer AM RLC entity, • excluding those AMD PDUs indicated in the STATUS PDU with NACK_SN and portions of AMD PDUs indicated in the STATUS PDU with NACK_SN, SOstart and SOend. Negative Acknowledgement SN (NACK_SN) – 10 bit • The NACK_SN field indicates the SN of the AMD PDU (or portions of it) that has been detected as lost at the receiving side of the AM RLC entity. Control PDU Type (CPT) – 3 bit • The CPT field indicates the type of the RLC control PDU. • A value of 0 represents the STATUS PDU. All other values are reserved. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 38
  • 39. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design Explore More • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Specification Title 3GPP TS 36.322 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification 3GPP TS 36.300 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Overall description; Stage 2 3GPP TS 36.321 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification 3GPP TS 36.211 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical channels and modulation © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 39
  • 40. EventHelix.com • telecommunication design Thank You • systems engineering • real-time and embedded systems Thank you for visiting EventHelix.com. The following links provide more information about telecom design tools and techniques: Links Description EventStudio System Designer 4.0 Sequence diagram based systems engineering tool. VisualEther Protocol Analyzer 1.0 Wireshark based visual protocol analysis and system design reverse engineering tool. Telecom Call Flows GSM, SIP, H.323, ISUP, LTE and IMS call flows. TCP/IP Sequence Diagrams TCP/IP explained with sequence diagrams. Real-time and Embedded System Real-time and embedded systems, call flows and Articles object oriented design articles. © 2009 EventHelix.com Inc. 40